
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information

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Edward Tufte states in his introduction, “Graphics are instruments for reasoning about quantitative information.” This book is for those who have never considered the combined use of points, lines, coordinate systems, numbers, symbols, words, shading, and color. It covers the two and one-half centuries of evolution since the legendary William Playfair began the development of a language of graphic design.

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... A total of 36 papers met the inclusion criteria [9,17,67,69,71,90,. A further 10 publications were included upon examining references from included articles [10,19,[128][129][130][131][132][133], including 2 from industry sources [5,134]. A total of 46 papers were included in the final review ( Figure 5). ...
... Dix [107], Midway [67], Kelleher and Wagener [113], Kornhauser et al [114], Tufte [132] G37. Ensure that visuals are simple, well-understood representations that can be grasped when looking for the first time Matthews et al [17] G38. ...
... Ensure logical consistency across modes and features Miller[129], Moran[134], Cowan[104] G16. Consider Miller's law of "seven, plus or minus two" for grouping information Ajani et al[99], Bateman et al[101], Ellis and Dix[109], Tufte[132] G17. Remove clutter and "chart junk"Rechtin[120], Andrews et al [100], Dix [107], Idrissov et al [112], Murray et al [117] G18. ...
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Background With the extensive volume of information from various and diverse data sources, it is essential to present information in a way that allows for quick understanding and interpretation. This is particularly crucial in health care, where timely insights into a patient’s condition can be lifesaving. Holistic visualizations that integrate multiple data variables into a single visual representation can enhance rapid situational awareness and support informed decision-making. However, despite the existence of numerous guidelines for different types of visualizations, this study reveals that there are currently no specific guidelines or principles for designing holistic integrated information visualizations that enable quick processing and comprehensive understanding of multidimensional data in time-critical contexts. Addressing this gap is essential for enhancing decision-making in time-critical scenarios across various domains, particularly in health care. Objective This study aims to establish a theoretical foundation supporting the argument that holistic integrated visualizations are a distinct type of visualization for time-critical contexts and identify applicable design principles and guidelines that can be used to design for such cases. Methods We systematically searched the literature for peer-reviewed research on visualization strategies, guidelines, and taxonomies. The literature selection followed the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines. The search was conducted across 6 databases: ACM Digital Library, Google Scholar, IEEE Xplore, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. The search was conducted up to August 2024 using the terms (“visualisations” OR “visualizations”) AND (“guidelines” OR “taxonomy” OR “taxonomies”), with studies restricted to the English language. Results Of 936 papers, 46 (4.9%) were included in the final review. In total, 48% (22/46) related to providing a holistic understanding and overview of multidimensional data; 28% (13/46) focused on integrated presentation, that is, integrating or combining multidimensional data into a single visual representation; and 35% (16/46) pertained to time and designing for rapid information processing. In total, 65% (30/46) of the papers presented general information visualization or visual communication guidelines and principles. No specific guidelines or principles were found that addressed all the characteristics of holistic, integrated visualizations in time-critical contexts. A summary of the key guidelines and principles from the 46 papers was extracted, collated, and categorized into 60 guidelines that could aid in designing holistic integrated visualizations. These were grouped according to different characteristics identified in the systematic review (eg, gestalt principles, reduction, organization, abstraction, and task complexity) and further condensed into 5 main proposed guidelines. Conclusions Holistic integrated information visualizations in time-critical domains are a unique use case requiring a unique set of design guidelines. Our proposed 5 main guidelines, derived from existing design theories and guidelines, can serve as a starting point to enable both holistic and rapid processing of information, facilitating better-informed decisions in time-critical contexts.
... Formally, we call such a distorted graph a misleading data visualization, which refers to a graph or chart that includes potentially misleading elements impeding viewers' ability to accurately comprehend the quantitative information being conveyed (Ge et al., 2023;Lauer & O'Brien, 2020;Pandey et al., 2015;Tufte, 1986). In today's data-driven media environment, misleading visualizations have become prevalent (Hemsley & Snyder, 2018). ...
... Many of the 15 reviewed articles cited foundational work by Tufte (1986). He emphasizes the concept of graphical integrity, advocating that visualizations should accurately represent relationships in data by adhering to the established design principles. ...
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Misleading data visualizations have become a significant issue in our information-rich world due to their negative impact on informed decision-making. Consequently, it is crucial to understand the factors that make viewers vulnerable to misleading data visualizations and to explore effective instructional supports that can help viewers combat the negative effects of such visualizations. Drawing upon the framework of graph comprehension, this article examines how poorly designed data visualizations can deceive viewers. A systematic review identified 26 pertinent articles that met our inclusion criteria. We identified two primary factors leading to viewers’ misinterpretations of misleading data visualizations: the graphical and contextual elements within the data visualizations themselves. Further, we identified two types of interventions aimed at reducing the negative impact of misleading data visualizations. One type of intervention focuses on providing external aids for viewers to recognize the misleading graphical and contextual elements within the data visualization. In contrast, another type of intervention aims at enhancing viewers’ ability to engage with data visualizations through additional interactions for reflection. Based on these findings, we identify areas that remain under-investigated, specifically those aiming at teaching viewers to interact with data visualizations. We conclude by proposing directions for future research to investigate interventions that strengthen viewers’ ability to go beyond their first (potentially false) impression with data visualizations through additional interactions with the data visualization.
... This study combines the complementary strengths of exploratory data analysis (EDA) and machine learning (ML) to gain a comprehensive understanding of marriage trends. EDA, as described by Tukey (1977) and further developed by Wilkinson (2005), Cleveland (1993), Tufte (2001), Few (2009), Cairo (2012, and Yau (2011), allows us to uncover hidden patterns and generate hypotheses through visualization and descriptive statistics. Healy (2018) provides a practical introduction to data visualization, emphasizing its importance in social science research. ...
... The visualizations created in this study included line graphs showing the trend of marriages over the years for each state, with separate lines for males and females; bar charts comparing the number of marriages by age group for males and females; and a heatmap or choropleth map showing the spatial distribution of marriage rates across different states. These visualizations are crucial for exploring data and identifying potential areas for further investigation, as emphasized by Wilkinson (2005), Cleveland (1993), Tufte (2001), and Yau (2011). Figure 10 presents a heatmap visualizing the correlation matrix between mean household income and the absolute number of marriages in Malaysia. ...
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This research investigates marriage trends in Malaysia using open data from the Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM), with a focus on understanding historical patterns, forecasting future marriage rates, and exploring potential intervention strategies to mitigate the negative impacts of an aging population and low birth rates. Employing a combined approach of exploratory data analysis and machine learning, we aim to analyze historical marriage patterns and forecast future trends. The exploratory analysis examines marriage data by age, gender, and state, revealing demographic patterns and potential influences of socioeconomic and cultural factors. Building on these insights, we develop and evaluate machine learning models, incorporating socioeconomic and demographic indicators, to forecast marriage rates. Our findings highlight the influence of population density and income on marriage rates, forming complex feedback loops. This research contributes to a comprehensive understanding of marriage dynamics in Malaysia, offering valuable insights for policymakers and researchers interested in marriage trends, their societal implications, and potential interventions to address demographic challenges. The study acknowledges limitations in data availability and model accuracy, particularly for long-term forecasts.
... According to Ware (2004), data visualization is a graphical representation of data that aims to make it easier for users to understand, interpret, and filter information. Tufte (2001) also emphasized the importance of effective visualization to convey information efficiently without sacrificing data accuracy. This study highlights that visualization not only makes data easier to understand, but also serves as a tool to explore and analyze data. ...
... Based on interviews with data practitioners, 85% of respondents agreed that good data visualization can significantly reduce the time required to understand patterns and trends in large datasets. This is in line with the theory put forward by Tufte (2001) that simple and effective visualizations can convey information more efficiently than text or numeric tables. ...
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Data science is rapidly evolving and plays a vital role in a variety of fields, from business to healthcare. However, the complexity of the data generated often makes it difficult for stakeholders without a technical background to understand. Data visualization is here to bridge this gap, enabling complex information to be translated into more intuitive and understandable graphical representations. Through effective visualization, patterns, trends, and insights hidden in data can be identified more quickly, facilitating better and faster decision-making. This article explores the critical role of visualization in data science, discussing the key techniques used to transform raw data into informative visualizations. It will also discuss how choosing the right visualization can help uncover relationships between variables, facilitate predictive analysis, and support in-depth analytical processes. By integrating visualization into the data science workflow, we can not only accelerate understanding but also improve communication between technical and non-technical teams. Ultimately, visualization is not just a supporting tool, but a core element that helps transform data into valuable insights.
... Egy másik tanulmány szerint az adatvizualizáció jelentősen hozzájárulhat a problémamegoldási képességek fejlesztéséhez, mivel segít az adatok közötti kapcsolatok gyorsabb felismerésében és az adatelemzés során felmerülő kérdések megválaszolásában. Ezen túlmenően, az adatvizualizációval történő tanulás növelheti a tanulók motivációját és elkötelezettségét, mivel a vizuális elemek használata érdekesebbé és hozzáférhetőbbé teszi az anyagot (Tufte, 2001). ...
A felsőoktatás átalakulása a rendészeti felsőoktatásra is hatást gyakorolt. Az Európai Felsőoktatási Térséghez való csatlakozás mellett a felsőoktatásba beérkező digitális bennszülöttek megjelenése, a technológiai fejlődés és a digitalizáció is szükségessé tette az oktatás-módszertani megújulást, melynek egyik legfőbb élharcosa a Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetemen a Biróczky-Szabó Andrea által vezetett Vám- és Pénzügyőri Tanszék volt. Tanulmányunkban a modern felsőoktatás jellemzőinek áttekintést követően az adatvizualizációval fogunk részletesebben foglalkozni. Az adatvizualizáció alkalmazása egyre fontosabbá válik a modern felsőoktatásban, különösen a digitális kompetenciák fejlesztésének és az adatalapú szemléletmód kialakításának területén. Az adatvizualizáció, mint a komplex adatok könnyebb érthetőségének és hatékonyabb kommunikációjának eszköze, jelentős szerepet játszik a hallgatók képességeinek fejlesztésében, és hozzájárul a tanulási folyamat hatékonyságának növeléséhez. A tanulmány bemutatja, hogyan lehet az adatvizualizációt sikeresen integrálni a felsőoktatási képzésekbe, különös tekintettel a pénzügyi rendészeti alapképzési szakra. Esettanulmányok keretében, a szak kompetenciáin keresztül vizsgáljuk, hogy az adatvizualizáció hogyan segítheti a hallgatók szakmai kompetenciáinak fejlődését.
... Introduction Tufte (2001) defines data visualisation, which has multiple definitions in the literature, as "the graphic display of quantitative information". The modern form of data visualisation, which began with cave paintings in ancient times, dates back to the 1700s. ...
... The syntax of ggplot2 code is fundamentally built on a layered grammar of graphics (Wickham 2010). This course emphasizes the metacognition of data visualization to help students build the habits of mind essential for the production of "graphical excellence" (Tufte 1983). Students become proficient in this by gaining exposure to a diverse array of published graphics and identifying graphical components. ...
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Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) has come to stay, and educators are exploring its usage in diverse contexts. One pertinent question begging for an answer is how educators integrating GenAI tools can equitably assess students' learning outcomes. This study explores the mixed-method approach, consisting of a rapid literature review and an analysis of experts' perspectives to address this question. We analyze data from the Scopus and Web of Science databases from the rapid review to understand how the use of GenAI is penetrating the STEM field. On the other hand, the thematic analysis of data generated from a ten-week-long group learning circle discussion among STEM professors regarding assessment in the era of the GenAI was used to gain understanding of educators' perspectives regarding how students' learning could be assessed in a classroom where GenAI tools are used. Our findings provide insights regarding how, where, and when to integrate GenAI in STEM classes and potential assessment strategies that could foster trust and transparency between educators and students. This study contributes to the growing body of literature on GenAI in STEM education. It offers implications from the perspective of contextual adoption of assessment strategy in the era of GenAI rather than the traditional approach of one-size-fits-all.
... Moreover, research has indicated a robust connection between data visualization and the humanities (Manovich, 2010). In fact, graphical representation can be more precise and impactful compared to traditional statistical calculations (Tufte, 2001). Hence, our aim is to utilize data visualization techniques to assist students in attaining a lucid comprehension of diverse data points. ...
The Internet of Things (IoT) technology has found widespread application in various facets of daily life, including education. Through the integration of IoT technology and authentic open data into educational materials, students can engage in more interactions and develop a sense of participation. This, in turn, enhances their learning interests and motivation. Additionally, students can gain a more lifelike and tangible learning encounter in the classroom, particularly through scenario-based gaming. This research endeavors to utilize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as content for the creation of IoT-integrated classroom games. These games aim to immerse participants in the intricate web of social and environmental conflicts. Employing an exploratory learning approach, the goal is to augment students' awareness of SDG issues and cultivate multiple representation literacies.
... The manipulation of axes in the graphs, as suggested by Edward Tufte, allows for emphasizing or softening data variations to improve understanding, but it must always be used with caution to avoid distortions that could lead to erroneous conclusions. Tufte (1983) mentions that visually attractive graphics also gather power from content and interpretations beyond the immediate display of some numbers. ...
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This paper presents an automated system for monitoring production lines, managing key indicators like production rate, rejection rate, and downtime. Integrated with a Manufacturing Execution System (MES), it collects essential data such as part numbers and production figures, enabling periodic queries and minute-by-minute chart updates. At the end of each shift, it generates automatic PDF reports. Built using a distributed database architecture with MS SQL Server, the system integrates production data, downtime, and rejection rates. Users manage settings and access through ASP.NET MVC, with ASP.NET Identity for authentication and authorization. Scalable and efficient, it supports adding new production lines without performance issues and has been implemented across multiple plants. Statistical tests revealed significant improvements in production (-1923.80), rejection (-210.87), and downtime (-2.87), with p-values < 0.001. Future enhancements include early detection rules for process failures, enabling preventive alerts to further improve quality and efficiency.
... Öne çıkan bir sorun, uygunsuz renk şemaları ve görsel karmaşıklık olarak bilinen "grafik kirliliği"dir. Tufte, nicel bilgilerin görsel sunumunda açıklığın önemine dikkat çekerek, gereksiz unsurların verinin mesajını gizleyebileceğini vurgulamaktadır (Tufte, 1985). Benzer şekilde, Keizer ve arkadaşları, veri noktalarını gizleyen renk uyumsuzlukları ve örtüşmeler gibi belirli görselleştirme problemlerini tespit etmişlerdir (Keizer vd., 2021). ...
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Dijitalleşme, günümüz dünyasını dönüştüren en önemli kavramlardan biridir. İletişim ve diğer alanlarda bu dönüşüm sadece teknolojik araçları değil, aynı zamanda insan ilişkilerini, toplumsal normları ve kültürel yapıları de şekillendirmektedir. İnternetin, sosyal medyanın ve yapay zekâ gibi teknolojilerin insanların hayatına dâhil olması, insana ve akademiye dair tüm süreçlerin yeniden tanımlanmasını gerektirmektedir. Bugün, neredeyse birçok faaliyet dijital platformlarda kendine bir karşı-lık bulmaktadır.Bu kitap, dijitalleşme ve diğer konular arasındaki ilişkiyi an-lamak ve anlamlandırmak amacıyla yazılmıştır. Dijital teknolo-jilerin, bireysel, toplumsal ve akademik düzeyde nasıl bir deği-şim yarattığını keşfederken, bu dönüşümün insanı nasıl etkile-diğini de anlamaya çalıştık. Teknolojinin gücüyle şekillenen ye-ni dünya, her insan için farklı anlamlara gelecek şekilde hayatı-nı etkileme potansiyeline sahiptir. Risk ve olanaklarıyla bu de-ğişim geleceğe dair bir perspektif geliştirmek için önemlidir.
... Confusion matrices and ROC curves were used to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the model's ability to correctly identify exploitable and non-exploitable vulnerabilities [15]. The performance outcomes of a large number of model evaluations were examined that used approaches such as bootstrapping [16]. The model's consistency was then examined across multiple data splits and hyperparameter setups, demonstrating variation in measures such as precision, recall, and F1-score. ...
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The problem of exploitation is highly critical in cybersecurity. Therefore, it is very important for the prioritization of security patching efforts and risk mitigation to accurately predict the exploitability of a given vulnerability using the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures System. In this paper XGBoost ML model is used for the classification of CVEs. According to the analysis of the data, compared with others, network-based vulnerabilities are still predominant at 85%, while local and adjacent network vectors stood at 12.9% and 1.9%, respectively. The estimate of the most affected operating systems was on Linux and Microsoft, with about 37,500 and 11,000 CVEs, respectively. Most of the vulnerabilities resided in cryptographic issues, cross-site scripting, restriction on memory buffers, and SQL injection. The training and testing used in the XGBoost model was based on a CVE dataset obtained from the National Vulnerability Database where major features impacting exploitability were targeted. Proposed model obtained good model accuracy, precision, recall, and an F1-score, of 94%, 92%, 91%, and 92%, respectively, thereby proving to be a very efficient model in distinguishing between exploitable and non-exploitable vulnerabilities. This work contributes to the domain of vulnerability analysis by presenting the potential of XGBoost on CVE classification, along with several actionable insights into vulnerability management.
... These three sources indicated that the capability to move data around and probe will make these decisions intelligent. The dynamic changes in the visualizations that depend on the context of the data also improved distinctiveness in the data, thus helping to reduce the burden on the cognitive aspect of the users and lessen their efforts in evaluating certain aspects in the given data set (Tufte, 2001). ...
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Adaptive data visualization is the focus of this paper, as these techniques are critical in real-time decision-making in large and dynamic systems. Static KPI dashboards fail to supply the appropriate amount of real-time insights given the sheer volume of data moving through organizations because they lack dynamic data processing capabilities that meet the demands of conjoining numerous variables that refresh multiple times daily. Adaptive visualization fills this void as it involves the opportunities for real-time interactivity combined with updates that will change depending on what new data may be received and how users are interfacing with the product at any given time. These techniques involve machine learning, real-time data collection, and contextualization to enable quick decision-making. The mentioned primary methods include machine learning-based visual analytics, near real-time data processing platforms such as Apache Kafka and Spark, and polymorphic visual interfaces that can transform visual constructs according to data content or context. Tableau, Power BI, D3.js, and augmented/mixed reality applications are analyzed to understand these adaptive techniques' usage. Cases in the finance, healthcare, and logistics sectors showcase how adaptive visualization can improve the awareness of the environment and potentially threatening situations, as well as the productivity of the work performed. A case study on real-time financial risk management presents faster response times and enhanced decision-making using the functions of interactive dashboards and anomaly detection. Issues like data privacy, system design, and scale also come up, and ways of handling them securely and efficiently are provided. In trends that are expected in coming years, increased interaction with AI technologies, IOT, VR, and intensive use of personalized user interfaces for enhanced real-time decision support systems are expected.
... As a result, there are many books dedicated to data visualization within specific fields, including business (Soukup and Davidson, 2002;Knaflic, 2015;Zheng, 2017), journalism (Cairo, 2012), and the humanities (Engebretsen and Kennedy, 2020). There are also many books about data visualization in general (Tufte, 2001;Chen et al., 2007;Wilke, 2019;Cairo, 2016Cairo, , 2019Cairo, , 2023Yau, 2024) and data visualization software (Sarkar, 2008;Jones, 2014;Murray, 2017;Sievert, 2020). Data visualization is such a pervasive and diverse area that, perhaps paradoxically, instructors in statistics, data science, and related fields may be unsure how to teach data visualization. ...
Data visualization is a core part of statistical practice and is ubiquitous in many fields. Although there are numerous books on data visualization, instructors in statistics and data science may be unsure how to teach data visualization, because it is such a broad discipline. To give guidance on teaching data visualization from a statistical perspective, we make two contributions. First, we conduct a survey of data visualization courses at top colleges and universities in the United States, in order to understand the landscape of data visualization courses. We find that most courses are not taught by statistics and data science departments and do not focus on statistical topics, especially those related to inference. Instead, most courses focus on visual storytelling, aesthetic design, dashboard design, and other topics specialized for other disciplines. Second, we outline three teaching principles for incorporating statistical inference in data visualization courses, and provide several examples that demonstrate how instructors can follow these principles. The dataset from our survey allows others to explore the diversity of data visualization courses, and our teaching principles give guidance to instructors and departments who want to encourage statistical thinking via data visualization. In this way, statistics-related departments can provide a valuable perspective on data visualization that is unique to current course offerings.
... While VR and the metaverse evolve towards rich multisensory experiences, current VR applications and research predominantly focus on visual experiences in immersive 3D environments, where visual information presentation and interaction have been key influencers of individuals' decision-making. Drawing on Tufte's (2001) principles of information visualization, VR's unique features, particularly its ability to present information, may impact the decision-making process. These features can provide more comprehensive and interactive visual information, potentially enhancing decision satisfaction through increased perceived information completeness (Bi et al., 2024). ...
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The advancement of metaverse has accelerated individuals' entry into fully digitalized reality. However, academic research on how the metaverse influences individuals' main activities such as making decisions remains limited. Therefore, this study conducts a controlled laboratory experiment (N = 183) in a finance context to investigate the effects of two VR features-immersion and embodiment-on decision evaluation through satisfaction, self-esteem and anxiety across five virtual settings (2D as the control). Preliminary descriptive results indicate that participants reported the lowest decision satisfaction and self-esteem in a highly immersive 3D environment, while anxiety was lowest in the traditional 2D environment. Additionally, the level of embodiment appears to interact with the level of immersion, resulting in varying effects on anxiety. More granular analyses are required for further examination. This study will contribute to IS, HCI, and consumer psychology, providing practical implications to VR designers, developers and practitioners, and improving decision experience.
... Las gráficas estadísticas son herramientas visuales que permiten representar datos de manera clara y concisa. Estos son útiles para identificar patrones, tendencias y relaciones entre variables, lo que facilita la interpretación y toma de decisiones basadas en datos (Tufte, 2001 ...
... Such "noticing" is important throughout the lifespan. It is foundational for pattern recognition, counting sets, understanding visualizations of data, aesthetic appreciation, and many other forms of visual cognition (Im et al., 2016;Tufte, 1985Tufte, , 2006van Oeffelen & Vos, 1982). ...
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Although the importance of unsupervised learning has been recognized since William James’s “blooming, buzzing confusion,” it has received less attention in the literature than supervised learning. An important form of unsupervised learning is clustering, which involves determining the groups of distinct objects that belong together. Visual clustering is foundational for ensemble perception, numerosity judgments, spatial problem-solving, understanding information visualizations, and other forms of visual cognition, and yet surprisingly few researchers have directly investigated this human ability. In this study, participants freely clustered arrays that varied in the number of points (10–40) and cluster structure of the stimuli, which was defined based on the statistical distribution of points. We found that clustering is a reliable ability: Participants’ clusterings of the same stimulus on two occasions were highly similar. With respect to the objective properties of the clusterings that people produce, points of individual clusters tend to follow a Gaussian distribution. With respect to processing, we identified five visual attributes that characterize the clusters that participants draw—cluster numerosity, area, density, and linearity and also percentage of points on the convex hull. We also discovered evidence for sequential strategies, with some attributes dominating when drawing the initial clusters of a stimulus and others guiding the final clusters. Collectively, these findings offer a comprehensive picture of human visual clustering and serve as a foundation for the development of new models of this important ability.
... Both Kelp Diagrams [14] and its successor KelpFusion [22] are based on sparse spanning graphs, essentially variations of minimal spanning trees for different distance measures. These methods attempt to reduce visual clutter by reducing the amount of "ink" (see Tufte's rule [31]) necessary to connect all elements of a set. However, although the results are visually pleasing, neither method does use the optimal amount of ink. ...
We study an algorithmic problem that is motivated by ink minimization for sparse set visualizations. Our input is a set of points in the plane which are either blue, red, or purple. Blue points belong exclusively to the blue set, red points belong exclusively to the red set, and purple points belong to both sets. A \emph{red-blue-purple spanning graph} (RBP spanning graph) is a set of edges connecting the points such that the subgraph induced by the red and purple points is connected, and the subgraph induced by the blue and purple points is connected. We study the geometric properties of minimum RBP spanning graphs and the algorithmic problems associated with computing them. Specifically, we show that the general problem can be solved in polynomial time using matroid techniques. In addition, we discuss more efficient algorithms for the case in which points are located on a line or a circle, and also describe a fast (12ρ+1)(\frac 12\rho+1)-approximation algorithm, where ρ\rho is the Steiner ratio.
... Paris-Sud), Following the design principles advocated by Tufte (2001), we aimed to maximize the data-ink ratio of our graphics. ...
Using Fourier and wavelet analysis, we critically re-assess the significance of our detection of periodic pulsations in coronal loops. We show that the proper identification of the frequency dependence and statistical properties of the different components of the power spectra provies a strong argument against the common practice of data detrending, which tends to produce spurious detections around the cut-off frequency of the filter. In addition, the white and red noise models built into the widely used wavelet code of Torrence & Compo cannot, in most cases, adequately represent the power spectra of coronal time series, thus also possibly causing false positives. Both effects suggest that several reports of periodic phenomena should be re-examined. The Torrence & Compo code nonetheless effectively computes rigorous confidence levels if provided with pertinent models of mean power spectra, and we describe the appropriate manner in which to call its core routines. We recall the meaning of the default confidence levels output from the code, and we propose new Monte-Carlo-derived levels that take into account the total number of degrees of freedom in the wavelet spectra. These improvements allow us to confirm that the power peaks that we detected have a very low probability of being caused by noise.
... En nuestra investigación emplearemos un enfoque similar al de Moreno Fraginals (1976) en su tratado El Ingenio, en el cual combina elementos históricos con análisis cuantitativos, para apoyar sus tesis. O del enfoque de Minard, analizando la retirada en 1808 de las tropas francesas de Rusia (Tufte, 1983). Tal enfoque es similar al de los detectores de mentiras, en los cuales se somete un sospechoso a un interrogatorio, mientras se monitorean diferentes señales vitales (presión, pulso, respiración, etc.). ...
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El presente trabajo presenta un enfoque metodológico nuevo, consistente en utilizar una sub-población representativa de la sociedad civil del país, para estudiar y evaluar el impacto de los procesos y acontecimientos ocurridos en el mismo, en una forma similar a la que, en inferencia estadística, se sigue un "cohort" en un estudio longitudinal, para estudiar características de la población de la cual proviene. La institución seleccionada como sub-población es la Gran Logia de Cuba (GLC), la cual observaremos bajo eventos de la historia cubana contemporánea, ocurridos durante la segunda mitad del Siglo XX, y cuyos efectos evaluaremos a través de la serie histórica y demográfica de la misma. La GLC tiene tres características que la hacen relativamente similar a la población nacional: (1) su trayectoria histórica, paralela a la del país; (2) su gran extensión territorial; y (3) su heterogénea composi-ción racial, social, cultural y económica, también similar a buena parte de los cubanos. A través de la GLC evaluamos la trayectoria cubana en la segunda mitad del Siglo XX. Usamos como medida cuantitativa de rendimiento, los resultados del estudio demográfico de tal sub-población de la población nacional. Este enfoque constituye una primicia metodológica. Dos tipos de estudios se han realizado para evaluar los efectos de la revolución cubana: cualitativos y cuantitativos. Los cuantitativos han utilizado medidas de rendimiento globales como el PIB, o los índi-ces de exportación, importación, salud, turismo etc. Pero estos indicadores son macroeconómicos y no describen fielmente el impacto en los individuos del pueblo. Los cualitativos han utilizado grupos de control específicos (e.g. religiosos, políticos, raciales) pero poco numerosos, seleccionados convenientemente en vez de al azar-y que no cubren todo el periodo de la revolución. Sus medidas de rendimien-to provienen de cuestionarios, entrevistas, etc. Por tanto, sus resultados son restringidos y las inferencias, difíciles de hacer. La GLC, por el contrario, es una sub-población numerosa, que cubre todo el territorio nacional, cuyas medidas de rendimientos se extienden desde antes de la revolución de 1959 hasta nuestros días, lo que nos permite establecer comparaciones validas del tipo antes/después, y representativo de un gran segmento de la población, como veremos más adelante. La GLC no es la única sub-población que podría usarse para estudiar la evolución cubana durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Existen otras sub-poblaciones posibles. La Iglesia Católica es una. Pero sus organizaciones formales (e.g., JAC, JOC, JUC, Caballeros de Colón) fueron disueltas en 1960. Y sus parroquias, a diferencia de las norteamericanas, no mantienen listas de su membresía. Algunas iglesias protestantes (e.g. Presbiteriana, Metodista) mantienen tales listas, pero carecen de la extensión geográfica y heterogeneidad suficientes para ser representativa. Agradecemos al Dr. Roger Betancourt, nuestro comentarista, y al Dr. Pedro J. Saavedra, sus comentarios y acotaciones, y al Dr. Jorge Pérez-López, editor de las actas de ASCE, su cuidadosa inclusión en el volumen.
... A simple approach of visually representing the data without sophisticated statistical summarising proved very effective. Although sometimes averages were used, the aim was to maximise the data to ink ratio (Tufte, 1983) by pattern perception skills. As the Motion Charts demonstrate, a well designed visualisation can render a large dataset and remain clear: one such chart renders over 33,000 values which are themselves summarising over 337,000 database values. ...
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The developing field of academic analytics seeks to turn data from educational systems into actionable intelligence for the improvement of teaching and learning. This paper reports on the implementation of analytics in a new medical school with an integrated curriculum and clinical focus. Analytics addressed two challenges in the curriculum: providing evidence of appropriate curriculum coverage and assessing student engagement and equity while on clinical placement. The paper describes the tools and approaches used, and it outlines the lessons learnt. These lessons include the risk of a simplistic use of visualisations, their potential to generate important questions, the value of a flexible approach to tool selection, the need for relevant skills, and the importance of keeping the audience central. Although there is much further potential for the school to realise, academic analytics have already been a critical enabler of educational excellence.
... However, it seems that the theme of data integrity has been emphasised at the expense of other important aspects of graphicacy. According to Tufte (2001), much of the 20 th century thinking about statistical graphs has been preoccupied by how some charts might fool naive viewers while other important issues, such as use of graphics for serious data analysis, are largely ignored (a case of a typical misleading diagram is reproduced in figure 1). ...
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Given the importance of a critical-analytical disposition in the case of graphical artefacts, this paper explores graphicacy based on students’ answers to an item from PISA survey test. Primarily, results from the written test were analyzed using PISA’s doubledigit rubrics or coding. In evaluating these categories, it is observed that just a small percentage of students are able to produce answers that reflect a critical-analytical approach with respect to the use of statistical/mathematical operators and forms of expressions. Secondly, video observation shows that students tend to employ what is perceived as an ”identification approach” while discussing the task. Whereas elements of mathematical and statistical ideas can be identified in the students’ discussion, these are not explicitly stated and are largely submerged in everyday concerns and forms of expression.
... The process of visual abstraction is central to design and to visual communication in particular [10,166,253,157,255]. By distilling information to its essential elements, abstraction directs attention to key points and encourages viewer interpretation, making visuals more memorable, clear, and versatile across different mediums. ...
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Visual communication, dating back to prehistoric cave paintings, is the use of visual elements to convey ideas and information. In today's visually saturated world, effective design demands an understanding of graphic design principles, visual storytelling, human psychology, and the ability to distill complex information into clear visuals. This dissertation explores how recent advancements in vision-language models (VLMs) can be leveraged to automate the creation of effective visual communication designs. Although generative models have made great progress in generating images from text, they still struggle to simplify complex ideas into clear, abstract visuals and are constrained by pixel-based outputs, which lack flexibility for many design tasks. To address these challenges, we constrain the models' operational space and introduce task-specific regularizations. We explore various aspects of visual communication, namely, sketches and visual abstraction, typography, animation, and visual inspiration.
... In today's data-driven era, extracting meaningful insights from temporal data through visualization plays a crucial in decision-making process. Edward Tufte [12], Jeffrey Heer [3]; Tamara Munzner [9], Ben Shneiderman [11] and Hadley Wickham [13] are among the top contributors to this active domain. Many graphical representations for data such as bar charts, histograms, line graphs, area plots, and stream graphs [13,11,10] are available to support users building visual format. ...
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Extracting meaningful insights from temporal data through visualization plays a crucial in decision-making process. Conventional vi-sualization methods such as stream graphs and stacked area charts suffer from clarity when applying to show trends of cross-categories over time. To alleviate this limitation, we propose the Sorted Stream Graph with Embedded Word Elements (SSGEW), an innovative approach that sorts stream segments and incorporates embedded word elements into a stream graph. Through an authored algorithmic development, our method enhances the arrangement of data categories and strategically places words to improve data exploration. We compare our visual design with two traditional techniques and demonstrate our approach through a case study on the evolution of automatically generated data visualization from 2017 to 2024. Our results show a clear distinction between SSGEW and the two other designs, especially when there are many fluctuations in cross-categories. Future work could be focusing on refining the design to overcome occlusion.
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This article investigates how the two-party system is analysed in text and diagrams in US government textbooks. The diagrams are analysed with the help of theories from the cognitive sciences. Magruder’s American Government has dominated the US civics textbook market since its first edition in 1917. That year, the textbook referred to “the four leading parties,” and the two-party system concept first appeared in a diagram in 1930. From 1939, the two-party system was considered a trait of English-speaking countries and was contrasted to the chaotic multiparty systems in Europe, which could end up in dictatorship. From the 1950s, the two-party system was explained as an effect of the electoral system and as a reflection of the lack of divisions in US society. Diagrams of the party system were gradually simplified until the 1990s, when they implied that Democrats and Republicans had unbroken roots in the late 1700s. From the 2010s, more critical explanations of the two-party system appeared, such as that the major parties issue legislation that hinder the formation of new parties.
Infographic posters have significant potential to enhance visitor understanding of the Sumber Gentong tourist destination. This study aims to analyze how infographics can be utilized as an effective visual communication tool to convey information about facilities, regulations, and conservation values at Sumber Gentong. Through engaging and informative visualizations, it is anticipated that infographics can increase Sumber Gentong's brand awareness, attract more visitors, and encourage active participation in environmental conservation.
This Element lays the foundation, introduces a framework, and sketches the program for a systematic study of mathematical notations. It is written for everyone who is curious about the world of symbols that surrounds us, in particular researchers and students in philosophy, history, cognitive science, and mathematics education. The main characteristics of mathematical notations are introduced and discussed in relation to the intended subject matter, the language in which the notations are verbalized, the cognitive resources needed for learning and understanding them, the tasks that they are used for, their material basis, and the historical context in which they are situated. Specific criteria for the design and assessment of notations are discussed, as well as ontological, epistemological, and methodological questions that arise from the study of mathematical notations and of their use in mathematical practice.
This article, we investigate how systems of emotion recognition based on multimodal support through CNN can be useful in economic analysis. Traditional economic theories rely mainly on quantitative and qualitative information and essentially exclude vital nonverbal emotional cues in the determination of human actions. Engaging audio and visual pathways, this innovative approach, links psychological knowledge with economic one and thereby enhances comprehension of purchase decisions, market forces and workplace affective states. The approach entails capturing the audio and video data, feature extraction for the acoustics of the audio through MFCC and the human face using facial landmarks, and the use of CNN. The fusion layer integrates all such modalities for improving the accuracy of prediction. The practical use entails use of sentiment analysis and integrating incidences of collecting sentiment scores concurrently and in standard activities such as product release and effect of a policy.The effectiveness of the system to decode emotions makes easier for firms and policy makers to make economic decisions with an incorporation of emotions, a concept that is a milestone in the sphere of economical analysis. Further modifications are possible in subsequent studies with bigger datasets and more complicated networks associated with this system. The article also shows how multimodal emotion recognition systems can revolutionalise conventional economic models using the might of artificial intelligence technology and behavioral information.
Author: Peter M. Nardi Translators: Dr. Mohsen Nazari and Afsaneh Haghbin
This book explores the intersection of data sonification (the systematic translation of data into sound) and musical composition. Section 1 engages with existing discourse and offers an original model (the sonification continuum) which provides perspectives on the practice of sonification for composers, science communicators and those interested in this rapidly emerging field. Section 2 engages with the sonification process itself, exploring techniques, models of translation, data fidelity, analogic and symbolic data mapping, temporality and the listener experience. In Section 3 these concepts and techniques are all made concrete in the context of a selection of the author's projects (2004–2023). Finally, some reasons are offered on how sonification as a practice might enrich composition, communication, collaboration, and a sense of connection.
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Objetivo: explorar a importância da visualização da informação como ferramenta essencial para a compreensão de dados complexos.Metodologia: exploratória, documental e bibliográfica. Analisou-se uma extensa literatura científica existente sobre o tema, constituindo-se em uma abordagem qualitativa para a compreensão do campo de estudo. Resultados: a pesquisa enfatizou a notável capacidade da Visualização da Informação em transformar dados abstratos e complexos em representações visuais significativas e compreensíveis. Ao identificar padrões e insights ocultos, essa técnica se revelou fundamental para simplificar informações densas e torná-las acessíveis a uma ampla audiência, facilitando a interpretação e a tomada de decisões informadas. Ainda, demonstrando na prática os conceitos e técnicas abordadas em caso factível.Conclusões: a visualização da informação desempenha papel determinante em uma variedade de campos, desde ciência até negócios, permitindo que dados complexos sejam compreendidos visualmente. No entanto, ressalta-se a necessidade de equilíbrio entre estética visual e precisão dos dados para criar visualizações eficazes, considerando o público-alvo e os objetivos da visualização. Ao fazer isso, é possível tornar a informação acessível, promovendo uma compreensão mais profunda e uma tomada de decisão informada em diferentes contextos.
This chapter discusses how research results are displayed in business research. Display choices are rarely debated because they are ingrained in the paradigm that rules the particular field of study. Given that critical realism is one of the most prevalent paradigms in business research, this book chapter explores choices that can be made within this paradigm. Overall, displaying research results is about highlighting key issues and findings. When framing key findings, the researcher must balance revealing significant issues of interest to the intended audience against overselling or misleading them. Displays come in many formats, and choices must made. It is important to be aware of the pros and cons of the display formats used when showing the outcomes of a research process. Displays must be coherent with the overall representation, such as a book, article, video, or other representation. Still, displays are like art; skillfully produced displays can enhance the presented findings.
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La curva del descenso más rápido o de menor tiempo por un cuerpo comienza en el punto inicial con velocidad cero (problema de la braquistócrona), ante esta situación el estudio pretende describir la visualización de trayectorias óptimas en función a la exploración de la braquistócrona para generar una propuesta modelada que represente visualmente las rutas más eficientes bajo gravedad y topografía real. Metodológicamente es una investigación de enfoque cuantitativo, de diseño no experimental en esta fase inicial de propuesta bajo un nivel descriptivo. Los resultados de investigación demuestran que la topografía afecta las rutas óptimas, razón por la cual es necesario comprender la influencia del terreno en las trayectorias que aportan al análisis geoespacial. Bajo este preámbulo, este estudio descriptivo tiene una orientación aplicable en proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje, la intención es generar interpretación didáctica de los conceptos matemáticos subyacentes en el contexto de la geo espacialidad. Por lo cual se concluye que es esencial desarrollar una propuesta que emplee tecnologías blandas, como ArcGIS, en el campo de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica para explorar y facilitar la comprensión del problema de la Braquistócrona. Esto impulsará la transformación digital en la educación, mejorando notablemente el aprendizaje de estos conceptos avanzados.
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Mining the distribution of features and sorting items by combined attributes are two common tasks in exploring and understanding multi-attribute (or multivariate) data. Up to now, few have pointed out the possibility of merging these two tasks into a united exploration context and the potential benefits of doing so. In this paper, we present SemanticAxis, a technique that achieves this goal by enabling analysts to build a semantic vector in two-dimensional space interactively. Essentially, the semantic vector is a linear combination of the original attributes. It can be used to represent and explain abstract concepts implied in local (outliers, clusters) or global (general pattern) features of reduced space, as well as serving as a ranking metric for its defined concepts. In order to validate the significance of combining the above two tasks in multi-attribute data analysis, we design and implement a visual analysis system, in which several interactive components cooperate with SemanticAxis seamlessly and expand its capacity to handle complex scenarios. We prove the effectiveness of our system and the SemanticAxis technique via two practical cases.
As virtual reality becomes increasingly relevant in data analysis, understanding the implications of using 3D charts for data visualization is of paramount importance. In a virtual reality (VR) environment, users can obtain fresh insights and a deeper understanding of data through immersive exploration. VR introduces innovative possibilities for data visualization, thereby overcoming the limitations of traditional two-dimensional (2D) environments. However, limited research has examined the effectiveness of conventional three-dimensional (3D) chart representations for data analytics in VR. This study investigates the impact of traditional charts represented in 3D within VR on data analytics, focusing on interpretation accuracy, task time, long-term recall, and user preference. The results reveal a decline in interpretation accuracy with 3D charts, but improved long-term recall. Participants perceived limited success in accomplishing analytic tasks using this visualization method. These findings provide valuable insight into the advantages and limitations of using 3D charts for data visualization in the scientific domain within a VR setting, thereby enhancing our understanding of potential implications for data analytics in immersive environments.
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Data representation is a critical component in the field of data science and analytics, offering ways to convert raw data into a structured, interpretable format that can drive insights and support decision-making processes. This paper explores various techniques for data representation, including both traditional methods such as tables and charts, as well as modern, complex representations involving visualizations, graphs, and multidimensional data formats. The applications of these techniques span industries such as business, healthcare, and engineering, where insights derived from data representation influence strategies, enhance operational efficiencies, and predict future trends. By reviewing existing literature and implementing selected data representation techniques, this paper investigates both statistical and non-statistical methods to present data accurately and effectively. Through a detailed methodology and analysis, it further examines the effectiveness of these techniques in facilitating data-driven decision-making. This research ultimately provides recommendations for adopting optimal representation methods based on specific data characteristics and use cases.
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The contemporary convergence of documentary practices and data visualization sets an interesting field for both creative and conceptual exploration. At the same time, however, at both levels we are still dealing with a challenge, a broad spectrum of possibilities still waiting to be filled with the full range of solutions. The aim of this text is to look at the phenomenon of interactive documents based on data visualization from two key perspectives. The first one is focused on the issue of the status of data and their visual representations in the context of Big Data as a set of culturally, socially, politically and business shaped database technologies, data analysis schemes and numerous ideologies that accompany these activities. There is also an interesting cognitive perspective of how data were and are conceptualized, produced and used both in the tradition of documentary film and in the domain of applied data visualizations. The second approach problematizes the tension between the sublime and the anti-sublime, as two opposing (although very often complementary in individual implementations) epistemic attitudes, which in data visualization research have been used as a tool for typologizing practices, but also as concepts capturing the transgressive value of visual representations of large scale data repositories.
Information age data is the backbone of industry decision-making. Raw data, however, lacks accessibility without effective visualization techniques to make it accessible and actionable. Data visualization takes complicated data sets and converts them into intuitive, visual formats, and using this, businesses can discover trends, correlations, and insights that guide informed decisions. This paper explores the process from raw data to actionable insights through data visualization, in terms of significance, core techniques, tools, and applications across multiple sectors. It further mentions best practices and challenges to ensure that the visual representation is accurate and meaningful.
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“Tools for Changing the World: A Design Science Primer” presents a comprehensive methodology for developing innovative solutions to global challenges. The book is organized into four main parts: frames of reference, conceptual tools, step-by-step design science methodology, and implementation strategies. It emphasizes a whole systems approach, focusing on creating preferred futures rather than just solving problems. The primer introduces key concepts such as systems thinking, long-term perspective, and collaborative problem-solving. It aims to empower readers to become “architects of the future” by providing both theoretical frameworks and practical tools for applying design science principles to real-world issues. The ultimate goal is to develop solutions that benefit 100% of humanity while minimizing resource use and ecological impact, offering a roadmap for tackling complex global challenges through systematic, creative design approaches.
Geodesign, Urban Digital Twins, and Futures explores systems, processes, and novel technologies for planning, mapping, and designing our built environment. In a period of advancing urban infrastructure, technological autonomy in cities, and high-performance geographic systems, new capabilities, novel techniques, and streamlined procedures have emerged concurrently with climatic challenges, pandemics, and increasing global urbanisation. Chapters cover a range of topics such as urban digital twins, GeoBIM, geodesign and collaborative tools, immersive environments, gamification, and future methods. This book features over 100 international projects and workflows, five detailed case studies, and a companion website. In addition, this book examines geodesign as an agent for collaboration alongside futuring methods for imagining and understanding our future world. The companion website for this book can be accessed at
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