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Microgrids for Fun and Profit: The Economics of Installation Investments and Operations



A vision shared by many experts is that future communities (residential and commercial developments, university and industrial campuses, military installations, and so on) will be self-sufficient with respect to energy production and will adopt microgrids. With power generation capacities of 10-50 MW, microgrids are usually intended for the local production of power with islanding capabilities and have capacity available for sale back to macrogrids. A typical microgrid portfolio includes photovoltaic (PV) and wind resources, gas-fired generation, demand-response capabilities, electrical and thermal storage, combined heat and power (CHP), and connectivity to the grid. Advanced technologies such as fuel cells may also be included. This article describes the problems encountered in analyzing prospective microgrid economics and environmental and reliability performance and presents some results from the software tools developed for these tasks.
52 ieee power & energy magazine july/august 2013
1540 -797 7/13/$31.0 2013IEEE
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2013.2258282
Date of pu blication: 19 Jun e 2013
Microgrids for
Fun and Profit
By Farnaz Farzan, Sudipta Lahiri,
Michael Kleinberg, Kaveh Gharieh,
Farbod Farzan, and Mohsen Jafari
(residential and commercial developments, university and industrial campuses, military instal-
lations, and so on) will be self-sufcient with respect to energy production and will adopt
microgrids. With power generation capacities of 10–50 MW, microgrids are usually intended
for the local production of power with islanding capabilities and have capacity available for sale
back to macrogrids. A typical microgrid portfolio includes photovoltaic (PV) and wind resources,
gas-red generation, demand-response capabilities, electrical and thermal storage, combined heat
and power (CHP), and connectivity to the grid. Advanced technologies such as fuel cells may also
be included. This article describes the problems encountered in analyzing prospective microgrid
economics and environmental and reliability performance and presents some results from the
software tools developed for these tasks.
Integration of Microgrid Operation and Investment
The value of a microgrid portfolio depends on its projected return on investment and the potential
growth in its operating income. For a portfolio of nancial assets, valuations are based on projec-
tions of the market prices of those assets, using historical
data about prices, industry trends, and futures prices as a
basis for the projections. For a microgrid, the investment
payoff is directly linked to the operation of the physical
assets, and return on investment depends on how these
operations will be optimized and utilized in the short term.
The long-term value of a microgrid depends on when (in
terms of market conditions) investments were made and
also on the amount of the investment and its nancing
costs. Grid energy and fuel costs, the price of the neces-
sary technology (e.g., PV equipment, wind turbines, or storage), state incentives, and parameters
such as nance charge rates, nance terms, and the relationship between the nance rate and the
discount factor could all affect the optimal investment decision.
Typical investment models for infrastructure assets utilize assumptions about the short-
term average performance of the assets and further assume that the underlying system operates
The Economics of
Installation Investments
and Operations
july/august 2013 ieee power & energy magazine 53
optimally (as computed on the basis of some average func-
tion). Operational dynamics driven by endogenous factors
(i.e., asset reliability and degradation, demand prioritization,
resource allocation, and risk management) and exogenous
factors (i.e., weather forecasts, natural gas prices, and exter-
nal demand) are usually ignored or captured only on the
basis of discrete choices or simple variance analysis. At the
same time, any modularized approach to long-term invest-
ment, where assets are acquired and generation capacity
is increased in stages, would affect short-term operational
dynamics. Short-term returns from the microgrid will in
turn inuence long-term decisions about when to invest and
what to invest in.
Figure 1 illustrates a model developed at DNV KEMA
for evaluating investments in different congurations of a
microgrid, taking into account economic and environmental
metrics. This model simulates the microgrid operating opti-
mally in parallel with the grid. It also simulates operation in
islanded mode when the grid is down, when maximizing reli-
ability criter ia is key. On the resource side, different generation,
storage, energy efciency, and automation technologies are
considered. On the demand side, buildings and respective
end-use load are modeled in detail.
Energy Economics
The operation of a microgrid is closely tied to energy econom-
ics. This includes both the nancials of interacting with the
utility and macrogrid and the cost of self-generation. Various
resources contribute to the economic benets of a microgrid:
Energy efficiency upgrades on equipment will lower
the overall load baseline.
On-site generation, possibly in conjunction with energy
storage, can be utilized to avoid peak energy costs and
even create revenue streams by selling energy back to
the grid once price signals justify it economically.
Enrollment in demand response programs can be
regarded as a means not only to reduce energy costs
but also to generate revenue by reducing load on the
grid. Demand response can be provided by both self-
generation and curtailable end-use load.
While grid energy transactions and fuel costs domi-
nate the economics, microgrid participation in
capacity and ancillary services markets can also be
important incremental revenue drivers.
The reliability improvements obtained through island-
ing capability and sufficient local resources can be
valuable—quite valuable, depending on the mission
© artville
54 ieee power & energy magazine july/august 2013
of the facility and the critical load served during
islanded operations.
The marketplace in which the microgrid is playing signi-
cantly affects the amount of savings realized. For example,
many commercial end users are charged time-of-use rates,
and switching to a different tariff scheme—such as one based
on real-time data or on hourly locational marginal pricing
(LMP)—could be benecial to them. The decision to switch
might not be a trivial one, however, as different schemes
impose different risks on the microgrid, based on price vola-
tility and penalties for failing to deliver energy to the grid as
scheduled if local resources, especially renewables, come up
short. It should be noted that a microgrid has limited options
for mitigating its risks. The options vary from relying on self-
generation to locking in both its cost and revenue streams by
means of long-term agreements with respective parties.
An example of a microgrid’s daily control process is shown
in Figure 2, where decisions regarding energy purchase, CHP
production, and the use of battery storage are optimized
against the day-ahead electricity price and the available PV
production. Less expensive on-site generation is utilized not
only to avoid the higher cost of purchasing energy from the
grid but also to gain revenue by selling energy back during
morning peak times. The annual savings from self-generation,
efciency upgrades, and demand response participation is
shown in Figure 3. Finally, Figure 4 demonstrates cash ows,
reecting investments in various technologies and the sav-
ings generated by the microgrid. Note that the energy bought
from the grid is, in this case, extremely nonconforming, as
the microgrid optimizes around renewable production, native
demand, and grid hourly prices. This is not an extreme case;
on an annualized basis, there is no net sell-back to the grid. In
this example, load grows over time as occupancy of the facili-
ties increases despite the energy efciency measures imposed.
The cumulative cash ow for energy investments and opera-
tions shows an approximately eight-year payback.
Interaction of the Elements
in Overall Energy Economics
While individual resources contribute to a microgrid’s bene-
ts, broader value can be achieved from the interaction of indi-
vidual elements. Renewable resources introduce uncertainties
in operations due to intermittent availability, for example as
a result of varying patterns of wind speed and solar irradia-
tion. These uncertainties become important because they can
cause shortages or excesses of energy compared with what
was planned for, and they therefore can lead to variation in
costs and revenues. Adopting appropriate strategies to mitigate
the risks associated to such uncertainties requires operational
decision-making tools that account for such uncertainties
while scheduling different generation and storage resources.
Energy storage devices (either thermal or electrical) can be
considered as buffers within the system that enhance exibility
in responding to uctuations due to renewable resources. But
the effectiveness of such storage applications depends heavily
on how the devices are controlled. The control strategy should
figure 1. Overview of the DNV KEMA model.
Microgrid Elements
Building Dynamics, Energy Profiles, and Tenant Behavior
Campus Microgrid Operations and Economics
Efficiency and
and CHP
Electric and
in DR
Efficiency and
and CHP
Electric and
in DR
Daily Operations
Across the Year
and Cost
Annual Economics,
Emissions, Zero Net
Energy, Tenant
Day Ahead
Energy Prices
8760 Data
july/august 2013 ieee power & energy magazine 55
figure 2. (a) PV production, (b) CHP production, (c) day-ahead prices, (d) energy purchased, (e) energy sold, and (f) bat-
tery storage state of charge for a sample microgrid.
PV Production
Day-Ahead Price
Energy Sold
CHP Production
Energy Bought
Battery State of Charge
010 20
15 5101520
10 20155
10 20155
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
be designed to make sure the storage devices are available when
they are expected to provide service. Moreover, the storage con-
trol needs to take into account the cost of energy for charging
and technical constraints around charging, discharging, and
performance degradation of the device. In the model results
shown, the storage resource is co-optimized with energy pro-
duction and demand response in a mixed-integer programming
formulation. The examples shown are based on “real data” in
the sense that typical Los Angeles–based building information,
energy prices, and renewable performance are used. In this
instance, investments in energy efciency are the single most
valuable option. Electrical storage is still too expensive to make
sense on its own, but when coupled with signicant investments
in PV generation, storage starts to show benets. Thermal stor-
age is economical purely in terms of shifting air-conditioning
load from peak to off-peak. The investment portfolio optimi-
zation is complicated by current policies around rebates and
tax incentives for different energy efciency investments and
renewable technologies. For instance, if a continued decline in
PV costs is projected, it may make sense to delay major PV
investments until the last year incentives are available.
Noneconomic Benefits
The benets from microgrids are not only economic.
Microgrids can be viewed as a means of creating zero-
net-energy communities and meeting other environmental
goals established by states or regulatory agencies. More-
over, microgrids can operate in islanded mode and sus-
tain the power supply in the event of a grid outage. This
is in particularly crucial in order to resume the operation
of critical infrastructure such as military facilities, hospi-
tals, ports, public transportation, and emergency-response
facilities. With the aging of grid infrastructure and restric-
tions on new investments in transmission and distribution
networks, microgrids can serve as an alternative solution to
intense investment in the centralized grid. Figure 5 shows
how a microgrid can supply a portion of load during a grid
outage. In this conguration, PV and battery storage (BS)
are sufcient to supply all critical and uninterruptible load
for each hour of the outage, and storage level decreases with
the duration of the outage. Uninterruptible load experiences
a momentary outage (not represented on plots), because
no uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is installed and
56 ieee power & energy magazine july/august 2013
insufcient resources are available to
supply noncritical load.
Stochastic Operation
Traditionally, the wholesale electricity
market uses reserves and load-following
capacity to hedge against shortage risks
and load variations. Moreover, the size
and abundance of generation resources
and ancillary services such as LMP
protect macrogrids against market vola-
tility in prices, demand, and generation
capacity. Microgrids are quite vulner-
able to these risks, however, due to their
smaller size and the volatility of their
internal generation resources. Their
only hedging mechanisms against
shortage risks are to purchase energy
from the grid at spot prices, which can
be quite high at times of peak load or
in an emergency, or to contract with
energy service companies.
A typical microgrid will most likely
be owned by a community or small
group of public and private investors.
The investment on microgrids will be
very different from a traditional power
grid since, due to their size and distrib-
uted nature, a small- to medium-sized
investment will be more common. Fur-
thermore, to be attractive for private
investors, a faster return on investment
compared to the traditional grid will
be expected. It is also very likely that
these investors are motivated by the
energy and cost savings that can be real-
ized from the local generation of power
and by the security and reliability that
microgrids can offer, especially at times
of peak loads and during unusual events
like natural or man-made disasters. Like
any other nancial investment, risks will
play major role in the operation and con-
trol of microgrids. The risk is present in
both the design of a microgrid and its
daily operation. By appropriately sizing
the microgrid and minimizing the risks
from energy economics, the microgrid’s
owners and investors will be able to
maximize their savings while ensuring
higher levels of energy security and reli-
ability. By doing so, the microgrid will
also be able to help mitigate the risks
of the larger grid, especially at times of
emergencies and high peak loads.
figure 5. Operation of a microgrid in islanded mode during a grid outage.
BS SOC (kWh)
Noncritical Load
Critical Load
Uninterruptible Load
Noncritical Load
Critical Load
Uninterruptible Load
Total Load
Load Served
Total Resources
Storage SOC
Total Load
Load Served
Total Resources
Storage SOC
Total Load
Load Served
Total Resources
Storage SOC
Outage Duration (h)
figure 4. Sample microgrid cash flow diagrams over 15 years.
Cash Outflow
figure 3. Sample microgrid energy economics.
Energy Balance
Projected Demand
Efficiency Savings
Internal Production
Net Demand
july/august 2013 ieee power & energy magazine 57
To account for risks in microgrid operation, uncertain-
ties should be formulated using a stochastic optimization
model. It is interesting that as we move from deterministic
to stochastic models, the planning decision moves toward
more prior commitments and less spot purchasing, leading
to lower expected cost and variance. (This is a function of
expected volatility in energy prices.) As expected, the dif-
ference in the way deterministic and stochastic models make
decisions depends on several factors, including a microgrid’s
conguration and the variability of its resources. Therefore,
a careful examination of existing settings will help the deci-
sion maker choose the appropriate model for planning and
operation so as to make sure that ignoring uncertainty (i.e.,
choosing a deterministic model) does not have an adverse
impact in terms of increasing the variation of planning deci-
sions and to make sure that taking uncertainty into account
does not lead to a more complicated and costly model with-
out creating a noticeable benet for the decision maker.
As a microgrid’s on-site capacity increases, its cost distri-
bution (in terms of both the average and standard deviation)
becomes less sensitive to risks and uncertainties. Risks and
uncertainty in cost distribution increase with more renew-
able penetration and decrease with more fuel-red genera-
tion within the microgrid.
Stochastic Investment
Models developed at Rutgers University are able to balance
the risks and outcomes associated with microgrid investment
figure 6. Deterministic investment model.
E [GF]
E [PV]
E [WT]
E [ST]
figure 7. Stochastic investment model.
E [GF]
E [PV]
E [WT]
E [ST]
figure 8. Incremental investment with and without interaction.
ST (Year 4) Model 1
ST (Year 4) Model 2
Year 1
Model 1
Year 3
Year 4
Year 2
Year 1
Model 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 2
58 ieee power & energy magazine july/august 2013
and operation. The microgrid cost savings function is calcu-
lated from a model that optimizes day-ahead planning and
the same-day operation of the microgrid under a host of sto-
chastic variables. This functional form is fed into a stochastic
long-term investment model, which decides when to invest in
microgrid components and expansions. The investment model
captures long-term market and nancing volatilities, such as
the investment costs of PV and storage, natural gas prices, the
availability of investment funds, and the correlation between
peak electricity prices and natural gas prices.
The analysis is performed on the basis of cash ow, reect-
ing actual outows and inows of monetary values. It requires
proper identication of the costs and benets resulting from
the investment, including any marginal values introduced to
the system by the investment. The analysis includes the sunk
cost incurred by a new investment as well as its opportunity
cost (the benet forgone if the investment is undertaken). An
opportunity cost is also incurred if the asset or resource can be
used in some alternative way and with some positive return.
Cash ow at the end of the planning horizon plus the value
of beyond-horizon cash ows at the end of the horizon is the
investment criterion to be maximized within the investment
optimization model.
We look at incremental investment decisions over a spe-
cic time horizon to evaluate microgrid investments. Deci-
sions regarding how much (if any) capacity of each type of
resource, i.e., gas-red generation (GF), PV, wind turbine
(WT), and electricity storage (ST), should be purchased at
the beginning of each one-year time period.
Figures 6 and 7 show investment strategies using deter-
ministic and stochastic investment models. In this example,
uncertainty exists in future PV capital costs. Therefore, a
stochastic model would suggest a strategy that is more dis-
tributed over the horizon. This could be viewed as a hedging
mechanism against the future uncertainty.
Results may not match expectations if interactions between
assets exist in the actual microgrid but operation and invest-
ment models ignore them. For example, PV and ST have inter-
action effects on the cost savings of the microgrid. Depending
on the value that it generates, the interaction between PV and
ST may make investment in these assets more or less attractive.
The incremental investment decisions about various resources
are shown in Figure 8. The interaction between PV and ST
forces the investment to allocate more capacity to these assets
in the fourth year in comparison with the same case without
such an interaction. PV dominates the investment because of its
higher contributions to the savings generated by the microgrid.
Allowing for interactions between the two assets permits the
use of storage not only for arbitrage but also coupled with
PV production. Therefore, at some point in time (here, in the
fourth year), the value of storage exceeds its costs and thus
becomes more attractive as an investment. This observation
tends to verify our hypothesis, and it necessitates the use of an
appropriate model in cases where such interactions exist.
Future Work
Participation in capacity markets and ancillary services mar-
kets are attractive revenue streams for microgrids. Inclusion
of ancillary market commitments in day-ahead and intraday
operations is a well-understood problem; the mathematics is
very similar to that used for the co-optimization that indepen-
dent system operator (ISO) market operations practice when
scheduling grid resources today. As with ISO-level market
operations, incorporating signicant storage in the formulation
and obtaining co-optimized solutions are challenges. Incorpo-
rating ancillary participation into investment decisions is more
complicated, however, as bidding strategies come into play. In
the examples shown above, the microgrid is a simple “price
taker” in the market that optimizes its resources once market
prices are known. But to participate in the ancillary markets,
the microgrid operator must make informed decisions about
what ancillaries and what energy to offer the markets as a bid-
der. This complicates the decision process and the investment
decisions required to enable that participation.
There is also interest from very large facility operators in
co-optimizing energy operations across multiple microgrids.
This is an area being intensively investigated at Rutgers.
For Further Reading
C. S. Park and G . P. Sharp-Bette, Advanced Engineering
Economics. New Yo r k : Wiley, 1990.
H. M. Wei nga r tne r, Mathematical Programming and the
Analysis of Capital Budgeting Problems. Englewood Cliffs,
NJ: Princeton-Hall, 1963.
W. El-Khattam, K. Bhattacharya, Y. Hegazy, and M. M. A.
Salama, “Optimal investment planning for distributed gen-
eration in a competitive electricity market,” IEEE Trans.
Power Syst., vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 1674 –1684, Aug. 2004.
H. Asano, W. Ariki, and S. Bando, “Value of investment in
a microgrid under uncertainty in the fuel price,” in Proc. IEEE
Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2010, pp. 1–5.
S. Bruno and C. Sagastizabal, “Optimization of real asset
portfolio using a coherent risk measure: Application to oil
and energy industries,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Engineering Opti-
mization, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2008.
Farna z Fa rzan is with DNV KEMA Inc., Chalfont,
Sudipta Lahiri is with DNV KEMA Inc., Chalfont,
Michael Kleinberg is with DNV KEMA Inc., Chalfont,
Kaveh Gharieh is with Rutgers University, New Bruns-
wick, New Jersey.
Farbod Farz an is with Rutgers University, New Bruns-
wick, New Jersey.
Mohsen Jafari with Rutgers University, New Bruns-
wick, New Jersey. p&e
... By employing advanced modelling techniques and optimization algorithms, EMSs optimize the allocation and utilization of available energy resources within the microgrid. Energy planning ensures that energy generation, storage, and consumption are coordinated to maximize efficiency, minimize costs, and maintain grid stability [6]. ...
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Coordinating the microgrids (MGs) in the distribution network is a critical task for the distribution system operator (DSO), which could be achieved by setting prices as incentive signals. The high uncertainty of loads and renewable resources motivates the DSO to adopt real-time prices. The MGs require reference price sequences for a long time horizon in advance to make generation plans. However, due to privacy concerns in practice, the MGs may not provide adequate information for the DSO to build a closed-form model. This causes challenges to the implementation of the conventional model-based methods. In this paper, the framework of the coordination system through real-time prices is proposed. In this bi-level framework, the DSO sets real-time reference price sequences as the incentive signals, based on which the MGs make the generation and charging plan. The model-free reinforcement learning (RL) is applied to optimize the pricing policy when the response behavior of the MGs is unknown to the DSO. To deal with the large action space of this problem, the reference policy is incorporated into the RL algorithm for efficiency improvement. The numerical result shows that the minimized cost obtained by the developed model-free RL algorithm is close to the model-based method while the private information is preserved.
The power trading model considering operating agents at different levels, such as distribution utility, microgrid operators, and end-users allows for efficient energy resource coordination and effective utilization. The simultaneous and hierarchical optimization of multiple agents has not yet been attempted. The techno-economic aspects can be accomplished more effectively if the energy management framework considers hierarchically coordinated decision-making of all agents. The decisions of all agents are interlinked and can be realized with a hierarchical Stackelberg game model. This article proposes an energy management framework incorporating a three-level hierarchical decision approach, through which multiple operating agents can actively participate in energy management to achieve their respective goals. In this framework, a game-theoretic dynamic pricing scheme is used to enable the interaction of distribution utility and microgrid operators as well as the microgrid operators and end-user aggregators. This arrangement enables end-user aggregators to negotiate adequately with microgrid operators. This article also investigates the impact of risk-averse and risk-seeker decisions of microgrid operators on the operating cost of distribution utility. The numerical results establish the effectiveness of the proposed framework and demonstrate that the proposed participatory strategy can improve economic benefits with technical aspects, such as lower peak demand and improved voltage profiles.
In India, the growing population increases energy demand and requires more attention to fulfill current energy needs. Renewable energy sources (RES) appear to cope with current energy demand. Coal is majorly utilized for energy generation whereas renewable energy still requires some effort to reach a significant contribution level. A very high number of Indian rural villages still need electrification. Sometimes, power transfer to these villages is not viable because of cost, large distance, and high power losses by a centralized grid. To solve the problem of rural electrification, microgrids (MG) are a potential clean energy solution isolated or in conjunction with the utility grid at present. This study explores various prospects of MG in rural electrification, policies and their initiation, government, planning to improve the economy linked with current challenges, and some recommendations based on the study. Besides, the condition of MG markets with existing situations faces new challenges with opportunities also discussed. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the power demand for global needs around two-thirds will be fulfilled by RES. Today, RES contributes around 25% and is expected to contribute 50% by 2040. IEA forecast MG with a standalone system would fulfill 60% of global electricity demand and influence the market positively by an estimated period of 2019–2025. The Paris Agreement formed upon the UN Framework Convention based on climate change in 2015 aimed to lessen the effects of increasing worldwide temperatures from more than 2 °C above, and it is consented to by 144 countries. According to Climatescope, India ranks second in the list of over 100 countries based on readiness for RE investment. After China and the United States, India is in the third position in the largest solar power. Bloomberg New Energy Finance has estimated the opportunities in a rooftop solar alone investment of around $23 billion in India. India has the world's largest auction for RE and has in recent times embarked on crucial incentives for RE, together with MG growth. In this chapter, various prospects, economics, challenges, market conditions, and government policies for MG related to rural electrification have been discussed. The main challenges of MGs like intermittent power, storage system cost, energy cost, power quality, tariff plans, and subsidy have been discussed. The policies by central and state levels should consider all challenges for rural electrification market planning and its implementation with the consideration of political, environmental, technical, and economic factors. It is required to consider the MG costs, cost recovery models and regulatory bottlenecks are weighing down before implementing any MG project. Finally, RES and its contribution in today's scenario is also reviewed with potential and its requirement for the future.KeywordsMicrogridRenewable energy sourceRural electrificationGovernment policiesEconomic challengesMG market
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Partitioning large-scale smart distribution systems into multiple microgrids (MG) are considered an effective solution to maintain system reliability and to improve the power system restoration under emergency conditions. The partitioning planning process faces many challenges especially if the uncertain nature of both renewable energy resources (RERs) and loads, and the unbalanced operation of the distribution systems are considered. In this paper, the active distribution system partitioning is handled through a proposed three stages method. The proposed method presents a parallel planning for both energy sources integration process and partitioning process, taking into consideration all the circumstances that the system is exposed to, with determining the optimal specification of the devices that will be added to the system to reach the required efficiency of the system during system partitioning and system unification. The proposed three-stage method considers the uncertainty of PV modules and wind turbines. A new criterion for modeling RERs uncertainty is developed. Four phases for uncertainty reduction are applied based on the main sources of uncertainty involving solar irradiation, temperature, wind speed for the loading ratio. Moreover, the load uncertainty and system unbalance have been considered. The proposed reduction strategy leads to 92% reduction of the uncertainty cases for 1 year is sufficient for effective modeling with an acceptable level of accuracy. The proposed method is tested on the IEEE 123-node as a large-scale unbalanced test feeder. The obtained results verify the effectiveness of the proposed method in partitioning the tested distribution system into five micro-grids with self-dependence exceeded 85%.
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We consider the problem of optimally determining an investment portfolio for an energy company owning a network of gas pipelines, and in charge of purchasing, selling and distributing gas. We propose a two stage stochastic investment model which hedges risk by means of Conditional Value at Risk constraints. The model, solved by a decomposition method, is assessed on a real-life case, of a Brazilian integrated company that operates on the oil, gas, and energy sectors. KeywordsPortfolio optimization–Real assets–CVaR–Decomposition methods
Progress reports are a new type of article in Advanced Engineering Materials, dealing with the hottest current topics, and providing readers with a critically selected overview of important progress in these fields. It is not intended that the articles be comprehensive, but rather insightful, selective, critical, opinionated, and even visionary. We have approached scientists we believe are at the very forefront of these fields to contribute the articles, which will appear on an annual basis. The article below describes the latest advances in Advanced Engineering Ceramics.
Binary-valued Markov random fields may be used as models for point processes with interactions (e.g. repulsion or attraction) between their points. This paper aims to provide a simple nontechnical introduction to Markov random fields in this context. The underlying spaces on which points occur are taken to be countable (e.g. lattice vertices) or continuous (Euclidean space). The role of Markov random fields as equilibrium processes for the temporal evolution of spatial processes is also discussed and various applications and examples are given. /// On peut utiliser les champs binaires de Markov comme modèles pour les processus ponctuels avec intéractions entre points (tels que l'attraction ou la répulsion). En suivant cette démarche, cet article se présente comme une introduction simple aux champs de Markov, sans dévelopements technicques détaillés. Nous nous intéressons au cas où les espaces sousjacents contenant ces points sont dénombrables (ex. les noeuds d'un treillis ou continus (espace euclidien). Nous considérons également les champs de Markov en tant que processus d'équilibre dans les évolutions temporelles des processus spatiaux. Pour finir, nous signalons quelques exemples et quelques applications.
This paper discusses investment strategies in a microgrid system consisting of cogeneration system and renewable power generation under uncertainty in the natural gas price. Although incentives for introducing distributed energy system increase these days, volatile natural gas prices make its investment in gas fuel distributed generation systems risky. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the risk under uncertainty and find flexible strategies which reduce the exposure to fuel price volatility. We take the real options approach to analyze investment decision. By varying the parameter of price volatility, we find that the optimal investment strategy depends on the level of uncertainty. As volatility increases, strategies with installation option of renewable power generation, here, photovoltaic generation, become attractive in terms of risk reduction.
The objective of the paper is to provide recommendations on the temporal and spatial resolution of rainfall measurements required for urban hydrological applications, based on quantitative investigations of the space-time scales of urban catchments and rainfall. First the temporal rainfall–runoff dynamics is studied using lag time values derived from rainfall and discharge time series for a set of urban catchments. Then the temporal and spatial structure of rainfall is analysed with high resolution rain gauge and radar measurements from the HYDROMET Integrated Radar Experiment '98 experiment for three typical intense Mediterranean rain events. In particular the evolution of the structure of the rainfall field at different time steps is investigated using geostatistics. Finally the required space-time resolution of rainfall for Mediterranean regions is estimated as a function of the surface of the catchments. According to the results, hydrological applications for urban catchments of the order of 1000 ha require a temporal resolution of about 5 min and a spatial resolution of about 3 km. For urban catchments of the order of 100 ha, it becomes a resolution of about 3 min and 2 km, that common operational networks or radars cannot provide. These results complement the scarce recommendations on resolution of rainfall for urban hydrology reported in the literature.
We investigate the potential of radio links such as employed by commercial cellular communication companies to monitor path-averaged rainfall. We present an analysis of data collected using two 38-GHz links during eight rainfall events over a 2-month period (October¿November 2003) during mostly stratiform rainfall in the Netherlands. Comparisons between the time series of rainfall intensities estimated using the radio links and those measured by a nearby rain gauge and a composite of two C band weather radars show that the dynamics of the rain events is generally well captured by the radio links. This shows that such links are potentially a valuable addition to existing methods of rainfall estimation, provided the uncertainties related to the reference signal level, signal level resolution, wet antenna attenuation, and temporal sampling can be resolved
This paper proposes a new heuristic approach for distributed generation (DG) capacity investment planning from the perspective of a distribution company (disco). Optimal sizing and siting decisions for DG capacity is obtained through a cost-benefit analysis approach based on a new optimization model. The model aims to minimize the disco's investment and operating costs as well as payment toward loss compensation. Bus-wise cost-benefit analysis is carried out on an hourly basis for different forecasted peak demand and market price scenarios. This approach arrives at the optimal feasible DG capacity investment plan under competitive electricity market auction as well as fixed bilateral contract scenarios. The proposed heuristic method helps alleviate the use of binary variables in the optimization model thus easing the computational burden substantially.