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Abstract and Figures

Optimized body composition provides a competitive advantage in a variety of sports. Weight reduction is common among athletes aiming to improve their strength-to-mass ratio, locomotive efficiency, or aesthetic appearance. Energy restriction is accompanied by changes in circulating hormones, mitochondrial efficiency, and energy expenditure that serve to minimize the energy deficit, attenuate weight loss, and promote weight regain. The current article reviews the metabolic adaptations observed with weight reduction and provides recommendations for successful weight reduction and long term reduced-weight maintenance in athletes.
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R E V I E W Open Access
Metabolic adaptation to weight loss: implications
for the athlete
Eric T Trexler
, Abbie E Smith-Ryan
and Layne E Norton
Optimized body composition provides a competitive advantage in a variety of sports. Weight reduction is common
among athletes aiming to improve their strength-to-mass ratio, locomotive efficiency, or aesthetic appearance.
Energy restriction is accompanied by changes in circulating hormones, mitochondrial efficiency, and energy
expenditure that serve to minimize the energy deficit, attenuate weight loss, and promote weight regain. The
current article reviews the metabolic adaptations observed with weight reduction and provides recommendations
for successful weight reduction and long term reduced-weight maintenance in athletes.
Keywords: Weight loss, Energy restriction, Body composition, Energy expenditure, Metabolic rate, Energy deficit,
Weight maintenance, Uncoupling proteins, Mitochondrial efficiency
In a variety of competitive sports, it is considered advan-
tageous to achieve low levels of body fat while retaining
lean body mass. The metabolic effects of this process
have been given little context within athletics, such as
physique sports (i.e. bodybuilding, figure), combat sports
(i.e. judo, wrestling), aesthetic sports (i.e. gymnastics,
figure skating), and endurance sports. Previous literature
has documented cases of male bodybuilders reducing
body fat to less than 5% of total body mass [1,2], and
studies documenting physiological profiles of male wres-
tlers [3] and judo athletes [4] present body fat ranges
that extend below 5%. A study on elite female gymnasts
and runners reported an average body fat percentage
(BF%) of 13.72% for the entire sample, with subgroups
of middle-distance runners and artistic gymnasts aver-
aging 12.18% and 12.36%, respectively [5]. Elite female
runners have also reported percent body fat levels below
10% [6]. Energy deficits and extremely low levels of body
fat present the body with a significant physiological chal-
lenge. It has been well documented that weight loss and
energy restriction result in a number of homeostatic
metabolic adaptations aimed at decreasing energy ex-
penditure, improving metabolic efficiency, and increasing
cues for energy intake [7-9]. While the unfavorable endo-
crine effects of contest preparation have been documented
in male bodybuilders [1,2,10], anecdotal reports from phys-
ique athletes also describe a state in which metabolic rate
has slowed to an extent that exceeds the predicted magni-
tude, making weight loss increasingly difficult despite low
caloric intakes and high training volumes. Although such
reports could potentially be related to inaccurate dietary
reporting [11,12], these claims may be substantiated by a
number of metabolic adaptations to weight loss, including
adaptive thermogenesis [13-15], increased mitochondrial
efficiency [16-19], and hormonal alterations that favor
decreased energy expenditure, decreased satiety, and in-
creased hunger [1,2,10]. As a dieting phase progresses,
such adaptations may threaten dietary adherence, make
further weight loss increasingly difficult, and predispose
the individual to rapid weight regain following the cessa-
tion of the diet. Although data documenting the attain-
ment and recovery from extreme changes in body
composition is limited, the present article aims to investi-
gate the condition of metabolic adaptation described by
competitors and identify potential mechanisms to explain
such a phenomenon.
The endocrine response to an energy deficit
A number of hormones play prominent roles in the
regulation of body composition, energy intake, and en-
ergy expenditure. The hormones of the thyroid gland,
* Correspondence:
Department of Exercise and Sport Science, University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, 209 Fetzer Hall, CB# 8700, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-8700, USA
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Trexler et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2014, 11:7
particularly triiodothyronine (T3), are known to play an
important and direct role in regulating metabolic rate.
Increases in circulating thyroid hormones are associated
with an increase in the metabolic rate, whereas lowered
thyroid levels result in decreased thermogenesis and
overall metabolic rate [20]. Leptin, synthesized primarily
in adipocytes, functions as an indicator of both short
and long-term energy availability; short-term energy
restriction and lower body fat levels are associated with
decreases in circulating leptin. Additionally, higher con-
centrations of leptin are associated with increased satiety
and energy expenditure [21]. Insulin, which plays a cru-
cial role in inhibiting muscle protein breakdown [22]
and regulating macronutrient metabolism, is considered
another adiposity signal[23]. Similar to leptin, high
levels of insulin convey a message of energy availability
and are associated with an anorexigenic effect. Con-
versely, the orexigenic hormone ghrelin functions to
stimulate appetite and food intake, and has been shown
to increase with fasting, and decrease after feeding [24].
Testosterone, known primarily for its role in increasing
muscle protein synthesis and muscle mass [22], may also
play a role in regulating adiposity [25]. Changes in fat
mass have been inversely correlated with testosterone
levels, and it has been suggested that testosterone may
repress adipogenesis [25]. More research is needed to
delineate the exact mechanism (s) by which testosterone
affects adiposity. Cortisol, a glucocorticoid that influ-
ences macronutrient metabolism, has been shown to
induce muscle protein breakdown [22], and increased
plasma cortisol within the physiologic range has in-
creased proteolysis in healthy subjects [26]. Evidence
also suggests that glucocorticoids may inhibit the action
of leptin [27].
Results from a number of studies indicate a general
endocrine response to hypocaloric diets that promotes
increased hunger, reduces metabolic rate, and threatens
the maintenance of lean mass. Studies involving energy
restriction, or very low adiposity, report decreases in
leptin [1,10,28], insulin [1,2], testosterone [1,2,28], and thy-
roid hormones [1,29]. Subsequently, increases in ghrelin
[1,10] and cortisol [1,30,31] have been reported with en-
ergy restriction. Further, there is evidence to suggest that
unfavorable changes in circulating hormone levels persist
as subjects attempt to maintain a reduced body weight,
even after the cessation of active weight loss [32,33].
Low energy intake and minimal body fat are perceived
as indicators of energy unavailability, resulting in a
homeostatic endocrine response aimed at conserving en-
ergy and promoting energy intake. It should be noted
that despite alterations in plasma levels of anabolic and
catabolic hormones, losses of lean body mass (LBM)
often fail to reach statistical significance in studies on
bodybuilding preparation [1,2]. Although the lack of
significance may relate to insufficient statistical power,
these findings may indicate that unfavorable, hormone-
mediated changes in LBM can potentially be attenuated
by sound training and nutritional practices. Previous re-
search has indicated that structured resistance training
[34] and sufficient protein intake [35-37], both com-
monly employed in bodybuilding contest preparation,
preserve LBM during energy restriction. Further, Maestu
et al. speculate that losses in LBM are dependent on the
magnitude of weight loss and degree of adiposity, as the
subjects who lost the greatest amount of weight and
achieved the lowest final body fat percentage in the study
saw the greatest losses of LBM [2]. The hormonal envir-
onment created by low adiposity and energy restriction
appears to promote weight regain and threaten lean mass
retention, but more research is needed to determine the
chronic impact of these observed alterations in circulat-
ing anabolic and catabolic hormones.
Weight loss and metabolic rate
An individuals total daily energy expenditure (TDEE)
is comprised of a number of distinct components
(Figure 1). The largest component, resting energy ex-
penditure (REE), refers to the basal metabolic rate
(BMR) [8]. The other component, known as non-resting
energy expenditure (NREE), can be further divided into
exercise activity thermogenesis (EAT), non-exercise ac-
tivity thermogenesis (NEAT), and the thermic effect of
food (TEF) [8].
Figure 1 Components of total daily energy expenditure (TDEE).
BMR = basal metabolic rate; NEAT = non-exercise activity thermogenesis;
TEF = thermic effect of food; EAT = exercise activity thermogenesis;
REE = resting energy expenditure; NREE = non-resting energy
expenditure. Adapted from Maclean et al., 2011.
Trexler et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2014, 11:7 Page 2 of 7
Metabolic rate is dynamic in nature, and previous lit-
erature has shown that energy restriction and weight
loss affect numerous components of energy expenditure.
In weight loss, TDEE has been consistently shown to de-
crease [38,39]. Weight loss results in a loss of metabolic-
ally active tissue, and therefore decreases BMR [38,39].
Interestingly, the decline in TDEE often exceeds the
magnitude predicted by the loss of body mass. Previous
literature refers to this excessive drop in TDEE as adap-
tive thermogenesis, and suggests that it functions to pro-
mote the restoration of baseline body weight [13-15].
Adaptive thermogenesis may help to partially explain the
increasing difficulty experienced when weight loss plat-
eaus despite low caloric intake, and the common pro-
pensity to regain weight after weight loss.
Exercise activity thermogenesis also drops in response
to weight loss [40-42]. In activity that involves locomo-
tion, it is clear that reduced body mass will reduce the
energy needed to complete a given amount of activity.
Interestingly, when external weight is added to match
the subjects baseline weight, energy expenditure to
complete a given workload remains below baseline [41].
It has been speculated that this increase in skeletal
muscle efficiency may be related to the persistent
hypothyroidism and hypoleptinemia that accompany
weight loss, resulting in a lower respiratory quotient and
greater reliance on lipid metabolism [43].
The TEF encompasses the energy expended in the
process of ingesting, absorbing, metabolizing, and stor-
ing nutrients from food [8]. Roughly 10% of TDEE is at-
tributed to TEF [44,45], with values varying based on the
macronutrient composition of the diet. While the rela-
tive magnitude of TEF does not appear to change with
energy restriction [46], such dietary restriction involves
the consumption of fewer total calories, and therefore
decreases the absolute magnitude of TEF [41,46]. NEAT,
or energy expended during non-exercisemovement
such as fidgeting or normal daily activities, also de-
creases with an energy deficit [47]. There is evidence to
suggest that spontaneous physical activity, a component
of NEAT, is decreased in energy restricted subjects, and
may remain suppressed for some time after subjects re-
turn to ad libitum feeding [29]. Persistent suppression
of NEAT may contribute to weight regain in the post-
diet period.
In order to manipulate an individuals body mass, en-
ergy intake must be adjusted based on the individuals
energy expenditure. In the context of weight loss or
maintaining a reduced body weight, this process is com-
plicated by the dynamic nature of energy expenditure. In
response to weight loss, reductions in TDEE, BMR, EAT,
NEAT, and TEF are observed. Due to adaptive thermo-
genesis, TDEE is lowered to an extent that exceeds the
magnitude predicted by losses in body mass. Further,
research indicates that adaptive thermogenesis and de-
creased energy expenditure persist after the active weight
loss period, even in subjects who have maintained a re-
duced body weight for over a year [14,48]. These changes
serve to minimize the energy deficit, attenuate further loss
of body mass, and promote weight regain in weight-
reduced subjects.
Adaptations in mitochondrial efficiency
A series of chemical reactions must take place to derive
ATP from stored and ingested energy substrates. In aer-
obic metabolism, this process involves the movement
of protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane.
When protons are transported by ATP synthase, ATP is
produced. Protons may also leak across the inner mem-
brane by way of uncoupling proteins (UCPs) [49]. In this
uncoupled respiration, energy substrate oxidation and
oxygen consumption occur, but the process does not
yield ATP. Proton leak is a significant contributor to
energy expenditure, accounting for roughly 20-30% of
BMR in rats [50-52].
In the condition of calorie restriction, proton leak is
reduced [16-19]. Uncoupling protein-1 and UCP-3, the
primary UCPs of brown adipose tissue (BAT) and skel-
etal muscle [53], are of particular interest due to their
potentially significant roles in energy expenditure and
uncoupled thermogenesis. Skeletal muscles large contri-
bution to energy expenditure [54] has directed attention
toward literature reporting decreases in UCP-3 expres-
sion in response to energy restriction [55,56]. Decreased
UCP-3 expression could potentially play a role in de-
creasing energy expenditure, and UCP-3 expression has
been negatively correlated with body mass index and
positively correlated with metabolic rate during sleep
[57]. Despite these correlations, more research is needed
to determine the function and physiological relevance of
UCP-3 [58], as contradictory findings regarding UCP-3
and weight loss have been reported [18].
Uncoupling Protein-1 appears to play a pivotal role in
the uncoupled thermogenic activity of BAT [59]. Energy
restriction has been shown to decrease BAT activation
[60] and UCP-1 expression [61], indicating an increase
in metabolic efficiency. Along with UCP-1 expression,
thyroid hormone and leptin affect the magnitude of
uncoupled respiration in BAT. Thyroid hormone (TH)
and leptin are associated with increased BAT activation,
whereas glucocorticoids oppose the BAT-activating func-
tion of leptin [59]. Evidence indicates that TH plays a
prominent role in modulating the magnitude of proton
leak [53], with low TH levels associated with decreased
proton leak [62]. The endocrine response to energy re-
striction, including increased cortisol and decreased TH
and leptin [1,10,28-31], could potentially play a regula-
tory role in uncoupled respiration in BAT. It is not clear
Trexler et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2014, 11:7 Page 3 of 7
if decreases in proton leak and UCP expression persist
until weight reverts to baseline, but there is evidence to
suggest a persistent adaptation [19,55,56], which mirrors
the persistent downregulation of TH and leptin [32,33].
Changes observed in proton leak, UCP expression, and
circulating hormones appear to influence metabolic effi-
ciency and energy expenditure. In the context of energy
restriction, the observed changes are likely to make
weight loss increasingly challenging and promote weight
regain. It has been reported that females have more BAT
than males [63], and that energy-restricted female rats
see greater decreases in BAT mass and UCP-1 than
males [64], indicating a potential sex-related difference
in uncoupled respiration during weight loss. Subjects
identified as diet-resistantshow decreased proton leak
and UCP-3 expression compared to diet-responsive
subjects during maintenance of a reduced bodyweight
[65]. More research is needed to determine if these dif-
ferential responses to hypocaloric diets make sustained
weight loss more difficult for females and certain predis-
posed diet-resistantindividuals. While future research
may improve our understanding of the magnitude and
relative importance of mitochondrial adaptations to en-
ergy restriction, current evidence suggests that increased
mitochondrial efficiency, and a decline in uncoupled res-
piration, might serve to decrease the energy deficit in
hypocaloric conditions, making weight maintenance and
further weight reduction more challenging.
Practical applications for weight loss in athletes
Hypocaloric diets induce a number of adaptations that
serve to prevent further weight loss and conserve energy.
It is likely that the magnitude of these adaptations are
proportional to the size of the energy deficit, so it is rec-
ommended to utilize the smallest possible deficit that
yields appreciable weight loss. This may decrease the
rate of weight loss, but attenuate unfavorable adapta-
tions that challenge successful reduction of fat mass.
Weight reduction should be viewed as a stepwise
process in this context; as weight loss begins to plateau,
energy intake or expenditure should be adjusted to
re-opentheenergydeficit.Large caloric deficits are
also likely to induce greater losses of LBM [66,67] and
compromise athletic performance and recovery [68,69],
which are of critical importance to athletes. Participation
in a structured resistance training program [34] and suffi-
cient protein intake [35-37] are also likely to attenuate
losses in LBM. Additionally, high protein diets (25%
PRO) are associated with increased satiety and thermo-
genesis, making them a better option for the calorie-
restricted athlete [70].
In the world of physique sports, periodic refeeding
has become common in periods of extended dieting. A
refeed consists of a brief overfeeding period in which
caloric intake is raised slightly above maintenance levels,
and the increase in caloric intake is predominantly
achieved by increasing carbohydrate consumption. While
studies have utilized refeeding protocols that last three
days [71,72], physique athletes such as bodybuilders and
figure competitors often incorporate 24-hour refeeds,
once or twice per week. The proposed goal of periodic
refeeding is to temporarily increase circulating leptin and
stimulate the metabolic rate. There is evidence indicating
that leptin is acutely responsive to short-term overfeed-
ing [72], is highly correlated with carbohydrate intake
[71,73], and that pharmacological administration of lep-
tin reverses many unfavorable adaptations to energy re-
striction [33]. While interventions have shown acute
increases in leptin from short-term carbohydrate over-
feeding, the reported effect on metabolic rate has been
modest [71]. Dirlewanger et al. reported a 7% increase in
TDEE; this increase amounts to approximately 138 kilo-
calories of additional energy expenditure, of which 36
kilocalories can be attributed to the thermic effect of
carbohydrate intake [71]. More research is needed to de-
termine if acute bouts of refeeding are an efficacious
strategy for improving weight loss success during pro-
longed hypocaloric states. A theoretical model of meta-
bolic adaptation and potential strategies to attenuate
adaptations is presented in Figure 2.
In the period shortly after cessation of a restrictive
diet, body mass often reverts toward pre-diet values
[29,74,75]. This body mass is preferentially gained as fat
mass, in a phenomenon known as post-starvation obes-
ity [29]. While many of the metabolic adaptations to
weight loss persist, a dramatic increase in energy intake
results in rapid accumulation of fat mass. It is common
for individuals to overshoottheir baseline level of body
fat, and leaner individuals (including many athletes) may
be more susceptible to overshooting than obese individ-
uals [74,75]. In such a situation, the individual may
increase body fat beyond baseline levels, yet retain a
metabolic rate that has yet to fully recover. There is evi-
dence to suggest that adipocyte hyperplasia may occur
early in the weight-regain process [76], and that repeated
cycles of weight loss and regain by athletes in sports
with weight classes are associated with long-term weight
gain [77]. Therefore, athletes who aggressively diet for a
competitive season and rapidly regain weight may find it
more challenging to achieve optimal body composition
in subsequent seasons.
To avoid rapid fat gain following the cessation of a
diet, reverse dietinghas also become popular among
physique athletes. Such a process involves slowly in-
creasing caloric intake in a stepwise fashion. In theory,
providing a small caloric surplus might help to restore
circulating hormone levels and energy expenditure
toward pre-diet values, while closely matching energy
Trexler et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2014, 11:7 Page 4 of 7
intake to the recovering metabolic rate in an effort to re-
duce fat accretion. Ideally, such a process would eventu-
ally restore circulating hormones and metabolic rate to
baseline levels while avoiding rapid fat gain. While anec-
dotal reports of successful reverse dieting have led to an
increase in its popularity, research is needed to evaluate
its efficacy.
Although there is a substantial body of research on
metabolic adaptations to weight loss, the majority of the
research has utilized animal models or subjects that
are sedentary and overweight/obese. Accordingly, the
current article is limited by the need to apply this data
to an athletic population. If the adaptations described in
obese populations serve to conserve energy and attenu-
ate weight loss as a survival mechanism, one might
speculate that the adaptations may be further augmented
in a leaner, more highly active population. Another limi-
tation is the lack of research on the efficacy of periodic
refeeding or reverse dieting in prolonged weight reduc-
tion, or in the maintenance of a reduced bodyweight.
Until such research is available, these anecdotal methods
can only be evaluated from a mechanistic and theoretical
Weight loss is a common practice in a number of sports.
Whether the goal is a higher strength-to-mass ratio,
improved aesthetic presentation, or more efficient loco-
motion, optimizing body composition is advantageous to
a wide variety of athletes. As these athletes create an en-
ergy deficit and achieve lower body fat levels, their
weight loss efforts will be counteracted by a number
of metabolic adaptations thatmaypersistthroughout
weight maintenance. Changes in energy expenditure,
Figure 2 A theoretical model of metabolic adaptation and potential strategies to attenuate adaptations. A/A/T hormones = Anabolic,
Anorexigenic, and Thermogenic hormones; O/C hormones =Orexigenic and Catabolic hormones. Dotted lines represent inhibition.
Trexler et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2014, 11:7 Page 5 of 7
mitochondrial efficiency, and circulating hormone con-
centrations work in concert to attenuate further weight
loss and promote the restoration of baseline body mass.
Athletes must aim to minimize the magnitude of these
adaptations, preserve LBM, and adequately fuel perform-
ance and recovery during weight reduction. To accom-
plish these goals, it is recommended to approach weight
loss in a stepwise, incremental fashion, utilizing small en-
ergy deficits to ensure a slow rate of weight loss. Partici-
pation in a structured resistance training program and
adequate protein intake are also imperative. More re-
search is needed to verify the efficacy of periodic refeed-
ing and reverse dieting in supporting prolonged weight
reduction and attenuating post-diet fat accretion.
BAT: Brown adipose tissue; BF%: Body fat percentage; BMR: Basal metabolic
rate; EAT: Exercise activity the rmoge nesis; LBM: Le an body mass;
NEAT: Non-exercise activity thermogenesis; NREE: Non-resting energy
expenditure; REE: Resting energy expenditure; TDEE: Total daily energy
expenditure; TEF: Thermic effect of food; TH: Thyroid Hormone;
T3: Triiodothyronine; UCP: Uncoupling protein.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
ETT conceived of the review topic and drafted the manuscript. AES
conceived, drafted and revised the manuscript. LEN helped to draft and
revise the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Author details
Department of Exercise and Sport Science, University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, 209 Fetzer Hall, CB# 8700, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-8700, USA.
BioLayne LLC, Tampa, FL, USA.
Received: 18 December 2013 Accepted: 20 February 2014
Published: 27 February 2014
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Cite this article as: Trexler et al.:Metabolic adaptation to weight loss:
implications for the athlete. Journal of the International Society of Sports
Nutrition 2014 11:7.
Trexler et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2014, 11:7 Page 7 of 7
... Furthermore, athletes with a low body fat percentage may require additional increases in energy intake to compensate for a higher RMR, relative to body weight, if attempting to increase body mass. Conversely, previous research has indicated that a low body fat percentage, often a result of a prolonged energy deficit, may result in numerous physiological and metabolic adaptations, which may suppress energy expenditure as a reflection of improved metabolic efficiency and compensate for low energy intake [5,6]. Therefore, athletes with a lower body fat percentage may exhibit lower, or suppressed, RMR values, even after accounting for differences in body mass and FFM. ...
... For both male and female athletes, when expressed relative to body weight, athletes in the highest RMR group had the lowest BF% values compared to the low group, suggesting a higher metabolic activity per kilogram of body weight, potentially contributing to a lower BF%. This finding is contradictory to the theory [5] that low BF% may elicit a metabolic adaptation in athletes leading to suppressed metabolic activity. However, it is possible the BF% values in the current study were not low enough to elicit this metabolic adaptation. ...
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The purpose of the study was to examine differences in body fat percentage (BF%) across groups stratified by resting metabolic rate (RMR) when normalized to body weight. National Collegiate Athletic Association Division III athletes (n = 190; Age: 19.8 ± 1.4 year; Body Mass: 79.3 ± 20.2 kg; Height: 175.0 ± 9.3 cm, Body Mass Index: 25.6 ± 4.9 kg/m2) participated in this cross-sectional mixed cohort study. Body composition was assessed using air displacement plethysmography. RMR was assessed using indirect calorimetry. For each sex, tertiles were determined and used to create low, moderate, and high relative RMR groups as follows: low (M: <26 kcal/kg; F: <24 kcal/kg), moderate (M: 26.1–29.0 kcal/kg; F: 24.1–27.0 kcal/kg), and high (M: >29.1 kcal/kg; F: >27.1 kcal/kg). The mean ± standard deviation RMR for male and female athletes was 27.9 ± 3.2 and 25.9 ± 2.8 kcals/kg when expressed relative to body weight. When stratified by sex, males in the low RMR group had significantly higher BF% values than those in the moderate (mean difference, [95% confidence intervals]) (7.2, [2.4, 12.0] kcal/kg; p < 0.01) and high RMR groups (7.7, [2.9, 12.5] kcal/kg; p < 0.001). Female athletes in the moderate RMR group had higher body fat percentages than those in the high RMR group (mean difference, [95% confidence intervals]) (5.8, [2.4, 9.2] kcal/kg; p < 0.01). Female athletes in the moderate relative RMR group had higher BF% values than those in the higher relative RMR group (3.3, [−0.1, 6.7] kcal/kg; p = 0.049). Both male and female athletes with a low relative RMR had a higher BF%.
... Indeed, several studies suggest links between problematic LEA, suppressed metabolic hormones, and suppression of RMR. The body has several regulatory systems for mitigating weight loss [119,120]. For example, leptin acts on the RMR indirectly by suppressing T3 and the activity of the sympathetic nervous system. ...
... Most reports characterizing body composition in amenorrheic and eumenorrheic female individuals indicate lower body mass and fat mass in the former group [19,53,86,109]. Whether this is an outcome of LEA, but eventually leads to issues including overcompensation (storage of extra energy as adipose tissue) to sudden increases in EA following a prolonged and/or severe period of LEA [119], remains to be elucidated. Importantly, the hormonal changes associated with long-term LEA are not favorable for maintaining healthy body composition. ...
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Low energy availability, particularly when problematic (i.e., prolonged and/or severe), has numerous negative consequences for health and sports performance as characterized in relative energy deficiency in sport. These consequences may be driven by disturbances in endocrine function, although scientific evidence clearly linking endocrine dysfunction to decreased sports performance and blunted or diminished training adaptations is limited. We describe how low energy availability-induced changes in sex hormones manifest as menstrual dysfunction and accompanying hormonal dysfunction in other endocrine axes that lead to adverse health outcomes, including negative bone health, impaired metabolic activity, undesired outcomes for body composition, altered immune response, problematic cardiovascular outcomes, iron deficiency, as well as impaired endurance performance and force production, all of which ultimately may influence athlete health and performance. Where identifiable menstrual dysfunction indicates hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis dysfunction, concomitant disturbances in other hormonal axes and their impact on the athlete’s health and sports performance must be recognized as well. Given that the margin between podium positions and “losing” in competitive sports can be very small, several important questions regarding low energy availability, endocrinology, and the mechanisms behind impaired training adaptations and sports performance have yet to be explored.
... Short-term (3-6 day) LEA exposures <30 kcal·kg -1 FFM·day -1 may alter bone metabolism, reproductive function, metabolic hormones (insulin, leptin), fat oxidation and resting metabolic rate (RMR) in some populations (4,5, 9,(13)(14)(15), but performance effects are either uninvestigated A C C E P T E D or unclear. This is important for athletes needing to implement acute strategies, as aforementioned. ...
Purpose To examine sex-based differences in substrate oxidation, postprandial metabolism, and performance in response to 24-hour manipulations in energy availability (EA), induced by manipulations to energy intake (EI) or exercise energy expenditure (EEE). Methods In a Latin Square design, 20 endurance athletes (10 females using monophasic oral contraceptives and 10 males) undertook five trials, each comprising three consecutive days. Day one was a standardized period of high EA; EA was then manipulated on day two; post-intervention testing occurred on day three. Day two EA was low/high/higher EA (LEA/HEA/GEA) at 15/45/75 kcal·kg ⁻¹ FFM·day ⁻¹ , with conditions of LEA and HEA separately achieved by manipulations of either EI or EEE (LEA REST/EX vs. HEA REST/EX ). On day three, fasted peak fat oxidation during cycling and two-hour postprandial (high carbohydrate and energy meal) metabolism were assessed, alongside several performance tests: Wingate, countermovement jump (CMJ), squat jump (SJ), isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP), and the Stroop Color and Word Test. Results Highest peak fat oxidation occurred under LEA induced by exercise ( p < 0.01 ), with no difference between sexes. Postprandial glucose ( p < 0.01) and insulin ( p < 0.05) responses were highest across both sexes when LEA was induced by diet. Relative peak and mean power throughout the Wingate, alongside CMJ height did not differ between EA conditions ( p > 0.05 ), while SJ height was lower during GEA than both LEA REST ( p = 0.045 ) and HEA EX ( p = 0.016 ). IMTP peak force and the Stroop effect did not change with altered EA ( p > 0.05 ). Conclusions Acute (24-hour) exercise-induced LEA influenced fasted substrate oxidation more than diet-induced LEA, while 24 hours of LEA did not impair strength/power, sprint capacity, or cognitive performance. Finally, the responses to EA manipulations did not differ between sexes.
... Understanding how T3 and testosterone levels respond to acute changes in energy intake following a phase of energy restriction and low EA would clarify their responsiveness and assist physicians in accurately timing and interpreting these diagnostic measurements of problematic low EA in certain athletes. In addition, such insights would help discern whether the dietary practice of refeeding (2 days) in bodybuilding is efficacious for attenuating endocrine adaptations during ongoing energy restriction (25). ...
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Natural bodybuilding competitions involve periods of low energy availability (EA) combined with resistance training and high-protein diets to achieve extreme leanness. This study tracked a drug-free bodybuilder adopting evidence-based nutrition practices during 18 weeks of contest preparation. We measured endocrine function, resting energy expenditure, respiratory exchange ratio, body composition, resting heart rate, oral temperature, mood, and strength performance. Endocrine function was remeasured after 2 days of energy repletion. From baseline to week 18, free triiodothyronine (T3) and total testosterone (TT) fell into clinically low (2.7 pmol/L⁻¹) and sub-clinically low (9.1 nmol/L⁻¹) ranges. Resting energy expenditure decreased by −519 kcal (REEratio 0.78), and respiratory exchange ratio decreased from 0.95 to 0.85. Body mass reduced by −5.1 kg, with a sum of eight skinfold loss of −15.7 mm. Correlations were observed between body mass and decreases in oral temperature (r = 0.674, p = 0.002) and resting heart rate (r = 0.560, p = 0.016). Mood remained stable until the final 2 weeks and relative one-repetition maximum decreased in the squat (−5.4%), bench (−2.6%), and deadlift (−3.6%). Following 2 days of modest energy repletion, free T3 increased (18.5%), returning to sub-clinically low values (3.2 pmol/L⁻¹), whereas TT fell (−20.9%), reaching clinically low values (7.2 nmol/L⁻¹). These results offer insight into the dynamics of T3 and TT following a short-term period of modest energy repletion and further information on indicators of low EA during chronic energy restriction.
... This is in line with research conducted by Nurhasanah et al., (2022) that the majority of adolescents do physical activity which is classified as low (97.3%). Generally, while at boarding school, santri have little or no physical activity and 41.5% spend four or more hours per day sitting (Trexler et al., 2014). ...
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Obesity is one of the global health problems whose incidence is expected to continue to increase every year. Obesity in adolescents is caused by many factors including changes in lifestyle, physical activity, diet with food intake that exceeds the body's needs, improper eating behavior by consuming more fast food, packaged food, and food with unbalanced nutrients. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between macronutrient diet, fiber, and physical activity with the incidence of obesity at Nuris Jember High School. This method is an observational study with a case-control design. Sample selection using purpose sampling of as many as 81 respondents consisting of 27 cases and 54 controls. The research instruments used were weight measurement, height, SQ-FFQ form, and PAL. Data were processed using statistical applications using the chi-square test and if not eligible, the Fisher's exact test was performed with a significant value of p < 0.005. The results of macronutrient consumption patterns and physical activity have a significant relationship with the incidence of obesity (p <0.005). While the study could not analyze fiber consumption patterns due to homogeneous results, the existing findings provide a solid foundation for targeted nutrition education programs and public health strategies. This study concludes that there is a relationship between macronutrient consumption patterns and physical activity with the incidence of obesity. This conclusion underscores the importance of balanced diets and regular physical activity in preventing and managing obesity among adolescents.
... This model has gained trust for counseling behavior changes such as smoking cessation, dietary changes, alcohol reduction, and weight control [34]. Athletes often pursue weight loss to enhance the strength-to-mass ratio, locomotive efficiency, or aesthetic appearance, favoring reduced body fat while preserving lean mass [35]. Despite the necessity for adequate diets to maintain health and optimize growth and performance, many adolescent athletes follow fad diets instead of SNR. ...
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This study compared the effects of 12 weeks of intensive nutrition education (IE) using the 5A's behavioral change model and basic nutrition education (BE) on nutritional knowledge and nutrient intake among Korean adolescent athletes. This study included elite adolescent athletes (IE group: n = 65, BE group: n = 65) at a physical education high school in Seoul. In this prospective, randomized, controlled trial, the athletes' body composition, nutritional knowledge, nutrient intake, and self-management practices were evaluated at the beginning and end of the intervention. Both groups had increased levels of nutrition knowledge between pre- and post-test, but the change in total score for nutrition knowledge was significantly higher in the IE group than in the BE group (p < 0.001). Energy intake post-test increased significantly in the IE group (from 2,185 to 2,651 kcal/day, p < 0.001) but not in the BE group. The intake of carbohydrates, protein, and fat also increased significantly in the IE group (carbohydrates: from 298 to 352 g/day, protein: from 86 to 106 g/day, fat: from 71 to 88 g/day, all p < 0.001), but the change in the BE group was not significant. Additionally, the IE group showed a significant overall increase in vitamins and minerals compared to the BE group at post-test. Adolescent athletes in the IE group showed improved nutritional knowledge and intake compared to those in the BE group 12 weeks after the intervention.
... This phenomenon of metabolic adaptation is primarily attributed to alterations in hormone concentrations involved in regulating body composition, such as thyroid hormones, leptin, testosterone, and insulin, whose concentrations decrease, as well as cortisol and ghrelin, whose concentrations increase. These hormonal changes can persist even after successful weight reduction attempts [34,35]. ...
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Background: The main objective of the work was the analysis and description of data on body composition and resting energy expenditure (REE) values of selected groups of patients with obesity whose REE measurement results using indirect calorimetry reached a level below 95% of the predicted REE calculated using the Harris–Benedict (H–B) equation. The sub-goals were to describe the dependence of body composition on the size of the REE and to find out if the deviations between the number of the total measured REE and the REE calculated using H–B in the adapted group (patients with altered REE values, lower than expected caused by long caloric restriction) are significant. Methods: For the research, 71 (39 women and 32 men) patients treated in obesitology were selected. Patients underwent the measurement of resting metabolism using indirect calorimetry (IC) and body composition measurement on the bioimpedance device and, at the same time, the value of resting metabolism was calculated for everyone using the H–B equation. The whole group was divided into five groups according to the deviation of the measurement using IC and the calculation of the H–B equation. Results: In the total set of examined individuals, there were 32.4% with a reduced REE value compared to the REE calculation according to the H–B equation, which corresponds to 23 individuals. In the adapted group, the average measured REE was 2242 ± 616 kcal compared to the H–B calculation of 2638 ± 713 kcal. Statistically, these results were not significant, but a high case-to-case variation was found. The highest deviation from the H–B predictive calculation was −42% and +43% in the whole research group. The amount of muscle tissue in the adapted group averaged 44.3 ± 11.9 kg and the amount of fat-free mass (FFM) 77.9 ± 20.1 kg. When statistically testing the dependence of REE on FFM and muscle tissue in the adapted group, a strong correlation was found. Conclusions: The H–B equation alone is not suitable for setting a suitable diet therapy for an individual with obesity. In order to select and characterize a group of adapted individuals, it will be necessary to use other methods or a larger research sample, and preferably examine and divide patients with specific comorbidities or include their health status.
... Calorie deficits that achieve weight loss rates of 0.5-1.0% of BM per week are recommended to help preserve FFM while attempting to lose FM (30). If the goal is to maintain FFM, it is advisable to avoid rapid weight loss using an extreme caloric deficit because it may be detrimental to long-term health and desired body composition adaptations (e.g., increased/sustained FFM) (42,77). ...
Time-restricted eating (TRE) is an application of intermittent fasting where an individual consumes their calories in a specific eating window (e.g., 8 hours) followed by a prolonged fasting window (e.g., 16 hours). Several randomized controlled trials have analyzed the combined effect of resistance training (RT) and TRE on physical adaptations, including fat mass (FM) loss, fat-free mass (FFM) retention, hypertrophy, local muscular endurance, power, and strength. In this mini review, we highlight the methodology and results from these studies and conclude by providing practical application suggestions for fitness professionals striving to maximize RT + TRE with their clientele. Generally, RT + TRE leads to positive body composition changes, including FM loss and FFM retention, which culminates in improved body fat percentage. Similarly, RT + TRE consistently stimulates positive neuromuscular adaptations, such as increased hypertrophy, local muscular endurance, power, and strength. When positive changes are not observed, and when safely implemented, RT + TRE rarely confers negative effects on the abovementioned adaptations. In short, RT + TRE may be a beneficial dietary and exercise strategy to improve body composition and muscular fitness. However, there are several caveats for practitioners to consider, which are discussed at length in this article.
Doxorubicin (Dox) is an effective and commonly used anticancer drug; however, it leads to several side effects including cardiotoxicity which contributes to poor quality of life for cancer patients. Creatine (Cr) is a promising intervention to alleviate Dox-induced cardiotoxicity. This study aimed to examine the effects of Cr beforeDox on cardiac mitochondrial creatine kinase (MtCK). Male rats were randomly assigned to one of two 4-week Cr feeding interventions (standard Cr diet or Cr loading diet) or a control diet (Con, n = 20). Rats in the standard Cr diet (Cr1, n = 20) were fed 2% Cr for 4-weeks. Rats in the Cr loading diet (Cr2, n = 20) were fed 4% Cr for 1-week followed by 2% Cr for 3-weeks. After 4-weeks, rats received either a bolus injection of 15 mg/kg Dox or a placebo saline injection (Sal). Five days post-injections left ventricle (LV) was excised and analyzed for MtCK expression using Western blot and ELISA. A significant drug effect was observed for LV mass (p < 0.05), post hoc testing revealed LV mass of Con + Dox and Cr2 + Dox was significantly lower than Con + Sal (p < 0.05). A significant drug effect was observed for MtCK (p = 0.03) through Western blot. A significant drug effect (p = 0.03) and interaction (p = 0.02) was observed for MtCK using ELISA. Post hoc testing revealed that Cr2 + Dox had significantly higher MtCK than Cr1 + Sal and Cr2 + Sal. Data suggest that a reduction in LV mass and MtCK may contribute to Dox-induced cardiotoxicity, and Cr supplementation may play a potential role in mitigating cardiotoxicity by preserving mitochondrial CK.
Background: Sex is a recognized factor influencing physiological and biochemical changes in response to physical activity and nutrient intake. Dietary intake may impact athletic performance, including aerobic power. However, these effects may be sex-dependent. Aims: to evaluate pattern and adequacy of macronutrient intake; to evaluate predicted VO2max, and investigate potential correlations between macronutrients and aerobic power, stratified by sex. Subjects and Methods: A correlational design was employed, targeting recreational athletes. Participants (n = 52) were recruited using purposive sampling (aerobic dancers n = 15, runners n = 18, pesilat n = 10, badminton players n = 9). Three-day food records were collected and analyzed using the NutriSurvey application to determine dietary intake and macronutrient composition. Predicted VO2max was assessed via the Beep Test. The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Health Research Ethics Commission. Bivariate correlation analysis was conducted to explore associations between macronutrients and aerobic power. Results: Mean daily energy intake was 1,417.19 ± 56.12 kcal/day distributed as carbohydrate (46%), fat (40%), and protein (14%). The majority of participants (57.69%, n=30) demonstrated average VO2max, while the remaining 42.31% (n = 22) exhibited below-average values. Interestingly, a significant negative moderate correlation (r -.565 as p < 0.05) was observed between fat intake and predicted VO2max in females only. No significant correlations were identified between carbohydrate or protein intake and predicted VO2max for either sex. Conclusion: Despite consuming a low-carbohydrate, high-fat (LCHF) diet, participants maintained adequate energy intake. Notably, fat intake in females displayed a strong negative association with predicted VO2max. Keywords: Sports for all, public health nutrition, cardiorespiratory endurance, physical fitness.
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Objective: To investigate the endocrine profile, body composition, and state of mood in male Olympic athletes participating in sports that do or do not emphasize leanness. Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Research unit at a university hospital. Participants: Forty-four Swedish male Olympic athletes participating in 26 different sport disciplines. Main outcome measures: Body composition was determined by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry, and blood levels of steroid hormones and biomarkers of nutritional status were analyzed. In addition, states of mood were assessed employing the profile of mood states (POMS) test. The athletes were divided into 2 groups on the basis of whether their sporting discipline emphasized leanness or not. Results: In all subjects, body composition, hormone levels, and POMS scores were within normal ranges. However, the leanness athletes (n = 18) displayed significantly lower proportion of body fat (P < 0.01), higher spinal bone mineral density (P < 0.05), lower serum levels of free testosterone and leptin (P < 0.05), and higher serum levels of insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1 (P < 0.05) than nonleanness athletes (n = 26). Leanness athletes also had higher POMS scores for depression and anger, and a higher global POMS score (P < 0.05), the latter being positively correlated to the frequency of illness (r = 0.42, P < 0.01) before the Olympic Games. Conclusion: Although there were no indications of energy deficiency or endocrine disturbance in the leanness athletes, their higher POMS scores and frequency of illness may indicate the potential harmfulness of their pursuit of outstanding athletic performance.
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Dieting makes you fat - the title of a book published in 1983 - embodies the notion that dieting to control body weight predisposes the individual to acquire even more body fat. While this notion is controversial, its debate underscores the large gap that exists in our understanding of basic physiological laws that govern the regulation of human body composition. A striking example is the key role attributed to adipokines as feedback signals between adipose tissue depletion and compensatory increases in food intake. Yet, the relative importance of fat depletion per se as a determinant of post-dieting hyperphagia is unknown. On the other hand, the question of whether the depletion of lean tissues can provide feedback signals on the hunger-appetite drive is rarely invoked, despite evidence that food intake during growth is dominated by the impetus for lean tissue deposition, amidst proposals for the existence of protein-static mechanisms for the regulation of growth and maintenance of lean body mass. In fact, a feedback loop between fat depletion and food intake cannot explain why human subjects recovering from starvation continue to overeat well after body fat has been restored to pre-starvation values, thereby contributing to 'fat overshooting'. In addressing the plausibility and mechanistic basis by which dieting may predispose to increased fatness, this paper integrates the results derived from re-analysis of classic longitudinal studies of human starvation and refeeding. These suggest that feedback signals from both fat and lean tissues contribute to recovering body weight through effects on energy intake and thermogenesis, and that a faster rate of fat recovery relative to lean tissue recovery is a central outcome of body composition autoregulation that drives fat overshooting. A main implication of these findings is that the risk of becoming fatter in response to dieting is greater in lean than in obese individuals.
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After weight loss, changes in the circulating levels of several peripheral hormones involved in the homeostatic regulation of body weight occur. Whether these changes are transient or persist over time may be important for an understanding of the reasons behind the high rate of weight regain after diet-induced weight loss. We enrolled 50 overweight or obese patients without diabetes in a 10-week weight-loss program for which a very-low-energy diet was prescribed. At baseline (before weight loss), at 10 weeks (after program completion), and at 62 weeks, we examined circulating levels of leptin, ghrelin, peptide YY, gastric inhibitory polypeptide, glucagon-like peptide 1, amylin, pancreatic polypeptide, cholecystokinin, and insulin and subjective ratings of appetite. Weight loss (mean [±SE], 13.5±0.5 kg) led to significant reductions in levels of leptin, peptide YY, cholecystokinin, insulin (P<0.001 for all comparisons), and amylin (P=0.002) and to increases in levels of ghrelin (P<0.001), gastric inhibitory polypeptide (P=0.004), and pancreatic polypeptide (P=0.008). There was also a significant increase in subjective appetite (P<0.001). One year after the initial weight loss, there were still significant differences from baseline in the mean levels of leptin (P<0.001), peptide YY (P<0.001), cholecystokinin (P=0.04), insulin (P=0.01), ghrelin (P<0.001), gastric inhibitory polypeptide (P<0.001), and pancreatic polypeptide (P=0.002), as well as hunger (P<0.001). One year after initial weight reduction, levels of the circulating mediators of appetite that encourage weight regain after diet-induced weight loss do not revert to the levels recorded before weight loss. Long-term strategies to counteract this change may be needed to prevent obesity relapse. (Funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council and others; number, NCT00870259.).
Although brown adipose tissue in infants and young children is important for regulation of energy expenditure, there has been considerable debate on whether brown adipose tissue normally exists in adult humans and has physiologic relevance in this population. In the last decade, radiologic studies in adults have identified areas of adipose tissue with high 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) uptake, putatively identified as brown fat. This radiologic study assessed the presence of physiologically significant brown adipose tissue among 1972 adult patients who had 3640 consecutive 18F-FDG positron-emission tomographic and computed tomographic whole-body scans between 2003 and 2006. Brown adipose tissue was defined as areas of tissue that were more than 4 mm in diameter, had the CT density of adipose tissue, and had maximal standardized uptake values of 18F-FDG of at least 2.0 gm per mL. A sample of 204 date-matched patients without brown adipose tissue served as the control group. Using these criteria, positron-emission tomographic and computed tomographic scans identified brown adipose tissue in 106 of the 1972 patients (5.4%). The most common location for substantial amounts of brown adipose tissue was the region extending from the anterior neck to supraclavicular region. Immunohistochemical staining for uncoupling protein 1 in this region confirmed the identity of immunopositive, multilocular adipocytes as brown adipose tissue. More brown adipose tissue was detected in women (7.5% [76/1013]) than in men (3.1% [30/959]); the female:male ratio was 2.4:1.0 (P 64) (P 64 years) (P for trend = 0.007). These findings show that functional brown adipose tissue is prevalent in adult humans, and significantly more frequently in women. The inverse correlation of body mass index with the amount of brown adipose tissue, especially in older patients, suggests to the investigators a possible role of brown adipose tissue in protecting against obesity.
Unlabelled: Bodybuilding is a sport in which competitors are judged on muscular appearance. This case study tracked a drug-free male bodybuilder (age 26-27 y) for the 6 mo before and after a competition. Purpose: The aim of this study was to provide the most comprehensive physiological profile of bodybuilding competition preparation and recovery ever compiled. Methods: Cardiovascular parameters, body composition, strength, aerobic capacity, critical power, mood state, resting energy expenditure, and hormonal and other blood parameters were evaluated. Results: Heart rate decreased from 53 to 27 beats/min during preparation and increased to 46 beats/min within 1 mo after competition. Brachial blood pressure dropped from 132/69 to 104/56 mmHg during preparation and returned to 116/64 mmHg at 6 mo after competition. Percent body fat declined from 14.8% to 4.5% during preparation and returned to 14.6% during recovery. Strength decreased during preparation and did not fully recover during 6 months of recovery. Testosterone declined from 9.22 to 2.27 ng/mL during preparation and returned back to the baseline level, 9.91 ng/mL, after competition. Total mood disturbance increased from 6 to 43 units during preparation and recovered to 4 units 6 mo after competition. Conclusions: This case study provides a thorough documentation of the physiological changes that occurred during natural bodybuilding competition and recovery.
Numerous laboratory studies involving both animal and human models indicate that weight loss induces changes in leptin, ghrelin and insulin sensitivity, which work to promote weight regain. It is unclear, however, whether these biological changes serve as a biomarker for predicting weight regain in free-living humans in which biological, behavioral and environmental factors are likely at play. We identified 12 studies published between January 1995 and December 2011 that reported changes in leptin, ghrelin or insulin during intentional weight loss with a follow-up period to assess regain. Two of the nine studies examining leptin suggested that larger decreases were associated with great regain, three studies found the opposite (smaller decreases were associated with regain) while four studies found no significant relationship; none of the studies supported the hypothesis that increases in ghrelin during weight loss were associated with regain. One study suggested that improvements in insulin resistance were associated with weight gain, but five subsequent studies reported no association. Changes in leptin, ghrelin or insulin sensitivity, taken alone, are not sufficient to predict weight regain following weight loss in free-living humans. In future studies, it is important to include a combination of physiological, behavioral and environmental variables in order to identify subgroups at greatest risk of weight regain.International Journal of Obesity accepted article preview online, 26 June 2013; doi:10.1038/ijo.2013.118.
Understanding the metabolic factors that contribute to obesity development and weight loss success are critical in combating obesity and obesity related disorders. This review provides an overview of energy metabolism with a particular focus on mitochondrial function in health and in obesity. Mitochondrial proton leak contributes significantly to whole body energy expenditure and the potential role of energy uncoupling in weight loss success is discussed. We provide evidence to support the hypothesis that differences in energy efficiency are important regulators of body weight and weight loss success. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
An increase in the sensation of hunger and overeating after a period of chronic energy deprivation can be part of an autoregulatory phenomenon attempting to restore body weight. To gain insights into the role of fat and lean tissue depletion as determinants of such a hyperphagic response in hu- mans, we reanalyzed the individual data on food intake and body composition available for the 12 starved and refed men in the classical Minnesota Experiment after a shift from a 12-wk period of restricted refeeding to an ad libitum refeeding period of 8 wk. For each individual, the following were determined: 1) the total hyperphagic response during the ad libitum refeeding period, cal- culated as the energy intake in excess of that during the prestar- vation (control) period: 2) the degree of fat recovery and that of fat-free-mass (FFM) recovery before ad libitum refeeding, calcu- lated as the deviation in fat and FFM from their respective pre- starvation values (ie, the amount of fat or FFM before ad libitum refeeding as a percentage of fat or FFM during the control period); and 3) the deficit in energy intake before ad libitum refeeding, calculated as the difference between the energy intake during the period of restricted refeeding and that during the control period. The results indicate that 1) the total hyperphagic response is inversely correlated with the degree of fat recovery (r = -0.6) as well as with that of FFM recovery (r = -0.5), 2) the correlation between hyperphagia and FFM recovery persists after adjustment for fat recovery, and 3) the correlations between hyperphagia and fat recovery or FFM recovery persist after adjustment for the variance in the energy deficit during the preceding period of restricted refeeding. Taken together, these results in humans sug- gest that poststarvation hyperphagia is determined to a large extent by autoregulatory feedback mechanisms from both fat and lean tissues. These findings, which have implications for both the treatment of obesity and for nutritional rehabilitation after malnu- trition and cachexia, have been integrated into a compartmental model of autoregulation of body composition, and can be used to explain the phenomenon of poststarvation overshoot in body fat. Am J C/in Nutr 1997:65:717-23.
An excessive food supply has resulted in an increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity, conditions accompanied by serious health problems. Several studies have confirmed the significant inverse correlation between testosterone and obesity. Indeed after decades of intense controversy, a consensus has emerged that androgens are important regulators of fat mass and distribution in mammals and that androgen status affects cellularity in vivo. The high correlation of testosterone levels with body composition and its contribution to the balance of lipid metabolism are also suggested by the fact that testosterone lowering is associated with important clinical disorders such as dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome and diabetes. In contrast, testosterone supplementation therapy in hypogonadic men has been shown to improve the lipid profile by lowering cholesterol, blood sugar and insulin resistance. Leptin, ghrelin and adiponectin are some of the substances related to feeding as well as androgen regulation. Thus, complex and delicate mechanisms appear to link androgens with various tissues (liver, adipose tissue, muscles, coronary arteries and heart) and the subtle alteration of some of these interactions might be the cause of correlated diseases. This review underlines some aspects regarding the high correlations between testosterone physiology and body fat composition.