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The Giant Grape-Like Enterogenous Cyst Extending from the Upper Cervical Canal to the Ambient Cistern: Case Report and Literature Review

  • Carrington Neurosciences Institute
  • Institute of General and Endovascular Neurosurgery (IGEN)

Abstract and Figures

Objective and Importance: The authors report the first known case of a giant multiloculated grape-like enterogenous cyst extending from the upper cervical canal to the ambient cistern. Clinical Presentation/Methods: We report the case of a 40-year-old male who had a prior transmastoid craniotomy at an outside facility 14 months prior with an indeter-minate diagnosis, who presented to the University of New Mexico with recurrent headaches and nausea. Scans demon-strated a giant multiloculated cystic lesion in the right cerebellopontine angle that extended superiorly and inferiorly with brainstem compression and hydrocephalus. Intervention/Results: We took the patient to the operating room for a retrosigmoid suboccipital craniectomy for tumor resection. Post-operatively, the patient improved but required ven-triculoperitoneal shunting for continued communicating hydrocephalus. Conclusion: This is the first known case of a giant multiloculated grape-like enterogenous cyst extending simultaneously from the upper cervical canal to the ambi-ent cistern. Enterogenous cysts should be considered on the differential diagnosis of giant grape-like lesions extending from the cervical canal to the prepontine cistern.
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Open Journal of Modern Neurosurgery, 2013, 3, 48-51 Published Online July 2013 (
The Giant Grape-Like Enterogenous Cyst Extending from
the Upper Cervical Canal to the Ambient Cistern: Case
Report and Literature Review
Han Chen1, Paul E. Kaloostian2*, Franklin Westhout1, Shah-Naz Khan1
1Department of Neurosurgery, University of New Mexico Albuquerque, USA
2Department of Neurosurgery, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
Email: *
Received March 19, 2013; revised April 19, 2013; accepted May 3, 2013
Copyright © 2013 Han Chen et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Objective and Importance: The authors report the first known case of a giant multiloculated grape-like enterogenous
cyst extending from the upper cervical canal to the ambient cistern. Clinical Presentation/Methods: We report the case
of a 40-year-old male who had a prior transmastoid craniotomy at an outside facility 14 months prior with an indeter-
minate diagnosis, who presented to the University of New Mexico with recurrent headaches and nausea. Scans demon-
strated a giant multiloculated cystic lesion in the right cerebellopontine angle that extended superiorly and inferiorly
with brainstem compression and hydrocephalus. Intervention/Results: We took the patient to the operating room for a
retrosigmoid suboccipital craniectomy for tumor resection. Post-operatively, the patient improved but required ven-
triculoperitoneal shunting for continued communicating hydrocephalus. Conclusion: This is the first known case of a
giant multiloculated grape-like enterogenous cyst extending simultaneously from the upper cervical canal to the ambi-
ent cistern. Enterogenous cysts should be considered on the differential diagnosis of giant grape-like lesions extending
from the cervical canal to the prepontine cistern.
Keywords: Enterogenous; Giant; Cervical; Pre-Pontine; Grape
1. Objective and Importance
The authors report the first known case of a giant multi-
loculated grape-like enterogenous cyst extending from
the upper cervical canal to the ambient cistern.
2. Clinical Presentation
We report the case of a 40-year-old male who had a prior
craniotomy at an outside facility 14 months prior with an
indeterminate diagnosis, who presented to the University
of New Mexico with new onset headaches and nausea.
Scans demonstrated a giant multiloculated cystic lesion
extending from the upper cervical canal, into the cere-
bellopontine angle, and finally up into the ambient cis-
tern. This mass was causing brainstem compression and
obstructive hydrocephalus (Figures 1-6).
3. Intervention
We took the patient to the operating room for a retro-
sigmoid suboccipital craniectomy for tumor resection.
We identified at least 10 separate loculated compart-
ments filled with xanthochromic looking fluid that we
fenes trated and resected. The inferior portion attached to
the upper cervical cord and medulla was not resected.
Pathology demonstrated the presence of abundant mucin
secretion and glandular epithelium. CAM 5.2 highlights
the presence of abundant glandular epithelium. EMA was
also positive highlighting the presence of fibrotic under-
lying leptomeninges. CDX-2 was positive in this glandu-
lar epithelium. PAS positivity highlights the presence of
abundant mucin secretion and glandular epithelium (Fig-
ures 7 and 8). Post-operatively the patient improved
neurologically but required ventriculoperitoneal shunting
for continued communicating hydrocephalus and to al-
low for healing of his leaking wound (Figure 9).
4. Discussion
Enterogenous cysts, also known as endodermic or neu-
roepithelial cyst, are benign congenital lesions that were
first described by Puusepp in 1934 [1]. They arise from
*Corresponding author.
opyright © 2013 SciRes. OJMN
Figure 1. Post-operative CT scan after initial transmastoid
surgery at outside hospital showing minimal residual cyst
remaining. Diagnosis was not made from pathological
reports at that time.
Figure 2. Patient presents to our facility 14 months later
with recurrent symptoms and giant mass with brainstem
compression and obstructive hydrocephalus.
Figure 3. Diffusion MRI showing no restricted diffusion.
Figure 4. Coronal MRI post contrast showing this giant
grape-like mass with multiple different compartments.
Figure 5. Axial MRI post contrast showing this giant grape-
like mass.
Figure 6. Sagittal MRI post contrast showing this giant
grape-like mass.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OJMN
Figure 7. Histological analysis demonstrated presence of
abundant mucin secretion and glandular epithelium.
Figure 8. Histological analysis demonstrated presence of
abundant mucin secretion and glandular epithelium.
Figure 9. Post operative MRI showing complete resection
misplaced epithelium of the nasopharynx, re
and resolution of obstructive hydrocephalus.
spiratory tree,
known to contain clear, gelatinous,
differential diagnosis
[1] M. Puusepp, “ e, Sousdural de la
ujitsu, S. Yagashita, T. Ichikawa, Y.
or intestinal tract and are characterized by their simple
columnar, ciliated, or goblet cell epithelium [2]. They
develop during the third or fourth week of embryonic
development [2]. Only about 100 of these lesions have
been described in the world literature [3]. These lesions
are found in all age groups, although more commonly
diagnosed in young adulthood [4]. Most of these lesions
have been described to occur in the lower cervical spine
and thoracic spine in an intradural-extramedullary fash-
ion [5]. Intracranial enterogenous cysts are extremely
rare with most of them located in the posterior fossa. The
literature notes locations of cysts are as follows: within
4th ventricle [6], cerebellopontine angle [7], ventral
brainstem [8], cerebellar vermis [9], within the medulla
[10], and at the foramen magnum [11]. Supratentorial
cysts are exceedingly rare with only 20 cases reported
worldwide [12]. No previous reports of simultaneous
upper cervical spine to ambient cistern giant multilocu-
lated lesions have been described. Additionally, this le-
sion was very unusual in that it had at least 10 separate
loculated compartments that were distinct and separate
from one another.
These cysts are
ucoid or xanthochromic fluid [13]. In 1976, Wilkins
and Odon classified these lesions into three groups based
on their histological features. Type 1 cysts have a simple
or pseudo stratified epithelium that can be cuboidal or
columnar with or without cilia. Type 2 cysts have a more
complex epithelium with respiratory or gastrointestinal
tissues. Type 3 cysts are similar to type 2 cysts but also
have glial or ependymal cells [14].
For giant intracranial cysts, the
ould include glial tumors, epidermoid cysts, arachnoid
cysts, dermoid cysts, infectious cysts, colloid cysts, me-
tastatic tumors as well as enterogenous cysts. Treatment
of choice for these lesions is total surgical resection of
the cyst wall and drainage of the cyst contents. If the wall
is not resected, these lesions may recur [15]. In cases
where the wall cannot be completely excised due to dif-
ficulty separating arachnoid pial plane, partial resection
is recommended with connection of the loculations to the
subarachnoid space [16]. When partial resection is per-
formed, symptomatic recurrence is documented at 31 %
at 2 months to 14 years [17].
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to the Lower Brainstem,” Neurologia Medico-Chirurgica,
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Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OJMN
Vol. 46, No. 12, 2006, pp. 614-618.
[3] R. R. Sharma, R. R. Ravi, N. T. Gurusinghe, C. Coutinho,
A. K. Mahapatra, J. Sousa, et al., “Cranio-Spinal Entero-
genous Cysts: Clinic-Radiolgoical Analysis in a Series of
Ten Cases,” Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, Vol. 8, No.
2, 2001, pp. 133-139. doi:10.1054/jocn.2000.0792
[4] A. Perry, B. W. Scheitauer, B. W. Zaias and H. V. Mi-
nassian, “Aggressive Enterogenous Cyst with Extensive
Craniospinal Spread: Case Report,” Neurosurgery, Vol.
44, No. 2, 1999, pp. 401-404.
medullary En-[5] W. I. Silvernail Jr. and R. Brown, “Intra
terogenous Cyst,” Journal of Neurosurgery, Vol. 20, No.
2, 1972, pp. 235-238. doi:10.3171/jns.1972.36.2.0235
[6] F. Afshar and C. L. Scholtz, “Enterogenous Cyst of the
Fourth Ventricle,” Journal of Neurosurgery, Vol. 54, No.
6, 1981, pp. 836-838. doi:10.3171/jns.1981.54.6.0836
[7] S. Ito, S. Fujiwara, K. Mizoi, T. Namiki and T. Yosimoto,
“Enterogenous Cyst at the Cerebellopontine Angle,” Sur-
gical Neurology, Vol. 37, No. 5, 1992, pp. 366-370.
[8] J. Lin, H. Feng, F. Li, Z. Chen and G. Wu,Ventral
Brainstem Enterogenous Cyst: An Unusual Location,”
Acta Neurochirurgica, Vol. 146, No. 4, 2004, pp. 419-
420. doi:10.1007/s00701-004-0227-2
[9] V. S. Mehta, C. Choudhary and R. Bhatia, “Neuroenteric
Cyst of the Cerebellum,” Potgraduate Medical Journal,
Vol. 60, No. 702, 1984, pp. 287-289.
[10] A. Zalatnia, “Neurenteric Cyst of the Medulla Oblongata
—A Curiosity,” Neuropediatrics, Vol. 18, No. 1, 1987,
pp. 40-41. doi:10.1055/s-2008-1052433
[11] H. Elmadbouh, S. F. Halpin, J. Neal, R. H. Hatgfield and
n, P. Brugieres and M. Djindjian,
M. D. Hourihan, “Posterior Fossa Epithelial Cyst: Case
Report and Review of the Literature,” AJNR, Vol. 20, No.
4, 1999, pp. 681-685.
[12] C. Christov, F. Chretie
“Giant Supratentorial Enterogenous Cysts: Report of a
Case, Literature Review and Discussion of Pathogenesis,”
Neurosurgery, Vol. 54, No. 3, 2003, pp. 759-763.
[13] C. O. Harris, M. S. Dias, D. L. Brockmeyer, J. J. Town-
send, B. K. Willis and R. I. Apfelbaum, “Neurenteric
Cyst of the Posterior Fossa: Cognition, Management, and
Embryogenesis,” Neurosurgery, Vol. 29, No. 6, 1991, pp.
893-897. doi:10.1227/00006123-199112000-00015
[14] R. H. Wilkins and G. L. Odon, “Spinal Intradural Cyst.
n, B. Kendall and M. Pires, “In-
Tumors of the Spine and Spinal Cord, Part II,” In: Hand-
book of Clinical Neurology, Vol. 20, North Holland, New
York, 1976, pp. 55-102.
[15] G. P. Malcolm, L. Symo
tracranial Neurenteric Cyst. Report of Two Cases,” Jour-
nal of Neurosurgery, Vol. 75, No. 1, 199, pp. 115-120.
[16] G. Beijani, D. C. Wright, D. Schessel and L. N. Sekhar,
“Endodermal Cysts of the Posterior Fossa. Report of
Three Cases and Review of the Literature,” Journal of
Neurosurgery, Vol. 89, No. 2, 1998, pp. 326-335.
[17] R. Perrini, S. A. Rutherford, A. T. King, D. Plessis and N.
Lorenzo, “Enterogenous Cysts of the Cerebellopontine
Angle: Short Review Illustrated by Two New Patients,”
Acta Neurochirurgica, Vol. 150, No. 2, 2008, pp. 177-
184. doi:10.1007/s00701-007-1483-8
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A case of enterogenous cyst at the cerebellopontine (CP) angle is reported. A review of the literature yielded only seven cases of intracranial enterogenous cysts, and our case is the first one arising at the CP angle. The histological features, pathogenesis, and radiological and auditory brain stem response findings are discussed.
✓ A case of a benign cyst within the fourth ventricle is described. The histology of the cyst wall lining resembled that of an enterogenous cyst of the spinal cord. The relationship between this cyst, colloid cysts of the third ventricle, and enterogenous cysts of the spinal cord is discussed.
The case of a cerebellopontine angle enterogenous cyst is presented in a 30 year old patient. This very rare tumour and its highly unusual localisation raises questions in relation to its embryogenesis. The literature is reviewed and 3 previously reported cases of endodermal cysts located in the posterior fossa and away from the midline are discussed.
Within a three month period two patients were admitted to the same medical ward with recurrent meningitis; their case reports, together with that of a patient admitted in 1970, and a discussion of posttraumatic meningitis (PTM) are presented.
The authors present an intracranial enterogenous cyst of the fourth ventricle in a Chinese woman having symptoms of headache, dizziness and vertigo for approximately six months. A computerized tomography study of the brain disclosed a low density lesion within the fourth ventricle. A cystic tumor was completely removed and a histopathological examination diagnosed it is an enterogenous cyst; a rare lesion. During the post-operative follow-up, her symptoms gradually resolved and she was free of complaints within two years.
Neurenteric cysts are endothelium-lined structures most commonly encountered in the lower cervical or upper thoracic spinal cord. The occurrence of neurenteric cysts within the cranial vault is unusual. We present three patients with neurenteric cysts located within the posterior fossa: one near the jugular foramen deforming the 4th ventricle, a second in the cerebellopontine angle, and a third in the prepontine cistern. Several different theories have been advanced to explain the embryogenesis of neurenteric cysts. We review these theories and conclude that cranial neurenteric cysts may arise from a disturbance of early gastrulation, shortly after the onset of primitive streak regression.
Two cases of intracranial neurenteric cysts are reported and the literature is reviewed. Neurenteric cysts are rare congenital lesions that tend to occur in the spinal intradural space. An intracranial location is exceptional.
A case of a newborn infant with a complex cerebral malformation, including a neurenteric cyst of medulla oblongata is presented. This localization is extremely rare, only one such case has been reported in the world literature. Other cerebral malformations were spina bifida posterior with cervico-dorsal dysraphia, cerebellar hypoplasy, cervico-dorsal cystic meningocele and hydrocephalus. The etiology of this complex malformation remained unknown.
Intracranial neuroenteric cysts are rarely encountered and no more than 13 cases have been reported in the literature. This paper reports another case located in the cerebellum. These occur mostly in adults and there is no typical clinical presentation. The computed tomographic scan shows them as low attenuating lesions with no peripheral contrast enhancement. These cysts are believed to be developmental in origin.