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Abstract and Figures

Methane (CH4) is an important element of the biogeochemical carbon cycle. Methanogenic Archaea are strict anaerobes able to survive in dry and oxic soils, but not in liquid or agar slurry. Little is known about the mechanisms of their survival. The aim of this paper is to study the methanogenic potential of mineral soils stored as air-dry over 20 years. We tested the hypothesis that the recovery of CH4 formation is strongly associated with soil textures. Samples of 16 mineral topsoils characterized by various Corg, pH and particle size distribution (PSD), and stored under air-dry conditions over 20 years were flooded with: i) water and incubated in N2 atmosphere, or ii) with glucose solution without headspace gas exchange and incubated for 132 days. Gases were measured chromatographically, PSD by laser diffraction method. Microbial activity was restored in all tested soils, and CH4 and CO2 production started within a few days or weeks after flooding, depending on soil properties and incubation conditions. The glucose amendment resulted in a 2.8-fold increase in the total CH4 and CO2 release. However, in the presence of glucose, methanogens in three soils were outcompeted by other microorganisms, and required a long 132-d lag phase or did not start CH4 production at all. The CH4 positively correlated with the finer soil fractions, especially with fine silt and clay, while negatively with medium and coarse sand fractions. Consequently, silt loam soils showed approximately 5 and 2.5 times higher CH4 production, than soils with coarser textures (sand and sandy loam soils, respectively). In contrast, CO2 production was not influenced by soil texture. The Corg andmoisture retention in dry soils showed even stronger correlations with CH4 and CO2, except for CH4 released in the presence of glucose, where correlations with PSD were strongest. Most soil properties were associated with the first principal component (PC1), which explained 58.1% of the qualitative differences between the compared soils. The results stressed the significance of the inherent soil properties in determining the persistence of microorganisms responsible for CH4 and CO2 production over long storage in air-dry conditions. In fact, all analysed soil properties are related to each other and create specific habitats which allow microorganisms to persist in unfavourable conditions. Anaerobic incubations without C amendment resulted in CH4 production in all tested soils, while in some glucose enriched sand or sandy loam soils methanogens were outcompeted by other microorganisms.
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Małgorzata BRZEZIŃSKA1, Emilia URBANEK2, Paweł SZARLIP1,
1 Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 20-290 Lublin, Doświadczalna 4, Poland;
2 Department of Geography, Swansea University, Singleton Park, SA2 8PP, Swansea, UK,
Abstract: Methane (CH4) is an important element of the biogeochemical carbon cycle. Methanogenic
Archaea are strict anaerobes able to survive in dry and oxic soils, but not in liquid or agar slurry. Little is
known about the mechanisms of their survival. The aim of this paper is to study the methanogenic
potential of mineral soils stored as air-dry over 20 years. We tested the hypothesis that the recovery of
CH4 formation is strongly associated with soil textures. Samples of 16 mineral topsoils characterized by
various Corg, pH and particle size distribution (PSD), and stored under air-dry conditions over 20 years
were flooded with: i) water and incubated in N2 atmosphere, or ii) with glucose solution without
headspace gas exchange and incubated for 132 days. Gases were measured chromatographically, PSD by
laser diffraction method. Microbial activity was restored in all tested soils, and CH4 and CO2 production
started within a few days or weeks after flooding, depending on soil properties and incubation conditions.
The glucose amendment resulted in a 2.8-fold increase in the total CH4 and CO2 release. However, in the
presence of glucose, methanogens in three soils were outcompeted by other microorganisms, and required a
long 132-d lag phase or did not start CH4 production at all. The CH4 positively correlated with the finer soil
fractions, especially with fine silt and clay, while negatively with medium and coarse sand fractions.
Consequently, silt loam soils showed approximately 5 and 2.5 times higher CH4 production, than soils with
coarser textures (sand and sandy loam soils, respectively). In contrast, CO2 production was not influenced by
soil texture. The Corg and moisture retention in dry soils showed even stronger correlations with CH4 and
CO2, except for CH4 released in the presence of glucose, where correlations with PSD were strongest. Most
soil properties were associated with the first principal component (PC1), which explained 58.1% of the
qualitative differences between the compared soils. The results stressed the significance of the inherent soil
properties in determining the persistence of microorganisms responsible for CH4 and CO2 production over
long storage in air-dry conditions. In fact, all analysed soil properties are related to each other and create
specific habitats which allow microorganisms to persist in unfavourable conditions. Anaerobic
incubations without C amendment resulted in CH4 production in all tested soils, while in some glucose
enriched sand or sandy loam soils methanogens were outcompeted by other microorganisms.
Keywords: soils, methanogens, persistence in dry soils, soil properties, particle size distribution
Methane (CH4) is the second most important
greenhouse gas in the atmosphere after carbon
dioxide (CO2). Despite relatively low atmospheric
concentration of CH4 (1.782 ppm in 2006) and short
atmospheric lifetime, it accounts for up to 20-30% of
the global warming effect. Its global warming
potential is up to 40 times higher than CO2, mainly
due to much higher efficiency in trapping radiation
in the atmosphere (Shindell et al., 2009; Owens &
Xu 2011), therefore it is crucial to understand the
processes and factors affecting CH4 fluxes. About
80% of the total CH4 emitted to the atmosphere is
microbially produced during methanogenesis, by a
specific group of methanogens Archaea, in the
absence of free oxygen though anaerobic
decomposition of organic matter. CH4 is formed in
the last step of fermentation where methanogenic
Archaea consume products of activity of the larger
bacterial community including hydrolytic,
fermenting, syntrophic and acetogenic bacteria (Le
Mer & Roger 2001).
The ecology of methanogenic archaea is
complex and not all aspects of soil methanogenic
activity have been elucidated (Inubushi et al., 2003;
Hatano & Lipiec 2004; Xu & Inubushi, 2009; Angel et
al., 2011; Watanabe et al., 2011; Brzezińska et al.,
2012). Methanogenesis is traditionally regarded to
occur only in highly reduced, anoxic environments
such as wetland, rice field soils, mud colcanoes, and
landfills (Megonigal et al., 2004; Frunzeti et al., 2012;
Watanabe et al., 2011). However, low quantities of
CH4 are also produced under unflooded conditions in
various soils (Xu & Inubushi 2009; Angel et al., 2011;
Watanabe et al., 2011). CH4 consumption is conducted
by methanotrophs, the aerobic Proteobacteria.
Methanotrophy occurs under oxic conditions or at the
oxic/anoxic boundaries of soils or sediments (Conrad
2002) where CH4 arisen from methanogenesis or
atmospheric CH4 is consumed. Under experimental
conditions the same soil may produce or consume CH4,
depending on the soil air-water and oxygen status
present (Brzezińska et al., 2012).
CH4 fluxes are known to respond quickly to
seasonal soil moisture fluctuations and changes in
the groundwater level when soil conditions change
from oxic to anoxic (Gliński et al., 2011). Less is
known about the CH4 flux response to more extreme
changes and longer term dry oxic conditions or
flooding for typically aerated soils. According to
current climatic predictions, prolonged dry spells
and altered precipitation patterns causing flooding
will become a very common feature of the temperate
climate (Shindell et al., 2009; Owens & Xu 2011).
The effect of drying and rewetting will become even
more pronounced if soils become water-repellent
and the water infiltration into the soil becomes
restricted (Urbanek et al., 2007). The evermore
extreme oscillations of soil moisture predicted are
likely to alter the survival and activity of various
microorganisms (De Nobili et al., 2006).
Drying and rewetting of the soil is known to
change the soil status and influence the size and
activity of soil microbial populations (Clark &
Hirsch 2008; Chowdhury et al., 2011; Kim et al.,
2012), including methanogenic archaea (Conrad
2002). In environments with regularly occurring
prolonged dry conditions e.g. due to scarce
precipitation, native soil microbial populations
evolve to survive and reactivate in the rainy seasons
(De Nobili et al., 2006). Strict anaerobic bacteria
have the ability to survive under oxic conditions.
Lin et al., (2004) observed that the anaerobic
Geobacter sulfurreducens present in the anoxic
interior zones of soil aggregates, in otherwise oxic
soils, are periodically exposed to oxygen and are
able to tolerate it but become the predominant
microorganism once oxygen becomes limited. The
methanogens also have the ability to endure
desiccation, exposure to high levels of oxygen and
can survive for long periods of time in largely dry
and oxic soils (Liu et al., 2008) despite the fact that
they do not form spores or other resting stages
(Megonigal et al., 2004). Next generation molecular
techniques used in the recent study of Angel et al.,
(2012) revealed that methanogenic microorganism
are not only able to survive short-term oxic
conditions, but are actually globally ubiquitous in
aerated soils and become active once put under wet
anoxic conditions. The discovery of Angel et al.,
(2012) about the abundance of methanogens in
aerated soils raises the question whether soils with
certain specific soil properties have a higher
methanogenic potential than the others.
In the current study we hypothesise that the soil
texture maybe strongly affecting the methanogenic
potential of the soil. Specific particle size distribution
(PSD) in soils creates unique physical conditions
which affects soil structure, water relations, redox
reactions etc., and therefore acts as soil microhabitats
for diverse kinds of microbial biota. It is therefore
very likely that the microbial community structure
and consequently the methanogenic potential strongly
depend on the PSD (Li et al., 2007; Zhang et al.,
2007). In order to test the hypothesis, the
methanogenic potential of soils with different origin
and particle size distribution archived in dried
conditions for over 20 years have been tested. The
archived soils exhibit a very specific habitat for soil
microorganisms due to the lack of external organic
matter addition to the soil. Such isolation from water,
external sources of microbial life and SOM should
make the microbial activity in dry-stored soils more
depended on the inherent properties of the soil rather
than the environmental conditions.
2.1. Soils Description
Sixteen mineral soils, which represent the
main soil types in Poland, were selected for the
study (Bieganowski et al., 2013). The samples were
collected from the topsoil of various agricultural
sites in Poland, air-dried without sieving, and stored
for 23 years at room temperature (about 20oC). Prior
to further incubation trials, the air-dry soils were
sieved through a 2 mm mesh and basic soil
properties were determined. The soils represent a
wide range of textures, with the contents of sand, silt
and clay within 11.390.8%, 8.6776.0%, and 0.52
12.7%, respectively, the Corg from 0.49 to 2.64%,
and pH (in KCl) from 4.14 to 6.87 (Tables 1-2)
Table 1. Basic characteristics of the tested soils
Soil typea
(% w/w)
Eutric Cambisol
Eutric Cambisol
Eutric Cambisol
Eutric Cambisol
Eutric Cambisol
Eutric Cambisol
Eutric Cambisol
Eutric Cambisol
Eutric Cambisol
Dystric Fluvisol
Dystric Fluvisol
Dystric Fluvisol
Haplic Phaeozem
Haplic Podzol
Haplic Podzol
Mollic Gleysol
a soil type according to FAO; b Moist. moisture of
air-dry soils before flooding
2.2. The Incubation Experiment
To measure the methanogenic potential of the
soils, 10g samples of soil material were prepared in
60 cm3 glass vials (three replicates per soil and per
treatment), flooded with 10 ml of deionized water or
sterilized glucose solution, sealed with septa and
metal caps, and exposed to two treatments:
1) The N2-variant. Soil was flooded with
water and the headspace was flushed with N2 for
three minutes to remove O2. This treatment
represents the anaerobic conditions without
amendments of the carbon source, which in natural
conditions occurs with a sudden flooding of the soil
or extensive rainstorm with restricted gas exchange
between soil and the atmosphere.
2) The Glucose-variant. Soil was flooded with
glucose solution (5 mg glucose per gram of soil) and
the atmospheric O2 concentration was maintained in
the headspace. The treatment represents soil areas
with so called ‘hot spots’ which form around the
easily available organic matter (e.g. decaying roots).
The addition of easy available C source is expected
to accelerate oxygen consumption, necessary for the
activation of the methanogens.
The soils were incubated statically at 25°C in
the dark for 132 days with frequent measurements of
the concentration of the gases (CH4, CO2, O2).
Table 2. Texture classes and particle size distribution of tested soils - percentage of main fractions and subfractions (in mm)
Soil texture
Sand subfractions
0.05 0.002
Silt subfractions
< 0.002
sandy loam
silt loam
silt loam
silt loam
silt loam
silt loam
sandy loam
silt loam
silt loam
silt loam
sandy loam
silt loam
silt loam
a soil texture class according to USDA classification
2.3. Methods for determination of gas
concentration, PSD and other soil properties
The concentrations of CH4, CO2 and O2 in the
headspace were measured periodically with a
Shimadzu GC-2014 (Japan) gas chromatograph
equipped with a flame ionization detector (FID) for
CH4 measurements and a thermal conductivity
detector (TCD) for CO2 and O2. The detectors
responses were calibrated using certified gas standards
(Air Products) containing 20.9% O2 in N2, 10 ppm
CH4 and 1% CO2, or 4% CH4 and 10% CO2 in He.
Particle size distribution (PSD) was determined
using the Mastersizer 2000 (Malvern, UK) with a
laser diffractometer within the size range of 0.02 μm
to 2 mm (Ryżak & Bieganowski 2010). The laser
diffraction method involves measuring the intensity
of laser light scattered on the analysed particles.
Hydro G dispersion units were used with the pump
speed set at 1750 rpm and the stirrer at 700 rpm. The
soils were dispersed using ultrasound at 35W for 4
min. In case the obscuration exceeded 1020%, it
was lowered using the method described earlier. The
intensity of laser light registered on the particular
detectors of the measurement system was converted
to particle size distribution according to the Mie
theory, assuming the following values of the indices:
refraction index 1.52 and absorption index 0.1 for the
dispersed phase, and refraction index of 1.33 for
water as the dispersing phase (Ryżak & Bieganowski
2010; Sochan et al., 2012). Along with the sand, silt
and clay fractions (20.050, 0.0500.002 and < 0.002
mm, respectively), the percentage of subfractions
were determined (Table 2). The textural triangle of
the USDA classification scheme was used to
determine the texture classes of tested soils.
The moisture retained in the air-dry soils was
determined gravimetrically (24 hours at 105oC). The
Corg was determined by TOC-VCPH analyser
(Shimadzu, Japan), and soil pH was measured in 1M
KCl (1:2.5 w/w) after 24 h stabilization at room
temperature. All measurements were conducted in
triplicate and the results were expressed on an oven-
dry weight basis (105°C, 24 h).
2.4. Data Processing and Statistical Analysis
The total cumulative methane released over
132 days was used as a measure of the soil
methanogenic potential. Gases were expressed in
mg CH4-C kg1 and mg CO2-C kg1 dry soil; the O2
concentration in the headspace was presented as %
(v/v). The concentrations of the gases were
corrected for solubility in water by using published
values of the Bunsen absorption coefficient
(Glinski et al., 2011). The reading for the α
coefficient was made for the temperature of 25oC,
giving values of 0.029 and 0.829 for CH4 and CO2
respectively. The gas densities of 0.657 and 1.811
mg cm-3 for CH4 and CO2 respectively, were used
for calculation of the gas masses.
The statistical analysis was performed using
Statgraphics Centurion XVI and STATISTICA. An
analysis of variance (Fisher's LSD procedure) was
used to indicate the effect of soil texture classes
(sand, silt loam and sandy loam soils) and soil
conditions established during the incubations (in
the N2- or Glucose- variants) on CH4 and CO2
production. This test also provided information on
the significant factors affecting the methanogenic
potential for examined soils. Simple regression
procedures were performed to describe the
correlations between the produced gases (CH4 and
CO2) and the PSD, Corg, pH and moisture content
retained in the soils. Due to the significant
differences in gas concentrations for both variants,
which could otherwise have been misleading for
the interpretation of the results, only regression
analyses conducted separately for each variant have
been presented in the result.
The principal component analysis (PCA)
was applied to determine the main trends in the
data and the extent of differentiation of CH4 and
CO2 production with regard to different soil
properties. PCA allows the reduction of the
dimensionality of a large number of potentially
correlated variables with the least loss of
information. The PCs were calculated based on
the correlation coefficients matrix, with
eigenvalues greater than 1 being extracted. In the
PCA analysis, the following factors have been
included: CH4, CO2, pH, Corg, moisture retained in
archived soils, and six major PSD fractions
instead of all subfractions. The selection was
based on the results of the regression analyses
(shown in Table 4) and only the fractions with the
highest correlation coefficient were included.
3.1. CH4 and CO2 production during soil
All soils incubated with N2 in the headspace
and without any C amendments (N2-variant) express
some level of methanogenic potential (Fig. 1a).
A lag period before the onset of CH4 production
ranged from 14 days in Eutric Cambisol soils No. 6
and 9, to 121 days in Eutric Cambisol No. 4.. Most
soils start to CH4 release after 2030 days of
incubation. CO2 evolution from all samples starts
nearly immediately after incubation (Fig. 1b).
The highest microbial activity can be
observed in Mollic Gleysol No. 16 which, over the
whole incubation period, evolved 594.0 ± 18.5 mg
CH4-C kg1 and 637.2 ± 48.1 mg CO2-C kg1. The
lowest activity is shown by Eutric Cambisol No. 4
with 0.427 ± 0.33 mg C kg1 and 87.6 ± 5.86 mg C
kg1 of CH4 and CO2 produced respectively. Eutric
Cambisol No. 2 showed an unexpectedly low
production of CO2 (69.6 ± 1.66 mg C kg1), which is
even lower than the amount of CH4 (72.4 ± 0.96 mg
C kg1).
In most soils incubated in Glucose-variant,
CH4 production starts after a 21 to 90day lag period
with the total CH4 ranging from 400 to 863 mg CH4-
C kg1 (Fig. 1c). Despite the fact that some soils start
CH4 production more rapidly (e.g. Eutric Cambisol
No.6 and 9) the overall cumulative CH4 production
was not much different from other soils which show
much longer lag period (i.e. > 60 days in Haplic
Podzol No.14 and Eutric Cambisol No. 2).
Figure 1. Cumulative CH4 (a, c) and CO2 (b, d) over the incubation of 16 archived soils in N2-variant (left graphs)
and in Glucose-variant (right graphs). Inset in graph (d) - changes of O2 concentration in the soil headspace during
incubation with glucose (means ± SD, n = 3)\
However, only on the last incubation day can small
amounts of CH4 be observed in the Eutric Cambisol
No. 4 (5.925 mg CH4-C kg1), whereas no CH4 is
detected in two Eutric Cambisols (No. 1 and No. 3)
until the end of the incubation. A rapid increase in
CO2 in the headspace is observed in all tested soils
very soon after the start of the incubation (Fig. 1d).
The total released CO2 lies in relatively narrow
range for all soils (597 to 903 mg CO2-C kg1).
Oxygen concentration for most soils became low
within 1428 days of incubation. In two soils, O2
rapidly decreases below 1% (v/v) within 57 days
(Mollic Gleysol No.16 and Dystric Fluvisol No. 10),
while in soils No. 3 and 4 it remains above 1% (v/v)
for 77 days..All samples (except of soils No. 1 and
3) clearly show an increase in CH4 production once
the O2 levels become very low.
3.2. The effects of incubation conditions
and soil texture on the methanogenic potential of
archived soils
The methanogenic potential of archived soils
presented as the mean CH4 value from each
incubation variant (N2-, Glucose-) and texture class
(sand, sandy loam and silt loam) are presented in
Table 3. Both CH4 and CO2 concentrations are 2.8
times higher (statistically significant) in the
Glucose-variant compared to N2-variant.
As indicated by the F ratio, the effect of
glucose addition is much lower for CH4 than for CO2
concentration (F = 52.4 vs. F = 332.4).
The silt loam soils show the highest
methanogenic potential, which is approximately 5 and
2.5 times higher than in sand and sandy loam soils
respectively (P <0.001). In turn, the average CO2
production from silt loam soils is not significantly
higher than from both sandy loam and sand soils.
Table 3. Mean CH4 and CO2 values (± standard error) accumulated during 132-d incubations of soils flooded after long
storage. Two factor ANOVA (Fisher's LSD procedure) with F-ratios and P-values for both factors: experimental variant
determining incubation conditions and soil texture class (total n=96). Values within a column followed by the same letter
(for a given factor) do not differ significantly at P < 0.05.
CH4 (mg C kg-1)
CO2 (mg C kg-1)
Experimental variant
F=52.4; P < 0.001
F=332.4; P < 0.001
N2 -variant
174.2 ± 22.5 b
260.9 ± 22.8 b
Glucose -variant
489.9 ± 37.3 a
731.2 ± 12.0 a
Soil texture
F=24.1; P < 0.001
93.0 ± 40.2 b
406.2 ± 74.5 a
Sandy loam
179.1 ± 54.8 b
423.5 ± 64.7 a
Silt loam
449.7 ± 29.1 a
544.8 ± 31.2 a
3.3. The correlations between soil properties
and CH4 or CO2 release
The correlations between the methanogenic
potential and PSD, pH, Corg or moisture retention
after storage are presented separately for two
experimental variants in Table 4. For PSD, the
direction of the relationships depends on the size of
the particles in a given fraction, and is positive for
particles smaller than 0.10 mm, while negative for
particles larger than 0.10 mm. Comparing the
correlation coefficients (r) within particular
incubation variants, the highest positive coefficients
are observed for clay and fine silt fractions.
Table 4. Comparison of the correlation coefficients (r) obtained for CH4 or CO2 released vs. Corg, moisture and PSD
subsfractions (the ranges of subfractions given in mm) in soils incubated for 132 days in two experimental variants
(n = 48 for each variant). The data in bold represent the highest positive and the highest negative correlation coefficients
within a given column.
Soil characteristics
pH (KCl)
Moisture retention
PSD subfractions:
very coarse
very fine
< 0.002
*,**, *** significant at P < 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001, respectively; n.s. not significant;
The coefficient values range from r = 0.416 to
r = 0.720 and have higher values for fine silt in the
case of CH4 and for clay in the case of CO2. In turn,
the strongest negative correlations (except for CO2
in Glucose-variant) are found for CH4 and CO2 in
the coarse sand subfraction (in the range from r =
0.586 to r = 0.795).
In the N2-variant, the correlation coefficients
with the PSD are slightly higher for CO2 than for
CH4. In the Glucose-variant, positive correlation
between CO2 production and clay or fine silt are
found, but in case of other particles size fractions no
significant correlation can be detected. Only the very
fine sand subfraction (0.100.05 mm) is positively
correlated with CH4 production, while all larger sand
subfractions (> 0.10 mm) are negatively correlated
(negative r values). This very fine sand subfraction
is, however, included in some texture classifications
as a silt fraction.
A strong positive correlation (P < 0.001) is
detected between both CH4 and CO2 production and
Corg content, as well as the gravimetric water content
in air-dry soil samples (Table 4). The r values are
even slightly higher for samples incubated in the N2-
variant, than in the Glucose-variant. Correlation with
soil pH exists only for the CO2 production in the
3.4. Results of PCA analysis
The PCA generated three principal
components (PCs) that account for 88.3% of the
underlying variability. The first principal component
(PC1) with an eigenvalue of 7.56 explains 58.1% of
the variance and has a high positive loading for fine
silt, clay, Corg, moisture content, CO2 produced in
the N2-variant and CH4 produced in both variants
(Fig. 2a; Table 5).
Figure 2. The results of principal component analysis: PCA loadings (a) and scores (b) of all tested soils.
High negative loadings are obtained for coarse
and medium sand subfractions. The second principal
component, PC2 (eigenvalue of 2.56) explains 19.7%
of the variance and has a negative loading for CO2
produced in the Glucose-variant. The principal
subsequent component PC3 (eigenvalue of 1.36)
explains much less of total variability (10.5%), and
shows a positive correlation with pH (Table 5). Figure
2b illustrates scores for all tested soils. Positive PC1
scores are dominated by silt loam soils (e.g. Mollic
Gleysol No. 16, Eutric Cambisols No. 6 and 8),
whereas sandy soils (e.g. Cambisols No. 1 and 3) have
high negative PC1 scores. The Mollic Gleysol No. 16
is also characterized by high negative PC2 scores.
Since soil microbial populations have been
recently highlighted as a major players in the
regulating of major greenhouse gas emissions (e.g.
CO2 and CH4) (Owens & Xu 2011), it is important
to know how they will react to environmental
changes forecast by climatic predictions like
intensive drying or flooding.
Soil air-water conditions strongly influence
the physicochemical status of soil and regulate the
size and activity of soil microbial populations
(Stępniewski & Stępniewska, 2009; Brzezińska et
al., 2011a; Brzezińska et al., 2011b; Gliński et al.,
2011; Włodarczyk et al., 2011, The wetting of dry
soils represents an abrupt step change in soil
biophysical conditions, with critical implications for
biogeochemical cycling; it increases the availability
of soil water, rehydrates microbial cells, increases
microbial metabolism, and mobilizes nutrients (Kim
et al., 2012). De Nobili et al. (2006) reported on the
reactivation of aerobic microorganism’s respiration
in soils stored in air-dry conditions for up to 103
years, while Clark & Hirsch (2008) demonstrated
survival of microbial DNA in dry storage for more
than 150 years. Our study has shown that
methanogenic microorganisms are able to become
active in soils after 20 years of dry storage. The
methanogenic activity can be restored within a few
days or weeks following flooding.
Table 5. Loadings for each variable along PC1, PC2 and PC3 resulting from principal components analysis.
CH4 (N2-variant)
CO2 (N2-variant)
CH4 (Glucose-variant)
CO2 (Glucose-variant)
pH (KCl)
Moisture retained in dry soils
Very coarse sand (2.0-1.0 mm)
Coarse sand (1.0-0.5 mm)
Medium sand (0.50-0.25 mm)
Coarse silt (0.05-0.02 mm)
Fine silt (0.02-0.002 mm)
Clay (< 0.002 mm)
PC1, PC2 and PC3 first, second and third principal component, respectively; The
highest contribution of each variable is highlighted in bold characters
As can be expected, methanogenesis did not
occur immediately after exposure to anoxic
conditions, but a certain amount of time was
necessary for the microorganisms to respond. In
most soils, CO2 was present in the headspace nearly
immediately following incubation, while a lag
phase ranging from 14 to 132 days was observed
for CH4 production. It should be noted that in other
experiments reported in the literature, such a lag
period (14 days) has also been observed for soils
tested directly after sampling, i.e. incubated
without long storage (Angel et al., 2011;
Brzezińska et al., 2012).
The immediate presence of CO2 in the
sample headspace can be assigned to bacterial
respiration. Additionally, the CO2 presence at the
beginning of the incubation can be partly assigned
to the removal of gases accumulated in soil pores
during the dry storage time (Chowdhury et al.,
2011). The lag phase in the CH4 detection can be
due to time it takes for oxygen and potentially other
alternative electron acceptors to be depleted, as
well as the recovery and growth of the
methanogenic population (Angel et al., 2011). It is
also important to remember that the activity of
methanogenic microorganisms is strongly affected
by other microbial populations such as fermenting
bacteria, iron reducers, syntrophic bacteria etc. that
influence the availability of methanogenic
substrates (Conrad 2002). The activity of other
microorganisms may be especially important for
the recovery of methanogenic microorganisms in
soils exposed to dry conditions for longer periods
of time.
4.1. Influence of different incubation
variant on methanogenic potential
The response in CO2 and CH4 production in
our study was largely dependent on the characteristic
of the individual soil, but also the type of incubation
variant (N2- or Glucose-variant) which simulated
different environmental conditions. The quickest and
the highest response in CH4 and CO2 production was
observed in soils incubated with glucose, which
conforms to expectations as organic amendments are
well known for the stimulation of soil redox
transformations (Gliński et al., 2011) and
methanogenesis (Wang et al., 2013). Glucose
addition to the soil provides a highly labile substrate
for microbial respiration and glucose rather than the
native (more recalcitrant) soil organic matter present
in soil was preferentially used as a carbon source.
Stimulation of both CH4 and CO2 production was
about 2.8-fold greater as compared with the N2-
variant. The significance of this effect was much
stronger for CO2, because all tested soils followed
similar trend of the changes, while the CH4 response
to glucose addition was more diverse (Table 3;
Fig. 1). However, as regression analysis revealed,
native Corg strongly determined CH4 and CO2
release, especially in N2-variant, but also in the
Glucose-variant (Table 4). It is often considered that
native soil organic matter dominated by recalcitrant
forms of carbon is less accessible for the
microorganisms (Hooker & Stark 2001). However,
the observations made by De Nobili et al., (2006),
when investigating the microbial activity of soils
stored for 103 years, showed that the degradation
process of SOM during prolonged soil storage can
make soil carbon more bioavailable. The incubation
of soils with N2 in the headspace created anaerobic
conditions at the start of incubation, but soil organic
matter present in the soil (native) acted as the only
carbon source available for the microorganisms. It is
clear that the lack of an easily available carbon
source was one of the main limitations in the growth
of all microorganisms, when compared with the
glucose variant. Though, an important constraint
was also the deficiency of electron acceptors in the
soil as well as the effectiveness of the anaerobic
bacteria having survived the dry period to reproduce
and reactivate.
In general, CH4 production in the incubation
with glucose started later than in the N2-variant,
likely caused by the presence of oxygen at the
beginning of incubation. In most soils, CH4 release
began once the O2 concentration in the sample
headspace became very low (0.50.87% v/v).
Methane evolution in flooded soil has been reported
to start when O2 concentration dropped below 2.5%
v/v (Megonigal et al., 2004). In some soils incubated
with glucose however, CH4 production started just
before the end of the incubation or did not even start,
regardless of the low O2 concentration. This can
indicate that more time was needed to enable
methanogenic populations to overcome the
competition with other anaerobes.
4.2. Effect of soil properties on
methanogenic potential
There has been a clear variability in the
methanogenic potential of individual soils incubated
after long storage, which cannot solely be assigned
to the incubation variant. A clear significant
correlation has been found between CH4 and CO2
production and the PSD. In both experimental
conditions, the methanogenic potential was much
higher in silt loam soils than sandy loam and sand
soils (Table 3). Mean values of total CH4 production
in silt loam soil was approximately 5 and 2.5 times
higher than in sand and sandy loam soils
respectively. Meanwhile the mean total CO2
production in silt loam was only 1.3 times higher
than in coarse textured soils. Despite the fact that the
laser diffraction method used for PSD determination
may underestimate the content of the clay fraction, a
very strong positive correlation has been detected
between both CH4 and CO2 production and the
content of the finest particle fractions like clay and
fine silt (Table 4) (Dobrowolski et al., 2012).
Negative correlations were observed between CH4
and CO2 production and the sand subfractions. It is
therefore evident that the methanogenic potential
increases concurrently with fine soil particle content
and that they play an important role in protection of
methanogens over long, dry and oxic soil conditions.
Several mechanisms can account for such
behaviour. Under field conditions, fine textured soils
have poor drainage and therefore are in general more
prone to anaerobiosis and are expected to favour
methanogenesis (Le Mer & Roger 2001). Sessitsch
et al. (2001) found aerobic and strictly anaerobic
bacteria species to be associated with the clay-sized
fraction and only aerobic species to sand-sized
particles. Small-sized fractions contain the most
microbial biomass in different soils as clay-sized
particles have a higher surface area than coarser
particles, thus facilitating bacterial growth as well as
attachment and protection of microorganisms and
extracellular enzymes (Kögel-Knabner et al., 2008).
Fine textured soils also tend to form aggregates
which create very distinct conditions for water and
organic matter storage (Urbanek et al., 2011) and
therefore allow survival of microorganisms during
prolonged storage. Soil texture is also important for
soil organic matter transformations. The association
of SOM with fine particle fractions, silt and clay,
is considered to play an important role in its
protection (Nicolás et al., 2012). Soil
microorganisms are more abundant in smaller
fractions because of the protection offered by
microaggregates (Lagomarsino et al., 2009).
Methanogens may be able to survive in small
anaerobic microsites imbedded in dry soils, or they
may be protected from O2 by reactive soil minerals
(Megonigal et al., 2004). Additionally, fine textured
soils have the ability to retain more water at higher
suctions, than the coarse textured soils, which can
significantly benefit the survival of microorganisms
(Gliński et al., 2011). On the other hand, the clay
fraction is an important source of trace elements,
including heavy metals (Sȋrbu-Rădășanu et al.,
2013). Nevertheless, Liu et al. (2008) reported that a
liquid culture of Methanobacterium formicicum
could remain viable when mixed well with fresh or
sterile soil, but not when cultured without soil, or
with agar slurry. This suggests that indigenous
methanogens localize within soil compartments to
protect themselves from the damage caused by
gradual drying under an oxic atmosphere.
In contrast to our results, Zhang et al. (2007)
observed, for fertilized paddy soils (but not stored as
air-dry), that CH4 was predominantly produced in the
coarser fractions (which may be contributing to the
storage of labile organic carbon in these fractions),
while more species and a higher diversity of bacteria
survived in the clay sized fraction due to the vicinity
between microbes, access to carbon resource outside
the microaggregates and smaller pore size as
protective agent suitable habitats for microbes rather
than high Corg. Fertilizer application caused more
change to the bacterial community in the clay fraction
and greatly increased bacterium and methanogen
activity in coarser fractions, but only a slight effect on
the methanogenic archaeal community in the particle
size fractions was observed (Zhang et al., 2007).
Apparently, long term storage of air-dry soils resulted
in a shift in the distribution of microorganisms among
soil particles and changed the response of
methanogens to soil rewetting.
Next to the textural properties, the Corg of
archived soils correlated closely with the total CO2
and CH4 production (Table 4). Considerably better
correlations were observed between Corg and CO2
production, rather than with CH4, suggesting that the
availability of organic matter stored in archived soils
is more essential for the activity of other
microorganisms than methanogens. The results
directly correspond with other studies which also
report that the intensity of reductive processes in
flooded soils depends on the content and nature of
organic matter, the ability of the microflora to
decompose SOM as well as availability and nature
of electron acceptors (Le Mer & Roger 2001;
Watanabe et al., 2011). Nevertheless with the
exception of CH4 released in the Glucose-variant,
where fine silt and clay contents were more
important, among soil characteristics, Corg showed
the best correlations with CH4 and CO2 released.
A positive correlation was also found between
the residual water content retained in soils (before
incubations) and the total CO2 and CH4 production
(Table 4). Such a relation can be indirectly linked to
the specific textures of each soil, given that coarse
(sand and sandy loam) soils with larger pores have
lower residual water and Corg contents than finer
soils (silt loam), which are able to store higher
amounts of water, even at high soil suction. The
residual water associated with fine soil particles and
organic matter can therefore create zones for the
survival of microorganisms. The PCA analysis well
illustrate the specific properties of two extremes:
less active sand soils (Cambisols No. 1, No. 3
characterized by low Corg, residual moisture, clay
and silt contents) with their low methanogenic
potential were located at negative PC1 score, while
the most active silt loam soil (Mollic Gleysol No.
16, characterized by high residual moisture, Corg, and
relatively high clay and silt contents) at high
positive PC1 score, at a distinct distance from other
silt loam soils (Fig. 2b).
Based on the current study, which determined
the methanogenic potential of 16 mineral soils stored
in air-dry conditions over 20 years, it can be
concluded that even after prolonged dry oxic
conditions, soils are able to quickly restore microbial
activity and start methane production within few
days or weeks after flooding. Although we can not
present direct evidence that tested soils retained
active populations of methanogenic Archaea, it was
documented that archived soils do possess potential
for CH4 production without any amendment of the
carbon source. Methanogenic potential shows a
strong positive correlation with finer particle size
fractions like fine silt (0.02-0.002 mm) and clay
(< 0.002 mm). The coarse soil fractions like medium
and coarse sand (0.50-0.25 and 1.0-0.5 mm,
respectively), on the other hand, show strong
negative correlations with the methanogenic
potential. Silt loam soils show significantly, and
approximately 5 and 2.5 times, higher CH4
production than soils with coarser textures (sand and
sandy loam soils, respectively).Therefore finer
textured soils are more likely to become a high
source of methane upon flooding compared to
course textured soils.
The production of CO2 on the other hand, is
not affected by the soil texture if labile carbon
source like glucose has been made available in the
soil. Only in the case when the microorganisms
relied on the native carbon source in the soil (N2-
variant) was both CH4 and CO2 production
correlated with particular PSD fractions. However,
in glucose enriched soils, a significant correlation
for CO2 production was obtained only with the finest
but not with coarser fractions, whereas for CH4
formation all PSD fractions were important.
Nevertheless, the Corg and retained moisture showed
even stronger correlations with methanogenic
potential, except for CH4 released in the presence of
glucose (where the correlation coefficients for Corg
and moisture were lower than for PSD fractions). In
fact, all analysed soil properties are related to each
other and all create specific habitats which allow
microorganisms to persist in long unfavourable
conditions. By applying PCA we can clearly
discriminate between sand soils showing low
methanogenic potential, and silt loam soils
expressing high methanogenic potential. Most soil
properties were associated with the first principal
component (PC1), which explained 58.1% of the
qualitative differences between compared soils.
The paper was partly financed by the Ministry of
Science and Higher Education/National Science Centre,
Poland (NN310043838). E.U. was supported by the Royal
Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship (DH110189).
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... The increasing threat of global warming and climate change has been a major on-going concern since the 1990s. Therefore, it is not surprising that many studies related to greenhouse gases have been undertaken [1,2]. ...
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In recent years, black locust has been receiving special attention as a potential energy crop. Conversely, straw, which constitutes a waste product, is mainly used for energy purposes. The aim of this study was to perform the Life Cycle Assessment of straw pellet and black locust logs production. The environmental effects were investigated according to the Ecoindicator’99 and Global Warming Potential 100a methods. The single score for the functional unit of black locust logs equals 5.47 Pt, and for cereal straw pellets is between 23.37 and 30.49 Pt. The minor value of the indicator for wood results from higher density and net calorific value, which in this study was equal to 17.72 MJ/kg for black locust and 14.9 MJ/kg for cereal straw pellets. Moreover, greenhouse gas emission was calculated and equals 94.7 kgCO2eq for black locust logs and between 365.9 and 588.3 kgCO2eq for cereal straw pellets. Obtained results allow to compare the processes of biomass production. Black locust logs have a smaller potential of affecting the environment than pellets due to lower energy intensity of the production process, especially lower electricity consumption. Furthermore, logistic improvement may significantly decrease the environmental impact of discussed products. Novelty or Significance: The presented study includes the comparison of two biomass products (cereal straw pellets and black locust logs) based on the Life Cycle Assessment of their production. The originality of the comparison is based both on the detailed inventory and the applied impact assessment method (Ecoindicator'99). The broadened scope of the study allowed for the assessment of both production of materials and pellets, which brings the novel contribution into the existing state of knowledge pertaining to the biomass life cycle described by points of Ecoindicator and greenhouse gas emission. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Environ Prog, 38: 163–170, 2019
... Available data on molecular composition of coalbed gas occurring in Polish lignites suggest a similar composition of CH 4 (0.74-1.51%) and CO 2 (0.74 to 0.81%) (Kotarba and Lewan, 2004). Therefore, CO 2 release must be a manifestation of ongoing microbial activity (Riser-Roberts, 1998;Brzezińska et al., 2014). ...
Microbial coal gasification is of great interest due to the necessity to develop more environmentally friendly methods of energy production. The two main lignite deposits in Poland (Bełchatów and Turów) have been studied for their natural methanogenic potential. The biological origin of gases occurring in the investigated strata was confirmed by carbon stable isotope fractionation. Methanogenesis was examined via long-term anaerobic microcosm incubations which were performed using coal extracted from upper- and lower- most parts of the deposits at 10 to 40 °C. Present-day methane formation was distinguished from physical desorption by application of 2-bromoethane sulphonate (BES), an inhibitor of terminal methane formation steps. Furthermore, glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs), were used to reconstruct the palaeoenvironmental conditions and explain how the lignite environment affects the methanogenic consortia. The data obtained reveal that microbial degradation of lignite occurs in the uppermost layers of the coal seam at the Bełchatów lignite mine. Methane release was up to 0.064 ng CH4 g−1 day−1 at 30 °C. Biomarker analysis shows high abundance of GDGT-0 confirming the presence of methanogenic Archaea and implies that pH was an important factor regulating the development and activity of organic matter-degrading microbiota under neutral conditions as the most favourable for the methanogens. Inactivation of methanogenic pathways by BES led to stimulation of bacterial respiration, which suggests the presence of an active bacterial community, putatively involved in the decomposition of lignin. The biomarker analysis, depicting metabolic capabilities of the microbiota (especially GDGT-0 and GDGT-0/crenarchaeol ratio) and recognition of palaeoenvironmental conditions, is a useful tool to determine the methanogenic potential of coals.
... It is known that methanogen communities can persist in soil even after dry periods (Liu et al., 2008;Angel et al., 2012) and the ability of strict anaerobes to survive under oxic conditions within the anoxic interior zones of soil aggregates has been reported by Lin et al. (2004). Following the dry conditions, the methanogenesis does not occur immediately after the exposure to anoxic conditions, but lag phase ranging from 14 to 121 d was usually observed (Brzezińska et al., 2014). Others found lower CH 4 emissions when rice was rotated with upland crops compared to continuously planted rice (Cai et al., 2003(Cai et al., , 2005Linquist et al., 2015). ...
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Reducing CH4 and N2O emissions from rice cropping systems while sustaining production levels with less water requires a better understanding of the key processes involved. Alternate wetting and drying (AWD) irrigation is one promising practice that has been shown to reduce CH4 emissions. However, little is known about the impact of this practice on N2O emissions, in particular under Mediterranean climate. To close this knowledge gap, we assessed how AWD influenced grain yield, fluxes and annual budgets of CH4 and N2O emissions, and global warming potential (GWP) in Italian rice systems over a 2-year period. Overall, a larger GWP was observed under AWD, as a result of high N2O emissions which offset reductions in CH4 emissions. In the first year, with 70% water reduction, the yields were reduced by 33%, CH4 emissions decreased by 97%, while N2O emissions increased by more than 5-fold under AWD as compared to PF; in the second year, with a 40% water saving, the reductions of rice yields and CH4 emissions (13% and 11%, respectively) were not significant, but N2O fluxes more than doubled. The transition from anaerobic to aerobic soil conditions resulted in the highest N2O fluxes under AWD. The duration of flooding, transition to aerobic conditions, water level above the soil surface, and the relative timing between fertilization and flooding were the main drivers affecting greenhouse gas mitigation potential under AWD and should be carefully planned through site-specific management options.
... In turn, in the soil stored in an air-dry state much longer, they need more time to adapt to the changed aeration status of the stored soils. Similarly, in the incubation experiments aimed at analysis the methanogenic potential of long stored soils, the methanogenesis started with time lag (Brzeziñska et al., 2014). ...
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The actual denitrification to N2O and denitrification capacity to N2O after flooding of different soil samples stored for over 25 years in air-dry conditions and fresh, air dried samples were compared in our study. Zero N2O release was observed from the stored soils but the fresh soil samples had very low actual denitrification to N2O. NO3- addition significantly increased the amount of N2O (denitrification capacity to N2O) released after flooding, which depended on the length of storage and type of soils and was much higher in stored soils. Prolonged exposure of the soils to drought conditions caused a greater decrease in the Eh value compared with the fresh soil. The total cumulative release of N2O from the stored and fresh soils was correlated with the reduced NO3- and organic C content in soils enriched with NO3 -. Some soils showed the capability of N2O consumption. CO2 release depended on the length of storage and type of soils under flooding after prolonged drought. On average, CO2 release was higher from the stored rather than fresh soils. The organic C content in the stored soils was generally lower than in the fresh soils, probably due to the storage effect. The cumulative CO2 release from the stored soils was well correlated with the organic C while no correlation was observed for the fresh soil samples.
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Insect breeding generates waste: insect excrements, often mixed with the remains of the feed. Insect waste is usually sold as a plant fertilizer, however, there is one more method of its use – methane production via the anaerobic digestion. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this topic is very poorly studied. The aim of this work was the evaluation of the suitability of the waste derived frominsects breeding (Hermetia illucens, Tenebrio molitor and Gryllus spp.) for methane production. The mesophilic anaerobic digestion process was performed in 500 ml bioreactors. The temperature of the process was 37 °C ± 1 °C and initial pH was 7.0 ± 0.2. The substrate loading comprised 3.5 g of total solids and the inoculum-to-substrate ratio was 2:1. The biomethane potential of investigated wastes was ∼177 ml g−1 TS for H. illucens, ∼212 ml g−1 TS for Tenebrio molitor to ∼225 ml g−1 TS for Gryllus spp.. The obtained biomethane potentials are similar to more commonly used substrates for anaerobic digestion like: cattle manure, mink manure, poultry manure, fruit and vegetables waste, ryegrass, switchgrass, wheat, and sewage sludge, which points to the reasonability of their use. Anaerobic digestion can be a new method for valorization of insect post-production wastes.
Soils are the largest terrestrial sink for methane (CH4). However, heavy metals may exert toxicity to soil microorganisms, including methanotrophic bacteria. We tested the effect of lead (Pb), zinc (Zn) and nickel (Ni) on CH4 oxidation (1% v/v) and dehydrogenase activity, an index of the activity of the total soil microbial community in Mollic Gleysol soil in oxic and hypoxic conditions (oxia and hypoxia, 20% and 10% v/v O2, respectively). Metals were added in doses corresponding to the amounts permitted of Pb, Zn, Ni in agricultural soils (60, 120, 35 mg kg(-1), respectively), and half and double of these doses. Relatively low metal contents and O2 status reflect the conditions of most agricultural soils of temperate regions. Methane consumption showed high tolerance to heavy metals. The effect of O2 status was stronger than that of metals. CH4 consumption was enhanced under hypoxia, where both the start and the completion of the control and contaminated treatment were faster than under oxic conditions. Dehydrogenase activity, showed higher sensitivity to the contamination (except for low Ni dose), with a stronger effect of heavy metals, than that of the O2 status.
The water management system of cultivated paddy rice soils is one of the most important factors affecting the respective magnitudes of CH4 and N2O emissions. We hypothesized an effect of past management on soil microbial communities and greenhouse gas (GHG) production potential. The objectives of this study were to i) assess the influence of water management history on GHG production and microbial community structure, ii) relate GHG production to the microbial communities involved in CH4 and N2O production inhabiting the different soils. Moreover, the influence of different soil conditioning procedures on GHG production was determined. To reach these aims, we compared four soils with different water management history, using dried and sieved, pre-incubated and fresh soils. Soil conditioning procedures strongly affected GHG production: drying and sieving induced the highest production rates and the largest differences among soil types, probably through the release of labile substrates. Conversely, soil pre-incubation tended to homogenize and level out the differences among soils. The water management history strongly affected microbial community structure, which was itself tightly linked to CH4 and N2O production. N2O production was the highest in aerobic soil, which also exhibited the strongest evidence for active nitrifying communities (NirK). Drying and rewetting aerobic soil enhanced the production of nitrate, which was further reduced to N2O through denitrification. As expected, CH4 production was the lowest in aerobic soil, which showed a less abundant archaeal community. This work supports the hypothesis that microbial communities in paddy soils progressively adapt to water management practices, thereby reinforcing potential differences in GHGs production.
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The rewetting of dry soils and the thawing of frozen soils are short-term, transitional phenomena in terms of hydrology and the thermodynamics of soil systems. The impact of these short-term phenomena on larger scale ecosystem fluxes is increasingly recognized, and a growing number of studies show that these events affect fluxes of soil gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), ammonia (NH3) and nitric oxide (NO). Global climate models predict that future climatic change is likely to alter the frequency and intensity of drying-rewetting events and thawing of frozen soils. These future scenarios highlight the importance of understanding how rewetting and thawing will influence dynamics of these soil gases. This study summarizes findings using a new database containing 338 studies conducted from 1956 to 2011, and highlights open research questions. The database revealed conflicting results following rewetting and thawing in various terrestrial ecosystems and among soil gases, ranging from large increases in fluxes to non-significant changes. Studies reporting lower gas fluxes before rewetting tended to find higher post-rewetting fluxes for CO2, N2O and NO; in addition, increases in N2O flux following thawing were greater in warmer climate regions. We discuss possible mechanisms and controls that regulate flux responses, and recommend that a high temporal resolution of flux measurements is critical to capture rapid changes in gas fluxes after these soil perturbations. Finally, we propose that future studies should investigate the interactions between biological (i.e., microbial community and gas production) and physical (i.e., porosity, diffusivity, dissolution) changes in soil gas fluxes, apply techniques to capture rapid changes (i.e., automated measurements), and explore synergistic experimental and modelling approaches.
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The major and selected trace elements of soil and parent material were used for the assessing of main geochemical features along soil profile and within soil layers. The composition of different soil layers relatively change comparing with parent material. The loss of major oxides during soil developments is low for Si, Al, Fe and K, while the gain depends on their ability to form new compounds as the mass transfer method infers. The high losses of Ca, Na and Mg are responsible for the main mineralogical changes. The loss or gain of trace elements are firstly related to Fe and Al behaviour under soil forming conditions and secondly to Mn and organic material enrichment trend. The high carbonate amount of parent material and its dissolution over the long term could maintain almost neutral pH condition which promotes a low mobility of certain major and trace elements. The major elements distributions and correlations along soil profile and within sampled layer support the predominance of clay fraction which consists of illite, smectite, chlorite or vermiculate, and their percent in soil layers change upward.
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The paper presents a comparison of particle size distributions of 23 mineral soils from SE Poland obtained by the laser diffraction and aerometric methods. There is good, statistically significant correlation between particle size distribution measured by aerometric and laser diffraction methods. The correlation is better when the results are compared for the same type of soil and for coarser fraction (sand).
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Changes of NO 3, and N 2O concentrations during 34 days hypoxic incubation of eleven nitrate amended samples of the Eutric Cambisols developed from sand, silt and loam were studied. It was found that initial generation of nitrous oxide was followed, after a maximum by its subsequent absorption. The absorption rate was correlated with the efflux. Both were negatively correlated with sand content and positively with silt, clay and C org. The percentage of nitrate reduced equals 35, 97, and 100% for Eutric Cambisols developed from sand, loam and silt, respectively. The highest N 2O efflux was observed from silty soils, the lowest one from sandy soils. Total N 2 O consumption ranged between 3.3 and 66.5 mg N kg -1, and consisted 32.9, 99.2, and 100% of the produced N 2O for the sandy, loamy and silty soil samples, respectively. The tested soils were characterized by various ratio of the N 2Oemitted to the consumed. Most of sandy samples are characterized by a weak capacity to N 2O production and consumption, while loamy and silty soils are characterized by a good or very good capacity to N 2O production and consumption.
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We used in situ C-13-labeling of an annual grass to examine the decomposition rate and fate of detrital C over 17 mo in a sagebrush ecosystem. We coupled these measurements with N-15 pool dilution and tracer measurements to examine seasonal changes in gross N cycling rates in bulk soil and organic matter density fractions. Annual grass fine roots decomposed rapidly (0.23 mo(-1)) over the 17 mo, substantially faster than rates typically reported for other semiarid ecosystems using litterbags. Despite a long summer dry period, recent detrital C was rapidly respired and incorporated into microbial biomass and nonmicrobial fractions between summer and autumn. Decomposition of recent detritus accounted for 13% of mineralized C and 9% of microbial C produced during the summer following plant labeling. These proportions declined by 50% in autumn, indicating that microbes relied more heavily on recent detritus for C and energy during the dry summer than during the following moist autumn months. In spite of this, decomposition rates of recent plant detritus were faster during autumn than summer due to higher rates of microbial activity. Nitrogen immobilization into soil organic matter (SOM) fractions increased from summer to autumn and was fastest in spring. Rates of N immobilization into the supposedly recalcitrant heavy-fraction (HF) SOM were faster than into the light fraction; however, rates in light and heavy fractions were similar when expressed per unit organic C. Rates of N immobilization were positively correlated with the C-13 content of density fractions, suggesting that inputs of new plant C were an important driver of N immobilization. While addition of NH4+ stimulated nitrification rates in both summer and autumn, NH4+ addition only stimulated rates of N immobilization during spring, indicating that heterotrophic microbial growth was N limited during spring but C limited during summer and autumn when plants were not actively growing. Our results indicate that root decomposition in semiarid soils is more rapid than previously thought, and is not likely to be N limited. Moreover, HF SOM is not as recalcitrant as is frequently assumed, but instead, it is a strong sink for recent plant C inputs and a driver of N immobilization in soil.
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The changes of Eh and pH in soil suspension (Ah-horizon of a Mollic Gleysol) and Mn2+ or Fe2+ concentrations in the equilibrium soil solution at different levels of glucose (0%, 0.5% and 1%) and MnO2 (0%, 0.025%, 0.05% and 0.1%) or Fe2O3 (0%, 0.025%, 0.05% and 0.1%) were examined. It was found that the degree of Mn- and Fe-reduction in soil depends mainly on the presence and the amount of an easily decomposable carbon source and to a minor degree on the content of native or added forms of MnOO2 or Fe2O3 in the soil. Theoretical relationships between the water soluble manganese and iron and the Eh and pH values have been verified, when the observed initial drop of Eh was eliminated. It was found that the water soluble manganese content was described best by the Mn2O3/Mn2+ redox system, and that of iron by the Fe3 (OH)3/Fe2+ system. Veränderungen von Redoxpotentialen und pH-Werten in einem Uberstauten Boden nach Zugabe von Glucose und Mangan- oder Eisenoxid unter Laborbedingungen Untersucht wurden die Veränderungen des Eh- und pH-Wertes der Bodensuspension und die Fe2+- oder Mn2+-Konzentrationen in der Bodenlösung bei verschiedenen Niveaus der Zufuhr von Glukose (0.05 und 1%) und MnO2 (0, 0.025, 0.5 und 0.1%) oder Fe2O3 (0, 0.025, 0.05 und 0.1%) an einem überstauten Ah-Horizont eines Mollic Gleysols (Wiesenboden). Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Mangan- und Eisenreduktion hauptsächlich vom Vorhandensein und dem Gehalt einer leicht abbaubaren Kohlenstoffquelle und zu einem geringeren Anteil vom Gehalt natürlicher oder zugefügter Mangan- und Eisenoxide abhängt. Die theoretischen Beziehungen zwischen wasserlöslichem Mangan und Eisen einerseits und Eh- und pH-Werten andererseits konnten bestätigt werden, wenn der beobachtete spontane Abfall des Eb-Wertes unberücksichtigt blieb. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß die wasserlösliche Mangankonzentration am besten durch das Mn2O3/Mn2+ und die Eisenkonzentration durch das Fe3(OH)3/Fe2+ Redoxpaar beschrieben wurde.
Particle size distribution is one the most important properties of soils. The size of soil particles and their packing affect the pore distribution in the soil, and thus determine, among other things, the possibility of gas exchange, water retention, as well as the thermal and sorptive properties of the soil. An important feature of particle size distribution is its stability in time and relatively easy measurability, thanks to which it serves as a parameter for many models, for example, for the estimation of water retention curves or hydraulic conductivity. The most important methods for measurements of soil particle size distribution are the following: (a) sieve methods; (b) methods based on Stokes law (aerometric and pipette ones); and (c) the new laser diffraction method.
The major and selected trace elements of soil and parent material were used for the assessing of main geochemical features along soil profile and within soil layers. The composition of different soil layers relatively change comparing with parent material. The loss of major oxides during soil developments is low for Si, Al, Fe and K, while the gain depends on their ability to form new compounds as the mass transfer method infers. The high losses of Ca, Na and Mg are responsible for the main mineralogical changes. The loss or gain of trace elements are firstly related to Fe and Al behaviour under soil forming conditions and secondly to Mn and organic material enrichment trend. The high carbonate amount of parent material and its dissolution over the long term could maintain almost neutral pH condition which promotes a low mobility of certain major and trace elements. The major elements distributions and correlations along soil profile and within sampled layer support the predominance of clay fraction which consists of illite, smectite, chlorite or vermiculate, and their percent in soil layers change upward.