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Metal recovery from waste by biological processes in urban mining

  • Munzur University Rare Earth Elements Application and Research Center
  • SDU/Beijing University of Chemical Technology/Satbayev University/Nazarbayev University


Waste of electric–electronic equipment (WEEE) with an annual growth rate of about 3–5% is the fastest growing waste stream in municipal wastes. Notwithstanding their environmental pollution potential, waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) with their high content of base and precious metals, in particular, are regarded as a potential secondary resource when compared with ores. For the recovery of metals from WEEE, various treatment options based on conventional physical, hydrometallurgical and pyrometallurgical processes are available. These process options with particular reference to hydromet-allurgical processes were reviewed in this study. With their relatively low capital cost, reduced environmental impact (e.g. no hazardous gases/dusts), potential for high metal recoveries and suitability for small scale applications, hydrometallurgical processes are promising options for the treatment of WEEE. Since the metals are present in native form and/or as alloys, an oxidative leaching process is required for the effective extraction of base and precious metals of interest. A two-stage process based on oxidative acid leaching of base metals (Cu in particular) followed by leaching of precious metals using cyanide, thiosulfate, thiourea or halide as lixiviant(s) can be suitably developed for the hydrometallurgical treatment of WEEE. However, further research is required to develop new, cost effective and environmentally friendly processes and/or refine existing ones for leaching and, in particular, downstream processes.
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Cueva de Villa Luz (a.k.a. Cueva de las Sardinas) in Tabasco, Mexico, is a stream cave with over a dozen H2S-rich springs rising from the floor. Oxidation of the H2S in the stream results in a abundant, suspended elemental sulfur in the stream, which is white and nearly opaque. Hydrogen sulfide concentrations in the cave atmosphere fluctuate rapidly and often exceed U.S. government tolerance levels. Pulses of elevated carbon monoxide and depleted oxygen levels also occassionally enter the cave. Active speleogenesis occurs in this cave, which is forming in a small block of Lower Cretaceous limestone adjacent to a fault. Atmospheric hydrogen sulfide combines with oxygen and water to form sulfuric acid, probably through both biotic and abiotic reactions. The sulfuric acid dissolves the limestone bedrock and forms gypsum, which is readily removed by active stream flow. In addition, carbon dioxide from the reaction as well as the spring water and cave atmosphere combines with water. The resultant carbonic acid also dissolves the limestone bedrock. A robust and diverse ecosystem thrives within the cave. Abundant, chemoautotrophic microbial colonies are ubiquitous and apparently act as the primary producers to the cave's ecosystem. Microbial veils resembling soda straw stalactites, draperies, and 'u-loops' suspended from the ceiling and walls of the cave produce drops of sulfuric acid with pH values of <0.5-3.0 ±0.1. Copious macroscopic invertebrates, particularly midges and spiders, eat the microbes or the organisms that graze on the microbes. A remarkably dense population of fish, Poecilia mexicana, fill most of the stream. The fish mostly eat bacteria and midges. Participants in an ancient, indigenous Zoque ceremony annually harvest the fish in the spring to provide food during the dry season.
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The extraction of copper from chalcopyrite has for centuries been limited to pyrometallurgical methods. Smelting of chalcopyrite is an efficient process but costly both in terms of capital investment, operating costs and environmental compliance. Biological extraction appeared as an appealing alternative. Unfortunately, traditional mesophilic biological extraction methods have met with little success. The chalcopyrite quickly becomes passivated and unacceptable copper extractions are achieved. It was not until the adoption of thermophilic systems that the biological leaching of chalcopyrite became a reality. Several questions remain as to the applicability of the thermophilic system for chalcopyrite; can the system operate auto-thermally; can high extraction rates be achieved; is the process sensitive to mineralogy or grade; and can the precious metals be recovered? GeoBiotics, LLC has embarked on an extensive program to develop the GEOCOAT ® bioleaching system to chalcopyrite ores. This program encompasses mathematical heap modeling, laboratory amenability and column tests, and large scale field trials. The GEOCOAT ® process involves the coating of concentrates onto a suitable substrate, usually barren rock, then stacking the coated material in a conventional heap fashion. The heap is irrigated with acidic solutions containing iron and nutrients while low pressure ambient air is applied at the heap base. To-date, copper extractions in excess of 97% have been achieved in approximately 140 days. Excellent gold extractions have been achieved from the biooxidation residue by cyanidation. Modeling indicates that obtaining thermophilic temperatures within the GEOCOAT ® heap is not a problem. Development is continuing, focusing on the heap design parameters and additional copper concentrates including enargite. Plans are now underway for the first large scale field test in the fall of 2002.
Hydrothermal simulation experiments were performed with contemporary sediments from Lake Chapala to assess the source of the lake tars. The precursor-product relationships of the organic compounds were determined for the source sediments and their hydrous pyrolysis products. The pyrolysis products contained major unresolved complex mixtures of branched and cyclic hydrocarbons, low amounts of n-alkanes, dinosterane, gammacerane, and immature and mature hopane biomarkers derived from lacustrine biomass sources. The results support the proposal that the tar manifestations in the lake are not biodegraded petroleum, but were hydrothermally generated from lacustrine organic matter at temperatures not exceeding about 250 °C over brief geological times.
An efficient and simple method for the vacuum impregnation of stone is described, based on the formation of an airtight jacket around the object allowing a vacuum to be applied to the surface and acting as a wick for the consolidating material. /// Une méthode simple et efficace pour l'imprégnation sous vide de la pierre est décrite, basée sur la formation d'une enveloppe étanche à l'air autour de l'objet permettant d'appliquer le vide à la surface et agissant comme une mèche pour le matériel de consolidation. /// Ein wirksames und einfaches Verfahren zur Vakuumimpregnierung von Stein wird beschrieben, das auf der Bildung eines luftdichten Mantels um den Gegenstand basiert, welcher die Aufbringung eines Vakuums auf die Oberfläche erlaubt und als Docht für das Konsolidierungs-material wirkt.
Stromatolites are sedimentary structures produced by the sediment-trapping, binding and/or precipitation activity of microbial communities, in particular by photosynthetic cyanobacteria. They occur today in a wide range of aquatic habitats, both marine and non-marine, from shallow subtidal to supratidal and in lakes, streams and thermal springs. Although uncommon today, stromatolites were widespread in the past, and are the most conspicuous fossils in Precambrian rocks. It has been suggested that microbes played a major role in the development of the banded-iron formations that are widespread in Precambrian rocks, and that they played a crucial role in the formation of atmospheric oxygen. -from Authors
A broth containing the sulfate reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio desulfuricans was used to treat samples of reagent calcium sulfate, gypsum-rock specimens, fragments from a marble monument with a black weathering crust rich in gypsum, and a marble monument with similar crust. Calcite was found to have formed on all treated surfaces suggesting that this microbe has the potential to clean crusted marble monuments whilst also regenerating calcite, the parent mineral of the marble. /// Un bouillon de culture contenant une bactérie réductrice des sulfates, le Desulfovibrio desulfuricans, a été utilisé pour traiter des échantillons de sulfate de calcium, des spécimens de pierre en gypse, des morceaux provenant d'un monument de marbre recouverts d'une croûte noire de vieillissement riche en gypse, et un monument de marbre avec une croûte semblable. Il s'est formé de la calcite sur toutes les surfaces traitées, suggérant que cette bactérie peut nettoyer les monuments de marbre recouverts d'une croûte, tout en régénérant le calcite qui est le principal constituant du marbre. /// Calciumsulfate, gipshaltige Gesteine sowie gipsreiche schwarze Verwitterungskrusten von zwei Denkmälern aus Marmor wurden mit einer Desulfovibrio desulfuricans Kultur in Nährbouillon behandelt. Die Bakterien reduzieren Sulfate. Die Untersuchungen ergaben, daß sich auf allen behandelten Oberflächen Calcit (Calciumcarbonat) gebildet hatte. Dies scheint die Möglichkeit zu eröffnen, mit Hilfe dieser Bakterien Objekte aus Marmor zu reinigen. Der gebildete Calcit ist wiederum der Hauptbestandteil von Marmor.
Lipases, hydrolytic enzymes that act on glycerol-ester bonds, are often used in conservation for their ability to degrade aged oil films, as a non-toxic and often less aggressive alternative to highly polar organic solvents and/or alkaline mixtures. One such enzyme has been used to remove layers of an aged acrylic resin (Paraloid B72) in two instances, a fifteenth-century tempera painting on panel and a nineteenth-century oil painting on canvas. A plausible mechanism for the action of the enzyme is discussed.
Conference Paper
A method for oil recovery enhancement by stimulating the growth of indigenous microbial populations in sandstones by nutrient injection was investigated. Incremental oil recovery from the cores ranged from 10–38% of the original oil in place. Volumetric and microscopic sweep efficiency was improved by the microbial selective plugging process. Biogenic gas production accompanied the oil produced from the cores. The combination of stratification correction, gas production, and pressure increase assisted in recovery of previously trapped oil.