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Generation Gap; Is There any Solid Solution? From Human Relation Point of View



The following research is about using different approaches to minimize the generation gaps within the working industries. Nowadays, generation gaps plays as a big role in business industries. It has a big influence in communication between younger generation and older generation. While generation gap occurs in business industries, it will be a critical issue that leads to several negative effects in business industry. This study has found that while communicating with different generation people should use different approaches to maintain their relationship in an appropriate level. This paper will expatiate the characteristics of generations, major issues of generation gaps and some solid solutions for generation gap in workplaces.
International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences, 2(10) October 2013, Pages: 837-840
TI Journals
International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences
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Generation Gap; Is There any Solid Solution?
From Human Relation Point of View
Choong Yong Heng 1, Rashad Yazdanifard 2
1,2 Center for Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) Programs, HELP College of Arts and Technology, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Generation gap
The following research is about using different approaches to minimize the generation gaps within
the working industries. Nowadays, generation gaps plays as a big role in business industries. It has
a big influence in communication between younger generation and older generation. While
generation gap occurs in business industries, it will be a critical issue that leads to several negative
effects in business industry. This study has found that while communicating with different
generation people should use different approaches to maintain their relationship in an appropriate
level. This paper will expatiate the characteristics of generations, major issues of generation gaps
and some solid solutions for generation gap in workplaces.
© 2013 Int. j. econ. manag. soc. sci. All rights reserved for TI Journals.
1. Introduction
Generation gap occurs because of the difference of ages, races, genders and cultures that create various value and attitude to same matter.
Value changes base on the year passed, this is the major reason of generation gap. According to Lilian.E (1970) there seems to be at least
five separated concepts of generation currently in use, developmental stage, ranked descent, age homogeneous group, time span and "spirit
of the age." The last concept differs from the first four because it refers to content rather than structure. Moreover, according to McCrindle
(2006) Generation can be differentiated to 5 categories depending on the year born; Builder also known as Traditional and Silent generation
(Before 1946), Baby Boomer (1946-1964), Generation X (1965-1979), Generation Y known as Millennial (1980-1994) and Generation Z
(1995-2009).The difference of values, reactions, and behaviors presumably differ across generations. Attitudes, values and behaviors might
change variations throughout an employee’s life cycle or career stage, employees may be “generic” in the end. (Jurkiewicz & Brown 1998)
(as cited in Tolbize 2008)
Generation gaps are now highly noticed by business industry. In addition, generation gaps would lead conflicts, communication barriers
and dissensions. Besides, generation gap will affect and interrupt the quality of the communication within organizations, generation gaps
probably would delay the process for organizations to catch up the trends and lose the opportunities. Nowadays, searching for solutions in
generation gap also a major objective within the organization.
2. Demographic of generation within the workforce
According to Mark (2010), 6.5% of workforces are silent generations. Baby Boomers are occupying 41% of workforce. Generation X are
occupying 29.5% of workforce and Generation Y are occupying 22.5% of workforce in the year 2010 respectively. However, in the year
2011, Silent generations’ workforce participation decreased to 5%, Baby Boomers participation decreased to 38%, Generation X increased
to 32% and Generation Y increased to 25% by Murphy and Raines (2007)
3. Characteristic of 4 generation
i. Silent Generation
Silent Generation values family and patriotism and had a parent at home to raise the children, preferred consistency, and remained with one
company over time (Allen, 2004) (as cited in Fjelstul and Breiter 2008). Matures are very loyal association members with almost 82% of
them work for the same company for more than 11 years. (Fjelstul and Breiter 2008)
ii. Baby Boomers
Baby Boomers have been described as being good at relationships, they respect on others right and will not simply judge on others mistakes
or problems.( Rath 1999 and Zemke et al. 2000) (as cited in Tolbize 2008) Moreover, Baby Boommers are respected authority and
hierarchy in the workplace and loyal to the company. They expect that company reward promotion and loyal because of their royalty.
(Gursoy, Thomas, Maier and Chi 2007) Almost 50% of Baby Boomers are working for 11 year in same company. (Fjelstul and Breiter
Choong Yong Heng and Rashad Yazdanifard
Inte rnati onal Jo urn al of E conom y, M ana geme nt and Soc ia l Sc ien ces , 2( 10) Oc tober 2 013
iii. Generation X
Generation X know the importance of balance between work and life (Jenkins 2007 and Karp et al 2002) (as cited in Tolbize 2008)
Generation X are very impatient, they are not willing to wait for their promotions or raises and expect to get rewards immediately after they
did a good job on work. They assume every job is temporary, short-term and not royal to any companies. (Adam 2000)(as cited in Gursoy
et al. 2007) 51.8% of Generation X are only work for 1-5 years. (Fjelstul and Breiter 2008)
Generation Y
Generation Y are effected by parental excesses, computers and dramatic technological advances. One of the main characteristics of this
generation is their comfort with technology and good on it. (Kersten, 2002 and Niemiec 2000) (as cited in Tolbize 2008).Generation Y may
have a more casual attitude in using the internet for sending confidential information with little awareness of legal ramifications or sensitive
issues says Linda Harber (as cited in Tyler, Kathryn 2008) Although, Generation Y are good at communicating through electronically
based interaction, they lack skills to communicate with face to face. (Fjelstul and Breiter 2008)Generation Y are similar to Generation X as
they are not royal to company. Since Generation Y are still young, their responsibility are not heavy as Generation Y; they would change
the job as they like and not necessary to look for jobs which have stable income. (Gursoy et al. 2007)
4. Different communicating style and platform
Different generations have different communication styles and platforms. Baby Boomer prefers communicating using telephone, face to
face, fax, e-mail group/team meetings, and Cell phones for talking, but does not prefer to social networking sites, blogging, texting and
technophobia. However, Generation X prefer communicating by the way that they often do like e-mail, cell phone, text, blogging, tnstant
message and online forums but obstruct with face to face communication, formal letter writing, team discussions(better one to one or
alone), difficulties in communicating up or down a generation and some barriers with social networks. On the other hand, Generation Y
prefer communicating with text, online social networks, e-mails and instant messages. Generation Y are obstruct with face to face
conversations, telephone conversations and professionalisms or even casual letter writings. (Dave 2010)
5. Impact of generation gap
In a recent survey which was conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management, generated the differences are the factors which
created 40% of conflict. In organizations with 500 or more employees, 58% of human resources professionally reported conflict between
younger and older workers, because of the differing perspectives on work ethic and work-life balance. (Raines and Hunt 1999) (as cited in
Watkins 2013) These generation gaps will create ‘‘us vs. them’’ mentality between different generation, it is likely to create further
conflicts and unable to work efficiently. (Yang and Guy 2006). According to PR Newswire (2006), employees tend to feel more
comfortable on reporting to a manager older than them. Every generation brings a different way of thinking to the company; for example,
Generation Y push the older generations to think differently, while the older generations mentor Generations Y and provide them with the
tools to succeed. (Townsend and Joanne, 2011)
6. Communication approach for generation gaps
i. Communicating with a Silent Generation
When communicating with a Silent Generation, words and tone of voice should be respectful, and using good grammar, clear diction, no
slang or profanity. Using language should be formal and professional, and the message should relate to company history and long-term
goals. (Murphy and Raines 2007) Messages which are sent to the Silent Generation are telling them there are respected in the company;
their experience is important and their perseverance is valued and will be rewarded. (Watkins 2013)
ii. Communicating with a Baby Boomer
When communicating with a Baby Boomer in the conversation should be more relational. Boomers tend to witness relationship and
business results as intertwined. For example, they ask about mutual interests such as how his or her sons do well in college. Make the
conversation participative by getting the other topic, and link the message to the team or individual vision, mission, and values. (Murphy
and Raines 2007) Messages to motivate and communicate with Baby Boomers is telling them they are an important role in company, the
company recognize their contribution and ask their vision for some matter. (Watkins 2013)
iii. Communicating with a Generation X
When communicating with Generation X, try not wasting the person’s time by being direct and straightforward. Sending an email or
leaving a voicemail that states clearly about the matter and simplify the sentence, this is how it serves the Generation X. (Murphy and
Raines 2007) Motivate Generation X are telling them to do the job with their own approach. (Watkins 2013)
iv. Communicating with a Generation Y
When communicating with Generation Y, need to be positive by sending a text message or meeting face-to-face. Try relating the message
to the Generation Y’s personal goals or the teams are working toward. Do not be condescending. In additional, avoid cynicism and
sarcasm. (Murphy and Raines 2007) Messages to motivate and communicate with Generation Y are telling them that they are provided the
equal opportunities and listen to their opinion. (Watkins 2013)
Generation Gap; Is There any Solid Solution? From Human Relation Point of View
Interna ti onal Jo urnal of Eco nomy , Manag eme nt a nd Soc ial Scie nces, 2(1 0) Octo ber 20 13
7. Solution and bridging of generation gaps
According to Simoneaux (2013) which structured brainstorming sessions on education, brainstorming will point out that different
employees have different training needs, and some of those needs are generational. The key to communicate effectively between the
generations is to be open-minded. It had better not assume that all Millennial are knowledgeable in technology while Baby Boomers are
not. Baby Boomers should not look at a new generation worker as a threat but look at this opportunity to learn new concepts from them.
(Bowen 2011) People from any generation in workplace need to know people as individual and respect to each other (Murphy and Raines
2007). According to Chad Nelson (2009), it is important that understand each on other personality to have a quality communication.
Moreover, it minimizes misunderstandings, and better leverages the talents of our teammates. According to Wood, Stephanie (2005) solves
generation gaps by using generation united. There are four steps of generation united. Firstly, worker must identify the mistakes they had
made to develop their wisdom and then shared their wisdom with one another. Secondly, the elder generations must assume their roles as
teachers and mentors to the upcoming generations. Thirdly, the younger generations must accept their role as followers. They must be
willing to show that they are trainable, flexible, self-motivated, and able to express their needs without rancor. Lastly, all generations must
acknowledge and respect each other's differences as opportunities for self-growth. By doing so, they will have the hindsight to learn from
the past, insight to stay focus in the present, and foresight to create a better future. No matter how hard you try, you cannot change the
generational differences. Instead, changing how you motivate different generations by incorporating different motivational techniques into
your management styles. Acknowledging the validity of each generation's values, and finding out what each employee wants as a
motivational incentive. Knowing the employees about what motivates them, and controls their behaviors. (Houlihan and Anne 2007)
8. Discussion
In the coming future, amount of Silent generation and Baby Boomers will get lesser in the workforce because of getting old and retirement.
On the other hand, Generation X and Generation Y will keep on increasing in incoming year. Therefore, bridging the generation gap
between Xers and Yers are the mainly focus in human resource department to help the industries work efficiently. Moreover, because of the
increase in Generation Y that prefer using electronic device to communicate and work; thus, if Baby Boomers want to cooperate effectively
with Generation Y, they must improve their knowledge in internet, technologies and more.
Normally generation are being defined by the year of they born and within around 20 years in a span consider as one generation.
(“Projected Median Age” 2016) (as cited in McCrindle 2006). People within the same generation will have some similar characteristics;
these characteristics have helped managers get to know the approach and deal with them. However, according to Murphy and Raines
(2007), part of the generations might have totally different characteristics with their generation. It mostly because of the difference of
experience and personality compare to same generation. Even though generation is different, some people might have a same characteristic
with another generation. Therefore, before bridging or finding the solutions for the generation gap should focus on the personality ethic and
value to categorize them but not only consider in the year they are born.
Since every generation has their preferred communication styles and platforms, butin these multigenerational workforce only know few
way to communicate or own generation communication approach would create a lot of misunderstandings and conflicts. Thus,
understandings and learning from other generation are important role to reduce conflicts between generations.
Every industry will have some effort and solutions to help solve the problem of generation gaps. However, this is not enough to minimize
the problem of generation gaps. Every single person must do their effort for it. For examples, Baby Boomers always think that Generation
X and Generation Y have not trained as well as them and younger generation is slacker in the industry. Same situation to Generation Y,
they think Baby Boomers are old and low productivity and all their skill are out dated. These kinds of negative thoughts should not happen
among the employees. Every generation has their own strengths and weaknesses. For examples, Baby Boomers are experience, skilled and
knowledgeable they can pass their knowledge to those new generation to help them solves on a lot of problem. Moreover, Generation X
and Y are good in new technologies, gadgets and more creativity can help older generation people think in different way. If people from
different generation accept the fact that everyone has their strength and weakness. Besides, helping each other in different situation will
improve the ability of all different generation people.
9. Conclusion
In conclusion, because of the different situations, cultures and experience, it creates different types of generation. Every generation is
acquired different type of abilities, values, strengths and weakness. Be respected on people of other generation personality keep learning the
strength and skill from people of other generation. Lastly, doing a favor or helping on the thing that older or younger generation weak on it.
These are the most effective way to minimize the generation gaps between older generation and younger generation. These different
approaches that have discussed in this paper might solve generation gaps problem and conflict effectively. By solving the generation gaps
in company, it would lead create a harmony and better workplace to accomplish the organization goals more efficiency.
Choong Yong Heng and Rashad Yazdanifard
Inte rnati onal Jo urn al of E conom y, M ana geme nt and Soc ia l Sc ien ces , 2( 10) Oc tober 2 013
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... 2019) . They are "workaholic, idealistic, competitive" (DeVaney 2015: 13), build good relationship with others and respect others' rights (Heng and Yazdanifard 2013) . At the same time, they "tend to witness relationship and business results as intertwined" (Heng and Yazdanifard 2013: 837) and may ask the interlocutor some seemingly private questions . ...
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... They also use face-to-face communication and send SMS (Pierce and Payne 2018) . Since they highly value their time, communication with them must be meaningful and not a waste of time (Heng and Yazdanifard 2013) . ...
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... X 1965-1979 Generation X knows the importance of work-life balance. (Yong Heng & Yazdanifard, 2013) Generation X are very impatient, they are not willing to wait for their promotions or raises and expect to get rewards immediately after they did a good job on work. They assume every job is temporary, short-term and not loyal to any companies. ...
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... Kesenjangan generasi terjadi karena adanya perbedaan usia, ras, jenis kelamin dan budaya yang menimbulkan perbedaan nilai dan sikap terhadap hal yang sama (Heng & Yazdanifard, 2013). Dua faktor utama yang menjadi dasar pengelompokan generasi yaitu faktor demografis berupa tahun kelahiran dan faktor sosiologis berupa peristiwa sejarah. ...
... Ciri khas Generasi Y adalah mereka memiliki pola komunikasi yang sangat terbuka dibandingkan dengan generasi sebelumnya dan merupakan pengguna media sosial yang fanatik karena kehidupan mereka sangat dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan teknologi. Meskipun Generasi Y pandai berinteraksi dengan basis elektronik, tetapi mereka kurang memiliki keterampilan untuk berkomunikasi secara tatap muka (Heng & Yazdanifard, 2013). Sehingga kepribadian Gen-Y memiliki nilai dan motivasi yang unik (Muskat & Reitsamer, 2020). ...
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This research is a idea of novelty which aims to empirically test about generation gap there is generation X, Y/Milenial, generation Z and Boomers toward anti-fraud awareness which was analyzed with seven variables, there is tone of the top, anti-fraud training, implementation of code of conduct, hotline/whistleblowing system, segregation of duties, fraud risk assessment and background checks. The data source was obtained from distributing questionnaires to individuals in the educational environment. Sampling was carried out at random or simple random sampling. The analytical method used is the Mann-Whitney test with SPSS 25. The research results show that there is a generation gap between generations X and Y, generations X and Z and generations Y and Z. Meanwhile for Generation X and Boomers, generation Y and Boomers as well as generation Z and Boomers do not show a generation gap to raise awareness about the importance of fraud prevention. The limitations of the research are the respondents, especially the Boomer generation respondents. So that further research can increase the number of respondents and in a different scope. It is hoped that this research will provide benefits for determining strategies for anti-fraud awareness according to the character of each generation.
... However, it was stated in 2011 that the silent generation (born between 1928 and 1945) had fallen to 5%, baby boomers had decreased to 38%, Generation X had grown to 32%, and Generation Y had increased to 25%. (Choong & Rashad 2013;Murphy & Raines 2007). ...
... The rise of millennials and the decrease of baby boomers in organizations might sooner or later lead to small or big conflicts (Choong & Rashad 2013). Based on interviews conducted involving employees from different generations, the respondents who have worked for 20 to 40 years, who are part of the baby boomers generation, thought that: "The millennial is less motivated when working and always depends on the internet as his/her main source of reference without looking up or studying the real procedures or SOPs that the organizations have set" (Nurshahira, 2019;pp. ...
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The generation gap is critical, especially when employees do not agree about some terms that affect their completion of tasks. This issue is debated in organizations, causing incompatibilities between human resource management and development structures. Hence, these constraints led this study to measure the differences shown by generations X and Y, and how they impact the relationship between psychological empowerment, employee performance, and organizational commitment. This research used questionnaires and in-depth interviews as the main procedures for collecting and obtaining data—196 items of data were received from the Malaysian Islamic Finance Agency. SmartPLS software was used to test the research hypotheses and the differences between the two groups are Gen X and Y (PLS-MGA). The results of the PLS-MGA test confirmed that, in the relationship of psychological empowerment and job performance alone, it was found there was a generational difference between X and Y (p-value < 0.05). However, while running the hypothesis test (using the bootstrapping test), it was found that both hypotheses are acceptable, which shows the relationship between psychological empowerment and job performance based on two different groups, namely Gen Y = t-statistic (10.961) and Gen X = t-statistic (11.993). Thus, H1 is supported. Meanwhile, the relationship between psychological empowerment and organizational commitment is based on two different groups, namely Gen Y = t-statistic (8.675) and Gen X = t-statistic (8.349), which means H2 is also supported. Consequently, it is hoped that the findings of this study will serve as essential guidance for employers in both the public and private sectors. Human resource management teams can use the findings to understand the natural complexity of psychological empowerment constructs in realizing the challenges and difficulties in predicting organizational goals, in terms of job performance and organizational commitment.
... This opinion is also supported by Helyer & Lee (2012) who state that the notion of generational characteristics is only an estimate and not everyone is suitable to be grouped into these predetermined categories. The gap between generations will affect the quality and meaning of inter-generational communication if each generation cannot understand how other generations communicate (Heng et al., 2013). ...
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This study aims to empirically examine the differences of perception between generation (generation gap) in fraud prevention, which was analyzed by seven variables, namely tone of the top, anti-fraud training, code of conduct, whistle blowing system (WBS), segregation of duties, fraud risk assessment and background checking. This study used 398 questionnaires consisting of 149 gen Z respondents, 87 gen X respondents, 154 gen Y/Millennials respondents and 8 Boomers respondents. The analytical method used was Mann-Whitney test by SPSS v.26.0. The results show that there was generation gap between generations Z and X (in the tone of the top variable), between generations Z and Y (in the tone of the top variable and WBS) and between Generations X and Y (in the tone of the top variable). However, there were no generation gap between generation Z and boomers, X and boomers and Z and boomers in the overall fraud prevention variables studied. The limitation of this study was the limited number of respondents, especially from the boomer’s generation. This research is expected to provide benefits for determining anti-fraud prevention strategies that are in accordance with the character of each generation.
... These cultural contents explain why people born in different periods can show different attitudes, values, and mindsets when faced with the same situation. For example, Heong and Yazdanifard (2013) describe the cultural characteristics of the Traditional and Silent generations (before 1946), Baby Boomer generation (1946( -1964( ), and Generation X (1964( -1979, and link people's birth years with changes in culture. Some scholars argue that each generation has unique characteristics, whereas others maintain that individuals are in generic categories (Adams, 2000;Mitchell et al., 2005;Murphy et al., 2004;Patil, 2014;Wong et al., 2008). ...
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This study aimed to understand better how Koreans in their 30s to their 50s perceive the word kkondae using Q-methodology, a research method that reveals the subjectivity of individuals. “Kkondae” traditionally refers to condescending older people and reveals changes between generations in Korean society. Our research results showed four types of perceptions. Type 1 participants believe kkondae are people who wield authority based on age. Type 2 participants see kkondae as people who mistakenly believe their own experiences can be generalized. Type 3 participants view kkondae as self-centered and closed-minded people who think they are superior, while Type 4 participants perceive kkondae as people who lord over others as part of hierarchical relationships. Consequently, the four types of perceptions of kkondae demonstrate that the reasons and ways of expressing conflict situations between groups are changing in Korean society.
... The communicator must ensure that he has the same understanding with the communicant. Meanwhile, the generation gap can trigger conflict, create communication barriers, and disputes (Heng & Yazdanifard, 2013). ...
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Penelitian ini membahas mengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi interpretation gap antara Generasi X dan Millennials Indonesia tentang tanda baca titik pada instant message. Sejak gaya komunikasi chatting muncul akibat populernya aplikasi instant message, tanda titik kehilangan fungsinya sebagai pemberi jeda dan pengakhir kalimat. Penelitian-penelitian terdahulu menyebutkan bahwa tanda titik merupakan sebuah senjata untuk menunjukkan ironi, nada sinis, sikap agresif, dan ketidaktulusan. Tanda titik tidak hanya mengakhiri sebuah pesan, namun ia adalah pesan itu sendiri. Millennials menggunakan tanda titik untuk mengekspresikan kemarahan, sementara Generasi X tidak melihat adanya makna pada tanda baca tersebut. Kesenjangan pemahaman ini disebut sebagai interpretation gap yang dipengaruhi oleh aspek generasional. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan tipe eksploratif. Teknik pengumpulan data dari penelitian ini adalah wawancara mendalam dengan Generasi X dan Millennials Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa gaya penulisan dalam instant messaging akan mengimitasi gaya bicara pada percakapan tatap wajah. Generasi X cenderung menyelesaikan konflik secara to-the-point dan tegas, sementara Millennials cenderung bersikap pasif-agresif dan menghindari konfrontasi. Fakta ini merupakan akar dari pilihan simbol yang mereka gunakan untuk mengekspresikan kemarahan melalui media IM.
Schools are organisations with individuals from different generations, shaped by different ages, educational ideologies, experiences, and mentalities. Therefore, there are teachers and students from different generations under the roof of schools. In this situation, schools face the challenge of balancing the needs of different generations, both students and educators. Different generations differ in terms of the ways of interpersonal communication and the communication channels they use. This difference in communication channels can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts between generations in the workplace and, of course, in schools, resulting in intergenerational communication breakdowns.Given the importance of communication in learning environments, the focus of this chapter is on intergenerational differences in school and classroom environments, intergenerational communication and suggestions for improving this communication.
The monograph includes studies of the last decades by a group of scientists engaged in solving problems of theoretical and methodological study of the problem of psychological manifestations of modern generations. The authors reflected the versatility of definitions of the concept of "generation" and revealed the multidimensional phenomenon of generations. The author's approach to the succession of generations deserves attention, which opens up prospects in the study of intergenerational relations. A level model of value-semantic mediation of intergenerational relations is presented, which allows a comprehensive look at the manifestations of generations. Reviews of generational studies are presented and empirical cross-sections are presented in the value-semantic perspective of the formation of generations. The problem of perception of generations by each other in age and gender aspects is considered in a special way. Attention is paid to the problems of spreading the belief in conspiracies in the modern youth environment and the harmful consequences of this. The empirical model of the conspirativist mentality is the beginning of research in this regard. It is addressed to philosophers, cultural scientists, sociologists, psychologists of various schools and anyone interested in new and recurring trends in human development in the world.
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ÖNSÖZ Dünyadaki tüm topluluklarda kuşakların birbirlerini anlamadıkları yönünde yaygın bir inanış söz konusudur. Bu anlaşılmazlık aslında kuşaklar arasında dünyayı algılama biçimlerinde oluşan farklılıktan kaynaklıdır. Kuşakların sahip oldukları değerler, duygu durumları ve sosyopolitik davranışları bu kuşak çatışmasını doğuran ana aktörler olarak kabul edilebilir. Aslında sorulması gereken ana soru; "Kuşaklar arasındaki bu çatışma gerçekten bütün farklı kültürlerde var mıdır yoksa kuşak çatışması denilen bu durum batı odaklı bir algı mıdır?" olması gerekir. Z kuşağı internet çağının ve dijital iletişimin önceki yıllara göre yaşamın vazgeçilmez unsuru olduğu bir dönemde büyümektedir. Kuşağın içinde olduğu bu dönem, bahsedilen bu sorunun cevabının net olarak verilebilmesi için olanaklar da barındırmaktadır. Okuyacağınız bu araştırmanın çıkış noktası da aslında kuşaklar arasında ve Z kuşağının içinde değerlere, duygulara ve sosyopolitik tutumlara farklı yaklaşımların varlığını sorgulamak, çeşitli yargılamaların odağında olan Z kuşağını daha anlaşılır bir konuma taşımaktır. Z kuşağı üzerinde yapılan bütün araştırmalar ve analizler, çalışma kapsamında elde ettiğimiz bulgularla beraber incelendiğinde Türkiye'de yaşayan Z kuşağının dünyanın çeşitli bölgelerinde yaşayan akranları ile devletlerin aralarına koydukları yasal sınırlarını çoktan aştığını ve küresel bir yaşama doğru ilerlediklerini göstermektedir. Araştırma bu açıdan başta Z kuşağının ebeveynlerine, politikacılara, diğer araştırmacılara ve kuşak üyelerinin kendisine, Z kuşağının anlaşılabilir olması adına önemli mesajlar barındırmaktadır. Prof. Dr. Ercan YILMAZ Uzman Abdullah AKTÜRK
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This cross-sectional study reports the similarities and differences between three age cohorts of public employees—Generation X, Baby Boomers and Matures—on 15 motivational factors. While substantial differences are broadly observed between the generations outside the public sector organizational context, these age-based categories of public employees are nearly identical in the governmental workplace. The few differences found can be ascribed to life and career stages as opposed to cohort-specific sociological influences. The principal implications for recruiting, motivation, training, retention, and human resource processes are discussed.
The importance of generational diversity in the management of work atmosphere in an organization is discussed. Generational diversity provides a significant opportunity for organizations that are committed to a diversity-conscious and harassment-free workplace. Generational diversity can build bridges to close the gaps among empolyees of different races, genders, religions, national origins, color, and other characteristics. It is suggested that the elder generations must assume their role as teachers and mentors to the upcoming generations.
This research examines workforce generational changes and specifically focuses on Generation X. GenXers comprise about one-third of the American labor force and are becoming a major influence in the workplace. To test common wisdom that they are substantially different from Baby Boomers, this study uses the 2002 General Social Survey of 454 government employees to compare Baby Boomers to GenXers. Using contingency table analysis and ordered logit analysis, we find little difference between the Baby Boom generation and Generation X in terms of their appraisal of work motivation factors. Management implications are suggested.
There seem to be at least five separate concepts of generation currently in use: (1) developmental stage; (2) ranked descent; (3) age homogeneous group; (4) time span; and (5) "spirit of the age." The last concept differs from the first four because it refers to content rather than structure. Most current writings use this last definition. Most of the issues of generation center around the three respective social systems of the individual, the family, and the society. For the individual, his generation is part of his identity. The greatest differentiation of generations is probably seen within the family. Each rank of descent and each developmental stage is likely to be recognized. In society, there may be only two significant generations: those who are not full members of society and those who are. The study of generation gap can be clarified by considering two dimensions. The first is the amount of transmission of culture. The second is the amount of effort needed to negotiate the gap or the amount of conflict involved in the transition. By combining these two dimensions, we get four types of generation gap situations, ranging from the most serene to the most explosive. It is more important to know which of these four is most probable than to ask whether there is or is not a gap. (SJ)
The purpose of this study is to identify generational differences and similarities among hospitality employees and managers in order to develop leadership strategies and management styles that can be utilized to increase employee morale and productivity while enhancing recruitment and retention rates of highly qualified workers. Data for this study were collected through a series of in-depth focus group discussions. Findings indicated significant generational differences in world views, attitudes toward authority and perspectives on work. Findings suggested the Baby Boomers respect authority and hierarchy, while the Generation X-ers (Gen X-ers) rebel against authority. Findings also suggested while Baby Boomers live to work, Gen X-ers work to live. The Baby Boomers are willing to wait their turn for promotions and rewards, and are very loyal. On the other hand, Gen X-ers expect immediate recognition through title, praise, promotion, and pay. They also want a life outside of work—they are not likely to sacrifice theirs for the company. The Millennial Generation believes in collective action, with optimism of the future, and trust in centralized authority. They like teamwork, showing a strong will to get things done with a great spirit.
Generation X: how understanding this populationleads to better safety programs Today's generations face newcommunication gaps The Xers & The Boomers
  • S J Adams
Adams, S.J., 2000. Generation X: how understanding this populationleads to better safety programs. Professional Safety 45, 26–29. [15] Kersten, D. (2002). Today's generations face newcommunication gaps. Retrieved April 15, 2008, from [16] Claire Raines, Jim Hunt(1999) The Xers & The Boomers [17]
Mixing and managing four generation of employees. FDUMAGAZINE Online
  • Greg Hammil
Greg Hammil (2005) Mixing and managing four generation of employees. FDUMAGAZINE Online. Retrieved from
Eliminating Communication Barriers Among Generations: An Interview with Patty Bowen. Generation gaps. Retrieved from http://launchingliveswebsite.wordpress.comeliminating-communication-barriers-among-generations-an-interview-with- patty-bowen
  • Patty Bowen
Patty Bowen (2011 November 30) Eliminating Communication Barriers Among Generations: An Interview with Patty Bowen. Generation gaps. Retrieved from patty-bowen/ [4]