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Abstract and Figures

We describe a method of identifying and counting whales using very high resolution satellite imagery through the example of southern right whales breeding in part of the Golfo Nuevo, Península Valdés in Argentina. Southern right whales have been extensively hunted over the last 300 years and although numbers have recovered from near extinction in the early 20(th) century, current populations are fragmented and are estimated at only a small fraction of pre-hunting total. Recent extreme right whale calf mortality events at Península Valdés, which constitutes the largest single population, have raised fresh concern for the future of the species. The WorldView2 satellite has a maximum 50 cm resolution and a water penetrating coastal band in the far-blue part of the spectrum that allows it to see deeper into the water column. Using an image covering 113 km(2), we identified 55 probable whales and 23 other features that are possibly whales, with a further 13 objects that are only detected by the coastal band. Comparison of a number of classification techniques, to automatically detect whale-like objects, showed that a simple thresholding technique of the panchromatic and coastal band delivered the best results. This is the first successful study using satellite imagery to count whales; a pragmatic, transferable method using this rapidly advancing technology that has major implications for future surveys of cetacean populations.
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Whales from Space: Counting Southern Right Whales by
Peter T. Fretwell
*, Iain J. Staniland
, Jaume Forcada
1Mapping and Geographic Information Centre, British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2Ecosystems Department, British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge,
United Kingdom
We describe a method of identifying and counting whales using very high resolution satellite imagery through the example
of southern right whales breeding in part of the Golfo Nuevo, Penı
´nsula Valde
´s in Argentina. Southern right whales have
been extensively hunted over the last 300 years and although numbers have recovered from near extinction in the early
century, current populations are fragmented and are estimated at only a small fraction of pre-hunting total. Recent
extreme right whale calf mortality events at Penı
´nsula Valde
´s, which constitutes the largest single population, have raised
fresh concern for the future of the species. The WorldView2 satellite has a maximum 50 cm resolution and a water
penetrating coastal band in the far-blue part of the spectrum that allows it to see deeper into the water column. Using an
image covering 113 km
, we identified 55 probable whales and 23 other features that are possibly whales, with a further 13
objects that are only detected by the coastal band. Comparison of a number of classification techniques, to automatically
detect whale-like objects, showed that a simple thresholding technique of the panchromatic and coastal band delivered the
best results. This is the first successful study using satellite imagery to count whales; a pragmatic, transferable method using
this rapidly advancing technology that has major implications for future surveys of cetacean populations.
Citation: Fretwell PT, Staniland IJ, Forcada J (2014) Whales from Space: Counting Southern Right Whales by Satellite. PLoS ONE 9(2): e88655. doi:10.1371/
Editor: Tom Gilbert, Natural History Museum of Denmark, Denmark
Received October 3, 2013; Accepted January 12, 2014; Published February 12, 2014
Copyright: ß2014 Fretwell et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: The authors have no support or funding to report.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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‘‘How many are there?’’ Is a question that is often difficult to
address in ecology particularly for marine species that are
generally inaccessible and cryptic. This is clearly demonstrated
in whales where, despite their enormous size, robust population
estimates are very difficult to obtain. The extreme size of whales
means that they have a high per-capita rate of food consumption
and hence a potentially massive impact on their prey populations
as well as the marine ecosystem. Accurate population estimates are
also essential to inter alia assess the recovery of depleted
populations, evaluate conservation threats and also to use whales
as indicators of the health of local ecosystems. Here we investigate
the use of available Very High Resolution (VHR) satellite imagery
to detect and count baleen whales as a proof-of-concept to
augment current population studies. We target Southern right
whales (Eubalaena australis) as a test species to evaluate; the southern
right whale is an ideal subject for this work for many of the same
reasons as it was an ideal whale to hunt, specifically its large size
(maximum size ,15 m) and a tendency, in the breeding season,
to bask near the surface in large aggregations around sheltered
coastal waters. This is particularly true for mothers that use
shallow water areas to raise their calves to the surface during their
first months of life. The techniques described in this paper may
also be relevant to other species of baleen whales, especially other
large whales that, like the southern right, breed in calm coastal
waters. Further work to test availability and perception bias of
counting whales by satellite will need to be completed before the
techniques described here can be used to independently assess
populations, such a system would reduce the observer cost and
effort and improve the accuracy of population estimates and
Southern right whales have a circumpolar distribution in the
Southern Hemisphere. The distribution in winter, at least for
breeding animals, is concentrated in shallow coastal waters in the
northern part of their range [1]. In summer right whales are found
mainly in latitudes 40–50uS [2] but have been seen, especially in
recent years, in the Antarctic as far south as 65uS [3,4] and around
South Georgia [5,6].
Southern right whales were hunted extensively from the 17
through to the 20th century. The total number processed is
conservatively estimated at about 155,000. The pre-whaling
population was estimated at 55,000–70,000 dropping to a low of
about 300 animals by the 1920s. After 1935 they were legally
protected but over 3,000 more were thought to have been taken by
illegal whaling in the 1960’s [7].
Since the cessation of whaling several southern right whale
breeding populations (Argentina/Brazil, South Africa, and Aus-
tralia) have shown a strong recovery [8,9,10] but the other
breeding populations are still very small. In 1997 the estimated
total population size was 7,500 animals and the three main
populations have continued to increase [3,11,12]. Overall the
population appears to have grown strongly since the cessation of
whaling but is still at ,15% of even conservative historical
PLOS ONE | 1 February 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 2 | e88655
Of current concern is the unprecedented mortality of southern
right whales on their nursery grounds at Penı
´nsula Valde´s,
Argentina, in what are the most extreme mortality events ever
observed in a baleen whale [13]. Over 420 whale deaths in recent
years, the majority of which were calves, suggests that this
population and its ecosystem may be less healthy and robust than
previously thought [13].
The traditional methods by which cetacean population abun-
dance estimates are obtained use counts of whales along transects
from platforms such as aircraft or ships, or counts from land-based
vantage points [14]. These can be very labour intensive involving
long hours of recording by trained researchers and, as whales
range over large geographic areas, these survey methods can be
costly and inefficient. Additionally, not all individual whales are
present at once, and if present they are not easily detectable (so
called availability and perception bias, respectively). Detection
probabilities for whales are typically high for shipboard surveys,
but for the study area, where surveys are typically carried out by
small airplanes, they can be down to 40% [15]. In addition, there
are not many precision estimates for southern right whale
abundance, particularly for the study area. Typically abundance
is assessed with line transect methods and for right whales from the
same population in the Scotia Sea coefficients of variation are
wide, ranging from 65 to 185% [16].
A previous attempt to count whales using satellite remote
sensing data and had limited success [17]. Using the first
generation of VHR imagery from the Ikonos satellite, with a
resolution of 0.8 m in the panchromatic and 3.3 m in the colour
bands, two areas were looked at: the orca pools at SeaWorld
theme park in San Diego, and a section of coastal water around
Maui known to have large numbers of humpback whales [17].
Although objects which were probably whales were identified in
the IKONOS imagery, the lower resolution and the cluster and
noise associated with waves sea-surface state meant that definitive
sightings were difficult to prove. Since 2002 the spectral, spatial
and temporal accuracy of high resolution satellites has improved
and cost of acquiring such imagery has decreased. A number of
recent studies have used VHR satellites to count animals such as
penguins and seals from space [18,19,20]. The highest accuracy
satellite, the Worldview2 satellite, has an on-the-ground pixel size
of 50 cm in the panchromatic and 2 m in its eight colour spectral
bands. One of these bands, termed the coastal band, uses the far
blue part of the spectrum to penetrate the water column and is
routinely used for hydrographic mapping [21].
Here we describe a method of identifying and counting
southern right whales breeding in part of the Golfo Nuevo in
Argentina using satellite imagery from the WorldView2 satellite
count. This is an ideal location to evaluate our methods because
every year, from July to November, whales concentrate in high
densities to calve and mate. These enclosed bays are characterized
by calm and shallow waters increasing the chances of obtaining
images with optimum conditions of visibility.
Materials and Methods
We acquired a single WorldView2 satellite image of a region of
the Golfo Nuevo Bay, the southern of two bays which separate
´nsula Valde´s from the mainland of Argentina (figure 1).
The location
Golfo Nuevo, the southern gulf of the Penı
´nsula Valde´s, is a
roughly circular shaped bay and between 80 – 100 km wide. The
sheltered waters attract southern right whales in great numbers
and, together with a similar sized bay just to the north, they hold
one of the world’s largest breeding aggregations of the species.
This represents one of the best studied populations of southern
right whales, with an ongoing programme detailing the natural
history and ecology of the species [5]. From July to November
(winter and early spring), much of the population is on the nursery
ground at Penı
´nsula Valde´s [21] (42uS, 64uW). In 1997, the
population was estimated at 2,577 whales [22], with an annual
growth rate of 6.9% per year [10]. Current estimates are
unavailable and are required as whale calf mortality has increased
sharply since 2005 when the population has experienced several
severe mortality events, particularly in Golfo Nuevo [13].
The image
A section of a single WorldView2 image (Catalog ID:
103001001C8C0300) covering an area of 113 km
and taken on
the 19
of September 2012 was purchased from the commercial
provider Digital globe. The image was chosen from the Digital
Globe archive for three reasons:
1. It covers the middle of the Golfo Nuevo Bay, an area with a
high density of southern right whales.
2. The timing corresponds with the middle of the breeding/calf
rearing season, which lasts between July and November.
3. It is cloud free with a calm sea-state.
Sea surface waves have a very strong influence on the ability to
detect submarine features [17] Our previous analyses using VHR
imagery in the Southern Ocean show that choppy water or sea
swell refracts the sunlight making practical detection of whales
almost impossible. This is especially true if attempting to construct
routines to automatically identify targets. When choosing imagery
from archival footage an online reduced resolution library is
usually viewed. These reduced resolution ‘‘quick-looks’’ do not
allow judgement on the sea-state, as they are too coarse to show
surface waves – although whitecaps and swell lines can occasion-
ally be seen. However several key features can indicate suitable
Figure 1. The area of the study and the location of places
named in the text. The red box denotes the area of imagery acquired
for this study. The grey area gives an indication of the possible swath
width of a single satellite pass.
Whales from Space
PLOS ONE | 2 February 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 2 | e88655
calm conditions; these include sediment patterns and algal blooms
and lack of surf at the coast.
The image acquired consists of nine bands of information; eight
colour bands with an on the ground resolution of ,2 m per pixel,
(Digital globe
WorldView2-DS-WV2-Web.pdf) and one panchromatic band
with an on the ground resolution of 50 cm. The fifth of the eight
bands is termed the coastal band and collects light of wavelengths
between 400 nm and 450 nm. This far-blue or violet light
penetrates deeper into the water column with less absorption
and attenuation than longer wavelengths (dependent upon water
clarity and turbidity). This data is routinely used by hydrographic
institutions for mapping coastal bathymetry [23].
We assessed the returns of each band over a cross section of
pixels through whale-like features of two types; surface features
and assumed submarine features (figure 2). As can be seen in figure
3, all bands responded to surface features, with the strongest
response in the panchromatic band, although this band also
showed the most noise. In the submerged cross section only the
coastal band (band 5) responded, no other band showed evidence
of any feature. This also shows the noisy nature of the
panchromatic data in an area of open water (figure 3).
Previous attempts to identify whales using IKONOS imagery
show that attenuation of light through the atmosphere is weak in
comparison to the two major components of image degradation;
scattering from surface roughness of the sea and attenuation of
light through the water column due to water turbidity [17]. As
these major components could not be quantified to absolute
reflectance, absolute values for the subsurface features could not be
retrieved, we therefore used raw Digital Number (DN) values from
the satellite to give an indication of relative illumination across the
Figure 2. A selection of 20 comparable false colour image chips (bands 1-8-5) of probable whales found by the automated analysis.
Several of the images could be interpreted as whale pairs, or as a mother and calf, others may be displaying behaviour such as tail slapping, rolling or
blowing. On several images there is a strong return at one end of the feature which is mostly likely the calluses on the whales head. Reprinted under
a CC BY license with permission from British Antarctic Survey and DigitalGlobe.
Whales from Space
PLOS ONE | 3 February 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 2 | e88655
Automatic detection
Using ENVI5 image processing software and ArcGIS automatic
detection of whale-like features in the water column was tested
using maximum likelihood supervised classification, unsupervised
classification (isoData and k-means) and thresholding of specific
Supervised classifications need the signatures input information
of the pixel values for each class in order to classify the image.
These signatures are usually manually input by the user. The
algorithm then segregates all the pixels in the image into classes
representing the signatures.
Unsupervised classifications classify the image into component
parts based solely on information held within the image; isoData
uses a clustering algorithm to determine the natural grouping of
cells, while k-means calculates initial class means evenly distributed
in the data space, then iteratively clusters the pixels into the
nearest class using a minimum-distance technique.
Histogram thresholding [24] requires a degree of experimen-
tation to calculate the best thresholds to use. Through an iterative
process we formulated thresholds that maximized signal (in this
case suspected whales), and reduced the amount of noise or false
positives (single pixels from small objects and mixed pixels). As
whales are large features they should be represented by multiple
bright pixels, noise will result in single pixels, although inevitably
there could be a small number of whales at depths that return only
single pixels, so that some valid single pixels should still occur.
Using the histograms of whale DN values as a guide we built
thresholds that maximized the ratio of multiple pixels to single
pixels in the panchromatic and coastal bands.
To construct a test dataset the image was divided up into a grid
and whale-like features were manually digitized and coded into
three classes: probable whale (features that were whale-shape and
whale-sized) possible whale (including weaker signals, bubble slicks
and some groups of seabirds are classed as possible whales),or
features only visible in Band 5 (The third class are objects
identified only in the water penetrating coastal band, are
interpreted as sub-surface feature that are also potentially whales).
This process was conducted multiple times to ensure the lowest
possible errors of omission.
Visual inspection of the image showed that a number of offshore
objects, that were both the right shape and size (5 – 15 m) to be
whales, could be identified in both the colour and the panchro-
matic bands (see figure 2). Most of these objects were visible across
all bands although in most cases the high resolution of the
panchromatic band rendered the objects in greater detail (figure
4). Visual inspection can only utilize three bands as the red, blue
and green element of the onscreen image, we compared
combinations of pansharpened bands to find the band-combina-
tions in which whales were most visible, the best overall results
were retrieved using a combination of bands 1 (red),8 (NIR2) and
5 (coastal). The panchromatic band alone displayed a higher noise
ratio that other bands; possibly a result of the higher resolution
picking up more surface refraction from wavelets, ripples and
small waves. Other surface features such as aggregations of
seabirds were also visible in this band. These smaller features were
a confusing element when attempting to develop automatic
Figure 3. The sensor response through cross sections through two whale-like (correct shape and size) features assumed to be
whales. The left hand figure is from a feature at the surface, the right hand figure shows a submerged feature. Note that while all bands show the
surface feature, only band 5 (the Coastal Band) identifies the submerged feature.
Whales from Space
PLOS ONE | 4 February 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 2 | e88655
recognition algorithms. The coastal band (band 5) identified a
number of features not apparent in the other data that were
interpreted as sub-surface features. Manual counts of the gridded
dataset found 55 probable whales, 23 possible whales and 13
objects identified in Band 5 only.
Returns from the four automatic analysis routines were assessed
against the manually digitized data (figure 5). In this analysis we
assume that manual detection detects all whales visible on the
surface. Results from the supervised maximum likelihood classi-
fication returned many errors of commission in comparison to the
unsupervised classification. The supervised classification also has
the disadvantage of needing the input of user-derived signatures
which take additional effort and inserts user bias into any
classification. No meaningful results could be obtained using this
method. The two unsupervised classification methods gave
reasonable results, but the results that best matched the manually
counted data came from a simple thresholding of single bands
(table 1). The two most effective bands were the panchromatic and
the water penetrating Band 5, which slightly outperformed the
more detailed panchromatic analysis (see table 1). The single best
routine was thresholding of the coastal Band 5; this technique
found 84.6% of all manually digitized whales and 89% of the
objects manually classed as probable whales, with 23.7% false
positives. However, thresholding also requires user input to
identify thresholds and therefore the greater accuracy of the
technique needs to be balanced against the need for extra manual
How do we know it is a Southern right whale?
There are many objects in the image that resemble whales, but
the question remains; how do we know it is a Southern right
whale? The answer to this can be broken into three criteria used to
identify any objects in remotely sensed imagery:
1. The object is the right size and shape to be a whale
2. The object is in a place we would expect to find whales
3. There are no (or few) other types of objects that could be
misclassified as whales to cause errors of commission.
In this study we have digitized and automatically identified
objects that are the right size (up to 16 m long) and shape.
Although the size of the whales has an upper limit the lower limit is
difficult to assess as the deeper the whale in the water column the
less we are likely to see. The shape is generally ellipsoidal, although
this can vary due to rolling, tail slapping and bubbles and other
ripples associated with the animal. In the location of the study at
the time the image was taken we expect to see a high density of
whales in the image, especially mothers which, at this time of year,
are forced to swim at the surface to support their calves.
There are only a limited number of other confounding artefacts
that could cause errors of commission: No other large marine
mammals are reported to frequent this bay, right whales are the
only large whale species that regularly use the shallow calving
grounds of Peninsula Valde´s [24]. Orcas, much smaller in size, are
common in the area, although at a different time of the year, and
Figure 4. A single band images of a probable right whale in the satellite image from each of the eight multispectral bands and the
panchromatic band of the WorldView2 data. Note that the higher resolution of the panchromatic band gives more detail, but it this increased
detail also renders the object into several parts. Other bands show less detail, but have the advantage of homogenizing the object into one group of
pixels, an important consideration when attempting to build automatic identification routines. Reprinted under a CC BY license with permission from
British Antarctic Survey and DigitalGlobe.
Whales from Space
PLOS ONE | 5 February 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 2 | e88655
are unlikely to be confused with right whales. This is an important
criteria for the study area as it seems unlikely that different baleen
species could be differentiated with the resolution of currently
available satellite data. Of the other possible confounding factors
the most likely are subsurface rocks in very shallow areas, seabird
groups, surface bubbles and boats. Surface bubbles and seabird
groups may include whales beneath them but it is unlikely that a
single image of this resolution can elucidate whether a whale exists
within these features. Therefore, when digitizing we classed whale-
like features as ‘‘probable whales’’ and weaker signals, that may
include seabird groups and surface bubbles, as ‘‘possible whales’’.
Some of these issues, such as discrimination between whales and
Figure 5. Comparison between manually identified and automatically identified whales. Manually identified whales (top) have been
broken into three classes; shapes that are whale-like and whale-sized are classed as probable whales, other objects are classed as possible whales, but
may include bubble slicks and some groups of seabirds. The third class are objects identified only in the water penetrating coastal band, these are
interpreted as sub-surface feature that are potentially whales. The bottom image shows the whale-like objects identified from the thresholding
analysis of the coastal band.
Whales from Space
PLOS ONE | 6 February 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 2 | e88655
subsurface rocks, could be resolved with the purchase of multiple
imagery or stereo-pairs where movement of whales between
images would eliminate the possibility of rocks awash or at the
surface. Boats should be identifiable by their uniform pale
colouration, wakes or strong outlines which discriminate them
visually from the typical signatures of whales. In the previous
Abileah study using lower resolution imagery stationary boats
could be clearly identified [17]. The WorldView2 imagery used in
our study has 2.5 times as many pixels per unit area as the
IKONOS data and we would therefore expect that boats either
stationary or moving could be discriminated from whales in the
manual search. In the section of Golfo Nuevo contained in our
image no such features were identified.
On several potential whale objects there is a strong return at one
end of the feature which is likely to be from calluses on the whale’s
head, a feature which could aid automatic detection. Several
objects identified as whales could be interpreted as pairs, or as a
mother and calf, others may be displaying behaviour such as tail
slapping, rolling or blowing (see figure 6). These behaviours
present challenges for automatic analyses.
The results from the automated analysis suggest that a
thresholding of the water penetrating Band5 returns the best
results, finding 89% of features classed as probable whales in the
manual count. Thresholding a single band is a very simple
technique, although it does require some user input to identify the
best thresholds. The greater accuracy of the technique (in relation
to the more automated unsupervised analysis) needs to be
balanced against the need for extra manual input in relation to
other methods. These results however are promising and suggested
that larger surveys over whole calving areas, which could
potentially measure thousands of square kilometres, could be
automated with a degree of success using these techniques.
Table 1. Assessment of results from four automatic detection techniques in relation to manually digitized whales; results from two
unsupervised classification techniques and two Thresholding analyses.
Unsupervied iso
Panchromatic Threshold Band 5
total signals 91 total signals 158 102 64 101
probable 55 probable matches 44 42 43 49
possible 23 possible matches 16 11 14 15
Band 5 only 13 band 5 matches 1 0 0 13
total found 61 53 57 77
% found 67.0 58.2 62.6 84.6
% of probable 80.0 76.4 78.2 89.1
total missed 30 38 34 14
% missed 33.0 41.8 37.4 15.4
false positives 97 49 7 24
% false positives 61.4 48.0 10.9 23.8
% good 38.6 52.0 89.1 76.2
Figure 6. Examples of possible confounding features found in the image (false colour bands 1-8-5). The top row shows examples of
surface features that are probably bubbles from subsurface whales. Whether the whales are still under the bubble areas is difficult to ascertain. The
lower row show clusters white dots, probably seabirds. Seabirds have been recorded to feed on whales at Penı
´nsula Valde
´s (see discussion). The third
(and possible fourth) of these images shows a larger white object that could be a whale (or whale carcass) although once more it is impossible to tell
with any certainty in this imagery. Reprinted under a CC BY license with permission from British Antarctic Survey and DigitalGlobe.
Whales from Space
PLOS ONE | 7 February 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 2 | e88655
Challenges and Future Improvements
The next challenge is to determine detection probabilities and
understand whether counts from images can be used as a reliable
index for population size, or presence. This paper shows that
automated analysis of satellite imagery can achieve a good match
with manual counts, but more work is needed to ensure that these
manual counts are commensurate with the real number of surface
whales. Once an estimate of visible whales has been formulated
the ratio of visible whales versus invisible whales (those at depth or
not at the breeding locality) is required to ascertain the total
population size. One critical factor is estimating how deep the
satellite sensor is seeing into the water column; the greater the
penetration, the larger the proportion of the total population that
will be identified. Penetration varies with water turbidity and
surface roughness, two factors that may change over short time-
spans and spatially within the image. Some estimation of turbidity
may be made by comparison of the infra-red bands to the visible
bands [25] although this would not account for scattering due to
surface roughness. To give some true indication of water column
penetration we suggest that any larger study should have
submarine reflectance panels placed at depths of 5 m to 30 m
large enough to be seen in the satellite image and to enable a
pragmatic estimation of the depth at which whales may be visible.
We have compared a number of automated techniques that will
aid the up scaling of similar studies, an important consideration if
remote sensing of whales using VHR optical imagery is to be
expanded to cover larger areas. Our studies have concentrated on
pixel based analysis [26], but object-orientated analysis or textual
analysis [27,28] may also provide comparable results (although
confounding behaviours such as rolling, bubble blowing and
associated surface waves may make this approach difficult).
The behaviour of right whales, with mothers calving in very
shallow waters in protected bays, makes them an ideal candidate
for the automated analysis of satellite imagery. The right whale
population at Peninsula Valde´s was previously thought to be
recovering well, but recent years have seen persistent events of calf
mass mortalities, suggesting major changes which require re-
assessment; the latest available population estimates are over a
decade old [12]. In addition, satellite image analysis offers the
opportunity to repeatedly assess the number of dead whale calves
washed up on beaches and even those at sea which are separated
from their mothers. An additional recent threat to the southern
right whale population at Peninsula Valde´s has been predation by
seabirds that peck blubber from calves which, when young, stay
near the surface [29]. Given the potential for the WorldView2
images to identify sea bird assemblages in relation to whales it may
be possible to use them to monitor, and even quantify to some
degree, occurrences of this behaviour (figure. 6).
We have shown that the use of current satellite imagery can be
used to identify individual whales both at, and just below, the
surface. The methods described here readily lend themselves to the
calculation of population abundance estimates and suggest that
behavioural patterns could also be elucidated. The automation of
the methods means that counts can be carried out more quickly
and efficiently than using traditional methods. This will allow a
greater frequency of counts, both within and between years, that
should lead to more robust population estimates, and the build up
of a time series to asses trends. The important differences between
our approach and a previous relatively unsuccessful attempt to
identify whales from satellite imagery are the improvements in the
on-the-ground resolution of panchromatic imagery and the use of
the costal band (band 5) that penetrates to subsurface whales.
These improvements allow a reasonable confidence to be assigned
to the identification of individual whales thus allowing counts of
whales in the wild as opposed to observations of animals in captive
A working system of whale population assessment by remote
sensing will be an important new method that is potentially
applicable other species of whale. Many species of whale breed in
areas of calm water where, in order to protect their vulnerable
calves, females remain close to the surface e.g. Humpbacks
(Megaptera novaeangliae). Such behaviours would allow the methods
outlined here to be used for population estimates.
Our methods can potentially help providing within and between
season population estimates, changes in distribution and use of the
breeding grounds, both for right whales and other species of whale
that breed in sheltered locations. Importantly, future satellite
platforms planned in 2013 and 2014 will increase the on-the-
ground resolution of panchromatic imagery from ,50 cm to
34 cm and coastal band from ,2 m to 1.24 m (Worldview3
planned launch 2014). This will result significantly higher quality
imagery and therefore, greater confidence in identifying whales
and differentiating mother calf pairs. Such improvements will also
provide the opportunity to expand similar methodologies to other
whale species.
This work forms part of Ecosystems programme and MAGIC within the
Polar Science for Planet Earth (PSPE) strategic science framework of the
British Antarctic Survey (BAS).
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: PTF JF IS. Performed the
experiments: PTF. Analyzed the data: PTF. Contributed reagents/
materials/analysis tools: PTF JF IS. Wrote the paper: PTF JF IS.
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10. Cooke JG, Payne R, Rowntree V (2001) Updated estimates of demographic
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Whales from Space
PLOS ONE | 8 February 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 2 | e88655
Valde´s, Argentina. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management (special
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Whales from Space
PLOS ONE | 9 February 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 2 | e88655
... Improvements in very high resolution (VHR; sub-meter resolution) satellite imagery may provide a new method for addressing challenges associated with Arctic cetacean monitoring. VHR satellite imagery provides instantaneous imagery spanning hundreds of square kilometers without having to be present in the area of study (Bamford et al., 2020;Cubaynes et al., 2019;Fretwell et al., 2014). In terms of effort, this greatly outperforms current aerial survey methods while negating the impact on the wildlife being surveyed, and danger to surveyors. ...
... In terms of effort, this greatly outperforms current aerial survey methods while negating the impact on the wildlife being surveyed, and danger to surveyors. Additionally, the cost of tasking and acquiring VHR satellite imagery is decreasing and may offer a costeffective alternative for surveying animals in remote areas (Fretwell et al., 2014;LaRue et al., 2011). However, longer postprocessing times, and thus human hours, required to analyze large scale satellite images could offset these potential cost differences. ...
... Due to its scale and logistic benefits, VHR satellite imagery provides a plausible method to conduct annual cetacean abundance surveys and enhance our ability to model population trends. Several cetacean species have been studied using VHR satellite imagery (Bamford et al., 2020;Cubaynes et al., 2019;Fretwell et al., 2014); however, the use of VHR satellite imagery to estimate Arctic cetacean abundance has been less explored (Belanger et al., 2024;Fretwell et al., 2023;Watt et al., 2023). VHR satellite imagery must provide abundance estimates comparable to those from current methods to be effective. ...
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Routine monitoring of cetaceans is imperative for understanding their population trends and making informed management decisions. However, the inherent nature of cetaceans and the marine ecosystems they inhabit make annual population surveys logistically and economically challenging with current survey methods. One emerging solution is utilizing very high‐resolution (VHR) satellite imagery, which is a logistically efficient method for providing an instantaneous view of areas spanning hundreds of square kilometers. The objective of this study was to determine two factors required to reliably conduct beluga whale population abundance estimates with VHR satellite imagery: (1) depths that beluga whales are visible in VHR satellite images, which are used to define availability bias correction factors, and (2) a comparison of abundance estimates in VHR satellite imagery to current aerial methods. We submerged beluga whale models to different depths in two different water clarities and determined that beluga whales are distinguished only at the surface in turbid water (Secchi depth: 2.56 m) and at depths of 0–2 m in clear water (Secchi depth: 4.04 m). Based on the proportion of time beluga whales spend at these depths, an availability bias correction factor for Western Hudson Bay beluga whales was defined as 2.40 ± 0.16 for turbid water and 1.89 ± 0.05 for clear water. Synchronous ground‐validation surveys determined availability corrected beluga whale abundance estimates in 0.31 m VHR satellite imagery (n = 173 beluga whales) and imagery that was HD sharpened using a proprietary algorithm to approximate 0.15 m resolution (n = 170) to be comparable to drone imagery (n = 164). VHR satellite imagery has the potential to increase the frequency of beluga whale population surveys, which has become increasingly important as beluga whales face rapid ecosystem changes and increased anthropogenic disturbances.
... Cubaynes et al. [16] used spectral image analysis of WorldView-3 imagery (with a spatial resolution of 31 cm) to identify four mysticete species in various oceans. Fretwell et al. [17] demonstrated that classification methods using the spectral information can be used to classify Southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) in the waters off of Argentina in VHR satellite imagery. One limitation of using only spectral information is that other features (e.g., sea state) can have similar spectral signatures as the whale in optical imagery, leading to misidentification and thus lower accuracy in the final classification. ...
... The method developed was able to identify beluga whales using a semi-automated technique which was more efficient than visual identification; however, a human observer is still required to count the whales. Previous studies have used mainly spectral-only pixel-based classification methods to create an automated detection algorithm for whales (e.g., [17,16]). This current method focused on using an object-based analysis technique which offers several advantages over pixel-based classification. ...
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Very high-resolution (VHR) satellite imagery has proven to be useful for detection of large to medium cetaceans, such as odontocetes and offers some significant advantages over traditional detection methods. However, the significant time investment needed to manually read satellite imagery is currently a limiting factor to use this method across large open ocean regions. The objective of this study is to develop a semi-automated detection method using object-based image analysis to identify beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) in open water (summer) ocean conditions in the Arctic using panchromatic WorldView-3 satellite imagery and compare the detection time between human read and algorithm detected imagery. The false negative rate, false positive rate, and automated count deviation were used to assess the accuracy and reliability of various algorithms for reading training and test imagery. The best algorithm, which used spectral mean and texture variance attributes, detected no false positives and the false negative rate was low (<4%). This algorithm was able to accurately and reliably identify all the whales detected by experienced readers in the ice-free panchromatic image. The autodetection algorithm does have difficulty separately identifying whales that are perpendicular to one another, whales below the surface, and may use multiple segments to define a whale. As a result, for determining counts of whales, a reader should manually review the automated results. However, object-based image analysis offers a viable solution for processing large amounts of satellite imagery for detecting medium-sized beluga whales while eliminating all areas of the imagery which are whale-free. This algorithm could be adapted for detecting other cetaceans in ice-free water.
... The everincreasing resolution of satellites and opportunities for monitoring animals from space is leading to promising results (e.g. Fretwell, Staniland, and Forcada 2014;Yang et al. 2014). Of all animal survey methods, it will have the lowest disturbance, but this method is still in its infancy. ...
In this paper we describe an unmanned aerial system equipped with a thermal-infrared camera and software pipeline that we have developed to monitor animal populations for conservation purposes. Taking a multi-disciplinary approach to tackle this problem, we use freely available astronomical source detection software and the associated expertise of astronomers, to efficiently and reliably detect humans and animals in aerial thermal-infrared footage. Combining this astronomical detection software with existing machine learning algorithms into a single, automated, end-to-end pipeline, we test the software using aerial video footage taken in a controlled, field-like environment. We demonstrate that the pipeline works reliably and describe how it can be used to estimate the completeness of different observational datasets to objects of a given type as a function of height, observing conditions etc. -- a crucial step in converting video footage to scientifically useful information such as the spatial distribution and density of different animal species. Finally, having demonstrated the potential utility of the system, we describe the steps we are taking to adapt the system for work in the field, in particular systematic monitoring of endangered species at National Parks around the world.
... As a result, they are only able to only detect larger objects. For example, Fretwell et al. (2014) identified whales using satellite with a spatial resolution of 50 cm in an area (satellite image) of 113 km 2 . For studies of larger areas, satellite images of a lower spatial resolution would have been needed, which would result in a lower detectability of the animals. ...
Technical Report
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This report describes current methodology and shortcomings in the waterbird monitoring along the East Atlantic Flyway and provides an overview of and recommendations for possible innovations and improvements.
... Satellite images with very high spatial resolution are becoming more widely used for the detection of animals. Resolutions up to 31 cm have allowed for increased applications in studies of marine mammals (Clarke et al., 2021;Cubaynes et al., 2019;Fretwell et al., 2014). Satellite imagery has the benefit of being able to survey large areas within a short timeframe (<30 seconds between images) and thus capture any small-scale whale movements and eliminate bias that may be caused by whale synchronicity or non-random movement (Ezer et al., 2008;Smith et al., 2017;Smith and Martin, 1994). ...
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The Cumberland Sound beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) population inhabits Cumberland Sound on the southeast side of Baffin Island, Nunavut. The population is listed as threatened under the Species at Risk Act. The last abundance estimate from an aerial survey was estimated at 1,381 (95% CI: 1,270-1,502) beluga whales in 2017 for an area covering 12,485 km². Since then, satellite imagery has been used as a remotely based non-invasive method to monitor these whales. Very High Resolution (VHR) satellite imagery covering 9,690 km² of water was collected from Cumberland Sound from August 30 to September 7, 2021, during the ice free season. Readers with previous imagery analysis experience analyzed the images and identified 704 certain detections. Abundance estimates were corrected for availability bias for whales that were too deep to be detected in the imagery (>2m). We present a total estimate of 1,690 (CV = 0.16; 95% CI: 1,241-2,301) beluga whales in Cumberland Sound (22,663 km²). This estimate covers a larger area and estimates a higher abundance than the 2017 aerial survey. Regular population abundance assessments are essential for understanding population dynamics and trends and we have shown here that satellite imagery is a comparable method to aerial surveys for estimating abundance.
... For example, density-related changes have altered the distribution of right whales in South Africa, Australia, and Argentina, with increasing numbers of cow-calf pairs displacing whales without calves to nearby habitats . Additionally, long-term monitoring using techniques such as passive acoustics (e.g., Webster et al., 2019) and satellite imagery (e.g., Fretwell et al., 2014) could be used to confirm whether these areas represent long-term key habitats or are only temporary, opportunistic ones. Understanding the importance of these areas is especially important given they are not protected by current MPAs. ...
Marine protected areas (MPAs) are a commonly used management tool to safeguard marine life from anthropogenic impacts, yet their efficacy often remains untested. Evaluating how highly dynamic marine species use static MPAs is challenging but becoming more feasible with the advancement of telemetry data. Here, we focus on southern right whales (Eubalaena australis, SRWs) in the waters off Aotearoa/New Zealand, which declined from 30,000 whales to fewer than 40 mature females due to whaling. Now numbering in the low thousands, the key socializing and nursery areas for this population in the remote subantarctic islands are under the protection of different types of MPAs. However, the effectiveness of these MPAs in encompassing important whale habitat and protecting the whales from vessel traffic has not been investigated. To address this, we analyzed telemetry data from 29 SRWs tagged at the Auckland Islands between 2009 and 2022. We identified two previously unknown and currently unprotected areas that were used by the whales for important behaviors such as foraging, socializing, or resting. Additionally, by combining whale locations and vessel tracking data (2020–2022) during peak breeding period (June to October), we found high spatiotemporal overlap between whales and vessels within several MPAs, suggesting the whales could still be vulnerable to multiple anthropogenic stressors even when within areas designated for protection. Our results identify areas to be prioritized for future monitoring and investigation to support the ongoing recovery of this SRW population, as well as highlight the overarching importance of assessing MPA effectiveness post-implementation, especially in a changing climate.
... Moreover, citizen science sightings can enable researchers and managers to obtain local species distribution, seasonality, and group size data on cetaceans [10]. Standard methods for observing cetacean behavior include obtaining data from satellite imagery [11], traditional vessel surveys [12], and more recently drones [13]. Therefore, monitoring which incorporates citizen science approaches has the potential to provide researchers with a cost effective method for cetacean distribution and behavioral data. ...
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Cetaceans are commonly observed in open water or near shore habitats by citizen scientists, recreational boaters, tourists, and researchers. Sightings representing images with known time and location data may include an assortment of behaviors are readily visible, and can provide distribution data for future monitoring, validate beach strandings, or highlight localities where species occur. However, to date, there is no assessment across species of the presence, distribution, and behavior of North American cetaceans of the increasingly utilized citizen science application iNaturalist. To this end, this short communication presents distribution and temporal trends on presence, mortalities, and behaviors present in cetaceans within the USA. These findings highlight iNaturalist as a powerful tool and the potential application of this app for future cetacean research and environmental management.
... Satellite imagery with a 30 cm spatial resolution provided the most accurate results (compared with 15 cm and 50 cm resolution). This is intuitive with respect to the 50 cm resolution because it provides less detail, making it more difficult to be confident in the detection (see also Cubaynes et al., 2019Cubaynes et al., , 2023Fretwell et al., 2014). It was a bit more surprising that the 15 cm imagery had a lower count accuracy. ...
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Regular counts of walruses (Odobenus rosmarus) across their pan‐Arctic range are necessary to determine accurate population trends and in turn understand how current rapid changes in their habitat, such as sea ice loss, are impacting them. However, surveying a region as vast and remote as the Arctic with vessels or aircraft is a formidable logistical challenge, limiting the frequency and spatial coverage of field surveys. An alternative methodology involving very high‐resolution (VHR) satellite imagery has proven to be a useful tool to detect walruses, but the feasibility of accurately counting individuals has not been addressed. Here, we compare walrus counts obtained from a VHR WorldView‐3 satellite image, with a simultaneous ground count obtained using a remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS). We estimated the accuracy of the walrus counts depending on (1) the spatial resolution of the VHR satellite imagery, providing the same WorldView‐3 image to assessors at three different spatial resolutions (i.e., 50, 30 and 15 cm per pixel) and (2) the level of expertise of the assessors (experts vs. a mixed level of experience – representative of citizen scientists). This latter aspect of the study is important to the efficiency and outcomes of the global assessment programme because there are citizen science campaigns inviting the public to count walruses in VHR satellite imagery. There were 73 walruses in our RPAS ‘control’ image. Our results show that walruses were under‐counted in VHR satellite imagery at all spatial resolutions and across all levels of assessor expertise. Counts from the VHR satellite imagery with 30 cm spatial resolution were the most accurate and least variable across levels of expertise. This was a successful first attempt at validating VHR counts with near‐simultaneous, in situ, data but further assessments are required for walrus aggregations with different densities and configurations, on different substrates.
... Remote sensing technologies also provide a non-invasive means for evaluating top predators' presence, distribution, and behavior. For instance, satellite-based monitoring can help determine the presence and distribution of marine mammals, elasmobranchs, and seabirds in vast areas (e.g., McConnell et al., 1992;Fretwell et al., 2014;Labrousse et al., 2022). Unmanned vehicles, such as drones, autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), and remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) equipped with cameras, acoustic sensors, and other instruments, can also be used to collect data on the size, distribution, and behavior of marine predators (e.g., Giacomo et al., 2021). ...
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The conservation and management of marine ecosystems hinge on a comprehensive understanding of the status and trends of top predators. This review delves into the ecological significance of marine top predators, examining their roles in maintaining ecosystem stability and functioning through an integrated analysis of current scientific literature. We first assess the efficacy of various monitoring methods, ranging from traditional field observations to cutting-edge technologies like satellite tracking and environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis and evaluating their strengths and limitations in terms of accuracy, spatial coverage, and cost-effectiveness, providing resource managers with essential insights for informed decision-making. Then, by synthesizing data from diverse marine ecosystems, this study offers a comprehensive overview of the trends affecting top predator populations worldwide. We explore the multifaceted impacts of human activities, climate change, and habitat degradation on the abundance and distribution of these key species. In doing so, we shed light on the broader implications of declining top predator populations, such as trophic cascades and altered community structures. Following a thorough assessment of successful strategies for reversing the decline of top predators, a compilation of recommendations is presented, encompassing effective governance interventions. A crucial aspect of effective ecosystem-based management is the implementation of robust monitoring strategies. Mitigation measures are imperative to reverse the adverse impacts on marine top predators. We present a comprehensive array of mitigation options based on successful case studies. These include the establishment of marine protected areas, the enforcement of fisheries regulations, and the promotion of sustainable fishing practices. We deepen the synergies between these strategies and their potential to mitigate human-induced stressors on top predator populations to safeguard their pivotal role in maintaining marine ecosystem structure and function. By examining marine top predators’ ecological significance, analyzing population trends, discussing monitoring techniques, and outlining effective mitigation strategies, we provide a comprehensive resource for researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders engaged in fostering ecosystem-based management approaches. We conclude that integrating these insights into current management frameworks will be essential to safeguard both top predators and the broader marine environment for future generations.
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Wildlife surveys are key to assessing the health of global biodiversity. Traditional field and aerial methods however have significant limitations, including high costs, substantial time investment, and potentially biased estimates. The increasing availability of high-throughput monitoring sensors in recent years has opened new perspectives for wildlife studies. Very-high-resolution (VHR) satellite sensors promise large spatial and temporal coverage while seemingly being less costly than traditional methods. Deep learning (DL) has shown increasingly impressive capabilities for processing remote sensing imagery, suggesting good prospects for imagery-based wildlife surveys. We reviewed all taxa and geographic area studies that use satellite imagery for wildlife detection, counting and surveys. Through an analysis of 49 peer-reviewed papers, this study examined the sensors and resolutions employed along with the methods used to detect, count and survey wildlife in various biomes. Results have revealed an increasing trend of publications. Mammals and birds are the focus of most of the papers, mainly in polar/alpine and pelagic ocean waters biomes. Visual interpretation is the most common method used for wildlife detection and counting while total count is mostly used for surveying. Most of the papers present a proof of concept to detect, count and survey wildlife. Technological advances are expected to enhance the spatial and temporal resolutions of satellite imagery, as well as image processing capabilities. Three main bottlenecks preventing the development of on-demand operational approaches for wildlife surveys were identified: 1) the business model of VHR satellite imagery providers is not conducive to wildlife studies; 2) satellite imagery is rarely shared; and 3) the training of multidisciplinary highly qualified personnel is underdeveloped. In response, this review presents key research priorities for advancing remote sensing for wildlife monitoring. They include wildlife-dedicated satellite constellations at enhanced spatial and temporal resolutions, increased data accessibility and sharing, adapted survey strategy, development of foundational DL model and multidisciplinary integration. We believe that progress in these directions will foster new survey strategies that are certain to revolutionize wildlife monitoring in the decades to come.
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The history of Australian right whaling is briefly reviewed. Most catching took place in the first half of the 19th century, with a peak inthe 1830s, involving bay whaling by locals and visiting whaleships in winter and whaling offshore in the summer. In the early 20th century,right whales were regarded as at least very rare, if not extinct. The first published scientific record for Australian waters in the 20th centurywas a sighting near Albany, Western Australia, in 1955. Increasing sightings close to the coast in winter and spring led to annual aerialsurveys off southern Western Australia from 1976. To allow for possible effects of coastwise movements, coverage was extended intoSouth Australian waters from 1993. Evidence from 19th century pelagic catch locations, recent sightings surveys, 1960s Soviet catch dataand photographically-identified individuals is beginning to confirm earlier views about likely seasonal movements to and from warm watercoastal breeding grounds and colder water feeding grounds. Increase rates of ca 7-13% have been observed since 1983. Some effects ofdifferent breeding female cohort strength are now beginning to appear. A minimum population size of ca 700 for the period 1995-97 issuggested for the bulk of the ‘Australian’ population, i.e. animals approaching the ca 2,000km of coast between Cape Leeuwin, WesternAustralia and Ceduna, South Australia.
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With the availability of multisensor, multitemporal, multiresolution and multifrequency image data from operational Earth observation satellites the fusion of digital image data has become a valuable tool in remote sensing image evaluation. Digital image fusion is a relatively new research ® eld at the leading edge of available technology. It forms a rapidly developing area of research in remote sensing. This review paper describes and explains mainly pixel based image fusion of Earth observation satellite data as a contribution to multisensor integration oriented data processing.
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Aerial counts of right whale cow-calf pairs on the south coast of South Africa between 1971 and 2003 indicate an annual instantaneous population increase rate of 0.069 a year (SE 0.003) over this period. Annual photographic surveys since 1979 have resulted in 1,504 resightings of 793 individual cows with calves. Observed calving intervals ranged from 2 to 23 years, with a principal mode at 3 years and secondary modes at 6 and 9 years, but these made no allowance for missed calvings. Using the model of Payne et al. (1990), a maximum calving interval of 5 years produces the most appropriate fit to the data, giving a mean calving interval of 3.15 years with a 95 % confidence interval of (3.11, 3.18). The same model produces an estimate for adult female survival rate of 0.990 with a 95% confidence interval of (0.983, 0.997). The Payne et al. (1990) model is extended to incorporate information on the observed ages of first reproduction of grey-blazed calves, which are known to be female. This allows the estimation of first parturition (median 7.69 years with 95% confidence interval (7.06, 8.32)). First year survival rate was estimated as 0.734 (0.518, 0.95) and the instantaneous population increase rate 0.073 (0.066, 0.079). The current population is estimated as some 3,400 animals, or about 17% of initial population size: the latter parameter needs re-consideration.
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To examine the general population trends of large whales in South Georgia waters, 2 opportunistic data sets of sightings of large whales from 1991 to 2010 around South Georgia were analyzed: the South Georgia Museum log of whale sightings and the British Antarctic Survey whale sighting reports from the Bird Island research station. Bird Island abuts the northwest tip of South Georgia. The 4 most reported species in both data sets were southern right whale Eubalaena australis, humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae, minke whale Balaenoptera bonaerensis, and killer whale Orcinus orca. These totally independent data sets showed comparable changes in abundance through time; thus, despite a lack of sighting effort records, inferences could be drawn about changes in relative abundance. The number of reported sightings per 5 yr period from both data sets increased from the 1991 to 1995 period through the 2001 to 2005 period and has since decreased. Species composition of reported sightings has changed over time; southern right whales have become the most sighted species in both data sets, with a peak of reported sightings in the 2001 to 2005 period. Sightings were concentrated around Shag Rocks, at the northwest tip of South Georgia, and along the north/east coastlines of South Georgia; sightings in the bays around South Georgia have increased over time. In an area such as the Antarctic, which poses many difficulties when conducting research, opportunistic data sources such as these, although not ideal, can become invaluable, since such information would otherwise be unattainable.
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The abundance of southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) was estimated by the means of aerial line-transect surveys for the area of Bahía San Antonio, a bay located in the north-western region of the San Matías Gulf (40°50’S 64°50’W), Rio Negro, Patagonia Argentina. In total, seven aerial surveys were conducted in the first week of August and September 2009, September, October and November 2010, and August, September 2011. Survey effort equalled a total flight time of 12.4h, during which 200 whales were counted in 119 whale groups. Half of the encounters were solitary animals and 17% were mating groups. Corrected abundance estimates showed the highest amount of whales present in the bay during the month of September, with 85±71, 207±108 and 117±55 animals in 2009, 2010 and 2011 respectively. In adjacent months, less than half the amount of whales seemed to be present. The correction factor g(0)availability resulted 0.392±0.456. Perception bias was not accounted for. These aerial surveys resulted in the first estimates of southern right whale abundance in this north Patagonian bay and indicated a rather abrupt peak during the month of September. This being the peak month for right whale presence is consistent with data from other regions in the Southwest Atlantic, but data obtained in the other months remained scarce and thus results should be interpreted carefully. The complete absence of whales in the area during November 2010 and August 2011 raises further questions on the predictability of the whale’s presence in the area. Overall, more consistent aerial surveys should be conducted to accurately determine the annual and interannual evolution of southern right whale abundance in the study area.
Since 1970, southern right whales have been studied on their winter/spring aggregation areas in protected waters near the coast of Peninsula Valdes, Argentina. Many individuals return to the area each year, but mature females tend to be seen only in years when they give birth (usually every 3rd year); 74 of the known females have had >2 calves, with a mean calving interval of 3.7+ or -1.25 yr. Age of first calving for 2 females was 7 yr. Mothers with young calves are usually positioned along the coast in water c5 m deep. Right whales are found at Peninsula Valdes in three separate areas: 1) predominantly occupied by mothers and calves, 2) predominantly occupied by males and mature females in non-calf years, and 3) occupied by all categories of whales including subadults and mating groups. -from Author
Conference Paper
Multispectral imaging (MSI) data acquired at different view angles provide an analyst with a unique view into shallow water. Observations from DigitalGlobe's WorldView-2 (WV-2) sensor, acquired in 39 images in one orbital pass on 30 July 2011, are being analyzed to determine bathymetry along the windward side of the Oahu coastline. Satellite azimuth and elevation range from 18.8 to 185.8 degrees, and 24.9 (forward-looking) to 24.9 (backward-looking) degrees with 90 degrees representing a nadir view (respectively). WV-2's eight multispectral bands provide depth information (especially using the Blue, Green, and Yellow bands), as well as information about bottom type and surface glint (using the Red and NIR bands). Bathymetric analyses of the optical data will be compared to LiDAR-derived bathymetry in future work. This research shows the impact of varying view angle on inferred bathymetry and discusses the differences between angle acquisitions.