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Neurodidáctica y la implicación de emociones en el aprendizaje


Abstract and Figures

The purpose of this article is to highlight the importance of a new discipli- ne named neurodidactics; also aims to emphasize the role that emotions play in learning. The interaction between teacher and student that is based on the cir- cular model of motivation, cognition, memory and emotions, can be organized and implemented through neurodidactics, whose main objective is to create tea- ching methodologies for an ecology of mind. This discipline is at the crossroads between neurobiology and science education since it is based on the principle that any learning process itself involves a change in the brain, in that our neural networks are affected by changes. At the same time the paper sets out the invol- vement of emotions in learning analysing how emotions, both positive and negative, and stress could interfere in the acquisition process.
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... However, while the emotions associated with the events experienced by the students make it easier to remember what has been learned, the learning processes remain in the students' memories longer [33]. Negative emotions, like boredom, anxiety, and frustration, can make it hard to store information in memory and retrieve it when you need it during a task [7]. According to the mixed education methodology, Stephan et al. (2017) reported that students were more motivated in the lessons through the use of virtual environments, and showed more participation and understanding in the lessons [37]. ...
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Purpose:Learning the neuroanatomical structures is difficult in traditional medical education. Knowledge and visual materials in neuroanatomy books or atlases are static and limited with two dimensions. The limitation of cadaver and plastic models has been solved by the development of three-dimensional (3D) anatomical models using digital visualization technologies. Medical students are better able to understand the spatial topography of a large number of neuroanatomical structures that are condensed into a small region when they make use of 3D visualization technologies such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). Our study will open a new window to classical neuroanatomy education. We aimed to evaluate how much 3D neuroanatomical models based on VR application affect the success and motivation of medical school students in neuroanatomy courses. Methods:Four exams were given to the second-year medical faculty students before the classical theoretical course (1), after the theoretical course (2), after the VR training and application (3), and six months later to evaluate the long-term effects of the training (4). Results:Success averages were evaluated out of 10; It was found 3.38 in the students who participated in the evaluation after the traditional theoretical training, and 4.55 in the group who received VR training. In the long-term evaluation after six months, this average was found to be higher in the group that received VR training. Conclusion:Our study fills an important gap in the literature in terms of demonstrating the positive effects of VR-based neuroanatomy training on memory in the long term.
... This is positively assessed and may be due to the expectations of the students when working with the ECO method and the freedom to decide on the methodology to be followed in the subject. As has been demonstrated from Neurodidactics and the flow theory, motivation increases when the purpose of the task is understood, the objectives are clear and achievable, progress becomes manifest and positive social relationships are involved (Willis, 2021(Willis, , 2012Ibarrola, 2018;Di Gesù et al., 2014;Csikszentmihalyi, 2008Csikszentmihalyi, , 2007. The ECO method offers the ideal structure for all these factors to come together. ...
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Developing the teaching competencies of pre-service Spanish Language and Literature teachers is one of the current demands in higher education. A teaching-learning experience has been developed through the ECO method (Explore, Create, Offer), which is an innovative methodology inspired by Human Centred Design, Design Thinking, and challenge-based learning. The aim of the study was twofold: a) to check whether pre-service teachers perceive that their teaching competencies have improved after this experience; b) to find out the relationships between their perception of the different competencies and certain socio-demographic characteristics. A Likert-type questionnaire on teaching competencies before and after the experience was conducted. 92 participants took part in the pre-test and 66 in the post-test. The results show an improvement in the perception of their competencies at the end of the experience and high levels of motivation throughout the course. These improvements occurred regardless of socio-demographic characteristics such as age or educational background. It is concluded that the ECO method favours the acquisition of competencies, fosters motivation, and offers equal learning opportunities, thus fulfilling the democratising function of the university.
... In this sense, the experiences that students interpret as favorable in the classroom and that respond to their interests will be those that facilitate the development of positive emotions (e.g., fun, pride, confidence), in which case the memory of that situation or knowledge worked on is facilitated [7]. On the other hand, negative emotions (e.g., boredom, anxiety, frustration) make it difficult to remember and may even inhibit remember since they make it difficult to fix the information in the memory and recover it for the task at hand, so learning is reduced rather than stimulated [8,9]. ...
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Schools have traditionally focused on the cognitive development of students without paying attention to how emotions modulate the students’ psychological state and how this affects their academic performance. For that, the aim of this study is to determine the influence of emotions on the motivation of primary school students to learn French as a foreign language, and their influence on the adoption of adaptive habits and academic performance. For this purpose, the sample of participants consisted of 394 students who ranged in age from 10 to 13 years who answered three questionnaires on the study variables. Several statistical analyses were carried out that helped explain the causal relationships between the study variables and a predictive model hypothesized through structural equation modeling was created. The results revealed that positive emotion positively influenced academic motivation. At the same time, academic motivation was positively related to leisure habits related to French, and this was positively related to academic performance. In light of these results, the importance of attending to emotions in a foreign language class is highlighted, as well as the academic motivation of the students as it leads to adaptive behaviors and habits related to the learning of French.
Los estudiantes con discapacidad intelectual presentan una serie de dificultades académicas y adaptativas en su proceso de aprendizaje, que no les permiten desenvolverse dentro del contexto escolar. Por ello el objetivo principal de esta investigación es fortalecer los procesos de aprendizaje de estudiantes escolarizados con Discapacidad Intelectual, a través de estrategias neurodidácticas. Esta investigación se consigna bajo los parámetros del paradigma empírico analítico, siendo una investigación descriptiva, realizada con una muestra de 8 estudiantes, con un rango de edad entre 8 y 13 años en condición de discapacidad intelectual de la Institución Educativa N°5 Eustorgio Salgar de Puerto Colombia, Atlántico. Las técnicas e instrumentos que se utilizaron fueron, entrevista estructurada, realizada bajo los criterios de Discapacidad Intelectual, Aprendizaje y Abordaje Pedagógico y Didáctico; observaciones realizadas en los escenarios pedagógicos, la Escala Neuropsicológica Infantil II (ENI II) y la Escala de Comportamiento Adaptativo Vineland 3, con las cuales se caracterizaron los componentes cognitivos y adaptativos. A través de la aplicación de estos instrumentos obtuvimos el constructo del perfil cognitivo, es decir el reconocimiento de las habilidades lectoescritoras y aritméticas de cada estudiante, además de las características del ambiente de aprendizaje y el conjunto de estrategias didácticas para esta población.
El presente artículo científico tiene la finalidad de mostrar las percepciones que tienen los estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca en cuanto a sus calificaciones, su proceso de aprendizaje y la manera cómo los docentes llevan adelante las clases magistrales. La Neurodidáctica es una rama de la neurociencia que aborda la temática de cómo se puede formar estudiantes con un aprendizaje duradero y con conocimientos sólidos, a través del estudio del funcionamiento de su cerebro y cómo sus emociones pueden coadyuvar en su educación a nivel profesional. Según los resultados obtenidos, se puede percibir una desmotivación o poco interés en el estudiante en obtenercalificaciones altas o asistir a clases de forma regular y por voluntad propia con el fin de aprender.Sin embargo, se pudo apreciar que los estudiantes sí están interesados en cambiar de actitud. Cuando se les inquirió sobre la relación que tiene el cerebro, sus emociones y su aprendizaje en la etapa de su formación profesional, mostraron un mayor interés de poder incluir nuevas estrategias o actividades en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje que incrementen su atención y, de esta forma, se sientan motivados a aprender.
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La neurodidáctica es una disciplina emergente que posibilita la integración en el aula de estrategias basadas en el funcionamiento del cerebro. El objetivo de esta investigación es conocer en qué medida los docentes de lengua extranjera inglesa de las etapas de Educación Infantil y Educación Primaria utilizan estrategias que tienen su origen en la neurodidáctica y que son extrapolables al aula de inglés. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo ex post-facto de corte cuantitativo para el que se diseñó y validó un cuestionario ad hoc formado por 15 cuestiones sociodemográficas y 35 ítems valorados en una escala gradual del 1 al 5. En la investigación han participado 111 docentes de lengua extranjera inglesa de diferentes Centros Educativos. Los resultados indican que los participantes utilizan estrategias basadas en neurodidáctica en las sesiones de inglés, tanto presenciales como en las sesiones online.
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El avance de los descubrimientos a nivel cerebral da lugar a disciplinas emergentes como la neurodidáctica, permitiéndonos llevar al aula estrategias basadas en el funcionamiento del cerebro, optimizando el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. El objetivo de esta investigación es determinar en qué medida existen diferencias entre los docentes de lengua extranjera inglesa de las etapas de Educación Infantil y/o Primaria al utilizar estrategias basadas en la neurodidáctica. Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica sobre el estado actual de la temática y se lleva a cabo un trabajo de campo para el que se diseñó y validó un cuestionario ad hoc formado por 15 cuestiones sociodemográficas y 35 ítems valorados en una escala gradual del 1 al 5. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo de corte cuantitativo, tipo encuesta, en el cual han participado 111 docentes de Centros Educativos de la Región de Murcia. Los resultados indican que las docentes participantes utilizan más estrategias basadas en neurodidáctica, tanto en las sesiones de lengua inglesa presenciales como en las sesiones online. Asimismo, se aprecian diferencias estadísticamente significativas en función de variables como sociodemográficas como los años de experiencia, a favor de los docentes con más experiencia, alcanzando un tamaño del efecto considerable.
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After the World Health Organization had declared a pandemic of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on March 11, 2020 many governments, including the Government of Spain, declared the state of alarm enforcing a quarantine that have left millions of students confined to their homes. This home confinement has affected students of all levels, including university students, and has forced faculties to adapt online teaching strategies. Thus, traditional classroom face-to-face teaching has suddenly been replaced by online classes. This has revealed particularly challenging for medical courses. For such purpose we have designed an online teaching proposal addressed to the Degree in Physiotherapy and the Double Degree in Nursing and Physiotherapy of the University of Jaén (Spain). The objective is to implement an online virtual teaching protocol through the use of Virtual Reality. For such a goal, the Leap Motion Controller (LMC) will be used to teach the neuroanatomy of the brain and spinal cord and to teach and practice neurorehabilitation exercises. Along with devices like the LMC students will be asked to use Health Sciences databases in order to achieve a significative learning of the course topics. The project is structured in two phases. First, students will learn neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of the most relevant neurological conditions using LMC-based models. Then, they will learn to combine LMC games and conventional physiotherapy for neurorehabilitation purposes. The work of students will include the recording of videoreports demonstrating the acquisition of neuroanatomy concepts and simulating a clinical case. With this project we will assess the usability of LMC as an educative tool, the perception, satisfaction and self-regulated learning of physiotherapy students.
El documento recoge las memorias del III Simposio Regional de Educación Artística, evento académico, cultural y de investigación en artes, realizado en el año 2019 en la ciudad de Ibagué, Tolima, Colombia.
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En los últimos años la didáctica universitaria se está adaptando a los estilos de aprendizaje de los estudiantes y la neurociencia se ha convertido en una disciplina que aporta gran cantidad de información sobre el funcionamiento del cerebro, sus implicancias en la construcción del conocimiento y la importancia de considerar los aspectos cognitivos, afectivos y sociales inmersos en el proceso de aprendizaje. El propósito principal de la investigación fue conocer la relación que existe entre las estrategias neurodidácticas del docente con la satisfacción y el rendimiento académico en los estudiantes de una universidad de Lima, Perú. El estudio fue cuantitativo, correlacional, transversal y con una muestra de 311 estudiantes de los dos primeros años de formación universitaria. Los resultados indican que las estrategias neurodidácticas se correlacionan positivamente con la satisfacción y el rendimiento académico (.72 y .51 respectivamente). Asimismo, se presentó una relación moderada entre la satisfacción y el rendimiento académico (.45). En cuanto a los tipos de estrategias neurodidácticas se ha encontrado que los docentes evaluados usan con mayor frecuencia las estrategias metodológicas. Sin embargo se ha observado que las estrategias socioemocionales presentan un coeficiente de correlación más alto con la satisfacción (.63), en comparación con otros tipos de estrategias.
With Gender in Translation, Sherry Simon presents a study of the feminist issues surrounding translation studies. She argues that translation of feminist texts is a cultural intervention, seeking to create new cultural meanings and bring social change.
Some investigators have argued that emotions, especially animal emotions, are illusory concepts outside the realm of scientific inquiry. With advances in neurobiology and neuroscience, however, researchers are proving this position wrong while moving closer to understanding the biology and psychology of emotion. In Affective Neuroscience, Jaak Panksepp argues that emotional systems in humans, as well as other animals, are necessarily combinations of innate and learned tendencies; there are no routine and credible ways to really separate the influences of nature and nurture in the control of behavior. The book shows how to move toward a new understanding by taking a psychobiological approach to the subject, examining how the neurobiology and neurochemistry of the mammalian brain shape the psychological experience of emotion. It includes chapters on sleep and arousal, pleasure and pain systems, the sources of rage and anger, and the neural control of sexuality. The book will appeal to researchers and professors in the field of emotion.
Fidelity and The Gendered Translation — Postmodern theories of language have drastically changed the ways we view the translator's task and the relationships that can be established between the so-called original and its foreign versions. One of the most important insights brought about by such textual theories is the recognition of the translator's inescapable authorial role in the translated text. At the same time, an increasing awareness of the impact of gender-related issues to the production of meaning is beginning to encourage a promising union between feminism, contemporary textual theories, and the emerging discipline of translation studies. Such a union has begun to produce a new brand of politically motivated translations as well as an enlightening reflection on the issues of both translation and gender and to prompt some female translators to write about their feminist practice and strategies that explicitly subvert the original they disagree with. However, as I intend to argue, even though their work and theoretical comments do reveal that their voices have already conquered a much deserved space within the (still) predominantly essentialist scenario of patriarchal culture, they seem to be repeating some version of the same scenario which treats original and translations differently and which they rightly condemn in traditional theories of translation and gender. As they disguise their conscious intervention in the text they translate under the mask of some form of or to the same original they explicitly deconstruct, such translators fail to take their own sound insights seriously and run the unnecessary risk of jeopardizing their work.