A modified version of the Ainsworth Strange Situation Test was used to analyse 40 dog–owner
pairs in order to assess whether owners can represent a secure base for their dogs. The Wilcoxon
test revealed significant differences between owner and stranger for protest at separation (whining),
contact maintenance effect (proximity, attention seeking and physical contact) and secure base
effect (exploration, individual play and social play). The results suggest that dogs behave similarly
to children towards the mothers and to chimpanzees towards human caretakers in the Ainsworth
Strange Situation Test: owners are the preferred recipient of affiliative behaviours and, in their
absence, dogs show behaviours indicative of distress. After reunion with the owner, dogs show
an increase in social behaviours towards him/her. Dogs did not show fear of the stranger, and it
was regarded as a normal behaviour for adult well-socialized dogs. Until now whether owners
represented a secure base for their dogs was debated, due to controversial results. This study found
that dogs play and explore more when owners were present, suggesting that owners can represent
a secure base for their dogs. Therefore, according to Bowlby’s definition, dogs are linked to their
owners by an attachment bond.