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Effect of gonadotropin inhibitory hormone (GnIH) secretion on post-ejaculatory refractory period: A hypothesis



The exact underlying mechanism regulating the human post-ejacu-latory refractory period is not yet known. The main finding of previous research has been an occurrence of surge-like increases in plasma prolactin and oxytocin levels immediately after orgasm. However, recent advances in neuroendocrinology have resulted in the identification of a new pep-tide, the gonadotropin inhibitory hormone (GnIH), which is considered to inhibit the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis and sexual functions. This paper hypothesizes that GnIH causes refractoriness of the post-ejaculatory refractory period, and on the basis of studies on hormonal fluctuations at the time of orgasm, we hypothesize that in addition to its pulsatile pattern of secretion, GnIH might also exhibit a surge-like pattern of secretion.
Illustration by Laura Isouthco
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Vol.11, No.1 | 2013 |
ABSTRACT The exact underlying mecha-
nism regulating the human post-ejacu-
latory refractory period is not yet known.
The main nding of previous research has
been an occurrence of surge-like increas-
es in plasma prolactin and oxytocin levels
immediately after orgasm. However, recent
advances in neuroendocrinology have re-
sulted in the identication of a new pep-
tide, the gonadotropin inhibitory hormone
(GnIH), which is considered to inhibit the
hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis and
sexual functions. This paper hypothesizes
that GnIH causes refractoriness of the
post-ejaculatory refractory period, and on
the basis of studies on hormonal uctua-
tions at the time of orgasm, we hypothe-
size that in addition to its pulsatile pattern
of secretion, GnIH might also exhibit a
surge-like pattern of secretion.
INTRODUCTION The neuroendocrino-
logical effects on sexual arousal and or-
gasm in humans are poorly understood.
As a recent review states, our knowl-
edge of the post-ejaculatory refractory
period mechanism is limited1. Krüger et
al.2 analyzed plasma concentrations of
adrenaline, noradrenaline, cortisol, lu-
teinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulat-
ing hormone (FSH), prolactin, growth
hormone (GH), ß-endorphin, and testos-
terone before, during, and after mastur-
bation-induced orgasm and showed that
only plasma concentration of prolactin
increased significantly in both men and
women. Thereafter, Exton et al.3 showed
that this increase in plasma prolactin
during sexual stimulation is orgasm-
dependent and does not increase with-
out orgasm. Prolactin concentration has
been shown to increase during orgasm
and remain elevated for 60 minutes2,4,5 .
However, in those men who exhibit mul-
tiple orgasms and a short refractory pe-
riod, the orgasm-induced prolactin surge
appears to be absent6. Therefore, it has
been proposed that the orgasm-induced
surge of prolactin controls sexual drive
and refractoriness through the central
nervous system (CNS)7. Nevertheless,
the mechanism of prolactin regulation fol-
lowing orgasm remains unknown.
Interestingly, it seems that the high post-
ejaculatory levels of plasma prolactin are
identical to levels of this hormone de-
tected in lactating females8,9. There are
similar patterns of hormonal release ex-
hibited by lactating females and those
experiencing the post-ejaculatory re-
fractory period. In a series of studies,
McIntash and Barfield10-12 investigated
the role of brain serotonin, dopamine and
norepinephrine in the control of copula-
tion and the post-ejaculatory refractory
period in rats. They showed that nor-
adrenaline and dopamine pathways de-
crease the duration of the post-ejaculato-
ry refractory period, whereas the duration
is lengthened by the serotonergic path-
ways. Additionally, in lactating female
rats, suckling has been found to increase
the activity of serotonin-containing neu-
rons13 that facilitate prolactin release dur-
ing lactation14 , whereas norepinephrine15
and dopamine16,17 are inhibited by suck-
ling. Therefore, we hypothesize that the
underlying mechanisms for inhibition of
reproductive functions during lactation
and during the post-ejaculatory refrac-
tory period are similar.
Recently, a new RFamide-related pep-
tide (RFRP) has been discovered18 which
is considered to have inhibitory effects on
reproductive functions. This peptide is a
homolog of gonadotropin inhibitory hor-
mone (GnIH)19, an RFamide duodeca-
peptide in the hypothalamus of quails
(Coturnix japonica), which inhibits LH re-
lease from the anterior pituitary18. The in-
hibitory effects of GnIH on gonadotropin
release have also been identified in mam-
mals, such as hamsters (Mesocricetus
auratus), rats (Rattus norvegicus), and
mice (Mus musculus)20, and have also
been confirmed in male and female
rats21,22, sheep23,24, and humans2 5. Studies
of the inhibitory effects of this RFRP on
the hypothalamus, pituitar y, and gonads
of mammals are reviewed elsewhere26.
© 2013 Farid Pazhoohi and Mohammad Saied Salehi.
This is an Open Access article distributed by Hypothesis
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License (,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and repro-
duction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
1,2Department of Animal Science,
College of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
Received: 2012/11/24; Accepted: 2013/02/20;
Posted online: 2013/06/03
Please cite this article as:
Farid Pazhoohi and Mohammad Saied Salehi, Effect of gonadotropin
inhibitory hormone (GnIH) secretion on post-ejaculatory refractory period:
A hypothesis. Hypothesis 2013, 11(1): e2, doi:10.5779/hypothesis.v11i1.286
Effect of gonadotropin inhibitory hormone (GnIH)
secretion on post-ejaculatory refractory period:
A hypothesis
Farid Pazhoohi*1 and Mohammad Saied Salehi2
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Vol.11, No.1 | 2013 |
Pazhoohi and Salehi
Effect of gonadotropin inhibitory hormone (GnIH) secretion on post-ejaculatory refractory period: A hypothesis
HYPOTHESIS This paper hypothesizes
that after orgasm, a GnIH surge occurs
which increases plasma prolactin levels
and inhibits the hypothalamic-pituitary-
gonadal axis, which leads to the occur-
rence of a refractory period after ejacula-
tion in males.
Supporting Argument Krüger et al.27 ana-
lyzed the effects of acute pharmacologi-
cal manipulations of plasma prolactin lev-
els on sexual arousal, orgasm, and the
refractory period. They observed that
increasing prolactin concentrations by
protirelin administration could not alter
sexual parameters such as the refracto-
ry period. Therefore, they concluded that
post-orgasmic increases of prolactin do
not provide direct negative feedback to
the CNS. Hinuma et al.28 examined the
effects of hRFRP-1 on pituitary-hormone
secretions in rats and showed that plas-
ma prolactin levels begin to increase 10
minutes after administration and then de-
cline, reaching baseline levels at 60 min-
utes. RFRPs did not alter plasma levels
of other pituitary hormones (GH, FSH,
LH, thyroid-stimulating hormone, and
adrenocorticotropic hormone). Also, this
study showed that the effect of RFRPs on
plasma prolactin levels is dose-depen-
dent, which suggests a surge-like pattern.
The relationship between RFRP release
and plasma levels of prolactin has been
confirmed, as it has been shown that
during lactation, while prolactin levels
are higher, GnIH expression increases in
lactating rats29. These results are consis-
tent with the reported increasing patterns
of prolactin after orgasm2,4,5.
In many mammals such as sheep30, rhe-
sus macaques31, and humans25 , GnIH
neuron terminals have been identified
in proximity to gonadotropin-releasing
hormone (GnRH) neuron bodies, and
more than 85 percent of GnRH neurons
in hamsters also have GnIH receptors
(GPR147)32. Because GnIH hyperpolar-
ized33 and decreased electrical activity
of GnRH neurons in mice34, it is possible
that GnIH surge through the inactivation
of GnRH neurons, inhibits the hypotha-
lamic-pituitary-gonadal axis.
In addition, GnIH axons project to the
median eminence in humans25, rhe-
sus macaques25, and hamsters32, which
might directly regulate pituitary function
through the hypophysial portal system.
GnIH has also been identified in the hy-
pophyseal portal system and GPR147 is
found to be expressed in the pituitary
gonadotropes of sheep36. Therefore, it is
plausible that after orgasm, GnIH releas-
es into hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal
veins with a direct effect on the pituitary
and induced refractoriness.
Another probable neuronal pathway in
which GnIH surge can cause the post-
ejaculatory refractory period is through
the inhibition of dopaminergic neurons.
Dopamine expressing neurons that are
located in the arcuate and paraventric-
ular nuclei of the hypothalamus inhibit
prolactin secretion from the pituitary37.
Because of the expression of GPR147
mRNA in dopaminergic neurons35 and
increased prolactin secretion after RFRP
administration in rats28, along with the ex-
istence of a strong connection between
GnIH neuron fibers and dopaminergic
neurons in the arcuate of rhesus ma-
caque35, it is plausible that a GnIH surge
increases prolactin secretion after or-
gasm via the inhibition of dopaminergic
An oxytocin surge occurs at the time of
and immediately after orgasm in men 5,38 ;
for a revi ew, see39. A recent study showed that in-
tracerebroventricular injection of RFRPs
increased the expression of Fos-protein
in oxytocin neurons in the hypothalamus
of rats and increased oxytocin plasma
concentrations40. Also, it showed that the
hypothalamic paraventricular and su-
praoptic nuclei expressed GPR147
mRNA, and applying RFRPs to the iso-
lated supraoptic nuclei facilitated oxy to-
cin release. Therefore, they concluded
that RFRPs activate oxytocin neurons
directly40. The pattern of oxytocin surge
at the time of and after orgasm supports
the surge secretion of GnIH in the current
Testing the Hypothesis GnIH expression
is investigated in different species using
different methods and techniques. For
example, using immunohistochemistry in
rodents20, sheep30, rhesus macaques35,
and humans25; using in situ hybridiza-
tion in rhesus macaques31, mice41, and
rats42; and using RT-PCR in rats43,44. It
should also be noted that GnIH concen-
tration has been investigated in hypotha-
lamic portal blood vessels as an in-vivo
method recently3 6. To test the current hy-
pothesis, GnIH expression and its con-
centration in the portal system should
be investigated before, during, and after
orgasm. Another possible condition that
may be useful for testing this hypothesis
is the comparison of GnIH expression in
animals with high and low libidos.
CONCLUSION This paper hypothesizes
that, first, gonadotropin inhibitory hor-
mone (GnIH) secretion, in addition to
exhibiting a pulsatile pattern, shows a
surge-like pattern of release at the time
of orgasm, and second, the post-ejac-
ulatory refractory period is due to high
levels of secretion of this hormone after
orgasm, which inhibits sexual functions.
If this hypothesis stands, it can explain
the reason behind sexual exhaustion and
post-ejaculatory refractory period after
orgasm. Therefore, using GnIH antago-
nists, low libido and sexual exhaustion
in men could potentially be remedied. It
should be noted that the refractory peri-
od ranges from 15 minutes for 18-year-
old men to 20 hours for seniors4 5. In ad-
dition to decreasing erectile disfunction,
sildenafil (Viagra™) reduces the post-
ejaculatory refractory period, but its ef-
fect does not seem to involve an interac-
tion with central monoaminergic control
pathways46. On the contrary, a GnIH an-
tagonist might affect the hypothalamic-
pituitary-gonadal axis at the brain level
and probably would result in the fewest
side effects. Also, from a psychological
point of view, this hypothesis can explain
why men need to separate from post-
coital connection. Although there exist
some evolutionary hypotheses47, there is
no definite and objective explanation for
this behavior yet.
Finally, it should be noted that in addi-
tion to the role of GnIH in the post-ejac-
ulatory refractory period, it is also possi-
ble that alternative mechanisms through
other neuronal and hormonal pathways,
which are not mentioned here, may be in
uted to the conception of the study; FP
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Pazhoohi and Salehi
Effect of gonadotropin inhibitory hormone (GnIH) secretion on post-ejaculatory refractory period: A hypothesis HYPOTHESIS
and MSS wrote and revised the manu-
script. Both authors read and approved
the final draft of the manuscript.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors would
like to thank James R. Liddle at Florida
Atlantic University for language editing
and two anonymous reviewers whose
comments improved the manuscript.
clare no conflicts of interest.
ABOUT THE AUTHORS Farid Pazhoohi and
Mohammad Saied Salehi are post-gradu-
ate students in animal physiology investi-
gating neuroendocrinology of reproduction
in animal models. Beside physiology, Farid
Pazhoohi has conducted experiments in
the fields of human perception, evolutionary
psychology and physical anthropology.
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Pazhoohi and Salehi
Effect of gonadotropin inhibitory hormone (GnIH) secretion on post-ejaculatory refractory period: A hypothesis
... One implicated stretch receptors in the seminal vesicles as the culprits (Turley and Rowland, 2013) but did not report that the possible involvement of these structures was discussed in a previous review and that animal experiments in which the seminal vesicles were removed failed to show any evidence that the procedure affected PERT. The other (Pazhoohi and Salehi, 2013) speculated that the peptide gonadotropin inhibitory hormone causes PERT by activating the secretion of prolactin. The possible role of prolactin was discussed in previous reviews and the hormone was found to be highly unlikely to cause PERT (Levin, 2003b(Levin, , 2009(Levin, , 2011a. ...
This review deals critically with many aspects of the functional genital anatomy of the human female in relation to inducing sexual arousal and its relevance to procreation and recreation. Various controversial problems are discussed including: the roles of clitorally versus coitally induced arousal and orgasm in relation to the health of women, the various sites of induction of orgasm and the difficulty women find in specifically identifying them because of “'ambiguity problems” and “genital site pareidolia,” the cervix and sexual arousal, why there are so many sites for arousal, why multiple orgasms occur, genital reflexes and coitus, the sites of arousal and their representation in the brain, and identifying aspects and functions of the genitalia with appropriate new nomenclature. Clin. Anat., 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
... Based on the findings that prolactin (56,57) and oxytocin (58) secretion increased during the refractory period after ejaculation in men, we proposed a hypothesis that increased RFRP expression after ejaculation might be the cause of the post-ejaculation refractory period in men (59). Intracerebroventricular injection of RFRP in rats also increased the activity of oxytocin neurons in the hypothalamus and oxytocin concentrations in plasma. ...
Full-text available
Until 2000 it was believed that gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) was the sole regulator of hypophyseal gonadotropes. In 2000, the discovery of a gonadotropin inhibitory hormone (GnIH) initiated a revolution in the field of reproductive physiology. Identification of GnIH homologues in mammals, the arginine-phenylalanine-amide (RFamide)-related peptides (RFRPs), indicated a similar function. Subsequently, further works conducted in various laboratories worldwide have shown that these neuropeptides inhibit the hypothalamic-hypophyseal axis. This review discusses the role of RFRPs in mammalian reproductive processes.
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Recently, kisspeptin (KP) and gonadotropin inhibitory hormone (GnIH), two counteracting neuropeptides, have been acknowledged as significant regulators of reproductive function. KP stimulates reproduction while GnIH inhibits it. These two neuropeptides seem to be pivotal for the modulation of reproductive activity in response to internal and external cues. It is well-documented that the current metabolic status of the body is closely linked to its reproductive output. However, how reproductive function is regulated by the body's energy status is less clear. Recent studies have suggested an active participation of hypothalamic KP and GnIH in the modulation of reproductive function according to available metabolic cues. Expression of KISS1, the KP encoding gene, is decreased while expression of RFRP (NPVF), the gene encoding GnIH, is increased in metabolic deficiency conditions. The lower levels of KP, as suggested by a decrease in KISS1 gene mRNA expression, during metabolic deficiency can be corrected by administration of exogenous KP, which leads to an increase in reproductive hormone levels. Likewise, administration of RF9, a GnIH receptor antagonist, can reverse the inhibitory effect of fasting on testosterone in monkeys. Together, it is likely that the integrated function of both these hypothalamic neuropeptides works as a reproductive output regulator in response to a change in metabolic status. In this review, we have summarized literature from nonprimate and primate studies that demonstrate the involvement of KP and GnIH in the metabolic regulation of reproduction. © 2015 The authors.
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Introduction: Gonadotropin inhibitory hormone (GnIH) has been known as a key inhibitor of the secretion of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH). Ewe has estrous cycles comprising of follicular and luteal phases. Follicular phase is in turn divided into proestrous and estrous phases. Blood level of LH increases in follicular and decreases in luteal phases. The aim of the present study was to evaluate (1) the presence of GnIH neurons in the ewe preoptic area (POA) and (2) the alterations of GnIH expression during different phases of ewe estrous cycle. Methods: Three fertile three-year-old ewes in each phase (n=9) were selected and the number of GnIH neurons was estimated by using immunohistochemistry method. Results: GnIH neurons were present in the POA during different phases of estrous cycle. The number of GnIH neurons significantly increased in the luteal phase in comparison with the proestrous phase (P=0.001). Conclusion: GnIH expression in the neurons of POA of ewe is increased in the luteal phase compared to the follicular phase. This can inhibit GnRH secretion in POA and reduce LH secretion during the luteal phase.
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Using a sample of 652 college students, we examined several implications of the hypothesis that the shape of the human penis Using a sample of 652 college students, we examined several implications of the hypothesis that the shape of the human penis evolved to enable males to substitute their semen for those of their rivals. The incidence of double mating by females appears evolved to enable males to substitute their semen for those of their rivals. The incidence of double mating by females appears sufficient to make semen displacement adaptive (e.g., one in four females acknowledge infidelity, one in eight admit having sufficient to make semen displacement adaptive (e.g., one in four females acknowledge infidelity, one in eight admit having sex with two or more males in a 24-hour period, and one in 12 report involvement in one or more sexual threesomes with two sex with two or more males in a 24-hour period, and one in 12 report involvement in one or more sexual threesomes with two males). We also document several changes in post-ejaculatory behavior (e.g., reduced thrusting, penis withdrawal, loss of males). We also document several changes in post-ejaculatory behavior (e.g., reduced thrusting, penis withdrawal, loss of an erection) which may have evolved to minimize displacement of the male’s own semen. Consistent with predictions derived an erection) which may have evolved to minimize displacement of the male’s own semen. Consistent with predictions derived from a theoretical model (Gallup and Burch 2006), we discovered that most females report waiting at least 48 hours following from a theoretical model (Gallup and Burch 2006), we discovered that most females report waiting at least 48 hours following an instance of infidelity before resuming sex with their in-pair partners. an instance of infidelity before resuming sex with their in-pair partners.
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Sildenafil is a specific inhibitor of phosphodiesterase (PDE) type 5 and represents a powerful therapy for male erectile dysfunction (ED) of different aetiology. Recently, sildenafil has been shown to restore erections in temporary ED related to the need of semen collection for assisted reproductive techniques. In this study, we investigated whether sildenafil administration modifies seminal parameters and/or erectile function in normal healthy volunteers. In a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, cross-over two period investigation we enrolled 20 healthy male volunteers (mean +/- SE age 32 +/- 0.5 years). Subjects were not using any medication for the 3 month period prior to the study and were engaged in a stable relationship with proven fertility. The effects of sildenafil (100 mg) on seminal parameters and erectile function after audiovisual sexual stimulation were evaluated by semen analysis and by colour-Duplex ultrasound (the Resistive Index) respectively. In all subjects, sildenafil caused no changes in seminal and erection parameters when compared to placebo. Interestingly, sildenafil administration led to a marked reduction of the post-ejaculatory refractory time (10.8 +/- 0.9 min versus 2.6 +/- 0.7 min for placebo and sildenafil respectively; P < 0.0001). These results indicate that in normal subjects acute sildenafil treatment does not modify semen characteristics and has a positive influence over the resumption of erections following ejaculation in the presence of a continuous erotic stimulus.
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In most mammals, RF-amide-related peptides are synthesized in the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus and regulate reproduction via inhibiting GnRH neurons and, possibly, adenohypophyseal gonadotrophs. In the present study, we investigated the possibility that RFRP-synthesizing neurons are involved in estrogen feedback signaling to the reproductive axis in mice. First, we used quantitative in situ hybridization and compared the expression of prepro-RFRP mRNA of ovariectomized mice, with and without 17β-estradiol (E2) replacement. Subcutaneous administration of E2 via silastic capsules for 4 d significantly down-regulated prepro-RFRP mRNA expression. The underlying receptor mechanism was investigated with immunohistochemistry. In ovariectomized mice, low levels of nuclear estrogen receptor (ER)-α immunoreactivity were detectable in 18.7 ± 3.8% of RFRP neurons. The majority of RFRP neurons showed no ER-α signal, and RFRP neurons did not exhibit ER-β immunoreactivity. Results of these studies indicate that RFRP is a negatively estradiol-regulated neurotransmitter/neuromodulator in mice. The estrogenic down-regulation of RFRP expression may contribute to estrogen feedback to the reproductive axis. The issue of whether E2 regulates RFRP neurons directly or indirectly remains open given that ER-α immunoreactivity is present only at low levels in a subset of these cells.
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Kisspeptin, the product of the KISS1 gene, stimulates gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) secretion; gonadotropin inhibitory hormone (GnIH), encoded by the RF-amide-related peptide (RFRP) or NPVF gene, inhibits the reproductive axis. In sheep, kisspeptin neurons are found in the lateral preoptic area (POA) and the arcuate nucleus (ARC) and may be important for initiating the preovulatory GnRH/luteinizing hormone (LH) surge. GnIH cells are located in the ovine dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus (DMN) and paraventricular nucleus (PVN), with similar distribution in the primate. KISS1 cells are found in the primate POA and ARC, but the function that kisspeptin and GnIH play in primates has not been elucidated. We examined KISS1 and NPVF mRNA throughout the menstrual cycle of a female primate, rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta), using in situ hybridization. KISS1-expressing cells were found in the POA and ARC, and NPVF-expressing cells were located in the PVN/DMN. KISS1 expression in the caudal ARC and POA was higher in the late follicular phase of the cycle (just before the GnRH/LH surge) than in the luteal phase. NPVF expression was also higher in the late follicular phase. We ascertained whether kisspeptin and/or GnIH cells project to GnRH neurons in the primate. Close appositions of kisspeptin and GnIH fibers were found on GnRH neurons, with no change across the menstrual cycle. These data suggest a role for kisspeptin in the stimulation of GnRH cells before the preovulatory GnRH/LH surge in non-human primates. The role of GnIH is less clear, with paradoxical up-regulation of gene expression in the late follicular phase of the menstrual cycle.
Only a few RFamide peptides have been identified in mammals, although they have been abundantly found in invertebrates. Here we report the identification of a human gene that encodes at least three RFamide-related peptides, hRFRP-1–3. Cells transfected with a seven-transmembrane-domain receptor, OT7T022, specifically respond to synthetic hRFRP-1 and hRFRP-3 but not to hRFRP-2. RFRP and OT7T022 mRNAs are expressed in particular regions of the rat hypothalamus, and intracerebroventricular administration of hRFRP-1 increases prolactin secretion in rats. Our results indicate that a variety of RFamide-related peptides may exist and function in mammals.
Hormones regulate all aspects of male reproduction, from sperm production to sexual drive. Although emerging evidence from animal models and small clinical studies in humans clearly point to a role for several hormones in controlling the ejaculatory process, the exact endocrine mechanisms are unclear. Evidence shows that oxytocin is actively involved in regulating orgasm and ejaculation via peripheral, central and spinal mechanisms. Associations between delayed and premature ejaculation with hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, respectively, have also been extensively documented. Some models suggest that glucocorticoids are involved in the regulation of the ejaculatory reflex, but corresponding data from human studies are scant. Oestrogens regulate epididymal motility, whereas testosterone can affect the central and peripheral aspects of the ejaculatory process. Overall, the data of the endocrine system in regulating the ejaculatory reflex suggest that widely available endocrine therapies might be effective in treating sexual disorders in these men. Indeed, substantial evidence has documented that treatments of thyroid diseases are able to improve some ejaculatory difficulties.
GnIH was first identified in avian species, and there is now strong evidence that it is operant in mammals as an inhibitor of reproduction. Mammalian gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (GnIH)-3 is encoded by the RFRP gene in neurons of the dorsomedial nucleus. These neurons project to the median eminence, predicting a role as a secreted neurohormone and regulation of the pituitary gonadotropes. To determine whether GnIH-3 is a secreted neurohormone, we measured its concentration in hypophyseal portal blood in ewes during the nonbreeding (anestrous) season and during the luteal and follicular phases of the estrous cycle in the breeding season. Paired portal and jugular blood samples were collected and plasma prepared for RIA using an ovine GnIH-3 antibody. Pulsatile GnIH-3 secretion was observed in the portal blood of all animals. Mean GnIH-3 pulse amplitude and pulse frequency was higher during the nonbreeding season. GnIH-3 was virtually undetectable in peripheral blood plasma. There was a lack of association between secretory pulses of GnIH-3 (portal) and LH (peripheral). To determine the role of secreted GnIH-3, we examined its effects on GnRH-stimulated LH secretion in hypothalamo-pituitary-disconnected ewes; a significant reduction in the LH response to GnRH was observed. Finally, to identify cellular targets in the pituitary, the expression of GnIH receptor [G protein-coupled receptor 147 (GPR147)] in fractions enriched for gonadotropes somatotropes, and lactotropes was examined; expression was observed in each cell type. These data show GnIH-3 is secreted into portal blood to act on pituitary gonadotropes, reducing the action of GnRH.
Gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (GnIH) is a hypothalamic neuropeptide that inhibits gonadotropin secretion in birds and mammals. To further understand its physiological roles in mammalian reproduction, we identified its precursor cDNA and endogenous mature peptides in the Siberian hamster brain. The Siberian hamster GnIH precursor cDNA encoded two RFamide-related peptide (RFRP) sequences. SPAPANKVPHSAANLPLRF-NH(2) (Siberian hamster RFRP-1) and TLSRVPSLPQRF-NH(2) (Siberian hamster RFRP-3) were confirmed as mature endogenous peptides by mass spectrometry from brain samples purified by immunoaffinity chromatography. GnIH mRNA expression was higher in long days (LD) compared with short days (SD). GnIH mRNA was also highly expressed in SD plus pinealectomized animals, whereas expression was suppressed by melatonin, a nocturnal pineal hormone, administration. GnIH-immunoreactive (-ir) neurons were localized to the dorsomedial region of the hypothalamus, and GnIH-ir fibers projected to hypothalamic and limbic structures. The density of GnIH-ir perikarya and fibers were higher in LD and SD plus pinealectomized hamsters than in LD plus melatonin or SD animals. The percentage of GnRH neurons receiving close appositions from GnIH-ir fiber terminals was also higher in LD than SD, and GnIH receptor was expressed in GnRH-ir neurons. Finally, central administration of hamster RFRP-1 or RFRP-3 inhibited LH release 5 and 30 min after administration in LD. In sharp contrast, both peptides stimulated LH release 30 min after administration in SD. These results suggest that GnIH peptides fine tune LH levels via its receptor expressed in GnRH-ir neurons in an opposing fashion across the seasons in Siberian hamsters.
RFamide-related peptides (RFRP-1 and RFRP-3) are localised in neurones of the dorsomedial hypothalamus in rats. The dorsomedial hypothalamus plays an essential role in neuroendocrine and behavioural stress responses. In the present study, we examined the role of RFRP in the control of neuroendocrine and behavioural responses in rats. Stressful stimuli increased expression of Fos protein in RFRP-immunoreactive neurones of the dorsomedial hypothalamus, suggesting that stressful stimuli activate RFRP neurones. Intracerebroventricular injection of RFRPs increased the expression of Fos protein in oxytocin neurones in the hypothalamus and plasma concentrations of adrenocorticotrophic hormone and oxytocin. The hypothalamic paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei expressed mRNA of GPR147, the putative RFRP receptor, and application of RFRPs to isolated supraoptic nuclei facilitated oxytocin release, suggesting that RFRPs activate oxytocin neurones directly. Furthermore, the administration of RFRPs induced anxiety-related behaviour in rats in open-field tests. All these data taken together suggest that RFRPs play a role in the control of neuroendocrine and behavioural stress responses in rats.