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Cold Tolerance of Bed Bugs and Practical Recommendations for Control


Abstract and Figures

Bed bugs were exposed to freezing temperatures for various exposure times to determine cold tolerance and mortality estimates for multiple life stages. The mean supercooling point for all bed bug life stages ranged from -21.3 degrees C to -30.3 degrees C, with the egg stage reporting the lowest value. A probit analysis provided a lower lethal temperature (LLT99) of -31.2 degrees C when estimates from all life stages were combined, demonstrating that all stages of bed bugs are not capable of surviving temperatures below body freezing and are therefore freeze intolerant. At conditions above the LLT99, bed bug mortality depended on temperature and exposure time at temperatures above LLT99. Based on our model estimates, survival was estimated for temperatures above -12 degrees C even after 1 wk of continuous exposure. However, exposure to temperatures below -13 degrees C will result in 100% mortality in d to ensure mortality of all life stages. Unfortunately, sublethal exposure to lower temperatures did not prevent subsequent feeding behavior in surviving stages. Practical recommendations for management of potentially infested items are discussed.
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Cold Tolerance of Bed Bugs and Practical Recommendations for
J. Econ. Entomol. 106(6): 2433Ð2441 (2013); DOI:
ABSTRACT Bed bugs were exposed to freezing temperatures for various exposure times to deter-
mine cold tolerance and mortality estimates for multiple life stages. The mean supercooling point for
all bed bug life stages ranged from 21.3Cto30.3C, with the egg stage reporting the lowest value.
A probit analysis provided a lower lethal temperature (LLT
)of31.2C when estimates from all
life stages were combined, demonstrating that all stages of bed bugs are not capable of surviving
temperatures below body freezing and are therefore freeze intolerant. At conditions above the LLT
bed bug mortality depended on temperature and exposure time at temperatures above LLT
. Based
on our model estimates, survival was estimated for temperatures above 12C even after 1 wk of
continuous exposure. However, exposure to temperatures below 13C will result in 100% mortality
in d to ensure mortality of all life stages. Unfortunately, sublethal exposure to lower temperatures did
not prevent subsequent feeding behavior in surviving stages. Practical recommendations for man-
agement of potentially infested items are discussed.
KEY WORDS freezing, bed bug, supercooling point, cold tolerance, nonchemical control
Bed bugs (Cimex lectularius L.) are a signiÞcant pest
of humans and domestic animals. Changes in tradi-
tional pest management practices, insecticide resis-
tance, increased international travel, and lack of pub-
lic awareness may have attributed to the recent global
resurgence of bed bugs (Pinto et al. 2007, Potter et al.
2010). Although bed bugs are not recognized as a
disease vector, continuous human exposure may result
in depression, anxiety, lack of sleep, and increased
sensitivity to their bites (Goddard and deShazo 2009,
Reinhardt et al. 2009). Immediately after feeding, bed
bugs seek harborage areas within furniture, personal
belongings, or other areas near host resting sites to
digest the bloodmeal (Usinger 1966). Thus, relocation
of used furniture and other personal belongings facil-
itates the spread of bed bugs throughout society.
Bed bugs cause a substantial economic impact on
the affected persons, the lodging industry, property
owners, and social and emergency services because of
the high costs associated with effective control mea-
sures (Miller 2007). Currently, infestations are con-
trolled by conducting frequent inspections either vi-
sually, with the aid of monitoring devices or detection
by trained canines; laundering; applying steam; heat
treatments; and repeated applications of insecticides
in areas where bed bugs harbor (Potter et al. 2011).
Recent reports demonstrating resistance to pyre-
throid insecticides (Moore and Miller 2006, Romero et
al. 2007, Steelman et al. 2008) and restrictions on
indoor insecticide applications highlight the impor-
tance of an effective integrated pest management
(IPM) program. An IPM program for bed bugs should
include both chemical and nonchemical means for
Extreme temperatures have been used to control
insect pests in structures and stored products for de-
cades (Fields 1992, Denlinger and Lee 1998). Heat
treatments in particular have been used to control bed
bug infestations with reported success (Usinger 1966,
Pereira et al. 2009, Kells and Goblirsch 2011). Struc-
tural heat treatments require special equipment and
trained personnel to ensure thorough and safe appli-
cations of lethal temperatures (White 2010). Heating
equipment used to control bed bugs can be expensive
and in some cases, high temperature treatments may
degrade or damage equipment or affect protective
ratings, such as personal protective equipment used by
ÞreÞghters, which should not be subjected to tem-
peratures 40C during cleaning steps (National Fire
Protection Association [NFPA] 2008). Unfortunately,
persons most at risk of encountering bed bugs include
multifamily housing residents, health care profession-
als, social workers, emergency management services,
and so on (Potter 2012). Thus, alternative control
options are needed for professionals and the general
public involved with control and prevention of bed
Department of Entomology, University of Minnesota, 219 Hodson
Hall, 1980 Folwell Ave., Saint Paul, MN 55108.
Corresponding author, e-mail: Þ
Ecolab Research Center, Pest Elimination Division, Ecolab, 655
Lone Oak Dr., Eagan, MN 55121.
Department of Entomology, Rutgers University, 93 Lipman Dr.,
New Brunswick, NJ 08901.
0022-0493/13/2433Ð2441$04.00/0 2013 Entomological Society of America
Exposing bed bug-infested clothing or other small
items to freezing temperatures may be a viable control
option for people at risk of bed bug infestations. How-
ever, information pertaining to the cold tolerance of
bed bugs is limited. Benoit et al. (2009) reported 100%
mortality when female bed bugs were exposed di-
rectly to 16C for 1 h. Naylor and Boase (2010)
recommended exposure to 17Cfor2htocontrol
both adults and egg stages. Furthermore, contrasting
reports recommend exposing bed bug-infested items
to temperatures below freezing for at least 2 wk to
ensure mortality of all life stages embedded within
semiinsulated materials (Potter et al. 2007). More ac-
curate recommendations for freeze treatments would
beneÞt professionals and the general public.
For practical applications, determination of freeze
tolerance parameters for all life stages is critical. Two
common cold-hardiness strategies used by insects for
surviving subzero temperatures include freeze intol-
erance and freeze tolerance (Salt 1961, Baust and
Rojas 1985, Zachariassen 1985, Bale et al. 1989).
Freeze-intolerant species generally attempt to protect
themselves from freeze injury by lowering the freez-
ing point of body ßuids (i.e., supercooling; Bale et al.
1989). Freeze-tolerant species permit freezing of tis-
sues, but prevent injury through a variety of mecha-
nisms (Teets and Denlinger 2013). Evaluating the su-
percooling point (SCP), and lower lethal temperature
(LLT), provides information on freeze tolerance of
the target organism (Denlinger and Lee 1998). The
SCP measures the temperature at which body tissues
freeze, while the LLT evaluates animal survival at
short-term exposures to a given temperature. In ad-
dition to providing information on freeze tolerance,
the SCP and LLT provide initial parameters to further
explore exposure time as it relates to lethal tempera-
For this study, the SCP and LLT were evaluated for
all life stages of bed bugs, as well as their potential to
feed postexposure to sublethal temperatures. In ad-
dition, the relationship between temperature, time,
and mortality was explored using a response surface
experiment and a prediction model was developed for
practical control recommendations. Finally, our
model was compared with actual mortality data col-
lected from bed bugs exposed to a variety of general
house-hold freezers. These Þndings provide clear rec-
ommendations for the appropriate combinations of
temperature and time required to freeze items poten-
tially infested by bed bugs.
Materials and Methods
Insects. Bed bugs were obtained from stock cultures
of the ECL-05 Cimex lectularius L. Þeld strain (Olson
et al. 2009) unless noted otherwise. Colonies were
maintained under standard conditions of 25C and a
photoperiod of 14:10 (L:D) h in 16 oz glass jars with
folded pieces of Þlter paper (Fisher 9.0 cm) for har-
borage and egg deposition. Jars were covered with
fabric (Precision Woven Nylon Mesh 193 193, Mc-
Master Carr, Chicago, IL) with a pore size of 0.08
for ventilation and containment. Colonies were fed
weekly using a method similar to Montes et al. (2002)
with soon-to-expire stocks of human blood (1 U of
Type A red blood cells and1Uofplasma reconstituted
to 600 ml of whole blood) obtained from the American
Red Cross (St. Paul, MN). For the experiments listed
below, fedbed bugs had received a bloodmeal to
repletion immediately before exposure and unfed
bed bugs were starved at least 7Ð14 d before exposure.
Experiment I: SCP. The objective of this experi-
ment was to determine how SCP varies by fed status
and life stage. Surface-contact thermometry was used
to establish SCPs following methods of Carrillo et al.
(2004). Both fed and unfed adult, Þfth and fourth
instars (n24) were individually attached to 24 gauge
copper-constantan thermocouples coated with a thin
layer of high-vacuum grease (Dow Corning, Dow
Corning Corporation, Midland, MI). Because of their
reduced mass, third, second, Þrst instars and eggs were
attached to a 40 gauge copper-constantan thermocou-
ple. Bed bugs were suspended on the thermocouples
inside the center of polystyrene cubes (19 by 19 by 19
cm) with internal temperatures at 0C and cooled at
a rate of 1.0C/min by placing the cube into a 80C
freezer (Revco model ULT790Ð5-A31 Kendro Labo-
ratory Products, Asheville, NC). Bed bug tempera-
tures were recorded at a frequency of 9.1 Hz with a
multichannel data logger (Personal Daq/56 data ac-
quisition system; Iotech, Inc., Cleveland, OH). To
measure SCP, temperatures were recorded to deter-
mine the lowest point before the exotherm, which is
a slight rise in temperature indicating release from
latent heat of fusion, on an otherwise decreasing tra-
jectory (Lee et al. 1992). After the release of heat, the
temperature recorded by the thermocouple continues
to drop until the thermocouple reaches the lowest
temperature in the freezer.
Eggs were tested at two ages, with young eggs
deposited by females within 48 h before exposure and
old eggsdeposited 3Ð6 d earlier. Eggs were left
attached to Þlter paper to reduce risk of chorion dam-
age. For accuracy purposes, individual bed bugs and
eggs were grouped by Stage and Fed status, but the
group order was randomized to avoid frequent ther-
mocouple changes, mixing of thermocouples con-
nected to the data logger, and repeated recalibration
of the thermocouple sensors. The SCP results were
tested for outliers via the maximum normed residual
test for outliers (Snedecor and Cochran 1989). Anal-
ysis of variance (ANOVA; Proc GLM) was used to
detect differences for the main effects of Stage and
Fed Status and their interaction. Mean SCPs were
compared by LSMEANS using TukeyÐKramer adjust-
ment (SAS Institute 2009) and reported as means and
95% CIs.
Experiment II: LLTs. This experiment measured
mortality across all stages with short-term exposures to
LLTs to determine freeze tolerance of bed bugs when
compared with SCP values. Individuals of all stages,
including both fed and unfed bed bugs, young and old
eggs, resulted in a total of 4,320 bed bugs used (n16
bug stages, 10 bugs per stage, 9 temperatures, and 3
replicates). To evaluate natural mortality, bed bug
cohorts were randomly assigned to 24C during as-
signment of cold exposure treatments; estimating nat-
ural mortality consisted of 320 bugs (16 stages, 10 bugs
per stage, and 2 replicates). Bed bugs were transferred
into 5-ml plastic vials with a plastic screw-top cap and
with an 8-mm hole drilled into it. Filter paper was Þt
under the cap to prevent escapes and allow for ven-
tilation. Eggs were set up in a similar manner and
collected as previously described. Temperatures
within the vials were recorded with a 24 gauge copper-
constantan thermocouple (Eaton and Kells 2011). For
each exposure, vials containing speciÞc Stages and Fed
Status were randomly assigned to temperatures: 0, 5,
10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40C. Similar
vials containing bugs for controls were randomly as-
signed throughout the trials and maintained at 24C.
Vials were placed in the center of polystyrene cubes
) with a starting temperature of 0C and were
cooled at a rate of 0.3Ð0.4C/min. Vials were removed
when the target temperature was achieved and im-
mediately placed into slowly elevating temperatures
(i.e., 25C, 15C, 0C, and 5C, 10 min each) to
acclimate the bed bugs back to room temperature
(24C). Bed bugs were relocated to plastic Petri dishes
(50 by 9 mm, Falcon 35 1006, Becton Dickinson Lab-
ware, Franklin Lakes, NJ), with Þlter paper (Fischer
ScientiÞc, P5) and fabric mesh for ventilation. Adult
and nymph mortality was assessed 24 h postexposure
by gently agitating the bug with a forceps to observe
movement. Unassisted movement of any appendage
during the assessment period was reported as survival.
Egg mortality was observed every 24 h for a minimum
of 10 d. Remaining nonhatched eggs were considered
dead 10 d after the last egg in that Petri dish had
hatched. Analysis of the LLT was conducted using a
Proc Probit with a logistic distribution option (SAS
Institute 2009). This method enabled us to assess pro-
portion mortality against temperature and calculate
estimates by stage and their associated 95%
Seven days postexposure, surviving stages were
combined by temperature treatment and offered a
warmed blood diet using a modiÞed artiÞcial feeding
system to evaluate sublethal effects on feeding behav-
ior. The modiÞed system consisted of a 16-ml plastic
test tube that contained 1Ð2 ml of blood warmed in a
warm-water bath then covered with stretched Para-
Þlm (Alcan Packaging, Peachtree City, GA). The test
tube was inverted over the screened dish containing
the bed bugs on Þlter paper. Bed bugs were allowed
15 min to climb the Þlter paper harborage to reach the
bloodmeal and feed. The data were analyzed by
ANOVA (Minitab 2010) and reported as mean per-
cent fed.
Experiment III: Estimated Mortality Based on
Temperature and Exposure Time. The relationship
between temperature and time was expected to be
nonlinear based on the previous results from Exper-
iment II. Therefore, a Central Composite Design
(CCD) with 21 combinations of temperature and time
was generated by Design Expert version 8.0.1 to ex-
plore the relationship between temperature and ex-
posure time on bed bug mortality. The temperature
inputs were bound by 30C as the lower estimate and
0C as the upper estimate based on the LLT data.
Exposure times were bound for practical reasons by 2
and 168 h. The CCD design used the axial inputs
(30C, 0C; 2 h, 168 h), identiÞed two additional
factors (25C, 5C; 26 h, 144 h) and a center data
point (15C; 85 h) to produce 21 total combinations
of temperatures and times necessary to create the
model. SpeciÞed temperatures (within 2Ð4C) were
achieved using temperature control cabinets (Percival
ScientiÞc, model: 130BLL, Perry, IA) or Styrofoam
boxes (25 cm
, 3 cm thick) placed in a Gibson (model:
FV21M2WKFA; Appliance Corporation, Greenville,
MI) freezer. Temperatures were monitored using cal-
ibrated HOBO data loggers model #U23-002 (Onset
Computer Corporation, Bourne, MA).
Groups of 20 eggs (0Ð7 d old), Þrst instars, Þfth
instars, males, and females (both fed and unfed stages)
were exposed to each predetermined combination of
temperature and exposure time. Adults, nymphs, and
eggs were placed separately into modiÞed Petri dishes
as previously described and cooled (5C, then 0C; 10
min each) before placement in each freezer and
slowly warmed (0C, then 5C; 10 min each) before
removal. Eggs remained attached to the original Þlter
paper during both the exposure and the recovery
A second CCD and set of mortality data were gen-
erated to conÞrm the initial model estimates. The
second CCD design included axial inputs (12C,
20C; 24 h, 96 h based on the previous CCD results),
identiÞed two additional inputs (13C, 19C;
34.5 h, 85.5 h), and a center data point (16C; 60 h)
to produce another 21 combinations of temperature
and time treatments. The previous CCD analysis
showed differences in mortality estimates between
eggs and other life stages, but not fed status. Therefore,
only eggs and unfed Þrst instars were used in the
second CCD to limit the number of treatments. For
the second CCD data set, unfed Þrst instars and eggs
(0Ð7 d old) were housed in 1.5-ml centrifuge tubes
(Fisher, Pittsburg, PA) and placed within an alumi-
num heating block (described in more detail by Eaton
and Kells 2011) to maintain precise temperature set-
tings (within 1Ð2C) throughout the duration of the
Mortality for adult and nymph stages was assessed
24 h postremoval from the freezer. Egg mortality was
recorded as the percent of un-hatched eggs 1 wk
postexposure. The data were analyzed by ANOVA and
a Tukey multiple comparison test was performed to
determine signiÞcant differences between life stages
and fed status using a general linear model in Minitab
16 (Minitab 2010) on arcsineÐsquare-root transformed
mortality data. Estimated mortality was plotted as a
function of temperature and exposure time.
Experiment IV: Actual Mortality Using Standard
Household Freezers. The objective of this experiment
was to compare our model estimates to actual bed bug
mortality using general household freezers. Three
standard household freezers were used in our analy-
sis including a Whirlpool (model: ET18PKXGW01;
Whirlpool USA, Benton harbor, MI), a GE (model:
GTS18TBSAWW; General Electric Company, Louis-
ville, KY), and a Kenmore (model:253.21111103; Sears,
Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL). Each freezer
was maintained under normal use conditions (with at
least one-half of the space Þlled and the freezers were
opened several times each day) during the experi-
mental period. Freezer temperatures were recorded
using HOBO data logger models #UA-002-08 or #U23-
002 (Onset Computer Corporation, Bourne, MA) ev-
ery 10 min for the duration of the study.
A susceptible laboratory strain (Fort Dix) from Rut-
gers University was used for this experiment. Previous
results showed that fed status did not have a signiÞcant
impact on mortality; thus, bugs were fed 7Ð21 d before
the experiment using an artiÞcial feeding system sim-
ilar to the one previously described. Groups of Þve
adults and Þve (third to Þfth) instars were placed into
each 3.7 cm in diameter and 1.25 cm tall Petri dish. Five
replicate dishes were prepared for each exposure pe-
riod, wrapped together in a thick cotton sock and
placed within a 1-gallon plastic bag. Five sets of dishes
were placed in each freezer, and one dish was taken
out of each bag 1, 2, 3, and 5 d postexposure. Control
dishes were set up the same and exposed to room
temperature throughout the duration of the experi-
ment. Immediately postexposure, the cotton sock was
removed and all dishes were exposed to room tem-
perature conditions. Mortality for each set of bugs was
examined as described above 24 h postremoval from
the freezer. Mean mortality and freezer conditions
including mean, SE, and range were calculated and
analyzed in Minitab 16 (Minitab 2010).
Experiment I: SCP. The main effect of Stage was
signiÞcant (F
44.19; P0.0001), but not the
main effect of Fed Status (F
1.33 10
0.9709). The interaction of Stage and Fed Status was
signiÞcant (F
7.30; P0.0001). A review of
simple effects showed that Fed Status was only sig-
niÞcant among Þrst instars; thus, SCP estimates for fed
and unfed individuals were combined for the remain-
ing life stages (Fig. 1). The youngest stages provided
the lowest SCPs, with no signiÞcant differences (P
0.4139) between young eggs at 30.3C (95% CI
30.7, 29.8), old eggs at 28.1C(28.7, 27.5), and
un-fed Þrst instars at 28.4C(29.29, 27.51). In-
terestingly, SCP increased signiÞcantly (P0.0002)
postfeeding by Þrst instars to 25.0 (26.2, 23.7)C.
The SCPs of males (24.3 [25.4, 23.2]C) and
females (22.4 [23.3, 21.5]C) were signiÞcantly
different from each other (P0.0075), but there were
no signiÞcant differences in SCP estimates between
second through Þfth instars and females (P0.1603).
The SCPs for males were not signiÞcantly different
from Þrst-instar fed nymphs, fourth, and Þfth instar
nymphs (P0.1526; Fig. 1).
Experiment II: LLT. The effect of short-term ex-
posure to lower temperatures resulted in two signif-
icantly different LLT
estimates for eggs compared
with all other bed bug life stages (Fig. 2). Preliminary
analysis by stage of slope and intercept estimates and
Fig. 1. SCPs for males, females, nymphs, and eggs. For
stages other than eggs and Þrst instar nymphs, the SCP values
for fed and unfed bed bugs were combined. Mean SCP (
95% CI) are displayed for each life stage. Different letters
denote statistical difference among means (
Fig. 2. Mean percent mortality (OO)95% CI (OO)
of C. lectularius for eggs (top) and combined stages of adults and
nymphs (bottom) subjected to short-term exposures to LLTs.
The Logistic regression characteristics are Logit(pˆ)
1.8081 0.1473for eggs and Logit(pˆ)⫽⫺6.2172 0.3782
for the adult and nymphal stages.
their related 95% CIs indicated similarity in mortality
curves that enabled formation of these two groups.
Data for both young and old eggs were combined and
resulted in a slope estimate of 0.1473 (95% CI
0.1939, 0.1006) and LLT
of 43.5C(58.0,
35.9C). All other life stages combined resulted in an
estimate of 0.3782 (0.2552, 0.5013) and LLT
28.6C(34.8, 25.3C). The goodness-of-Þt test
from the Probit (logistic) analysis was signiÞcant (P
0.0001), and variances were multiplied by a hetero-
geneity factor for both. For eggs, CIs were calculated
using a tvalue of 2.01, and the analysis for other stages
incorporated a tvalue of 1.97 (PROC Probit, SAS Insti-
tute 2009). Despite excess variability in mortality at sub-
lethal temperatures, the data did not show a systematic
departure from the model estimates. Average natural
mortality across all treatments was 3.0%.
Owing to the relatively few survivors at some of the
cooler temperatures, life stage, and prior fed status was
ignored in the following analysis. The percent of bed
bugs that fed postexposure to 0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0,
and 20.0C did not differ signiÞcantly from the con-
trol group (F
5, 192
1.54; P0.18; Fig. 3). Regardless
of exposed temperature, a minimum of 71.77% of the
bed bugs fed postexposure to sublethal temperatures.
Thus, sublethal exposure to freezing temperatures did
not affect the surviving bugsÕ ability to forage and feed.
Experiment III: Estimated Mortality Based on
Temperature and Exposure Time. Excluding eggs,
there were no signiÞcant differences in mortality es-
timates between fed and unfed life stages (P0.40).
In addition, there was no signiÞcant difference be-
tween estimated mortality of adults and nymphs (P
0.08); thus, the data for these life stages were com-
bined (Fig. 4A) into a single surface plot showing
estimated bed bug mortality for various combinations
of temperature and exposure times. Predicted esti-
mates for egg mortality varied slightly indicating that
eggs are more susceptible to colder temperatures com-
pared with other life stages, when time is included as
a factor (Fig. 4B). Both models were statistically sig-
niÞcant, with adults and nymphs (P0.001; R
0.997) and eggs (P0.001; R
0.849). However, the
difference between egg mortality estimates and the
other life stages may be attributed to natural mortality
of the egg stage. On average, 20% of eggs in the control
groups did not hatch. Therefore, the arc-sin square
root percent mortality model for adults and nymphs
provides the best estimate of bed bug mortality for all
life stages and is deÞned as:
Y (arc-sin square root proportion mortality)
0.51 [(4.41 104)Temp]
[(2.24 102)Time] [(1.22 103)
Temp Time] [(2.82 103)
Temp2][(1.69 104)Time2]
[(6.85 105)Temp2Time]
[(4.65 106)Temp Time2]
Fig. 3. Mean percent fed (95% CI) of surviving C.
lectularius 1 wk postexposure to LLTs. Bolded numbers
above each bar indicates the number of individuals surviving
the freezing conditions and used in the feeding trial.
Fig. 4. Response surface plots showing predicted percent mortality relative to temperature (C) and exposure time (h)
for (A) adults and nymphs and (B) eggs of C. lectularius.
The second CCD experiment performed with Þrst
instars and eggs only validated the initial CCD exper-
iment with both models in agreement in terms of the
signiÞcant factors and their coefÞcients (R
P0.001). Based on the equation above, temperatures
higher than 12C are not practical for effective con-
trol measures against bed bugs. A minimum exposure
time of 85 h at 15C is required for 100% mortality of
all life stages and exposure time decreases for tem-
peratures below 16C.
Experiment IV: Actual Mortality Using Standard
Household Freezers. The average daily temperature
for each freezer was consistent at 13.7C, but fre-
quent warming, cooling, and defrost cycles resulted in
bugs being exposed to a broad range of temperatures
(Table 1). Even on the warmest temperature setting,
there was a large ßuctuation in daily temperatures
resulting in a relative SD of 14.5Ð15.9%. Thus, each
group of treated bugs may have been exposed to tem-
peratures as low as 24C during the Þrst day. There
were signiÞcant differences (P0.001) in bed bug
mortality between the freezer-treated bugs and the
controls after only 24 h exposures (Table 1). Similar
mortality rates (100%) were recorded for each freezer
at 2, 3, and 5 d (data not shown).
This study found that bed bugs were less susceptible
to freezing temperatures than previously reported.
Benoit et al. (2009) reported 16C for 1 h; and Naylor
and Boase (2010) referenced 17Cfor2h.Inour
study, bed bugs survived lower temperatures, with
eggs surviving in short-term exposures (LLT) to tem-
peratures as low as 25C (Fig. 2). When time was
considered, 100% mortality of bed bugs occurred after
80hat16C (Fig. 4). Differences in results may be
attributed the source of blood used. The two studies
referenced above used rabbit or chicken blood, and
this study used human blood. Differences in results
may also be attributed to the slower rates of cooling
and warming that bed bugs were subjected to in this
study. While Naylor and Boase (2010) illustrate a
cooling rate between 0.5C/min and 0.13C/min
(approximately), both studies, including Benoit et al.
(2009), restored bed bugs to room temperature with-
out intermediate warming steps. In our study, bed
bugs were temporarily exposed to intermediate tem-
peratures of 0 and 5C before freeze treatments and
again after treatment before placement into room
temperature conditions.
In freezing studies, precooling and postwarming
rates can affect survival (Bale 1987, Bale et al. 1989),
and brief exposures to chilling or intermediate freez-
ing conditions can elicit a variety of protective re-
sponses in insects resulting in rapid cold hardening
(Czajka and Lee 1990, Chen and Denlinger 1991). In
practical applications, equipment type, insulative
properties of items being frozen (Strang 1997), and
postfreezing handling procedures can affect the rate
of cooling and warming items. Our study evaluated
freeze tolerance and mortality using a temperature
proÞle that would likely be encountered during prac-
tical application of low temperature treatments. In the
future, evaluating different cooling and warming rates
may help further reÞne the models and improve prac-
tical recommendations for nonchemical control of in-
The LLT mortality shows high variability resulting
in a correction factor added to the estimate of the 95%
CIs. This type of variability has previously occurred in
nonchemical control with mold mites (Eaton and
Kells 2011) and webbing clothes moths (Brokerhof et
al. 1992). This variability may be a factor of target site
nonspeciÞcity of cold injury and the diversity of phys-
iological, biochemical, and gross anatomical systems
that may be affected by cold temperatures as de-
scribed in more detail by Teets and Denlinger (2013).
Although it is common to graphically present data as
a mean and SEM, presenting data from the raw trials
in this form illustrates the risks of not properly achiev-
ing critical conditions for insect mortality.
Freezing potentially infested items from museum
collections or stored food commodities has been a
common pest management practice for several de-
cades (Strang 1992). Recommendations for manage-
ment of museum and stored product pests are vauge,
suggesting temperatures treatments below 20C for
several minutes or up to 1 wk (Strang 1997, Fields
1992). According to our results, temperatures below
15C are sufÞcient to control all life stages of bed
bugs after only 3.5 d; and temperatures below 20C
require 48 h. Thus, our results provide more accurate
and precise recommendations for nonchemical con-
trol of bed bugs using freezing temperatures.
Bed bugs feed every 2.5 d on average, but it may be
weeks and even months between available bloodmeals
(Reinhardt et al. 2010). Therefore, the amount of
blood in the insect gut can vary substantially in Þeld
populations. However, fed status had no impact on
cold tolerance or mortality estimates of bed bugs. This
was surprising because insect diet and gut contents
have inßuenced cold tolerance parameters of several
other insect species (Salt 1953, Carrillo and Cannon
2005). It is likely that the bloodmeal did not synergize
ice nucleation as temperatures declined and this re-
Table 1. Standard operating conditions and mean mortality of C. lectularius after 24-h exposure to three common household freezers
Brand Operating conditions (C) % mortality after 24 h
Mean SE Range Defrost cycles/d Treated SE Control SE
Kenmore 13.7 0.05 (3.4, 24.1) 14 100.0 0.0 2.0 0.0
Whirlpool 14.2 0.05 (7.3, 21.1) 18 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
GE 15.1 0.04 (10.8, 19.5) 19 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
sulted in no observable differences in SCP, LLT, and
mortality estimates based on fed status. For control
purposes, it is important to note that fed status of bed
bugs does not signiÞcantly impact cold tolerance or
freezing recommendations.
Some insects have developed a variety of behav-
ioral, physiological, and biochemical adaptations to
survive freezing (Storey and Sorey 1996). However,
based on the SCP and LLT estimates reported here
and by Benoit et al. (2009), bed bugs are not freeze
tolerant because LLT mortality data were within
the 95% CI for the SCP estimates (Lee et al. 1992).
Freeze tolerance would have been suspected if the
SCP was substantially higher than the LLT estimates
(Bouchard et al. 2006) or if a signiÞcant proportion of
individuals survived temperatures below the SCP es-
timate (Eaton and Kells 2011).
If lethal temperatures and exposure times are not
maintained during the control period, surviving stages
are capable of feeding posttreatment (Fig. 3). Al-
though this study did not evaluate physical damage to
the integument or posttreatment effects on reproduc-
tive behavior, bed bugs offered a bloodmeal were
required to climb a short distance to initiate feeding;
thus, host-seeking behavior remained intact. Acquir-
ing a bloodmeal on a regular basis is important for
survival, development, and reproduction of bed bugs
(Mellanby 1939, Davis 1955, Reinhardt and SivaÐJothy
2007). Thus, failure to maintain lethal combinations of
temperature and exposure time during the freezing
process may result in continuity of the pest activity
and development.
There were signiÞcant differences in bed bug mor-
tality recorded from the freezer exposures compared
with our model estimates. The exposure time differ-
ence between estimated and actual mortality (3.5 vs.
1dat14C) is unlikely attributed to differences
between C. lectularius strains and more likely caused
by large ßuctuations in operating temperatures caused
by the automatic defrost cycles in the domestic freez-
ers (Table 1). A difference in cold tolerance estimates
between strains has been reported in Calliphora vicina
RobineauÐDesvoidy, 1830, a species of blow ßy (Hay-
ward and Saunders 1998). However, differences were
attributed to geographical origin of each strain. As a
structural pest that generally reproduces indoors un-
der consistent environmental conditions, the origin of
the strain is unlikely to cause signiÞcant differences in
mortality estimates.
The extremely low temperatures recorded during
the Þrst 24 h in each domestic freezer were likely the
cause for different mortality estimates observed be-
tween our model and the freezer data collected in
Experiment IV. Although our model likely over-esti-
mates the exposure time required for 100% mortality
of bed bugs, our model data were collected under
controlled conditions with restricted ßuctuations in
operating temperatures and, therefore, a more reliable
source for pest management recommendations. Fur-
thermore, our model applies to situations where au-
tomatic defrost cycles may not be installed, such as
commercial freezer equipment. Freezers with large
ßuctuating defrost cycles are generally not recom-
mended for pest control purposes, as temperatures
may rise to levels above freezing for the target insect
pest (Florian 1990). In addition, homeowners inter-
ested in bed bug control methods may not have access
to more sophisticated systems and therefore, should
follow temperature and exposure time estimates pro-
vided by the model.
When alternative control methods are not feasible,
bed bug-infested items can be placed in a freezer to
destroy all life stages. Items suspected of infestation
should be bagged before placement in the freezer to
prevent bed bugs from exiting the items and perishing
elsewhere inside the freezer. Bagging an item before
placing it in a freezer will also protect it against
changes in condensation or damage caused by mois-
ture. Infested items should be placed in the freezer at
17.8C(0F) for a minimum of 3.5 d, though time
may be decreased to 48 h if temperatures average
below 20C. Standard upright household freezers
are typically set to 17.8C(0F) or lower for proper
food storage (U. S. Department of AgricultureÐFood
Safety and Inspection Service [USDAÐFSIS] 2010),
though older equipment may not be capable of main-
taining this temperature. Insulated items may take 1Ð3
additional hours to reach lethal temperatures (Carrlee
2003). An indoor and outdoor thermometer should be
used to verify operating temperatures before and dur-
ing the treatment process.
We thank the following students and research assistants:
Derek Hersch, Jake Gibbons, Hao Song, Kevin Olson, and
Logane Kiehnau from the University of Minnesota for their
assistance in bed bug colony maintenance and data collec-
tion. In addition, we thank Roger Moon for recommendations
regarding the statistical design, analysis of the mortality
model, and helpful comments on an earlier version of this
manuscript. This work was funded in part by the Ecolab Inc.,
St. Paul, MN; the Minnesota Pest Management Association;
and the University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment
Station projects (MN-019) and (MN-050).
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Received 16 January 2013; accepted 5 August 2013.
... exposure for~48 h.). 3 A carbon dioxide-based system that releases dry ice at −60.0°C is an effective spot treatment tool for bed bugs. 4 Heat is also capable of causing mortality in all bed bug life stages depending on the duration of exposure, the temperature used, and insect feeding status. ...
... Of these three genes, the HSP70.1 gene is likely important for immediate thermal protection followed by HSP70. 3. Based on what is known about the Putative Small HSP, it likely aggregates damaged proteins for HSP70.1 and HSP70.3 to fold them back to their proper conformations. ...
Full-text available
BACKGROUND Heat can be effective for bed bug elimination. However, in some cases bed bugs survive heat treatments. The objectives of this study were to determine the behavioral responses of bed bugs to rising harborage temperatures (23.0–49.0 °C) and identify which heat shock protein (HSP) genes are expressed after heat exposure. First, a custom‐made copper arena and harborage were used to determine the escape behaviors of six bed bug populations. Next, HSP gene expression responses of select populations were determined after heat exposure using real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT‐qPCR). RESULTS Analysis of the 25 min behavioral experiment data found that harborage top temperatures associated with 25%, 50% and 75% probabilities of bed bugs to flee the harborage did not differ significantly between populations. Also, the percentage of insects that escaped from heated areas and survived (4.0–12.0%) was not different between populations. However, when specific temperatures at which successful escapes occurred were statistically compared, the Poultry House population was found to flee the harborage at statistically higher temperatures (43.6 ± 0.5 °C) than others (40.5 ± 0.6–42.0 ± 0.7 °C). The RT‐qPCR experiments revealed that the HSP70.1, HSP70.3, and Putative Small HSP genes were significantly up‐regulated 15 min, 2, and 4 h post‐heat exposure and decreased back to baseline levels by 24 h. CONCLUSIONS This study shows that when harborage top temperatures approach 40.0–43.0 °C, bed bugs will disperse in search for cooler areas. This work implicates the HSP70.1, HSP70.3, and Putative Small HSP genes in heat induced stress recovery of bed bugs. © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry.
... Evidence for rapid acclimation of the lower thermal limit in response to low temperature extremes (Campbell-Staton et al., 2017;Olson et al., 2013;Pintor et al., 2016) contrasts with evidence of limited acclimation of the upper limit to high temperature extremes (Gunderson & Stillman, 2015;Hangartner & Hoffmann, 2015;Kellermann et al., 2012;Overgaard et al., 2011;van Heerwaarden et al., 2016). ...
Full-text available
Climate warming is the defining environmental crisis of the 21st century. Elucidating whether organisms can adapt to rapidly changing thermal environments is therefore a crucial research priority. We investigated warming effects on a native Hemipteran insect (Murgantia histrionica) that feeds on an endemic plant species (Isomeris arborea) of the California coastal sage scrub. Experiments conducted in 2009 quantified the temperature responses of juvenile maturation rates and stage‐specific and cumulative survivorship. The intervening decade has seen some of the hottest years ever recorded, with increasing mean temperatures accompanied by an increase in the frequency of hot extremes. Experiments repeated in 2021 show a striking change in the bugs' temperature responses. In 2009, no eggs developed past the second nymphal stage at 33°C. In 2021, eggs developed into reproductive adults at 33°C. Upper thermal limits for maturation and survivorship have increased, along with a decrease in mortality risk with increasing age and temperature, and a decrease in the temperature sensitivity of mortality with increasing age. While we cannot exclude the possibility that other environmental factors occurring in concert could have affected our findings, the fact that all observed trait changes are in the direction of greater heat tolerance suggests that consistent exposure to extreme heat stress may at least be partially responsible for these changes. Harlequin bugs belong to the suborder Heteroptera, which contains a number of economically important pests, biological control agents and disease carriers. Their differential success in withstanding warming compared to beneficial holometabolous insects such as pollinators may exacerbate the decline of beneficial insects due to other causes (e.g. pollution and pesticides) with potentially serious consequences on both biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.
... Thus, precise species identification is probably of subordinate importance for the efficiency of control efforts. Efficient control typically combines several methods (Bennett et al. 2016, Romero et al. 2017, Wang et al. 2018, such as heat treatment of apartments, rooms, objects or local bed bug aggregations (Benoit 2011, Puckett et al. 2013, Rukke et al. 2015, Loudon 2017, Kells 2018, the use of desiccant dust alone or in combination with mobility stimulants (Benoit et al. 2009b, Akhtar & Isman 2016, Singh et al. 2016, Aak et al. 2016, Rukke et al. 2021, insect pathogenic fungi (Barbarin et al. 2017, Rukke et al. 2021) and freezing of infested objects (Benoit et al. 2009a, Olson et al. 2013, Rukke et al. 2017. Pesticide resistance is likely to be prevalent in C. hemipterus (Dang et al. 2017), and therefore control efforts should focus on non-poisonous methods. ...
Full-text available
The tropical bed bug Cimex hemipterus (Fabricius, 1803) is reported for the first time in Norway. Both morphological characters and DNA barcoding were used to identify a specimen collected in Lillehammer, Innlandet County, Norway. This hematophagous insect is a common nuisance pest in the tropics and can be expected to show an occasional indoor appearance in Norway in the future. A brief risk assessment is conducted, and some aspects related to pesticide resistance and efficient pest control are discussed.
... The availability of various modern techniques has allowed us to advance our knowledge of this cryptic species, particularly insecticide efficacy, insecticide resistance mechanisms (Dang et al. 2017), population monitoring and trapping , population genetics (Booth et al. 2018), microbiome (Goodman 2018), chemical ecology (Gries 2018), and potential control technologies such as RNAi (Moriyama et al. 2016, Basnet et al. 2018). In addition, there are significant interests in novel treatment strategies such as the use of botanical insecticides (Gaire et al. 2020), fungal agents (Barbarin et al. 2017), bed bug baits Schal 2017, Sierras et al. 2018), nonchemical approaches including heat (Pereira et al. 2009, Loudon 2017, Ramos et al. 2022) and cold treatment (Olson et al. 2013), vacuuming (Liu and Haynes 2016), fumigants (Zheng et al. 2013, Todd et al. 2021, desiccant dust (Akhtar andIsman 2016, Lee et al. 2018b), and nanomaterials (Szyndler et al. 2013). ...
Full-text available
Bed bugs are an important group of medical and urban insect pests. They are obligate blood-feeders. Their bites may cause skin irritation and allergic reactions and, under some circumstances, may lead to mental and other health issues. Despite numerous discoveries on the biology of these obnoxious pests and progress in control strategies over the last two decades, bed bugs continue to preferentially plague those from low socioeconomic communities because the poor generally could not afford effective control options. As a result, such infestations in poorer communities serve as a reservoir for wider society. This Special Collection of the Perspective on Biology and Management of Bed Bugs presents nine original research papers on bed bug detection , insecticide performance and resistance, nonchemical treatment, fungal biopesticides, and pest management procurement and contracts. We hope that these investigative findings will spur research on safer, more affordable, and effective control options in the future.
... Nonchemical methods are often used to manage bed bug infestations, perhaps due to concerns of human exposure to insecticide residues and to combat the development of insecticide resistance by bed bugs. Common nonchemical methods include reduction of harborage sites (decluttering, sealing cracks and holes), physical removal (by hand, trapping, vacuuming, or disposal of infested items), encasing the mattresses and box springs with zippered encasements, applying high temperature (steam, dry heat), and freezing (Olson et al. 2013, Cooper et al. 2015a, Kells 2018. High-temperature treatments can be very effective since all bed bug stages are instantly killed at 50 o C (Kells and Goblirsch 2011). ...
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The common bed bug, Cimex lectularius L., is a difficult urban pest to control. A simulated field study was conducted to compare the efficacy of steam application and an insecticide mixture spray (0.05% acetamiprid and 0.06% bifenthrin mixture) against C. lectularius. Three types of furniture (desk chair, upholstered armchair, and wooden table) were treated in the laboratory. The efficacy of the treatments was evaluated by visual inspection and placement of interceptor traps under the legs of the furniture. One hundred mixed stages of an insecticide-resistant population of C. lectularius were released onto each furniture item. After a 10-day acclimation period, each furniture item received steam treatment, insecticide spray, or no treatment. The second application of treatment was conducted 14 d later. Bed bug counts from interceptors and visual inspections were recorded at 13 d and 28 d after the initial treatment. At 28 d, the mean (± SE) live bed bug count in the steam, spray, and control group was 1 ± 0, 2 ± 1, and 83 ± 10, respectively. Both treatment methods were highly effective in controlling bed bugs on furniture. The mean bed bug count from interceptors in the steam, spray, and control groups were 0.3 ± 0.2, 11 ± 7, and 47 ± 9, respectively. There was no significant difference in the efficacy between steam and spray treatments based on either visual inspection or bed bug counts from interceptors. However, based on interceptor counts, the steam treatment caused faster bed bug population reduction than insecticide sprays.
... The same is true of the lower thermal limit for disease persistence. There is ample empirical evidence of rapid acclimation and adaptation of the lower critical temperature in insects (Storey and Storey, 1992;Addo-Bediako et al., 2000;Somero, 2010;Overgaard et al., 2011;Sunday et al., 2012;Araujo et al., 2013;Olson et al., 2013;Pintor et al., 2016), raising the possibility of greater disease spread to cooler climates than is expected based on ecological models alone. There is a crucial need to develop eco-evolutionary models of vectorhost dynamics that can accommodate both thermal acclimation and adaptation. ...
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Predicting how climate warming affects vector borne diseases is a key research priority. The prevailing approach uses the basic reproductive number (R0) to predict warming effects. However, R0 is derived under assumptions of stationary thermal environments; using it to predict disease spread in non-stationary environments could lead to erroneous predictions. Here, we develop a trait-based mathematical model that can predict disease spread and prevalence for any vector borne disease under any type of non-stationary environment. We parameterize the model with trait response data for the Malaria vector and pathogen to test the latest IPCC predictions on warmer-than-average winters and hotter-than-average summers. We report three key findings. First, the R0 formulation commonly used to investigate warming effects on disease spread violates the assumptions underlying its derivation as the dominant eigenvalue of a linearized host-vector model. As a result, it overestimates disease spread in cooler environments and underestimates it in warmer environments, proving its predictions to be unreliable even in a constant thermal environment. Second, hotter-than-average summers both narrow the thermal limits for disease prevalence, and reduce prevalence within those limits, to a much greater degree than warmer-than-average winters, highlighting the importance of hot extremes in driving disease burden. Third, while warming reduces infected vector populations through the compounding effects of adult mortality, and infected host populations through the interactive effects of mortality and transmission, uninfected vector populations prove surprisingly robust to warming. This suggests that ecological predictions of warming-induced reductions in disease burden should be tempered by the evolutionary possibility of vector adaptation to both cooler and warmer climates.
... They include physical, biological or less toxic chemical treatments. For example heat can kill bed bugs and head lice; and cold can kill bed bugs, head lice and cockroaches (Olson et al., 2013;Choi et al., 2016;Buhagiar et al., 2017). Regular monitoring, early intervention, sometimes with the assistance of a professional exterminator or health practitioner, can increase the e ectiveness of nonchemical alternatives to pyrethroids. ...
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Pyrethroids are synthetic or man-made versions of natural pyrethrins discovered in the flowers of a plant species of the Compositae family called "Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium". The plant was transported into Europe and America after it was discovered in the Near East. Commercial insecticides such as pyrethrin and synthetic pyrethroid are available. These are used to control agricultural pests as well as non-agricultural insects. They are also commercially used in personal care items such as shampoo and as a scent in insect repellent to boost efficacy and persistence in the environment, these insecticides are frequently combined with additional chemicals in diverse formulations, known as synergists. Nerve toxins, known as pyrethroids, although their chemical mechanism of action is unknown. Pyrethroids are neurotoxins, which interfere with the messages sent along nerves by maintaining sodium and chloride channels in an open position. This review presents perspectives, commercial uses and other useful characteristics features of pyrethroids based on human benefits and environmental friendly.
... Due to these challenges, much effort has been spent identifying novel treatments for managing bed bug infestations. Steam, cold, heat, and fungi have been (re-) introduced into the pest management market as methods for bed bug control (Kells and Goblirsch 2011, Olson et al. 2013, Kells 2018, Wang et al. 2018, Shikano et al. 2019. While heat, steam, and freezing can kill bed bugs, these methods also have limited ability to penetrate into and throughout all bed bug refugia. ...
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This study investigated the efficacy of using Vikane gas fumigant (sulfuryl fluoride) at the 1.9× dosage rate for eliminating bed bugs (Cimex lectularius L.) in two challenging infestation situations: personal vehicles, and confined spaces densely packed with personal belongings. The vehicles used in this study were large minivans with seating that folded into the floor. The confined spaces were cargo trailers filled to 85% capacity with books, furniture, and other household items. Each van and trailer was equipped with ~90 sentinel bed bugs consisting of three groups of 9–11 bed bug eggs, 10 nymphs, and 10 adults. The Vikane Fumiguide calculator was used to determine the target dosage (g-h/m3) to apply in each replicate (e.g., one van or trailer). Sulfuryl fluoride concentrations were measured throughout the fumigation process using a Spectros SF-ReportIR. Concentration readings were input into the Fumiguide to determine when the accumulated dosage (g-h/m3) was achieved, and when aeration should be initiated. After aeration was complete, the sentinel bed bugs were removed from the replicates and bed bug nymph and adult mortality was recorded. Bed bug eggs were monitored for 23 d to determine latent mortality. Fumigated bed bug mortality for each replication was 100% regardless of life stage. Latent mortality was observed in a single bed bug egg, but the first instar never fully eclosed. This study determined that fumigation with sulfuryl fluoride at the 1.9× dosage factor is an effective method for eliminating resistant bed bugs from vehicles and personal belongings in densely packed situations.
... The least used treatment approaches were placing items into freezers and structural fumigation ( Table 2). Heat kills bed bugs much quicker and tends to be more reliable than the fluctuating cold temperatures of household freezers [43]. Structural fumigation is the most expensive treatment type; it is imperative to have trained personnel and special equipment due in part to the extreme inhalation hazard posed by fumigants. ...
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Bed bugs have recently re-emerged as human pests worldwide. In this study, two surveys queried licensed pest management companies in Ohio (Midwest USA) about their experiences managing bed bugs. A primary objective was to assess the magnitude and spread of bed bug infestations statewide based on companies’ treatment records from 2005 and 2011 (first survey) and 2016 (second survey). The survey response rates were 35.6% and 31.6%, respectively. Treatment data from 2005 indicated that Ohio’s bed bug problem likely started in the SW corner of the state in Hamilton County (includes city of Cincinnati), since it totaled five times more treatments (approximately 4500) than second-ranking, centrally located Franklin County (Columbus). In the first half of 2011, more than 15,000 treatments were performed in these two counties. In 2016, treatments reached nearly 38,000 in Franklin County and in NE Ohio in the three combined counties that include Cleveland-Akron-Canton. Bed bug problems expanded statewide during an 11 y period, with an estimated 100+ treatments in 7 counties in 2005, 45 counties in 2011, and nearly all 88 counties in 2016. Apartments/condos and single-family residences comprised the largest share of bed bug work. Residents misused many pesticides and household cleaners trying to eliminate bed bugs. Many also discarded unwrapped infested furniture, which may further spread these bugs. More public education is needed to stop such practices. This study shows that bed bug problems grow and spread quickly; federal, state, and local officials and the public should immediately deal with bed bugs.
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Low temperature control is currently used along with other pest management techniques to kill insects within collections. Many insects adapt in order to survive cold temperatures, yet low temperatures have been used to successfully control insect populations in the fur and food industries for over a century. While there is still some lack of knowledge on the specific responses to cold by certain museum insect pests, enough is known to establish guidelines for treatment (Strang, 1992). These guidelines are based on the lethal temperatures and exposure times published in the entomological literature, on the knowledge of how insects survive cold, and on successful treatment over past decades.
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Developing effective alternative approaches for disinfesting bed bugs from residential spaces requires a balance between obtaining complete insect mortality, while minimizing costs and energy consumption. One method of disinfestation is the application of lethal high temperatures directly to rooms and contents within a structure (termed whole-room heat treatments). However, temperature and time parameters for efficacy in whole-room heat treatments are unknown given the slower rate of temperature increase and the probable variability of end-point temperatures within a treated room. The objective of these experiments was to explore requirements to produce maximum mortality from heat exposure using conditions that are more characteristic of whole-room heat treatments. Bed bugs were exposed in an acute lethal temperature (LTemp) trial, or time trials at sub-acute lethal temperatures (LTime). The lethal temperature (LTemp 99) for adults was 48.3 °C, while LTemp 99 for eggs was 54.8 °C. Adult bed bugs exposed to 45 °C had a LTime 99 of 94.8 min, while eggs survived 7 h at 45 °C and only 71.5 min at 48 °C. We discuss differences in exposure methodologies, potential reasons why bed bugs can withstand higher temperatures and future directions for research.
Preventive low-temperature treatment as a means of pest control during the relocation of the ethnographic collections of the National Museum of the American Indian afforded the opportunity to undertake an observational study of potential damage from this treatment. Does low temperature harm materials thought to be vulnerable? What are the possible causes of damage from this treatment? The study revealed no visible damage to any of the materials treated, although the literature suggests that minor changes on a molecular level are likely. The literature also indicates that the effects of changing relative humidity and water relationships are less of a threat than effects related to low temperature alone, such as shrinkage, embrittlement, and molecular alteration. The first part of the article discusses the threat (real or imagined) of various damage mechanisms, and the second part addresses several categories of vulnerable artifacts in relation to these damage mechanisms. The observational study and literature review indicate that low-temperature pest control may be appropriate for a wider range of materials than was previously assumed.