Aroma profiles of fresh herbs of cilantro (Coriandrum sativum L.), culantro (Eryngium foetidum L.) and Vietnamese coriander (Polygonium odoratum L.) were compared by direct solvent extraction, gas chromatography-olfactometry and aroma extract dilution analysis. Among the three herbs, the key aroma
components of C. sativum and E. foetidum were most similar and consisted of mainly 2-alkenals and η-aldehydes. On the other hand, P. odoratum contained mostly decanal and dodecanal, with 2-alkenals being notably absent in this herb. C. sativum and E. foetidum were found to differ in volatile composition, with
(E)-2-alkenals from C9-C16 and decanal being predominant in C. sativum, while E. foetidum contained mostly (E)-2-dodecenal. (E)-2-Alkenals, in particular (E)-2-dodecenal, were most closely associated with characteristic aromas of C. sativum and E. foetidum herbs; whereas, decanal and dodecanal were the
characterizing components of P. odoratum aroma.