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Comparing the effect of ozonized olive oil with clotrimazole on three Candida species C. albiacans, C. glabrata, C. krusei



Comparing the effect of ozonized olive oil with clotrimazole on three Candida species C. albiacans, C. glabrata, C. krusei Fariba Berenji1 * , Omid Rajabi2 , Maryam Azish3 , Nazanin Minoochehr2 1 Department of Parasitology & Mycology, Medical Faculty, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran 2 Department of Medicinal Chemistry. Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran 3 Department of Parasitology & Mycology, Medical Faculty, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran *Corresponding Author E-mail: Accepted 22 January 2014 Abstract One of the most important pathogenic fungi in immune compromised patients is Candida.spp. Ozone is an allotropic form of oxygen with high oxidation power; in addition it has fungicidal effects. Considering highly prevalence of Candida infections and drug resistance, it is important to find a low cost medicine with high effects and with low adverse effects for treating these kinds of infections. In this study, the effect of ozonated olive oil compared with clotrimazole on three species of candida (C. albicans, C. glabrata, and C. krusei) on saboraud dextrose agar (SDA) media was evaluated.Different concentrations of ozonated olive oil (166.66, 200, 233.33, 266.66, 300 mg/ml) in culture media were prepared and poured in some plates separately. Plates without ozonated olive oil were used as negative control. Plates containing different amount of clotrimazole (1, 2, 3, 6, and 8µg/ml) were considered as positive control. After inoculation of different candida spp. in all media, the plates were incubated at 37˚C for 72 hours and observed for fungal growth in their status every 24 hours. Our study showed that the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of ozonated olive oil for Candida krusei was 166.66, and for Candida albicans and Candida glaberata were 233.33, 200 mg/ml respectively. Clotrimazole inhibited all candida species in concentration much lower than ozonated olive oil. Considering that the ability of ozonated olive oil to inhibit candida growth in the media, authors hope that future researches will be performed based on this study and it can be a new product for topical treatment of candidiasis. Keywords: Candida albicans; Candida krusei; Candida glabrata; Olive oil; ozone; Clotrimazole.
E3 Journal of Microbiology Research Vol. 2(1). pp.009-013, January, 2014
Available online @
© E3 Journals 2014
Full length research paper
Comparing the effect of ozonized olive oil with
clotrimazole on three Candida species C. albiacans, C.
glabrata, C. krusei
Fariba Berenji1*,Omid Rajabi2,Maryam Azish3,Nazanin Minoochehr2
1. Department of Parasitology & Mycology, Medical Faculty, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
2 Department of Medicinal Chemistry. Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
3 Department of Medical Mycology, School of Medicine, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran.
Accepted January 22, 2014
One of the most important pathogenic fungi in immune compromised patients is Candida.spp. Ozone is an
allotropic form of oxygen with high oxidation power; in addition it has fungicidal effects. Considering highly
prevalence of Candida infections and drug resistance, it is important to find a low cost medicine with high
effects and with low adverse effects for treating these kinds of infections. In this study, the effect of ozonated
olive oil compared with clotrimazole on three species of candida (C. albicans, C. glabrata, and C. krusei) on
saboraud dextrose agar (SDA) media was evaluated.Different concentrations of ozonated olive oil (166.66, 200,
233.33, 266.66, 300 mg/ml) in culture media were prepared and poured in some plates separately. Plates without
ozonated olive oil were used as negative control. Plates containing different amount of clotrimazole (1, 2, 3, 6,
and 8µg/ml) were considered as positive control. After inoculation of different candida spp. in all media, the
plates were incubated at 37˚C for 72 hours and observed for fungal growth in their status every 24 hours. Our
study showed that the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of ozonated olive oil for Candida krusei was
166.66, and for Candida albicans and Candida glaberata were 233.33, 200 mg/ml respectively. Clotrimazole
inhibited all candida species in concentration much lower than ozonated olive oil. Considering that the ability of
ozonated olive oil to inhibit candida growth in the media, authors hope that future researches will be performed
based on this study and it can be a new product for topical treatment of candidiasis.
Keywords: Candida albicans; Candida krusei; Candida glabrata; Olive oil; ozone; Clotrimazole.
Candidiasis is a primary and secondary infection which is
caused by Candida species especially Candida albicans.
Its clinical symptoms are acute, sub acute or chronic and
sporadic. Infection may be limited to mouth, throat, skin,
vagina, fingers, nails, trachea, lung or digestion system. It
may cause septicemia, endocarditis, meningitis,
systemically. Since Candida species are endogenous the
resultant disease demonstrates as an opportunist
infection (Zeini et al., 2009). More than 90% individuals
with defect in immune system are affected to oral
candidiasis and almost 75% of women are affected at
least one time to vaginal candidiasis in her life.
*Corresponding Author Email:
Approximately 60% of healthy individuals and more than
65% of children are affected to candida infections without
clinical symptoms (Ying et al., 2010). Clotrimazole is an
antifungal medicine from azole group, which blocks
ergostrol synthesis by suppressing fungus demetylase
cytochrome enzyme and causes growth stop with
effecting on its membrane (Mahmoudabadi, 2002).Ozone
is a very strong oxidization material and it is mainly
applied as a disinfectant in different fields. Therapeutic
ozone is presented in National Institutes of Health (NIH)
in the United States as a method in supplementary
medicine and also it is stated that excessive use for
ozone can be poisonous like other medicines (Viebahn,
1985). Different ozonized oils are used successfully
against different infections (Geveely, 2006). One of these
materials is olive oil that in many countries, ozonized
010 E3J Microbiol.Res.
olive oil is used because of therapeutic effects and
efficient antimicrobial activity against bacteria, virus and
fungi (Lezcano et al., 2000, Sechi et al., 2001). Ozone
with oxidization properly can convert olive oil to strong
oxidizing material. Alvarez and Gundarova have reported
safety of this material (Gundarova et al., 1996; Alvarez et
al., 1997). Generally, excessive use of antibiotics for
treating infectious diseases and appearing fungus strains
resistance to some medicines along with inefficiency and
side effects, driven the research towards the comparing
therapeutic effects of ozone with clotimazole. (Shaschova
, 1995). In this study antifungal effect of ozonized olive oil
studied on three Candida species, including Candida
albicans, Candida glabrata and Candida krusei on
sabouraud dextrose agar medium.
Materials and Methods
Ozone apparatus
Ozone was produced by controlled oxygen flow in zone
generator device (made in the USA with production
power 13.5 g/h).
Ozoning olive oil
This procedure is elaborated by ozone generator device.
In this method, ozone is passed as bubbling through olive
oil for three weeks and olive oil is become ozonic cream
gel material. This material is maintainable in environment
temperature for three years and it is melted in higher
temperature and it is returned by dropping temperature
(Geveely, 2006).
Standardization of the preparation was carried out
according to the following parameters: olive oil Acid
Index determination
Base on definition, Acid Index, is value KOH in term of
gram which is necessary to neutralize free fatty acid in
one gram of fat. To determine the Acid Index of olive oil,
10 g of weighed olive oil transmit to an erlen containing
50 ml of alcohol and ether, then add 1 ml of
phenolphethalein this mixture and titrate it to normal
hydroxide potassium 0.1 until the mixture is become
colorless pink to stabilize for 30seconds, indicating
titration end. Acid Index with used alkali mass neutralize
free fatty acid in 10 g olive oil with this formula is
achieved:56.11V× N/W Where, N is hydroxide potassium
normality, and W is tested sample mass, and V is alkali
acid and 56.11 is the atomic mass of hydroxide
Olive oil Iodine Index determination
Base on definition, Iodine Index, is value Iodine base on
gram which is absorbed by 100 g of fatty sample. This
index indicates dual links numbers in test sample. In fats
with non saturated fatty acid, oxidation occurs in dual
links, this cause to produce hydroperoxide and
consequently forming aldehyde. To determine olive oil
Iodine Index, 1 g of weighed olive oil was transferred to
flask 250 ml and it was solved by chloroform 19 ml, and
then 250 ml of normal iodobromide 0.2% was added to
mixture. After closing the cap of flask, it was put in dark
place for 30 minutes and the flask was shaken one time
per 10minutes. Then 30ml of potassium iodine 15% and
100 ml of water were added to the materials the mixture
was titrated by normal thiosulphate 0.1% when the color
changes to colorless pink, 3 ml of amylum solution was
added to the materials and titration was continued until
blue color was appeared. This work was also performed
simultaneously on blank sample then Iodine Index
achieved by this formula:[126.9 (Vb –Vs) N]/10W. Where,
126.9 is Iodine atomic weight, Vb, Vs are normal
thiosulphate sodium 0.1, N is thiosulphate sodium
normality and W is olive oil weight
Fungal strains
Three pathogenic fungi species, C. albicans (PTCC:
5027), C. glabrata (PTCC: 5297), C. krusei (PTCC: 5295)
were provide as lyophilized from Iranian Research
Organization for Science and Technology. These
isolations were tested for determining their sensitivities to
ozonized olive oil.
Preparing medium containing ozonized olive oil
65 g of medium solid powder (sabouraud dextrose agar)
was added in one liter of distilled water by heating. Then
3 ml of prepared medium was poured into each testing
tube, and the tubes were autoclaved in 121˚̊c for 15
minutes. After cooling tubes to 50˚c, 50 µl tween 80 was
added as emulsifier to each tube, and they were vertex
mixed to uniform. Then ozonized olive oil in different
values was added to each tube (500 mg, 600 mg, 700
mg, 800 mg, 900 mg), and therefore different
concentration of ozonized olive oil medium were
prepared: (166.66 mg/ml, 200 mg/ml, 233.33 mg/ml,
266.66 mg/ml, and 300 mg/ml ).
Preparing fungi, determining species, and controls
0.5ml of prepared sabouraud dextrose agar medium was
added to ampoule containing lyophilized powder of three
fungi species and prepared fungal suspension, some of
this suspension was cultured on sabouraud
Fariba et al. 011
Table 1: Different ozonized olive oil concentrations effects at mg/ml on C. albiacans, C. glabrata, C.
krusei in 24, 48 and 72 hours after culture
Ozonized olive
oil mg/ml
24h 48h 72h
24h 48h 72h
24h 48h 72h
+ + +
+ +
- -
- - - - - -
- - -
- - -
- - - - - -
Table 2: Different clotrimazole concentrations effects at mg/ml on C. albacans, C. glabrata, C. krusei in
24, 48, and 72 hours after culture
24h 48h 72h
24h 48h 72h
24h 48h 72h
1 µg/ml
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +
2 µg/ml
+ +
+ +
- - -
3 µg/ml
+ +
- - - - - -
6 µg/ml
+ + + - - - - - -
8 µg/ml - - - - - - - -
dextrose agar with chloramphenicol (SC) and the results
is cream color colonies after 48-72 hours after incubation
at 37˚c, which indicates fungi growth. To confirm the
presence of Candida species one colony was removed
from SD medium and put on glass slide and a drop of
KOH15% was added to it, and it covered with glass slide
and examined under microscope for pseudohypha and
blastoconidia that indicate the presence of Candida
species. For determining species, tests used were germ
tube test, Chlamydoconidium production, and culture on
Chrom agar medium and Corn meal agar medium. Germ
tube test and Chlamydoconidium production were used to
identity Candida albicans.
For determining species, one colony was removed from
SC medium and it was cultured on chrom agar plate
(CHROM agar Candida, France) and after incubation at
37 ̊c for 48-72 hours, the results were read based on
changing the color of medium. Changing the color of
medium to green indicates Candida albicans, changing to
white: Candida krusei and changing to pink means
Candida glabrata.
MIC determination
MIC determination was performed by agar dilution
(Geveely, 2006). Clotrimazole was used as positive
control and the antifungal efficacy of it compared with
ozonated olive oil. A serial of concentrations 1, 2, 3, 6,
8µg/ml was produced from vaginal cream clotrimazole
1%. Then three Candida species from standard species
were cultured on medium. The plates were incubated at
37˚c and the growth or non growth results were read after
24, 48 and 72hours. As negative control concentrations
166.66 mg/ml, 200 mg/ml, 233.33 mg/ml, 266.66 mg/ml
and 300mg/ml olive oil non- ozonized medium were
After 24, 48, and 72 hours incubation at 37˚c, the results
were observed and recorded for all Candida species. In
addition the results of the control plates were examined.
The presence of the white convex colonies indicates
fungus growth. The condition was uniform when the
experiments were performed and the experiment was
repeated three times to accuracy confirmation condition
in each concentration. To equalize inoculate amount in
each plate, the culture was performed in two places. After
24hour reading was done for plates without fungi growth
and growth inhibition confirmed against ozone and/or
clotrimazole. From Table 1: C. albicans and C. glabrata
growth in concentration 166.66 mg/ml ozonated olive oil
was observed. C. albicans growth in concentration 200
mg/ml of ozonated olive oil was observed. In
concentration 233.33, 266.66 and 300 mg/ml ozonated
olive oil, There was not any growth for all species.
Minimum ozone concentration (MIC) was 233.33 mg/ml
for C. albicans, 200 mg/ml for C. glabrata and 166.66
mg/ml for C.krusei to suppress their growth (Table
1).From Table 2: The minimum clotrimazole
concentration for suppressing growth (MIC) was 8 µg/ml
for C. albicans, 3 µg/ml for C. glabrata and 2 µg/ml for C.
012 E3J Microbiol.Res.
Diseases resulted from genus Candida yeasts have a
wide spectrum and generally have greater prevalence in
immunocompromised patients .These fungi has various
species, including C. albicans, C. glabrata, C. krusei, C.
tropicalis, C. luisitaniae, C. guilliermondii and C.
dubliensis (Zeini et al., 2009). Candida species are
among the most important opportunistic fungi that in
recent decades, systemic and local infections as well as
new Candida species have been increased (Rani et al.,
2002). Among Candida species, C. albicans has been
more prevalent as an etiologic agent of candidiasis. This
fungus habituates in digestion system, mouth and vagina
and human acquires it on birth time while passing from
vagina. Other Candida species are part of natural fungi
dermis and mucosa, some exist in nature, in soil and
different materials which have much less pathogenic
power and they enter to body through external sources
and under particular conditions they can be pathogenic
with dominating natural defensive mechanisms of host
(Shadzi, 2009). Generally, there are many factors which
disorder natural equilibrium between Candida and host
causing pathologic symptoms. These factors are age,
physiologic changes, continuous use of antibiotics,
breaking natural defensive barrier, disabling diseases,
job, overweight, and alcoholism and avitaminosis for
vitamins A, B, C (Zeini et al., 2009).Considering high
prevalence of Candida infections and recent performed
studies and also reported drug resistances in these fungi,
it is important to find a low cost medicine with high effects
and without any consequences for treating fungal
infections (Ying et al., 2010).
In this study, we surveyed antifungal ozonated olive oil
effects on Candida species. Ozone has strong fungicide
effects. Geveely in a study showed the fungicide effect of
the ozonized olive oil on Dermatophyts, Candida albicans
and Aspergillus fumigates (Geveely, 2006). In addition,
Menendez used successfully ozonized olive oil for
treating ring worm of the foot (Menendez et al., 2008).
Since ozone doesn’t exist in atmosphere, yet, fungus
resistance to this material hasn’t been reported (Geveely,
2006). Ozone reacts exclusively with dual bands in
nonsaturation olive oil fatty acids, thus this reaction
results in different toxic products. These compounds
include hydroperoxidases, ozonides, aldehydes,
peroxides, diperoxides and polyperoxides, have high
oxidizing power.In this study obtained results showed that
all three studied species were sensitive to ozonized olive
oil and sensitivity to species was different and it
depended on concentration. In this study, ozonized olive
oil had better suppression effect on Candida krusei than
Candida glabrata and Candida albicans. Also according
to the results, inhibitory effect of clotrimazole on Candida
krusei has been better than Candida glabrata and
Candida albicans. The amplitude of MIC clotrimazole and
ozonized olive oil has been determined 2-8 µg/ml and
166.66-233.33 mg/ml respectively. These results show
that ozonized olive oil and clotrimazole are able to inhibit
growth of these three Candida species.
As Tara and colleagues in 2012 performed a clinical
study on patients with vaginal candidiasis, ozonized olive
oil and clotrimazole was effective in improving these
patients (Tara et al., 2012). In studies of other
researchers, observations based on ozonized olive oil
effect on these species were observed. Riechart in a
study in 2007 showed that ozonized olive oil has a more
suppressing effect on Candida krusei than Candida
albicans (Reichart, 2007). The results of this study are in
agreed with our study results. Generally there are few
studies on olive oil effect on Candida species for growth
suppression, but based on current studies and other
performed studies by other researchers (Geveely, 2006),
we recommend that ozonized olive oil has a suppressing
effect on these three species of Candida and its effect
depends on concentration, which was observed in higher
concentration in short time.
According to the results of this study and comparing it
with negative control results, it was proofed antifungal
ozone effects. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC)
for every species was revealed. Also it was observed that
Candida krusei has a more sensitivity to ozonized olive
oil and clotrimazole than Candida albicans and Candida
glabrata. Considering obtained results in this study and
mentioned clinical studies, ozonized olive oil is an
effective medicine to treat Candida infections (e.g. dermal
and mucosal infections). Authors hope that future
researches will be performed based on this study.
Eventually Ozonized olive oil could be a substitute
product for treating fungal infections and can be
suggested as a proper replacement for antibiotics and it
can be a solution for overuse of antibiotics in the
treatment of fungal disease and overcoming of multi-drug
resistant of candida strains.
The authors greatly acknowledge the Research Council
of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (MUMS),
Mashhad, Iran for their financial grant and Mr. Majid
Ganjbakhsh for his kind efforts during this project. The
results presented in this work have been taken from Dr.
Nazanin Minoochehr’s thesis, with the ID number "1328".
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... O grande número de moléculas formadas durante a ozonólise dos ácidos graxos insaturados dos óleos vegetais, principalmente os peróxidos, e posterior liberação de oxigênio singleto, que oxida os ácidos graxos poli-insaturados da parede bacteriana e protoplasma bacteriano (Berenji et al., 2014), nos leva a hipotetizar que o mecanismo de ação dos óleos ozonizados seja efetivo, inespecífico e não seletivo (Grandi et al., 2022). ...
Pulp and periapical diseases originate from microbial colonization of root canals. The development of new technologies and instrumentation techniques has provided more effective shaping of the root canal system. Even so, sodium hypochlorite and calcium hydroxide remain examples of auxiliary substances for endodontic treatment. Recently, ozone has emerged as promising in endodontic therapy. This study evaluated the antimicrobial activity of ozonized water and ozonized oils in root canals infected with Enterococcus faecalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans, in addition to the cytotoxicity of ozonized products. 224 human lower premolars were used, divided into 4 groups according to the microorganism tested, challenged with ozonized medications and compared to sodium hypochlorite and calcium hydroxide. The antimicrobial activities of ozonized oils were comparable to those established by sodium hypochlorite and calcium hydroxide. Ozonated sunflower oil and olive oil exhibited lower cytotoxicity and showed promise for understanding new metabolic routes and additional approaches in Endodontics.
... Ozone molecule reacts with carbon double bonds present in unsaturated fatty acid of olive oil producing several oxygenated compounds such as aldehydes and peroxides. These products are toxic and responsible for the wide antimicrobial activity of ozonized olive oil [9,10,11]. Previous studies revealed that olive oil has antioxidant effects that can neutralize the free radicals; harmful toxins that are released from the fungus. ...
... MFCc and MFCs range from 0.38 mg/mL to 18.3 mg/mL and the MFCc/MFCs ratio obtained is between 1 and 2 ( Table 4). The MFC of the oil ozonized on C. albicans obtained is 0.38 mg/mL is 13 times less compared to that found in the study of (Elshinawy et al. 2018) and 613 times less than that found in the study of Berenji (2014) which they found 5 mg/mL CMF and 233.33 mg/mL respectively. This result indicates that antifungal activity on C. albicans of ozonized oil is very important. ...
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The aim of this study is the determination of antimicrobial activity at different concentrations of ozonized olive oil of Olea europea L. against eight bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538, Bacillus subtilis ATCC 9372, Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 15313, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853, Proteus mirabilis ATCC 35659, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Klebsiella pneumonia ATCC 4352, Salmonella typhimurium ATCC 13311), two yeasts Candida albicans ATCC 25923 and Aureobasidium pullulans and five fungi Aspergillus niger ATCC 16404 Penicillium digitatum, Penicillium expansum, Aspergillus itaconicus, Fusarium solani. The antimicrobial activity of ozonized oil is measured by the agar diffusion method. The oil inhibits the growth of most strains, Proteus mirabilis ATCC 35659 as the most sensitive bacterium with the inhibitory zone of 18.33 mm±0.47. The results of the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) test showed that the MIC varies from 0.198 mg/mL to 63.5 mg/mL. The ozonized oil inhibits the growth of all tested fungal strains, the most sensitive fungi is Fusarium solani with the inhibitory zone of 36.66 mm±0.40 with minimal fungistatic concentration (MFCs) and minimal fungicidal concentration (MFCc) obtained between 0.38 mg/mL and 12.2 mg/mL. The CMF of the oil ozonized on C. albicans obtained is 0.38 mg/mL, 13 times less compared to that found in the study, this result indicates that antifungal activity on C. albicans of ozonized oil is very significant. We demonstrate that the ozonation of olive oil leads to the formation of the various toxic products (hyperoxides, ozonides, adehhydes, peroxides, diperoxides and polyperoxides) responsible for the antimicrobial effect, this effect may be due to toxicity rather than metabolic interruption. Ozone and its derivatives are proposed especially ozonide as powerful antimicrobial agents especially in this pandemic of COVID-19.
... Aliasghari et al. (2016) reported that 5 mg/ml of Ch-NPs inhibited the growth of S. mutans, showing an inhibition zone diameter of 15 mm. Berenji et al. (2014) stated that O 3 -oil had powerful bactericidal and fungicidal activity. They reported that the MIC of ozonated olive oil was 233.33 mg/ml against C. albicans. ...
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This study was conducted to investigate the antimicrobial-biofilm activity of chitosan (Ch-NPs), silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs), ozonated olive oil (O3-oil) either separately or combined together against endodontic pathogens. While testing the antimicrobial activity, Ch-NPs showed the least minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) values exerting eightfold higher bactericidal activity than O3-oil against both Enterococcus faecalis and Streptococcus mutans as well as fourfold higher fungicidal activity against Candida albicans. Antimicrobial synergy test revealed synergism between O3-oil and Ch-NPs against the test pathogens (FIC index ≤ 0.5). Ch-NPs was superior at inhibiting immature single and mixed-species biofilm formations by 97 and 94%, respectively. Both of O3-oil and Ch-NPs had a complete anti-fibroblast adherent effect. The safety pattern results showed that O3-oil was the safest compound, followed by Ch-NPs. The double combination of Ch-NPs and O3-oil reduced the mature viable biofilm on premolars ex vivo model by 6-log reductions, with a fast kill rate, indicating potential use in treating root canals. Therefore, the double combination has the potential to eradicate mature mixed-species biofilms and hence it is potent, novel and safe.
... Another aspect of candidemia is the economic burden on the patient and hospital. This economic impact has been associated with the increased costs of care including the use of antifungal agents and prolonged length of hospital stay, especially in severely immunosuppressed patients with hematological malignancies [20,[23][24][25][26]. ...
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Background and Purpose Over the past years, the role of fungi as a cause of nosocomial infections in hospitalized patients has been accentuated. Candida species constitute an important group of fungi causing diseases in immunocompromised patients. Oropharyngeal candidiasis continues to be a prevalent infection in immunodeficient patients. In this study, we aimed to determine the incidence of oropharyngeal candidiasis in children with lymphohematopoietic malignancies. Materials and Methods In total, 102 patients with lymphohematopoietic malignancies and 50 healthy controls were examined in terms of Candida infections via direct sampling of the oropharyngeal cavity. Fresh smears were prepared with 10% potassium hydroxide and Gram staining was carried out. Subsequently, the obtained specimens were cultured on Sabouraud dextrose agar for further analysis. Results The most common Candida species were Candida albicans (31%), other non-C. albicans species (14.7%), C. glabrata (6.8%), and C. krusei (0.98%) in the case group, while in the control group, other non-C. albicans species (10%) and C. albicans (8%) were the most common species. Conclusion In the present study, Candida species were the most common fungal pathogens in pediatric cancer patients; therefore, efforts should be made to prevent fungemia and fungal pneumonia. Also, non-C. albicans species must be considered as a new risk factor for pediatric cancer patients.
... Another aspect of candidemia is the economic burden on the patient and hospital. This economic impact has been associated with the increased costs of care including the use of antifungal agents and prolonged length of hospital stay, especially in severely immunosuppressed patients with hematological malignancies [20,[23][24][25][26]. ...
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Abstract Background and Purpose: Over the past years, the role of fungi as a cause of nosocomial infections in hospitalized patients has been accentuated. Candida species constitute an important group of fungi causing diseases in immunocompromised patients. Oropharyngeal candidiasis continues to be a prevalent infection in immunodeficient patients. In this study, we aimed to determine the incidence of oropharyngeal candidiasis in children with lymphohematopoietic malignancies. Materials and Methods: In total, 102 patients with lymphohematopoietic malignancies and 50 healthy controls were examined in terms of Candida infections via direct sampling of the oropharyngeal cavity. Fresh smears were prepared with 10% potassium hydroxide and Gram staining was carried out. Subsequently, the obtained specimens were cultured on Sabouraud dextrose agar for further analysis. Results: The most common Candida species were Candida albicans (31%), other non-C. albicans species (14.7%), C. glabrata (6.8%), and C. krusei (0.98%) in the case group, while in the control group, other non-C. albicans species (10%) and C. albicans (8%) were the most common species. Conclusion: In the present study, Candida species were the most common fungal pathogens in pediatric cancer patients; therefore, efforts should be made to prevent fungemia and fungal pneumonia. Also, non-C. albicans species must be considered as a new risk factor for pediatric cancer patients. Keywords: Candida species, Lymphohematopoietic malignancies, Oral candidiasis
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Purpose Vulvovaginal candidiasis is the most common infection of the vulvovagina which manifests with itching, burning sensation and leucorrhea. Conventional treatments are azoles to which tolerance has been reported, especially in immunosuppressed patients. New studies suggest antifungal effects of ozone, the allotropic form of oxygen. This study compared the effects of ozononated olive oil and clotrimazole in the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis. Methods One hundred patients with confirmed vulvovaginal candidiasis were randomly classified to two groups and treated by ozonated olive oil or clotrimazole for 7 days. The study outcomes were changes in itching, burning, leucorrhea and culture before and after the treatment, which were evaluated by an interview and paraclinical examination. Statistical analysis was done by SPSS software, version 17. The significance level stood at 0.05. Results Ozone and clotrimazole both reduced the symptoms significantly and led to negative specimen cultures (p<0.05). There was no significant difference between the two groups in their effect on itching, leucorrhea and culture (p>0.05). However, ozone decreased burning sensation significantly better than clotrimazole (p<0.05). Conclusion Considering the potential efficacy of ozonated olive oil for the improvement of clinical and paraclinical aspects of patients with vulvovaginal candidiasis, it could be suggested as an effective topical treatment for these patients.
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-The efficacy of topical OLEOZON ® against tinea pedis has already been demonstrated. The aim of the present study was to assess the adverse reactions associated with topical OLEOZON ® in pa-tients with tinea pedis. A multicenter, open, phase IV clinical trial was carried out. An adverse drug reaction report form specifying the reactions most commonly associated with topical OLEOZON ® was designed. This study lasted three years. Patients were treated with topical OLEOZON ® twice a day for six weeks. Of the total of 2596 patients admitted to the study, 2165 (83.4%) patients finished the treatment. The main cause of drop out of the 431 patients (16.6 %), was the scant attendance at the clinical evaluation. Six pa-tients (0.3%) showed adverse reactions. The most frequently reported adverse reactions were skin burning sensation, pruritus and erythema of mild intensity. Skin burning sensation was considered, according to the causal relationship, as definite; pruritus and erythema were considered probable. Taking into account the number of patients that finished the treatment, an efficacy of 92.7% (2007 patients cured) was achieved. The favourable safety profile achieved with topical OLEOZON ® in this study, together with its demonstrated ef-ficacy and its low cost justify the extension of this treatment in clinical practice for patients with tinea pedis, particularly in developing countries.
Ozonized sunflower oil, Oleozón, has shown antimicrobial effects against several bacterial species. The purpose of this paper was to study in vitro activity of ozonized sunflower oil, Oleozón, on Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis, methicillin susceptible and methicillin resistant strains. Minimal Inhibitory Concentrations (MICs) and Minimal Bactericidal Concentrations (MBCs) were determined based on National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS) guidelines. Meanwhile, kinetic studies were performed. Oleozón was effective against all strains, MIC90 was 9.5 mg/mL and MBC90 was 356 mg/mL. First order inactivation kinetics with respect to bacterial concentrations were found. The longest time necessary to obtain the total inactivation was 60 minutes for methicillin susceptible strains and 180 minutes for methicillin resistant strains.
The type of application, the application range, and the dosage of a medical ozone/oxygen mixture (prepared from the purest oxygen and used in a concentration between 1 and 100 g/mL) have been derived principally from its employment in the preparation of drinking water and the regeneration of liquid waste. This is in the light of its bactericidal and fungicidal properties – which in the clinical field also comes under the heading of disinfection – in addition to the virucidal and thus the overall sterilizing property of ozone. Furthermore, within the biological system, different properties become manifest which may be summarized as its positive effect on blood circulation, and as expressed by an activation of oxygen transportation mechanisms and an improvement of active biological oxygen utilization.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of gentian violet (GV) on phospholipase activity, proteinase activity and germ tube formation rate of Candida albicans. Both 12 phospholipase-positive and 12 proteinase-positive C. albicans isolates with Pz values <or=0.89 were obtained. A yeast suspension (1-3 x 10(7) cfu/ml) of each isolate was prepared. After a brief exposure (60 min) to sub-therapeutic concentrations (0.5 or 2 microg/ml) of GV, Pz value of phospholipase, Pz value of proteinase and germ tube formation rate were determined. Phospholipase activity, proteinase activity and germ tube formation rate in two groups exposed to GV were significantly lower than those in the group unexposed (P < 0.05). The results of this study indicated that sub-therapeutic concentrations of GV may lead to reduction in phospholipase activity, proteinase activity and germ tube formation, and then may suppress virulence and pathogenicity of C. albicans.
The study was aimed at assessing the efficacy of ozonized normal salines in experimental endophthalmitis. Experiments demonstrated that, as the control group developed grave endophthalmitis and the clinical picture deteriorated by the end of experiment, eventuating in melting of tissues both in the anterior and posterior segments of the eye, in experimental animals, to which ozonized normal saline was administered directly after infection, endophthalmitis either did not develop at all or was less severe. The anterior segment of the eyeball was not involved in the infectious process, and the changes in the vitreous body were not so grave as in the controls, and by the end of experiment the inflammation ceased completely. By the end of the infectious process in the experimental group the majority of tissue structures of the posterior pole of the eyeball, including the retina, were retained. After administration of ozonized normal saline to animals with full-blood endophthalmitis the symptoms of the inflammatory process abated and the disease took a more favorable course than in control. Hence, experiments demonstrated that even a single intravitreal instillation of ozonized solution during an infectious process brings about a high prophylactic and therapeutic effect.
To evaluate the antimicrobial effect of the ozonized sunflower oil (Oleozon) on different bacterial species isolated from different sites. The effect of Oleozon on Mycobacteria, staphylococci, streptococci, enterococci, Pseudomonas and Escherichia coli was tested. The sunflower oil was ozonized at the Centro de Investigaciones del Ozone (CENIC, Havana, Cuba) by an ozone generator. MICs were determined by the agar dilution method. For Mycobacteria, the MIC of Oleozon was determined on solid medium by a microdrop agar proportion test. Oleozon showed antimicrobial activity against all strains analysed, with an MIC ranging from 1.18 to 9.5 mg ml-1. Oleozon showed a valuable antimicrobial activity against all micro-organisms tested. Results suggest that Mycobacteria are more susceptible to Oleozon than the other bacteria tested. The wide availability of sunflower oil makes Oleozon a competitive antimicrobial agent. These results should prompt the setting up of some clinical trials to compare Oleozon with other antimicrobial agents.
Leprosy is a chronic bacterial infection which may lead to significant orofacial morbidity. However, reports on the oral mycotic flora of leprosy patients are rare. The aim of the current study was to explore the oral yeast carriage in two groups of leprosy patients. 40 Cambodian (seven men, 33 women) and 48 Thai (14 men, 34 women) leprosy patients from Leprosy Rehabilitation Centre Khien Kleang, Phnom Penh, Cambodia and McKean Rehabilitation Center, Chiangmai, Thailand were randomly selected and their demographic data and clinical history were recorded. Tongue and palatal swabs of each patient were collected using sterile Fungi-Quick swabs (Hain Diagnostika, Nehren, Germany) and they were cultured aerobically on Sabouraud's dextrose agar and CHROMAgar (CHROMagar, Paris, France). Yeast were identified by germ tube, chlamydospore production, and assimilation tests (API 20C AUX, Bio-Merieux, Marcy l'Etoile, France) and reconfirmed using APILAB Plus system (Bio-Merieux). Two groups (Cambodian and Thai) had median age of 35 and 64 years. They had been with leprosy for median durations of 17.7 and 38.9 years (P<0.05), respectively. Overall yeast carriage in two cohorts were 80% and 93.75%. Candida albicans had highest carriage rate in either group (65.6%, 44.4%). Candida krusei and C. glabrata existed as second-line colonizers after C. albicans. Candida glabrata carriage was significantly higher in Thai patients (P<0.05). Multispecies carriage was seen in three Cambodian (9.4%) and five Thai (11.5%) patients. This study indicates high oral yeast carriage in leprosy patients. Candida albicans remains predominant while C. krusei and C. glabrata are second-line oral colonizers. Co-inhabitation of multiple yeast species is also noted in these patients' oral mycotic flora.
Four hundred and fifty four blood samples of clinically diagnosed septicemic neonates were collected over a period of six months from the neonatal ICU of Kalawati Saran Children Hospital, New Delhi. 144 samples were culture positive; out of which 50 (34.7%) were Candida isolates. 92% isolates were Candida tropicalis, 4% were C. albicans and C. kefyr each. The study emphasises the changing pattern of Candida species and their importance in blood stream infections in neonates.
Comprehensive medical mycology
  • F Zeini
  • Asa Mahbod
  • M Emami
Zeini F, Mahbod ASA, Emami M (2009). Comprehensive medical mycology. Iran: University of Tehran Press.