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A Once and Future
Gulf of Mexico
Restoration Recommendations
of an Expert Working Group
Charles H. Peterson
Felicia C. Coleman, Jeremy B.C. Jackson, R. Eugene Turner, Gilbert T. Rowe
Richard T. Barber, Karen A. Bjorndal, Robert S. Carney,
Robert K. Cowen, Jonathan M. Hoekstra, James T. Hollibaugh,
Shirley B. Laska, Richard A. Luettich Jr., Craig W. Osenberg,
Stephen E. Roady, Stanley Senner, John M. Teal and Ping Wang
Pete Peterson wishes to thank his co-authors, in particular Gene Turner, Felicia Coleman,
Gil Rowe and Jeremy Jackson, for their insights and assistance in producing this report.
The authors thank the Pew Environment Group for financial support for this project and the
three peer reviewers, whose comments helped to improve the manuscript. We appreciate
the many helpful discussions that we each had with interested colleagues.
The views expressed are those of the
authors and do not necessarily reflect the
views of the Pew Environment Group,
Campaign for Healthy Oceans or The
Pew Charitable Trusts.
Suggested citation:
Peterson, C. H. et al. 2011. A Once
and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem:
Restoration Recommendations of an
Expert Working Group. Pew Environment
Group. Washington, DC. 112 pp.
A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem
Restoration Recommendations of an Expert Working Group
The Pew Environment Group is the conservation arm of The Pew Charitable Trusts,
a nongovernment organization that works globally to establish pragmatic, science-based
policies that protect our oceans, preserve our wildlands and promote clean energy.
3 Abstract
5 Introduction
9 Precedents and Principles for Restoring
the Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem
15 Acute and Chronic Stressors on the Gulf
of Mexico Before and After the DWH Oil Spill
37 Recommendations for Resilient Restoration
of the Gulf of Mexico
91 Conclusion
93 Appendices
100 Endnotes
101 References
2 A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem
A Padre Island National Seashore, TX
B Galveston, TX
C Flower Garden Banks
National Marine Sanctuary
D Grand Isle, LA
E Chandeleur Islands, LA
(Breton National Wildlife Refuge)
F Pascagoula River, LA
G Green Canyon area
(near the DWH spill site)
H De Soto Canyon
I Big Bend coastal region, FL, includes
Apalachicola Bay, St. Joe Bay and the
Fenholloway, Suwanee and Ochlockonee
J Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
K Everglades National Park
Figure 1
The Gulf of Mexico Region
Featured sites mentioned in the report
Key National
Wildlife Refuge
New Orleans
Baton Rouge
Mobile Pensacola
See map detail Page 28
See map detail Page 31
Site of
DWH spill
A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem 3
The Deepwater Horizon (DWH) well blow-
out released more petroleum hydrocarbons
into the marine environment than any
previous U.S. oil spill (4.9 million barrels),
fouling marine life, damaging deep sea and
shoreline habitats and causing closures of
economically valuable fisheries in the Gulf
of Mexico. A suite of pollutants — liquid
and gaseous petroleum compounds plus
chemical dispersants — poured into eco-
systems that had already been stressed by
overfishing, development and global climate
change. Beyond the direct effects that were
captured in dramatic photographs of oiled
birds in the media, it is likely that there are
subtle, delayed, indirect and potentially syn-
ergistic impacts of these widely dispersed,
highly bioavailable and toxic hydrocarbons
and chemical dispersants on marine life
from pelicans to salt marsh grasses and to
deep-sea animals.
As tragic as the DWH blowout was, it has
stimulated public interest in protecting this
economically, socially and environmentally
critical region. The 2010 Mabus Report,
commissioned by President Barack Obama
and written by the secretary of the Navy,
provides a blueprint for restoring the Gulf
that is bold, visionary and strategic. It is
clear that we need not only to repair the
damage left behind by the oil but also to
go well beyond that to restore the anthro-
pogenically stressed and declining Gulf
ecosystems to prosperity-sustaining levels
of historic productivity. For this report, we
assembled a team of leading scientists with
expertise in coastal and marine ecosystems
and with experience in their restoration to
identify strategies and specific actions that
will revitalize and sustain the Gulf coastal
Because the DWH spill intervened in eco-
systems that are intimately interconnected
and already under stress, and will remain
stressed from global climate change, we
argue that restoration of the Gulf must go
beyond the traditional “in-place, in-kind”
restoration approach that targets specific
damaged habitats or species. A sustainable
restoration of the Gulf of Mexico after
DWH must:
1. Recognize that ecosystem resilience has
been compromised by multiple human
interventions predating the DWH spill;
2. Acknowledge that significant future
environmental change is inevitable and
must be factored into restoration plans
and actions for them to be durable;
3. Treat the Gulf as a complex and inter-
connected network of ecosystems from
shoreline to deep sea; and
4. Recognize that human and ecosystem
productivity in the Gulf are interdepen-
dent, and that human needs from and
effects on the Gulf must be integral to
restoration planning.
With these principles in mind, we provide
the scientific basis for a sustainable restora-
tion program along three themes:
1. Assess and repair damage from DWH
and other stresses on the Gulf;
2. Protect existing habitats and
populations; and
3. Integrate sustainable human use
with ecological processes in the Gulf
of Mexico.
Under these themes, 15 historically
informed, adaptive, ecosystem-based
restoration actions are presented to recover
Gulf resources and rebuild the resilience of
its ecosystem. The vision that guides our
recommendations fundamentally imbeds
the restoration actions within the context of
the changing environment so as to achieve
resilience of resources, human communities
and the economy into the indefinite future.
A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem 5
On April 20, 2010, the eyes of the nation
and the world focused on the northern Gulf
of Mexico and witnessed the beginning of a
human and natural disaster. On that day, a
BP oil well blew out on the Macondo
Prospect 1,500 m below the ocean’s surface
and began gushing crude oil into the
sea. Eleven men died from the explosions
accompanying the blowout and subsequent
fire on the drilling rig, Deepwater Horizon.
The great depth of the well—almost a mile
beneath the ocean’s surface—complicated
efforts to stanch the torrential flow of oil
and natural gas. During the next 85 days,
an estimated 4.9 million barrels of crude oil
flowed into the sea as BP and the U.S. gov-
ernment tried chemicals, concrete, physical
material and other desperate measures
to plug the wellhead. The environmental
tragedy was dramatized in a continuous,
mesmerizing video stream of the turbulent
flow of oil and gas at the seafloor wellhead
and in the satellite and television imagery
of oil covering the sea surface, seabirds and
shorelines. This blowout and spill released
more oil into U.S. waters than any other spill
in history. In terms of human welfare, this
single event severely damaged the Gulf’s
natural resources, harming the economy and
costing lives and jobs in a region dependent
on fishing, tourism and oil-and-gas extraction.
This tragedy, however, is but one of many
environmental perturbations that have
degraded or are still degrading the Gulf
environment. Over the previous five years
alone, for example, hurricanes Katrina, Rita
and Ike struck the Louisiana, Mississippi and
Texas coasts, causing extensive loss of life
and property. Chronic stressors on the Gulf
ecosystem include overfishing and overhar-
vesting of marine life; pollution from agri-
cultural runoff and industry; global climate
change and rising sea level; and alterations
of terrain and rivers for oil exploration and
real estate development. Coastal marsh
acreage, riparian wetlands, and forests
in the drainage basins of the Mississippi
and smaller rivers have declined dramati-
cally, reducing fish and wildlife habitat and
removing natural water-purifying func-
tions. These changes, in turn, have reduced
the Gulf ecosystem’s ability to provide the
services and resources on which coastal
communities depend.
The success and durability of actions taken
to restore damage caused by the oil release
will depend upon the way Gulf restoration
addresses the impacts of historical ecosys-
tem degradation and anticipates future
changes by creating both social and natural
resilience. Even narrowly focused restoration
actions are unlikely to be sustainable if they
fail to consider the complex and intercon-
nected human and natural ecosystem of the
Gulf. Restoration plans must also compen-
sate for prior impacts to individual resources
and to human economic enterprises and
must consider the full scope of relationships
to historical baseline conditions. Finally,
the ability of restoration plans to anticipate
future dynamic change will determine the
success of those plans over the long term.
Some of these environmental changes, such
as sea level rise and severe weather events,
are occurring faster and having larger
consequences along the Gulf Coast than
anywhere else in the country. Therefore, the
Gulf ecosystem could be a model for how
The blowout and spill
released more oil into U.S.
waters than any other oil
spill incident in history.
This tragedy, however, is
but one of many historic,
recent and ongoing
stresses degrading the
Gulf environment.
Oil burns during a controlled
fire after the Gulf oil spill.
Photo: Justin Stumberg/U.S.
Navy/Marine Photobank
6 A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem
to solve multiple social and natural chal-
lenges to achieve sustainability in the face
of dramatic environmental change.
To assess restoration opportunities in the
Gulf, we assembled a team of leading
scientists with expertise and experience in
coastal and marine ecosystems and their
restoration. Together we identify strategies
and specific actions that will help revitalize
the Gulf Coast ecosystem and economy.
Our scientific approach is based upon spa-
tially explicit and ecosystem-based insights
derived by inferring the baseline conditions
and controlling functions of the Gulf coastal
ecosystem as they were before major
human modifications were made. Previous
use of this approach to guide ecological
restorations of estuarine (Lotze et al. 2006),
marine (Jackson et al. 2001) and freshwater
(Scheffer et al. 2001) aquatic ecosystems
have revealed how human-induced modifi-
cations, such as overfishing apex predators
and historically dominant filter feeders,
have led to the loss of ecosystem resilience
when subsequent perturbations occurred,
such as nutrient overloading. Such interac-
tions among multiple stressors can propel
the ecosystem across a threshold and into
an alternative persistent state from which
recovery to baseline conditions is difficult.
For example, the overharvest of suspension-
feeding oysters from Chesapeake Bay and
Pamlico Sound estuaries in the decades
around 1900 disabled the capacity of the
ecosystem to exert top-down grazing
controls on phytoplankton blooms. When
nutrient overloading occurred decades later,
the suspension-feeders were no longer
functionally capable of grazing down
the microalgae and helping to suppress
bloom development (Jackson et al. 2001).
Therefore, our restoration recommenda-
tions address a range of modifications
to the Gulf ecosystem. Using historical
baselines to guide restoration does not
mean that we advocate the impossible,
such as rebuilding coastlines to match the
locations and elevations of previous times
before substantial subsidence occurred.
Instead, historical ecology guides us toward
restoring previously critical processes that
serve to organize the ecosystem and trig-
ger compensatory internal dynamics that
strengthen resilience.
The DWH well blowout is an obvious trag-
edy, but it appears to have made at least
two positive contributions to the region.
The publicity generated by the oil spill put a
spotlight on the immense value of the natu-
ral resources and communities of the Gulf
Coast. It also drew attention to how little
public or private investment has been made
in restoring the Gulf ecosystem after past
injuries or in creating the natural and social
resiliency required for this unique region to
sustain itself in the face of a dramatically
changing natural environment. Although
government promises of funding for hur-
ricane rehabilitation and restoration have
proved overly optimistic, funds for Gulf res-
toration derived from environmental fines
for ocean pollution and natural resource
damage will be more substantial. Some of
the funds are restricted to direct compensa-
tion for damage done by the DWH oil spill
to the Gulf ecosystem, its natural resources
and the Gulf coastal economy; however,
the potential uses for the rest of the funds
range broadly.
The federal Oil Pollution Act of 1990
(OPA) dictates criteria for compensatory
restoration projects that can be supported
by monies given in settlement of natural
resource damage claims or awarded by the
court system. OPA then has general jurisdic-
tion over Gulf restoration funds derived
from legal settlements with BP. Under the
provisions of OPA, compensatory restora-
tion projects must be explicitly tied to the
natural resource injuries, either damage to
specific resources, such as the loggerhead
turtle, or damages to specific habitats, such
as coastal marsh. Consequently, restora-
tion that draws upon this source of funding
must be justified by linkage to one or more
injured resources or habitats, such as those
listed in Table 1.
The Gulf ecosystem has been buffeted and
so deeply modified by such a wide variety
of anthropogenic and natural stressors that
merely following traditional government
guidelines for “in-place, in-kind” com-
pensatory restoration under OPA or other
statutes is unlikely to provide sustainable
benefits. For example, the combination of
subsidence, global sea level rise, shoreline
erosion by major hurricanes, and ero-
sion and flooding facilitated by numerous
navigation channels cut through the wet-
lands could easily lead to submersion and
drowning of Spartina marsh constructed
at most or all sites where the DWH oil spill
The ability of restoration
plans to anticipate
future dynamic change
will determine the
success of those plans
over the long term.
1900 Overharvesting of oysters
from the Chesapeake Bay and
other estuaries contributed
to dramatic changes in their
ecosystems. Above, the oyster
fleet in Baltimore Harbor, circa
1885. Photo: Collection of
Marion Doss
A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem 7
destroyed previous marsh habitat. Conse-
quently, at a minimum, compensatory resto-
ration of injuries caused by DWH oil and
collateral damage from emergency response
actions should contemplate expected
dynamic change to ensure durability of
restoration projects. At best, the long-term
Gulf restoration plan would redress past
insults and restore a resilient Gulf ecosystem
similar in functioning to its historic base-
line condition, within which compensatory
restoration of habitat and natural resources
injured by the DWH oil release could be
self-sustaining. President Obama’s mandate
to address historical and immediate ecologi-
cal damage in the Gulf provides an oppor-
tunity for this ideal restoration strategy; the
Mabus Report, commissioned by President
Obama and written by Secretary of the
Navy Ray Mabus, provides a broad and bold
vision for how to proceed with important
aspects of fulfilling this mandate.
Fortunately, the compensatory damages
funds do not represent the only source of
support for DWH oil spill and broader Gulf
restoration, so the limiting criteria laid out
in OPA need not apply to all restoration
actions that are taken in the wake of the
Deepwater Horizon incident. For example,
under the federal Clean Water Act of 1972
(CWA), the uses of monies from water pol-
lution penalties for illegal discharge of oil
into the ocean are not similarly constrained.
CWA penalties are based on volume
discharged with an additional multiplier
for negligence. Particularly if negligence
is established as a significant factor to the
blowout, CWA penalties may represent the
bulk of the DWH restoration funds. The
$500 million transferred from BP to the
Gulf Coast Alliance does not appear to be
controlled by provisions tying the use of
those funds to injured resources. Finally, it is
likely that other major grantors will emerge
as the restoration process takes shape;
these grantors may help to multiply the
synergistic benefits from related restoration
Our restoration guidance is therefore
intended to target administrators of several
funding sources. Funding institutions
will value aspects of the Gulf of Mexico
variously; for this reason, we have not
prioritized the restoration actions that we
develop. Nor have we made detailed esti-
mates of the costs of these 15 restoration
actions. Costs of compensatory restoration
actions will vary with the scale of injuries
from the oil spill that require compensa-
tion. The multiple funding sources will have
different goals and constraints. Many of our
suggested actions address long-standing
modifications of the Gulf ecosystem that
fit well into the strategies articulated in
initial expert responses to the spill (e.g., the
Mabus Report). Others are directly related
to oil spill damage and compensatory res-
toration. We offer these recommendations
to help guide allocation of resources while
plans are still being developed. Guidelines
for use of the funds provided by BP as an
initial payment to jump-start restoration are
now vague and will be developed by the
administrators. Details of how water pollu-
tion fines will be allocated are likely to be
determined by Congress. Consequently, our
strategy is to offer what we conclude are
the most influential and justifiable actions
to take, while emphasizing the principles of
restoration that must guide all expenditures
so as to maximize likelihood of success,
achieve synergies of integration based upon
ecosystem connections, re-create lost eco-
system processes associated with historical
ecological baselines, and enhance resilience
through knowledge of ongoing and inevi-
table environmental change.
1970s Passage of the
Clean Water Act provided
the framework for regulating
environmental stressors on
the Gulf ecosystem, such as
oil and natural gas spewing
from a broken cap in Bayou
St. Denis in Louisiana. Photo:
Carrie Vonderhaar/Ocean
Futures Society/National
Geographic Stock
A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem 9
The interdisciplinary fields of restoration
ecology, conservation biology, and com-
munity and ecosystem ecology all offer
scientific guidance for restoration projects.
Basic research in community and ecosystem
ecology sheds light on the mechanistic
functions of habitats and the roles of direct
and indirect interactions between species in
organizing communities. Conservation biol-
ogy offers strategies for protecting habitats,
species and their interactions in ecosystems.
Restoration ecology tends to move ahead
through practice, rather than via elabora-
tion and subsequent testing of theory (Allen
et al. 1997, Pal mer et al. 1997, Peterson and
Lipcius 2003). These fields offer related
approaches to restoration, but no overarch-
ing theory of restoration has emerged. The
absence of a compelling theory that could
be applied to species or habitat restora-
tion implies that empirical assessment of
successes and failures of previous restoration
actions should guide new decision-making
and that small-scale tests of restoration
concepts should be conducted before decid-
ing on larger-scale projects (Bernhardt et al.
2005). Because so much was done under
the banner of restoration after the Exxon
Valdez oil spill, learning from that history
seems prudent before restoration decisions
are made to compensate for DWH injuries to
natural resources of the Gulf and to restore
its ecosystem services (see box, Page 11).
Learning from the Exxon
Valdez restoration efforts
In response to the DWH oil spill, Dennis
Takahashi-Kelso, executive vice president
of Ocean Conservancy, wrote a letter in
August 2010 to the government trustees of
the DWH case, offering practical guidance
based upon experiences from the Exxon
Valdez restoration process. Addressed to
Deputy Secretary of the Interior David Hayes
and Under Secretary of Commerce Jane
Lubchenco, this letter drew upon a panel
of scientific experts that included two of
us, Senner as panel lead and Peterson as
participant, each with extensive experience
in habitat and species restoration after the
Alaskan oil spill. In this letter, Dr. Takahashi-
Kelso quotes President Obama’s June 15,
2010 charge to Navy Secretary Ray Mabus
and pledge to develop a long-term Gulf
Coast restoration plan. Dr. Takahashi-Kelso
offered support for a plan that acknowl-
edges the importance of the National
Resources Damage Assessment (NRDA)
restoration process, which is the process
used for OPA’s “in-place, in-kind” approach.
But he stressed that restoration must also
go beyond those constraints. We agree
that recognition of the dual mandate of
the president’s wider plan and the narrower
compensatory restoration process driven
by OPA is critically important to achieving
sustainable restoration. We build upon this
overarching concept to design and advo-
cate our specific restoration suggestions.
Based in part on his own Exxon Valdez
experiences and those of Senner, Peterson
and others, Dr. Takahashi-Kelso makes
several fundamental points about the
process of restoration after natural resource
damage that should be applied to the DWH
oil spill restoration process. We modify and
expand upon these points to formulate our
Precedents and Principles for
Restoring the Gulf of Mexico
Oyster reefs and mangroves
(shown on Sanibel Island, FL)
serve important functions in
the Gulf ecosystem. Photo:
Brian Kingzett
Because so much was
done under the banner
of restoration after the
Exxon Valdez oil spill,
learning from that history
seems prudent before
restoration decisions are
made to compensate for
DWH injuries to natural
resources of the Gulf
and to restore its ecosys-
tem services.
10 A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem
suggested ecosystem-based restoration
guidance (Appendix I). A summary of the
most relevant points from the Takahashi-
Kelso letter follows:
• The restoration process should be trans-
parent to the public and should engage
the public in meaningful dialogue over
potential actions from an early point.
• Quick settlement of damage claims
without a legal mechanism to achieve
compensatory funding for restoration
of unexpected, delayed injuries is not in
the public interest. The legal settlement
language is critical because it dictates
the scope of restoration possibilities.
• Restoration should be broad to allow
enhancement of injured resources over
and beyond their status and condition
at the time of the oil spill so as to be
responsive to the need to account for
past degradation and, in the process,
create a self-sustaining system more
similar to historic baselines.
• The scope of possibilities to be consid-
ered for restoration should be clearly
defined and, for the compensatory
restoration fund, limited to resources,
habitats and systems that were injured
by the hydrocarbon releases. Otherwise,
public expectations can be misguided
and overly expansive, which unnecessar-
ily causes disappointment and bitterness.
• Care must be taken to avoid harming
the ecosystem and its services by imple-
menting untested projects that could
result in negative rather than positive
net impacts on resources.
• The restoration program or programs,
separating the Gulf ecosystem restora-
tion from compensatory restoration
for spill injuries, should be ecosystem-
based, integrating component projects
into a comprehensive restoration plan
across the northern Gulf.
• Division of restoration funds into state
“block grants” would not achieve the
synergies possible, resiliency needed
and scope required to address the most
critical challenges in sustaining Gulf
ecosystems and their services, because
those bigger challenges tend to be
regional in scope and require coordi-
nated responses.
Restoration must also be based upon sci-
ence and developed using peer review by
independent scientists without conflicts of
interest. Some of the science needed to
conduct successful restoration of important
natural resources in the Gulf ecosystem,
including the injuries caused by the Deep-
water Horizon disaster, is not complete and
needs further development before restora-
tion can be confidently achieved (Bjorndal
et al. 2011).
The Mabus Report
In addition to the Takahashi-Kelso letter,
we take guidance from the Mabus Report
(2010), which was prepared by the secre-
tary of the Navy in response to the Presi-
dent’s charge. Fundamentally, we endorse
the recommendation of the Mabus Report
that an informed and independent funding
structure is necessary “to lead to long-term
ecosystem, economic, and health recovery
in the Gulf” (Mabus, Page 5).
Specifically, the Mabus report recom-
mended the establishment of a Gulf Coast
Recovery Council that “should work with
existing federal and state advisory com-
mittees, as appropriate, to ensure that
relevant scientific and technical knowledge
underpins recovery planning and decision
making, and that research, monitoring,
and assessment efforts are organized. The
Council should also provide oversight and
accountability into Gulf of Mexico recovery
efforts by developing quantifiable perfor-
mance measures that can be used to track
progress towards recovery goals” (Mabus,
Page 8). However, we recommend that the
(perhaps inadvertently) restricted focus on
state and federal agencies be broadened to
include academics and nongovernmental
agencies. We enthusiastically concur with
the five guiding principles for restoration
(see box, Page 12) presented in the Mabus
report, though we offer several cautions.
We note that sediment management issues
are complex, and some suggested interven-
tions may be so narrowly focused as to be
counterproductive. Additionally, monitoring
conditions and processes is necessary, and
the metrics of success must be identified
and used to adapt the restoration actions as
needed to achieve their goals.
1989 A worker operates
respirator hoses during an oil
dispersant application test on
Smith Island in Prince William
Sound after the Exxon Valdez
oil spill. Photo: Alaska Resources
Library and Information Service
A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem 11
Cormorants sit on stakes
placed by researchers next to
newly planted sea grass in the
Florida Keys. The birds’ drop-
pings serve as fertilizer for the
plants. Photo: Florida Fish and
Wildlife Commission
Ecosystem Services
Natural ecosystems and their constituent
organisms engage in a wide variety of
processes. Some of these processes serve
needs of other organisms, communities
of organisms, and ecosystems; these clus-
ters of beneficial processes are known as
ecosystem services. Valuable ecosystem
services have historically been taken
for granted and therefore not properly
considered in the process of permitting
development projects. One example is
the pollination of crops by honeybees.
If farmers had to pay for the services of
pollination instead, the costs of produc-
ing crops would be much higher. The
recent decline of honeybee populations
highlights our need to protect valuable
ecosystem services as we modify natural
Coastal wetlands have for decades
been recognized for the high value of
their many ecosystem services, and the
importance of this delivery of goods and
services has been reflected in federal
and state legislation for the protection of
coastal wetlands. The mantra of “no net
loss of wetlands” has guided approaches
to estuarine management for decades.
Tidal marshes are valued, protected and
restored in recognition of their ecosystem
services (MEA 2005), which include:
• high primary productivity of emer-
gent vascular plants as well as single-
celled benthic microalgae and habitat
provision supporting the food webs
leading to fish and wildlife;
• serving as a buffer against storm
wave damage to the adjoining veg-
etation and human development on
higher ground;
• shoreline stabilization and erosion
• flood water storage;
• water quality maintenance, including
filtering out sediments, nutrients and
• biodiversity preservation, especially
of a suite of endemic, often threat-
ened or endangered vertebrates;
• carbon storage as peat is accumu-
lated, buried and stored, thus buffer-
ing greenhouse gas emissions; and
• socioeconomic benefits, such as sus-
taining the aesthetics of coastlines,
maintaining a heritage and historical
culture, supporting ecotourism, serv-
ing as a living laboratory for nature
education, and promoting psycho-
logical health and supporting fishing
and waterfowl hunting.
12 A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem
Mabus Principles (2010)
Our committee’s reactions are in italics; details appear later. The following serve as ideal and guiding
principles to restoration toward states to which the Gulf can realistically aspire. The Mabus Report asserts
that they “serve as the drivers for achieving the vision of resilient and healthy Gulf of Mexico ecosystems”
(Mabus, Pages 38-39).
Principle 1: Coastal Wetland and Barrier Shoreline Habitats
are Healthy and Resilient. In order to sustain the many ecosystem
services upon which humans rely, coastal habitats must be healthy
and resilient. Reversing ongoing habitat degradation and preserving
the remaining healthy habitats is a key principle. It must be recog-
nized that even the healthiest ecosystems are dynamic, so a restora-
tion effort should not focus entirely on a fixed “footprint.” A key
objective of this principle is to bring greater balance to managing
the Mississippi River and other rivers for flood control, navigation,
and ecosystem restoration. Another objective is to retain sediments
in coastal wetlands, before they leave the river channel to the Gulf
(Mabus, Page 38).
We concur with this guidance,
although we express serious con-
cern about whether the Mississippi
River, with all its channelization
and engineering constraints such
as levees and dams, brings enough
sediment to sustain wetland
elevations beyond the immedi-
ate footprint of the river-mouth
delta. We suggest that the organic
soils of the inter-levee area can be
harmed by the high concentration
of nutrients in the river. We also
suggest that filling dredged chan-
nels and preventing new wetland
losses will be much more effective
and less expensive than alternative
restoration approaches.
A Foundation for
Durable Restoration
With guidance from Dr. Takahashi-Kelso’s
letter to government leaders, from pub-
lished papers on ecosystem-based restora-
tion, and from our own experience, we
feel that restoration in the Gulf must rest
on a solid foundation that acknowledges
the past, is realistic about the future, and
recognizes the interdependence of habitat,
species, and human beings in the ecosys-
tem. Therefore, durable and successful
restoration in the Gulf of Mexico must:
1. Recognize that ecosystem resilience has
been compromised by multiple human
interventions predating the DWH spill;
2. Acknowledge that significant future
environmental change is inevitable and
must be factored into restoration plans
and actions for them to be durable;
3. Treat the Gulf as a complex and inter-
connected network of ecosystems from
shoreline to deep sea; and
4. Recognize that human and ecosystem
productivity in the Gulf are co-depen-
dent, and that human needs from and
effects on the Gulf must be integral to
restoration planning.
A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem 13
Principle 2: Fisheries are Healthy, Diverse and Sustainable.
The Gulf is home to the largest commercial fishery in the contigu-
ous United States. The total trip expenditures for recreational fishing
in the Gulf states in 2008 were nearly $1.5 billion. Key objectives of
this principle may include incorporating testing and other mecha-
nisms for seafood safety to ensure that fish and shellfish are safe for
human consumption, and working through regulatory and other
conservation mechanisms to restore populations of fish and shellfish
(Mabus, Page 38).
We concur that conservation regu-
lation will be required to render
fishing sustainable in the Gulf,
but we also identify habitat protec-
tion as a major additional process
needed to develop the ecosystem
support for resilient fish and shell-
fish populations.
Principle 3: Coastal Communities are Adaptive and Resilient.
The needs and interests of Gulf communities vary and the most
effective solutions will be based on local conditions. Given that much
of the land affected by the oil spill is privately held, full restoration
will rely on local citizen support. The impacts of climate change,
including sea level rise and more frequent and intense storms,
will likely alter the landscape significantly, forcing communities to
reassess their priorities. Key objectives of this principle may include
providing coastal managers with information and tools to make
better land use and public health decisions, and increasing aware-
ness of the connection between ecosystem and community resilience
(Mabus, Page 38).
We concur and go further to add
that a long-term process of social
engagement with local communi-
ties to encourage understanding
of the scope of unavoidable
future change is required to sup-
port development of community
Principle 4: A More Sustainable Storm Buffer Exists. Persistent
coastal land loss, compounded by sea level rise, is deteriorating
natural lines of defense, leaving coastal communities vulnerable to
tropical storms. Natural and engineered systems are necessary to
reduce exposure and ensure protection. Key objectives of this prin-
ciple may include maintaining and expanding natural storm buffers
such as wetland and barrier islands and improving decision-making
with regard to structural protection and navigation interests so that
these complement and enhance restoration of natural systems.
Another objective is the reduction of risk posed to people and pri-
vate property through effective planning, mitigation, and balancing
of interests (Mabus, Pages 38-39).
We concur while recognizing
that hardened erosion protection
structures and beach nourishment
degrade barrier island ecosystem
services and require compensatory
restoration of impacts to natural
Principle 5: Inland Habitats, Watersheds and Offshore Waters
are Healthy and Well Managed. Communities across the nation
rely on our ability to maintain healthy, resilient, and sustainable
ocean, coasts, and Great Lakes resources for the benefit of present
and future generations. Additional stressors on the health of these
systems and the resources they support include overfishing, pollu-
tion, and coastal development. Further, ocean and coastal resources
are directly and indirectly impacted by land management and use
decisions in the watersheds that drain into the Gulf of Mexico. Key
elements of this principle include improving management of agricul-
tural and forest lands; restoring floodplains and wetlands to improve
water quality by uptake of nutrients, reduce flood risks, and enhance
wildlife habitat; reducing erosion and nutrient runoff from agricul-
tural and developed land; and using state-of-the-art planning tools
to deliver comprehensive, integrated ecosystem-based management
of resources (Mabus, Page 39).
We concur with every point.
A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem 15
The Deepwater Horizon well blowout
occurred April 20, 2010, resulting in explo-
sions and fires on the drilling rig that killed
11 men, injured many more and led two
days later (ironically on Earth Day, April 22)
to sinking of the rig to the seafloor about
1,500 m below the surface. On April 22,
substantial amounts of orange-brown crude
oil appeared at the surface, confirming
that a well blowout had occurred at the
drill site. As the oil continued to flow for
85 days, totaling an estimated 4.9 million
barrels, the nonprofit organization SkyTruth
assembled and posted satellite images from
infrared and radar sources depicting the
location of the surface oil slick. By June 25
and 26, the slick had covered more than
24,000 square miles of the sea surface in
the northern Gulf of Mexico (Norse and
Amos 2010). By July 16, the day after all oil
flow from the stricken well had ended, an
area of about 68,000 square miles of the
Gulf surface had been covered by oil (Norse
and Amos 2010).
In late April, winds in the Gulf typically
switch to the seasonally characteristic,
southwesterly onshore direction, which
would have brought the oil quickly and
heavily onto shore and into shoreline habi-
tats. Fortuitously, the spring of 2010 was
not typical and lacked the spring period of
onshore winds. In addition, much of the
surface oil was caught up in an eddy that
helped keep it at sea and prevent its trans-
port via the Loop Current southward to the
Florida Keys and then into the Gulf Stream
and Atlantic Ocean. As a consequence, oil
was not detected reaching shore until
June 3 in Alabama. Oil ultimately grounded
on hundreds of miles of beaches, marshes,
sea grass beds, tidal flats and oyster reefs,
despite intensive response efforts to prevent
and minimize this outcome. These efforts
included massive applications of dispersants
both on the sea surface and injected into
the plume emerging from the seafloor,
skimming floating oil from the sea surface,
burning it at sea, installing booms along
marshes and other sensitive shorelines,
diverting freshwater river discharges into
marshes in an attempt to prevent intrusion
of oil slicks, and dredging and filling to
construct artificial berms on the coastline.
Although no damage assessment test data
are available, field observations suggest that
these response actions caused some level
of collateral injuries to wildlife and habitats,
which therefore represent indirect damage
attributable to the Deepwater Horizon
blowout (Table 1).
Despite the emergency response efforts, the
oil fouled many acres of the most valuable
marsh edge habitat, fouled ocean beaches,
forced closures of shellfisheries and fin-
fisheries and decimated the economically
vital Gulf tourism industry, extending at
least as far as southwest Florida (Table 1).
Many birds of several species were killed
along shore, including brown pelicans and
other species that were nesting during that
spring-summer season, and marsh residents
like rails. Lesser amounts of oil entered low-
energy muddy habitats of marshes and mud
flats, where it can persist without com-
plete weathering for years. Consequently,
the Deepwater Horizon oil release also
The skyscrapers of New Orleans
are visible behind houses
flooded by Hurricane Katrina.
Photo: Tyrone Turner/National
Geographic Stock
The DWH Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
Acute and Chronic Stressors on the
Gulf of Mexico Before and After the
DWH Oil Spill
The state of the Gulf and
its coastal zone imme-
diately before the DWH
incident was far from
pristine, with countless
stressors having already
altered and degraded the
16 A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem
resembled earlier shallow-water oil spills
by affecting shoreline habitats of value to
wildlife and to human enterprise.
Differences between DWH
and other oil spills
As anticipated, the Deepwater Horizon
blowout led to the oiling of sea-surface
and shoreline habitats and to consequent
damage to natural resources. In contrast
to previous spills, however, the majority
of the oil and gas released at the well-
head remained far below the sea surface.
An estimated 500,000 tons of gaseous
hydrocarbons — perhaps half of all hydro-
carbons released by the blowout (Joye et
al. 2011) — entered the ocean yet were
metabolized by heterotrophic bacteria in
the deep ocean, and only 0.01 percent was
vented into the atmosphere (Kessler et al.
2011). A large fraction of the oil was also
retained beneath the sea surface because
of the unique physical chemistry created by
the deepwater blowout conditions. Under
conditions of high-pressure deepwater dis-
charge of hot oil and gas, the entrainment
of cold seawater, caused by violent and
turbulent flows at the wellhead, created a
variety of dispersed phases, including fine-
scale oil droplets, gas bubbles, dissolved
gas, oil-water emulsions and gas hydrates.
The collective buoyancy of this mixture of
oil and gas created a rising plume, from
which much of the oil and gas separated
and was trapped by ocean stratification at
depths of 800 to 1,200 m and subsequently
deflected and transported by ambient cur-
rents (Joye et al. 2011). Massive production
of methanotrophic bacteria was associated
with the oil and gas in this depth stratum,
causing a detectable depression of oxygen
levels, but it did not approach anoxia (Joye
et al. 2011).
The natural dispersal of oil induced by pro-
cesses at the wellhead may have rendered
the application of 1.8 million gallons of
toxic Corexit dispersant unnecessary, but
the net effect was the novel dispersal of the
oil in very fine droplets and retention of a
large percentage of the oil droplets in the
mesopelagic and bathypelagic depths of
the deep sea. Such dispersal and reten-
tion of oil in the water column as finely
dispersed droplets exposes organisms
living there or passing through to bioavail-
able, toxic oil, affecting copepods, salps,
invertebrate larvae and other particle-
consuming, mesopelagic zooplankters.
Subsequent agglomeration of oil particles,
sediments and marine snow, possibly medi-
ated by release of muds from the well and
by sticky bacterial exudates (Hazen et al.
2010), facilitated the transport of this oil to
the seafloor, where observations of dead,
soft corals and crinoids on hard bottom
and polychaetes and brittle stars on soft
bottom were associated with dark deposits
of hydrocarbon-enriched sediments (Fisher
2010). Consequently, the process of dis-
persing the oil led to widespread exposures
of particle-feeding organisms of the deep
pelagic and seafloor realms. This oil stimu-
lated massive production of microbes, with
unknown consequences to deep-ocean
food webs, in part because of the likely
mortality and feeding incapacitation of the
particle feeders that might consume these
microbes (Table 1).
Clearly, the Deepwater Horizon oil release
differs so dramatically from all previous,
well-studied crude oil spills that it requires
development of a completely new concep-
tual model, applicable not only to this spill
but also to all future deepwater releases
(Peterson et al. in press). Elaboration of
this emerging model for deepwater well
blowouts, including rigorous ecotoxicologi-
cal models, is urgently needed to document
and understand the deep-ocean impacts of
this oil spill, and especially to allow for the
effective compensatory restoration of lost
ecosystem services.
What DWH indicates about
failures in the deep-sea oil
drilling program
The National Commission on the BP Deep-
water Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling
(Graham et al. 2011a) provides an insightful
and comprehensive account of the many
factors over multiple time scales that led to
the well blowout on the Macondo Prospect
and the resulting loss of life, environmen-
tal contamination, and impacts to human
enterprise along the northern Gulf Coast.
The commission concluded that the spill
was preventable. According to the commis-
sion, the immediate causes of the calamity
were failures in management by BP,
Halliburton, and Transocean on the Deep-
water Horizon rig at the end of the drilling
process. Communications failures among
The DWH oil release
differs so dramatically
from all previous, well-
studied crude oil spills
that it requires develop-
ment of a completely
new conceptual model.
A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem 17
Damage from surface oil at sea
Resource Damage
Seabirds Tens to hundreds of northern gannets, brown pelicans,
laughing gulls, terns, black skimmers and many others
were killed and experienced fitness losses that reduced
reproductive capacity.
Sea turtles Hundreds of loggerhead, Kemp’s ridley, green and
leatherback turtles (all threatened or endangered spe-
cies) experienced fitness loss or were killed.
Marine mammals Bottlenose dolphins were killed.
Sargassum community Plants were soaked with oil, hatchling sea turtles oiled,
juvenile game fish exposed, forage fish and inverte-
brate prey exposed, resulting in community mortalities
and fitness losses.
Fish and crabs Blue crab in early life stages took up oil and dispersant
with likely effects on fitness; fish in early life stages
were similarly exposed.
Cannonball jellyfish
and smaller gelatinous
Physical fouling likely resulting in loss of life and
Damage from oiling of shoreline habitats
Resource Damage
Coastal marsh habitat Loss of ecosystem services from hundreds of acres of
heavily, moderately and lightly oiled marsh
Ocean beach habitat Some mortality from fouling of feeding apparatus of
mole crabs, bean clams, amphipods and polychaetes
(prey for surf fish and shorebirds, reducing their pro-
Sea grass bed habitat Some mortality of sea grass with loss of its ecosystem
services and mortality of sensitive species such as crus-
taceans and echinoderms
Tidal flat habitat Many areas of partial loss of ecosystem services of
producing fish, crabs and shrimp
Oyster reef habitat Polycyclic aromatic hydocarbon contamination of oys-
ters and likely slower growth and production; probable
deaths of some resident crustaceans such as amphi-
pods, shrimp and crabs.
Nearshore species More bird deaths, including rails, pelicans, terns, black
skimmers, shorebirds, gulls, wading birds; reptile
deaths including terrapins and alligators; deaths of
marsh mammals such as river otters
Table 1
Major Natural Resource Damage From DWH Well Blowout
An oiled pelican stands on a
rock jetty at Grand Isle, LA,
after the Deepwater Horizon
spill. Photo: Eileen Romero/
Marine Photobank
Oil from the spill is visible on a
marsh. Photo: NOAA
18 A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem
Dying corals have been found
near the Deepwater Horizon
site. Photo: NOAA OER and
Bureau of Ocean Energy
Management, Regulation and
Two fishing vessels drag an oil
boom after trapped oil is set
ablaze in the Gulf. Controlled
burns were conducted to
prevent the spread of spilled
oil. Photo: Jeffery Tilghman
Williams, U.S. Navy/Marine
Damage from subsurface dispersed oil and gas
Resource Damage
Pelagic suspension feeders Ingestion of particulate oil and fouling of feeding
apparatus caused widespread mortality of deep-sea,
mesopelagic and benthopelagic guilds of particle feed-
ers (e.g., salps, appendicularians, jellies, zooplankton),
altering energy transfer through the food web
Benthic suspension feed-
ers on hard bottoms and
suspension and deposit
feeders on soft bottoms
Ingestion of particulate oil and fouling of feeding
apparatus caused widespread mortality of soft corals,
crinoids, bryozoans, brittle stars, polychaetes — the
benthos of both hard and soft bottoms
Heterotrophic microbial
production throughout the
water column, especially in
800–1,200m of water
Massive organic carbon enrichment resulted in
localized oxygen reductions and disruptions in the
food web.
Collateral damage caused by response actions
Activity Damage
Soot releases into
the atmosphere and
deposition on the seafloor
from burning oil
Wildlife health effects of respiring soot and possible
benthic effects of its ocean deposition
Use of mechanical skim-
mers to remove surface oil
Contact with skimmers resulted in wildlife injuries and
Dredging and filling to
create berms offshore in
attempts to block oil from
grounding on natural
Mortality of benthic invertebrates, which serve as key
prey for shrimp, crabs and demersal fish, and mortality
of seabird and sea turtle eggs
Intensive repeated beach
excavations and raking to
remove tarballs
Simultaneous mortality of benthic invertebrates such
as mole crabs and bean clams—important prey for surf
fishers and shorebirds—plus removal of wrack, which
serves as habitat for small crustaceans and insects
consumed by plovers and other shorebirds
Sea turtle nest relocations
from Gulf Coast to eastern
Florida beaches
Risks of imprinting survivors to return to live along and
nest on a different coast
Boom deployment off-
shore of marsh shorelines
Direct physical damage to marsh plants as booms
break loose and are driven by waves into the marsh;
occasional trapping of oil and waterbirds together,
resulting in oiling and enhanced mortality of the birds
Use of 1.8 million gallons
of Corexit
There is uncertainty about Corexit-generated chronic
exposures to pelagic organisms, and likely fitness
losses and direct mortality of particle feeders.
A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem 19
separate specialists and failure to recognize
the seriousness of inherent risks were part
of a complex sequence of multiple fail-
ures that facilitated an improbable event.
Although the blowout may have been
improbable, an underlying and long-stand-
ing culture of indifference within both the
petroleum industry and the federal regula-
tory agency (the former Minerals Manage-
ment Service) set the stage for the blowout
and made such an event inevitable (Graham
et al. 2011a).
As the most accessible oil reservoirs are
being depleted while the demand for
oil increases, the petroleum industry has
extended exploration and production into
progressively deeper waters. This pro-
cess has required remarkable engineering
innovation for successful drilling in ocean
waters over a mile deep and extraction of
oil several miles deeper below the seafloor.
Oil at such depths exists under far greater
pressures than oil extracted from shal-
low depths, thereby increasing the need
to control pressure in the well. Despite
remarkable advances in engineering for oil
exploration and production in deep water,
corresponding progress has not occurred in
blowout prevention, emergency response,
clean-up and mitigation technologies. Some
of the same crude tools used to respond to
the oil release at the surface of the ocean
by the grounded Exxon Valdez tanker in
1989—skimming and surface booming—
were applied again 21 years later. Neither
the industry nor government regulators had
developed effective new technology for
shutting down a deepwater, high-pressure
blowout, as evidenced by the well-pub-
licized and remarkably rapid conceptual
development, construction and testing of
tools and approaches by the industry in the
weeks after April 20, 2010.
Industry complacency, failure to recognize
risk and the differences between deep and
shallow oil releases, and the conflicted
mission of the federal regulatory agency
charged with promoting development and
production of oil and gas while simulta-
neously acting as regulator meant that
appropriate advances were not made in
environmental safeguards to match the
heightened risks and challenges of deepwa-
ter drilling. The development and testing of
effective and reliable technologies to cap a
runaway blowout of a deep or ultra-deep
well should have preceded the emergency
need for them. Application of dispersant
at the wellhead should at least have been
tested in mesocosms under conditions
mimicking a deepwater blowout before the
decision to use it for the DWH. Toxicity tests
using the unique deep-sea particle feeders
at risk to finely dispersed oil should have
been conducted in advance of the decision
to use dispersants. In addition, scientific
advances needed to understand the biologi-
cal communities of the deep pelagic and
benthic oceans and the physical transport
regime that carries oil after release into the
environment in deep water had also stalled.
As a consequence, assessment of oil spill
impacts from deepwater blowouts was seri-
ously compromised.
As tragic as the DWH blowout was, it offers
an opportunity. As with the 1969 blowout
in the Santa Barbara Channel,1 which led
to passage of the National Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA), and the moratorium on
oil drilling off the California coast and other
states, the DWH blowout could stimulate
interest in protecting the economically,
socially and environmentally critical Gulf
region of the United States.
Ecosystem and natural
resource impacts of oil and
gas release
Before the Deepwater Horizon blowout,
the prevailing paradigm of maritime oil
behavior, biological exposure pathways
fate, and consequent impacts to natural
resources was based upon syntheses of past
shallow-water, largely nearshore oil spills
(e.g., NRC 2003). In such spills, crude oil
remains at the surface, unless mixed into
the water column by strong surface waves.
If discharged below the sea surface, the oil
rises rapidly to the surface because of its
buoyancy. Gaseous hydrocarbons such as
methane also rise to the sea surface, primar-
ily as bubble plumes, and disperse rapidly
into the atmosphere. The crude oil on the
sea surface is viscous and sticky; it fouls
the feathers of seabirds and the coats of
fur-bearing marine mammals, causing high
rates of mortality by disrupting thermoregu-
lation and through ingestion of toxins as
these birds and mammals preen feathers or
fur (Rice et al. 1996). Other organisms that
use the ocean surface, such as sea turtles,
Despite remarkable
advances in engineer-
ing for oil exploration
and production in deep
water, corresponding
progress has not occurred
in blowout prevention,
emergency response,
clean-up and mitigation
Ships clean up oil in the Gulf of
Mexico using the same crude
tools that were used after the
Exxon Valdez spill 21 years
earlier. Photo: James Davidson
20 A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem
are exposed to physical fouling, potentially
resulting in death. Smooth-skinned marine
mammals, such as killer whales and harbor
seals, risk mortality and sublethal effects on
growth, reproduction and behavior from
inhalation of oil globules while breathing
through their blowholes and from inhaling
the more volatile toxic hydrocarbons in the
atmosphere. The floating oil is transported
by winds and surface currents and can end
up grounded on shores, where it exposes,
fouls and kills intertidal and shallow subtidal
organisms, including salt marsh plants, sea
grasses, macroalgae and oysters that pro-
vide important biogenic habitat (Teal and
Howarth 1984). Oil that penetrates into the
sediments sufficiently, so that sunlight does
not reach it and oxygen cannot be readily
resupplied from the atmosphere, can persist
for many decades without degradation
(Boufadel et al. 2010), exposing animals
that excavate those sediments to form bur-
rows (Culbertson et al. 2007) or to uncover
infaunal prey. This exposure can cause
sublethal losses of fitness that can have
population-level consequences for several
years (Peterson et al. 2003b).
The DWH well blowout indeed led to
substantial coverage of the sea surface and
consequent fouling and killing of seabirds,
sea turtles, bottlenose dolphins and perhaps
other marine mammals, as expected from
traditional shallow-water spills (Table 1). The
seabirds that experienced the most loss of
life include northern gannet, brown pelican,
gulls, terns and the black skimmer. Aborted
bottlenose dolphin fetuses were observed.
Surface oil also collected in the floating
Sargassum, a large brown alga that forms
a unique floating nursery habitat in the
Gulf and other seas. Sargassum supports
large numbers of small fishes, including
A menhaden fishing boat in
Empire, LA. Photo: Louisiana
Sea Grant College Program/
Louisiana State University
Oil that penetrates into
the sediments sufficiently,
so that sunlight does
not reach it and oxygen
cannot be readily resup-
plied from the atmo-
sphere, can persist for
many decades without
The Menhaden Fishery in the Gulf of Mexico
The Gulf menhaden fishery dates to
the late 1800s and remains economi-
cally important today. With landings of
468,736 tons in 2004, the Gulf men-
haden landings comprise 11 percent
of all U.S. fishery landings, and Gulf
menhaden support the second-largest
commercial fishery in the United States
(Pritchard 2005). The menhaden catch
records for years before World War II
are incomplete, but annual landings
from 1918 to 1944 probably ranged
from 2,000 to 12,000 tons (Nicholson
1978). Landings appeared to increase
from the late 1940s through 1970, with
a peak of 521,500 tons landed in 1969
(Chapoton 1970, 1971). Landings con-
tinued to increase through the 1970s
and 1980s, exceeding 800,000 tons for
six consecutive years (1982 to 1987)
and peaking at 982,800 tons in 1984
(Smith 1991). Since 1988, the land-
ings have ranged from 421,400 tons in
1992 to 761,600 tons in 1994, show-
ing no apparent trend. Although the
menhaden landings do not appear to be
declining further from the 1982–1987
levels, the potential for overfishing is
still a concern and must be consid-
ered in the future management of this
important fishery. Because menhaden is
a forage fish for many predatory pelagic
fishes, seabirds and marine mammals,
reductions in stock levels by fishing
may have consequences for the health
and viability of populations of higher
trophic-level predators (Botsford et al.
1997). To the extent that these higher-
order predators are protected by law,
these indirect ecosystem-based issues
associated with menhaden harvest are
likely to represent a critical manage-
ment concern. The menhaden fishery’s
history indicates limited consideration
for ecosystem-based impacts, yet as
the ocean environment continues to
change, management of this highly pro-
ductive fish stock will need to take into
account a broader range of factors that
drive menhaden dynamics, including
DWH oil spill impacts, and a wider range
of consequences of fishing, including
impacts on threatened and endangered
species and on species injured by the
oil spill. Menhaden represent one of
many fish stocks for which ecosystem
consequences of fishing need to be
considered in a context of the changing
Gulf environment so that sustainability is
incorporated into management.
A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem 21
juvenile bluefin tuna, cobia and wahoo, as
well as crustaceans and other invertebrates
that help feed juvenile predatory pelagic
fishes. In addition, this is the critical habitat
for juvenile loggerhead, Kemp’s ridley and
other sea turtles from the time of leaving
the nest until they return to coastal waters.
Large numbers of sea turtle hatchlings
were recovered dead and dying from the
The state of the Gulf and its coastal zone
immediately before the DWH incident was
far from pristine, with countless anthropo-
genic stressors having already altered and
degraded the ecosystem. In the Gulf and
other ocean ecosystems, anthropogenic
degradation is a historically cumulative
process (Jackson 1997, 2010, Jackson et al.
2001, 2011), and an understanding of that
degradation process is critical to success-
ful restoration. Stressors can synergistically
intensify their impacts over time and across
systems and species in ways that may result
in alternative and less desirable ecosystem
states (Scheffer et al. 2001). Thus, attempts
to repair the consequences of more recent
disturbances in any ecosystem will neces-
sarily fail unless restoration addresses all of
the drivers of degradation both present and
past. Consequently, the restoration should
incorporate an understanding of the base-
line natural processes of the ecosystem, the
historical degradation of those processes,
and the way in which progressive environ-
mental changes in the ecosystem might
affect restorative actions. The durability of
restoration depends upon consideration of
these factors. This section outlines some
of the major historical and anthropogenic
stressors on the Gulf ecosystem.
Humans have been active in the Gulf
ecosystem for thousands of years, ranging
from centuries of subsistence fishing and
harvesting of nearshore resources by Native
Americans to oil and gas extraction in the
20th and 21st centuries. The impacts of
human activities include bottom habitat
modification and population reductions
in targeted fish and shellfish stocks and in
species killed as bycatch from large-scale
commercial and recreational fishing; chan-
nelization and damming of major rivers
flowing into the Gulf; widespread and rap-
idly accelerating coastal development with
its attendant modification of hydrology,
increases in impermeable surface area, and
dredge-and-fill activities in wetlands; extrac-
tions of subsurface fluids such as oil, gas
and groundwater, which induce subsidence;
water quality degradation from agricultural,
urban, and industrial runoff of nutrients;
and the burgeoning impacts of anthropo-
genically induced global climate change.
The Gulf has endured the consequences of
uncontrolled nutrient runoff and eutro-
phication because of agriculture upstream
(Rabalais et al. 2002, 2007); overfishing and
associated habitat destruction from trawl-
ing; and loss of habitat because of coastal
development, land subsidence, channeliza-
tion of wetlands, intensification of severe
storms, and sea level rise. The historical
context of each of these human modifica-
tions of the ecosystem is presented below.
Centuries of fishing in the
Gulf of Mexico
The first significant human impact on
the Gulf ecosystem was probably caused
by fishing in coastal estuaries by Native
Americans. Although no recorded evidence
exists, Native American fishing may have
particularly affected accessible species such
as oysters near shore (Jackson et al. 2001,
Lotze et al. 2006). This effect may have
been minimal: From the time of Columbus’s
landing through the early 1600s, there were
accounts of large abundances of fish, oys-
ters, sea turtles and marine mammals found
in the Gulf and the Caribbean. However,
by the early 1800s, many of these organ-
isms were already being overfished (Jackson
1997, Jackson et al. 2001), and exploitation
increased through the 19th century. The sea
turtle fishery peaked in 1890, when turtles
ranked 10th among fishery products from
Gulf states and fifth in Texas, and declined
sharply after 1892 due to overexploitation
(Doughty 1984).
1890s Green turtles are pre-
pared for shipping to New York
from Key West, FL, in 1898.
The Gulf sea turtle fishery
peaked in the late 1800s and
then declined sharply because
of overexploitation. Photo:
Florida Keys Public Libraries
Damage to the Gulf of Mexico Prior to the
DWH Oil Spill
22 A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem
Advances in fishing technology affected
the Gulf as vessels and catching devices
improved the efficiency of fishing. The
transitions from sailing vessels in the late
1800s to steamers in the early 1900s and
then to diesel-powered vessels in the 1930s
each increased the impact that fishing had
on marine populations. The introduction of
purse seines and longlines in the late 1800s,
otter trawls for groundfish and shrimp in the
early 1900s, and more recent advances such
as durable nylon fibers for nets, Loran-C,
and GPS navigation systems dramatically
increased efficiency, the ability to target
specific sites, and the size of catches. Refrig-
eration also helped increase demand by
creating globalization of markets.
These technological advances in the com-
mercial and recreational fishing industry
have contributed to overfishing and the
subsequent decline of major fisheries in the
Gulf, including Spanish and king mackerel,
red snapper, several species of grouper, red
drum and many pelagic shark species (UN
FAO 2005, Coleman et al. 2004a, Baum
and Myers 2004). The U.S. National Marine
Fisheries Service reported that in 2002, the
five Gulf Coast states landed a total of more
than 1.7 billion pounds (771,800,000 kg)
of fish, including Gulf menhaden (see box,
Page 20) and shellfish, worth more than
$705 million. These landings, however, do
not include the many pounds of bycatch
(including juvenile commercial fishes, forage
fishes, birds, sea turtles and marine mam-
mals) that are associated with many fisheries
(Moore et al. 2009), making the total
extraction of fish and wildlife from fisheries
much greater.
Gulf landings of shrimps and oysters
account for about 68 and 70 percent,
respectively, of total U.S. landings. Although
impacts of fishing on populations of these
animals are not well documented in the
Gulf, the indirect effects of their harvest
on the benthic habitats and the commu-
nities of invertebrates and fish that they
support have been well studied in recent
decades. Trawling for shrimp and groundfish
disturbs bottom habitat and reduces the
species diversity, abundance and biomass
of bottom-dwelling organisms that serve as
a food source for many demersal fish and
crustaceans (Collie et al. 1997). Different
assemblages of fish and crustaceans can
also be associated with habitats frequently
disturbed by trawling, indicating shifts in
community structure at multiple trophic
levels (Wells et al. 2008). Such bottom
disturbance resets the benthic invertebrate
community to an early successional stage
of small, short-lived invertebrates. When
combined with the loss and degradation of
coastal habitats induced by other stressors,
continued intense fishing pressure and
bottom disturbance associated with trawling
and dredging may cause even more habitat
modifications and reductions in fish stocks.
Fishing is a major pillar of the contemporary
Gulf coastal economy. Achieving sustainable
harvest levels at higher stock abundances
would result in millions of dollars’ worth of
enhancement to Gulf state economies. Our
Gulf restoration actions under Theme 3 (see
Page 75) include suggestions for achieving
sustainable levels of extraction of fish and
shellfish at high yields while also minimizing
impacts on wildlife.
Pollution in the Gulf
Trends in nutrient loading and pollution
Nutrient loading, sedimentation and dis-
charges of other pollutants into the Gulf
has increased over the past 200 years as
a consequence of more intense human
occupation, development and use of land
in the Mississippi River watershed and other
rivers entering the Gulf (Turner 2009). The
concentration of nitrate and phosphorus in
river systems that feed into the Gulf, such as
the Mississippi, increased three- to fivefold
between the early 1900s and the 1990s
and may continue to rise with increas-
ing demands for food and, more recently,
for corn and other crops used in ethanol
production in the Midwest (Figure 2; Turner
et al. 2007). The concentrations of pollut-
ants such as heavy metals have increased
in the sediments, and these increases are
probably associated with oil drilling activities
in the Gulf (Vazquez et al. 2002). Increased
levels of mercury and some other toxic con-
taminants in the Mississippi River and other
rivers leading into the Gulf can be linked
to settlement of the Midwest by European
immigrants in the mid-1800s. Contaminant
concentrations of heavy metals peaked
in the 1960s and have since declined,
primarily in response to environmental laws
enacted in the 1970s such as the Clean
Water Act (Wiener and Sandheinrich 2010).
Late 1800s Sailing vessels
were replaced by steam vessels.
Credit: NOAA
The concentration of
nitrate and phosphorus
in river systems, such as
the Mississippi, that feed
into the Gulf increased
three- to fivefold
between the early
1900s and the 1990s.
A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem 23
Despite regulatory protections, mercury
and organic pollutants, such as DDT and
PCBs, which were released into the Gulf
watersheds before effective regulation, have
gradually biomagnified to concentrations
adversely affecting apex predators (Wiener
and Sandheinrich 2010).
Impacts of nutrient loading
and pollution
Salt marshes, sea grass meadows and
oyster reefs act as filters for nutrients
and other pollutants, but the process of
trapping excess nutrients, heavy metals
and toxic organic chemicals has ecological
consequences (Dame et al. 1984). Although
nutrient enrichment is not the primary
cause of wetland loss in the Gulf, it appears
to contribute to it. From 1998 to 2004,
370,760 of the 3,508,600 acres of saltwater
wetlands along the Gulf Coast were lost,
more than along any other U.S. coastline
(Stedman and Dahl 2008).
In general, nutrient enrichment of wetlands
results in higher aboveground standing bio-
mass (Morris 1991). However, belowground
production is more critical than aboveg-
round production to sustaining marshes
as sea level rises. The production of roots
and rhizomes elevates the marsh surface at
rates that can help compensate for rela-
tive sea level rise. Results from a 30-year
experiment in salt marshes in Massachusetts
show that eutrophication does not increase
organic matter accumulation belowground
but instead weakens soil strength and may
cause a significant loss in marsh elevation
equivalent to about half the average global
sea level rise rates (Turner et al. 2009).
Therefore, sustaining and restoring coastal
emergent marshes is more likely if they
receive fewer, not more, nutrients.
Like wetlands, other biogenic shoreline
habitats have suffered significant degrada-
tion and loss from nutrient enrichment
in the decades before the DWH oil spill.
Nutrient loading can cause massive blooms
of phytoplankton, microalgae and macroal-
gae, which can compete with benthic sea
grasses (Hughes et al. 2004, Burkholder et
al. 2007) and corals (Anthony et al. 2011)
for light and oxygen and can interfere with
oyster spat settlement on reefs (Thomsen
and McGlathery 2006). Orth and van
Montfrans (1990) estimated that sea grass
covered 2.47 million acres (nearly one
million hectares) of the Gulf; sea grass habi-
tat losses over the past 50 years, however,
have been estimated at 20 to 100 percent
for most northern Gulf estuaries (Duke and
Kruczynski 1992). Similarly, losses of 50
to 89 percent are estimated for oysters in
the Gulf from baselines ranging from 20 to
130 years ago to the present (Beck et al.
2011). Coral reefs in the Gulf have experi-
enced coral bleaching and disease outbreaks
attributed to anthropogenic stressors in
the past few decades, resulting in losses in
total coral cover on some reefs (Knowlton
and Jackson 2008). Because of the known
stress of excess nutrients on these organ-
isms, we can attribute some aspect of these
losses to nutrient loading. Nutrient loading is
likely to continue to increase in the coming
decades and could interfere with successful
restoration of coastal wetlands and subtidal
biogenic habitats of the Gulf if it continues
Dead zones in the Gulf of Mexico:
The consequences of hypoxia
In large part because of nutrient loading,
hypoxia (dissolved oxygen < 2 mg l-1) is a
growing problem worldwide in estuaries
and coastal oceans (Rabalais 2002, Diaz and
Rosenberg 2008). The extent and persis-
tence of hypoxia on the continental shelf
of the northern Gulf make the Gulf’s “dead
zone” the second-largest manifestation of
anthropogenic coastal eutrophication in the
world (Figure 2). Systematic mapping and
monitoring of the area of hypoxia in bottom
waters began in 1985 (Rabalais 2002). The
dead zone size, as measured each year in
July, has ranged between 40 to 22,000 km2
and averaged 16,700 km2 from 2000 to 2007
(excluding two years when strong storms
occurred just before the hypoxia survey).
An Action Plan for Reducing, Mitigating,
and Controlling Hypoxia in the Northern
Gulf of Mexico (Mississippi River/Gulf of
Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task Force
2001) endorsed by federal agencies, states
and tribal governments calls for a long-term
adaptive strategy coupling management
actions with enhanced monitoring, mod-
eling and research, and reassessment of
accomplishments and environmental indica-
tors at five-year intervals. Several models
summarize the relationship between the
nutrient loading of nitrogen and phospho-
rus and the severity of the hypoxic zone
(Figure 2; Rabalais et al. 2007) and support
1920s–present Widespread
application of pesticides and
fertilizers occurred on agricul-
tural lands beginning in the
1920s and continuing today.
Photo: Willard Culver/National
Geographic Stock
24 A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem
Hypoxic “Dead” Zone
When dissolved oxygen levels reach two milligrams per
liter or less—a condition called hypoxia—most slow-
moving or attached animals suffocate, creating areas
known as dead zones in the bottom waters. The dead
zone in the northern Gulf of Mexico is nearly the largest
in the world, averaging 6,700 square miles (17,300
square kilometers) over the past five years; it is second
only to the hypoxic zone in the Baltic Sea.
Agricultural sources contribute more than 70%
of the nitrogen and phosphorus delivered to the
Gulf, versus only 9 to 12% from urban sources.
66% comes from growing crops, espe-
cially corn and soy. Other sources include
atmospheric deposition (16%), urban and
population sources (9%), pasture and range
(5%), and natural land (4%).
43% comes from crops, especially corn
and soy, and 37% comes from range and
pasture, particularly animal manure. Other
sources include urban and population
sources (12%) and natural land (8%).
Source: Alexander et al. 2008
The maximum area of this dead zone was
measured at 8,481 square miles (22,000
square kilometers) during the summer of
2002; this is equivalent to the size of
States that run off into the Gulf
More than 75% of nitrogen and phosphorus runoff
comes from Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas,
Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio and Mississippi
Study area
200 km
Figure 2
Mississippi River Basin
Rivers, estuaries and tributaries
from the 48 contiguous states
run off into the Gulf via the
Mississippi River basin. Source:
USDOI and USGS 2008
Year-to-year area of Gulf of Mexico
hypoxia, shown in square miles
No data available for 1988 and 1989.
Source: Rabalais et al. 2010
20101985 1990
square miles
Year to year area of Gulf of Mexico hypoxia, shown in square miles. Source: NOAA
A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem 25
the key component of the management
action, which is to reduce nutrient loading
to the Gulf of Mexico so that the average
hypoxic area in summer is 5,000 km2 or
less by 2015. Turner et al. (2008) suggested
that there was an increase in the oxygen
demand of marine sediments arising from
the accumulation of organic matter and
that the accumulation in one year made the
system more sensitive to nitrogen loading
the next year. Remedial actions meant to
reduce the size of the hypoxic zone must
address these future increases in nutrient
loading and today’s legacy of eutrophication.
Land loss along the Gulf Coast
Coastal development
The population of the five Gulf Coast states
increased by 45 percent between 1980
and 2008. More than 20 million people are
now living on the Gulf Coast, with coastal
counties in Texas and Florida (see box
above) experiencing the largest population
increases (Crossett et al. 2004). Increases
in residential, commercial, industrial and
agricultural development have accompa-
nied this population increase, resulting in
the loss of coastal forests and wetlands
and increases in storm water runoff and
transport of nutrients and sediments into
the Gulf.
Channelization, levee construction and
damming have limited floodwater flows
onto the flood plains, thereby suppressing
the transport, deposition and retention of
sediments to enrich the soils and vegeta-
tion. Motivated by a desire to create more
waterfront real estate with riparian access
for large boats, aggressive construction of
“finger channels” (see photos, Page 26)
took place in the mid-1950s to late 1960s
along much of the coast of south Florida.
The dredge-and-fill operations were often
conducted directly over mangrove forests or
oyster reefs, as illustrated in these photos.
In addition to destroying critical fish habi-
tats, aggressive construction in the estuaries
Figure 3
South Florida Population
Growth Since 1900 South
Florida’s population has grown
from 5,000 in 1900 to a current
population over five million.
Source: Walker et al. 1997
population (millions)
1900 20111950
1980–2008 The population
of the five Gulf Coast states
increased by 45 percent. Above
is Panama City, FL. Photo: Ray
Coastal Development in South Florida
South Florida, consisting of seven coun-
ties, supported a population of only
5,000 people in 1900. By 1930, after
Henry Flagler, a principal in Standard Oil,
completed the Miami railway, the popu-
lation had grown to more than 230,000.
With this population surge came large
increases in agriculture in the first half of
the 20th century, with more than 55,000
hectares of farmland by 1943, accom-
panied by the destruction of coastal
mangrove forests and the Everglades
wetlands, and then large increases in
residential and urban development in the
latter half of the 20th century. Massive
flooding in the late 1940s with bur-
geoning mosquito populations caused
the federal government to build dikes
around Lake Okeechobee to provide
flood protection for the growing urban
areas to the south and to build mosquito
abatement ponds throughout the area.
By 1950, the South Florida population
reached 720,000, primarily associated
with migration of retirees into suburban
single-family residences surrounded by
golf courses, pools and urban centers
(Walker et al. 1997). Today the popula-
tion is over five million, representing one
of the highest growth rates in the United
States from 1900 to the present.
Because of the high rate of develop-
ment, many of the functions of the
ecosystems in South Florida are no
longer being performed. Erosion has
become a major problem on the coast,
largely as a result of severed water and
sediment transport pathways from
upstate down through the Everglades
and to Miami, loss of mangroves on
shore, consequences of channel dredg-
ing, and impacts of subsidence caused
by groundwater extraction. With sea
level rise now threatening to flood all
of South Florida (Figure 8), restoration
efforts in this region must address a suite
of ecological issues to restore long-term
sustainability and resilience of ecosys-
tems and human communities.
26 A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem
reduced the bay size and altered the sedi-
ment dynamics of the tidal inlets and the
nearby ocean beaches (Wang et al. 2011).
Compounding the rapid residential develop-
ment, dredging for oil and gas extraction
has been causally linked to coastal wetland
loss in the Gulf. More than 90 percent of
U.S. offshore oil and gas reserves, past
production and present yields are in the
coastal waters of the Gulf of Mexico, but
the inshore recovery peaked more than a
decade ago. Large-scale efforts to slow or
reverse wetland losses along the Gulf began
in the early 1990s, focused on construction
of river diversions. Such projects make up
the largest and most expensive strategy for
addressing wetland loss in the Louisiana
coastal area, with future costs possibly
reaching several billion dollars. Dredging
navigation routes through Gulf coastal wet-
lands began at least 200 years ago (Davis
1973), but it was the canals dredged for oil
and gas recovery efforts beginning in the
1930s and peaking in the 1960s (Figure 4)
that had demonstrable and coastwide influ-
ences on wetlands. The direct impact of
dredging on wetlands amounted to 1,017
km2 of canals in 1990 (Britsch and Dunbar
1993), with an equal area of spoil banks
stacked on the adjacent wetlands (Bau-
mann and Turner 1990). There is a much
larger indirect impact from canals and the
dredged spoil deposits that is demonstrable
at several temporal and spatial scales. For
example, 1) land loss rates in the deltaic
plain, in similar geological substrates, are
directly related to dredging; 2) the amount
of land loss where dredging is low is near
zero; and, 3) the land loss rates acceler-
ated and slowed when dredging rose and
slowed in the Barataria basin (Turner et al.
The rise and fall in dredging is coinciden-
tal with the rise and fall of wetland loss
(Figure 4). Other plausible explanations
for wetland loss are related to the loss of
the accumulated organic matter and plant
stress accompanying an altered hydrology
(Swenson and Turner 1987, Turner 1997,
2004). But the fact that sea level rise, soil
subsidence and the concentration of sus-
pended sediment in the river have remained
about the same from the 1960s to the
present (Turner 1997, Turner and Rabalais
2003) supports the conclusion that the cur-
rent dominant cause of Gulf wetland loss is
Dredging is regulated and authorized
through permits issued by state and federal
agencies, and the permitting process
does not appear to reflect the foreseeable
consequences for wetland loss. Damage
that is now evident was largely completed
before critical analyses of wetland impacts
of canal dredging were completed. But
even today there is no coastwide restoration
program that specifically targets compen-
sating for the direct and indirect impacts
of canals and spoil banks on wetland loss.
Existing canals and any future dredging and
canal construction could compromise DWH
restoration efforts if they occur within areas
targeted for restoration.
1950s–1960s Finger channels
were constructed over man-
grove and oyster reef habitats
in South Florida. The reduction
in bay size from filling also had
a substantial impact on the tidal
inlets and on sediment supply
to adjacent beaches. Photos:
Courtesy of Ping Wang
The rise and fall in
dredging is coincidental
with the rise and fall of
wetland loss.
1918 A canal is dredged in
New Orleans. Photo: Team
New Orleans/U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers
1951 2010
A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem 27
Land area (km2)
Land-loss trends for Horn Island (Mississippi-Alabama barrier island) (left) compared with depths of
shipping channels dredged through the outer bars at the Horn Island Pass. (Source: Morton 2008).
1900 1950
Outer bar dredging depth (m)
1900 1950
Figure 5
Land loss trends for Horn
Island, a Mississippi-Alabama
barrier island (left), compared
with depths of shipping chan-
nels dredged through the outer
bars at the Horn Island Pass.
Source: Adapted from Morton
Figure 4
Relationship between land
loss and canal density in the
Louisiana coastal zone The
study measures land loss over
five time periods between 1930
and 2000. Source: Adapted
from Turner et al. 2007b
Land loss (km2)
Relationship between land loss and canal density in the Louisiana coastal zone.
What are the 6 intervals?
1950 1970 1990
Canal area added (km3)
1950 1970 1990
The sinking coastline: unsustainable oil,
gas and groundwater extraction
Although natural subsidence processes,
such as sediment compaction and down-
warping of underlying crust (e.g., in the
Mississippi River Delta plain, Barataria Basin,
and Atchafalaya Basin) are occurring along
the coast, the withdrawals of subsurface oil
and gas are also major contributors to Gulf
wetland loss in some places (Kennish 2002).
For example, the rates of soil compaction
and eustatic sea level rise along the upper
Texas coast can exceed 13 millimeters per
year (mm yr-1), while human-induced sub-
sidence rates can be as high as 120 mm yr-1
(White and Tremblay 1995). In the Houston-
Galveston area, withdrawal of groundwa-
ter has caused up to three meters of land
surface subsidence, with the rate of subsid-
ence ranging from 10 mm yr-1 to more than
60 mm yr-1 (Gabrysch and Coplin 1990).
Beach nourishment to compensate
for land loss
As sea level rises and hurricanes and other
storms subject barrier beaches to high
wave run-up and beach erosion, the land
forms can change dramatically. With rising
sea level, barrier islands commonly roll
over through the process of over-wash and
become reestablished in a new location
displaced landward (Figures 9, 10). This
process represents a natural dynamic of
sandy shorelines, although the greenhouse
gas-driven high rates of present and future
sea level rise are abnormal. So long as bar-
rier islands and coastal barrier beaches are
not developed and residents do not attempt
to draw permanent property lines, the roll-
over of coastal barriers does not represent
a problem (Figures 9, 10). However, when
houses, roads and other infrastructure and
businesses are constructed on these mobile
28 A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem
Figure 6
Detail of northern coast of
Gulf of Mexico
See Gulf overview map Page 2.
See Barrier Island detail maps
on Pages 34–35 (Isles Dernieres
and Chandeleur Islands).
Site of
DWH spill
De Soto
Flower Garden
Banks National
Marine Sanctuary
Grand Isle
River Delta
Mississippi River
New Orleans
Baton Rouge
Isles Dernieres
(see detail map on Page 34)
Chandeleur Islands
(see detail map on Page 35)
lands, then engineered hard structures such
as seawalls and jetties or soft solutions such
as beach nourishment are typically pursued
to protect the investments. Stabilizing
costal barriers under the emerging context
of accelerating rates of sea level rise and
enhanced frequency of intense tropical
storms will make occupation of coastal
barriers along the Gulf Coast increasingly
expensive, environmentally damaging and
potentially too costly to maintain, especially
on the rapidly subsiding Mississippi Delta.
Beach excavations to locate and remove
buried oil and tarballs also represent physi-
cal habitat disturbances that can bury and
kill the invertebrate prey for shorebirds and
surf fish, but this is a brief pulse disturbance
from which recovery should occur within a
year. Removal of plant wrack composed of
marsh macrophytic and sea grass materials
takes away a resource that nurtures insects,
amphipods, isopods and other invertebrates
that serve as prey for shorebirds, especially
plovers. Consequently, this intervention
into sandy beach habitats also represents
degradation of ecosystem services. Potential
impacts on the threatened piping plover are
especially critical to assess.
Alterations of river systems
that lead into the Gulf of
The watersheds in the Gulf contain a range
of habitats that support biologically diverse
and productive ecosystems with both
nursery and feeding grounds for ecologi-
cally and economically important species
(Livingston 1997, MCWMP 2007). Although
representative bays have a number of
morphologic and hydrologic similarities,
they differ in the extent to which they have
been affected by anthropogenic changes
and in their loss of ecological integrity over
the past few decades (NOAA 2009). For
example, the Mississippi Sound, near metro-
politan New Orleans, is heavily affected
by sewage outflows, agricultural drain-
age and intensive development, while the
Apalachicola Bay system is still relatively
pristine and is the last bay of that quality
in the northern Gulf of Mexico. A tremen-
dous advantage in the scientific study of
these systems is that each contains estab-
lished National Estuarine Research Reserves
(NERRs), thus providing investigators with
access to significant stores of existing
data, new or recently developed numerical
A sign warns of a pipeline cross-
ing in Louisiana. Because of
coastal erosion, many pipelines
are closer to the surface and in
some cases are even in open
water. Photo: Paul Goyette
A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem 29
models, and guidance of NERR managers
with tremendous expertise in the needs of
coastal and environmental decision-makers.
Research conducted in these reserves can
help to restore unimpeded water flows,
improve water quality and restore and
protect riparian in-stream habitats of high
value. Below are short descriptions of
several Gulf waterways and their known
historic stresses.
The Mississippi Sound System
The Mississippi Sound (drainage area,
69,700 km2) is a shallow estuarine system
that extends from Lake Borgne, Louisiana,
to Mobile Bay, Alabama. It receives freshwa-
ter through marsh habitat runoff and seven
watersheds (from west to east, the Pearl,
Escatawpa, Pascagoula, Tchoutacabouffa,
Biloxi, Wolf and Jourdan Rivers) and occa-
sionally receives large freshwater inputs
via Mississippi River flood control releases
that can cause low-salinity anomalies that
last for months. It exchanges water with
the Mississippi-Alabama-Florida (MAFLA)
Shelf through barrier island passes involv-
ing seven primary islands, including Grand
Island, Cat Island, West Ship Island, East
Ship Island, Horn Island, Petit Bois Island and
Dauphin Island. The shelf-scale hydrography
is dominated by seasonally shifting winds
that influence salinity patterns, creating
offshore-directed salinity gradients driven by
river discharge. Seasonal differences result in
westward-directed transport over the shelf
during fall and winter, reducing the local
influence from the Mississippi River, while
low-salinity water spreads over the shelf
during the spring and summer, resulting in
a strong halocline (Morey et al. 2003a, b).
The Pascagoula River (drainage area,
23,310 km2), the second-largest basin in
Mississippi, is the last unimpeded river
system in the continental United States
and the largest contributor of freshwater to
Mississippi Sound. Unobstructed flow and
natural fire regimes are critically important
The Pearl darter, a rare small
fish, is one of the threatened
or endangered species in the
Gulf region. Photo: Joel Sartore/
National Geographic Stock
Environmental Concerns Related to Petroleum Storage
in Salt Domes
The practice of storing oil in salt domes
throughout the Gulf of Mexico has gone
on for more than 40 years, with active
storage sites in Louisiana and Texas (DOE
2011). Domes are considered ideal stor-
age receptacles because the salt forms
a seal around contained substances,
creating a stable reservoir. But leakages
in similar domes off Weeks Island, LA.,
have proven problematic, resulting in the
removal of petroleum stores and aban-
donment of the site (Neal 1997, Neal et
al. 1998, Kurlansky 2002). Undoubtedly,
heterotrophic microbes exist in the conti-
nental shelf that can degrade petroleum
hydrocarbons relatively rapidly, but if the
oil leakage creates significant patches
of floating oil or contaminates oysters
or other shellfish, then leakage is clearly
A proposal from the DOE to create a
petroleum reserve site in Mississippi salt
domes, which was recently withdrawn,
threatened the Pascagoula River basin.
The process for preparing the Mississippi
site for oil storage would involve inundat-
ing the dome each day with millions
of gallons of freshwater drawn from
the river to dissolve the salt and then
pumping out the resulting hypersaline
(264 parts per thousand) solution into
a pipeline constructed over 1,500 acres
of wetlands to transport it 80 miles to
the Gulf of Mexico. The activity would
take five to six years to complete,
severely reduce flow in the Pascagoula
and discharge millions of gallons of
salt brine just south of Horn Island, a
2,763-acre barrier island that is part of
a group of islands along the Mississippi
coast that the federal government has
spent millions of dollars to protect. Other
anticipated damage includes saltwater
intrusion from the Mississippi Sound
up the river, with potentially devastat-
ing outcomes (if the damage caused by
Hurricane Katrina is any indication) and
development of a dead zone near the
outfall from the pipeline. Although the
proposal was withdrawn in March 2011,
it still looms over the river’s future.
30 A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem
in maintaining the high productivity of
bottomland forests, marshes, savannas and
aquatic habitats that support an enor-
mously diverse biota, including 22 threat-
ened or endangered species. Among these
are species found only in Mississippi, includ-
ing the Pearl darter (Percina aurora), a rare
small fish found only inthe Pascagoula and
Pearl River drainages, the Mississippi sand-
hill crane (Grus canadensis pulla), critically
endangered nonmigratory birds, the yellow-
blotched map turtle (Graptemys
flavimaculata) and the Louisiana black
bear. The river basin also provides habitat
to other species endangered throughout
their range, such as the red-cockaded
woodpecker, swallow-tailed kite (Elanoides
forficatus) and Gulf sturgeon (Acipenser
oxyrhynchus desotoi), among others.
Stresses to the Pascagoula River ecosystem
include invasive plant species; sedimenta-
tion from mining and other activities; water
withdrawal for use in agriculture, industry
and domestic purposes; and direct dis-
charge of pollutants, especially nutrients,
from industrial or municipal wastewater
treatment facilities, mining and waste man-
agement. Although these stresses take their
toll, another concern is a proposal from the
U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) to create
a petroleum reserve site in Mississippi salt
domes (see box, Page 29).
The Perdido River (drainage area 2,937 km2)
provides the primary freshwater source for
Perdido Bay, a relatively small, shallow estu-
ary at the Alabama-Florida border. The bay
is affected by two interwoven problems:
artificial widening of its mouth in the 1970s
and nutrient loading that started as early as
the 1940s. The widening of the bay mouth
to help retain sediment led to the unantici-
pated consequence of saltwater intrusion
into the bay. This contributed significantly
to salinity stratification, the development of
hypoxia and ultimately serious declines in
benthic invertebrates and fish assemblages
in the deeper waters of the bay. The overall
effect was disruption of local food webs.
Nutrient loading created a different set of
trophic problems. The nutrients entered
the bay from multiple sources, including
effluents from a paper mill (operated by
International Paper; effluent enters Eleven
Mile Creek), urban storm water and sewage
runoff (the area around the bay is highly
developed), and agricultural runoff from
Alabama (Livingston 2000, 2001, 2007).
The introduction of different nutrients at
various times of the year stimulates a series
of phytoplankton blooms, with diatoms pre-
dominating in the spring, raphidophytes in
summer and dinoflagellates in winter. When
these become coupled with high concentra-
tions of orthophosphate and ammonia from
the mill, the outcome is characterized by
the loss of planktivorous infaunal inverte-
brates. Teasing apart these multiple effects
is quite difficult without intensive food web
modeling that takes into account benthic
conditions, planktonic responses to nutrient
loading, and climate change. Clearly, both
top-down and bottom-up processes act on
this system (Livingston 2007).
The pulp mill adopted some strategies to
reduce nutrient input, and these resulted
in some improvement in the complex of
infaunal species. Although much remains
to be done, the only solution proffered
by the industry (and approved by Florida’s
Department of Environmental Protection
[DEP]) was to build a pipeline that would
move the effluent discharge site from the
upper stretches of Eleven Mile Creek to the
mouth of creek. This would help clean up
Eleven Mile Creek, but it would do nothing
to stop the arrival of pollutants in Perdido
Bay. Within months of approving this plan,
DEP Director David Struhs retired to become
vice president for environmental affairs at
International Paper. This plan illustrates one
of the many challenges of large-scale resto-
ration projects: the intertwining of industry
and government interests in the use of
natural resources.
The Apalachicola System
Apalachicola Bay (drainage area, 50,674
km2) (Figure 7) consists of a large estuary
with extensive wetlands that receive water
from the Apalachicola, Chattahoochee
and Flint Rivers (the ACF watershed). The
Apalachicola River, the largest river in
Florida and among the largest entering
the Gulf of Mexico, provides 35 percent
of the freshwater input to the northeast
Gulf (Richter et al. 2003). Apalachicola
Bay, covering approximately 1,012 km2,
is one of the more productive estuaries in
North America, supplying approximately 90
percent of the oyster landings (Crassostrea
virginica) in Florida and 10 percent nation-
ally It also provides nursery habitat for
The Pascagoula River is the
largest contributor of freshwater
to Mississippi Sound. Photo:
Jennifer Cowley/Plan for
Apalachicola Bay is one
of the more productive
estuaries in North Amer-
ica, supplying approxi-
mately 90% of the oyster
landings (
) in Florida and
10% nationally.
A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem 31
numerous economically important fish and
invertebrate species (Livingston et al. 1974,
Livingston et al. 1997). The adjacent west
Florida shelf, extending along the length of
the Florida peninsula and the panhandle,
makes up 75 percent of the total U.S. Gulf
continental shelf and contains some of the
most diverse and economically important
marine habitats (e.g., salt marsh, sea grass
meadows, coral reefs) and fisheries (e.g.,
snappers, groupers) in the nation (Coleman
et al. 2000, Koenig et al. 2005). Despite its
great importance to Gulf state economies,
this system remains relatively unstudied in
terms of defining its influence on ecologi-
cally and economically important species in
inshore and nearshore environments.
The major water bodies of the estuary are
East Bay, Apalachicola Bay and St. George
Sound. A series of inlets (one of which is
man-made) allows sediment and seawater
exchange with the Gulf. The Apalachicola
River is the principal source of sediment
for the development of the barrier islands,
despite the presence of a dam approxi-
mately 115 km upstream from its mouth,
with beach sand dispersion having a net
westward transport. Circulation in the bay
is dominated by local winds and tides,
whereas hydrography and salinity are domi-
nated by river flow on multiple time scales
(Conner et al. 1982), although salinity is
also influenced secondarily by freshwater
drainage from Tate’s Hell Swamp. Tides in
this multiple inlet estuary form a compli-
cated pattern of mixed semi-diurnal/diurnal
tides and have small amplitudes (Huang
and Spaulding 2002).
Like the Pascagoula River, the Apalachicola
River is one of the last free-flowing alluvial
rivers in the continental United States, but
river channelization and damming of its
upstream distributaries affect its flow. The
natural flow of the river provides a sea-
sonally varying supply of nutrients (e.g.,
nitrogen and phosphorus) that enhance
primary productivity from Apalachicola Bay
(Mortazavi et al. 2000a, 2000b, 2001).
Sustained declines in river flow, the result
of drought or upstream diversion, could
lead to fundamental shifts in both trophic
structure and the capacity of the system
to support overall productivity (Livingston
1997). Indeed, ocean color images from
satellite radiometry show an extended
plume of river water emanating from the
watershed southward over the west Florida
shelf during periods of peak river discharge.
This conspicuous biological event, known
as the Green River Phenomenon (Gilbes et
al. 1996, 2002), occurs during late winter
and early spring and persists for weeks to
months, overlapping in time and space with
the spawning season and locations of a
A blue crab prepares to fend
off an intruder among the
rocks in the Florida Keys. Photo
Courtesy of 1stPix
St. Joe Bay
Apalachicola Bay
St. George Sound
Figure 7
Detail of northeast coast
of Gulf of Mexico
See Gulf overview map, Page 2
The Big Bend coastal region in
Florida includes Apalachicola
Bay, St. Joe Bay and the
Fenholloway, Suwanee and
Ochlockonee Rivers.
Big Bend
Egmont Key
National Wildlife
32 A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem
number of important fish species (Koenig
et al. 2000). Its inter-annual variability is
in part explained by climatic variability
over the ACF drainage basin that influ-
ences freshwater flow (Morey et al. 2009).
Although dedicated investigations are
lacking, we suspect that this plays a key
role in supplying nutrients and fixed organic
carbon that influences the general structure
and function of estuarine and offshore
oceanic food webs in the northeast Gulf
(Mortazavi et al. 2000a, 2000b, 2001,
Putland and Iverson 2007a, b).
Recent national attention focused on the
management of the ACF drainage system
because of extended drought conditions
over the southeastern United States and
regional conflicts over water use. Georgia
and Alabama have drawn an increasingly
larger volume of water for municipal and
agricultural needs over the years that in
concert with regional drought has resulted
in severe declines of floodplain forests
(Darst and Light 2008) and possibly overall
estuary health. The fact that this conflict
remains unresolved despite years of debate
highlights the need for effective science
that can inform policy decisions by address-
ing human needs while sustaining key eco-
system services. There is concern that the
continued alteration of historical pathways
of energy flow will precipitate significant
declines in fisheries production (currently
valued at billions of dollars per year) and
potentially undermine the entire food web
in this portion of the Gulf of Mexico. Given
the enormous economic value of these fish-
eries, such a disruption would be devastat-
ing, and even more so when considered in
light of anticipated growth in coastal devel-
opment and the effects of climate change.
Effects of flood control efforts
on the Gulf Coast
The flooding regime, freshwater volume
and routes of the major U.S. rivers flow-
ing into the Gulf have been significantly
altered through levee construction, dam-
ming and channel rerouting to accom-
modate increases in coastal populations,
agriculture, shipping and industry over the
past century. The reduction in the sedi-
ment supply to many Gulf barrier islands
has affected their morphology (Figure 5,
Morton 2008), and drainage of wetlands
for urban development has led to increased
soil subsidence (e.g., much of New Orleans
is now below sea level). Explosive breaks in
flood protection levees, called crevasses, are
recognized by geomorphologists as being
vastly different from the overbank flood-
ing that occurred before levees were built.
Before the construction of levees, sediment
overflowing river banks accumulated near
the river to form a levee parallel to the river
channel not much wider than the river
itself (Frazier 1967). The dramatic release
of floodwater through flood protection
levees sends sediments farther from the
river levee and sometimes forms a mini-
delta or “splay.” Kesel (1988) estimated that
the amount of sediment flowing over-bank
in an unconfined river and through the
flood protection levees was equal to 2.3
and 0.86 percent of the river’s sediments,
respectively. This compares with 12 percent
returned from offshore from hurricane
Figure 8
Lands vulnerable to sea
level rise
This map displays land below
an elevation of 1.5m. The IPCC
estimates that sea level will rise
75 to 190 cm by 2100, resulting
in tidal inundation in the areas
pictured here. Source: Adapted
from Titus and Richman 2001
Land below 1.5 meters
100 miles
A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem 33
deposition, primarily within a few kilome-
ters of the seashore.
Hurricane protection levees, increasingly
needed to protect people settled in the
Gulf, will both impound wetlands behind
them and restrict sediment deposition—
each reducing the resiliency of the wetlands
seaward that should function to reduce
storm surge heights. These changes in how
sediments, nutrients and water are redis-
tributed must be quantified and considered
for each proposed wetland restoration
project to ensure long-term sustainability of
restored areas.
Effects of global climate
change on Gulf ecosystems
Global climate change, occurring as a direct
result of anthropogenic increases in levels
of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere, is predicted to
continue to increase atmospheric and sea
surface temperatures, acidification of the
oceans, rate of sea level rise and frequency
of intense storm events, in addition to
numerous other changes over the next
several decades (IPCC 2007). The long-term
impacts of these changes on the ecosys-
tems will be wide-ranging and potentially
irreversible (Scavia et al. 2002). Although
the rate of eustatic, or global, sea level rise
projected by IPCC (2007) is rapid, we now
know that these projections actually under-
estimated the rate of change by substantial
amounts because the IPCC was unable to
include estimates of increasing melt rates
for the Greenland ice sheets and polar ice
caps. Vermeer and Rahmstorf (2009) show
that under the future global temperature
scenarios of the IPCC (2007) report, predic-
tions of eustatic sea level rise from 1990 to
2100 range from 75 to 190 cm.
The most alarming expected consequences
of climate change for the Gulf Coast are
the combined effects of relative sea level
rise at an already high and escalating rate
and more frequent severe hurricanes. Using
a projection that accounts only for flooding
of low-lying land without including impacts
of storm erosion, large parts of Louisiana
and southern Florida, as well as other
smaller sections of the Gulf Coast, will be
submerged even under moderate estimates
of sea level rise (Figure 8). In addition to
the loss of human settlements, rising sea
levels are likely to result in the “drowning”
of wetlands, some barrier islands, sea grass
meadows, oyster reefs and coral reefs if
they are unable to achieve increases in their
vertical elevation equal to sea level rise.
Mangroves have greater ability to move
inland as seas rise, provided the uplands
are undeveloped and not bulkheaded or
armored in some other way, but the uneven
ability of organisms to adapt to rising sea
levels will shift the balance of the ecosys-
tem in unpredictable ways. It seems highly
unlikely that accretion rates in these critical
coastal habitats will keep pace with sea
Large parts of
Louisiana and southern
Florida, as well as other
smaller sections of
the Gulf Coast, will be
submerged even under
moderate estimates
of sea level rise.
Barrier islands in the Gulf
are threatened by increas-
ing rates of sea level rise.
Houses on Dauphin Island
in Alabama are protected
by sand berms. Photo: Joel
Sartore/National Geographic
34 A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem
level rise if it increases by a factor of two
or more in the next 50 to 100 years, as
expected (Vermeer and Rahmsdorf 2009).
Indeed, many Gulf wetlands are already
being submerged and subsequently lost
(Day et al. 1995).
Increased water depth will result in
decreased light availability to sea grasses
and hermatypic corals and increased
turbidity for oysters, probably resulting in
increased mortality and decreased growth
rate. Loss of shoreline habitat destroys
its capacity to buffer the shoreline from
wave-driven erosion. Under higher ambi-
ent sea level and more frequent intense
storms, storm-surge flooding of the Gulf
Coast will be more extensive and damaging
to infrastructure, threatening massive loss
of property and life. Effects of hurricanes
on shoreline erosion, damage to struc-
tures, and risk of loss of life interact with
rising sea level and human modifications
to hydrodynamic regimes. For example, the
loss in area of Gulf coastal barriers from
multiple states is clearly related to hurricane
activity and also to depth of shipping chan-
nels excavated through the barriers (Figure 5).
Ocean acidification and increased sea sur-
face temperature are stressors that interact
to affect calcification in marine organisms,
such as corals, oysters and a host of other
taxa with external or internal skeletons of
calcium carbonate. For example, models
developed by Anthony et al. (2011) based
on the IPCC A1F1 scenario (fossil-fuel
intensive) demonstrated that severe ocean
acidification and sea surface warming could
decrease coral reef resilience even under
otherwise favorable conditions of high
grazing intensity and low nutrients. These
results indicate that coral reefs already sub-
jected to overfishing of herbivorous fishes
and to nutrient loading are likely to be
even more vulnerable to increasing carbon
dioxide Impacts on larval fishes could be
profound as they struggle to form internal
skeletons that are needed for locomotory
ability when full grown. The thin larval
shells of oysters and other bivalve mollusks
may be unable to form; several studies have
demonstrated increased mortality rates of
juvenile clams and other bivalves during
early development. Shell additions to estua-
rine environments, which would augment
the ability of the mollusks to grow their
shells, may be necessary as a management
adaptation to acidification in estuaries to
provide chemical buffers for growing acidity
and to allow sensitive calcifying organisms
to persist.
The effects of climate change on the Gulf
ecosystem extend beyond those discussed
here and it is impossible to outline every
possibility. However, restoration efforts
must address the inevitable environmental
changes to achieve restoration that
is resilient.
Figure 9
Shoreline Changes of the
Isles Dernieres Barrier
Island Arc, Louisiana, from
Source: Adapted from Lee
et al. 2006
Area of islands 2005
Area of islands 1887
0 52.5
0 52.5
Map Scale 1887
5 miles
Raccoon Island Whiskey Island
Caillou Bay
Trinity Island
East Island
A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem 35
0 52.5
0 52.5
Map Scale
Figure 10
Shoreline Changes of the
North Chandeleur Islands,
Louisiana, from 1855–2005
The area of the islands has
decreased from 6,827.5 acres
in 1855 to 913.9 acres in 2005.
Source: Adapted from Lee
et al. 2006
Area of islands 2005
Area of islands 1855
5 miles
Chandeleur Sound
Monkey Bayou
Schooner Cove
New Harbor
North Islands
Hewes Point
A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem 37
Grass is planted on a newly
created embankment on
Dauphin Island, AL. Photo:
Joel Sartore/National
Geographic Stock
In this chapter, we provide 15 recom-
mendations that can work together to
produce comprehensive and long-term
restoration of the Gulf. Our understanding
of historical and contemporary stresses on
the ecosystem, as described in the previ-
ous chapter, informs these recommended
actions. Restoration of an anthropogeni-
cally damaged ecosystem such as the Gulf
must include not only an understanding of
its basic history and natural processes but
also a realistic and scientific assessment of
damage, well-defined goals and policies
that accurately reflect these realities, and
open communication of all decisions to
educate the public and earn the trust of
local communities. Our recommended
actions, then, reflect this exigency for rigor-
ous assessment, defined goals and coopera-
tion with human communities. Taken alone,
each action may be no more effective than
the traditional “in-place, in-kind” approach
to environmental restoration. However, we
have designed our recommended actions
to work in concert, treating the Gulf as a
holistic ecosystem that must accommodate
multivalent, intersecting and sometimes
competing uses by plants, wildlife, micro-
scopic organisms and humans. To treat an
ecosystem holistically—including the lives,
processes and futures of marine animals,
vegetation, microbes and humans—is dif-
ficult but essential for resilient restoration.
Our recommendations stress the need
for rigorous scientific research, goals that
reflect that research, and open communica-
tion and involvement with human commu-
nities in the Gulf. Below, we provide more
detail on these characteristics that we find
so fundamental to restoration:
Understand the past.
We need to account for historical baselines,
expected future dynamics and ecosystem
interactions to develop a responsible and
effective restoration program. We need to
recognize the historically pristine condition
and functions of Gulf ecosystems and the
nature of their degradation as the basis
for defining realistic restoration goals. The
purpose is not to return the Gulf to some
idealized pristine condition, but to recog-
nize that restoration will be unsustainable
unless all of the necessary components and
functions of the ecosystem are in place.
We also need to be realistic about the time
frames required to achieve goals in the light
of extreme variations in recruitment and
growth rates of different essential species,
the necessarily enormous spatial scale of
intervention and protection that may be
needed, as evidenced by the recent rezon-
ing and protection of one-third of the entire
Great Barrier Reef (Pandolfi et al. 2005),
and the inevitable future consequences of
climate change, sea level rise and intensifi-
cation of hurricanes (Rahmstorf et al. 2007,
Vermeer and Rahmstorf 2009, Jackson 2010).
Acknowledge the future and
restore resilience.
Restoration will require a comprehensive
and integrated plan focused on rebuild-
ing the functional integrity and services of
entire ecosystems that have been harmed
as a consequence of the DWH oil spill, in
addition to responding to the systematic
degradation that has progressively compro-
mised Gulf ecosystems. To ensure sustain-
ability, restoration should be defined to
include enhancement of natural resources
Recommendations for Resilient
Restoration of the Gulf of Mexico
To treat an ecosystem
the lives and processes
and futures of marine
animals, vegetation,
microbes and humans
—is difficult but
essential for resilient
38 A Once and Future Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem
over and above pre-DWH levels and should
take explicit account of the highly dynamic
nature of the Gulf environment that will
require adaptive management as conditions
change. The institutional mantra of
“in-place, in-kind” restoration is inappropri-
ate without including analysis of sustainabil-
ity and would probably lead to longer-term
failures without planning for future chang-
ing conditions. Efforts to achieve durable
restoration should not be diluted by calls for
economic and community development.
Recognize the interconnection
between human prosperity and
ecosystem health.
The experience of the Exxon Valdez spill
and some harmful consequences of so-
called restoration actions demand that
the goals for restoration in the Gulf, plans
for their implementation and subsequent
assessment of progress be fully transparent
to the scientific community and public at
large. The public must be aware of the time
frames and geographic scope of intended
restoration actions as they compare to the
pace of environmental change. It is critically
important to acknowledge, celebrate and
foster meaningful and timely public partici-
pation in the restoration process, especially
because increasing sea levels and increased
frequencies of intense storms will ultimately
require retreat from the Mississippi River
delta. Resilience of human communities
and ecological resources are intimately
connected; therefore, the ecosystem must
be understood as a coupled human-nat-
ural system. A robust model for restoring
ecosystem resiliency holistically combines
environmental with human approaches—
for instance, compensatory habitat restora-
tion combined with a project that redresses
historical anthropogenic injuries that now
jeopardize the sustainability of shoreline
Such a wide-ranging restoration program
calls for structuring the recommendations
around general goals. Therefore, we have
organized our 15 recommendations along
three themes:
1. Assess and repair damage from
DWH and other stresses;
2. Protect existing habitats and
populations; and
3. Integrate sustainable human use
with ecological processes in the
Gulf of Mexico.
Recommendation Themes