Europa, Jupiter's fourth-largest moon, has an anomalously young surface age (~40–90 million years old), and an extensively fractured surface. Conventional models for tectonic features on Europa have invoked global-scale tidal forcings (e.g., diurnal forcing, obliquity, nonsynchronous rotation, and true polar wander) as the mechanisms responsible for fracturing the icy shell. In an attempt to examine the complex history of deformation on Europa in the context of global tidal stress models, I examined a multitude of tectonic feature types, orientations, and ages across a broad region of Europa's anti-jovian hemisphere encompassing Argadnel Regio, a complex region of deformation consisting of an intertwining network of low albedo bands and ridges, and Agenor Linea, a ~1,500 km long band-like strike-slip fault. After mapping geologic feature types, orientations, and ages and comparing my observations with global tidal stress models, I found that Europa's oldest fractures (two sets of intersecting ridges oriented NE-SW and NW-SE) most closely align with the predicted stresses from two separate episodes of ~45° and ~15° of true polar wander. Dilational bands located to the north of Argadnel Regio that dilated pre-existing cycloids in a north-south extensional direction align more closely with a global stress field that would have been produced by a more recent stage of nonsynchronous rotation. While these models accounted for fracture sets in Europa's oldest terrain and younger dilated cycloids, many young tectonic features are not consistent with the predictions of true polar wander or nonsynchronous rotation stress fields, such as: 1) ~700–km-long, right-stepping én echelon bands with sigmoidal geometries within Argadnel Regio that are consistent with broadly-distributed, left-lateral shearing, 2) left-stepping én echelon bands younger than the ~700 km long sigmoidal bands that are consistent with right-lateral shearing, 3) clockwise rotations of circular rafts of material within Argadnel Regio also consistent with right-lateral shearing, and 4) bands (~5 km wide, ~10 km long) oriented ~045° and located ~100 km south of Agenor Linea that are consistent with left-lateral shearing of Agenor Linea and which pre-dates more recent right-lateral shearing of Agenor Linea. While these observations do not align with stresses from global tidal forcing, previous studies based on numerical and physical models have proposed plate tectonics as a potential mechanism responsible for fracturing and resurfacing Europa's icy crust. However, observational evidence (e.g., geologic evidence of translation or rotation across plate boundaries or broadly distributed lateral shearing within plates) is necessary to confirm the existence of plate tectonics on Europa. After extensively mapping bands, ridges, and other tectonic features across Argadnel Regio and Agenor Linea, I assert that young tectonic features align better with broadly distributed lateral shearing, a necessary component of plate tectonics, than with global tidal stress models. The misalignment of tectonic features with conventional global-tidal stress models, in addition to the presence of tectonic features resembling artifacts of broad-scale lateral shearing, suggests that deformation on Europa may need to be re-evaluated under a plate-tectonic paradigm in combination with global tidal stress models, occurring as contemporaneous processes. Plate tectonics would not only help explain complex deformation on Europa but would also provide a mechanism for recycling Europa's icy crust and maintaining the moon's young surface age.