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A new basal iguanodontian (Dinosauria, Ornithischia) from the Upper Cretaceous of Patagonia



Abstract. We report the discovery of an almost complete skeleton of a new iguanodontian dinosaur, Talenkauen santacrucensis n. gen. et sp., from Maastrichtiano rocks of southwestern Patagonia. Talenkauen is odd in the presence of plate-like structures on both sides of the thorax, which are better interpreted as uncinate processes than dermal armor. Talenkauen and the also Maastrichtian Thescelosaurus neglectus Gilmore from North America, represent the only two ornithischians in which this peculiar feature is currently known. Some derived features unite Talenkauen with other Gondwanan ornithopods, but all the evidence does not offer enough support for an iguanodontian clade endemic from the Southern Hemisphere. Small- to medium-sized ornithischians appear to have been the dominant plant-eating dinosaurs in Antarctica and Australia during the Cretaceous, in contrast with the outstanding abundance of médium sized to giant sauropods in central Gondwana (e.g., South America, Africa, India).
The list of Cretaceous ornithischians from South
America rapidly increased in the last few years
thanks to discoveries of bone remains belonging to
stegosaurs, ankylosaurs, basal ornithopods and
hadrosaurs (e.g., Bonaparte, 1996; Salgado and Coria,
1996; Novas, 1997; Coria, 1999). Particularly, the
Cretaceous record includes ornithopod dinosaurs re-
ferred as to hypsilophodontids (the Cenomanian No-
tohypsilophodon comodorensis from Bajo Barreal Fm.;
Martínez, 1998) and basal iguanodontians (the Ceno-
manian Anabisetia saldiviai, from the Lisandro Fm.,
and the Campanian Gasparinisaura cincosaltensisfrom
the Anacleto Fm.; Coria and Salgado, 1996; Coria,
1999; Garrido, 2000; Coria and Calvo, 2002). Such
discoveries were interpreted by Coria (1999) as sug-
gestive that a diverse evolutionary history of or-
nithopods took place in Gondwana prior to the fau-
nal interchange proposed for the end of the
Cretaceous (Bonaparte, 1986).
Here we report the discovery of an almost com-
plete skeleton of a new iguanodontian dinosaur,
Talenkauen santacrucensis n. gen. et sp. The specimen
was recovered from Late Cretaceous beds exposed in
the SW corner of Patagonia (figure 1.A), a region
poorly explored for dinosaur remains (Novas et al.,
2002a). The new basal ornithopod is odd in the pres-
ence of plate–like structures on both sides of the tho-
rax, whose anatomical meaning will be discussed be-
low. Also, this new dinosaur provides evidence for
an iguanodontian clade endemic to the Southern
Hemisphere, when considered with specimens from
other regions of Gondwana (e.g., Africa, Australia,
AMEGHINIANA (Rev. Asoc. Paleontol. Argent.) - 41 (1): 75-82. Buenos Aires, 30-03-2004 ISSN 0002-7014
©Asociación Paleontológica Argentina AMGHB2-0002-7014/04$00.00+.50
1Laboratorio de Anatomía Comparada, Museo Argentino de Cien-
cias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”, Av. Ángel Gallardo 470,
1405 Buenos Aires, Argentina,
2Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas.
A new basal iguanodontian (Dinosauria, Ornithischia)
from the Upper Cretaceous of Patagonia
Fernando E. NOVAS1,2, Andrea V. CAMBIASO1and Alfredo AMBROSIO1
Key words. Dinosauria. Ornithopoda. Patagonia. Cretaceous.
Palabras clave. Dinosauria. Ornithopoda. Patagonia. Cretácico.
Abstract. We report the discovery of an almost complete skeleton of a new iguanodontian dinosaur,
Talenkauen santacrucensis n. gen. et sp., from Maastrichtiano rocks of southwestern Patagonia. Talenkauen
is odd in the presence of plate-like structures on both sides of the thorax, which are better interpreted as
uncinate processes than dermal armor. Talenkauen and the also Maastrichtian Thescelosaurus neglectus
Gilmore from North America, represent the only two ornithischians in which this peculiar feature is cur-
rently known. Some derived features unite Talenkauen with other Gondwanan ornithopods, but all the ev-
idence does not offer enough support for an iguanodontian clade endemic from the Southern Hemisphere.
Small- to medium-sized ornithischians appear to have been the dominant plant-eating dinosaurs in
Antarctica and Australia during the Cretaceous, in contrast with the outstanding abundance of medium
sized to giant sauropods in central Gondwana (e.g., South America, Africa, India).
GONIA.Se reporta el descubrimiento de un esqueleto casi completo de un nuevo dinosaurio iguanodonte,
Talenkauen santacrucensis n. gen. et sp., de rocas de edad Maastrichtiano del sudoeste de Patagonia.
Talenkauen posee placas en ambos lados del tórax, las cuales son interpretadas como procesos uncinados
en lugar de armadura dérmica. Talenkaueny Thescelosaurus neglectus (Maastrichtiano, América del Norte),
son los únicos dos ornitisquios en los que se conoce esta peculiar característica. Algunos caracteres de-
rivados unen a Talenkauen con otros ornitópodos gondwánicos, pero el conjunto de la evidencia disponible
no ofrece sustento suficiente para reconocer un clado de iguanodontes endémico del Hemisferio Sur. Los
ornitisquios de pequeño y mediano tamaño parecen haber sido los dinosaurios herbívoros dominantes en
Antártida y Australia durante el Cretácico, contrastando con la gran abundancia de saurópodos de medi-
ano a gran tamaño registrada en Gondwana central (p. ej., América del Sur, África, India).
F.E. Novas and A.V. Cambiaso76
New Zealand). The new material helps to under-
stand better the adaptive radiation of basal or-
nithopods in Gondwana and the paleobiogeography
of dinosaur faunas at the end of the Mesozoic.
Abbreviations. MPM, Museo Padre Molina, Río
Gallegos, Santa Cruz.
Systematic paleontology
EUIGUANODONTIA Coria and Salgado, 1996
Genus Talenkauen Novas, Cambiaso
and Ambrosio n. gen.
Derivatio nominis. Talenk”, small, ”kauen”, skull, in
Aonikenk Indian language (Moreno, 1997), in refer-
ence to the proportionally small head of the animal.
Type species. Talenkauen santacrucensis Novas,
Cambiaso and Ambrosio n. sp.
Diagnosis. Same as species.
Talenkauen santacrucensis Novas, Cambiaso
and Ambrosio n. sp.
Figures 1.B, C and 2.A, B
Diagnosis. Autapomorphies diagnosing Talenkauen
santacrucensis include: well–developed epipophysis
on cervical 3, and plate–like uncinate processes on
the rib cage. The following reversals emerge from the
cladistic analysis: lacrimal and premaxilla not in con-
tact, and dentaries convergent rostrally.
Derivatio nominis. Santacrucensis, referring to the
southern Argentine province of Santa Cruz.
Holotype. MPM–10001, partially articulated speci-
men preserving rostrum, jaws, and teeth, precaudal
vertebral column and ribs, pectoral and pelvic gir-
dles, and fore– and hind limb bones (figures 1.B,C).
The specimen was found articulated in a cross–bed-
ded, fining–upward, medium–grained sandstone, in-
terpreted as a fluvial channel body. The material was
collected in February 2000.
Locality and horizon. Los Hornos Hill, southern
coast of Viedma Lake, Santa Cruz Province,
Argentina (Lat. 49° 51’ 16.2” S, Long. 72° 06’ 26.3”
W) (figure 1.A). Pari Aike Fm., Upper Cretaceous,
Maastrichtian (Kraemer and Riccardi, 1997;
Ambrosio, 2003). This Maastrichtian age is also
supported by recently collected samples with
foraminifera and dinoflagellates from beds under-
lying the Pari Aike Formation (Ambrosio, 2003;
Ottone and Ronchi, pers. com.), thus superceding
previous assumptions for an older age (Novas et al.,
20002a). The Pari Aike Fm. also yielded ti-
tanosaurid remains of medium to gigantic sizes, as
well as fragmentary bones of theropods, crocodiles,
and turtles.
Description. The holotype specimen of Talenkauen
santacrucensis n. gen. et n. sp. (figures 1.B,C) mea-
sures no more than 4 meters long, thus representing
one of the first large, non–hadrosaurian euornitho-
pod bone remains reported from South America. The
head looks comparatively small with respect to body
size, being slightly larger than in Dryosaurus. The
premaxilla (figure 2.A.) is dorsally concave, and de-
fines much of the external nares. Two empty alveoli
are indicative of the presence of premaxillary teeth, a
plesiomorphic character for an iguanodontian. The
posterior process of the premaxilla is elongate, but it
does not contact the lacrimal, in contrast with more
derived iguanodontians. The maxilla is triangular,
with a single dorsal process almost centrally posi-
tioned, resembling Dryosaurus (Galton, 1983). Worn
maxillary teeth are rhomboid in side view, each with
a prominent primary ridge on the labial crown sur-
face, representing an euiguanodontian synapomor-
phy (Coria and Salgado, 1996). The V–shaped pre-
dentary bears, as in most iguanodontians, a pair of
elongate tapering processes and a bilobate ventral
process for articulation with the dentaries. The den-
tary is primitive in possessing anteriorly tapering
dorsal and ventral margins.
The presacral vertebral column of Talenkauen is
composed of 9 cervicals and 16 dorsals, a normal
count for a basal iguanodontian. A net of ossified ten-
dons extends along both sides of the neural spines
from the first dorsal through at least the first four
preserved sacral vertebrae. Cervical vertebrae exhib-
it moderately developed neural spines and slightly
down–curved postzygapophyses, characters that are
less derived than in dryomorph ornithopods. Howe-
ver, cervical 3 exhibits prominent epipophysis, a fea-
ture uncommon in ornithischian dinosaurs. As a
whole, the neck of Talenkauen looks elongate com-
pared to those of Hypsilophodon and Dryosaurus
(Sues and Norman, 1990).
AMEGHINIANA 41 (1), 2004
Figure 1. A, Map indicating fossil locality. B, C, Talenkauen santacrucensis n. gen. et n. sp. MPM 10001 (holotype). B, Partially articulat-
ed skeleton in right lateral aspect. C,Reconstructed skeleton. Abbreviations: ax, axis; cv 9, ninth cervical vertebra; d, dentary; d1, first dor-
sal vertebra; d16, sixteen dorsal vertebra; f, femur; fib, fibula; h, humerus; il, ilium; mtt, metatarsals II-IV; mx, maxilla; ot, ossified ten-
dons; p, pubis; pd, predentary; ph, pedal phalanges; pmx, premaxilla; sc, scapula-coracoid; sk, skull; r, radius; t, tibia; up, uncinate
processes / A, Mapa indicando la localidad del hallazgo. B, C, Talenkauen santacrucensis n. gen. et n. sp. MPM 10001 (holotipo). B,Esqueleto
parcialmente articulado en vista lateral derecha. C, Esqueleto reconstruído. Abreviaturas: ax, axis; cv 9, novena vértebra cervical; d, dentario; d1,
primera vértebra dorsal; d16, dieciséisava vértebra dorsal; f, fémur; fib, fíbula; h, húmero; il, ilion; mtt, metatarsos II-IV; mx, maxilar; ot, tendones os-
ificados; p, pubis; pd, predentario; ph, falanges del pie; pmx, premaxilar; sc, escápula-coracoides; sk, cráneo; r, radio; t, tibia; up, procesos uncinados.
Cretaceous ornithischian from Patagonia 77
AMEGHINIANA 41 (1), 2004
F.E. Novas and A.V. Cambiaso78
The humerus is slender, weakly expanded at its
extremities, and the deltopectoral crest is extremely
reduced, differing from the remaining ornithopods
in which this crest is more developed (e.g.,
Thescelosaurus, Dryosaurus, Camptosaurus, Iguano-
don). This peculiar morphology is shared with the
hypsilophodontid Notohypsilophodon (Martínez,
1998) and the iguanodontian Anabisetia (Coria and
Calvo, 2002), both from the Cenomanian of
The ilium is slender, dorsoventrally low, and
shorter than the femur. The dorsal margin is sig-
moidal in outline, as is usual in iguanodontians
(Coria and Salgado, 1996; Coria and Calvo, 2002).
The prepubic process of the pubis is cranially elon-
gate, ending at the level of the 13th dorsal. It is latero-
medially flat and dorsoventrally deep, a condition
shared with derived iguanodontians (Norman and
Weishampel, 1990; Coria, 1999). The femur and tibia
are massive, the latter being shorter than the femur
(tibia/femur ratio: 0.94), as is usual for graviportal
ornithopods. The anterior trochanter of the femur is
appressed, but not fused, to the greater trochanter.
Metatarsal III of Talenkauen is a robust bone (3.3 cm
wide), whereas metatarsal II is notably narrow trans-
versely (1.9 cm wide), thus departing from the more
robust proportions of metatarsal II seen in most or-
nithopods (e.g., Tenontosaurus, Hypsilophodon, Dryos-
aurus, Camptosaurus, Iguanodon).
An outstanding feature of Talenkauen is the pres-
ence of plate–like, polygonal structures on both sides
of the thorax (figure 2.B). The plates are thin (no
more than 3 mm thick) and dorsoventrally elongate
(the major diameter is 180 mm). The external surface
of the plates is smooth, lacking foramina or grooves,
and no muscle scars are apparent. The plates are lo-
cated mid–length on dorsal ribs 1 through 8, but are
not fused to the ribs.
Among the anatomical features of Talenkauen, the
presence of polygonal plates on both sides of the tho-
rax is outstanding. This character is shared with the
Maastrichtian hypsilophodontid Thescelosaurus ne-
glectus from North America (Fischer et al., 2000), and
these are the only two ornithopods in which such
plates are documented. At first glance, the shared
presence of plate–like structures on the chest raised
the possibility that Talenkauen and Thescelosaurus
were closely related. However, no other derived
characters uniting these ornithopods were recog-
nized. Moreover, several iguanodontian features pre-
sent in Talenkauen are absent in Thescelosaurus. As
well, many features distinctive of the latter taxon are
lacking in the Patagonian genus. The presence of pla-
te–like structures in the hypsilophodontid Thescelo-
saurus and the iguanodontian Talenkauenimplies that
such plates may have been independently acquired.
However, because ossification depends on maturity,
size, and sex, their presence among ornithopods may
be more widespread than thought.
The plate–like structures of Talenkauen are dis-
missed as defensive devices because of their fragility
and their arrangement in a restricted portion of the
thorax. This contrasts with the thick and profusely
ornamented dermal ossifications of armored di-
nosaurs (e.g., ankylosaurs, stegosaurs, titanosaurids).
The absence of vascular grooves on their surfaces,
their proximity to the caudal margin of ribs, as well
as their serial arrangement on the thorax, support
their homology with the uncinate processes present
in living and extinct diapsids (e.g., Sphenodon, croco-
diles, basal maniraptorans, and most birds;
Heilmann, 1926; Paul, 2002). It is remarkable, howev-
er, that the supposed uncinate processes of
Talenkauen and Thescelosaurus are considerably ex-
panded and widely overlap each other, representing
a condition not yet recorded in other extinct diapsids,
in which such processes are modest, strip–like pro-
jections. The presence and development of uncinate
processes is far from being functionally understood
(Paul, 2002). As far as birds are concerned, uncinate
processes participate in thoracic movements for lung
ventilation (Fedde, 1987). Because the length of the
uncinate processes in birds is proportional to the ef-
fectiveness of the external intercostal muscles to set
the ribs into motion, a particularly well–developed
AMEGHINIANA 41 (1), 2004
Figure 2. Talenkauen santacrucensis n. gen. et n. sp. MPM 10001 (holotype). A, Rostrum in left lateral aspect. B, Detail of uncinate
processes on ribs corresponding to 5th through 9th dorsal vertebrae. C, Cladogram depicting phylogenetic relationships of Talenkauen
santacrucensis within Ornithopoda. Most parsimonious tree generated by NONA (Goloboff, 1993) using exact solutions (L= 82, CI= 63,
RI= 74). For characters and taxa see: Coria and Salgado (1996), Winkler et al. (1997) and Sereno (1999). Data matrix and character list is
in the Appendix. Topology of the present cladogram differs from that obtained by Coria and Calvo (2002), in which Gasparinisaura,
Anabisetia, and Dryomorpha form an unresolved polytomy. Abbreviations: d, dentary; mx, maxilla; pd, predentary; pm, premaxillary;
r, ribs; up, uncinate processes./ A, B, Talenkauen santacrucensis n. gen. et n. sp. MPM 10001 (holotipo). A, Rostro en vista lateral izquierda.
B, Detalle de los procesos uncinados en las costillas correspondientes a las vértebras dorsales 5ta a 9na. C, Cladograma que ilustra las relaciones filo-
genéticas de Talenkauen santacrucensis dentro de Ornithopoda. El resultado (consistente en un único árbol) fue generado por NONA (Goloboff,
1993) usando soluciones exactas (L= 82, CI= 63, RI= 74). Para los caracteres y taxones ver: Coria y Salgado (1996), Winkler et al. (1997) y Sereno
(1999). La matriz de datos y la lista de caracteres se muestra en el apéndice. Abreviaturas: d, dentario; mx, maxilar; pd, predentario; pm, premaxi-
lar; r, costillas; up, procesos uncinados.
Cretaceous ornithischian from Patagonia 79
AMEGHINIANA 41 (1), 2004
F.E. Novas and A.V. Cambiaso80
musculature would be expected in Talenkauen. This
suggests an important participation in rib cage dy-
namics through well–developed intercostal muscles.
The available fossil record clearly shows that dur-
ing the Cretaceous, ornithopod dinosaurs were di-
verse on southern landmasses (Taquet, 1976;
Bartholomai and Molnar, 1981; Rich and V.–Rich,
1989; Hooker et al., 1991; Coria, 1999; Novas et al.,
2002b), including a wide array of Mid– to Late
Cretaceous hypsilophodontids (e.g., Fulgurotherium,
Notohypsilophodon, Antarctic hypsilophodontid; Rich
and V.–Rich, 1989; Hooker et al., 1991; Martínez,
1998) and basal iguanodontians (e.g., Gasparinisaura,
Anabisetia, Talenkauen, Muttaburrasaurus, Ourano-
saurus, Kangnasaurus, Lurdusaurus, Antarctic iguan-
odontian; Taquet, 1976; Bartholomai and Molnar,
1981; Cooper, 1985; Coria and Salgado, 1996; Salgado
et al., 1997; Coria, 1999; Taquet and Russell, 1999;
Coria and Calvo, 2002; Novas et al., 2002b).
Although documentation of ornithopod diversity
in the southern continents has considerably in-
creased in the last years, the recognition of an iguan-
odontid clade endemic to Gondwana has not been
possible. Some features emerged in the present study
as potential synapomorphies uniting Talenkauenwith
some of these Gondwanan iguanodontians. For ex-
ample, the greatly reduced deltopectoral crest on the
humerus is shared with Anabisetia (Coria and Calvo,
2002) and Notohypsilophodon (Martínez, 1998), and a
transversally compressed second metatarsal is sha-
red with the Patagonian Anabisetia and Gasparinisaura
(Salgado et al., 1997), the South African Kangnasaurus
(Cooper, 1985), and an unnamed Late Cretaceous
iguanodontian from the Antarctic Peninsula (Novas
et al., 2002b). However, in the context of all anatomi-
cal data no support currently exists for the identifica-
tion of a clade of southern iguanodontians (figure
2.C). Moreover, the South American Anabisetia,
Talenkauen, and Gasparinisaura constitute succesively
more remote outgroups of the globally distributed
Paleobiogeographical isolation between Gondwa-
na and Laurasia has been postulated for most of the
Cretaceous (Bonaparte, 1986). Some dinosaur clades
with outstanding autapomorphies (e.g., abelisaurid
theropods) have been considered as the result of this
prolonged endemism (Bonaparte, 1986; Novas, 1997).
Notably, the effects of such physical isolation are
weakly manifested in the morphology of the south-
ern ornithopods. With the exception of some bizarre
features such as the developed cranial bulla of the
Australian Muttaburrasaurus (Bartholomai and Mol-
nar, 1981), the elongate neural spines of the African
Ouranosaurus (Taquet, 1976), and possibly the ex-
panded uncinate processes of Talenkauen, the anato-
my of basal iguanodontians from Gondwana resem-
bles that of their Jurassic and Cretaceous relatives
from Laurasia.
Available evidence suggests that Cretaceous di-
nosaur faunas of South America were dominated by
the herbivorous Sauropoda, represented by abun-
dant skeletal remains belonging to diplodocimorphs
and titanosauriforms (Novas, 1997). Even in south-
ern Patagonia, including the fossil locality where
Talenkauen was found, remains of titanosaurs are
quite abundant. Contrary to expectations, the
Cretaceous record of Antarctic dinosaurs does not in-
clude at the moment any sauropod remains, but it
does ornithischians. A remarkable disparity in the
relative abundance and taxonomic diversity of
sauropods and ornithischians is apparent in the
Gondwanan realm: whereas in South America,
Madagascar and India the Cretaceous record of
sauropods overwhelms that of ornithischians, in
southern Gondwana (e.g., Antarctica, Australia, and
New Zealand; Bartholomai and Molnar, 1981;
Gasparini et al., 1987; Rich and V.–Rich, 1989; Hooker
et al., 1991; Wiffen, 1996; Rich et al., 1999; Case et al.,
2000; Novas et al., 2002b) the sauropod record is
sparse. Instead, ornithischians of different affiliation
(e.g., iguanodontians, hypsilophodontids, nodosau-
rids) have been frequently found in the higher paleo-
latitudes of Gondwana. It is concluded that herbivo-
rous dinosaurs were not evenly distributed on the
Gondwanan landmasses, but a certain degree of
provincialism is apparent.
We thank D.A. Russell, R.A. Coria, D. Weishampel, Pat V.
Rich, T. Rich and G. Paul for their clever observations and review
of the manuscript; A. Chinsamy for access to South African
Museum collections; E. Vidal and his family for logistic support in
the field; E. Bellosi, D. Hauk, M. Isasi, J. Canale, A. Scanferla, for
their participation in the field; C. Pappolio for noting that a previ-
ous genus name we had chosen for the new dinosaur was already
occupied for the Patagonian coleopteran Chaltenia; G. Ottone and
D. Ronchi for indentification of palynological and microfaunistic
associations, respectively. Thanks to National Geographic Society,
Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica, the
Jurassic Foundation Akapol S.A. (Buenos Aires), and Renault
Argentina for their valuable financial assistance. Specimen prepa-
ration was done by M. Isasi and S. Reuil. Photographs were taken
by H. Canuti and S. Peralta.
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Recibido: 6 de febrero de 2003.
Aceptado: 4 de agosto de 2003.
List of characters and data matrix used to analyze the phylo-
genetic relationships of Talenkauen santacrucensis n. gen. et n. sp.
The list of characters is modified from the following sources:
Winkler et al.(1997), Coria and Salgado (1996), and Sereno (1999).
The data matrix was analyzed cladistically using the NONA (ver.
1.8) software package (Goloboff, 1993), available from http:
// Lesothosaurus, Scutellosaurus, and
Marginocephalia were employed as outgroups, and the tree was
rooted on Lesothosaurus. One tree was obtained, which has the fol-
lowing values: L = 82, Ci = 63, Ri = 74 / Lista de caracteres y matriz
de datos utilizados para analizar las relaciones filogenéticas de
Talenkauen santacrucensis. La lista de caracteres ha sido modificada de
las siguientes fuentes: Winkler et al. (1997), Coria y Salgado (1996) y
Sereno (1999). La matriz de datos fue analizada cladísticamente utilizan-
do el software de NONA (ver. 1.8) (Goloboff, 1993), disponible en http:
// Lesothosaurus, Scutellosaurus y Margino-
cephalia fueron utilizados como grupos externos, y el árbol fue enraizado
en Lesothosaurus. Se ha obtenido un solo árbol, el cual presenta los
siguientes valores: L = 82, Ci = 63, Ri = 74.
List of characters / Lista de caracteres
1. Contact of lacrimal / premaxilla: (0) absent; (1) present.
2. Premaxillary teeth: (0) present; (1) absent.
AMEGHINIANA 41 (1), 2004
F.E. Novas and A.V. Cambiaso82
3. Eversion of premaxilla: (0) absent; (1) present.
4. Anterior processes on maxilla: (0) 1 process; (1) 2 processes.
5. Tooth ridges connect to denticles: (0) absent; (1) present.
6. Strong central ridge on maxillary tooth: (0) absent; (1) present.
7. Denticles on predentary: (0) absent; (1) present.
8. Ventral processes on predentary: (0) single; (1) double; (2)
wedge–shaped predentary.
9. Size of antorbital fenestra or fossa: (0) large; (1) small.
10. Quadratojugal size: (0) large; (1) reduced.
11. Ossified sternal ribs: (0) absent; (1) present.
12. Ossified hypaxial tendons: (0) present; (1) absent.
13. Humerus/scapula lenght ratio: (0) <1; (1) >=1.
14. Number of phalanges on manus digit III: (0) 4; (1) 3.
15. Number of vertebrae in sacrum (ordered): (0) 5; (1) 6; (2) >6.
16. Prepubic process (ordered): (0) absent; (1) short; (2) long rod;
(3) long shallow blade; (4) deep anteriorly.
17. Femur–distal anterior intercondylar groove (ordered): (0)
none, (1) shallow = <10% of anterior–posterior width; (1) deep
= >10% anterior–posterior width.
18. Metatarsal V/III length ratio: (0) > 0.3; (1) < 0.3; (2) MT V ab-
19. Relative size of the palpebral: (0) 80% or more of the maximal
anteroposterior width of the orbit; (1) 70% or less of the maxi-
mal anteroposterior width of the orbit.
20. Antorbital fossa shape: (0) triangular; (1) circular or ovate.
21. Dorsal and ventral margins of the dentary: (0) rostrally con-
vergent; (1) parallel.
22. Dorsal margin of iliac blade: (0) convex; (1) sinuous.
23. Size of the external nares relative to the basal skull length: (0)
less than 15%; (1) 20% or more.
24. Enamel of the medial side of maxillary tooth: (0) present; (1)
25. Participation of the jugal in the antorbital fenestra: (0) includ-
ed; (1) excluded.
26. Jugal–postorbital articulation: (0) medially–faced; (1) lateral-
27. Brevis shelf: (0) reduced; (1) well developed.
28. Metatarsal I: (0) present; (1) reduced or absent.
29. Maxillary tooth crowns: (0) low; (1) high.
30. Foot on the distal ischial shaft: (0) absent; (1) present.
31. Ischial shaft: (0) laterally flattened; (1) rounded in cross sec-
32. Caudal process of jugal: (0) well developed; (1) reduced.
33. Relative position of the ventral margin of the infratemporal
fenestra: (0) below the base of the orbit; (1) above the base of the
34. Position of the obturator process on the ischial shaft: (0) prox-
imal; (1) distal.
35. Deltopectoral crest, form: (0) projecting from shaft; (1) low or
rounded in lateral or medial view.
36. Premaxilla, orientation of lower rim: (0) ventrolateral; (1) later-
37. Quadrate, free portion of shaft: (0) 10% or less; or (1) 30% or
more of quadrate height.
38. Maxillary crown, anteroposterior width: (0) equal; or (1) nar-
rower than dentary crowns.
39. Maxillary crown, shape: (0) subtriangular; (1) dia-
mond–shaped; (2) lanceolate.
40. Maxillary primary ridge strength: (0) less; or (1) more promi-
nent than dentary primary ridge.
41. Postaxial cervicals, neural spine height: (0) prominent; (1)
42. Cervicals 4–9, form of central surfaces: (0) slightly amph-
icoelous; (1) slightly opisthocoelous; or (2) strongly opistho-
43. Manual digit I ungual, length: (0) shorter; or (1) longer than
manual digit II ungual.
44. Premaxilla–maxilla diastema: (0) absent ; (1) present.
45. Ischial obturator process: (0) absent; (1) present.
46. MT II transverse compression: (0) absent; (1) present.
47. Deltopectoral crest: (0) well developed; (1) less developed.
Diagnostic characters / Caracteres diagnósticos
Unambiguous character support for clades found in the analy-
sis of the data set is presented below. The first number refers to the
character on the list above, and the derived state is given in brack-
ets./ Se presentan a continuación los caracteres no ambiguos diagnósti-
cos de cada nodo resultantes del análisis de datos. El primer número se
refiere al carácter mientras que los estados derivados se expresan entre
Ornithopoda 1(1), 44(1)
Euornithopoda 25(1), 45(1)
Hypsilophodontia 11(1), 15(0), 16(2), 32(1), 34(1)
Thescelosaurus 18(1)
Hypsilophodon 33(1)
Iguanodontia 3(1), 7(1), 9(1), 14(1), 17(1), 20(1), 21(1), 23(1), 36(1)
Tenontosaurus 24(1), 33(1), 42(1)
Muttaburrasaurus + Euiguanodontia 6(1), 10(1)
Euiguanodontia 37(1), 41(1), 46(1)
Gasparinisaura 16(2), 17(0), 28(1), 32(1)
Talenkauen santacrucensis + Anabisetia saldiviai + Dryomorpha 38(1)
Talenkauen santacrucensis 1(0), 21(0)
Anabisetia saldiviai + Dryomorpha 5(0), 39(1), 40(1)
Dryomorpha 28(1), 29(1), 46(0)
Dryosaurus 41(0)
Ankylopollexia 18(2), 43(1)
AMEGHINIANA 41 (1), 2004
Lesothosaurus 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 000x0 0000x 00?00 00
Scutellosaurus 00000 00000 00000 000?? 00?00 00000 000x0 0000x 00000 00
Marginocephalia 00001 10001 0?001 31000 00000 00000 000x0 00000 00000 00
Heterodontosaurus 1000? 00200 01001 10?00 00000 00000 00000 00000 00010 00
Talenkauen 00101 111?? ??1?? 3???? 01?0? ??00? ????1 1?100 10?1? 11
Thescelosaurus ?0??1 0???? 10100 2010? 01?0? ?0000 01011 ??000 00?11 00
Hypsilophodon 10000 00000 10100 20010 00001 ?0000 01111 00000 00111 00
Gasparinisaura ????1 1??11 ????1 20101 11??1 11100 01000 ?100? 1??11 10
Anabisetia ????0 1???? ??1?? 311?? 11??? ?1001 1??01 ???11 ????1 11
Muttaburrasaurus 1???1 1??11 ????1 31??1 ?1101 ??00? ?00?1 1000x 00?11 00
Tenontosaurus 10100 01010 00011 31011 11111 00000 00100 10000 01011 00
Dryosaurus 11110 11111 01011 31111 11110 11111 10001 11111 01011 00
Ankylopollexia 11110 11111 01011 31211 11110 11111 10001 11111 12111 00
Data matrix / Matriz de caracteres
... Ornithopods were found in Puesto Hernández or near this site (Cruzado-Caballero et al. 2016. MAU-Pv-PH-453 is overall similar to the femur of these ornithischians, although the latter has a more proximomedially directed head and a well-developed fourth trochanter typically triangular or pendant hook-like shaped (Coria and Salgado 1996;Coria and Calvo 2002;Novas et al. 2004;Coria et al. 2013;Cruzado-Caballero and Powell 2017). Additionally, in several ornithopod taxa such as Gasparinisaura, Notohypsilophodon, Anabisetia, Morrosaurus, Kangnasaurus, Orodromeus, and Valdosaurus, the femoral head is more spherical and the neck is constrained with a marked concave anterior surface (Cooper 1985;Coria and Salgado 1996;Scheetz 1999;Coria and Calvo 2002;Cambiaso 2007;Barrett et al. 2011;Rozadilla et al. 2016). ...
A new specimen, MAU-Pv-PH-453, comprising an isolated femur from the Plottier Formation (Coniacian-Santonian), northern Patagonia, is described here. Its characteristics, i.e., an anteriorly curved diaphysis; fused lesser and greater trochanters forming a trochanteric crest; a prominent medially directed head; and the absence of a fourth trochanter, allow us to identify it as belonging to a maniraptoran theropod. Among Patagonian maniraptorans, MAU-Pv-PH-453 shares similarities with alvarezsaurians, such as the absence of a posterior trochanter, a trochanteric shelf, and the fourth trochanter. However, in Patagonian alvarezsaurs, the lesser and greater trochanters are generally separated by a cleft. Notably, MAU-Pv-PH-453 exhibits some features seen in femora of parvicursorine alvarezsaurids, including a proximally projected trochanteric crest and an L-shaped profile in proximal view. However, MAU-Pv-PH-453 presents differences with parvicursorines, such as a knob partially separating the lesser and greater trochanters. Phylogenetically, MAU-Pv-PH-453 may have parvicursorine affinities, although its fragmentary nature might generate a bias in its phylogenetic position. Due to the lack of more diagnostic characters, MAU-Pv-PH-453 is assigned to Alvarezsauria indet. This material represents the second theropod record from the Plottier Formation and it could fill a temporal gap (between Coniacian and Santonian) in the record of Upper Cretaceous Patagonian alvarezsaurians.
... This result is consistent across all analyses here, with Tenontosaurus tilletti nesting in Rhabdodontomorpha, rendering Euiguanodontia an applicable clade (Madzia et al., 2021). The recovery of Euiguanodontia as an applicable clade is a relatively novel result of this study, with Gasparinisaura cincosaltensis being outside Iguanodontia in almost all previous analyses (Boyd, 2015;Butler et al., 2008;Dieudonn e et al., 2016Dieudonn e et al., , 2021Han et al., 2018;Herne et al., 2019;Poole, 2022) except those based on the analysis of Coria and Salgado (1996), like Calvo et al. (2007) and Novas et al. (2004). The basal position of Rhabdodontomorpha within Ornithopoda, resulting in a heavily expanded Iguanodontia, is a feature of analyses that recover Elasmaria nested deeper within Ornithopoda (Dieudonn e et al., 2021;Yang et al., 2020;Zanno et al., 2023 analysis 2) and our results are most similar to those of Zanno et al. (2023) where the addition of Iani smithi (as well as Convolosaurus marri in our analysis) bridges the gap between the anatomy of Tenontosaurus and that of Hypsilophodon foxii. ...
... Stegouros, Antarctopelta; Salgado and Gasparini, 2006;Soto-Acuña et al., 2021), early ornithopods (e.g. Mahuidacursor, Talenkauen, Gasparinisaura; Coria and Salgado, 1996;Novas et al., 2004;Cruzado-Caballero et al., 2019) and hadrosaurs (e.g. Huallasaurus, Bonapartesaurus, Kelumapusaura; Bonaparte et al., 1984;Cruzado-Caballero and Powell, 2017;Rozadilla et al., 2021). ...
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Gondwanan dinosaur faunae during the 20 Myr preceding the Cretaceous-Palaeogene (K/Pg) extinction included several line-ages that were absent or poorly represented in Laurasian landmasses. Among these, the South American fossil record contains diverse abelisaurids, arguably the most successful groups of carnivorous dinosaurs from Gondwana in the Cretaceous, reaching their highest diversity towards the end of this period. Here we describe Koleken inakayali gen. et sp. n., a new abelisaurid from the La Colonia Formation (Maastrichtian, Upper Cretaceous) of Patagonia. Koleken inakayali is known from several skull bones, an almost complete dorsal series, complete sacrum, several caudal vertebrae, pelvic girdle and almost complete hind limbs. The new abelisaurid shows a unique set of features in the skull and several anatomical differences from Carnotaurus sas-trei (the only other abelisaurid known from the La Colonia Formation). Koleken inakayali is retrieved as a brachyrostran abeli-saurid, clustered with other South American abelisaurids from the latest Cretaceous (Campanian-Maastrichtian), such as Aucasaurus, Niebla and Carnotaurus. Leveraging our phylogeny estimates, we explore rates of morphological evolution across ceratosaurian lineages, finding them to be particularly high for elaphrosaurine noasaurids and around the base of Abelisauridae, before the Early Cretaceous radiation of the latter clade. The Noasauridae and their sister clade show contrasting patterns of morphological evolution, with noasaurids undergoing an early phase of accelerated evolution of the axial and hind limb skeleton in the Jurassic, and the abelisaurids exhibiting sustained high rates of cranial evolution during the Early Cretaceous. These results provide much needed context for the evolutionary dynamics of ceratosaurian theropods, contributing to broader understanding of macroevolutionary patterns across dinosaurs.
... U/Pb zircon dating assigns ages between ~80 and 70 Ma (Sickmann et al., 2018;Ghiglione et al., 2021). A distinctive feature of this unit is the presence of large dinosaur fossils (Novas et al., 2004(Novas et al., , 2013Ezcurra et al., 2010;Lacovara et al., 2014). ...
... Muttaburrasaurus langdoni became the Queensland State Fossil Emblem in 2022. Bartholomai & Molnar (1981) classified M. langdoni as an 'iguanodontid', with Norman (2004) and Novas et al. (2004) [UNE] pers. comm. ...
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In 2020, the Australasian palaeontological association Australasian Palaeontologists (AAP) joined the Australian government-supported Australian National Species List (auNSL) initiative to compile the first Australian Fossil National Species List (auFNSL) for the region. The goal is to assemble comprehensive systematic data on all vertebrate, invertebrate and plant fossil taxa described to date, and to present the information both within a continuously updated open-access online framework, and as a series of primary reference articles in AAP’s flagship journal Alcheringa. This paper spearheads these auFNSL Alcheringa publications with an annotated checklist of Australian Mesozoic tetrapods. Complete synonymy, type material, source locality, geological age and bibliographical information are provided for 111 species formally named as of 2022. In addition, chronostratigraphically arranged inventories of all documented Australian Mesozoic tetrapod fossil occurrences are presented with illustrations of significant, exceptionally preserved and/or diagnostic specimens. The most diverse order-level clades include temnospondyl amphibians (34 species), saurischian (13 species) and ornithischian (12 species) dinosaurs (excluding ichnotaxa), and plesiosaurian marine reptiles (11 species). However, numerous other groups collectively span the earliest Triassic (earliest Induan) to Late Cretaceous (late Maastrichtian) and incorporate antecedents of modern Australian lineages, such as chelonioid and chelid turtles and monotreme mammals. Although scarce in comparison to records from other continents, Australia’s Mesozoic tetrapod assemblages are globally important because they constitute higher-palaeolatitude faunas that evince terrestrial and marine ecosystem evolution near the ancient South Pole. The pace of research on these assemblages has also accelerated substantially over the last 20 years, and serves to promote fossil geoheritage as an asset for scientific, cultural and economic development. The auFNSL augments the accessibility and utility of these palaeontological resources and provides a foundation for ongoing exploration into Australia’s unique natural history.
The early evolutionary and biogeographical history of Gondwanan iguanodontian dinosaurs is poorly understood due to their scarce Lower Cretaceous fossil record. In South America, the Lower Cretaceous iguanodontian osteological record is very fragmentary and most published reports cannot be used to discard or confirm hadrosauroid affinities. The single exception is Tietasaura from Brazil, whose incomplete femur shows a combination of traits found only in non-hadrosauroid iguandontians. Furthermore, no skeletal remains whatsoever of Lower Cretaceous iguanodontians have been reported from the western margin of South America. Here, we describe an isolated ornithopod caudal centrum (SGO.PV.22900) from the Lower Cretaceous Quebrada Monardes Formation in the Atacama Desert, northern Chile. Although incomplete, SGO.PV.22900 presents iguanodontian traits, such as the subhexagonal contour of the articular faces, the rectangular profile in lateral view and the absence of transverse processes below the neurocentral suture. We were also able to use quantitative measurements to explore taxonomic affinities, by carrying out a Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and a Principal Components Analysis (PCA) using measurements of caudal centra of several iguanodontian species. The results of both analyses are consistent with those of our comparisons and suggest that SGO.PV.22900 belongs to a non-hadrosauroid iguanodontian ornithopod. This specimen represents one of the most compelling and best documented pieces of osteological evidence of Lower Cretaceous non-hadrosauroid iguanodontian dinosaurs in South America and provides further support for the presence of iguanodontians in the southwestern margin of Gondwana since at least the Early Cretaceous, as previously suggested based on footprints.
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Thescelosaurines are a group of early diverging, ornithischian dinosaurs notable for their conservative bauplans and mosaic of primitive features. Although abundant within the latest Cretaceous ecosystems of North America, their record is poor to absent in earlier assemblages, leaving a large gap in our understanding of their evolution, origins, and ecological roles. Here we report a new small bodied thescelosaurine—Fona herzogae gen. et sp. nov.—from the Mussentuchit Member of the Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah, USA. Fona herzogae is represented by multiple individuals, representing one of the most comprehensive skeletal assemblages of a small bodied, early diverging ornithischian described from North America to date. Phylogenetic analysis recovers Fona as the earliest member of Thescelosaurinae, minimally containing Oryctodromeus, and all three species of Thescelosaurus, revealing the clade was well‐established in North America by as early as the Cenomanian, and distinct from, yet continental cohabitants with, their sister clade, Orodrominae. To date, orodromines and thescelosaurines have not been found together within a single North American ecosystem, suggesting different habitat preferences or competitive exclusion. Osteological observations reveal extensive intraspecific variation across cranial and postcranial elements, and a number of anatomical similarities with Oryctodromeus, suggesting a shared semi‐fossorial lifestyle.
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Supposed dinosaur remains were collected between 1859 and 1906 in the Lower Cretaceous Recôncavo Basin (Northeast Brazil). Since these materials remained undescribed, and most were considered lost. Recently, some of these historical specimens were rediscovered in the Natural History Museum of London, providing an opportunity to revisit them after 160 years. The specimens come from five different sites, corresponding to the Massacará (Berriasian-Barremian) and Ilhas (Valanginian-Barremian) groups. Identified bones comprise mainly isolated vertebral centra from ornithopods, sauropods, and theropods. Appendicular remains include a theropod pedal phalanx, humerus, and distal half of a left femur with elasmarian affinities. Despite their fragmentary nature, these specimens represent the earliest dinosaur bones discovered in South America, enhancing our understanding of the Cretaceous dinosaur faunas in Northeast Brazil. The dinosaur assemblage in the Recôncavo Basin resembles coeval units in Northeast Brazil, such as the Rio do Peixe Basin, where ornithopods coexist with sauropods and theropods. This study confirms the presence of ornithischian dinosaurs in Brazil based on osteological evidence, expanding their biogeographic and temporal range before the continental rifting between South America and Africa. Additionally, these findings reinforce the fossiliferous potential of Cretaceous deposits in Bahia State, which have been underexplored since their initial discoveries.
New material of Gasparinisaura cincosaltensis from the Rio Colorado Formation (Upper Cretaceous) of northwestern Patagonia (Rio Negro Province, Argentina) provides seven new characters that are interpreted as autapomorphies of the species: 1) four true sacrals; 2) first sacral rib not coalescent with second sacral rib; 3) long pubic peduncle of ilium; 4) absence of anterior intercondylar groove on femur; 5) both malleoli of the tibia approximately at the same level; 6) metatarsal II posteriorly compressed laterally; and 7) low ascendant process of the astragalus. A phylogenetic analysis of selected ornithopods indicates that Gasparinisaura cincosaltensis is the most plesiomorphic Euiguanodontia. A complete absence of hatchlings indicates that Cinco Saltos was not a nest site.
The first known dinosaur bone from New Zealand was identified from the Late Cretaceous marine sandstones at the Mangahouanga Stream site in 1980 (Molnar, 1981). Since then isolated bones indicate that a variety of herbivores and carnivores were present after the separation from Gondwana 80-85 million years ago until their extinction. Though geographically polar in origin, survival for a long period on an island landmass suggests a temperate climate prevailed as New Zealand drifted north.
We report for the first time the occurrence of armoured omithischian dinosurs (stegosaurs, ankylosaurs and their relatives) in South America. The specimen is a right femur with unequivocal eurypodan synapomorphies such as fully fused greater and lesser trochanters and very reduced fourth trochanter. The specimen also has characteristics which relate it to the ankylosaurs such as a well defined femoral head and a relation width of distal end/length greater than 0.3. The small size of the specimen and the retention of the fourth trochanter relates it to the Nodosuridae.