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Feature Engineering and a Proposed Decision-Support
System for Systematic Reviewers of Medical Evidence
Tanja Bekhuis
*, Eugene Tseytlin
, Kevin J. Mitchell
, Dina Demner-Fushman
1Department of Biomedical Informatics, School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America, 2Lister Hill National Center for
Biomedical Communications, National Library of Medicine, U.S. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States of America
Evidence-based medicine depends on the timely synthesis of research findings. An important source of
synthesized evidence resides in systematic reviews. However, a bottleneck in review production involves dual screening of
citations with titles and abstracts to find eligible studies. For this research, we tested the effect of various kinds of textual
information (features) on performance of a machine learning classifier. Based on our findings, we propose an automated
system to reduce screeing burden, as well as offer quality assurance.
We built a database of citations from 5 systematic reviews that varied with respect to domain, topic, and sponsor.
Consensus judgments regarding eligibility were inferred from published reports. We extracted 5 feature sets from citations:
alphabetic, alphanumeric
, indexing, features mapped to concepts in systematic reviews, and topic models. To simulate a
two-person team, we divided the data into random halves. We optimized the parameters of a Bayesian classifier, then
trained and tested models on alternate data halves. Overall, we conducted 50 independent tests.
All tests of summary performance (mean F3) surpassed the corresponding baseline, P,0.0001. The ranks for mean
F3, precision, and classification error were statistically different across feature sets averaged over reviews; P-values for
Friedman’s test were .045, .002, and .002, respectively. Differences in ranks for mean recall were not statistically significant.
features were associated with best performance; mean reduction in screening burden for this feature type
ranged from 88% to 98% for the second pass through citations and from 38% to 48% overall.
A computer-assisted, decision support system based on our methods could substantially reduce the burden of
screening citations for systematic review teams and solo reviewers. Additionally, such a system could deliver quality
assurance both by confirming concordant decisions and by naming studies associated with discordant decisions for further
Citation: Bekhuis T, Tseytlin E, Mitchell KJ, Demner-Fushman D (2014) Feature Engineering and a Proposed Decision-Support System for Systematic Reviewers of
Medical Evidence. PLoS ONE 9(1): e86277. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0086277
Editor: Christian Lovis, University Hospitals of Geneva, Switzerland
Received July 30, 2013; Accepted December 11, 2013; Published January 27, 2014
Copyright: ß2014 Bekhuis et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: This research was suppported by the US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, grant number 4R00LM010943. The funder had no
role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* E-mail:
Comparative effectiveness research (CER) identifies the best
treatments, devices, diagnostic tests, and policies for patient care.
Various stakeholders use the information garnered in CER to
guide their healthcare decisions. Thus, timely CER of high quality
is essential for evidence-based medicine (EBM) [1]. In addition to
primary research, much of EBM rests on secondary research, such
as synthesis of medical evidence [2]. To date, an important source
of synthesized evidence resides in the global corpus of systematic
reviews (SRs), mainly supported by large organizations such as the
Cochrane Collaboration [3] and the US Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality [4]. Although traditional reviews are
preponderant [5], growth in production of SRs is accelerating.
For example, the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
includes 5,591 SRs, an almost six-fold increase since the year 2000
[6]. In 2010, Bastian et al [5] reported that while 75 trials and 11
SRs are published daily, synthesis seriously lags report of evidence
in trials. Clearly, a significant challenge in translational research is
synthesizing scientific output in a timely manner.
A major bottleneck in producing SRs involves labor-intensive,
dual screening of citations and articles [7]. Screening entails two
phases where, in a best-case scenario, at least two reviewers
independently screen the entire set of citations to identify
provisionally eligible studies. Then, at least two reviewers read the
full-texts of reports to determine which studies to include in their
review. The reason for dual review in each phase is to control
human error and bias in judgments. Both the Institute of Medicine
(IOM) and the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute
(PCORI) see quality assurance as desirable. However, recognizing
that screening twice may be infeasible, PCORI softened the IOM
requirement of dual review (IOM standard 3.3.3) [8], stating ‘‘fact-
checking may be sufficient’’ (PCORI SR-1 standard, p. 5) [9].
The long-term goal of our programmatic research is to support
systematic reviewers by reducing the burden associated with
screening citations and by offering guidance as to which studies to
PLOS ONE | 1 January 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 1 | e86277
reconsider based on their judgments, effectively offering quality
assurance or ‘fact-checking.’ Our past and current research is
novel in that we model the first screening phase and use as our
gold standard judgments based on screening citations rather than
judgments based on reading full-text reports. We conduct
independent experiments over several kinds of reviews to
demonstrate generalizability. Moreover, we focus on reviews
where nonrandomized or observational studies are eligible for
inclusion because the screening burden is likely to be greater than
for reviews restricted to randomized controlled trials [10,11].
A handful of research groups are working on closely related
problems, such as reducing the labor associated with regularly
updating reviews, prioritizing work when creating and maintaining
SRs, and improving a Bayesian algorithm for imbalanced data
[12–15]. Perhaps, the most closely related research is by Cohen et
al [16], Wallace et al [17], and Frunza et al [18]. However, these
studies differ from ours with respect to the nature of the gold
standard, study design, performance measures, or vision for a
support system. Bekhuis and Demner-Fushman [10] present a
more detailed review of research on automating screening
methods. An interesting plan for a text-mining pipeline to support
SR production is described by Cohen et al [19] with modules to
reduce screening burden.
Our earlier efforts to classify studies with respect to eligibility for
inclusion in SRs rested on bits of alphabetic text appearing in full
citations (titles, abstracts, and metadata) [10]. For the work
described here, we developed various kinds of feature sets
capitalizing on alphanumeric and semantic information, latent
structure in citations, and concepts in blocks of full-text from SRs.
We then trained and tested a classifier suitable for imbalanced
data, compared performance over feature sets, and demonstrated
that screening burden can be substantially reduced. We also
describe a computer-assisted decision support system and future
development based on performance results and analysis of
classification errors (Figure 1).
Our nonprobability sample consists of 5 SRs where reviewers
reported that nonrandomized or observational studies were
eligible for inclusion. Further, reviewers had to have screened at
least 1000 citations and identified at least 1% as provisionally
eligible for full-text review. The latter criterion was essential as a
large number of reviews are empty or infeasible, i.e., investigators
find zero or 1 eligible study [20,21]. The reviews cover various
domains, topics, and sponsoring organizations, including the
Cochrane Collaboration and the US Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality (AHRQ). Two are diagnostic (detection of
malaria [22] and galactomannan for invasive aspergillosis [23]);
two are therapeutic (treatment of ameloblastoma of the jaws [24]
and monitoring the effect of an antibiotic in patients with organ
transplants [25]); and one is epidemiological (prevention of
influenza in the elderly [26]).
To build a database of citations, we re-ran MEDLINE [27] and
Embase [28] searches that appeared in the reviews, limiting to
records added no later than the reported search dates. This limit
precluded retrieving citations for studies that could have been
eligible, but were not seen by the reviewers. We also enriched
retrieval sets by manually searching for provisionally included
studies that were not automatically retrieved. This was important
because the percentage of eligible studies is typically relatively
small and eligible studies are the positive examples we wished to
identify. Note that MEDLINE and Embase searches returned
citations with titles, abstracts, and metadata rather than full texts,
which mirrored the experience of the review teams. Additionally,
we retrieved full texts for the reports in which the searches
appeared. The database therefore consists of published, full-text
reports for 4 SRs and 1 protocol, and datasets for citations that
would have been retrieved by the reviewers. On average, we
recovered 94% of the citations screened by the review teams.
We labeled citations as include or exclude based on published flow
charts, tables, and reference lists. Thus, the labels reflect the
consensus judgments of reviewers, each of whom has domain
Feature sets
Given our earlier findings [10], we overweighted titles by
writing the title twice in each full citation.
We then extracted the following five feature sets per review:
Alphabetic features. We converted text to lower case,
tokenized on non-alphabetic characters and white space, deleted
stop words, selected tokens (features or strings of text) between 3
and 100 characters long, and Porter stemmed to normalize [29].
Porter stemming strips suffixes so that morphological variants of
words map to the same stem or root. For example, vaccination and
vaccines map to vaccin after stemming. We pruned tokens occurring
in fewer than 3 citations. Most of the features were unigrams
(single tokens). However, we also extracted bigrams (adjacent pairs
of tokens) from titles to further overweight information from this
Alphanumeric features
.We extracted features with em-
bedded numbers or punctuation, such as h3n2,a/fujian/411/2002,
and case-control. We also extracted alphabetic features without
stemming, journal names, bigrams from titles, and strings of
numbers interrupted by punctuation, such as 2004–2005.We
replaced em and en dashes with hyphens and did not prune.
Indexing terms. We extracted terms in the indexing field by
matching regular expressions (see Software section). Terms came
from MeSH [30] or Emtree [31], the controlled vocabularies for
MEDLINE and Embase, respectively.
Concepts in SRs. This feature set consists of concepts that
review authors used to describe their research topic and criteria for
inclusion and exclusion of studies. For example, we identified
concepts for patients, conditions, treatments, diagnostic tests,
outcomes of interest, and study designs. This strategy broadly
followed the well-known Patient, Problem, Intervention, Compar-
ison, and Outcome (PICO) strategy [32,33] used by researchers to
structure their comparative effectiveness questions. We used titles
and blocks of text from the abstracts and methods sections. We
also used snippets of text in the introductions to disambiguate
acronyms. To build a lexicon of concepts appearing in the
excerpts, we used the Metathesaurus of the NLM Unified Medical
Language System v. 2012AB [34] in combination with an in-house
version of IndexFinder [35]. We enriched the SR lexicon with
direct semantic neighbors of concepts, as well as study designs
from our terminology [36,37]. The latter was necessary as MeSH
exactly covers just 19% of the terms that methodologists use for
study designs and most of the missing terms do not appear in any
other UMLS resource [36]. We also used our version of
IndexFinder [35] to locate concepts appearing in citations, after
splitting on lines.
Topic model features. To explore whether latent topics
could be useful for classification, we fit Latent Dirichlet Allocation
(LDA) topic models to citations per review using alphanumeric
features. LDA, introduced by Blei, Ng, and Jordan [38], extends
Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis [39] by placing a Dirichlet
prior on the distribution of topic probabilities. For interested
Decision-Support System for Systematic Reviewers
PLOS ONE | 2 January 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 1 | e86277
readers, we recommend a paper by Steyvers and Griffiths [40].
Before we could use topics (T) as features, we had to find an
optimal T per review. To do this, we implemented a method
described in [41] setting the Dirichlet hyperparameters al-
pha = 50/T and beta = 0.1, varying T. Choosing T is a model
selection problem where the best T maximizes the log likelihood of
the model given the data. Here, the data were the alphanumeric
features or ‘words’ (w) in the corpus. We therefore needed to
compute the P(w|T), which is computationally intractable.
However, one can approximate P(w|T) by computing the
harmonic mean over a set of samples from P(w|z,T), where z is
a vector of word assignments to T. Assignments z are sampled
from the posterior distribution P(z|w,T). To generate samples, we
used a Gibbs sampler, a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm
available in the Mallet Toolkit [42], and then computed the
likelihoods using equation 2 in Griffiths and Steyvers, p. 5229
[41]. Once we selected T and used the settings for alpha and beta
just described, we fit topic models per review and computed
Kullbach-Leibler (KL) divergences using software we developed to
build datasets for machine learning (see Software section).
Each citation was represented as a vector of features with the
following weights: term frequency x inverse document frequency
(p. 109, [43]) for the alphabetic, alphanumeric
, and indexing sets;
term frequency for concepts in SRs; and topic probabilities plus
KL divergences for the topic model set. We reduced set size by
selecting features if information gain was $0.001.
To extract features from citations, we developed standalone
Java programs or used RapidMiner v.5.2 [44,45]. We also
developed an Evidence in Documents, Discovery, and Analysis
(EDDA) extension with two open source plugins written in Java for
the RapidMiner (RM) community [46]. One plugin is a wrapper
that integrates topic-modeling code from the MALLET Toolkit
[42] into RM processes. The user can build a topic model for a
corpus of text files and compute KL divergences to compare
probability distributions for citations and classes; our implemen-
tation is symmetric [40]. The distributions are defined by the topic
probabilities for a given citation as compared to the median topic
probabilities for the include class or the exclude class. This operator
Figure 1. Computer-assisted screening task. Depicts a computer-assisted, decision support system for systematic reviewers. Instead of
screening an entire set of citations twice, reviewers divide the labor. The system could further reduce screening burden, as well as offer quality
assurance by confirming concordant decisions and naming studies that need to be reconsidered. A and B are random halves of the citations from a
review. A|B =independent test of classifier on A dataset given model from training on B; B|A =independent test of classifier on B dataset given model
from training on A. TN = true negative; FN = false negative; TP = true positive; FP = false positive; m = confusion matrix that displays classification
results for an independent test.
Decision-Support System for Systematic Reviewers
PLOS ONE | 3 January 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 1 | e86277
produces a citation by feature dataset with topics and/or KL
divergences as features. The second plugin integrates the Java
Regex utility for regular expressions into RM text processes. It
produces a citation by feature dataset based on a series of Regex
matches, where each regular expression is a feature. The EDDA
extension is freely available online [46].
Study design
We used a Weka complement naı
¨ve Bayes (cNB) classifier [47]
available in RM that is suitable for imbalanced data where one
class is much smaller than the other. To find the best set of cNB
parameters for normalization and smoothing, we used the RM
Grid Parameter Optimization operator. This operator returned
the parameter set associated with best average performance over
the cells of a grid. The size of the grid was determined by all
combinations of our settings for normalization (true, false) and
smoothing (.001, .250, .500, .750, 1.0). Within each of 10 cells in
the grid, we ran 562-fold cross-validations, where each fold was
stratified with respect to percentage of eligible studies. Thus, the
total number of iterations was 100. We trained the classifier on
half the data using the best parameter set and then conducted an
independent test on the other half. Note that we used
ReferenceFiler, an in-house Java program, to randomly select
citations in a retrieval set to split the data in half, stratifying with
respect to the percentage of studies eligible for provisional
inclusion in a given review (Figure 2).
An important aspect of this design is that we optimized the
parameters for the cNB classifier with respect to recall and
precision simultaneously. To do this, we optimized with respect to
F3, a summary measure of performance and weighted harmonic
mean that overweights recall relative to precision (see [43],
p. 144):
Using F3 rather than recall with a floor for precision as we did in
[10] substantially reduced the total number of misclassified studies,
especially the number of false positives, and was still faithful to
reviewer behavior when screening citations. Additionally, this
design facilitated direct estimation of reduction in screening
burden (RSB) and yielded stable estimates of performance because
we could average outcomes over the two tests per review.
To simulate a two-person team where each person screened half
the citations once, we randomly split the data into two halves (A
and B). We then trained on A and tested on B and vice versa,
preserving the machine-learning paradigm of independent tests.
The rationale for the A|B and B|A setup is that training on half
the data simulated building a model of judgments for one reviewer
that could then be applied to the other reviewer’s judgments.
Misclassified studies therefore could reflect discordant decisions
between persons A and B.
We assume by virtue of our design that RSB for the first pass
through the citations was 50% because review of the entire set was
conducted once instead of twice. In this study, we focused on RSB
for the second pass through the citations, which we operationa-
lized as simply (100% – mean classification error %). Mean
classification error equals (100% – accuracy %) averaged over the
independent tests. More specifically, it equals the percentage of
Figure 2. EDDA workflow. An overview of the project workflow. EDDA = Evidence in Documents, Discovery, and Analysis. Reference Filer=in-
house Java program that sorts citations into folders; resultant datasets A and B are random halves of the citations stratified with respect to eligibility
for provisional inclusion in a systematic review; citations include titles, abstracts, and metadata. RapidMiner is an open source, data mining suite.
cNB = Weka complement naı
¨ve Bayes classifier available in Rapid Miner; suitable for imbalanced data typical of systematic reviews. Grid Parameter
Optimization operator searches for best performance over a grid; dimensions based on combinations of parameter settings.
Decision-Support System for Systematic Reviewers
PLOS ONE | 4 January 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 1 | e86277
(false positives+false negatives) averaged over the A|B and B|A
Overviews of the computer-assisted screening task and study
workflow appear in Figures 1 and 2, respectively.
Evaluation of performance
Reviewers are overly inclusive when they screen citations
because they are loath to exclude a study prematurely. In other
words, they maximize recall at the expense of precision during the
first screening phase. Consider, if we trained a classifier to label all
studies as include, recall would be perfect, precision would be the
percentage of provisionally eligible studies, and all the errors
would be false positives. However, the cost of perfect recall implies
maximal screening burden and uninformative feedback—‘unin-
formative’ because no feedback is possible regarding excluded
studies, both true and false negatives. To be worthwhile, a
classifier must return performance better than this baseline to
ensure reduced labor and informative feedback.
We conducted 50 independent tests: 5 reviews 65 feature sets
62 tests (A|B and B|A). We statistically compared overall mean
performance (F3) for cNB by feature set and review to a baseline
F3 (assuming recall = 100% and precision = % eligible). To
compare performance across feature sets, we computed nonpara-
metric tests of mean recall, precision, F3, and classification error
using Friedman’s two-way analysis of ranks for related samples
where the two ‘ways’ were reviews and feature sets [48].
EDDA database
The median total number of citations retrieved across datasets
was 2846 (range: 1816 to 10796). The median percentage of
provisionally eligible studies was 5.8% (range: 4.3% to 12.5%).
The percentage of included studies was similarly distributed across
the A and B random halves. (Table 1)
Feature sets
The alphanumeric
feature set was much larger than the other
sets. (Table 2) However, size was considerably reduced after
filtering by information gain. This was primarily because many of
the alphanumeric
features were uninformative strings of numbers
with internal punctuation. The SR concepts set was the smallest
followed by the topic model set. Note that fitting topic models
substantially reduced the dimensionality of the alphanumeric
feature space. A sample of features by type for the influenza review
is displayed in Table 3.
All tests of summary performance (mean F3) surpassed the
corresponding baseline F3: one-tailed Z-tests, Zranged from 24.35
(ameloblastoma, SR concepts) to 72.06 (organ transplant, alpha-
betic), P,0.0001. Baseline F3 values appear online in a
supplementary table (Results S1). Over all conditions, mean F3
ranged from 52.52% to 90.73%; mean recall from 59.68% to
96.81%; mean precision from 13.82% to 72.38%; and mean
classification error from 1.91% to 26.08%. (Table 4) Mean RSB
for the second pass through the citations ranged from 73.92% to
98.09% (Results S1).
The ranks for mean F3, precision, and classification error were
statistically different across 5 feature sets averaged over 5 reviews;
the P-values for Friedman’s test were .045, .002, and .002,
respectively. (Table 4) Differences in ranks for mean recall were
not statistically significant (P= .739). The following is an ordered
list of feature types arranged from high to low relative to mean F3:
alphanumeric.alphabetic.topics.SR concepts.indexing. Re-
markably, performance associated with terms in citations assigned
by indexers was very similar to performance associated with
concepts extracted from full-text reports written by systematic
reviewers. Note that each dataset in our database has a
corresponding published report (4 SRs and 1 protocol). The
selected text blocks from the SRs would have appeared in earlier
protocols and, as such, include information available to the
reviewers when they screened citations.
Follow-up pairwise comparisons for significant tests of ranks
averaged over reviews tended to be significant when comparing
smaller feature sets to larger ones; comparisons for alphabetic vs
alphanumeric features and SR concepts vs indexing were always
nonsignificant. However, a more nuanced analysis by feature type
and review revealed quite variable performance, which suggests
that two-way interactions exist (Results S1).
In this study, we improved earlier research [10,49] by not using
performance criteria better suited for information retrieval filters,
e.g., see papers from the Haynes group [50,51]. Instead, we
relaxed the insistence on very high recall (sensitivity) and
substantially reduced the total number of misclassified studies,
both false positives and false negatives. Additionally, we assumed
that humans screened a complete set of citations once rather than
twice and that labor was divided between teammates. Division of
labor is particularly likely for large reviews. For example, a recent
study of medication management involved dual screening of about
Table 1. Number and allocation of citations per systematic review.
Influenza Malaria Galacto
Organ Trans
A exclude 2593 1245 1052 5155 811
A include 154 177 47 243 57
Subtotal (% eligible)
2747 (5.6%) 1424 (12.4%) 1100 (4.3%) 5398 (4.5%) 868 (6.7%)
B exclude 2575 1246 1053 5154 890
B include 163 178 47 244 58
Subtotal (% eligible) 2738 (6.0%) 1422 (12.5%) 1099 (4.3%) 5398 (4.5%) 948 (6.1%)
Total (% eligible) 5485 (5.8%) 2846 (12.5%) 2199 (4.3%) 10796 (4.5%) 1816 (6.3%)
Galacto = Galactomannan.
Organ Trans= Organ Transplant.
% eligible= percentage provisionally eligible for inclusion in a review; judgments based on screening citations (titles and abstracts) by domain experts.
Decision-Support System for Systematic Reviewers
PLOS ONE | 5 January 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 1 | e86277
33,000 citations by a team of reviewers (see Figure 1 in McKibbon
et al [52]). Assuming a single complete review of citations with
division of labor distinguishes our approach from Frunza et al [18]
and from those involving active learning [17], a method that
obviates the need for a complete set of labels, but requires
interactive feedback and acceptance of automated exclusion. It is
unclear which type of system will be adopted by systematic
reviewers in the future, especially since head-to-head comparisons
are not possible given differences in system design and perfor-
mance measures. However, our system is in keeping with current
PCORI standards, as it will offer computer-assisted decision
support to resolve discordant decisions when a dual review is not
feasible [9].
Interestingly, our setup for a two-person team could generalize
to both larger teams and solo reviewers. For example, if more than
two people were to split the screening task, we could model pairs of
reviewers as we did here. If the team consisted of an odd number
of people, we could apply the model from one person more than
once. Identifying an expert could also be useful for training, as we
could point out discordant decisions between expert and novice. If
the initial list of labels were based on just one reviewer’s
judgments—which is not uncommon—we could still use this
setup to point out where the computer disagrees with the reviewer,
presumably because the person was inconsistent. Regardless of
team size, discordant decisions may indicate human fallibility. This
is not far-fetched given our analyses of misclassified studies (see
Based on the findings of this study, the envisioned production
system could reduce labor by 88% to 98% for the second pass
through the citations if we were to use the alphanumeric
set (Results S1). This is markedly better than our earlier results
[10]. If one considers the 50% reduction in labor by assuming a
single rather than dual review, the overall reduction in labor is
38% to 48%. Reviewers would not consider further the very large
set of TNs, but would discuss discordant decisions (FPs and FNs) to
reach consensus. They would then have a set of provisionally
positive studies consisting of the TPs returned by the system and a
handful of studies identified in their reconsideration of discordant
decisions. In the final phase, they would read the full texts of
provisionally positive studies in the adjusted set to make a final
adjudication regarding inclusion in the review.
Feature sets
To understand how performance might depend on the type of
feature, we compared five different sets with the goal of selecting
the best set for future development of a production system.
Although tests of ranked performance averaged over reviews
suggested that the alphanumeric
set was best, post hoc pairwise
comparisions indicated its statistical equivalence with the alpha-
betic set. Note that averaging ranks over reviews is appropriate
when reviews are treated as sampling units. Nevertheless, more
nuanced analyses for review and feature type combinations
revealed considerable variability. Rather than prematurely select-
ing the alphanumeric
set as ‘best,’ a study is in progress that
involves joining feature sets per review, de-duplicating, and testing.
It is possible that the most informative set could be a
heterogeneous mix of types and, if so, would build on results
reported in studies of features in the context of work prioritization
by Cohen [14] and identification of clinically rigorous research by
Kilicoglu et al. [53].
Taking another tack, we tried to evaluate the relative
contribution of feature types by using their prediction probabilities
in a kernel logistic regression model [54]. The results were very
disappointing. Although precision was good, recall was quite
variable and overall performance for three of five datasets
(influenza, organ transplantation, and malaria) did not surpass
the baseline. We believe this is because the feature sets overlap
quite a bit.
Regarding topic modeling in biomedicine, this method has been
employed by mainly computational biology and bioinformatics
Table 2. Feature set size by systematic review before and after filtering for information gain.
N features (n if IG
Alphabetic Alphanumeric
Indexing Topic model SR concepts
6880 (4759) 52013 (10404) 5392 (5251) 1602 (1601) 821 (681)
B 6982 (4740) 52231 (13043) 5361 (5226) 1602 (1601) 821 (697)
A 4901 (3274) 35947 (10481) 1391 (1353) 902 (901) 575 (519)
B 4937 (3249) 36375 (10272) 1382 (1318) 902 (901) 575 (531)
A 4026 (2757) 27960 (6423) 1012 (1000) 602 (594) 449 (359)
B 4057 (2761) 27561 (6422) 1060 (1048) 602 (601) 449 (352)
Organ Transplant
A 11765 6680) 72807 (15005) 5577 (5435) 1902 (1894) 793 (571)
B 11856 6294) 72529 (13872) 5521 (4617) 1902 (1901) 793 (587)
A 3247 (2303) 19311 (5043) 563 (556) 602 (601) 351 (279)
B 3352 (2422) 20712 (5311) 611 (601) 602 (600) 351 (290)
IG = information gain.
SR = systematic review.
A and B refer to random halves of the data.
Decision-Support System for Systematic Reviewers
PLOS ONE | 6 January 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 1 | e86277
investigators. For example, a search on 15 July 2013 of Embase,
which includes MEDLINE records, indicated that Neurocomputing
and BMC Bioinformatics accounted for 42% of just 38 hits.
However, researchers are beginning to explore its usefulness in
other areas, such as query expansion for document retrieval [55]
and feature selection for automated indexing [56]. To our
knowledge, using topics and KL divergences as features to classify
studies for systematic reviews was novel. The strategy we used was
semi-supervised in that we first fit a topic model to generate
features ignoring the labels (unsupervised) and then computed KL
divergences given the labels (supervised). Compared to other
feature engineering efforts, fitting topic models and creating
features was relatively slow. Although we have not ruled out using
such features in future work, it may be that this method is more
suitable for unsupervised discovery in text—its initial purpose.
Regarding extraction of SR concepts as features, our strategy
was also novel for this task. However, closely related efforts were
carried out by Dalal et al [13] who mapped query terms from two
updated SRs to citations and by Frunza et al [18] who used
protocol questions from a single review to build multiple classifiers.
The surprising similarity of performance associated with
concepts in a handful of SRs written by a few reviewers as
compared to terms assigned by indexers in thousands of citations
was at first puzzling. On reflection, the similarity may be explained
by the role of expert searchers, such as librarians and informa-
tionists. Specifically, expert searchers translate the information
needs of reviewers expressed in protocols that later appear in
published SRs. To do this, they develop queries using terms in the
controlled vocabularies of electronic databases, including MED-
LINE and Embase. These terms then show up in the indexing of
the retrieved citations. Thus, the link between concepts in SRs and
indexing demonstrates the apparent value of librarians and
informationists who support systematic reviewers. Moreover, it
probably justifies federal funding for inclusion of informationists in
comparative effectiveness research [57].
Table 3. Sample of features by type for the influenza review.
Alphabetic Alphanumeric
Indexing Topic model SR concepts
ag aged *Aged topic_00001 Old_age
elderli elderly Aged cells Elderly_population_group
influenza influenza *Influenza Vaccines autologous Influenza_vaccination
vaccin vaccines Influenza Vaccines virology Aged_80_and_over
influenza_vaccin influenza_vaccination elderly measured prevention_control
epidemiolog epidemiology/prevention 80 and over virus-specific Nursing_Homes
agent vaccines/adverse immunology t-lymphocytes therapeutic_aspects
advers agents/ae Influenza A virus/ cytotoxicity Vaccines
epidem h3n2_epidemic (Antigens, Viral) activity Sudden_death
Case case-control Serology and
ctl Mortality_Vital_Statistics
Control 1990–1991 Case-Control Studies cytotoxic Respiratory_Tract_Infections
Commun community-dwelling case report … historical_cohort_design
Sydnei a/Sydney/05/97 adverse effects topic_00002 case_comparison_design
Journal new_england_journal_of_medicine 147205-72-9 (CD40
observed Chronic_obstructive_asthma_with …
Blind double_blinded Interferon-gamma/bi cytokines/bl
Note: For alphabetic and alphanumeric
sets, features with an underscore between pairs of words came from titles. For the indexing set, features mainly came from
MeSH and Emtree; an asterisk indicates a major concept. For topic model set, number of topics determined prior to training (see Methods); based on alphanumeric
features; Kullbach-Leibler (KL) divergences from mediods for include or exclude class. SR = systematic review. For SR concepts, lexicon consists of UMLS concepts
(including parent and children) in SRs and study design terms.
Decision-Support System for Systematic Reviewers
PLOS ONE | 7 January 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 1 | e86277
Limitations and future work
Simulation. Randomly sorting consensus judgments into two
sets of citations was a strength of our simulation for reasons
described in the Methods section. However, it was also a
limitation. In reality, users would submit their judgments to a
decision support system for feedback regarding their decisions
before reaching consensus. The implication is that the estimated
RSB based on our simulation may be optimistic. Still, reviewers do
use a priori selection criteria and they usually run through
calibration exercises before screening in earnest, which suggests
decisions across reviewers may be reasonably coherent. If not
coherent, decision support could be perceived as particularly
valuable. For example, discordant decisions could be more
common when a team consists of expert and novice reviewers,
or methodologists and substantive domain experts.
Domain, complexity, and updates. We had expected that
classification performance might vary with the type of systematic
review. This appears to be true, although performance varies with
domain and complexity rather than topic per se. For example, our
test results over all conditions tended to be better for diagnostic
reviews (malaria [22] and detection of galactomannan for invasive
aspergillosis [23]) and worse for complicated reviews (influenza
[26] and organ transplantation [25]). For example, classification of
the malaria and galactomannan citations returned the best overall
performance (F3) for each feature set, whereas classification of the
influenza and organ transplantation citations returned the worst
performance. This pattern prevails over all performance measures,
with few exceptions, and may be because the diagnostic reviews
addressed a single research question, whereas the complex reviews
addressed three to five questions, including one question on
adverse effects. The latter point is important because reports of
adverse effects often appear in publication types such as comments
or case studies that would otherwise render them ineligible for
inclusion. Classifying such reports will become increasingly
important as the Cochrane Collaboration recently issued a new
mandatory standard stating that potential adverse effects must be
addressed in SRs [58].
Additionally, when a review is an update, as the influenza
review is [26], much can change, including the team, the searches,
and even aspects of the research question [13]. Moreover, if the
interim is long enough, concept drift may be a problem [59,60].
To test the hypothesis that change affects classification, we selected
citations screened in the original influenza review and extracted
features. Note that an updated review incorporates
new evidence into an earlier version and reviewers make
inferences over the pooled citations [7]. As expected, performance
for the original review was better than for the updated (pooled)
review. Specifically, mean precision improved by 48% (from
30.08% to 44.45%) and mean classification error rate by 28%
(from 12.31% to 8.88%). This suggests that a decision support
system should model judgments from review versions separately if
selection criteria have changed. Moreover, change across updates
has implications for prioritization research (e.g., see [13]),
especially since Cochrane review teams are expected to update
every two years [7].
Misclassification. We analyzed 24 extreme cases of mis-
classification for five review and feature type pairs where the
prediction probabilities derived from Bayesian confidences were
very high. This was quite illuminating. For example, all of the
selected false negatives (14/14) were in fact accurate when
compared with final reviewer decisions recorded in published
tables. In other words, reviewers included these studies when
screening citations, but later excluded them after reading full texts.
Usually, the published reasons had to do with clearly specified
exclusion criteria. In this case, we would not want to change the
computer’s prediction, even though recall would improve, because
feedback could obviate the need to read full text and therefore
could save reviewers labor. On the other hand, 42% (10/24) of the
misclassified cases were missing abstracts. To redress the apparent
effect of paucity of information, we will create proxy abstracts in a
new study by populating empty fields with text from segments of
corresponding primary articles. Note that the percentage of empty
abstracts ranged from 4% (ameloblastoma review) to 24% (organ
transplant review). As for false positives, we should be able to
Table 4. Mean performance of the cNB classifier by
systematic review and feature set.
Alphabetic Topics
concepts Indexing
F3 (%)
Ameloblastoma 75.11 74.52 71.51 68.22 68.68
Influenza 65.52 57.16 61.97 59.38 63.11
Galactomannan 87.31 90.73 74.73 78.88 74.13
Malaria 88.09 89.30 86.42 83.33 81.85
57.82 64.39 59.17 54.24 52.52
Mean rank
b, d
4.20 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.80
Recall (%)
Ameloblastoma 80.01 79.98 78.27 87.78 81.76
Influenza 76.44 59.68 73.63 76.33 77.70
Galactomannan 89.37 96.81 96.81 95.74 92.55
Malaria 90.98 95.77 93.80 92.67 90.69
59.77 71.87 74.95 74.14 80.31
Mean rank
b, e
2.20 2.90 3.10 3.40 3.40
Precision (%)
Ameloblastoma 49.15 46.47 40.39 26.89 28.21
Influenza 30.08 42.00 25.83 19.82 23.50
Galactomannan 72.38 58.12 24.51 30.51 26.64
Malaria 68.75 55.55 50.60 43.73 43.78
46.05 33.25 20.45 17.05 13.82
Mean rank
b, d
4.80 4.20 2.60 1.60 1.80
Classification error (%)
Ameloblastoma 6.66 7.15 8.73 20.31 14.39
Influenza 12.31 7.16 13.82 19.24 15.90
Galactomannan 1.91 3.14 12.92 9.51 11.33
Malaria 6.33 10.09 12.20 15.78 15.74
5.06 7.78 14.29 18.90 26.08
Mean rank
c, d
1.20 1.80 3.40 4.40 4.20
Baseline F3 (%): Ameloblastoma = 40.20; Influenza= 38.96;
Galactomannan = 31.00; Malaria= 58.82; Organ transplant= 32.03. All mean F3
values surpassed the baseline values, one-tailed Z-tests, P,0.001.
Higher ranks associated with better performance.
Lower ranks associated with better performance.
Mean ranks significantly different for F3, precision, and classification error:
Friedman’s test of mean F3 ranks (4 df)= 9.760, P= .045; Friedman’s test of
mean precision ranks (4 df)= 16.480, P= .002; Friedman’s test of mean
classification error ranks (4 df)= 16.480, P= .002.
Friedman’s test of mean recall ranks (4 df)= 1.980, P= .739, NS.
Decision-Support System for Systematic Reviewers
PLOS ONE | 8 January 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 1 | e86277
devise rules or regular expressions to accurately exclude studies
when the interventions or outcomes of interest are missing. Finally,
we will explore using Boolean strategies that librarians use [61] in
post-classifier filters to exclude studies with ineligible designs.
Our results point to a promising computer-assisted decision
support system for systematic review teams and solo reviewers. It
seems likely that a future system based on our methods could
substantially reduce the burden of screening. Additionally, such a
system could deliver quality assurance both by confirming
concordant decisions and by naming studies associated with
discordant decisions for further consideration.
Supporting Information
Results S1 Review by Feature Set Results. A more detailed
presentation of the performance results for B|A and A|B
independent tests, as well as mean performance. Results are
presented for each systematic review by feature set. This table
includes baseline F3 values, best parameter sets, recall, precision,
F3, classification error, reduction in screening burden, and
number of misclassified citations.
We thank Mr. Corey Stein for his help in developing datasets for the
EDDA database. We also thank Ms. Lucy Cafeo for help with manuscript
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: TB DDF. Performed the
experiments: TB. Analyzed the data: TB ET KJM. Contributed reagents/
materials/analysis tools: ET KJM. Wrote the paper: TB. Developed
software: ET KJM. Reviewed the final manuscript: TB DDF ET KJM.
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Decision-Support System for Systematic Reviewers
PLOS ONE | 10 January 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 1 | e86277