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Abstract and Figures

Hazardous alcohol consumption is a leading cause of mortality in the former Soviet Union (fSU), but little is known about the social factors associated with this behaviour. We set out to estimate the association between individual- and community-level social capital and hazardous alcohol consumption in the fSU. Data were obtained from Health in Times of Transition 2010, a household survey of nine fSU countries (n = 18 000 within 2027 communities). Individual-level indicators of social isolation, civic participation, help in a crisis and interpersonal trust were aggregated to the community level. Adjusting for demographic factors, the association of individual- and community-level indicators with problem drinking (CAGE) and episodic heavy drinking was estimated using a population average model for the analysis of multi-level data. Among men, individual social isolation [odds ratio (OR) = 1.20], community social isolation (OR = 1.18) and community civic participation (OR = 4.08) were associated with increased odds of CAGE. Community civic participation (OR = 2.91) increased the odds of episodic heavy drinking, while community interpersonal trust (OR = 0.89) decreased these odds. Among women, individual social isolation (OR = 1.30) and community civic participation (OR = 2.94) increased odds of CAGE. Our results provide evidence of the role of some elements of social capital in problem drinking in the fSU, and highlight the importance of community effects. The nature of civic organizations in the fSU, and the communities in which civic participation is high, should be further investigated to inform alcohol policy in the region.
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European Journal of Public Health, Vol. 24, No. 4, 572–577
ßThe Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Public Health Association. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckt213 Advance Access published on 27 January 2014
Using multi-level data to estimate the effect of
social capital on hazardous alcohol consumption in the
former Soviet Union
Adrianna Murphy
, Bayard Roberts
, Michael G. Kenward
, Bianca L. De Stavola
Andrew Stickley
, Martin McKee
1 Department of Health Services Research and Policy, European Centre on Health of Societies in Transition (ECOHOST),
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK
2 Department of Medical Statistics, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK
3 Stockholm Centre on Health of Societies in Transition (SCOHOST), So
¨rn University, Huddinge, Sweden
Correspondence: Adrianna Murphy, 15-17 Tavistock Place, WC1H 2SH, London, UK, Tel: +44 (0) 20 7636 8636, Fax: +44 (0)
20 7436 5389, e-mail:
Background: Hazardous alcohol consumption is a leading cause of mortality in the former Soviet Union (fSU), but
little is known about the social factors associated with this behaviour. We set out to estimate the association
between individual- and community-level social capital and hazardous alcohol consumption in the fSU. Methods:
Data were obtained from Health in Times of Transition 2010, a household survey of nine fSU countries (n= 18 000
within 2027 communities). Individual-level indicators of social isolation, civic participation, help in a crisis and
interpersonal trust were aggregated to the community level. Adjusting for demographic factors, the association of
individual- and community-level indicators with problem drinking (CAGE) and episodic heavy drinking was
estimated using a population average model for the analysis of multi-level data. Results: Among men,
individual social isolation [odds ratio (OR) = 1.20], community social isolation (OR = 1.18) and community civic par-
ticipation (OR = 4.08) were associated with increased odds of CAGE. Community civic participation (OR = 2.91)
increased the odds of episodic heavy drinking, while community interpersonal trust (OR = 0.89) decreased these
odds. Among women, individual social isolation (OR =1.30) and community civic participation (OR=2.94) increased
odds of CAGE. Conclusion: Our results provide evidence of the role of some elements of social capital in problem
drinking in the fSU, and highlight the importance of community effects. The nature of civic organizations in the
fSU, and the communities in which civic participation is high, should be further investigated to inform alcohol
policy in the region.
The former Soviet Union (fSU) region experienced a sharp decline
in life expectancy in the 1990s, from which it has yet to fully
Although there is now compelling evidence that alcohol
has played a major proximal role in this mortality crisis,
driven by
rapid social change,
the factors determining individual vulnerabil-
ity, or conversely, resilience, are still being worked out in detail. A
recent systematic review of research from the fSU on social factors
and alcohol consumption found little on the role of commonly
studied factors such as education and income, with what exists
providing mixed results, and no published research examining the
role of the social environment on consumption.
One social factor that has recently gained attention in public
health research from other regions is ‘social capital’, defined as
‘those features of social organization—such as density of civic as-
sociations, levels of interpersonal trust and norms of reciprocity—
that act as resources for individuals, and facilitate collective
Specific mechanisms via which social capital may affect
health, such as by reducing the negative impacts of stress,
facilitating the dissemination of health-related information,
been hypothesized.
With regard to health behaviours specifically,
the hypothesis that communities with higher levels of social capital
are better able to exercise social control over health behaviours
has found some empirical support in evidence linking elements
of social capital (namely, civic engagement, trust and social
support) to individual health behaviours,
including alcohol
Further research showed that the association
between social capital and mortality was attenuated when differ-
ences in health behaviours were accounted for, suggesting that
health behaviours may mediate the effect of social capital on
overall health.
While consensus regarding the importance of social capital in
health behaviour research has grown, there is persisting disagree-
ment in the literature as to whether social capital should be treated
as an individual attribute or a collective one (e.g. at the level of the
community or state).
In their summary of the various conceptu-
alizations of social capital in public health research, Kawachi et
argue that the most theoretically appropriate level for
analysis of its association with health is both the individual and
collective level, within a multi-level framework. They provide
evidence for the legitimacy of aggregating individual survey
responses to obtain collective measures of social capital,
approach now commonly used.
Several studies have found a
positive association between aggregate social capital measures and
individual health outcomes;
however, as pointed out by
d’Hombres and colleagues,
these studies did not simultaneously
include individual-level measures of social capital, thereby failing
to eliminate the possibility that the positive effect of community-
level social capital was due to its positive correlation with
individual-level social capital.
Some subsequent studies that
measured both individual- and community-level social capital sim-
ultaneously found no residual association between community-
level social capital and health once individual-level social capital
572 European Journal of Public Health
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was adjusted for, leading d’Hombres and colleagues to conclude
that ‘community social capital does not have an independent effect
on self-reported health’ once individual-level social capital is
accounted for and therefore ‘affects health only indirectly’;
however, studies from elsewhere have reported independent asso-
ciations between community-level social capital and self-reported
as well as alcohol consumption.
That social capital, either at the community or individual level,
might have an effect on alcohol consumption in the fSU is
plausible, given what we know of the region. The Soviet regime
suppressed civil society, leading its citizens to rely on informal
networks, such as friends and family, for financial or other means
of support, leaving socially isolated individuals vulnerable.
lack of social capital has been linked to worse health outcomes
generally among individuals in Russia,
elsewhere in the fSU
in the wider post-communist world;
however, any association
between social capital and alcohol consumption in the region has
not yet been explored. Recognizing the need for research on social
determinants of alcohol consumption in the fSU, and building on
existing evidence of the specific role of social capital in health in
the fSU, and in alcohol consumption elsewhere, we set out to
analyse the association between individual- and community-level
social capital and hazardous alcohol consumption in nine fSU
Data were obtained from the Health in Times of Transition 2010
study (HITT). The HITT conducted nationally representative
surveys in nine fSU countries—Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus,
Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine—
between March and June 2010 (data collection in Kyrgyzstan was
postponed by one year due to political violence). Multistage random
sampling with stratification by region and rural/urban settlement
type was used; within each primary sampling unit (PSU; local ad-
ministrative unit), households were selected by standardized random
route procedures. Using a standardized survey instrument, trained
fieldworkers interviewed survey participants in their homes. The
response rates for the HITT varied from 47.3% in Kazakhstan to
83% in Moldova. There were 1800 respondents in each country,
except in Russia (3000) and Ukraine (2200) to reflect the larger
and more regionally diverse populations in these two countries,
and in Georgia (2200) where a booster survey of 400 additional
interviews was undertaken in November 2010 to ensure a more
representative sample. The final sample size was N= 18 000.
Measuring social capital
Social capital is still a relatively new concept in public health
research and, as yet, there is no standard approach to its meas-
urement. One model regards social capital as consisting of two
components: a structural component, which includes the ‘extent
and intensity of associational links and activity’, and a cognitive
component, which includes ‘perceptions of support, reciprocity,
sharing and trust’.
Using this framework, we operationalized
social capital using the following indicators: social isolation
(structural), active civic participation (structural), having
someone to turn to for help in a crisis (cognitive) and interper-
sonal trust (cognitive). Using self-reported survey responses,
‘social isolation’ (‘How often do you feel lonely?’) and ‘interper-
sonal trust’ (‘To what degree do you feel that people can be
trusted?’) were measured as continuous variables, while ‘help in
a crisis’ (‘Is there anyone who you can really count on to help
you out in a crisis?’) and ‘active civic participation’ (‘Are you an
active member of at least one of these organizations?’) were
measured as binary variables. More detailed information on the
survey questions used and response options can be found in
Appendix table 1.
We used the PSUs in the HITT survey to represent
communities: 2027 PSUs were included with approximately 8–
10 individuals per PSU. To estimate simultaneously the associ-
ation between community-level and individual-level social capital
and our outcomes of interest, we followed standard multilevel
and introduced both the individual-level score as well
as the average of all scores in the community into the linear
predictor. Unlike recent studies of social capital and health that
have used ‘self-excluded’ measures of community-level social
capital (i.e. the individual’s score is not included in the average
community-level score),
we used a ‘self-included’ measure (i.e.
the individual’s score is included in the average community-level
score). This approach decomposes the collective effect of social
capital into its within- and between-group components, and
allows us to estimate the expected changes in hazardous
drinking of individual iin community jassociated with a unit
change in individual-level social capital, expressed as a deviation
from the community mean, and with a unit change in
community-level social capital, respectively.
Measuring hazardous alcohol consumption
Two measures of hazardous drinking were used. The first used a
validated standard measure of problem drinking—the CAGE 4-item
questionnaire for assessing alcohol dependence.
Cronbach’s alpha
for the CAGE questionnaire in the HITT data was 0.75.
The second measure- episodic heavy drinking (EHD)- is more
specific to the post-Soviet context where this pattern of drinking
is widespread and a major driver of mortality, being linked to
increased risk of sudden cardiac death
as well as injury and
It is particularly common among working-age men in
the fSU.
As noted by Pomerleau et al.,
researchers in countries of
the fSU have used different definitions of EHD; for consistency we
use Pomerleau et al.’s definition (i.e. >2 L of beer, 750 g of wine or
200 g of strong spirits on one occasion).
Statistical analysis
Our dataset consists of 18 000 individuals nested in 2027
communities, thus calling for a modelling approach that
accounts for the non-independence of individuals within the
same community. Though much of the recent research on
community-level social capital and health has favoured ‘random
effects’ multilevel modelling,
which uses maximum
likelihood estimation, we have opted for a ‘population average
model’, which uses a generalized estimating equation approach.
Applied to our research question, a random-effects approach
would provide us with an estimate of the average odds ratio
(OR) of CAGE problem drinking or EHD associated with a
unit change in social capital, within a given community (i.e.
comparing two individuals from the same community, or from
two communities with all relevant characteristics equal), whereas
the population-average approach provides an estimate of the ORs
of these outcomes associated with a unit change in social capital
across all communities (i.e. comparing two individuals taken from
the whole population, irrespective of community). The latter
provides estimates that represent average effects over the whole
population, and so reflects population-level changes in social
capital. Such models require fewer assumptions than the corres-
ponding random-effects models in terms of the distribution of
unobservable community random effects. Hubbard et al.
provided a more detailed discussion of the use of population
average models vs. random effects models to study community-
level effects on health.
The former Soviet Union 573
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We began with the following model, which has been used in
previous research on community-level social capital
logit pr Aij ¼1
¼0þ1ðSij SjÞþ2Sjþ3Xij,
where A
is the dependent variable (CAGE or EHD) for
individual iin community j,S
is the social capital indicators
measured for individual iin community j,S
is the average of
social capital indicators in community jand X
is the set of
socio-demographic potential confounders for individual iand
community j.
We then re-parameterized this model in the following way:
logitfpr ðAij ¼1Þg ¼ 0þ1Sij þð21ÞSjþ3Xij ,
where (
)represents the effect of community-level social
capital over and above any individual level effect (i.e. if
there is no effect of social capital at the level of the community).
Both models give the same individual-level coefficient, but while
the community-level coefficient in the first model represents the
combined effect of individual- and community-level social capital
on drinking, in our model it represents the contribution of
community-level social capital variables over and above
individual-level variables. Men and women were analysed
separately given the large differences in consumption patterns
between them,
and the following variables were controlled for in
the analysis: age, marital status, religion, education, occupation,
household economic status, place of residence (urban vs. rural),
country of residence and smoking status.
Table 1 shows the characteristics of the study sample and the distri-
bution of social capital indicators. Roughly 44% of the sample was
male; most were married (62%), employed (88%) and living in
urban areas (60%). Almost 10% of the sample reported being
lonely ‘often’; roughly 6% reported being active in a civic organiza-
tion; 92% had someone to go to in a crisis, and about 5% reported
low trust in others. Social capital indicators were not highly
correlated with each other.
The prevalence of CAGE problem drinking and EHD in our
sample, by age category and gender, are shown in table 2. As
expected, men were much more likely to report CAGE-defined
problem drinking and EHD than women, and our estimates are
similar to the earlier study by Pomerleau, et al.
that examined
the prevalence of EHD in this population.
The results from our population average model in table 3 show
the additional effect of community-level social capital variables on
CAGE problem drinking and EHD among men, over and above the
individual effect. Adjusting for possible socio-demographic
Table 1 Sample characteristics HITT 2010
Frequency (%)
Male 7828 (43.5)
Age category
18-29 5042 (28.0)
30-39 3411 (19.0)
40-49 3380 (18.8)
50-59 2755 (15.3)
60+ 3410 (19.0)
Marital status
Married 11129 (62.1)
Single 3691 (20.6)
Divorced 1152 (6.4)
Widowed 1962 (10.9)
Muslim (vs. Non-Muslim) 4436 (24.7)
Incomplete secondary or lower 2345 (13.1)
Incomplete higher or lower 11543 (64.3)
Complete higher 4066 (22.65)
Employed 15766 (88.2)
Unemployed (not seeking work) 608 (3.4)
Unemployed (seeking work) 1499 (8.4)
Household economic status
Very bad/bad 3616 (20.3)
Average 10195 (57.3)
Very good/good 3984 (22.4)
Place of residence
Urban (vs. Rural) 10864 (60.4)
Smoking status
Smoker (vs. Non-smoker) 4642 (25.8)
Social isolation
Never 8454 (47.6)
Rarely 3723 (21.0)
Sometimes 3892 (21.9)
Often 1702 (9.6)
Active civic participation
Yes (vs. No) 1,149 (6.4)
Help in a crisis
Yes (vs. No) 16233 (91.5)
Interpersonal trust
1 (Low) 954 (5.4)
2 781 (4.4)
3 1638 (9.2)
4 2079 (11.7)
5 3674 (20.7)
6 2912 (16.4)
7 2650 (14.9)
8 1950 (11.0)
9 680 (3.8)
10 (High) 487 (2.7)
a: All characteristics were self-reported.
b: Proportions may not sum to exactly 100 due to rounding.
Table 2 Prevalence of CAGE problem drinking and EHD by age category and gender, HITT 2010
Age category CAGE problem drinking Episodic heavy drinking Both
Men N (%) Women N (%) Men N (%) Women N (%) Men N (%) Women N (%)
18–29 421 (18.7) 160 (7.2) 488 (19.8) 102 (4.0) 182 (8.1) 29 (1.3)
30–39 383 (27.7) 120 (7.0) 403 (27.6) 107 (5.5) 191 (14.0) 39 (2.3)
40–49 408 (30.7) 104 (6.30) 387 (27.0) 78 (4.0) 179 (13.5) 21 (1.3)
50–59 353 (33.1) 77 (5.5) 299 (26.1) 42 (2.6) 160 (15.0) 18 (1.3)
60+ 278 (22.8) 50 (2.7) 183 (13.9) 20 (1.0) 85 (7.0) 4 (0.2)
Total 1843 (25.4) 511 (5.8) 1760 (22.5) 349 (3.4) 797 (11.0) 111 (1.3)
Source: Health in Times of Transition Study 2010,
574 European Journal of Public Health
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confounders, we found that in addition to the increased odds of
individual CAGE problem drinking associated with individual-
level social isolation, community-level social isolation also
increased the odds of this behaviour, as did community-level civic
participation. The odds of EHD also increased with community-
level civic participation but were not significantly associated with
individual-level social isolation, while the odds of engaging in EHD
among men decreased with higher levels of community interper-
sonal trust.
The results of the same analysis for women are found in table 4.
A similar pattern was observed among women as among men for
CAGE problem drinking. Higher odds were observed for individual-
level social isolation and community-level civic participation,
although, unlike men, civic participation was also associated with
increased risk of CAGE problem drinking at the individual level.
Also unlike men, social isolation at the community level was
associated with increased risk of EHD among women.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first analysis of both
individual- and community-level social capital and their relation
with hazardous alcohol consumption in countries of the fSU. We
used two measures of hazardous consumption, both relevant
to health but addressing different constructs. Responses to the
CAGE instrument capture the role of alcohol in aspects of the indi-
vidual’s daily life, in particular the extent to which they are
dependent on it. EHD captures a particular behaviour that may be
seen in those who are not necessarily dependent but which, none-
theless, has profound health consequences. The associations with the
two measures differ.
Individual-level social isolation is associated with CAGE prob-
lem drinking among both men and women. One possible explan-
ation is that socially isolated individuals are less well equipped to
cope, particularly given the shock of the social and economic
transition that occurred in the fSU, leading them to turn to
problem drinking as a coping mechanism. This hypothesis is
supported by previous research linking social isolation to poor
self-reported health
and to psychological stress,
which may in
turn lead to hazardous alcohol consumption,
and is consistent
with the excess mortality observed among single men in post-
communist societies compared with married men,
and among
the socially marginalized.
It is important to note the possibility of
reverse causality, as individuals who engage in problem drinking
may in fact be more likely to experience family conflicts,
withdraw from society
and become psychologically distressed.
Qualitative research in Russia, using narratives provided by
widows of men who died of alcohol-related causes, indicates a bi-
directional relationship, with hazardous drinking and psychological
distress mutually reinforcing each other, although either can start
the process off.
We found that higher interpersonal trust was associated with
lower odds of EHD among men at the community level. This is
consistent with previous reports of a strong association between
community-level trust and self-rated health,
(although there is
only limited support thus far for the hypothesis that the relationship
between social capital and health is mediated by health behaviours
such as alcohol consumption).
The relationship between
community-level trust and EHD in the fSU might be explained, in
part, by fear of crime. There was a sharp rise in crime in many fSU
countries in the immediate post-Soviet period,
and crime has been
associated with worse health outcomes,
including increased psycho-
logical distress.
This is important because, as mentioned above,
psychological distress may in turn have increased the risk of
hazardous alcohol consumption.
It is possible that communities
with higher levels of mistrust are those in which crime, and resulting
psychological distress, is more prevalent. Research from the United
States provides evidence of increased community-level social
mistrust in communities with higher rates of firearm homicides.
A simple regression of community-level interpersonal trust on
community-level fear of crime in our data showed that the former
was strongly negatively associated with the latter (=6.822);
however, a more in-depth analysis of these factors is required
before drawing conclusions on their relationship.
Perhaps our most surprising finding is that of a positive associ-
ation between community-level civic participation and CAGE
problem drinking among men and women, and EHD among men.
This finding challenges the theory that membership in groups may
encourage the dissemination of health information and curtail
deviant and hazardous health behaviours,
including alcohol con-
sumption among college students in the United States.
our study differs from the college study in terms of study popula-
tion and context. Another key difference is the nature of
the organizations to which study participants belong, which
likely differs significantly between the fSU and American college
Further analysis of our data (not shown) indicated that the most
commonly reported organization in which individuals were
members was a ‘trade union’, and community-level trade union
Table 3 Association between community- and individual-level
social capital and hazardous alcohol consumption among males
HITT 2010
Social capital indicators CAGE EHD
OR 95% C.I. OR 95% C.I.
Community-level variables
Social isolation 1.18 1.00–1.38 1.02 0.87–1.19
Active civic participation 4.08 2.23–7.47 2.91 1.51–5.59
Help in a crisis 1.36 0.72–2.54 1.17 0.66–2.10
Interpersonal trust 0.97 0.92–1.03 0.89 0.83–0.95
Individual-level variables
Social isolation 1.20 1.11–1.29 1.06 0.97–1.15
Active civic participation 0.94 0.72–1.22 0.91 0.69–1.19
Help in a crisis 0.99 0.78–1.26 1.05 0.81–1.36
Interpersonal trust 0.98 0.94–1.02 1.02 0.98–1.05
a: Adjusted for age, education, occupation, marital status, religion,
household economic status, country of residence, place of residence
(urban v. rural) and smoking status. Source: Health in Times of
Transition Study 2010,
Table 4 Association between community- and individual-level
social capital and hazardous alcohol consumption among females
HITT 2010
Social capital indicators CAGE EHD
OR 95% C.I. OR 95% C.I.
Community-level variables
Social isolation 1.09 0.86–1.37 1.34 1.01–1.79
Active civic participation 2.94 1.20–7.21 1.01 0.35–2.89
Help in a crisis 0.34 0.11–1.03 1.24 0.30–5.17
Interpersonal trust 1.06 0.96–1.17 0.98 0.87–1.10
Individual-level variables
Social isolation 1.30 1.16–1.46 0.99 0.86–1.14
Active civic participation 1.47 1.02–2.11 0.72 0.44–1.20
Help in a crisis 0.96 0.68–1.37 1.28 0.70–2.35
Interpersonal trust 0.96 0.90–102 0.95 0.86–1.02
a: Adjusted for age, education, occupation, marital status, religion,
household economic status, country of residence, place of residence
(urban v. rural) and smoking status. Source: Health in Times of
Transition Study 2010,
The former Soviet Union 575
by guest on October 27, 2015 from
membership was significantly associated with an increased risk of
both CAGE problem drinking and EHD. What is it about trade
union membership that results in increased hazardous drinking in
the fSU? One possible explanation is that trade unions are an
example of ‘single issue organizations’ that entail a narrow ‘radius
of trust’ and are not likely to improve generalized trust in others.
This form of civic participation has been coined the ‘miniaturization
of community’
and has been linked to alcohol consumption.
Another, perhaps more likely explanation, given the weakened role
of trade unions in people’s lives since the fall of the Soviet Union, is
that communities with high levels of union membership simply
represent communities where many inhabitants are in industrial
employment where there is mandatory union membership. This
latter hypothesis is consistent with research from Ukraine, which
has shown that alcohol consumption is higher in the industrial
South and East regions of the country compared with the agrarian
This might also explain why we found an association
between membership and hazardous alcohol consumption only at
the community level for men and not at the individual level
(although there was an association at the individual level for
One other possible explanation for the association between
community-level civic participation and hazardous alcohol con-
sumption is that communities where there is a high level of
membership in organizations may offer frequent opportunities to
gather at social events where drinking is common and expected. This
explanation was offered by an earlier study in Taiwan that found a
similar association between community social participation and
frequent drinking.
The potential for social capital to create
demands for conformity among community members has been
described by Portes
and Ferlander,
and is plausible in the fSU
context; however, further qualitative research is required to better
understand the nature of civic organization membership (especially
trade union membership) in the fSU and the role that it plays in
alcohol consumption.
There are some limitations to our study. First, the cross-sectional
nature of the data prohibits us from making conclusions about
causality, as discussed above with regards to social isolation and
alcohol use. Second, there is a tendency for respondents, especially
in the fSU, to under-report their own alcohol consumption.
such, our estimate of the prevalence of EHD may be an underesti-
mate; however, there is no reason to believe that this potential
underestimate would create spurious associations between our
indicators of interest and EHD. The measurement of CAGE
problem drinking may be less vulnerable to bias, as it does not
focus on perceived alcohol consumption.
Also, this study will
have probably missed the most severe drinkers (e.g. intoxicated,
homeless), who may also be the most socially isolated, thereby
producing somewhat conservative estimates of the relationship
between social capital and hazardous alcohol consumption across
these countries. Third, as there is almost no existing research on
the relationship between social capital and alcohol consumption
among adults, we were forced to compare and contrast our
findings with those from studies of social capital and general
health, despite inconsistent evidence thus far that alcohol plays a
mediating role between them.
Fourth, we were not able to dis-
tinguish between different forms of social capital that may be
important in the association between civic engagement and
alcohol consumption, namely, ‘bonding’, ‘bridging’ and ‘linking’,
which have shown to be important to health outcomes in other
Lastly, because of the resources required for conducting
a multi-country study, the number of individuals in each
community in the HITT survey was small (an average of nine per
community). Although this does not invalidate our findings, it does
highlight the need for further research within individual countries
using larger community samples.
Our results provide evidence of the independent association between
individual-level social isolation, as well as community-level civic
participation and interpersonal trust, and hazardous alcohol con-
sumption in the fSU. The finding that community-level civic par-
ticipation is associated with increased odds of hazardous alcohol
consumption seems to contradict evidence from other regions that
links civic participation to improvements in health and should be
investigated further.
This work (part of the Health in Times of Transition Project of the
European Centre on Health of Societies in Transition) was
supported by the European Union’s 7
Framework Program,
project HEALTH-F2-2009-223344. The European Commission
cannot accept any responsibility for any information provided or
views expressed.
Conflicts of interest: None declared.
Key points
To our knowledge, this is the first study that investigates the
effect of individual- and community-level social capital on
hazardous alcohol consumption in the former Soviet Union,
using multi-level data from nine former Soviet countries.
We show that some elements of social capital—social
isolation, social mistrust and active civic participation—
are positively associated with hazardous consumption in
the region, and we highlight the importance of community
The strong positive relationship between community-level
civic participation and hazardous alcohol consumption is
particularly surprising, given evidence from other regions
of the world pointing to the protective effect of civic par-
ticipation on drinking.
The nature of civic organizations in the former Soviet Union
and the role they play in alcohol consumption should be
researched further in order to inform public health interven-
tions at the community level.
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... For example, Larm et al. (2016) reported that greater cognitive capital is associated with lower levels of drinking, however, this effect was only observed among those identifying as women. In contrast, there is some evidence that those identifying as men drink more heavily when engaged in networks which give more drinking opportunities (Murphy et al., 2014). Chuang and Chuang (2008) found that close neighbourhood ties and social participation are beneficial for both men and women. ...
... Research conducted on the general population found that being female was associated with lower levels of drinking (Larm et al., 2016). Other general populationbased studies point to a negative effect of relational capital on women's drinking, including raised CAGE scores and binge drinking (Chuang and Chuang, 2008;Murphy et al., 2014;Seid, 2016). Research has highlighted how women are more likely to be engaged in kin-based networks (Parks-Yancy et al., 2006;O'Neill and Gidengil, 2013), which, depending on their attitudes and behaviours around alcohol, can act as a barrier or an enabler to higher-risk drinking. ...
... Other harm-reducing factors which have been used as control variables in our study are consistent with existing research: being older, having an ongoing health problem, identifying with a religion and, although marginal, receiving higher education (Hajat et al., 2004;Kim et al., 2008;Murphy et al., 2014). ...
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Although there has been significant research on the relationship between alcohol consumption and demographic and psychological influences, this does not consider the effect of social influence among older drinkers and if these effects differ between men and women. One aspect of social influence is social capital. The aim of this paper is to examine whether relational and cognitive social capital are associated with higher or lower risk of alcohol use among adults aged 50 years or older and to assess the extent to which this relationship differs between men and women. To investigate this, data were collected from a cross-sectional questionnaire survey of adults over the age of 50 in the United Kingdom who were recruited from general practitioners. The sample consisted of 9,984 individuals whose mean age was 63.87 years. From these data, we developed proxy measures of social capital and associate these with the respondent's level of alcohol consumption as measured on the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT-10) scale. In the sample, just over 20 per cent reported an increasing risk or dependency on alcohol. Using two expressions of social capital – relational (social relationships) and cognitive (knowledge acquisition and understanding) – we found that greater levels of both are associated with a reduced risk of higher drinking risk. Being female had no significant effect when combined with relational capital but did have a significant effect when combined with cognitive capital. It is argued that interventions to enhance social relations among older people and education to help understand alcohol risks would be helpful to protect older people from the damaging effects of excessive alcohol consumption.
... For example, the economic context of a neighborhood to explain neighborhood inequalities and the negative influence on people's health status (Ghaly & Jivraj, 2022;Hou & Myles, 2005;Kawachi et al., 1997;Wen et al., 2003-51); in relation to mortality, cardiovascular events and cancer (Choi et al., 2014), alcohol consumption and/or smoking behaviors (Jackson et al., 2014;Lindström, 2005;Murphy et al., 2014;Ng Fat et al., 2017;Thorlindsson et al., 2012), lack of physical activity (Wendel-Vos et al., 2008), sleep insufficiency and sleep disorders (Kim et al., 2022;Mayne et al., 2021); in relation to mental health, mental illnesses, and disorders caused or aggravated by NSC (De Silva et al., 2007;Ehsan & De Silva, 2015;Stafford et al., 2008); ultimately, in relation to people's self-perceived or self-assessed health status (Almeida Bentes et al., 2017;Giatti et al., 2008Giatti et al., , 2010Rodrigues et al., 2015, 66). Motivations for studying these relationships in the context of illness arise from the need to develop and implement health interventions in the community (Coll-Planas et al., 2017;Flores et al., 2018;Villalonga-Olives et al., 2018). ...
... There are statistically significant findings when placing the NSC as a buffer, moderator or protective role in relation to individual or collective neighborhood mental health. These results may appear similar to previous review studies, although the paradigm based on the Biomedical Model addresses illness as the primary condition and reduces the findings to factors that lead to the onset or aggravation of physical illness (Choi et al., 2014;De Silva et al., 2007;Ehsan & De Silva, 2015;Kim et al., 2022;Lindström, 2005;Mayne et al., 2021;Murphy et al., 2014;Ng Fat et al., 2017;Stafford et al., 2008;Thorlindsson et al., 2012;Wendel-Vos et al., 2008, 52-62). The biomedical model continues to enable knowledge and the advancement of medical science in prevention and curative treatments, but is reductionist with regard to human health (Wade et al., 2005). ...
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Background The Social Determinants of Health (SDH) influence the health of people throughout their lives, and can be positive, protective or risk factors for the population and, in turn, biological, psychological, or social. The social environment conditions the health status of the neighborhood, population, and social group, which can be a health asset due to its strong psychosocial and socio‐cultural influence. Social capital is a community asset of the healthy neighborhood that must be known in order to promote community health. Objectives The objective is to determine the relationship between social capital and neighborhood biopsychosocial health. Methods A systematic review was conducted based on PRISMA: PubMed, Wos, Scopus, Embase, and Cochrane databases. The search was conducted from January to March 2023. Three authors independently extracted data using a structured form. Results Out of 527 records, 17 results passed the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The positive and statistically significant relationship between neighborhood social capital (NSC) and the physical and mental health of neighbors is confirmed, that is, the higher the NSC, the more exercise, better oral health in children and physical health in pregnant women, lower tobacco consumption and lower prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus. At the psychological level, greater NSC leads to better mental health, mental well‐being, life satisfaction, quality of life, self‐perceived health, higher cognitive function, and less depression. Conclusions In conclusion, social capital is an important SDH and health asset that influences neighborhood biopsychosocial health and should be known and researched for health promotion in community settings. More evidence is needed to support the results obtained.
... Cognitively and structurally defined social capital demonstrates different relations with people's health and health behaviors [33][34][35]. In mental health, cognitive components showed strong evidence on disorders and contributed to better well-being. ...
... However, structural capital is much less beneficial and even demonstrated harmful consequences on mental health [30,36]. A similar situation also appeared in health behaviors, with cognitively defined social capital protecting people from excessive drinking and cigarette smoking while structural components, on some occasions, may result in more drinking and smoking behaviors [34,37]. Regarding HISB, we noticed that prior studies on health information seeking and social capital drew primary attention to structural components [24,38,39]. ...
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Background People’s potentials to seek health information can be affected by their social context, such as their social networks and the resources provided through those social networks. In the past decades, the concept of social capital has been widely used in the health realm to indicate people’s social context. However, not many such studies were conducted in China. Chinese society has its special quality that many Western societies lack: people traditionally render strong value to family relations and rely heavily on strong social ties in their social life. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the association between different types of social capital and health information-seeking behavior (HISB) in the Chinese context. The different types of social capital were primarily bonding and bridging, as well as cognitive and structural ones. Methods Our analysis is based on a total of 3090 cases taken from the Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS) – China, 2017. Dataset was weighted due to the overrepresentation of female respondents and hierarchical multiple regression analyses as well as binary logistic regression tests were operated to examine the associations between people’s social capital and their HISB. Results Some aspects of social capital emerged as positive predictors of HISB: information support (standing in for the cognitive component of social capital) promoted health information seeking, organization memberships (standing in for the structural component) encouraged cancer information seeking, and both the use of the internet and of traditional media for gaining health information were positively linked with bridging networks and organization memberships. Bonding networks (structural component) were not correlated with any other of the key variables and emotional support (cognitive social capital) was consistently associated with all health information-seeking indicators negatively. Conclusions Social capital demonstrated significant and complex relationships with HISB in China. Structural social capital generally encouraged HISB in China, especially the bridging aspects including bridging networks and organization memberships. On the other hand, emotional support as cognitive social capital damaged people’s initiatives in seeking health-related information.
... Accumulating evidence has shown that solitariness or isolation from the social community increases the risk of alcohol abuse, frailty, and sarcopenia 53,54 . Moreover, welfare recipients often develop alcohol-related diseases 55 . ...
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Background: Solitary death is a major social and medical problem. However, the situation of solitary death has not been investigated fully. Our purpose was to clarify the present situation of solitary death from the viewpoint of forensic medicine. Methods:A total of 3,000 forensic autopsies were performed at the Department of Forensic Medicine, Wakayama Medical University, from April 2003 to December 2018. We retrospectively reviewed the autopsy reports of all cases and selected cases of solitary death or presumed solitary death. Solitary death was defined as death in people living alone that occurred at home or on the premises of home. A total of 637 cases were selected as solitary death cases or presumed solitary death cases in accordance with the abovementioned definition. We investigated the tendency of solitary death in forensic autopsies, sex, age distribution, manner or cause of death, dementia cases, postmortem interval until finding (PMI-f), first finder, past medical histories, and economic conditions. Moreover, the regional characteristics in Wakayama Prefecture were also examined. Results:Solitary death predominantly occurred in men (471 males, 166 females). This tendency increased from the age of 40 years in men and 60 years in women. Among the cases, 349 and 199 were natural death and external death, respectively. Ischemic heart disease- and fire-related fatalities were most common in natural death and external death cases, respectively. Suicidal death was more frequent in women than in men. The PMI-f in female cases was significantly shorter than that in male cases (p<0.001). Kushimoto and Shingu, located in the southern part (Kinan region), had a high solitary death rate in forensic autopsy cases. However, focusing on the economic state, few cases were welfare recipients in solitary death cases in Kinan region (non-urban area), and 23 of 36 welfare recipients lived in Wakayama City, indicating that the economic state would contribute more to the occurrence of solitary death in Wakayama City (urban area). Conclusions:We identified several risk factors and regional characteristics for solitary death cases, and our observations could contribute to administrative welfare measures for the prevention of solitary deaths.
... According to social capital theory, trust acts as the adhesive binding society together and is associated with faith in political institutions and satisfaction with democracy 27,28 . Interestingly, social capital, in the form of community-level participation has also been linked to alcohol consumption 29,30 . This illustrates how alcohol, relative to other drugs, may be viewed as normative and might contribute to promoting more conventional viewpoints as opposed to non-conformist ones. ...
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Previous research has suggested that classical psychedelics can foster significant and enduring changes in personality traits and subjective wellbeing. Despite the lack of evidence for adverse effects on mental health stemming from psychedelic use, concerns persist regarding the capacity of these substances to modulate information processing and attitudes towards factual data. The aim of the present study was to investigate the propensity for accepting alternative facts and the general treatment of knowledge within a sample of 392 participants, 233 of whom reported at least a single incidence of psychedelic use in their lifetime. To do this, we leveraged step-wise methods of linear modelling investigating effects of demographics, psychiatric conditions and concomitant drug use. Our findings revealed a moderate positive association between psychedelic use and beliefs in alternative facts, as well as the specific belief that facts are politically influenced. However, no links were found for favouring intuition over evidence when confirming facts. Among other investigated drugs, only alcohol was negatively associated with beliefs in alternative facts. Taken together, our results support the link between psychedelic use and non-conformist thinking styles, which can be attributed to the psychological effects of the drugs themselves, but may also mirror a common trait related to unconventional beliefs and illicit substance use.
... During the time period analysed, countries of the fSU were the last to experience a peak in ischaemic mortality rates. Contributing factors may have included low socio-economic status, unstable employment and a lack of social capital (1,(18)(19)(20). Although we found a decrease in average age-standardized mortality from IHD in all the groups we analysed, in the case of men from fSU countries Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan, they had increased rates. ...
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Objectives: Ischaemic heart disease (IHD) is one of the leading causes of premature mortality. Our aim was to analyse standardised premature mortality rates from IHD by geographical groups in the age group 45-59 years. Methods: We performed a retrospective, quantitative analysis of age-standardized mortality rates from IHD between 1990-2014 per 100,000 population in Western European (WE: N = 17), Eastern European countries (EE: N = 10), and countries of the former Soviet Union (fSU: N = 15) within the European Region of the World Health Organisation (WHO) based on data retrieved from the WHO European Mortality Database. Descriptive statistics, time series analysis and statistical tests were used for the analyses (ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis test, Mann-Whitney test, paired t-test). Results: On average, age-standardized death rates (ASDR) from IHD per 100,000 population were the lowest in WE (men 1990: 143.67, 2014: 50.29; women 1990: 29.06, 2014: 9.89), and the highest in fSU (men 1990: 358.69, 2014: 253.25; women 1990: 99.78, 2014: 57.85). Between 1990 and 2014, all three groups experienced significant decrease in ASDR both in men and women (fSU: -29.39%, -42.02%; EE: -49.41%, -50.57%; WE: -64.99%, -65.97%, respectively) (p < 0.05). Between 1990 and 2004, ASDR decreased in WE in both sexes (p < 0.001), in EE among males (p = 0.032). Between 2004 and 2014, ASDR from IHD decreased significantly in both sexes in fSU and WE, in EE only among women (p < 0.05). Conclusions: During the whole period analysed, ischaemic heart disease mortality significantly decreased in both sexes in all the groups.
... In Chapter 2 (section 2.2.2) it was noted that the current evidence related to loneliness and alcohol consumption is mixed, with loneliness being linked to a greater likelihood of drinking to intoxication amongst women (132) and greater drinking problems (133), but also linked to a lower frequency of drinking (134) and stopping being a higher risk drinker over time (135). In Chapter 5, higher levels of loneliness were found to be associated with a greater likelihood of higher risk drinking in young men and non-drinking amongst men in mid-adulthood, which reflects these mixed findings in the literature review. ...
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Background Both social support and alcohol consumption are known to influence health outcomes, but the relationship between social support and alcohol consumption is complex and poorly understood. A better understanding of which aspects of social support influence risky drinking could lead to improved public health messaging and interventions that incorporate social, as well as health aspects of alcohol consumption. Methods A mixed methods design was used to explore the relationship between social support and alcohol consumption at different life course stages. Cross-sectional data from the National Child Development Study and the UK Household Longitudinal Study were used in i) multinomial logistic regression models exploring associations between aspects of social support and alcohol consumption and ii) structural equation models testing the direct and indirect (via psychological distress) effects of quality of support on alcohol consumption. A thematic analysis of qualitative one-to-one interviews undertaken with 12 adults accessing alcohol treatment services was conducted. Results Key areas of social support associated with risky drinking were identified: conflict and negative support; isolation and loneliness; supportive and unsupportive friendships. Depending upon the quality of support, relationships with partners could be protective of, or associated with, risky drinking. There were no clear differences according to life course stage; however, psychological distress mediated the relationship between quality of support and drinking frequency amongst early adults and drinking volume amongst mid-adults. Conclusions Negative aspects of support, such as conflict, isolation and loneliness, were associated with risky drinking; however, so were positive aspects, such as emotional support from friends. Mixed methods enabled the representation of heavy drinker experiences missed from population-level surveys. Measures of drinking risk should consider life course stage. Interventions to address risky drinking should consider drinking motivations linked to social support to identify and address coping motives, and support the maintenance of positive relationships.
... Accumulating evidence has shown that solitariness or isolation from the social community increases the risk of alcohol abuse, frailty, and sarcopenia 32,33 . Moreover, welfare recipients often develop alcoholrelated diseases 35 . ...
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This retrospective study evaluated 637 forensic autopsy cases of solitary death ( kodoku-shi in Japanese ) and clarified the present situation of solitary death from the viewpoints of forensic medicine. Of 637 cases who had solitary death, 471 were male and 166 were female, indicating that solitary death predominantly occurred in men. This tendency increased from the age of 40 years in men and 60 years in women. Among the cases, 349 and 199 were natural death and external death, respectively. Ischemic heart disease- and fire-related fatalities were most common in natural death and external death cases, respectively. Suicidal death was more frequent in women than in men. We found two peaks of postmortem interval until finding (PMI-f): < 1 d (182 cases, 28.6%) and 7 days to < 1 month (164 cases, 25.7%). The PMI-f in female cases was significantly shorter than that in male cases. The PMI-f of external death cases was significantly shorter than that of natural death cases. Kushimoto and Shingu, located in the southern part (Kinan region), had a high solitary death rate in forensic autopsy cases because of their small population and high aging rate. Few cases were welfare recipients in solitary death cases in Kinan region (non-urban area), and 23 of 36 welfare recipients lived in Wakayama City, indicating that the economic state would contribute more to the occurrence of solitary death in Wakayama City (urban area). We identified several risk factors and regional characteristics for solitary death cases, and our observations could contribute to administrative welfare measures for the prevention of solitary deaths.
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Background Contextual risk factors such as social capital have a vital role in affecting behavioral and biological risk factors of NCDs. We aimed to systematically identify the relationship between different aspects of social capital (SC) with metabolic, and behavioral risk factors of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Methods This is a systematic review. The period of study was 2000–2021. We searched the English international databases, i.e. PubMed/Medline, Scopus, and Web of Science. Studies that reported NCDs’ metabolic and behavioral risk factors as independent variables, were excluded. We also included studies if they analyzed the association between SC and metabolic and behavioral risk factors of NCDs. Results After the primary and quality appraisal process, 97 studies were entered in the final phase of the analysis. Five out of 18 studies reported an inverse association between SC and the level of alcohol drinking. Twenty-seven out of 32 studies reported a significant inverse association between SC and smoking and tobacco use, while only one study reported a significant positive association. Nine studies reported a significant inverse association between SC and high blood pressure. Three studies showed a significant inverse association between SC and diabetes. Seventeen studies indicated a significant positive association between SC and physical activity. Thirteen out of 17 studies reported a significant inverse association between SC, body mass index (BMI) and overweight. Conclusion High SC, people’s participation and interaction are vital in tackling NCDs. Evidence shows positive effects of SC on prevention, control and improvement of NCDs’ metabolic and behavioral risk factors.
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Cet ouvrage présente des avancées récentes dans le traitement statistique des données introduisant plusieurs niveaux d'agrégation. La partie la plus intéressante aborde les modèles biographiques dans une optique multiniveau, mais pose de nombreux problèmes en démographie. Il faut pouvoir disposer d'enquêtes plus détaillées que les enquêtes biographiques habituelles, qui prendraient simultanément en compte les divers contextes sociaux dans les quels les individus vivent.
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The aim of this article is to provide an overview of the concept of social capital and to distinguish its different forms, focusing on their potential effects on health. According to many scholars, social capital comprises social networks, norms of reciprocity or social support and social trust. In this article the core element, the social network, has been further distinguished by the direction of ties and levels of formality, strength and diversity. In the past few years there has been increased interest in social capital in the health field and a great deal of research has suggested that social capital is generally positively related to health. However, little research has been conducted into how different forms of social capital or social networks influence health. What is the difference, for instance, between bonding and bridging social capital in terms of health outcomes? It is important to distinguish the different forms because they imply different resources, support and obligations. More research needs to be conducted into the different forms of social capital and their effects on health. A special focus should be placed on the health impacts of cross-cutting — or bridging and linking — forms of social capital.
The authors of this excellent text define social epidemiology as the epidemiologic study of the social distribution and social determinants of states of health, implying that the aim is to identify socio-environmental exposures which may be related to a broad range of physical and mental health outcomes. In the first systematic account of this field, they focus on methodological approaches but draw widely from related disciplines such as sociology, psychology, physiology, and medicine in the effort to develop and evaluate testable hypotheses about the pathways between social conditions and health. The persistent patterns of social inequalities in health make this a timely publication.
Objective: To identify which aspects of socioeconomic change were associated with the steep decline in life expectancy in Russia between 1990 and 1994. Design: Regression analysis of regional data, with percentage fall in male life expectancy as dependent variable and a range of socioeconomic measures reflecting transition, change in income, inequity, and social cohesion as independent variables. Determination of contribution of deaths from major causes and in each age group to changes in both male and female life expectancy at birth in regions with the smallest and largest declines. Setting: Regions (oblasts) of European Russia (excluding Siberia and those in the Caucasus affected by the Chechen war). Subjects: The population of European Russia. Results: The fall in life expectancy at birth varied widely between regions, with declines for men and women highly correlated. The regions with the largest falls were predominantly urban, with high rates of labour turnover, large increases in recorded crime, and a higher average but unequal distribution of household income. For both men and women increasing rates of death between the ages of 30 and 60 years accounted for most of the fall in life expectancy, with the greatest contributions being from conditions directly or indirectly associated with heavy alcohol consumption. Conclusions: The decline in life expectancy in Russia in the 1990s cannot be attributed simply to impoverishment Instead, the impact of social and economic transition, exacerbated by a lack of social cohesion, seems to have played a major part, The evidence that alcohol is an important proximate cause of premature death in Russia is strengthened.
The paper introduces a set of analyses of national surveys carried out in six countries—Finland, Sweden, Germany, Great Britain, France and Italy-as part of the European Comparative Alcohol Study (ECAS). The ECAS survey data were collected especially for the purpose of country comparisons. Therefore not only were the questions made as similar as possible in all six countries, but also the mode of data collection (telephone interviews), the sampling procedure (random sampling of telephone numbers), and the time of data collection (spring 2000). Despite all these efforts to ensure a high comparability, the crucial question of comparability of alcohol surveys in general, and of the ECAS six-country survey in particular, was raised at an early stage, since large differences were found among the six samples in response rates and in estimates of volume of drinking in relation to recorded per capita consumption (coverage rate). This paper pays attention to some of the validity problems in survey data in general and to the specific problems associated with this comparative survey approach in particular.
Social capital is defined as the resources accessed by individuals as a result of their membership of a network or a group. It has been linked to population health outcomes among individuals as well as collective entities (such as neighborhoods, workplaces). Indicators of social capital include the exchange of social support and information within a social network as well as the levels of trust that lubricate such exchanges. At the collective level, social capital is postulated to influence health outcomes through regulation of social behavior (informal social control), and the ability of groups to undertake collective action (collective efficacy). Social capital has the dual potential to promote health as well as to threaten health, for example, via the exclusion of outsiders. The chapter summarizes the theoretical debates over social capital as well as the state of empirical evidence. Particular attention is paid to the role of social capital in disaster resilience and recovery.
Background: we examined the pattern of Russian alcohol consumption, in particular its link with the social and economic situation in Russia after the first year of 'shock therapy' and super-inflation in a middle-sized Russian city, Taganrog. Methods: face-to-face interviews were conducted, with a sampling frame consisting of dwellings selected from an official register and stratified by type and size. Results: in 1993-1994 heavy alcohol drinking (>0.51 of 40% alcohol/week) was very common among men in Taganrog (34%), while it was uncommon among women (3%). Male heavy drinking was closely related to social, economic and family characteristics. The lowest educational groups and those in manual occupations reported heavy drinking more frequently than others, independently of household income. Among men, quarrels and conflicts in the family were associated with a sixfold higher frequency of heavy drinking compared to families reporting good relations. The social transformation taking place at present is being accompanied by increased social and economic pressures on families. Conclusions: we suggest that heavy alcohol consumption is particularly common among men who are likely to have lost out during this transition. Russia's mortality crisis seems to be closely linked to its social transformation, but in different ways for men and women.
Previous research suggests that criminal victimisation can impact negatively on both physical and psychological health. However, as yet, little is known about crime and its effects on population health in the former Soviet Union (fSU) - despite a sharp growth in crime rates in the countries in this region after the collapse of the communist system. Given this gap in current knowledge, this study examined two forms of crime, theft and violent victimisation, in nine fSU countries - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine. Using nationally representative data from the Health in Times of Transition (HITT) study collected from 18,000 respondents in 2010/11, the study had two main objectives: (1) to identify which demographic and socioeconomic factors are associated with being a victim of crime; (2) to examine the relation between criminal victimisation and two health outcomes - self-rated health and psychological distress. We found that similar factors were associated with experiencing both forms of crime among respondents. Those who were younger, not married and who consumed alcohol more frequently were at increased risk of victimisation, while greater social capital was associated with lower odds for victimisation. Low education increased the risk of experiencing violence by 1.5 times. Victimisation was strongly associated with poorer health: victims of violence were 2.5 and 2.9 times more likely to report poor self-rated health and psychological distress, respectively, while the corresponding figures for theft victimisation were 1.9 and 1.8. The strong association we observed between criminal victimisation and poorer individual health suggests that, in addition to policies that reduce rates of crime, more research is now urgently needed on victimisation. Specifically, researchers should ascertain whether the association with poor health is causal, determine its potential mechanisms, and evaluate interventions that might mitigate its impact on health that are contextually appropriate in the fSU.
Background: we examined the pattern of Russian alcohol consumption, in particular its link with the social and economic situation in Russia after the first year of 'shock therapy' and super inflation in a middle-sized Russian city, Taganrog. Methods: face-to-face interviews were conducted, with a sampling frame consisting of dwellings selected from an official register and stratified by type and size. Results: in 1993-1994 heavy alcohol drinking (>0.5 l of 40% alcohol/week) was very common among men in Taganrog (34%), while it was uncommon among women (3%). Male heavy drinking was closely related to social, economic and family characteristics. The lowest educational groups and those in manual occupations reported heavy drinking more frequently than others, independently of household income. Among men, quarrels and conflicts in the family were associated with a sixfold higher frequency of heavy drinking compared to families reporting good relations. The social transformation taking place at present is being accompanied by increased social and economic pressures on families. Conclusions: we suggest that heavy alcohol consumption is particularly common among men who are likely to have lost out during this transition. Russia's mortality crisis seems to be closely linked to its social transformation, but in different ways for men and women.