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Surface quality water of Karla lake.

4  -
4th  -11 June 2011
*, 
 , 38446
             
             
            
      K+, Na+, Ca+2, Mg+2, Cl-, HCO3-, CO3-2, PO4-3, SO4-2   
         pH, B.O.D  E.C 
          
     
 (3.100 - 5.850 S/cm
  (13.9-27.6C pH (8.05- B.O.D.(7.14-9.26mg/l
            
 CaCO3),  CaMg(CO3)2  4 2H2   4) 
 
*  
Kosmidis D., Liapis G., Skordas K.*, Tziantziou L., Neofitou N.,
Neofitou C., Vafidis D.
University of Thessaly, School of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Ichthyology and Aquatic
Environment, Fytokou Street, Volos, 38446, Greece
Object of present work was the study of surface waters of lake Karla, which constitutes part of more
general ecological study of lake. The periods of July and November 2010, water samples from 16 stations
were collected. The samples of water were analyzed for the ions of K+, Na+, Ca+2, Mg+2, Cl-, HCO3-, CO3-
2, PO4-3, SO4-2 with the method of Flammenphotometrie. In the field were measured the prices of 
B.O.D. and E.C. with portable recorders. The prices of ions oscillated in relative permissible limits with
the total of samples to have null honors in nitric ions, while in all the samples the prices of electric
conductivity had very high levels. The prices of the rest parameters oscillated with (13.9-27.6 oC), pH
(8.05-8.91) and the B.O.D. (7.14-9.26mg/l) in corresponding levels. The origin of elements that was
analyzed are from mining lime (CaCO3), dolomite [CaMg (CO3) 2], plaster (CaSO4 2H2O) and anhydride
(CaSO4) the adjacent geological shapings.
Keywords: Surface waters, main ions, hydrochemistry, Lake Karla, Thessaly.
*Corresponding authot: Skordas Konstantinos (
        
         
     Siegel    
         
4  -
4th  -11 June 2011
          
          
 (Alexakis et al. 1998,
Smith et al. 1996, Kelepertsis et al. 2006, Robinson et al. 2006, Negrel 2006).
        
        
         et al.
1997, Kelepertsis et al. 
        
          
          
         
E      
             
  2006, Skoulikidis et al.      
          
          
  R1-R  m  
Limnos Rossinkatu 2E 17) (Em 
  m        pH   
(Combo by Hanna         
 Oxi      ml   
      -40C     
            
+ Na+ -
002 PFP7, Jencons    Ca  Mg     
  Cl-, HCO3- 
CO3-2    SO4-2  PO4-3 
       
 
         
          
           
      
oC 
     -17.5 oC     
  
pH   
4  -
4th  -11 June 2011
 HCO3-, CO3-2,    
             
T (Co)
25.75 (23.2 - 27.6)
15.9 (13.9 - 17.5)
pH 0<7<14
8.46 (8.05 - 8.83)
8.52 (8.34 - 8.91)
E.C. (s/cm)
3376.5 (3071 -
4782 (4140 - 5290)
8.31 (7.14 - 9.26)
62.5 (51 - 72)
67.39 (52 - 76)
178.5 (160 - 192)
259.3 (220 - 297)
14.42 (9.9 - 19)
32.4 (14 - 28)
446 (340 - 530)
706.3 (620 - 790)
695 (545 - 803)
1071.5 (859 -
4.335 (3.33 - 4.84)
6.82 (6.42 - 7.24)
0.009 (0.0 - 0.2)
0.345 (0.14 - 0.73)
0.85 (0.5 - 1.3)
0.16 (0.07 - 0.25)
515 (305 - 680)
1133.9 (988
B.O.D-9.26 mg/l
      E.C     
          
         
          
Ca+2(51-72 mg/l), Mg+2 (160-192 mg/l), HCO3- (3.33-4.84 mmol/l), CO3-2 (0-0.2
mmol /l 
          
a+ (340-530mg/l+ (9.9-19, 14-28 mg/l), Cl- (545-803, 859-1280 mg/l), SO4-
 .
4  -
4th  -11 June 2011
2 (305-680, 988-1133.9 mg/l          
    a+ (620-790 mg/l    
 NaClKCl4
PO4-3 (0.5-1.3, 0.07-0.25 mg/l
         
          
      
     2006, Skoulikidis et al.  
  (2000)    E 
         
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Twenty-six groundwater samples were collected from the Eastern Thessaly region and analysed by ICP-ES for these elements: Al, As, P, Pb, Zn, Mn, Fe, Cr, Sb, Cu, Na, Br, Cl, Si, Mg, Ag, Be, Bi, Dy, Er, Eu, Au, Ge, Ho, In, Ir, Os, Pt, Re, Rh, Ru, Lu, Hf, Hg, Tm, Zr and Nb. The objectives of the study were to assess the level of water contamination with respect to the EC and the USEPA health-based drinking water criteria. The geology of the studied area includes schists, amphibolites, marbles of Palaeozoic age, ophiolites, limestones of Triassic and Cretaceous age, Neogene and Quaternary deposits. The element ranges for groundwater samples are: Al 7–56μgl−1, As 1–125μgl−1, Br 6–60μgl−1, Cl 500–25,000μg l−1, Cr 1–6μgl−1, Cu 1–15μgl−1, Fe 10–352μgl−1, Mg 2,940–40,100μgl−1, Mn 0–8μgl−1, Na 3,650–13,740μgl−1, P 20–48μgl−1, Pb 0–7μgl−1, Sb 0–21μgl−1, Si 3,310–13,240μg l−1 and Zn 7–994μgl−1. The results of groundwater analyses from the region of Eastern Thessaly showed elevated concentrations of As and Sb. Factor analysis explained 77.8% of the total variance of the data through five factors. Concentration of Br, Cl, Mg, Na and Si is directly related to the presence of saltwater in the aquifer, so grouping of these variables in factor 1 probably reflects the seawater intrusion. Al, As and Sb are known to form complexes in the environment, so grouping of these elements in factor 2 indicates their similar geochemical behaviour in the environment. The high negative loading of Mn in factor 2 indicates the presence of manganese oxides–hydroxides in the study area. Pb and Zn are associated together in sulphide mineralisation; so grouping of these elements in factor 3 reflects the sulphide mineralization paragenesis in the Melivoia area. P and Cu are associated together in phosphate fertilizers; so grouping of these variables in factor 4 could be related to agricultural practices. Cr, Fe, Mn and Mg are associated together in iron and manganese oxides–hydroxides and the weathering products of the olivine of the ultrabasic rocks; so grouping of these elements in factor 5 reflects the lithology of the area. There is a natural contamination of groundwaters with elevated concentrations of As and Sb due to the presence of the arsenopyrite and stibnite mineralisation in the Melivoia, Sotiritsa and Ano Polydendri areas. Contamination over the health-based drinking water guidelines given by EC and EPA has been investigated from nine sampling sites out of 26 of Eastern Thessaly region.
The groundwater resources of East Attiki area have stiII Ιο be utiIised fuIIy for economic and sociaI deveIopment. lη the present study the quaIity of groundwater ίη different water bearing formations is made Ιο assist ίη management of vitaI resources. ChemicaI anaIyses of 19 sampIes from the East Attiki area for the dissoIved inorganic constituents ίη groundwater were undertaken. SpecificaIIy anaIyses were carried ουΙ for major constituents (Ca2+, Mg2+, HC03", CI-, Si4+, Na+, S042", ΝΟ3-, ΝΟ2 -, ΡΟ43-, Κ+) and minor and trace eIements anaIyses (Β, Fe, Sr, Ag, As, Ba, Be, Βί, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Cu, Μο, Νί, Pb, Sb, Se, Τί, ν, W, Ζη, ΑΙ, Ιί, Μη, Ρ, U, Αυ, Th). AIso EIectric Conductivity, TotaI DissoIved SoIids and ρΗ measurements were performed. Α mathematicaI method caIIed IIFactor anaIysisl1 was used ίη order Ιο study the reIationship between the eIements anaIysed. The foIIowing five factors were produced: (a) the first factor (Na-CI-S04-HC03-B-K-Sr-MgEC-TDS) accounted for 24,200;0 of the variance, (b) the second factor (N03-Cu-Cr-Sb-Ag-W) contributed 16,150;0, (c) the third factor (ΡΟ4-Ρ· As-Ni-B-Cu) expIained 11,820;0, (d) the fourth factor (Pb-Zn-S04) accounted for 9,540;0, (e) the fifth INTRODUCTION The qua1ity of water ίη streams, rivers and oceans factor (AI-K-Si-Fe-Ba) expIaine~ a further 7,320;0. ·Concentration of sodium, chIoride, suIfate, bicarbonate, boron, potassium, strontium aήd magnesium is directIy reIated Ιο the presence of saItwater ίη the aquifer, so grouping of these variabIes ίη factor Ι probabIy refIects the seawater intrusion. Nitrate, copper and chromium are known Ιο occur together ίη nitrogen fertiIizers, manure and sewage, so grouping of these parameters ίη factor 11 probabIy refIects the agricuIture practice ίη the area. Phosphate, phosphorus (totaI), arsenic, riickeI, boron and copper are associated together ίη phosphate fertiIizers, so grouping of these variabIes ίη factor 111 couId be reIated Ιο agricuIturaI practίces. Lead and zinc are associated together ίη suIfide mineraIs (pyrite, gaIena, chaIcopyrite), hence grouping of these eIements ίη factor lν couId be reIated Ιο known suIfide mineraIization ίη the sampIed area. AIuminum, potassium, siIica and ίΓοη are known Ιο occur together ίη cIay mineraIs, so grouping of these eIements ίη factor ν probabIy refIects the dissoIution of cIay mineraIs. EvaIuation of the groundwater quaIity for domestic, irrigation and industriaI purposes is discussed.
Geochemistry in Ecosystem Analysis of Heavy Metal Pollution.- Sources and Origins of the Metals.- Heavy Metals Mobility/Immobility in Environmental Media.- Pathways, Cycles: Bioaccumulation, Impact on Living Ecosystems.- Contaminant/Natural Background Values: Timing and Processes.- Indicator Media of Environmental Health Status.- Analysis of Indicator Media: Samples/Protocols.- Remediation/Alleviation of Metal(s) Contaminated Media.- Decision Making for Environmental Sustainability.
Sediment quality assessment values were developed using a weight of evidence approach in which matching biological and chemical data from numerous modelling, laboratory, and field studies performed on freshwater sediments were compiled and analyzed. Two assessment values (a threshold effect level (TEL) and a probable effect level(PEL)) were derived for 23 substances, including eight trace metals, six individual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), total polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and eight pesticides. The two values defined three ranges of chemical concentrations; those that were (1) rarely, (2) occasionally, and (3) frequently associated with adverse biological effects. An evaluation of the percent incidence of adverse biological effects within the three concentration ranges indicated that the reliability of the TELs (i.e., the degree to which the TELs represent concentrations within the data set below which adverse effects rarely occur) was consistently good. However, this preliminary evaluation indicated that most of the PELs were less reliable (i.e., they did not adequately represent concentrations within the data set above which adverse effects frequently occur). Nonetheless, these values were often comparable to other biological effects-based assessment values (which were themselves reliable), which increased the level of confidence that could be placed in our values. This method is being used as a basis for developing national sediment quality guidelines for freshwater systems in Canada and sediment effect concentrations as part of the Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments (ARCS) program in the Great Lakes.
Patancheru and Bolaram are satellite industrial towns nearHyderabad with over 300 large andmedium scale pharmaceutical, heavy engineering, paints, paperand chemical factories. The industriesof the area generate a cumulative 8 × 106 l/day ofeffluents which are being directly dischargedon to surrounding land, irrigation fields, and surface waterbodies which finally enter into theNakkavagu River a tributary of the Manzira River. The presentstudy on abundance and distributionpattern of toxic trace elements indicates the quantitativeaspect of pollution in the Nakkavagu Basin.Migration patterns drawn for TDS, toxic elements such as Cu,As, Se, Zn, B, Cr and iron indicate thatpollutants discharged by the industries are entering thesurface and groundwater system (aquifers) andare also migrating towards the Manzira River furtherdeteriorating the entire hydrological setup of the area. Entry and dispersion of pollutants in the hydrological systemis shown by distribution diagrams. Aconservative estimate indicates that the effect of pollutantson the agricultural lands and water bodiesextends 0.25 to 0.5 km to either side of the Nakkavagu Riverover a length of 25 km. In addition tothis, the movement of pollutants with ground water in thedownstream direction worsened thehydrological system and increased the possibility ofgeo-accumulation of pollutants in biota. Openwells, dug wells and tanks have become useless and redundantas the concentrations of Cu, Se, As,B, Cr and Fe have increased to 5 to 10 times the permissiblelimits. Several villages have beenaffected by the toxic pollutants in the area. The groundwatersystem is polluted over a large area asshown in elemental migration diagrams and is not potable.Tentatively an area of 20 sq km can becategorized as the worst affected by various pollutants.
Strontium-, Nd-, and rare-earth-element-isotope data are presented from rock, weathered rock (arene) and saprolite, sediment and soil, shallow and deep groundwater (e.g. mineral-water springs), and surface waters in the Margeride massif, located in the French Massif Central. Granitoid rock and gneiss are the main lithologies encountered in the Margeride, which corresponds to a large and 5-km-deep laccolith. Compared to bedrock, the Sr isotopes in arene, regolith, sediment and soil strongly diverge with a linear increase in the 87Sr/86Sr and Rb/Sr ratios. Neodymium isotopes fluctuate least between bedrock and the weathering products. In order to characterise the theoretical Sr isotopic signature IRf(Sr) of water interacting with granite, a dissolution model was applied, based on the hypothesis that most of the Sr comes from the dissolution of plagioclase, K-feldspar and biotite. Similar to the Sr model, an approach was developed for modelling the theoretical Nd isotopic signature IRf(Nd) of water interacting with a granite, assuming that most Nd originates from dissolution of the same minerals as those that yield Sr, plus apatite. The IRf(Sr) ratio of water after equilibration with the Sr derived from minerals was calculated for the Margeride granite and compared to values measured in surface- and groundwaters. Comparison of the results shows agreement between the calculated IRf(Sr) and the observed 87Sr/86Sr ratios. When calculating the IRf(Nd) ratio of water after equilibration with the Nd derived from minerals of the Margeride granite, the results indicated good agreement with surface-water values, whereas mineralised waters analysed within the Margeride hydrosystem could not be directly linked to weathering of the granite alone. Because the recharge area of deep groundwater is located on the Margeride massif, very deep circulation involving interaction with other rocks (e.g. shales) at depths of >5 km must be considered.
Population statistics for As concentrations in rocks, sediments and ground water differ by geology and land use features in the New England region, USA. Significant sources of As in the surficial environment include both natural weathering of rocks and anthropogenic sources such as arsenical pesticides that were commonly applied to apple, blueberry and potato crops during the first half of the 20th century in the region. The variation of As in bedrock ground water wells has a strong positive correlation with geologic features at the geologic province, lithology group, and bedrock map unit levels. The variation of As in bedrock ground water wells also has a positive correlation with elevated stream sediment and rock As chemistry. Elevated As concentrations in bedrock wells do not correlate with past agricultural areas that used arsenical pesticides on crops. Stream sediments, which integrate both natural and anthropogenic sources, have a strong positive correlation of As concentrations with rock chemistry, geologic provinces and ground water chemistry, and a weaker positive correlation with past agricultural land use. Although correlation is not sufficient to demonstrate cause-and-effect, the statistics favor rock-based As as the dominant regional source of the element in stream sediments and ground water in New England. The distribution of bedrock geology features at the geologic province, lithology group and map unit level closely correlate with areas of elevated As in ground water, stream sediments, and rocks.
Δθαξκνζκέλε Γεσρεκεία, Μαθεδνληθέο Eθδόζεηο
  • Α Κειεπεξηδήο
Κειεπεξηδήο Α. (2000) Δθαξκνζκέλε Γεσρεκεία, Μαθεδνληθέο Eθδόζεηο, Αζήλα, Διιάδα.
Πνηνηηθά ραξαθηεξηζηηθά ηεο ιίκλεο Κνύξλα, Πηπρηαθή εξγαζία, Τερλνινγηθό Δθπαηδεπηηθό Ίδξπκα Κξήηεο, Τκήκα Φπζηθώλ Πόξσλ θαη Πεξηβάιινληνο
  • Σ Κεξύθνπ
Κεξύθνπ Σ. (2006) Πνηνηηθά ραξαθηεξηζηηθά ηεο ιίκλεο Κνύξλα, Πηπρηαθή εξγαζία, Τερλνινγηθό Δθπαηδεπηηθό Ίδξπκα Κξήηεο, Τκήκα Φπζηθώλ Πόξσλ θαη Πεξηβάιινληνο, Τνκέαο Πεξηβαιινληηθήο Τερλνινγίαο. Ξέλε βηβιηνγξαθία
Pattens, origin and possible effects of sediment pollution in a Mediterranean lake
  • N Skoulikidis
  • H Kaberi
  • D Sakellariou
Skoulikidis N., Kaberi H., Sakellariou D. (2008) Pattens, origin and possible effects of sediment pollution in a Mediterranean lake. Hydrobiologia, 613:71-83.