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Abstract and Figures

The plasma brake is a thin negatively biased tether which has been proposed as an efficient concept for deorbiting satellites and debris objects from low Earth orbit. We simulate the interaction with the ionospheric plasma ram flow with the plasma brake tether by a high performance electrostatic particle in cell code to evaluate the thrust. The tether is assumed to be perpendicular to the flow. We perform runs for different tether voltage, magnetic field orientation and plasma ion mass. We show that a simple analytical thrust formula reproduces most of the simulation results well. The interaction with the tether and the plasma flow is laminar when the magnetic field is perpendicular to the tether and the flow. If the magnetic field is parallel to the tether, the behaviour is unstable and thrust is reduced by a modest factor. The case when the magnetic field is aligned with the flow can also be unstable, but does not result in notable thrust reduction. We also fix an error in an earlier reference. According to the simulations the predicted thrust of the plasma brake is large enough to make the method promising for satellite deorbiting. As a numerical example we estimate that a 5 km long plasma brake tether weighing 0.055 kg could produce 0.43 mN breaking force which is enough to reduce the orbital altitude of a 260 kg debris mass by 100 km during one year.
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Date: 3 September 2014
Simulation study of the plasma brake effect
P. Janhunen
Finnish Meteorological Institute, POB-503, FI-00101, Helsinki, Finland
Correspondence to: Pekka Janhunen
Abstract. The plasma brake is a thin negatively biased tether
which has been proposed as an efficient concept for deor-
biting satellites and debris objects from low Earth orbit. We
simulate the interaction with the ionospheric plasma ram
flow with the plasma brake tether by a high performance
electrostatic particle in cell code to evaluate the thrust. The
tether is assumed to be perpendicular to the flow. We per-
form runs for different tether voltage, magnetic field orienta-
tion and plasma ion mass. We show that a simple analytical
thrust formula reproduces most of the simulation results well.
The interaction with the tether and the plasma flow is lami-
nar (i.e., smooth and not turbulent) when the magnetic field is
perpendicular to the tether and the flow. If the magnetic field
is parallel to the tether, the behaviour is unstable and thrust
is reduced by a modest factor. The case when the magnetic
field is aligned with the flow can also be unstable, but does
not result in notable thrust reduction. We also fix an error in
an earlier reference. According to the simulations, the pre-
dicted thrust of the plasma brake is large enough to make the
method promising for low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite deor-
biting. As a numerical example we estimate that a 5 km long
plasma brake tether weighing 0.055 kg could produce 0.43
mN breaking force which is enough to reduce the orbital al-
titude of a 260 kg object mass by 100 km during one year.
1 Introduction
The plasma brake (Janhunen, 2009, 2010) is an efficient
propellantless concept for deorbiting low Earth orbit (LEO)
satellites. The plasma brake is a very thin negatively charged
tether which, when charged, causes a braking force by cre-
ating enhanced Coulomb drag with ambient ionospheric
plasma ram flow. The plasma brake tether is somewhat simi-
lar to the more well known electrodynamic tether (Sanmartin
et al., 1993), but is much thinner and uses electrostatic rather
than magnetic forces.
Because the plasma brake 4-wire ultrasonically bonded
tether is thin, it is lightweight, 11 grams per kilometre
anen et al., 2013) and does not form an appreciable
threat to other satellites even in case of tether breakage. A
broken piece of plasma brake tether deorbits itself quickly
because of electromagnetic forces and neutral drag, and even
if the tether piece would collide with a satellite, the 25-50
µm wires draw only 0.1mm deep scratches on its surface.
Said electromagnetic forces are a passive Coulomb drag ef-
fect and to a lesser extent the passive electrodynamic tether
effect. The broken tether piece experiences an orbital mo-
tion induced natural electric field, and whenever this field
has a component along the tether, one end of the tether gets
charged negatively and the other one positively with respect
to the local plasma, causing electrostatic Coulomb drag and
electromagnetic Lorentz drag. Although the passive electro-
magnetic drag effects are weaker than the active ones, the
very low specific mass of the tether (0.01 kg/km) makes
passive deorbiting of a broken tether piece fast, typically.
To maintain a tether at positive voltage in the solar wind
requires an electron gun (Janhunen et al., 2010, 2013) that
pumps out negatively charged particles from the system and
thereby cancels the tether’s gathered plasma current. Like-
wise, to maintain a tether at negative voltage can be ac-
complished with a positive ion gun. However, in LEO the
maintenance of the plasma brake tether’s negative voltage
in most cases does not require an ion gun since the satel-
lite’s conducting body can be used as the current balancing
electron gathering surface (Janhunen, 2010). If the satellite’s
grounded and conducting surface area is insufficiently small
for this purpose, a relatively short positively biased tether
made of similar material than the main tether could be used
for gathering the required balancing electron current.
The topic of the paper is to use a realistic electrostatic par-
ticle in cell (PIC) simulation to model the interaction be-
tween the negatively biased plasma brake tether with the
surrounding ionospheric plasma ram flow which moves at a
arXiv:1401.5968v2 [astro-ph.IM] 29 Aug 2014
2 P. Janhunen: Plasma brake PIC simulation
typical satellite orbital speed of 7.5 km/s. We run the code
with different voltages, different magnetic field orientations
and different ion species and determine the thrust per tether
length in each case. We will also present a simple analytical
formula for plasma brake thrust which reproduces the simu-
lation results.
2 Simulation code
We use a two-dimensional explicit electrostatic kinetic PIC
simulation model (Birdsall and Langdon, 1991). The func-
tionality of the code is similar to what we have used earlier
to model the positively biased E-sail tether (Janhunen and
Sandroos, 2007), but the code is vectorised with AgnerVector
library (Fog, 2013) and parallelised with the standard Mes-
sage Passing Interface (MPI) and OpenMP tools. We run the
code with real electron and ion masses.
We simulate a negatively charged tether in plasma flow
which is caused by the satellite’s orbital motion through the
ionosphere. We use a Cartesian coordinate system where
Xis antiparallel with the tether-perpendicular component
of the flow, Zis parallel to the tether and Ycompletes a
right-handed coordinate system. For convenience we take the
plasma flow to be perpendicular to the tether, which implies
no loss in generality. The simulation is two-dimensional in
the tether-perpendicular plane. A constant external magnetic
field is employed in some runs. By default the plasma is cold
oxygen plasma, temperature 0.1 eV, and it flows at 7.5 km/s
which corresponds to 4.7 eV bulk flow ion energy. The tether
bias voltage is typically a few hundred volts negative. The pa-
rameters of all reported runs are given in Table 1. The simu-
lations are initialised from vacuum and the plasma flow starts
entering the box at t= 0.
Above 500 km where the plasma brake is relevant
(at lower altitude the neutral drag typically brings satellites
down rapidly enough), ionospheric plasma consists mainly
of O+(16 amu), N+(14 amu), He+(4 amu) and H+(1 amu)
ions. The main species are O+and H+; the minor species N+
can be summed to O+because the masses are approximately
similar. The abundance of O+decreases with altitude. At all
altitudes, solar activity tends to increase the oxygen abun-
dance. For the plasma brake, the most relevant environment
is O+plasma because proton plasma produces order of mag-
nitude smaller thrust and helium is usually not a dominant
species. For this reason, the main emphasis in this paper is
on O+plasma.
Runs reported in this paper used 16 nodes on a Cray XC30.
The XC30 consists of compute nodes, each node has 2 pro-
cessor chips and each chip has 10 2.6 GHz execution cores.
The runs reported here used 16 XC30 nodes and achieved
4.4·109particle propagations per second which corresponds
to 1Tflops single precision floating point performance.
3 Results
3.1 Oxygen plasma without magnetic field
We first run the code with oxygen plasma and without mag-
netic field for different values of the tether potential Vw. The
runs are detailed in Table 2. The vacuum potential of the
tether (the voltage difference between the tether and the sim-
ulation box boundary if there is no plasma inside the box)
is an input parameter to the simulation. After the simulation,
the true potential of the tether is calculated by evaluating the
plasma potential at the tether and adding it to the vacuum
potential. For this reason, the tether potential values Vware
not round numbers. We label the runs partly by their vacuum
potential values.
Figure 1 shows the simulated thrust (determined from par-
ticle momentum balance averaged over the last 1/3 of the run)
with open circles. Coloured marks in Fig. 1 are results from
some runs containing a magnetic field and they are described
in later subsections below. The solid line is the following
analytical formula, inspired by our earlier work (Janhunen,
2009, equation 20):
dz = 3.864 ×Pdynso˜
where Pdyn =minov2
ois the dynamic pressure, miis the
ion mass (mi= 16 amu for oxygen plasma here), vois the
plasma flow speed relative to spacecraft (assumed to be per-
pendicular to the tether or else vodenotes only the perpen-
dicular component),
wis the tether’s effective electric radius (Janhunen and San-
droos, 2007, appendix A), λeff
D=poVw/(eno)is the ef-
fective Debye length and Vi= (1/2)miv2
o/e is the bulk ion
flow energy in voltage units. The effective electric radius is
approximately given by r
w=brwwhere rwis the tether
wire radius, typically 12.5-25 µm, and bis the tether width,
typically 2 cm (a rough value of bis sufficient to know be-
cause r
wenters into Eq. (1) only logarithmically). In this
paper we use the value r
w= 1 mm. The numerical coeffi-
cient (3.864) in front of the expression has been selected to
give a good fit to the present simulation results. This value is
about 2.25 times larger than the value 1.72 used in our pre-
vious work (Janhunen, 2009). We think that this difference
may arise because in the earlier work we used typical solar
wind parameters so that the ratio Vw/Viwas about 10 while
this ratio is about 100 in the present ionospheric case so that
the works explored different regions of the parameter space.
In the ionospheric case, many ions are deflected backward
by the potential well around the tether which increases the
thrust markedly in comparison to the solar wind case where
P. Janhunen: Plasma brake PIC simulation 3
the much larger bulk flow speed causes the ions to deflect
more modestly.
Figure 2 shows the time history of thrust during the V400
(Baseline) run, computed by two complementary methods:
the direct Coulomb force acting on the tether (by evaluating
the numerical gradient of the plasma potential at the tether
position) and the total momentum Xcomponent lost by par-
ticles between entering and leaving the simulation box. Fig-
ure 3 shows the two-dimensional instantaneous electron and
ion density at the final state of the Baseline run.
Increasing the tether voltage makes the ion sheath larger.
The highest voltage runs (marked with “g” in Table 2) were
performed with extended box size of 768×768 to accom-
modate the larger sheath. As a consistency check, run V500
was performed with both grid sizes. The difference in the
determined thrust was minimal (Table 2, compare V500 and
The quasi-monochromatic oscillation seen in Fig. 2 occurs
in runs V300 and higher. In lower voltage runs the oscillation
is absent. When present, the oscillation neither increases nor
decreases with time.
3.2 Effect of magnetic field
We performed three more runs with the same parameters as
V400 (Baseline), but with each of the magnetic field compo-
nents in turn set to 30000 nT, a typical LEO field strength.
The results are shown in Figs. 4-6. It is seen that in runs
Bx and Bz, the oscillation which was already present in the
Baseline run is now increasing in amplitude. In contrast, in
the By run the oscillation is damped and is going to disap-
pear. Thus, By(magnetic field perpendicular to tether and
flow) is stabilising while flow-directed or tether-directed field
is destabilising at the baseline voltage.
The final state of run Bx is shown in Fig. 7. The sheath
surrounding the tether is unstable and radiates plasma waves
in all directions in the XY plane. In the tether-fixed coordi-
nate frame, the waves move approximately at the same phase
speed as the bulk flow (7.5 km/s). The waves appear to move
with the ion flow which is reflected by the tether’s potential
well. The incoming flow has a Mach number of 5with
respect to ion acoustic wave speed. Because of energy con-
servation, reflected ions move radially outward with the same
speed as the incoming flow. The tether’s potential well fluctu-
ates, which modulates the flow of outward reflected ions. The
modulations propagate outward approximately at the same
speed as the ions because the ion acoustic speed is less than
the bulk velocity of the outward moving ion population. In
Fig. 7 one can also see that the X-directed magnetic field
tends to restrict electron motion in Y, which creates some
horizontal stripes seen in the figure (reddish stripes on posi-
tive X), visible in both electron and ion density and emanat-
ing from the edges of the electron cavity.
Figure 8 shows the final state of run Bz. Again the state
is unstable and the tether’s potential well radiates plasma
waves. Additionally, the boundaries of the plasma wake be-
hind the tether display some turbulent behaviour. This proba-
bly occurs because now the magnetic field is along the tether
so that electrons respond to Xand Ydirected electric fields
by E×Bdrifting (similar to Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in
plane perpendicular to B). Not surprisingly, the horizontal
stripes which were visible in the Bx run (Fig. 7) are now ab-
3.3 Effect of ion mass
Figures 9 and 10 show thrust histories for helium and pro-
ton plasma, respectively, and with other parameters in their
Baseline (V400) values. In both light ion cases, an unstable
oscillation is present. The instability grows faster in the pro-
ton run than in the helium run and has time to evolve into
intermittent, nonlinear regime.
Figure 11 shows the final state of the Proton run. Some
ions have become trapped by the potential well which has de-
creased the thrust to some extent (Fig. 10). The sheath emits
plasma waves in all XY directions. The flow Mach num-
ber with respect to ion acoustic speed is low (1.2) which is
probably the reason why the wake behind the tether is rather
short (the wake gets filled quickly from the boundaries be-
cause the ion thermal speed is almost as large as the flow
speed). In Fig. 11 the behaviour of the densities near the in-
flow boundary (right side) shows some Y-directed striping
and does not look completely natural. It is possible that the
finite box size affects the result to some extent in this case. In
the proton case (Fig. 11) it is also noteworthy that the emit-
ted ion waves have short enough wavelength that the electron
density does not follow the ion density, in other words, that
the emitted wavelength is not much larger than the electron
Debye length.
Formula 1 predicts 12.2 nN/m in the helium case and 2.92
nN/m in the proton case. The simulated values at 2.43 ms are
larger (14.6 and 5.05 nN/m, respectively), even though in the
proton run some ion trapping had already occurred which had
reduced the thrust. Probably the smaller dynamic pressure of
light ion bulk flow depresses the sheath less than in the oxy-
gen case, and this effect is not included in Eq. (1) where the
thrust is assumed to be linearly proportional to the ion mass.
In the helium run (not shown) the behaviour is intermediate
between the oxygen and proton runs. In subsection 3.5 below
we will investigate longer time behaviour of proton plasma
where also a magnetic field is included.
3.4 Effect of electron temperature
In all runs thus far presented we have assumed that the elec-
tron temperature is 0.1 eV (the same as ion temperature). In
the 700-900 km altitude range, the electron temperature is
actually often 0.2-0.3 eV. Figure 12 shows thrust behaviour
of a run (named Te) which is otherwise identical to Base-
line (V400), but the electron temperature is set to 0.3 eV. The
4 P. Janhunen: Plasma brake PIC simulation
thrust remains essentially unchanged and the oscillation is
damped. So run Te suggests that a higher electron tempera-
ture improves stability.
3.5 Longer runs with magnetic field
Figure 13 shows longer time behaviour (4·106timesteps,
23.4 ms) of the thrust in the presence of X-directed magnetic
field. The result indicates that after about 7 ms, the thrust
no longer decreases while intermittent unstable wave activity
continues. The asymptotic value of the thrust as determined
from the run is 40.9 nN/m which is only 11 % less than in
V400 (Baseline) when the difference in voltage between the
runs (311 V versus 337 V) is compensated for by a square
root dependence. Hence the simulation suggests that the in-
stability caused by an X-directed magnetic field decreases
the plasma brake thrust only slightly at the baseline voltage.
Figure 14 shows the corresponding result for Z-directed
magnetic field. The behaviour is similar except that the fluc-
tuation spectrum extends to somewhat lower frequencies.
The final state thrust 38.7 nN/m is 17 % lower than voltage-
corrected Baseline.
Figure 15 shows the result with higher voltage (757 V
which is 2.4 times larger than Baseline) and Z-directed field.
The fluctuations are strong and the thrust 53.8 nN/m is 27 %
lower than voltage-corrected Baseline. Thus the relative gap
between the Bz and B= 0 cases increases with voltage. The
increase of the gap is slower than linear, however, since it
increases from 17 % to 27 % if the voltage is made 2.4
times stronger. The thrust curve in Fig. 15 might not yet be
completely stabilised at the end of the run so the thrust es-
timate derived from the simulation in this case might some-
what overestimated.
The X-directed magnetic field case with high 856 V volt-
age is shown in Fig. 16. This run provides a positive surprise
since initial transients now die away quickly after which the
state is stable and the thrust is even somewhat larger than
Eq. (1) prediction. Thus, although X-directed field at lower
voltage is unstable and the instability lowers the thrust to a
small extent (run BxLong), at higher voltage the instability
is absent and instead of a small thrust reduction we have a
minor thrust enhancement.
Next we look at the asymptotic state in the strongly un-
stable proton case (see subsection 3.3 above) where in ad-
dition a destabilising Bz magnetic field exists. The result is
shown in Fig. 17. The fluctuations are strong, but the average
magnitude of the thrust gets stabilised during the run. Thus,
even strongly unstable behaviour does not cause a collapse
of the ion sheath which surrounds the tether and whose spa-
tial extent determines the thrust. Interestingly, the determined
thrust of 2.91 nN/m at Vw= 256 V is exactly (within three
decimal places) equal to Eq. (1) prediction. Likely the B= 0
value of the thrust in case of proton plasma would be slightly
above Eq. (1) prediction, while Bztends to slightly lower the
thrust. That the effects cancel out exactly may be fortuitous.
3.6 Miscellaneous runs
We also made a run where the magnetic field components
had equal values: Bx=By=Bz= 30000 nT/3. The re-
sult is an intermediate case of the Bx, By and Bz runs: a
very slowly growing oscillation appears. It therefore seems
that the behaviour is stable if the magnetic field is predomi-
nantly in the Ydirection and unstable otherwise. The result
suggests that if the magnetic field has general orientation, the
behaviour can be qualitatively interpolated from the X, Y and
Z directed runs.
When the plasma density nois changed, all spatial scales
in the electrostatic PIC simulation model scale naturally by
the electron Debye length i.e. as 1/no. The only thing
that breaks this scale invariance is the fixed value of the
tether’s effective electric radius r
w. However, the effect of
wis minor because it enters in Eq. (1) only logarithmically.
Thus we can say that changing the plasma density nodoes
not affect the stable/unstable nature of the solution and the
thrust scales nearly as proportional to no. As a consistency
check, we made one run to verify this behaviour.
We also performed a high voltage run with Y-directed
field, V1000By (Table 2) with short 2.43 ms duration be-
cause only a weak stable oscillation is present and no insta-
bility is seen. As in the corresponding lower voltage run By,
the determined thrust 80.7 nN/m is in close agreement with
Eq. 1.
4 Discussion
In Eq. (1) the thrust is nearly linearly proportional to the ion
mass and the simulations are in agreement with this at least
At 320 V, the runs BxLong and BzLong suggest that al-
though the plasma sheath is unstable when an Xor Zdomi-
nant magnetic field is present, the thrust is reduced by the in-
stability only modestly (11 % and 17 %, respectively). When
the voltage is increased to 800 V, a Z-directed field is again
unstable (V1000BzLong) and the thrust reduction is larger,
27 %. In case of X-directed field, however, the instabil-
ity is absent and there is actually a small thrust enhancement
(V1000Bx). A Y-directed field is always stable and there is
neither thrust reduction nor enhancement.
In other words, Eq. (1) is in most cases able to predict the
thrust well. The only exception is that if the magnetic field
is aligned with the tether (Z-directed case), then there is a
moderate thrust reduction which increases with voltage. The
relative reduction is 17 % at 320 V and 27 % at 760 V for
Z-directed magnetic field.
When B= 0, the flow is stable with oxygen plasma and
unstable with proton plasma (runs V400 and Proton). When
an instability sets in, the ion cloud formed by ions passing
near the tether starts to oscillate at ion plasma frequency. In
the oxygen case the ion plasma oscillation is 4 times slower
P. Janhunen: Plasma brake PIC simulation 5
than in the proton case. In the oxygen case the flow has time
to move by more than one ion sheath diameter during one ion
plasma period, while in the proton case it moves only a frac-
tion of the sheath diameter. Thus in the proton plasma case,
if the sheath starts to oscillate, the oscillations have more op-
portunities to disturb the upstream flow and perhaps cause
a positive nonlinear feedback. Maybe this is why lighter ion
mass flow tends to be more unstable. Another way to arrive at
a qualitatively similar conclusion is to note that the ion bulk
flow kinetic energy eVi= (1/2)miv2
ois linearly proportional
to the ion mass. Thus the ratio Vw/Viis 16 times larger in
proton plasma flow than in O+ion flow. Any voltage depen-
dent instability should then occur at 16 times lower voltage
in proton plasma than in O+plasma.
Let us consider a vertical gravity gradient stabilised
plasma brake tether using the untilted dipole approximation
for Earth’s magnetic field. The untilted dipole approximation
can be used in this case because runs where all field com-
ponents had nonzero values seemed to interpolate smoothly
from purely aligned runs (Section 3.6), i.e. exact orientation
of the magnetic field does not seem to matter. In this approx-
imation, in equatorial orbit the magnetic field is Y-directed
all the time and the thrust is consequently predicted well by
Eq. (1). The same is true in polar orbit in low latitudes. Only
for the high latitude portion of a polar orbit the thrust is some-
what smaller than what Eq. (1) predicts.
Let us look at a numeric example. At 1 kV voltage, 3·1010
m3density and oxygen plasma, the predicted plasma brake
thrust from Eq. 1 is 85 nN/m. A 5 km long tether would pro-
duce 0.43 mN braking force which is equivalent to 13400
Ns impulse per year. At 800 km altitude, reducing the orbital
altitude by 100 km requires 52 m/s of delta-v, thus the exem-
plary 5 km tether (mass 0.055 kg, (Sepp¨
anen et al., 2013))
could lower the orbital altitude of a 260 kg object by 100 km
during one year. The gathered oxygen ion current per tether
length is given by the orbital motion limited (OML) theory
expression as
dz =enor2eVw
w= 8.4·108A/m(3)
where dtot
wis the total width of the four-wire tether (160
µm). Hence a 5 km tether gathers 0.4 mA current and con-
sumes 0.4 W power in this plasma. In reality the current is
expected to be somewhat larger because of production of
some secondary electrons from the tether when hit by oxy-
gen ions. For comparison, the maximal Lorentz force pro-
duced by the tether (Cosmo and Lorenzini, 1997) (using the
length-averaged current of 0.2 mA) is only 0.03 mN which is
14 times smaller than the plasma brake force in this case.
We did not test voltages higher than about 860 V in this
paper. Going to higher voltages tends to increase the needed
computing time because the sheath becomes larger so one
needs more grid cells, particles and timesteps to model its
asymptotic evolution accurately. In a practical device, if one
increases the negative voltage, at some point electron field
emission from the surface of the tether wires starts to become
an issue. Field emission adds to the ionic current gathered
by the tether and hence increases power consumption. We
think that the point where field emission starts to become an
issue is larger than 1 kV but smaller than perhaps 3-5 kV. The
value also depends on the geometry and possible coating of
the tether. Before experimental knowledge about the plasma
brake is obtained, it is not necessarily well motivated to try
simulations with higher voltages than those presented in this
4.1 Correction of an earlier result
The reference Janhunen (2010) contains an error: the quan-
tities which are in the present paper denoted by ˜
Vand Vw
were confused with each other. Therefore the thrust versus
voltage relationship as given in Janhunen (2010) was too op-
timistic. On the other hand, Janhunen (2010) used an earlier
formula (Janhunen, 2009, equation 20) whose numerical co-
efficient had been found from a test particle calculation using
solar wind parameters. In the ionospheric plasma brake case,
the ratio between the tether voltage Vwand the bulk flow
energy Vi(in voltage units) is much larger than in the so-
lar wind, and consequently ions are reflected backward more
efficiently in the ionosphere than in the solar wind, as is ev-
ident from the simulation results of the present paper. All in
all, the results of Janhunen (2010) are not too far from re-
ality: the error resulting from confusing ˜
Vand Vwand the
inaccuracy resulting from using a formula suitable for solar
wind roughly cancel out each other.
5 Conclusions
According to a series of electrostatic PIC simulations per-
formed at different parameters, Eq. (1) can be used to pre-
dict plasma brake thrust in ionospheric conditions. Only if
the dominant component of the magnetic field is along the
tether, the thrust is reduced, and the relative reduction grows
from 17 % to 27 % when the voltage increases from 320 V
to 760 V. The thrust reduction is due to an instability which
has ionic character.
The predicted performance of the plasma brake seems
promising concerning satellite deorbiting applications. For
example in O+plasma with 3·1010 m3density and using 1
kV voltage, a 5 km long plasma brake tether weighing 0.055
kg could produce 0.43 mN breaking force at altitude 800
km, which is enough to reduce the orbital altitude of a 260
kg debris mass by 100 km during one year.
Acknowledgements. The work was partly supported by Academy
of Finland grant 250591.
6 P. Janhunen: Plasma brake PIC simulation
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P. Janhunen: Plasma brake PIC simulation 7
0 500 1000 V
Fig. 1. Different marks: thrust as function of tether voltage Vwin
oxygen plasma with and without magnetic field, see legend in plot
and Table 2 for run parameters. Solid line: equation (1).
47.9 nN/m
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 ms
Fig. 2. Time development of thrust in V400 (Baseline) run, tether
Coulomb force computation (black curve) and momentum balance
computation (red curve).
Fig. 3. Electron density (a) and ion density (b) normalised to plasma
stream density in the final state (t= 2.43 ms) of run V400 (Base-
8 P. Janhunen: Plasma brake PIC simulation
51.1 nN/m
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 ms
Fig. 4. Run Bx: same as Fig. 2, but with Bx= 30000 nT.
48.5 nN/m
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 ms
Fig. 5. Run By: same as Fig. 2, but with By= 30000 nT.
47.2 nN/m
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 ms
Fig. 6. Run Bz: same as Fig. 2, but with Bz= 30000 nT.
P. Janhunen: Plasma brake PIC simulation 9
Fig. 7. Electron density (a) and ion density (b) normalised to plasma
stream density in the final state (t= 2.43 ms) of run Bx.
Fig. 8. Electron density (a) and ion density (b) normalised to plasma
stream density in the final state (t= 2.43 ms) of run Bz.
10 P. Janhunen: Plasma brake PIC simulation
14.6 nN/m
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 ms
Fig. 9. Run Helium: same as Fig. 2, but in helium plasma.
5.05 nN/m
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 ms
Fig. 10. Run Proton: same as Fig. 2, but in proton plasma.
Fig. 11. Electron density (a) and ion density (b) normalised to
plasma stream density in the final state (t= 2.43 ms) of run Pro-
P. Janhunen: Plasma brake PIC simulation 11
48.7 nN/m
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 ms
Fig. 12. Run Te: same as Fig. 2, but with Te= 0.3eV instead of 0.1
12 P. Janhunen: Plasma brake PIC simulation
Fig. 13. Run BxLong: Bx= 30000 nT and 23.4 ms duration.
Fig. 14. Run BzLong: Bz= 30000 nT and 23.4 ms duration.
Fig. 15. Run V1000BzLong: Vw= 756.69 V, Bz= 30000 nT and 23.4 ms duration.
P. Janhunen: Plasma brake PIC simulation 13
83.6 nN/m
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ms
Fig. 16. Run V1000Bx: Vw= 856.07 V, Bx= 30000 nT and 8 ms duration.
Fig. 17. Run ProtonBzLong: proton plasma, Bz= 30000 nT and 23.4 ms duration.
14 P. Janhunen: Plasma brake PIC simulation
Table 1. Simulation parameters of V400 (Baseline)run.
Parameter Symbol Value
Grid size 512 ×512
Grid spacing x7.3mm
Normalised spacing x/λDe 0.54
X grid domain -2.34 .. 1.4 m
Y grid domain -1.87 .. 1.87 m
Timestep t5.84 ns
Normalised timestep ωp et0.057
Run duration tmax 2.43 ms
Number of timesteps 417000
Electrons per cell N0500 (in plasma stream)
Number of particles 52.4M
Plasma density no3·1010 m3
Ion mass mi16 amu (O+)
Plasma drift vo7.5 km/s
Electron temp. Te0.1 eV
Ion temp. Ti0.1 eV
Magnetic field Bx,By,Bz0 nT
Tether voltage Vw337.436 V
Tether electric radius r
w1 mm
P. Janhunen: Plasma brake PIC simulation 15
Table 2. List of performed runs. Only differences to the V400 (Baseline) run are mentioned. Runs ending with “g” have larger 768 ×768
grid. The Long runs have 23.4 ms duration. The ’Rel. thrust’ column tells how much the thrust differs from Eq. (1) prediction.
Run Parameters Thrust/nNm1Eq. (1)/nNm1Rel. thrust Nature
V50 Vw= 41.0V 7.06 10.6 -33 % Stable
V100 Vw= 82.4V 19.4 19.8 -2 % Stable
V150 Vw= 125 V 27.3 26.7 +2 % Stable
V200 Vw= 168 V 32.8 32.3 +2 % Stable
V300 Vw= 252 V 40.5 41.2 -2 % Steady oscillation
V400 Table 1, Vw= 337 V 47.9 48.5 -1 % Steady oscillation
V500 Vw= 424 V 54.5 54.9 -1 % Steady oscillation
V500g Vw= 424 V 54.9 54.9 0 % Steady oscillation
V600g Vw= 512 V 60.9 60.6 0 % Steady oscillation
V800g Vw= 689 V 71.4 70.7 +1 % Steady oscillation
V1000g Vw= 869 V 80.1 79.5 +1 % Steady oscillation
Bx Bx= 30µT, Vw= 333 V 51.1 48.2 +6 % Unstable
BxLong Bx= 30µT, Vw= 311 V 40.9 46.4 -12 % Unstable
By By= 30µT, Vw= 338 V 48.5 48.6 0 % Dying oscillation
Bz Bz= 30µT, Vw= 335 V 47.2 48.4 -2 % Unstable
BzLong Bz= 30µT, Vw= 317 V 38.7 46.9 -17 % Unstable
Helium mi= 4 amu, Vw= 350 V 14.6 13.2 +11 % Unstable
Proton mi= 1 amu, Vw= 323 V 5.06 3.24 +56 % Unstable
ProtonBzLong mi= 1 amu, Vw= 256 V 2.91 2.91 0 % Unstable
V1000By By= 30µT, V= 870 V 80.7 79.5 +2 % Steady oscillation
V1000BzLong Bz= 30µT, Vw= 757 V 53.8 74.1 -27 % Unstable
V1000Bx Bx= 30µT, Vw= 856 V 83.6 78.0 +7 % Stable
Te Te= 0.3eV, Vw= 337 V 48.7 48.5 0 % Dying oscillation
... When a high-voltage charged tether is put into streaming space plasma, the tether's electric field disturbs the flow of plasma ions and thereby taps momentum from the plasma flow [1][2][3][4]. The effect is called electrostatic Coulomb drag. ...
... Finnish Meteorological Institute, Space research and observation technologies, Helsinki, Finland ( 2 Aurora Propulsion Technology, Espoo, Finland ( 3 Gradel sarl, Eliange, Luxembourg ( 4 SpaceR-SnT/University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Kirchberg ( When a high-voltage charged tether is put into streaming space plasma, the tether's electric field disturbs the flow of plasma ions and thereby taps momentum from the plasma flow [1][2][3][4]. ...
... Finnish Meteorological Institute, Space research and observation technologies, Helsinki, Finland ( 2 Aurora Propulsion Technology, Espoo, Finland ( 3 Gradel sarl, Eliange, Luxembourg ( 4 SpaceR-SnT/University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Kirchberg ( When a high-voltage charged tether is put into streaming space plasma, the tether's electric field disturbs the flow of plasma ions and thereby taps momentum from the plasma flow [1][2][3][4]. The effect is called electrostatic Coulomb drag. ...
Conference Paper
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When a high-voltage charged tether is put into streaming space plasma, the tether’s electric field disturbs the flow of plasma ions and thereby taps momentum from the plasma flow. The effect is called electrostatic Coulomb drag. One application is the electric solar wind sail which uses the solar wind to generate interplanetary propulsion. Another application is the Plasma Brake which uses the ionospheric ram flow to generate Coulomb drag that slowly de-orbits the satellite. Both positive and negative tether polarities work. The plasma physics is different, but the net effect is a transfer of momentum in both cases. The reasons are somewhat complicated, but there is good motivation to select positive polarity in the solar wind case and negative polarity in the ionospheric Plasma Brake case. Measurement of Coulomb drag in Low Earth Orbit and testing deployment of tether is to be carried out by ESTCube-2 cubesat which is scheduled for launch in spring 2023, and forthcoming Foresail cubesat scheduled for launch later in 2023-2024. Project DragLiner is ongoing and funded by ESA to define requirements and a preliminary design of a passive Coulomb Drag based deorbit system capable of bringing down LEO spacecrafts in an order of magnitude shorter time than the current regulations of re-enter time for the spacecraft (25 years). Other main requirements for the deorbiting system are low mass and independence from the spacecraft resources. The project will also create a TRL 4 prototype of a Plasma Brake module that can be used to deorbit a few hundred kilogram satellite or launcher upper stage from Low Earth Orbit. The module deploys ~5 km long tether that is made of four 25-50 micrometre diameter conductive wires. In addition to aluminium wires used previously in Cubesat projects we will also evaluate more advanced carbon fibre composite wires. The redundant multi-wire tether structure is used so that the tether does not break even when micrometeoroids cut some of its wires. The tether is deployed from a storage reel. The tether is kept at -1 kV voltage by an onboard high-voltage source. A ~100 m long metal-coated tape tether is used as an electron-gathering surface that closes the current loop. Alternatively, conducting parts of the debris satellite could be used for electron gathering. The power consumption is a few watts.
... The E-sail's fundamental characteristics of thrust per unit of tether length have been analysed using particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations of plasma stream interaction with a charged wire [5,9]. Running PIC simulations for a multi-tether system would be computationally (and financially) expensive. ...
... The electric solar wind sail has been extensively modelled using a range of methods. The force per unit of tether length formulas have been derived from the Particle-In-Cell (PIC) simulations of the space plasma flow creating the Coulomb drag effect upon charge particle deflection in the artificial electrostatic sheath around the charged E-sail tether [5,9]. The E-sail force per unit of tether length empirical formula has been used to derive a wide variety of E-sail models and to develop mission design tools. ...
... As mentioned in Section 1.2, the ESME uses previous simulations from Janhunen et al. [5,9] in order to calculate the thrust per unit of tether length for a given solar wind environment, electric charge of the tether, and material. Currently, the model from [5] is used, but an update to the iterative model presented in [9] is planned. ...
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The electric solar wind sail, or E-sail, is a novel deep space propulsion concept which has not been demonstrated in space yet. While the solar wind is the authentic operational environment of the electric sail, its fundamentals can be demonstrated in the ionosphere where the E-sail can be used as a plasma brake for deorbiting. Two missions to be launched in 2023, Foresail-1p and ESTCube-2, will attempt to demonstrate Coulomb drag propulsion (an umbrella term for the E-sail and plasma brake) in low Earth orbit. This paper presents the next step of bringing the E-sail to deep space—we provide the initial modelling and trajectory analysis of demonstrating the E-sail in solar wind. The preliminary analysis assumes a six-unit cubesat being inserted in the lunar orbit where it deploys several hundred meters of the E-sail tether and charges the tether at 10–20 kV. The spacecraft will experience acceleration due to the solar wind particles being deflected by the electrostatic sheath around the charged tether. The paper includes two new concepts: the software architecture of a new mission design tool, the Electric Sail Mission Expeditor (ESME), and the initial E-sail experiment design for the lunar orbit. Our solar-wind simulation places the Electric Sail Test Cube (ESTCube) lunar cubesat with the E-sail tether in average solar wind conditions and we estimate a force of 1.51e−4 N produced by the Coulomb drag on a 2 km tether charged to 20 kV. Our trajectory analysis takes the 15 kg cubesat from the lunar back to the Earth orbit in under three years assuming a 2 km long tether and 20 kV. The results of this paper are used to set scientific requirements for the conceptional ESTCube lunar nanospacecraft mission design to be published subsequently in the Special Issue “Advances in CubeSat Sails and Tethers”.
... The interaction between the conducting tether and the upper Earth's atmosphere ions produces a dissipative force, usually referred to as Coulomb drag, which reduces the spacecraft orbital energy and lowers its perigee altitude until the increasing effect of the atmospheric drag becomes sufficient to complete the orbital decay. Preliminary numerical simulations give encouraging results on the potentialities of the PB-enabled deorbiting concept [21,22], which will hopefully be validated by experimental evidence. ...
... Here, the term error is intended as the difference between the approximate value and the numerical solution of the spacecraft equation of motion. Moreover, since the plasma properties in the Earth's upper atmosphere vary with altitude, the assumption of a constant Coulomb drag throughout the whole deorbiting profile is not realistic [22,31]. To overcome these issues, a rectification procedure can be easily added to the mathematical model. ...
... Note that Equation (30) is based on the following simplifying assumptions: (i) the PB-induced drag force per unit of tether length is constant, (ii) the effects of the magnetic field are neglected [22], and (iii) the PB conducting tether has a Heytether structure [39]. As sketched in Figure 5, a Heytether consists of a principal line with radius r w and multiple interconnections introduced to increase the tether resistance against possible micrometeoroid impacts. ...
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The presence of a number of space debris in low Earth orbits poses a serious threat for current spacecraft operations and future space missions. To mitigate this critical problem, international guidelines suggest that an artificial satellite should decay (or be transferred to a graveyard orbit) within a time interval of 25 years after the end of its operative life. To that end, in recent years deorbiting technologies are acquiring an increasing importance both in terms of academic research and industrial efforts. In this context, the plasma brake concept may represent a promising and fascinating innovation. The plasma brake is a propellantless device, whose working principle consists of generating an electrostatic Coulomb drag between the planet’s ionosphere ions and a charged tether deployed from a satellite in a low Earth orbit. This paper discusses an analytical method to approximate the deorbiting trajectory of a small satellite equipped with a plasma brake device. In particular, the proposed approach allows the deorbiting time to be estimated through an analytical equation as a function of the design characteristics of the plasma brake and of the satellite initial orbital elements.
... The tether is deployed from a storage reel and is maintained at a voltage of -1 kV by an onboard high-voltage source. A metal-coated tape tether, approximately tens of meters long, serves as an electron-gathering surface to close the current loop [13]. Alternatively, conducting parts of the debris satellite could also be utilized for electron gathering. ...
Conference Paper
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The ESA-Dragliner project, led by the Finnish Meteorological Institute, in collaboration with Aurora Propulsion Technologies, GRADEL, and the University of Luxembourg, aims to develop, manufacture, assemble, and test a breadboard model of a tether-based deorbiting system for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) telecommunication satellites. The selected technology for the Dragliner project is the PB (Plasma Brake) microtether, an innovative propellant-free solution designed to efficiently deorbit satellites in LEO. Utilizing Coulomb drag, this system is lightweight, compact, requires minimal power, and operates autonomously without drawing resources from the host satellite during deorbiting. The objective of this project is to design, manufacture, assemble, and test a Breadboard Model (BBM) of a Tether-based deorbiting system for Low-Earth Orbit Satcoms. Additionally, the project aims to analyze and optimize a deorbiting strategy utilizing this technology to achieve successful deorbiting of a LEO spacecraft of maximum 250 kg down to a maximum altitude of 400 km, within 2 years from 850 km original altitude, or 100 days from 550 km original altitude. This paper explains the plans of the deployment tests of the Dragliner project in the Zero-G Lab of SnT-University of Luxembourg.
... The generic conducting tether is stretched by the centrifugal force obtained through the rotation of the entire spacecraft about the spin axis perpendicular to the nominal plane of the sail at an appropriate angular velocity. A detailed analysis of the propulsive characteristics of the E-sail and a thorough discussion of the history of the development of this propulsion system can be found in the review paper by Bassetto et al. [7], while a recent special issue of Aerospace [8] brings together a set of papers outlining the latest advances in technology related to E-sail and plasma brake [9][10][11] concepts. In this regard, for example, refs. ...
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The Electric Solar Wind Sail (E-sail) is a propellantless propulsion system that converts solar wind dynamic pressure into a deep-space thrust through a grid of long conducting tethers. The first flight test, needed to experience the true potential of the E-sail concept, is likely to be carried out using a single spinning cable deployed from a small satellite, such as a CubeSat. This specific configuration poses severe limitations to both the performance and the maneuverability of the spacecraft used to analyze the actual in situ thruster capabilities. In fact, the direction of the spin axis in a single-tether configuration can be considered fixed in an inertial reference frame, so that the classic sail pitch angle is no longer a control variable during the interplanetary flight. This paper aims to determine the polar form of the propelled trajectory and the characteristics of the osculating orbit of a spacecraft propelled by a low-performance spinning E-sail with an inertially fixed axis of rotation. Assuming that the spacecraft starts the trajectory from a parking orbit that coincides with the Earth’s heliocentric orbit and that its spin axis belongs to the plane of the ecliptic, a procedure is illustrated to solve the problem accurately with a set of simple analytical relations.
... Regarding the development of new payloads, in 2017, the first Finnish satellite was launched, Aalto-1, with the Aalto Spectral Imager (AaSI): the first hyperspectral imaging system compatible with nanosatellites and the radiation monitor (RADMON) and electrostatic plasma brake (EPB) missions. The latter was a novel deorbiting technology that employed Coulomb drag between the ionospheric plasma and a long, charged tether [151][152][153]. A similar experiment was conducted on board ESTCube-1 [154,155]. ...
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This research aims to contribute to the development of the Eco-LeanSat concept by focusing on a sustainable approach to satellite manufacturing and the repurposing of remaining satellite capabilities after failure. Despite satellites no longer being suitable for their original purposes, these remaining capabilities can find new applications. The study begins by identifying relevant innovative eco-design applications. Subsequently, it examines sustainability within the satellite lifecycle supply chain, categorizing it into four methods: (1) active debris removal, (2) transport logistics, (3) mission extension, and (4) repair and construction. Aligned with emerging trends in space activities, the study also considers future developments to maximize satellites’ potential to provide new services. Additionally, the research includes a description of a potential lean manufacturing process that encompasses logistic chains to support the development of a more sustainable space economy. Finally, the study concludes with a technological survey tracing the evolution of the development of the SmallSat and CubeSat platforms that identifies relevant innovative designs for a sustainable space environment.
... The ionospheric plasma brake is the most recent LEO deorbiting invention [6]. By employing the Coulomb drag interaction between the ionosphere and an electrostatically charged hair-thin tether, the satellite can lower its altitude, avoiding the situation where the deorbiting device can be used for a mission extension. ...
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Nanosatellites have established their importance in low-Earth orbit (LEO), and it is common for student teams to build them for educational and technology demonstration purposes. The next challenge is the technology maturity for deep-space missions. The LEO serves as a relevant environment for maturing the spacecraft design. Here we present the ESTCube-2 mission, which will be launched onboard VEGA-C VV23. The satellite was developed as a technology demonstrator for the future deep-space mission by the Estonian Student Satellite Program. The ultimate vision of the program is to use the electric solar wind sail (E-sail) technology in an interplanetary environment to traverse the solar system using lightweight propulsion means. Additional experiments were added to demonstrate all necessary technologies to use the E-sail payload onboard ESTCube-3, the next nanospacecraft targeting the lunar orbit. The E-sail demonstration requires a high-angular velocity spin-up to deploy a tether, resulting in a need for a custom satellite bus. In addition, the satellite includes deep-space prototypes: deployable structures; compact avionics stack electronics (including side panels); star tracker; reaction wheels; and cold–gas propulsion. During the development, two additional payloads were added to the design of ESTCube-2, one for Earth observation of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and the other for corrosion testing in the space of thin-film materials. The ESTCube-2 satellite has been finished and tested in time for delivery to the launcher. Eventually, the project proved highly complex, making the team lower its ambitions and optimize the development of electronics, software, and mechanical structure. The ESTCube-2 team dealt with budgetary constraints, student management problems during a pandemic, and issues in the documentation approach. Beyond management techniques, the project required leadership that kept the team aware of the big picture and willing to finish a complex satellite platform. The paper discusses the ESTCube-2 design and its development, highlights the team’s main technical, management, and leadership issues, and presents suggestions for nanosatellite and nanospacecraft developers.
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The electric solar wind sail, or E-sail, is a propellantless interplanetary propulsion system concept. By deflecting solar wind particles off their original course, it can generate a propulsive effect with nothing more than an electric charge. The high-voltage charge is applied to one or multiple centrifugally deployed hair-thin tethers, around which an electrostatic sheath is created. Electron emitters are required to compensate for the electron current gathered by the tether. The electric sail can also be utilised in low Earth orbit, or LEO, when passing through the ionosphere, where it serves as a plasma brake for deorbiting—several missions have been dedicated to LEO demonstration. In this article, we propose the ESTCube-LuNa mission concept and the preliminary cubesat design to be launched into the Moon’s orbit, where the solar wind is uninterrupted, except for the lunar wake and when the Moon is in the Earth’s magnetosphere. This article introduces E-sail demonstration experiments and the preliminary payload design, along with E-sail thrust validation and environment characterisation methods, a cis-lunar cubesat platform solution and an early concept of operations. The proposed lunar nanospacecraft concept is designed without a deep space network, typically used for lunar and deep space operations. Instead, radio telescopes are being repurposed for communications and radio frequency ranging, and celestial optical navigation is developed for on-board orbit determination.
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The electric solar wind sail (E-sail) is a new type of propellantless propulsion system for Solar System transportation, which uses the natural solar wind for producing spacecraft propulsion. This paper discusses a mass breakdown and a performance model for an E-sail spacecraft that hosts a scientific payload of prescribed mass. In particular, the model is able to estimate the total spacecraft mass and its propulsive acceleration as a function of various design parameters such as the tethers number and their length. A number of subsystem masses are calculated assuming existing or near-term E-sail technology. In light of the obtained performance estimates, an E-sail represents a promising propulsion system for a variety of transportation needs in the Solar System.
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Space debris in the form of abandoned satellites is a growing concern, especially at the heavily populated 600-1000 km altitude orbits. To prevent new space junk from forming, new satellites should be equipped with a deorbiting mechanism. The problem is especially tricky for the emerging class of very small satellites for which using a braking rocket as a deorbit mechanism may have a prohibitively high relative cost impact. We describe a novel type of deorbiting mechanism that is suitable for small satellites with a mass of upto a few hundred kilograms. The method is a plasma brake device based on coulomb drag interaction between the ionospheric plasma and a negatively charged thin tether. The method resembles the well-known electrodynamic tether deorbit mechanism, but the underlying physical mechanism is different and the new method has an order of magnitude smaller mass and power consumption. The new method uses the same physical principle (coulomb drag) as the recently invented electric solar wind sail propulsion method. Furthermore, the tether required by the plasma brake is so thin that, if accidentally cut, the loose fragments of it pose no threat to other spacecraft and will rapidly descend into the atmosphere. The electrostatic plasma brake could enable an extended use of small satellites by resolving their associated space debris problem. Copyright © 2009 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.
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The present electron-collection concept for ionospheric electrodynamic tethers exposes a fraction of the tether length near its anodic end, so that electrons are collected in an orbital-motion-limited regime when a positive bias develops locally relative to the ambient plasma. The tether radius must be small compared with both the thermal gyroradius and the Debye length. Large currents can in this way be drawn with only moderate voltage drops, as is illustrated for the cases of generators and thrusters.
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The electric solar wind sail (E-sail) is a space propulsion concept that uses the natural solar wind dynamic pressure for producing spacecraft thrust. In its baseline form, the E-sail consists of a number of long, thin, conducting, and centrifugally stretched tethers, which are kept in a high positive potential by an onboard electron gun. The concept gains its efficiency from the fact that the effective sail area, i.e., the potential structure of the tethers, can be millions of times larger than the physical area of the thin tethers wires, which offsets the fact that the dynamic pressure of the solar wind is very weak. Indeed, according to the most recent published estimates, an E-sail of 1 N thrust and 100 kg mass could be built in the rather near future, providing a revolutionary level of propulsive performance (specific acceleration) for travel in the solar system. Here we give a review of the ongoing technical development work of the E-sail, covering tether construction, overall mechanical design alternatives, guidance and navigation strategies, and dynamical and orbital simulations.
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An electric solar wind sail is a recently introduced propellantless space propulsion method whose technical development has also started. In its original version, the electric sail consists of a set of long, thin, centrifugally stretched and conducting tethers which are charged positively and kept in a high positive potential of 20 kV by an onboard electron gun. The positively charged tethers deflect solar wind protons, thus tapping momentum from the solar wind stream and producing thrust. Here we consider a variant of the idea with negatively charged tethers. The negative polarity electric sail seems to be more complex to implement than the positive polarity variant since it needs an ion gun instead of an electron gun as well as a more complex tether structure to keep the electron field emission current in check with the tether surface. However, since this first study of the negative polarity electric sail does not reveal any fundamental issues, more detailed studies would be warranted.
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One possibility for propellantless propulsion in space is to use the momentum flux of the solar wind. A way to set up a solar wind sail is to have a set of thin long wires which are kept at high positive potential by an onboard electron gun so that the wires repel and deflect incident solar wind protons. The efficiency of this so-called electric sail depends on how large force a given solar wind exerts on a wire segment and how large electron current the wire segment draws from the solar wind plasma when kept at a given potential. We use 1-D and 2-D electrostatic plasma simulations to calculate the force and present a semitheoretical formula which captures the simulation results. We find that under average solar wind conditions at 1 AU the force per unit length is (5±1×10?8 N/m for 15 kV potential and that the electron current is accurately given by the well-known orbital motion limited (OML) theory cylindrical Langmuir probe formula. Although the force may appear small, an analysis shows that because of the very low weight of a thin wire per unit length, quite high final speeds (over 50 km/s) could be achieved by an electric sailing spacecraft using today's flight-proved components. It is possible that artificial electron heating of the plasma in the interaction region could increase the propulsive effect even further.
The electric solar wind sail (E-sail) is a space propulsion concept that uses the natural solar wind dynamic pressure for producing spacecraft thrust. In its baseline form, the E-sail consists of a number of long, thin, conducting, and centrifugally stretched tethers, which are kept in a high positive potential by an onboard electron gun. The concept gains its efficiency from the fact that the effective sail area, i.e., the potential structure of the tethers, can be millions of times larger than the physical area of the thin tethers wires, which offsets the fact that the dynamic pressure of the solar wind is very weak. Indeed, according to the most recent published estimates, an E-sail of 1 N thrust and 100 kg mass could be built in the rather near future, providing a revolutionary level of propulsive performance (specific acceleration) for travel in the solar system. Here we give a review of the ongoing technical development work of the E-sail, covering tether construction, overall mechanical design alternatives, guidance and navigation strategies, and dynamical and orbital simulations.
We produced a 1 km continuous piece of multifilament electric solar wind sail tether of μm-diameter aluminum wires using a custom made automatic tether factory. The tether comprising 90 704 bonds between 25 and 50 μm diameter wires is reeled onto a metal reel. The total mass of 1 km tether is 10 g. We reached a production rate of 70 m∕24 h and a quality level of 1[per thousand] loose bonds and 2[per thousand] rebonded ones. We thus demonstrated that production of long electric solar wind sail tethers is possible and practical.
Divided into three main parts, the book guides the reader to an understanding of the basic concepts in this fascinating field of research. Part 1 introduces you to the fundamental concepts of simulation. It examines one-dimensional electrostatic codes and electromagnetic codes, and describes the numerical methods and analysis. Part 2 explores the mathematics and physics behind the algorithms used in Part 1. In Part 3, the authors address some of the more complicated simulations in two and three dimensions. The book introduces projects to encourage practical work Readers can download plasma modeling and simulation software — the ES1 program — with implementations for PCs and Unix systems along with the original FORTRAN source code. Now available in paperback, Plasma Physics via Computer Simulation is an ideal complement to plasma physics courses and for self-study.