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Vol. 7(45), pp. 3292-3297, 3 December, 2013
DOI: 10.5897/JMPR2013.5299
ISSN 1996-0875 ©2013 Academic Journals
Journal of Medicinal Plants Research
A review on underutilized indigenous bambangan
(Mangifera pajang) fruit as a potential novel source for
functional food and medicine
Mohd Fadzelly Abu Bakar1* and Jeffrey R. Fry2
1Institute for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Jalan UMS, 88400, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah,
2School of Life Sciences, University of Nottingham Medical School, Queen‟s Medical Centre, Nottingham NG7 2UH,
United Kingdom.
Accepted 19 November, 2013
Mangifera pajang Konsterman, popularly known as ‘Bambangan’ is a plant endemic to Borneo Island.
This seasonal tree produces edible fruit that can be eaten fresh. It is also used in cooking, and in
making juice and pickles. The fruit is nutritious and contains various phytochemicals such as
phenolics, flavonoids and carotenoids. Recent studies have demonstrated that selected fractions of the
fruit extract displayed high antioxidant properties and have the ability to inhibit the proliferation of
selected cancer cell lines. However, the efficacy of the plant extracts to treat diseases, their long-term
safety and their toxicity evaluation have not been pursued. The main objective of this review is to
provide information on the research work undertaken to date, and to provide basic information for
future commercialization as functional food and medicine.
Key words: Mangifera pajang, phytochemicals, antioxidant, anticancer, functional food, medicine.
Fruit production is expected to rise due to the high
demands worldwide. One reason for this high demand is
the health benefits ascribed to fruits and their products.
The major tropical fruits account for approximately 75%
of global fresh tropical fruit production, and developing
countries account for about 98% of the total production of
tropical fruits (FAO, 2010). Mango (Mangifera indica) is
the dominant tropical fruit variety produced worldwide,
followed by pineapple, papaya and avocado. The
production of mango is expected to grow by 3.4% each
year (FAO, 2010).
Southeast Asia possesses a rich diversity of
commercial fruits such as mango, durian, rambutan,
papaya and banana. However, there are also fruits that
are sold locally but remain underutilized. There are about
200 species of edible fruits in Borneo Island, many of
which are beneficial to health but not fully commercialized
and utilized (Wong et al., 2007; Abu Bakar et al., 2009).
Most of the fruits grow naturally in the natural
environment such as forest and jungle. This lack of
commercialization and utilization might be due to the lack
of promotion, minimal planting area, and not being fully
explored, but still having economic potential (Chai et al.,
2008). Research and development of rare and
underutilized fruits species is becoming economically
important for developing countries to promote a new
generation of „superfruits‟ which can be commercialized
worldwide. The fruits of Acai (Euterpe oleracea) and
camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia) are examples of
underutilized fruits of Amazon which have been a global
*Corresponding author. E-mail: Tel: +6088-320104. Fax: +6088-320291.
phenomenon as nutraceutical and functional foods
(Mertens-Talcott et al., 2008; Akter et al., 2011).
The Mangifera genus comprises about 40 species, of
which at least 26 are known to produce edible fruits
(Verheij and Coronel, 1991). The most common species
in this genus is common mango, known scientifically as
M. indica, which has many attributes, being cultivated
and sold worldwide. Other types of edible endemic
Mangifera species which are underutilized and have the
potential for commercialization are Mangifera caesia,
Mangifera foetida, Mangifera odorata and Mangifera
pajang. M. pajang Kostermans is a species of plant which
is believed to originate from Borneo Island (Malaysia–
Sabah and Sarawak, Brunei and Indonesia-Kalimantan).
The tree is scattered throughout the Borneo Rainforest.
Areas of wild distribution are found mostly in Kota Belud,
Sipitang, Beauford, Sandakan in Sabah; Kapit, Ulu
Dapoi, Long Silat in Sarawak and Sangkaruling and West
Kutei in Kalimantan (Lim, 2012). The superior variety
which is usually characterized by sweet and less-fibrous
flesh is currently being cultivated in domestic backyards
and also in small-scale orchards, including the so-called
“forest gardens” (simpukng) in East Kalimantan
(Mulyoutami et al., 2009). This tree has many names,
based on locality. In Sabah, this tree is usually called
„bambangan‟. In Sarawak and Brunei, besides bamban-
gan, this tree is also called „mawang‟, „embang‟, „buah
pangin‟ and „membangan‟. In Kalimantan, this tree has
been called by many local names such as „limun‟, „asam
pajang‟, „pangin‟, „lempayang‟ and also „bambangan‟. The
most common local name is „bambangan‟ (Abu Bakar et
al., 2009; Aman, 1999; Wong and Siew, 1994).
The tree of M. pajang (Class: Magnoliopsida, Order:
Sapindales, Family: Anacardiaceae) can grow well in
tropical weather with high humidity and a shaded location
such as lowland dipterocarp forest (Lim, 2012). This
species can grow in many types of soil including highland
soil with pH between 5 and 7 (Lim, 2012), and can grow
up to 35 m tall and bear up to hundreds of fruits during
fruiting season (October to February each year).
The fruit of M. pajang weigh about 0.5 to 1.0 kg or more
each and is among the largest fruit of Mangifera spp. The
fruit is ovoid in shape, with a rough brown skin that
distinguishes it from other Mangifera spp. which are
usually characterized by smooth green, red and yellow
skin. The edible portion of the fruit, the flesh or the pulp
which represents 50 to 67% of the total weight of the fruit,
is usually characterized by a bright yellow colour, sweet-
sour taste, and juicy, although rather fibrous, texture, with
a somewhat strong aromatic mango-ish smell (Wong and
Siew, 1994). Photographs of M. pajang whole fruit,
skinned fruit and cut fruit are shown in Figures 1 to 3,
Bakar and Fry 3293
Figure 1. Whole fruit of M. pajang.
Figure 2. Fruit of M. pajang without skin/peel.
The flesh is usually eaten fresh, whilst the peel and
kernel, which represent about 40 to 50% of the total
weight, are usually discarded. However, the peel, which
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Figure 3. Cross-sectional picture of M. pajang fruit.
possesses an aromatic smell, is sometimes used in
cooking of local dishes. The thick skin is added in curry to
give mango-ish aroma, and can also be eaten after being
pickled. In addition, the kernel or the seed is sometimes
used with the flesh for making pickle. M. pajang pickle is
easy to make and is widely sold locally. Basically, the fruit
is de-skinned and the flesh cut into small pieces. The
grated kernel of M. pajang is added to the cut flesh
together with some salt and mixed thoroughly, hot and
spicy „bird eye chili‟ sometimes being added to the pickle.
This pickle can be kept for almost one year. The pickle of
M. pajang is usually eaten with plain rice together with
other types of side dishes. Since M. pajang is a seasonal
fruit, the pickling process makes the product of M. pajang
available throughout the year.
The proximate nutrient composition of the flesh of M.
pajang per 100 g of edible portion based on analyses of
samples from Sarawak, Malaysia was reported by
Ibrahim et al. (2010) and is presented in Table 1. The
relatively higher content of protein, ash (total mineral) and
total fiber as compared to common mango (M. indica) is
associated with various potential beneficial health
properties (Ibrahim et al., 2010; Ramulu and Rao, 2003).
Al-Sheraji et al. (2011) also reported that M. pajang flesh
contained a rich amount of dietary fiber which can be
beneficial for human health.
Table 1. Proximate nutrient composition of the flesh of
M. pajang (Taken from Ibrahim et al., 2010).
Presence (% of edible portion)
Total fiber
Insoluble fiber
Soluble fiber
The vitamin content of the flesh of M. pajang was also
determined by Ibrahim et al. (2010), with vitamins A (β-
carotene) and C (ascorbic acid) being identified at levels
of 42.21 and 46.31 mg/100 g of edible portion,
respectively. The vitamin C content in the flesh of M.
pajang was comparable to that of common mango (M.
indica) (Ibrahim et al., 2010). Intake of vitamin C plays
vital roles in human health and functions to treat colds,
assist in wound healing, reducing the formation of
atherosclerosis plaque and acting as antioxidant agent
associated with prevention of the incidence of some
degenerative diseases such as cancer (Naidu, 2003).
The high level of β-carotene in M. pajang flesh (about 2
times higher as compared to the flesh or pulp of common
mango) indicated that the flesh has a potential as a
functional food and drink, as high intake of β-carotene
has been associated with the prevention of stroke, heart
diseases, cataract and cancer (Mayne, 1996).
Research on the phytochemical components present in
the fruit of M. pajang has increased rapidly over the past
few years. The first report on the volatile components of
the fruit of M. pajang was that of Wong and Siew (1994).
The essential oil of the fruit was extracted using vacuum
distillation and analyzed using gas-chromatography and
gas-chromatography-mass spectroscopy. Fifty volatile
components were identified in M. pajang; monoterpene
hydrocarbons (91.3%) and esters (7.6%) predominated
with α-pinene (67.2%) and α-phellandrene (11.0%)
constituting the two most abundant components.
Abu Bakar et al. (2009) reported that the kernel of M.
pajang contained the highest total phenolics content,
followed by the peel and flesh, with values of 103.30 ±
0.63, 22.93 ± 0.36 and 5.96 ± 0.34 mg gallic acid
equivalents/gram of freeze dried sample, respectively.
The same trend of total flavonoids contents was also
observed with the values of 10.98 ± 0.10, 7.50 ± 0.09 and
0.07 ± 0.00 mg rutin equivalent/gram of freeze dried
sample. Subsequently, Abu Bakar et al. (2010a)
investigated the polyphenol composition in the kernel,
peel and flesh of M. pajang. The kernel of M. pajang
contained a wide range of polyphenols, with phenolic
acids (caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, sinapic
acid, gallic acid) constituting the most abundant
components. The kernel also contained flavanones
(naringin, hesperidin), flavonols (rutin) and flavones
(sinensetin, diosmin). Besides the presence of phenolic
acids, the peel of M. pajang also contained various
flavonols (quercetin, kaempferol, rutin), flavones (luteolin
and diosmin), and flavanones (naringin and hesperidin).
This finding was confirmed by Hassan et al. (2011a) who
also identified mangiferin, daidzein and ellagic acid in the
peel. However, only minor amounts of polyphenols were
present in the flesh of M. pajang. Since the content of
polyphenols was low in the flesh and peel of M. pajang,
other researchers focused on the diversity of carotenoids
which might be present in the flesh and peel. The
carotenoids content in the flesh and peel of M. pajang
were studied by Khoo et al. (2010). The flesh of M.
pajang fruit contained higher α- and β-carotene contents
(7.96 ± 1.53 and 20.04 ± 1.01 mg/100 g) than the peel
(4.2 ± 0.14 and 13.09 ± 0.28 mg/100 g). The
cryptoxanthin content of M. pajang flesh was higher (1.18
mg/100 g) as compared to the peel (0.60 mg/100 g). The
flesh of M. pajang also contained isoflavones such as
daidzein and genistein, with the levels of 8.49 ± 5.16 and
0.53 ± 0.74 mg/100 g sample (Khoo and Ismail, 2008).
The presence of these phytochemicals in different parts
of the M. pajang fruit suggests a potential use as a food
or drink with health-promoting properties.
Bakar and Fry 3295
Abu Bakar et al. (2009) investigated the antioxidant
properties of flesh, kernel and peel of M. pajang. The
results showed that the kernel of M. pajang displayed
superior antioxidant properties as compared to the peel
and flesh, as assessed using 1,1-diphenyl-2-
picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging and ferric
reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assays. The anti-
oxidant activity of the fruit extracts was significantly
correlated with the total phenolic and total flavonoid
content, but not with the total anthocyanin content. This
result suggested the use of the non-edible parts of the
fruit (that is, kernel and peel) as antioxidant-rich
phytopharmaceutical and nutraceutical products. Later,
Ibrahim et al. (2010) reported the comparison of the
antioxidant properties of M. pajang juice powder and M.
pajang pulp powder. The results showed that the juice
powder displayed the highest free radical scavenging
activity and significantly correlated with ascorbic acid and
β-carotene content, but not the phenolic content. Khoo et
al. (2010) reported that M. pajang peel and flesh showed
protective effects against hemoglobin and low-density
lipoproteins (LDL) oxidation at concentration of 1 part per
million, whilst Zabidah et al. (2011) demonstrated high
antioxidant capacity in bambangan juice when tested in a
variety of chemical antioxidant assays. Al-Sheraji et al.
(2012a) further isolated potent antioxidant acidic
polysaccharides and their fractions from the fibrous pulp
of M. pajang and these also should be considered as
prospective antioxidants.
More intensive study of the cell-based-antioxidant or
cytoprotection potential of M. pajang extracts was
conducted by Abu Bakar et al. (2013). Cytoprotective
potential of the extracts was studied against oxidative
damage caused by tert-butyl hydroperoxide in human
hepatocellular HepG2 cell line. The results showed that
the kernel displayed good cytoprotective activity,
comparable to that of quercetin. Glutathione reductase
and methionine sulfoxide reductase A were shown to be
involved in the cytoprotective activity of M. pajang kernel
Abu Bakar et al. (2010a) reported the cytotoxic properties
of different parts of M. pajang fruit extracts (that is,
kernel, peel and flesh) against ovarian, liver and colon
cancer cell lines in vitro. The results showed that only
ethanolic extracts of peel and kernel of M. pajang
displayed cytotoxic effects against these cancer lines.
Kernel and peel extracts of M. pajang inhibited the
proliferation of liver and ovarian cancer lines with IC50
(effective concentration which can kill 50% of total cancer
cell population) values ranging from 34.5 to 92.0 µg/ml.
Meanwhile, the proliferation of colon cancer cell lines was
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inhibited by only the kernel extract (but not the peel and
flesh extract). A prominent anti-cancer effect was
observed in two types of breast cancer cell lines (Abu
Bakar et al., 2010b). M. pajang kernel extract induced
cytotoxic effects in MCF-7 (hormone-dependent breast
cancer cell) and MDA-MB-231 (non-hormone dependent
breast cancer cell) with IC50 values of 23 and 30.5 µg/ml,
respectively. The crude extract of M. pajang kernel
exhibited this anti-cancer effect via different mechanisms
in the types of breast cancer cell. In MCF-7 cells, M.
pajang kernel crude extract induced cell cycle arrest at
sub-G1 (apoptosis) phase of the cell cycle, whereas the
kernel crude extract induced G2/M arrest (inhibition of
cell proliferation) in MDA-MB-231 cells, this resulting in
the induction of apoptosis (cell death). Caspase-2 and -3
were shown to be involved in the apoptosis mechanism.
These results clearly show the potential of M. pajang
(especially the kernel extract) as anti-cancer agent.
In regard to human safety, it is pertinent that the fresh
fruit of M. pajang has been consumed by local people
regularly during the fruit season, with no published
reports of adverse effects or toxicity. The observation that
the kernel of M. pajang is eaten with the flesh as a pickle
by the indigenous community with no recorded adverse
effects is a re-assuring sign of low systemic toxicity,
although it is not known if the process of making „pickle‟
might modify the phytochemicals in the kernel.
Results from animal studies are also reassuring. Thus,
the findings of a multi-generation study in rats fed a diet
containing 10% mango kernel oil indicated a lack of
adverse effects or toxicity (Rukmini and Vijayaraghavan,
1984). The findings that addition of up to 20% mango
kernel to the diet of chickens for up to four weeks was
also without effect on weight gain, mortality and a variety
of blood parameters (Amao and Siyabola, 2013) are
similarly suggestive of a lack of significant systemic
toxicity of extracts of seed kernel from Mangifera spp.
However, possible toxicity effects of bambangan kernel
extracts at high dose and/or long-term exposure should
be considered.
Pharmaceutical and nutraceutical companies are conti-
nuously searching for more active and sustainable
resources and ingredients for food and medicine. This
paper reviewed the potential of M. pajang as a
sustainable resource for the development of health
products. In order to fully utilize the fruit of M. pajang,
considerable research has been conducted to investigate
the potential health benefits of the fruit. Basically, the fruit
can be divided into the edible part (flesh) and the inedible
parts (kernel and peel). The flesh of M. pajang has been
used traditionally as food, whilst the kernel and peel are
regarded as waste by-products of fruit use. Recent study
has shown that the flesh contained high nutritional
properties. In addition to that, the flesh also contained
various phytochemicals such as carotenoids and ascorbic
acid and displayed high antioxidant properties. Juice and
functional drink have been developed using the flesh of
the fruit (Ibrahim et al., 2010). A dried form of the flesh of
M. pajang contained high content of dietary fiber
(including mannose, arabinose, xylose, fucose), making it
suitable as an ingredient in functional foods (that is, low-
calorie high-fiber food product) (Al-Sheraji et al., 2011).
M. pajang fiber and its polysaccharides have also been
shown to have a potential as prebiotics since they
possessed strong fermentation and non-digestibility
properties (Al-Sheraji et al., 2012b).
The peel of M. pajang contained various phyto-
chemicals and displayed high antioxidant and active anti-
cancer properties (Abu Bakar et al., 2009, 2010a, b). The
powder of the peel of M. pajang also contained a high
content of dietary fiber which makes it suitable as an
added ingredient in many types of food products to
improve their nutraceutical properties (Hassan et al.,
2011b). Also, the peel can be used as a gelling,
thickening and water-binding agent. These properties
make the peel a suitable candidate in bakery products
and snacks. The peel and kernel can also be extracted
for their phytochemicals, especially phenolic acids,
flavonoids and carotenoids. These results clearly
demonstrate the potential of all parts of M. pajang fruit for
the development of antioxidant-rich-drinks, high-fiber food
products as well as potent antioxidant and anti-cancer
agents. Further investigation on the toxicity of M. pajang
fruit, and development of nutraceutical and efficacy
studies (pre-clinical and clinical) are suggested for
assessment of human benefits.
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