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Reliability and validity of an accelerometric system for assessing vertical jumping performance


Abstract and Figures

The validity of an accelerometric system (Myotest©) for assessing vertical jump height, vertical force and power, leg stiffness and reactivity index was examined. 20 healthy males performed 3ד5 hops in place”, 3ד1 squat jump” and 3× “1 countermovement jump” during 2 test-retest sessions. The variables were simultaneously assessed using an accelerometer and a force platform at a frequency of 0.5 and 1 kHz, respectively. Both reliability and validity of the accelerometric system were studied. No significant differences between test and retest data were found (p<0.05), showing a high level of reliability. Besides, moderate to high intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) (from 0.74 to 0.96) were obtained for all variables whereas weak to moderate ICCs (from 0.29 to 0.79) were obtained for force and power during the countermovement jump. With regards to validity, the difference between the two devices was not significant for 5 hops in place height (1.8 cm), force during squat (-1.4 N · kg-1) and countermovement (0.1 N · kg-1) jumps, leg stiffness (7.8 kN · m-1) and reactivity index (0.4). So, the measurements of these variables with this accelerometer are valid, which is not the case for the other variables. The main causes of non-validity for velocity, power and contact time assessment are temporal biases of the takeoff and touchdown moments detection.
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Biology of Sport, Vol. 31 No1, 2014 55
Validation of an accelerometric device
Reprint request to:
Mohamed-Amine Choukou
Université de Paris Sud, Bât 335
- 91 405 Orsay Cedex
Phone number:
33 (0)1 69 15 73 81
for publication
Accurate assessment of biomechanical properties of the human
lower limb in eld conditions interests not only sport scientists,
but also coaches and practitioners since it reects, for instance,
the efciency of training programmes. For that aim, sport experts
typically use valid laboratory-based instruments such as the
different types of force platforms (PF) [1,9,14,19,22-24,26,32],
photoelectric cells [6,10,21] and contact mats [5,16,34].
Nowadays, ever-expanding devices make it possible to assess
lower limb properties in eld conditions. One of these measurement
tools is the Myotest® (Myotest SA, Switzerland), which consists of
a transportable and autonomous 3D accelerometric system (AS).
AS is more involved than just acquiring and recording signals.
It is a data logger allowing one to instantaneously evaluate the
following variables from acceleration data:
a. jumping height (H),
b. vertical force (Fv) and power (P),
c. leg stiffness (kleg) and reactivity index (RI).
Accuracy of AS has been recently studied in the literature,
showing comparison with photoelectric cells for jump height
AUTHORS: Choukou M.-A.1,2, Laffaye G.1, Taiar R.2
1 Laboratoire Contrôle Moteur et Perception, Université de Paris Sud
2 Laboratoire de Biomécanique, Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne
ABSTRACT: The validity of an accelerometric system (Myotest©) for assessing vertical jump height, vertical force
and power, leg stiffness and reactivity index was examined. 20 healthy males performed 3ד5 hops in place”,
3ד1 squat jump” and 3× “1 countermovement jump” during 2 test-retest sessions. The variables were
simultaneously assessed using an accelerometer and a force platform at a frequency of 0.5 and 1 kHz, respectively.
Both reliability and validity of the accelerometric system were studied. No signicant differences between test
and retest data were found (p<0.05), showing a high level of reliability. Besides, moderate to high intraclass
correlation coefcients (ICCs) (from 0.74 to 0.96) were obtained for all variables whereas weak to moderate
ICCs (from 0.29 to 0.79) were obtained for force and power during the countermovement jump. With regards
to validity, the difference between the two devices was not signicant for 5 hops in place height (1.8cm), force
during squat (-1.4N · kg-1) and countermovement (0.1N · kg-1) jumps, leg stiffness (7.8kN · m-1) and reactivity
index (0.4). So, the measurements of these variables with this accelerometer are valid, which is not the case for
the other variables. The main causes of non-validity for velocity, power and contact time assessment are temporal
biases of the takeoff and touchdown moments detection.
KEY WORDS: measurement, biomechanics, precision, leg stiffness, in-situ
[10,33], and with a force plate for assessing the
force and power during squat and bench press [15]. However,
comparison of AS and PF has never been done to demonstrate
the quality level of the AS measurements compared to PF. For that
aim, sport experts typically use valid laboratory-based instruments
such as the different types of force platforms
22,24,32]. Moreover, the reliability and validity of AS for
assessing leg stiffness and reactivity need to be investigated.
Basically, vertical jump performance corresponds to the difference
between the centre of mass position at the standing posture and its
position at the peak of the jump, which could be estimated using
the ight time (FT) method [5,20,29]. Fv corresponds to product of
body mass (m) and vertical acceleration (av) according to Newton’s
Second Law. Besides, power is equal to the product of force and
velocity, which are both measurable from acceleration data. As regards
leg stiffness, it corresponds to the ratio of Fv to the displacement(CoM)
of the centre of mass (CoM) according to the widely used spring-mass
model of McMahon et al. [30]. The latter considers the human
lower limb as a linear vertical spring supporting the whole body
Original Paper Biol. Sport 2014;31:55-62
DOI: 10.5604/20831862.1086733
Choukou M.-A. et al.
mass(i.e. m) and that the actions of the lower limb segments are
integrated once. Thus, the whole lower limb behaves like a linear
mechanical spring, that is, the spring constant (k) represents the
lower limb stiffness (i.e. kleg).
Before using the AS for scientic purposes, it would be essential
to verify its ability to reect what it is designed to measure [4].
Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the reliability and
validity of the accelerometric system for assessing H, F and P as well
as kleg and RI. Three types of standard vertical jump tasks were
proposed for examining the device: 5 maximal hopping in place (5H),
1 single countermovement jump (CMJ), and 1 single squat jump
(SJ). In this perspective, the different measurements obtained by the
AS were compared to those obtained by the PF.
Participants. Twenty males took part in this study. The participants
were physical education students and physiotherapists (age: 27 ±
years, body mass: 74.52 ± 7.16 kg and height: 1.78 ± 0.06 m).
They were all amateur sportsman who train once or twice per week.
None of them was involved in a jump-based activity. Subjects refrained
from drinking alcohol or caffeine-containing beverages for 24 hours
before testing, to avoid any interference in the experiment. Each
subject completed all trials in the same time period of test days to
eliminate any inuence of circadian variation. The temperature of the
room was the same at each session (22°C). The experimental proto-
col was approved by the ethics committee of Université Paris-Sud
and according to the ethical principles laid out in the 2013 revision
of the Declaration of Helsinki. All participants gave their written con-
sent to the experiment after having been informed of the aims and
the risks of testing procedures. In addition, they kindly accepted to
wear the same clothes and shoes for both test and retest sessions.
The experiment consists of two identical test and retest sessions
separated by 2-3 days. For both sessions, the participants were
tested by the same experimenters and at the same hour of the day
in order to control the circadian uctuation [3]. Each session consists
of three repetitions of each of the following tasks: 5H, a single SJ
and a single CMJ. Participants were equipped with a Myotest® device
(length × width × depth: 9.5 × 5 × 1 cm, mass: 60g). The device
was attached to a belt and vertically xed on the middle of the
lower back (Figure 1). The trials were simultaneously recorded by
the accelerometric system at a sampling frequency of 500 Hz and
by a 0.4×0.4 m force plate (AMTI OR 6-5, Watertown, MA, USA)
at a sampling frequency of 1000 Hz (Figure 1). Before each trial,
they were asked to stand over the PF assuming a vertical posture,
as well as to keep hands placed on their waist during the three
jumping conditions in order to avoid upper-body interference caused
by arm swing [27]. After the touch-down of each of the tasks, the
participants were instructed to reassume a vertical standing posture
and to wait for the nal acoustic signal.
The rest between two consecutive jump trials of the same set was
approximately 30 seconds and the rest between sets (5H, SJ, or
CMJ) was 3 minutes. After performing their standardized warm-up
and prior testing, the subjects completed familiarization trials for 5H,
SJ and CMJ by following instructions and feedback given by the
experimenters. Only successful trials were taken into account. The
participants were kindly asked to respect the protocol and to repeat
the trial if a jump was incorrectly performed. This validation protocol
respected the recommendations of Atkinson and Nevill [4].
5H protocol: For the 5H test, the participants were asked
to hop in place 6 times as high as possible while reducing
the ground contact time [16]. The rst hop served as a CMJ
(impetus) and was consequently excluded from analysis. The
remaining 5 effective jumps were retained and averaged for
analysis (mean of the 5 hops). The instructions given before
the 5H test were as follows: “Upon the acoustic signal,
perform an initial countermovement jump (impetus), after
which perform 6 hops in place, with minimal knee exion
and a maximal jumping height. After the 6th jump, reassume
a vertical standing posture and wait for nal acoustic signal.”
Multiple trials were performed under researcher supervision
in order to familiarize the participants with this kind of
hopping task and to optimize the leg stiffness by reducing
the effect of technique. The recording of data began only if
the technique of bouncing was acquired.
CMJ protocol: In order to perform a countermovement
jump, the participants were instructed to freely ex the
knees and to jump once as high as possible. This procedure
corresponds to the instructions advised by the manufacturer.
SJ protocol: For the squat jump test, the participants were
asked to reach and hold a semi-squat position [~ 90° knee
Note: The gure shows the set square used to control the knee angle during
SJ and the attachment of the accelerometric system to the lower back
Biology of Sport, Vol. 31 No1, 2014
Validation of an accelerometric device
exion controlled by a 0.4×0.4 m set square (maintained
by the experimenter) as biofeedback] (Figure 1) until an
acoustic signal was given, and to jump once as high as
possible without performing any countermovement before
Jump height assessment
The vertical jump height was assessed using the FT data [5,20,
29], as follows:
(in cm) (Equation 1);
where g = acceleration due to gravity.
For PF measurements, FT corresponds to the lapse of time when
the vertical ground reaction force is equal to zero. However,
AS considers the FT as time duration that elapses between the mo-
ment of maximal vertical velocity (before take-off) and the moment
of minimal velocity after touch-down (tvmin afterpeak). Then the vertical
jump height is estimated by AS as follows:
(in cm) (Equation 2);
Vertical force and power assessment
Vertical force (Equation 3) and power (Equation 4) were assessed
using the following equations:
in N · kg-1 (Equation 3)
in W · kg-1 (Equation 4)
The vertical velocity (vv) was calculated from the integration of av
data as proposed by Cavagna for the force platform [11] and as
proposed by the device’s manufacturer for the accelerometer as fol-
For PF measurements: in cm · s-1. (Equation 5)
For AS: in cm · s-1.
To reduce the error due to the integration process, the frequency
of acquisition for both devices was calibrated on the highest possible
value: 1000Hz for the force platform and 500 Hz for the acceler-
Leg stiffness and reactivity index
For PF measurements, leg stiffness (kN · m-1) was calculated as the
ratio of maximal Fv (in kN) to CoM [30]. However, for AS, leg stiff-
ness was calculated as the ratio of concentric force (when vv is
equal to zero) to CoM, as proposed by Dalleau et al. [16]. CoM
was calculated by integrating vv during the grounding phase from
its minimal position (i.e. tvmin afterpeak) to its zero position (v0).
In order to check the linearity of the lower limb movements and
its accordance with theoretical linear spring behaviour, the linear-
ity of the curve of Fv in function of CoM was veried (Figure 2).
An r²>.80 was chosen as a threshold to consider the bouncing
behaviour as a linear spring oscillation. All the retained jumps met
this criterion.
Reactivity index corresponds to the ratio of FT to contact time(CT).
CT corresponds to the time of presence of a ground reaction force
signal over a jump (oscillation period) for PF measurement, whereas
it corresponds to the time that elapses from the position of the
maximal velocity (
) to
(see Equation 2).
Statistical analysis
All descriptive statistics were used to verify whether the basic as-
sumption of normality of all studied variables was met. Shapiro-Wilk
tests revealed no abnormal data pattern. The statistical tests were
processed via SPSS® (version 16.0, Chicago, IL). In addition, statis-
tical power and effect sizes were calculated using G*Power 3. Statis-
tical power was 1 for all jump modalities with a sample size inferior
to 20 subjects and large effect sizes.
The test-retest reliability of the accelerometric system was assessed
with the intraclass correlation coefcient (ICC) (2, 1) (relative reli-
ability) [8] in order to describe how strongly individual scores in the
same session and throughout test and retest sessions resembled each
other. An ICC of r=0.8 represents good agreement, and a value r>0.9
is considered to indicate excellent agreement [18]. Coefcients of
variation (CV %) were also calculated to measure the dispersion of
the scores of the test and retest. A coefcient of variation CV 10%
was interpreted as an insignicant difference between test and retest
sessions [4]. Besides, the method of Bland and Altman (absolute
reliability) [7] allowed determination of test-retest systematic bias ±
random error as well as lower and upper limits of agreement (LoA).
According to Atkinson and Nevill, systematic bias refers to the gen-
eral trend for the measurements to be different in a particular direction
(either positive: upper LoA or negative: lower LoA) whereas the random
error refers to the degree to which the repeated measurements vary
for the individuals [4]. Paired Student T-tests were used to detect any
signicant systematic bias between the scores of the two sessions
(test and retest).
Note: The dotted line represents the leg stiffness.
Choukou M.-A. et al.
The concurrent validity was assessed using ICCs (2, 1) [8] in order
to describe how strongly individual scores obtained by the two
methods resembled each other. The Bland-Altman method allowed
determination of systematic bias between the accelerometric
system and the force platform random error) and the lower
and upper LoA [7]. Besides, coefcients of correlation (R2)
of the between-device differences were plotted. The level of
heteroscedasticity was set at R2 = 0.1; thus, a coefcient of
correlation less than 0.1 (R2 <0.1) means that the variables are
homoscedastic [4]. Additionally, independent-samples Student
T-tests were used in order to detect any signicant systematic bias
between AS and PF data at p<0.05
The results are shown in Table 1 and Table 2.
Test-retest reliability
No signicant differences between the test and retest were
reported for all studied variables (p>0.05) (Table 1). All CVs were
lower than 10% for all studied variables except for Vcmj and Pcmj,
which were 11.09% and 13.36%, respectively. Besides, the ICC
values were between 0.74 and 0.89 for jumping heights, and
0.86 and 0.96 for reactivity index and leg stiffness, which was
not the case for force and power during the countermovement
jump (0.29 < ICCs < 0.79).
CV% ICC (95% CI) Systematic Bias Random Error Student T test
Jump Height
5H-H (cm) 6.42 0.74 - 0.85 1.1 4.4 NS
SJ-H (cm) 4.25 0.82 - 0.84 -1 6.2 NS
CMJ-H (cm) 4.31 0.80 - 0.89 - 0.2 4.8 NS
Force, Velocity & Power
Fsj (N · kg-1) 3.30 0.85 - 0.92 - 0.5 1.7 NS
Vsj (cm · s-1) 6.41 0.85 - 0.92 - 7.8 29.7 NS
Psj (W · kg-1) 6.03 0.74 - 0.83 - 1.8 6.4 NS
Fcmj (N · kg-1) 4.24 0.66 - 0.79 - 0.6 2.3 NS
Vcmj (cm · s-1) 11.09 0.66 - 0.42 3.8 22.1 NS
Pcmj (W · kg-1) 13.36 0.29 - 0.45 2.8 6.9 NS
Contact Time, Leg Stiffness & Reactivity Index
CT (ms) 5.70 0.88 - 0.93 + 3.9 19.4 NS
IR 7.86 0.94 - 0.96 - 0.2 0.3 NS
kleg (kN · m-1) 6.03 0.86 - 0.92 + 2.8 8 NS
(95 % CI)
Systematic Bias
Random Error
Lower LoA
Upper LoA
Jump Height
5H-H (cm) 0.9 - 0.94 + 1.8 ± 15.3 -13.4 17.1
SJ-H (cm) 0.71 - 0.79 + 5.6 * ± 11.7 -6.1 17.4
CMJ-H (cm) 0.79 - 0.86 + 3.6 * ± 13.1 -10.7 17.4
Force, Velocity & Power
Fsj (N · kg-1) 0.63 - 0.78 - 1.4 ± 2.4 - 6.6 3.8
Vsj (cm · s-1) 0.32 - 0.35 + 11.1 * ± 4.4 - 12.9 35.1
Psj (W · kg-1) 0.18 - 0.31 + 11.7 * ± 16.9 - 22.4 46
Fcmj (N · kg-1) 0.68 - 0.79 + 0.1 ± 3 - 6.3 6.6
Vcmj (cm · s-1) 0.37 - 0.47 + 15.8 * ± 14.4 - 19.7 51.4
Pcmj (W · kg-1) 0.19 - 0.46 + 16.7 * ± 21.6 - 38 71.6
Contact Time, Leg Stiffness & Reactivity Index
CT (ms) 0.73 - 0.91 - 69 * ± 21 7 131
IR 0.74 - 0.80 + 0.4 ± 0.9 -1.5 2.4
kleg (kN · m-1) 0.76 - 0.87 + 7.8 ± 12.7 -23.6 39.3
Note: NS: no signicant difference between test and retest mean values (p < .05)
Note: the signes (+) and (-) respectively refer to a higher and a lower values of AS compared to the reference value obtained by PF. * Statistically
signicant systematic bias between both systems at p < .05
Biology of Sport, Vol. 31 No1, 2014
Validation of an accelerometric device
Concurrent validity
Regardless of signicance level, the mean values of AS were
higher than those of PF for all studied variables except force
during SJ and CT during hopping in place, as shown in Table 2.
The Student T-test showed signicant differences between AS
and PF for jump height during SJ (SJ-H) and CMJ (CMJ-H), and
for vertical velocity and power during SJ and CMJ. The difference
between both devices was also signicant for CT assessment with
lower values when using AS (Table 2).
The aim of this validation study was to investigate the reliability of
an autonomous and transportable accelerometric system, and its
validity compared to the force platform for estimating (a) vertical
jump height, (b) vertical force and power, and (c) leg stiffness and
reactivity index during vertical jump tasks.
AS showed high test-retest reliability (Table 1) for assessing (a),
(b) and (c). In addition, the results showed good CVs (< 10%) for
all studied variables, except for velocity and power during the coun-
termovement jump. The ICCs showed moderate to high values for
(a) [from 0.74 to 0.89], (c) [from 0.86 to 0.96] and force, velocity
and power during SJ [from 0.74 to 0.92], by following the criterion
of the literature regarding the magnitude of the group-levelcorrelation
[18]. Our results are in accordance with the literature regarding the
jumping height recorded during hopping in place (ICC: 0.86-0.96,
CV: 5.1%), SJ (ICC: 0.86-0.96, CV: 4.93%) and CMJ (ICC: 0.93–
0.98, CV: 3.62%) [10].
The results showed that AS is able to reproduce the same mea-
surement precisions at different moments for the above-mentioned
variables. Considering validity, PF and AS showed good accuracy as
demonstrated by good ICC (>0.73) and low bias (<1%) for 5H
height, and leg stiffness and reactivity index, moderate ICC (>0.63)
for force during SJ and CMJ, and insignicant T-test, which shows
a strong association with the reference method. What are the pos-
sible explanations of the lack of validity for the other parameters,
i.e. (a) SJ and CMJ height, (b) velocity and power during both SJ
and CMJ, and (c) CT during 5H?
AS validity for vertical jump height assessment
As regards jumping heights measurement, the systematic biases of
SJ height (5.63 cm) and CMJ height (3.66 cm) were signicant
(p<0.05), with weak to moderate ICC values (0.71<ICC<0.86).
These biases seem to be related to FT estimation, which was
different according to each assessment device. In the ight
time method (Equation 1) [5, 20], it is assumed that the CoM
position at takeoff is the same as the CoM position at landing. So,
the vertical jump height corresponds to the CoM elevation between
the instant of landing and the instant of takeoff—namely, the ight
When using the force platform, FT is measured as the difference
between the two instants of “actual” take off and “actual” land-
ing(Figure 3); that is, when force is equal to zero [29]. This is not
the case for AS, which considers FT as the lapse of time between
the maximum value of positive velocity and the minimum value of
negative velocity, which are both accessible from the velocity-time
curve (Figure 3), thus estimating the “effective” takeoff and landing,
respectively. This method could induce bias of ight time measure-
ment between AS and PF. According to our data, a maximal veloc-
ity could be achieved at the end of the concentric phase shortly
before the actual takeoff (Figure 3). This could be considered as the
beginning of ight time, which induces a slight underestimation at
the start of the takeoff. That was also the case of the effective land-
ing, which occurs shortly after the actual landing, inducing a slight
overestimation at the start of the touchdown (Figure 3). This has
also been reported by Casartelli et al., who compared the jumping
heights obtained by AS to those obtained by photoelectric cells [10].
Both of these approximations involve an FT overestimation which
reects the difference of measurements between AS and PF.
Differences of AS validity level between the three jumping mo-
dalities are mainly dependent on the prior jumping concentric phase
(propulsive phase of the jump), which is specic to each type of
jump. As shown in the method section, the jumping height was
measured using the ight time data (Equation 2).
The sources of error could be the detection of the minimum value
of negative velocity (vminafterpeak), which is considered as the “effective
touchdown” while calculating FT, and the detection of the maximum
Note: The upper curve represents the force (Fz) and its corresponding instants
of takeoff and touchdown. The lower curve shows the velocity (which results
from the double integration of force) and its corresponding takeoff and
touchdown. The ight time is slightly overestimated when using velocity data.
Choukou M.-A. et al.
value of positive velocity (vmax), which is considered as the “effective
takeoff”. A maximal velocity could be achieved at the end of the
concentric phase shortly before the actual takeoff. This could be
considered as the beginning of the ight time, which induces a slight
underestimation of the instant of the takeoff. That was also the case
of the effective landing, which is considered to occur shortly after
the actual landing, inducing a slight overestimation of the instant of
touchdown, as previously reported by Casartelli et al., who compared
AS jumping scores to those obtained by photoelectric cells. Both of
these approximations involve an overestimation of ight time, which
could explain the countermovement jump height difference (3.6 cm).
It is important to mention that the mean value of CMJ height mea-
sured in this study was lower than the values obtained in university
students (45-46 cm) [31] and was close to the jumping height of
male rhythmic gymnasts (36 cm) [17], and 14-year-old boys (36.9
cm) using the Ergojump Bosco System [34], showing that our par-
ticipants achieved moderate CMJ heights. Based on our results, we
suggest that a similar overestimation would be observed in partici-
pants within the range of values from 22.6 to 51.1 cm, close to our
study. Additionally to its high reproducibility for assessing the coun-
termovement jump height, the validity of AS is deemed acceptable
by taking into account the amount of systematic bias (3-4 cm) re-
corded in this study, the variability of the jumping behaviours and
the practical purposes of this jumping test.
Therefore, the ight time is more likely to be the major source of
bias since it is dependent on the jumping modalities. Hopping in
place particularly required a very short contact time (about 90 ms in
this study), which is why AS encountered low probability to make
errors while detecting vmax. That is why the difference of the hopping
in place heights between the two devices was very low (1.8 cm),
showing that “effective takeoffwas close to “actual takeoff”. There-
fore, the hopping in place height could be estimated using an ac-
celerometer system with the insurance that the ight time is as near
as possible from the lapse of time between actual takeoff and touch-
That was not the case of squat and countermovement jump heights
estimation, which showed high and signicant systematic biases
(Table 2). The protocol of squat and countermovement jumps could
be the reason for ight time overestimations. Indeed, knee angle has
to be 90° prior to jumping during SJ and was freely chosen during
CMJ. Mechanical variations due to these modalities seem to increase
the probability of error while detecting vmax, probably because of lon-
ger contact time due to knee exion compared to hopping in place. In
spite of the stabilization moment at the end of lowering during a squat
jump trial, the accelerometric system showed error while estimating
FT. The static nature of the squat jump does not seem to reduce
mechanical variability compared to the countermovement jump as
one might imagine. Both modalities affected the moment of vmax.
AS validity for force and power assessment
The difference of velocity and power estimations between AS and
PF was signicant (p < 0.05) with higher values coming from
the AS during the SJ task (11.1 cm and 11.7 cm, respectively)
as well as CMJ (15.8 and 16.7 cm, respectively), and weak
ICCs (from 0.18 to 0.47). The main reason seems to be related
to the heteroscedasticity of the data and the specicity of the
task. The data of velocity were homoscedastic (R2 = 0.01) for Vsj
and slightly heteroscedastic (R2 = 0.11) for Vcmj. The difference
between AS and PF was signicantly high (Table 2), showing
poor validity of AS for assessing velocity during squat and
countermovement jumps (p < 0.05).
The heteroscedasticity of velocity scores during the countermove-
ment jump could be explained by the specicity of the countermove-
ment jump technique. Moreover, this could be caused by the con-
straint of the task, which consisted in jumping with hands over the
waist over a force platform. The previous literature showed that,
without arm motion, the eccentric phase is used in order to maintain
the balance of the system rather than shortening this phase. Conse-
quently, it is difcult for AS to nd the real beginning of the concen-
tric phase, which affects the initial value of velocity [2, 25]. The poor
validity of AS for assessing power during squat and countermovement
jumps seems to be the direct consequence of biases in velocity as-
sessment since it corresponds to the product of force, which is esti-
mated at its just value, times the velocity which is overestimated
when assessed by AS.
AS validity for leg stiffness and reactivity assessment
AS was deemed valid for assessing kleg, as shown in Table 2.
However, its validity for assessing CT remains critical because
it systematically underestimated the “actual” values of CT by
69 ms. This was due to the CT calculation protocol applied
by AS. In this method, CT was considered as the lapse of time
between the minimal position of velocity after touchdown and its
maximal value during the successive takeoff, i.e., when force is
equal to body weight (F = m × g). This was not the case for PF,
Note: The dashed line represents the criteria of determination of touch-down
and take-off according to the “m × g” line as assumed by AS. The gure
shows that the accelerometric system underestimates the contact time
(effective) compared to the force platform (actual contact time).
Biology of Sport, Vol. 31 No1, 2014
Validation of an accelerometric device
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which determines the “actual” CT, i.e. the time between actual
touch-down and take-off from the GRF-time curve, irrespective of
the magnitude of reaction force exerted on the ground [12,13].
In contrast, AS measures the “effective” CT, which is considered
as the period of time during which vertical force is equal to or
greater than body weight (F m × g) (Figure 4). Obviously, these
biases have a knock-on effect on the reactivity index since its
calculation uses the contact time data. To conclude, AS could
be used for assessing contact time by taking into account this
systematic underestimation.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability of an
accelerometric system and its validity compared to a force
platform for assessing vertical jump performance. The results
showed a high level of reliability for assessing jumping height,
leg stiffness, reactivity index, velocity and power during squat
jump and force measurements using the accelerometric system.
However, force and power measurements were weakly reliable.
The accelerometric system was deemed valid for assessing
hopping in place height, force during squat and countermovement
jumps as well as leg stiffness and reactivity index. However, the
evaluation of jumping height, velocity and power during both
squat and countermovement jump was not valid. The main
causes of non-validity for velocity and power as well as contact
time assessment are due to biases occurring while detecting
the takeoff and touchdown moments. That being said, the
accelerometric system remains highly reliable for assessing the
studied variables. Thus, it could be useful notably to follow up
rehabilitation programmes or for long-term athletic monitoring.
Funding: This work has not received any funding resources
Conicts of interest: none
Choukou M.-A. et al.
28. Llyod R.S, Oliver J.L., Hughes M.G.,
Williams C.A. Reliability and validity of
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Nuzzo J.L., Anning J.H., Scharfenberg J.M.
The reliability of three devices used for
measuring vertical jump height. J.
Strength Cond. Res. 2011;25:2580-

Supplementary resource (1)

February 2014
mohamed amine choukou · Guillaume Laffaye · redha taiar
... Currently, accelerometers and IMUs are used to assess various biomechanical variables of jumping. While there is some variability in the literature, previous studies which mostly focused on jump height, have shown that IMUs generally demonstrate good reliability and validity, particularly among individuals who are not professional athletes [12][13][14][15]. ...
... As a result, the mean of variables was selected for the statistical analysis of this study. This high reliability is consistent with previous literature [12][13][14][15]. However, the previous literature mostly examined the reliability of jump height [13][14][15], while various kinetic jumping variables were studied and found to be reliable in the current study. ...
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Purpose Whole-body vibration (WBV) has been reported to influence performance improvement. However, its effects may vary based on device parameters and body positioning. This study aims to assess the effects of two frequencies and two positions on jump kinetic variables. Methods Thirty-four healthy non-athlete females underwent four WBV protocols involving different combinations of medium (30 Hz) and high (50 Hz) frequencies, as well as static and dynamic squat positions. Participants performed three counter-movement drop jumps before, 1 min, and 10 min after each protocol. Jump variables were extracted using acceleration data from an inertial measurement unit attached to participants’ waists. Results Three-way repeated measure ANOVA results revealed a significant position effect on maximum contact power (p = 0.046) and a significant time effect on maximum contact force (p = 0.010), concentric contact impulse (p < 0.001), jump height (p = 0.014), and the reactive strength index (p = 0.007). Bonferroni analysis showed an increase in maximum contact power in the dynamic squat protocols. However, there was a decrease in maximum contact force, jump height, and the reactive strength index, along with an increase in contact impulse in the concentric phase for all frequencies and squat positions. Conclusion While dynamic squatting increased maximum power during the concentric phase, highlighting the importance of dynamic contractions during vibration, temporary declines in other key jump variables suggest that acute WBV effects in non-athlete subjects might negatively impact overall function. Caution is advised when considering the immediate effects of WBV in this group.
... In the recent decade, there has been an emergence of low-cost tools for assessment of jump performance. Some of these include accelerometers (Choukou, Laffaye, & Taiar, 2014;Lake et al., 2018), contact mats (Leard et al., 2007;Pueo, Lipinska, Jiménez-Olmedo, Zmijewski, & Hopkins, 2017), optical timing systems (Bosquet, Berryman, & Dupuy, 2009;Castagna et al., 2013) and video-based mobile applications (Balsalobre-Fernández, Glaister, & Lockey, 2015;Haynes, Bishop, Antrobus, & Brazier, 2019;Montalvo, Gonzalez, Dietze-Hermosa, Eggleston, & Dorgo, 2021;Stanton, Wintour, & Kean, 2017). The availability of these technologies has increased the convenience of measuring jump performance, useful for making informed decisions in physical preparation. ...
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This study aimed to establish the validity and reliability of a single-beam sensor for assessment of jump performance. Thirty-four male and female university students (age: 21.47 ± 0.98 years; height: 173.97 ± 9.32 cm; weight: 70.03 ± 10.63 kg) executed three trials of countermovement jump (CMJ) and three trials of squat jump (SJ), respectively. CMJ and SJ were simultaneously recorded using a force platform (reference) and single- beam jump sensor (Jump Pro). The flight time (FT) and jump height (JH) for both jumps were utilized for analyses. Results revealed the following for FT in CMJ performance: 1) Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) with lower limit (LL) and upper limit (UL) = 0.90 (0.82, 0.94); 2) Typical error of estimate (TEE) with LL and UL = 0.03 (0.01, 0.02); 3) Bland-Altman estimate = 0.05; and 4) Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) = 0.80. On the other hand, JH in CMJ posted: 1) r = 0.96 (0.94, 0.98); 2) TEE = 2.07 (1.73, 2.62); 3) Bland-Altman estimate = 4.00; and 4) ICC = 0.71. In regards to FT in SJ, r = 0.96 (0.94, 0.98), TEE = 0.02 (0.01, 0.02), Bland-Altman estimate = 0.03, and, ICC = 0.88. Further, JH in SJ exhibited r = 0.96 (0.94 – 0.98), TEE = 1.84 (1.53, 2.32), Bland-Altman estimate = 3.55, and ICC = 0.86. These findings support Jump Pro as a valid and reliable tool for measurement of CMJ and SJ performances.
... Their analysis of the Myotest accelerometric system produced flight times that were 6.4% longer than those of the force plate. Similarly, Choukou et al. deemed the Myotest system valid for measuring force production during countermovement jumps, but not for assessing countermovement jump height [11]. Regarding the relatively new V2 accelerometer (Output Sports LTD), there exists minimal inquiry regarding its validity and reliability for assessing vertical jump height. ...
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The unremitting development of portable vertical jump equipment emphasizes the need for continual examination of its validity and reliability. Equal representation between sexes should be endorsed in this process to improve precision and application. This study aimed to examine the concurrent validity and reliability of the Exsurgo g-Flight™ photoelectric boxes and the Output Sports V2™ accelerometer for calculating vertical jump height when compared to a dual force plate system (Hawkin Dynamics Force Plate, ME, USA). Twenty (n = 20) female soccer players performed three counter movement jumps on two different sessions for a total of 120 jumps. Comparisons between the criterion method and secondary measures were performed using Bland–Altman plots and were independently examined using a paired samples t-test. Reliability in instrument error was determined by comparing the residuals of each secondary measure over two assessments. Bland–Altman plots revealed ≤ 5.0% of residuals for the accelerometer and photoelectric devices fell outside the limits of agreement. The accelerometer revealed a mean bias (95% CI) of 0.30 ± 0.33 cm, while the photoelectric device demonstrated a negative bias of −1.64 ± 0.45 cm. Mean (± SD) comparisons revealed an overestimation in jump height with the photoelectric device (1.6 ± 4.0 cm, p < 0.0001) and insignificant differences with the accelerometer (0.30 ± 3.7 cm, p > 0.05). Mean differences in residuals between testing dates for secondary measures were insignificant (p ≥ 0.23). Both the photoelectric and accelerometer instruments displayed high reliability, but differences in the accuracy between devices were observed.
Background Vertical jumping is an important evaluation tool to measure muscle strength and power as well as lower limb symmetry. It is of practical importance and value to develop and utilize a portable and low-cost mobile application (APP) to evaluate jumping. The “My Jump 2” app is an iPhone camera-based application for measuring jumping movements, which is applied to the countermovement jump (CMJ) vertical jumps of the lower limbs of athletes in different sports. The validity of this application and previous versions applied to different forms of vertical jump tests has been preliminarily demonstrated in different population, which has an obvious progress in research. Therefore, the reliability and validity of the jump height, time of flight parameters and symmetry of the CMJ vertical jump of athletes in different sports are needed to be verified by more experiments. Purpose The purpose of this study is to verify whether “My Jump 2” can effectively and reliably assess jump height, flight practice and lower limb symmetry in CMJAM (countermovement jump free arm) tests in fencing, swimming and diving athletes. Methods Seventy-nine fencers, swimmers and divers with training experience participated in this study. They completed a total of three CMJAM vertical jump and lower limb symmetry tests in 1 day, while being assessed by using the “My Jump 2” application and a force platform. The intra-group correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to verify reliability, while the Cronbach’s alpha and coefficient of variation (CV%) was used to analyze the stability of the CMJAM vertical jump test over three jumps. The Pearson correlation coefficient was used to verify the strength of the relationship between methods ( i.e ., concurrent validity), and the Bland-Altman plot was used to represent consistency, meanwhile, the t-test was used to determine the systematic bias between methods. Results Compared with the force platform, the cumulative height values of the total number of jumps (r = 0.999; p = 0.000), the cumulative time to vacate (r = 0.999; p = 0.000) for the CMJAM test obtained by the “My Jump 2” application, the height (ICC = 0.999–1, p = 0.000), the time to vacate flight (ICC = 0.999–1, p = 0.000), contact time symmetry (ICC = 0.976–0.994, p = 0.000), and flight time symmetry (ICC = 0.921–0.982, p = 0.000), respectively. Showed high correlation between the results of “my jump 2” app and the force platform. Conclusion The “My Jump 2” application is a valid tool to assess CMJAM vertical jump and lower limb symmetry in fencing, swimming and diving athletes with training experience.
статья посвящена проблеме унификации оценки скоростно-силовых способностей легкоатлетов в тесте вертикальный прыжок с использованием различных измерительных устройств. Разные способы регистрации результатов в вертикальных прыжках находят отражение в высоте прыжка, вследствие чего у специалистов возникают сложности в сопоставлении и интерпретации данных, полученных в других исследованиях. Решение данной проблемы видится в стандартизации процедуры тестирования и оценки результатов, полученных с использованием электронных и механических измерительных устройств. Анализу подвергались результаты прыжков вверх (n=100), выполненные одним испытуемым с использованием четырех измерительных устройств: ленты Абалакова, электронно-оптической системы OptoJump, инерционного датчика Gyko, контактной платформы Sporttlab. Проведенный статистический анализ показал отсутствие значимых различий между результатами прыжка (p>0,05). Следует отметить сильные корреляционные связи между всеми парами выборок (r = 0,947-0,999). Данный факт свидетельствует о высокой надежности и информативности оценки высоты прыжка с использованием вышеназванных устройств. Для сравнения результатов в тесте прыжок вверх с контрдвижением, полученных с помощью разных измерительных устройств, были разработаны уравнения регрессии для шести пар устройств. the article is devoted to the problem of unifying the assessment of speed-strength abilities of track and field athletes in the vertical jump test using various measuring devices. Different ways of recording results in vertical jumps are reflected in the height of the jump, as a result of which specialists have difficulties in comparing and interpreting data obtained in other studies. The solution to this problem is seen in standardizing the testing procedure and evaluating the results obtained using electronic and mechanical measuring devices. The results of upward jumps (n=100) performed by one subject using four measuring devices were analyzed: Abalakov tape, OptoJump electron-optical system, Gyko inertial sensor, Sporttlab contact platform. The statistical analysis showed that there were no significant differences between the jump results (p>0.05). It should be noted that there are strong correlations between all pairs of samples (r = 0.947-0.999). This fact indicates the high reliability and information content of jump height assessment using the above-mentioned devices. Regression equations were developed for six pairs of devices to compare performance in the countermovement jump test obtained using different measuring devices.
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Descarga completa: "Análisis del Movimiento Humano para Profesionales de la Salud" es una guía completa dirigida a profesionales de las ciencias de la salud interesados en comprender a fondo el movimiento humano. Este libro aborda desde la justificación del análisis del movimiento hasta la biomecánica de los tejidos corporales, ofreciendo herramientas fundamentales para su estudio y aplicación práctica. Explorando la biomecánica de tejidos como huesos, músculos y ligamentos, el texto detalla conceptos clave como elasticidad, rigidez y deformación. Además, presenta una variedad de pruebas funcionales y de equilibrio, así como análisis detallados del movimiento durante la marcha, incluyendo métodos de evaluación como el análisis de salto, equilibrio y técnicas de medición como la cinemática tridimensional y la electromiografía dinámica de superficie. Con un enfoque práctico y detallado, este libro proporciona a los profesionales de la salud las herramientas necesarias para comprender y evaluar el movimiento humano con precisión y profundidad, mejorando así la calidad de la atención y el tratamiento ofrecido a los pacientes.
статья посвящена унификации оценки скоростно-силовых способностей легкоатлетов с использованием различных измерительных устройств на основе высоты вертикального прыжка. В практике подготовки легкоатлетов используется большой набор измерительных устройств, позволяющих оценить скоростно-силовые способности посредством вертикальных прыжков, а в теории накоплен значительный массив эмпирических данных по результатам таких тестирований. Появление новых измерительных устройств ведет к разночтениям в количественных характеристиках результатов тестов, что выражается в проблеме соотнесения результатов вертикальных прыжков, полученных с применением различных измерительных устройств. Цель исследования – соотнесение результатов, полученных с использованием различных электронных измерительных устройств, в тесте прыжок вверх с контрдвижением. Анализу подверглись результаты прыжка вверх с контрдвижением (CMJ), полученные с использованием четырех электронных измерительных устройств: OptoJump, Myotest Pro 2, Vert, контактная платформа. Установлена очень сильная корреляция между всеми парами результатов (r = 0,961-0,997), что свидетельствует о высокой стабильности данного теста при использовании вышеназванных измерительных устройств. Результаты теста CMJ, полученные с помощью систем Vert и Myotest Pro 2, достоверно выше результатов, полученных посредством системы OptoJump и контактной платформы (p≤0,001). Полученные зависимости результатов прыжка вверх с контрдвижением легли в основу уравнений регрессии для каждой пары результатов измерительных устройств, что позволяет унифицировать оценку скоростно-силового потенциала легкоатлетов в вертикальных прыжковых тестах с применением различных измерительных устройств. the article is devoted to the unification of the assessment of speed-strength abilities of track and field athletes using various measuring devices based on the height of the vertical jump. In the practice of training track and field athletes, a large set of measuring devices is used to assess speed-strength abilities through vertical jumps, and in theory, a significant amount of empirical data has been accumulated based on the results of such tests. The emergence of new measuring devices leads to discrepancies in the quantitative characteristics of test results, which is expressed in the problem of correlating the results of vertical jumps obtained using different measuring devices. The purpose of the study is to correlate the results obtained using various electronic measuring devices in the upward jump test with countermovement. The results of countermovement jump (CMJ) obtained using four electronic measuring devices were analyzed: OptoJump, Myotest Pro 2, Vert, contact platform. A very strong correlation was established between all pairs of results (r = 0.961-0.997), which indicates the high stability of this test when using the above-mentioned measuring devices. CMJ test results obtained with the Vert and Myotest Pro 2 systems were significantly higher than those obtained with the OptoJump system and contact platform (p≤0.001). The obtained dependences of the results of an upward jump with countermovement formed the basis of regression equations for each pair of results of measuring devices, which makes it possible to unify the assessment of the speed-strength potential of athletes in vertical jump tests using various measuring devices.
Objective: To examine whether musculoskeletal injury history is a factor that influences countermovement jump (CMJ) performance in rugby players and to compare CMJ performance between player’s position (forwards or backs). Methods: Thirty rugby players (15 with an injury history and 15 without an injury history) performed the CMJ using an inertial sensor (Baiobit®) to evaluate kinematic (Jump Height, Velocity and Phase duration) and kinetic data (rate of force development [RFD], impact peak [IP], take-off force and Stiffness]. The group comparison was performed with an independent t-test, and the association between CMJ performance, sociodemographic variables and injury history was investigated with Pearson’s correlation test. Results: Rugby players with and without history of musculoskeletal injury differed in age and playing experience, but there was no difference in CMJ performance between groups. Jump height of uninjured players was positively correlated take-off force and RFD and negatively correlated with concentric phase duration and RFD. Injured players demonstrated a negative correlation between take-off force and IP. Compared to backs, forwards were heavier and taller, showed greater IPs and were more likely to have an injury history. Conclusions: There were no differences in CMJ performance between rugby players with and without an injury history. Forwards showed greater IPs and were more likelier to have an injury history than backs.
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Vertical jump is one of the most prevalent acts performed in several sport activities. It is therefore important to ensure that the measurements of vertical jump height made as a part of research or athlete support work have adequate validity and reliability. The aim of this study was to evaluate concurrent validity and reliability of the Optojump photocell system (Microgate, Bolzano, Italy) with force plate measurements for estimating vertical jump height. Twenty subjects were asked to perform maximal squat jumps and countermovement jumps, and flight time-derived jump heights obtained by the force plate were compared with those provided by Optojump, to examine its concurrent (criterion-related) validity (study 1). Twenty other subjects completed the same jump series on 2 different occasions (separated by 1 week), and jump heights of session 1 were compared with session 2, to investigate test-retest reliability of the Optojump system (study 2). Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) for validity were very high (0.997-0.998), even if a systematic difference was consistently observed between force plate and Optojump (-1.06 cm; p < 0.001). Test-retest reliability of the Optojump system was excellent, with ICCs ranging from 0.982 to 0.989, low coefficients of variation (2.7%), and low random errors (±2.81 cm). The Optojump photocell system demonstrated strong concurrent validity and excellent test-retest reliability for the estimation of vertical jump height. We propose the following equation that allows force plate and Optojump results to be used interchangeably: force plate jump height (cm) = 1.02 × Optojump jump height + 0.29. In conclusion, the use of Optojump photoelectric cells is legitimate for field-based assessments of vertical jump height.
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Goal. – We tested in this study the possibility of influencing leg stiffness through instructions on the knee flexion in drop jump (30 and 60 cm).Method. – Twelve basket players were instructed to jump with three different instructions: 1) “jump as high as you can”; 2) jump high with a larger knee flexion at touch-down and 3) jump high with a smaller knee flexion at touch-down. The ground reaction force were measured with an AMTI force plate (500 Hz). The kinematics of the jump was recorded using two digital cameras (50 Hz).Results. – The results show that the ground reaction force pattern depended more on the instruction than on the height of the box. The active peak decreased from 6 times the body weight (BW) to 2.9 times BW. Bending the knee appears to be an efficient strategy to increase the leg stiffness [R=0.86; P
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The goal of the present study is to investigate in skilled volleyball players (a) the effect of dropping height on women's and men's performance and (b) the drop jump technique with regard to gender. Nine male and 9 female skilled volleyball players were instructed to jump as high as they could, using a drop jump, from a box of 30 cm or from 2 boxes (60 cm). Kinematic and kinetic data were collected using 6 cameras and a force plate. The human body was summarized by using a 4-segment model (foot, shank, thigh, head-arms-trunk). Males performed higher jumps than females (46.6 +/- 7.5 cm vs. 36 +/- 5.4 cm; p < 0.05). This could be explained by higher mean power (56.9 +/- 26 W/kg vs. 42.4 +/- 19 W/kg; p < 0.05) and shorter eccentric time (-46.3%), both of which allowed a better stretch-shortening cycle. This study shows that women and men have different jump techniques when they drop from a higher position but without increasing the vertical performance. Women increase the values of force and stiffness (respectively +21.4% and +17.9%) without changing the temporal structure of the jump. Men reduce the eccentric time of the jump (41% vs. 31.8%) and keep the force parameters constant. The study findings indicate that it is necessary to find an optimal height for plyometric training for each athlete, allowing enhancement.
A force platform analysis of vertical jumping provides an engaging demonstration of the kinematics and dynamics of one-dimensional motion. The height of the jump may be calculated (1) from the flight time of the jump, (2) by applying the impulse–momentum theorem to the force–time curve, and (3) by applying the work–energy theorem to the force-displacement curve.
This paper provides exact power contours to guide the planning of reliability studies, where the parameter of interest is the coefficient of intraclass correlation p derived from a one-way analysis of variance model. The contours display the required numbers of subjects k and number of repeated measurements n that provide 80 per cent power for testing Ho:ρ ⩽ ρo versus H1: ρ > ρo at the 5 per cent level of significance for selected values of po. We discuss the design considerations of these results.
A simple test for the measurement of mechanical power during a vertical rebound jump series has been devised. The test consists of measuring the flight time with a digital timer (0.001 s) and counting the number of jumps performed during a certain period of time (e.g., 15–60 s). Formulae for calculation of mechanical power from the measured parameters were derived. The relationship between this mechanical power and a modification of the Wingate test (r=0.87, n=12 ) and 60 m dash (r=0.84, n=12 ) were very close. The mechanical power in a 60 s jumping test demonstrated higher values (20 WkgBW–1) than the power in a modified (60 s) Wingate test (7 WkgBW–1) and a Margaria test (14 WkgBW–1). The estimated powers demonstrated different values because both bicycle riding and the Margaria test reflect primarily chemo-mechanical conversion during muscle contraction, whereas in the jumping test elastic energy is also utilized. Therefore the new jumping test seems suitable to evaluate the power output of leg extensor muscles during natural motion. Because of its high reproducibility (r=0.95) and simplicity, the test is suitable for laboratory and field conditions.
The purpose of this investigation was to assess the intrasession and intersession reliability of the Vertec, Just Jump System, and Myotest for measuring countermovement vertical jump (CMJ) height. Forty male and 39 female university students completed 3 maximal-effort CMJs during 2 testing sessions, which were separated by 24-48 hours. The height of the CMJ was measured from all 3 devices simultaneously. Systematic error, relative reliability, absolute reliability, and heteroscedasticity were assessed for each device. Systematic error across the 3 CMJ trials was observed within both sessions for males and females, and this was most frequently observed when the CMJ height was measured by the Vertec. No systematic error was discovered across the 2 testing sessions when the maximum CMJ heights from the 2 sessions were compared. In males, the Myotest demonstrated the best intrasession reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC] = 0.95; SEM = 1.5 cm; coefficient of variation [CV] = 3.3%) and intersession reliability (ICC = 0.88; SEM = 2.4 cm; CV = 5.3%; limits of agreement = -0.08 ± 4.06 cm). Similarly, in females, the Myotest demonstrated the best intrasession reliability (ICC = 0.91; SEM = 1.4 cm; CV = 4.5%) and intersession reliability (ICC = 0.92; SEM = 1.3 cm; CV = 4.1%; limits of agreement = 0.33 ± 3.53 cm). Additional analysis revealed that heteroscedasticity was present in the CMJ when measured from all 3 devices, indicating that better jumpers demonstrate greater fluctuations in CMJ scores across testing sessions. To attain reliable CMJ height measurements, practitioners are encouraged to familiarize athletes with the CMJ technique and then allow the athletes to complete numerous repetitions until performance plateaus, particularly if the Vertec is being used.
The purpose of this study was to verify the concurrent validity of a bar-mounted Myotest® instrument in measuring the force and power production in the squat and bench press exercises when compared to the gold standard of a computerized linear transducer and force platform system. Fifty-four men (bench press: 39-171 kg; squat: 75-221 kg) and 43 women (bench press: 18-80 kg; squat: 30-115 kg) (age range 18-30 years) performed a 1 repetition maximum (1RM) strength test in bench press and squat exercises. Power testing consisted of the jump squat and the bench throw at 30% of each subject's 1RM. During each measurement, both the Myotest® instrument and the Celesco linear transducer of the directly interfaced BMS system (Ballistic Measurement System [BMS] Innervations Inc, Fitness Technology force plate, Skye, South Australia, Australia) were mounted to the weight bar. A strong, positive correlation (r) between the Myotest and BMS systems and a high correlation of determination (R2) was demonstrated for bench throw force (r = 0.95, p < 0.05) (R2 = 0.92); bench throw power (r = 0.96, p < 0.05) (R2 = 0.93); squat jump force (r = 0.98, p < 0.05) (R2 = 0.97); and squat jump power (r = 0.91, p < 0.05) (R2 = 0.82). In conclusion, when fixed on the bar in the vertical axis, the Myotest is a valid field instrument for measuring force and power in commonly used exercise movements.