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Abstract and Figures

This article presents the results of the occlusal molar microwear texture analysis of 32 adult Upper Paleolithic modern humans from a total of 21 European sites dating to marine isotope stages 3 and 2. The occlusal molar microwear textures of these specimens were analyzed with the aim of examining the effects of the climatic, as well as the cultural, changes on the diets of the Upper Paleolithic modern humans. The results of this analysis do not reveal any environmentally driven dietary shifts for the Upper Paleolithic hominins indicating that the climatic and their associated paleoecological changes did not force these humans to significantly alter their diets in order to survive. However, the microwear texture analysis does detect culturally related changes in the Upper Paleolithic humans' diets. Specifically, significant differences in diet were found between the earlier Upper Paleolithic individuals, i.e., those belonging to the Aurignacian and Gravettian contexts, and the later Magdalenian ones, such that the diet of the latter group was more varied and included more abrasive foods compared with those of the former. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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Diet of Upper Paleolithic Modern Humans: Evidence
From Microwear Texture Analysis
Sireen El Zaatari,
* and Jean-Jacques Hublin
Department of Human Evolution, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig D-04103, Germany
Department of Early Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology, Paleoanthropology, Senckenberg Center for Human
Evolution and Paleoecology, Eberhard Karls University of T
ubingen, T
ubingen 72070, Germany
KEY WORDS Aurignacian; Gravettian; Magdalenian
ABSTRACT This article presents the results of the
occlusal molar microwear texture analysis of 32 adult
Upper Paleolithic modern humans from a total of 21
European sites dating to marine isotope stages 3 and 2.
The occlusal molar microwear textures of these speci-
mens were analyzed with the aim of examining the
effects of the climatic, as well as the cultural, changes on
the diets of the Upper Paleolithic modern humans. The
results of this analysis do not reveal any environmentally
driven dietary shifts for the Upper Paleolithic hominins
indicating that the climatic and their associated paleoeco-
logical changes did not force these humans to signifi-
cantly alter their diets in order to survive. However, the
microwear texture analysis does detect culturally related
changes in the Upper Paleolithic humans’ diets. Specifi-
cally, significant differences in diet were found between
the earlier Upper Paleolithic individuals, i.e., those
belonging to the Aurignacian and Gravettian contexts,
and the later Magdalenian ones, such that the diet of the
latter group was more varied and included more abrasive
foods compared with those of the former. Am J Phys
Anthropol 000:000–000, 2014. V
C2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The availability of food resources and the possession of
successful strategies to access these resources are the
first requirements for the survival of any species, includ-
ing hominins. Using occlusal molar microwear texture
analysis, this study examines the effects of the climati-
cally induced changes in food supply and the develop-
ment of new technology on the diets of European Upper
Paleolithic modern humans. The Upper Paleolithic is the
period associated with the first modern human presence
in Europe. This period begins at the time of the severe
climatic fluctuations of marine isotope stage (MIS) 3,
continues through the extreme conditions of the Last
Glacial Maximum (LGM) in MIS 2, and ends with the
warming trend at the end of MIS 2. In terms of technol-
ogy, the Upper Paleolithic period is characterized by
unprecedented advancements. Its technological com-
plexes are mostly distinguished from those of earlier
periods through their considerable increase in artifact
and raw material diversity and their unparalleled rate
of development, innovation, and change (e.g., Klein,
2009). Indeed, over the course of only 30 ka, a succession
of techno-economic variants are recognized among which
the Aurignacian, the Gravettian, and the Magdalenian
stand out as major traditions.
The first of these traditions, the Aurignacian, is charac-
terized by the increased use of organic material such as
bone and antler as raw materials for the production of
formal tools, e.g. Mladec
ˇpoints, split-based points (Lio-
lios, 2006; Tartar and White, 2013). The lithic assemb-
lages, on the other hand, include both large blades and
bladelets produced from prismatic, carinated endscrapers
and burin-like cores. These blanks were used for the
manufacture of a retouched tool-kit including Aurigna-
cian blades and Dufour bladelets (e.g., Brooks, 1982;
White, 1993; Blades, 1999). During this period, ornamen-
tation becomes systematic and mobile art objects and
parietal art are also well-documented (e.g., Vanhaeren
and d’Errico, 2006). This techno-complex is generally
believed to have been brought into Europe by the earliest
modern humans to enter the continent around 43 ka Cal
BP [an even earlier date is suggested by archaeological
evidence from western Eurasia (Svoboda and Bar-Yosef,
2003; Hublin, 2012)], i.e., during the extreme climatic
instability of MIS 3 (60–24 ka Cal BP) (e.g., Hublin,
2013). This climatic instability is clearly visible in various
environmental proxies as severe millennial scale climatic
fluctuations between cold phases, when conditions
approached those prevailing during glacial times, and
warm phases, when conditions were similar to those of
the Holocene (e.g., Shackleton, 1977; Barron and Pollard,
2002). These climatic oscillations greatly affected vegeta-
tion cover in Europe which, in response, fluctuated
between polar desert and shrub tundra in the northern
latitudes south of the Fennoscandia ice-sheet, between
cold steppe-tundra and conifer woodland in the central
latitudes, and between a mix of grasslands and forests
and more forested yet still open vegetation in the south-
ern/Mediterranean areas (van Andel and Tzedakis, 1996).
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online
version of this article.
Grant sponsors: Max Planck Society and the Hunt Post-Doctoral
Fellowship; Grant number: 8554 (to S.E.Z.); Grant sponsor:
National Science Foundation; Grant numbers: 0452155 (to F.E.G.
and S.E.Z.) and 0315157 (to P.S.U.); Grant sponsor: LSB Leakey
Foundation; Grant numbers: 800320 (to F.E.G. and S.E.Z.).
*Correspondence to: Sireen El Zaatari, R
umelinstr. 23, D 72070
ubingen, Germany. E-mail:
Received 15 July 2013; accepted 12 December 2013
DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.22457
Published online 00 Month 2014 in Wiley Online Library
During these unstable conditions modern humans contin-
ued to adapt their technology while present in Europe
and, towards the end of MIS 3, i.e., at approximately 35
ka Cal BP, around the time of the onset of the sharp drop
in temperature ultimately leading to the LGM, the
archaeological record attests to the Gravettian, a new
techno-complex which became the second major wide-
spread Upper Paleolithic tradition in Europe (e.g., Otte,
1981; Goutas et al., 2011; Moreau, 2012). This industry is
characterized by a systematic use of abrupt retouch for
shaping bladelets and backed point tools, the presence of
specific types of tanged points and burins, and the wide
distribution of female figurines (e.g., Otte, 1981; Goutas
et al., 2011).
During MIS 2, conditions became more intense. The
Fennoscandia ice-sheet which had remained limited to
only a part of Fennoscandia during MIS 3, extended
southward, and by around 21 ka Cal BP at the peak of
the LGM it covered all of Scandinavia, the Baltic, and
most of the British Isles (COHMAP, 1988). The Alps
were also covered with glaciers while winter sea ice
extended as far south as the coast of France (COHMAP,
1988). During this time, most of Europe was generally
bare of vegetation with permafrost and polar deserts
spreading across most of the northern and central parts
of the continent (Maarleveld, 1976; Zagwijn, 1992). Vege-
tation cover in southern Europe was also sparse with
steppe taxa dominating and montane vegetation
descending to the coastal Mediterranean areas (Garcia
and Arsuaga, 2003). The extreme conditions of the LGM
had a profound effect on the human populations as well.
They led to their dispersal and, most likely, even led to
the extinction of populations in the northern latitudes
(e.g., Finlayson, 2004).
After the LGM, the climate oscillated between cold
and temperate periods until the cold climatic conditions
of the Younger Dryas (12.8–11.5 ka Cal BP) marked the
end of the Pleistocene. Even though the period extend-
ing from the end of the LGM to the onset of the Younger
Dryas witnessed fluctuations between several stadials
and interstadials, there was a general warming trend.
Open vegetation continued to prevail in most of the
European continent, yet the overall warming trend led
to the gradual replacement of tundra and steppe vegeta-
tion of northern and central Europe by spruce forests
and birch-conifer woodlands (Huntley and Birks, 1983).
With the progressive retreat of the Scandinavian ice-
sheet following the LGM and the change in vegetation
cover, humans expanded and reoccupied most of Europe.
This time period also witnessed the spread of a new cul-
ture, the Magdalenian (20–13 ka Cal BP). Compared
with all the previous hominin cultures, the Magdalenian
is more diverse. It is a period of remarkable economic
innovation, complex social interactions, and elaborate
artistic expression. The Magdalenian is characterized by
the standardization and systematization of the bladelet
technology, with small blanks, which were produced in
various ways, transformed into backed bladelets (e.g.,
Pigeot, 2004). A spectacular development of mobile art is
observed and parietal art is widely represented (e.g.,
Jochim, 2011).
Amidst the fluctuating climates, Upper Paleolithic
modern humans persisted and flourished in Europe.
This study employs occlusal molar microwear texture
analysis to examine the effects of both the changing
environmental conditions and the changing cultures on
the diets of European Upper Paleolithic humans. This
study aims to answer two questions: 1) how did modern
human populations adapt to the changing paleoecologi-
cal conditions, and 2) to what extent did their cultural
features play a role in their adaptation and, thus, sur-
vival? It is suggested that the development of the Upper
Paleolithic technological complexes was at least in part
triggered by climatic changes and that these complexes
served to aid modern humans in their adaptation to the
different climatic periods in Europe at the later part of
the Late Pleistocene (e.g., Straus, 1995; Goebel, 1999;
Hoffecker, 2005). This notion is reinforced by the broad
temporal correlation between three major climatic peri-
ods during that time, the period of millennial-scale cli-
matic fluctuations spanning the middle part of MIS 3,
the period of sharp decrease in temperature covering the
final part of MIS 3, and the period of an overall warming
trend stretching from the end of the LGM to the begin-
ning of the Younger Dryas stadial in MIS 2, and the
three main technological phases of the Upper Paleolithic,
the Aurignacian, the Gravettian, and the Magdalenian,
respectively. It should be noted that these major techno-
logical traditions of the Upper Paleolithic were geo-
graphically wide-ranging, spreading across the
European continent. It should also be noted that the var-
ious parts of this continent were affected differently by
the climatic conditions resulting in geographically dis-
tinct biomes during any single climatic period (e.g., van
Andel and Tzedakis, 1996). Thus, if indeed these techno-
logical developments aided Upper Paleolithic humans in
their survival, they would have had to have aided them
across the different local biomes in which they lived, giv-
ing them freedom from the prevailing local environmen-
tal constraints and allowing them to gain access to
various food resources. The detection among Upper Pale-
olithic human groups of significant differences in diet
that are correlated with differences in technological com-
plexes, but that are uncorrelated with differences in
local biomes, would reflect the far-reaching importance
of the various Upper Paleolithic techno-complexes and
therefore, would support such a scenario. Also, in such a
scenario, it would be expected to observe the biggest
shift in diet during the Magdalenian time since this
period witnessed the most revolutionary and profound
cultural change in comparison with the earlier periods.
If, on the other hand, it were the case that technological
innovations had not played a substantial role in the die-
tary adaptations of these hominins, then a lack of signif-
icant correlation between cultural and dietary shifts
would be expected, and instead a link between biome
type and diet might emerge reflecting significant effects
of the distinct local paleoecological conditions on the
diets of Upper Paleolithic humans. Such a link would be
an indication of environmentally driven dietary patterns
where these early humans, regardless of their cultural
association, would have had to have substantially differ-
ent diets in the different biomes in order to survive
across the European continent.
This study was based on the analysis of high resolu-
tion dental casts of a total of 32 Upper Paleolithic adult
individuals (i.e., whose third molars had erupted or were
in the process of eruption at the time of death) from 14
European sites (Table 1). These specimens are associated
with different Upper Paleolithic technological cultures
(i.e., Aurignacian, Gravettian, or Magdalenian) and
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
TABLE 1. List of specimens sampled in this study
Tooth Location Technological complex Vegetation cover
Farincourt 1 RM
Western Europe Magdalenian (David,
1996; Joffroy and
Mouton, 1957)
Open-steppe vegetation—
Faunal data (Joffroy
and Mouton, 1946;
Joffroy and Mouton,
Saint Germain La
`re 1970-7-6
Western Europe Magdalenian (Blanchard
et al., 1972)
Open-steppe vegetation –
Faunal data (Blanchard
et al., 1972; Vanhaeren
and d’Errico, 2005)
Abri Pataud 1 LM
Western Europe Magdalenian (Movius,
Forest-steppe vegetation
– Pollen data (Donner,
Lachaud 3 RM
Western Europe Magdalenian (Cheynier,
1953, 1965)
Open-steppe vegetation –
Faunal data (Cheynier,
1953, 1965)
Isturitz 115 LM
Western Europe Gravettian (de Saint
erier 1930, 1936; de
Saint P
erier and de
Saint P
erier 1952)
Open-steppe vegetation –
Pollen data (Leroi-
Gourhan, 1959)
estonice 13 LM
Eastern Europe Gravettian (Svoboda,
Forest-steppe vegetation
– Floral and faunal
data (Manson et al.,
1994; Musil, 2010;
a, 1991; West,
estonice 15 RM
estonice 16 LM
estonice 31 RM
Pavlov 1 RM
Eastern Europe Gravettian (Klima, 1959) Forest-steppe vegetation
– Floral and faunal
data (Manson et al.,
1994; Musil, 2010;
a, 1991; West,
ı21 RM
Eastern Europe Gravettian (Svoboda,
Forest-steppe vegetation
– Faunal data (Musil,
Abri Labatut 1 LM3 Western Europe Gravettian (de
Cro-Magnon 2 RM
Western Europe Gravettian (Henry-
Gambier, 2002)
Open-steppe vegetation –
Faunal data (Lartet,
Barma Grande 1 LM
Western Europe Gravettian (Formicola
et al., 2004)
Forest-steppe vegetation
– Pollen data
et al., 1998; Watts
et al., 1996)
Barma Grande 2 RM
Les Rois R50 #31 RM
Western Europe Aurignacian (Vallois,
Open-steppe vegetation –
Faunal data (Michel
et al., 2008; Mouton
and Joffroy, 1958)
Eastern Europe Aurignacian (e.g., Bayer,
Forest-steppe vegetation
– Faunal data (Pacher,
2006; Svoboda, 2001)
Abri Blanchard 1 RM
Western Europe Aurignacian (Ferembach,
Open-steppe vegetation –
Faunal data, pollen
data and charcoal data
(Pelegrin and O’Farell,
The following specimens were excluded from further analyses due to postmortem taphonomic damage to their occlusal molar
surfaces: Isturitz 106 and 107, Saint-Germain-la-Riviere B1, 1970-7-1, 1970-7-2, and 1970-7-21, Doln
estonice 3, 32, and 38, Pav-
lov 2, and 3, and Barma Grande 5.
Detailed descriptions of the biome reconstructions are available in the Supplementary Material Section.
There are some indications that human remains attributed to the Gravettian context including the specimen analyzed here might
come from the Magdalenian context (Gambier, 1990).
Paleoecological reconstructions are unavailable from the site of Barma Grande itself. But, pollen analyses from other Italian sites
(i.e., Lago Grande di Monticchio, Lagaccione, Vico, and Valle di Castiglione) show that during that time the area was covered by a
mix of open and forested vegetation (Watts et al., 1996; Follieri, 1998). Similar conditions were also detected in the deep sea cores
from the Mediterranean (Genty et al., 2005).
No paleoclimatic data is available from the site of Blanchard itself. But, climatic reconstructions are available from the Aurigna-
cian layers of Abri Castanet which is very close to Abri Blanchard. The analysis of charcoal and pollen samples as well as faunal
assemblages from Abri Castanet show the prevalence of cold, open vegetation at the time (Pelegrin and O’Farell, 2005).
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
different paleoecological conditions (i.e., open-steppe or a
mix of forest-steppe vegetation). The dental casts were
prepared following established procedures (Teaford and
Oyen, 1989). The teeth were cleaned with cotton swabs
soaked with water and, in some cases, with acetone and
ethyl alcohol as well to remove preservatives, when pres-
ent on the teeth. Negative molds were then made using
President MicroSystemTM (Colte
`ne-Whaledent) impres-
sion material and positive casts were poured using Epo-
Tek 301 epoxy resin and hardener (Epoxy Technology).
A Sensofar PlmConfocal Imaging Profiler (Solarius
Development, Inc.) with a 1003objective was used to
examine the occlusal surfaces of the molar casts. Speci-
mens that showed postmortem taphonomic artifacts (12
in total) were excluded from further analysis (see El
Zaatari, 2010 for examples of such damage). For the
specimens that showed well preserved premortem micro-
wear free of postmortem defects (n520), four adjoining
scans covering a total area of 276 3204 lm of a crush-
ing/grinding facet of one molar per individual were
taken. Surfaces were scanned with a lateral sampling
interval of 0.18 mm and a vertical resolution of 0.005 mm.
Photosimulations and 3D images were generated using
the Solarmap Universal software (Solarius Development
Inc., Sunnyvale, CA). The resulting scans were then
characterized with Toothfrax and SFrax software (Surf-
ract) using scale sensitive fractal analysis following Scott
et al. (2005, 2006). Five variables were generated: com-
plexity (Asfc), anisotropy (epLsar), scale of maximum
complexity (Smc), textural fill volume (Tfv), and hetero-
geneity (HAsfc). Detailed descriptions of these variables
and their computations can be found in Scott et al.
(2005, 2006) and Ungar et al. (2007). Briefly, complexity
(Asfc) reflects the change in surface roughness across
different scales of observation. Anisotropy (epLsar)
reflects the orientation of wear striations. The scale of
maximum complexity (Smc) reflects the size of the
microwear features. Textural fill volume (Tfv) reflects
the geometric shape and depth of wear features. Median
values for Asfc,epLsar,Smc, and Tfv were calculated
from the four scans to produce a single value for each
variable for each tooth, and therefore, each individual.
Finally, heterogeneity (HAsfc) reflects the variability in
complexity across the surface. It should be noted that
the individual heterogeneity values used in this study
were calculated using the four scans for each tooth with-
out further splitting single scans into smaller
For the purpose of statistical analyses, each individual
was assigned to a technological complex (Aurignacian,
Gravettian, or Magdalenian), geographic location (east-
ern or western Europe), and paleoecological category
(open-steppe vegetation or forest-steppe vegetation). Sta-
tistical analyses focused on assessing differences in the
five variables among the Upper Paleolithic populations
when the individuals were grouped based on their tech-
nological complex, geographical location, and paleoeco-
logical category. All data were first rank-transformed to
reduce the possible effects of violating assumptions asso-
ciated with parametric statistical tests (Conover and
Iman, 1981). Then, data for the five variables were com-
pared among the different groups using a multivariate
analysis of variance model (MANOVA) (Neff and Marcus,
1980). Single classification ANOVAs on each variable,
along with multiple comparisons tests, i.e., Fisher’s least
significant difference (LSD) and Tukey’s honestly signifi-
cant difference (HSD) post hoc tests, were used to deter-
mine sources of significant differences when present
(Sokal and Rohlf, 1995; Cook and Farewell, 1996).
For the interpretation of the microwear textures of the
Upper Paleolithic groups, hierarchical cluster analysis,
using Euclidean distance and complete linkage (Forte-
lius and Solounias, 2000), was conducted on the Upper
Paleolithic groups with different technological industries
as well as on four recent hunter-gatherer groups with
diverse yet known diets. The recent hunter-gatherer
groups used for this analysis are: the Fuegians whose
diet consisted almost exclusively of meat (e.g., Bridges,
1885; Yesner et al., 2003), the Chumash who relied pre-
dominantly on fish and marine mammals for their sub-
sistence, but who also supplemented their diet with
some terrestrial animals and several kinds of plants
(e.g., Timbrook, 1993; Walker, 1996), the Khoesan whose
diet consisted of a mix of animal and plant foods (e.g.,
Lee, 1979; Sealy, 2006), and the Tigara whose diet con-
sisted predominantly of meat of marine mammals conta-
minated by large amounts of sand and grit (e.g., Larsen
and Rainey, 1948; Giddings, 1967). Detailed information
about these groups and their microwear analyses can be
found in El Zaatari (2010, in press). The five microwear
variables were used in the hierarchical cluster analysis,
thus the values were first standardized using z-scores to
correct for their different scales of measurement.
Tables 2 and 3 presents individual raw data as well as
summary statistics for the microwear texture variables.
Example photosimulations and three-dimensional
images are illustrated in Figure 1. Tables 4 to 8 present
the results of the statistical analyses and these results
are illustrated in Figure 2. Table 9 presents summary
statistics for the comparative recent hunter-gatherer
groups. Finally, Figure 3 illustrates the results of the
hierarchical cluster analysis including the fossil and the
recent human groups.
The MANOVA results indicate significant differences
in the model among the three Upper Paleolithic groups
when the individuals are grouped based on their techno-
logical complex but not when they are grouped based on
TABLE 2. Individual data of specimens used in this study
Specimen Asfc epLsar Smc Tfv HAsfc
Farincourt 1 2.695 0.0022 0.209 13041.8 0.157
Saint Germain La
`re 1970-7-6
3.608 0.0019 0.151 15737.8 0.157
Abri Pataud 1 3.564 0.0013 0.150 8585.5 0.058
Lachaud 3 3.295 0.0021 0.150 10514.1 0.411
Isturitz 115 1.420 0.0028 0.417 7238.5 0.062
estonice 13 1.451 0.0009 0.267 5079.1 0.092
estonice 15 1.450 0.0050 0.150 7997.9 0.110
estonice 16 1.532 0.0031 0.150 14524.1 0.154
estonice 31 1.150 0.0037 0.941 446.8 0.056
Pavlov 1 1.984 0.0011 0.267 14458.6 0.132
ı 21 0.745 0.0033 0.341 8600.6 0.233
Abri Labatut 1 1.923 0.0014 0.342 979.7 0.019
Cro-Magnon 2 1.868 0.0039 0.433 10170.1 0.125
Barma Grande 1 1.129 0.0025 0.341 2347.2 0.190
Barma Grande 2 0.626 0.0042 262.147 13430.9 0.417
Les Rois R50 #31 1.368 0.0020 0.150 8823.0 0.179
ˇ1 1.405 0.0023 0.267 1677.7 0.173
ˇ2 0.952 0.0026 0.267 7597.7 0.165
ˇ8 1.824 0.0009 0.208 6621.3 0.237
Abri Blanchard 1 1.625 0.0022 0.267 1425.4 0.129
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
their geographic location or paleoecological conditions
(Tables 4–6). When the specimens are grouped based on
their technological complex, individual ANOVAs show
significant variation in surface complexity (Asfc) and
scale of maximum complexity (Smc) (Table 7). No signifi-
cant differences are detected for the remaining varia-
bles, i.e., anisotropy (epLsar), textural fill volume (Tfv),
and heterogeneity (HAsfc). Post hoc tests indicate that
the Upper Paleolithic individuals from the Magdalenian
context have significantly higher mean complexity value
(Asfc) compared with those of the Gravettian and the
Aurignacian contexts (Table 8). It should be noted that
the significant differences in scale of maximum complex-
ity detected between the individuals from the Gravettian
context on the one hand and those from the Magdale-
nian and Aurignacian contexts on the other are mostly
driven by a single outlier in the Gravettian sample
which has an extremely high scale of maximum com-
plexity value. This high scale of maximum complexity
reflects the fact that the scans of this individual were
dominated by a few very large pits most likely resulting
from a single ingestion of a relatively big abrasive item.
This interpretation is supported by the low Asfc value
for this individual which indicates an otherwise non-
abrasive diet. As this appears to be an isolated event,
not much weight should be given to this elevated Smc
value for this individual. Finally, it should also be noted
that Fischer’s post hoc test show that individuals of
Magdalenian context have significantly higher mean tex-
tural fill volume (Tfv) value compared with those of
Aurignacian contexts.
The results of hierarchical cluster analysis show that
the sample of Aurignacian Upper Paleolithic humans
clusters closest to the Chumash. The Fuegians form a
second-order cluster to that containing the Aurignacian
individuals and the Chumash. A third-order cluster sep-
arates the Gravettian group from these first and second
order clusters. In a distinct cluster, the Magdalenian
group clusters closest to the Khoesan hunter-gatherers
and a second-order cluster separates the Tigara from the
Magdalenian and the Khoesan.
The link between microwear textures and diet has
been established across different extant taxa (e.g., Scott
et al., 2006, 2012; Ungar et al., 2007; El Zaatari, 2010;
El Zaatari et al., 2011). Of particular relevance to the
current study is the significant correlation between the
microwear texture variables and ethnographically docu-
mented or archeologically inferred differences in the
diets of recent hunter-gatherer populations as illustrated
by El Zaatari (2010, in press) and El Zaatari et al.
(2011). Specifically, the complexity values have been
found to be positively correlated with the levels of
ingested abrasives, whether dietary or extraneous (i.e.,
environmental abrasives such as sand, grit, etc, that get
attached to the food items as a result of food preparation
techniques) in nature. To this end, the Tigara popula-
tion, known to ingest very high amounts of environmen-
tal abrasives, has a very high complexity average value
compared with the remaining groups; whereas, the Fue-
gians whose diet was almost free of hard brittle items
has the lowest complexity mean value. The anisotropy
values on the other hand have been found to be posi-
tively correlated with the level of consumption of tough
items. This is illustrated in the high average value of
anisotropy for the Fuegian sample compared with the
rest of the modern human samples analyzed. The Fue-
gians, unlike the other groups, based their subsistence
almost exclusively on meat (a relatively tough dietary
item) that was generally free of dietary and environmen-
tal abrasives. The Khoesan who had a mixed diet which
consisted of the least percentage of meat among the
modern groups have, on average, the lowest anisotropy
values among the groups analyzed. The scale of maxi-
mum complexity was found to be correlated with the
size of the wear causing particles. The Fuegians whose
diet was almost free of small abrasive particles have the
highest scale of maximum complexity mean value
reflecting the presence of wear features resulting almost
exclusively from the tough meat diet. On the other
hand, the Khoesan and Chumash whose diets consisted
of relatively small plant food abrasives were found to
have the lowest scale of maximum complexity mean
value among the groups analyzed. Textural fill volume
values are most likely affected by two factors, the
amount and size of the abrasive particles. A high tex-
tural fill volume value would indicate a substantial con-
sumption of abrasive particles or a consumption of very
hard abrasive particles that would cause deep features
on the occlusal molar surface and vice versa. This is
TABLE 3. Summary statistics for the microwear texture variables
Group means N Asfc epLsar Smc Tfv HAsfc
By geographic location
Eastern Europe 9 Mean 1.388 0.0025 0.318 7444.9 0.150
SD 0.393 0.0014 0.242 4866.7 0.061
Western Europe 11 Mean 2.102 0.0024 24.069 8390.4 0.173
SD 1.031 0.0009 78.962 5002.2 0.131
By vegetation cover
Open-steppe vegetation 7 Mean 2.268 0.0024 0.254 9564.4 0.174
SD 0.925 0.0007 0.125 4540.1 0.111
Forest-steppe vegetation 12 Mean 1.484 0.0026 22.124 7613.9 0.168
SD 0.769 0.0013 75.587 4788.8 0.986
By technological context
Magdalenian 4 Mean 3.291 0.0019 0.165 11969.8 0.196
SD 0.421 0.0004 0.029 3104.8 0.151
Gravettian 11 Mean 1.389 0.0029 24.163 7752.1 0.145
SD 0.449 0.0013 78.931 5153.3 0.109
Aurignacian 5 Mean 1.435 0.0020 0.232 5229.0 0.177
SD 0.326 0.0007 0.052 3447.6 0.039
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
illustrated by the Tigara having the highest textural fill
volume mean value whereas the Fuegians having the
lowest. The heterogeneity variable is associated with the
level of individual dietary variability. Ingesting different
kinds of particles would increase the variability in
microwear texture across the tooth surface, and, thus,
Fig. 1. Two dimensional and three-dimensional representations of microwear surfaces for Upper Paleolithic individuals: A)
Lachaud 3 (Magdalenian); B) Cro-Magnon 2 (Gravettian); C) Mladec
ˇ1 (Aurignacian). Each image represents an area 138 lm3
104 lm on the original tooth surface. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]
TABLE 4. MANOVA results by geographic divisions
Value FHypothesis df Error df p
Wilks’ Lambda 0.748 0.945 5.000 14.000 0.483
Pillai’s Trace 0.252 0.945 5.000 14.000 0.483
0.337 0.945 5.000 14.000 0.483
Significant pvalues (p<0.05) are represented in bold.
TABLE 5. MANOVA results by paleoecological divisions
Value FHypothesis df Error df p
Wilks’ Lambda 0.746 0.887 5.000 13.000 0.517
Pillai’s Trace 0.254 0.887 5.000 13.000 0.517
0.314 0.887 5.000 13.000 0.517
Significant pvalues (P<0.05) are represented in bold.
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
would lead to a higher heterogeneity value as is the case
for the Khoesan who had the most dietary variability
among the groups analyzed. The Fuegians on the other
hand have the lowest heterogeneity values reflecting the
uniformity in their diet. The fact that the microwear tex-
ture variables were found to correlate well with the
known diets of recent hunter-gatherer groups allows for
the use of these variables for the examination of the
diets of Upper Paleolithic humans.
Archaeological and fossil evidence indicates that mod-
ern humans first entered Europe during MIS 3. Their
successful settlement in this continent from then on
shows that the Upper Paleolithic people did not only
manage to cope with the challenges brought about by
entering a new territory, but that they were also able to
cope with the fast changing and sometimes extreme cli-
matic conditions affecting the continent during MIS 3-2.
Marine isotope stage 3 witnessed severe short-lived cli-
matic oscillations where conditions rapidly fluctuated
between cold stadial and warm interstadial phases
(Dansgaard et al., 1993). Some of these oscillations,
namely the several sudden warming Dansgaard-
Oeschger events, were extremely abrupt, such that the
Greenland ice deposits record risings of average temper-
atures by up to 15C over a period of few decades, i.e.
within an individuals’ lifetime (Severinghaus et al.,
1998; Huber et al., 2006). The following stage, MIS 2,
included the Last Glacial Maximum, the coldest phase of
the Last Glacial Period. The changing environmental
conditions during the Upper Paleolithic Period greatly
affected food availability as food sources, whether plant
or animal, responded to climatic fluctuations. These
responses also differed spatially resulting in the forma-
tion of different biomes across the European continent
during any single major climatic period. The Upper Pale-
olithic specimens examined in this study have been
attributed to two different biomes, i.e., open-steppe or
forest-steppe, each of which would have supported differ-
ent kinds of plant and animal communities. Yet, it does
not appear to be the case that these differences in food
sources had significant effects on the diets of the Upper
Paleolithic humans as indicated by the results of the
occlusal molar microwear texture analysis. Indeed, these
results do not show any paleoecologically driven dietary
shifts for these humans suggesting that differences in
climatic conditions did not force them to significantly
alter their diets. Thus, the results of this study show
that Upper Paleolithic humans were to some extent free
from the environmental constraints. But what could
have given them this freedom?
The Upper Paleolithic modern humans had novel and
elaborate technological complexes which significantly
changed over time, such that it is now possible to
TABLE 6. MANOVA results by technological division
Value FHypothesis df Error df p
Wilks’ Lambda 0.197 3.258 10.000 26.000 0.007
Pillai’s Trace 1.098 3.405 10.000 28.000 0.005
Hotelling’s Trace 2.582 3.098 10.000 24.000 0.011
Significant pvalues (P<0.05) are represented in bold.
TABLE 7. Individual ANOVAS by technological division
Sum of squares df Mean square Fp
Surface complexity (Asfc) Effect 320.654 2 160.327 7.915 0.004
Error 344.345 17 20.256
Anisotropy (epLsar) Effect 127.131 2 63.565 2.011 0.164
Error 537.370 17 31.610
Scale of maximum complexity (Smc) Effect 272.414 2 136.207 6.005 0.011
Error 385.586 17 22.682
Textural fill volume (Tfv) Effect 155.564 2 77.782 2.596 0.104
Error 509.436 17 29.967
Heterogeneity (HAsfc) Effect 81.414 2 40.707 1.187 0.329
Error 583.086 17 34.299
Significant pvalues (<0.05) are represented in bold.
TABLE 8. Multiple comparisons tests (matrices of pairwise mean differences) by technological division
Aurignacian Gravettian
Value Tukey’s Fisher’s Value Tukey’s Fisher’s
Asfc 10.30 0.009 0.003 9.86 0.004 0.002
epLsar 1.63 0.903 0.672 5.85 0.205 0.092
Smc 3.35 0.558 0.309 8.93 0.013 0.005
Tfv 8.30 0.089 0.037 5.32 0.247 0.114
HAsfc 2.35 0.823 0.558 2.43 0.760 0.487
Asfc 0.44 0.982 0.859
epLsar 4.23 0.366 0.181
Smc 5.58 0.105 0.044
Tfv 2.98 0.581 0.327
HAsfc 4.78 0.309 0.148
Significant pvalues (<0.05) are represented in bold.
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
classify these complexes into several distinct industries
within the relatively short time period of the Upper
Paleolithic. If Upper Paleolithic humans were using
their tool kits to access their preferred dietary items
and, to some level, free themselves from the environ-
mental constraints, it would be expected to find evidence
for temporal dietary shifts correlated with changes in
technological complexes. Such evidence is revealed
through the microwear analyses. Specifically, the micro-
wear data show significant differences in the microwear
textures, and thus diets, between earlier and later
Upper Paleolithic humans, i.e., between those associated
with Aurignacian and Gravettian cultures on the one
hand and those associated with the Magdalenian culture
Fig. 2. Plots of the means (dots) and one standard deviation ranges (bars) for the occlusal molar microwear texture variables
for the three Upper Paleolithic groups, the Magdalenian, the Gravettian, and the Aurignacian.
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
on the other. These differences are observed mostly in
the complexity variable which is positively correlated
with the level of abrasiveness in the diet. The lack of
significant differences across the other variables (with
the exception of the difference in scale of maximum com-
plexity which is driven by the outlier in the Gravettian
sample) indicates that the most significant difference in
the diet of the Upper Paleolithic groups pertains to the
difference in amount of abrasives in the diet with the
Magdalenian diet being significantly more abrasive than
the Aurignacian and Gravettian diets.
When compared with the recent hunter-gatherer
groups with known but diverse diets and whose micro-
wear textures have been found to be highly correlated
with their documented diets (El Zaatari, 2010; El Zaa-
tari et al., 2011), two distinct clusters reflecting the dif-
ferences in the microwear signatures of the Upper
Paleolithic groups clearly appear. The Aurignacian and
Gravettian groups cluster close to the mostly meat eat-
ing hunter-gatherer groups, the Fuegians and the Chu-
mash. It should be noted though that neither of these
Upper Paleolithic groups cluster very close to the Fue-
gians, whose diet consisted of almost exclusively meat,
with plants forming less than <15% of the total diet
(e.g., Bridges, 1885; Murdock, 1962). However, a very
tight cluster contains the Aurignacian group and the
Chumash. The diet of the Chumash consisted mostly of
fish and marine mammals, but was also supplemented
with some terrestrial animals and several kinds of
plants (e.g., Timbrook, 1993; Walker, 1996). Ethno-
graphic data show that plants formed 36 to 45% of the
diet of the mainland Chumash groups but that this per-
centage was a bit lower for the islands’ groups to which
the specimens included in this study belong (Murdock,
1964; Erlandson et al., 2009). These results indicate that
the diets of the early Upper Paleolithic modern humans
did not consist almost entirely of meat, but that they
were somewhat varied including plants, as well as possi-
bly other kinds of foods such as marine foods, birds, etc.
Archaeological evidence supports the exploitation of
plants in the earlier part of the Upper Paleolithic, i.e.,
during MIS 3. Plant remains and plant processing
equipment have been found at several Upper Paleolithic
sites dating to MIS 3 (e.g., Mason et al., 1994; Svoboda
et al., 2000; Aranguren et al., 2007; Revedin et al.,
2010). Also, evidence for the ingestion of marine foods
and other small animals such as birds and small verte-
brates by early Upper Paleolithic humans is available
from various dietary reconstruction sources (e.g., Bosin-
ski, 2000; Hahn, 2000; Svoboda et al., 2000; Stiner,
2001; Richards, 2009).
Compared with the earlier part of the Upper Paleo-
lithic, the microwear data detects a clear shift in
humans’ diet during the later part of this period. This
shift is illustrated through the close clustering of the
Magdalenian group with the Khoesan hunter-gatherers
who had a mixed diet consisting of both animal and
plant foods, with the latter forming between 60 and 80%
of their diet (Lee, 1979; Sealy, 2006). These results are
in agreement with those from various other dietary
reconstruction techniques that point to a diversification
of dietary resources, with a decreased dependence on
large mammalian herbivores and an increased focus on
small animals, birds and marine resources, as well as an
increased exploitation of plant foods, during the later
part of Upper Paleolithic compared with the earlier part
(e.g., Hansen and Renfrew, 1978; Straus, 1985; Straus
and Clark, 1986; Le Gall, 1992; Aura et al., 1998; Badal,
1998; Holliday, 1998; Badal, 2001; Stiner and Munro,
2002; Vaquero et al., 2002; Almeida et al., 2004; Finlay-
son, 2004; Haws, 2004; Haws and Valente, 2006; Manne
and Bicho, 2009; Richards and Trinkaus, 2009).
Finding evidence of significant differences in diet
between the Magdalenian group and the earlier Upper
Paleolithic groups is not surprising, but rather expected
in the light of the other notable changes in terms of
human culture, technology, social structure, and popula-
tion density during the Magdalenian period (e.g.,
Bocquet-Appel and Demars, 2000; Schwendler, 2012).
However, what appears to be counterintuitive is the
overall dietary diversification as well as the increased
reliance on plant foods by the Magdalenian people. The
Magdalenian culture developed at the end of LGM in
MIS 2 when conditions were still relatively cold and
open vegetation prevailed in many parts of Europe.
Under such conditions, plant and animal communities
would not have been as diverse as in warmer and more
wooded habitats. Yet, modern humans were expanding,
occupying new territories, and supporting higher popula-
tion densities. This shows that these humans were suc-
cessful in getting access to enough food recourses in
spite of the relatively low environmental carrying
Fig. 3. Hierarchical cluster analysis using euclidean dis-
tance and complete linkage.
TABLE 9. Microwear texture mean values for the recent human comparative samples
Group NTribe/site, area, country Asfc epLsar Smc Tfv HAsfc
Fuegians 6 Yamana Tribe, Tierra
del Fuego, Argentina
AD 1880 Mean 0.948 0.0044 0.400 5,224.8 0.109
SD 0.291 0.0014 0.135 3,522.5 0.027
Chumash 13 Santa Cruz, California, USA 4000–5000 BP Mean 2.787 0.0023 0.19 6,635.9 0.191
SD 2.344 0.0007 0.055 3,191.8 0.121
Khoesan 9 Oakhurst Shelter, South Africa 9000–5000 BP Mean 3.548 0.0020 0.176 9,272.0 0.325
SD 1.601 0.0010 0.051 6,051.2 0.208
Tigara 27 Point Hope, Alaska, USA AD 1200–1700 Mean 6.406 0.0031 0.215 12,434.1 0.286
SD 5.615 0.0016 0.070 4,946.7 0.204
Data for Fuegians, Chumash, and Khoesan are from El Zaatari (2010) and data for Tigara is from El Zaatari (in press).
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
capacity at the time. Thus, it seems that the cultural
boom of the Magdalenian allowed these humans to con-
quer the environmental stresses and be more in control
of their lives and survival.
The Upper Paleolithic Period which is associated with
the first presence of modern humans in Europe is
marked by a major change in hominin material culture.
This period began during the severe climatic fluctuations
of MIS 3, when climatic conditions witnessed an overall
cooling trend leading to the Last Glacial Maximum dur-
ing MIS 2. Yet, modern humans were able to survive
these extreme climatic conditions. Using occlusal molar
microwear texture analysis, this study examined the
relationships between climatic and cultural changes and
the diets of Upper Paleolithic humans in Europe. The
results of this study do not reveal any environmentally
driven dietary shifts for the Upper Paleolithic hominins.
This indicates that these humans were not forced to
alter their diets in a very significant way in response to
changes in paleoecological conditions which in turn mir-
rored climatic changes in order to survive, but that they
had some other means of adaptation to these changes.
The microwear texture analysis suggests that culture
might have given these humans such freedom. The
results of this study detect significant differences in the
diets of individuals associated with different Upper
Paleolithic cultures. More specifically, the microwear
signatures clearly distinguish specimens of Aurignacian
and Gravettian contexts from those of Magdalenian
contexts. In comparison to recent hunter-gatherer
groups with known yet diverse diets, the microwear
textures of the Aurignacian and Gravettian individuals
were found to be similar to those whose diet consisted
mostly of meat whereas the Magdalenian individuals
have microwear textures that are similar to those of
mixed diet hunter-gatherers.
The authors thank the following people for making fos-
sil specimens available for this study: H. de Lumley, M-A.
de Lumley, D. Grimaud-Herv
a, T. Sojkova, P. Neruda, A. Arellano, P.-E.
e, A. Del Lucchase, V. Formicola, M. Teschler-
Nicola. The authors are grateful for P. Ungar for provid-
ing access to the microscope facilities at the University of
Arkansas. The authors also thank two anonymous
reviewers for their valuable comments on an earlier
version of this article.
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American Journal of Physical Anthropology
... Dietary signals differed between earlier and later Upper Palaeolithic sites [110]. Analysis of asfc values for Aurignacian, Gravettian, and Magdalenian sites shows a significant increase in plant use as the last Ice Age proceeded [106] (Fig. 3b). ...
... Analysis of asfc values for Aurignacian, Gravettian, and Magdalenian sites shows a significant increase in plant use as the last Ice Age proceeded [106] (Fig. 3b). Looking in more detail, the transition from the Aurignacian to the Gravettian was associated with stable asfc values, whereas epLsar values increased by 45% [110]. Conversely, the transition from Gravettian to Magdalenian was associated with 130% increase in asfc values but a decline in epLsar values. ...
... Individual genetic variability, as highlighted in the drifty genotype hypothesis [15], may also have contributed. years BP) [120], and Aurignacian sites, including Les Rois R50 #31 (27 270 to 30 440 years BP) [121] and Mladeč 1, 2, and 8 (31 190, 31 320, and 30 680 years BP, respectively) [122]; complexity data from El Zaatari and Hublin [110]. Maternal obesity as a selective pressure Contemporary physiological mechanisms may also indicate the presence of obesity in ancestral populations. ...
Evolutionary perspectives on obesity have been dominated by genetic frameworks, but plastic responses are also central to its aetiology. While often considered a relatively modern phenomenon, obesity was recorded during the Palaeolithic through small statuettes of the female form (Venus figurines). Even if the phenotype was rare, these statuettes indicate that some women achieved large body size during the last glacial maximum, a period of nutritional stress. To explore this paradox, we develop an eco-life-course conceptual framework that integrates the effects of dietary transitions with intergenerational biological mechanisms. We assume that Palaeolithic populations exposed to glaciations had high lean mass and high dietary protein requirements. We draw on the protein-leverage hypothesis, which posits that low-protein diets drive over-consumption of energy to satisfy protein needs. We review evidence for an increasing contribution of plant foods to diets as the last glacial maximum occurred, assumed to reduce dietary protein content. We consider physiological mechanisms through which maternal overweight impacts obesity susceptibility of the offspring during pregnancy. Integrating this evidence, we suggest that the last glacial maximum decreased dietary protein content and drove protein-leverage, increasing body weight in a process that amplified across generations. Through the interaction of these mechanisms with environmental change, obesity could have developed among women with susceptible genotypes, reflecting broader trade-offs between linear growth and adiposity and shifts in the population distribution of weight. Our approach may stimulate bioarchaeologists and paleoanthropologists to examine paleo-obesity in greater detail, and to draw upon the tenets of human biology to interpret evidence.
... Dietary reconstructions are of major interest in the paleoanthropological field to unravel subsistence strategies that have led to the evolution of different human groups. Teeth are the first body structures involved in food processing due to the mechanical action of breaking the food down into smaller pieces, thus becoming key elements to investigate dietary habits (El-Zaatari, 2010El-Zaatari et al., 2011El-Zaatari and Hublin, 2014;Eshed et al., 2006;Fiorenza et al., 2011aFiorenza et al., , 2018Fiorenza et al., , 2019Fiorenza et al., , 2022Frayer and Russell, 1987;Hardy et al., 2012;Henry et al., 2011;Salazar-García et al., 2013). ...
... On the other hand, the FHS specimens from MED ecosystem are assigned to the Middle Paleolithic Mousterian stone tool industry (Shea and Bar-Yosef, 2005;Wolpoff, 1989), the same used by NEA (Hardy, 2004;Gravina and Discamps, 2015;Mellars, 2004;Patou-Mathis et al., 2018;Rocca et al., 2017;Trinkaus et al., 1999). Previous studies found correlation between the microwear pattern and the technological complex for Upper Palaeolithic modern humans, reaching to the interpretation that these human groups were able to culturally get over environmental constraints (El-Zaarati et al., 2016;El-Zaatari and Hublin, 2014). In fact, stone artefacts for plant processing have been considered by some as key elements in the development of Upper Paleolithic societies (Haws 2004;Stiner 2001Stiner , 2013 and the finding of starch grains, phytoliths and plant tissue fragments in their surfaces corroborate plant processing activities in Europe during Upper Paleolithic (Aranguren et al., 2007;Guan et al., 2014;Revedin et al., 2015;Stepanova, 2020). ...
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Neanderthal diet has been on the spotlight of paleoanthropological research for many years. The majority of studies that tried to reconstruct the diet of Neanderthals were based on the analysis of zooarchaeological remains, stable isotopes, dental calculus and dental microwear patterns. In the past few years, there have been a few studies that linked dental macrowear patterns of Neanderthals and modern humans to diet and cultural habits. However, they mostly focused on maxillary molars. Although mandibular molars have been widely used in microwear dietary research, little is known about their usage at the macroscopic scale to detect information about human subsistence strategies. In this study, we compare the macrowear patterns of Neanderthal (NEA), fossil Homo sapiens (FHS), modern hunter-gatherers (MHG), pastoralists, early farmers and Australian Aborigines from Yuendumu mandibular molars in order to assess their utility in collecting any possible information about dietary and cultural habits among diverse human groups. We use the occlusal fingerprint analysis method, a quantitative digital approach that has been successfully employed to reconstruct the diet of living non-human primates and past human populations. Our results show macrowear pattern differences between meat-eater MHG and EF groups. Moreover, while we did not find eco-geographical differences in the macrowear patterns of the fossil sample, we found statistically significant differences between NEA and FHS inhabiting steppe/ coniferous forest. This latter result could be associated with the use of distinct technological complexes in these two species, which ultimately could have allowed modern humans to exploit natural resources in a different way compared to NEA.
... biomechanics, dental macrowear, diet, ecology, occlusal fingerprint analysis 1 | INTRODUCTION Dental wear has been extensively studied for dietary and cultural habits reconstructions (El Zaatari et al., 2016;Estalrrich et al., 2017;El Zaatari & Hublin, 2014;Fiorenza, 2015;Molnar, 1972) and for the virtual simulation of the masticatory behaviors in human fossils Fiorenza & Kullmer, 2013;Kullmer et al., 2009). More specifically, the analysis of tooth wear at the macroscopic scale has been used to reconstruct the diet and cultural habits of Neanderthals (Fiorenza, 2015;Fiorenza et al., 2015Fiorenza et al., , 2018Fiorenza et al., , 2019Fiorenza et al., , 2020Fiorenza & Kullmer, 2013) which, in combination with isotopic analyses (Naito et al., 2016;Salazar-García et al., 2013) and study of dental calculus (Hardy et al., 2012;Henry et al., 2011;Salazar-García et al., 2013), confirmed that this species relied on a broader dietary spectrum than previously thought. ...
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Objectives The analysis of dental wear provides a useful approach for dietary and cultural habit reconstructions of past human populations. The analysis of macrowear patterns can also be used to better understand the individual chewing behavior and to investigate the biomechanical responses during different biting scenarios. The aim of this study is to evaluate the diet and chewing performance of the adult Neanderthal Bourgeois‐Delaunay 1 (BD 1) and to investigate the relationship between wear and cementum deposition under mechanical demands. Materials and methods The macrowear pattern of BD 1 was analyzed using the occlusal fingerprint analysis method. We propose a new method for the bilateral measurement of the cementum volume along both buccal and lingual sides of the molar root. Results BD 1's anterior dentition is more affected by wear compared to the posterior one. The macrowear pattern suggest a normal chewing behavior and a mixed‐diet coming from temperate environments. The teeth on the left side of the mandible display greater levels of wear, as well as the buccal side of the molar crowns. The cementum analysis shows higher buccal volume along the molar roots. Discussion BD1 could have been preferably chewing on the left side of the mandible. The exploitation of various food resources suggested by the macrowear analysis is compatible with the environmental reconstructions. Finally, the greater wear on the buccal side of the molar occlusal surface and the greater volume of cementum in that side of the molar roots offers a preliminary understanding about the potential correlation between dental wear and cementum deposition.
... The European Late Upper Paleolithic (LUP) coincides with the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), a major stadial event whose drop in temperatures led to several visible changes in the occupation patterns of the northern European territories that were inhabited during the earlier phases of the Upper Paleolithic (El Zaatari and Hublin, 2014;Straus, 2005). The migration of human groups from northern latitudes, where glaciers started to appear and expand, to southern Europe during the LGM resulted in the overpopulation of a relatively small area, causing demographic stress and the intensification of resource exploitation (Soffer, 1987). ...
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Varios aspectos del sistema craneomandibular deben ser investigados para profundizar nuestra comprensión de las causas próximas y evolutivas de las enfermedades orales más comunes en poblaciones humanas. Las poblaciones de América Central y América del Sur se ven afectadas por una elevada prevalencia de caries y, en general, padecen una salud bucodental deficiente. Por otra parte, tienen un acceso limitado a la atención sanitaria profesional, lo que hace aún más urgente la necesidad de centrar la investigación en estas regiones. Dada la naturaleza multifactorial de los determinantes que subyacen a las enfermedades bucodentales, y considerando la complejidad del sistema estomatognático, el trabajo interdisciplinar entre antropólogos, odontólogos, especialistas en dolor orofacial, entre otros, parece ser el más adecuado para llevar a cabo investigaciones que aborden las enfermedades bucodentales más comunes y sus posibles efectos funcionales y sociales en el individuo. Antropólogos y odontólogos comparten un interés común en el sistema craneomandibular, su variación morfológica y sus dolencias, y tradicionalmente han utilizado métodos similares para su investigación. Combinando los diferentes conjuntos de habilidades que poseen, estos profesionales podrían trabajar sinérgicamente para generar conocimientos relevantes que apoyen a las partes interesadas y puedan llegar a los responsables políticos de la atención de la salud bucodental. Su estrecha colaboración ayudaría a identificar los problemas de salud más relevantes, recopilar datos epidemiológicos y comprender sus implicaciones en el bienestar individual, respondiendo así a las necesidades de las poblaciones de estudio y cumpliendo la normativa ética local.
Geçmişten günümüze yaşayan her canlının hayatta kalabilmek için ihtiyaç duyduğu ve mücadele ettiği en önemli şey hiç şüphesiz ki yiyecektir. Hayatta kalmak dışında, vücut fonksiyonların sorunsuz bir şekilde yerine getirilmesi içinde beslenmenin önemi büyüktür. Antropolojinin en temel materyali olan ve antik toplumlar hakkında bilgi edinmemizi sağlayan iskelet materyaller ve dişler bizlere incelediğimiz toplum hakkında birçok bilgi vermektedir. Özellikle dişler yapıları gereği zorlu koşullar altında bile çoğunlukla bütünlüklerini koruyabildikleri için bu alanda yapılan çalışmalarda en çok tercih edilen malzemelerdir. Günümüzde gelişen tıp alanında kullanılan teknolojilerin gelişmesi ile birlikte çoğu hastalığın beslenme rejimiyle doğrudan bağlantılı olduğu yapılan çalışmalarda gösterilmektedir. Bu nedenle beslenme üzerine yapılan çalışmalar artmaktadır. Özellikle teknolojinin ilerlemesi ile birlikte yeni çalışma yöntemleri de ortaya çıkmaktadır ve bunlar içerisinde en çok tercih edilenlerinden biriside mikro aşınma yöntemidir. Antik toplumların beslenme rejiminin ortaya çıkarılması için yapılan çalışmalar sadece diyet hakkında bilgi vermekle kalmayıp aynı zamanda incelenen toplum ya da toplumların sağlık durumu, sosyo-kültürel yapısı ve yaşam tarzı hakkında da önemli veriler sağlamaktadır. Aynı zamanda beslenme ile ilgili yapılan çalışmalardan elde edilen veriler sayesinde incelenen toplum ya da toplumların aralarındaki benzerlik ve farklılıklar ile birlikte, yetiştirdikleri ürünler, iklim koşulları, göçler, dönemsel değişiklikler hakkında bilgiler edinmek de mümkündür.
Dental microwear research rests at the boundary between biology and engineering. More specifically, it combines basic principles of ecology with tribology, “the science and technology of interacting surfaces in relative motion and the practices related thereto”. The earliest studies to document relationships between microwear pattern and diet were comparative in nature. The idea was to determine whether species with known food preferences had distinctive and predictable microwear signatures. While “real‐world” oral environments are more complex with many variables difficult to simulate in vitro, chewing machines do allow for control over conditions and easy testing of effects of abrasive type and load, food material properties, and so on. In vivo studies in aggregate speak to the potential of microwear as a diet proxy, but caution that its formation is complex, and this should be considered when using microwear to infer diets of bioarchaeological and paleontological samples.
Utilisant l'alimentation comme vecteur de compréhension de l'organisation et des structures sociales des premiers agropasteurs néolithiques, ce travail se concentre sur le sud-est du Bassin parisien dont le contexte archéologique (nombre exceptionnel de sépultures datées du Néolithique, 4800 à 4000 cal BC) est particulièrement riche et bien documenté. Dans ce cadre, 180 humains et 74 animaux ont été analysés par différents marqueurs isotopiques et élémentaires (?13C, ?15N, ?34S du collagène osseux et dentinaire, ?15N des acides aminés spécifiques du collagène osseux, 87Sr/86Sr, Sr/Ca et Ba/Ca de l'apatite de l'os et de l'émail dentaire par ablation laser) afin de reconstituer les schémas alimentaires et de mobilité en lien avec les paramètres biologiques et funéraires de ces individus. Les résultats montrent, entre autres, une alimentation riche en protéines animales, notamment issues de l'exploitation bovine (viande et produits laitiers) et porcine, sans distinction selon le type de traitement funéraire ou l'attribution culturelle. En revanche, des différences entre les sexes et en fonction de l'âge sont mises en évidence et pourraient être en lien avec la division sexuelle des tâches et une origine exogène des femmes. La combinaison des proxies et le développement de méthodes novatrices, sur un large corpus, permet de discuter des avantages et des limites d'une telle approche, offrant de nouvelles perspectives prometteuses. La mesure par ablation laser du strontium isotopique (87Sr/86Sr) et des éléments traces (Sr/Ca et Ba/Ca vs Mn/Ca, U/Ca et Mg/Ca) réalisée pour la première fois sur près d'une centaine d'individus permet notamment, par la création d'un nouveau protocole de traitement des données, d'éliminer des zones diagénétiques dans l'émail dentaire et de suivre à une échelle très fine les modifications alimentaires et de mobilité au cours du temps sur une période de vie précise de l'enfance.
In this book, Jennifer French presents a new synthesis of the archaeological, palaeoanthropological, and palaeogenetic records of the European Palaeolithic, adopting a unique demographic perspective on these first two-million years of European prehistory. Unlike prevailing narratives of demographic stasis, she emphasises the dynamism of Palaeolithic populations of both our evolutionary ancestors and members of our own species across four demographic stages, within a context of substantial Pleistocene climatic changes. Integrating evolutionary theory with a socially oriented approach to the Palaeolithic, French bridges biological and cultural factors, with a focus on women and children as the drivers of population change. She shows how, within the physiological constraints on fertility and mortality, social relationships provide the key to enduring demographic success. Through its demographic focus, French combines a 'big picture' perspective on human evolution with careful analysis of the day-to-day realities of European Palaeolithic hunter-gatherer communities—their families, their children, and their lives.
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Identification of the technological variability observed during the Upper Pleistocene with either late archaic or early modern human faces several theoretical problem. Here we discuss critically the complex relationships between human forms and projectile types from caves in Danubian Europe.
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Se demuestra la recolección sistemática de piñas (Pinus pinea) para concumir los piñones a lo largo del Paleolítico superior en la Cueva de Nerja (Málaga).
Point Hope, Alaska, lies in an arctic tundra landscape that lacks trees, but supports other kinds of vegetation such as mosses, lichens, grasses, and small flowering plants. During the winter season, hard-packed snow covers the landscape (Larsen and Rainey, 1948). Yet the ocean currents always leave a strip of water close to the shore relatively free from pack ice. This strip supports the wide variety of sea mammals for which Point Hope is famous. Some of these sea mammals pass by the area seasonally, while others are abundant almost year-round (Larsen and Rainey, 1948). Particularly, the migration of bowhead whales close to Point Hope makes the area a prime location for whaling. Not far inland, terrestrial animals such as polar bear and caribou are present. The caribou herds also come to the shore in summer to graze (Lester and Shapiro, 1968). The archaeological record shows that distinct cultural groups have occupied Point Hope on an almost continuous basis since at least 2,400 years BP (Rainey, 1971; Dumond, 1987). For their subsistence, all the ancient inhabitants of Point Hope would have had to rely on the same resources available in the area. However, several lines of evidence suggest that the distinct populations differed in their choice of their main dietary resources (e.g., Rainey, 1947; Larsen and Rainey, 1948; Lester and Shapiro, 1968; Costa, 1980; El Zaatari, 2008). Occlusal molar microwear textures of dental samples of the two archaeologically defined cultural groups of Point Hope, the Ipiutak (c. 1,600 years BP to 1,100 years BP) and Tigara (c. 800 years BP to 300 years BP), are analyzed in this study to identify any differences in their diets.