
A Brief History of Time

... Bukti yang sama juga terdapat dalam bukunya yang lain iaitu A Brief History of Time (1989) pada muka surat 63: "Science seems to have uncovered a set of laws that, within the limits set by the uncertainty principle, tell us how the universe will develop with time, if we know its state at any one time. These laws may have originally been decreed by God, but it appears that he has since left the universe to evolve according to them and does not now intervene in it" (Hawking, 1989). Maksudnya: "Sains nampaknya telah menemukan satu set undang-undang yang mempunyai had yang ditetapkan oleh prinsip ketidakpastian, memberitahu kita bagaimana alam semesta akan berkembang seiring dengan waktu, jika kita mengetahui keadaannya pada satu-satu masa. ...
... Hawking juga telah menyatakan perkara yang sama dalam buku-bukunya The Theory of Everything: The Origin and Fate of Universe (2005) pada muka surat 12, perenggan akhir, baris 12 dan 13 serta A Brief History of Time pada muka surat 5, perenggan kedua: "An expanding universe does not preclude a creator, but it does place limits on when He might have carried out his job" (Hawking, 1989(Hawking, & 2005. Maksudnya: "Alam semesta tidak menghalang pencipta-Nya, tetapi ia menetapkan batasan waktu bagi pencipta menjalankan pekerjaan-Nya." ...
... Seterusnya, dalam buku The Theory of Everything: The Origin and Fate of Universe (2005) pada muka surat 102 serta buku A Brief History of Time dalam muka surat 71, perenggan terakhir: "God allows the universe to evolve according to a set of laws. He does not seem to intervene in the universe to break these laws" (Hawking, 1989(Hawking, & 2005. Maksudnya: "Tuhan membenarkan alam semesta berkembang mengikut set undangundang. ...
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Metafizik adalah perbincangan falsafah tentang hakikat segala sesuatu atau perkara yang di luar alam fizik. Topik berkaitan Tuhan dan agama didiskusikan dalam ilmu metafizik yang menggunakan keupayaan logik dalam menjawab setiap persoalannya. Pada 2018, buku bertajuk Brief Answers to the Big Questions telah diterbitkan oleh Stephen Hawking pada tahun 2018. Beliau seorang ahli falsafah fizik, kosmologi, dan matematik yang terkenal di Universiti Cambridge. Dalam buku tersebut, beliau menunjukkan pandangannya tentang ketidakwujudan Tuhan, alam semesta tidak diciptakan oleh Tuhan, nasib manusia tidak ditentukan oleh Tuhan, tidak ada kehidupan selepas mati, dan tidak ada syurga dan neraka. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan konsep Tuhan dan agama oleh Hawking dalam bukunya Brief Answers to the Big Questions dan menganalisisnya dalam pandangan Islam. Melalui penggunaan kaedah analisis kandungan tentang konsep Tuhan dan agama dalam bab pertama 'Adakah Tuhan?', didapati Hawking menggunakan logik dan spekulasinya untuk menyangkal kewujudan Tuhan, kekuasaan Tuhan dalam penciptaan, serta kuasa Tuhan di atas setiap kejadian dan perjalanan alam. Konsep agama pula dianggap sebagai ideologi yang dianut oleh orang yang tidak memahami sains dan jahil tentang kedudukan tertinggi sains dalam menjelaskan segala fenomena yang berlaku di alam ini. Oleh itu, boleh dikatakan bahawa Hawking adalah seorang ateis, yang percaya kepada naturalisme saintifik. Beliau hanya memilih bukti empirikal dan rasional yang berkaitan dengan agama dan Tuhan, sedangkan Islam mengajarkan integrasi ilmu Naqli dan Aqli sebagai ajaran epistemologinya.
... On the other hand, this is in agreement with the fact that the Einstein's field equation [1,3,[5][6][7] is symmetric with respect to time, i.e. is invariant under time reversal T [8][9][10][11][12][13], as can also be easily obtained directly from the CPT symmetry, since in this case we have invariance under the parity transformation since we have a spherical symmetry, and invariance under the charge conjugation since the antiparticles behave in the same way as particles under the action of the gravitation. Therefore we can always reverse the motion, that is due to the gravitational field, of any particle in such a way as if it went back in time simply by means of changing the sign of the velocity of that particle, i.e. by means of reversing the direction of the motion of that particle. ...
... We have already noted that these values of correspond, in the commonly accepted treatment [3,5], to the inside an event horizon. Now, as we have already observed, we know that the Einstein field equation [1,3,[5][6][7] is symmetric with respect to time, i.e. is invariant under time reversal T [8][9][10][11][12][13], therefore we can always reverse the motion, that is due to the gravitational field, of any particle in such a way as if it went back in time simply by means of changing the sign of the velocity of that particle, i.e. by means of reversing the direction of the motion of that particle. This implies in general the non-existence of any event horizon, since the existence of an event horizon would imply the impossibility of going back for any particle once this particle has gone from the outside of the event horizon in the inside of the same event horizon and the Einstein's field equation implies always for any particle the possibility of going back by means of reversing the direction of the motion of the same particle. ...
... As we have seen, the corrections of this article imply that the correct solution does not entail any event horizon and, consequently, any black hole, since there is not any black hole without an event horizon. Therefore, this article confutes all the physics that on the basis of the Schwarzschild solution foresees the possibility of the existence of event horizons and black holes [3,5,8,15]. ...
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In this article, we address the solution of the Einstein's equations in the vacuum region surrounding a spherically symmetric mass distribution. There are two different types of mathematical solutions, depending on the value of a constant of integration. These two types of solutions are analysed from a physical point of view. The comparison with the linear theory limit is also considered. This leads to a new solution, different from the well known one. If one considers the observational data in the weak field limit this new solution is in agreement with the available data. While the traditional Schwarzschild solution is characterized by a horizon at r=2GM/c^2 , no horizon exists in this new solution.
... Given that humans are part of the physical world, they cannot escape these natural laws. Just as a stone must inevitably fall due to gravity, human thought processes, driven by energy, must follow the path toward balance and stability, as dictated by the universe's laws (Hawking, 1988). This echoes Viktor Frankl's emphasis on meaning as a source of strength, where alignment with a clear purpose offers stability in the face of life's uncertainties. ...
... Human beings' thought processes, like all systems in the universe, are governed by the same natural forces driven by energy and must follow the path toward balance and stability, as dictated by the universe's laws (Hawking, 1988). As physical systems tend toward equilibrium, individuals, too, are naturally drawn to states of balance and stability. ...
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This paper introduces PEPPA (Peace as Purpose, Emotional Intelligence, Proactivity, Patience, and Acceptance), a practical and universal framework designed to enhance human resolve by integrating concepts from physics, philosophy, and psychology. The framework follows five essential stages: Peace as Purpose, Emotional Intelligence, Proactivity, Patience, and Acceptance, each crucial in developing resilience and decisiveness. Peace as Purpose serves as the foundation, drawing from the universal principles of entropy and equilibrium-just as the universe naturally moves toward equilibrium, so too do human psychological and social systems. Given that humans are part of the physical world, they cannot escape these natural laws. Just as a stone must inevitably fall due to gravity, human thought processes, driven by energy, must follow the path toward balance and stability, as dictated by the universe's laws (Hawking, 1988). This echoes Viktor Frankl's emphasis on meaning as a source of strength, where alignment with a clear purpose offers stability in the face of life's uncertainties. Emotional Intelligence, focused on redirecting attention from unproductive "why" questions to actionable "what" solutions, inspired by Stoicism and Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), empowers individuals to manage emotions and maintain clarity under pressure. Proactivity, grounded in overcoming decision paralysis, reflects Aristotle's Golden Mean, balancing contemplation with timely action. Patience, rooted in the physical law of inertia-not forcing decisions or rushing change-echoes the Stoic endurance needed to navigate uncertainty. Finally, Acceptance, based on the law of equilibrium, aligns with Stoicism and Maslow's self-actualization, representing the peak of inner resolve where individuals embrace reality as it is. By incorporating the principles of entropy, inertia, and equilibrium, PEPPA offers both a philosophical and scientifically grounded model for building resilience. Its simplicity and structured approach make it accessible to both scholars and practitioners, offering a clear, actionable pathway for overcoming decision paralysis, emotional turmoil, and life's uncertainties.
... In the (5) there are singularities when 1 − 2 + 2 2 = 0 (7) ...
... As we have seen, the corrections of this article imply that the correct solution of these metrics does not entail any event horizon and, consequently, any black hole, since there is not any black hole without an event horizon. Therefore, this article confutes all the physics that on the basis of these metrics foresees the possibility of the existence of event horizons and black holes [2][3][4][5]. ...
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In a very recent article of mine I have corrected the traditional derivation of the Schwarzschild metric thus arriving to formulate a correct Schwarzschild metric different from the traditional Schwarzschild metric. In this article, starting from this correct Schwarzschild metric, I also propose corrections to the other traditional Reissner-Nordstrøm, Kerr and Kerr-Newman metrics on the basis of the fact that these metrics should be equal to the correct Schwarzschild metric in the borderline case in which they reduce to the case described by this metric. In this way, we see that, like the correct Schwarzschild metric, also the correct Reissner-Nordstrøm, Kerr and Kerr-Newman metrics do not present any event horizon (and therefore do not present any black hole) unlike the traditional Reissner-Nordstrøm, Kerr and Kerr-Newman metrics.
... whose magnitude is calculated as [48] |Ŝ| = √s(s + 1) ...
... Hawking writes that there are particles that only look the same again after two complete rotations. The spin of these particles is given as ½ [48]. These particles include the electron and, since 1927, also the proton, to which Dennison assigned a spin with the quantum number s = ½ [49]. ...
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Atoms are usually modeled as spheres, and their radii are often calculated using complex computational methods. This applies to the smallest atom as well as to transuranium elements. However, the smallest atom, hydrogen, occupies a special position among atoms, with only one electron and proton. In this combination, the electron's spin can only be parallel or antiparallel to the proton's spin. Due to these orientation options, the interpretation of a spherical atom appears oversimplified. This article offers an easy-to-calculate approach for the volume of atomic hydrogen. Based on Bohr's atomic model and the electron spin, a conical volume shape is derived classically. For this purpose, the electron's spin is interpreted as intrinsic angular momentum with a defined radius, which can be oriented orthogonally to Bohr's orbital plane and parallel or antiparallel to the proton's spin. The volume of the hydrogen atom determined in this way correlates with the spherical volume, which can be calculated from several literature radii.
... So to motivate it, we wish to give a critique of other, more mainstream views. This will be short, because good reviews of the nature of time are available by many workers including Gold (1967), Davies (1974, Whitrow (1980), McCrea (1986, Hawking (1988), Landsberg (1989), Zeh (1992, Woodward (1995) and Halpern and Wesson (2006). We will discuss contending views of the nature of time in Section 2, introduce what seems to be a better approach in Section 3, and expand on the implications of this in Section 4. ...
We review the idea, due to Einstein, Eddington, Hoyle and Ballard, that time is a subjective label, whose primary purpose is to order events, perhaps in a higher-dimensional universe. In this approach, all moments in time exist simultaneously, but they are ordered to create the illusion of an unfolding experience by some physical mechanism. This, in the language of relativity, may be connected to a hypersurface in a world that extends beyond spacetime. Death in such a scenario may be merely a phase change.
... Organizations need certain behaviors from their workers, clients and stakeholders in general in order to achieve their goals, it would be impractical and costly to treat each of them assuming that they have mental pathologies, based on the certainty that people act and decide, resources must be managed and strategies applied to achieve the desired behaviors embodied in, for example, the group synergy of individual efforts or the choice of our proposed solutions in the form of products, services or visions. This process goes from the present to the prospection of the future, this is the most practical and efficient way because, finally and paraphrasing Huerta de Soto (2011); time is not a to come, it is a to do, since we remember the past, but not the future (Hawking, 1988). ...
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The purpose of this article is to present, delimit, and integrate the proposals of economic behavior and behavioral economics, including their axioms, heuristics, and biases, to advance research in this field. The article recommends applying first economic and then psychological issues, in that strict order, for epistemological, legal and practical reasons. Based on human action or praxeology, the process of economic decision making and doing is graphed, these in turn frame systems of thought with their different heuristics, the latter of which are the cause of systematic errors called biases.
... Such cosmic conditions illuminate profound philosophical and physical implications regarding the fundamental nature of the universe. If the curvature of space-time increases inde initely, energy must similarly compress into extreme densities, hinting at a singular state of the universe where the typical structure of time and space is massively disrupted [4,5]. Singularities, thus, inspire philosophical contemplation about whether they signify the actual endpoint of the universe or transitional phases, potentially giving birth to new universes. ...
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Cyclical cosmic conditions illuminate profound philosophical and physical implications regarding the fundamental nature of the universe. From this perspective, a singularity could actually symbolize a transformation of the underlying structures and laws of our universe, providing insights into the relationships among energy, curvature, and existence of the universe itself. In cyclical cosmology, the universe can be understood as existing in two distinct states: a static potential state and an active kinetic state. Quantum mechanics also reinforces the belief that even in seemingly empty spaces, vacuum fluctuations and differences in potential can give rise to emergent phenomena.
... The discovery of Cyg X-1 as an X-ray source dates back even further, to 1964 [3]. The famous bet between Stephen Hawking and Kip Thorne in 1974 on the existence of a BH in Cyg X-1 [4] has since become a celebrated story in the scientific history of BHs. Fifty years on, advanced X-ray telescopes have enabled numerous discoveries across various aspects of X-ray binaries like Cyg X-1. ...
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Around 50 years ago, the famous bet between Stephen Hawking and Kip Thorne on whether Cyg X-1 hosts a stellar-mass black hole became a well-known story in the history of black hole science. Today, Cyg X-1 is widely recognised as hosting a stellar-mass black hole with a mass of approximately 20 solar masses. With the advancement of X-ray telescopes, Cyg X-1 has become a prime laboratory for studies in stellar evolution, accretion physics, and high-energy plasma physics. In this review, we explore the latest results from X-ray observations of Cyg X-1, focusing on its implications for black hole spin, its role in stellar evolution, the geometry of the innermost accretion regions, and the plasma physics insights derived from its X-ray emissions. This review primarily focuses on Cyg X-1; however, the underlying physics applies to other black hole X-ray binaries and, to some extent, to AGNs.
... The discovery of Cyg X-1 as an X-ray source dates back even further, to 1964 [3]. The famous bet between Stephen Hawking and Kip Thorne in 1974 on the existence of a BH in Cyg X-1 [4] has since become a celebrated story in the scientific history of BHs. Fifty years on, advanced X-ray telescopes have enabled numerous discoveries across various aspects of X-ray binaries like Cyg X-1. ...
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Around 50 years ago, the famous bet between Stephen Hawking and Kip Thorne on whether Cyg X-1 hosts a stellar-mass black hole became a well-known story in the history of black hole science. Today, Cyg X-1 is widely recognised as hosting a stellar-mass black hole with a mass of approximately 20 solar masses. With the advancement of X-ray telescopes, Cyg X-1 has become a prime laboratory for studies in stellar evolution, accretion physics, and high-energy plasma physics. In this review, we explore the latest results from X-ray observations of Cyg X-1, focusing on its implications for black hole spin, its role in stellar evolution, the geometry of the innermost accretion regions, and the plasma physics insights derived from its X-ray emissions. This review primarily focuses on Cyg X-1; however, the underlying physics applies to other black hole X-ray binaries and, to some extent, to AGNs.
... where G is the gravitational constant, and m is the mass of the object experiencing the force. The forces at play here become especially intense near and beyond the event horizon, where gravitational gradients occur with such immensity that they can lead to phenomena such as "spaghettification"-where objects are stretched into elongated shapes due to differential gravitational pull across their length [7]. ...
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This paper highlights the connections between gluonic confinement and tidal forces surrounding and within black holes, with a focus on both the theoretical and mathematical aspects. We begin by presenting a hypothetical scenario where tidal forces within or beyond the event horizon apply enough energy to a quark-antiquark pair to rupture the strong binding force within their gluonic field, leading to a purposed "rip reaction", which is characterized by a cascade of continuous quark-antiquark pair creation. However, we provide detailed mathematical demonstrations that prove an event like this is only possible within the event horizon, because the tidal forces do not reach sufficient strength until extreme proximity to the singu-larity. Additionally, we demonstrate that due to effect occurring strictly within the event horizon, it never effects the measurable aspects of the black hole. These findings bring with them significant implications for our understanding of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) in extreme gravitational environments and contribute to the broader discourse on the intersection between quantum field theory and general relativity.
... It's an engineer's way of thinking about the universe. This has led to a variety of leading thinkers wondering why these constants are what they are: as they all note, if these were just the merest fraction altered, the universe would be a very different place, and us probably not a part of it (Barrow and Tipler 1986, Hawking 1988, Penrose 2004, Barrow 2002. This takes some authors down the road of thinking that there must have been purposive design to the universe to enable us to exist (McGrath 2009, Rees 2000. ...
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One of the greatest quests in physics in current times is the search for a grand unified theory – to bring all the forces of nature into one coherent explanatory framework. Despite two centuries of progress, both in comprehending the individual forces and formulating mathematical constructs to explain the existence and operation of such forces, the final step to unify the localised atomic and subatomic forces with gravity has proven to be elusive. The pursuit for an answer has been driving physicists to explore increasingly extraordinary ideas from string theory to various other options requiring multiple dimensions. There may be another approach, which instead looks afresh at our comprehension of the nature of matter. By changing our perspective, including altering how we interpret the mathematics underpinning entropy, it is possible to derive a provocative and compelling alternative solution, which not only allows for an appreciation of all the forces of nature including gravity within a singular explanatory construct but also resolves other puzzles, such as what causes entropy, why wave/particle duality and how to reconcile the physical with the social and life sciences. The outcome, however, challenges our whole understanding of the universe and fundamentally changes our relationship with matter.
... Hawking [11] in his popular work, discusses the nature of time, space, and the universe, providing a physicist's perspective on the infinite and its implications for theoretical and practical understanding. ...
Research Proposal
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Background: Traditional mathematics treats zero and infinity as well-defined concepts, yet their practical attainment remains elusive. Zero represents the convergence point of number lines, while infinity symbolizes divergence. In this paper, we explore the theory that zero and infinity are bounded but unattainable in practical life, forming the core of an n-dimensional sphere comprising infinite number lines. Objectives: Our study aims to redefine the understanding of zero and infinity within number theory , demonstrating their roles in the bounded, yet infinite, structure of mathematical constructs. Methods: We employ mathematical modeling, logical analysis, and theoretical exploration to investigate the properties and implications of zero and infinity. Results: Through rigorous derivation and analysis, we present the concept of the n-dimensional sphere of numbers, illustrating how infinite number lines converge at zero and diverge at infinity. Conclusions: Zero and infinity, while theoretically bounded, remain practically unattainable due to inherent constraints such as the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. Our research advances the theoretical framework of number theory, providing a new perspective on these fundamental concepts. Furthermore, Miller's Law posits that the human brain, and by extension computational systems, can effectively handle only around 7 ± 2 distinct chunks of information at a time, limiting practical applications involving complex numerical constructs.
... Hawking [11] in his popular work, discusses the nature of time, space, and the universe, providing a physicist's perspective on the infinite and its implications for theoretical and practical understanding. ...
Research Proposal
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Background: Traditional mathematics treats zero and infinity as well-defined concepts, yet their practical attainment remains elusive. Zero represents the convergence point of number lines, while infinity symbolizes divergence. In this paper, we explore the theory that zero and infinity are bounded but unattainable in practical life, forming the core of an n-dimensional sphere comprising infinite number lines. Objectives: Our study aims to redefine the understanding of zero and infinity within number theory , demonstrating their roles in the bounded, yet infinite, structure of mathematical constructs. Methods: We employ mathematical modeling, logical analysis, and theoretical exploration to investigate the properties and implications of zero and infinity. Results: Through rigorous derivation and analysis, we present the concept of the n-dimensional sphere of numbers, illustrating how infinite number lines converge at zero and diverge at infinity. Conclusions: Zero and infinity, while theoretically bounded, remain practically unattainable due to inherent constraints such as the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. Our research advances the theoretical framework of number theory, providing a new perspective on these fundamental concepts. Furthermore, Miller's Law posits that the human brain, and by extension computational systems, can effectively handle only around 7 ± 2 distinct chunks of information at a time, limiting practical applications involving complex numerical constructs.
... Linear time is a series of events, with a beginning and an ending, that leads toward something and does not repeat itself. This perception follows standard time measurements such as using clocks and calendars to make plans and follow schedules (Einstein & Minkowski, 1920;Hawking, 1988;Levine, 2006;Pemberton & Cox, 2011;Van Doorn, 2010). ...
This qualitative study explores how five women perceived time while experiencing homelessness. Using in-depth interviewing, three themes emerged; 1: Homelessness is a complex, chaotic experience that changes within blended moments of time as I move from place to place. 2: Outside events influenced how I perceived and structured my time while homeless. 3: Now that I have a permanent place to live, I am taking the time to participate in new occupations and learn how to live a better life. These findings support a more nuanced understanding of time to inform work with people experiencing homelessness.
... Symmetries, Conservation Laws, and Emergence: Exploring the connections between symmetries, conservation laws, and emergent physical phenomena. 12. Hierarchies of Emergence in the Universe: Tracing the progression from simple mathematical concepts to complex physical laws. ...
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The concept of emergence from nothing to everything can be profoundly understood through the lens of mathematics and physics. Beginning with the mathematical empty set (∅), this paper explores the intricate journey from the simplest foundational concepts to the complex structures and laws that govern our universe. By tracing the development of numbers, the derivation of fundamental physical constants, and the formulation of physical laws, we reveal the deep connections between abstract mathematical principles and tangible physical phenomena. The role of symmetries, conservation laws, and statistical mechanics in explaining emergent behavior further underscores the elegance and unity of these disciplines. This exploration not only enhances our scientific understanding but also invites philosophical reflections on the nature of existence and the interconnectedness of all things. Keywords: empty set, mathematical foundations, physical constants, physical laws, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, emergence, symmetries, Noether's theorem, conservation laws, hierarchies of emergence, universe, cosmology, complex systems, philosophy of science
... The average of these two readings, 1.795 arcseconds, was consistent with Einstein's prediction [6]. In his Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking says of the 1919 deflection results: "Their measurement had been sheer luck, or a case of knowing the result they wanted to get, not an uncommon occurrence in science" [7]. The errors in data were as large as the effect they were trying to prove, thus making these results inconclusive. ...
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In 1916, Albert Einstein published his paper on general relativity (GR), the geometric theory of gravity in which he presumed that hypothetical 4-D spacetime curves/warps and in so doing affects the gravity of massive objects (stars, planets). This is an impossibility. Geometry is an abstract (nonphysical) form of mathematics that is incapable of interacting with the physical force of gravity. Spacetime is a mathematical fiction that does not exist, does not curve, and has zero effect on gravity. Unfortunately, invalid GR theory has become the current description of gravity in modern physics because of a fundamental astrophysical error in interpreting data from the 1919 solar eclipse. Mistaking refraction for gravity is the fundamental error that launched Einstein’s career. Refraction bends light. Gravity cannot.
... Locality and the concept of propagation, which logically follows from there, are inevitably related to some physical parameter which in all physical theories is regarded as time. It is interesting to note that this real parameter -time has (as yet) no clear mathematical definition contrary, for instance, to the notion of space which is understood as a pair of a set S and a topology T imposed on a set S. Regarding time, we refer the reader to the book by S. Hawking [6]. ...
... [Professor Stephen Hawking says that boundaries and singularities exist in what is called "real" time but don't exist in what is termed "imaginary" time. (14)] The scalar is without boundaries because it's associated with the zero spin of the Higgs boson, and thence with the cosmic Higgs field. So the scalar point identified with other bodies in space-time (including living bodies and minds) is actually part of the scalar field or Higgs field, with consciousness being boundaryless instead of being limited to one tiny part of space-time (the brain). ...
... If the physical constants had been infinitesimally different, life could never have emerged. 14 The Gaia hypothesis 15 suggests that our planet functions as a selfregulating system that resembles a giant superorganism. The level of oxygen in the atmosphere, the surface temperature of the planet, and the salinity of the oceans are all regulated by organisms to maintain the conditions necessary for life. ...
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The threat of ecocide poses an ethical challenge which calls humans to rethink our relationship with nature, perceive the divine wisdom manifest in creation, and act cooperatively and co-creatively with other living beings. This article explores how God is present in creation and links Jesus’s proclamation of the Reign of God with the wisdom manifest in creation. Emerging insights from postmodern science are examined to better understand the ‘governing themes and basal intentionality’ manifest in an evolving cosmos. Finally, it is suggested that humans can develop ecological wisdom by opening themselves to the alterity of other beings and working respectfully and creatively with them to seek the healing, regeneration, and integral liberation of the Earth community.
... Yet, can this rule explain why experience unfolds in the way that it does? According to Stephen Hawking (1998), yes, it can. This is because "our subjective sense of the direction of time, the psychological arrow of time, is therefore determined within our brain by the thermodynamic arrow of time" (Ch. ...
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Phenomenology refers to a study and methodology often associated with Edmund Husserl who outlined the need to focus on essences of perception or consciousness. Husserl was a strict anti-naturalist who believed one must begin with experience before assuming any of the ontological or epistemic claims found in the natural sciences. However, certain perspectives within cognitive science (such as those presented by Jean Petitot, Francisco Varela, Bernard Pachoud, and Jean-Michel Roy in their 1999 book Naturalizing Phenomenology) have recently acknowledged Husserl’s efforts and admitted the importance of adopting a phenomenological perspective. As such, they have advocated the ‘naturalization’ of phenomenological accounts such that the natural sciences and phenomenology might be held in mutual regard. One prominent example of this endeavour can be seen with Francisco Varela’s 1999 publication “The Specious Present: A Neurophenomenology of Time Consciousness”. This thesis will provide a short description of time-consciousness as described by Husserl followed by an explanation of Varela’s naturalization. Subsequently, there will be an analysis and critique of Varela’s model, citing his ascription to neural correlates and use of clock time as problematic for phenomenology. The final subchapter will discuss the incompatibility between the method of phenomenology and the method of its naturalization. Ultimately, the version of naturalization suggested by Petitot et al. (1999) and exemplified by Varela (1999) will be rendered inadequate in this thesis.
Abstract The discourse of proving God continues to roll in the academic realm. This is a reaction to the development of human thought for centuries. Various theories of proving God with multiple approaches are used to explain the existence of God. At least the theories involved in this discussion are ontological, cosmological, and teleological theories. All complement each other in their respective capacities. However, there is still a space that can be filled by using other arguments to provide comprehensive and holistic evidence for the proof of God. This study will reveal and provide other arguments regarding the proof of God with the argument of substantial motion (al-ḥarakat al-jauhariyat) initiated by Mullā Ṣadrā. This research is qualitative research based on a literature review. The methods used are descriptive-analytical, philosophical-interpretation, and heuristic. The theoretical framework used in describing the object of research is the theory of Islamic philosophical cosmology and the approach to the law of causality. Islamic cosmology, which originated from the Greek thinker Aristotle, has found a place and is absorbed in Islamic philosophy. In this theory, God is the First Cause (Causa Prima) which is the First Mover (al-Muḥarrik al-Awwal) in nature. So the First Mover must be dynamic, in the sense of creating continuously. The motion does not occur in accidents alone but in substance. Then the theory is elaborated with the concept of substantial motion of Ṣadrā which emphasises the theory of the law of causality of the four main causes, namely material, formal, efficient, and final causes. As a hypothesis that the concept of the motion of natural creation, cosmology, science, and humanitarian problems, can prove the existence of God. The end of this study concludes that substantial motion (al-ḥarakat al-jauhariyat) occurs in every entity in nature, both material and immaterial. Substantial motion is proof of the existence of God and can be proven through the realm of academic and humanitarian studies. God exists in every entity that is immanent but also transcendental. Science should be able to prove the existence of God through various scientific arguments that are positivist-materialistic and accept the four causes of the law of causality, not reject the existence of God and deny some causes. Likewise, the issue of humanity, the argument of Ṣadrā's substantial motion must be able to become a new postulate and worldview in maintaining humans and humanity itself as God's creatures. Abstrak Wacana pembuktian Tuhan terus bergulir dalam ranah akademik. Hal ini sebagai reaksi daripada perkembangan pemikiran manusia sejak berabad-abad. Berbagai teori pembuktian Tuhan dengan berbagai pendekatan digunakan untuk menjelaskan keberadaan Tuhan. Setidaknya teori yang berkutat dalam pembahasan ini adalah teori ontologis, kosmologis, dan teleologis. Semuanya saling melengkapi dalam kapasitasnya masing-masing. Meskipun demikian masih terdapat ruang kosong yang dapat diisi dengan menggunakan argumen lain demi memberikan bukti yang komprehensif dan holistik atas pembuktian Tuhan. Penelitian ini akan mengungkap dan memberikan argumentasi lain berkenaan dengan pembuktian Tuhan dengan argumen gerak substansial (al-ḥarakat al-jauhariyat) yang digagas oleh Mullā Ṣadrā. Penelitian ini adalah penelitan kualitatif yang berbasis pada kajian kepustakaan. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif-analitis, interpretasi-filosofis, dan heuristika. Adapun kerangka teori yang digunakan dalam menguraikan objek penelitian adalah teori kosmologi filsafat Islam dan pendekatan hukum kausalitas. Kosmologi Islam yang berawal dari pemikir Yunani yaitu Aristoteles mendapatkan tempat dan diserap dalam filsafat Islam. Dalam teori tersebut, Tuhan adalah Sebab Pertama (Causa Prima) yang menjadi Penggerak Pertama (al-Muḥarrik al-Awwal) di alam. Maka Penggerak Pertama tersebut harus bersifat dinamis, dalam arti mencipta terus-menerus. Gerak pada dasarnya bukan terjadi dalam aksiden saja, melainkan dalam substansi. Kemudian teori tersebut dielaborasi dengan konsep gerak substasial Ṣadrā yang menekankan pada teori hukum kausalitas empat sebab utama, yaitu sebab material, formal, efisien, dan final. Sebagai hipotesa bahwa konsep gerak cipta alam, kosmologi, sains, dan permasalahan kemanusiaan, dapat membuktikan keberadaan Tuhan. Akhir dari penelitian ini berkesimpulan bahwa gerak substansial (al-ḥarakat al-jauhariyat) terjadi dalam setiap entitas di alam, baik materi maupun imateri. Gerak substansial menjadi bukti keberadaan Tuhan dan dapat dibuktikan melalui ranah kajian akademik dan kemanusiaan. Tuhan ada dalam setiap entitas yang bersifat imanen namun juga transendental. Sains pada dasarnya harus dapat membuktikan keberadaan Tuhan melalui berbagai argumen saintifik yang bersifat positivis-materialistik dan menerima empat sebab hukum kausalitas, bukan menolak keberadaan Tuhan dan menafikan beberapa sebab. Begitu pula persoalan kemanusiaan, argumen gerak substansial Ṣadrā harus dapat menjadi postulat dan pandangan hidup (worldview) baru dalam menjaga manusia dan kemanusiaan itu sendiri sebagai makhluk Tuhan.
Time moves slowly for the impatient. In science fiction novels, people travel ‘through’ time. And Einstein’s theory of relativity shows that time passes differently in different places in the universe. Time is also important in the context of evolution. How can evolution take place over long periods of time? And, how can the sequence of dual closures be linked to a time ribbon? What kind of phenomenon is time? As Stephen Hawking says in A Brief History of Time, time is an elusive concept. It is therefore high time to investigate time.
In my quest to unravel the origins of the universe, I have delved deeply into the concept of singularity. This research paper presents my hypothesis that singularity is not merely an infinitely small point of infinite density but rather the origin from which all dimensions emanate. By re-evaluating our understanding of dimensions and proposing frequency as a distinct dimension, I aim to provide a new perspective on the interconnectedness of energy, matter, and consciousness. This expanded exploration examines the implications of these ideas across various scientific realms, including physics, philosophy, and cosmology, culminating in a call for interdisciplinary research to reconcile our understanding of reality with the nuanced relationships between dimensions, energy, and frequency.
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In the context of the rapid development of the education industry in the new era, quantum management, as an emerging leadership tool, is of great significance for adapting to the rapidly changing market environment. In view of the lack of specific case studies on the application of quantum management in the field of education, this study analyzes the role of quantum management as a leadership instrument in revitalizing the learning organization through the case study of an overseas education group's remote expansion reading library. The paper draws on the three core theories of quantum and the organizational change cases of the world's leading enterprises. The study found that the greater the intervention, the less space for individuals to exert their abilities. External intervention and observation change outcomes, corporate culture and vision are critical to personal development. In addition, individual self-intervention and inner motivation are seen as key to realizing creative potential. This paper provides a new perspective and practical framework for quantum management in educational organizations and emphasizes the importance of innovative management methods and implementation strategies for learning organizations in the context of globalization and dynamic competition.
With the recent advancements of generative artificial intelligence (AI), the dialog between humans and AI is no longer merely functional but can be a profound means of reflection and psychological growth, especially when artistic approaches, such as poetry, are included. AI has the potential to generate poetic responses that deeply resonate with human experience, facilitating the expression of emotions, promoting psychological well-being, and encouraging personal reflection. This article describes a poetic exchange over a seven-day period between the author and ChatGPT, personified as the “Voice from Elsewhere,” that explores an existential crisis. After each exchange, the results were analyzed from a Jungian perspective to highlight connections to symbols and archetypes that could be used in Poetry Therapy or other therapeutic environments. The results indicate that ChatGPT has the capacity to create poems related to existential questions which could open the way for new and enriching dialogs, capable of potentially supporting psychotherapeutic work. Poetry, whether human or machine generated, will remain an artistic means to explore and experience inner transformation.
In a very recent article of mine I have corrected the traditional derivation of the Schwarzschild metric thus arriving to formulate a correct Schwarzschild metric different from the traditional Schwarzschild metric. In this article, starting from this correct Schwarzschild metric, I also propose corrections to the other traditional Reissner-Nordstrøm, Kerr and Kerr-Newman metrics on the basis of the fact that these metrics should be equal to the correct Schwarzschild metric in the borderline case in which they reduce to the case described by this metric. In this way, we see that, like the correct Schwarzschild metric, also the correct Reissner-Nordstrøm, Kerr and Kerr-Newman metrics do not present any event horizon (and therefore do not present any black hole) unlike the traditional Reissner-Nordstrøm, Kerr and Kerr-Newman metrics.
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Fantasy fiction hi literary genre hrang hrang zingah khawvel pum huapa ṭhang chak leh contemporary literature-ah phei chuan thawm nei na ber, ṭhalaite tuipui hlawh em em leh film industry lam thlenga boruak nei lian ber pawl anih laiin; Mizo literature lamah erawh fiction chi hrang hrang zingah pawh la chhuak tam lo leh, zirchianna huanga khawih la hlawh lo ber a ni thung. Literary genre hrang hrang zinga technical ber pawl leh, fiction huang chhungah pawh symbol tamna ber anih avangin Mizo fantasy fiction chhuak tawhte pawh la tam lo hle mah se; zir chian tham tak a tling tawh thung. Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung leh Jaques Lacan te khan fantasy chungchang hi an lo chai nasa tawh hle a. Quantum physics lamah pawh fantasy fiction nena inmil tak multiverse theory hrang hrang a lo tam tawh hle a, Hugh Everett, Albert Einsten leh physicist hrang hrang ten he thil chungchang hi an lo chai nasa tawh hle.. Mizo fantasy fiction hi tun dinhmunah la tam lo hle mah se; a ṭhang chho mek a, a tam lamah zawi zawia a pun chhoh zel bakah ṭhangtharte tuipui a hlawh chhoh mek bawk avangin movie lamah pawh bulṭan a ni ve mek bawk, chung fantasy literature leh kawng hrang hranga zirchianna chu he article-ah hian ziah a ni.
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The increasing interplay of science and technology is often portrayed with an air of inevitability, but few studies explicitly discuss the source and nature of their interaction. Based on Polanyi’s thoughts on science, technology and personal research activity, in this paper, we consider the relationship between the (relative) divergence of science and the (relative) convergence of technology, and use it to analyse the interaction between science and technology. In particular, we consider the inter-confinement between science and technology that can be attributed to the interaction between the divergence of science and the convergence of technology. This science-technology nexus might have its impact on achieving technology-science progress.
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Creation and particularly human one has been a focal thinking in both religious and scientific field for centuries. In Islamic theology people are regarded as beings created from 'tingled clay' which is a metaphorical description that has been the subject of discussion for scholars in various fields for centuries. On the other hand, quantum mechanics offers the theories of quantum disturbances as a real and authentic process in the occurrence of the universe. As such, this paper aims at discussing on whether the idea of quantum fluctuations can be well explained as a mechanism of the creation process divine especially in creation of the human beings. We thus endeavor to present an alternative understanding of existence of man as derived from a integration of theological views and quantum theory. Furthermore, through two and three dimensional graphical models, we will explain how quantum related phenomena may possibly occur in the formation of creation from "jingled clay." Introduction:
JJ Thomson’s electron and Henri Becquerel’s alpha particle were key to Ernest Rutherford developing his model of atomic structure. Disparities between the charge and mass of the atomic nucleus soon led to the discovery of the neutron. Niels Bohr’s application of the new quantum theory of Max Planck and Albert Einstein to atomic structure solved the problem of electrons remaining in orbit and not crashing into the nucleus. Electrons had dual properties of particles and waves. Quantum theory provided new rules for understanding electricity and magnetism that led to a range of modern electronic devices from transistors and lasers to cell phones and modern computers. The quantum prediction that spinning protons and neutrons generate a magnetic field like the spinning electrons in orbit around the nucleus led to the discovery of nuclear magnetic resonance. This in turn led to the discovery of magnetic resonance imaging revolutionizing the medical specialty of neurology.
In this article, we address the solution of the Einstein’s equations in the vacuum region surrounding a spherically symmetric mass distribution. There are two different types of mathematical solutions, depending on the value of a constant of integration. These two types of solutions are analysed from a physical point of view. The comparison with the linear theory limit is also considered. This leads to a new solution, different from the well known one. If one considers the observational data in the weak field limit this new solution is in agreement with the available data. While the traditional Schwarzschild solution is characterized by a horizon at r=2GM/c2 , no horizon exists in this new solution.
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Current genetics studies often refer to notions from information science. The purpose of this paper is to summarize and structure the different notions of information used in biology, as a step towards developing a taxonomy of information. Within this framework we propose an extension of Floridi’s conceptual model of information. We also make use of the concept of specified information and show that functional information and many other notions of information are either special cases of, or are closely related to, specified information. Since functionality of the proteins that genes code serves as an external and independent specification, this makes it possible to define genetic information in a way that includes semantic aspects. In particular, we discuss how to understand the qualitative aspects of genetic information, how to measure its quantitative aspects, and how variants of Shannon’s information measure can be applied to molecular sequence data of protein families. While a mathematical framework may not be able to incorporate all that is included within biological information, some aspects of it allow for statistical modelling. This is especially true if we restrict our focus on the discipline of genetics. The concept of genetic information is still disputed because it attributes semantic traits to what seems to be regular biochemical entities. Some researchers maintain that the use of information in biology is just metaphorical and may even be misleading. We argue that the foundation of the metaphorical view is relatively weak given the current findings in bioinformatics and show that the present understanding of genetics fits well into the context of the modern philosophy of information. The paper concludes that informational concepts have robust scientific applications at the level of genes.
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This study explores the notion of spatiotemporal phenomena, particularly bilocation within the religious and mystical traditions of Islam and Sufism to understand deeper spiritual truths and their implications for the interconnectedness of material and metaphysical realms. Hermeneutical and phenomenological analyses have been employed to discern the complexities of bilocation (Time and Space) with a comprehensive examination of scriptural texts, and historical accounts of spirituality, asceticism, and mysticism to uncover the realities. Findings reveal that time and space; a bilocation with collective consciousness disrupts and transcends ordinary life experiences. Moreover, integrating insights from comparative religions and transpersonal psychology this research strengthens the scientific study of religion under mystical interpretations of physical bodies.
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In the west, truth is being eroded by post-modernist ideas such as alternative facts. Once truth is no longer valued it is a short route through nationalistic populism to fascism. To combat this we need to establish the idea of ‘veritocracy’ as a form of government. A veritocracy is a democracy in which truth is so highly valued that promising to tell the truth will become a central feature of politicians’ election manifestos feeding back the idea of veritocracy deeper into national culture. A proper understanding of the nature of science can support the idea of veritocracy. This proper understanding will not repeat the mythology of post-World War II philosophy and history of science, but will begin with the much more socially cognisant revolution in our understanding of science that began in the 1960s and 1970s. Nevertheless, a ‘wave three’ of science studies will justify science, not as a certainty-maker for policy, but as the way to bet in developing the best understanding of the observable world. The key is that science depends on moral truth in its attempts to develop correspondence truth. Science, like the law, should be a ‘check and balance’ in pluralist democracies and an object lesson in how to pursue truth in decision-making.
This chapter explores temporal dimensions of travel on the rivers of the Javari basin in western Brazil. Traveling on slow riverboats between the downriver towns and the upriver Indigenous villages could take weeks. When traveling upriver, it was common to have a subjective experience of traveling into the past, because there was no connection to the electrical or telecommunications grids and no access to modern amenities. But Indigenous Marubo people often traveled with the specific purpose of bringing new technologies into the villages, framing this as an effort to ensure that they have a future in the interior villages and not only in the downriver towns. Marubo people thus subverted and reversed subjective associations of time and direction in river travel. A temporal dimension also emerged through personal narratives evoked by riverside sites with specific histories facilitated by the temporary suspension of normal village and town routines during river travel.
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The relationship between geometry and physics is one of the most fruitful and fascinating topics in the history of science. From ancient Mediterranean civilizations to the modern era, geometry has served as a source of insight for metaphysical contemplation and the discovery of natural phenomena. In this essay, I will explore some of the major developments in geometry and physics, with a special focus on the work of Dr. Matti Pitkänen, the founder of Topological Geometrodynamics (TGD). This novel theory employs mathematical concepts to unify quantum mechanics and general relativity with the Standard Model of particle physics. In the first section, I will review historical milestones in geometry and physics relevant to the key issues in TGD theory. These epochs have led us to relativity, quantum mechanics, the Standard Model, string models, and various unification attempts. I will also introduce the concept of topology, which is the study of continuous deformations. Topology plays a vital role in many areas of physics and mathematics, as well as in TGD. In the central section, I will present an interview with Dr. Pitkänen, in which he shares his personal and professional journey in developing TGD. He explains how he, a) was initially motivated by the global energy definition problem in general relativity, b) was influenced by John Wheeler's ideas on geometrodynamics, c) discovered a higher-dimensional embedding hyperspace suitable for unifying the Standard Model, quantum mechanics, and relativity, d) faced challenges in achieving path integrals for the required 4-D general coordinate invariance, e) incorporated twistors into his theory, f) introduced the notions of the World of Classical Worlds and Zero Energy Ontology to address problems related to quantum TGD and time, and g) found a dual aspect for the geometrization of physics from number theory, p-adic physics, and Adelic physics, which also forms a theory of cognition and consciousness within the same framework. This segment particularly emphasizes explaining the fundamentals of general relativity and its conservation laws with related symmetries, underscoring their relevance to the inception of TGD, which was sparked by questions within this domain. Noether's theorems play a central role in this excursion. In the last section, I will provide additional information on TGD, such as its main publications, websites, blogs, videos, podcasts, and other resources. I have also given a section about the research methodology I am pursuing. In the appendices, I will offer an extensive vocabulary, a short timeline, and a concept map to serve as helpful tools for readers seeking to understand the complex topics discussed in the essay better. Appendices 4-5 are more technical sub-studies for Killing vectors and pseudotensors. Appendix 6 deals with the definition of the Theory of Everything. Appendix 7 gives a short version of this essay for people in a rush. Finally, the bibliography and index are collected to the end. While this manuscript is not a comprehensive discussion on TGD—a task that could quickly require thousands of pages—it aims to fill a notable gap by offering curated introductory material and shedding light on aspects of a unique unified theory of fundamental physics that have yet to be explored in this format. Cite: Manninen, Marko T. 2024. Through the Wormhole on Spacetime Surface: Early History and Main Concepts of Topological Geometrodynamics Theory (TGD). Publisher Holistic Science Publications, Holistic Science Series,, ISBN 978-952-65432-3-9 (PDF), Finland.
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In the quest for a Theory of Everything (ToE), a single framework that encapsulates all cosmic forces and fundamental particles, we encounter inherent limitations that challenge the boundaries of scientific inquiry. This paper introduces the concept of the "Cosmic Invariant," a theoretical construct representing elements of the universe that remain fundamentally unobservable yet are essential to its structure and behavior. These unobservable aspects present significant philosophical and practical implications for the development of a ToE. By exploring the Cosmic Invariant, we aim to understand how its presence influences the completeness and predictive power of current and future cosmological theories. This discussion not only highlights the scientific implications but also emphasizes the philosophical need for humility in our approach to understanding the cosmos. Through this exploration, we seek to provide a deeper insight into the intrinsic limits of science and the ongoing challenge of achieving a complete understanding of the universe. Keywords: cosmic invariant, theory of everything, limitations of observability, cosmology, theoretical physics, unobservable phenomena, scientific humility, dark matter, dark energy, philosophical implications, scientific inquiry.
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Is the devil dressed in greed? Greed stimulates corruption, which promotes self-alienation, facilitates systemic failure, worsens inequality, and generates false pledges and divide-and-conquer policies. Despite the United Nations’ (UN) existence for much of a century, most countries continue to exploit and compete for cheap labor, causing poverty rates to climb. Most UN member states and other affiliated and international organizations have institutionalized bad governance, corporate abuse, and social injustice to benefit themselves, thus committing institutional crimes and aiding the global elite in a vicious conspiratorial cycle. The entire UN system has harnessed a mafia-like culture of power with impunity in intermestic affairs to control human experience and generate authoritarian paradigms. This in turn stimulates psychological captivity, irrational preferences, and negative herd behavior and divides nations both internationally and domestically. A literature-based transdisciplinary study was conducted to substantiate these assertions and to propose feasible systemic solutions that point toward humanistic paradigms by cultivating psychological freedom and implementing good governance. In this way, the related cognitive processes can be systemically and intermestically amended while resolving the structural weaknesses of the UN, eliminating inequality, uniting nations internationally and domestically, and developing a peaceful, just, and sustainable world order.
The paper examines the influence technics on human conscience, the dialectic of interaction between artificial intelligence (AI) and human intelligence within the system: information technologies –mentality and psychology of society – control over people’s minds and technologies. The emphasis is on the essence of the concept of mentality, mental identity, the role of informal institutions, and the speed of changes in biological and information time. The author represents a conceptual view on the problem of the role of artificial intelligence in the development of mental management as a humanitarian problem in the logic of the development of ideas and approaches previously considered by the author in the following works: The Future of Russia: transition to a new formation; Strategy of Reforms in Russia: from leader to leader; and in the context of the idea of social justice and economic growth, discussed at the First Russian Economic Forum.
The Master and Margarita by M.A. Bulgakov is considered the most mysterious novel of the twentieth century. Meanwhile, of all aspects of this literary work, which is very diverse in themes and genres, the mystical (fantastic, supernatural) aspect is the least studied by literary critics. Intrigued by such a paradox, the author devoted her study to this underanalyzed side of M.A. Bulgakov’s novel. According to the plot, in the 1930s, during Stalin’s terror, the devil flew to Moscow with his demonic retinue to save a persecuted writer (Master) and his novel about Jesus Christ. (This devil was God’s advocate.) For several days, the Muscovites’ attention was riveted by these aliens from another world. Any of the evil spirits’ appearances in the arena of events were accompanied by incredible space-time metamorphoses as well as humans’ fantastic disappearances or transformations. From common sense, everything happening is absurd. However, this study’s author tried to interpret the supernatural phenomena depicted by M.A. Bulgakov, such as manipulations of space and time, levitation, teleportation, and traveling to a parallel world, from the standpoint of some ideas of the theory of relativity and quantum science. This turned out to be quite fruitful in explaining the novel’s mystical events and characters. It was found that M.A. Bulgakov, being well acquainted with the scientific discoveries of his time, had endowed his demonic characters with features inherent in the objects of the quantum world. This was both his outstanding artistic innovation and his unique foresight as a science fiction writer.
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In "Being, Nothingness, and the Quantum Vacuum: Revisiting Aether Through Heidegger's Lens," we embark on a profound exploration at the intersection of modern physics and existential philosophy. This work delves into the transformation of the concept of aether—an all-pervading medium once thought necessary for the propagation of light—into the contemporary understanding of the quantum vacuum, as revealed by quantum field theory (QFT). Through the philosophical lens of Martin Heidegger, known for his in-depth examination of being and nothingness, we reexamine the implications of the quantum vacuum, not merely as an empty void, but as a dynamic realm of potentiality and the foundation of all being. This interdisciplinary inquiry seeks to bridge the empirical insights of physics with Heidegger's existential and ontological perspectives, offering a holistic view that challenges our conventional notions of reality. By integrating these diverse realms, the paper aims to illuminate the profound philosophical questions raised by the latest advancements in theoretical physics and encourage a dialogue that spans across disciplines, enriching our understanding of the universe as both a physical and philosophical enigma. Keywords: quantum vacuum, Heidegger, being, nothingness, aether, existential philosophy, modern physics, quantum field theory, ontological inquiry, interdisciplinary dialogue.
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