
Parental Alienation Initiatives Around the World

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Parental Alienation: The Handbook for Mental Health and Legal Professionals is the essential “how to” manual in this important and ever increasing area of behavioral science and law. Busy mental health professionals need a reference guide to aid them in developing data sources to support their positions in reports and testimony. They also need to know where to go to find the latest material on a topic. Having this material within arm’s reach will avoid lengthy and time-consuming online research. For legal professionals who must ground their arguments in well thought out motions and repeated citations to case precedent, ready access to state or province specific legal citations spanning thirty-five years of parental alienation cases is provided here for the first time in one place.

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This chapter addresses the unique challenges found in the performance of custody evaluations in cases where parental alienation (PA) is alleged. Such cases require attention to specific literature and expertise, which are described. The chapter is divided into four parts. Part One describes the long historical presence of PA. Part Two addresses the expertise necessary to perform such evaluations, and Part Three outlines steps necessary for their performance. Part Four then focuses on how all of this material can be best presented to the court so as to most likely produce relief to the victims of PA.
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L?objectif général de cette recherche qualitative est de mettre en lumière les facteurs de résilience (facteurs de protection), présents chez les enfants de parents divorcés. Ces enfants, ont été identifiés comme étant résilients à partir de l?application du questionnaire du Dominique interactive, ainsi l?échelle d?estime de soi de Coopersmith et le test du dessin d?un bonhomme, quatre à cinq entrevues ont été menées avec l?enfant, en plus des entretiens réalisés avec son entourage (mère, grand-mère, tante et institutrice). Parmi l?ensemble des facteurs de protection recensés, on note des facteurs de protection individuel, qui sont relatifs à une bonne estime de soi, aux capacités intellectuelles telle que le QI élevé et à la réussite scolaire, en plus de quelques traits de personnalité comme la sociabilité, l?humour, l?autonomie, l?optimisme. Les résultats mettent en évidence aussi des facteurs de protection familiaux et environnementaux, comme la présence d?une relation chaleureuse avec les parents, ainsi l?amour et le soutien apporté par un parent mature, compétant au plan éducatif, sensible au besoin de son enfant la capacité, établissement des liens significatifs avec un des membres de la famille notamment la sSur, la grand-mère, la tante, le cousin, et la présence des relations positives et chaleureuses. Ce qui nous conduit à dire que la présence et l?interaction entre ces facteurs (endogènes et exogènes) favorisent la résilience des enfants victimes du divorce. Mots clés : résilience, facteurs de protection, divorce, enfant.
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The dramatic increase in the number of child-custody disputes since the seventies has created an equally dramatic need for a standard reference work that examines the growing social problem of children who develop an irrational hatred for a parent as the result of divorce. The International Handbook of Parental Alienation Syndrome: Conceptual, Clinical, and Legal Considerations features clinical, legal, and research perspectives from 32 contributors representing eight countries, building on the work of the late Dr. Richard Gardner, a pioneer in the theory, practice, diagnosis, and treatment of Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS). This unique book addresses the effects of PAS on parents and children, discusses issues surrounding reconciliation between parent and alienated child, and includes material published for the first time on incidence, gender, and false allegations of abuse in PAS. Content highlights examines PAS and the roles of family members, the criminal justice system, and the need for public awareness and policymakers to respond to PAS. Descriptive statistics on 84 cases are given, and the factors affecting reconciliation between the child and target parent are listed. The mild, moderate, and severe categories of PAS are explored, and the psychological consequences of PAS indoctrination for adult children of divorce and the effects of alienation on parents are researched. The role of medical reports in the development of PAS, sexual abuse allegations, and future predictions on the fate of PAS children are many of the clinical considerations in this book. The legal issues concern PAS in American law, criticisms of PAS in courts of law, protecting the fundamental rights of children in families, family law reform, International PAS abductions, and the legal requirements of experts giving evidence to courts. The impact and implications of PAS are immense, and no other single source provides the depth and breadth of coverage of the topic than the clinical and forensic chapters in this book.
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To test the involvement of primitive defenses in Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS), we collected 158 MMPI-2s from court ordered custody evaluations from 7 forensic psychology practices; 76 were PAS cases and 82 were custody cases without PAS (controls). We used two MMPI-2 indexes to measure primitive defenses: L + K − F and (L + Pa + Sc) − (Hy + Pt). We found that mothers and fathers who were alienators had higher (clinical range) scores indicating primitive defenses such as splitting and projective identification, than control mothers and fathers (normal range scores) in both our indexes. Target parents were mostly similar to the control parents. The results showed strong support for Gardner’s definition of PAS.
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This qualitative study utilizing narrative analysis and grounded theory examines the history and experiences of 14 Canadian women who have lost custody of their children within a legal divorce process. Each woman's storied experience focused on themes of attachment and loss associated with involuntary child absence, legal abuse within the adversarial system, and judgment based on nonconformity to a motherhood ideal; physical violence and emotional abuse in the family system; access denial and parental alienation; stigma and lack of support services; and serious financial losses. Women's perceptions of their children's needs in the divorce process, mothers' responsibilities in relation to those needs, and the responsibility of social institutions to support mothers as parents were also examined. The study sought mothers' views about needed changes to the legal framework of child custody determination and other priorities. Implications for socio-legal policy are discussed, including a consideration of a rebuttable legal shared parental responsibility presumption as facilitating the most salutary postdivorce outcomes for women and children, as are guidelines for direct service provision.
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Cases in which a child is resisting contact with a parent may or may not fit Gardner's theory of Parental Alienation Syndrome, which emphasizes the psychopathology of the “alienating” parent. Explanations may also include the child's coping with intense conflict and the “rejected” parent's skill with the child Whatever the cause, improvement usually involves legal and therapeutic intervention.
- The diffusion of marital divorce introduced significant transformations within relationship between parents and children and between co-parents. These evolutions aren't always functional, because sometimes divorce pain cannot be elaborate, and this could generate risk to amplify parenting difficulties. In this work we reviewed the Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) in term of continuity/ disconuity. PAS, sometimes, can be confused with real dysfunctional relationship between refusal parent and child and it doesn't allow an effective intervention. In the second part we focus on the intervention and we discuss the difficulties to integrate "psychical" and "processual" truth, whenever it doesn't use an ethic of relationship. Key words: divorce, PAS, parental refuse, psycho-juridical intervention. Parole chiave: separazione, PAS, rifiuto di un genitore, intervento psicogiuridico
Described by the philosopher A.J. Ayer as a work of ‘great originality and power’, this book revolutionized contemporary thinking on science and knowledge. Ideas such as the now legendary doctrine of ‘falsificationism’ electrified the scientific community, influencing even working scientists, as well as post-war philosophy. This astonishing work ranks alongside The Open Society and Its Enemies as one of Popper’s most enduring books and contains insights and arguments that demand to be read to this day. © 1959, 1968, 1972, 1980 Karl Popper and 1999, 2002 The Estate of Karl Popper. All rights reserved.
As courts and legislatures continue their enthusiastic ventures into family law reform, they make frequent use of theories and research from the social sciences. This essay focuses on developments in child custody law stemming from "Parental Alienation Syndrome" (PAS), a theory propounded in 1985 by Richard Gardner, M.D. that became widely used despite its lack of scientific foundations. The discussion highlights theoretical and practical problems with PAS, provides a similar review of more recent proposals labeled "Parental Alienation" (PA), and concludes with recommendations for lawyers and judges who must evaluate these and similar developments.
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