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Abstract and Figures

This study aimed to investigate the effects of surface and shoe cushioning on the metabolic cost of running. In running, the leg muscles generate force to cushion the impact with the ground. External cushioning (surfaces or shoes) may reduce the muscular effort needed for cushioning and thus reduce metabolic cost. Our primary hypothesis was that the metabolic cost of unshod running would decrease with a more cushioned running surface. We also hypothesized that because of the counteracting effects of shoe cushioning and mass, unshod running on a hard surface would have approximately the same metabolic cost as running in lightweight, cushioned shoes. To test these hypotheses, we attached 10- and 20-mm-thick slats of the same foam cushioning used in running shoe midsoles to the belt of a treadmill that had a rigid deck. Twelve subjects who preferred a midfoot strike pattern and had substantial barefoot/minimalist running experience ran without shoes on the normal treadmill belt and on each thickness of foam. They also ran with lightweight, cushioned shoes on the normal belt. We collected V˙O2 and V˙CO2 to calculate the metabolic power demand and used a repeated-measures ANOVA to compare between conditions. Compared to running unshod on the normal belt, running unshod on the 10-mm-thick foam required 1.63% ± 0.67% (mean ± SD) less metabolic power (P = 0.034) but running on the 20-mm-thick foam had no significant metabolic effect. Running with and without shoes on the normal belt had similar metabolic power demands, likely because the beneficial energetic effects of cushioning counterbalanced the detrimental effects of shoe mass. On average, surface and shoe cushioning reduce the metabolic power required for submaximal running.
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A Test of the Metabolic Cost of Cushioning
Hypothesis during Unshod and Shod Running
Department of Integrative Physiology, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
TUNG, K. D., J. R. FRANZ, and R. KRAM. A Test of the Metabolic Cost of Cushioning Hypothesis during Unshod and Shod Running.
Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 324–329, 2014. Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the effects of surface and shoe
cushioning on the metabolic cost of running. In running, the leg muscles generate force to cushion the impact with the ground. External
cushioning (surfaces or shoes) may reduce the muscular effort needed for cushioning and thus reduce metabolic cost. Our primary
hypothesis was that the metabolic cost of unshod running would decrease with a more cushioned running surface. We also hypothesized
that because of the counteracting effects of shoe cushioning and mass, unshod running on a hard surface would have approximately the
same metabolic cost as running in lightweight, cushioned shoes. Methods: To test these hypotheses, we attached 10- and 20-mm-thick
slats of the same foam cushioning used in running shoe midsoles to the belt of a treadmill that had a rigid deck. Twelve subjects who
preferred a midfoot strike pattern and had substantial barefoot/minimalist running experience ran without shoes on the normal treadmill
belt and on each thickness of foam. They also ran with lightweight, cushioned shoes on the normal belt. We collected V
and V
calculate the metabolic power demand and used a repeated-measures ANOVA to compare between conditions. Results: Compared to
running unshod on the normal belt, running unshod on the 10-mm-thick foam required 1.63% T0.67% (mean TSD) less metabolic power
(P= 0.034) but running on the 20-mm-thick foam had no significant metabolic effect. Running with and without shoes on the normal belt
had similar metabolic power demands, likely because the beneficial energetic effects of cushioning counterbalanced the detrimental
effects of shoe mass. Conclusions: On average, surface and shoe cushioning reduce the metabolic power required for submaximal
Although our ancestors ran on natural surfaces with-
out shoes, most modern recreational and competitive
runners do so on artificial surfaces with cushioned
shoes. In running, the leg muscles generate force to cushion
the impact with the ground. External cushioning (surfaces or
shoes) may reduce the muscular effort needed for cushion-
ing and thus reduce the metabolic cost of running (13). To
test this idea, we specifically investigated how the cushion-
ing properties of surfaces and shoes affect the metabolic cost
of running.
The elastic and viscoelastic properties of surfaces
(17,18,20) and treadmills (15,16) can negatively, neutrally, or
positively affect the metabolic cost of running. For example,
Lejeune et al. (17) found that running on sand was 1.6 times
more expensive than on a firm floor surface. In contrast, Pugh
(20) found no metabolic difference between running on an
artificial rubberized track and a traditional cinder track. But,
when McMahon and Greene (18) designed and built a
‘tuned’’ indoor running track with substantial elastic recoil,
they found that competitive times for the distance running
events were faster on the new track, suggesting reduced met-
abolic cost. Classic and modern research-grade treadmills
have rigid decks, comparable in vertical stiffness to asphalt or
concrete surfaces. However, many modern treadmills, espe-
cially those used for fitness, have decks with fixed or adjust-
able stiffness and damping qualities that appear to increase
the metabolic cost of running (15). In contrast, Kerdok et al.
(16) built a unique research treadmill with adjustable vertical
stiffness and minimal damping which reduced the metabolic
cost of running by as much as 12% with a surface deflection
of È2 cm. Kerdok et al. also found that the subjects ran with
less flexed knees on the low-stiffness treadmill, which pre-
sumably reduced the knee extensor torque required and thus
reduced the metabolic cost of generating force with the
quadriceps muscles.
Like surfaces and treadmills, running shoes have been shown
to have negative (8,9,19), neutral (8,13,20,22), and positive
(13) effects on the metabolic cost of running. For example, Perl
et al. (19) found that running in heavy shoes (with substan-
tial damping properties) required more metabolic energy than
lightweight, ‘‘minimal’’ shoes. Frederick et al. (14) established
that shoe mass incurs a predictable metabolic penalty (1% per
100 g per shoe). However, in a different study, Frederick et al.
Address for correspondence: Kryztopher David Tung, M.S., Locomotion
Lab, Department of Integrative Physiology, University of Colorado,
Boulder, CO 80309-0354; E-mail:
Submitted for publication February 2013.
Accepted for publication July 2013.
Copyright Ó2013 by the American College of Sports Medicine
DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e3182a63b81
Copyright © 2014 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
(13) observed that, despite the mass of the shoes, the sub-
maximal rate of oxygen consumption (V
) did not differ
between running in well-cushioned shoes and barefoot. Note
that the treadmill used in that study had a rigid deck. To try
and explain their results, Frederick et al. (13) hypothesized
that submaximal V
during barefoot running includes a ‘‘cost
of cushioning’’ the body and thus lightweight, well-cushioned
shoes might reduce the metabolic cost of running. Indeed,
Franz et al. (11) showed that when shoe mass is factored out,
cushioned shoes can require 3%–4% less metabolic power
than running without shoes. However, Franz et al. could not
definitively attribute the energy savings specifically to the
shoe cushioning.
Differences in footstrike (e.g., rearfoot vs midfoot) and/or
other shoe-related factors (e.g., heel height, flexibility, mo-
tion control elements) could conceivably enhance or blunt
any metabolic cost savings due to cushioning. Thus, we
designed an experiment to isolate and measure the metabolic
effects of shoe cushioning in a novel way—by attaching the
same foam used in running shoe midsoles to the belt of
a rigid-decked treadmill. This approach isolated the inde-
pendent variable (cushioning) and eliminated possible con-
founding shoe construction factors. This allowed us to
measure the effects of shoe cushioning without having our
subjects wear shoes. We first hypothesized that the metabolic
cost of unshod running would decrease on a cushioned sur-
face. We also hypothesized that, on the normal rigid tread-
mill surface, unshod running would have approximately the
same metabolic cost as running with lightweight, cushioned
running shoes due to counteracting effects of shoe mass and
shoe cushioning.
We present data for 12 healthy runners (10 M/2 F; mean T
SD, age = 30.2 T9.1 yr, mass = 68.5 T6.5 kg, and height =
174.5 T5.9 cm). These subjects reported running an average
of 79.4 T60.5 kmIwk
, of which 59.5 T50.0 kmIwk
(range = 11–177 kmIwk
) were barefoot or in minimal
shoes. Subjects reported that their typical training speed av-
eraged 3.5 T0.6 mIs
(range = 2.9–4.8 mIs
). Our sample
size was based on the recommendations of Frederick (12),
who reported that, with an expected coefficient of variation of
1.5%–2% for repeated within-day measurements of oxygen
uptake, a 1%–2% mean difference could be resolved with a
sample size of 10–15 subjects. Indeed, with careful attention
to detail, Roy and Stefanyshyn (21) were able to discern
economy differences of 1% between shoe conditions using a
sample size of 13. Thus, we collected data for 14 subjects.
However, we had to exclude the data from two subjects be-
cause they exhibited RER 91.0, indicating that they were not
in metabolic steady state (3). Subject inclusion criteria were
as follows: 918 yr of age; midfoot strike preference both
shod and unshod; run at least 25 kmIwk
, of which at least
were barefoot or in minimal running footwear
(e.g., Vibram Five Fingers
) for at least 3 months; injury free;
self-reported ability to sustain 3.3 mIs
running pace for at
least 60 min; and meeting the medical criteria of the Ameri-
can College of Sports Medicine for minimal risk for exercise
(1). On the basis of subject reports and our inclusion criteria,
completing the experimental protocol was of low to moder-
ate intensity and duration for all subjects. We included only
runners with a midfoot strike pattern because asking runners
to rearfoot strike without shoes on a hard treadmill surface
might have increased the risk of injury. The University of
Colorado Institutional Review Board approved the study pro-
tocol, and all subjects gave their written consent after being
informed of the nature of the study.
To verify that the subjects preferred to run with a midfoot
strike pattern (4), we asked them to run at their typical train-
ing pace across a 30-m runway equipped with a force plat-
form (Advanced Mechanical Technology Inc., Watertown,
MA) to which a sheet of paper was affixed. We attached
small pieces of felt marker to each subjects’ right foot at 90%,
70%, and 33% of their foot length (measured between the
heel and the distal end of the second toe). We collected the
force plate data at 1000 Hz and tracked the center of pressure
relative to the data points provided by the ink dots left on
the paper as per Cavanagh and Lafortune (4). We classified
subjects as midfoot strikers if the center of pressure at ini-
tial contact was between 33% and 70% of foot length and
rearfoot strikers if the center of pressure originated posterior
to the 33% mark (4).
During a single experimental session, subjects completed
a 5-min standing trial, a 10-min unshod running acclima-
tion trial (with no surface cushioning), and then four 5-min
running trials. A 3-min rest period separated each of the
running trials. In all running trials, subjects ran at a speed of
3.35 mIs
on a Quinton 18-60 motorized treadmill (Quinton
Instrument Company, Bothell, WA) that we modified to have
a calibrated digital readout for speed. Note that this treadmill
has a rigid steel deck and a thin belt with no significant
cushioning or damping properties. For the duration of the
experiment, subjects wore very thin, slip-resistant yoga socks
for traction and hygienic purposes.
In random order, subjects completed one shod (Nike Free
3.0 V2; È211 g per shoe) running condition on the normal
treadmill belt surface and three unshod running trials: on the
normal treadmill belt surface (Unshod 0 mm), with 10-mm-
thick slats of foam attached to the belt (Unshod 10 mm), and
with 20-mm-thick slats of foam attached to the belt (Unshod
20 mm) (Fig. 1). The foam slats (length width thick-
ness; 18.8 cm 33.7 cm 10 mm and 21.4 cm 37.3 cm
20 mm) consisted of the same material used in the midsole
of the Nike Free running shoes (Phylite
; 60% Phylon
and 40% rubber with an Asker Type C durometer reading
of 52–58). We drilled two 2.5-cm-diameter holes along the
left and right lateral edges of each foam slat through which
we sewed short loops of 2.5-cm-wide nylon webbing. We
sewed continuous strips of hook Velcro
to two 2.5-cm-
wide straps of nylon webbing (one left and one right) and
routed the strap through the small loops. We glued strips of
Copyright © 2014 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
the hooked part of the VelcroÒto the left and right edges of
the treadmill belt. Thus, the slats of foam could be easily put
in place and removed. Overall, we created a ‘‘tank-tread’’ of
foam slats that covered the entire length of the treadmill belt.
During the running trials, we offered verbal instructions to
each subject to maintain a midfoot strike pattern whether
shod or unshod. Further, we confirmed foot strike through-
out each trial visually as well as with high-speed video re-
cordings (Casio EX-FH20; 210 frames per second). We did
not control the stride frequency or stride length so as to
compare normal unshod and shod running. We determined
each subject’s contact time and stride frequency from the video
recordings using Windows Movie Maker (Microsoft Corpora-
tion, Redmond, WA) averaged over five consecutive strides.
During the standing and running trials, we used an open-
circuit respirometry system (TrueOne 2400; Parvo Medics,
Sandy, UT) to analyze the subject’s expired gases and cal-
culate the STPD rates of oxygen consumption (V
) and
carbon dioxide production (V
). Before each experiment,
we calibrated the system using reference gases and a 3-L
syringe. We averaged V
, and RERs for the last
2 min of each 5-min trial. As noted, two subjects had to be
excluded because their RER values exceeded 1.0. The RER
values for each of the 12 remaining subjects were below 1.0.
We report not only gross V
values in milliliters per kilogram
per minute (mLIkg
) but also the average standing
value (mean TSD: 4.84 T0.39 mLIkg
) to allow cal-
culation of net V
. We normalized V
and V
the subject’s body mass while unshod. From V
and V
we calculated gross metabolic power in watts per kilogram
) using Brockway’s equation (2). We agree with
Fletcher et al. (10) who suggested that metabolic power is
more representative of running economy than V
alone, but
we report both metabolic power and V
for the convenience
of the reader.
A Shapiro–Wilk test and Mauchly test of sphericity respec-
tively confirmed that metabolic cost, contact time, and stride
frequency were normally distributed (P90.24, P90.08, and
P90.07, respectively) and each had equal variance across
conditions (P= 0.63, P= 0.15, and P= 0.62, respectively). A
repeated-measures ANOVA then tested for significant main
effects of cushioning (0, 10, and 20 mm) on V
abolic power, contact time, and stride frequency. When a sig-
nificant main effect was detected, we performed post hoc
pairwise comparisons. We also compared shod and un-
shod conditions using paired-samples t-tests. We used a
criterion of PG0.05 for statistical significance.
Treadmill surface cushioning significantly decreased V
and metabolic power. On average, V
and metabolic
power for unshod running were 1.47% (P= 0.015) and 1.63%
the rigid surface, respectively (Table 1 and Fig. 2). However,
those measures for running on 20 mm of foam cushioning
were not significantly different from those for running on the
rigid surface (P= 0.602 and P=0.605,respectively).Wedid
find considerable individual variation with respect to the
effect of surface cushioning on metabolic demand (Table 2
and Fig. 3). However, 10 of the 12 subjects had lower V
values and 8 of the 12 subjects required less metabolic power
for the 10-mm-thick foam surface compared to the rigid sur-
face. On the rigid treadmill surface, V
and metabolic
power for running unshod and shod were not significantly
different (P= 0.533 and P=0.182,respectively).
Average stride frequencies for unshod running on the
cushioned surfaces were not significantly different from un-
shod running on the normal rigid surface, but stride frequency
was a modest 2.5% slower during shod running (PG0.01)
(Table 1). Hence, stride length was 2.5% longer (average
of È5 cm). Likewise, ground contact times were not different
FIGURE 1—Treadmill with a ‘‘tank tread’’ of foam slats. Each slat is
separated by a 4-mm gap, which was considered to be negligible and
imperceptible by our subjects.
TABLE 1. Metabolic and kinematic variables.
Unshod 0 mm Unshod 10 mm Unshod 20 mm Shod
)39.17 T3.68 38.58 T3.27* 38.99 T2.88 39.36 T3.09
Metabolic power (WIkg
)13.40 T1.28 13.18 T1.09* 13.34 T1.08 13.59 T1.15
Stride frequency (Hz) 1.625 T0.11 1.666 T0.129 1.651 T0.136 1.585 T0.101**
Contact time (s) 0.238 T0.013 0.237 T0.016 0.240 T0.017 0.252 T0.015**
Values are mean TSD.
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Copyright © 2014 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
between the unshod conditions, but contact time was 5.9%
longer during the shod condition (PG0.01) (Table 1).
In this study, we tested the metabolic cost of cushion-
ing hypothesis, which states that running involves a ‘‘cost of
cushioning’’ the body against impact (13). Specifically,
we quantified the isolated effects of shoe cushioning on the
metabolic cost of running, while controlling for footstrike
pattern, barefoot/minimalist running experience, and footwear.
Supporting our first hypothesis, we found that, on average, the
metabolic cost of unshod running was significantly reduced
when subjects ran on a 10-mm-thick foam-cushioned surface
compared to a normal rigid treadmill surface. Supporting our
second hypothesis, on the normal, rigid treadmill surface, the
metabolic cost of unshod running was not significantly differ-
ent from running with lightweight, cushioned running shoes.
To further clarify, our first hypothesis stated that the meta-
bolic cost of unshod running would decreasewith a cushioned
surface. While 10 mm of surface cushioning did elicit a lower
metabolic costthan the rigid treadmill surface alone, 20 mm of
surface cushioning did not, on average, further reduce meta-
bolic cost. We suspect that there may be an optimal cushion-
ing thickness for each individual, which minimizes his/her
metabolic power demand. This optimum likely depends on
many factors including cushioning hardness (durometer),
body mass, and footstrike preference.
The elastic and viscoelastic (damping) properties of run-
ning shoes and surfaces can combine to influence the met-
abolic cost of running. Kerdok et al. (16) found that the
metabolic cost of running on an elastic, adjustable-stiffness
treadmill steadily decreased with decreased stiffness. In con-
trast, we did not find that the metabolic cost of running
steadily decreased with thicker foam cushioning. It is likely
that the treadmill surface of Kerdok et al. had much less
damping than our foam surfaces and thus, that of running
shoes. Indeed, excessive damping may have negative meta-
bolic effects. In another treadmill running study, Hardin et al.
(15) reported that metabolic cost increased with a lower-
stiffness treadmill surface that also had greater damping.
Treadmill surface properties should be considered when
interpreting studies of footwear energetics and biomechanics
and when designing future studies.
Our data also support our second hypothesis, that is, un-
shod running would have approximately the same metabolic
cost as running with lightweight shoes due to counteract-
ing effects of cushioning and mass. In a previous study from
our laboratory, Franz et al. (11) investigated the effects of
adding mass to the feet on the metabolic cost of shod and
unshod running. In accordance with the classic findings
from Frederick et al. (14), Franz et al. (11) found that every
100 g of mass added to each foot increased the rate of ox-
ygen consumption by È1%, both with and without shoes.
Based on this ‘‘1% rule’’ alone, we would expect that run-
ning in the 210-g shoes used in the present study would be
FIGURE 2—Percent difference in metabolic power for unshod cush-
ioned conditions compared to the unshod 0-mm condition. Data are
mean TSE. *Significant difference (P= 0.034) between the unshod
10-mm and unshod 0-mm conditions.
TABLE 2. Metabolic power (WIkg
) for each individual subject.
Subject No.
10 mm
20 mm Shod
116.40 15.77 16.05 16.31
213.94 13.77 13.49 13.83
311.80 11.98 12.08 12.01
413.75 12.96 13.15 13.72
512.54 12.62 13.06 13.07
614.68 14.22 14.43 14.36
712.94 12.70 12.58 13.02
814.23 13.83 13.81 13.95
912.58 12.31 12.26 12.88
10 13.18 13.36 13.38 14.27
11 12.16 11.99 12.57 12.12
12 12.62 12.70 13.19 13.50
Mean 13.40 13.18 13.34 13.59
SD 1.28 1.09 1.08 1.15
FIGURE 3—Individual percent differences in metabolic power for the
unshod cushioned surface conditions compared to the unshod on the
rigid treadmill surface condition.
Copyright © 2014 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
2.10% more expensive than running unshod on the normal
rigid treadmill surface. However, we found that those con-
ditions elicited similar metabolic costs. Running unshod on
the 10 mm of foam cushioning (approximately the thickness
of the shoe midsole in the forefoot region) afforded an en-
ergetic savings of 1.63%. Thus, it appears that the positive
effects of shoe cushioning counteracted the negative effects
of added mass, resulting in a metabolic cost for shod running
approximately equal to that of unshod running.
While our stride kinematics results for unshod versus shod
conditions were similar to those of previous studies, our data
for unshod running on cushioned surface conditions provide
new insight. We found that stride frequency was 2.5% slower
for shod running, which is similar but somewhat less than
the 3.3%, 3.4%, 3.9%, 5.1%, and 5.7% values reported by
Franz et al. (11), Divert et al. (8), De Wit et al. (6), Divert
et al. (7), and Squadrone and Gallozzi (22), respectively.
Those studies varied in what factors were controlled for (e.g.,
footstrike type). A slower stride frequency at a fixed speed
equates to longer strides while running shod compared to
unshod. What aspects of shoes are responsible for the longer
strides? Franz et al. (11) found that the longer strides were not
due to shoe mass. Other authors have suggested that shorter
strides are selected during barefoot running to reduce loading
or, in other words, shoe cushioning allows for longer strides
with similar loading. In the present study, we found that stride
frequency did not differ between unshod running on the hard
surface and the cushioned surfaces. Thus, the stride frequency/
length differences between unshod versus shod running
cannot be attributed to the cushioning properties of the shoe.
Similarly, our contact time data for unshod versus shod
running were akin to those of previous studies. We found that
contact time was 5.9% longer for shod running, similar to the
2.4%, 4.1%, 5.0%, 5.7%, and È9% differences reported by
Divert et al. (7), Kerdok et al. (16), De Wit et al. (6) Divert
et al. (8), and Clarke et al. (5), respectively. But again, we
found that running unshod on hard and cushioned surfaces
had similar contact times. Thus, the contact time differences
between unshod and shod cannot be attributed to the cush-
ioning properties of the shoe. These topics may deserve fur-
ther investigation.
Our study had several limitations. First, to maintain con-
sistency, all subjects ran in the same model of running shoes;
therefore, our findings may not translate to other running
shoe models. Simply due to the demographics of our vol-
unteers, our subjects were predominately male. However,
we have no reason to expect different results for female
runners. Finally, we only studied two thicknesses of one
specific foam cushioning material.
Our results have implications for the design of running
shoes and/or track surfaces. Many competition track surfaces
are extremely hard, presumably to enhance sprint perfor-
mance. Despite the prevalent track hardness, spiked shoes
designed for middle- and long-distance track running events
have almost no cushioning under the midfoot and forefoot.
Our results suggest that distance running spikes with midfoot/
forefoot cushioning (or the use of racing flats) could enhance
performance. Alternatively, track surfaces could be made with
soft, yet elastic properties, allowing athletes to run without
shoes. However, given the interindividual variability that we
noted, the benefits of a soft track would not be uniform and
thus possibly considered to be unfair. Our data suggest that
the design of competition shoes for road racing on paved
surfaces should not overemphasize weight minimization at the
expense of cushioning.
Future studies on the energetics, biomechanics, and neu-
romuscular control of running on different surfaces could be
fruitful. For example, to identify the metabolically optimal
thickness of foam cushioning, future studies could compare
more experimental conditions (e.g., 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 mm).
A complementary approach would be to compare foam sur-
faces of the same thickness (e.g., 10 mm) but with different
hardness properties (i.e., durometer values). Because small
reductions in the metabolic cost of running are most mean-
ingful for competitive runners, it would be useful to repeat
our study at faster running speeds on more aerobically fit
subjects. In addition, it may be interesting to study how run-
ners adapt over time to different cushioned surfaces. Further,
we have not yet elucidated the biomechanical or neuromus-
cular basis for why metabolic cost was reduced onthe 10-mm-
thick cushioned surface. EMG measurements may be able
to detect a reduction in muscle activity, but the trial-to-trial
variability may preclude the detection of small differences.
In summary, we found that a moderate thickness of foam
cushioning generally reduced the metabolic cost of run-
ning. In addition, the metabolic cost of running did not differ
between unshod and shod conditions, presumably because
the positive effect of cushioning was counteracted by the
negative effect of shoe mass. Overall, our data provide clear
support for the cost of cushioning hypothesis of Frederick
et al. (13).
Nike, Inc., donated the foam cushioning and shoes used in this
study but was not involved in the conception, planning, design, or
interpretation of the study. Rodger Kram is a paid consultant for
Nike, Inc.
The results of the present study do not constitute endorsement by
the American College of Sports Medicine.
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Copyright © 2014 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
... During running, elastic storage and return of mechanical energy in tendons minimize the metabolic cost of running [1]. However, optimizing external storage and return of energy at the foot-ground interface during ground contact can provide additional metabolic savings [2,3]. Hoogkamer et al. [4] showed that the first advanced footwear technology (AFT) with Polyether Block Amide (PEBA) returned more than twice mechanical energy when compressed with forces similar to vertical ground reaction while running and lowered metabolic cost by 4%, compared to other traditional Ethyl Vinil Acetate (EVA) running shoes. ...
... The outcomes of this research found that track surfaces reduce energy costs due to their lower compliance compared to grass; this could indicate that track surfaces allow for more efficient energy transfer (i.e., less energy dissipation) [1]. It has already been demonstrated that running on soft surfaces or with cushioned footwear can improve RE [2,3], as long as the cushioning is not excessive. If the deformation of the surface, the footwear, or the combination is too high, it causes an increase in vertical oscillation, a decrease in leg stiffness, and an increase in contact time [8], worsening RE on these types of surfaces [8]. ...
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Objective: This study evaluated the effects of advanced footwear technology (AFT) spikes on running performance measures, spatiotemporal variables, and perceptive parameters on different surfaces (track and grass). Methods: Twenty-seven male trained runners were recruited for this study. In Experiment 1, participants performed 12 × 200 m at a self-perceived 3000 m running pace with a recovery of 5 min. Performance (time in each repetition), spatiotemporal, and perceptive parameters were measured. In Experiment 2, participants performed 8 × 5 min at 4.44 m/s while energy cost of running (W/kg), spatiotemporal, and perceptive parameters were measured. In both experiments the surface was randomized and mirror order between spike conditions (Polyether Block Amide (PEBA) and PEBA + Plate) was used. Results: Experiment 1: Runners were faster on the track (p = 0.002) and using PEBA + Plate spike (p = 0.049). Experiment 2: Running on grass increased energy cost (p = 0.03) and heart rate (p < 0.001) regardless of the spike used, while PEBA + Plate spike reduced respiratory exchange ratio (RER) (p = 0.041). Step frequency was different across surfaces (p < 0.001) and spikes (p = 0.002), with increased performance and comfort perceived with PEBA + Plate spikes (p < 0.001; p = 0.049). Conclusions: Running on the track surface with PEBA + Plate spikes enhanced auto-perceived 3000 m running performance, showed lower RER, and improved auto-perceptive comfort and performance. Running on grass surfaces increased energy cost and heart rate without differences between spike conditions.
... Potential explanations of performance differences focus on a carbon fiber element, while at least in the Nike Vaporfly, the carbon fiber element seems to be less relevant than the foam. 10 The relatively soft, lightweight, and highly elastic foams may reduce the metabolic energy demands of impact cushioning and allow for a higher fractional return of mechanical energy, which seems to improve RE. 11 Although the mechanisms of AFTs are still not fully understood, research and practice are now taking a more holistic approach, focusing not only on further analyzing and optimizing the material properties and positioning of plates [12][13][14][15][16] and foams. 10,17 For example, first possible injury patterns 15,18 and interindividual variations in the amount of metabolic energy saved 2,9,19 by these technologies have been reported. ...
... Subjects had a 5-minute break between trials to change AFTs. Perceived exertion was determined using a visual Borg scale (6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20). 26 After the completion of each 5-minute trial, we obtained lactate samples from the capillary blood of the earlobe (20 μL) for blood [La] determination with the Biosen C-Line Clinic analyzer (EKF-diagnostic GmbH). ...
Purpose: This study aimed to compare running economy across habituated and nonhabituated advanced footwear technology (AFT) in trained long-distance runners. Methods: A total of 16 participants completed up to six 5-minute trials in 1 to 3 pairs of their own habituated shoes and 3 different and standardized AFTs at individual marathon pace. We measured oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide production and expressed running economy as oxygen uptake (in milliliters oxygen per kilogram per minute), oxygen cost of transport (oxygen per kilogram per minute), energetic cost (in watts per kilogram), and energetic cost of transport (in joules per kilogram per kilometer). We used linear mixed-effect models to evaluate differences. Relative shoe weight and shoe mileage (distance worn during running) were covariates. Results: Forty-eight standardized and 29 individual AFT conditions were measured (mileage 117.0 [128.8] km, range 0–522 km; 25 habituated 135.7 [129.2] km, range 20–522 km; 4 nonhabituated 0 [0] km, range 0–0 km). Rating of perceived exertion, blood [La], and respiratory exchange ratio ranged from 9 to 15, 1.11 to 4.54 mmol/L, and 0.76 to 1.01. There was no effect for habituation on energetic cost of transport (thabituation = −.232, P = .409, b = −0.006; 95% CI, −0.058 to 0.046) or other running economy metrics. Neither shoe weight nor shoe mileage had an effect. Conclusions: Our results suggest that habituation to AFTs does not result in greater benefits in the use of AFTs. This means that implementation in training may not be needed, even if we cannot rule out any other possible benefits of habituation at this stage, such as adaptation of the musculoskeletal system.
... See Figure 1 et al. (2014) found that 10mm of running footwear cushioning secured to a treadmill belt decreased the EC of unshod running by 1.63%. Unfortunately cushioning isn't a "metabolically free" footwear characteristic due to added mass, meaning that data shows per 100g of mass added to a shoe, RE will worsen about 1% (Frederick et al., 1984;Hoogkamer et al., 2016 (Tung et al., 2014). Additionally, an increase in midsole compliance and resilience between shoes was shown to increase RE by 1% on average, both overground and on a treadmill (Worobets et al., 2014). ...
... 1. First, it is possible runners increased knee and ankle joint stiffness in response to the long-term repeated exposure to cushioning in VP. With acute exposure to cushioning, it is known that individuals improve RE (Worobets et al., 2014;Tung et al., 2014). It has also been shown that runners increase lower extremity stiffness in response to footwear cushioning (Kulmala et al., 2018). ...
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“Super shoes,” also known as advanced footwear technology (AFT), have gained notoriety due to a combination of technologies that improve running economy (RE), or efficiency, by 2.5-4% (Hoogkamer et al., 2018; Hunter et al., 2019; Joubert & Jones, 2022). These acute effects have been partially explained by changes in ankle and metatarsophalangeal joint mechanics (Farina et al., 2019; Hoogkamer et al., 2019; Ortega et al., 2021). It also seems that runners experience decreased muscular soreness when using AFT in workouts (Castellanos-Salamanca et al., 2023). With the prevalence of AFT being used for workouts as well as races, this research investigates the potential long- term benefits or drawbacks of using these shoes regularly in workouts by comparing the effects of training in super shoes to training in traditional racing flats on overall running efficiency, shoe-specific efficiency, and biomechanics. A pilot study was conducted to investigate the long-term effects of using Nike Vaporflys (VP) in workouts by comparing 8 weeks of training in VP vs Nike Waffle flats (FL). Collegiate cross country runners (n=8) completed pre- (PRE) and post-intervention (POST) lab testing in both VP and FL. They then were assigned either VP or FL for an 8-week intervention. A weekly questionnaire detailed mileage, shoes worn for workouts/races, perceived effort, and muscular soreness. The results from the pilot study suggested a potential footwear specificity of training principle, where runners become relatively more efficient in the shoe they train in. Additionally, FL trained runners improved their overall RE (non-shoe- specific) to a greater extent than VP trained runners, though this result should be interpreted with caution due to small sample and uneven group sizes. Using similar methodology, a second phase intervention study was conducted with competitive cross country runners (n=13). In this study phase, associations between primary RE outcomes and exploratory biomechanics measures were tested in correlational analyses. Additionally, ANCOVA models were used to identify significant predictors of shoe- specific and overall RE changes. In the second phase study, VP trained runners increased relative efficiency in VP, and FL trained runners improved relative efficiency in FL. FL trained runners still improved overall RE to a greater degree than VP trained runners, though by a smaller margin compared to the pilot study. Correlations and linear regression models revealed that possible mechanisms behind this “learned” response to training in VP may include changes in ankle joint velocities and increased MTP joint dorsiflexion velocity when running in VP. VP trained runners generally experienced less soreness and exertion during workouts, potentially allowing for increases in training load when using AFT during hard running workouts. These results supported the findings of our pilot study that suggest a specificity of training effect where participants improved RE more from PRE to POST when running in the shoe type they trained in. While training in FL may afford potentially greater overall ME improvements from workouts, injury risk should be considered. Future longitudinal research should be conducted to identify mechanisms through which runners “learn” how to use AFT more effectively, which may provide insight for researchers and footwear companies to further optimize AFT.
... Running with lighter footwear has been shown to reduce metabolic demands by about 1% per added 100 g [9][10][11] . Footwear with greater cushioning and greater energy return can affect performance, enabling athletes to run faster and more economically [12][13][14][15] . By increasing the longitudinal bending stiffness, performance was shown to be improved, as expressed by improved running economy 16 and reduced muscle shortening velocity 17 . ...
... While runners in cushioned shoes require less phys-IJKSS 12(4):57-62 ical work, those who go barefoot must use more muscle to cushion their foot's impact when it collides with the ground. One drawback to wearing shoes is that they add to the overall mass which increases the metabolic cost (Tung et al., 2014). According to the cushioning hypothesis of requiring less physical work with shoes, for every 100 grams of mass added to a shoe, VO 2 increases by approximately 1%. ...
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Background: Sprinting is the peak expression of running performance and different strength and physical characteristics play roles in the expression of sprint speed. Leg stiffness and reactive strength index (RSI), which measures the strength of stretch-shortening cycle, are two major factors on rate of force development and performance. It is well known that carbon fiber insoles optimize energy return while minimizing energy loss. Objectives: The purpose of this study was: (1) to investigate the effects of a carbon fiber insole on the expression of vertical leg stiffness (kvert) and RSI during 20-yard sprint and drop jump; and (2) to examine the effects of the carbon insoles on sprint kinetics and kinematics. Methods: Using a randomized crossover design, fifteen participants performed a drop jump and a 20-yard sprint in two shoe conditions (carbon, traditional insoles) to measure RSI, Kvert, peak vGRF, ground contact time (GCT), speed, knee angle at contact, and knee angle at toe-off. Results: Significant differences between conditions for the performance variables occurred only in the drop jump (kvert, p = 0.023; peak vGRF, p = 0.001). Conclusions: Further research is needed to examine sprint kinetics and kinematics with varying insole stiffness at maximal velocity.
... Importantly, it is easy to manufacture and manipulate. While it provided beneficial cushioning, 10,11 it acted as a dampener, typically returning 60% to 75% of energy under compression. 1,12,13 Other foams emerged, such as the thermoplastic polyurethane foam used by Adidas as their "Boost" foam that provided more favorable resilience (75%-79% of energy returned) 1,14 and demonstrated a small enhancement (∼1%) of RE. 14 The foam in the first AFT-the AFT NVF -was polyether block amide (PEBA), 1 a block copolymer that was previously used as a rigid plastic, providing structure in ski boots or spike plates in sprint spikes alike. ...
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The modern era of running shoes began in the 1960s with the introduction of simple polymer midsole foams, and it ended in the late 2010s with the introduction of advanced footwear technology (AFT). AFT is characterized by highly compliant, resilient, and lightweight foams with embedded, rigid, longitudinal architecture. This footwear complex improves a runner’s efficiency, and it introduced a step change in running performance. Purpose : This review serves to examine the current state of knowledge around AFT—what it is and what we know about its ingredients, what benefits it confers to runners, and what may or may not mediate that benefit. We also discuss the emerging science around AFT being introduced to track-racing spikes and how it is currently regulated in sporting contexts. Conclusions : AFT has changed running as a sport. The construction of AFT is grossly understood, but the nature of the interacting elements is not. The magnitude of the enhancement of a runner’s economy and performance has been characterized and modeled, but the nuanced factors that mediate those responses have not. With these knowns and unknowns, we conclude the review by providing a collection of best practices for footwear researchers, advice for runners interested in AFT, and a list of pertinent items for further investigation.
... Furthermore, the "cost of cushioning" hypothesis suggests that external cushioning reduces the metabolic work otherwise required to mitigate the impact forces of running. 25,26 As such, the greater amount of compliant and resilient foam in the shoes may allow for greater elastic work to be done by the shoes-both in compression, where it mitigates impact and stores energy, and in ) between column and row shoe conditions. Cohen d z within-subject effect size. ...
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Purpose: Determine the effects of advanced footwear technology (AFT) in track spikes and road-racing shoes on running economy (RE). Methods: Four racing shoes (3 AFT and 1 control) and 3 track spikes (2 AFT and 1 control) were tested in 9 male distance runners on 2 visits. Shoes were tested in a random sequence over 5-minute trials on visit 1 (7 trials at 16 km·h-1; 5-min rest between trials) and in the reverse/mirrored order on visit 2. Metabolic data were collected and averaged across visits. Results: There were significant differences across footwear conditions for oxygen consumption (F = 13.046; P < .001) and energy expenditure (F = 14.710; P < .001). Oxygen consumption (in milliliters per kilogram per minute) in both the first AFT spike (49.1 [1.7]; P < .001; dz = 2.1) and the other AFT spike (49.3 [1.7]; P < .001; dz = 1.7) was significantly lower than the control spike (50.2 [1.6]), which represented a 2.1% (1.0%) and 1.8% (1.0%) improvement in RE, respectively, for the AFT spikes. When comparing the subjects' most economic shoe by oxygen consumption (49.0 [1.5]) against their most economic spike (49.0 [1.8]), there were no statistical differences (P = .82). Similar statistical conclusions were made when comparing energy expenditure (in watts per kilogram). Conclusions: AFT track spikes improved RE ∼2% relative to a traditional spike. Despite their heavier mass, AFT shoes resulted in similar RE as AFT spikes. This could make the AFT shoe an attractive option for longer track races, particularly in National Collegiate Athletic Association and high school athletics, where there are no stack-height rules.
Before initiating sports technology interventions for performance enhancement or injury prevention, the determinant factors or risk factors must be known. If this knowledge is based on empirical work or experience, technologies can be developed, e.g. for performance enhancement. The interaction of the athlete with the technological tool is of particular importance here. This interaction can be based more on performance-physiological mechanisms (respiratory-cardiovascular-metabolic) or optimize neuromuscular-skeletal functions.
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Based on mass alone, one might intuit that running barefoot would exact a lower metabolic cost than running in shoes. Numerous studies have shown that adding mass to shoes increases submaximal oxygen uptake (V˙O(2)) by approximately 1% per 100 g per shoe. However, only two of the seven studies on the topic have found a statistically significant difference in V˙O(2) between barefoot and shod running. The lack of difference found in these studies suggests that factors other than shoe mass (e.g., barefoot running experience, foot strike pattern, shoe construction) may play important roles in determining the metabolic cost of barefoot versus shod running. Our goal was to quantify the metabolic effects of adding mass to the feet and compare oxygen uptake and metabolic power during barefoot versus shod running while controlling for barefoot running experience, foot strike pattern, and footwear. Twelve males with substantial barefoot running experience ran at 3.35 m·s with a midfoot strike pattern on a motorized treadmill, both barefoot and in lightweight cushioned shoes (∼150 g per shoe). In additional trials, we attached small lead strips to each foot/shoe (∼150, ∼300, and ∼450 g). For each condition, we measured the subjects' rates of oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production and calculated metabolic power. V˙O(2) increased by approximately 1% for each 100 g added per foot, whether barefoot or shod (P < 0.001). However, barefoot and shod running did not significantly differ in V˙O(2) or metabolic power. A consequence of these two findings was that for footwear conditions of equal mass, shod running had ∼3%-4% lower V˙O(2) and metabolic power demand than barefoot running (P < 0.05). Running barefoot offers no metabolic advantage over running in lightweight, cushioned shoes.
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The purpose of this study was to compare running economy across three submaximal speeds expressed as both oxygen cost (mlxkg(-1)xkm(-1)) and the energy required to cover a given distance (kcalxkg(-1)xkm(-1)) in a group of trained male distance runners. It was hypothesized that expressing running economy in terms of caloric unit cost would be more sensitive to changes in speed than oxygen cost by accounting for differences associated with substrate utilization. Sixteen highly trained male distance runners [maximal oxygen uptake (Vo(2max)) 66.5 +/- 5.6 mlxkg(-1)xmin(-1), body mass 67.9 +/- 7.3 kg, height 177.6 +/- 7.0 cm, age 24.6 +/- 5.0 yr] ran on a motorized treadmill for 5 min with a gradient of 0% at speeds corresponding to 75%, 85%, and 95% of speed at lactate threshold with 5-min rest between stages. Oxygen uptake was measured via open-circuit calorimetry. Average oxygen cost was 221 +/- 19, 217 +/- 15, and 221 +/- 13 mlxkg(-1)xkm(-1), respectively. Caloric unit cost was 1.05 +/- 0.09, 1.07 +/- 0.08, and 1.11 +/- 0.07 kcalxkg(-1)xkm(-1) at the three trial speeds, respectively. There was no difference in oxygen cost with respect to speed (P = 0.657); however, caloric unit cost significantly increased with speed (P < 0.001). It was concluded that expression of running economy in terms of caloric unit cost is more sensitive to changes in speed and is a more valuable expression of running economy than oxygen uptake, even when normalized per distance traveled.
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“Fast Running Tracks”, Scientific American, 239(6), 12/78, 148-163. Thomas A. McMahon, Peter R. Greene Harvard University, Div. Applied Sciences, Cambridge, Mass. ABSTRACT - On a springy new indoor track at Harvard University runners can run faster than they can on standard tracks. The design of the track was arrived at through a close analysis of the mechanics of human running. Last year Harvard University opened a new indoor sports facility housing a six-lane 220-yard running track. The track has a supporting substructure consisting primarily of wood and a synthetic surface covering. Most people find running on the track a pleasant and unusual experience. It feels particularly springy and therefore is comfortable to run on, and members of the Harvard track team have sustained considerably fewer injuries since they began practicing on the track. What is most remarkable, however, is that an analysis of the 1977-78 records of Harvard runners and their competitors shows that the track substantially enhances a runner's performance, reducing the time of, say, a well-run mile by several seconds. By all estimations the new track is fast. One of the most important parameters of track design is compliance, and it is mainly in this respect that the new track differs from other indoor tracks . . .
This study tests if running economy differs in minimal shoes versus standard running shoes with cushioned elevated heels and arch supports and in forefoot versus rearfoot strike gaits. We measured the cost of transport (mL O(2)·kg(-1)·m(-1)) in subjects who habitually run in minimal shoes or barefoot while they were running at 3.0 m·s(-1) on a treadmill during forefoot and rearfoot striking while wearing minimal and standard shoes, controlling for shoe mass and stride frequency. Force and kinematic data were collected when subjects were shod and barefoot to quantify differences in knee flexion, arch strain, plantar flexor force production, and Achilles tendon-triceps surae strain. After controlling for stride frequency and shoe mass, runners were 2.41% more economical in the minimal-shoe condition when forefoot striking and 3.32% more economical in the minimal-shoe condition when rearfoot striking (P < 0.05). In contrast, forefoot and rearfoot striking did not differ significantly in cost for either minimal- or standard-shoe running. Arch strain was not measured in the shod condition but was significantly greater during forefoot than rearfoot striking when barefoot. Plantar flexor force output was significantly higher in forefoot than in rearfoot striking and in barefoot than in shod running. Achilles tendon-triceps surae strain and knee flexion were also lower in barefoot than in standard-shoe running. Minimally shod runners are modestly but significantly more economical than traditionally shod runners regardless of strike type, after controlling for shoe mass and stride frequency. The likely cause of this difference is more elastic energy storage and release in the lower extremity during minimal-shoe running.
Running title: Running economy for the bare and shod foot. Spine title: Running economy and kinematic differences: with foot shod and foot bare ... Thesis (M.S.)--Springfield College, 1993. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 99-106).
The first aim of this study was to assess how changes in the mechanical characteristics of the foot/shoe-ground interface affect spatio-temporal variables, ground pressure distribution, sagittal plane kinematics, and running economy in 8 experienced barefoot runners. The second aim was to assess if a special lightweight shoe (Vibram Fivefingers) was effective in mimic the experience of barefoot running. By using an instrumented treadmill, barefoot running, running with the Fivefingers, and running with standard running shoe were compared, analyzing a large numbers of consecutive steps. Foot/shoe-ground interface pressure distribution, lower limb kinematics, V.O(2) and heart rate data were simultaneously collected. Compared to the standard shod condition when running barefoot the athletes landed in more plantarflexion at the ankle. This caused reduced impact forces and changes in stride kinematics. In particular, significantly shorter stride length and contact times and higher stride frequency were observed (P<0.05). Compared to standard shod condition, V.O(2) and peak impact forces were significantly lower with Fivefingers (P<0.05) and much closer to barefoot running. Lower limb kinematics with Fivefingers was similar to barefoot running with a foot position which was significantly more plantarflexed than in control shoe (P<0.05). The data of this study support the assumption that changes in the foot-ground interface led to changes in running pattern in a group of experienced barefoot runners. The Fivefingers model seems to be effective in imitating the barefoot conditions while providing a small amount of protection.
The origins of the data used to construct some of the formulae in current usage for the calculation of energy expenditure are discussed. The differences in expenditure calculated by the various formulae cover a range of about 3 per cent. This error is large in relation to long-term studies of energy balance, and to the accuracy attainable with modern respiration chambers. The differences stem in part from the use of inappropriate original values and in part from errors in arithmetic. A new set of source data and a derived formula are presented.
1. The relation of V̇ O 2 and speed was measured on seven athletes running on a cinder track and an all‐weather track. The results were compared with similar observations on four athletes running on a treadmill. 2. In treadmill running the relation was linear and the zero intercept coincided with resting V̇ O 2 . 3. In track running the relation was curvilinear, but was adequately represented by a linear regression over a range of speeds extending from 8·0 km/hr (2·2 m/sec) to 21·5 km/hr (6·0 m/sec). The slope of this line was substantially steeper than the regression line slope for treadmill running. 4. The influence of air resistance in running was estimated from measurements of V̇ O 2 on a subject running on a treadmill at constant speed against wind of varying velocity. 5. The extra O 2 intake (Δ V̇ O 2 ) associated with wind increased as the square of wind velocity. If wind velocity and running velocity are equal, as in running on a track in calm air, Δ V̇ O 2 will increase as the cube of velocity. 6. It was estimated that the energy cost of overcoming air resistance in track running is about 8% of total energy cost at 21·5 km/hr (5000 m races) and 16% for sprinting 100 m in 10·0 sec.
To determine the effects of widely varying amounts of cushioning upon vertical force (VF) parameters, ten male subjects, (mean weight = 68.0 kg) ran at a speed of 4.5 m . s-1 (6 min/mile pace) and contacted a Kistler force platform. Two shoes were tested: a hard one and a softer shoe that had 50% more cushioning as measured by an instrumented impact tester. Five right footfalls were collected for each shoe on each subject during which the ground reaction forces were sampled at 500 HZ using a PDP 11/34 minicomputer. Eight parameters from the VF data obtained for each trial were selected for analysis and compared statistically using a paired difference t test. It was found [force magnitudes expressed in multiples of body weight (BW)] that the time to the vertical force impact peak (VFIP) was significantly longer (hard = 22.5 ms, soft = 26.6 ms) in the soft shoe; however, no differences were seen in the magnitudes (hard = 2.30 BW, soft = 2.34 BW). The minimum after the VFIP was also significantly delayed in the soft shoe (hard = 33.8 ms, soft = 37.9 ms) and was significantly greater in the soft shoe (hard = 1.46 BW, soft = 1.90 BW). The peak VF propulsive force occurred statistically at the same time in both shoes (hard = 85.7 ms, soft = 84.0 ms), but was significantly greater in the soft shoe (hard = 2.73 BW, soft = 2.83 BW).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)