Employing a national sample of 1,162 employees, we examined the relationship be-tween joh and career attitudes and the presence of a mentor, the mentor's type (formal or informal), the quality ofthe mentoring relationship, and the perceived effectiveness and design of a formal mentoring program. Satisfaction with a mentoring relationship had a stronger impact on attitudes than the presence of a mentor, whether the rela-tionship was formal or informal, or the design of a formal mentoring program. Mentoring has been the focus of much research and discussion over the past decade. Comparisons of nonmentored and mentored individuals yield consistent results: compared to nonmentored indi-viduals, individuals with informal mentors report greater career satisfaction (Fagenson, 1989), career commitment (Colarelli & Bishop, 1990), and career mobility (Scandura, 1992). Informal proteges also report more positive job attitudes than nonmen-tored individuals (cf.. Many organizations have attempted to replicate the benefits of informal mentoring by developing formal mentoring programs (Burke & McKeen, 1989). Formal mentoring relationships develop with organizational assistance or intervention, which is usually in the form of matching mentors and proteges. A third of the nation's major compa-nies apparently have formal mentoring programs (Bragg, 1989), and formal mentoring has been iden-tified as an emerging trend in the new millennium (Tyler, 1998). Three questions come to mind when viewing these emerging trends. First, are all mentoring re-lationships created equal? Existing studies imply this assumption by comparing mentored and non-This study was supported by a 1991 grant from the Women's Bureau of the U.S. Department of Labor. We would like to thank the editor and the three anonymous reviewers for their excellent feedback and help with our manuscript: this was reviewing at its best.