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Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator RAD140 Is Neuroprotective in Cultured Neurons and Kainate-Lesioned Male Rats


Abstract and Figures

The decline in testosterone levels in men during normal aging increases risks of dysfunction and disease in androgen-responsive tissues, including brain. The use of testosterone therapy has the potential to increase the risks for developing prostate cancer and or accelerating its progression. To overcome this limitation, novel compounds termed selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) have been developed that lack significant androgen action in prostate but exert agonist effects in select androgen-responsive tissues. The efficacy of SARMs in brain is largely unknown. In this study, we investigate the SARM RAD140 in cultured rat neurons and male rat brain for its ability to provide neuroprotection, an important neural action of endogenous androgens that is relevant to neural health and resilience to neurodegenerative diseases. In cultured hippocampal neurons, RAD140 was as effective as testosterone in reducing cell death induced by apoptotic insults. Mechanistically, RAD140 neuroprotection was dependent upon MAPK signaling, as evidenced by elevation of ERK phosphorylation and inhibition of protection by the MEK inhibitor U0126. Importantly, RAD140 was also neuroprotective in vivo using the rat kainate lesion model. In experiments with gonadectomized, adult male rats, RAD140 was shown to exhibit peripheral tissue-specific androgen action that largely spared prostate, neural efficacy as demonstrated by activation of androgenic gene regulation effects, and neuroprotection of hippocampal neurons against cell death caused by systemic administration of the excitotoxin kainate. These novel findings demonstrate initial preclinical efficacy of a SARM in neuroprotective actions relevant to Alzheimer's disease and related neurodegenerative diseases.
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Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator RAD140 Is
Neuroprotective in Cultured Neurons and Kainate-
Lesioned Male Rats
Anusha Jayaraman,* Amy Christensen,* V. Alexandra Moser, Rebekah S. Vest,
Chris P. Miller, Gary Hattersley, and Christian J. Pike
Davis School of Gerontology (A.J., A.C., R.S.V., C.J.P.) and Neuroscience Graduate Program (V.A.M.,
C.J.P.), University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90089; and Radius Health, Inc. (C.P.M.,
G.H.), Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
The decline in testosterone levels in men during normal aging increases risks of dysfunction and
disease in androgen-responsive tissues, including brain. The use of testosterone therapy has the
potential to increase the risks for developing prostate cancer and or accelerating its progression.
To overcome this limitation, novel compounds termed “selective androgen receptor modulators”
(SARMs) have been developed that lack significant androgen action in prostate but exert agonist
effects in select androgen-responsive tissues. The efficacy of SARMs in brain is largely unknown. In
this study, we investigate the SARM RAD140 in cultured rat neurons and male rat brain for its ability
to provide neuroprotection, an important neural action of endogenous androgens that is relevant
to neural health and resilience to neurodegenerative diseases. In cultured hippocampal neurons,
RAD140 was as effective as testosterone in reducing cell death induced by apoptotic insults. Mech-
anistically, RAD140 neuroprotection was dependent upon MAPK signaling, as evidenced by ele-
vation of ERK phosphorylation and inhibition of protection by the MAPK kinase inhibitor U0126.
Importantly, RAD140 was also neuroprotective in vivo using the rat kainate lesion model. In ex-
periments with gonadectomized, adult male rats, RAD140 was shown to exhibit peripheral tissue-
specific androgen action that largely spared prostate, neural efficacy as demonstrated by activa-
tion of androgenic gene regulation effects, and neuroprotection of hippocampal neurons against
cell death caused by systemic administration of the excitotoxin kainate. These novel findings
demonstrate initial preclinical efficacy of a SARM in neuroprotective actions relevant to Alzhei-
mer’s disease and related neurodegenerative diseases. (Endocrinology 155: 1398–1406, 2014)
The normal age-related decline in testosterone in men
can increase the risks for dysfunction and disease in
several androgen-responsive tissues throughout the body
(1, 2). In brain, low testosterone is an established factor for
the development of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Circulating
(3, 4) and brain (5, 6) levels of testosterone are lower in
men with AD, and this androgen depletion occurs prior to
clinical (7) and neuropathological (5, 6) diagnoses of the
disease, suggesting that low testosterone contributes to
AD pathogenesis. In transgenic mouse models of AD, de-
pletion of endogenous androgens by surgical (8) or chem-
ical (9) castration accelerates development of AD-like pa-
thology whereas elevation of endogenous testosterone
above normal levels significantly impedes pathology de-
velopment (10).
Androgens induce numerous beneficial neural effects
relevant to a protective role against AD, including reduc-
tion of the AD-related protein
-amyloid (A
) (8, 11, 12)
and promotion of synapse formation (13, 14), neurogen-
esis (15, 16), and specific aspects of cognition (1, 17). An
androgen action particularly important to neurodegen-
erative diseases is neuroprotection. Testosterone can in-
crease neuron survival in several cell culture and animal
models of injury (18). Although testosterone neuropro-
ISSN Print 0013-7227 ISSN Online 1945-7170
Printed in U.S.A.
Copyright © 2014 by the Endocrine Society
Received August 1, 2013. Accepted December 4, 2013.
First Published Online January 15, 2014
* A.J. and A.C. contributed equally to the study.
Abbreviations: AAII, apoptosis activator II; A
-amyloid; AD, Alzheimer’s disease; AR,
androgen receptor; DHT, dihydrotestosterone; E2, 17
-estradiol; ER, estrogen receptor;
GDX, gonadectomized; SARM, selective AR modulator.
1398 Endocrinology, April 2014, 155(4):1398–1406 doi: 10.1210/en.2013-1725
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tective actions are largely androgen receptor (AR) depen-
dent, testosterone is metabolized to several steroids that
can act through other mechanisms (18). For example, tes-
tosterone is metabolized to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by
the enzymatic actions of 5
-reductase (19). Because DHT
is a more potent androgen than testosterone at AR, the
conversion of testosterone to DHT results in more robust
androgen signaling in tissues like prostate (20, 21). DHT
is metabolized to other steroids, including 5
diol, which can reduce some forms of neural
injury (22). Testosterone is also converted by the enzyme
aromatase to 17
-estradiol (E2), which signals through
estrogen receptors (ER) (23). In some paradigms, testos-
terone neuroprotection is dependent upon conversion to
E2 (24–26). Thus, neural benefits of testosterone can be
mediated largely by AR, ER, or a combination of both. For
example, both AR (12) and ER (27, 28) are implicated in
testosterone reduction of A
levels, whereas AR, but not
ER, mediates testosterone increases in spine density. These
and other experimental data (29) predict that androgen-
based hormone therapy may be an effective approach for
the prevention of AD and related neurodegenerative dis-
orders in aging men.
One significant limitation of androgen therapy is the
potential for increased risk of developing prostate cancer
and or accelerated growth of existing prostate tumors. To
overcome this problem, new classes of synthetic testoster-
one-like compounds, called “selective androgen receptor
modulators” (SARMs), have been developed (30, 31).
SARMs are ligands for AR that exert limited effects in
prostate and other reproductive tissues but have potent
androgenic actions in muscle and bone (32, 33). Although
SARMs such as 7
-methyl-19-nortestosterone undergo
enzymatic aromatization to yield metabolites that bind to
ER (34), most of the currently available SARMs are poor
substrates for aromatase and interact specifically with AR
(35). The possible utility of SARMs for therapeutic use in
AD and other neural disorders has only recently begun to
be investigated.
Clinical utility of SARMs for neural disorders requires
that they mimic androgen actions in brain. Although ef-
ficacy of SARMs for peripheral tissues such as muscle is
well established, the extent to which SARMs exert pro-
tective androgen effects in brain is unclear. To begin ad-
dressing this issue, we evaluated the neuroprotective effi-
cacy of the SARM RAD140 using in vitro and in vivo
paradigms previously demonstrated to be androgen re-
sponsive. RAD140 is a novel SARM with high affinity and
specificity for AR, is orally available, and exhibits potent
anabolic effects in rodents and nonhuman primates (36).
We determined the effects of RAD140 against toxic insults
in both primary neuron cultures and the rat kainate lesion,
an animal model of hippocampal neuron loss relevant to
neurodegenerative diseases (37), which has previously
been established to respond to androgen neuroprotection
(38). These data represent the first preclinical report in-
vestigating the neuroprotective actions of SARMs.
Materials and Methods
Testosterone, DHT (Steraloids), and RAD140 and RAD192
(Radius Health Inc) were solubilized in 100% ethanol and then
diluted into culture medium (cell culture experiments; final eth-
anol concentration 0.001%) or in 0.5% methyl cellulose at 1
mg/mL (in vivo experiments). U0126 (EMD Millipore Chemi-
cals) and zVAD-fmk (Sigma-Aldrich) were dissolved in dimeth-
ylsulfoxide and 100% ethanol, respectively, and then diluted
into culture medium. Additional reagents include A
1– 42 (Tocris Bioscience), apoptosis activator II (AAII) (EMD
Millipore Chemicals), and hydrogen peroxide (H
Primary neuron culture
Timed-pregnant female Sprague Dawley rats (Harlan Labo-
ratories, Inc.) were euthanized via CO
inhalation, and embry-
onic day 17–18 pups were collected for preparation of neuronal
cultures. All animal procedures were conducted under a protocol
that was approved by the University of Southern California In-
stitutional Animal Care and Use Committee and in accordance
with National Institute of Health standards. Primary rat hip-
pocampal cultures (95% neuronal as determined by immuno-
reactivity with the neuron-specific antibody NeuN) were pre-
pared with some modifications of a previously described
protocol (39). Dissociated hippocampal neurons (n 6 pups per
preparation) were plated onto poly-L-lysine-coated multiwell
plates at a final density of 2.5 10
for cell-viability
assays. Each culture preparation used 12–14 pups to ensure a
mix of male and female pups to control for sex differences. Cul-
tures were maintained at 37°C in a humidified incubator sup-
plemented with 5% CO
. All experiments were started after 1–2
days in vitro. All in vitro experiments were repeated in at least 3
independent culture preparations.
Cell-viability assay
Cell viability was determined at the end of the treatment pe-
riod by counts of the number of viable neurons as determined by
staining with the vital dye calcein acetoxymethyl ester (Invitro-
gen), as previously described (40). In brief, cultures were incu-
bated for 5 minutes with 2
M calcein acetoxymethyl ester and
then examined using an inverted fluorescent IX70 Olympus mi-
croscope. The number of healthy, positively stained cells was
counted in 4 separate fields (in a predetermined, regular pattern)
per well, 3 wells per condition in each experiment (n 3 inde-
pendent culture preparations). Counts of viable neurons in ve-
hicle-treated controls ranged from 250–300 per well.
Western blots
Lysates were collected from treated cultures using a reducing
sample buffer (62.5 mM Tris-HCl, 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate,
doi: 10.1210/en.2013-1725 1399
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2.5% glycerol, 0.5% 2-
-mercaptoethanol), boiled for 5 minutes,
and centrifuged at 13 000 gfor 10 minutes. The supernatants
were analyzed by immunoblotting using a standard protocol pre-
viously described (39) with 1
g/mL anti-phosphoERK1/2 (EMD
Millipore Chemicals) primary antibody and corresponding horse-
radish peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibody (1:5000) and de-
tected using enhanced luminescence (Amersham). Band densities
were measured using Image J software (version 1.45s) and the rel-
ative percent intensity of the phospho-ERK bands were plotted on
a graph after normalizing to total ERK levels.
In vivo hormone treatments and kainate lesions
Male Sprague Dawley rats (n 8 per group) were purchased
gonadectomized (GDX) and sham-GDX at 3 months of age
(Harlan Laboratories, Inc.). All animals were housed individu-
ally with ad libitum access to food and water under a 12 hour
light, 12 hour-dark cycle. Animals underwent GDX 14 days
prior to the start of treatment, allowing for the depletion of
endogenous hormones. For testosterone (T) treatment, GDX
male rats were implanted with a 30-mm length SILASTIC cap-
sule (1.47 mm inner diameter 1.96 mm outer diameter; Dow
Corning) packed with dry T to a length of 20 mm and capped on
both ends with 5 mm of silicone glue. Vehicle-treated animals
were implanted with an empty capsule with the same dimen-
sions. For SARM treatment, GDX rats were administered 1
mg/kg RAD140 suspended in 0.5% methyl cellulose (1 mg/mL)
by daily oral gavage for 2 weeks. This dose was chosen based on
previous reports for RAD140 efficacy (36). Vehicle-treated an-
imals were gavaged with a similar weight/volume of 0.5%
methyl cellulose. On day 13 of the 2-week hormone treatment
period, kainate (10 mg/kg; Enzo Life Sciences) or sterile water
control was injected ip. Kainate was dissolved immediately prior
to use in sterile water and lightly heated to fully solubilize. On
day 14, SARM-treated rats were administered 1 mg/mL of
RAD140 suspended in safflower oil by sc injection because oral
gavage is difficult following kainate lesion.
At the end of the treatment period, animals were euthanized
by CO
inhalation. Brains were removed and hemisected: one
half was immersion fixed for 48 hours in cold 4% paraformal-
dehyde/Sorenson’s phosphate buffer, and the other half was snap
frozen on dry ice and then stored at 80°C for use in RT-PCR
analyses. The prostate, seminal vesicles, and levator ani were
dissected according to standard procedures (41) and weighed.
Seizure assessment
Kainate induces seizures that are characterized in part by ste-
reotypic behaviors (42). To assess seizures, animals were con-
tinuously monitored for 3 hours following kainate injection for
both seizure latency and severity. Latency is defined as the period
from the kainate injection to the appearance of the first “wet dog
shake,” a stereotypic seizure-related behavior. Seizure severity
was behaviorally assessed according to the Racine scale: 0 no
seizure activity; 1 occasional wet dog shake; 2 head nodding
and facial clonus; 3 unilateral forelimb clonus; 4 bilateral
clonus with rearing, but without falling; 5 seizures accompa-
nied by rearing and falling (43). One sham-GDX animal that
reached stage 5 was immediately euthanized and excluded from
For RNA extractions, rat hypothalami were homogenized
using TRIzol reagent (Invitrogen Corp.) and processed for total
RNA extraction as per manufacturer’s protocol. Purified RNA
g) was used for reverse transcription using the iScript
cDNA synthesis system (Bio-Rad Laboratories), and the result-
ing cDNA was used for real-time quantitative PCR. Quantitative
PCR was carried out using Bio-Rad CFX Connect (Bio-Rad).
The amplification efficiency was estimated from the standard
curve for each gene. Relative quantification of mRNA levels
from various treated samples was determined by the ⌬⌬Ct
method (44) with
-actin as the normalizing control. The PCR
products were also analyzed qualitatively on a 1% agarose gel.
The following primer pair was used: ER
, forward: 5-CATC-
-actin, forward: 5-AGCCATGTACGTAGC-
Fixed brains were sectioned exhaustively in the horizontal
plane at 40
m using a vibratome (Leica Microsystems) and
stored at 4°C in PBS with 0.03% sodium azide until use. Every
eighth section was immunostained with NeuN antibody (1:250;
Millipore) using standard avidin-biotinylated enzyme complex
immunohistochemistry with Vectastain Elite ABC kit (Vector
Laboratories), as previously described (38). Stained sections
were mounted on slides, allowed to dry overnight, and then cov-
erslipped with Krystalon (EMD Chemicals) without further de-
hydration. A second set of tissue was mounted and dried and
underwent a routine thionin stain for comparison and imaging.
The number of NeuN immunoreactive cells in the CA2/3 re-
gion of the hippocampus was estimated by 2-dimensional cell
counts using random sampling based on the optical dissector
technique, which has been previously used to estimate the num-
ber of total cells in the hippocampus (38, 45). Briefly, an Olym-
pus BX50 microscope equipped with a motorized stage and com-
puter guided CASTGrid software (Olympus) was used for
unbiased sampling. In every eighth section of hippocampus
(8 –12 sections per brain), the CA2/CA3 region of the hippocam-
pus was outlined, and a randomly oriented counting frame (476
) with an X-Y step of 150
m was used for cell
counts. Only cells with positively stained nuclei were counted,
not dead or dying cells or cells that were on the upper or lower
edge of the section the cytoplasm of which was stained but ap-
peared without a nucleus. To control for variability in the num-
ber of sections analyzed, the total number of NeuN-immunore-
active nuclei in each animal was divided by the number of
sections assessed and then expressed as a percentage of neurons
counted in the sham-GDX, nonlesioned group. Of the 24 rats
that received kainate and survived the kainate-induced seizures,
2 were excluded from analyses because they showed extensive
loss of CA1 neurons indicating hypoxic injury, which is known
to occur in a subset of lesioned animals (46).
Statistical analyses
Raw data were statistically assessed using ANOVA followed
by between-group comparisons using Fisher’s least significant
different test. Significance was indicated by P.05.
1400 Jayaraman et al Neuroprotectiveness of SARM RAD140 Endocrinology, April 2014, 155(4):1398 –1406
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RAD140 protects cultured neurons against A
in a
dose-dependent manner
As an initial step to evaluate the neuroprotective po-
tential of RAD140, we compared RAD140 with the en-
dogenous androgens T and DHT for their relative abilities
to reduce neuron death induced by
aggregated A
1–42, the peptide im-
plicated in AD neurodegeneration.
We found that 24 hours’ exposure to
decreased the number of viable
neurons by approximately 50%, as
compared to vehicle treatment. Con-
sistent with previous observations
(47), treatment with T and DHT be-
ginning 1 hour prior to A
cantly reduced cell death (Figure 1, A
and B). In comparison, treatment of
cultures with increasing doses of
RAD140 (Figure 1C) or the related
SARM RAD192 (Figure 1D) pro-
vided similar levels of neuroprotec-
tion. The minimum effective concen-
tration of both SARMs was 30 nM
whereas T and DHT yielded signifi-
cant protection at 10 nM.
RAD140 protects cultured
neurons against apoptotic insults
We previously showed that androgen neuroprotection
is limited to insults that involve apoptosis (48). To inves-
tigate whether the SARMs mimic this established andro-
gen-protective pathway, we assessed their abilities to re-
duce cell death induced by 3 insults: A
, apoptosis
activator II (AAII), and hydrogen peroxide (H
). To
confirm our prior observations that
and AAII, but not H
, induce
cell death by caspase-dependent ap-
optosis in our culture system, we
evaluated the ability of the caspase
inhibitor zVAD to attenuate cell
death. Exposure of cultures to 50
M zVAD-fmk for 2 hours prior to
insult exposure significantly attenu-
ated cell death due to 50
M AAII but did not significantly
affect cell loss caused by 25
(Figure 2A). Next, we com-
pared the pattern of protection
against the 3 insults by T and the 2
SARMs. Cultures were pretreated
for 1 hour with 10 nM testosterone,
100 nM RAD140, or 100 nM
RAD192, and then exposed for 24
hours to A
, AAII, or H
. T (Fig-
ure 2B), RAD140 (Figure 2C), and
RAD192 (Figure 2D) shared similar
protective profiles of significantly
Figure 1.RAD140 increases neuron viability against A
in a concentration-dependent manner.
Neuron survival was measured in cultures pretreated with 0–100 nM T (A) and DHT (B); 0–300
nM RAD140 (C) and RAD192 (D) for 1 hour, followed by 24-hour exposure to 50
(solid bars). Cell viability data show the mean (SEM) cell counts of viable cells expressed as
percentage of vehicle-treated control group (C, open bar). *, P.0001 relative to vehicle AAII
condition (0, solid bar); n 3.
Figure 2.RAD140 is neuroprotective against apoptotic insults. Cultures were treated with 50
M zVAD-fmk (A), 10 nM T (B), 100 nM RAD140 (C), or 100 nM RAD192 (D) for 1 hour,
followed by exposure to 50
1–42, 3
M AAII, or 25
for 24 hours, and
processed for cell viability. Data show mean (SEM) cell viability expressed as percentage of
vehicle-treated control (Veh, open bar). *, P.001 relative to the corresponding vehicle-treated
condition (gray bars); n 3.
doi: 10.1210/en.2013-1725 1401
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protecting against neuronal death induced by A
AAII, but not H
MAPK signaling is involved in SARM-mediated
Androgen-mediated neuroprotection against apoptosis
is dependent upon activation of a MAPK/ERK signaling
pathway (40). To evaluate the role of MAPK/ERK signal-
ing in mediating the observed neuroprotective effects of
SARMs, we first determined whether RAD140 and
RAD192 activate MAPK/ERK signaling. Neuronal cul-
tures were exposed for 15 minutes to 10 nM T, 100 nM
RAD140, or 100 nM RAD192 in the presence or absence
of pretreatment with 10
M U0126, a MEK inhibitor that
blocks MAPK/ERK signaling (49). Western blots with
phospho-specific and pan-ERK antibodies show that T,
RAD140, and RAD192 induce a significant increase in
levels of phosphorylated but not total ERK (Figure 3, A
and B). Both the basal levels of ERK phosphorylation and
the androgen-mediated increases were significantly atten-
uated by U0126 (Figure 3, A and B).
We then examined the effect of U0126 inhibition of
MAPK/ERK signaling on the extent of neuroprotection by
SARMs against A
-induced cell death. Pretreatment with
M U0126 completely blocked androgen protection
by T, RAD140, and RAD192 (Figure 3C). U0126 alone
had no effect on either basal cell viability or the magnitude
of A
toxicity (Figure 3C).
RAD140 has tissue-specific effects in vivo
Based on the cell culture observations, we investigated the
neuroprotective potential of RAD140 in vivo. Young adult
male rats were randomly assigned to sham-GDX, GDX,
GDXT, and GDXRAD140 groups that were exposed to
the neurotoxin kainate 2 weeks after the initiation of andro-
gen treatments. Following the lesion, seminal vesicles, pros-
tate, and levator ani were removed and weighed to confirm
the reported tissue-selective androgen effects of RAD140
(36). GDX resulted in significantly reduced weight of all 3
androgen-responsive tissues, but tissue weights were re-
stored to sham-GDX levels in the GDXT group (Figure 4,
A–C). RAD140 treatment resulted in a nonsignificant in-
crease in the weights of seminal vesicles and prostate, which
were still significantly lower than weights observed in the sham-
GDX and GDXT groups. On the other hand, RAD140 sig-
nificantly increased the weight of the levator ani, an androgen-
responsive muscle, to levels similar to those observed in the
sham-GDX and GDXT groups (Figure 4, A–C).
We next investigated whether RAD140 exerts androgenic
effects in brain. To accomplish this, we examined androgen
regulation of ER
mRNA expression in the hypothalamus,
a brain region largely unaffected by kainate. Consistent with
prior observations (50), we observed that GDX resulted in
increased ER
mRNA expression in comparison to sham-
GDX animals. Both GDXT and GDXRAD140 groups
exhibited significantly decreased ER
mRNA expression rel-
ative to the GDX animals (Figure 4D).
RAD140 is neuroprotective against kainate-
induced hippocampal neuron loss
To investigate the neuroprotective effects of RAD140
in vivo, the extent of kainate-induced neuron death was
assessed by counts of surviving cells immunostained with
the neuron-specific antibody NeuN in the CA2/3 region of
hippocampus. Relative to vehicle treatment, kainate in-
duced approximately 20% cell loss in the sham-GDX an-
Figure 3.Quantitative analyses of MAPK signaling in SARM
neuroprotection. A, Pretreatment of cultures with vehicle (top panel)
or 10
M U0126 (middle panel) for 2 hours was followed by exposure
to 10 nM T, 100 nM RAD140, or 100 nM RAD192 for 15 minutes, and
then examined by Western blot using phosphorylated (top and middle
panel) and total (bottom panel) ERK-1/2 antibodies. B, The graph
shows the percent phospho-ERK (pERK) expressed as a ratio between
phosphorylated to total ERK-1 (44 kDa), normalized to the vehicle-
treated control condition. C, Following a 2-hour pretreatment with
vehicle or 10
M of MEK inhibitor U0126 (U), cultures were exposed
to 10 nM T, 100 nM RAD140, or 100 nM RAD192 for 1 hour and then
treated with 50
1–42 for 24 hours. Cell viability data show
mean (SEM) counts of viable neurons plotted as percentage vehicle-
treated control (C, open bar). *, P.0001 relative to vehicle control
(C, open bar); #, P.001 between each vehicle and the
corresponding U0126 treatments (open bar vs solid bars); ,P.01
relative to U0126-treated control (C, solid bar); n 3. Veh, vehicle.
1402 Jayaraman et al Neuroprotectiveness of SARM RAD140 Endocrinology, April 2014, 155(4):1398 –1406
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imals (Figure 5, A and B). Neuron survival was significantly
reduced in the GDX group, an effect that was prevented by
T treatment (Figure 5, C and D; F
(3, 29)
6.93, P.001).
Notably, RAD140 was as effective as T in protecting GDX
rats from kainate-induced neuron loss (Figure 5, E and F).
Because kainate induces seizures,
we also assessed the effects of the
hormonal manipulations on both the
latency to seizure onset and maxi-
mum seizure severity. The intensity
of seizure behavior is known to affect
the degree of hippocampal neuron
loss. All kainate-treated animals
achieved at least level 1 seizure
within the 3-hour observation pe-
riod but none of the vehicle-injected
animals showed any seizure-related
behaviors. Among the lesioned ani-
mals, there was no significant differ-
ence across groups in seizure latency
(Figure 6A; F
(3, 24)
0.75 P.53).
Similarly, seizure severity did not sig-
nificantly vary by treatment group (F
(3, 26)
1.36 P.28), although there
was a trend toward reduced severity
in the GDXT and GDXRAD140
groups (Figure 6B).
In this study, we report the first findings of neuroprotec-
tive actions by SARMs in both cell culture and in vivo. Our
results show in primary neuron cul-
tures that the SARM RAD140 in-
creases cell viability against A
icity in a concentration-dependent
manner. The neuroprotective effects
of RAD140 are specific to apoptotic
insults and dependent upon a
MAPK-signaling pathway. In GDX
rats treated with RAD140, RAD140
induces androgenic responses in
muscle and brain, but not in repro-
ductive tissues. Moreover, RAD140
treatment significantly protects hip-
pocampal neurons from kainate
SARMs are steroidal and non-
steroidal ligands for AR capable of
activating androgen signaling in a
tissue-specific manner (35, 51).
Many factors contribute to the tissue
specificity of SARMs. For example,
unlike testosterone, nonsteroidal
SARMs are not substrates for aro-
matase and 5
-reductase and thus
Figure 4.RAD140 induces tissue-specific androgenic effects. Data show mean (SEM) tissue
weights of (A) seminal vesicles, (B) prostate, and (C) levator ani muscle from male rats in sham-GDX
(open bar), GDX (solid bar), GDXT (gray bar), and GDXRAD140 (gray bar) conditions. D, Relative
mRNA levels of ER
in the hypothalamus were determined across groups by real-time PCR. Data show
expression relative to the Sham condition. *, P.001 vs sham; ,P.0001 vs T; n 7 per condition.
Figure 5.RAD140 reduces neuronal cell death cause by kainate. The extent of neuronal cell
death in the CA2/3 region of the hippocampus following kainate lesion was determined
qualitatively and quantitatively across groups. Images show representative thionin-stained
sections of CA3 hippocampus from (A) nonlesioned sham-GDX rats and the following kainate-
lesioned groups: B, Sham-GDX; C, GDX; D, GDXT; E, GDXRAD140. F, Neuron survival was
quantified by counts of NeuN-immunoreactive cells. Data show mean (SEM) counts expressed
as a percentage of values from nonlesioned sham animals. *, P.05 compared with
nonlesioned sham-GDX; n 7 per condition.
doi: 10.1210/en.2013-1725 1403
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do not yield potent estrogen and androgen metabolites
(35, 52). Tissue specificity of SARMs can also be related
to tissue-specific expression of AR coregulators and pro-
tein-protein interactions associated with SARM binding
that can differ across tissues (51, 53). The promise of se-
lective androgen treatment has been realized in animal
models, with SARMs shown to promote muscle and bone
health in the absence of prostate growth (33, 52, 54, 55).
These advances have encouraged evaluation of SARMs in
clinical trials for disorders including cachexia (clinical
trial NCT00467844) (55) and osteoporosis (51). The data
presented here are among the first highlighting the poten-
tial efficacy of SARMs for neural endpoints. Our finding
that RAD140 can exert androgenic actions in brain at a
dose that retains peripheral tissue selectivity is consistent
with prior observations in rodents that the SARM ACP-
105 can ameliorate cognitive deficits associated with apo-
lipoprotein E (56) and irradiation (57).
Androgens exert numerous beneficial actions in brain
by several distinct mechanisms (18). Many, but not all,
neural androgen actions involve AR activation, which
triggers a wide range of rapid cell-signaling pathways as
well as classic genomic regulation (58). Because SARMs
can interact with AR differently than endogenous andro-
gens, the efficacy of specific SARMs in activating defined
androgenic pathways is a key consideration in pursuing
translational goals. In terms of androgen neuroprotection,
our prior work has defined a mechanism that is both de-
pendent upon MAPK/ERK signaling pathway (40) and lim-
ited in protective efficacy to apoptosis (48). Our findings
with RAD140 and the related compound RAD192 demon-
strate that both SARMs mimic this established mechanism of
neuroprotection in cultured neurons: they activate MAPK/
ERK signaling as evidenced by ERK
phosphorylation, their neuroprotec-
tion is blocked by pharmacologic in-
hibition of MAPK signaling, and they
protect against 2 apoptotic insults but
not a nonapoptotic insult. MAPK/
ERK signaling is also known to con-
tribute to androgen protection in non-
neural cells (59, 60). In adult male rats
depleted of endogenous androgens by
GDX, RAD140 matched the neuro-
protection observed with T against
kainate, a neurotoxin known to kill
hippocampal neurons via apoptosis
(61). Because neither T nor RAD140
significantly affected kainate-induced
seizure behavior, a variable that can
alter lesion severity (38), these obser-
vations suggest a direct mechanism of
androgen neuroprotection consistent with our prior obser-
vations (39).
Still unclear is the extent to which RAD140 mimics
activation of other beneficial androgen pathways in brain.
MAPK/ERK signaling is involved in several important
functions in the brain including neurogenesis, differenti-
ation, synaptic plasticity, memory formation, and cell sur-
vival (62–65). However, additional signaling pathways
likely contribute to androgen actions in brain. in addition
to MAPK/ERK, androgens also rapidly activate cAMP re-
sponse element binding protein signaling in neurons by a
protein kinase C-dependent mechanism (66). In addition
to rapid cell-signaling pathways, many neural androgen
effects involve classic genomic responses. For example,
androgen regulation of gene expression is implicated in
protecting against AD pathology by reducing A
mulation. Specifically, androgens reduce the expression of
the proamyloidogenic enzyme
-secretase (10) and in-
crease expression of the A
degrading enzyme neprilysin
by an AR-dependent genomic mechanism (12). Androgen-
induced neurogenesis is also AR dependent in male rats (67)
and, at least in songbirds, involves genomic mechanisms in-
cluding up-regulation of matrix metalloproteinases (68).
Similarly, androgen-mediated increases in dendritic spines in
mouse hippocampus has been linked to up-regulation of
brain-derived neurotrophic factor and postsynaptic density
protein 95 (69). It is important to note that several neural
actions of testosterone, including its effects on sexual behav-
ior and some aspects of neuroprotection, involve its conver-
sion to E2 (24, 70). Because RAD140 and related SARMs are
not aromatase substrates and are not known to signal
through estrogen pathways, there are limitations in their abil-
ities to fully mimic T actions in brain.
Figure 6.Kainate-induced seizures are not affected by androgen status Behavioral features of
kainate-induced seizures were monitored and quantified for a 3-hour period following the lesion.
Data show mean values (SEM) of (A) latency to seizure onset and (B) seizure severity across
groups (n 7 per condition).
1404 Jayaraman et al Neuroprotectiveness of SARM RAD140 Endocrinology, April 2014, 155(4):1398 –1406
The Endocrine Society. Downloaded from by [${individualUser.displayName}] on 16 September 2014. at 21:59 For personal use only. No other uses without permission. . All rights reserved.
The loss of androgens with normal aging can negatively
impact androgen-responsive tissues, including the brain,
and has been shown to be a significant risk factor for
development of neurodegenerative disorders including
AD (6, 7). The increased risk for prostate cancer makes T
therapy a risky treatment option (71). Moreover, even in
neurons, high doses of T can be harmful rather than ben-
eficial (72, 73). In this regard, SARMs like RAD140 can be
better alternatives to T because they are only partial ago-
nists or antagonists to androgenic regulation of prostate
while still having androgenic effects on other tissues such
as muscle and brain. In addition, higher doses of SARMs
as compared with T might still promote neuron viability
and not induce apoptosis, making them a suitable thera-
peutic strategy against age-related disorders such as AD.
Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to: Christian
J. Pike, University of Southern California, 3715 McClintock Ave-
nue, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0191. E-mail:
This study was supported by grants from the Alzheimer’s
Association (IIRG-10–174301) and National Institutes of
Health (P50 AG05142) (to C.J.P.).
Disclosure Summary: A.J., A.C., V.A.M., R.V., and C.J.P.
have nothing to disclose and no conflicts of interest with the
information presented in this manuscript including any personal,
financial, or other conflicts. G.H. is an employee and stockholder
and C.P.M. is a stockholder of Radius Health, Inc.
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1406 Jayaraman et al Neuroprotectiveness of SARM RAD140 Endocrinology, April 2014, 155(4):1398 –1406
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... RAD-140 suppressed cancer growth in models of metastatic breast cancer, which express androgen and estrogen receptors, and had an acceptable safety profile [77]. RAD-140 has also been reported to have neuroprotective effects by reducing programmed cell death of neurons in various neurodegenerative rat models [78]. ...
Full-text available
Background and objectives. Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) are androgen receptor ligands that exhibit pronounced anabolic effects but demonstrate tissue selectivity regarding their androgenic effects. Despite the established beneficial effects of non-steroidal SARMs in several socially significant diseases, they also exhibit side effects. The purpose of this study was to present the currently reported adverse effects of SARMs in animals and humans. Clinical trials have been conducted with the non-steroidal group of modulators; however, in some cases, they were not sufficiently effective, and in others, the results have not yet been reported. To date, no non-steroidal SARM has been approved as a drug, but these substances are freely available on the Internet. Their frequency of use is increasing, which poses significant health risks. Materials and methods. To conduct this review, we identified and screened articles on SARMs using the Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, and PubMed electronic databases. Results. An increasing number of cases of liver damage due to the misuse of SARMs were reported during the period 2020–2024. In both humans and animals, non-steroidal SARMs frequently cause adverse changes in lipid profile indicators, as well as in gonadotropic and sex hormone concentrations. Cases of myocarditis, rhabdomyolysis, gynecomastia, and tendon rupture have been documented in amateur users of SARMs. Conclusion. In conclusion, SARMs are not safe, and measures must be taken to control and regulate their online trade. Additionally, greater efforts are needed to publicize information related to their side effects.
... 21 The administration of SARM RAD140 did not cause an increase in the size of the seminal vesicles and the prostate. 22 This study has some limitations. The intricate biological effects of steroid hormones and SARMs vary depending on the binding affinity and degree of agonism and antagonism to ARs in various types of tissues. ...
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BACKGROUND Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) have been investigated as a potential treatment for hypogonadism, a condition characterized by low testosterone levels in men. The idea is to provide therapeutic benefits similar to traditional testosterone replacement therapy. However, research in this area is still in its early stages, and more extensive studies are needed to establish the efficacy of SARM. This study aimed to determine the impact of SARM RAD140 on testosterone levels, fibromuscular stroma, and prostate mass in rats undergoing bilateral orchidectomy. METHODS This was an in vivo study using posttest-only control group design in rats (Rattus norvegicus). The positive and negative control groups consisted of rats with and without bilateral orchidectomy, respectively. The treatment groups were rats given SARM RAD140 with and without orchidectomy. Testosterone levels, histopathology, and prostate mass were examined at the end of week 6, and the quantitative data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA. RESULTS This study found no difference in prostate mass (0.598 [0.05] g versus 0.590 [0.07] g, p = 0.984), fibromuscular stroma ratio (0.483 [0.094] versus 0.463 [0.057], p = 0.984), and testosterone level (0.006 [0.005] ng/dl versus 0.014 [0.004] ng/dl, p = 0.098) compared to positive control with orchidectomy and SARM RAD140 administration 6 weeks after treatment. CONCLUSIONS There were no differences in testosterone levels, prostate mass, or the ratio of fibromuscular stroma to epithelium area in rats undergoing bilateral orchidectomy and placebo surgery with the administration of SARM RAD140.
... 13,29,59 Several SARMs have been developed that serve as site-specific androgen receptor agonists at other locations such as the nervous system. 36 It is possible that other SARM formulations could also alleviate muscle pain; however, our results cannot be generalized to these other compounds. Next, we only tested the analgesic effects of SARMs in a mouse model of widespread muscle pain. ...
Chronic pain is a significant health problem associated with disability and reduced quality of life. Current management of chronic pain is inadequate with only modest effects of pharmacological interventions. Thus, there is a need for the generation of analgesics for treating chronic pain. While preclinical and clinical studies demonstrate the analgesic effects of testosterone, clinical use of testosterone is limited by adverse androgenic effects. Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) activate androgen receptors and overcome treatment limitations by minimizing androgenic side effects. Thus, we tested if daily soluble SARMs or a SARM-loaded microparticle formulation alleviated muscle hyperalgesia in a mouse-model of widespread pain (male and female C57BL/6J mice). We tested if the analgesic effects of the SARM-loaded microparticle formulation was mediated through androgen receptors by blocking androgen receptors with flutamide pellets. In vitro and in vivo release kinetics were determined for SARM-loaded microparticles. Safety and toxicity of SARM treatment was determined using serum cardiac and liver toxicity panels, heart histology, and conditioned place preference testing. Subcutaneous daily SARM administration, and 2 injections, I week apart, of SARM-loaded microparticles alleviated muscle hyperalgesia in both sexes and was prevented with flutamide treatment. Sustained release of SARM, from the microparticle formulation, was observed both in vitro and in vivo for 4 weeks. SARM treatment produced no cardiac or liver toxicity and did not produce rewarding behaviors. These studies demonstrate SARM-loaded microparticles alleviate muscle pain, release drug for a sustained period, are safe, and may serve as a potential therapeutic for chronic muscle pain.
... [63][64] It has been evaluated for treatment of hormone receptor-positive breast cancer and neurodegenerative disease. 65,66 Currently, the drug has not achieved FDA approval for use and remains in phase I of clinical trials. Despite lack of approval or clear safety data, RAD-140 remains among the most widely used SARMs for athletic performance. ...
Full-text available
Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) are a class of nonsteroidal drugs that are favored over anabolic androgenic steroids (AASs) for their tissue-selectivity and improved side-effect profile. These drugs have been evaluated for treatment of various diseases including muscle-wasting disorders, osteoporosis, and breast cancer. Despite lacking approval for therapeutic use, SARMs are widely used recreationally as performance enhancing drugs by bodybuilders and athletes. In recent years, cases of drug-induced liver injury (DILI) secondary to SARMs have begun to emerge, but little is known regarding their hepatotoxicity. In this review, we provide current knowledge regarding DILI from SARMs. A literature search was conducted regarding SARMs and liver injury to evaluate relevant cases and information. SARMs have been associated with a cholestatic syndrome congruent with that of DILI from AASs, and it consists of a bland cholestasis in which there is minimal bile duct injury, inflammation, or necrosis. Patients present with an insidious onset of jaundice with marked hyperbilirubinemia and mild hepatic enzyme elevations. No clear treatment exists, although patients typically show improvement with cessation of the offending SARM. Given the novelty of these drugs, further study is necessary to understand diagnosis, management, and complications of SARM-related DILI.
... Помимо Т, в качестве нейрорегенерационной терапии могут использоваться другие андрогены (оксандролон, станозолол, нандролон и т.д.), а также селективные модуляторы андрогенных рецепторов, которые оказывают нейропротекторное действие при БА [103], но требуют проведения дополнительных исследований. ...
Full-text available
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease that causes dementia in half of the cases. Asthma is usually found in people over 65 years of age. The etiopathogenesis of the disease is multifactorial and includes genetic factors, nutritional disorders, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and aging. Sex hormones have an important influence on the development of AD, as evidenced by a higher incidence in women than in men. Considering the significant influence of T on the maintenance of normal brain function, the present study is aimed at evaluating the impact of androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), as well as testosterone therapy, on the risk of AD development and progression. Although there is some clinical inconsistency between studies, androgens have a significant effect on brain function and are beneficial for AD patients. Low levels of circulating androgens should be considered as a significant risk factor for the development of AD and memory loss. With a reduced level of T in the plasma of men, its administration improves cognitive performance and memory, treatment should be started at an early stage of the disease. In men and women with AD, androgens improve mental state and slow the progression of the disease, providing a protective effect. In the future, it is necessary to conduct studies on a large population, taking into account personality factors and a more specific approach to assessing cognitive functions and the causal relationship of T administration in AD.
... The SARM we utilized was designed to target bone and skeletal muscle tissue (8,48,49). Several SARMs have been developed that serve as site specific androgen receptor agonists at other locations such as the nervous system (70). It is possible that other SARM formulations could also alleviate muscle pain, however our results cannot be generalized to these other compounds. ...
Full-text available
Currently, there is a need for the generation of non-opioid analgesics for treating chronic pain. Preclinical and clinical studies demonstrate the analgesic effects of testosterone. However, treatment with testosterone is not feasible due to adverse effects. Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) were developed to overcome these limitations by minimizing activation of androgenic side effects. First, we demonstrate SARM administration alleviates widespread muscle pain in male and female mice. We then developed a SARM-loaded PLGA microparticle formulation that reverses widespread muscle pain in two injections. In vitro and in vivo release kinetics demonstrate the microparticle formulation had sustained SARM release for 4 weeks. Antagonism of androgen receptors blocked the analgesic effects of the SARM microparticles. SARM treatment had no effect on cardiac or liver enzymes, cardiac histology, and did not produce rewarding behavior. These studies demonstrate SARM microparticles as a potential therapeutic for chronic muscle pain. One Sentence Summary A selective androgen receptor modulator microparticle formulation alleviates widespread muscle pain in male and female mice while being non-toxic.
... Preclinical studies have indicated anabolic properties of several SARMs (15), as well as some neuroprotective (16) or anticancer (14) (21), although an enobosarm trial suggested some improvement in glucose control and IR (17). ...
Our study investigates potential neurochemical effects of (17α,20E)-17,20-[(1-methoxyethylidene)bis(oxy)]-3-oxo-19-norpregna-4,20-diene-21-carboxylic acid methyl ester (YK11), a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM), in the rat hippocampus, with a particular focus on oxidative stress and mitochondrial function, as well as its potential effect when combined with exercise (EXE). To validate YK11's anabolic potential, we performed a molecular docking analysis with the androgen receptor (AR), which showed high affinity with YK11, highlighting hydrogen interactions in Arg752. During the five-week protocol, we divided male Wistar rats into the following groups: Control, YK11 (0.35g/kg), EXE (swimming protocol), and EXE+YK11. The administration of YK11 resulted in alterations in the endogenous antioxidant system, promoting increased oxidative stress and proteotoxic effects, impairing all mitochondrial function markers in the hippocampus. In contrast, EXE alone had a neuroprotective effect, increasing antioxidant defenses and improving mitochondrial metabolism. When combined, EXE+YK11 prevented alterations in some mitochondrial toxicity markers, including MnSOD/SOD2 and MTT reduction capacity, but did not reverse YK11's neurochemical impairments regarding increased oxidative stress and dysfunction of the mitochondrial respiratory chain and mitochondrial dynamics regulatory proteins in the hippocampus. In summary, our study identifies important pathways of YK11's hippocampal effects, revealing its potential to promote oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction, suggesting that the administration of YK11 may pose potential neurological risks for athletes and bodybuilders seeking to enhance performance. These findings highlight the need for further research to assess the safety and efficacy of YK11 and SARM use in humans.
Age-related testosterone depletion in men is a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (AD). How testosterone modulates AD risk remains to be fully elucidated, although regulation of tau phosphorylation has been suggested as a contributing protective action. To investigate the relationship between testosterone and tau phosphorylation, we first evaluated the effect of androgen status on tau phosphorylation in 3xTg-AD mice. Depletion of endogenous androgens via gonadectomy resulted in increased tau phosphorylation that was prevented by acute testosterone treatment. Parallel alterations in the phosphorylation of both GSK3β and Akt suggest possible components of the underlying signaling pathway. To further explore mechanism, primary cultured neurons were treated with a physiological concentration of testosterone or its active metabolite dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Results showed that testosterone and DHT induced significant decreases in phosphorylated tau and significant increases in phosphorylation of Akt and GSK3β. Pharmacological inhibition of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) effectively inhibited androgen-induced increases in Akt and GSK3β phosphorylation, and decreases in tau phosphorylation. In addition, androgen receptor (AR) knock-down by small interfering RNA prevented androgen-induced changes in the phosphorylation of Akt, GSK3β and tau, suggesting an AR-dependent mechanism. Additional experiments demonstrated androgen-induced changes in Akt, GSK3β and tau phosphorylation in AR-expressing PC12 cells but not in AR-negative PC12 cells. Together, these results suggest an AR-dependent pathway involving PI3K-Akt-GSK3β signaling through which androgens can reduce tau phosphorylation. These findings identify an additional protective mechanism of androgens that can improve neural health and inhibit development of AD.
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Two experiments investigated the role of estrogens in the activation and sexual differentiation of appetitive sexual behavior (ASB) in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) as measured by a learned social proximity response. Injection of the aromatase inhibitor R76713 in castrated, testosterone (T)-treated male quail completely suppressed ASB, confirming that, like consummatory sexual behavior, ASB is mediated by T aromatization. ASB is not observed in female quail, even if they are treated with T as adults. The role of embryonic estrogens in the sexual differentiation of ASB was tested by blocking estrogen synthesis in ovo. Control male and T-treated female quail deprived of estrogens during embryonic life learned the social proximity response used to assess ASB, whereas control female quail did not, despite the presence of high T. Thus, ASB is demasculinized by the action of embryonic estrogens during ontogeny as is consummatory behavior.
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Gonadal steroids are potent regulators of adult neurogenesis. We previously reported that androgens, such as testosterone (T) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT), but not estradiol, increased survival of new neurons in the dentate gyrus of the male rat. These results suggest androgens regulate hippocampal neurogenesis via the androgen receptor (AR). To test this supposition, we examined the role of ARs in hippocampal neurogenesis using two different approaches. In Experiment 1, we examined neurogenesis in male rats insensitive to androgens due to a naturally occurring mutation in the gene encoding the AR (termed TFMs) compared to wild type males. In Experiment 2, we injected the AR antagonist, flutamide, into castrated male rats and compared neurogenesis levels in the dentate gyrus of DHT and oil-treated controls. In Experiment 1, chronic T increased hippocampal neurogenesis in wild type males but not in androgen-insensitive TFM males. In Experiment 2, DHT increased hippocampal neurogenesis via cell survival, an effect that was blocked by concurrent treatment with flutamide. DHT, however, did not affect cell proliferation. Interestingly, cells expressing doublecortin, a marker of newborn immature neurons, did not colabel with ARs in the DG, but ARs were robustly expressed in other regions of the hippocampus. Together, these studies provide complementary evidence that androgens regulate adult neurogenesis in the hippocampus via the AR but at a site other than the dentate gyrus. Understanding where in the brain androgens act to increase the survival of new neurons in the adult brain may have implications for neurodegenerative disorders.
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Testosterone (T), the major circulating androgen, must be con- verted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by the enzyme 5a-reductase (5a-R) to be maximally active in the prostate. The present study was designed to determine the relative potency of T and DHT on regrowth of the involuted prostate and to elucidate the role of 5a-R in the growing prostate. To create dose-response curves for intraprostatic T or DHT, rats were castrated for 2 weeks to allow their prostates to fully regress and then given T implants of various sizes in the pres- ence or absence of the 5a-R inhibitor, finasteride. Markers for an- drogen effects on regrowth of the prostate were prostate weight, duct mass (a measure of secretory activity) and DNA content (a measure of cell number). To assess the relative uptake of T and DHT by the prostate, a comparison was made of intraprostatic DHT levels re- sulting from T and DHT implants. In the prostate, 1.6 -1.9 times more T than DHT was required to achieve a half-maximal response for each of the three markers of prostate regrowth. The dose-response curves revealed that thresholds for intraprostatic T and DHT had to be attained before significant growth was observed. The threshold for T was 2- to 3-fold greater than that for DHT. However, at high intraprostatic concentrations, the effects of T mimicked those of DHT. When the relationship between serum T levels and prostate regrowth was considered, 13 times more serum T was required for half-maximal prostate regrowth when its conversion to DHT was blocked by finasteride. This is partly due to decreased androgen accumulation in the prostate when T was the major intraprostatic androgen. Finally, T or DHT implants in the absence of finasteride resulted in similar intraprostatic DHT levels, indicating that uptake of each serum androgen into the prostate was similar. However, to achieve similar levels of DHT or T in serum, much larger DHT pellets were needed, suggesting more rapid me- tabolism of DHT in tissues other than the prostate. We conclude that the role of 5a-R is 2-fold: it converts testosterone into a modestly more potent androgen and enhances prostatic accu- mulation of androgen. DHT, in principle, could serve equally well as T as the circulating androgen, although the rate of DHT production would have to be considerably higher to counter the apparent rapid clearance from serum. In addition, we hypothesize that T has arisen as the major circulating androgen instead of DHT because it can be aromatized to estradiol, which itself has important roles in male reproductive function and bone physiology. (Endocrinology 140: 4509 - 4515, 1999)
Despite empiric evidence that androgens promote muscle growth, concerns remain about their safety, particularly their association with prostate hypertrophy, the development of male secondary sex characteristics in women, and their potential to accelerate the development of prostate cancer. These concerns led to the development of selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs), a class of androgen receptor ligands that bind to androgen receptors in a tissue-selective manner to activate of androgenic signaling. SARMs are used for many indications including osteoporosis, anemia, male contraception, male hypogonadism, and wound healing. SARMs may be either steroidal or non-steroidal.
The specificities of 28 commercially available compounds reported to be relatively selective inhibitors of particular serine/threonine-specific protein kinases have been examined against a large panel of protein kinases. The compounds KT 5720, Rottlerin and quercetin were found to inhibit many protein kinases, sometimes much more potently than their presumed targets, and conclusions drawn from their use in cell-based experiments are likely to be erroneous. Ro 318220 and related bisindoylmaleimides, as well as H89, HA1077 and Y 27632, were more selective inhibitors, but still inhibited two or more protein kinases with similar potency. LY 294002 was found to inhibit casein kinase-2 with similar potency to phosphoinositide (phosphatidylinositol) 3-kinase. The compounds with the most impressive selectivity profiles were KN62, PD 98059, U0126, PD 184352, rapamycin, wortmannin, SB 203580 and SB 202190. U0126 and PD 184352, like PD 98059, were found to block the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade in cell-based assays by preventing the activation of MAPK kinase (MKK1), and not by inhibiting MKK1 activity directly. Apart from rapamycin and PD 184352, even the most selective inhibitors affected at least one additional protein kinase. Our results demonstrate that the specificities of protein kinase inhibitors cannot be assessed simply by studying their effect on kinases that are closely related in primary structure. We propose guidelines for the use of protein kinase inhibitors in cell-based assays.
Acevedo, S. F., McGinnis, G. and Raber, J. Effects of 137Cs γ Irradiation on Cognitive Performance and Measures of Anxiety of Apoe−/− and Wild-Type Female Mice. Radiat. Res. 170, 422–428 (2008). Mice deficient in apoE (Apoe−/−) can be used to assess the potential role of apoE in the effects of cranial irradiation on hippocampal function. Radiation-induced impairments in hippocampal function may be more pronounced in female Apoe−/− mice and more pronounced in mice irradiated and tested cognitively later in life. To assess this possibility, female wild-type and Apoe−/− mice were irradiated at 6 months of age with 10 Gy 137Cs γ rays and tested cognitively 3 months later. Sham-irradiated wild-type female mice showed enhanced hippocampal-dependent novel location recognition compared to sham-irradiated Apoe−/− female mice. However, cranial irradiation impaired novel location recognition similarly in both genotypes. Cranial irradiation also impaired hippocampal-dependent spatial memory retention similarly in wild-type and Apoe−/− female mice in the water maze. Because novel location recognition was not affected after 137Cs γ irradiation in younger mice, these data support the possibility that older mice are more susceptible to the effects of γ radiation on novel location recognition. Together with the impairments in spatial memory retention in the water maze after irradiation, these data support the existence of detrimental effects of cranial irradiation on hippocampal function. In addition, compared to wild-type female mice, Apoe−/− female mice showed enhanced levels of anxiety, and in Apoe−/−, but not in wild-type, female mice, radiation decreased levels of anxiety. Because levels of anxiety during the hidden session of the water maze were associated with ability to locate the hidden platform, assessments of anxiety need to be considered in evaluating the effects of cranial irradiation on cognitive performance after cranial irradiation.
The relationship of the classical receptors and their transcriptional activity to nongenotropic effects of steroid hormones is unknown. We demonstrate herein a novel paradigm of sex steroid action on osteoblasts, osteocytes, embryonic fibroblasts, and HeLa cells involving activation of a Src/Shc/ERK signaling pathway and attenuating apoptosis. This action is mediated by the ligand binding domain and eliminated by nuclear targeting of the receptor protein; ERα, ERβ, or AR can transmit it with similar efficiency irrespective of whether the ligand is an estrogen or an androgen. This antiapoptotic action can be dissociated from the transcriptional activity of the receptor with synthetic ligands, providing proof of principle for the development of function-specific—as opposed to tissue-selective—and gender-neutral pharmacotherapeutics.
The two most commonly used methods to analyze data from real-time, quantitative PCR experiments are absolute quantification and relative quantification. Absolute quantification determines the input copy number, usually by relating the PCR signal to a standard curve. Relative quantification relates the PCR signal of the target transcript in a treatment group to that of another sample such as an untreated control. The 2(-DeltaDeltaCr) method is a convenient way to analyze the relative changes in gene expression from real-time quantitative PCR experiments. The purpose of this report is to present the derivation, assumptions, and applications of the 2(-DeltaDeltaCr) method. In addition, we present the derivation and applications of two variations of the 2(-DeltaDeltaCr) method that may be useful in the analysis of real-time, quantitative PCR data. (C) 2001 Elsevier science.
Background: Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) represent a new class of pharmaceuticals that may find wide clinical use. However, selectivity is not understood at the molecular level, which has made the discovery and preclinical evaluation of SARMs difficult. Objectives: We review the current state of SARM discovery and preclinical evaluation, as well as our current understanding of the molecular mechanisms controlling AR selectivity. We then discuss how increasing our molecular knowledge of AR selectivity will help create better discovery and evaluation methods and lead to a wider array of safer SARMs. Conclusions: The SARM field has advanced rapidly, but without a solid foundation of molecular knowledge to inform discovery and preclinical evaluation methods. The field has also taken a narrow view of selectivity, disregarding many androgen-responsive tissues, which could lead to unforeseen and detrimental side effects with chronic administration of SARMs. An investment in basic research could accelerate the discovery of a new generation of more selective and safer SARMs that could be used to treat an expanded range of clinical conditions.
This report describes the discovery of RAD140, a potent, orally bioavailable, nonsteroidal selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM). The characterization of RAD140 in several preclinical models of anabolic androgen action is also described.Keywords: Androgen; SARM; cachexia; oxadiazole; Herschberger assay; primate