... The concept of ecosystem has developed separately in the management literature, with scholars focusing on communities or aggregations of economic actors whose activities need to be coordinated in order to achieve a collective outcome that creates value for the final consumer (e.g., Iansiti and Levien, 2004;Moore, 1993). The term "ecosystem" has been used to describe a business ecosystem-that is, a community affecting a firm's ability to adapt to its environment (e.g., Moore, 1993;Pierce, 2009;Williamson and De Meyer, 2012;Teece, 2007;Zahra and Nambisan, 2012); an innovation ecosystem, aggregating all actors whose contributions are essential to delivering a valuable innovation to the final customer (Adner, 2012(Adner, , 2021Kapoor, 2010, 2016;Alexy et al., 2013;Frankort, 2013;Iyer et al., 2006;Kapoor and Lee, 2013;Leten et al., 2013;West and Wood, 2013); or a platform ecosystem, aggregating developers of complementary products required to extend the value of a core platform technology (Ceccagnoli et al., 2012;Santaló, 2013, 2019;Cusumano, 2002, 2008;Parker et al., 2017;Wareham et al., 2014;Jacobides et al., 2019). 3 Finally, another distinction has recently appeared in the managerial literature, reflecting the use of the term "ecosystem" in practice. ...