... binge drinking as a means of sensation-seeking), binge drinking can be used for negative reinforcement, i.e. to alleviate or forget about problems and worries. Consequently, a variety of studies has provided evidence that experiencing stress, anxiety, traumatic events and depressive episodes are related to binge drinking in general, especially among females (Choi & DiNitto, 2011a, 2011bKachadourian, Pilver, & Potenza, 2014;Mushquash, Sherry, Mackinnon, Mushquash, & Stewart, 2014;Prado Jde, Kerr-Correa, Lima, da Silva, & Santos, 2012;Skinner, Kristman-Valente, & Herrenkohl, 2016;Timko, Sutkowi, Pavao, & Kimerling, 2008;Wellman et al., 2014). However, in the case of depression, this link was not always significant (Choi & DiNitto, 2011a, 2011bGonzalez, Reynolds, & Skewes, 2011;Prado Jde et al., 2012); in certain cases it was even non-existent (Harrell & Karim, 2008). ...