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New species of Neritidae (Neritimorpha) from the Ypresian and Bartonian of the Paris and Basse-Loire Basins, France [Zootaxa, 2606 : 55-68, text-fig. 1-9].


Abstract and Figures

Five gastropod taxa of the family Neritidae in the Ypresian and Bartonian (Eocene) of the Paris and Basse-Loire Basins, are introduced: Cuisenerita gen. nov., Tomostoma angusta sp. nov., Nerita gouetensis sp. nov., Clithon barbei sp. nov., Neritodryas guillioui sp. nov. and Cuisenerita tuberosa sp. nov. New combinations introduced are: Neritodryas dutemplei (Deshayes, 1864) and Neritodryas globosa (J. de C. Sowerby, 1823). This is the earliest record of Neritodryas and the first record for this genus from Europe.
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Accepted by D. Geiger: 21 Jul. 2010; published: 9 Sep. 2010 55
ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)
Copyright © 2010 · Magnolia Press
Zootaxa 2606: 5568 (2010)
New species of Neritidae (Neritimorpha) from the Ypresian and Bartonian
of the Paris and Basse-Loire Basins, France
¹The Cottage in the Park, Ashtead Park, Ashtead, Surrey KT21 1LE, England. E-mail:
²Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle. UMR 7207 du CNRS, Centre de recherche sur la Paléobiodiversité et les
Paléoenvironnements, CP 38 – 57 rue Cuvier, F – 75005 Paris, France. E-mail:
Five gastropod taxa of the family Neritidae in the Ypresian and Bartonian (Eocene) of the Paris and Basse-Loire Basins,
are introduced: Cuisenerita gen. nov., Tomostoma angusta sp. nov., Nerita gouetensis sp. nov., Clithon barbei sp. nov.,
Neritodryas guillioui sp. nov. and Cuisenerita tuberosa sp. nov. New combinations introduced are: Neritodryas
dutemplei (Deshayes, 1864) and Neritodryas globosa (J. de C. Sowerby, 1823). This is the earliest record of Neritodryas
and the first record for this genus from Europe.
Key words: Mollusca, Gastropoda, Eocene, France
Both the Paris and Basse-Loire Basins in France are species rich in Mollusca from the Eocene. Many
gastropods have been described and figured by authors in the past but new taxa are still being discovered (see
Le Renard 1995 and Le Renard & Pacaud 1995 for a comprehensive list of primary references). Taxonomic
observations regarding Neritidae from France were made by the senior author and a neotype designated for
the taxon Neritopsis parisiensis Deshayes, 1864 (Symonds 2009). The purpose of this paper is to describe five
new species in the family Neritidae, the type material of which is held in the Muséum National d’Histoire
Naturelle, Paris, France (MNHN) and The Natural History Museum, London, England (NHM).
Systematic palaeontology
Family Neritidae Rafinesque, 1815
Genus Tomostoma Deshayes, 1824
Type species. By subsequent designation, Fischer (1885: 803): Pileolus neritoides, Deshayes, 1824. Eocene,
Diagnosis. Capuliform, smooth, apex not terminal, aperture trapezoidal, inner lip with sinus, type species
7 to 9 mm in length. (Amended after Keen 1960).
Tomostoma differs from most other genera in Neritidae in being capuliform. For the differences from the other
Tertiary capuliform genus see Cuisenerita gen. nov. below.
Remarks. Cossmann (1925) and Keen (1960) regarded Tomostoma as a subgenus of Pileolus G. B.
Sowerby, 1823. Bandel et al. (2000) erected a new family Pileolidae based on the genus Pileolus but did not
comment on whether they regarded Tomostoma as a subgenus of Pileolus. They placed Pileolidae within
Neritoidea Rafinesque, 1815 for which they gave the diagnosis: “In these cycloneritimorphs the internal shell
SYMONDS & PACAUD56 · Zootaxa 2606 © 2010 Magnolia Press
walls are resorbed” (2000: 85). However Sowerby (1823: 443) stated that Pileolus has an “internal spire”.
This is clearly shown by Pan (1998: Pl. 2, Fig. 13) in a section through the teleoconch of Pileolus. On this
basis Pileolidae should not be included within Neritoidea. Symonds (2009) did not see a close similarity
between Pileolus and Tomostoma as the protoconch of Pileolus is spherical and rather large in relation to the
rest of the shell while the protoconch of Tom os to ma is obovate and typical of those genera within the
Neritidae that have a planktotrophic larval stage. The teleoconch of the former is distinctly patelliform unlike
that of the latter, which is capuliform. The aperture of Pileolus is rather narrow and semilunar whilst in
Tomostoma the aperture is much broader. Pileolus has a straight or slightly convex septum edge, which is
smooth or regularly crenulated; in Tomostoma the septum edge is concave and the dentition distinct but very
irregular. Additionally in Pileolus the septum is thickened to form a prominent basal plate, a feature not
present in Tomostoma. Finally, as mentioned above, Pileolus has a columella while the internal walls of
Tomostoma are entirely reabsorbed. As the morphology of both the protoconch and the teleoconch
corresponds to Neritidae, Symonds (2009) regarded Tomostoma as being in Neritidae rather than Pileolidae
and this is followed here. Woods & Saul (1986: 650) commented that “Deshayes is usually credited with
proposing Tomostoma in 1824; but he did not do so.” They considered that it was not until 1864 that he validly
proposed Tomostoma and that as a result Culana Gray, 1842 (type species Pileolus altavillensis Defrance,
1818) should have priority. Deshayes (1824a; 1824b) made it clear that he had intended to propose the name
Tomostoma, but he did not do so at the time as he considered that it was synonymous with Pileolus, which had
just been proposed by Sowerby (Sowerby, 1823). Later, Deshayes (1864: 25) considered that there were two
distinct forms of Pileolus: those from the Mesozoic with a circular base and central apex and those from the
Tertiary with an elliptical base and an apex towards the posterior end; to the latter group could be attached the
name Tomostoma “que nous avons proposé autrefois”. Article 11.6.1 of the International Code of Zoological
Nomenclature (the Code) provides that if a name first published as a junior synonym is subsequently used as a
valid name before 1961, it dates from its first publication as a synonym. Accordingly To mo st om a was
published in 1824 and Culana is here considered a subjective junior synonym.
Tomostoma angusta sp. nov.
(Fig. 1a–d)
Type material. Holotype MNHN A31487 (Pacaud leg., Fig. 1a–d); 6 paratypes MNHN A31488 (Pacaud
leg.), 30 paratypes (Pons coll.). All from type locality.
Stratum typicum. Late Eocene, Bartonian, “Marinesian”.
Locus typicus. Le Quoniam, Haravilliers, Val d’Oise, France. 49˚11 2.68˝ N 2˚2 17.53˝ E.
Derivatio nominis. The name is derived from Latin angustus, referring to the narrow shape of the shell.
Diagnosis. A rather small, narrow Tomostoma, capuliform, posterior and anterior margins of teleoconch
ovate, not pointed, septum edge strongly concave in centre.
Description. Protoconch, though rather worn in specimens available, prominent, approximately 0.2 mm
wide, smooth, obovate. Teleoconch capuliform, apex above posterior end in holotype, slightly anterior to it in
most paratypes. Anterior and posterior margins ovate with posterior usually slightly narrower than anterior.
Dorsal surface strongly convex, sloping steeply upwards to elevated posterior end, smooth apart from fine
growth lines. No colour pattern visible on only known specimens. Aperture relatively large, semicircular.
Inner lip protruded as broad septum covering more than half of base of shell, surface slightly concave, usually
smooth but holotype has 3 faint grooves about 0.2 mm long perpendicular to septum edge coinciding with
spaces between teeth on central part of septum. Septum edge strongly concave in centre with 1 to 5 small,
prominent or indistinct teeth bordered on adapical side by larger tooth, which continues for short distance
within aperture as low ridge on inner side of septum, followed by further concavity, short but quite deep. On
abapical side of central concavity one broad, rather rounded tooth. Outer lip broad, smooth with very slight
ridge running from one end of septum, in arc on inside of outer lip, to other end of septum. Small ridge below
each end of septum, adapical larger, below septum edge, abapical narrower, lower, set further back.
Zootaxa 2606 © 2010 Magnolia Press · 57
FIGURES 1–4. 1. Tomostoma angusta sp. nov., holotype, a. apertural, b. abapertural, c-d. side views. Length 5.2 mm,
width 2.8 mm. Bartonian, Le Quoniam, Haravilliers, Val d’Oise, France. MNHN A31487 (J-M Pacaud leg.). 2. Nerita
gouetensis sp. nov., holotype, a. apertural, b. abapertural, c. apical views. Height 4 mm, width 4 mm. Bartonian, Bois-
Gouët, Saffré, Loire-Atlantique, France. MNHN A31489 (J-M Pacaud leg.). 3. Clithon barbei sp. nov., holotype, a.
apertural, b. abapertural, c. apical views. Height 3.2 mm, width 3.2 mm. Ypresian, Pourcy, Marne, France. NHM PI TG
26448 (M. F. Symonds coll.). 4. Neritodryas guillioui sp. nov., holotype, a. apertural, b. abapertural, c. apical views.
Height 15 mm, width 16 mm. Ypresian, Pourcy, Marne, France. MNHN A31490 (Faullummel coll.).
SYMONDS & PACAUD58 · Zootaxa 2606 © 2010 Magnolia Press
Size. The holotype is 5.2 mm long and 2.8 mm wide.
Remarks. Three somewhat similar taxa occur in the Eocene of the Paris Basin and Cotentin: Tomostoma
altavillensis altavillensis (Defrance, 1818), Tomostoma altavillensis neritoides (Deshayes, 1824) and
Tomostoma altavillensis rostratum Cossmann, 1888 (Le Renard & Pacaud, 1995). Of the three, T. altavillensis
neritoides is closest in appearance to T. angusta with its anterior and posterior margins oval, not pointed as in
the other two taxa. Tomostoma angusta can be distinguished from T. altavillensis neritoides by the concave
centre to its septum edge, the smaller, more regular teeth in the centre and its narrower form. The average
length to width ratio for T. angusta is 2.3:1 (from the 37 specimens in the Pacaud and Pons collections)
compared with 1.6:1 for T. altavillensis neritoides (from 30 specimens from the Lutetian of Chaussy, Val
d’Oise, France). A t-test applied to the length to width ratio of these specimens results in a probability of
Range and distribution. Tomostoma angusta is known only from the type locality.
Genus Nerita Linné, 1758
Type species. By subsequent designation, Montfort (1810: 347): Nerita peloronta Linné, 1758. Recent,
marine, Caribbean.
Diagnosis. Sturdy shells, smooth to spirally ribbed; inner lip septum well developed, its surface
commonly pustulose or irregularly ribbed (Keen 1960).
Nerita (Amphinerita) gouetensis sp. nov.
(Fig. 2a–c)
Type material. Holotype MNHN A31489 (Pacaud leg., Fig. 2a–c).
Stratum typicum. Late Eocene, Bartonian, “Sands of Bois-Gouët”.
Locus typicus. Bois-Gouët, Saffré, Loire-Atlantique, France. 47˚29 9.25˝ N 1˚36 45.55˝ E.
Derivatio nominis. Named after Bois-Gouët, the type locality and the only locality at which this species
has, as yet, been found.
Diagnosis. A small Nerita with prominent, rounded, spiral ribs and a smooth, edentate septum.
Description. Protoconch badly worn in only known specimen. Teleoconch of just over two whorls
increasing rapidly in size, earlier rather worn in holotype. Last whorl bears nine prominent, smooth, rounded,
spiral ribs, mostly evenly spaced; 6th and 7th below suture closer together. Apart from spiral ribs, surface of
teleoconch smooth, lacking any collabral ornamentation other than some fine, rather faint growth lines. No
colour pattern discernable but brown colour remains between ribs where shell relatively unworn. Slightly
worn septum smooth, edge slightly concave, edentate. Outer lip thickened within, smooth apart from small
protuberance about 1 mm from adapical end of septum. Gutter at junction of adapical end of septum and outer
lip. Apertural tooth prominent, below abapical end of septum, in form of apostrophe with thicker end inward,
higher, sloping to tail of apostrophe.
Size. The holotype is approximately 4 mm high, and 4 mm wide.
Remarks. Nerita (Amphinerita) gouetensis does not fit precisely within any of the generally accepted
subgenera of Nerita. Those that share diagnostic characteristics with Na. (A.) gouetensis are:
Lisanerita Krinjen, 2002 (Type species by original designation: Nerita lirellata Rehder, 1980);
Heminerita Martens, 1887 (type species by monotypy: Nerita pica Gould, 1859 = Nerita japonica
Dunker, 1861);
Amphinerita Martens, 1887 (type species by subsequent designation Crosse, 1892: 98: Nerita umlaasiana
Krauss, 1848);
Cymostyla Martens, 1887 (type species by subsequent designation Crosse, 1892: 98: Nerita undata Linné,
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Theliostyla Mörch, 1852 (type species by subsequent designation Kobelt, 1879: 147: Nerita albicilla
Linné, 1758);
In his subgenus Amphinerita, Martens (1887) included Na. umlaasiana and Na. georgina Récluz, 1841.
The former has an almost smooth shell but the latter has numerous well developed spiral ribs. Amphinerita is
recorded in Europe from as early as the Thanetian [Na. (A.) semilugubris Deshayes, 1864, Le Renard &
Pacaud 1995]. Although Na. (A.) gouetensis has fewer and broader ribs than Na. (A.) georgina, we consider
that it can nevertheless be placed within Amphinerita.
Nerita (A.) gouetensis is superficially similar to some juvenile specimens of Nerita (?) plutonis Basterot,
1825 from the Miocene of the south of France but its septum is normally neither smooth nor edentate but has
granules on the surface and several well defined teeth on the edge.
Range and distribution. Only known from type locality.
Genus Clithon Montfort, 1810
Type species. By original designation: Nerita corona Linné, 1758.
Recent, fresh to brackish water, eastern Indian Ocean to the southwestern Pacific.
Diagnosis. Small spire, large body whorl, some species with one subsutural row of spines, labial area
smooth with one or more teeth on margin, operculum smooth or bearing minute granules on exterior surface,
inner side with two apophyses connected by calcareous callus.
Subgenus Pictoneritina Iredale, 1936
Type species. By original designation, Neritina oualaniensis Lesson, 1831.
Recent, in estuaries and brackish lagoons, Indo-Pacific.
Diagnosis. Shell small, 3 to 15 mm in height, smooth; septum weekly arched with one large, several small
Remarks. In the absence of a detailed description by Iredale (1936) the above diagnosis has been based
on that given by Keen (1960). In the type species, the large tooth is about a third of the distance from the
apical end of the septum with up to 5 small teeth abapical to it. The shell is glossy and the colour patterns are
very variable.
Clithon (Pictoneritina) barbei sp. nov.
(Fig. 3a–c)
Type material. Holotype NHM PI TG 26448 (M. Symonds coll., Fig. 3a–c). One paratype NHM PI TG
26449 (M. Symonds coll.), one paratype MNHN A33473 (Ledon coll.). All from type locality.
Stratum typicum. Early Eocene, Ypresian (Sparnacian), “Sands of Pourcy”.
Subgenus Septum Septum edge Teleoconch
Lisanerita Smooth Edentate or with very small teeth Smooth or with finely incised lines
Heminerita Smooth Edentate or with 1 or 2 obscure
low broad projections Smooth or with low spiral lirae
Amphinerita Smooth Edentate or with small, obscure
or well defined teeth Smooth or with spiral ribs
Cymostyla Rugose Prominent teeth Prominent spiral ribs
Theliostyla Tuberculate Prominent teeth Low, rounded spiral ribs
gouetensis Smooth Edentate Prominent spiral ribs
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Locus typicus. Pourcy, Marne, France. 49˚09 43˝ N 3˚54 21˝ E.
Derivatio nominis. Named after Gérard Barbe of Champillon, Marne, France, a palaeontologist, who is
familiar with the fossils of Pourcy, and who assisted the senior author with the collection of material from
there, in which the types of this taxon were found.
Diagnosis. A small semiglobose Pictoneritina; spire depressed, septum with poorly defined teeth, colour
pattern of three dark spiral bands on light background.
Description. Shell small for subgenus, consisting of about 2.25 whorls, semiglobose with spire depressed.
Protoconch small, approximately 0.2 mm wide, smooth, almost spherical. Teleoconch about 2.25 whorls,
evenly convex, increasing rapidly in size; surface glossy, smooth. Suture sharp, well defined. Colour pattern
of 3 dark spiral bands on light background, highest immediately below suture, varying in width but usually
narrower than spaces between them. Aperture oblique, semicircular. Septum convex, smooth. Septum edge
slightly concave in centre; teeth consist of one rather broad, rounded, indistinct tooth at about one third of
distance from adapical end of septum, 1 to 3 denticulations abapical to it, also indistinct. Outer lip evenly
rounded, thin, smooth within. Apertural tooth low, curved ridge below abapical end of septum.
Size. Holotype: height 3.2 mm, width 3.2 mm.
Remarks. Clithon (P.) barbei is similar in size and shape to Clithon (P.) nucleus Deshayes, 1825 from the
Cuisian of Cuise-la-Motte, Oise, France, although in that species the spire is usually wholly or partially
covered by the following whorl. The colour pattern in C. (P.) nucleus consists of dark, wavy, transverse lines
on a light background, in some specimens the transverse lines are interrupted by two or three pale spiral
bands, while C. (P.) barbei has a colour pattern of 3 dark spiral bands on a light background.
Range and distribution. Only known from type locality.
Genus Neritodryas Martens, 1869
Type species. By subsequent designation, Baker (1923: 153): Nerita cornea Linné 1758. Recent, freshwater,
Diagnosis. Moderately large, up to 40 mm in height, spire blunt, labial area smooth, a blunt tooth below,
often with small teeth on septum edge, operculum ribbed. (Amended after Keen 1960).
Remarks. Martens (1869), when erecting Neritodryas, placed within it the two Recent species N. cornea
(Linné, 1758) and N. dubia (Gmelin, 1791). Subsequently (Martens 1879) he covered Neritodryas in greater
detail and included two additional species N. chimmoi (Reeve, 1856) and N. subsulcata (Sowerby, 1836). He
described the columellar edge of Neritodryas as being without teeth but specimens of all four of these species
commonly have small columellar teeth (pers. obs.). Accordingly Marten’s diagnosis is incorrect in this respect
and we have amended the above diagnosis to include a reference to small teeth on the septum edge. All the
Recent species have spiral ridges on the teleoconch except for N. dubia, which is smooth, apart from fine
collabral growth lines. The genus is unusual within Neritidae in that the Recent species live mainly on trees
and bushes beside freshwater and in mangrove swamps (Cowie & Smith 2000). The ontogeny of Neritodryas
is not fully known. Kano (2006) considered that the considerable intraspecific variation in the size of the
opercular nucleus might suggest nonplanktotrophic development. Holthuis (1995) took the view that
Neritodryas species have short-lived, possibly non-feeding (lecithotrophic) pelagic larvae as, firstly, the
protoconch size is intermediate between planktotrophic veligers of Neritina and Clithon and those of benthic
Fluvinerita and, secondly, their geographic distribution is extensive enough to imply pelagic larvae even
though more limited than ranges of typical Neritina and Clithon.
Neritodryas guillioui sp. nov.
(Figs 4–5)
Type material. Holotype MNHN A31490 (Faullummel coll., Fig. 4a–c); one paratype MNHN A31491
(Pacaud leg., Fig. 5a–c), 4 paratypes MNHN A32900 (Pacaud leg.) 5 paratypes MNHN A31492 (Faullummel
coll.). All from type locality.
Stratum typicum. Early Eocene, Ypresian (Sparnacian), “Sands of Pourcy”.
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FIGURES 5–8. 5. Neritodryas guillioui sp. nov., paratype, a. apertural, b. abapertural, c. apical views. Height 14.5 mm,
width 15 mm. Ypresian, Pourcy, Marne, France. MNHN A31491 (Faullummel coll.). 6. Neritodryas globosa (J. de C.
Sowerby, 1823), neotype, a. apertural, b. abapertural, c. apical views. Height 18.2 mm, width 13.8 mm. Bartonian,
Highcliff, Hampshire, U.K. NHM GG 22558 (A. G. Davis coll.). 7. Neritodryas dutemplei (Deshayes, 1864), a. apertural,
b. abapertural, c. apical views. Height 9 mm, width 9.1 mm. Ypresian, Pourcy, Marne, France. MNHN A31493
(Faullummel coll.). 8. Cuisenerita tuberosa sp. nov., holotype, a. apertural, b. abapertural, c. & d. side views. Length 14
mm, width 12.5 mm., Ypresian, Trosly-Breuil, Oise, France. NHM PI TG 26450 (S. Tracey coll.).
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Locus typicus. Pourcy, Marne, France. 49˚09 33˝ N 3˚54 33˝ E.
Derivatio nominis. Named after Maurice Guilliou of Étoges, Marne, France, who has studied the fossils
of the Paris Basin for many years and who first brought this taxon to the attention of the senior author.
Diagnosis. A rather small, globose Neritodryas with 14 to 18 low, spiral ridges; septum edentate or with
poorly defined teeth.
Description. Protoconch, worn in all known specimens, appears ovate, about 0.4 mm wide. Teleoconch
consisting of about 2.5 whorls, globose with rather low but well-defined spire, large, rounded last whorl.
Whorls convex, shouldered with short concavity immediately below impressed suture. On last whorl 14 to 18
low, flat or slightly rounded, spiral ridges with spaces between them approximately equal to width of ridges;
ridges wider apart and broader at periphery. Fine, distinct, sinuous, collabral growth lines, opisthocyrt below
suture. Aperture broad, septum smooth or with few slight curved ridges oblique to columellar edge; edge with
slight, rounded swelling approximately one third of distance from adapical end, otherwise edentate or
occasionally with up to 3 poorly defined teeth below it. Gutter between adapical end of the septum and outer
lip. Outer lip thin, smooth within. Prominent ridge, slightly curved, below abapical end of septum. Holotype,
though well preserved, without colour pattern, but yellowish grey colour apparent between ribs. Paratype
illustrated in Figure 5 has colour pattern of pale chevrons on dark brown background arranged in spiral lines,
pointing in direction of growth.
Size. Holotype: height 15 mm, width 16 mm.
Remarks. Neritodryas guillioui is very similar to Neritodryas globosa (J. de C. Sowerby, 1823) (Fig. 6a–
c), assigned here to Neritodryas rather than Nerita, from the Bartonian of the Hampshire Basin, England,
however Ns. globosa has a larger number [25 in the neotype designated by Symonds (2002)] of more
prominent and more closely spaced ribs than Ns. guillioui. Symonds (2002) noted the similarity of Ns.
globosa to Neritodryas but, with only the neotype available for study, did not move it to that genus. It is now
clear, in view of the great similarity to Ns. guillioui, that Ns. globosa should be assigned to Neritodryas.
Neritodryas guillioui is also very similar to Ns. dutemplei (Deshayes, 1864) (Fig. 7a–c), again assigned here
to Neritodryas rather than Nerita, which occurs with it in the Ypresian deposits at Pourcy. Neritodryas
dutemplei can be distinguished from Ns. guillioui by the absence of conspicuous ribs in the former.
The operculum of Neritodryas has longitudinal ribbing on one of the apophyses, which forms an
important characteristic of this genus but, unfortunately, no operculum has yet been found for any of the three
fossil species referred to above.
Range and distribution. Only known from type locality and one other site in the Ypresian (Sparnacian)
at Pourcy, Marne, France.
Genus Cuisenerita gen. nov.
Type species. Cuisenerita tuberosa sp. nov.
Derivatio nominis. The only known species within this genus is from the Cuisian of Trosly-Breuil near
Cuise-la-Motte and it has many of the characters of a Nerita and so the name is a free combination of Cuise
and Nerita.
Diagnosis. Capuliform, apex not terminal, radially ribbed, septum well developed, tuberculate, margin
dentate, outer lip thickened, lirate.
Remarks. Cuisenerita is similar in some respects to Velatella Meek, 1873 from the Upper Cretaceous of
North America. In describing Neritina (Dostia?) carditoides, Meek (1873: 499) commented: “In several
respects it agrees with Velates, and possibly might, without impropriety, be called Velates carditoides. I
suspect, however, that when better specimens can be examined, it will be found typical of an undescribed
section, including also the little species N. bellatula. If so I would propose for the group the name Velatella.”
Article 11.5.1 of the Code provides that a name proposed conditionally for a taxon before 1961 is not to be
excluded on that account alone. Article provides that a species-group name first published before
1961 in combination with a previously available generic name, but accompanied by a new nominal genus
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conditionally proposed to contain the new species, is deemed to have been made available in combination
with the previously available generic name. The example of Lowe (1843), given in the Code, covers
essentially the same situation as that of Meek and Velatella. Accordingly, although Meek only proposed
Velatella conditionally, Velatella Meek, 1873 is valid. Between his descriptions of N. bellatula and N.
carditoides Meek (1873) also described Neritina (Dostia?) patelliformis. In his description he commented that
N. patelliformis is evidently very close to N. bellatula and may possibly be a more robust variety of the same.
Presumably, therefore, Meek intended to include N. patelliformis with N. bellatula and N. carditoides in the
group for which he proposed the name Velatella. No diagnosis or description is given by Meek for Velatella
but the three species within the group are described in detail, although not figured. White (1883) considered
N. carditoides to be identical with N. bellatula. Both were figured by him [N. bellatula: White 1883: pl. 5, figs
8–9, N. carditoides: White 1883: pl. 5, fig. 10]. White’s figures of N. bellatula and N. carditoides show a
dorsal morphology very similar to Cuisenerita, except that the apex is more strongly involute and curved to
one side, and this is supported by Meek’s descriptions. White’s figures do not give an apertural view but Meek
(1873: 497–498) described N. bellatula as having an “inner lip very broad, or shelf like and occupying more
than half of the underside, convex and more or less thickened, with the inner margin concave in the middle,
and provided with a slight projection on each side, but not properly crenate or dentate”. White also figured a
third species, Neritina (Velatella) baptista White, 1878 (White 1883: pl. 23, figs 16–20), and included an
apertural view, which shows a smooth, edentate septum. This accords with Meek’s description but is in
contrast to Cuisenerita, which is strongly dentate on the septum edge and lirate on the outer lip; Cuisenerita is
also characterised by its tuberculate septum, a feature that is lacking in Velatella.
Cuisenerita also resembles Gargania Guiscardi, 1857 from the Upper Cretaceous of Italy, which is also
radially ribbed and has an apex that is not strongly involute. However the septum is smooth and edentate
(Keen 1960) while in Cuisenerita it is tuberculate and strongly dentate. Keen treated both Velatella and
Gargania as subgenera of Pileolus. As mentioned above, Pileolus has a culumella and has now been placed in
the family Pileolidae. In Cuisenerita the internal whorls have been reabsorbed and we have no doubt that
Cuisenerita belongs in Neritidae not Pileolidae. The base of Cuisenerita is similar to that of some species of
Nerita but it differs from that genus in being capuliform with radial ribs. Tomostoma is also capuliform but the
dorsum is smooth, without radial ribs, and the base lacks the tubercles, which are a conspicuous feature of
Cuisenerita tuberosa sp. nov.
(Fig. 8a–d)
Derivatio nominis. The name is derived from Latin tuberosus, referring to the protuberances on the base of
the shell.
Type material. Holotype NHM PI TG 26450 (S. Tracey coll., Fig. 8a–d).
Stratum typicum. Middle Eocene, Ypresian, Cuisian.
Locus typicus. Trosly-Breuil, near Cuise-la-Motte, Oise, France. 49˚24 05˝ N 2˚59 25˝ E.
Diagnosis. Capuliform, apex not terminal, slightly involute, radial ribs with ornament of tubercles,
septum well developed, tuberculate, margin prominently dentate, outer lip thickened, lirate, tuberculate.
Description. Protoconch worn in the only known specimen. Teleoconch capuliform with raised apex
anterior to posterior end, slightly involute, curved to left. Anterior, posterior margins rounded with posterior
slightly narrower than anterior. On dorsal surface approximately 30 ribs radiate from apex to margin. Ribs
fairly evenly spaced, increasing in width from apex towards margin, each bearing single row of prominent,
closely spaced tubercles throughout length, also increasing in size towards margin. Although surface rather
worn, prominent, closely spaced growth lines clearly seen between ribs. Inner whorls reabsorbed. No colour
pattern visible. Aperture relatively large, semicircular. Inner lip protruded as broad septum that covers rather
more than half of base of shell, surface more or less flat near septum edge becoming slightly convex towards
posterior end, covered with prominent tubercles. Septum edge slightly concave in centre, 4 narrow,
SYMONDS & PACAUD64 · Zootaxa 2606 © 2010 Magnolia Press
prominent, evenly spaced teeth bordered on abapical side by larger, rounded tooth, on adapical side by larger
cubed tooth adjacent to which is narrower tooth, both continue for short distance as ridges on outer surface of
septum. Outer lip considerably thickened, 12 prominent lirae on inner side, row of tubercles on surface.
Size. The holotype is 14 mm long and 12.5 mm wide.
Remarks. The above description is based on the holotype, which is the only known example of C.
tuberosa, and accordingly takes no account of any variation that may occur within this species.
FIGURE 9. Map of France showing the approximate positions of the type localities of the new species herein described
Zootaxa 2606 © 2010 Magnolia Press · 65
No other species of Cuisenerita is known and C. tuberosa is quite unlike any other Caenozoic taxon. The
differences between Cuisenerita and Tomostoma are outlined above. Of the other gastropods of capuliform
shape, Calyptronerita Le Renard, 1980 lacks prominent ribs on the dorsum and has a smooth, edentate
septum. In Crepidulidae the septum, if present, is smooth and edentate.
The coordinates for the type locality are only approximate as there were several Cuisian sites around
Trosly-Breuil and it is not known from which one the holotype originated.
Range and distribution. Only known from type locality.
The fossil fauna of a locality can give important indications as to the palaeohabitat. The molluscan
assemblage at Pourcy consists mainly of brackish water genera with some marine elements and occasional
fresh water genera and probably represents an estuarine or inshore shell-bank. The type species of
Pictoneritina, C. (P.) oualaniensis, is an euryhaline species commonly living intertidally in areas with
periodically lowered salinity. Clithon (P.) barbei is an addition to several other Pictoneritina species, which
together form a significant part of the Pourcy brackish water fauna. Recent Neritodryas are at least partly
arboreal and it is perhaps reasonable to assume that the fossil species occupied a similar habitat. On this basis,
N. guillioui and N. dutemplei represent an interesting addition to the Pourcy fauna and support the suggestion
that molluscs swept downstream by one or more rivers took their part in the formation of the shell-bank.
As Tomostoma is an extinct genus, the environment in which it lived can only be inferred from the
deposits in which it is found. Tomostoma occurs in some middle Lutetian deposits in the Paris basin where the
fauna indicates a shallow water marine environment and, since the shells of Tomostoma are fairly common
and well preserved, it can be assumed that they formed part of this community. The narrow, capuliform shape
of Tomostoma is unusual among fossil and Recent gastropods and probably indicates adaptation to a
specialised habitat. The Recent neritoidean genus Septaria de Férussac, 1807 has a shell of rather similar
shape but all species are much larger than Tomostoma and generally broader. However there are two distinct
forms of S. tesselata (Lamarck, 1816); a broad form found attached to stones in fast flowing rivers and a
narrow form adapted to living on plant material such as grass stalks in quiet water (Haynes 2001). It is
possible that Tomostoma showed a similar adaptation, within a marine environment, and lived on the leaves of
Zostera spp. The fauna of Bed S10 of the Bracklesham Group at Selsey, West Sussex, England, which
contains frequent T. altavillensis, has been interpreted as a sea-grass fauna (Curry et al. 1977; Tracey et al.
1996). The discovery of T. angusta extends the range of the genus in the Paris Basin from the Middle Eocene,
Lutetian to the Late Eocene, Bartonian.
The molluscan assemblage from Le Quoniam (Pacaud 2003) indisputably represents an accumulation of
organisms coming from different environments. In the pebble-bearing sandy strata, the littorinids
Echinolittorina Habe, 1956, Littoraria Griffith & Pidgeon, 1834, Melarhaphe Menke, 1828 and Peasiella
Nevill, 1884, the planaxids Leioplanaxis Lozouet & Maestrati, 1994 and Hinea Gray, 1847 as well as
numerous other genera that are very abundant at Le Quoniam, indicate a mediolittoral community living on
hard substrates (Lozouet & Maestrati 1994; Dolin & Pacaud 2000). Some terrestrial and lagoonal species have
also been transported to the area. The fauna of Le Quoniam is mainly marine but the proximity of brackish
water is indicated by a few euryhaline species such as Clithon (Pictoneritina) passyanus (Deshayes, 1864).
The Cuisian of Trosly-Breuil contains a mixture of shallow marine and brackish water molluscs. Even
though extensive collections of the fauna have been made over many years the holotype is the only known
specimen of C. tuberosa, despite it being a relatively large and distinctive taxon. The extreme rarity of this
species at Trosly-Breuil, in conjunction with its rather poor preservation, probably means that it was not
actually living in the area but that the holotype had been transported from its natural habitat, which may have
been a considerable distance away. The rather solid, strongly ribbed and tuberculate shell of C. tuberosa is
unlike that of most freshwater gastropods and it appears to have been more suited to a marine environment.
Recent capuliform molluscs live on hard surfaces where the smooth edge to the lip provides good contact,
SYMONDS & PACAUD66 · Zootaxa 2606 © 2010 Magnolia Press
important in a high-energy environment or to prevent desiccation on exposure to the air. However the pustules
on the underside of C. tuberosa would have prevented such contact with a hard surface. More material is
required to cast light on the probable origins and mode of life of this interesting neritid.
We are grateful to the MNHN for access to the collections of Neritidae and for the provision of facilities to
study them. Our thanks are also due to Philippe Loubry (MNHN) for the photography and the preparation of
the plates. We are grateful to Steve Tracey both for advice and for presenting the holotype of Cuisenerita
tuberosa to NHM. In particular we appreciate the assistance of Maurice Guilliou, Gérard Barbe and Jacques
Pons in arranging access to, and assisting in the collection of material for our study from, the sites at Pourcy
and Le Quoniam. Finally we thank Mr & Mrs Michel Macquart for allowing the senior author to collect from
their site at Pourcy, at which the type material of Clithon barbei was found.
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... Ископаемые остатки хищных брюхоногих семейства Naticidae широко распространены в палеоген-неогеновых отложениях от Италии [Robba et al., 2016] и Франции [Pacaud, Renard, 1995;Pacaud, 2007;Symonds, Pacaud, 2010] до Казахстана [Жижченко, Иванова, 1971; Амитров, 1993; 2005]. Эти обширные территории в эоценовое время были ключевыми звеньями морской коммуникационной системы и имели прочную связь с Западносибирским морем через Тургайский пролив [Ахметьев и др., 2004а, 2004б; Ахметьев, 2011]. ...
... Sigaretotrema clathratum (Gmelin, 1791) распространен в отложениях лютетского возраста Парижского бассейна [Pacaud, Renard, 1995;Pacaud, 2007;Symonds, Pacaud, 2010] и Северо-Итальянского [Robba et al., 2016]. Близкородственный вид Sinum rotundatum (Koenen, 1891) известен в чегане [Амитров, 2005]. ...
... Общность видового состава с парижским бассейном [Pacaud, Renard, 1995;Pacaud, 2007;Symonds, Pacaud, 2010] и доминирование в чеганском комплексе моллюсков Naticidae [Жижченко, Иванова, 1971; Амитров, 1993; 2005] определяет прочную связь Тавдинского моря с другими паратетическими акваториями, что ранее подтверждено присутствием идентичных комплексов диноцист и других палиноморфов [Ахметьев и др., 2004а, 2004б]. Вопросы времени и путей миграции моллюсков Naticidae остаются открытыми. ...
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The present work is one of several planned articles on updating information on the biodiversity of malacofauna and palaeogeography of the Middle-Late Eocen Tavda Sea, which existed in the Western Siberia. Paper contains data on fossil species diversity of the family Naticidae of the Middle and Late Eocene West Siberian Sea and on drill holes. The drill holes indicate predator activity, prey of Naticidae and influence of abiotic factors on their behavior. Previously the invertebrate macro-fauna of the Eocene of Western Siberia was not studied. As a result, the biodiversity, paleogeography and paleoecology remained incompletely studied. This requires additional collecting, generalization and systematization of paleontological material.
... Ecological information of molluscs was derived from the Neogene Marine Biota of Tropical America molluscan life habits database (Todd, 2001) and the comprehensive ecological information provided by Beesley et al. (1998). Mollusc identifications follow Cossmann & Pissarro (1904-1906, Cossmann & Pissarro (1910-1913 and original descriptions where necessary, with nomenclature amended after Le Renard (1994Renard ( , 1995, Le Renard & Pacaud (1994, 1995, , Reid et al. (2008), Pacaud & Harzhauser (2012) and Symonds & Pacaud (2010). Fish teeth were identified using Casier (1946), with reference to Leriche (1907) and Dutheil (1991), using the updated systematics and nomenclature of Cappetta & Nolf (2005) and Cappetta (2012). ...
... 19. Eupera denainvilliersi (de Boissy, 1848), interior of left valve, W 2.1 mm; exterior of left valve of another specimen, W 2.1 Clithon barbeiSymonds & Pacaud, 2010, two views, H 4.0 mm. 31a-b. ...
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We have studied the fossil fauna from the locality of Pourcy (Marne) in the northeast of the Paris Basin, France, housed in various collections, in order to assess the nature and diversity of the fauna and gain an insight into the nature of the conditions that could have produced this assemblage. The mollusc fauna is strongly indicative of varied tropical estuarine environments probably vegetated with mangroves, but may also contain material derived from underlying mangrove facies. Both coastal marine and terrestrial mollusc and vertebrate faunas are also represented. The terrestrial community contained indicators of subtropical rainforest lowland with broad river banks and lakes, but some reworking of materials seems likely. The early-middle Ypresian Falun de Pourcy probably reflected ongoing estuarine/mangrove conditions that characterised the late Sparnacian period. Preliminary species lists of mollusc and vertebrate fossils are given, together with a comparison of mollusc feeding guilds to those of a modern Indo-Pacific estuary system.
... Solem, 1979), helicinoideans appeared only in the Cretaceous (Bullis et al., 2020), suggesting that Dawsonella represents a case of terrestrialization separate from that of the large clade Helicinoidea (Vermeij, 2020b). First appearances of terrestrial lineages in Neritimorpha were taken from five studies (Solem, 1979;Symonds & Pacaud, 2010;Symonds, 2016;Bullis et al., 2020;Tingting & Neubauer, 2021). The terrestrial habits of most neritimorph lineages are well known (Barker, 2001), but that of the genus Neritodryas was not well documented until Cowie & Smith's (2000) study. ...
Evolutionary transitions from water to land are infrequent. The physical contrasts between these media are amplified by biological differences in the patterns of selection. A new compilation, based on published phylogenetic and fossil evidence, identifies 30 separate instances of terrestrial colonization by gastropods, at least 12 from the sea and 14 from freshwater. Pre-Cenozoic transitions, mainly from freshwater and all tropical, resulted in high terrestrial diversity. Most Cenozoic colonizations were local, especially on oceanic islands, and yielded few terrestrial species. An increasingly predator-rich terrestrial environment after the Cretaceous made colonization on land unlikely except in cryptic habitats and on islands. Colonization from the sea became possible only in the Cenozoic, when marine lineages became specialized for life on the upper seashore. The results are compared with terrestrial colonizations by other groups of plants and animals.
... Dif fer ent types of col our pat tern pre served on neritimorph shells were also re corded from the Me so zoic (e.g., Tichy, 1980;Squires, 1993;Bandel and Kiel, 2003;Bandel, 2007;Kaim et al., 2013) and Ce no zoic (e.g., Bandel, 2001;Wesselingh, 2006;Symonds and Pacaud, 2010). ...
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A zigzag colour pat tern with additional collabral belts and irregular spots was ob served on a shell of Naticopsis (N.) planispira (Phillips, 1836) found in the Golonog Sand stone marine faunal horizon (Namurian A, the Up per Silesian Coal Basin, Poland). A disruption in the colour pat tern was also observed to have occurred during ontogenetic shell growth. In this specimen, it appeared in the healed shell dam age on the outer lip. So far, only nine Carboniferous species of Naticopsis have been reported with the colour pat tern preserved. The most common are the zigzag-type and the spiral band-type. Individual taxa clearly differ in the morphology of the chevrons (direction and angles of breaks) and the location and width of the spiral bands on a whorl. How ever, the color pat terns may not be diagnostic features for the Naticopsis species, be cause of the large intraspecific variation and colour pat tern polymorphism on the neritimorph shells. Colour pat terns on Palaeozoic neritimorph shells most likely served as camouflage with respect to the bottom surface in the photic zone.
Exaggerated morphologies present challenges for understanding the factors that enable, prevent or compel lineages to evolve unusual functional traits. Here, I examine the case of gastropods whose adult shells are bottom heavy by virtue of a thick, often broad, convex ventral callus deposit on the inner lip and adapical to the aperture. Data on the spatial, temporal and phylogenetic distribution of callus-bearing gastropods were gleaned from the literature and from personal observations on fossil and living gastropods in collections. An exaggerated ventral callus has evolved in ≥ 72 lineages of gastropods, all in warm, shallow waters, beginning in the Late Ordovician but mostly during and after the Late Cretaceous. The phylogenetic distribution of these gastropods is highly clumped, with multiple acquisitions in some clades (e.g. Stromboidea and Buccinoidea) and none in others (e.g. Conoidea). Functional considerations and comparisons indicate that the enhanced gravitational stability provided by a ventral callus evolved only in conditions of low-cost calcification and when predators capable of dislodging or overturning gastropods or causing them to flee were important agents of selection.
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This paper discusses the smooth-shelled species of Neritidae present (or supposedly present) in the Ypresian of the Paris Basin. These species have been previously assigned to the genera Clithon (Pictoneritina) Iredale 1936, Theodoxus (Vittoclithon) H. B. Baker, 1923, Neritodryas Von Martens 1869 and Neritoplica Oppenheim, 1892. This study is based on a simplified and homogeneous approach to the identification of the various species of this family of gastropods, based on a limited number of distinguishing criteria. Examination of more than 250 specimens from public institutions and private collections, including the types of most of the taxa considered, allowed the compilation of a clear reference iconography and the introduction of three new taxa: Clithon (Pictoneritina) coeuvrensis nov. sp., Clithon (Pictoneritina) tigrinus nov. sp. and Clithon (Pictoneritina) occultatus nov. sp. A key based on shell characters is given to facilitate the identification of the species.
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Neritopsis parisiensis Deshayes, 1864 is considered nomen protectum, and Neritopsis altavillensis Deshayes 1857 is demonstrated to be a nomen oblitum in accordance with the ICZN Article 23.9.1.
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In the South of Armorican Massif (Northwest of France), the Eocene is known by small outcrops of sands and marine limestone and/or sandstone rarely fossiliferous. One of the most famous are the shelly sands of Bois-Gouët, near Saffré (Loire-Atlantique department), with is more than 1,000 species belonging mostly to gastropods and bivalves. This locality was discovered in 1877 by a young palaeontologist of the Paris university, Gaston Vasseur, and the fauna was originally described by Maurice Cossmann after a new excavation carried out in 1895 and directed by Auguste Dumas, of the Museum of Natural History of Nantes. Since its discovery, the shelly sands of Bois-Gouët were nearly always considered as the equivalent of the base of the ‘Calcaire Grossier supérieur de Paris’ and attributed to the Upper Lutetian (Middle Eocene) but, after the recommandations of Mathelin & Bignot (1989) these deposits are now considered rather as Barthonian. The Bois-Gouët fauna is mostly dominated by gastropods (numerous terrestrial, freshwater, brackish and marine species, with a few endemic genera as Otomphalus, Casimiria, Velainella, and Gouetina) and bivalves associated to rarer cephalopods (mostly cuttlefishes lato sensu), scaphopods, brachiopods (Terebratula, Crania…), corals, sea-urchins (mainly Praescutella cailliaudi (COTTEAU 1861)), bryozoans, and crustaceans. The subspecies Velates perversus vasseuri nov. subsp. is described. Some remains of vertebrates were also gathered as isolated tooth of sharks and otolithes of teleostean fishes, costal scutes of turtles and tooth of the Lophiodon parisiense GERVAIS 1850 [an extinct species of mammal related to tapirs].
In southwestern Baja California Norte a new species of Early Tertiary Tethyan gastropod, Velates, V. vizcainoensis n. sp., occurs with a previously unknown intertidal molluscan fauna suggestive of an unprotected coastline of probable Paleocene age. Comparison of Velates vizcainoensis n. sp. to other forms previously assigned to Velates from southwestern North America suggests that “Nerita” cuneata Gabb of Late Cretaceous age probably belongs in Neritina (Dostia) , as do N. (D.) aff. N. (D.) cuneata and N. (D.) escondita n. sp. Velates is probably derived from typical Otostoma and is an early Tertiary genus. Velates californicus Vokes, although originally described as being from the Llajas Formation of middle Eocene age, is from the upper Santa Susana Formation and probably is of late Paleocene age at its type locality. Two other neritid gastropods are present in the fauna with Velates vizcainoensis; namely, Corsania (Januncia) Janus n. subgen., n. sp. and Nerita (Theliostyla) n. sp.(?). Corsania Vidal, 1917, is a genus distinct from Otostoma and ranges from Early Cretaceous to Paleocene. Januncia n. subgen. has a Tethyan distribution and ranges from Maastrichtian through Paleocene.