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Towards Machine Ethics



We contend that the ethical ramifications of machine behavior, as well as recent and potential developments in machine autonomy, necessitate adding an ethical dimension to at least some machines. We lay the theoretical foundation for machine ethics by discussing the rationale for, the feasibilty of, and the benefits of adding an ethical dimension to machines. Finally, we present details of prototype systems and motivate future work.
Towards Machine Ethics
Michael Anderson
Susan Leigh Anderson
Chris Armen
University of Hartford University of Connecticut Trinity College
Department of Computer Science Department of Philosophy Department of Computer Science
West Hartford, CT Stamford, CT Hartford, CT
We contend that the ethical ramifications of machine
behavior, as well as recent and potential developments in
machine autonomy, necessitate adding an ethical dimension
to at least some machines. We lay the theoretical
foundation for machine ethics by discussing the rationale
for, the feasibilty of, and the benefits of adding an ethical
dimension to machines. Finally, we present details of
prototype systems and motivate future work.
Past research concerning the relationship between
technology and ethics has largely focused on responsible
and irresponsible use of technology by human beings, with
a few people being interested in how human beings ought
to treat machines. In all cases, only human beings have
engaged in ethical reasoning. This is evidenced in the Ten
Commandments of Computer Ethics advocated by the
Computer Ethics Institute of The Brookings Institution
(Barquin 1992), where admonishments such as "Thou
Shalt Not Use A Computer To Harm Other People" and
"Thou Shalt Not Use A Computer To Steal" speak to this
human-centered perspective. We believe that the time has
come for adding an ethical dimension to at least some
machines. Recognition of the ethical ramifications of
behavior involving machines, as well as recent and
potential developments in machine autonomy, necessitates
this. We explore this dimension through investigation of
what has been called machine ethics. In contrast to
computer hacking, software property issues, privacy issues
and other topics normally ascribed to computer ethics,
machine ethics is concerned with the consequences of
behavior of machines towards human users and other
In the following, we lay the theoretical foundation for
machine ethics by discussing the rationale for, the
feasibility of, and the benefits of adding an ethical
dimension to machines. Finally, we present details of
prototype systems and motivate the next steps of our
Copyright © 2004, American Association for Artificial Intelligence
( All rights reserved.
Not only have machines conquered chess (Deep Blue1),
but speech understanding programs are used to handle
reservations for airlines (Pegasus2), expert systems monitor
spacecraft (MARVEL3) and diagnose pathology
(PathFinder (Heckerman et al. 1992)), robotic systems
have been taught to drive and have driven across the
country (NavLab4), unmanned combat jets are flying (X-
45A UCAV5) and more. There is no limit to the
projections that have been made for such technology –
from cars that drive themselves and machines that
discharge our daily chores with little assistance from us, to
fully autonomous robotic entities that will begin to
challenge our notions of the very nature of intelligence.
Behavior involving all of these systems may have ethical
ramifications, some due to the advice they give and others
due to their own autonomous behavior.
Clearly, relying on machine intelligence to effect change
in the world without some restraint can be dangerous.
Until fairly recently, the ethical impact of a machine’s
actions has either been negligible, as in the case of a
calculator, or, when considerable, has only been taken
under the supervision of a human operator, as in the case
of automobile assembly via robotic mechanisms. As we
increasingly rely upon machine intelligence with reduced
human supervision, we will need to be able to count on a
certain level of ethical behavior from them. The fact that
we will increasingly rely on machine intelligence follows
from a simple projection of our current reliance to a level
of reliance fueled by market pressures to perform faster,
better, and more reliably.
As machines are given more responsibility, an equal
measure of accountability for their actions must be meted
out to them. Ignoring this aspect risks undesirable
machine behavior. Further, we may be missing an
opportunity to harness new machine capabilities to assist
us in ethical decision-making.
Fortunately, there is every reason to believe that ethically
sensitive machines can be created. An approach to ethical
decision-making that dominated ethical theory from Kant
through the mid-twentieth century – action-based ethics
(where the emphasis is on telling us how we should act in
an ethical dilemma) – lends itself to machine
implementation. Action-based theories are rule governed
and, besides agreeing with intuition, these rules must be
consistent, complete, and practical (Anderson 2000)1. As
John Stuart Mill said in Utilitarianism, for an action-based
theory to have a chance of being consistent:
There ought either to be some one fundamental
principle or law…or if there be several, there should
be a determinant order of precedence among them…
[a] rule for deciding between the various principles
when they conflict…. (Mill 1974)
A further condition of consistency is that this one
principle or rule for deciding between principles when
there are several that might conflict should never tell us, in
a given situation, that a particular action is both right and
wrong. There should always be a single answer to the
question: In the given ethical dilemma, is this action right
or wrong?
To say that an action-based ethical theory is complete
means that it does all that it’s supposed to do, that is, it
tells us how we should act in any ethical dilemma in which
we might find ourselves. The added requirement of
practicality ensures that it is realistically possible to follow
the theory. Consider, for example, a variation on the Act-
Utilitarian theory which we will explore shortly. A theory
which would have us do whatever would in fact (rather
than is likely to) result in the best consequences is not
practical because there is no way that we can know
beforehand what will happen, how things will turn out.
Consistent, complete and practical rules lend themselves
to an algorithmic formulation that is necessary for a
machine implementation. Consistency, in computer
science terms, means that the algorithm is deterministic;
informally, this means that given a particular set of inputs,
the algorithm will always come to the same conclusion.
Complete, in computer science terms, means that the
algorithm will produce valid output for all valid input.
Practicality has two interpretations from the computer
1 In more recent years, there has been a revival of virtue-
based ethics, where the emphasis is on what sort of
persons we should be, rather than how we should act. But
it’s not clear that this would force us to replace action-
based ethics with virtue-based ethics since, as William
Frankena has argued:
we [should] regard the morality of duty and principle
and the morality of virtues and traits of character not
as rival kinds of morality between which we must
choose, but as two complementary aspects of the
same morality….for every principle there will be a
morally good trait…and for every morally good trait
there will be a principle determining the kind of
action in which it is to express itself. (Frankena 1993)
science perspective: (1) the input to the algorithm is well-
defined and available, and (2) the algorithm can be
implemented efficiently; i.e., it will reach a conclusion in a
reasonable amount of time, where “reasonable” can be
characterized mathematically.
As a first step towards showing that an ethical
dimension might be added to certain machines, let us
consider the possibility of programming a machine to
follow the theory of Act Utilitarianism, a theory that is
consistent, complete and practical. According to this
theory that act is right which, of all the actions open to the
agent, is likely to result in the greatest net good
consequences, taking all those affected by the action
equally into account. Essentially, as Jeremy Bentham long
ago pointed out, the theory involves performing “moral
arithmetic” (Bentham 1799). A machine is certainly
capable of doing arithmetic. Of course, before doing the
arithmetic, one needs to know what counts as a “good” and
“bad” consequence. The most popular version of Act
Utilitarianism – Hedonistic Act Utilitarianism – would
have us consider the pleasure and displeasure that those
affected by each possible action are likely to receive. And,
as Bentham pointed out, we would probably need some
sort of scale (e.g. from 2 to -2) to account for such things
as the intensity and duration of the displeasure or pleasure
that each individual affected is likely to receive. But this is
information that a human being would need to have as well
to follow the theory. Given this information, a machine
could be developed that is just as able to follow the theory
as a human being.
Hedonistic Act Utilitarianism can be implemented in a
straightforward manner. The algorithm is to compute the
best action, that which derives the greatest net pleasure,
from all alternative actions. It requires as input the number
of people affected, and for each person, the intensity of the
pleasure/displeasure (e.g. on a scale of 2 to -2), the
duration of the pleasure/displeasure (e.g. in days), and the
probability that this pleasure/displeasure will occur for
each possible action. For each person, the algorithm
simply computes the product of the intensity, the duration,
and the probability, to obtain the net pleasure for each
person. It then adds the individual net pleasure to obtain
the Total Net Pleasure:
Total Net Pleasure = (Intensity × Duration ×
Probability) for each affected individual
This computation would be performed for each alternative
action. The action with the highest Total Net Pleasure is
the right action.
In fact, the machine might have an advantage over a
human being in following the theory of Act Utilitarianism
for several reasons: First, human beings tend not to do the
arithmetic strictly, but just estimate that a certain action is
likely to result in the greatest net good consequences, and
so a human being might make a mistake, whereas such
error by a machine would be less likely. Second, human
beings tend towards partiality (favoring themselves, or
those near and dear to them, over others who might be
affected by their actions or inactions), whereas an impartial
machine could be devised. Since the theory of
Utilitarianism was developed to introduce objectivity into
ethical decision-making, this is important. Third, humans
tend not to consider all of the possible actions that they
could perform in a particular situation, whereas a more
thorough machine could be developed. Imagine a machine
that acts as an advisor to human beings and “thinks” like
an Act Utilitarian. It will prompt the human user to
consider alternative actions that might result in greater net
good consequences than the action the human being is
considering doing and it will prompt the human to consider
the effects of each of those actions on all those affected.
Such crtitiquing model expert systems (systems that
evaluate and react to solutions proposed by users) are in
use today (e.g. TraumAID1) that very likely could
incorporate elements of the ethical theory. Finally, for
some individuals’ actions – actions of the President of the
United States or the CEO of a large international
corporation – so many individuals can be impacted that the
calculation of the greatest net pleasure may be very time
consuming, and the speed of today’s machines give them
an advantage.
We conclude, then, that machines can follow the theory
of Act Utilitarianism at least as well as human beings and,
perhaps even better, given the data which human beings
would need, as well, to follow the theory. The theory of
Act-Utilitarianism has, however, been questioned as not
entirely agreeing with intuition. It is certainly a good
starting point in programming a machine to be ethically
sensitive – it would probably be more ethically sensitive
than many human beings – but, perhaps, a better ethical
theory can be used.
Critics of Act Utilitarianism have pointed out that it can
violate human beings’ rights, sacrificing one person for the
greater net good. It can also conflict with our notion of
justice – what people deserve – because the rightness and
wrongness of actions is determined entirely by the future
consequences of actions, whereas what people deserve is a
result of past behavior. In the Twentieth Century, W. D.
Ross (Ross 1930) argued that any single-principle ethical
theory like Act Utilitarianism is doomed to fail, because
ethics is more complicated than following a single absolute
duty. He maintained that ethical decision-making involves
considering several prima facie duties – duties which, in
general, we should try to follow, but can be overridden on
occasion by a stronger duty.
Ross suggests that there might be seven prima facie
1. Fidelity (One should honor promises, live up to
agreements one has voluntarily made.)
2. Reparation (One should make amends for wrongs
one has done.)
3. Gratitude (One should return favors.)
4. Justice (One should treat people as they deserve to be
treated, in light of their past behavior.)
5. Beneficence (One should act so as to bring about the
most amount of good.)
6. Non-Maleficence (One should act so as to cause the
least harm.)
7. Self-Improvement (One should develop one’s own
talents and abilities to the fullest.)
The first four duties arise because of past behavior, and so
are a correction to utilitarian thinking. It is interesting that
Ross separated the single act utilitarian principle into two
— with duties 5 and 6 — and he maintained that, in
general, duty 6 is stronger than duty 5. This is because
Ross believed (and most of us would surely concur) that it
is worse to harm someone that not to help a person. Simply
subtracting the harm one might cause from the good, as
Act Utilitarianism does, ignores this important ethical
truth. The final duty incorporates a bit of Ethical Egoism
into the theory and accounts for our intuition that we have
a special obligation to ourselves that we don’t have to
These duties all have intuitive appeal, with the exception
of the duty of Gratitude which should probably be
changed to “one should return favors one has asked for,”
otherwise one could force ethical obligations on
individuals simply by doing them favors. Ross’ theory of
prima facie duties seems to more completely account for
the different types of ethical obligations that most of us
recognize than Act Utilitarianism. It has one fatal flaw,
however. Ross gives us no decision procedure for
determining which duty becomes the strongest one, when,
as often happens, several duties pull in different directions
in an ethical dilemma. Thus the theory, as it stands, fails to
satisfy Mill’s minimal criterion of consistency. Ross was
content to leave the decision up to the intuition of the
decision-maker, but ethicists believe that this amounts to
having no theory at all. The agent could simply do
whatever he feels like doing and find a duty to support this
It is likely that a machine could help us to solve the
problem of developing a consistent, complete and practical
version of Ross’ theory that agrees with intuition, a
problem that human beings have not yet solved because it
would involve trying many different combinations of
weightings for the duties, which quickly becomes very
complicated. A simple hierarchy won’t do because then the
top duty would be absolute and Ross maintained that all of
the duties are prima facie. (For each duty, there are
situations where another one of the duties is stronger).
We suggest that a method like Rawls’ “reflective
equillibrium” approach (Rawls 1951) to refining an ethical
principle would be helpful in trying to solve this problem
and aid us in ethical decision-making. This method would
involve running through possible weightings of the duties
and then testing them on our intuitions concerning
particular cases, revising the weightings to reflect those
intuitions, and then testing them again. This approach, that
would very quickly overwhelm a human being, lends itself
to machine implementation.
We can extend the algorithm above described for
Hedonistic Act Utilitarianism to capture the additional
complexity of Ross’ theory. For a given possible action,
we once again will sum over all of the individuals affected.
However, instead of computing a single value based only
on pleasure/displeasure, we must compute the sum of up to
seven values, depending on the number of Ross’ duties
relevant to the particular action. The value for each such
duty could be computed as with Hedonistic Act
Utilitarianism, as the product of Intensity, Duration and
In addition, we must incorporate a factor that captures
Ross’ intuition that one duty may take precedence over
another, for instance that Non-Maleficence is in general a
stronger duty than Beneficence. Giving each duty a factor
of 1.0 represents equal precedence to all duties. To
represent the observation that Non-Maleficence is
generally stronger than Beneficence, we might give Non-
Maleficence a factor of 1.5. In a simple example in which
these are the only two duties that apply, and all other
factors are equal, the duty of Non-Maleficence will then
have 1.5 times the effect of the duty of Beneficence.
It remains to show how to determine these weights. We
propose to apply well-studied approaches that are
employed in machine learning that capture Rawls’ notion
of “reflective equillibrium”. In these supervised learning
(Mitchell 1997) approaches, a set of training data is
required; for the current task, the training data would
consist of a set of ethical dilemmas together with our
consensus of the correct answers. We also identify an
objective function or goal; in this case, the objective
function is simply whether the result of the algorithm
conforms to our consensus of correct ethical behavior. The
learning algorithm proceeds by adjusting the weights in
order to satisfy the objective function as it is exposed to
more problem instances. As the choice of weights is
refined, the machine could then be more likely to make a
correct ethical choice for an ethical dilemma to which it
has not yet been exposed.
Figure 2: Jeremy advice
Figure 1: Jeremy data entry
Besides determining what ethical principles we would
like to see a machine follow — a fairly simple theory like
Act Utilitarianism or a more complicated one such as an
ideally weighted set of prima facie duties like Ross’ —
there is also the issue of how to begin adding this ethical
dimension to machines. We suggest, first, designing
machines to serve as ethical advisors, machines well-
versed in ethical theory and its application to dilemmas
specific to a given domain that offer advice concerning the
ethical dimensions of these dilemmas as they arise. The
next step might be adding an ethical dimension to
machines that already serve in areas that have ethical
ramifications, such as medicine and business, by providing
them with a means to warn when some ethical
transgression appears imminent. These steps could lead to
fully autonomous machines with an ethical dimension that
consider the ethical impact of their decisions before taking
An ethical dimension in machines could be used to alert
humans who rely on machines before they do something
that is ethically questionable, averting harm that might
have been caused otherwise. Further, the behavior of more
fully autonomous machines, guided by this ethical
dimension, may be more acceptable in real-world
environments than that of machines without such a
dimension. Also, machine-machine relationships could
benefit from this ethical dimension, providing a basis for
resolving resource conflict or predicting behavior of other
Working in the area of machine ethics could have the
additional benefit of forcing us to sharpen our thinking in
ethics and enable us to discover problems with current
ethical theories. This may lead to improved ethical
theories. Furthermore, the fact that machines can be
impartial and unemotional means that they can strictly
follow rules, whereas humans tend to favor themselves and
let emotions get in the way of clear thinking. Thus,
machines might even be better suited to ethical decision-
making than human beings.
As a first step towards our goals, we have begun the
development of two prototype ethical advisor systems —
Jeremy, based upon Bentham’s Act Utilitarianism, and
W.D., based upon Ross’ prima facie duties. These
programs implement the core algorithms of the ethical
theories upon which they are based and, as such, will form
the basis for domain-specific systems built upon the same
theories. The object of the current programs is to determine
the most ethically correct action(s) from a set of input
actions and their relevant estimates (which have been
simplified for direct user entry).
Jeremy (Figs. 1 & 2) presents the user with an input screen
that prompts for the name of an action and the name of a
person affected by that action as well as a rough estimate
of the amount (very pleasurable, somewhat pleasurable,
not pleasurable or displeasurable, somewhat
displeasurable, very displeasurable) and likelihood (very
likely, somewhat likely, not very likely) of pleasure or
displeasure that person would experience if this action was
chosen. The user continues to enter this data for each
person affected by this action and this input is completed
for each action under consideration.
When data entry is complete, Jeremy calculates the
amount of net pleasure each action achieves (assigning 2,
1, 0, -1 and -2 to pleasure estimates and 0.8, 0.5, and 0.2 to
likelihood estimates and summing their product for each
individual affected by an action) and presents the user with
the action(s) for which this net pleasure is the greatest.
Jeremy then permits the user to seek more information
about the decision, ask for further advice, or quit.
Figure 3: W.D. data entry Figure 4: W.D. advice
W.D. (Figs. 3 & 4) presents the user with an input screen
that prompts for the name of an action and a rough
estimate of the amount each of the prima facie duties
(fidelity, reparation, gratitude, justice, beneficence, self-
improvement, nonmaleficence) are satisfied or violated by
this action (very violated, somewhat violated, not satisfied
or satisfied, somewhat satisfied, very satisfied). The user
continues to enter this data for each action under
When data entry is complete, W.D. calculates the
weighted sum of duty satisfaction (assigning -2, -1, 0, 1
and 2 to satisfaction estimates) and presents the user with
the action(s) for which the sum of the weighted prima
facie duties satisfaction is the greatest. W.D. then permits
the user to train the system, seek more information about
the decision, ask for further advice, or quit.
The weights for each duty, currently simply set to 1.0,
are to be learned as suggested by Rawls’ notion of
“reflective equilibrium”. As each ethical dilemma is put to
W.D., the user is permitted to suggest a particular action
that is more intuitively correct than that chosen by W.D.
Weights for each duty are then updated using a least mean
square (Mitchell 1997) training rule by adding to each the
product of the difference between the weighted sums of
each action and the satisfaction estimates for the user-
suggested action. As these weights are learned, W.D.
choices should become more aligned with intuition.
Towards an ethical advisor
Jeremy and W.D. are straight-forward implementations of
their respective ethical theories. They form a necessary
foundation for future development of systems based on
these theories, but deriving the raw data required by these
systems may be daunting for those not well-versed in the
ethical theories they implement or the task of resolving
ethical dilemmas in general. It is our intent to insert a
layer between the user and these algorithms that will
provide guidance in deriving the data necessary for them.
To motivate the next steps we wish to take, consider the
following example: You promised a student that you
would supervise an independent study for him next
semester that he needs in order to graduate on time. Since
then, your Dean has offered you the chance to be acting
chair of your department for a semester — with a monetary
bonus attached to the offer — until a search for a new
chair is completed. You can’t do both. What should you
A naive Act Utilitarian (Jeremy) analysis might well
lead to a stalemate. If you keep your promise to the
student and turn down the offer, it might be equally
pleasurable to the student and displeasurable to you, and
vice versa. A more sensitive analysis of the case might
bring out more subtle aspects of the dilemma, for instance
who besides the principles might be affected and
consideration of long term consequences in addition to
obvious short term ones. Those other than the principles
(teacher and student) that might be affected could include,
for example, the department if no one else can do a good
job as an acting chair, the student’s family that may not be
able to afford another semester of school or your family if
it is need of the money. Long term consequences might
include damage to your relationships with other students or
to the student’s chances of getting into grad school if you
renege on your promise and accept the offer, or the loss of
a golden opportunity to realize your dream of being an
administrator or the risk of disappointing of your Dean if
you keep your promise and reject offer.
Further, it is not clear that the obligation of a “promise”
can be fully captured with an Act Utilitarian approach like
Jeremy’s which is only concerned with consequences of
actions. On the other hand, Ross’ approach imposes other
duties on agents including the prima facie duty of fidelity
where one should honor promises.
A simple analysis in Ross’ approach (W.D.) might
determine that 1) if you renege on your promise and accept
the offer, the duty of beneficence is satisfied because you
gain money while the duties of fidelity and non-
maleficence are violated because you are not keeping your
promise and are hurting the student, and 2) if you keep
your promise and reject the offer, the duties of fidelity and
beneficence are satisfied because your promise is kept and
you are helping the student while the duty of non-
maleficence is violated because you are harming yourself
by not getting the bonus. Given equal levels of satisfaction
and violation, as well as an equal weighting of duties, the
recommended action is to keep your promise and reject the
offer. This action satisfies two duties and only violates
one, whereas the alternative satisfies only one and violates
A more sensitive analysis would need to consider others
beyond the principles, for instance your family, the
student’s family, the department, the Dean, etc. and,
further, the duty of self-improvement may come into play
if one has aspirations for doing administrative work. The
numbers of individuals positively affected may be enough
to raise the satisfaction level for the duty of beneficence to
override the violation of the duty of fidelity and, as a
consequence, reneging on your promise and accepting the
offer is the action recommended by this analysis.
Clearly, more sensitive analyses of ethical dilemmas
may prove difficult for users of Jeremy and W.D. without
guidance. We seek to provide such guidance by
abstracting and codifying questions supportive of such
analyses such as “Who beyond the principles will be
affected?”, “What will the long term consequences be?”,
“Are there any other actions possible?”, etc. Further, as
answers to even these questions might elude users, we
intend to provide domain specific guidance to help users
determine them. Interestingly, the Rossian framework
allows one to create a set of duties particular to a specific
domain, for example the Principles of Biomedical Ethics
(Beauchamp and Childress 1979). An ethical advisor
system based on this set of duties, well-versed in
knowledge of the medical domain and its typical
dilemmas, for instance, could help elicit information more
pointedly for this domain.
In conclusion, we are creating systems that assist users
with their dilemmas by helping them consider all that is
ethically relevant and providing a means to apply sound
ethical theory to it. Arriving at “the answer” is less
important than facilitating this process of careful
deliberation. We believe this is an important first step
towards the ultimate goal of ethically sensitive machines.
This work is supported in part by a grant from the National
Aeronautics and Space Agency via the Connecticut Space
Grant College Consortium.
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Social norms are standards of behaviour common in a society. However, when agents make decisions without considering how others are impacted, norms can emerge that lead to the subjugation of certain agents. We present RAWL-E, a method to create ethical norm-learning agents. RAWL-E agents operationalise maximin, a fairness principle from Rawlsian ethics, in their decision-making processes to promote ethical norms by balancing societal well-being with individual goals. We evaluate RAWL-E agents in simulated harvesting scenarios. We find that norms emerging in RAWL-E agent societies enhance social welfare, fairness, and robustness, and yield higher minimum experience compared to those that emerge in agent societies that do not implement Rawlsian ethics.
... Consequential reasoning is based on either immediate or short-term considerations, which is called action consequentialism; or on long-term consequences, called rule consequentialism. Different models of consequentialism have been used to design a variety of computational models for responsible autonomy [1,5,9,12,41,43,46]. Some of the challenges of consequentialism include difficulty in evaluating consequences, especially in open-world conditions with uncertainty. ...
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Computational models for ethical autonomy, are crucial for building trustworthy autonomous systems. While different paradigms of ethical autonomy are pursued, comparing and contrasting these paradigms remains a challenge. In this work, we present SPECTRA (Strategic Protocol Evaluation and Configuration Testbed for Responsible Autonomy) a general purpose multi-agent, message-passing framework on top of which, different models of computational ethics can be implemented. The paper also presents our implementation of four paradigms of ethics on this framework– deontology, utilitarianism, virtue ethics and a recently proposed paradigm called computational transcendence. We observe that although agents have the same goal, differences in their underlying paradigm of ethics have a significant impact on the outcomes for individual agents as well as on the system as a whole. We also simulate a mixed population of agents following different paradigms of ethics and study the emergent properties of the system.
... Whether moral precepts can be derived through technology and whether deriving moral precepts is a proper and feasible objective of AI has been debated over the last 2 decades (Anderson et al., 2004;Nallur, 2020). Misselhorn (2021) who talks of "algorithm morality" or "artificial morality," favors a "hybrid approach" combing fundamental moral rules (e.g., never harm or kill a human) with AI-based learning of contextual moral rules for interacting with humans (e.g., respecting privacy for person X, and favoring safety issues for person Y). ...
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Current ethical debates on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare treat AI as a product of technology in three ways. First, by assessing risks and potential benefits of currently developed AI-enabled products with ethical checklists; second, by proposing ex ante lists of ethical values seen as relevant for the design and development of assistive technology, and third, by promoting AI technology to use moral reasoning as part of the automation process. The dominance of these three perspectives in the discourse is demonstrated by a brief summary of the literature. Subsequently, we propose a fourth approach to AI, namely, as a methodological tool to assist ethical reflection. We provide a concept of an AI-simulation informed by three separate elements: 1) stochastic human behavior models based on behavioral data for simulating realistic settings, 2) qualitative empirical data on value statements regarding internal policy, and 3) visualization components that aid in understanding the impact of changes in these variables. The potential of this approach is to inform an interdisciplinary field about anticipated ethical challenges or ethical trade-offs in concrete settings and, hence, to spark a re-evaluation of design and implementation plans. This may be particularly useful for applications that deal with extremely complex values and behavior or with limitations on the communication resources of affected persons (e.g., persons with dementia care or for care of persons with cognitive impairment). Simulation does not replace ethical reflection but does allow for detailed, context-sensitive analysis during the design process and prior to implementation. Finally, we discuss the inherently quantitative methods of analysis afforded by stochastic simulations as well as the potential for ethical discussions and how simulations with AI can improve traditional forms of thought experiments and future-oriented technology assessment.
... The new millennium and the advent of autonomous agents brought the urgent necessity of this philosophical reflection on AI technologies. A preliminary work on the theoretical foundations for machine ethics (Anderson et al., 2004), mainly based on utilitarian ethics, was presented in a 2004 workshop organized by the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). Next year, an entire AAAI workshop was devoted to machine ethics, with seminal contributions that were collected and published some years later (Anderson & Anderson, 2011). ...
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Is ethics a computable function? Can machines learn ethics like humans do? If teaching consists in no more than programming, training, indoctrinating… and if ethics is merely following a code of conduct, then yes, we can teach ethics to algorithmic machines. But if ethics is not merely about following a code of conduct or about imitating the behavior of others, then an approach based on computing outcomes, and on the reduction of ethics to the compilation and application of a set of rules, either a priori or learned, misses the point. Our intention is not to solve the technical problem of machine ethics, but to learn something about human ethics, and its rationality, by reflecting on the ethics that can and should be implemented in machines. Any machine ethics implementation will have to face a number of fundamental or conceptual problems, which in the end refer to philosophical questions, such as: what is a human being (or more generally, what is a worthy being); what is human intentional acting; and how are intentional actions and their consequences morally evaluated. We are convinced that a proper understanding of ethical issues in AI can teach us something valuable about ourselves, and what it means to lead a free and responsible ethical life, that is, being good people beyond merely “following a moral code”. In the end we believe that rationality must be seen to involve more than just computing, and that value rationality is beyond numbers. Such an understanding is a required step to recovering a renewed rationality of ethics, one that is urgently needed in our highly technified society.
Responsible AI must be able to make or support decisions that consider human values and can be justified by human morals. Accommodating values and morals in responsible decision making is supported by adopting a perspective of macro ethics, which views ethics through a holistic lens incorporating social context. Normative ethical principles inferred from philosophy can be used to methodically reason about ethics and make ethical judgements in specific contexts. Operationalising normative ethical principles thus promotes responsible reasoning under the perspective of macro ethics. We survey AI and computer science literature and develop a taxonomy of 21 normative ethical principles which can be operationalised in AI. We describe how each principle has previously been operationalised, highlighting key themes that AI practitioners seeking to implement ethical principles should be aware of. We envision that this taxonomy will facilitate the development of methodologies to incorporate normative ethical principles in reasoning capacities of responsible AI systems.
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There is a tendency to anthropomorphize artificial intelligence (AI) and reify it as a person. From the perspective of machine ethics and ethical AI, this has resulted in the belief that truly autonomous ethical agents (i.e., machines and algorithms) can be defined, and that machines could, by themselves, behave ethically and perform actions that are justified from a normative standpoint. Under this assumption, and given that utilities and risks are generally seen as quantifiable, many scholars have seen consequentialism (utilitarianism) and rational choice theory as likely candidates to be implemented in automated ethical decision procedures, for instance to assess and manage risks as well as maximize expected utility. Building on a recent example from the machine ethics literature, we use computer simulations to argue that technical issues with ethical ramifications leave room for reasonable disagreement even when algorithms are based on ethical and rational foundations such as consequentialism and rational choice theory. By doing so, our aim is to illustrate the limitations of automated behavior and ethical AI and, incidentally, to raise awareness on the limits of so-called ethical agents.
تُعد أخلاقيات الآلة جزءًا من أخلاقيات الذكاء الاصطناعي المعنية بإضافة أو ضمان السلوكيات الأخلاقية للآلات التي صنعها الإنسان، والتي تستخدم الذكاء الاصطناعي، وهي تختلف عن المجالات الأخلاقية الأخرى المتعلقة بالهندسة والتكنولوجيا، فلا ينبغي الخلط مثلاً بين أخلاقيات الآلة وأخلاقيات الحاسوب، إذ تركز هذه الأخيرة على القضايا الأخلاقية المرتبطة باستخدام الإنسان لأجهزة الحاسوب؛ كما يجب أيضًا تمييز مجال أخلاقيات الآلة عن فلسفة التكنولوجيا، والتي تهتم بالمقاربات الإبستمولوجية والأنطولوجية والأخلاقية، والتأثيرات الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والسياسية الكبرى، للممارسات التكنولوجية على تنوعها؛ أما أخلاقيات الآلة فتعني بضمان أن سلوك الآلات تجاه المستخدمين من البشر، وربما تجاه الآلات الأخرى أيضًا، مقبول أخلاقيًا. الأخلاقيات التي نعنيها هنا إذن هي أخلاقيات يجب أن تتحلى بها الآلات كأشياء، وليس البشر كمصنعين ومستخدمين لهذه الآلات!
  • T L Beauchamp
  • J F Childress
Beauchamp, T. L. and Childress, J. F. 1979. Principles of Biomedical Ethics, Oxford University Press.
We Are Our Values In Questioning Matters, an Introduction to Philosophical Inquiry
  • S L Anderson
Anderson, S. L. 2000. We Are Our Values. In Questioning Matters, an Introduction to Philosophical Inquiry, 606-8 edited by D. Kolak, Mayfield Publishing Company, Mountain View, California.
To Be or Do, That is the Question
  • W Frankena
Frankena, W. 1993. To Be or Do, That is the Question. In Doing and Being, Selected Readings in Moral Philosophy, 208, edited by J. G. Haber, Macmillan, New York.
Ten Commandments for Computer Ethics
  • R C Barquin
Barquin, R. C. 1992. In Pursuit of a "Ten Commandments for Computer Ethics". Computer Ethics Institute, (