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Elasmobranchii from the Atuatuca Formation (Oligocene) in Belgium.



Some recent finds of elasmobranch teeth are described from the Atuatuca Formation (Oligocene) in the neighborhood of Tongeren in Belgium. Three shark species, Odontaspis cuspidata, Rhizoprionodon secundus and Galeorhinus latus, and four types of Dasyatis are described for the first time from this formation. The formation was deposited in an euryhaline environment, comparable with a lagoon or coastal lake. The occurrence of elasmobranch teeth in these non-marine deposits is discussed and related to the sedimentary history of this formation. According to the elasmobranch faunas a Lattorfian age for the Atuatuca Formation seems acceptable at this moment.
... Remarks The specimen was discovered in the lower part of the section. The occurrence of the species was recorded from the Early Oligocene of Belgium (Leriche 1910;Bor 1980), Paris Basin (Leriche 1910), Hungary (Weiler 1938), France (Pharisat 1991(Pharisat , 1998Pharisat and Micklich 1998), Germany Pharisat and Micklich 1998), and Romania (Ciobanu 2002). This species has a temporal distribution through the Early Miocene (for details see Cappetta 2012 Figure 3c-e Synonymy Synonymy of S. sardinites refer to Přikryl (2013). ...
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This publication represents the first comprehensive review of the currently known palaeoichthyological diversity of the Hermanowa locality (Poland). Specimens were collected from a single outcrop belonging to the single IPM zone (IPM2-T according to the presence of the index taxon Trachinus minutus). The assemblage is composed of two elasmobranch taxa and 22 taxa of teleosts. Overwhelming part of the assemblage is represented by teleosts; elasmobranchs are present in less than 0.5 %, with one new taxon for the Polish Carpathians (Physogaleus latus). The meso-pelagic and bathy-pelagic fishes are missing; dominant part of the assemblage is composed of the neritic taxa. Developmental stages of some taxa were recognized and relatively common throughout the whole section. The assemblage is briefly discussed.
... The same conclusion was reached by van den Bosch (1982) who found agreement between the elasmobranch fauna with Dasyatidae of the Atuatuca Formation described by Bor (1980) and the fauna of Ruisbroek. On the other hand the elasmobranch fauna of the phosphorite bed at the base of the Boom Clay at Sint Niklaas and the type of the Berg Sand at Berg resemble one another so much that these deposits were formed at the same time. ...
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Abstract. An otolith fauna of 24 species was found in the upper part of the Bassevelde Sand. Seven new species and four new genera are described. The Bassevelde Sand belongs to the Palaeogadus ruisbroekensis Range Zone (otolith zone 2) and correlates with the Late Tongrian Sands and Marls of Oude Biesen in NE Belgium. This facilitates other correlations between Early Oligocene deposits of NW and NE Belgium. A new correlation scheme is presented. The otolith fauna reflects the mixed sand-clay sedimentation with a dominance of sand and shows most resemblances with the fauna of the Nucula Clay. The Basseveld Sand was formed in an open marine shelf environment at a depth of some tens of metres, under the influence of not very strong tidal currents. The sedimentation rate was not high. Production of organic material was low, probably due to a reduced content of oxygen and/or nutrients. The strong Rupelian affinities of the otolith fauna suggest similar temperatures. The sharp fall in temperature must have taken place between deposition of the Grimmertingen and Bassevelde Sands. Remark: It appeared later, that it was the Ruisbroek Sand, and not the Bassevelde Sand.
... Deze afzetting hebben wij echter niet kunnen aantonen.De in de streek van Tongeren waargenomen indeling van de Atuatuca Formatie in een onderst kleiig gedeelte en een bovenste zandiger deel dat schelphoudend is (resp. Klei van Henis en Zanden en Hoewel misschien in een artikel als dit niet geheel ter zake is het wellicht nuttig op te merken, dat onlangs nieuwe argumenten in de discussie over de ouderdom van de Atuatuca Formatie werden aangedragen doorBor (1980) en Janssen (1979). De eerste auteur is van mening dat deze formatie in het Lattorfien moet worden geplaatst, terwijl de tweede schrijver daarentegen meent dat de ouderdom Rupelien is. ...
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In this paper, the fifth of a series, Oligocene deposits in a North-South section near the town of St.-Truiden are described. The following units were encountered: Neerrepen Sands, Atuatuca Formation, Berg Sand, Nucula Clay, Kerniel Sands, Atuatuca Formation and so-called 'R2d-sand'. In this section the deposits show an obvious dip in a northerly direction. The lithological characteristics of each unit are described and discussed. The Neerrepen Soil seems to be absent in this section. The lithological development of the Atuatuca Formation is strongly different from the stratotype. It contains a mollusc-fauna hitherto only known from the Tienen area. In the introcuction the authors make a plea for the preservation of the name 'Nucula Clay' instead of 'Kleine Spauwen Clay' for one of the lithostratigraphical units.
... Additional records include The Neth− erlands (van den Bosch 1980), Poland (van den Bosch 1981), Switzerland (Leriche 1927), Czech Republic (Brzobohatý and Kalabis 1970) and France (Génault 1993). Bor (1980) de− scribed a small Belgian Lattorfian elasmobranch assemblage and calcareous nannofossils place the Lattorfian Stage within the upper Eocene (NP 19/20; see Snyder et al. 1983). ...
A diverse vertebrate fauna, dominated by elasmobranch taxa, was collected from the upper Oligocene (Chattian) Chandler Bridge Formation in Summerville, Dorchester County, South Carolina. Nearly 3,500 teeth and dermal denticles are assigned to 29 species of sharks and rays, and our sample includes the oldest known occurrence of the whale shark, Rhincodon, as well as a new skate, Raja mccollumi sp. nov. The Chandler Bridge elasmobranch assemblage is comparable in species diversity to Chattian assemblages of Virginia and North Carolina, USA, and Germany. Notable absences from Germany include Rhincodon, Hemipristis, and Sphyrna zygaena, likely reflecting the influence of colder water on the North Sea Basin during the Chattian. Squaloids, pristiophoroids, and hexanchoids are known from Chattian deposits of the Albemarle Embayment (North Carolina), Salisbury Embayment (Virginia), and North Sea Basin, but these taxa are absent from the Chandler Bridge assemblage, perhaps because of shallow, warm water (20 to 25°C) conditions within the more southerly Charleston Embayment.
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The discovery of two horizons rich in vertebrate fossils situated in the Sands of Fontainebleau (sables de Fontainebleau, southwest part of the Paris Basin, geological map of Chartres 1/50000) has allowed to record and describe a new Elasmobranch fauna.
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