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First record of dinosaurs in Antarctica (Upper Cretaceous, James Ross Island): paleogeographic implications



During the austral summer of 1986,fieldwork on James Ross Island by the Instituto Antártico Argentino resulted in the discovery of the first remains of dinosaurs from the Antarctic continent. These consist of a partial skeleton and bony plates of an armoured ornithischian belonging to the Ankylosauria. The fossil material was found in marine sandy-facies of the Santa Mata Formation (Marambio Group) of Campanian age. The remains were associated with marine invertebrates. At a sligtly higher stratigraphic level, marine reptiles related to mosasaurs and plesiosaurs were also found. The occurrence of ankylosaurs on James Ross Island provides important new insight concerning hypothesis of land connections between South America and Antarctica during the Late Cretaceous. An earlier differentiation of the family Ankylosauridae and the distribution of these dinosaurs in Antactica during the Late Jurassic-Early Createous cannot be completerly ruled out. However, a late entrance of northern ankylosaurids into Antarctica, via South America, is considered more likely. Because it was not possible for these ankylosaurs to cross water barriers, their presence indicates that a continuous land connection must have existedd between Antarctica and South America for some period of time during the Late Cretaceous.
First record
of dinosaurs in Antarctica (Upper
Ross Island):
& R.
Centro de Investigaciones en Recursos Geológicos, Ramirez de Velasco 847, 1414 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Museo La Plata, Paseo del Bosque, 1900 La Plata, Argentina
Instituto Antártico Argentino, Cerrito 1248, l0l0 Buenos Aires, Ar1entina
the austral
summer of 1986,
on James Ross
Island by the Instituto
Antártico Argentino
in the
of the first remains
of dinosaurs from the
continent. These
of a partial
of an armoured
ornithischian belonging
to the Ankylosauria.
in marine
sandy-facies of the
Santa Marta Formation (Marambio
Group) of Campanian age.
remains were
with marine invertebrates.
At a slightly
level, marine reptiles
to mosasaurs
occurrence of ankylosaurs
on James Ross
important new insight
concerning hypotheses
of land
South America and Antarctica
during the
Cretaceous. An earlier
of the family Ankylosauridae
of these dinosaurs in Antarctica
the Late Jurassic Early
cretaceous cannot
be completely
out. However,
alate entrance
of northern
ankylosaurids into Antarctica,
via South America,
is considered more
likely. Because
was not possible
for these
ankylosaurs to cross
barriers, their
that a continuous
connection must
between Antarctica
America for some
of time during
the Late
In addition to its severe
climate, a distinctive
feature of Antarctica is
its complete
vertebrates. Because Antarctica
is at present
an isolated land-
mass, encircled
by deep oceans,
the occurrence
of fossil
vertebrates is particularly
to the concept of con-
tinental drift and to our knowledge
of former land
among the southern
continents. The
of Triassic
trial reptiles and
of large
birds (Covacevich
& Rich, 1982)
and, par-
ticularly, Tertiary marsupials (Woodburne
& Zinsmeister,
1984), indicates that Antarctica
was faunally
integral part
also suggested
of Cretaceous land vertebrates
in the Antarctic Peninsula
of a continental
connection between
this region
and South America.
During the austral
of 1986, fieldwork
by the Insti-
tuto Antartico Argentino in James Ross Island (Fig. l)
in the discovery
of the first dinosaur from the Ant-
arctic continent. The occurrence
of these reptiles provides
new data concerning
of land connec-
of the Antarctic
and supports
the idea
that a
land bridge
joined the Antarctic Peninsula
South America during Late Cretaceous
times. In this paper
will present
of the dinosaur,
with a short explanation
of the stratigraphy
and geographic
of the fossil
A discussion
of the palaeogeo-
of the
will also
be included.
of the fossil material
from James
Ross Island
is an ankylosaur
of small
of the recovered
bones are fragmented,
but the material is
sufficient to warrant identiflcation. The skull of these arm-
oured dinosaurs was protected by thick dermal co-ossifl-
cations. In the ank¡rlosaurids
the postero-lateral
cations of the skull
bear marked lateral projections (Coombs,
of these
in the Antarctic
ankylosaur. A fragment
of left dentary is the only preserved
part ofthe mandible. It bears a double
row ofalveoli and
lingual tooth (Fig. 2a). This tooth has the characteristic
crown, with apical cusps and lacks a distinct
cingulum. The root of the tooth forms a cylindrical stem
of the skeleton
consist of vertebrae
and ribs, lragments of the limbs, dermal
and part of the
( o..
o. sa1tr
0 0.5 1km
I r v |
lce or Debris
a: Moraine
a: Dykes
lE6';ll Foss¡l
l,)-*l Locality 14-S1
'l @@
Fig, l. Location map of the James Ross Island Group and geological sketch of Santa Marta Cove area showing
Cretaceous outcrops. The dinosaur site (D6-t) and location of the cross-section of the Santa Marta Formation are also
tail club. The vertebrae are amphiplatyan
and those corres-
ponding to the sacrum are fused.
In transverse section
the ribs
are T-shaped.
In dorsal view, the ribs show ossified tendons
which are
very coÍrmon in ornithischians.
bony plates and dermal ossicles
that shielded the
body of ankylosaurs
were also recovered
in the specimen
Ross Island. Some of these
are oval, thickened
and show
á longitudinal crest;
others are
flat, subcircular and
by smaller
polygonal plates. The dermal ossicles are
of very small
marked lateral
of the dermal
of the skull (Fig.2c), the tooth without a distinct cingulum
(Fie.2b) and the tail club (Fie.2A allow assignation of this
to the family
1978; Car-
& Breithaup,
1986). A more detailed
analysis of the
anatomy of this dinosaur
is given by Gasparini et al. (1987).
The material
MLP 86-X-28-l
is deposited at Museo
La Plata,
Division Paleontologia
de Vertebrados
(La Plata, Argentina).
The Cretaceous
deposits on James
Ross Island comprise
two main stratigraphic units: the Gustav Group ((?)Bar-
remian Santonian)
and the Marambio Group ((?)Santonian-
(Ineson, Crame & Thomson, 1986; Olivero,
& Rinaldi, 1986).
The first group
out along the
coast of Prince Gustav Channel and comprises a thick
of more than
2000 m of marine conglomerates,
cias, sandstones
mudstones, arranged
in a complex
sion of coarse-
and fine-grained units (Ineson
et al., 1986).
Most clasts
of the conglomerates are composed of low-grade
volcanic and granitic rocks, and marine marls and
E.B. Olivero
a/. 619
(ot R
Fig. 2. Specimen MLP 86-X-28-1, Campanian ankylosaurid from Santa Marta Formation, James Ross Island, Antarctica: ao
left dentary with a lingual tooth; ó, a lingual tooth without a distinct cingulum; c, dermal plate of the skull roof; d, part of the tail
club. Length of bar is I cm.
mudstones of Late Jurassic Early Cretaceous age (Malagnino
et al., 19781- Medina et al., 7982; Ineson et a/., 1986). This
clearly indicates that the source of the clastic material of the
Gustav Group was the Antarctic Peninsula
to the west.
The Marambio Group comprises a mainly fine-grained
highly fossiliferous sequence,
> 3000 m in thickness,
on James Ross, Vega, Cockburn, Snow Hill and Seymour
(Marambio) islands.
The lower part of the sequence is (?)San-
tonian-Campanian in age
(Olivero et a1.,1986). The upper part
of the Marambio Group is considered to be Maastrichtian
early Tertiary in age
(Macellari, 1986).
The dinosaur remains were found in the basal beds of the
Marambio Group in James Ross Island. This section has been
differentiated recently as a new stratigraphic unit named the
Marta Formation (Olivero et al.,1986). This unit is well
in northern James
Ross Island, between the head of
Brandy Bay and Santa Marta Cove (Fig. 1). It consists of
about 1100 m of marine clastic sediments, divided into three
members: Alpha, Beta and Gamma. The basal Alpha Member,
- 480 m in thickness,
of unconsolidated fine coarse-
grained sandstones and mudstones with occasional layers of
conglomerates and coquinas. Marine invertebrate fossils are
abundant and diverse only in the middle and the top, with
leaves, carbonaceous debris and large trunks occasionally
found throughout the Alpha Member.
The Beta Member consists of - 350 m of a rhythmic
sequence of conglomerates with large clasts up to 40 cm in
diameter in a silty or sandy matrix, pebbly sandstones
mudstones. The most common lithologies of clasts in the
conglomerates are low-grade schists, volcanic and plutonic
rocks, and reworked sandy
or silty concretions.
Marine fossils,
particularly ammonites, are common and more diverse at the
base of the member. In the upper part, coquina lenses and beds
with trigoniids, baculitids and belemnites
are common. Inter-
calated with these beds are mudstones and sandy siltstones
with abundant carbonaceous material and large silicified or
carbonized logs up to 1 m in diameter.
The Gamma Member consists of about 280 m of friable
fine medium-grained silty sandstones,
frequently with glau-
conite, and carbonaceous mudstones with occasional layers
or lenses of pebbly sandstones or medium conglomerates.
Only in the upper two-thirds of this member is the marine
invertebrate fauna abundant and diverse, comprising serpu-
lids, corals, gastropods, bivalves, ammonites and echinoids.
At locality QF (Fig. 1) a partial skeleton of a plesiosaur
vertebrae of a mosasaur were found associated with this
fauna. In the lower third of the Gamma Member, marine
invertebrate fossils are rare; no ammonites were recorded,
4nd gastropods and bivalves are scarce and restricted to a
few horizons. The ankylosaur skeleton was recovered at
locality D6-1 about 90 m above the base of the member
(Fig. 1). At this locality the lithology consists of massive
strongly bioturbated silty sandstones
devoid of glauconite, or
with < 5% of this mineral. Trace fossils are abundant with
most of them consisting of the ichnogenera Ophiomorpha,
and Skolithos. These sandstones
are interca-
lated with thin layers of carbonaceous mudstones
with abun-
dant remains of silicified or carbonized wood. Also associ-
ated with the dinosaur skeleton were fish vertebrae and
nautilid phragmocones.
Age of Santa Marta Formation
Except for the section with dinosaur bones, the rest of
Santa Marta Formation contains a rich assemblage of marine
invertebrates. The top of the Alpha Member and the Beta
Member bear an abundant and relatively diverse ammonite
fauna. On the basis of the presence
of species of Anapachydi-
Eupachydiscu's and Baculites, which are common or show
strong affinities with species
widely distributed in Patagonia,
Madagascar, South Africa, Japan and the west coast of North
America, Olivero (1984) assigned
a Campanian age to this
fauna. Recent finds ofwell preserved
nostoceratids and diplo-
moceratids (consisting of species of Ainoceras, Eubos*y-
choceras, Ryugasella and Pseudoxybeloceras) provide
additional support for an Early Campanian age for this
Above the stratigraphic interval with the dinosaur bones,
marine fossils are again abundant in the upper third of the
Gamma Member. Although the ammonite assemblage is less
it is characterized
by abundant specimens
of Gunna-
rites afl. antarc
The evidence derived from ammonite assemblages
both below and above the lower third of Gamma Member
indicates a Campanian age, most probably Late Campanian,
for the beds
with dinosaur bones.
Depositional environment
Deposition in slope apron-basin plain and submarine
fan settings was proposed for the Gustav Group (lneson,
It seems likely that most of the Cretaceous
western James
Ross Island consists of a thick wedge
of marine
at the foot of a fault-controlled scarp, with
intermittent synsedimentary
tectonic activity. At least part of
Santa Marta Formation, e.g. the Beta Member, appears to be
related to this depositional setting. This is supported by the
ofthe coarse conglomerates which display a chaotic
internal structure suggesting a debris flow type of transport.
Despite the above mentioned features, other data suggest
that part of the Santa Marta Formation was deposited in
shallow water. This is indicated by the widespread
of large fossil tree trunks and plant debris, often occurring
within lenses or as thin beds of coal or carbonaceous mud-
In particular, the uppermost
part of the Beta Member is
by coquinas and pebbly shell banks composed
almost exclusively of trigoniid shells. These are intercalated
with fine sandstones and mudstones rich in plant debris. Such
beds could represent longshore bars and lagoonal facies,
respectively. The succeeding lower section of the Gamma
Member, composed of similar fine-grained, strongly biotur-
bated carbonaceous sediments,
could also represent lagoonal
and littoral deposits.
All the recovered dinosaur bones belong to a single speci-
men. Because they were found in a small area of about
2 m x 3 m it seems that the material was not reworked. It was
not possible
to recover
part of the skeleton because the bones
were broken into small fragments by the action of ice. These
facts, together with the evidence for a shallow-water environ-
ment of deposition, indicate that the lower section of Gamma
Member has the potential for further dinosaur finds.
An unusual feature of the locality where the ankylosaur
bones were discovered is the presence
of a relatively large
number of nautilid phragmocones, which are assigned tenta-
tively to Cymatoceras sp. Nautilid shells are generally very
scarce in the Cretaceous and Tertiary deposits of the James
Ross Island group and it is interesting to note that the first
mammal bones from Antarctica were also associ-
ated with a relatively large number of them (Woodburne &
Zinsmeister, 1984). This unusualiy large number of Tertiary
nautilids, associated with marsupial bones, was interpreted as
the result of the stranding of shells along a beach. It seems
likely that the large concentration of nautilid shells at the
dinosaur locality could be explained by the same
Palaeogeographical implications
The discovery of a Late Cretaceous
ankylosaur in Ant-
arctica provides important new data concerning hypotheses of
past land connections of the Antarctic Peninsula. In order to
explain the occurrence
of these reptiles
in Antarctica, two main
hypotheses can be considered
et al.,1987).
the ankylosaurs
were already differentiated at the family level
in the Late Jurassic Early Cretaceous. By this time they were
distributed in both Laurasia and Gondwana, and the Antarctic
species would be the result of some form of vicariance. The
oldest known ankylosaurids are from the Upper Cretaceous
(Coniacian) of Asia (cf. Gasparini et al., 1981
, and the biblio-
graphy therein) and consequently their fossil record does not
support this flrst hypothesis. However, an older non-documen-
ted fossil record for this family cannot be completely ruled out.
In the second hypothesis it is considered that Late Cre-
northern ankylosaurids entereci Antarctica via South
America; such a derivation is considered to be much more
likely. Previous records of ankylosaurs from Patagonia have
been questioned and this group of dinosaurs is not yet docu-
mented in South America (Bonaparte, 1986).
Nevertheless, the
family Ankylosauridae is well represented
in the Upper Cre-
taceous of North America and Asia (Coombs, 1978) and other
data indicate the possibility of a land vertebrate interchange
between North and South America during part of the Late
(Bonaparte, 1
986). Concerning the problem of how
the ankylosaurs were able to get onto the Antarctic Peninsula
from South America, a number of independent data strongly
suggest a close proximity of these two areas during Late
Cretaceous times (Dalziel & Elliot, 1913, 1982:
1982, 1987). The finding on Seymour Island of marsupials with
South American affinities leaves
no doubt about the proximity
of these continents during the latest Cretaceous or earliest
Tertiary, and strongly suggests a continuous land connection
between South America and Antarctica (Woodburne & Zins-
meister, 1984). Such a connection for these continents is also
indicated by the distribution of two families of Cretaceous
continental turtles (meiolaniids and cheliids)
which occur only
in Australia and South America (Baez & Gasparini, 1979;
Gasparini, De la Fuente & Donadio, 1986).
In previous reconstructions
ofGondwana, the area between
E.B. Olivero et al.
Fig.3. Palaeogeographic sketch map of the Antarctic Peninsula and
southern South America during the Late Cretaceous. Features shown are:
inferred continuous land connection (stippled area) between
the Antarctic
Peninsula and South America; the marine Upper Cretaceous deposifs of
the Austral Basin (AB) and James Ross basin (JRB); New Zealand (NZ)
and the inferred seaway between East ¿nd West Antarctica. Data in part
from Norton (1982), Riccardi (1987) and Zinsmeister (1987).
Tierra del Fuego and the Antarctic Peninsula is generally
as an archipelago
(cf. Dalzie\
& Elliot, 1982). The
occurrence of dinosaurs in James Ross Island
concerning the nature
of the
regions. Because
ankylosaurs were large, heavy,
oured dinosaurs, their passive
across water
on natural rafts)
seems unlikely. Consequently, if
the hypothesis
ofa late
entrance ofankylosaurs into Antarctica
is correct, their
in James Ross Island indicates
that a
land connection must have existed
between Ant-
and South America for some
of time
durine the
Late Cretaceous.
During the
Cretaceous in the Austral
(or Magallanes)
Basin of southern
of Deseado Massif. Geological
data indicate
that this basin
to the
with elevated terranes situated
axis of the Cordillera
1987). A compara-
ble palaeogeographical
setting can be interpreted for the Cre-
sediments of the Gustav and Marambio groups
Antarctica. Distribution of coarse
clastic facies
and com-
of clasts clearly indicate that this basin was confined
to the west by elevated
situated along the axis of the
Antarctic Peninsula.
In the palaeogeographical
of Fig.3, a continuous
land connection, required for the migration of land verte-
brates, is shown along the Pacific margin of the Antarctic
Peninsula and South America. In this scheme
the Late Cre-
of the
southern Gondwana
is that
of Norton (1982).
The location of the seaway between
the base
of the Antarctic Peninsula
and East Antarctica was adopted
from Dalziel & Elliot (1982)
and Woodburne
& Zinsmeister
If the idea of a continuous land connection as
explained above
is accepted,
then this seaway
is necessary to
justify the affinities between the Late Cretaceous marine
invertebrate faunas of Antarctica-Patasonia
and New Zealand
There is independent evidence suggesting
a relatively warm
climate during the Late Cretaceous, with the presence, par-
ticularly in the peninsula region, of an abundant flora
& Zinsmeister,
1984; Francis,
1986). The occur-
of trunks,
plant fragments
in the Santa Marrta
Formation clearly
that the land situated to the west
Ross Island was
densely vegetated. According
to palae-
omagnetic data, the Antarctic Peninsula
was situated near its
present position by the Late Cretaceous
(Codignotto et al.,
1978; Dalziel & Elliot, 1982), indicating that this forest was
able to grow at the palaeolatitude
of James Ross Island
We would like to thank the Instituto Antártico Argen-
tino, Fuerza Aérea Argentina and the Centro de Investiga-
ciones en Recursos Geológicos
(CIRGEO) for providing
means and logistic support. Alejandro
López Angriman
Ricardo Roura
of Buenos
and Mario Buirás
and Jorge
Amat (Comando
Antártico de Ejército) were active
collaborators during the fieldwork. We are indebted to Dr
William J. Zinsmeister
(Purdue University) for the critical
ofpart ofthis study.
of this
study has
been made in part by one
of the authors (EBO) at Purdue University (Indiana, USA)
during the tenure of a Fellowship of Consejo Nacional de
Científicas y Técnicas (Argentina). All the
and support provided by the Geosciences
ment and Interlibrary Loan Office of Purdue University is
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... Evidence from an ever-increasing range of sources (ice-rafted debris, Antarctic continental shelf drilling, marine benthic oxygen isotopes, clay mineralogy, deep-sea biotic changes and hiatuses indicating Southern-Origin Bottom Water SOBW onset) point to the initiation of West Antarctic glaciation at sea level close to the Eocene-Oligocene boundary (~34 Ma). Before that, the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula and southernmost South America (Patagonia, Argentina and Magallanic Region, Chile) were physically connected allowing the dispersal of plants and animals between both areas (Olivero et al. 1991;Shen 1995;Reguero et al. 1998;Reguero and Marenssi 2010;Sallaberry et al. 2010;Bowman et al. 2012) (Fig. 1.1). ...
... Since at least that time the Antarctic Peninsula has been in its present position relative to South America, at almost the same paleolatitude (South 60-65°) (Lawver et al. 1992), but became glaciated only more recently: a cool but not glacial early Cenozoic Antarctic climate is well known Stilwell and Feldman 2000;Dutton et al. 2002). Before that, the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula and southernmost South America (Magallanic region) were physically connected facilitating both florirstic and faunal interchange between both areas (Olivero et al. 1991;Shen 1995;Reguero et al. 1998Reguero and Marenssi 2010). ...
... The Late Cretaceous non-avian and avian dinosaurs of the James Ross Basin, Antarctic Peninsula are numerically scarce and most of them are poorly known. There are specimens from Santonian (Molnar et al. 1996), Campanian (Olivero et al. 1991;Coria et al. 2008;Cerda et al. 2011), and Maastrichtian (Hooker et al. 1991;Rich et al. 1999;Case et al. 2000;Cambiaso et al. 2002) ages. The principal ...
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One of the most intriguing paleobiogeographical phenomena related to the final stage of Gondwanan breakup is the close similarities and, in most cases, inferred sister-group relationships, of a number of terrestrial and marine/coastal vertebrate taxa recovered from Paleogene deposits of West Antarctica with those from other continents (South America, Australia). These continents are today separated by large and deep ocean floors, which was not the case in the geological past. However, the inferred timing of continental separation does not always match with the inferred time of vertebrate dispersals.
... Evidence from an ever-increasing range of sources (ice-rafted debris, Antarctic continental shelf drilling, marine benthic oxygen isotopes, clay mineralogy, deep-sea biotic changes and hiatuses indicating Southern-Origin Bottom Water SOBW onset) point to the initiation of West Antarctic glaciation at sea level close to the Eocene-Oligocene boundary (~34 Ma). Before that, the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula and southernmost South America (Patagonia, Argentina and Magallanic Region, Chile) were physically connected allowing the dispersal of plants and animals between both areas (Olivero et al. 1991;Shen 1995;Reguero et al. 1998;Reguero and Marenssi 2010;Sallaberry et al. 2010;Bowman et al. 2012) (Fig. 1.1). ...
... Since at least that time the Antarctic Peninsula has been in its present position relative to South America, at almost the same paleolatitude (South 60-65°) (Lawver et al. 1992), but became glaciated only more recently: a cool but not glacial early Cenozoic Antarctic climate is well known Stilwell and Feldman 2000;Dutton et al. 2002). Before that, the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula and southernmost South America (Magallanic region) were physically connected facilitating both florirstic and faunal interchange between both areas (Olivero et al. 1991;Shen 1995;Reguero et al. 1998Reguero and Marenssi 2010). ...
... The Late Cretaceous non-avian and avian dinosaurs of the James Ross Basin, Antarctic Peninsula are numerically scarce and most of them are poorly known. There are specimens from Santonian (Molnar et al. 1996), Campanian (Olivero et al. 1991;Coria et al. 2008;Cerda et al. 2011), and Maastrichtian (Hooker et al. 1991;Rich et al. 1999;Case et al. 2000;Cambiaso et al. 2002) ages. The principal ...
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West Antarctica is an ensemble of blocks that have moved independently of each other and of cratonic East Antarctica. The onset of Terra Australis orogenesis was responsible for the termination of passive margin sedimentation along the greater part of the Pacific margin of Gondwana and began a long-lived process of accretion that added much of the crust that defines eastern Australia, West Antarctica (domain 5 of Boger 2011), and western South America. By the Late Cretaceous, the Antarctic Peninsula and the remainder of West Antarctica are believed to have been comprised of a number of discrete micro-continental blocks forming a single elongated landmass that extended southward from southern South America. Since at least that time the Antarctic Peninsula has been in its present position relative to South America, at almost the same paleolatitude (South 60–65°).
... Nevertheless, the non-avian dinosaur fossils that have been discovered in the JRB-all of which pertain to the Upper Cretaceous-collectively indicate the presence of a diversity of taxa that hold significant biostratigraphic and paleobiogeographic implications (Figure 1 , Table 1; Reguero and Gasparini, 2007;Reguero et al., 2013aReguero et al., , 2013b. Among the most important discoveries are five associated partial skeletons: (1) the holotype of the ankylosaur Antarctopelta oliveroi (Olivero et al., 1986(Olivero et al., , 1991Gasparini et al., 1987Gasparini et al., , 1996de Ricqlè s et al., 2001;Gasparini, 2004, 2006;Coria et al., 2011;Rozadilla et al., 2016a); (2) three specimens representing at least two taxa of small to medium-sized, early-diverging ornithopods: the holotypes of Morrosaurus antarcticus (Cambiaso et al., 2002;Novas et al., 2002a;Rozadilla et al., 2016b) and Trinisaura santamartaensis (Coria et al., 2008(Coria et al., , 2013 and a third, still-undescribed skeleton that may represent one of these species or potentially a third Thomson and Hooker, 1991;Milner et al., 1992;Hooker, 2000;Barrett et al., 2014); and (3) a partial skeleton of a medium-sized non-avian theropod that was recently designated the holotype of the possible deinonychosaur Imperobator antarcticus (Case et al., 2007;Case, 2016, 2019). Two other associated specimens, each consisting of a handful of fragmentary ornithopod hind limb elements from the latest Cretaceous of Vega Island, have also recently been identified (Coria et al., 2015a(Coria et al., , 2015bMCL pers. ...
... Ornithischians are the most abundantly represented non-avian dinosaurs in the JRB, both in terms of numbers of individual specimens as well as in associated skeletons. One of these skeletons constitutes the holotype of the taxonomically contentious ankylosaur Antarctopelta oliveroi (MLP 86-X-28-1; Olivero et al., 1986Olivero et al., , 1991Gasparini et al., 1987Gasparini et al., , 1996de Ricqlè s et al., 2001;Gasparini, 2004, 2006;Coria et al., 2011;Rozadilla et al., 2016a). Recovered from the upper Campanian Gamma Member (approximately equivalent to the Herbert Sound Member of Crame et al., 1991) of the Snow Hill Island Formation (which was formerly assigned to the Santa Marta Formation; Olivero, 2012a) of the Santa Marta Cove area of James Ross Island, the Antarctopelta holotype initially consisted of fragmentary cranial bones, a partial dentary with an in situ tooth (Figure 5b), three other teeth, two disarticulated cervical vertebrae and a cast of a natural mold of three additional, articulated cervicals, two dorsal vertebral centra, dorsal rib fragments, the partial sacrum, eight incomplete caudal vertebrae, fragments of the scapula, coracoid, ilium, and femur, five metapodials, two phalanges, and a collection of osteoderms comprising six distinct morphotypes (Salgado and Gasparini, 2006;Otero and Reguero, 2013;Poropat pers. ...
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Although the fossil record of non-avian dinosaurs from the Cretaceous of Antarctica is the poorest of any continent, fossils representing at least five major taxonomic groups (Ankylosauria, early-diverging Ornithopoda, Hadrosauridae, Titanosauria, and Theropoda) have been recovered. All come from Upper Cretaceous (Coniacian–Maastrichtian) marine and nearshore deposits belonging to the Gustav and Marambio groups of the James Ross Basin at the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. The majority of these finds have come from the Campanian–Maastrichtian Snow Hill Island and López de Bertodano formations of James Ross and Vega islands. Given the rarity of Antarctic Cretaceous non-avian dinosaurs, discoveries of any fossils of these archosaurs, no matter how meager, are of significance. Here we describe fragmentary new ornithischian (ankylosaur and ornithopod) material from the upper Campanian–lower Maastrichtian Cape Lamb Member of the Snow Hill Island Formation and the Maastrichtian Sandwich Bluff Member of the López de Bertodano Formation. One of these specimens is considered to probably pertain to the holotypic individual of the early-diverging ornithopod Morrosaurus antarcticus. We also provide an up-to-date synthesis of the Late Cretaceous non-avian dinosaur record of the James Ross Basin and analyze the biostratigraphic occurrences of the various finds, demonstrating that most (including all named taxa and all reasonably complete skeletons discovered to date) occur within a relatively condensed temporal interval of the late Campanian to early Maastrichtian. Most or all James Ross Basin dinosaurs share close affinities with penecontemporaneous taxa from Patagonia, indicating that at least some continental vertebrates could disperse between southern South America and Antarctica during the final stages of the Mesozoic.
... T. Huber et al., 1995;Ludvigson et al., 2015;Poulsen et al., 1999), and regional changes to seasonal range of temperature (Fluteau et al., 2007). On land, frost-intolerant vertebrate and plant assemblages suggest that mean annual temperatures (MATs) at polar latitudes were much warmer than today in both hemispheres during the Cretaceous, with winter temperatures above freezing (Brouwers et al., 1987;Case et al., 2000;Olivero et al., 1991;J. M. Parrish et al., 1987;J. ...
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The North American Newark Canyon Formation (NCF; ∼113–98 Ma) presents an opportunity to examine how terrestrial carbonate facies reflect different aspects of paleoclimate during one of the hottest periods of Earth's history. The lower NCF type section preserves heterogeneous palustrine facies and the upper NCF preserves lacustrine deposits. We combined carbonate facies analysis with δ¹³C, δ¹⁸O, and Δ47 data sets to assess which carbonate facies preserve stable isotope signals that are most representative of climatic conditions. Palustrine facies record the heterogeneity of the original wetland environment in which they formed. Using the pelmicrite facies that formed in deeper wetlands, we interpret a lower temperature zone (35–40°C) to reflect warm season water temperatures. In contrast, a mottled micrite facies which formed in shallower wetlands records hotter temperatures (36–68°C). These hotter temperatures reflect radiatively heated “bare‐skin” temperatures that occurred in a shallow depositional setting. The lower lacustrine unit has been secondarily altered by hydrothermal fluids while the upper lacustrine unit likely preserves primary temperatures and δ¹⁸Owater of catchment‐integrated precipitation. Resultantly, the palustrine pelmicrite and lacustrine micrite are the facies most likely to reflect ambient climate conditions, and therefore, are the best facies to use for paleoclimate interpretations. Average warm season water temperatures of 41.1 ± 3.6°C and 37.8 ± 2.5°C are preserved by the palustrine pelmicrite (∼113–112 Ma) and lacustrine micrite (∼112–103 Ma), respectively. These data support previous interpretations of the mid‐Cretaceous as a hothouse climate and demonstrate the importance of characterizing facies for identifying the data most representative of past climates.
... Although this taxon was considered as a nomen nudum by Arbour and Currie (2016), a recent review performed by Rozadilla et al. (2016) validated its taxonomic status based on the presence of autapomorphic features. Regarding its phylogenetic affinities within Ankylosauria, Antarctopelta was interpreted as an ankylosaurid (Olivero et al., 1991), as a nodosaurid (Gasparini et al., 1996) and as an Ankylosauria insertae sedis (Salgado and Gasparini, 2006) due the presence of what are generally considered both nodosaurid and ankylosaurid features in the skeleton. More recent phylogenetic studies have recovered Antarctopelta as a nodosaurid, but with equivocal internal relationships within the clade (Thompson et al., 2012;Arbour and Currie, 2016). ...
A detailed histological study of Antarctopelta oliveroi, from the Upper Cretaceous of Antarctica, is performed in order to increase our knowledge of the ankylosaur bone histology and its taxonomical and paleobiological implications. The main goals of this contribution are: to infer the ontogenetic stage of the holotype of Antarctopelta oliveroi (MLP 86-X-28-1); to evaluate the degree of interelemental histological variation; to compare its histology with that of other ankylosaurs; to provide information about the phylogenetic affinities of Antarctopelta regarding dermal armor histology; and to evaluate the influence of a high latitude, strongly seasonal ecosystem on the growth of Antarctopelta. The sample includes several postcranial elements from the holotype (e.g. osteoderms, appendicular bones, dorsal ribs, ossified tendons). Bone histology reveals that the specimen was sexually mature at its time of death. Although a distinct Outer Circumferential Layer is not evident in all the sampled elements, the bone microstructure suggests quite slow appositional growth (i.e. most of the growth had already occurred) at the time of death. Primary cortical bone of the sampled elements, mostly composed of fibrolamellar bone tissue interrupted by growth marks, reveals a cyclical growth strategy as reported for other ankylosaurs and non-avian dinosaurs. The bone histology of Antarctopelta indicates that, as with other Southern Hemisphere polar dinosaurs, there are no apparent differences in growth strategy compared with its low latitude relatives. Therefore, no evident physiological modifications appears to be linked with the distribution of ankylosaurs and other non-avian dinosaurs at higher latitudes (>60S).
... section at Santa Marta Cove and overlaps the uppermost portion of the 70-m total stratigraphic range of Neograhamites cf. kiliani illustrated by Olivero (2012b) in his stratigraphic section No. 2 near his site QF ( Olivero et al., 1991). This same biostratigraphic Neograhamites/Gunnarites ammonite sequence is repeated in the Gamma Mbr. ...
... In the Mesozoic era the Cretaceous is generally considered to be the warmest period. Evidence to support a much warmer climate than today is traditionally based on the occurrence of dinosaurs and other vertebrates of presumed warm temperature affinity in the Antarctic (OLIVERO et al. 1991) and Arctic regions (TARDUNO et al. 1998) and on the poleward expansion of thermophilic marine organisms such as rudist bivalves and vegetation provinces (e.g. KAUFFMAN 1973, VAKHRAMEEV 1991. ...
Preface (modified): The Cretaceous lasted 80 million years, constituting this period as the longest period during the history of life on Earth. There are quite a lot of superlatives about the Cretaceous, like extreme climates, enormous superplumes, strong sea level changes with possibly the peak sea level of the whole Phanerozoic, and a strong increase of biodiversity after the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary. Easily imaginable that thousands of scientists all over the world are working on topics related to the Cretaceous today and that a glut of new papers and books are published each year. Herein it is focussed on Cretaceous ammonites, surely one of the highest resolution tools in biostratigraphy. Their distribution and fast evolutionary rate is one reason coupled with a good comparability founded in a long research tradition. Nevertheless, further groups of organisms are essential additionally to geological data to understand palaeoenvironmental changes in the Cretaceous and over the years I familiarized myself with quite a few of them, especially foraminifera and bivalves. The results of this and related research are presented in this cumulative habilitation thesis.
... Evidence for warm polar regions during the Cretaceous is well documented. Terrestrial plant assemblages and dinosaurs from polar latitudes of both hemispheres indicate mean annual and winter minimum temperatures much warmer-than-modern (Brouwers et al., 1987;Case, 1988;Case et al., 2000;Herman and Spicer, 1997;Olivero et al., 1991;Parrish et al., 1989;Parrish and Spicer, 1988;Rich et al., T 2002). Presence of champsosaur (a crocodile-like reptile) remains at 72°N during the Turonian-Coniacian is consistent with mean annual temperatures of > 14°C (Tarduno et al., 1998;Vandermark et al., 2007). ...
A compilation of foraminiferal stable isotope measurements from southern high latitude (SHL) deep-sea sites provides a novel perspective important for understanding Earth's paleotemperature and paleoceanographic changes across the rise and fall of the Cretaceous Hot Greenhouse climate and the subsequent Paleogene climatic optimum. Both new and previously published results are placed within an improved chronostratigraphic framework for southern South Atlantic and southern Indian Ocean sites. Sites studied were located between 58° and 65°S paleolatitude and were deposited at middle to upper bathyal paleodepths. Oxygen isotope records suggest similar trends in both bottom and surface water temperatures in the southern sectors of the South Atlantic and in the Indian Ocean basins. Warm conditions were present throughout the Albian, extreme warmth existed during the Cretaceous Thermal Maximum (early-mid-Turonian) through late Santonian, and long-term cooling began in the Campanian and culminated in Cretaceous temperature minima during the Maastrichtian. Gradients between surface and seafloor δ 18 O and δ 13 C values were unusually high throughout the 11.5 m.y. of extreme warmth during the Turonian-early Campanian, but these vertical gradients nearly disappeared by the early Maastrichtian. In absolute terms, paleotemperature estimates that use standard assumptions for pre-glacial seawater suggest sub-Antarctic bottom waters were ≥21 °C and sub-Antarctic surface waters were ≥27 °C during the Turonian, values warmer than published climate models support. Alternatively, estimated temperatures can be reduced to the upper limits of model results through freshening of high latitude waters but only if there were enhanced precipitation of water with quite low δ 18 O values. Regardless, Turonian planktonic δ 18 O values are ~1.5‰ lower than minimum values reported for the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) from the same region , a difference which corresponds to Turonian surface temperatures ~6 °C warmer than peak PETM temperatures if Turonian and Paleocene temperatures are estimated using the same assumptions. It is likely that warm oceans surrounding and penetrating interior Antarctica (given higher relative sea level) prevented growth of Antarctic ice sheets at all but the highest elevations from the late Aptian through late Campanian; however, Maastrichtian temperatures may have been cool enough to allow growth of small, ephemeral ice sheets. The standard explanation for the sustained warmth during Cretaceous Hot Greenhouse climate invokes higher atmospheric CO 2 levels from volcanic outgassing, but correlation among temperature estimates, proxy estimates of pCO 2 , and intervals of high fluxes of both mafic and silicic volcanism are mostly poor. This comparison demonstrates that the relative timing between events and their putative consequences need to be better constrained to test and more fully understand relationships among volcanism, pCO 2 , temperature ocean circulation, Earth's biota and the carbon cycle.
The fossil record of ornithischians in South America is sparse, and they are clearly underrepresented when compared with sauropod dinosaurs. However, recent discoveries indicate that ornithischians were more diversified than thought. The aim of the present contribution is to describe isolated remains belonging to ankylosaurs, and ornithopods, including basal euiguanodontians and hadrosaurs coming from the Chorrillo Formation (upper Campanian–lower Maastrichtian), Santa Cruz province, southern Argentina. The fossil remains of ankylosaurs reported here are the southernmost recorded for the continent. They show a unique combination of plesiomorphic features, indicating that they may belong to a basal ankylosaur. Ankylosaurs and hadrosaurids are thought to have arrived in South America during the latest Cretaceous through Central America. However, a detailed overview of the fossil record of Gondwana indicates that both clades were present and probably diversified along southern continents. This indicates that their presence in South America may be alternatively interpreted as the result of migration from other landmasses, including Africa and Europe, or may even be the result of Jurassic–Early Cretaceous vicariance from their northern counterparts.
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A magnetostratigraphic study was carried out on the marine sedimentary rocks of the Marambio Group (Santonian - Danian) in the James Ross Basin, Antarctic Peninsula. The main goal of this thesis is to refine the chronological framework for the Upper Cretaceous, given at present almost exclusively by ammonite, palynomorph, and nanoplankton biostratigraphy and Sr isotopes stratigraphy. Even though there were local previous magnetostratigraphic studies of some sections of the Marambio Group, this thesis provides a complete chronological framework, spanning both proximal to distal facies and from the oldest to the youngest units of the Group. A total of 443 paleomagnetic directions were obtained along more than 3200 m of sedimentary thickness, identifying five polarity chrons from the global polarity time scale. The local magnetostratigraphic column starts in the upper part of the Cretaceous normal superchron C34N (Santonian) and ends at the C31r chron (Maastrichtian). The correlation between the magnetostratigraphy and the age framework given by ammonite biostratigraphy allowed the assignment of precise ages to particular horizons of the Marambio Group units. Some of the geomagnetic polarity reversals identified are: a) C34N/C33r (84,2 Ma, late Santonian – early Campanian) for a horizon in the Alfa Member of the Santa Marta Formation; b) C33r/C33n (80 Ma, middle Campanian) for an intermediate level of the Rabot Formation; c) C33/C32 (74 Ma, late Campanian) for a horizon of the Hamilton Point Member of the Snow Hill Island Formation; d) C32/C31 (72 Ma, early Maastrichtian) for a level at the base of the Sanctuary Cliffs Member of the Snow Hill Island Formation. Additionally, two calculated paleomagnetic poles for approximately 80 and 75 Ma, coincide with the Upper Cretaceous (ca. 90 Ma) reference paleopole for the Antarctic Peninsula. This suggests a lack of oroclinal rotation at least since 90 Ma. Locally, a possible counterclockwise rotation of the sedimentary sequence studied in the Cerro Nevado (Snow Hill) Island of around 30° was identified
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The Scotia Arc is the name generally applied to the largely submarine physiographic feature that joins southern South America to the Antarctic Peninsula. More correctly called the Scotia Ridge, it consists of a system of submarine ridges and associated troughs, forming a loop that extends for 1500 km east from Tierra del Fuego and the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula into the South Atlantic Ocean (Fig. 1). The arc encloses the Scotia Sea just as the ridge/trench system of the Greater and Lesser Antilles encloses the Caribbean Sea. In fact, the islands of the South Sandwich Ridge, closing off the eastern end of the Scotia Arc, have frequently been referred to as the Southern Antilles. Like the Lesser Antilles they are volcanically active and are situated on the concave western side of an arcuate, seismically active trench. The physiography of the two arc systems is similar, except that the Caribbean Sea is closed to the west by the Central American isthmus and the associated Middle American Trench on the Pacific side (Fig. 2).
In this study a proposed history of motion between Africa and Antarctica is described, which when combined with the relatively better known Africa-S America motion, yields a history of S America-Antarctica motion. The Africa-Antarctica motion is constrained by fracture zones and magnetic lineations mapped on the flanks of the SW Indian Ridge and is consistent with an evolutionary model for the rest of the Indian Ocean. It is shown that the Drake Passage has opened since Oligocene time and that it is not necessary for any major movement between W and E Antarctica to have occurred since Early Cretaceous time. Before this time, however, the marine geophysical data require an overlap of the Antarctic Peninsula onto S America. The Gondwanaland reconstruction supported by these data is that of Du Toit, and Smith and Hallam. This means that the N part of the Antarctic Peninsula could have been emplaced in its present position to the rest of Antarctica during the early stages of the breakup of Gondwanaland. -Author
Isolated fossil (probably Oligocene or Miocene) footprints and trackways, probably made by birds, are described. The tracks of a large ground bird indicate dispersal of such a nonvolant type between South America or east Antarctica and King George Island in West Antarctica.-from Authors
One of the richest and best preserved late Campanian-Maastrichtian ammonite faunas of the world occurs within the Lopez de Bertodano Formation on Seymour Island. The excellent exposure of this sequence has offered an opportunity for detailed stratigraphic study of the fauna, providing a stratigraphic control unavailable for most other Southern Hemisphere strata of similar age. Ammonites are restricted to the Cretaceous portion of the Lopez de Bertodano Formation, becoming more abundant and increasing in diversity within a 600-m interval below the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. The ammonite-rich levels are divided into three zones (from oldest to youngest: Pachydiscus ootacodensis, P. riccardi and P. ultimus zones), extending from the late Campanian-Maastrichtian to the latest Maastrichtian. The taxonomic study of this fauna shows a predominance of endemic taxa of the family Kossmaticeratidae, including the species Maorites tuberculatus Howarth, M. seymourianus (Kilian and Reboul), M. densicostatus (Kilian and Reboul), M. weddelliensis n. sp., Grossouvrites gemmatus (Huppe) and Gunnarites bhavaniformis (Kilian and Reboul). These taxa, together with the members of the family Desmoceratidae Kitchinites ( Kitchinites ) darwini (Steinmann) and K. ( K. ) laurae n. sp., are mostly restricted to the margins of the Late Cretaceous Weddellian Province that extended from southern South America to Australia. Cosmopolitan genera described in this work become more abundant up section and include the species Anagaudryceras seymouriense n. sp., Zelandites varuna (Forbes), Pseudophyllites loryi (Kilian and Reboul), Diplomoceras lambi Spath, Pachydiscus ( Pachydiscus ) ootacodensis (Stoliczka), P. ( P. ) riccardi n. sp. and P. ( P. ) ultimus n. sp.
Antarctodolops dailyi, a new genus and species of Polydolopidae, a group of marsupial mammals heretofore known only from strata of Early Tertiary age in South America, is described from rocks c40 Ma old in the Antarctic Peninsula, the first fossil or Recent land mammal to be found in Antarctica. A phytogenetic analysis of the new find is presented, along with consideration of its implications as to past continental land connections between South America, Antarctica, and Australia. This analysis is set in the perspective of the Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary positions of the southern continents based on oceanic sea floor data, regional and local marine invertebrate biogeography, and the paleoclimatological conditions of these regions as determined from paleontological and radioisotopic data.-from Authors