Conference PaperPDF Available

Determinación del contenido de prolina en plantas de fríjol (Phaseolus vulgaris)

Determinación del
contenido de prolina en
plantas de fríjol como
respuesta al estrés por la
aplicación de oxifluorfen
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Sede Bogotá
Facultad de Agronomía
Correo electrónico:
Daniel Rincón y Verónica Hoyos
Determinación del contenido de prolina en plantas de fríjol como respuesta al estrés por la aplicación de oxifluorfen
de los aa bajo condiciones
ambientales normales .
del total de aa bajo condiciones
de estrés (Kumar et al., 2010).
Prolina en
plantas <5%
~Invertebrados marinos
~Plantas después de varios tipos de estrés
(Verbruggen y Hermans, 2008)
Acumulación de
en plantas de tomate con PEG (25%),
con respecto al testigo no tratado
(Rhodes et al., 1986).
fue la [prolina] reportada
319 veces mayor
¿Para qué se acumula prolina?
Contribuye a presión osmótica (cerca a 0.1 MPa) en
células de halófitas.
Actividad de prolina deshidrogenasa (PDH) comparada
con su planta cercana Arabidopsis thaliana.
Thellungiella halophila
Halófitas ↑[prolina]
~Estabilización de la estructura terciaria de las proteínas
(Munns y Tester, 2008).
~Buffer en el citosol.
~ Fuente de N y C.
~ Señalización de vías de estrés para adaptación (Verbruggen y
Hermans, 2008).
~ Estabiliza membranas celulares por la interacción con
~ Elimina radicales hidoxilo (Claussen, 2005).
~ Incrementa la actividad de la super óxido dismutasa (Hua y
Guo, 2002).
Prolina: posiblemente contribuyen con
Estudios con reportes
de incremento en la
Condición de
thaliana L.
1 C (5 días)
Wanner y Junttila
Beta vulgaris L.
-2,1 MPa
Gzik (1996)
Beta vulgaris L.
NaCl: 4 M
Gzik (1996)
(L.) H. Karst. cv.
Solución nutritiva
11 veces mayor a
la [ ] estándar
Claussen (2005)
Zea mays L.
10 dS m-1 NaCl
+ PEG 6000
Köşkeroğlu y
Tuna (2010)
Dando lugar a la producción de especies reactivas de oxígeno (ROS) (Iannone et al., 2012),
las cuales son inhibidas por prolina (Chen y Dickman, 2005) ¿cómo ocurre esto?
Tipos de estrés que dan lugar al incremento
en el contenido de prolina en plantas
Osmótico (Claussen, 2005) Salino (Gzik, 1996)
Metales pesados (Theriappan et al., 2011)
Alta intensidad lumínica (Mansour, 2000)
Frío (Wanner y Junttila 1999)
Aplicación de
herbicidas Paraquat (Chen y Dickman, 2005)
Bentazon (Galhano et al., 2011)
Nombre IUPAC: 2-cloro-4-trifluorometilfenil-3-etoxy-4-nitrofenil eter Difeniléter
Familia química (HRAC)
físicas y químicas
Peso molecular
Presión de vapor
1 x 10-6 mm Hg (media-baja)
Compuesto puro: 0,1 ppm (baja)
No presenta disociación
log Kow
>2,77 (lipofílico)
Pre y posemergencia
Control de malezas de hojas anchas
y gramíneas anuales (Ahrens, 1994).
Oxifluorfen en
Glutamato tRNAGlu
Glutamil-tRNA transferasa
Uropofirinógeno III
Glutamil-tRNA sintetasa
5-aminolevulinato deshidratasa
Hidrometilbilano sintasa
Uropofirinógeno III sintasa
Uropofirinógeno III carboxilasa
Coproporfirinógeno III
Coproporfirinógeno III oxidasa
Protoporfirinógeno IX
Protoporfirinógeno IX oxidasa
Protoporfirina IX
Quelatasa de
magnesio Ferroquelatasa
Mg-protoporfirina IX Protohemo
Biliverdina IX
Mg-protoporfirina IX monometilester
Mg-protoporfirina IX metiltransferasa
Divinil protoclorofilido
NADPH: Protoclorofilido oxidoreductasa
Clorofila a sintasa
Clorofilido a + Fitil-PP
Vinil reductasa
Clorofila a
Clorofila b
Sitio de acción de oxifluorfen
Vía del tetrapirol en plantas y punto de
inhibición por parte de oxyfluorfen.
Modificado de (Böger et al, 2002).
Interactúa con oxígeno
acumulación causa O2
O2 peroxidación de la membrana
(Grossman et al., 2010)
Oxidación no enzimática
Si ROS superan el sistema
defensivo antioxidante celular
estrés oxidativo a daño de
ácidos nucleicos, proteínas y
(Ray et al., 2012)
Especies de oxígeno radicales o
no radicales formadas por la
reducción parcial de oxígeno.
Generación endógena por
fosforilación oxidativa
mitocondrial, en el PSI o PSII o
por interacciones con fuentes
exógenas como compuestos
Superóxido (O2), peróxido de
hidrógeno (H2O2), radicales hidroxilo
(HO•), oxígeno molecular (O2)
Sistemas de defensa
antioxidante en plantas
Superóxido dismutasa, catalasa, ascorbato peroxidasa,
glutationa reductasa, monodeshidroascorbato
reductasa, glutationa peroxidasa, guaicol peroxidasa,
No enzimático
Ácido ascórbico, glutationa, compuestos fenólicos,
alcaloides, tocoferoles y aminoácidos no proteicos.
↑ [ROS] → desbalance en el funcionamiento del
sistema antioxidante (Radyukina et al., 2008).
de etileno Formación
de etano
miento de
Efectos adicionales por la aplicación de
(Grossman et al., 2010)
Determinación del
contenido de prolina en
plantas de fríjol como
respuesta al estrés por la
aplicación de oxifluorfen
Cuantificar el contenido de prolina
biosintetizada por efecto de la aplicación
oxifluorfen en plantas de fríjol común
(Phaseolus vulgaris) cv. ICA Cerinza.
Plantas de frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris)
cv. ICA Cerinza.
15 días después de emergencia.
Cámara de aplicación de herbicida
Presión: 28 PSI (constante)
Boquilla: Tee Jeet 8002
Volumen de aplicación:250 L ha-1
T1: 480 g i.a. ha -1 (dosis comercial)
T2: 960 g i.a. ha -1
Testigo sin aplicación.
4 repeticiones por tratamiento.
Tomar 0,3 g de material vegetal
Homogenización: 10 mL de solución acuosa de ácido sulfosalicílico (3%)
Filtrar en papel Whatman No. 2
2 Tomar en un tubo de ensayo 2 mL del filtrado
Agregar 2 mL de ácido de ninhidrina
Agregar 2 mL de ácido acético glacial Tiempo: 1 h
Temp.: 100 C
Detener la
reacción en
24 h después de aplicación, importante!!: efecto de oxifluorfen ocurre en
presencia de luz
Extraer la mezcla de la reacción con 4 mL de tolueno
Mezclar vigorosamente durante 15 20 seg.
Leer la absorbancia a 520 nm.
Usar tolueno como blanco.
Cálculo del contenido de prolina
Incremento promedio
en los niveles de prolina
de 99% (T1) y 528%
(T2) con respecto al
Prolina (μmol g-1 PF)
, confirmando así a prolina como variable
determinante en la medida de la respuesta al
estrés causado por la aplicación de
en plantas de fríjol.
La cuantificación del contenido de prolina
permitió establecer el estrés ocasionado por la
aplicación de oxifluorfen.
El contenido de prolina en plantas de frijol se
incrementó al doble con una dosis comercial de
oxifluorfen y 5,28 veces por efecto de una
aplicación al doble de la dosis comercial.
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Delauney, A. y D. Verma. 1993. Proline biosynthesis and osmoregulation in
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Gzik, A. 1996. Accumulation of proline and pattern of α-amino acids in
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2010. The Herbicide Saflufenacil (Kixor TM) is a New Inhibitor of
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Theriappan, P., K. Aditya, P. Dhasarathan. 2011. Accumulation of Proline under Salinity and
Heavy metal stress in Cauliflower seedlings. J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Manage., 15 (2): 251 255.
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Determinación del contenido de
prolina en plantas de fríjol como
respuesta al estrés por la aplicación
de oxifluorfen
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Sede Bogotá
Facultad de Agronomía
Correo electrónico:
Daniel Rincón y Verónica Hoyos
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
Salinity and heavy metals affect the growth and development of higher plants and also their productivity. In the present study, Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var botrytis) seeds were allowed to germinate and grow in the absence (control) and presence of different concentrations (50, 100, 250, 500, 750 and 1000 µM) of NaCl, CdCl2, HgCl2 and ZnCl2. Seed germination and growth parameters of seedlings of cauliflower were observed after 5, 10 and 15 days of exposure to salinity and heavy metals. In case of salinity, maximum inhibition of seedling growth was observed at 250 µM of NaCl which resulted into 66%, 67%, 61%, 56% and 25% inhibition in seed germination, shoot length, root length, fresh weight and dry weight, respectively after 5 days of germination. NaCl at 500-µM concentration and above completely inhibited seed germination. In case of heavy metals, HgCl2 was found to be the most toxic one with 94% inhibition in seed germination at 250 µM concentrations. Shoot length, root length, fresh weight and dry weights were inhibited by 69%, 88%, 66% and 71% respectively, after 5 days of growth in presence of HgCl2 (250 µM). On the other hand, only 66% and 55% inhibition in seed germination was observed with as high concentration as 1000 µM of both CdCl2 and ZnCl2 respectively, after 5 days of seed growth. Further, the extent of reduction in shoot length, root length, fresh weight and dry weight in presence of both CdCl2 and ZnCl2 was found to be less than HgCl2. In general development of root system was severely inhibited in presence of NaCl, CdCl2, ZnCl2 and HgCl2 at all the concentration tested as evidenced by decrease in root length. Increase in the level of proline accumulation was observed in presence of all heavy metals studied and sodium chloride. @JASEM
The effect of exogenous proline on vase-life of ‘Grand Gala’ rose (Rosa hybrida L.) was studied. Pulse application of 5mM proline enhanced the vase life of ‘Grand Gala’ roses by 3.3 days. This increment in vase life was coincided with higher concentration of endogenous proline and associated lower levels of superoxide radicals (O2–). Various isoforms of superoxide dismutase (SOD) were detected in senescing rose petals. Mn-SOD was the dominant isoform and constituted 53% (Stage-3), 74% (Stage-4), and 84% (Stage-5) of total SOD activity in proline treated flowers. Higher Mn-SOD and proline levels suppressed the generation of O2– and thus, slowed the senescence process and enhanced the flower longevity. Proline dehydrogenase (PDH) activity was also very high in proline treated flowers. Proline catabolism might provide higher energy to delay the ageing of flower petals. Similarly, higher reduced glutathione (GSH) content and GSH/GSSG (oxidized glutathione) ratio showed the existence of reduced redox state in cells of proline treated flower petals.
Less than 5% of the total pool of free amino acids in plants under stress-free conditions is p rovided by proline. In many plants under various forms of stress, the concentration increases up to 80% of the amino acid pool. This observation raises the question about the molecular mechanisms, making a high proline concentration favourable under stress conditions. Therefore, the literature about the chemical proper- ties of proline is reviewed, linking it to the plant physiological observations. In addition to its role as an osmolyte and a reservoir of carbon and nitrogen, etc. proline has been shown to protect plants against free radical-induced damage. A recent concept that proline accumulation is linked with the quenching of singlet oxygen has inspired us to look at the molecular mechanism of singlet oxygen quenching by proline. In this review, the key properties and the chemical reac- tivity of proline with singlet oxygen and other reactive oxygen species are discussed.
Saflufenacil (Kixor™) is a new herbicide of the pyrimidinedione chemical class for preplant burndown and selective preemergence dicot weed control in multiple crops, including corn. In this study, the mode of action of saflufenacil was investigated. For initial characterization, a series of biotests was used in a physionomics approach for comprehensive physiological profiling of saflufenacil effects. With the use of treated duckweed plants, metabolite profiling was performed based on quantification of metabolite changes, relative to untreated controls. Physiological and metabolite profiling suggested a mode of action similar to inhibitors of protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase (PPO) in tetrapyrrole biosynthetic pathway. Saflufenacil inhibited PPO enzyme activity in vitro with 50% inhibition of 0.4 nM for the enzymes isolated from black nightshade, velvetleaf, and corn. PPO inhibition by saflufenacil caused accumulations of protoporphyrin IX (Proto) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in leaf tissue of black nightshade and velvetleaf. In corn, only slight increases in Proto and H2O2 were found, which reflects in planta tolerance of this crop. The results show that saflufenacil is a new PPO-inhibiting, peroxidizing herbicide. Nomenclature: Bifenox; diuron; saflufenacil; black nightshade, Solanum nigrum L. SOLNI; duckweed, Lemna paucicostata (L.) Hegelm. LEMPA; velvetleaf, Abutilon theophrasti Medik. ABUTH; corn, Zea mays L. ZEAMX.
The present study was carried out to determine interactive and comparative effects of salinity and water stress on growth, proline accumulation, chlorophyll, carotenoid and macro nutrient content and antioxidative enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), guaiacol peroxidase (POX), and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) in hydroponically grown maize (Zeamays DKC647) plants. Plants were treated two salt (NaCl) concentrations and polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG 6000) to create water stress. The results obtained from this experiment show that high salinity reduced growth through decreasing shoot and root dry and fresh weight, chlorophyll, and carotenoid content, but PEG treatment had no significant effect on this parameters. Under NaCl and PEG 6000 treatment, uptake and translocation of mineral nutrients changed drastically. The high presence of Na+ in nutrient solution affected considerably the plant nutritional requirement, especially influencing the uptake of Ca2+ and K+, which were restricted for competition. Proline accumulation, and SOD, POX and PPO activities were increased with the increasing intensity of NaCl stress, but PEG 6000 treatment in addition to NaCl had more significant effect on this enzyme activities. These results suggest that maize plants may be increased proline content to maintain osmotic adjustment and increased the activity of antioxidant enzymes to have a better protection against active oxygen species (AOS) under salt and water stress. KeywordsSalinity and water stress-Polyethylene glycol 6000-Proline-Antioxidative enzymes (SOD, POX, PPO)-Maize
Proline, which increases proportionately faster than other amino acids in plants under water stress, has been suggested as an evaluating parameter for irrigation scheduling and for selecting drought-resistant varieties. The necessity to analyze numerous samples from multiple replications of field grown materials prompted the development of a simple, rapid colorimetric determination of proline. The method detected proline in the 0.1 to 36.0 moles/g range of fresh weight leaf material.