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Volume 3 • Issue 3 • 1000130
J Sports Med Doping Stud
ISSN: 2161-0673 JSMDS, an open access journal
Sports Medicine & Doping Studies
Naclerio et al., J Sports Med Doping Stud 2013, 3:3
Review Article Open Access
Effectiveness of Whey Protein Supplement in Resistance Trained
Fernando Naclerio1,3* Ahmad Alkhatib1 and Alfonso Jimenez2
1Centre of Sport Science and Human Performance, School of Science, University of Greenwich, UK
2School of Sports Science, European University of Madrid, Spain
3Institute of Sport, Exercise and Active Living (ISEAL), Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
Athletes and recreationally resistance-trained individuals often use protein supplements in an attempt to maximize
their training gains and performance. Because of the high bioavailability and solubility and its higher proportion of
essential amino acids including Leucine, whey protein extract has been proposed as the best optimal form of protein
for strength and power athletes. The objective of this review is to examine the current evidence for the efcacy of whey
protein containing supplements to optimize strength training adaptation and outcomes for regular resistance training
A limited numbers of studies have reported positive effects of whey protein containing supplements (including
those with carbohydrate and creatine) for optimizing the anabolic responses and adaptations process in resistance-
trained individuals.
In order to promote a more anabolic environment and maximize muscle protein synthesis along the day, an eating
pattern behavior involving frequents meals (every 3 to 5 h) containing 17 to 20 g of high quality protein (200 to 250 mg/
kg) providing 8 to 10 g of EAA (90 to 110 mg/kg) and about 2 g of Leucine (20 to 25 mg/kg) have been recommended.
Special attention should be given to the periworkout hours where the ingestion of whey proteins combined with
carbohydrates, creatine monohydrate (0.1 g/kg/d) and other proteins sources such as casein before, during and
after workout have been shown to improve training adaptations and enhance the recovery process. However, when
considering that the training conditions (workout volume, organization, number of exercises) used in the available
studies are substantially different than what athletes actually perform. Optimal whey protein supplementation protocols
need to specically be based on the regular resistance training workout organization and would probably need to
consider other doses and timing strategies than what is currently recommended.
*Corresponding author: Fernando Naclerio, Centre of Sport Science and Human
Performance, School of Science, University of Greenwich, Medway Campus,
Central Avenue, Chatham Maritime, Kent ME4 4TB, UK, Tel: +44 (0)20 8331 8441;
Fax: +44 (0) 20 8331 9805; E-mail:
Received August 30, 2013; Accepted October 03, 2013; Published October 10,
Citation: Naclerio F, Alkhatib A, Jimenez A (2013) Effectiveness of Whey Protein
Supplement in Resistance Trained Individuals. J Sports Med Doping Stud 3: 130.
Copyright: © 2013 Naclerio F, et al. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original author and source are credited.
Keywords: Multinutrient; Supplementation; Strength and power
athletes; Amino acid; Leucine; casein; Sport-nutrition
Abbreviations: LBM: Lean Body Mass; AA: Amino Acid; PDCAAS:
Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score; DIAAS: Digestible
Indispensable Amino Acid Score; EAA: Essential Amino Acid; BCAA:
Branched Chain Amino Acid
e protein requirements for athletic populations have been
the subject of extensive scientic debate. During the last decade the
notion that athletes as well generally active population require greater
protein intake than the currently RDA recommendation of 0.8 g/kg
of body weight per day in healthy adults has become well accepted
[1,2]. In addition, high protein diets have also become quite popular
in general population as part of many weight reduction programs [3,4].
Dierences in protein requirements for dierent types of athletes (i.e.,
endurance, strength/power) and non-athletes are well documented [5-
8]. Many studies have investigated the eects of protein obtained from
dierent sources such as milk eggs soy rice or bovine colostrum as well
as the technique used to manufacture the protein supplements or the
methodology recommended for their ingestion [9-15]. In fact, these
factors can be very relevant when the protein supplements are ingested
with the scope to optimize training adaptations [16].
Although some studies have shown greater strength, muscular
hypertrophy and/or Lean Body Mass (LBM) gains when resistance
training is combined with whey protein alone or in conjunction
with carbohydrates other protein sources enriched with amino acids
or creatine; there are still some inconsistencies regarding the most
appropriate eective doses and ingestion-timing strategy for optimizing
resistance training induced adaptations and outcomes (strength gain or
muscle mass accretion) [17-21].
As the focus of this review is on the eects of whey protein
supplementation on both resistance training performances and their
outcomes in trained individuals, we have focused on reviewing the
evidence that have used whey protein preparation alone or combined
with other protein sources or amino acid derivatives for optimizing
resistance training responses for regular athletes and recreationally
resistance training individuals. us, aer describing the main
characteristics of whey protein supplements, manufacture process,
quality and Amino Acid (AA) prole; we will analyze the documented
eects of whey protein containing supplements for resistance-trained
individuals. In addition some practical recommendations about the
most appropriate serving sizes and feeding distribution strategies will
be provided based on current level of evidences.
Protein Supplements
Most of protein extract are obtained from milk, eggs, bovine
colostrums, soy and to less extend from bean, wheat or rice. e
quality of these extracts may vary depending on the type and quality
Volume 3 • Issue 3 • 1000130
J Sports Med Doping Stud
ISSN: 2161-0673 JSMDS, an open access journal
Citation: Naclerio F, Alkhatib A, Jimenez A (2013) Effectiveness of Whey Protein Supplement in Resistance Trained Individuals. J Sports Med Doping
Stud 3: 130. doi:10.4172/2161-0673.1000130
Page 2 of 7
of the manufacturing process. A range of processed milk proteins
(concentrates, isolates, hydrolyzate or peptides) has been used for
dierent purposes including change in metabolic health in young
or elderly people or training optimization outcomes in untrained
recreationally active or well trained athletes [19,22-26].
Milk composition: Protein sub-fractions manufacturing and
main dierences
Whole milk is approximately 87% water, with the remaining 13%
as solids. e 13% solids are composed of 30% fat, 37% lactose, 27%
protein, and 6% minerals. Of the 27% of milk that is protein, 20% is
whey protein and 80% is casein protein [27]. During the process of
making cheese, whey protein is separated out into a transparent liquid
fraction that has shown to be a good source of high quality protein
currently used to produce protein powders and many other products.
Milk protein concentrate, produced by ultraltration of skimmed
milk, contains both casein and whey proteins in similar proportions
to whole milk, but the total amount of protein, lactose and mineral
content may vary between dierent formulations [14].
e casein fraction comprises α-casein, β-casein, and κ-casein whilst
whey contain multiple globular proteins including β-lactoglobulin (50
to 55%), α-lactalbumin (20 to 25%) bovine serum albumin (5 to 10%)
lactoferrin (1 to 2%) immunoglobulins (10 to 15%) lactoperoxidase
enzymes (~0.5%) and glycomacropeptides (10 to 15%), enzymes and
growth factors. All of these components have been associated with the
potential to improve general health outcomes and disease prevention
reduce immunosuppression attenuate muscular inammatory related
damage optimize recovery process and resistance training outcomes in
athletes and enhance metabolic health in general population [19-22,28-
Whey fraction of the milk is particularly rich in essential amino
acid, vitamins and mineral [14]. Protein concentrates obtained from
whey are produced by coagulation of milk with the enzyme rennet or
acid, resulting in separation of curds and whey, further ultraltration
and drying produces whey protein concentrates containing ≈25-80%
protein [31]. Additional processing can produce whey protein isolates
containing >90% protein with very low amounts of lactose and lipids
[28]. Selective elution, also known as ion exchange chromatography,
is the process most oen used to produce whey protein isolates
[14]. Additional hydrolysis with enzymes or acids provides a way to
breakdown the structure of protein containing in whey [22]. As the acids
hydrolysis process would also lower the quality and biological value of
protein, the addition of proteolytic enzymes, followed by purication
procedures is greatly preferred [32]. e main advantage of high quality
whey protein ion exchanges hydrolyzates preparations would be the
rapid uptake and availability of AA and a possible strong insulinotropic
eect that would elicited a fast and powerful stimulus on muscle protein
synthesis during the 3 h postprandial period [33,34]. is advantageous
postprandial eect of whey protein contributes to numerous anabolic
responses following resistance training and its supplementation has
been recently shown to have superior cardio-protective eects on
postprandial lipemia compared with other common dietary protein
supplementations such as cod or gluten [25,35].
With high quality of manufacturing the native structures of
whey protein can be retained. However, some minor peptides
such as lactoferrin may have a decreased concentration, while the
β-lactoglobulin protein fraction tends to increase in whey protein
isolates [27]. us, protein isolates tend to be low in glycomacropeptides,
lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase and some bioactive peptides. However, a
high quality process of microltration/ultraltration would produce
whey protein isolates with higher amounts of glycomacropeptides,
lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase and the bioactive peptides, and lower in
bovine serum albumin. Cross-ow microltration gives a whey protein
isolate which is greater than 90% in protein that is under-natured and
that retains all important sub-fractions in natural ratios, with no fat or
lactose [14].
ere is indication that lactoferrin and some of the immunoglobulins
in whey proteins may be more resistant to proteolytic degradation than
are other types of proteins. Some proteins e.g. bovine serum albumin or
beta-lactoglobulin may yield glutamylcysteine during their digestion,
which may be absorbed and serve as a precursor to glutathione (potent
antioxidant precursor) in some tissues [36].
In summary, when whey proteins preparation are processed
with high quality process using low temperatures and not exposed to
uctuating pH changes the undesirable denaturing of native structures
would be avoided.
Casein is the protein source of cheese and forms curds during
processing because it exists as a micelle in milk [27]. As nutritional
supplements casein is made of to rennet casein or caseinates; which is an
acid form usually combined with sodium, calcium, or potassium. e
low pH conditions in the stomach cause casein to clot, forms clumps or
curds and delay gastric emptying [37]. Dierent from whey protein that
remain soluble in the stomach, and thus are emptied rapidly, casein is
converted into a solid clot, and emptied more slowly from the stomach
[38]. ese dierences in digestive properties are likely to contribute
to the dierent patterns of AA concentrations that have been observed
aer ingestion of whey or casein protein [24,38]. erefore, casein has
been termed as “slow”, and whey has been termed as “fast” protein
In general, the slowly absorbed casein protein would promote a
more sustained and prolonged postprandial protein deposition by an
inhibition of protein breakdown without excessive increase in amino
acid concentration. By contrast, a fast whey protein stimulates protein
synthesis but also oxidation. is impact of amino acid absorption speed
on protein metabolism is true when proteins are given alone, this might
be blunted in more complex meals that could aect gastric emptying
(lipids) and or insulin response (carbohydrates) [41]. Additionally
the more prolonged anabolic eects of casein seems to be eective in
resting condition while aer training the ingestion of one single dose
of whey protein has been proposed as to be more eective to stimulate
anabolic responses in resistance trained individuals [5,25].
Amino acid prole of whey and casein protein supplements
Based on human AA requirements, digestibility and their
bioavailability, similar to eggs protein, both whey and casein protein
have been classied as high quality proteins [31]. Considering both the
protein digestibility corrected AA score (PDCAAS) and the recently
developed digestible indispensable AA score (DIAAS), casein and whey
protein fractions contain higher amount and proportion of essential
amino acids (EAA) compared to other vegetable protein sources such
as soy or rice [42]. Nevertheless, in addition to their dierent digestive
patters, some special physiological eects have also been attributed
to their particular AA composition [43]. Figure 1 compares the AA
compositions of the whey and casein protein fractions [24].
Data from Figure 1 indicates that when the same amount of casein
or whey protein are consumed, whey provide more than 3% of EAA
and higher amount of Cysteine, and Leucine. Cysteine is thought to
play a key role in the regulation of whole body protein metabolism,
Volume 3 • Issue 3 • 1000130
J Sports Med Doping Stud
ISSN: 2161-0673 JSMDS, an open access journal
Citation: Naclerio F, Alkhatib A, Jimenez A (2013) Effectiveness of Whey Protein Supplement in Resistance Trained Individuals. J Sports Med Doping
Stud 3: 130. doi:10.4172/2161-0673.1000130
Page 3 of 7
acting as a potent anticatabolic and antioxidant agent [45]. Cysteine
supplementation has been shown to promotes glutathione synthesis,
and shis whole body nitrogen disposal in favor of preserving the
muscle amino acid pool [45].
Leucine, one of the Branched Chain Amino acid (BCAA) is a key
essential AA to trigger a potent increase in protein synthesis when
a minimum amount of 1 g or 2 g per meal is consumed by young or
elderly people respectively [46].
On the other side, whey protein contains lower quantities of
Methionine, Glutamine, Arginine and Tyrosine. Additionally both
whey and casein contain lower or trace amount of Taurine, which
is a conditionally essential amino acid, involved in a number of
physiological processes including cell membrane stabilization, neural
excitability or sensibility for nutrient intake into the cell. Even when is
the most abundant free amino acid in excitable tissue such as muscle
heart and brain it is not used to build protein but has important
functions as insulin mimetic, cellular hydration and protein synthesis
stimulation [47].
As the above mentioned amino acids have important neuronal and
metabolic functions, in order to maximize the nutritional proprieties
of the whey protein extract, a high quality based whey protein product
could be fortied with the addition of peptides of L-Glutamine,
L-Arginine, L-Taurine, L-Methionine and L-Tyrosine [14,31]. For
example, glutamine accounts for 30-35% of the amino acid nitrogen in
the plasma being the most abundant amino acid in blood. L-glutamine
fullls a number of biochemical needs. It operates as a nitrogen shuttle,
taking up excess ammonia and forming urea. It can act as a powerful
anticatabolic agent contributing for the production of other AAs, glucose,
nucleotides, protein, and glutathione [42]. Arginine is a semi-essential
AA, involved in numerous areas of human biochemistry, including
ammonia detoxication, hormone secretion, and immune modulation.
L-arginine is the main physiological precursor of nitric oxide that plays
an important regulatory role by increasing blood ow to the muscles
and modulating muscle contraction, glucose and AAs uptake by the
muscle [30]. Methionine is an essential AA associated with the methyl
donor reactions for the synthesis of epinephrine, creatine, melatonin,
glutathione, the polyamines spermine and spermidine, as well as the
AAs L-cysteine and taurine, all of which play vital roles in human health
[48]. Tyrosine in addition to support phenylalanine levels, is essential
for the production of catecholamine neurotransmitters, including
dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. Tyrosine is the precursor
for the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine by the thyroid gland
and grow hormone by the pituitary [49]. ere is some evidence that
supplementation with L-tyrosine can lead to an increase in dopamine
that in turn may lead to an improvement in mood state [50].
Although, each protein source has unique attributes that may convey
specic nutritional advantages compared to the others (general health
benets, body weight management, gaining lean body mass, enhancing
muscle recovery aer exercise or stimulating muscular protein
synthesis) the degree by which each source of protein can stimulate
these process are related to dierent factors involving digestion rates,
divergent AA proles, pattern of ingestion and the metabolic state (rest
or exercise) related to the timing of ingestion [39,40].
Documented Eects of Whey Protein Supplement to
Optimize Resistance-Training Responses
Whey protein extract, because of its increased bioavailability and
solubility, and its higher percentage content of EAA including BCAAs,
specically Leucine, has been proposed as the best optimal form of
protein for strength and power athletes [17,45,51]. Although several
studies have analysed the eect of whey protein supplementation on
resistance training performance and outcomes only some of them have
focused on resistance trained individuals [12,17,23,24,26,38,52,53].
Cribb et al., [45] reported higher signicant improvements in LBM,
strength and loss of body fat in a group of recreational bodybuilders who
supplemented their diet with the addition of 1.5 g /kg/d of hydrolyzed
whey protein isolate compared to other group who ingested the same
amount of casein during a supervised 10-week resistance training
program. e 1.5 g/kg/d supplement dose was divided into smaller
equal servings and consumed throughout the day (e.g. breakfast, lunch,
immediately aer training, and dinner).
Kraemer et al., [53], analysed the eects of 14 days supplementation
period in 10 resistance trained males who were exposed to three
dierent supplementation protocols: 20 g of whey protein isolate, 20 g of
soy protein isolate or 20 g of carbohydrates. Each participant completed
all three conditions separated by a two weeks wash out period. Lower
cortisol and higher total testosterone levels were measured from
5 to 30 min aer performing a squat protocol involving 6 sets of 10
Figure 1: Comparison between whey and casein amino acid prole.
Volume 3 • Issue 3 • 1000130
J Sports Med Doping Stud
ISSN: 2161-0673 JSMDS, an open access journal
Citation: Naclerio F, Alkhatib A, Jimenez A (2013) Effectiveness of Whey Protein Supplement in Resistance Trained Individuals. J Sports Med Doping
Stud 3: 130. doi:10.4172/2161-0673.1000130
Page 4 of 7
repetitions at 80% 1RM followed by the whey protein supplementation
period compared to when participants were exposed to soy or placebo.
In addition, whey supplementation might also attenuate the normal
increase of cortisol observed aer carbohydrate condition.
Tang et al. [17] reported positive eects of 10 g of whey protein
combined with 21 g of fructose, to induce a 2-fold rise in muscle
protein synthesis in young well resistance trained men, over 4 h, aer
performing 4 sets of 8–10 repetitions at 80% 1RM for the leg press and
leg extension exercises.
As whey protein contains about 50% of EAA, 10 g of whey high
quality extract would provide circa 5 g of EAA [24]. If we consider
that 20 g of whole egg protein, containing 8.6 g of EAA including 2
g or Leucine, have been necessary to maximally stimulate muscle and
albumin protein synthesis aer a lower-body resistance exercise in
young men it may be possible that even when 10 g of whey protein were
sucient to elicit signicant increases of muscle protein synthesis, a
higher dose (≈17 g) would be necessary to achieve the optimal maximal
response beyond which a marked stimulation of whole-body AA
oxidation with no further increase in muscle protein synthesis would
occur in young resistance trained males [10].
High-quality proteins extract, such as whey, stimulate muscle protein
synthesis in proportion to the amount of EAA and specically Leucine
administered per serving [38]. Norton and Wilson suggest that optimal
protein intake per meal should be based on the amount of leucine
provided by the source of protein consumed [54]. us, the presence
of the relative amount of the EAA including Leucine is of cornerstone
importance for determining the amount of protein to be ingested in
every meal. In fact when the amount of EAA and Leucine are equated
the eects on muscle protein synthesis and training outcomes seems
to be similar regardless of which protein source is consumed [12,54].
Joy et al. [12], observed no dierences of ingesting either 48 g of isolate
protein extracted from rice or whey during 8 weeks of daily ondulated
periodized resistance training program on short term recovery (Ratings
of perceived recovery, soreness, and readiness) or training-induced
adaptations (increase lean body mass, muscle mass, strength and power
and decrease fat mass) in 24 resistance trained young males. Even when
the absence of control group did not allow the authors to conclude how
benecial whey or rise proteins supplementation would be compared
to resistance training alone, based on previous investigations it could
be possible to say that regardless of the source, between 17 to 20 g of
high quality protein (200 to 250 mg/kg) providing 8 to 10 g of EAA
(90 to 110 mg/kg) and about 2 g of Leucine (20 to 25 mg/kg) would
be necessary to elicit an optimal muscle protein synthesis response
in young strength trained individuals aer performing a typical
resistance training workout [10,17]. As a consequence, when ingested
others plant-based protein extracts such as soy or rice containing less
proportion of EAA and leucine, in order to obtain similar results,
higher doses should be administered. However, larger protein ingestion
entail also higher caloric intake greater digestion time (slower release
of AA to the periphery), and increased AA oxidation and ureagenesis
because more proportion of AA would be converted to urea rather than
used for protein synthesis [5].
Summarizing the previous information, even when the need of
EAA and Leucine could be satised from dierent protein sources,
whey protein extract seems to be more ecient, on a gram per gram
Whey protein combined with carbohydrates, other proteins
sources, amino acid and/or creatine
Added carbohydrates to whey protein extract have been shown to
enhance cellular hydration, glycogen resynthesis and reduce muscle
protein breakdown which then magnies the increase in net protein
balance and/or lessen the immunosuppressive eects of exercise
compared to the ingestion of whey protein or AA alone [8,55,56]. ese
positive eects are in part related to a more powerful insulin secretion
[54]. With regard to resistance training, the ingestion of 40 g of whey
protein with 120 of sucrose, honey powder or maltodextrine (1:3 protein
to carbohydrate ratio) following a typical resistance training workout
involving 9 exercises of 3 sets per 10 rep at 70% 1RM, did signicantly
inuence glucose and insulin responses without signicantly altering
markers of anabolism, catabolism or immunity during the rst two
hours of recovery [18].
Multinutrients supplements containing whey protein,
carbohydrates, amino acids, and other natural compounds such a
creatine may optimize recovery time and training induced adaptation
Kerksick et al. [20] reported signicant greater increases in fat free
mass in 36 resistance-trained men aer combining a 10 weeks strength
training program with the ingestion of 40 g whey plus 8 g casein and
2 g of carbohydrates compared to both a carbohydrate-placebo and a
similar multinutrient containing only 40 g of whey enriched with 3 g of
BCAAs, 5 of glutamine and 2 g of carbohydrates. Supplements where
ingested within 2 hours aer workout during training days or at the
morning on non-training days. Authors concluded that co-ingestion of
blend high quality whey and casein proteins mix may be an eective
means to promote higher improvements on body composition in
resistance-trained individuals compared to the ingestion of only one
protein source.
As stated previously whey and casein possess dierent patterns
of amino acid release, which has been shown to greatly aect the
extracellular amino acid concentrations and the resulting levels of
protein synthesis and breakdown [60]. Dierences in digestion rates
would cause a more sustained increase in blood amino acid levels,
resulting in greater muscle amino acid uptake [39]. Casein tends to
inhibit protein catabolism when consumed at rest and has a slight,
but relatively long increase in protein synthesis. e pattern of amino
acid delivery with casein appears to lead to better leucine balance (net
protein state) than whey at rest [5]. Conversely, aer a typical resistance
training workout whey protein have shown to stimulates a greater acute
(0-3 h post-exercise) rise in muscle protein synthesis compared with
the same amount of casein and is still highly eective for stimulating
muscle protein synthesis over 3-5 h post-exercise [60-62]. us,
possibly when both types of proteins sources are combined, in addition
to a more favorable AA muscle blood-ow aer workout, a higher
aminoacidemia would be sustained along the day. As the stimulation
of protein synthesis may be largely depend on the availability of the
extracellular concentration of AA, for resistance trained practitioners,
the co-ingestion of fast (whey) and slow (casein) high quality protein
extract would elicit a more powerful anabolic and eective stimulus
compared to only one source.
Cribb et al. [21] examined the eects of 11 weeks of resistance training
program combined with whey protein and/or creatine monohydrate
(both separately and in combination) on body composition, muscle
strength, and muscular hypertrophy in a group of recreational male
bodybuilders. Participants were dived in 4 groups: whey protein; whey
protein plus creatine monohydrate; carbohydrates and carbohydrates
plus creatine monohydrate. Supplementation with whey protein, whey
protein plus creatine monohydrates and carbohydrates plus creatine
monohydrate resulted in greater hypertrophy responses and strength
Volume 3 • Issue 3 • 1000130
J Sports Med Doping Stud
ISSN: 2161-0673 JSMDS, an open access journal
Citation: Naclerio F, Alkhatib A, Jimenez A (2013) Effectiveness of Whey Protein Supplement in Resistance Trained Individuals. J Sports Med Doping
Stud 3: 130. doi:10.4172/2161-0673.1000130
Page 5 of 7
gains compared to the ingestion of only carbohydrates. Additionally,
the consumption of a creatine monohydrate in conjunction with whey
proteins or carbohydrates provides similar benets that in addition were
greater than those obtained from carbohydrates or whey protein alone.
In the line with the previous investigation, Cooper et al. [59] reported
greater possibilities for improving 1 RM bench press (78%) and upper
and lower body muscular endurance (49%) when a group of resistance
trained males who performed a 12 weeks resistance-training program
ingested 2 serving of 60 g per day of a multinutrient containing 21 g of
carbohydrate, 30 g of whey protein, 4.7 g of fat, 5.1 g of creatine, 5.1 g of
glutamine and 1.5 g HMB instead of a carbohydrate-placebo.
Summarizing the previous information, in addition to the synergic
eects of adding carbohydrates, in order to optimize the positive
eects of whey protein for improving resistance training adaptation,
combining other protein sources such as casein and specically the
addition of creatine monohydrate would be appropriate. On the other
hand, the additional benets on resistance training outcomes resulted
from the addition of other AA or proteins derivatives such as glutamine,
BCAAs or HMB remain to be elucidated.
Whey protein supplementation protocol: the nutrient-timing
Unfortunately there is no conclusive evidence about what time
point and dose are optimal for the ingestion of protein or amino
acid-carbohydrate supplement for optimizing muscular adaptations
to exercise. Many studies have provided positive results for ingesting
high quality protein before, during, immediately aer or several
hours (1 to 3-5 h) post exercise for promoting increases in protein
synthesis [58]. With regard to the most convenient nutrition-time-
protocol for improving resistance training outcomes, Cribb and Hayes
reported signicantly greater increases in lean body mass, strength and
hypertrophy aer 10 weeks of resistance training in a group of trained
males who ingested a multinutrient contained glucose, whey isolate,
creatine monohydrate and fat just before and aer workout compared
to another group which consumed the same dose before breakfast and
just prior retiring to bed [26].
e optimal feeding strategy to maximally enhance recovery and
anabolic response to resistance exercises should also consider the
serving size and feeding distribution before, during and aer workout.
West et al., [25] observed greater muscular protein synthesis for 5 h
of recovery in 8 recreationally trained males when consuming a 25
g single-bolus-dose of whey protein aer performing 8 sets of 8-10
repetitions of a bilateral leg extension compared to the same amount
of proteins ingested as repeated, small pulsed drinks (10 doses of 2.5
g of whey protein every 20 min). In another similar study, Burke et
al. [63] observed dierent patterns of aminoacidemia in 12 resistance
trained males who ingested 25 g of whey protein enriched with 5 g of
Leucine or placebo before performing 1 set x 8-10 repetition at 80%
1RM in a single leg extension exercise. Supplements were administered
in a single-bolus-dose (45 min before) or as a series of 15 small-pulsed
drinks, (of approximately 33 mL each) starting 45 min before and
ended 2 h aer completed the training. Although similar increases in
muscle protein synthesis (near 250% respect to placebo) were observed
over 5 h aer exercise, in the early phase of recovery the pulsed strategy
produced higher AA and insulin concentration.
If we assume that between 17 to 20 g of high quality protein providing
8 to 10 g of EAA are necessary to maximally stimulates muscle protein
synthesis aer exercises, considering that a typical resistance training
workout enhance muscle protein synthesis for at least 24 h; in order
to maximize the anabolic eects of feeding it should be necessary to
maintain a frequent protein ingestion, not only during the periworkout
period but also along the day [64,65]. Because muscle protein synthesis
becomes refractory to persistent aminoacidemia in order to maintain
an optimal protein synthesis stimulation, between 5 to 6 meals
providing 17 to 20 g of high quality protein should be recommended
[54]. In line with this rationale, Areta et al., [66] examined the eects of
three dierent protein feeding distributions over a 12 h recovery period
in 24 resistance trained male who performed 4 sets of 10 repetitions
at 80% 1RM with 3 min rest between sets followed by the ingestion of
80 g of whey protein isolate. Participants were divided in three groups:
Pulse (ingested 8 servings of 10 g every 1.5 h); Intermediate (ingested 4
servings of 20 g every 4 h) and bolus (ingested 2 servings of 40 g every
6 h). Results showed higher myobrillar protein synthesis stimulation
for the intermediate protocol (4 intakes of 20 g) compared to both pulse
(8 servings of 10 g) and bolus (2 servings of 40 g). Possibly 10 g of whey
protein is not enough and resulted in some suboptimal stimulation of
the protein synthesis. In contrast, larger but less frequent servings of 40
g, even if should be appropriate to maximally stimulate muscle protein
synthesis, represent a suboptimal ingestion pattern due to irreversible
amino acid oxidation of the excess ingested protein and possible the
lack of anabolic stimulus between intakes (>5 h).
In summary as the cell membrane is highly sensitive to the internal
and external (blood) rise of AA concentration, frequent meals (every 3
to 5 h) containing 17 to 20 g or high quality protein would potentiate
and maintain a long lasting and optimal muscular protein synthesis
stimulus. Additionally, with the aim to maximize the anabolic response
of resistance training workout a higher protein intake (bolus) should
be provided immediately aer training. Figure 2 depicts the theoretical
optimal protein-feeding pattern protocol starting 3 h before (small
intakes ≈10 g) and ending 6 h aer training (higher intakes ≈ 20 g).
It is important to note that even when high quality whey protein
extract would be an appropriate option for ingesting during training
and just aer workout others protein sources including those coming
from regular food such as eggs, meet, cheese etc can be used along the
dierent daily meals [67].
Figure 2: Proposed ideal protocol of protein feeding for the periworkout hours.
Volume 3 • Issue 3 • 1000130
J Sports Med Doping Stud
ISSN: 2161-0673 JSMDS, an open access journal
Citation: Naclerio F, Alkhatib A, Jimenez A (2013) Effectiveness of Whey Protein Supplement in Resistance Trained Individuals. J Sports Med Doping
Stud 3: 130. doi:10.4172/2161-0673.1000130
Page 6 of 7
Contraindications and Precautions Related to Whey
Protein Extract Ingestion
To date, no severe adverse reactions have been reported following
administration of whey protein extracts. Although some individuals,
who are hypersensitive to milk proteins, can experience allergy
symptoms including possible serious ones (in this case is strongly
recommended to avoid whey proteins containing products). Other
dairy-sensitive individuals are lactose-intolerant. Most whey proteins
are processed to remove lactose and nished whey products only
contain trace amounts. De-lactosed whey, produced from crystallizing
a majority of the lactose out and recovering the remaining whey, is
appropriate for lactose-intolerant individuals [28].
Conclusions and Final Recommendations
e optimal protocol for administering a supplement containing
high quality whey protein still needs to be determined. However in
order to stimulate a more powerful anabolic response, frequent meals
(every 3 to 5 h) containing 17 to 20 g of high quality protein (200 to
250 mg/kg) providing 8 to 10 g of EAA (90 to 110 mg/kg) and about 2
g of Leucine (20 to 25 mg/kg) seems appropriate for eliciting optimal
muscular responses and adaptations in resistance training practitioners.
Co-ingestion of whey protein and carbohydrates in 1:3 ratio would
helps glycogen restoration and inhibits protein catabolism, creating
synergistic eects with the EAA, particularly leucine, for optimizing
recovery process aer resistance training workout [68].
Special attention should be given to the periworkout hours where
the ingestion of small amount of whey protein (≈10 g) under a pulse
like protocol should began 3 h before and continue through the training
session. A higher protein intake (≈20 g) would be recommended
immediately post workout and possibly at 3 and 6 h aer training. In
addition, combined whey with others protein sources such as casein
and specically with creatine monohydrate (0.1 g/kg/d), would be
appropriate for improving recovery process and the anabolic responses
induced by resistance training in athletes [69].
Most available studies have analysed the results based on serial
biopsies of only one muscle and limited training conditions (low
volume and number of exercises) that are substantially dierent from
what athletes actually perform.
Future research may explore the responses of regular resistance
training practitioners under most realistic training condition, using
others timing strategies and possibly higher proteins doses than what is
currently being recommended.
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Citation: Naclerio F, Alkhatib A, Jimenez A (2013) Effectiveness of Whey
Protein Supplement in Resistance Trained Individuals. J Sports Med Doping
Stud 3: 130. doi:10.4172/2161-0673.1000130