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Abstract and Figures

Although psychopathy often is considered the most toxic of the “types” that make up the Dark Triad of personality (psychopathy, narcissism, Machiavellianism), its role in organizational leadership is the least explored. Using the B-Scan 360, a measure of corporate psychopathy, we investigated the relationships among employees’ perceptions of psychopathic traits in their supervisors, employee psychological distress, work–family conflict, and job satisfaction. Participants in two different samples, one civic and the other financial, rated their supervisors with the B-Scan 360, and completed self-report measures of psychological distress, work–family conflict, and job satisfaction. Structural equation modeling (SEM) indicated that in each sample B-Scan 360 scores of supervisors were directly and negatively related to employee job satisfaction. The two samples differed somewhat in the associations of the B-Scan 360 with employee psychological distress and work–family conflict. Overall, the results illustrate the effects of perceived psychopathic traits in supervisors on employee well-being and job-related attitudes.
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A dark side of leadership: Corporate psychopathy and its influence
on employee well-being and job satisfaction
Cynthia Mathieu
, Craig S. Neumann
, Robert D. Hare
, Paul Babiak
Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres, Canada
University of British Columbia, Canada
University of North Texas, United States
Anubis-Research, United States
article info
Article history:
Received 13 June 2013
Received in revised form 7 November 2013
Accepted 14 November 2013
Available online 7 December 2013
Corporate psychopathy
B-Scan 360
Psychological distress
Work–family conflict
Job satisfaction
Although psychopathy often is considered the most toxic of the ‘‘types’’ that make up the Dark Triad of
personality (psychopathy, narcissism, Machiavellianism), its role in organizational leadership is the least
explored. Using the B-Scan 360, a measure of corporate psychopathy, we investigated the relationships
among employees’ perceptions of psychopathic traits in their supervisors, employee psychological dis-
tress, work–family conflict, and job satisfaction. Participants in two different samples, one civic and
the other financial, rated their supervisors with the B-Scan 360, and completed self-report measures of
psychological distress, work–family conflict, and job satisfaction. Structural equation modeling (SEM)
indicated that in each sample B-Scan 360 scores of supervisors were directly and negatively related to
employee job satisfaction. The two samples differed somewhat in the associations of the B-Scan 360 with
employee psychological distress and work–family conflict. Overall, the results illustrate the effects of per-
ceived psychopathic traits in supervisors on employee well-being and job-related attitudes.
Ó2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
The ‘‘dark side’’ of leadership has been the topic of considerable
research over the past decade or so. Researchers have described
these ‘‘dark leaders’’ as toxic (Lipman-Blumen, 2008), abusive
(Tepper, 2000), tyrannical (Ashforth, 1994), and destructive (Einar-
sen, Aasland, & Skogstad, 2007). Some of the common behaviors
exhibited by these leaders are ridiculing and degrading employees,
lying and deceptiveness, blaming others for their mistakes, harass-
ment, and physical aggression. Furthermore, abusive leadership is
associated with a decrease in employee work performance (Harris,
Kacmar, & Zivnuska, 2007), increased employee workplace devi-
ance (Mitchell & Ambrose, 2007), increased levels of psychological
distress (Sosik & Godshalk, 2000; Tepper, 2000), lower levels of job
satisfaction and organizational commitment (Duffy, Ganster, &
Pagon, 2002; Tepper, 2000), and increased levels of work–family
conflict (Tepper, 2000).
Although psychopathy has been identified as the most destruc-
tive of the dark personalities (Williams, Nathanson, & Paulhus,
2010), empirical research on the role played by psychopathic indi-
viduals in the corporate world has lagged behind that devoted to
the impact of other dark personalities. The main problems in
studying corporate psychopathy have been the absence of suitable
measurement tools and the reluctance of some organizations to
participate in research that evaluates their employees (Babiak &
Hare, 2006).
1.1. Corporate psychopathy
Hogan and Hogan (2001) believe the reason for leadership fail-
ure or ‘‘derailment’’ lies in the personality disorder of the leader.
Hogan and Kaiser (2005) extended their model to suggest that
personality directly determines leadership style, which in turn
affects employee attitudes and team functioning and ultimately
organizational performance.
Psychopathy is a clinical construct defined by a cluster of per-
sonality traits and characteristics, including grandiosity, egocen-
tricity, deceptiveness, shallow emotions, lack of empathy or
remorse, irresponsibility, impulsivity, and a tendency to ignore or
violate social norms (Hare & Neumann, 2008). We believe that
psychopathic traits are a potent underlying factor for many of
the deviant interpersonal behaviors displayed by dysfunctional
leaders, and a cause of significant psychological distress in their
employees (Babiak & Hare, 2006).
However, the prevalence and consequences of psychopathy
among leaders and managers in various corporate and financial
contexts only recently have been explored empirically. Babiak,
Neumann, and Hare (2010) reported that the prevalence of
0191-8869/$ - see front matter Ó2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Address: Business Department, Universite du Quebec a
Trois-Rivieres, P.O. Box 500, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec G9A 5H7, Canada.
E-mail address: (C. Mathieu).
Personality and Individual Differences 59 (2014) 83–88
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psychopathy in a sample of high-level managers was about 4%,
which is considerably higher than the prevalence (about 1%) found
in general population samples (Coid, Yang, Ullrich, Roberts, & Hare,
2009; Neumann & Hare, 2008). Babiak and colleagues (2010)
concluded that in spite of their poor performance, psychopathic
professionals were able to get promotions, function in high-level
positions, and exert influence in business decision-making.
1.2. Measuring corporate psychopathy
The standard measures of adult psychopathy are the Psychopa-
thy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) and its derivative, the Psychopathy
Checklist: Screening Version (see Hare & Neumann, 2009). For clini-
cal and applied purposes their administration is restricted to those
with the appropriate professional qualifications, making them
unsuitable for use by many human resources personnel. For this
reason, Babiak and Hare (in preparation) developed the Business-
Scan 360 (B-Scan 360). The B-Scan 360 was modeled on a struc-
tural model of the PCL-R (Hare, 2003; Neumann, Hare, & Newman,
2007), which defines psychopathy as a multifaceted construct
made up of four dimensions: Interpersonal, Affective, Lifestyle,
and Antisocial. These first-order factors are significantly interre-
lated, suggesting that they are indicators for a second-order super-
ordinate psychopathy factor (Neumann et al., 2007).
Using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses of a pool of
potential B-Scan 360 items, Mathieu, Hare, Jones, Babiak, and
Neumann (2013) derived a reliable 20-item, four-factor model that
is consistent with the PCL-R structural model. They labeled the four
factors as follows: Manipulative/Unethical;Callous/Insensitive;
Unreliable/Unfocused; and Intimidating/Aggressive. A confirmatory
factor analysis conducted on the B-Scan 360 item scores of the
participants in the current studies (Samples 1 and 2 pooled;
N= 591) replicated this four-factor structure (Mathieu, Neumann,
Babiak, and Hare (under review).
1.3. Corporate psychopathy and leadership behavior
Babiak and Hare (2006) described common leadership failures,
or ‘‘red flags,’’ that may be manifestations of corporate psychopa-
thy. These include difficulty in forming a team and in sharing ideas
and credit with others; disparate treatment of staff; deceptiveness;
immodesty; inability to accept blame; acting unpredictably and
impulsively; and acting aggressively. Similarly, Leslie and Van Vel-
sor (1996) described four aspects of leader behaviors that lead to
career ‘‘derailment’’: poor interpersonal skills (i.e., being arrogant,
cold, insensitive and overly ambitious); inability to get work done
(i.e., betraying trust, not following through); inability to build a
team; and inability to make an effective transition following a pro-
motion. These features are similar to those suggested by Babiak
and Hare (2006) as indicative of corporate psychopathy.
Regardless of their exact nature and style, such psychopathic-
like bosses have a significant impact on employees’ mood, psycho-
logical well-being, and job performance (Spector, 1997). They also
contribute to work–family conflict, which in turn is strongly re-
lated to higher psychological distress (De Lange, Taris, Kompier,
Houtman, & Bongers, 2003; Simon, Kümmerling, & Hasselhorn,
2004) and lower job satisfaction (Bruck, Allen, & Spector, 2002;
Grandey, Cordeiro, & Crouter, 2005). Abusive supervision (i.e., hos-
tile verbal and non-verbal behaviors, indifference and rudeness)
has been shown to be related to lowered levels of job satisfaction,
less normative and affective commitment, and increased psycho-
logical distress (Tepper, 2000). Other studies indicate that various
forms of employee psychological distress are associated with
leaders who are unpredictable in showing integrity (Nyberg,
Westerlund, Hanson, & Theorell, 2008), who adopt an autocratic
leadership style (i.e., high initiating structure and low
consideration; Seltzer & Numerof, 1988), are controlling, have an
unsupportive management style, do not provide supportive feed-
back, or fail to clarify responsibilities (Sosik & Godshalk, 2000).
The similarities between corporate psychopathy and abusive
leadership suggests that B-Scan 360 ratings of supervisors by their
employees would be positively associated with employee reports
of psychological distress and work–family conflict, and negatively
associated with employee reports of job satisfaction. We examined
these associations in the present study by using structural
equation modeling (SEM).
2. Material and methods
2.1. Participants and procedure
This project was part of a larger study on well-being in the
workplace for which the first author has received ethics approval.
The survey, including all of the measures for the larger project, was
accessible online during work hours and took about 45 min to
complete. In each of two samples, participants rated their immedi-
ate supervisor on the B-Scan 360, and completed questionnaires
describing their psychological well-being, job satisfaction and
work–family conflicts.
2.1.1. Sample 1
All of the employees (including managers) from a branch of a
large Canadian financial institution (N= 136) were asked to partic-
ipate in this project by completing a series of assessments. In total,
116 completed the surveys, a participation rate of 85%. Of these, 17
(13.9%) were men, 99 (86.1%) were women, and 16 (2 men, 14 wo-
men) were managers. Age varied from 19 to 60 (mean = 41.4). With
respect to level of education, 37.7% had completed high-school,
43.3% had completed a two-year Associates degree, 22.0% had
completed a Bachelor’s degree and 1.0% had completed a Master’s
degree. On average, employees and supervisors had been in their
current jobs for 4.9 years and had been employed by their
company for 14.2 years (minimum = 6 months and maxi-
mum = 43 years). The employees had been supervised by their cur-
rent superior for an average of two years (minimum = 6 months
and maximum = 15 years).
2.1.2. Sample 2
All of the employees (including managers) from a public service
organization (N= 515) were asked to participate in this project by
completing a series of assessments. In total, 476 employees com-
pleted the surveys, a participation rate of 92%. Of these, 301
(63.3%) were men, 175 (36.8%) were women, and 99 (23 women,
76 men) were managers. Age varied from 19 to 66 (mean = 45.3).
As for the level of education, 5.3% had not completed high-school,
36.8% had completed a high-school diploma, 40.73% had com-
pleted a two-year Associate’s degree, 14.18% had completed a
Bachelor’s degree, and 2.5% had completed a Master’s degree. On
average, employees and supervisors had been in their current jobs
for 8.5 years and had been employed by their company for
14.2 years (minimum = 2 months and maximum = 39 years). On
average, the employees had been supervised by their superior for
3.51 years (minimum = 2 months and maximum = 31 years).
2.2. Measures
2.2.1. Personal demographics and work situation characteristics
Education level, time with the company, and hours worked per
week were measured by single items.
84 C. Mathieu et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 59 (2014) 83–88
2.2.2. B-Scan 360: corporate psychopathy
Participants rated their immediate supervisor on each of the 20
B-Scan 360 items, using a 5 point Likert-like scale (1 = disagree
strongly; 5 = agree strongly). On average, 7.3 employees rated 16
different supervisors in Sample 1, and 4.6 employees rated 104
different supervisors in Sample 2.
We used intraclass correlation (ICC) to assess the interrater
reliability of the B-Scan 360 ratings. As reported in more detail
elsewhere (Mathieu et al., under review), we estimated ICC(3),
which, with more than one rater is equivalent to Cronbach’s alpha
for each rated supervisor (Ostroff, Atwater, & Feinberg, 2004;
Shrout & Fleiss, 1979). We combined the two samples and calcu-
lated a separate alpha for each supervisor with a minimum of
two employee B-Scan 360 ratings (total of 116 supervisors). The
average ICC(3) value for employee ratings of supervisors was .81
for the B-Scan 360 total score. The average ICC(3) for the B-Scan
360 factors was .62 for Manipulative/Unethical, .74 for Callous/
Insensitive, .58 for Unreliable/Unfocused, and .65 for Intimidat-
ing/Aggressive. These values are in line with those obtained in
other studies in which employees rated their supervisors (Ostroff
et al., 2004), and indicate that subordinates were capable of pro-
viding reasonably reliable evaluations of supervisory traits and
behaviors related to psychopathy.
2.2.3. GHQ-12: employees’ psychological well-being
The General Health Questionnaire-12(GHQ-12; Goldberg &
Williams, 1991) is a 12-item measure of psychological well-being
frequently used to screen for symptoms of non-psychotic psychiatric
disorders. The GHQ-12 has been found to have good reliability and
validity for individuals in the workforce (Makowska, Merecz,
Moscicka, & Kolasa, 2002). Items are rated on a 4 point Likert-
type scale.
2.2.4. Work–family conflict (WFC)
The items used for this study were adapted from the work–fam-
ily conflict, family–work conflict, and affective experiences ques-
tionnaire (Netemeyer, Boles, & McMurrian, 1996). While the full
instrument measures family–work conflict (influence of family sit-
uations on work) as well as work–family conflict (influence of work
situations on family life), we used only the five items pertaining
to work–family conflict as we wished to study the influence of work
on family life. In the original version (Netemeyer et al., 1996), the
alpha coefficient for these five items was .88.
2.2.5. Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ): job satisfaction
Job satisfaction was measured using a short version of the Min-
nesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ; Weiss, Dawis, England, &
Lofquist, 1967). This well-validated instrument includes 20 items
rated on a 6-point Likert-type scale (1 = very low level of satisfac-
tion; 6 = very high level of satisfaction).
3. Results
3.1. Correlations among study variables
Table 1 presents the manifest-level correlations among the B-
Scan 360, the GHQ-12, WFC and the MSQ measures variables. In
addition, Table 1 shows that all four factors were highly positively
related to one another and with the total B-Scan 360 score, consis-
tent with the Hare four-factor model of psychopathy. Table 2 pre-
sents the correlations of these variables with demographic and
work-situation characteristics (education level, time with com-
pany and work hours).
In Sample 1, higher employee ratings of their supervisor on the
B-Scan 360 total score were associated with higher ratings of
psychological distress (GHQ-12) and lower ratings of job satisfac-
tion (MSQ). Of the B-Scan 360 variables, only the Manipulative/
Unethical factor was significantly related to work–family conflict
(WFC). However, all B-Scan 360 factors were significantly associ-
ated with job satisfaction (MSQ) scores. Scores on all B-Scan 360
factors, except for Factor 3 (Unreliable/Unfocused) were signifi-
cantly associated with higher scores on the psychological distress
measure (GHQ-12).
In Sample 2, higher employee ratings of their supervisor on the
B-Scan 360 total score were associated with higher ratings of their
own psychological distress (GHQ-12), work–family conflict (WFC),
and lower job satisfaction (MSQ). Furthermore, three of the four B-
Scan 360 factors were positively related to higher GHQ-12, WFC,
and lower MSQ scores. Factor 4 (Intimidating/Aggressive) was
not significantly correlated with WFC.
3.2. SEM results
We conducted an SEM to examine the predictive relations
among the B-Scan 360, WFC, GHQ-12, and MSQ variables, as well
as to determine how much variance the B-Scan 360 accounted
for in WFC, GHQ-12 and MSQ. Specifically, we used the four B-Scan
360 sub-scale scores as indicators for a single B-Scan 360 latent
variable. We then used this latent variable to predict the total scale
score of the WFC, GHQ-12 and MSQ manifest variables. Also in-
cluded in this SEM were those variables that showed a significant
correlation with the B-Scan 360: education, time with company,
WFC, GHQ-12, and MSQ. Education was coded as follows:
1 = high-school not completed, 2 = high-school diploma, 3 = two-
year Associate’s degree, 4 = Bachelor’s degree, 5 = Master’s degree.
All model analyses were conducted with Mplus (Muthén & Muthé-
n, 1998–2010) maximum likelihood estimation for the SEMs, given
the continuously distributed data (i.e., scale scores). As recom-
mended by Hu and Bentler (1999), we used a two-index strategy
to assess model fit: The incremental Comparative Fit Index (CFI),
and an absolute fit index, the Root Mean Square Error of Approxi-
mation (RMSEA). Traditionally, CFI at or above .90 and RMSEA at or
below .08 suggest acceptable model fit (Hoyle, 1995).
The same structural equation model (SEM) was specified and
tested for each sample separately, to take into account the possibil-
ity that supervisors with psychopathic traits may have differential
effects in different work settings. Model fit for the SEM was excel-
lent for both Sample 1 (X
(28) = 34.8, p= .17, CFI = .97,
RMSEA = .04), and for Sample 2 (X
(28) = 50.3, p= .01, CFI = .96,
RMSEA = .04).
For Sample 1, the B-Scan 360 predicted work–family conflict
and job satisfaction directly. However, it predicted psychological
distress only through work–family conflict. Moreover, work–fam-
ily conflict significantly predicted job satisfaction but psychologi-
cal distress did not. Finally, hours worked per week was a
significant predictor of both work–family conflict and job satisfac-
tion in this professional sample.
For Sample 2, the SEM results indicated that the B-Scan 360 was
a significant predictor of job satisfaction as well as work–family
conflict, consistent with the findings for Sample 1. Similarly,
work–family conflict significantly predicted psychological distress.
However, the SEM results for Sample 2 revealed that the B-Scan
360 also significantly predicted psychological distress in this public
sector sample. Furthermore, psychological distress was a signifi-
cant predictor of job satisfaction, which contrasts with the findings
for Sample 1. Notably, for both models the strongest predictor of
job satisfaction was the B-Scan 360.
Overall, the SEMs were able to account for 38–42% of the vari-
ance in job satisfaction scores, as well as 19–24% of the variance
in psychological distress (GHQ-12) scores, and 2–8% of the
variance in work–family conflict (WFC) scores. Figures 1 and 2
depict the SEM results with standardized model parameters.
C. Mathieu et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 59 (2014) 83–88 85
4. Discussion
The current research had two objectives. The first objective was
to test the manifest-level relations between employee ratings of
their supervisors on a measure of corporate psychopathy and mea-
sures of their own psychological distress, work–family conflict, and
job satisfaction. In each sample there was a significant positive
relationship between employees’ ratings of psychopathy traits in
their supervisors and employee’s self-reported psychological
distress and job satisfaction. However, the pattern of associations
between the employee ratings of their supervisors on corporate
psychopathy traits and work–family conflict differed somewhat
in the two samples, which could be due to differences in sample
characteristics. For example, Sample 2 was much larger than
Sample 1, and the difference in results might reflect a difference
in statistical power. It also is possible that employee perception
of psychopathy traits in their supervisors and work–family conflict
relate differently in private sector financial services companies
Table 1
Model variables: Means, standard deviations, reliability and intercorrelations for Sample 1 (n= 116) and Sample 2 (n= 476).
Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mean (SD)
Sample 1 (Financial)
1. B-Scan factor 1 (.78) 2.60 (.76)
2. B-Scan factor 2 .63
(.81) 1.93 (.72)
3. B-Scan factor 3 .45
(.75) 2.08 (.54)
4. B-Scan factor 4 .70
(.78) 2.07 (.68)
5. B-Scan total .86
(.87) 2.17 (.57)
6. GHQ-12 .20
.12 .28
(.87) 22.81 (5.2)
7. WFC .19
.11 .08 .15 .17 .48
(.89) 8.61 (4.82)
8. MSQ .40
(.91) 74.00 (10.5)
Sample 2 (Civic)
1. B-Scan factor 1 (.75) 2.47 (.80)
2. B-Scan factor 2 .54
(.84) 2.09 (.80)
2. B-Scan factor 3 .51
(.64) 2.07 (.65)
2. B-Scan factor 4 .52
(.71) 2.20 (.82)
5. b-scan total .80
(.83) 2.21 (.61)
6. GHQ-12 .17
(.83) 22.02 (5.3)
7. WFC .12
.05 .12
(.87) 10.00 (5.2)
8. MSQ .37
(.90) 72.97 (11.0)
Note: GHQ-12 = General Health Questionnaire-12; WFC = work–family conflict; MSQ = Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire; B-Scan = B-Scan 360. Alpha reliability is on the
p< .05.
p< .01.
Table 2
Correlations among demographic, work-related variables, and GHQ-12, WFC, MSQ, and the B-Scan-360 for Sample 1 (n= 116) and Sample 2 (n= 476).
Variable Sample 1 (Financial) Sample 2 (Civic)
Education .01 .17 .10 .09 .13
.05 .01 .13
Work hours .07 .20
.04 .04 .05 .01 .13
Time with company .02 .02 .16 .21
.06 .06 .03
Note: GHQ-12 = General Health Questionnaire-12; WFC = work–family conflict; MSQ = Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire; B-Scan = B-Scan 360.
p< .05.
p< .01.
Fig. 1. Structural equation model testing the influence of the B-Scan 360 on psychological distress, work–family conflict, and job satisfaction for Sample 1 (Financial; n= 116).
86 C. Mathieu et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 59 (2014) 83–88
(Sample 1) versus public organizations (Sample 2). However, there
was a fair amount of concordance between the two samples for the
manifest-variable correlations.
Our second objective was to propose and test a structural equa-
tion model that describes the associations between employees’
reports of their direct supervisor on a corporate psychopathy
measure and a variety of variables, including work–family conflict,
psychological distress, job satisfaction, education, time with com-
pany, and hours worked per week. Overall, the results indicated
that supervisor B-Scan 360 scores most strongly predicted employ-
ee job satisfaction. Furthermore, for both samples, the SEM results
revealed that the (latent) B-Scan 360 variable had a significant neg-
ative association with work–family conflict. The latter results are
in-line with previous findings that non-supportive supervision in-
creases work–family conflict (Frye & Breaugh, 2004; Thomas &
Ganster, 1995). On the other hand, the B-Scan 360 was not able
to predict psychological distress in the professional sample.
Although these specific findings will require replication, they
suggest that perceived psychopathic features in supervisors had
less of a direct impact on employee psychological distress in a pri-
vate sector sample than in a public sector sample. Furthermore, the
financial sample consisted primarily of women while the public
sample consisted primarily of men. Research has indicated that
work–family conflict affects women more than men, and perhaps
there are also sex-related differences in the ways in which psycho-
pathic supervisors affect psychological distress in their employees.
That is, the effect may be relatively direct with male employees
and more indirect (e.g., through work–family conflict) in female
employees. This possibility warrants further investigation.
Taken together, the SEM results are consistent with the general
management literature on the contributions of negative supervi-
sory behaviors to psychological distress, work–family conflict,
and job dissatisfaction (Ashforth, 1994; Sosik & Godshalk, 2000;
Tepper, 2000). As noted above, Hogan and Kaiser (2005) have ar-
gued that personality is a major determinant of leadership style.
Here, we suggest that psychopathy may play a particularly
important role in explaining the dynamics of dysfunctional and
destructive leadership styles.
4.1. Limitations
The structural equation models described were based on two
organizations willing to participate in our research on corporate
psychopathy. Although the results were much the same in each
organization we do not know the extent to which they will
generalize to other similar and diverse organizations. Because
employees provided the information used to score all study
variables, our results may reflect the effects of common-source var-
iance. Some commentators have suggested that the effects of com-
mon-source variance may be overstated (Brannick, Chan, Conway,
Lance, & Spector, 2010). However, it is important to minimize these
effects as much as possible (Podsakoff, MacKenzie, & Podsakoff,
In this study, the participants remained anonymous, giving
them the freedom to express their ‘‘true’’ perceptions, attitudes
and intentions. We used robust measurement scales, with the
B-Scan 360 and the dependent variables being placed in different
sections of the questionnaire. The participants themselves were
not aware that this was a study of ‘‘psychopathy’’ as it was not
mentioned in any of their participants’ materials (as agreed upon
with their management who approved the project). Also, the
B-Scan 360 was conceptually distinct from the other study vari-
ables, helping to reduce the risk attributable to common-source
variance (Brannick et al., 2010).
4.2. Conclusions and future research
It clearly is important to understand the role played by psy-
chopathy in the workplace. The B-Scan 360 allows human re-
sources personnel to assess psychopathic traits and behaviors in
employees. In this study we found that employee ratings of their
supervisors on this instrument were associated in predicted ways
with self-reported job satisfaction and psychological well-being
in two corporate samples. Future research would benefit greatly
from the addition of (1) independent assessments of employee per-
formance, attitudes, experiences, and well-being; (2) a full range of
B-Scan 360 assessments in which employees at various levels rate
their corporate subordinates, peers, and superiors; and (3) a broad
range of corporate settings.
This research was supported by grants from the Donner Foun-
dation to Cynthia Mathieu, Robert Hare, and Craig S. Neumann.
Robert Hare receives royalties from the sale and use of the PCL-R
and its published derivatives. We thank Kylie Neufeld for her assis-
tance in preparing this manuscript.
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Fig. 2. Structural equation model testing the influence of the B-Scan 360 on psychological distress, work–family conflict, and job satisfaction for Sample 2 (Civic; n= 476).
C. Mathieu et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 59 (2014) 83–88 87
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88 C. Mathieu et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 59 (2014) 83–88
... Psychopathy: According to Jones and Figueredo (2013), psychopathy is associated with impulsivity, anxiety and constant search for emotion, with individuals being too focused on their goals and ambitions, being insensitive, manipulative and antisocial. From the point of view of Mathieu et al (2014), psychopathy is a clinical concept that has a set of characteristics that include grandiosity, egocentrism, deceit, lack of empathy and tendency to ignore or violate social norms and, therefore, represents a important role in understanding destructive leadership styles and identifying dysfunctional problems in organisations. Supervisors who possess the personality traits that constitute the dark triad adopt abusive behaviors at work, causing considerable damage to an organisation (Mathieu et al, 2014;Wisse and Sleebos, 2016). ...
... From the point of view of Mathieu et al (2014), psychopathy is a clinical concept that has a set of characteristics that include grandiosity, egocentrism, deceit, lack of empathy and tendency to ignore or violate social norms and, therefore, represents a important role in understanding destructive leadership styles and identifying dysfunctional problems in organisations. Supervisors who possess the personality traits that constitute the dark triad adopt abusive behaviors at work, causing considerable damage to an organisation (Mathieu et al, 2014;Wisse and Sleebos, 2016). Therefore, the following hypotheses were established: ...
... This hypothesis was supported. Psychopathy is a destructive personality trait and according to Mathieu et al (2014), psychopathy is the personality trait that is considered the most toxic of the personality traits of the dark triad and the authors considered that psychopathic traits of supervisors cause psychological distress among subordinates, work-family conflict and decreased job satisfaction, also impacting the well-being and attitudes of subordinates in the workplace. Psychopathy is characterised by impulsivity, lack of guilt or remorse on the part of the supervisor when causing harm to others, as well as insensitivity and emotional coldness. ...
Currently, people spend most of their daytime at work, therefore, it is essential that organisations offer their employees benefits that go beyond the salary, because people value their psychological well-being, which contributes to the quality of life in the workplace and a good work life balance. It is also important to note that interpersonal relationships at work are significant when it comes to organisational well-being. Relationships between subordinates and supervisors must be healthier and trustable relationships. When the opposite occurs, we are faced with abusive supervision with a negative influence on employees' well-being. This study focus on the relationship between supervisors and subordinates. In order to analyse the impact of a supervisor's attitudes on the relationship with their subordinates, it matters to understand that these attitudes are influenced by their personality traits. The aim of this study is to realise how different personality traits of the supervisor, namely those related to the dark triad, contribute to the development of abusive supervision that will affect the employees’ psychological well-being at work. To develop this study, a survey was applied to a sample of 232 employees from different Portuguese organisations, to measure the dark triad, abusive supervision and psychological well-being at work, respectively. After analysing the results using structural equations, it was possible to conclude that psychopathy and machiavellianism, which are two of the dark triad concepts, influence the supervisor's behavior, and further lead to an abusive supervision. Abusive supervision negatively influences the employees’ psychological well-being at work. The greater the abusive supervision, the greater the negative emotions felt by employees at the workplace, and therefore, the employees’ psychological well-being is lower. This study also highlighted differences in the way men and women perceive abusive supervision, concluding that, although men perceive more abusive supervision than women, they present fewer negative emotions than women. Finally, some conclusions, limitations and possible future research were drawn.
... Such leaders can lead to a 'negative organization,' characterized by weak employee bonds, lack of trust, selfishness, discrimination, skepticism, and bullying (Alvinius et al. 2016). Dark leadership has been found to increase employees' stress levels and conflicts in work and family life, while negatively affecting personal well-being, job satisfaction, and productivity (Mathieu et al. 2014;Harris and Jones 2018). ...
... Definitions of dark leadership often cite leaders who negatively affect employees' mental and physical health, adopt toxic strategies, and prioritize personal visions over the organization's future (Uygur and Gümüştekin 2019;Lipman-Blumen 2005;McCleskey 2013). Further, dark leadership is associated with weak employee bonds, lack of trust, increased stress levels, and conflicts in work and personal life (Alvinius et al. 2016;Mathieu et al. 2014;Harris and Jones 2018). In addition, previous meta-analysis on destructive leadership has reported increased resistance toward the leader (Schyns and Schilling 2013). ...
... The exploration into how employees withstand the harmful influence of dark leadership is crucial, given its documented negative repercussions on employees and organizations (Mathieu et al. 2014;Harris and Jones 2018). In this exploration endeavor, spirituality emerges as a mediator, albeit complex (Kılıç, 2019), providing a mechanism of how dark leadership manifests itself. ...
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This research aims to evaluate the potential mediating role of spirituality in the relationship between perceptions of dark leadership and the level of organizational dissent. The research used a convenience sampling method with an online survey technique. The participants consisted of 424 individuals aged 18 and over working in Istanbul. The survey included scales measuring the perception of dark leadership, organizational dissent, and spirituality. Data analysis was conducted using the SPSS PROCESS macro. The research found a significant and positive correlation between the perception of dark leadership and the level of organizational dissent. However, contrary to initial expectations, spirituality did not mediate this relationship. An increase in employees' perceptions of dark leadership among their managers directly influences an increase in organizational dissent. That is, as employees' perceptions of their managers' dark leadership characteristics increase, the level of dissent within the organization also increases, independently of spirituality.
... Eine Analyse von Psychopathie im Arbeitskontext zeigt, dass die Prävalenz von Psychopathie bei hochrangigen Führungskräften gegenüber der Normalbevölkerung deutlich erhöht ist (Coid, Yang, Ullrich, Roberts & Hare, 2009, Neumann & Hare, 2008 nach Mathieu, Neumann, Hare & Babiak, 2013). Zwar rückt der Zusammenhang von Psychopathie und Führung zunehmend in den Fokus von Forschung und Medien, doch die komplexen Zusammenhänge zwischen Führungsverhalten und psychopathischen Merkmalen sind noch unzureichend erforscht (Germain, 2024;Mathieu et al., 2014). ...
... Trotz, dass es einige empirische Untersuchungen im Bereich Psychopathie und Führung gibt, ist das Themengebiet wenig erforscht und bietet Potenzial für weitere Forschung (Mathieu et al., 2014). Ursachen für den lückenhaften Forschungsstand sind unter anderem die fehlende Bereitschaft vieler Unternehmen, sich an Forschungen zu beteiligen und der Mangel an geeigneten Instrumenten (Babiak & Hare, 2006). ...
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Eine Analyse von Psychopathie im Arbeitskontext zeigt, dass die Prävalenz von Psychopathie bei hochrangigen Führungskräften gegenüber der Normalbevölkerung deutlich erhöht ist (Coid, Yang, Ullrich, Roberts & Hare, 2009, Neumann & Hare, 2008, zitiert nach Mathieu, Neumann, Hare & Babiak, 2013). Zwar rückt der Zusammenhang von Psychopathie und Führung zunehmend in den Fokus von Forschung und Medien, doch die komplexen Zusammenhänge zwischen Führungsverhalten und psychopathischen Merkmalen sind noch unzureichend erforscht (Germain, 2024; Mathieu et al., 2014). Psychopathie wird häufig mit negativ konnotierten Eigenschaften wie Kaltherzigkeit, Impulsivität und Unehrlichkeit, die Organisationen und deren Mitgliedern schaden können, in Verbindung gebracht (Koglin & Petermann, 2007; Schütte & Blickle, 2016). Dennoch deuten einige Studien darauf hin, dass einige psychopathische Merkmale unter bestimmten Bedingungen auch von Vorteil sein können. So wird Psychopathie unter anderem mit Führungsqualität, Überzeugungskraft und Krisenmanagement in Verbindung gebracht (Lilienfeld, Waldmann, Landfield, Watts, Rubenzer & Faschingbauer, 2012).
... In fact, Mathieu and Babiak (2015) conclude that the strong association between psychopathic traits and laissez-faire leadership style could be an indication that dark personality traits underlie the destructive aspects of laissez-faire leadership. Since psychopathic traits in leaders have been associated with higher psychological distress in employees, lower job satisfaction, and higher work-family conflict (Mathieu, Neumann, Hare, & Babiak, 2014), the association between psychopathic traits and laissez-faire leadership leads us to believe that this leadership style will have stronger associations with JSRP than transformational and transactional leadership. ...
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This study tests the role of the full range leadership model’s leadership styles in employees’ job-stress-related presenteeism (JSRP). Further, the study tests a model that introduces mediating variables in the relationship between absent leaders and JSRP. Employees from four different types of organizations: police ( N = 148), public service ( N = 479, not-for-profit ( N = 96), and construction ( N = 214) completed the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire on their direct supervisor, as well as a self-report measures of JSRP, psychological distress, and work–life balance. Correlations and hierarchical linear regression models showed that laissez-faire leadership had the strongest influence on JSRP for all four organizations. The parallel mediation model results showed that both employee psychological distress and work–life balance partially mediated the relationship between laissez-faire leadership style and employees’ JSRP. These results underscore the importance of looking at absent leaders and how they affect employees negatively.
... Third, we lack a comprehensive understanding of the diverse consequences of negative leadership behaviour. Previous studies have focused primarily on the negative consequences of negative leadership behaviour for subordinates (Boddy, 2014;Boudrias et al., 2020;Mathieu et al., 2014;Pyc et al., 2017;Zellars et al., 2002) but have neglected possible negative effects on supervisors and possible positive consequences for the organization. Extant meta-analyses and literature reviews have focused solely on specific outcomes, such as follower perceptions (Mackey et al., 2015;Nielsen & Einarsen, 2012), or have been limited to quantitative studies (Mackey et al., 2021) or data collection in specific cultures (Zhang & Liao, 2015). ...
The level of scholarly and practitioner interest in negative leadership behaviour has been increasing, but research in this field remains fragmented, and we lack a common understanding of what constitutes negative leadership behaviour and its antecedents, consequences and contexts. To address these research gaps, we systematically review 352 papers and identify 25 different negative leadership behaviours with large overlaps in their conceptualization and operationalization. Our analysis of conceptualizations reveals common attributes that constitute the behavioural intensity and the behavioural valence of negative leadership behaviour. Behavioural intensity attributes constitute negative leadership behaviour as active, reoccurring and intentional behaviour that targets subordinates’ psychological states. Behavioural valence attributes constitute negative leadership behaviour as being unethical, lack of empathy, leader self‐worthiness and self‐orientation, verbal hostility, use of power asymmetry and harming and belittling of others. The vast majority of operationalizations for negative leadership behaviour reflect the perceptions of subordinates or colleagues, whereas only a few operationalizations reflect supervisors’ self‐assessments. Our findings further reveal that the antecedents of negative leadership behaviour focus mainly on supervisors, whereas the consequences of negative leadership behaviour focus mainly on subordinates. We develop a unified conceptualization of negative leadership behaviour and discuss our findings in the light of an impactful future research agenda that revolves around the unified conceptualization and empirical representation of negative leadership behaviour on the basis of behavioural attributes, the role of subordinates and dyad‐related factors leading to negative leadership behaviour and the integration of the negative and positive psychological and economic consequences of negative leadership behaviour.
... Naeem and Khurram (2020) discovered that toxic leadership raised turnover intentions, which had a negative influence on psychological well-being and employee engagement. Similarly, Mathieu et al. (2014) found a direct and negative link between reported psychopathic tendencies in supervisors and employee work satisfaction. Kilic and Gunsel (2019) underlined the tremendous detrimental impact of toxic leadership on organisational performance, productivity, and employee well-being. ...
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Purpose – The paper aims to deepen the understanding of various psychological and sociological theories that contend that people prefer to work in a healthy environment that provide favorable working conditions, such as affective events theory, well-being theory, leadership theory, and organizational support theory. Therefore, if the hospitality sector does not provide appropriate working conditions and does not support psychological wellbeing, it might be difficult to find motivated and devoted employees. Methodology/Design/Approach – The study used a self-administered questionnaire and opted for a descriptive-analytical design. Typically, the interviewer or a representative from an official position hands out this kind of questionnaire to the interviewees. The researcher contacted 396 front-line staff members at five-star hotels belonging to a chain in the most popular tourist areas in Egypt. The data were analysed using the Smart PLS statistical program to test the study hypotheses. Findings – The paper provides insights into how toxic leadership negatively influences employee wellbeing and positively influences behavioural cynicism. In addition, employee silence significantly moderates the relationship concerning toxic leadership and employees’ outcomes (wellbeing and behavioural cynicism). These results raise a number of theoretical and practical implications for hospitality practitioners. Originality of the research – This paper fulfils an identified need to study various psychological and sociological theories in the hospitality context to give more understanding of how employee silence maximizes the negative consequences upon wellbeing. Furthermore, justifies employees’ behavioural cynicism as a sign of indulging in a toxic leadership. Additionally, in the academic literature on hospitality, this study is one of the very few that investigated behavioural cynicism consequences and considered employee silence as a moderator.
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Bu araştırmada karanlık liderliğin örgütsel muhalefet ve psikolojik iyi oluş üzerindeki etkilerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın ana kütlesini bir devlet üniversitesindeki akademisyen ve idari personel oluşturmaktadır. Örneklemi ise basit tesadüfi yöntemle araştırmaya dâhil olan 419 kişiden oluşmaktadır. Nicel bir yöntem benimsenmiş olup, anket tekniği ile veri elde edilmiştir. Toplanan veriye geçerlik ve güvenirlik analizinden sonra, hipotez testi için regresyon analizleri yapılmıştır. Analizlerde IBM Amos 23 ve SPSS 25 programları kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, karanlık liderliğin bezdiren davranışlar boyutunun yatay muhalefi pozitif yönde etkilediği görülmüştür. Zorbaca davranışlar boyutunun örgütsel muhalefetin dikey ve dışa aktarılmış boyutları ile psikolojik iyi oluşu negatif yönde etkilediği belirlenmiştir. Bu sonuçlara göre çalışanları bezdirici davranışların artması halinde yatay muhalefette artmaktadır. Zorbaca davranışların artması durumunda ise hem dikey hem de dışa aktarılmış muhalefet azalmaktadır. Ayrıca zorbaca davranışların çalışanların Psikolojik iyi oluşlarını olumsuz etkiledeği, iyi oluşlarını azalttığı görülmüştür.
The primary objective of the present investigation was to examine the interplay among the dark triad, civic moral disengagement, and psychological well-being within the context of police personnel. Employing a cross-sectional correlational research design and utilizing a purposive sampling technique, data were gathered from a sample size of (N = 200) police personnel. The assessment tools employed included The Dark Triad Scale, Civic Moral Disengagement Scale, and Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale. The findings indicated a statistically significant positive correlation between the dark triad and civic moral disengagement, coupled with a negative correlation between the dark triad and psychological well-being. Regression analysis underscored the dark triad and its individual components (namely Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy) as significant positive predictors of civic moral disengagement. Furthermore, the analysis demonstrated that the dark triad and two of its constituents (namely Machiavellianism and psychopathy) function as negative predictors of well-being.
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The toxic career theory posits that individuals with dark triad personality traits (characterized by low honesty-humility) may advance in their careers by employing an agentic social style such as political skill. We tested this theory with reference to the agentic saturation of honesty-humility, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, narcissism, and their aspects and facets; furthermore, we amplified it with reference to enterprising job demands as an additional link between dark traits and workplace status in a multisource criss-cross design. The sample comprised 421 workers and 861 coworkers. Our study demonstrated that the positive indirect effects of low honesty-humility on extrinsic career success also apply to two toxic personality traits, namely, Machiavellianism and grandiose narcissism. Psychopathy, however, was different; boldness, the agentic aspect of psychopathy, merely attenuated the negative total effects of meanness and disinhibition on workplace status; it did not neutralize them. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed. Future research should address paranoid, passive-aggressive, and vulnerable narcissistic syndromes and assess toxic career theory in specific contexts such as academia, the military, law enforcement, nursing, religious organizations, and artistic contexts.
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An interactive model of social undermining and social support in the workplace was developed and tested among police officers in the Republic of Slovenia. As predicted, social undermining was significantly associated with employee outcomes, in most cases more strongly than was social support. High levels of undermining and support from the same source were associated with negative outcomes. However, support from one source appeared to only modestly attenuate the negative effects of social undermining from another source.
This research examined linkages between mentor leadership behaviors (laissez-faire, transactional contingent reward, and transformational), protégé perception of mentoring functions received (career development and psychosocial support) and job-related stress of 204 mentor–protégé dyads. Results of Partial Least Squares analysis revealed that mentor transformational behavior was more positively related to mentoring functions received than transactional contingent reward behavior, while mentor laissez-faire behavior was negatively related to mentoring functions received. Both mentor transformational behavior and mentoring functions received were negatively related to protégé job-related stress. The relationship between mentor transformational behavior and protégé job-related stress was moderated by the level of mentoring functions received. Results are discussed as they relate to researchers and practitioners who are becoming interested in finding ways to develop organizational members and allay job-related stress. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The authors examined the direct and indirect effects of organizational policies and practices that are supportive of family responsibilities on work-family conflict and psychological, physical, and behavioral measures of strain. Survey data were gathered at 45 acute-care facilities from 398 health professionals who had children aged 16 years or younger at home. Supportive practices, especially flexible scheduling and supportive supervisors, had direct positive effects on employee perceptions of control over work and family matters. Control perceptions, in turn, were associated with lower levels of work-family conflict, job dissatisfaction, depression, somatic complaints, and blood cholesterol. These results suggest that organizations can take steps that can increase employees' control over family responsibilities and that this control might help employees better manage conflicting demands of work and family life.
Job satisfaction is one of the most frequently studied outcomes in the work–family conflict literature. This study extends the previous research examining the unique effects of work interfering with family (WIF) and family interfering with work (FIW) on job satisfaction by (1) controlling for family, personal, and job characteristics of dual-earner couples, (2) employing cross-sectional and longitudinal methods, and (3) predicting job satisfaction with a spousal rating of the target's WIF. Consistent with previous research, WIF was related to job satisfaction cross-sectionally for men and women, and this effect existed beyond negative mood, job autonomy and monotony, and FIW. When predicting a change in job satisfaction a year later, and when using spouse rating of the target's WIF, WIF was predictive of women's job satisfaction but not men's, which is consistent with gender role theory. The fact that WIF predicted job satisfaction for women beyond affective and job characteristic variables, over time, and with non-self reported measures, provides more confidence in this directional relationship than could previously be assumed. Societal and managerial implications are discussed.