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Zur Biologie der oberösterreichischen Glasflügler (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae). – Entomologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Salzkammergut - Jahresbericht 1994 1, 1-84.

  • Biologiezentrum, Oberösterr. Landesmuseum


Detailed information to the biology of 34 species of clearwing moths is given. All species recorded in Upper Austria or supposed to occure are treated. Additional distribution maps of Europe and Austria are included. The work is based on a critical revision of a large amount of single publications and on personal observations.
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The paper deals with results of field studies on Sesiidae (Lepidoptera) in Vorarlberg (Austria occ.) and Liechtenstein and summarizes data of 16 species. 3 species are for the first time recorded from Vorarlberg, 13 species are new for the fauna of Liechtenstein. Zusammenfassung Aus dem Bundesland Vorarlberg sind bisher 16 Arten gemeldet worden (AISTLEITNER 1973, 1988, 1992), aus dem Fürstentum Liechtenstein 2 Arten (AISTLEITNER 1985, 1988). Nun kommen für Vorarlberg 3 Arten neu hinzu: Sesia bembeciformis (HBN.), S. melano-cephala DALM. und Synanthedon soffneri SPATENKA. Für das Fürstentum Liechtenstein werden 13 Arten erstmals erwähnt: Pennisetia hylaeiformis (LASP.), Sesia apiformis (CL.), 5. bembeciformis (HBN.), S. melanocephala DALM., Paranthrene tabaniformis (ROTT.), Synanthedon spheciformis ([D. & S.]), S. andrenaeformis (LASP.), S. soffneri SPATENKA, 5. vespiformis (L.), 5. spuleri (FUCHS), S. cephiformis (O.), Bembecia ichneumoniformis ([D. & S.]) und Chamaesphecia empiformis (ESP.). Als Zufallsfunde für die Schweizer Rheintalseite (Kanton St. Gallen) werden 2 Arten notiert: Bembecia ichneumoniformis ([D. & S].) und Chamaesphecia empiformis (ESP.).
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Chamaesphecia palustris Kautz 1927 and Paranthrene insolita Le Cerf 1914 are reported the first time from Carinthia, Southern Austria. The clear wing moth C. palustris was collected more than 50 years ago north of Klagenfurt and P. insolita in June 2000.
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The first records of the clear-wing moths Paranthrene insolita LE CERF 1914 and Bembecia albanensis (REBEL 1918) for Upper Austria are reported. The differences of the closely related species P. insolita and P. tabaniformis as well as B. albanensis and B. ichneumoniformis are briefly discussed.
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Two new forms of the clear-wing moth Synanthedon scoliaeformis (BORKHAUSEN 1789) from Upper Austria are described: f. aurea and f. aura.
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The first record of the clear-wing moth Chamaesphecia tenthrediniformis ([DENIS & SCHIFFERMÜLLER] 1775) for Upper Austria is reported. The differences of the two closely related species C. tenthrediniformis and empiformis as well as the biology of the former are discussed.
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Synanthedon soffneri SPATENKA 1983 is reported the first time from Upper Austria. The clear wing moth was found by means of synthetical pheromones. The history of its discovery and its biology are compiled. The biotope is discribed and the use of pheromone traps is discussed.
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The first record of the clear-wing moth Synanthedon conopiformis (ESPER, 1782) for Salzburg is reported. The species was found by means of synthetical pheromones. Its biology is shortly discussed and the biotope is described.
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Records of clear wing moths in Austria (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) are compiled from ZOODAT (Zoogeographical Data bank of Austria, Linz), literature and several private and museum collections. 46 species of clear wing moths were found in Austria to date. 2 species (Bembecia megillaeformis and Pyropteron chrysidiformis) were not quoted occurring in Austria by LAŠTUVKA & LAŠTUVKA (1995), 1 species (Synanthedon soffneri) was apparently overseen by LAŠTUVKA & ŠPATENKA in KARSHOLT & RAZOWSKI (1996). The distribution of all species is shown in detailed maps covering Europe and Austria, respectively. A list of all cited locations is given including geographical coordinates. For each species phenological data and altitude of occurrence are provided, both referring to Austrian records. 5 species previously reported from Austria do not occur in this country: Synanthedon typhiaeformis, Bembecia uroceriformis, Chamaesphecia doryliformis, C. alysoniformis and C. oxybeliformis.
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The first records of the two clear-wing moths Synanthedon stomoxiformis (HÜBNER 1790) and S. cephiformis (OCHSENHEIMER 1808) for Salzburg are reported. Sesia bembeciformis (HÜBNER [1806]) - not yet recorded from Salzburg - was found just 1 km off the border in Upper Austria. The larvae and pupation tubes of S. stomoxiformis were found not only on Frangula alnus and Rhamnus catharticus, but also on Sorbus aria and exceptionally Corylus avellana!