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Effectiveness of three-dimensional kinematic biofeedback on the performance of scapula-focused exercises


Abstract and Figures

Three-dimensional (3D) kinematic biofeedback can help identify scapular movement disorders and assist subjects' motor relearning process by facilitating changes in physiological and biomechanical function through real-time knowledge of performance and result during or immediately after a task execution. This study assessed the effectiveness of 3D kinematic biofeedback on the quality of the scapula-focused exercises execution, and motor learning transfer during shoulder flexion and a daily activity. Thirty healthy adults with no history of shoulder pain or dysfunction were randomly distributed into two groups. Skin-mounted sensors allowed tracking of the thorax, scapula and humerus, and scapulothoracic and glenohumeral 3D angles were computed after reconstructing upper-extremity motions during exercises for different phases of a motor relearning process. The results of this study demonstrate that the execution quality of scapula-focused exercises benefits of real-time 3D kinematic biofeedback and that transfer of learning occurs with a specific motor training intervention.
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Effectiveness of Three-Dimensional Kinematic Biofeedback on the
Performance of Scapula-focused Exercises
Ana Antunes1, Inês Filipe1, Sara Cordeiro1, Joana Rosa1, Filomena Carnide1 and Ricardo Matias1,2,3
1Neuromechanics of Human Movement Research,
Group of the Interdisciplinary Centre for the Study of Human Performance, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
2School of Healthcare, Setúbal Polytechnic Institute, Campus do IPS, Estefanilha - Edifício da ESCE, Setúbal, Portugal
3Pattern and Image Analysis Group of the Instituto de Telecomunicações, Instituto Superior Técnico,
University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Keywords: Biofeedback, Scapulothoracic Stability, Motor Relearning, Physiotherapy.
Abstract: Three-dimensional (3D) kinematic biofeedback can help identify scapular movement disorders and assist
the subjects' motor relearning process by facilitating changes in physiological and biomechanical function
through real-time knowledge of performance and result during or immediately after a task execution. This
study assessed the effectiveness of 3D kinematic biofeedback on the quality of the scapula-focused
exercises execution, and motor learning transfer during shoulder flexion and a daily activity. Thirty healthy
adults with no history of shoulder pain or dysfunction were randomly distributed into two groups. Skin-
mounted sensors allowed tracking of the thorax, scapula and humerus, and scapulothoracic and
glenohumeral 3D angles were computed after reconstructing upper-extremity motions during daily activities
and exercises for different phases of a motor relearning process. The results of this study demonstrate that
the execution quality of scapula-focused exercises benefits of real-time 3D kinematic biofeedback and that
transfer of learning occurs with a specific motor training intervention.
Shoulder pain and dysfunction are among the most
frequent problems of patients with mechanical
musculoskeletal disorders seeking health
professionals (e.g. Physical therapists), which
usually affect functional ability and life quality,
resulting in a significant economic impact (Cunha-
Miranda et al., 2010).
Scapular dysfunction (or dyskinesis) seems to be a
common denominator across the most prevalent
shoulder dysfunctions. Although a consistent body
of literature addresses how shoulder impingement
symptoms are affected by scapular dysfunction, the
role of the latter is not clearly defined in creating or
exacerbating shoulder dysfunctions (Kibler et al.,
2013; Struyf et al., 2013). Potential biomechanical
contributors have been divided into two main
groups: musculoskeletal alterations at rest (postural)
and movement alterations (dynamic); such as pain,
soft tissue tightness, muscle dynamics, muscle
strength imbalances and fatigue, and thoracic
posture (Michener et al., 2003).
Some emerging evidence suggests that a scapula-
-focused treatment is effective to restore an accurate
scapular motion and stability, considered essential
for a normal shoulder function (Hanratty et al.,
2012; Kibler et al., 2013; Struyf et al., 2013). The
conclusions on the effectiveness of exercise in the
treatment of people with shoulder dysfunctions are
challenged by the heterogeneity of the exercise
interventions. Still, it has been extensively accepted
the assumption that these patients need to go through
a motor relearning process such as the proposed by
Fitts and Posner (1967). Real-time biofeedback has
been used to enhance the learning ability of an
individual (Holtermann et al., 2008). 3D kinematic
biofeedback is a valid method that can reliably
identify scapular movement disorders (Tate et al.,
2009) and can facilitate the physiological and
biomechanical function through the reception of
feedback information in real-time during or
immediately after a task (Vedsted et al., 2011).
Antun es A ., F ilip e I. , Co rdeiro S ., R os a J., Carn ide F.and M ati as R.(2014).
Effe ctiven ess of Thre e- Dim ensiona l Kine matic Biofe ed ba ck on the P erfor ma nce of Sca pul a-focuse d E xercis es.
Proceedin gs of the I nternatio na lC onfere nc e on P hy siolog ica lC omputi ng S yste ms
,pa ge s 173-1 78
DOI: 1 0.5 220/0004928 70 17301 78
Co pyright c
The biofeedback is effective in multiple contexts,
showing satisfactory results by obtaining maximum
performance (Egner and Gruzelier, 2003; Huang et
al., 2013; Markovska-Simoska et al., 2008; Pop-
Jordanova and Cakalaroska, 2008; Tsao and Hodges,
2007). Scapula motion analysis contributes to the
understanding of the shoulder dysfunction and has
been considered very suitable to the daily clinical
context (Tate et al., 2009).
The aim of this study was to assess the
effectiveness of 3D kinematic biofeedback during
scapula-focused exercises on: (i) motor learning
transfer during shoulder flexion task and one daily
activity (simulating drinking a glass of water); (ii)
the quality of the exercise execution during a
cognitive phase and (iii) associative phase of a
shoulder motor relearning process.
2.1 Participants
A non-probabilistic sample of 30 participants (10
male and 20 female), 26 right-handed and 4 left-
handed. Subjects were randomly and equally
distributed into two groups: control (CG) and
experimental (EG) groups. The mean age was 21.57
± 4.14 years, with a mean weight and height of 63 ±
10.37 kg and 1.68 ± 0.08 m, respectively.
Participants were selected following specific criteria
(checklist), applied by physical therapists properly
instructed and aware of the study purposes. Healthy
young participants were included with no history of
pain or dysfunction of the shoulder. The exclusion
criteria were: to be aged over 60 years; to have signs
of complete rupture of the rotator cuff tendon or
acute inflammation; to have been submitted to a
physical therapy or any other treatment during the
study and/or in the past 12 months that could have
effect on dependent variables; to perform regular
sport activity in the last six months (at least three
times per week); to have diagnosis of cervical
radiculopathy or neurological changes, visceral or
systemic pain, positive Thoracic Outlet syndrome,
any rheumatic diseases, history of shoulder, neck or
spine high surgery and history of dislocation,
subluxation or shoulder fractures.
The ethics committee of the School of Healthcare,
Setúbal Polytechnic Institute, approved the study
and all participants gave their written informed
2.2 Instrumentation
Bony segment landmarks 3D coordinates were
collected using an electromagnetic system
trackSTAR (Ascension Technology, Burlington,
Vermont) and “The MotionMonitor” software
(Innovative Sports Training, Chicago, Illinois). This
allowed synchronising the tracking of four sensors
with a sampling rate of 100 Hz per sensor. Static
accuracy has been reported at 1.8 mm and 0.5°
(Milne et al., 1996).
2.3 Procedures
All research procedures were conducted by two
experienced and trained physical therapists. After
reading a letter explaining the study procedures and
goals, data collection began with a questionnaire of
the subject characteristics, including age, gender,
height, weight and dominant side. The participants
were randomly distributed in CG and EG. The figure
1 summarises the study procedure.
Figure 1: Study flow chart.
TrackSTAR sensor 1 was attached on a transparent
acrylic stylus - and three electromagnetic sensors
were attached over the skin: of the spinous process
of the first thoracic vertebra (sensor 2); of the flat
surface on the superior acromion (sensor 3) and on
the lateral side of the humerus (sensor 4), using
double-sided tape. The humeral sensor fixation was
30 participants
Control Group
n= 15 Experimental Group
Shoulder flexion up to 45°
Mimic drinking a glass of water
Baseline for transfer assessment
Scapula relocation towards ST-NP
Cognitive Phase exercises
Shoulder flexion up to 45°
Mimic drinking a glass of water
Transfer assessment
Scapula relocation towards ST-NP + Flexion
Associative Phase exercises
Outcome Data
BP distance, ST-NP distance and Execution time
Statistical Methods
Intra- and Inter-group outcomes analysis
reinforced with a velcro strap. Tape was also placed
strategically over the sensor cables to reduce any
motion artefacts.
The protocol of 3D kinematics data collection of the
thorax, scapula and humerus followed previously
published procedures (Matias and Pascoal, 2006)
and the International Society Biomechanics
recommendations for reporting upper extremity
joints motion (Wu et al., 2005).
Scapulothoracic neutral position (ST-NP) was
defined according to Mottram (1997) and scapula's
Euler angles (internal rotation, upward rotation and
posterior tilt) recorded.
ST-NP was set out for each subject, providing visual
and tactile feedback. This position was assumed as
the ST target position during the exercises.
Each subject performed the following sequence of
a) Shoulder flexion up to 45°;
b) Mimic drinking a glass of water;
c) From the initial (postural) position relocate the
scapula towards the ST-NP;
d) From the initial (postural) position relocate the
scapula towards the ST-NP and while holding
this position preform shoulder elevation in the
scapular plane;
e) Repeat a);
f) Repeat b).
This exercise sequence was intended to study the
effectiveness of 3D kinematic biofeedback on the
performance of scapula-focused exercises in a
cognitive (c) and associative (d) phases of motor
relearning and if any immediate transfer occurs to an
control shoulder flexion task (e) and to a daily
activity task (f).
In each movement, a set of trigger signals
synchronised with the kinematic data were used to
identify (i) the beginning of data collection, (ii)
when the subject verbalised that it reached the ST-
NP and (iii) after 3 seconds from the latter.
In the experimental group, participants were asked
to focus on the data show to access the biofeedback
This process happens in real-time, where the patient
tries to move the yellow cross (that responds
instantaneously to the shoulder movements,
represented in Figure 2) into a static square (Figure
2), which appears always in the same position,
according to the number of variables (coordinates)
relevant to the study.
Figure 2: Example of Biofeedback display.
In the control group (group 1) participants have not
access to the biofeedback system information. For
both cases, the exercise ended when the participants
reached the goal (i.e. when the ST reached the NZ)
or after 15 seconds even if the participant could not
achieved the objective.
Five repetitions for each exercise were performed,
with an established interval of two minutes rest
between them, in order to prevent muscle fatigue
(Wilmore et al., 2008). The same physiotherapist
provided a verbal instruction for each repetition.
The effectiveness of the exercise execution was
determined by the following parameters:
-The distance to the BP: computed as the mean of
the root mean square distances of scapula orientation
values in each time frame to the BP;
-The distance to the ST-NP: transformed by
the mean of the root mean square distances of the
scapula orientation values, also in each time frame to
the ST-NP.
-Execution time: time spends from the first to the
second trigger.
2.4 Statistical Methods
All data were analysed using the MATLAB (version
2012a) and IBM-SPSS (version 21.0).
A visual pre-screening of the records was made, to
rule out abnormal data acquisition sessions for a
Gaussian distribution and additionally tested with
the Shapiro-Wilk test. Appropriate descriptive
statistics were calculated for each variable (mean,
standard deviation and mode).
Differences between groups were performed through
Student’s t or Mann Whitney tests (when normal
distribution was not verified). The within-groups
association analysis was calculated with paired t-
test’s or Wilcoxon’s test (for non-normal
distribution of variables). The level of significance
used in this study was set for p < 0.05 (two-tailed).
It was found statistical significant differences within
the experimental group on the Euclidean distance to
the best path results (z= -2.22; p= 0.027), with an
execution quality increased by 1.25º when compared
to the pre-exercise condition (table 1).
Table 1: Descriptive statistics (mean±sd) and associations
test results between pre and pos- exercise conditions
(FLEX- flexion; ADL-activity daily living).
n=30 Pre
Distance to the
CG 8.41±3. 48 9.21±3.33
EG 9.16±3.04 8.22±2.43
Distance to the
ST-NP mode
CG 8.07±4.76 7.79±4.37
EG 9.73±6.54 9.33±7.06
Distance to the
CG 5.11±1.27 4.79±1.40
EG 4.73±1.52 4.89±1.68
Distance to the
ST-NP mode
CG 8.41±4.52 8.16±6.20
EG 9.49±7.16 9.56±7.33
No statistical significant differences were found in
any of the measured variables related to the
cognitive phase exercises. On the contrary, for the
associative phase exercises, statistical significant
differences were found between groups in Euclidean
distance to the best path results (t= 3.91; p= 0.001),
and the mean Euclidean distance to the ST neutral
position (u= 58.0; p= 0.014) (table 2).
Table 2: Descriptive statistics (mean±sd) and associations
tests results between control and experimental groups.
n=30 CG EG
Distance to the BP 1.56±0.81 1.70±0.86
Distance to the ST-NP 3.44±2.00 2.95±1.88
Time 3.25±1.25 3.93±1.25
Distance to the BP 4.19±1.17 2.68±0.89*
Distance to the ST-NP 5.00±2.00 3.63±1.63*
Time 2.81±0.66 2.62±1.00
In a motor relearning process the variability
of the practice consists in repeating variations of the
same task in which the parameters are changed,
providing variations around the same skill. This
study rely its intervention model in the extensive
known, considering three stages motor relearning
process that consists on the sequential cognitive,
associative and autonomous phases (Fitts and
Posner, 1967). The duration of the first phase is
limited from a few minutes to a few days, while the
second learning phase can last for weeks or even
months (Schmidt, 2003; Sherwood and Lee, 2003;
Summers and Anson, 2009) . According to this
model for patients to improve their motor
performance the exercise intervention must go
through scapula-focused exercises aiming the
awareness of the scapulothoracic neutral zone and
normalisation of the scapulohumeral rhythm, by
facilitating the central nervous system's ability to
efficiently control the inter-segmental motion of the
upper limb (Hess, 2000; Cools et al., 2003; Cowan
et al., 2003).
In this study the exercise exposure period was the
same of an average time of a physiotherapy
session at an early stage of motor relearning process
with emphasis on the cognitive and associative
The results of this study demonstrate that real-time
3D kinematic biofeedback is an effective solution to
correctly perform scapula-focused exercises during
the progressive phases of learning a new skill,
notably when the complexity of the task increases
(Jones and French, 2007). The latter become
particularly relevant to the associative phase
where the quality of the movement becomes more
important than the amount of practice itself
(Schmidt, 2003; Sherwood and Lee, 2003; Summers
and Anson, 2009). The results also provide
preliminary evidence that after one physiotherapy
session, immediate transfer of learning (Issurin,
2013; Maslovat et al., 2009) occurs when
performing a similar task, with an increase in the
execution quality. Given the obtained results, we
believe that successful learning can be more
expressive if we raise the time and volume of
These preliminary findings corroborate other
published results on the immediate effect of a
specific motor training intervention (Tsao and
Hodges 2007; Sturmberg et al. 2013).
Future studies are needed to address the effect of
exercises volume and specificity on the execution
performance quality, and its effects on the learning
retention and transfer. In addition, it would be
relevant to determine whether the magnitude of
these changes are clinical meaningful, particularly in
patients' functionality.
The real-time 3D kinematic biofeedback, proved to
be an effective tool for improving the quality of the
exercises’ execution. Based on this study results
subjects who had access to kinematic biofeedback
improved 3D motion control of the ST during the
analyzed tasks, corroborating results from previous
studies. Such a tool can help subjects achieve
rehabilitation motor (re)learning goals, and improve
rehabilitation decision-making process by
quantifying human movement performance.
This study was a non-profit project and had no
financial support. The authors would like to
acknowledge all the participants that kindly accepted
to participate in this study.
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... Three-dimensional (3D) kinematic biofeedback can accurately assess scapular position and orientation (Giggins et al., 2013). In healthy young adults with no history of shoulder pain, the kinematic biofeedback reduced the value of the error of protraction of the scapula during shoulder flexion and in the neutral position (Antunes et al., 2016) and increased the quality execution of scapula in the shoulder flexion (Antunes et al., 2014) after exercises focusing on scapular retraction thus an effective tool for improving the quality of the exercises' execution (Antunes et al., 2014;Antunes et al., 2016). ...
... Three-dimensional (3D) kinematic biofeedback can accurately assess scapular position and orientation (Giggins et al., 2013). In healthy young adults with no history of shoulder pain, the kinematic biofeedback reduced the value of the error of protraction of the scapula during shoulder flexion and in the neutral position (Antunes et al., 2016) and increased the quality execution of scapula in the shoulder flexion (Antunes et al., 2014) after exercises focusing on scapular retraction thus an effective tool for improving the quality of the exercises' execution (Antunes et al., 2014;Antunes et al., 2016). ...
... Our study analyses the effects of using extrinsic kinematic biofeedback on the scapular kinematics pattern of people with SAPS and results suggest that performing scapula-focused exercises using kinematic biofeedback is ineffective at correcting scapular position, which is contrary to the observation of a previous study, which found immediate and significant changes in scapular performance in asymptomatic individuals (Antunes et al., 2016). In that study, the authors assessed two phases of motor, cognitive, and associative learning Observed that individuals who performed scapular-focused exercises with kinematic biofeedback made fewer execution errors in the associative phase, for protraction of the scapula in flexion, neutral position (Antunes et al., 2016) and improvement of the trajectory of the scapula during flexion of the arm (Antunes et al., 2014). ...
... Therefore, specific rehabilitation programs for scapula-control can potentially improve the global functional outcome of the patient (Cools et al., 2013). Real-time motion capture system, like ISEO, might help developing innovative rehabilitation treatments with biofeedback, overcoming the limited manipulability of the scapula (Antunes et al., 2014). ...
Full-text available
Training transfer as an enduring, multilateral, and practically important problem encompasses a large body of research findings and experience, which characterize the process by which improving performance in certain exercises/tasks can affect the performance in alternative exercises or motor tasks. This problem is of paramount importance for the theory of training and for all aspects of its application in practice. Ultimately, training transfer determines how useful or useless each given exercise is for the targeted athletic performance. The methodological background of training transfer encompasses basic concepts related to transfer modality, i.e., positive, neutral, and negative; the generalization of training responses and their persistence over time; factors affecting training transfer such as personality, motivation, social environment, etc. Training transfer in sport is clearly differentiated with regard to the enhancement of motor skills and the development of motor abilities. The studies of bilateral skill transfer have shown cross-transfer effects following one-limb training associated with neural adaptations at cortical, subcortical, spinal, and segmental levels. Implementation of advanced sport technologies such as motor imagery, biofeedback, and exercising in artificial environments can facilitate and reinforce training transfer from appropriate motor tasks to targeted athletic performance. Training transfer of motor abilities has been studied with regard to contralateral effects following one limb training, cross-transfer induced by arm or leg training, the impact of strength/power training on the preparedness of endurance athletes, and the impact of endurance workloads on strength/power performance. The extensive research findings characterizing the interactions of these workloads have shown positive transfer, or its absence, depending on whether the combinations conform to sport-specific demands and physiological adaptations. Finally, cross-training as a form of concurrent exercising in different athletic disciplines has been examined in reference to the enhancement of general fitness, the preparation of recreational athletes, and the preparation of athletes for multi-sport activities such as triathlon, duathlon, etc.
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The second international consensus conference on the scapula was held in Lexington Kentucky. The purpose of the conference was to update, present and discuss the accumulated knowledge regarding scapular involvement in various shoulder injuries and highlight the clinical implications for the evaluation and treatment of shoulder injuries. The areas covered included the scapula and shoulder injury, the scapula and sports participation, clinical evaluation and interventions and known outcomes. Major conclusions were (1) scapular dyskinesis is present in a high percentage of most shoulder injuries; (2) the exact role of the dyskinesis in creating or exacerbating shoulder dysfunction is not clearly defined; (3) shoulder impingement symptoms are particularly affected by scapular dyskinesis; (4) scapular dyskinesis is most aptly viewed as a potential impairment to shoulder function; (5) treatment strategies for shoulder injury can be more effectively implemented by evaluation of the dyskinesis; (6) a reliable observational clinical evaluation method for dyskinesis is available and (7) rehabilitation programmes to restore scapular position and motion can be effective within a more comprehensive shoulder rehabilitation programme.
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The purpose of this clinical trial is to compare the effectiveness of a scapular-focused treatment with a control therapy in patients with shoulder impingement syndrome. Therefore, a randomized clinical trial with a blinded assessor was used in 22 patients with shoulder impingement syndrome. The primary outcome measures included self-reported shoulder disability and pain. Next, patients were evaluated regarding scapular positioning and shoulder muscle strength. The scapular-focused treatment included stretching and scapular motor control training. The control therapy included stretching, muscle friction, and eccentric rotator cuff training. Main outcome measures were the shoulder disability questionnaire, diagnostic tests for shoulder impingement syndrome, clinical tests for scapular positioning, shoulder pain (visual analog scale; VAS), and muscle strength. A large clinically important treatment effect in favor of scapular motor control training was found in self-reported disability (Cohen's d = 0.93, p = 0.025), and a moderate to large clinically important improvement in pain during the Neer test, Hawkins test, and empty can test (Cohen's d 0.76, 1.04, and 0.92, respectively). In addition, the experimental group demonstrated a moderate (Cohen's d = 0.67) improvement in self-experienced pain at rest (VAS), whereas the control group did not change. The effects were maintained at three months follow-up.
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The aim of this pilot study was to compare three biofeedback methods for enhancement of cognitive abilities (concentration and attention) in high school students. The sample comprises 50 students in high school for nurses, aged 16-18 years, devised in three groups: I - 30 students trained with EEG-Peak Achievement Trainer (EEG-PAT); II - 10 students trained with Electrodermal Response Biofeedback (EDR); and III - 10 students trained with Heart Rate Variability (HRV). The EEG-PAT is supposed to activate the Executive Attention Network, while HRV and EDR were supposed to influence indirectly, through the stabilization of autonomous nervous system. As psychometric tests we used: Trail Making Test (form A and form B) and numbering forward and backward, each one applied prior and after the experiment. The obtained results suggested that EEG-PAT can be successfully used for improving the concentration and attention and to a less extend the Short Term Memory Span. The HRV showed modest improvement (only for numbers), and EDR group did not show significant improvement in the concentration, attention and the Short Term Memory Span. However, all the three methods are highly cost-benefit and very comfortable for application and can be used for stabilization of the homeostasis.
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Although clinical methods for detecting scapular dyskinesis have been described, evidence supporting the validity of these methods is lacking. To determine the validity of the scapular dyskinesis test, a visually based method of identifying abnormal scapular motion. A secondary purpose was to explore the relationship between scapular dyskinesis and shoulder symptoms. Validation study comparing 3-dimensional measures of scapular motion among participants clinically judged as having either normal motion or scapular dyskinesis. University athletic training facilities. A sample of 142 collegiate athletes (National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I and Division III) participating in sports requiring overhead use of the arm was rated, and 66 of these underwent 3-dimensional testing. Volunteers were viewed by 2 raters while performing weighted shoulder flexion and abduction. The right and left sides were rated independently as normal, subtle dyskinesis, or obvious dyskinesis using the scapular dyskinesis test. Symptoms were assessed using the Penn Shoulder Score. Athletes judged as having either normal motion or obvious dyskinesis underwent 3-dimensional electromagnetic kinematic testing while performing the same movements. The kinematic data from both groups were compared via multifactor analysis of variance with post hoc testing using the least significant difference procedure. The relationship between symptoms and scapular dyskinesis was evaluated by odds ratios. Differences were found between the normal and obvious dyskinesis groups. Participants with obvious dyskinesis showed less scapular upward rotation (P < .001), less clavicular elevation (P < .001), and greater clavicular protraction (P = .044). The presence of shoulder symptoms was not different between the normal and obvious dyskinesis volunteers (odds ratio = 0.79, 95% confidence interval = 0.33, 1.89). Shoulders visually judged as having dyskinesis showed distinct alterations in 3-dimensional scapular motion. However, the presence of scapular dyskinesis was not related to shoulder symptoms in athletes engaged in overhead sports.
An external focus of attention (EFA) during the learning of a motor task improves performance and retention in healthy individuals. People with musculoskeletal dysfunction also learn motor tasks and could potentially benefit from adopting an EFA during practice. To determine whether instructions and feedback provided to individuals with musculoskeletal dysfunction is more effective in improving function and decreasing pain when inducing an external rather than an internal focus of attention (IFA). Systematic review SEARCH METHODS: MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, AMED, the Cochrane Library and five additional databases were searched. Randomised, quasi-randomised and non-randomised controlled trials, cross over trials and observational studies involving participants with any form of musculoskeletal dysfunction, comparing IFA or EFA with a different attentional focus (AF), control, placebo or no focus condition. Two review authors independently screened titles, abstracts and full texts, then extracted data and appraised the quality of trials using the GRADE system of rating methodological quality. Seven studies were included with a total of 202 participants. Two studies compared an IFA with an EFA, two compared IFA with biofeedback with a different focus condition, and three compared IFA with biofeedback with a no focus condition. Statistically significant improvements in motor performance directly attributable to the focus of attention were only found in the EFA groups. There were no significant improvements in function or pain. There is insufficient evidence to draw conclusions regarding the effects of attentional focus of instructions and feedback on outcomes in musculoskeletal dysfunction.
Work related musculoskeletal diseases (WRMSDs) have a huge social and economic impact being a public health problem.Objectives: To determine the prevalence of WRMSDs in Portuguese active workers. A questionnaire was sent by regular mail to the occupational physician of 822 large dimension companies in Portugal (over 250 employees). This questionnaire was addressed to the physician and contemplated data on file from the occupational medical doctor of clinically relevant WRMSDs (rather than addressing workers complaints). A reply form and a telephone reminder were used to assure a higher number of respondents. Of the selected 822 companies, 515 responded (response rate of 62.3%) involving a total population of 410,496 workers. The prevalence of clinically relevant WRMSD was of 5.9% (24,269 cases). The more prevalent WRMSD were back pain with a prevalence of low back pain of 2.27% (n=9310 , 38.4% of total WRMSD). Dorsal pain 0.82% (n= 3379, 13.9% of total WRMSDs) and cervical pain 1.13% (n=4651, 19.2% of total WRMSD). Back pain accounts for 4.22% (n= 17340) and a total of 74.9% of all WRMSDs. Regarding the upper limb we found a prevalence of 1.61% (n= 6493). From this total, shoulder tendonitis was 0.59%(n= 2398, 9.9% of total WRMSDs), carpal tunnel syndrome 0.29% (n=1170, 4.8% of total WRMSDs), elbow tendonitis 0.29% (n=1202, 5% of total WRMSDs) and hand tendonitis 0.44% (n=1823, 7.5% of total WRMSDS). A lower prevalence was observed in the lower limbs with lower limb tendonitis of 0.08% (n=336, 0.01% of total WRMSDs). Our work was representative of 11% of the working Portuguese population. We have found a prevalence of clinically relevant WRMSD of 5,9%. If we extrapolate for the total of the working population we would have 220 467 workers with WRMSDs. Our data are in conflict with national social security services regarding these diseases with much lower reported diseases that proves the inefficacy of the national reporting system. There are clear differences in our data when compared with the literature. We found a higher number of back pain, and in proportion of cervical pain, and lower numbers of upper and lower limb WRMSDs. In the upper limb we found a higher level of hand tendonitis and a decrease of elbow tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome. This work was a first effort to characterize WRMSDs in Portugal. Due to the study design we believe that further studies aimed for higher risk populations should be performed.
Unlabelled: Continuous electromyographic (EMG) activity level is considered a risk factor in developing muscle disorders. EMG biofeedback is known to be useful in reducing EMG activity in working muscles during computer work. The purpose was to test the following hypotheses: (1) unilateral biofeedback from trapezius (TRA) can reduce bilateral TRA activity but not extensor digitorum communis (EDC) activity; (2) biofeedback from EDC can reduce activity in EDC but not in TRA; (3) biofeedback is more effective in no time constraint than in the time constraint working condition. Eleven healthy women performed computer work during two different working conditions (time constraint/no time constraint) while receiving biofeedback. Biofeedback was given from right TRA or EDC through two modes (visual/auditory) by the use of EMG or mechanomyography as biofeedback source. During control sessions (no biofeedback), EMG activity was (mean ± SD): 2.4 ± 1.1, 2.5 ± 2.1, and 9.1 ± 3.1%max-EMGrms for right and left TRA and EDC, respectively. During biofeedback from TRA, activity was reduced in right TRA (1.7 ± 1.6%max-EMGrms) and left TRA (1.2 ± 2.0%max-EMGrms) compared to control. During biofeedback from EDC, activity in EDC was reduced (8.3 ± 3.3%max-EMGrms) compared with control. During time constraint, activity was reduced in right TRA (1.9 ± 1.3%max-EMGrms), left TRA (1.5 ± 1.5%max-EMGrms), and EDC (8.4 ± 3.2%max-EMGrms), during biofeedback compared to control. Conclusion: biofeedback reduced muscle activity in TRA by ∼ 30-50% and in EDC by ∼ 10% when given from the homologous or bilateral muscle but not from the remote muscle, and was significant in the time constraint condition; while feedback source and presentation mode showed only minor differences in the effect on reducing homologous muscle activity. This implies that biofeedback should be given from the most affected muscle in the occupational setting for targeting relief and prevention of muscle pain most effectively.