... Individuals high in SS are said to be more sensitive to the rewarding, positively-reinforcing properties of substances (Brunelle et al., 2004). SS has been associated with stimulant Low & Gendaszek, 2002), alcohol (Brunelle et al., 2004;Conrod, Pihl, Stewart, & Dongier, 2000;Schlauch et al., 2015;Woicik et al., 2009) and cannabis use (Hecimovic, Barrett, Darredeau, & Stewart, 2014;Mahu, Doucet, O'Leary-Barrett, & Conrod, 2015). IMP is linked with poor response inhibition, deficits in planning, rapid decision making, and enhanced emotional reactivity (Krank et al., 2011;Woicik et al., 2009) and is associated with a wide range of substance use problems, including stimulant misuse, drinking problems, and polysubstance use, as well as anti-social behaviour (Castellanos-Ryan & Conrod, 2012). ...