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A widely accessible list of known plant species is a fundamental requirement for plant conservation and has vast applications. An index of published names of liverworts and hornworts between 2009 and 2010 is provided as part of a continued effort in working toward producing a world checklist of this group. Included in the list are also names overlooked by earlier indices. The list includes 30 higher taxa, 250 species, 52 infraspecific taxa, 31 autonyms, and two fossils for 2009 and 2010. A number of taxa not covered by the earlier indices for 2000-2008 are also included.
Accepted by Karen Renzaglia: 8 Aug. 2012; published online in PDF: 22 Aug. 2012 21
ISSN 1179-3155 (print edition)
ISSN 1179-3163 (online edition)
Copyright © 2012 Magnolia Press
Phytotaxa 63: 2168 (2012)
Early Land Plants Today: Index of Liverworts & Hornworts 2009–2010
1 Department of Biology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, N-7491, Trondheim, Norway;
2 Department of Botany, The Field Museum, 1400 South Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60605–2496,
3 Missouri Botanical Garden, P. O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166–0299 U.S.A.;
A widely accessible list of known plant species is a fundamental requirement for plant conservation and has vast
applications. An index of published names of liverworts and hornworts between 2009 and 2010 is provided as part of a
continued effort in working toward producing a world checklist of this group. Included in the list are also names
overlooked by earlier indices. The list includes 30 higher taxa, 250 species, 52 infraspecific taxa, 31 autonyms, and two
fossils for 2009 and 2010. A number of taxa not covered by the earlier indices for 2000-2008 are also included.
Key words: Liverworts, hornworts, index, nomenclature
Under the auspices of the Early Land Plants Today project, there has been a strong community-driven effort
attempting to address the critical need to synthesize the vast nomenclatural, taxonomic and global
distributional data for liverworts (Marchantiophyta) and hornworts (Anthocerotophyta) (von Konrat et al.
2010a). These endeavours are critical in providing the foundation to develop a working checklist of liverworts
and hornworts worldwide; the first version is projected to be published in 2012. This effort is fundamental
toward the development of a working list of all known plant species under the auspices of the Convention on
Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC). The significance of this
target was underscored again by the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity who
have further developed the GSPC into its second phase (2011–2020), taking into account current and
emerging environmental challenges on plant diversity (Blackmore et al. 2011). The critical need for this target
to be achieved and the implications for conservation, taxonomy, and botanical science were recently outlined
by Paton et al. (2008). Progress towards the Targets of the Global Strategy of Plant Conservation (GSPC)
have recently been reviewed by Paton & Lughadha (2011).
This index follows on from the resourceful indices of recent years: Index of Hepatics (Crosby & Engel
2006), the series Index of Bryophytes 2001–2004 (Crosby & Magill 2005) and Index of Bryophytes 2005
(Crosby & Magill 2006), as well as the most recently published Index of Liverworts and Hornworts
2006–2008 (von Konrat et al. 2010b). In the current index we attempt to list citations for names published for
liverworts and hornworts during the period January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2010. Valid, illegitimate
and invalid names that were overlooked by earlier indices (2000-2008) are also included. A bibliography
contains complete citations for the places of publication of the names, their basionyms and blocking names.
The format generally follows that of previous indices, especially von Konrat et al. (2010b). One significant
departure is that full type details of new species and infraspecies are as they appear in the protologue,
22 Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press
including the formatting used. This will aid those researchers who do not always have access to all journals
and publications where novel taxa are described. Unlike previous indices basionyms published before 2009 do
not have their own entries here. Instead they follow the names of taxa built on them. For fossils we state the
geological period. The type taxon is also provided for new higher taxa. All names are arranged alphabetically.
As a matter of reference autonyms are included only if created during the period that this index covers,
providing a useful resource indicating the publication date on which the autonym was first created. Although
names that we judge to be invalidly published under the Vienna Code of Botanical Nomenclature (McNeill et
al. 2006) are included in the list, nomenclaturally they are not accepted by the authors of this index, and
therefore not published under the Vienna Code of Botanical Nomenclature (McNeill et al. 2006). As in
previous indices, no disposition is provided to an accepted name or to the taxonomy.
The number of names validly published during 2009 and 2010 includes 29 higher taxa, 237 species, 45
infraspecific taxa, and two fossils. In addition, 31 autonyms were also created.
Authorities and citation abbreviations follow the on-line version of Authors of Plant Names at the Royal
Botanic Gardens, Kew, Website (, which is an updated version of Brummitt & Powell (1992).
For nomenclatural elements we follow the Vienna Code of Botanical Nomenclature (McNeill et al. 2006).
The following outlines the format for the different categories of names published during the period. At the
end of each name, referral to the full citation for the journal/book article in which the name appeared is in the
form: (Renner et al. 2009). Entries may have an annotation in the form of a NOTE near the end. Common
reasons for the note are superfluous combinations, blocking names, etc., and era for fossils.
The name of a new taxon published during the period takes the form:
Cheilolejeunea fischeri Malombe, Acta Bot. Hung. 51: 319, 2009. TYPE: “Kenya, Kakamega Forest; Salazar
II fragment, along the path towards Buzambuli A, W. Salazar Circuit, 14 September 2005, Malombe, I.
and Chituyi, B. B. 5006/SII2bS1x. Holotype: EA, isotype: EGR” (Malombe 2009).
Its article from the Bibliography:
Malombe I (2009) Studies on African Cheilolejeunea (Lejeuneaceae) I: New species and new combinations. Acta
Botanica Hungarica 51: 315–328.
A new combination published during the period takes the form:
Cololejeunea thiersiae (Pócs) Pócs, Polish Bot. J. 54: 9, 2009 (Pócs & Bernecker 2009). BASIONYM:
Aphanolejeunea thiersiae Pócs, Hikobia 11: 459, 1994 (Pócs 1994).
Its articles from the Bibliography:
Pócs, T. (1994) New or little known epiphyllous liverworts, V. Aphanolejeunea collected by Barbara M. Thiers in
Australia and Papua New Guinea. Hikobia 11: 457–462.
Pócs T, Bernecker A (2009) Knowledge of Aphanolejeunea (Jungermanniopsida) after 25 years. Polish Botanical
Journal 54: 1–11.
One or two asterisks preceding an entry indicate that the name has been interpreted by us as contrary to
McNeill et al. (2006) being either illegitimate (a single asterisk) or invalid (two asterisks). We give both the
article that we base out interpretation on, and a short statement about what we think is wrong. For example:
* Chiloscyphus himalayensis (A.Srivast. et S.C.Srivast.) J.J.Engel, Fieldiana, Bot. n.s. 48: 20, 2010, nom.
illeg. Art. 53.1; hom. illeg. [non Steph. 1907] (Engel 2010). BASIONYM: Lophocolea himalayensis
A.Srivast. et S.C.Srivast., Indian Geocalyc.: 182, 2002 (Srivastava & Srivastava 2002). NOTE: Blocking
name is Chiloscyphus himalayensis Steph., Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 7: 837 (Spec. Hep. 3: 209), 1907
(Stephani 1907).
Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press 23
A dagger, †, preceding an entry indicates a name for a fossil. For example,
Frullania cretacea Hentschel, A.R.Schmidt et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 30: 326, 2009. TYPE: “amber
inclusion in sample AMNH B-011 from Myanmar”. NOTE: Upper Albion (mid Cretaceous, 100 my)
amber from Burma. (Hentschel et al. 2009).
The index
Acrobolbineae Hässel (subord.), Beih. Nova Hedwigia 134: 475, 2009 (Hässel & Rubies 2009). BASED ON:
Acrobolbaceae E.A.Hodgs. (fam.), Rec. Domin. Mus. 4: 117, 1962 (Hodgson 1962).
** Acromastigum furcatifolium (Steph.) E.A.Br., Cunninghamia 10: 241, 2007, nom. inval. Art. 33.4;
basionym not cited, “furcatifolia” (Downing et al. 2007). BASIONYM: Lepidozia furcatifolia Steph., J. &
Proc. Roy. Soc. New South Wales 48: 112, 1914 (Stephani & Watts 1914).
Adelanthineae Hässel (subord.), Beih. Nova Hedwigia 134: 475, 2009 (Hässel & Rubies 2009). BASED ON:
Adelanthaceae Grolle (fam.), J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 35: 327, 1972 (Grolle 1972).
Anastrophyllaceae L.Söderstr., De Roo et Hedd. (fam.), Phytotaxa 3: 48, 2010. TYPE: Anastrophyllum
(Spruce) Steph. (Söderström et al. 2010b).
** Anastrophyllum sect. Revolutae R.M.Schust. Beih. Nova Hedwigia 119: 313, 2002, nom. inval. Art. 36.1;
no Latin description (Schuster 2002).
** Anastrophyllum ambiguum R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 119: 305, 2002, nom. inval. Art. 36.1; no
Latin description. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: New Zealand (Schuster 2002).
Anastrophyllum assimile var. nardioides (Lindb.) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 163, 2002
(Damsholt 2002). BASIONYM: Jungermannia nardioides Lindb., Musci Scand.: 8, 1879 (Lindberg
Anastrophyllum hypocladopsis R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 119: 315, 2002. HOLOTYPE:
VENEZUELA: Páramo de Tama, Estado Tachira, 3000 m (RMS 76-1941a; F) (Schuster 2002). NOTE:
Erroneously given as invalid by Crosby & Magill (2005).
Anastrophyllum minutum var. acuminatum (Horik.) T.Cao et J.Sun, Fl. Bryophyt. Sin. 10: 46, 2008 (Gao &
Wu 2008). BASIONYM: Sphenolobus acuminatus Horik., J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., Ser. B., Div. 2, Bot. 2:
155, 1934 (Horikawa 1934).
** Andrewsianthus hodgsoniae (R.M.Schust.) R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 119: 327, 2002, nom.
inval. Art. 33.4; basionym not cited, “hodgsonae” (Schuster 2002). BASIONYM: Cephalolobus
hodgsoniae R.M.Schust., Rev. Bryol. Lichénol. 34: 254, 1966, ”hodgsonae” (Schuster 1966). NOTE:
Later validated by Engel (2007).
** Andrewsianthus squarrosus (R.M.Schust.) R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 119: 331, 2002, nom.
inval. Art. 33.4; basionym not cited (Schuster 2002). BASIONYM: Cephalolobus squarrosus
R.M.Schust., Rev. Bryol. Lichénol. 34: 256, 1966 (Schuster 1966).
Aneura mirabilis (Malmb.) Wickett et Goffinet, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 156: 11, 2008 (Wickett & Goffinet 2008).
BASIONYM: Cryptothallus mirabilis Malmb., Ann. Bryol. 6: 122, 1933 (Malmborg 1933).
Aneura pinguis var. fuscovirens (Lindb.) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 656, 2002 (Damsholt 2002).
BASIONYM: Riccardia fuscovirens Lindb., Musci Scand.: 5, 1879 (Lindberg 1879).
** Aneurineae R.M.Schust. ex C.Gao et Y.H.Wu, (subord.), Genera Hepaticopsida Anthocerotopsida
Sinicorum: 83, 2010, nom. inval. Art. 36.1; no Latin description, “Aneurainae” (Gao et al. 2010). NOTE:
Automatically typified (Art. 16.1.a) by Aneuraceae Klinggr.
** Anthoceros dichotomus var. beltranii Casares-Gil ex Cros, L. Sáez et Brugués, J. Bryol. 30: 76, 2008,
nom. inval. Art. 32.1.d; no description (Cros et al. 2008). BASED ON: Anthoceros beltranii Casares-Gil,
Trab. Mus. Nac. Ci. Nat., Ser. Bot. 8: 47, 1915 (Casares-Gil 1915).
Anthoceros punctatus subsp. agrestis (Paton) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 800, 2002 (Damsholt
2002). BASIONYM: Anthoceros agrestis Paton, J. Bryol. 10: 257, 1979 (Paton 1979).
24 Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press
** Anthoceros punctatus var. douinii (R.M.Schust.) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 802, 2002, nom.
inval. Art. 32.1.d; basionym not valid (Damsholt 2002). BASIONYM: Aspiromitus punctatus var. douinii
R.M.Schust., Hepat. Anthocerotae N. Amer. 6: 801, 1992, nom. inval. Art. 37.7; no herbarium indicated
(Schuster 1992). NOTE: placed under subsp. agrestis (Paton) Damsh.
** Aphanolejeunea papilliloba (Steph.) Pócs et Bern.-Lück. ex León-Yánez, Gradst. et Wegner, Hepat.
Anthoc. Ecuador: 25, 2006, nom. inval. Art. 33.4; basionym not cited, “palliloba” (León-Yánez et al.
2006). BASIONYM: Cololejeunea papilliloba Steph., Hedwigia 34: 250, 1895 (Stephani 1895b).
Apometzgeria pubescens f. attenuata (Schiffn.) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 644, 2002 (Damsholt
2002). BASIONYM: Metzgeria pubescens f. attenuata Schiffn., Sitzungsber. Deutsch. Naturwiss.-Med.
Vereins Böhmen “Lotos” Prag 49: 97, 1901 (Schiffner 1901).
Apometzgeria pubescens f. latifrons (Kaal.) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 642, 2002 (Damsholt
2002). BASIONYM: Metzgeria pubescens f. latifrons Kaal., Bergens Mus. Skr. n.s. 16: 48, 1934
(Jørgensen 1934).
Asterella mussuriensis subsp. crassa (Shimizu et S.Hatt.) D.G.Long, Lindbergia 26: 44 2001 [2000] (Long
2000). BASIONYM: Asterella crassa Shimizu et S.Hatt., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 8: 48, 1952 (Shimizu &
Hattori 1952).
Athalamia hyalina f. rufescens (S.W.Arnell) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 745, 2002 (Damsholt
2002). BASIONYM: Clevea hyalina f. rufescens S.W.Arnell, Ark. Bot. n.s. 4 (6): 123, 1959 (Arnell &
Mårtensson 1959).
Austrolejeunea carcharias (M.A.M.Renner) M.A.M.Renner, Bryologist 113: 786, 2010 (Renner 2010).
BASIONYM: Nephelolejeunea carcharias M.A.M.Renner, Syst. Bot. 34: 621, 2009 (Renner et al. 2009).
Austrolejeunea secunda M.A.M.Renner, Bryologist 113: 782, 2010. TYPE: “NEW ZEALAND. NORTH
ISLAND, Ruahine Ecological Region and District, Ruahine Range, Armstrong Saddle above Sunshine
Hut, mixed low subalpine scrub of Olearia colensoi, Brachyglottis bidwillii, Hebe tetragona,
Dracophyllum recurvum with Celmisia spectabilis and Celmisia incana. On dead branches of Hebe
tetragona with Metzgeria submarginata and Austrolejeunea hispida, 39°46.5'S 176° 9.9'E, 1356 m, 17
October 2009, Renner et al. 4453, (holotype: AK; isotype: CHR)” (Renner 2010).
Barbilophozia subgen. Sudeticae (Schljakov) L.Söderstr., De Roo et Hedd., Phytotaxa 3: 50, 2010
(Söderström et al. 2010b). BASIONYM: Lophozia sect. Sudeticae Schljakov, Petjen. Mchi Sev. SSSR 3:
113, 1980 (Schljakov 1980).
Barbilophozia sudetica (Nees ex Huebener) L.Söderstr., De Roo et Hedd., Phytotaxa 3: 50, 2010 (Söderström
et al. 2010b). BASIONYM: Jungermannia sudetica Nees ex Huebener, Hepaticol. Germ.: 142, 1834
(Hübener 1834).
** Bazzania decrescens var. ambahatrae Pócs, Boissiera 59: 60, 2002 nom. inval. Art. 32.1.d; no
description. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: MADAGASCAR, Manongarivo, PG 19742, 1300-1400 m (Pócs &
Geissler 2002).
** Bazzania mindorensis Steph. ex Bapna et Kachroo, Hepaticol. India I: 282, 2000, nom. inval. Art. 34.1.c;
publ. in syn. [sub Bazzania ovistipula], “mindorense” (Bapna & Kachroo 2000). BASED ON:
Mastigobryum mindorense Steph., Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 8: 761 (Spec. Hep. 3: 445), 1908 (Stephani
Biantheridion (Grolle) Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 67, 2009 [2010] (Konstantinova & Vilnet 2010).
BASIONYM: Jamesoniella sect. Biantheridion Grolle, Trans. Brit. Bryol. Soc. 4: 662, 1964 (Grolle
Biantheridion undulifolium (Nees) Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 67, 2009 [2010] (Konstantinova & Vilnet
2010). BASIONYM: Jungermannia schraderi undulifolia Nees, Naturgesch. Eur. Leberm. 1: 306, 1833
(Nees 1833).
** Calycularia crispula var. udarii Rajeevan ex Easa, Kerala Forest Res. Handb. 17: 8, 2003, nom. inval.
Art. 32.1.d; no description, “udari”. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: India, Kerala, Rajeevan 1990 (Easa 2003).
Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press 25
Calypogeia azurea f. luxurians (Müll.Frib.) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 466, 2002 (Damsholt
2002). BASIONYM: Calypogeia trichomanis f. luxuriansll.Frib., Rabenh. Krypt.-Fl., ed. 2, 6 (18):
251, 1913 (Müller 1913).
Calypogeia fissa f. subintegrifolia (C.E.O.Jensen ) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 466, 2002
(Damsholt 2002). BASIONYM: Kantius calypogeus f. subintegrifolius C.E.O.Jensen, Danmarks Mosser:
227, 1915, “Kantia calypogeia f. subintegrifolia” (Jensen 1915).
Calypogeia neogaea (R.M.Schust.) Bakalin, Sokhranenie bioraznoobrazia Kamchatki i prilegayushchikh
morej, 2007 (Bakalin 2007; non vidi, page number not known). BASIONYM: Calypogeia fissa subsp.
neogaea R.M.Schust., Hepat. Anthocerotae N. Amer. 2: 169, 1969 (Schuster 1969).
Calyptrocolea lindenbergiana (Lehm.) R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 119: 193, 2002 (Schuster 2002).
BASIONYM: Jungermannia lindenbergiana Lehm., Linnaea 4: 367, 1829 (Lehmann 1829).
Calyptrocoleideae C.Gao, Y.H.Wu et W.Li (subcl.), Genera Hepaticopsida Anthocerotopsida Sinicorum: 74,
2010 (Gao et al. 2010). NOTE: Automatically typified (Art. 16.1.a) by Calyptrocoleaceae C.Gao et
Y.H .Wu.
Calyptrocoleinales C.Gao, Y.H.Wu et W.Li (order), Genera Hepaticopsida Anthocerotopsida Sinicorum: 75,
2010 (Gao et al. 2010). NOTE: Automatically typified (Art. 16.1.a) by Calyptrocoleaceae C.Gao et
Y.H .Wu.
** Calyptrocoleineae C.Gao, Y.H.Wu et W.Li (subord.), Genera Hepaticopsida Anthocerotopsida
Sinicorum: 75, 2010, nom. inval. Art. 36.1; no Latin description (Gao et al. 2010).
Cephalozia chilensis R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 119: 29, 2002 (Schuster 2002). NOM NOV. PRO
Cephalozia heteroica R.M.Schust. et J.J.Engel, Fieldiana, Bot. n.s. 41: 219, 1978 (Engel 1978).
BLOCKING NAME: Cephalozia heteroica C.M.Cooke, Trans. Connecticut Acad. Arts 12: 38, 1904
(Cooke 1904). NOTE: Engel & Schuster (1988) transferred Cephalozia heteroica R.M.Schust. et
J.J.Engel to Metahygrobiella, using the name M. chilensis J.J.Engel et R.M.Schust. However, in
Metahygrobiella nothing is blocking the epithetheteroica” and that should have been used there. We
regard this as valid new name for C. heteroica R.M.Schust. et J.J.Engel although Schuster (2002: 29)
gives Metahygrobiella chilensis as a “basionym” since he also has a direct and clear reference to C.
** Cephalozia ciliolata R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 119: 25, 29, 2002, nom. inval. Art. 36.1; no Latin
description. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: NEW ZEALAND, South Island (Schuster 2002). NOTE: Later
validated as Cephalozia schusteriana J.J.Engel (Engel 2007).
Cephalozia lunulifolia f. conferta (Nees) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 508, 2002 (Damsholt 2002).
BASIONYM: Jungermannia connivens conferta Nees, Naturgesch. Eur. Leberm. 2: 283, 1836 (Nees
1836). NOTE: Damsholt cited the basionym as Cephalozia connivens f. conferta citing the page where
Nees has Jungermannia. We still think the name is validly published, basing our opinion on Art. 33.5.
** Cephalozia pachygyna R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 119: 25, 29, 2002, nom. inval. Art. 36.1; no
Latin description. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: NEW ZEALAND, Fiordland, RMS 84-138 (Schuster 2002).
NOTE: Later validated by Engel (2007).
Cephalozia pleniceps f. concinnata (Müll.Frib.) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 505, 2002,
concinnatum” (Damsholt 2002). BASIONYM: Cephalozia pleniceps var. concinnata Müll.Frib.,
Rabenh. Krypt.-Fl., ed. 2, 6 (15): 31, 1912 (Müller 1912).
** Cephaloziella brunnea R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 119: 110, 131, 2002, nom. inval. Art. 36.1; no
Latin description. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: VENEZUELA, Est. Mérida, Sierra de Santo Domingo,
Páramo de Mucubaji, RMS 76-865 (Schuster 2002). NOTE: Later validated by Engel (2007).
Cephaloziella divaricata var. rupestris (C.E.O.Jensen ex Arnell) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 549,
2002 (Damsholt 2002). BASIONYM: Cephalozia divaricata var. rupestris C.E.O.Jensen ex Arnell, Bot.
Not. 64: 7, 1911 (Arnell 1911).
Cephaloziella elachista var. spinophylla (C.Gao) C.Gao, Fl. Bryoph. Sin. 9: 181, 2003 (Gao 2003).
BASIONYM: Cephaloziella spinophylla C.Gao, Fl. Hepat. Chin. Boreali-Orient.: 208, 1981 (Gao &
26 Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press
Zhang 1981). NOTE: Reported erroneously as a combination under Cephalozia in Crosby & Magill
** Cephaloziella granatensis var. spiniflora R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 119: 140, 2002, nom. inval.
Art. 36.1; no Latin description. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: VENEZUELA: Estado Mérida, Sierra de Santo
Domingo, Páramo de Mucubaji, 3000 m, RMS 76-811a (Schuster 2002).
** Cephaloziella spegazziniana subsp. andicola R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 119: 116, 2002, nom.
inval. Art. 36.1; no Latin description. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: VENEZUELA: Estado Mérida, above
Laguna Grande, Páramo de Mucubaji, Sierra de Santo Domingo, 3600 m, RMS 76-857a (Schuster 2002).
* Cephaloziella varians var. arctica (Bryhn et Douin) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 570, 2002, nom.
illeg. Art. 52,1; earlier name included [Cephaloziella alpina var. kaalaasii Douin 1920] (Damsholt 2002).
BASIONYM: Cephaloziella arctica Bryhn et Douin, Rabenh. Krypt.-Fl., ed. 2, 6 (18): 159, 1913 (Müller
Cephaloziella varians var. kaalaasii (Douin) Ochyra, Polish Polar Res. 25: 125, 2004 (Ochyra 2004).
BASIONYM: Cephaloziella alpina var. kaalaasii Douin, Mem. Soc. Bot. France 29: 71, 1920 (Douin
Cephaloziella varians var. scabra (S.W.Arnell) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 570, 2002 (Damsholt
2002). BASIONYM: Cephaloziella arctica var. scabra S.W.Arnell, Bot. Not. 103: 86, 1950 (Arnell 1950).
Cephaloziella varians f. verrucosa (C.E.O.Jensen) Damsh., Lindbergia 33: 108, 2010 (Damsholt 2010).
BASIONYM: Cephalozia divaricata var. verrucosa C.E.O.Jensen, Meddel. Grønland 15: 374, 1897
[1898] (Jensen 1898).
Ceratolejeunea kuerschneri Eb.Fisch. et Vanderp., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 138: 87, 2010. TYPE: “Gabon.
Prov. Ogooué-Ivindo, Kongou waterfalls on Ivindo River, 0°17'24" N, 12°34'18" E, on rocks at base of the
falls, 9 April 2006, Vanderpoorten & Fischer GAB1230 (LG-holotype, LBV, KOBL-isotype)” (Fischer &
Vanderpoorten 2010).
Cheilolejeunea acanthina (Spruce) Gradst. et Ilk.-Borg., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76 (4): 62, 2009
(Gradstein & Ilkiu-Borges 2009). BASIONYM: Lejeunea acanthina Spruce, Trans. & Proc. Bot. Soc.
Edinburgh 15: 182, 1884 (Spruce 1884).
Cheilolejeunea adnata (Kunze ex Lehm. et Lindenb.) Grolle var. adnata, created by Cheilolejeunea adnata
var. autoica Gradst. et Ilk.-Borg., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76 (4): 64, 2009 (Gradstein & Ilkiu-Borges
Cheilolejeunea adnata var. autoica Gradst. et Ilk.-Borg., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76 (4): 64, 2009. TYPE:
“French Guiana, near Saül, 53°11’W, 3°37’N, trail 3 in lowland rain forest, 200-400 m, on rotten log in
much light, 26 June 1986, J. M. Bekker 2233-1 (Holotype: GOET; isotype: U)” (Gradstein & Ilkiu-Borges
Cheilolejeunea antiqua (Grolle) W.Ye et R.L.Zhu, J. Bryol. 32: 280, 2010 (Ye & Zhu 2010). BASIONYM:
Leucolejeunea antiqua Grolle, Stuttgarter Beitr. Naturk. B 96: 1, 1983 (Grolle 1983).
Cheilolejeunea asperiflora (Spruce) Gradst. et Ilk.-Borg., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76 (4): 62, 2009
(Gradstein & Ilkiu-Borges 2009). BASIONYM: Lejeunea asperiflora Spruce, Trans. & Proc. Bot. Soc.
Edinburgh 15: 183, 1884 (Spruce 1884).
Cheilolejeunea caducifolia (Gradst. et Schäf.-Verw.) W.Ye et R.L.Zhu, J. Bryol. 32: 280, 2010 (Ye & Zhu
2010). BASIONYM: Leucolejeunea caducifolia Gradst. et Schäf.-Verw., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74: 64, 1993
(Gradstein et al. 1993).
Cheilolejeunea clypeata (Schwein.) W.Ye et R.L.Zhu, J. Bryol. 32: 280, 2010 (Ye & Zhu 2010).
BASIONYM: Jungermannia clypeata Schwein., Spec. Fl. Amer. Crypt.: 12, 1821 (Schweinitz 1821).
Cheilolejeunea conchifolia (A.Evans) W.Ye et R.L.Zhu, J. Bryol. 32: 280, 2010 (Ye & Zhu 2010).
BASIONYM: Archilejeunea conchifolia A.Evans, Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 8: 128, 1902 (Evans 1902).
Cheilolejeunea fischeri Malombe, Acta Bot. Hung. 51: 319, 2009. TYPE: “Kenya, Kakamega Forest; Salazar
II fragment, along the path towards Buzambuli A, W. Salazar Circuit, 14 September 2005, Malombe, I.
and Chituyi, B. B. 5006/SII2bS1x. Holotype: EA, isotype: EGR” (Malombe 2009).
Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press 27
Cheilolejeunea gradsteinii (Grolle et Piippo) W.Ye et R.L.Zhu, J. Bryol. 32: 280, 2010 (Ye & Zhu 2010).
BASIONYM: Leucolejeunea gradsteinii Grolle et Piippo, Ann. Bot. Fenn. 27: 122, 1990 (Grolle & Piippo
Cheilolejeunea japonica (Horik.) W.Ye et R.L.Zhu, J. Bryol. 32: 280, 2010 (Ye & Zhu 2010). BASIONYM:
Archilejeunea japonica Horik., J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ. Ser. B, Div. 2, Bot. 1: 84, 1932 (Horikawa 1932).
Cheilolejeunea kitagawae W.Ye et R.L.Zhu, J. Bryol. 32: 280, 2010 (Ye & Zhu 2010). NOM. NOV. PRO
Leucolejeunea paroica N.Kitag., Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 18: 190, 1960 (Kitagawa 1960). BLOCKING
NAME: Cheilolejeunea paroica Mizut., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 46: 364, 1979 (Mizutani 1979).
Cheilolejeunea loriana (Steph.) W.Ye et R.L.Zhu, J. Bryol. 32: 280, 2010 (Ye & Zhu 2010). BASIONYM:
Symbiezidium lorianum Steph., Sp. Hepat. (Stephani) 5: 106, 1912 (Stephani 1912).
Cheilolejeunea mizutanii W.Ye et R.L.Zhu, J. Bryol. 32: 281, 2010 (Ye & Zhu 2010). NOM. NOV. PRO
Hygrolejeunea decurrens Steph., Hedwigia 35: 101, 1896 (Stephani 1896). NOTE: BLOCKING NAME:
Cheilolejeunea decurrens (Steph.) Xiao L.He, Ann. Bot. Fenn. 32: 251, 1995 (He 1995).
Cheilolejeunea ngongensis Malombe et Pócs, Acta Bot. Hung. 51: 317, 2009. TYPE: “Kenya, Kajiado
District, Ngong Hills, SW of Nairobi city, near the top ridge, 2,400, 25 February 2004, Pócs, T. with EA
staff 04011/AN. Holotype: EGR” (Malombe 2009).
Cheilolejeunea polystachya (Spruce) Gradst. et Ilk.-Borg., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76 (4): 62, 2009
(Gradstein & Ilkiu-Borges 2009). BASIONYM: Lejeunea polystachya Spruce, Trans. & Proc. Bot. Soc.
Edinburgh 15: 250, 1884 (Spruce 1884).
Cheilolejeunea rotundistipula (Lindenb. ex Lehm.) Malombe, Acta Bot. Hung. 51: 322, 2009 (Malombe
2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia rotundistipula Lindenb. ex Lehm., Linnaea 4: 360, 1829 (Lehmann
Cheilolejeunea suprema (Grolle et Piippo) W.Ye et R.L.Zhu, J. Bryol. 32: 281, 2010 (Ye & Zhu 2010).
BASIONYM: Leucolejeunea suprema Grolle et Piippo, Ann. Bot. Fenn. 27: 123, 1990 (Grolle & Piippo
Cheilolejeunea turgida (Mitt.) W.Ye et R.L.Zhu, J. Bryol. 32: 281, 2010 (Ye & Zhu 2010). BASIONYM:
Lejeunea turgida Mitt., J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 5: 110, 1860 (Mitten 1860).
** Cheilolejeunea ulugurica Malombe, Eb.Fisch. et Pócs, Acta Bot. Hung. 51: 321, 2009, nom. inval. Art.
36.1; no Latin description. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: “only known from the Uluguru Mts in Tanzania”
(Malombe 2009). NOTE: Later validly described by Malombe, Eb.Fisch. et Pócs, Acta Biol. Plant. Agric.
1: 24, 2010 [2011] (Malombe et al. 2011).
Cheilolejeunea unciloba (Lindenb.) Malombe, Acta Bot. Hung. 51: 325, 2009 (Malombe 2009).
BASIONYM: Lejeunea unciloba Lindenb., Syn. Hepat. 2: 331, 1845 (Gottsche et al. 1845).
Cheilolejeunea xanthocarpa (Lehm. et Lindenb.) Malombe, Acta Bot. Hung. 51: 326, 2009 (Malombe 2009).
BASIONYM: Jungermannia xanthocarpa Lehm. et Lindenb., Nov. Stirp. Pug. 5: 8, 1833 (Lehmann
Chiloscyphus sect. Aperticaulis J.J.Engel, Fieldiana, Bot. n.s. 48: 119, 2010. TYPE: Chiloscyphus
aperticaulis J.J.Engel (Engel 2010).
** Chiloscyphus sect. Connati (Lindenb.) J.J.Engel, Fieldiana, Bot. n.s. 48: 133, 2010, nom. inval. Art. 33.4;
basionym not cited (Engel 2010). BASIONYM: Plagiochila sect. V Connatae Lindenb., Monogr. Hep.
Gen Plagiochilae: XXIX, 1844 (Lindenberg 1844). NOTE: Engel erroneously cited the basionym as
published in “Spec. Hep. XXIX, 1839”.
Chiloscyphus sect. Notholophocoleus J.J.Engel, Fieldiana, Bot. n.s. 48: 12, 2010. TYPE: Chiloscyphus
boveanus (C.Massal.) J.J.Engel et R.M.Schust. (Engel 2010).
Chiloscyphus subgen. Septati J.J.Engel, Fieldiana, Bot. n.s. 48: 125, 2010. TYPE: Chiloscyphus septatus
J.J.Engel (Engel 2010).
Chiloscyphus subgen. Spinoscyphus J.J.Engel, Fieldiana, Bot. n.s. 48: 199, 2010. TYPE: Chiloscyphus
trichocoleoides Glenny, J.J.Engel et Xiao L.He (Engel 2010).
28 Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press
* Chiloscyphus bidentatus (L.) J.J.Engel et R.M.Schust. ex Darigo, Evansia 19: 166, 2002, nom. illeg. Art.
53.1; hom. illeg. [non Steph.1893] (Darigo 2002): BASIONYM: Jungermannia bidentata L., Sp. Pl.:
1132, 1753 (Linnaeus 1753). BLOCKING NAME: Chiloscyphus bidentatus Steph., Hedwigia 32: 320,
1893 (Stephani 1893).
Chiloscyphus brookwoodianus (Paton et Sheahan) J.J.Engel, Fieldiana, Bot. n.s. 48: 90, 2010 (Engel 2010).
BASIONYM: Lophocolea brookwoodiana Paton et Sheahan, J. Bryol. 28: 163, 2006 (Paton & Sheahan
Chiloscyphus canaliculatus Hook.f. et Taylor ex Gottsche, Lindenb. et Nees var. canaliculatus, created by
Chiloscyphus canaliculatus var. concavus J.J.Engel, Fieldiana, Bot. n.s. 48: 107, 2010 (Engel 2010).
Chiloscyphus canaliculatus var. concavus J.J.Engel, Fieldiana, Bot. n.s. 48: 107, 2010. TYPE: “New
Zealand, Stewart Is., Fern Gully Track at terminus of Kaipipi Road, Mill Creek, ca. 2 km W of Oban, 20-
30 m, Engel 24081 (F); isotype: (CHR)” (Engel 2010).
Chiloscyphus ceylonensis J.J.Engel, Fieldiana, Bot. n.s. 48: 133, 2010 (Engel 2010). NOM. NOV. PRO
Lophocolea fleischeri Steph., Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 6 (Spec. Hep. 3): 952 (132), 1906 (Stephani
1906). BLOCKING NAME: Chiloscyphus fleischeri Steph., Sp. Hepat. (Stephani) 6: 306, 1922 (Stephani
Chiloscyphus chiloscyphoideus (Lindenb. ex Lehm.) Vanderp., Schäf.-Verw. et D.G.Long, Taxon 59: 185,
2010 (Vanderpoorten et al. 2010). BASIONYM: Plagiochila chiloscyphoidea Lindenb. ex Lehm., Nov.
Stirp. Pug. 8: 4, 1844 (Lehmann 1844).
** Chiloscyphus chinnarensis Manju, Trop. Bryol. Res. Rep. 7: 3, 2008, nom. inval. Art. 32.1.d; no
description. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: “Kerala” (Manju et al. 2008). NOTE: Later validly published by
Manju, K.P.Rajesh & Madhus., Acta Bot. Hung. 51: 152, 2011 (Manju et al. 2011).
Chiloscyphus coadunatus f. gracillimus (Kaal.) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 397, 2002 (Damsholt
2002). BASIONYM: Lophocolea bidentata var. gracillima Kaal., Nyt Mag. Naturvidensk. 33: 473, 1893
(Kaalaas 1893). NOTE: Damsholt cited the basionym as a form citing the page where Kaalaas has a
variety. We still think the name is validly published, basing our opinion on Art. 33.5.
* Chiloscyphus himalayensis (A.Srivast. et S.C.Srivast.) J.J.Engel, Fieldiana, Bot. n.s. 48: 20, 2010, nom.
illeg. Art. 53.1; hom. illeg. [non Steph. 1907] (Engel 2010). BASIONYM: Lophocolea himalayensis
A.Srivast. et S.C.Srivast., Indian Geocalyc.: 182, 2002 (Srivastava & Srivastava 2002). BLOCKING
NAME: Chiloscyphus himalayensis Steph., Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 7: 837 (Spec. Hep. 3: 209), 1907
(Stephani 1907).
Chiloscyphus mediinfrons J.J.Engel et Braggins, Fieldiana, Bot. n.s. 48: 107, 2010. TYPE: “New Zealand,
Stewart Is., Paterson Inlet, Ulva Island, Flagstaff Point, NE end of island, sea level to ca. 60 m, Engel, von
Konrat and Braggins 24598A (F); isotype: (AK)” (Engel 2010). NOTE: Also combined by J.J.Engel in
Fieldiana: Botany n.s. 48: 74, 2010 (Engel 2010).
Chiloscyphus morobeanus (Piippo) Gradst., Blumea 54: 288, 2009 (Ariyanti et al. 2009). BASIONYM:
Lophocolea morobeana Piippo, Acta Bot. Fenn. 131: 160, 1985 (Piippo 1985).
Chiloscyphus obvolutus var. cookianus (C.Massal.) Hässel, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 134: 474, 2009 (Hässel &
Rubies 2009). BASIONYM: Lophocolea cookiana C.Massal., Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 17: 224, 1885
(Massalongo 1885).
Chiloscyphus obvolutus (Hook.f. et Taylor) Hässel var. obvolutus, created by Chiloscyphus obvolutus var.
cookianus (C.Massal.) Hässel, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 134: 474, 2009 (Hässel & Rubies 2009).
Chiloscyphus semiteres var. retusus J.J.Engel, Phytologia 83: 44, 1997 [1998]. TYPE: “AUSTRALIA. New
South Wales: Murrumbidgee River, Rules Point, 37 km NW of Adaminaby, Streimann 7482 (CBG!)”
(Engel 1998). NOTE: Also published by J.J.Engel, Fieldiana: Bot. n.s. 48: 103. 2010, citing the same
specimen (Engel 2010).
Chiloscyphus septatus J.J.Engel, Fieldiana, Bot. n.s. 48: 125, 2010. TYPE: “New Zealand, North Is., North
Auckland Prov., Radar Bush, WSW of Cape Reinga, S of Mt. Te Paki, ca. 100 m, Engel 20825–c. (F);
isotype: (AK)” (Engel 2010).
Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press 29
** Chiloscyphus trapezoïdes (Mont.) J.J.Engel et R.M.Schust. ex Gradst., Biblioth. Lichenol. 99: 147, 2009,
nom. inval. Art. 33.4; basionym not fully cited (Gradstein 2009). BASIONYM: Lophocolea trapezoïdes
Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. (ser. 2) 19: 251, 1843 (Montagne 1843). NOTE: If valid, it would be blocked by
Chiloscyphus trapezioides Sande Lac., Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 3: 417, 1855 [1854].
Chiloscyphus trichocoleoides Glenny, J.J.Engel et Xiao L.He, J. Bryol. 31: 100, 2009. HOLOTYPE: “New
Zealand, Western Nelson Ecological Province, Marino Mountains, valley between Mt Owen and Mt Bell,
41° 32.7'S, 172° 33.1'E, NZMS 260 M28 726622, 1440 m, on soil on walls of sinkhole in dense
Chionochloa pallens tussockland; D. Glenny 9888, 19 December 2006; CHR. Isotypes: F, H” (Glenny et
al. 2009).
Chiloscyphus undulatus (Mont.) Hässel, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 134: 474, 2009 (Hässel & Rubies 2009).
BASIONYM: Lophocolea undulata Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. (ser. 3) 4: 351, 1845 (Montagne 1845).
Chiloscyphus wambanus (Piippo) J.J.Engel, Fieldiana, Bot. n.s. 48: 18, 2010 (Engel 2010). BASIONYM:
Lophocolea wambana Piippo, Acta Bot. Fenn. 131: 163, 1985 (Piippo 1985).
** Cladopodiella francisci f. laxior (Lindb.) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 525, 2002 nom. inval.
Art. 32.1.d basionym not valid (Damsholt 2002). BASIONYM: Jungermannia francisci var. laxior
Lindb., Morgonbladet (Helsinki) 1876 (287) 10 Dec.: 1, 1876, nom. inval. Art. 32,1,d; no description
(Lindberg 1876).
Cololejeunea antillana Pócs, Polish Bot. J. 54: 3, 2009 (Pócs & Bernecker 2009). NOM. NOV. PRO
Aphanolejeunea longifolia Ast, Rev. Bryol. Lichénol. 16: 23, 1947 [1948] (Jovet-Ast 1948). BLOCKING
NAME: Cololejeunea longifolia (Mitt.) Benedix ex Mizut., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 26: 184, 1963 (Mizutani
Cololejeunea berneckerae Pócs, Polish Bot. J. 54: 4, 2009 (Pócs & Bernecker 2009). NOM. NOV. PRO
Aphanolejeunea pocsii Bern.-Lück., Nova Hedwigia 66: 168, 1998 (Bernecker-Lücking 1998).
BLOCKING NAME: Cololejeunea pocsii Tixier, Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Natl. Hung. 66: 95, 1974 (Tixier
Cololejeunea caihuaella But et P.C.Wu, Hepat. Fl. Hong Kong: 132, 2009. TYPE: “[Hong Kong] Tai Mo
Shan, Tai Po, on the leaves of Pothos chinensis, 820 m alt., T. H. Yip 726” (Wu & But 2009).
Cololejeunea cingens (Herzog) Bern.-Lück. et Pócs, Polish Bot. J. 54: 4, 2009 (Pócs & Bernecker 2009).
BASIONYM: Aphanolejeunea cingens Herzog, Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 46: 104, 1952 (Herzog 1952a).
Cololejeunea cornutissima (R.M.Schust.) Stotler et Crand.-Stotl., Bryologist 80: 411, 1977 (Stotler &
Crandall-Stotler 1977). BASIONYM: Aphanolejeunea cornutissima R.M.Schust., Bryologist 59: 217,
1956 (Schuster 1956). NOTE: Also combined by Pócs in Polish Bot. J. 54: 4, 2009 (Pócs & Bernecker
Cololejeunea costaricensis (Bern.-Lück.) Bern.-Lück. et Pócs, Polish Bot. J. 54: 5, 2009 (Pócs & Bernecker
2009). BASIONYM: Aphanolejeunea costaricensis Bern.-Lück., Nova Hedwigia 66: 164, 1998
(Bernecker-Lücking 1998).
Cololejeunea crenata (A.Evans) Pócs, Polish Bot. J. 54: 5, 2009 (Pócs & Bernecker 2009). BASIONYM:
Aphanolejeunea crenata A.Evans, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 38: 276, 1911 (Evans 1911).
Cololejeunea cubensis Pócs, Polish Bot. J. 54: 5, 2009 (Pócs & Bernecker 2009). NOM. NOV. PRO
Aphanolejeunea evansii Herzog, Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 61: 583, 1942 (Herzog 1942). BLOCKING
NAME: Cololejeunea evansii Tixier, Candollea 46: 271, 1991 (Tixier 1991).
Cololejeunea epiphylla G.Asthana et A.Shukla, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 218, 2010. TYPE: “India, Karnataka,
Shimoga, Megarvalli (18 km from Agumbe), alt. ca 650 m, epiphyllous, 10 November, 2006, G. Asthana
& party, 19762/06 (LWU)” (Asthana & Shukla 2010).
Cololejeunea erostrata (Herzog) Bern.-Lück. et Pócs, Polish Bot. J. 54: 5, 2009 (Pócs & Bernecker 2009).
BASIONYM: Physocolea erostrata Herzog, Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 61: 582, 1942 (Herzog 1942).
Cololejeunea grossepapillosa (Horik.) N.Kitag., Hikobia, suppl. 1: 68, 1981 (Kitagawa 1981). BASIONYM:
Aphanolejeunea grossepapillosa Horik., J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ. Ser. B, Div. 2, Bot. 1: 92, 1931 (Horikawa
1931). NOTE: Also combined by Pócs in Polish Bot. J. 54: 5. 2009 (Pócs & Bernecker 2009).
30 Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press
Cololejeunea iwatsukiana (Pócs) Pócs, Polish Bot. J. 54: 6, 2009 (Pócs & Bernecker 2009). BASIONYM:
Aphanolejeunea iwatsukiana Pócs, Hikobia 11: 457, 1994 (Pócs 1994).
Cololejeunea jovetastiana (Pócs) Pócs, Polish Bot. J. 54: 6, 2009 (Pócs & Bernecker 2009). BASIONYM:
Aphanolejeunea jovetastiana Pócs, Cryptog. Bryol. Lichénol. 5: 251, 1984 (Pócs 1984).
Cololejeunea koponenii (Pócs) Pócs, Polish Bot. J. 54: 6, 2009 (Pócs & Bernecker 2009). BASIONYM:
Aphanolejeunea koponenii Pócs, Acta Bot. Fenn. 165: 91, 1999 (Pócs & Piippo 1999).
** Cololejeunea lichenyae M.Wigginton, Trop. Bryol. 20: 85, 2001, nom. inval. Art. 36.1; no Latin
description. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: MALAWI, Mt. Mulanje, in the vicinity of the Nessa path, south of
Lichenya: 7429, 7529, 1800-1820 m, Porley 271h, 279d; Hodgetts 2554hh, 2558a, 2569f (Wigginton
2001). NOTE: Later validated by Wigginton et al. (2007).
Cololejeunea lisowskii (Pócs) Pócs, Polish Bot. J. 54: 6, 2009 (Pócs & Bernecker 2009). BASIONYM:
Aphanolejeunea lisowskii Pócs, Cryptog. Bryol. Lichénol. 5: 259, 1984 (Pócs 1984).
Cololejeunea microscopica var. exigua (A.Evans) Pócs, Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76 (4): 73, 2009
(Gradstein & Ilkiu-Borges 2009). BASIONYM: Aphanolejeunea exigua A.Evans, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club
38: 273, 1911 (Evans 1911).
Cololejeunea minuscula Pócs, Polish Bot. J. 54: 7, 2009 (Pócs & Bernecker 2009). NOM. NOV. PRO
Aphanolejeunea minuta R.M.Schust., Hepat. Anthocerotae N. Amer. 4: 1310, 1980 (Schuster 1980a).
NOTE: Blocking name is Cololejeunea minuta Steph., Bull. Herb. Boissier 5: 79, 1897 (Stephani 1897a).
Cololejeunea moralesiae (Bern.-Lück.) Bern.-Lück. et Pócs, Polish Bot. J. 54: 7, 2009 (Pócs & Bernecker
2009). BASIONYM: Aphanolejeunea moralesiae Bern.-Lück., Nova Hedwigia 66: 166, 1998 (Bernecker-
Lücking 1998).
Cololejeunea morobensis (Pócs) Pócs, Polish Bot. J. 54: 7, 2009 (Pócs & Bernecker 2009). BASIONYM:
Aphanolejeunea morobensis Pócs, Ann. Bot. Fenn. 31: 180, 1994 (Pócs et al. 1994).
Cololejeunea norrisii (Pócs) Pócs, Polish Bot. J. 54: 7, 2009 (Pócs & Bernecker 2009). BASIONYM:
Aphanolejeunea norrisii Pócs, Acta Bot. Fenn. 165: 95, 1999 (Pócs & Piippo 1999).
Cololejeunea papillosa (K.I.Goebel) Mizut., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 156, 1966 (Mizutani 1966).
BASIONYM: Physocolea papillosa K.I.Goebel, Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg 39: 39, 1928 (Goebel 1928).
NOTE: Also combined by Bern.-Lück. et Pócs in Cryptog., Bryol. 29: 234, 2008 (Dauphin et al. 2008).
Cololejeunea paucifolia (Spruce) Bern.-Lück. et Pócs, Polish Bot. J. 54: 8, 2009 (Pócs & Bernecker 2009).
BASIONYM: Lejeunea paucifolia Spruce, Trans. & Proc. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh 15: 250, 1884 (Spruce
Cololejeunea sicaefolia (Gottsche ex Steph.) Pócs et Bern.-Lück., Polish Bot. J. 54: 8, 2009 (Pócs &
Bernecker 2009). BASIONYM: Lejeunea sicaefolia Gottsche ex Steph., Hedwigia 27: 290, 1888
(Stephani 1888).
Cololejeunea sicaefolia subsp. jamaicensis (R.M.Schust.) Bern.-Lück. et Pócs, Polish Bot. J. 54: 8, 2009
(Pócs & Bernecker 2009). BASIONYM: Aphanolejeunea jamaicensis R.M.Schust., Phytologia 45: 434,
1980 (Schuster 1980b).
Cololejeunea sicaefolia (Gottsche ex Steph.) Pócs et Bern.-Lück. subsp. sicaefolia, created by Cololejeunea
sicaefolia subsp. jamaicensis (R.M.Schust.) Bern.-Lück. et Pócs, Polish Bot. J. 54: 8, 2009 (Pócs &
Bernecker 2009).
Cololejeunea thiersiae (Pócs) Pócs, Polish Bot. J. 54: 9, 2009 (Pócs & Bernecker 2009). BASIONYM:
Aphanolejeunea thiersiae Pócs, Hikobia 11: 459, 1994 (Pócs 1994).
* Cololejeunea verrucosa (Ast) Pócs, Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76 (4): 78, 2009, nom. illeg. Art. 53.1; hom.
illeg. [non Steph. 1895] (Gradstein & Ilkiu-Borges 2009). BASIONYM: Aphanolejeunea verrucosa Ast,
Rev. Bryol. Lichénol. 16: 25, 1947 [1948] (Jovet-Ast 1948). BLOCKING NAME: Cololejeunea
verrucosa Steph., Hedwigia 34: 253, 1895 (Stephani 1895b).
Cololejeunea winkleri (M.I.Morales et Bern.-Lück.) Pócs, Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76 (4): 78, 2009
(Gradstein & Ilkiu-Borges 2009). BASIONYM: Aphanolejeunea winkleri M.I.Morales et Bern.-Lück.,
Nova Hedwigia 60: 120, 1995 (Morales & Lücking 1995).
Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press 31
Cololejeunea yipii R.L.Zhu, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 121: 346, 2001. HOLOTYPE: CHINA. Yunnan.
Gongshan, Dulongjiang, between Qinlangdang and Intersection (Jiebei) no. 41, 1240 m, epiphyllous, M.
Zhang 2282, HSNU; isotype in IFP (Zhu & So 2001).
Corsiniales C.Gao, Y.H.Wu et W.Li (order), Genera Hepaticopsida Anthocerotopsida Sinicorum: 96, 2010
(Gao et al. 2010). NOTE: Automatically typified (Art. 16.1.a) by Corsiniaceae Engler.
Cuspidatula flaccida (Steph.) K.Feldberg, Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 142, 2010
(Feldberg et al. 2010). BASIONYM: Anastrophyllum flaccidum Steph., Sp. Hepat. (Stephani) 6: 105,
1917 (Stephani 1917b).
Cuspidatula kirkii (Steph.) K.Feldberg, Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 142, 2010
(Feldberg et al. 2010). BASIONYM: Jamesoniella kirkii Steph., Hedwigia 34: 47, 1895 (Stephani 1895a).
Cyathodiales C.Gao, Y.H.Wu et W.Li (order), Genera Hepaticopsida Anthocerotopsida Sinicorum: 578,
2010 (Gao et al. 2010). NOTE: Automatically typified (Art. 16.1.a) by Cyathodiaceae Müll.Frib.
Dendroceros herasii M.Infante, J. Bryol. 32: 285, 2010. TYPE: “Type: Guinea Ecuatorial, Annobón, Mte.
Quioveo. 1°26'12"S, 5°37'58"E, 590 m. Bosque neblinoso de Schefflera mannii (Hook.f.) Harms en la
cumbre, muy musgoso. Colgante en liana fina. Corticícola. Leg. Marta Infante & Patxi Heras 27 October
2000. Holotype: VIT 25366 (1295/00). Paratypes: VIT 25311 (1240/00), VIT 25352 (1281/00), UPS
(collector number 422–423), UPS (collector number 447)” (Infante 2010).
** Dicladolejeunea rotundifolia (Mitt.) M.E.Reiner ex León-Yánez, Gradst. et Wegner, Hepat. Anthoc.
Ecuador: 35, 2006, nom. inval. Art. 33.4; basionym not cited (León-Yánez et al. 2006): BASIONYM:
Lejeunea rotundifolia Mitt., Hooker's J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 3: 359, 1851 (Mitten 1851).
** Diplasiolejeunea costaricensis J.Eggers, Trop. Bryol. 20: 114, 2001, nom. inval. Art. 32.1.d; no
description. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: COSTA RICA, Alajuela, Cordillera Central, between Vara Blanca
and Poas Volcano, pastures with scattered trees at 1970 m, epiphyllous, accompanied by Diplasiolejeunea
alata, Microlejeunea bullata, Lejeunea flava, D. inchoata, Metzgeria sp. and others, 31 Jan 1985, J.
Eggers CR 1/200 (EGR, hb. Eggers) (Eggers 2001).
Drepanolejeunea herzogii R.L.Zhu et M.L.So, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 121: 181, 2001 (Zhu & So 2001). NOM.
NOV. PRO Strepsilejeunea ocellata Herzog, Memoranda Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 26: 57, 1950 [1951]
(Herzog 1951a). BLOCKING NAME: Drepanolejeunea ocellata Steph., Sp. Hepat. (Stephani): 349, 1913
(Stephani 1913).
Drepanolejeunea inchoata var. palmicola Pócs, Acta Bot. Hung. 51: 381, 2009. TYPE: “[Dominican
Republic] La Vega. Cordillera Central. S of Arroyo Prieto (A. Frio) village, in Arroyo Aguacate valley
(territory called “La Joya de Paulina”). Epiphyllous in undisturbed rainforest on palm leaflets,
1,100–1,200 m altitude, N 19° 00.22’–30’, W 70° 31.90’–32.10’, coll.: Pócs 03172/BO (holotype of var.:
EGR; Isotypes: JBSD, Herbarium Schäfer-Verwimp, G)” (Schäfer-Verwimp & Pócs 2009).
Drepanolejeunea thwaitesiana var. zhengii R.L.Zhu, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 121: 197, 2001. HOLOTYPE:
CHINA, Hainan. Jianfengling, 1200 m, on leaves, P.-Z. Zheng 503, HSNU; isotype in IBSC (Zhu & So
Fossombronia marshii J.R.Bray et Stotler, Phytologia 92: 230, 2010. TYPE: “HOLOTYPE: U.S.A.
ARKANSAS. Columbia County, Ebenezer Church Cemetery, 33° 35’ N, 93° 17’ W, on sandy soil in an
open mowed grassy area, 10 March 1997, Stotler & Crandall-Stotler 3940 (ABSH); PARATYPES:
ARKANSAS. Columbia County, ca 1.8 mi W of Atlanta on Hwy 98, S side of Highway, 33° 12’ N, 93°
05’ W, on fine sandy loam along power line cut, 24 Nov. 1996, Bray 297 (ABSH); 22 Nov. 1998, Bray
327 (ABSH)” (Stotler et al. 2010).
Frullania sect. Inconditum von Konrat, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Nova Hedwigia 91: 480, 2010. TYPE:
Frullania hodgsoniae von Konrat, Braggins, Hentschel et Heinrichs (von Konrat et al. 2010c).
** Frullania brasiliensis f. spinuliflora Herzog ex G.Dauphin, Trop. Bryol. 26: 159, 2005, nom. inval. Art.
32.1.d; no description. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: COSTA RICA, Cartago, Turrialba, Volcán Turrialba, P.
Standley 34963, 34977 (Dauphin 2005). NOTE: Probably error for Frullania robusta f. spinuliflora
Herzog (Herzog 1951b: 129).
32 Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press
Frullania colliculosa von Konrat, Braggins, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Nova Hedwigia 91: 494, 2010. TYPE:
“HOLOTYPE: New Zealand, SOUTH ISLAND, Kahurangi National Park, ca. 200 m below summit of
Mt Arthur from its ridge approach above Horseshoe Basin. Communities of subalpine shrubs, cushion
vegetation, and rocky herbfields, including Dracophyllum, Hebe albicans-Aciphylla aurea-Chionochloa
herblands, on bark of 0.5 m. tall Dracophyllum latifolium, protected deep within its protected branches
towards base, 41°13'S 172°41.5'E, c. 1600 m, von Konrat 99/405, 20 Dec 1999. AK; isotypes CHR, F”
(von Konrat et al. 2010c).
Frullania cretacea Hentschel, A.R.Schmidt et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 30: 326, 2009. TYPE: “amber
inclusion in sample AMNH B-011 from Myanmar” (Hentschel et al. 2009). NOTE: Upper Albion (mid
Cretaceous, 100 my) amber from Burma.
Frullania hodgsoniae von Konrat, Braggins, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Nova Hedwigia 91: 492, 2010 (von
Konrat et al. 2010c). STAT. ET NOM. NOV. PRO Frullania aterrima var. lepida E.A.Hodgs., Trans. &
Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 77: 386, 1949 (Hodgson 1949).
** Frullania mesophila Gradst., Hepat. Anthoc. Ecuador: 41, 2006, nom. inval. Art. 34.1.c; publ. in syn. [sub
Frullania gradsteinii Yuzawa, Mues et S.Hatt. 1987] (León-Yánez et al. 2006).
Frullania teneriffae f. explanata (Macvicar) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 601, 2002 (Damsholt
2002). BASIONYM: Frullania germana f. explanata Macvicar, Stud. Handb. Brit. Hep.: 437, 1912
(Macvicar 1912).
Gymnomitrion asperulatum R.M.Schust. ex Vá a, Egri Tanárképzö Föisk. Tud. Közlem. 24: 114, 2003.
HOLOTYPE: “Estado Mérida, Venezuela: Sierra Nevada de Mérida, ca. 4160 m, above small Polylepis
bosque, near the penultimate station of the Teleferico (RMS 76-1429)”, hb. Schuster, isotype in PRC
(Vá a 2003).
Gymnomitrion bolivianum (Steph.) Vá a, Novon 20: 225, 2010 (Vá a et al. 2010b). BASIONYM:
Anastrophyllum bolivianum Steph., Herzog, Biblioth. Bot. 87: 186, 1916 (Stephani 1916b).
Gymnomitrion minutulum (Hässel) Vá a, Novon 20: 225, 2010 (Vá a et al. 2010b). BASIONYM:
Marsupella minutula Hässel, J. Bryol. 11: 123, 1980 (Hässel 1980).
Gymnomitrion nigrum (Grolle et Vá a) Vá a, Novon 20: 225, 2010 (Vá a et al. 2010b). BASIONYM:
Marsupella nigra Grolle et Vá a, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 40: 186, 1976 (Vá a 1976).
Gymnomitrion subintegrum (S.W.Arnell) Vá a, Novon 20: 225, 2010 (Vá a et al. 2010b). BASIONYM:
Marsupella subintegra S.W.Arnell, Ark. Bot. 3 (16): 545, 1956 (Arnell 1956).
Harpalejeunea molleri subsp. integra (R.M.Schust.) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 615, 2002
(Damsholt 2002). BASIONYM: Harpalejeunea ovata subsp. integra R.M.Schust., J. Elisha Mitchell Sci.
Soc. 83: 199, 1967 (Schuster 1967).
** Harpalejeunea molleri subsp. subacuta (A.Evans) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 615, 2002, nom.
inval. Art. 33.4; basionym not cited (Damsholt 2002). BASIONYM: Harpalejeunea subacuta A.Evans,
Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 30: 547, 1903 (Evans 1903).
** Herbertus gymnocoloides X.Fu, Flora Yunnanica 17: 6, 2000, nom. inval. Art. 36.1; no Latin description.
ORIGINAL MATERIAL: [in Chinese] (Gao & Cao 2000).
** Herbertus haidensis W.B.Schofield ex W.S.Hong, Lindbergia 32: 70, 2007 [2008] nom. inval. Art. 32.1.d;
no description. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: Queen charlotte Islands (Hong 2008).
Herbertus stramineus var. alpinus (Macvicar) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 42, 2002, ”alpina
(Damsholt 2002). BASIONYM: Herbertus aduncus var. alpinus Macvicar, Stud. Handb. Brit. Hep.: 340,
1912 (Macvicar 1912).
Herbertus udarii D.Kumar et N.Manocha, Geophytology 29: 105, 2000. HOLOTYPE: India. West
Darjeeling, Ray Ville Road. R. Udar, S.C. Srivastava & D. Kumar s.n., Dec 31, 1969 (Holotype: LWU-
1400/69) (Kumar & Manocha 2000),
Herzogianthaceae Stotler et Crand.-Stotl. (fam.), Bryoph. Biol. ed. 2: 54, 2009. TYPE: Herzogianthus
R.M.Schust. (Crandall-Stotler et al. 2009b).
Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press 33
Heterogemma (Jørg.) Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 67, 2009 [2010] (Konstantinova & Vilnet 2010).
BASIONYM: Lophozia sect. Heterogemmae Jørg., Bergens Mus. Skr. n.s. 16: 146, 1934 (Jørgensen
Heterogemma capitata (Hook.) Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 67, 2009 [2010] (Konstantinova & Vilnet
2010). BASIONYM: Jungermannia capitata Hook., Brit. Jungerm.: pl. 80, 1816 (Hooker 1816).
Heterogemma laxa (Lindb.) Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 67, 2009 [2010] (Konstantinova & Vilnet 2010).
BASIONYM: Jungermannia laxa Lindb., Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 10: 539, 1874 [1875] (Lindberg 1875).
Heteroscyphus echinellus (Lindenb. et Gottsche) J.J.Engel et Xiao L.He, Bryologist 113: 155, 2010 (Engel &
He 2010). BASIONYM: Lophocolea echinella Lindenb. et Gottsche, Syn. Hepat. 5: 703, 1847 (Gottsche
et al. 1847).
Heteroscyphus echinellus (Lindenb. et Gottsche) J.J.Engel et Xiao L.He var. echinellus, created by
Heteroscyphus echinellus var. hyalinus J.J.Engel, Bryologist 113: 161, 2010 (Engel & He 2010).
Heteroscyphus echinellus var. hyalinus J.J.Engel, Bryologist 113: 161, 2010. TYPE: “New Zealand, North
Is.: North Auckland Prov., Hewad, SE of Whangarei, 390 m, Engel 22240 (F, holotype; AK, isotype)”
(Engel & He 2010).
** Hyalolepidozia bicuspidata var. autoica R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 118: 387, 2000, nom. inval.
Art. 36.1; no Latin description. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: RMS 69-9436, Puerto Alert, Chile (Schuster
** Hygrobiellaceae Konstant. et Vilnet (fam.), Arctoa 18: 65, 2009 [2010], nom. inval. Art. 33.4; basionym
not cited (Konstantinova & Vilnet 2010). BASED ON: Hygrobiellae Jørg. (tr.), Bergens Mus. Skr. n.s. 16:
257, 1934 (Jørgensen 1934).
Isotachis chinensis C.Gao, T.Cao et J.Sun, Bryologist 105: 694, 2002 [2003]. HOLOTYPE: CHINA,
Guangxi. Xin An County, Miaoer Mt., elev. 3,200, on rock, Gao & Zhang 1317, 14 Sept. 1974 (IFSBH)
(Gao et al. 2003a).
Isotachis simonesii Fittip., Rev. Inst. Geol. São Paulo 23: 20, 2002. HOLOTYPE: Brasil, São Paulo,
Itaquaquecetuba, Porto de area no 1 da Itaquareia GP/3E-S189 [Cenozoic] (Fittipaldi 2002).
Jungermannia exsertifolia var. gracilis (C.E.O.Jensen) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 211, 2002
(Damsholt 2002). BASIONYM: Aplozia cordifolia var. gracilis C.E.O.Jensen, Danmarks Mosser: 94,
1915, “Haplozia” (Jensen 1915).
** Jungermannia gracillima var. arctica Damsh., Lindbergia 33: 102, 2010, nom. inval. Art. 36.1; no Latin
description. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: “s. loc. spec.” (Damsholt 2010).
Jungermannia gracillima var. crenulata (Mitt.) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 224, 2002 (Damsholt
2002). BASIONYM: Solenostoma crenulatum Mitt., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 8: 51, 1865 (Mitten 1865). NOTE:
Damsholt (2002) cites Jungermannia crenulata Sm. as basionym. However that is an illegitimate
homonym and Mitten’s name must be considered as a nomen novum for it and thus the basionym for the
taxon (cf. Art. 58.1). We do not think this error makes the name invalid or illegitimate.
** Jungermannia gracillima f. subaquatica (Schiffn.) Damsh., Distr. maps Bryoph. Anthoc. Faeroes: 12,
2000, nom. inval. Art. 33.4; basionym not cited (Damsholt 2000). BASIONYM: Nardia crenulata var.
subaquatica Schiffn., Österr. Bot. Z. 54: 132, 1904 (Schiffner 1904).
Jungermannia konstantinovae Bakalin et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 161, 2009 [2010]. TYPE: “the Russian Far East,
Primorskij Territory, Nakhodka City area, Sestra Mt. (42°49’40"N 132°59’40"E), 328 m alt. Wet
calcareous cliffs in deep ravine, surrounded scattered oak and Rhododendron shrubs, leg. 17 October 2008
Bakalin (VLA, P-69-16-08, isotype in KPABG 112870)” (Bakalin & Vilnet 2010).
Jungermannia lanceolata var. atrovirens (Dumort.) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 201, 2002
(Damsholt 2002). BASIONYM: Jungermannia atrovirens Dumort., Syll. Jungerm. Europ.: 51, 1831
(Dumortier 1831).
Jungermannia obovata subsp. minor (Carrington) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 232, 2002
(Damsholt 2002). BASIONYM: Nardia obovata minor Carrington, Brit. Hep. 1: 33, 1874 (Carrington
34 Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press
Jungermannia sphaerocarpa subsp. purpurea (R.M.Schust. et Damsh.) Damsh., Lindbergia 33: 102, 2010
(Damsholt 2010). BASIONYM: Solenostoma pyriflorum subsp. purpureum R.M.Schust. et Damsh.,
Meddel. Grønland 199 (1): 176, 1974 (Schuster & Damsholt 1974).
Jungermannia sphaerocarpa Hook. subsp. sphaerocarpa, created by Jungermannia sphaerocarpa subsp.
purpurea (R.M.Schust. et Damsh.) Damsh., Lindbergia 33: 102, 2010 (Damsholt 2010).
Jungermannia subulata var. leiantha (Grolle) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 200, 2002 (Damsholt
2002). BASIONYM: Jungermannia leiantha Grolle, Taxon 15: 187, 1966 (Grolle 1966b).
Kurzia caduciloba R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 118: 273, 2000. HOLOTYPE: NEW CALEDONIA,
Pic Buse, RMS 52771, F (Schuster 2000).
** Kurzia calcarata var. temnomoides (R.M.Schust.) R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 118: 258, 2000,
nom. inval. Art. 33.4; basionym not cited (Schuster 2000). BASIONYM: Kurzia temnomoides
R.M.Schust., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 48: 371, 1980 (Schuster 1980c).
** Kurzia rigidissima R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 118: 270, 2000, nom. inval. Art. 32.1.d; no
description. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: Westland, New Zealand [Pakahi, 4 km N. of Big Totara R., RMS
841045a (Schuster 2000).
Kurzia trilobata (R.M.Schust.) R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 118: 270, 2000 (Schuster 2000).
BASIONYM: Kurzia quadriseta var. trilobata R.M.Schust., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 48: 363, 1980 (Schuster
Leiocolea bantriensis (Hook.) Jørg. subsp. bantriensis, created by Leiocolea bantriensis subsp. wallfischii
tef nu , Hornwort Liverwort Romania: 21, 2008 ( tef nu 2008).
Leiocolea bantriensis subsp. wallfischii tef nu , Hornwort Liverwort Romania: 21, 2008. TYPE:
“Romania, Southern Carpathians, Bucegi Massif, L ptici Peatbog, 1470 m alt., coord. 45°22'26"N /
25°26'23"E, 28 July 2005, leg. tef nu S., BUCA B5209 - holotype” ( tef nu 2008).
** Leiocolea collaris var. libertae (Huebener) L.Söderstr., Prel. Distr. Maps Norden 1. Hep. Anthocerot. (ed.
2): 25, 2002, nom. inval. Art. 33.4; basionym not cited (Söderström et al. 2002). BASIONYM:
Jungermannia libertae Huebener, Flora 15: 305, 1832 (Hübener 1832).
Leiocolea mayebarae (S.Hatt.) Furuki et Mizut., Bryol. Res. 8: 310, 2004 (Furuki & Mizutani 2004).
BASIONYM: Cephalozia mayebarae S.Hatt., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3: 37, 1948 [1950] (Hattori 1950b).
Leiocolea morrisoncola (Horik.) Furuki et Mizut., Bryol. Res. 8: 310, 2004 (Furuki & Mizutani 2004).
BASIONYM: Lophozia morrisoncola Horik., J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., Ser. B., Div. 2, Bot. 2: 150, 1934
(Horikawa 1934).
Leiomitra breviseta (Steph.) R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 118: 152, 2000 (Schuster 2000).
BASIONYM: Trichocolea breviseta Steph., Sp. Hepat. (Stephani) 4: 60, 1909 (Stephani 1909).
** Leiomitra robusta (Steph.) R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 118: 147, 2000, nom. inval. Art. 33.4;
basionym not cited (Schuster 2000). BASIONYM: Trichocolea robusta Steph., Sp. Hepat. (Stephani) 4:
58, 1909 (Stephani 1909).
** Lejeunea caulicalyx var. microgyna (R.M.Schust.) R.M.Schust., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 91: 169, 2001, nom.
inval. Art. 32.1.d; basionym not valid (Schuster 2001). BASIONYM: Lejeunea bermudiana subsp.
microgyna R.M.Schust., Hepat. Anthocerotae N. Amer. 4: 1111, 1980, nom. inval. Art. 36.1; no Latin
description (Schuster 1980a).
Lejeunea colensoana (Steph.) M.A.M.Renner, Austral. Syst. Bot. 23: 455, 2010 (Renner et al. 2010a).
BASIONYM: Taxilejeunea colensoana Steph., Hedwigia 35: 132, 1896 (Stephani 1896).
** Lejeunea contractiloba R.M.Schust. ex M.E.Reiner et Goda, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 89: 51, 2000 nom. inval.
Art. 32.1.d; no description (Reiner-Drehwald & Goda 2000). ORIGINAL MATERIAL: “Antillean plant”.
Lejeunea deplanata var. cuspidata (Steph.) M.E.Reiner, Nova Hedwigia 91: 529, 2010 (Reiner-Drehwald
2010). BASIONYM: Pycnolejeunea cuspidata Steph., Sp. Hepat. (Stephani) 5: 605, 1914 (Stephani
Lejeunea deplanata Nees var. deplanata, created by Lejeunea deplanata var. cuspidata (Steph.) M.E.Reiner,
Nova Hedwigia 91: 529, 2010 (Reiner-Drehwald 2010).
Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press 35
** Lejeunea evansiana (R.M.Schust.) Schäf.-Verw., Candollea 56: 64, 2001, nom. inval. Art. 32.1.d;
basionym not valid (Schäfer-Verwimp 2001). BASIONYM: Rectolejeunea evansiana R.M.Schust.,
Hepat. Anthocerotae N. Amer. 4: 1127, 1980, nom. inval. Art. 37.2; based on more than one gathering
(Schuster 1980a).
Lejeunea halei subsp. africana Pócs, J. Bryol. 29: 89, 2007. TYPE: “Equatorial Guinea. Bioko Island,
Hochland von Moca, Wälder am Südufer des Lago Biao, 1750-1800 m, 03°21'N, 08°37'E, F. Müller
B999/f, 19.2.2002. HOLOTYPE: DR. ISOTYPE: EGR, GOET” (Müller & Pócs 2007).
Lejeunea halei H.Rob. subsp. halei, created by Lejeunea halei subsp. africana Pócs, J. Bryol. 29: 89, 2007
(Müller & Pócs 2007).
** Lejeunea halei var. africana Pócs ex von Konrat, L.Söderstr., A.Hagborg, Crosby et J.J.Engel, Cryptog.,
Bryol. 31: 14, 2010, nom. inval. Art. 32.1.d; no description (von Konrat et al. 2010b). BASED ON:
Lejeunea halei subsp. africana Pócs, J. Bryol. 29: 89, 2007 (Müller & Pócs 2007). NOTE: Erroneously
published as a variety instead of a subspecies.
** Lejeunea hodgsoniana Grolle ex M.A.M.Renner, E.A.Br. et G.M.Wardle, Austral. Syst. Bot. 23: 452,
2010, nom. inval. Art. 32.1.d; no description. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: “s. loc. spec. [New Zealand]”
(Renner et al. 2010a).
Lejeunea hui R.L.Zhu, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 121: 134, 2001. HOLOTYPE: CHINA, Yunnan. Gongshan,
Dulongjiang, between Maku and Bapo, 1400 m, 7 Aug. 1982, D.-C. Zhang 1725, HSNU (isotypes in IFP
& KUN) (Zhu & So 2001).
Lejeunea kuerschneriana Pócs, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 138: 100, 2010. TYPE: “Kenya: Rift Valley Region,
Elgeyo Marakwet District. S range of Elgeyo Escarpment. Tumeiyo Forest along the Eldoret – Eldama
Ravine road, 2 km S of Kapkitoni village. Degraded (grazed) montane rainforest dominated by
Podocarpus latifolius and Macaranga kilimandscharica, at 2500 m altitude. 00° 13' 55" N, 24° 33' 36" E,
T. Pócs with M. S. Chuah-Petiot and with Nairobi University students, 03017/P, 6 Feb 2003. (Holotype
EGR, Isotypes EA, GOET)” (Pócs 2010b).
Lejeunea longilobula Pócs, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 138: 112, 2010 (Pócs 2010b). NOM. NOV. PRO Lejeunea
halei subsp. africana Pócs, J. Bryol. 29: 89, 2007 (Müller & Pócs 2007). BLOCKING NAME: Lejeunea
africana (Steph.) Steph., Hedwigia 30: IX, 1891 (Stephani 1891b).
** Lejeunea longilobulata E.W.Jones ex M.Wigginton, Trop. Bryol. 20: 88, 2001, nom. inval. Art. 32.1.d; no
description. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: MALAWI, Mt. Mulanje, Upper Ruo Gorge, 8237, epiphyll on tree-
fern, 1900 m, Porley 111b. Thuchila, 7840, epiphyll on forest shrub and sapling, 1730 m, Wigginton
1489g, Hodgetts 2389d (Wigginton 2001).
Lejeunea masoalae Pócs, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 138: 103, 2010. TYPE: “Madagascar: W side of Masoala
Peninsula above Antongil Bay. Montane rainforest on the summit ridge SE of Ambanizana village, at
660–720 m altitude, 15°37' S, 50°05' E. coll. T. Pócs 9448/AN, 9 Sep. 1994 (Holotype: EGR, isotypes:
MO, TANA)” (Pócs 2010b).
** Lejeunea meridensis R.M.Schust. ex M.E.Reiner et Goda, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 89: 51, 2000 nom. inval.
Art. 32.1.d; no description (Reiner-Drehwald & Goda 2000), “meridense”. ORIGINAL MATERIAL:
Lejeunea oracola M.A.M.Renner, Austral. Syst. Bot. 23: 448, 2010. TYPE: “NEW ZEALAND. North Island,
Maungataniwha Ecological District, Wainui River catchment, Iwitaua Road, on trunk of Kunzea aff.
ericoides, 100 m, M.A.M. Renner 2940, 5 July 2007 (holotype: AK299972; isotypes: CHR, F, NSW)”
(Renner et al. 2010a).
Lejeunea propagulifera Gradst., Phytotaxa 9: 54, 2010 (Söderström et al. 2010a). NOM. NOV. PRO
Trachylejeunea schiffneri Herzog, Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 42: 239, 1948 (Herzog 1948). BLOCKING NAME:
Lejeunea schiffneri Steph. ex Schiffn., Nova Acta. Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. German Nat. Cur. 60: 233,
1893 (Schiffner 1893b).
Lejeunea rhigophila M.A.M.Renner, Austral. Syst. Bot. 23: 453, 2010. TYPE: “NEW ZEALAND. North
36 Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press
Island, Pureora Ecological District, Waihaha Stream catchment, on Coprosma propinqua, 480 m, 8 July
2007, M.A.M. Renner 2993 (Holotype: AK300148, isotypes: CHR, F, NSW)” (Renner et al. 2010a).
** Lejeunea subacuminata R.M.Schust. ex M.E.Reiner et Goda, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 89: 51, 2000 nom. inval.
Art. 32.1.d; no description (Reiner-Drehwald & Goda 2000). ORIGINAL MATERIAL: Venezuela.
** Lejeunea tachirensis R.M.Schust. ex M.E.Reiner et Goda, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 89: 51, 2000 nom. inval.
Art. 32.1.d; no description (Reiner-Drehwald & Goda 2000), “tachirense”. ORIGINAL MATERIAL:
Lejeunea thallophora (Eifrig) Gradst., Phytotaxa 9: 54, 2010 (Söderström et al. 2010a). BASIONYM:
Taxilejeunea thallophora Eifrig, Ann. Bryol. 9: 99, 1936 [1937] (Eifrig 1937).
Lejeunea vojtkoi Pócs, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 138: 107, 2010. TYPE: “Madagascar: On decaying wood in
montane rainforest, bordered by Sphagnum marshes on the hill with radio tower, 10 km N of Fianarantsoa,
at 1230–1360 m altitude, 21°15' S, 47°14' E, coll. A. Vojtkó 9461/ AY, 22 Sept. 1994 (Holotype: EGR –
microslide)” (Pócs 2010b).
Lepidozia cupressina var. dissitifolia (Jørg.) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 450, 2002 (Damsholt
2002). BASIONYM: Lepidozia pinnata var. dissitifolia Jørg., Bergens Mus. Skr. n.s.. 16: 302, 1934
(Jørgensen 1934).
Leptolejeunea mirikana M.Dey et D.K.Singh, Taiwania 55: 355, 2010. TYPE: “Holotype: India. Eastern
Himalaya, West Bengal, Darjeeling district, near Mirik lake, ca 1700 m, 18. 01. 2005, D. Singh & M. Dey
36289 (CAL)” (Dey & Singh 2010).
Leptolejeunea udarii M.Dey et D.K.Singh, Taiwania 55: 359, 2010. TYPE: “Holotype: India. Eastern
Himalaya, Sikkim, East district, Rolep, ca 1300 m, 30. 10. 2005, D. Singh 36711A (CAL)” (Dey & Singh
Leptoscyphus subgen. Austroleptoscyphus Vanderp., Schäf.-Verw. et D.G.Long, Taxon 59: 183, 2010. TYPE:
Leptoscyphus australis (Taylor ex Gottsche, Lindenb. et Nees) R.M.Schust. (Vanderpoorten et al. 2010).
Leptoscyphus subgen. Spinoscyphus Vanderp., Schäf.-Verw. et D.G.Long, Taxon 59: 183, 2010. TYPE:
Leptoscyphus cleefii Fulford (Vanderpoorten et al. 2010).
Leptoscyphus gradsteinii Vanderp., Schäf.-Verw. et D.G.Long, Taxon 59: 182, 2010. TYPE: “Holotype: Costa
Rica, San José: Cerro de la Muerte, Reserva 3 de Junio and surroundings, alt. 2650–2800 m, on trunk in
Sphagnum bog, 25 Sept. 1994, S.R. Gradstein & R. Mues 9694 (GOET!)” (Vanderpoorten et al. 2010).
Leptoscyphus lambinonii Vanderp., Schäf.-Verw. et D.G.Long, Taxon 59: 179, 2010. TYPE: “Holotype:
Costa Rica, Cartago: Orosi valley, Tapanti National Park, primary rain forest, Sendero La Oropendola,
epiphytic, ca. 600 m, 30 Dec. 1999, Schäfer-Verwimp & Holz SV/H-0342 (JE!; isotype, INB!)”
(Vanderpoorten et al. 2010).
Leptoscyphus porphyrius subsp. azoricus (H.Buch et Perss.) Vanderp. et Heinrichs, Taxon 59: 181, 2010
(Vanderpoorten et al. 2010). BASIONYM: Mylia azorica H.Buch et Perss., Commentat. Biol. 8 (7): 7,
1941 (Buch & Persson 1941).
Leptoscyphus porphyrius (Nees) Grolle subsp. porphyrius, created by Leptoscyphus porphyrius subsp.
azoricus (H.Buch et Perss.) Vanderp. et Heinrichs, Taxon 59: 181, 2010 (Vanderpoorten et al. 2010).
Leptoscyphus sotiauxii Vanderp., Schäf.-Verw. et D.G.Long, Taxon 59: 183, 2010. TYPE: “Holotype:
Ecuador, Napo, Papallacta pass between Quito and Baeza, Reserva Ecologica Cayambe-Coca, Páramo de
La Virgen northeast of pass height, on steep rocky slope, 4030 m, 15 Aug. 2004, A. Schäfer-Verwimp, J.
Heinrichs, R.A. Wilson & S.O. Yandún 24282 (JE!; isotypes, PRC!, QCA!)” (Vanderpoorten et al. 2010).
Lobatiriccardia coronopus subsp. australis (R.M.Schust.) Nebel, Preussing, Schäf.-Verw. et D.Quandt,
Taxon 59: 1434, 2010 (Preussing et al. 2010). BASIONYM: Aneura lobata subsp. australis R.M.Schust.,
Phytologia 56: 451, 1985 (Schuster 1985).
Lobatiriccardia coronopus (De Not. ex Steph.) Furuki subsp. coronopus, created by Lobatiriccardia
coronopus subsp. australis (R.M.Schust.) Nebel, Preussing, Schäf.-Verw. et D.Quandt, Taxon 59: 1434,
2010 (Preussing et al. 2010).
Lobatiriccardia oberwinkleri Nebel, Preussing, Schäf.-Verw. et D.Quandt, Taxon 59: 1435, 2010. TYPE:
Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press 37
“Type: ECUADOR. Prov. Zamora-Chinchipe, road from Loja to Zamora, 20 km E of Loja, Rió San
Francisco valley, Reserva Biológica San Francisco, Quebrada 2, steep northern exposed slope S of station,
1850 m, ravine in upper mountain rainforest, on steepdripping rock face beside a small cascade, 10 Nov.
2005, M. Preußing MPE05009 (holotype, STU; isotype, QCA). Paratype: same locality as the type, M.
Nebel & M. Preußing MNE06014, 17 Sept. 2006 (QCA, STU)” (Preussing et al. 2010).
Lobatiriccardia verdoornioides Nebel, Preussing, Schäf.-Verw. et D.Quandt, Taxon 59: 1437, 2010. TYPE:
“Type: ECUADOR. Cuenca, El Cajas, 3700 m, wet páramo-vegetation, in a bog on the bank of a small
lake, embedded in angiosperm-cushions together with other bryophytes (Riccardia and Campylopus
species), and rivulets, 27 Sept. 2006, M. Nebel & M. Preußing MNE06049 (holotype, STU; isotype,
QCA). Paratypes: ibid. in the surrounding area, M. Nebel & M. Preußing MNE06051, MNE06052,
MNE06054 (QCA, STU)” (Preussing et al. 2010).
** Lopholejeunea inflata Steph. ex R.L.Zhu et Gradst., Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 74: 86, 2005,
nom. inval. Art. 32.1.d; no description. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: DOMINICA. Elliott 1661, G-23613
(Zhu & Gradstein 2005).
Lopholejeunea sikkimensis var. tenuicostata Sushil K.Singh et D.K.Singh, Bull. Bot. Surv. India 47: 189,
2005. TYPE: “Type: India, Himachal Pradesh, Great Himalayan National Park (Kullu), Sainj Valley - On
way from Bah - Lapah, ca 1800 m, 26 May 2002, S.K. Singh 99594-b (Holotype: CAL; Isotype: BSD).”
(Singh & Singh 2005).
** Lophozia aenigmatica R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 119: 281, 2002, nom. inval. Art. 36.1; no Latin
description. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: VENEZUELA: Sierra de Santo Domingo, 3750 m, RMS & L.
Ruiz-Teran 76-904 (Schuster 2002).
Lophozia alpestris var. libertae (Huebener) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 122, 2002 (Damsholt
2002). BASIONYM: Jungermannia libertae Huebener, Flora 15: 305, 1832 (Hübener 1832).
** Lophozia brunnea R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 119: 282, 2002, nom. inval. Art. 36.1; no Latin
description. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: VENEZUELA: Páramo de Mucubaji, 3600 m, Sierra de Santo
Domingo, 3750 m, RMS 76-836c (Schuster 2002).
Lophozia fitzgeraldiae (Paton et A.R.Perry) Schumacker et Vá a, Identif. keys liverw. hornw. Europe: 110,
2005 (Schumacker & Vá a 2005). BASIONYM: Leiocolea fitzgeraldiae Paton et A.R.Perry, J. Bryol. 18:
470, 1995 (Paton & Perry 1995).
Lophozia grandiretis (Lindb. ex Kaal.) Schiffn. subsp. grandiretis, created by Lophozia grandiretis subsp.
proteidea (Arnell) Damsh., Lindbergia 33: 98, 2010 (Damsholt 2010).
Lophozia grandiretis subsp. proteidea (Arnell) Damsh., Lindbergia 33: 98, 2010 (Damsholt 2010).
BASIONYM: Jungermannia grandiretis var. proteidea Arnell, Ark. Bot. 19 (10): 70, 1925 (Arnell 1925).
Lophozia grandiretis var. hyperarctica (R.M.Schust.) Damsh., Lindbergia 33: 98, 2010 (Damsholt 2010).
BASIONYM: Lophozia hyperarctica R.M.Schust., Canad. J. Bot. 39: 967, 1961 (Schuster 1961).
Lophozia jamesonii (Mont.) R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 119: 279, 2002 (Schuster 2002).
BASIONYM: Jungermannia jamesonii Mont., Syll. Gen. Sp. Crypt.: 60, 1856 (Montagne 1856).
** Lophozia pellucida f. rubrigemma Bakalin, Monogr. Lophozia: 107, 2005, nom. inval. Art. 36.1; no Latin
description (Bakalin 2005). NOTE: Bakalin published this in a key as Lophozia pellucida var.
rubrigemma f. rubrigemma, next to the new combination Lophozia pellucida var. rubrigemma f. arctica
(R.M.Schust.) Bakalin.
Lophozia rutheana var. laxa (Schiffn. ex Burrell) Paton ex Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 115, 2002
(Damsholt 2002). BASIONYM: Lophozia schultzii var. laxa Schiffn. ex Burrell, J. Bot. 49: 217, 1911
(Burrell 1911). NOTE: Damsholt ascribed the taxon to Paton although she only described it under
Leiocolea. However, citing the basionym in full we think it is a valid combination. It was also published
by Sjörs et Een, J. Bryol. 22: 230, 2000, nom. inval. Art. 32.1.d; no description (Sjörs & Een 2000).
** Lophozia sudetica var. gelida (Taylor) Damsh., Distr. maps Bryoph. Anthoc. Faeroes: 17, 2000, nom.
inval. Art. 33.4; basionym not cited (Damsholt 2000). BASIONYM: Jungermannia gelida Taylor, London
J. Bot. 4: 277, 1845 (Taylor 1845).
38 Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press
** Lophozia sudetica var. minor (Nees) Damsh., Distr. maps Bryoph. Anthoc. Faeroes: 17, 2000, nom. inval.
Art. 33.4; basionym not cited (Damsholt 2000). BASIONYM: Jungermannia alpestris minor Nees,
Naturgesch. Eur. Leberm. 2: 106, 1836 (Nees 1836).
Lophoziopsis Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 66, 2009 [2010]. TYPE: Jungermannia excisa Dicks.
(Konstantinova & Vilnet 2010).
Lophoziopsis excisa (Dicks.) Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 66, 2009 [2010] (Konstantinova & Vilnet 2010).
BASIONYM: Jungermannia excisa Dicks., Fasc. Pl. Crypt. Brit. 3: 11, 1793 (Dickson 1793).
Lophoziopsis excisa var. elegans (R.M.Schust.) Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 66, 2009 [2010]
(Konstantinova & Vilnet 2010). BASIONYM: Lophozia excisa var. elegans R.M.Schust., Hepat.
Anthocerotae N. Amer. 2: 522, 1969 (Schuster 1969).
Lophoziopsis excisa (Dicks.) Konstant. et Vilnet var. excisa, created by Lophoziopsis excisa var. elegans
(R.M.Schust.) Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 66, 2009 [2010] (Konstantinova & Vilnet 2010).
Lophoziopsis excisa var. infuscata (R.M.Schust. et Damsh.) Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 66, 2009 [2010]
(Konstantinova & Vilnet 2010). BASIONYM: Lophozia excisa var. infuscata R.M.Schust. et Damsh.,
Meddel. Grønland 199 (1): 94, 1974 (Schuster & Damsholt 1974).
Lophoziopsis excisa var. succulenta (R.M.Schust. et Damsh.) Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 66, 2009 [2010]
(Konstantinova & Vilnet 2010). BASIONYM: Lophozia excisa var. succulenta R.M.Schust. et Damsh.,
Meddel. Grønland 199 (1): 96, 1974 (Schuster & Damsholt 1974).
Lophoziopsis longidens (Lindb.) Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 66, 2009 [2010] (Konstantinova & Vilnet
2010). BASIONYM: Jungermannia longidens Lindb., Bot. Not. 1877: 27, 1877 (Lindberg 1877).
Lophoziopsis pellucida (R.M.Schust.) Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 67, 2009 [2010] (Konstantinova &
Vilnet 2010). BASIONYM: Lophozia pellucida R.M.Schust., Canad. J. Bot. 39: 978, 1961 (Schuster
Lophoziopsis perssonii (H.Buch et S.W.Arnell) Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 67, 2009 [2010]
(Konstantinova & Vilnet 2010). BASIONYM: Lophozia perssonii H.Buch et S.W.Arnell, Bot. Not. 97:
382, 1944 (Buch 1944).
Lophoziopsis polaris (R.M.Schust.) Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 67, 2009 [2010] (Konstantinova & Vilnet
2010). BASIONYM: Lophozia alpestris subsp. polaris R.M.Schust., Hepat. Anthocerotae N. Amer. 2:
614, 1969 (Schuster 1969).
Lophoziopsis polaris (R.M.Schust.) Konstant. et Vilnet var. polaris, created by Lophoziopsis polaris var.
sphagnorum (R.M.Schust.) Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 67, 2009 [2010] (Konstantinova & Vilnet
Lophoziopsis polaris var. sphagnorum (R.M.Schust.) Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 67, 2009 [2010]
(Konstantinova & Vilnet 2010). BASIONYM: Lophozia alpestris f. sphagnorum R.M.Schust., Hepat.
Anthocerotae N. Amer. 2: 619, 1969 (Schuster 1969).
Lophoziopsis propagulifera (Gottsche) Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 67, 2009 [2010] (Konstantinova &
Vilnet 2010). BASIONYM: Jungermannia propagulifera Gottsche, Neumayer, Int. Polarforsch., Deutsch.
Exped. 2: 451, 1890 (Gottsche 1890).
Lophoziopsis rubrigemma (R.M.Schust.) Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 67, 2009 [2010] (Konstantinova &
Vilnet 2010). BASIONYM: Lophozia rubrigemma R.M.Schust., Hepat. Anthocerotae N. Amer. 2: 621,
1969 (Schuster 1969).
Lophoziopsis rubrigemma f. arctica (R.M.Schust.) Bakalin, Arctoa 18: 38, 2009 [2010] (Konstantinova et al.
2010). BASIONYM: Lophozia longidens subsp. arctica R.M.Schust., Hepat. Anthocerotae N. Amer. 2:
539, 1969 (Schuster 1969).
Lophoziopsis rubrigemma (R.M.Schust.) Konstant. et Vilnet f. rubrigemma, created by Lophoziopsis
rubrigemma f. arctica, Arctoa 18: 38, 2009 [2010] (Konstantinova et al. 2010).
Mannia subgen. Neesiella (Schiffn.) D.B.Schill et D.G.Long, Bryologist 113: 175, 2010 (Schill et al. 2010).
BASIONYM: Neesiella Schiffn., Hepat. (Engl.-Prantl): 32, 1893 (Schiffner 1893a).
Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press 39
Mannia gracilis (F.Weber) D.B.Schill et D.G.Long, Bryologist 113: 173, 2010 (Schill et al. 2010).
BASIONYM: Marchantia gracilis F.Weber, Hist. Musc. Hepat. Prodr.: 105, 1815 (Weber 1815).
Marchantia alpestris f. mamillata (I.Hagen ex Schiffn.) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 749, 2002
(Damsholt 2002). BASIONYM: Marchantia polymorpha var. mamillata I.Hagen ex Schiffn., Sitzungsber.
Deutsch. Naturwiss.-Med. Vereins Böhmen “Lotos” Prag 49: 93, 1901 (Schiffner 1901).
** Mastigolejeunea nepalensis Steph. ex Kattel, Liverw. Nepal: 36, 2002, nom. inval. Art. 32.1.d; no
description (Kattel 2002). ORIGINAL MATERIAL: Nepal. NOTE: Apparently error for Microlejeunea
nepalensis Steph., Sp. Hepat. (Stephani) 5: 832, 1915 (Stephani 1915).
** Microlejeunea pulla Steph. ex Kattel, Liverw. Nepal: 36, 2002, nom. inval. Art. 32.1.d; no description
(Kattel 2002). ORIGINAL MATERIAL: Nepal. NOTE: Apparently error for Prionolejeunea pulla (Mitt.)
Steph., Sp. Hepat. (Stephani) 5: 226, 1913 (Stephani 1913).
** Metahygrobiella subgen. Apohygrobiella R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 119: 15, 2002, nom. inval.
Art. 36.1; no Latin description (Schuster 2002).
Metzgeria americana Masuzaki, Hikobia 15: 441, 2010. TYPE: “Canada. British Columbia, Upper Victoria
Lake, S. W. Moresby Is., Queen Charlotte Is., on cliff shelf, also near base of cedar, July 6, 1966, leg.
Schofield 30764 (HIRO)” (Masuzaki et al. 2010).
** Metzgeria dominicensis Steph. ex Schäf.-Verw., Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 367, 2010, nom. inval. Art. 32.1.d; no
description. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: Dominica, Elliott s.n., “olim M. longitexta, nom. occupatum”
[their quotes] (Schäfer-Verwimp 2010).
** Metzgeria falklandica Kuwah. ex Hässel et Rubies, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 134: 266, 2009, nom. inval. Art.
32.1.d; no description. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: “Argentina, Malvinas Is. (Falkland Is.)” (Hässel &
Rubies 2009). NOTE: The name is also published invalidly (Art. 30.5; published in theses) by J.J.Engel,
Falkland Island Hepaticae and Anthocerotae: 500, 1972 with the same type specimen as later used for
Metzgeria engelii Kuwah., Hikobia 8: 275, 1980 (Engel 1972 and Kuwahara 1980).
** Metzgeria formosana Masuzaki ex Deguchi et T.Yamag., Hikobia 15: 530, 2010, nom. inval. Art. 32.1.d;
no description [error for M. americana (Mazusaki, pers. comm.)]. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: “Taiwan.
Taichung Co., en route from Shiyuan Yakou to Mt. Nanhu, between Nanhu Cabin to New Yunleng Cabin,
24°22'45.09"N, 121°24'34.56"E, 2,960 m alt., on boulder. 4 October 2010, coll. T. Yamaguchi 32950, det.
H. Masuzaki” (Deguchi & Yamaguchi 2010).
** Metzgeria kinabaluensis (Kuwah.) Masuzaki, Hikobia 15: 436, 2010, nom. inval. Art. 32.1.d; basionym
not valid (Masuzaki et al. 2010). BASIONYM: Apometzgeria pubescens var. kinabaluensis Kuwah., J.
Hattori Bot. Lab. 28: 166, 1965, nom. inval. Art. 43.1; genus not valid (Kuwahara 1965). NOTE: Later
validly described in Hikobia 16: 59 (Masuzaki 2011).
Metzgeria senjoana Masuzaki, Hikobia 15: 445, 2010. TYPE: “Japan. Honshu, Nagano Pref., S. Jpn. Alps,
Mt. Senjogatake, Yabusawa course, from Taihei mountain villa to taki bifurcation, 35°44'22"N,
138°12'16"E, Aug. 15, 2008, leg. Masuzaki 1485 (HIRO)” (Masuzaki et al. 2010).
Myriocoleopsis vuquangensis (Pócs et Ninh) Pócs, Trop. Bryol. 31: 124, 2010 (Pócs 2010a). BASIONYM:
Cololejeunea vuquangensis Pócs et Ninh, Acta Bot. Hung. 47: 158, 2005 (Pócs & Ninh 2005).
Nardia geoscyphus var. dioica Bakalin, Arctoa 18: 87, 2009 [2010]. TYPE: “Russia, Sakhalin Province,
Shikotan Island, area of Malokurilsk Village, Shikotan Mt. (43°52'17.0"N 146°51'18.1"E), 400 m alt.,
cliff crevices near the top. 23.VIII.2007 Coll. V.A.Bakalin K-38-8-07 (VLA)” (Bakalin et al. 2010a).
Nardia grollei a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 491, 2009. TYPE: “EAST NEPAL, Sankhuwasabha
District, ridge near Kauma, south of Shipton La, 27°39'N, 87°13'E, steep rocky slope with
Rhododendrons, on wet shaded cliff, c. 3540 m, 26 September 1991, D.G.Long 20652 (E, holotype; G, JE,
H, isotypes)” (Vá a & Long 2009).
** Nardia guatemalensis M.E.Pérez, Brenesia 71-72: 8, 2009, nom. inval. Art. 32.1.d; no description.
ORIGINAL MATERIAL: “Sacatepéquez, sin recolector (NY)” (Pérez 2009).
Neoorthocaulis L.Söderstr., De Roo et Hedd., Phytotaxa 3: 49, 2010. TYPE: Neoorthocaulis attenuatus
(Mart.) L.Söderstr., De Roo et Hedd. (Söderström et al. 2010b).
40 Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press
Neoorthocaulis attenuatus (Mart.) L.Söderstr., De Roo et Hedd., Phytotaxa 3: 49, 2010 (Söderström et al.
2010b). BASIONYM: Jungermannia quinquedentata attenuata Mart., Fl. Crypt. Erlang.: 177, 1817
(Martius 1817).
Neoorthocaulis binsteadii (Kaal.) L.Söderstr., De Roo et Hedd., Phytotaxa 3: 49, 2010 (Söderström et al.
2010b). BASIONYM: Jungermannia binsteadii Kaal., Skr. Vidensk.-Selsk. Christiana, Math.-
Naturvidensk. Kl. 1898(9): 9, 1898 (Kaalaas 1898).
Neoorthocaulis floerkei (F.Weber et D.Mohr) L.Söderstr., De Roo et Hedd., Phytotaxa 3: 50, 2010
(Söderström et al. 2010b). BASIONYM: Jungermannia floerkei F.Weber et D.Mohr, Bot. Taschenb.
(Weber): 410, 1807 (Weber & Mohr 1807).
Neoorthocaulis hyperboreus (R.M.Schust.) L.Söderstr., De Roo et Hedd., Phytotaxa 3: 50, 2010 (Söderström
et al. 2010b). BASIONYM: Lophozia floerkei var. hyperborea R.M.Schust., Bull. Natl. Mus. Canada 164:
21, 1959 (Schuster et al. 1959).
Nephelolejeunea carcharias M.A.M.Renner, Syst. Bot. 34: 621, 2009. TYPE: “NEW ZEALAND. South
Island, Fiordland National Park, Cozette Burn, Mixed low shrub with Brachyglottis sp, Coprosma
pseudocuneata, Coprosma serrulata, Coprosma sp., Hebe subalpina, Hebe sp., forming a dense thicket
with Polystichum vestitum beneath. On branches of Brachyglottis with Metzgeria submarginata and
Austrolejeunea hispida, 45°16.4’S 167°18.6’E, 1,080 m, 10 Apr 2002, M. A. M. Renner CMS Plot L-158,
(holotype: CHR 564881!)” (Renner et al. 2009).
Nothoceros aenigmaticus J.C.Villarreal et K.D.McFarland, Bryologist 113: 109, 2010. HOLOTYPE: U.S.A.,
North Carolina: Joyce Kilmer-Slickrock Wilderness, Graham Co., Schuster 87-1451, F (isotype in NY)
(Villarreal et al. 2010a). BASED ON: Megaceros aenigmaticus R.M.Schust., Hepat. Anthocerotae N.
Amer. 6: 830, 1992, nom. inval. Art. 37.7; no herbarium indicated (Schuster 1992).
Nothoceros fuegiensis (Steph.) J.C.Villarreal, Bryologist 113: 109, 2010 (Villarreal et al. 2010a).
BASIONYM: Megaceros fuegiensis Steph., Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 46 (9): 91, 1911
(Stephani 1911).
Nothoceros vincentianus (Lehm. et Lindenb.) J.C.Villarreal, Bryologist 113: 111, 2010 (Villarreal et al. 2010a).
BASIONYM: Anthoceros vincentianus Lehm. et Lindenb., Nov. Stirp. Pug. 6: 16, 1834 (Lehmann 1834).
Oleolophozia L.Söderstr., De Roo et Hedd., Phytotaxa 3: 50, 2010. TYPE: Oleolophozia perssonii (H.Buch et
S.W.Arnell) L.Söderstr., De Roo et Hedd. (Söderström et al. 2010b).
Oleolophozia perssonii (H.Buch et S.W.Arnell) L.Söderstr., De Roo et Hedd., Phytotaxa 3: 51, 2010
(Söderström et al. 2010b). BASIONYM: Lophozia perssonii H.Buch et S.W.Arnell, Bot. Not. 97: 382,
1944 (Buch 1944).
** Omphalanthus filiformis var. platycoleus (Herzog) Malonek, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 93: 28, 2003, nom.
inval. Art. 33.4; basionym not cited (Gradstein et al. 2003). BASIONYM: Omphalanthus platycoleus
Herzog, Feddes Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veget. 57: 171, 1955 (Herzog 1955).
* Pallaviciniales C.Gao, Y.H.Wu et W.Li (order), Genera Hepaticopsida Anthocerotopsida Sinicorum: 563,
2010, nom. illeg. Art. 53.1; hom. illeg. [non W.Frey et M.Stech 2005] (Gao et al. 2010). NOTE:
Automatically typified (Art. 16.1.a) by Pallaviciniaceae Mig.
** Paracromastigum bifidum subsp. andinum R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 118: 366, 2000, nom.
inval. Art. 36.1; no Latin description. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: VENEZUELA, Páramo de Tama, Villa
Paez, RMS 76-1911 (Schuster 2000).
** Paracromastigum bifidum subsp. densum (Pearson) R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 118: 361, 2000,
nom. inval. Art. 33.4; basionym not cited (Schuster 2000). BASIONYM: Cephalozia densa Pearson, Ann.
Bryol. 4: 108, 1931 (Pearson 1931).
** Paracromastigum dominicensis R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 118: 369, 2000, nom. inval. Art. 36.1,
37.1; no Latin description, no type indicated (Schuster 2000). ORIGINAL MATERIAL: s. loc. spec.
** Paracromastigum dominicensis var. borinquena R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 118: 369, 2000,
nom. inval. Art. 36.1; no Latin description and no specimen cited (Schuster 2000). ORIGINAL
MATERIAL: s. loc. cit.
Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press 41
Paracromastigum ryszardii a, Bedn.-Ochyra et Cykowska, Nova Hedwigia 89: 122, 2009. TYPE:
“PRINCE EDWARD ISLANDS. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND: eastern part, central highland, stream at
the eastern foot of Hoedberg towards Plattekop, lat. 46°38'924"S, long. 37°58'317"E, elev. 180 m, on
damp bare soil forming extensive brown patches on steep bank of stream associated with Notoligotrichum
tristaniense, Clasmatocolea vermicularis and Solenostoma coniflorum, 11 April 2001, coll. R.Ochyra No.
404/01 (with V.R.Smith) (HOLOTYPE: KRAM!; ISOTYPES: JE!, NY!, PRE!)” (Vá a et al. 2009).
Pedinolejeunea desciscens (Steph.) But et P.C.Wu, Hepat. Fl. Hong Kong: 141, 2009 (Wu & But 2009).
BASIONYM: Cololejeunea desciscens Steph., Hedwigia 34: 248, 1895 (Stephani 1895b).
Pedinolejeunea raduliloba (Steph.) P.C.Wu et But, Hepat. Fl. Hong Kong: 136, 2009 (Wu & But 2009).
BASIONYM: Cololejeunea raduliloba Steph., Hedwigia 34: 251, 1895 (Stephani 1895b).
Pedinolejeunea reineckeana (Steph.) P.C.Wu et But, Hepat. Fl. Hong Kong: 138, 2009 (Wu & But 2009).
BASIONYM: Cololejeunea reineckeana Steph., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 23: 309, 1896 [1897] (Stephani 1897b).
Pedinolejeunea schwabei (Herzog) P.C.Chen ex P.C.Wu et But, Hepat. Fl. Hong Kong: 138, 2009 (Wu & But
2009). BASIONYM: Cololejeunea schwabei Herzog, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 14: 54, 1955 (Herzog &
Noguchi 1955).
Peltolepis quadrata var. sibirica (Lindb.) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 738, 2002 (Damsholt 2002).
BASIONYM: Peltolepis sibirica Lindb., Acta Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 2(3): 4, 1882 (Lindberg 1882).
** Personiellales C.Gao, T.Cao et Y.H.Wu, Int. Bryol. Symp. Chen's Cent.: 20, 2005, nom. inval. Art. 32.1.d;
no description (Gao et al. 2005).
Phaeoceros dendroceroides (Steph.) Hässel, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 134: 487, 2009 (Hässel & Rubies 2009).
BASIONYM: Anthoceros dendroceroides Steph., Sp. Hepat. (Stephani) 5: 984, 1916 (Stephani 1916a).
Phaeoceros perpusillus Chantanaorr., Acta Bot. Hung. 51: 30, 2009. TYPE: “Thailand, Chiang Mai Province,
Mae Rim, Doi Mon Long Viewpoint, lat.: 18° 55.012' N, long.: 98° 50.60' E, alt.: 1,390 m, coll.:
Chantanaorrapint 1431, 14 August 2005 (holotype: PSU, isotypes: EGR, G, L)” (Chantanaorrapint 2009).
Phaeomegaceros chiloensis (Steph.) J.C.Villarreal, Nova Hedwigia 91: 353, 2010 (Villarreal et al. 2010b).
BASIONYM: Anthoceros chiloensis Steph., Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 46 (9): 90, 1911
(Stephani 1911).
Phaeomegaceros coriaceus (Steph.) R.J.Duff, J.C.Villarreal, Cargill et Renzaglia, Bryologist 110: 241, 2007
(Duff et al. 2007). BASIONYM: Anthoceros coriaceus Steph., Sp. Hepat. (Stephani) 5: 991, 1916
(Stephani 1916a). NOTE: Also combined by Stotler in Fieldiana: Bot. n.s. 47: 233, 2008 (Crandall-Stotler
et al. 2008).
Phaeomegaceros foveatus (J.Haseg.) J.C.Villarreal, Nova Hedwigia 91: 352, 2010 (Villarreal et al. 2010b).
BASIONYM: Phaeoceros foveatus J.Haseg., Bryol. Res. 7: 374, 2001 (Hasegawa 2001).
Phaeomegaceros squamuliger (Spruce) J.C.Villarreal, Nova Hedwigia 91: 351, 2010 (Villarreal et al. 2010b).
BASIONYM: Anthoceros squamuliger Spruce, Trans. & Proc. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh 15: 576, 1885 (Spruce
Phaeomegaceros squamuliger subsp. hasselii J.C.Villarreal, Cargill et Goffinet, Nova Hedwigia 91: 352,
2010. TYPE: “HOLOTYPE: Chile. Los Lagos. Prov. Osorno. W of Parque Nacional Puyehue, along road
to Antillanca, about 1.2 km E of junction with Rd 215. Seepy road bank, dominated by mosses, below
bamboos and tree ferns. 40°43'S 72°18'W, alt.: 380 m. Goffinet 7106. March, 2000. (SGO!). ISOTYPE
[sic! should be paratype]: Chile. Prov. Osorno. Parque Nacional Puyehue. 1.2 km S of Chile, 215 towards
Termas de Puyehue. Seepage down rocky outcrop by side of road. 40°43'S 72°18'W, alt.: 380 m C.J.Cox
523/00 & Goffinet. 23rd March, 2000. (CANB!, DUKE!)” (Villarreal et al. 2010b).
Phaeomegaceros squamuliger (Spruce) J.C.Villarreal subsp. squamuliger, created by Phaeomegaceros
squamuliger subsp. hasselii J.C.Villarreal, Cargill et Goffinet, Nova Hedwigia 91: 352, 2010 (Villarreal et
al. 2010b).
Plagiochila sect. Jacquinotiae Hässel, Nova Hedwigia 86: 85, 2009. TYPE: Plagiochila jacquinotii Mont.
(Hässel 2009).
42 Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press
Plagiochila arbuscula (Brid. ex Lehm. et Lindenb.) Lindenb. var. arbuscula, created by Plagiochila
arbuscula var. rekohuensis J.J.Engel et G.L.Merr., Nova Hedwigia 91: 508, 2010 (Engel & Smith Merrill
Plagiochila arbuscula var. rekohuensis J.J.Engel et G.L.Merr., Nova Hedwigia 91: 509, 2010. TYPE:
“HOLOTYPE: Chatham Is., Southern Tablelands, Lake Rakeinui, ca. 240 m, 17 Sept. 2007, de Lange
CH1230 and Heenan (AK - c. sporophyte + ; isotype: F)” (Engel & Smith Merrill 2010).
Plagiochila circinalis var. hemicardia (Hook.f. et Taylor) J.J.Engel et G.L.Merr., Nova Hedwigia 91: 512,
2010 (Engel & Smith Merrill 2010). BASIONYM: Jungermannia hemicardia Hook.f. et Taylor, London
J. Bot. 3: 371, 1844 (Hooker & Taylor 1844).
Plagiochila circumdentata var. carinata J.J.Engel et G.L.Merr., Nova Hedwigia 91: 510, 2010. TYPE:
“HOLOTYPE: New Zealand, South Is., Otago Prov., Mt. Aspiring Natl. Park, Blue Valley Track, above
Blue River just N of confluence with Makaroa River, 430–480 m, Engel 21897 (F); isotype: (CHR)”
(Engel & Smith Merrill 2010).
Plagiochila circumdentata Steph. var. circumdentata, created by Plagiochila circumdentata var. carinata
J.J.Engel et G.L.Merr., Nova Hedwigia 91: 511, 2010 (Engel & Smith Merrill 2010).
Plagiochila colensoi Hook.f. et Taylor var. colensoi, created by Plagiochila colensoi var. quinquespina
(Steph.) J.J.Engel et G.L.Merr., Nova Hedwigia 91: 504, 2010 (Engel & Smith Merrill 2010).
Plagiochila colensoi var. quinquespina (Steph.) J.J.Engel et G.L.Merr., Nova Hedwigia 91: 504, 2010 (Engel
& Smith Merrill 2010). BASIONYM: Plagiochila quinquespina Steph., Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 3
(Spec. Hep. 2): 328, 1903 (Stephani 1903).
** Plagiochila cowelliana Steph. ex Mustelier et Vicario, Biodiv. Cuba Oriental 5: 27, 2000, nom. inval. Art.
32.1.d; no description (Mustelier & Vicario 2000). ORIGINAL MATERIAL: Cuba.
Plagiochila deltoidea Lindenb. var. deltoidea, created by Plagiochila deltoidea var. densa J.J.Engel et
G.L.Merr., Nova Hedwigia 91: 505, 2010 (Engel & Smith Merrill 2010).
Plagiochila deltoidea var. densa J.J.Engel et G.L.Merr., Nova Hedwigia 91: 506, 2010. TYPE: “Holotype:
New Zealand, South Is., Westland Prov., Westland Natl. Park, Franz Josef Glacier Valley, Roberts Point,
SW of Mt. Gunn, ca. 620–670 m, Engel 18116 (F); isotype: (CHR)” (Engel & Smith Merrill 2010).
** Plagiochila fracta Pócs, Boissiera 59: 61, 2002, nom. inval. Art. 32.1.d; no description (Pócs & Geissler
2002). ORIGINAL MATERIAL: Madagascar, PG 19691/1, 1250-1300 m.
Plagiochila fuscella (Hook.f. et Taylor) Taylor et Hook.f. ex Gottsche, Lindenb. et Nees var. fuscella, created
by Plagiochila fuscella var. novae-zelandiae (E.A.Hodgs.) J.J.Engel et G.L.Merr., Nova Hedwigia 89:
294, 2009 (Engel & Smith Merrill 2009).
Plagiochila fuscella var. novae-zelandiae (E.A.Hodgs.) J.J.Engel et G.L.Merr., Nova Hedwigia 89: 294, 2009
(Engel & Smith Merrill 2009). BASIONYM: Plagiochila retrospectans var. novae-zelandiae E.A.Hodgs.,
Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 73: 293, 1944 (Hodgson 1944).
** Plagiochila fuscolata Steph. ex Mustelier, Rapid Biol. Invent. 14: 226, 2005, nom. inval. Art. 32.1.d; no
description (Mustelier 2005). ORIGINAL MATERIAL: Cuba.
Plagiochila gigantea Lindenb. var. gigantea, created by Plagiochila gigantea var. inermis J.J.Engel et
G.L.Merr., Nova Hedwigia 91: 512, 2010 (Engel & Smith Merrill 2010).
Plagiochila gigantea var. inermis J.J.Engel et G.L.Merr., Nova Hedwigia 91: 513, 2010. TYPE:
“HOLOTYPE: Auckland Is., Lake Hinemoa, ca. 100 ft., Common 1295 (MSC - c. sporophyte); isotypes:
(CHR, F)” (Engel & Smith Merrill 2010).
Plagiochila incurvicolla (Hook.f. et Taylor) Hook.f. et Taylor ex Gottsche, Lindenb. et Nees var.
incurvicolla, created by Plagiochila incurvicolla var. lonchoscypha (Herzog) J.J.Engel et G.L.Merr., Nova
Hedwigia 91: 504, 2010 (Engel & Smith Merrill 2010).
Plagiochila incurvicolla var. lonchoscypha (Herzog) J.J.Engel et G.L.Merr., Nova Hedwigia 91: 505, 2010
(Engel & Smith Merrill 2010). BASIONYM: Plagiochila lonchoscypha Herzog, Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc.
New Zealand 68: 42, 1938 (Herzog 1938).
** Plagiochila mayebarae S.Hatt. ex Kattel, Liverw. Nepal: 56, 2002, nom. inval. Art. 32.1.d; no description
Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press 43
(Kattel 2002). ORIGINAL MATERIAL: Nepal. NOTE: Apparently error for Plagiochilion mayebarae
S.Hatt., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3: 39, 1948 [1950] (Hattori 1950b).
** Plagiochila spiralis Steph. ex Mustelier et Vicario, Biodiv. Cuba Oriental 5: 27, 2000, nom. inval. Art.
32.1.d; no description (Mustelier & Vicario 2000). ORIGINAL MATERIAL: Cuba.
** Plagiochila subsimplex Besch. et C.Massal. ex Hässel, Nova Hedwigia 86: 73, 2009, nom. inval. Art.
34.1.c; publ. in syn. [sub Plagiochila elata Taylor 1846]. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: “Chile, Otway,
Savatier 1778 (VER !, FI !); Baie de l’Ísthme, Savatier 234 (VER !, FI !)” (Hässel 2009).
** Plagiochila vastifolia var. umbrosa Steph. ex O.Yano, Bol. Inst. Bot. São Paulo 19: 64, 2008, nom. inval.
Art. 32.1.d; no description (Yano 2008). BASED ON: Plagiochila vastifolia f. umbrosa Steph. ex Schiffn.
et S.W.Arnell, Österr. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Naturwiss. Kl., Denkschr. 111: 56, 1964, nom. inval. Art. 32.1.d;
no description (Schiffner & Arnell 1964). NOTE: Apparently error for Plagiochila vastifolia f. umbrosa
Steph. ex Schiffn. et S.W.Arnell, Österr. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Naturwiss. Kl., Denkschr. 111: 56, 1964
(Schiffner & Arnell 1964).
Plagiochila wattsiana J.J.Engel et G.L.Merr., Nova Hedwigia 91: 511, 2010 (Engel & Smith Merrill 2010).
NOM. NOV. PRO Plagiochila wattsii Steph., Sp. Hepat. (Stephani) 6: 240, 1921, nom. illeg. Art. 53.1;
hom. illeg. (Stephani 1921). BLOCKING NAME: Plagiochila wattsii Steph. ex Rodway, Pap. & Proc.
Roy. Soc. Tasmania 1915: 105, 1908 (Rodway 1908).
Plagiochilineae Hässel (subord.), Beih. Nova Hedwigia 134: 475, 2009. TYPE: Plagiochila (Dumort.)
Dumort. (Hässel & Rubies 2009). BASED ON: Plagiochilaceae Müll.Frib. et Herzog (fam.), Leberm.
Eur.: 877, 1956 (Müller 1956).
Plectocolea flagellata S.Hatt. var. flagellata, created by Plectocolea flagellata var. kurilensis Bakalin, Arctoa
18: 90, 2009 [2010] (Bakalin et al. 2010a).
Plectocolea flagellata var. kurilensis Bakalin, Arctoa 18: 90, 2009 [2010]. TYPE: “Russia, Sakhalin
Province, Iturup Island, valley of Khvoynaya River near Gornyy Settl. (44°55'55,6"N 147°34'30,2"E), 64
m alt., Duschekia flood-valley forest with admixture of Betula and Sorbus and cover of high herbs, on
stones along river, sometimes splashed by water. 7.VIII.2007 Coll. V.A. Bakalin, K-10-1-07 (VLA)”
(Bakalin et al. 2010a).
Plectocolea rupicola (Amakawa) Bakalin, Arctoa 18: 26, 2009 [2010] (Konstantinova et al. 2010).
BASIONYM: Jungermannia rupicola Amakawa, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 22: 23, 1960 (Amakawa 1960).
Plectocolea truncata (Nees) Herzog, Trans. Brit. Bryol. Soc. 1: 281, 1950 (Herzog 1950). BASIONYM:
Jungermannia truncata Nees, Enumer. Pl. Javae: 29, 1830 (Nees 1830). NOTE: Also combined by
Bakalin, Hepat. Fl. Phytogeogr. Kamchatka: 359, 2009 (Bakalin 2009a).
Plectocoleineae C.Gao, Y.H.Wu et W.Li (subord.), Genera Hepaticopsida Anthocerotopsida Sinicorum: 499,
2010, “Plectocoleiineae” (Gao et al. 2010). NOTE: Automatically typified (Art. 16.1.a) by
Plectocoleaceae C.Gao, T.Cao et Y.H.Wu.
** Plectocoleaceae C.Gao, Y.H.Wu et W.Li (fam.), Genera Hepaticopsida Anthocerotopsida Sinicorum: 500,
2010, nom. inval. Art. 37.1; no type indicated (Gao et al. 2010).
Porella andica (Gottsche) Hässel, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 134: 452, 2009 (Hässel & Rubies 2009).
BASIONYM: Madotheca andica Gottsche, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. (ser. 4) 8: 339, 1857 (Gottsche 1857a).
Porella chilensis var. antucensis (Gottsche) Hässel, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 134: 452, 2009 (Hässel & Rubies
2009). BASIONYM: Madotheca chilensis antucensis Gottsche, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. (ser. 4) 8: 340, 1857
(Gottsche 1857a).
** Porella densifolia var. appendiculata (Steph.) S.Hatt. ex Hentschel, R.L.Zhu, D.G.Long, P.G.Davison,
H.Schneid., Gradst. et Heinrichs, Molec. Phylog. Evol. 45: 695, 2007, nom. inval. Art. 33.4; basionym not
cited (Hentschel et al. 2007). BASIONYM: Madotheca appendiculata Steph., Sp. Hepat. (Stephani) 4:
301, 1910 (Stephani 1910). NOTE: Apparently error for Porella densifolia subsp. appendiculata (Steph.)
S.Hatt., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 32: 343, 1969 (Hattori 1969).
Porella subgrandiloba Grolle et M.L.So, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 145: 485, 2004. HOLOTYPE: inclusion in
Baltic amber, GPIH 4828, inventory no. Gröhn 2096 (Grolle & So 2004).
44 Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press
** Pseudocephalozia lepidozioides f. microstipula R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 118: 350, 2000, nom.
inval. Art. 36.1; no Latin description. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: RMS 51900; Waipoua Kauri Forest, S. of
Opononi, North Island, New Zealand (Schuster 2000).
Pseudolophozia Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 65, 2009 [2010]. TYPE: Pseudolophozia sudetica (Nees ex
Huebener) Konstant. et Vilnet (Konstantinova & Vilnet 2010).
Pseudolophozia debiliformis (R.M.Schust. et Damsh.) Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 66, 2009 [2010]
(Konstantinova & Vilnet 2010). BASIONYM: Lophozia debiliformis R.M.Schust. et Damsh., Phytologia
63: 326, 1987 (Schuster & Damsholt 1987).
Pseudolophozia debiliformis var. concolor (R.M.Schust. et Damsh.) Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 66, 2009
[2010] (Konstantinova & Vilnet 2010). BASIONYM: Lophozia debiliformis var. concolor R.M.Schust. et
Damsh., Phytologia 63: 326, 1987 (Schuster & Damsholt 1987).
Pseudolophozia debiliformis (R.M.Schust. et Damsh.) Konstant. et Vilnet var. debiliformis, created by
Pseudolophozia debiliformis var. concolor (R.M.Schust. et Damsh.) Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 66,
2009 [2010] (Konstantinova & Vilnet 2010).
Pseudolophozia sudetica (Nees ex Huebener) Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 66, 2009 [2010] (Konstantinova
& Vilnet 2010). BASIONYM: Jungermannia sudetica Nees ex Huebener, Hepaticol. Germ.: 142, 1834
(Hübener 1834).
Pseudolophozia sudetica var. anomala (Schljakov) Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 66, 2009 [2010]
(Konstantinova & Vilnet 2010). BASIONYM: Lophozia alpestris var. anomala Schljakov, Novosti Sist.
Nizsh. Rast. 11: 352, 1974 (Schljakov 1974).
Pseudolophozia sudetica (Nees ex Huebener) Konstant. et Vilnet var. sudetica, created by Pseudolophozia
sudetica var. anomala (Schljakov) Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 66, 2009 [2010] (Konstantinova &
Vilnet 2010).
Pseudotritomaria Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 66, 2009 [2010] . TYPE: Pseudotritomaria heterophylla
(R.M.Schust.) Konstant. et Vilnet (Konstantinova & Vilnet 2010).
Pseudotritomaria heterophylla (R.M.Schust.) Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 66, 2009 [2010] (Konstantinova
& Vilnet 2010). BASIONYM: Tritomaria heterophylla R.M.Schust., Bryologist 61: 272, 1958 (Schuster
Radula splendida M.A.M.Renner et Devos, Nova Hedwigia 90: 113, 2010. TYPE: “New Zealand, South
Island, North Westland Ecological Region, Blackball Ecological District, Paparoa Peak, 42°24'S
171°20'E, 30 Mar 2001, 830 m, M.A.M.Renner 01/70a, holotype: AK 304884 [ex AK 280284 pro parte],
isotypes: CHR, F, NSW” (Renner et al. 2010b).
** Riccardia breutelii Steph. ex R.R.Rico, Trop. Bryol. 27: 47, 2006, nom. inval. Art. 32.1.d; no description,
breutellii” (Rico 2006). BASED ON: Aneura breutelii Steph., Bull. Herb. Boissier 7: 759 (Spec. Hep. 1:
269), 1899 (Stephani 1899).
Riccardia chamedryfolia var. submersa (C.E.O.Jensen ex Müll.Frib.) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.:
670, 2002 (Damsholt 2002). BASIONYM: Aneura sinuata f. submersa C.E.O.Jensen ex Müll.Frib.,
Rabenhorsts Kryptogamen Flora, ed. 2 6(6): 339. 1908 (Müller 1908).
Riccardia dilatata (Spruce ex A.Gepp) Schäf.-Verw. et Pócs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 389, 2010 (Schäfer-
Verwimp 2010). BASIONYM: Aneura dilatata Spruce ex A.Gepp, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 30: 368, 1894
[1895] (Gepp 1895).
** Riccardia infectans Steph. ex R.R.Rico, Trop. Bryol. 27: 47, 2006, nom. inval. Art. 32.1.d; no description
(Rico 2006). ORIGINAL MATERIAL: Venezuela, Bolívar, Roraima-tepui.
Riccardia ligulata (Steph.) Pócs et Schäf.-Verw., Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 390, 2010 (Schäfer-Verwimp 2010).
BASIONYM: Aneura ligulata Steph., Sp. Hepat. (Stephani) 6: 32, 1917 (Stephani 1917b).
** Riccardia multifida f. stenoclada (Schiffn.) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 667, 2002, nom. inval.
Art. 34.1.a; not accepted by author (Damsholt 2002). BASIONYM: Riccardia sinuata var. stenoclada
Schiffn., Österr. Bot. Z. 58: 8, 1908 (Schiffner 1908).
Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press 45
** Riccardia roraimensis Steph. ex R.R.Rico, Trop. Bryol. 27: 48, 2006, nom. inval. Art. 32.1.d; no
description (Rico 2006). BASED ON: Aneura roraimensis Steph., Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 6: 94,
1901 (Stephani 1901b).
Riccia cavernosa var. angustior (Nees) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 670, 2002 (Damsholt 2002).
BASIONYM: Riccia crystallina angustior Nees, Naturgesch. Eur. Leberm. 4: 430, 1838 (Nees 1838).
** Riccia nagalandensis D.D.Pant et Bhowmik ex S.K.Chaturv. et S.Chaturv., Bryology in the New
Millennium: 88, 2008 [2009], nom. inval. Art. 36.1; no Latin description. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: “206,
Arkong Ward, Mokokchung, May 30, 2006 - August 30, 2006, S.K. Chaturvedi TLN- 1008” (Chaturvedi
& Chaturvedi 2009). NOTE: Reportedly appearing earlier as Riccia nagalandensis D.D.Pant et Bhowmik,
Abstract: 54, 1997 (Pant & Bhowmik 1997; non vidi), probably also invalid.
** Riccia rhenana var. violacea M.F.Boiko, Bryobionta of the Steppe Zone of Ukraine: 25, 2009, nom. inval.
Art. 36.1; no Latin description. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: UKRAINE, “Dniepropetrovsk obl. [in
Ukrainian]” (Boiko 2009). NOTE: Later validly described in Chornomor. Botan. Journ. 7: 93, 2011
(Boiko 2011).
Riccia subbifurca var. armata (C.E.O.Jensen) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 670, 2002 (Damsholt
2002). BASIONYM: Riccia oelandica var. armata C.E.O.Jensen, Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 20: 68, 1926 (Jensen
Riccia warnstorfii var. commutata (J.B.Jack ex Levier) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 787, 2002
(Damsholt 2002). BASIONYM: Riccia commutata J.B.Jack ex Levier, Boll. Soc. Bot. Ital. 5: 114, 1894
(Levier 1894).
Sauteria nyikaensis Perold, Bothalia 33: 167, 2003. HOLOTYPE: MALAWI, Nyika National Park, Jalawe
viewpoint, (-BD), on soil, in cavity under rock overhang, at altitude 2 3473 m, 3 April 2000, Koekemoer
1874, PRE (Perold 2003).
Scapania brevicaulis var. dubia (R.M.Schust.) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 355, 2002 (Damsholt
2002). BASIONYM: Scapania degenii var. dubia R.M.Schust., Amer. Midl. Nat. 49: 475, 1953 (Schuster
Scapania ciliata subsp. hawaiica (Müll.Frib.) Potemkin, Ann. Bot. Fenn. 39: 321, 2002 (Potemkin 2002).
BASIONYM: Scapania hawaiica Müll.Frib., Nova Acta. Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. German Nat. Cur. 83:
160, 1905 (Müller 1905).
Scapania glaucocephala var. scapanioides (C.Massal.) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 317, 2002
(Damsholt 2002). BASIONYM: Jungermannia scapanioides C.Massal., Atti Soc. Veneto-Trentino Sci.
Nat. Padova 6: 154, 1879 (Massalongo 1879).
** Scapania paludicola var. rufescens Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 353, 2002, nom. inval. Art.
37.7; no herbarium indicated. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: SWEDEN. Tl. Bajip Njágajávri, Wet meadows,
KT & KD 92.053 (Damsholt 2002).
Scapania subalpina f. submersa (Jørg.) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 371, 2002 (Damsholt 2002).
BASIONYM: Scapania subalpina var. submersa Jørg., Bergens Mus. Skr. n.s. 16: 237, 1934 (Jørgensen
Scapania uliginosa f. obliqua (Arnell) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 361, 2002 (Damsholt 2002).
BASIONYM: Martinellius obliquus Arnell, Rev. Bryol. 32: 1, 1905 (Arnell 1905).
Scapania valdonii a, Bedn.-Ochyra et Cykowska, Nova Hedwigia 89: 126, 2009. TYPE: “PRINCE
EDWARD ISLAND: eastern part, south-eastern coast, Penguin Beach 1 km south-west of East Cape,
about 120 m from the coast near a large pool, lat. 46°39'40"S, long. 37°59'11"E, elev. ca. 35 m, 12 April
2001, coll. R.Ochyra No. 602/01 (with V.R.Smith) (HOLOTYPE: KRAM!; ISOTYPE: PRE!)” (Vá a et
al. 2009).
** Scapania valdonsmithii R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 119: 484, 2002, nom. inval. Art. 36.1; no Latin
description. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: Prince Edward I. (Schuster 2002). NOTE: Later validated as
Scapania valdonii a, Bedn.-Ochyra et Cykowska (Vá a et al. 2009).
46 Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press
Schiffneriaceae C.Gao, Y.H.Wu et W.Li (fam.), Genera Hepaticopsida Anthocerotopsida Sinicorum: 564,
2010. TYPE: Schiffneria Steph. (Gao et al. 2010). Also invalidly published (Art. 32.1.d; no description)
by Gao et al. (2005: 21).
Schiffneriineae C.Gao, Y.H.Wu et W.Li (subord.), Genera Hepaticopsida Anthocerotopsida Sinicorum: 564,
2010 (Gao et al. 2010). NOTE: Automatically typified (Art. 16.1.a) by Schiffneriaceae C.Gao, Y.H.Wu et
** Schistochila aligera f. longifolia Steph. ex M.L.So, New Zealand J. Bot. 41: 261, 2003, nom. inval. Art.
36.1; no Latin description (So 2003). ORIGINAL MATERIAL: s. loc. spec.
Schistochila berggrenii (J.J.Engel et R.M.Schust.) Xiao L.He et Glenny, Austral. Syst. Bot. 23: 237, 2010 (He
& Glenny 2010). BASIONYM: Pachyschistochila berggrenii J.J.Engel et R.M.Schust., J. Hattori Bot.
Lab. 58: 476, 1985 (Schuster & Engel 1985).
Schistochila childii (R.M.Schust. et J.J.Engel) Xiao L.He et Glenny, Austral. Syst. Bot. 23: 237, 2010 (He &
Glenny 2010). BASIONYM: Pachyschistochila childii R.M.Schust. et J.J.Engel, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 58:
471, 1985 (Schuster & Engel 1985).
Schistochila isotachyphylla (J.J.Engel et R.M.Schust.) Xiao L.He et Glenny, Austral. Syst. Bot. 23: 237, 2010
(He & Glenny 2010). BASIONYM: Paraschistochila isotachyphylla J.J.Engel et R.M.Schust., J. Hattori
Bot. Lab. 58: 429, 1985 (Schuster & Engel 1985).
Schistochila latiloba (R.M.Schust. et J.J.Engel) Xiao L.He et Glenny, Austral. Syst. Bot. 23: 237, 2010 (He &
Glenny 2010). BASIONYM: Pachyschistochila latiloba R.M.Schust. et J.J.Engel, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 58:
493, 1985 (Schuster & Engel 1985).
Schistochila nivicola (R.M.Schust. et J.J.Engel) Xiao L.He et Glenny, Austral. Syst. Bot. 23: 237, 2010 (He &
Glenny 2010). BASIONYM: Pachyschistochila nivicola R.M.Schust. et J.J.Engel, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 58:
512, 1985 (Schuster & Engel 1985).
Schistochila subhyalina var. grandidentata (J.J.Engel et R.M.Schust.) Xiao L.He et Glenny, Austral. Syst.
Bot. 23: 237, 2010 (He & Glenny 2010). BASIONYM: Pachyschistochila subhyalina var. grandidentata
J.J.Engel et R.M.Schust., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 58: 507, 1985 (Schuster & Engel 1985).
Schistochila subhyalina var. subhyalina, created by Schistochila subhyalina var. grandidentata (J.J.Engel et
R.M.Schust.) Xiao L.He et Glenny, Austral. Syst. Bot. 23: 237, 2010 (He & Glenny 2010).
Schistochila succulenta (J.J.Engel et R.M.Schust.) Xiao L.He et Glenny, Austral. Syst. Bot. 23: 237, 2010
(He & Glenny 2010). BASIONYM: Pachyschistochila succulenta J.J.Engel et R.M.Schust., J. Hattori
Bot. Lab. 58: 517, 1985 (Schuster & Engel 1985).
Schistochila vitreocincta (Herzog) Xiao L.He et Glenny, Austral. Syst. Bot. 23: 237, 2010 (He & Glenny
2010). BASIONYM: Perssoniella vitreocincta Herzog, Ark. Bot. n.s. 2: 265, 1952 (Herzog 1952b).
Schljakovia Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 66, 2009 [2010]. TYPE: Schljakovia kunzeana (Huebener)
Konstant. et Vilnet (Konstantinova & Vilnet 2010).
Schljakovia kunzeana (Huebener) Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 66, 2009 [2010] (Konstantinova & Vilnet
2010). BASIONYM: Jungermannia kunzeana Huebener, Hepaticol. Germ.: 115, 1834 (Hübener 1834).
Schljakovianthus Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 66, 2009 [2010]. TYPE: Schljakovianthus quadrilobus
(Lindb.) Konstant. et Vilnet (Konstantinova & Vilnet 2010).
Schljakovianthus quadrilobus (Lindb.) Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 66, 2009 [2010] (Konstantinova &
Vilnet 2010). BASIONYM: Jungermannia quadriloba Lindb., Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. n.f.
23 (5): 55, 1889 (Lindberg & Arnell 1889).
Schljakovianthus quadrilobus var. collenchymaticus (R.M.Schust.) Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 66, 2009
[2010], “collenchymatica” (Konstantinova & Vilnet 2010). BASIONYM: Lophozia quadriloba var.
collenchymatica R.M.Schust., Hepat. Anthocerotae N. Amer. 2: 281, 1969 (Schuster 1969).
Schljakovianthus quadrilobus var. glareosus (Jørg.) Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 66, 2009 [2010],
glareosa” (Konstantinova & Vilnet 2010). BASIONYM: Jungermannia quadriloba var. glareosa Jørg.,
Skr. Vidensk.-Selsk. Christiana, Math.-Naturvidensk. Kl. 1894 (8): 59, 1894 (Jørgensen 1894).
Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press 47
Schljakovianthus quadrilobus (Lindb.) Konstant. et Vilnet var. quadrilobus, created by Schljakovianthus
quadrilobus var. collenchymaticus (R.M.Schust.) Konstant. et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 66, 2009 [2010]
(Konstantinova & Vilnet 2010).
Solenostoma amoenum (Lindenb. et Gottsche) R.M.Schust. ex Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol.
31: 136, 2010 (Vá a et al. 2010a). BASIONYM: Jungermannia amoena Lindenb. et Gottsche, Syn.
Hepat. 5: 674, 1847 (Gottsche et al. 1847). NOTE: Also published invalidly (Art. 33.4; basionym not
cited) by Schuster (2002: 379).
Solenostoma amplexifolium (Hampe ex Lehm. et Lindenb.) Vá a et Schäf.-Verw., Acta Bot. Hung. 51: 408,
2009, “amplexifolia (Schäfer-Verwimp & Pócs 2009). BASIONYM: Plagiochila amplexifolia Hampe ex
Lehm. et Lindenb., Nov. Stirp. Pug. 7: 6, 1838 (Lehmann 1838).
Solenostoma appressifolium (Mitt.) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 494, 2009 (Vá a & Long 2009).
BASIONYM: Jungermannia appressifolia Mitt., J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 5: 91, 1860 (Mitten 1860).
Solenostoma appressifolium (Mitt.) Vá a et D.G.Long var. appressifolium, created by Solenostoma
appressifolium var. minor (Amakawa) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 495, 2009 (Vá a & Long
Solenostoma appressifolium var. minor (Amakawa) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 495, 2009 (Vá a
& Long 2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia clavellata var. minor Amakawa, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 26: 25,
1963 (Amakawa 1963).
Solenostoma appressifolium var. nigricans (Amakawa) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 495, 2009
(Vá a & Long 2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia decolyana var. nigricans Amakawa, J. Hattori Bot.
Lab. 30: 185, 1967 (Amakawa 1967).
Solenostoma ariadne (Taylor ex Lehm.) R.M.Schust. ex Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 495, 2009
(Vá a & Long 2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia ariadne Taylor ex Lehm., Nov. Stirp. Pug. 8: 9, 1844
(Lehmann 1844). NOTE: Also published invalidly (Art. 33.4; basionym not cited) by Schuster (2002:
Solenostoma atrobrunneum (Amakawa) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 495, 2009 (Vá a & Long
2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia atrobrunnea Amakawa, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 30: 192, 1967
(Amakawa 1967).
Solenostoma atrorevolutum (Grolle ex Amakawa) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 496, 2009 (Vá a &
Long 2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia atrorevoluta Grolle ex Amakawa, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 255,
1966 (Amakawa 1966).
Solenostoma balfourii (Vá a) Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 136, 2010 (Vá a et al.
2010a). BASIONYM: Jungermannia balfourii a, Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 9: 279, 1974 (Vá a 1974).
Solenostoma bengalense (Amakawa) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 496, 2009, “bengalensis” (Vá a
& Long 2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia bengalensis Amakawa, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 112, 1968
(Amakawa 1968).
Solenostoma bilobum (S.Hatt. ex Amakawa) Potemkin et Nyushko, Liverworts and Hornworts of Russia 1:
286, 2009 (Potemkin & Sofronova 2009). BASIONYM: Plectocolea biloba S.Hatt. ex Amakawa, J. Jap.
Bot. 32: 216, 1957 (Amakawa 1957). NOTE: Also combined by Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog.,
Bryol. 31: 136, 2010 (Vá a et al. 2010a).
Solenostoma borneense (Amakawa) Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 136, 2010 (Vá a et al.
2010a). BASIONYM: Jungermannia borneensis Amakawa, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 33: 160, 1970 (Amakawa
Solenostoma caeleste (Inoue et a) Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 136, 2010 (Vá a et
al. 2010a). BASIONYM: Jungermannia caelestis Inoue et Vá a, Stud. Cryptog. Papua N. Guinea: 16,
1979 (Inoue 1979).
Solenostoma caoi (C.Gao et X.L.Bai) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 496, 2009 (Vá a & Long 2009).
BASIONYM: Jungermannia caoi C.Gao et X.L.Bai, Philipp. Scientist 38: 152, 2001, “caoii” (Gao & Bai
48 Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press
Solenostoma champawatense (S.N.Srivast. et Amakawa) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 496, 2009,
champawatensis” (Vá a & Long 2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia champawatensis S.N.Srivast. et
Amakawa, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. India 61: 205, 1991 (Srivastava & Amakawa 1991).
Solenostoma chenianum (C.Gao, Y.H.Wu et Grolle) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 496, 2009 (Vá a
& Long 2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia cheniana C.Gao, Y.H.Wu et Grolle, Nova Hedwigia 77: 190,
2003 (Gao et al. 2003b).
Solenostoma comatum (Nees) C.Gao var. comatum, created by Solenostoma comatum var. novae-guineae
(Vá a) Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 136, 2010 (Vá a et al. 2010a).
Solenostoma comatum var. novae-guineae (Vá a) Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 136,
2010 (Vá a et al. 2010a). BASIONYM: Jungermannia comata var. novae-guineae a, J. Hattori Bot.
Lab. 37: 187, 1973 (Vá a 1973a).
Solenostoma decolor (Schiffn.) R.M.Schust. ex Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 136, 2010
(Vá a et al. 2010a). BASIONYM: Jungermannia decolor Schiffn., Leberm., Forschungsr. Gazelle 4: 10,
1889 [1890] (Schiffner 1890). NOTE: Also published invalidly (Art. 33.4; basionym not cited) by
Schuster (2002: 379).
Solenostoma diversiclavellatum (Amakawa et Grolle) R.M.Schust. ex Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89:
501, 2009 (Vá a & Long 2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia diversiclavellata Amakawa et Grolle, J.
Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 107, 1968 (Amakawa 1968). NOTE: Also published invalidly (Art. 33.4; basionym
not cited) by Schuster (2002: 377).
Solenostoma dulongense a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 497, 2009, “dulongensis”. TYPE: “CHINA,
YUNNAN, Gongshan County, Dulong Xiang, west slope of Gaoligong Shan, Irrawadi catchment, Qiqi
trail between Bapo and Shu Gung Qiao (Stone Arch Bridge), 27°43'35.5"N, 98°21' 41.7"E, disturbed
valley slope with patches of evergreen broad-leaved forest, Alnus nepalensis and scrub, small gullies; on
shady gravel bank by path, 1824 m, 28 October 2004, D.G. Long 33676 (E, HOLOTYPE; KUN, CAS,
MO, isotypes)” (Vá a & Long 2009).
Solenostoma dusenii (Steph.) Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 136, 2010 (Vá a et al.
2010a). BASIONYM: Nardia dusenii Steph., Hedwigia 30: 209, 1891 (Stephani 1891a).
Solenostoma emarginatum (Amakawa) Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 136, 2010 (Vá a
et al. 2010a). BASIONYM: Plectocolea emarginata Amakawa, J. Jap. Bot. 33: 340, 1958 (Amakawa
Solenostoma faurieanum (Beauverd) R.M.Schust., Hepat. Anthocerotae N. Amer. 2: 945, 1969 (Schuster
1969). BASIONYM: Jungermannia faurieana Beauverd, Sp. Hepat. (Stephani) 6: 571, 1924 (Stephani
1924). NOTE: Also combined by Bakalin, Hep. Flora Kamchatka: 366, 2009, “fauriana” (Bakalin
Solenostoma flagellare (Amakawa) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 501, 2009, “flagellaris” (Vá a &
Long 2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia flagellaris Amakawa, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 258, 1966
(Amakawa 1966).
Solenostoma flagellatum (S.Hatt.) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 501, 2009 [Nov.] (Vá a & Long
2009). BASIONYM: Plectocolea flagellata S.Hatt., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3: 12, 1948 [1950] (Hattori
1950a). NOTE: Also combined by Potemkin et Nyushko in Liverworts and Hornworts of Russia 1: 287,
2009 [Dec.] (Potemkin & Sofronova 2009).
Solenostoma flavi-albicans (Amakawa et Grolle) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 501, 2009 (Vá a &
Long 2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia flavi-albicans Amakawa et Grolle, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 108,
1968 (Amakawa 1968).
Solenostoma flavorevolutum (Vá a) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 501, 2009 (Vá a & Long 2009).
BASIONYM: Jungermannia flavorevoluta a, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 36: 63, 1972 [1973] (Vá a 1973b).
Solenostoma glaucum (Amakawa) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 502, 2009 (Vá a & Long 2009).
BASIONYM: Jungermannia glauca Amakawa, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 256, 1966 (Amakawa 1966).
Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press 49
Solenostoma gongshanense (C.Gao et J.Sun) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 502, 2009,
gongshanensis” (Vá a & Long 2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia gongshanensis C.Gao et J.Sun, Bull.
Bot. Res., Harbin 27: 140, 2007 (Sun & Duan 2007).
Solenostoma grollei (D.G.Long et Vá a) K.Feldberg, Hentschel, Bombosch, D.G.Long, Vá a et Heinrichs,
Pl. Syst. Evol. 280: 244, 2009 (Feldberg et al. 2009). BASIONYM: Gottschelia grollei D.G.Long et Vá a,
J. Bryol. 29: 167, 2007 (Long & Vá a 2007).
Solenostoma haskarlianum (Nees) R.M.Schust. ex Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 502, 2009,
hasskarlianum” (Vá a & Long 2009). BASIONYM: Alicularia haskarliana Nees, Syn. Hepat. 1: 12,
1844 (Gottsche et al. 1844). NOTE: Also published invalidly (Art. 33.4; basionym not cited) by Schuster
(2002: 378; “hasskarlianum”).
Solenostoma hattorianum (Amakawa) Potemkin et Nyushko, Liverworts and Hornworts of Russia 1: 287,
2009 (Potemkin & Sofronova 2009). BASIONYM: Plectocolea hattoriana Amakawa, J. Jap. Bot. 33:
341, 1958 (Amakawa 1958). NOTE: Also combined by Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs in Cryptog., Bryol.
31: 136, 2010 (Vá a et al. 2010a).
Solenostoma heterolimbatum (Amakawa) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 503, 2009 (Vá a & Long
2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia heterolimbata Amakawa, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 30: 183, 1967
(Amakawa 1967).
Solenostoma hewsoniae (Amakawa et Grolle) R.M.Schust. ex Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol.
31: 136, 2010 (Vá a et al. 2010a). BASIONYM: Jungermannia hewsoniae Amakawa et Grolle, J. Hattori
Bot. Lab. 31: 108, 1968 (Amakawa 1968). NOTE: Also published invalidly (Art. 33.4; basionym not
cited) by Schuster (2002: 377; “hewsonianum”).
Solenostoma hirticalyx (Steph.) R.M.Schust. ex Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 137, 2010
(Vá a et al. 2010a). BASIONYM: Jungermannia hirticalyx Steph., Sp. Hepat. (Stephani) 6: 87, 1917
(Stephani 1917b). NOTE: Also published invalidly (Art. 33.4; basionym not cited) by Schuster (2002:
Solenostoma hokkaidense (Vá a) Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 137, 2010 (Vá a et al.
2010a). BASIONYM: Jungermannia hokkaidensis a, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 35: 314, 1972 (Vá a 1972).
Solenostoma horikawanum (Amakawa) Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 137, 2010 (Vá a
et al. 2010a). BASIONYM: Plectocolea horikawana Amakawa, J. Jap. Bot. 32: 219, 1957 (Amakawa
Solenostoma indrodayanum (Sushil K.Singh et D.K.Singh) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 503, 2009
(Vá a & Long 2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia indrodayana Sushil K.Singh et D.K.Singh, Cryptog.
Bryol. 28: 103, 2007 (Singh & Singh 2007).
Solenostoma infuscum var. infuscum, created by Solenostoma infuscum var. ovalifolium (Amakawa)
Potemkin et Sofronova, Liverworts and Hornworts of Russia 1: 287, 2009 (Potemkin & Sofronova 2009).
Solenostoma infuscum var. ovalifolium (Amakawa) Potemkin et Sofronova, Liverworts and Hornworts of
Russia 1: 287, 2009 (Potemkin & Sofronova 2009). BASIONYM: Plectocolea infusca var. ovalifolia
Amakawa, J. Jap. Bot. 34: 115, 1959 (Amakawa 1959). NOTE: Also combined by Vá a, Hentschel et
Heinrichs in Cryptog., Bryol. 31: 137, 2010 (Vá a et al. 2010a).
Solenostoma infuscum var. ovicalyx (Steph.) Potemkin et Sofronova, Liverworts and Hornworts of Russia 1:
288, 2009 (Potemkin & Sofronova 2009). BASIONYM: Solenostoma ovicalyx Steph., Sp. Hepat.
(Stephani) 6: 82, 1917 (Stephani 1917b). NOTE: Also combined by Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs in
Cryptog., Bryol. 31: 137, 2010 ( a et al. 2010a).
Solenostoma kanaii (Amakawa) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 503, 2009 (Vá a & Long 2009).
BASIONYM: Jungermannia kanaii Amakawa, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 30: 194, 1967 (Amakawa 1967).
Solenostoma kashyapii (S.C.Srivast., S.Srivast. et D.Sharma) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 503,
2009 (Vá a & Long 2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia kashyapii S.C.Srivast., S.Srivast. et D.Sharma,
Lindbergia 28: 131, 2003 (Srivastava et al. 2003).
50 Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press
Solenostoma lanigerum (Mitt.) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 503, 2009 (Vá a & Long 2009).
BASIONYM: Jungermannia lanigera Mitt., J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 5: 91, 1860 (Mitten 1860).
Solenostoma lignicola (Schiffn.) Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 137, 2010 (Vá a et al.
2010a). BASIONYM: Nardia lignicola Schiffn., Ann. K. K. Naturhist. Hofmus. 23: 137, 1909 (Schiffner
Solenostoma limbatifolium (Amakawa) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 504, 2009 (Vá a & Long
2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia limbatifolia Amakawa, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 112, 1968 (Amakawa
Solenostoma linguifolium (Gottsche) R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova. Hedwigia 119: 381, 2002 (Schuster 2002).
BASIONYM: Jungermannia linguifolia Gottsche, Mexik. Leverm.: 182, 1863 (Gottsche 1863).
Solenostoma lixingjiangii (C.Gao et X.L.Bai) a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 504, 2009 (Vá a &
Long 2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia lixingjiangii C.Gao et X.L.Bai, Philipp. Scientist 38: 128, 2001
(Gao & Bai 2001).
Solenostoma louae (C.Gao et X.L.Bai) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 504, 2009 (Vá a & Long
2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia louae C.Gao et X.L.Bai, Philipp. Scientist 38: 145, 2001, “louii
(Gao & Bai 2001).
Solenostoma macrocarpum (Schiffn. ex Steph.) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 504, 2009 (Vá a &
Long 2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia macrocarpa Schiffn. ex Steph., Sp. Hepat. (Stephani) 6: 87,
1917 (Stephani 1917b).
Solenostoma mamatkulovii (Vá a et Zerov) Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 137, 2010
(Vá a et al. 2010a). BASIONYM: Jungermannia mamatkulovii a et Zerov, Preslia 49: 181, 1977
(Vá a 1977).
Solenostoma micranthum (Mitt.) Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 137, 2010 (Vá a et al.
2010a). BASIONYM: Plectocolea micrantha Mitt., Seemann, Fl. Vit.: 405, 1871 [1873] (Mitten 1873).
Solenostoma microrevolutum (C.Gao et X.L.Bai) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 505, 2009 (Vá a &
Long 2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia microrevoluta C.Gao et X.L.Bai, Philipp. Scientist 38: 146,
2001 (Gao & Bai 2001).
Solenostoma multicarpum (C.Gao et J.Sun) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 505, 2009 (Vá a & Long
2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia multicarpa C.Gao et J.Sun, Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 27: 139, 2007
(Sun & Duan 2007).
Solenostoma nilgiriense (A.Alam, Ad.Kumar et S.C.Srivast.) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 505,
2009, “nilghiriensis” (Vá a & Long 2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia nilgiriensis A.Alam, Ad.Kumar
et S.C.Srivast., Bull. Bot. Surv. India 49: 220, 2007 (Alam et al. 2007).
Solenostoma niveum (Grolle) R.M.Schust. ex Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 137, 2010
(Vá a et al. 2010a). BASIONYM: Jungermannia nivea Grolle, Misc. Bryol. Lichenol. 6: 1, 1971 (Grolle
1971). NOTE: Also published invalidly (Art. 33.4; basionym not cited) by Schuster (2002: 377).
Solenostoma obliquifolium (Schiffn.) R.M.Schust. ex Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 137,
2010 (Vá a et al. 2010a). BASIONYM: Nardia obliquifolia Schiffn., Denkschr. Kaiserl. Akad. Wiss.,
Wien. Math.-Naturwiss. Kl. 67: 191, 1898 (Schiffner 1898). NOTE: Also published invalidly (Art. 33.4;
basionym not cited) by Schuster (2002: 378).
Solenostoma onraedtii (Vá a) Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 137, 2010 (Vá a et al.
2010a). BASIONYM: Jungermannia onraedtii a, Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 9: 282, 1974 (Vá a 1974).
Solenostoma otianum (S.Hatt.) R.M.Schust., Hepat. Anthocerotae N. Amer. 2: 984, 1969, “otiana” (Schuster
1969). BASIONYM: Plectocolea otiana S.Hatt., J. Jap. Bot. 28: 183, 1953 (Hattori 1953). NOTE: Also
combined by Potemkin et Sofronova, Liverworts and Hornworts of Russia 1: 288, 2009 (Potemkin &
Sofronova 2009).
Solenostoma parviperianthum (C.Gao et X.L.Bai) Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 137,
2010 (Vá a et al. 2010a). BASIONYM: Jungermannia parviperiantha C.Gao et X.L.Bai, Philipp.
Scientist 38: 129, 2001 (Gao & Bai 2001).
Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press 51
Solenostoma parvitextum (Amakawa) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 505, 2009 (Vá a & Long
2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia parvitexta Amakawa, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 30: 187, 1967 (Amakawa
Solenostoma patoniae (Grolle, D.B.Schill et D.G.Long) K.Feldberg, Hentschel, Bombosch, D.G.Long, Vá a
et Heinrichs, Pl. Syst. Evol. 280: 244, 2009 (Feldberg et al. 2009). BASIONYM: Gottschelia patoniae
Grolle, D.B.Schill et D.G.Long, J. Bryol. 25: 3, 2003 (Grolle et al. 2003).
Solenostoma plagiochilaceum (Grolle) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 505, 2009 (Vá a & Long
2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia plagiochilacea Grolle, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 58: 197, 1985 (Grolle
Solenostoma pocsii (Vá a) Bakalin, Arctoa 18: 160, 2009 [2010, Feb.] (Bakalin & Vilnet 2010). BASIONYM:
Jungermannia pocsii a, Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 10: 365, 1975 (Vá a 1975). NOTE: Also combined by
a, Hentschel et Heinrichs in Cryptog., Bryol. 31: 137, 2010 [Apr.] (Vá a et al. 2010a).
Solenostoma poeltii (Amakawa) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 505 [1 Nov.], 2009 (Vá a & Long
2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia poeltii Amakawa, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 258, 1966 (Amakawa
1966). BLOCKING NAME: Solenostoma grollei (D.G.Long et Vá a) K.Feldberg, Hentschel, Bombosch,
D.G.Long, Vá a et Heinrichs, Pl. Syst. Evol. 280: 244, 2009 [Apr.] (Feldberg et al. 2009).
Solenostoma polyrhizoides (Grolle ex Amakawa) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 505, 2009 (Vá a &
Long 2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia polyrhizoides Grolle ex Amakawa, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29:
262, 1966 (Amakawa 1966).
Solenostoma pseudocyclops (Inoue) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 506, 2009 (Vá a & Long 2009).
BASIONYM: Jungermannia pseudocyclops Inoue, Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., n.s. 9: 37, 1966 (Inoue 1966a).
Solenostoma pseudopyriflorum Bakalin et Vilnet, Arctoa 18: 159, 2009 [2010]. TYPE: “Holotypus: the
Russian Far East, Kuril Islands, Iturup Island, Bogatyr' Range (44°54'57"N 147°30'20"E), 395 m alt.
Stone along stream in Sasa thickets, leg. 8 August 2007 V.A. Bakalin (VLA, K-12-8-07, isotype in
KPABG 112860)” (Bakalin & Vilnet 2010).
Solenostoma pyriflorum var. gracillimum (Amakawa) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 506, 2009
(Vá a & Long 2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia pyriflora var. gracillima Amakawa, Bull. Univ. Mus.
Univ. Tokyo 2: 228, 1971 (Hara 1971).
Solenostoma pyriflorum var. major (S.Hatt.) Bakalin, Arctoa 17: 230, 2008 [2009] (Bakalin 2009c).
BASIONYM: Jungermannia monticola f. major S.Hatt., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3: 8, 1948 [1950] (Hattori
Solenostoma pyriflorum var. minutissimum (Amakawa) Bakalin, Arctoa 16: 208, 2007 [2008],
minutissima” (Bakalin 2008). BASIONYM: Jungermannia pyriflora var. minutissima Amakawa, J.
Hattori Bot. Lab. 22: 61, 1960 (Amakawa 1960). NOTE: Also combined by Bakalin, Hep. Flora
Kamchatka: 366, 2009 (Bakalin 2009a).
Solenostoma raujeanum (Grolle ex Amakawa) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 507, 2009 (Vá a &
Long 2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia raujeana Grolle ex Amakawa, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 262,
1966 (Amakawa 1966).
Solenostoma renauldii (Steph.) Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 137, 2010 (Vá a et al.
2010a). BASIONYM: Jungermannia renauldii Steph., Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 30: 201, 1891
(Stephani 1891c).
Solenostoma riclefii a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 507, 2009 [1 Nov.] (Vá a & Long 2009). NOM.
NOV. PRO Jungermannia grollei Amakawa, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 260, 1966 (Amakawa 1966).
BLOCKING NAME: Solenostoma grollei (D.G.Long et Vá a) K.Feldberg, Hentschel, Bombosch,
D.G.Long, Vá a et Heinrichs, Pl. Syst. Evol. 280: 244, 2009 [Apr.] (Feldberg et al. 2009).
Solenostoma rosulans (Steph.) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 507, 2009 [Nov.] (Vá a & Long
2009). BASIONYM: Nardia rosulans Steph., Bull. Herb. Boissier 5: 101, 1897 (Stephani 1897a). NOTE:
Also combined by Potemkin et Sofronova, Liverworts and Hornworts of Russia 1: 289. 2009 [Dec.]
(Potemkin & Sofronova 2009).
52 Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press
Solenostoma rupicola (Amakawa) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 507, 2009 (Vá a & Long 2009).
BASIONYM: Jungermannia rupicola Amakawa, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 22: 23, 1960 (Amakawa 1960).
Solenostoma schaulianum (Steph.) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 508, 2009 (Vá a & Long 2009).
BASIONYM: Jungermannia schauliana Steph., Sp. Hepat. (Stephani) 6: 90, 1917 (Stephani 1917b).
Solenostoma schusteranum (J.D.Godfrey et G.Godfrey) Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31:
137, 2010, “schusterianum” (Vá a et al. 2010a). BASIONYM: Jungermannia schusterana J.D.Godfrey
et G.Godfrey, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 46: 109, 1979 (Godfrey & Godfrey 1979).
Solenostoma shimizuanum (S.Hatt. ex Vá a) Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 138, 2010
(Vá a et al. 2010a). BASIONYM: Jungermannia shimizuana S.Hatt. ex Vá a, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 35:
315, 1972 (Vá a 1972).
Solenostoma sikkimense (Schiffn. ex Steph.) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 508, 2009, “sikkimensis
(Vá a & Long 2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia sikkimensis Schiffn. ex Steph., Sp. Hepat. (Stephani)
5: 92, 1917 (Stephani 1917a).
Solenostoma speciosum (Horik.) Hentschel, K.Feldberg, Bombosch, D.G.Long, Vá a et Heinrichs, Pl. Syst.
Evol. 280: 244, 2009 (Feldberg et al. 2009). BASIONYM: Anastrophyllum speciosum Horik., J. Sci.
Hiroshima Univ., Ser. B., Div. 2, Bot. 2: 147, 1934 (Horikawa 1934).
Solenostoma speciosum (Horik.) Hentschel, K.Feldberg, Bombosch, D.G.Long, Vá a et Heinrichs subsp.
speciosum, created by Solenostoma speciosum subsp. villosum (R.M.Schust.) Hentschel, K.Feldberg,
Bombosch, D.G.Long, Vá a et Heinrichs, Pl. Syst. Evol. 280: 246, 2009 (Feldberg et al. 2009).
Solenostoma speciosum subsp. villosum (R.M.Schust.) Hentschel, K.Feldberg, Bombosch, D.G.Long, Vá a
et Heinrichs, Pl. Syst. Evol. 280: 246, 2009 (Feldberg et al. 2009). BASIONYM: Scaphophyllum
speciosum subsp. villosum R.M.Schust., Bryologist 101: 434, 1998 (Schuster 1998).
Solenostoma strictum (Schiffn.) Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 138, 2010 (Vá a et al.
2010a). BASIONYM: Aplozia stricta Schiffn., Denkschr. Kaiserl. Akad. Wiss., Wien. Math.-Naturwiss.
Kl. 67: 194, 1898 (Schiffner 1898).
Solenostoma suborbiculatum (Amakawa) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 508, 2009 (Vá a & Long
2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia suborbiculata Amakawa, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 112, 1968
(Amakawa 1968).
Solenostoma subrubrum (Schiffn. ex Steph.) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 508, 2009 (Vá a &
Long 2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia subrubra Schiffn. ex Steph., Sp. Hepat. (Stephani) 6: 93, 1924
(Stephani 1924).
Solenostoma tetragonum (Lindenb.) R.M.Schust. ex Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 509, 2009 (Vá a
& Long 2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia tetragona Lindenb., Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 6: 462, 1848
(Meissner 1848). NOTE: Also published invalidly (Art. 33.4; basionym not cited) by Schuster (2002:
Solenostoma truncatum (Nees) R.M.Schust. ex Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 509, 2009 (Vá a &
Long 2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia truncata Nees, Enumer. Pl. Javae: 29, 1830 (Nees 1830).
NOTE: Also published invalidly (Art. 33.4; basionym not cited) by Schuster (2002: 378).
Solenostoma truncatum var. setulosum (Herzog) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 510, 2009 (Vá a &
Long 2009). BASIONYM: Plectocolea setulosa Herzog, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 14: 33, 1955 (Herzog &
Noguchi 1955).
Solenostoma truncatum (Nees) R.M.Schust. ex Vá a et D.G.Long var. truncatum, created by Solenostoma
truncatum var. setulosum (Herzog) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 510, 2009 (Vá a & Long
Solenostoma tuberculiferum (Herzog) Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 138, 2010 (Vá a et
al. 2010a). BASIONYM: Aplozia tuberculifera Herzog, Ann. Bryol. 5: 84, 1932 (Herzog 1932).
Solenostoma udarii (S.C.Srivast. et P.Singh) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 510, 2009 (Vá a & Long
2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia udarii S.C.Srivast. et P.Singh, Recent Stud. Indian Bryoph.: 152,
1995 (Srivastava & Singh 1995).
Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press 53
Solenostoma unispire (Amakawa) Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 138, 2010 (Vá a et al.
2010a). BASIONYM: Plectocolea unispiris Amakawa, J. Jap. Bot. 29: 178, 1954 (Amakawa 1954).
Solenostoma ventroversum (Grolle) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 510, 2009 (Vá a & Long 2009).
BASIONYM: Jungermannia ventroversa Grolle, Khumbu Himal: 284, 1966 (Grolle 1966a).
Solenostoma virgatum (Mitt.) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 510, 2009 [Nov.] (Vá a & Long 2009).
BASIONYM: Plectocolea virgata Mitt., Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 3: 197, 1891 (Mitten 1891).
NOTE: Also combined by Potemkin et Sofronova, Liverworts and Hornworts of Russia 1: 289, 2009
[Dec.] (Potemkin & Sofronova 2009).
Solenostoma vulcanicola (Schiffn.) Nyushko ex Potemkin et Sofronova, Liverworts and Hornworts of Russia
1: 289, 2009 (Potemkin & Sofronova 2009). BASIONYM: Nardia vulcanicola Schiffn., Denkschr.
Kaiserl. Akad. Wiss., Wien. Math.-Naturwiss. Kl. 67: 191, 1898 (Schiffner 1898). NOTE: Also combined
by Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs in Cryptog., Bryol. 31: 138, 2010 (Vá a et al. 2010a).
Solenostoma wattsianum (Steph.) R.M.Schust. ex Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 138,
2010 (Vá a et al. 2010a). BASIONYM: Jungermannia wattsiana Steph., Sp. Hepat. (Stephani) 6: 96,
1917 (Stephani 1917b). NOTE: Also published invalidly (Art. 33.4; basionym not cited) by Schuster
(2002: 378).
Solenostoma zangmuii (C.Gao et X.L.Bai) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 510, 2009 (Vá a & Long
2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia zangmuii C.Gao et X.L.Bai, Philipp. Scientist 38: 135, 2001 (Gao &
Bai 2001).
Solenostoma zantenii (Amakawa) R.M.Schust. ex Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 510, 2009 (Vá a &
Long 2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia zantenii Amakawa, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 110, 1968
(Amakawa 1968). NOTE: Also published invalidly (Art. 33.4; basionym not cited) by Schuster (2002:
Solenostoma zengii (C.Gao et X.L.Bai) Vá a et D.G.Long, Nova Hedwigia 89: 510, 2009 (Vá a & Long
2009). BASIONYM: Jungermannia zengii C.Gao et X.L.Bai, Philipp. Scientist 38: 151, 2001 (Gao & Bai
Solenostomataceae Stotler et Crand.-Stotl. (fam.), Edinburgh J. Bot. 66: 190, 2009. TYPE: Solenostoma
Mitt. (Crandall-Stotler et al. 2009a). NOTE: Crandall-Stotler et al. included Nardia (the type of
Aliculariaceae Warnst.) in the family and if this genus is included in the family the name Aliculariaceae
must be used.
Spruceanthus wiggintonii A.E.D.Daniels, Kariyappa et P.Daniel, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 121, 2010. TYPE:
“India, Tamil Nadu, Kanyakumari Dist., W. Ghats, Muthukuzhivayal, ca 1250 m, 26.1.2001, Daniels 1433
p.p. (Holotype: MH; Isotype: SCCN)” (Daniels et al. 2010).
Stolonivector clasmatocoleoides J.J.Engel, Nova Hedwigia 88: 339, 2009. TYPE: “HOLOTYPE: New
Zealand, South Island., Western Nelson Ecological Prov., Kahurangi Natl. Park, Matiri Range, Thousand
Acres Plateau, 1100–1200 m, Engel & von Konrat 27036 (F); isotype: (CHR)” (Engel 2009).
Stolonivector obtusilobus J.J.Engel, Nova Hedwigia 88: 337, 2009. TYPE: “HOLOTYPE: New Zealand,
North Island., Southern North Island Ecological Prov., Ruahine Forest Park, NW Ruahine Range, vicinity
of Makirikiri Tarns, N of Te Rakaunuiakura and NW of Makirikiri peak, ca. 1100 m, Engel & von Konrat
28088A (F); isotype: (AK)” (Engel 2009).
Syzygiella subgen. Anomalae (Inoue) K.Feldberg, Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 143,
2010 (Feldberg et al. 2010). BASIONYM: Syzygiella sect. Anomalae Inoue, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 183,
1966 (Inoue 1966b).
Syzygiella subgen. Cryptochila (R.M.Schust.) K.Feldberg, Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31:
143, 2010 (Feldberg et al. 2010). BASIONYM: Cryptochila R.M.Schust., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 26: 284,
1963 (Schuster 1963).
Syzygiella subgen. Roivainenia (Perss.) K.Feldberg, Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 144,
2010 (Feldberg et al. 2010). BASIONYM: Roivainenia Perss., Nova Hedwigia 3: 43, 1961 (Persson &
Grolle 1961).
54 Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press
Syzygiella acinacifolia (Hook.f. et Taylor) K.Feldberg, Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31:
143, 2010 (Feldberg et al. 2010). BASIONYM: Jungermannia acinacifolia Hook.f. et Taylor, London J.
Bot. 3: 367, 1844 (Hooker & Taylor 1844).
Syzygiella autumnalis (DC.) K.Feldberg, Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 144, 2010
(Feldberg et al. 2010). BASIONYM: Jungermannia autumnalis DC., Fl. Franc. (DC. & Lamarck),
reissued ed. 3, 5: 202, 1815 (De Candolle & Lamarck 1815).
Syzygiella colorata (Lehm.) K.Feldberg, a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 144, 2010
(Feldberg et al. 2010). BASIONYM: Jungermannia colorata Lehm., Linnaea 4: 366, 1829 (Lehmann
Syzygiella elongella (Taylor) K.Feldberg, Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 144, 2010
(Feldberg et al. 2010). BASIONYM: Jungermannia elongella Taylor, London J. Bot. 5: 274, 1846 (Taylor
Syzygiella jacquinotii (Mont.) Hentschel, K.Feldberg, Vá a et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 144, 2010
(Feldberg et al. 2010). BASIONYM: Jungermannia jacquinotii Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. (ser. 2) 19: 250,
1843 (Montagne 1843).
Syzygiella nigrescens (Steph.) K.Feldberg, Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 143, 2010
(Feldberg et al. 2010). BASIONYM: Jamesoniella nigrescens Steph., Hedwigia 34: 48, 1895 (Stephani
Syzygiella nipponica (S.Hatt.) K.Feldberg, Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 145, 2010
(Feldberg et al. 2010). BASIONYM: Jamesoniella nipponica S.Hatt., J. Jap. Bot. 19: 350, 1943 (Hattori
Syzygiella oenops (Lindenb. et Gottsche) K.Feldberg, Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 145,
2010 (Feldberg et al. 2010). BASIONYM: Jungermannia oenops Lindenb. et Gottsche, Syn. Hepat. 5:
673, 1847 (Gottsche et al. 1847).
Syzygiella paludosa (Steph.) K.Feldberg, Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 143, 2010
(Feldberg et al. 2010). BASIONYM: Jamesoniella paludosa Steph., Bih. Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad.
Handl. 26 (III, 17): 11, 1901 (Stephani 1901a).
Syzygiella pseudocclusa (E.A.Hodgs.) K.Feldberg, Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 143,
2010 (Feldberg et al. 2010). BASIONYM: Jamesoniella pseudocclusa E.A.Hodgs., Trans. & Proc. Roy.
Soc. New Zealand 76: 79, 1946 (Hodgson 1946).
Syzygiella purpurascens (Steph.) K.Feldberg, Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 145, 2010
(Feldberg et al. 2010). BASIONYM: Jamesoniella purpurascens Steph., Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 30:
200, 1891 (Stephani 1891c).
Syzygiella sonderi (Gottsche) K.Feldberg, Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 143, 2010
(Feldberg et al. 2010). BASIONYM: Jungermannia sonderi Gottsche, Linnaea 28: 550, 1856 [1857]
(Gottsche 1857b).
Syzygiella spegazziniana (Spruce ex C.Massal.) K.Feldberg, Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol.
31: 144, 2010 (Feldberg et al. 2010). BASIONYM: Jungermannia spegazziniana Spruce ex C.Massal.,
Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 17: 206, 1885 (Massalongo 1885).
Syzygiella tasmanica (Hook.f. et Taylor) K.Feldberg, Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 144,
2010 (Feldberg et al. 2010). BASIONYM: Jungermannia tasmanica Hook.f. et Taylor, London J. Bot. 5:
274, 1846 (Taylor 1846a).
Syzygiella undata (Mont.) K.Feldberg, Vá a, Hentschel et Heinrichs, Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 145, 2010
(Feldberg et al. 2010). BASIONYM: Jungermannia undata Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. (ser. 4) 14: 183,
1860 (Montagne 1860).
** Taxilejeunea decora Schäf.-Verw., Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 396, 2010, nom. inval. Art. 34.1.c; publ. in syn.
[sub Prionolejeunea decora] (Schäfer-Verwimp 2010). BASED ON: Lejeunea decora Taylor, London J.
Bot. 5: 393, 1846 (Taylor 1846b).
Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press 55
** Taxilejeunea indica A.Agarwal ex S.C.Srivast. et D.Sharma, Recent Trends in Botanical Researches: 65,
2000, nom. inval. Art. 32.1.d; no description. ORIGINAL MATERIAL: Khandala (Alt ca. 180m),
Maharastra [sic], India. (Agarwal, 1986) (Srivastava & Sharma 2000).
Taxilejeunea serpillifolioides (Raddi) D.P.Costa, J. Bryol. 31: 230, 2010 (Costa 2010). BASIONYM:
Jungermannia serpillifolioides Raddi, Critt. Brasil.: 17, 1822 (Raddi 1822).
** Telaranea inaequalis R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 118: 225, 2000 nom. inval. Art. 36.1; no Latin
description (Schuster 2000). ORIGINAL MATERIAL: Bown Falls, S.I., N. Zealand, RMS60650. NOTE:
Later validated by Engel & Smith Merrill (2004).
** Telaranea obscura J.J.Engel et G.L.Merr. ex R.M.Schust., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 118: 213, 2000 nom.
inval. Art. 36.1; no Latin description (Schuster 2000). ORIGINAL MATERIAL: New Zealand.
Tetralophozia setiformis var. nemoides (Kaal.) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 51, 2002 (Damsholt
2002). BASIONYM: Chandonanthus setiformis var. nemoides Kaal., Kongel. Norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr.
(Trondheim) 7: 23, 1910 [1911] (Kaalaas 1911).
Thysananthus discretus Sukkharak et Gradst., Cryptog. Bryol. 31: 113, 2010. TYPE: “Indonesia, Papua
[“Netherlands New Guinea, distr. Hollandia”], Cycloop Mountains, path Ifar-Ormoe, alt. 1220 m, 21 Aug
1961, Royen & Sleumer 5896 (holotype, L; isotypes, JE, S)” (Sukkharak & Gradstein 2010).
Trichocoleineae C.Gao, Y.H.Wu et W.Li (subord.), Genera Hepaticopsida Anthocerotopsida Sinicorum: 76,
2010, “Trichocoleiinae” (Gao et al. 2010). NOTE: Automatically typified (Art. 16.1.a) by
Trichocoleaceae Nakai.
Trilophozia (R.M.Schust.) Bakalin, Monogr. Lophozia: 34, 2005 (Bakalin 2005). BASIONYM: Tritomaria
subgen. Trilophozia R.M.Schust., Amer. Midl. Naturalist 49: 382, 1953 (Schuster 1953).
Trilophozia quinquedentata (Huds.) Bakalin, Monogr. Lophozia: 34, 2005 (Bakalin 2005). BASIONYM:
Jungermannia quinquedentata Huds., Fl. Angl. (Hudson): 433, 1762 (Hudson 1762).
Tritomaria koreana Bakalin, S.S.Choi et B.Y.Sun, Arctoa 18: 163, 2009 [2010]. TYPE: “Korean Peninsula,
Gyeongsangnam-do Province, Jiri-san National Park, area near Jiri Mt. peak (35° 20' 24.1"N 127° 43'
53.8"E), 1820 m alt. Cliff crevice on steep slope in mountain coniferous forest with Abies koreana E.H.
Wilson dominating, leg 15 July 2009 V.A. Bakalin and S.-S. Choi H3781 (JNU, isotypus in VLA)”
(Bakalin et al. 2010b).
Tritomaria mexicana Bakalin, Arctoa 17: 162, 2008 [2009]. TYPE: “Mexico: Michoacán: San Juan Nuevo,
Patzingo (19°28'N, 102°11'W), 2400 m alt. On tree base in rather open montane Pine-Oak forest. leg.
Burghardt 16 Oct. 2004 No 4512 (MO-5366378, isotypus in VLA)” (Bakalin 2009b).
Tritomaria polita var. medelpadica (Arnell) Damsh., Ill. Fl. Nord. Liverw. Hornw.: 188, 2002 (Damsholt
2002). BASIONYM: Jungermannia medelpadica Arnell, Rev. Bryol. 18: 12, 1891 (Arnell 1891).
Data were compiled and edited by Anders Hagborg, Lars Söderström, and Matt von Konrat as part of the
“Early Land Plants Today Project”. We thank support provided by GBIF (Award No. 2007/41) and the NSF
funded project “Bringing Schuster, Standley and Co. Into the Third Millennium: The Field Museum's 180K
Bryophyte and Lichen Conversion & Digitization Project” (Award # 0749762). Funding from the Biodiversity
Synthesis Center of the Encyclopedia of Life (EoL) has also greatly helped ELPT towards its overall goals
and ambitions of growing into a community wide effort. We also acknowledge the useful resources
TROPICOS and the Recent Literature series of The Bryologist compiled by William R. Buck, Bruce Allen,
and Ronald A. Pursell. We have also got help with references from Nadya Konstantinova, Sushil K.
Srivastava and Rui-Liang Zhu. Jirí Vá a and Pekka Isoviita gave us many valuable comments on the
manuscript. Finally, the authors graciously acknowledge John J. Engel for access to his personal bryological
56 Phytotaxa 63 © 2012 Magnolia Press
Alam, A., Kumar, A. & Srivastava, S.C. (2007) Jungermannia nilgiriensis, a new species from Nilgiri Hills (Western
Ghats) India. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 49: 219–224.
Amakawa, T. (1954) Notes on Japanese Hepaticae (1). Journal of Japanese Botany [Shokubutsu kenkyu zasshi] 29:
Amakawa, T. (1957) Notes on Japanese Hepaticae (5). Journal of Japanese Botany [Shokubutsu kenkyu zasshi] 32:
Amakawa, T. (1958) Notes on Japanese Hepaticae (7). Journal of Japanese Botany [Shokubutsu kenkyu zasshi] 33:
Amakawa, T. (1959) Notes on Japanese Hepaticae (9). Journal of Japanese Botany [Shokubutsu kenkyu zasshi] 34:
Amakawa, T. (1960) Family Jungermanniaceae of Japan, II. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 22: 1–90.
Amakawa, T. (1963) New or little known Asiatic species of the family Jungermanniaceae. I. Journal of the Hattori
Botanical Laboratory 26: 20–26.
Amakawa, T. (1966) New or little known Asiatic species of the family Jungermanniaceae. II. Journal of the Hattori
Botanical Laboratory 29: 253–266.
Amakawa, T. (1967) New or little known Asiatic species of the family Jungermanniaceae. III. Journal of the Hattori
Botanical Laboratory 30: 181–198.
Amakawa, T. (1968) New or little known Asiatic species of the family Jungermanniaceae. IV. Journal of the Hattori
Botanical Laboratory 31: 101–112.
Amakawa, T. (1970) New or little known Asiatic species of the family Jungermanniaceae. VI. Jungermannia comata and
its allies. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 33: 153–160.
Ariyanti, N.S., Gradstein, S.R., Sporn, S.G., Angelika, R. & Tan, B.C. (2009) Catalogue of the bryophytes of Sulawesi.
Supplement 1: new species records. Blumea 54: 287–289.
Arnell, H.W. (1891) Jungermannia medelpadica nov. spc. Revue Bryologique 18: 12–13.
Arnell, H.W. (1905) Martinellia obliqua Arnell nov. spec.. Revue Bryologique 32: 1–2.
Arnell, H.W. (1911) Tre dagar i Bjuråker. En bryologisk exkursion. Botaniska Notiser 64: 1–9.
Arnell, H.W. (1925) Die Schwedischen Jungermania-Arten. Pflanzengeographische Skizzen. Arkiv för Botanik 19(10):
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