
The Way We Think: Conceptual Blending And The Mind's Hidden Complexities

... The number of linguistic works, focusing on metaphor, is very large, but interest in it still persists and periodically becomes more active. The attention of modern researchers is attracted by the following problems: the essence of metaphor, its place in the lingual picture of the world and its role in language (Zinken, 2004;Havryliuk, 2013;Ovsiienko, 2018); approaches to the study of metaphors (Fauconnier, Turner, 2000, 2002Kravtsova, 2011Kravtsova, , 2024Sakhniuk, 2019); classification of metaphors (Ovsiienko, 2018;Stretovych, 2018); specificity of the metaphorical picture of the world (Chendei, 2007;Kravchenko-Dzondza, 2013); metaphor as a cognitive mechanism, features of metaphorical conceptualization of the world (Musolff, 2004;Ritchie, 2004;Slobodian, 2011;Kravets, 2018); modelling of metaphorization processes (Fauconnier, Turner, 2000, 2002Kravtsova, 2011Kravtsova, , 2022Kravtsova, , 2024; functioning of metaphor in different styles of language (Kravets, 2012;Liashchenko, 2014), etc. ...
... The number of linguistic works, focusing on metaphor, is very large, but interest in it still persists and periodically becomes more active. The attention of modern researchers is attracted by the following problems: the essence of metaphor, its place in the lingual picture of the world and its role in language (Zinken, 2004;Havryliuk, 2013;Ovsiienko, 2018); approaches to the study of metaphors (Fauconnier, Turner, 2000, 2002Kravtsova, 2011Kravtsova, , 2024Sakhniuk, 2019); classification of metaphors (Ovsiienko, 2018;Stretovych, 2018); specificity of the metaphorical picture of the world (Chendei, 2007;Kravchenko-Dzondza, 2013); metaphor as a cognitive mechanism, features of metaphorical conceptualization of the world (Musolff, 2004;Ritchie, 2004;Slobodian, 2011;Kravets, 2018); modelling of metaphorization processes (Fauconnier, Turner, 2000, 2002Kravtsova, 2011Kravtsova, , 2022Kravtsova, , 2024; functioning of metaphor in different styles of language (Kravets, 2012;Liashchenko, 2014), etc. ...
... The authors of the theory proposed an alternative to the two-domain model of metaphor, a model of several spaces (Fauconnier, Turner, 2002). In their opinion, the unidirectional metaphorical projection from the sphere-source to the sphere-target is only a special case of a more complex, dynamic, and variable complex of processes, for the explication of which it is necessary to introduce two intermediate spaces into the study of cognitive metaphor. ...
The paper presents the characteristic of a new integrative area of linguistics – linguometaphorology, in which a theoretical and methodological base as well as a categorical and terminological apparatus are gradually being formed, empirical material is accumulating. However, many theoretical provisions require scientific rethinking, generalization, and systematization, while terminology needs clarification and unification. Based on the analysis of the main linguometaphorological works, the leading directions and current problems of linguometaphorology, basic methods of studying metaphorics are described, and dynamics of this branch of linguistics development is predicted. The analysis of linguometaphorological researchs of the late 20th–21st centuries shows that the study of metaphors is most productively carried out in the semantic and cognitive directions. The author of this paper develops a semantic-cognitive approach to the study of metaphors, the relevance of which is due to the objective necessity of its theoretical understanding as a single mental-verbal construct. The current problems of linguometaphorology are as follows: defining the essence of metaphor; establishing the principles of modelling metaphorization and the parameters of metaphorical models; clarifying the specifics of the metaphorical picture of the world; identifying the features of metaphorical conceptualization; developing methods and techniques for the complex analysis of metaphorics; developing the principles of the lexicographic description of metaphors and compiling metaphorical dictionaries. The methodology of linguometaphorology, which is developing in various directions, is based on such linguistic methods as componential analysis, contextual analysis, linguistic (semantic, cognitive, semantic-cognitive) modelling. It is promising to continue linguometaphorological research in semantic, cognitive, semantic-cognitive and lexicographic aspects. Further development of linguometaphorology will allow to get a deeper understanding of the nature and mechanisms of figurative-metaphorical thinking
... For a more complete discussion of what a metaphor is and how it differs from analogy and simile, we refer the interested reader to [26]. Other excellent discussions of the theoretical status of, and issues surrounding, metaphor and analogy may be found in [27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36]. ...
... For Born to interpret the wave function as a probability distribution, he felt it necessary to blend together a wave picture and a particle picture with real particles who have definite trajectories determined probabilistically by the wave function. Lakoff and Núñez refer to such a mental construct as a metaphorical blend [28] after the conceptual blend of Fauconnier and Turner [31]. ...
... There is one major aspect of cognitive linguistics that we have not attempted to apply to the field physics education research in this paper. This is the idea of conceptual blending [31]. Conceptual blending may provide a complementary account of many of the ideas in this paper. ...
This paper introduces a theory about the role of language in learning physics. The theory is developed in the context of physics students' and physicists' talking and writing about the subject of quantum mechanics. We found that physicists' language encodes different varieties of analogical models through the use of grammar and conceptual metaphor. We hypothesize that students categorize concepts into ontological categories based on the grammatical structure of physicists' language. We also hypothesize that students over-extend and misapply conceptual metaphors in physicists' speech and writing. Using our theory, we will show how, in some cases, we can explain student difficulties in quantum mechanics as difficulties with language.
... On the other hand, the Conceptual Metaphors Theory (CMT) (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980), which is a cognitive linguistic theory, tells us how to find the source and target domain in a sentence like flood of protestors drowns the regime (the example is the author's own) where the target domain, which is protesters, is conceptualized in terms of properties from the source domain flood to arrive at the conceptual metaphor PROTESTORS ARE A MOVING FLOOD, which evokes the scene and threat of a natural disaster. Unlike the CMT (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980), the Blending Theory of Metaphors (BT, henceforth) (Fauconnier & Turner, 2002) claims that several elements are activated from two separate mental (input) spaces in the mind of the discourse producer and consumers, then projected in the upper circle of the generic space (see the diagram in Figure 1 below) before particular elements from each mental space are selected to form the emergent metaphor e.g. FLOOD OF PROTESTORS. ...
... In this metaphor, protesters are conceptualized as a massive flood power that can demolish an existing regime i.e. as strong as a dangerous disaster to the community depending on further contextual modulation (Evans, 2009) that specifies the exact meaning based on a given discourse. Such cognitive processing of linguistic expressions occurs subconsciously (Lakoff & Johnson, 1999) and at the speed of light (Fauconnier & Turner, 2002). Similarly, in this study, the main metaphor(s) used by Aljazeera reports were explicated and explained using the BT network. ...
... By this, the recurrent metaphorical conceptualization of MUBARAK AS FIRA'OON through mainly implicit intertextual practices in Aljazeera reports was identified, interpreted and explained. Next, subtle cognitive sub-mappings between the source and target domains will be explained (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980) using the BT apparatus (Fauconnier & Turner, 2002), see Figure 2. As we can see, the BT diagram above has provided a panorama for the discussed intertextual metaphor MUBARAK IS 'FIRA'OON' that appeared repeatedly in Aljazeera reports. It explains how specific elements are activated from two separate mental spaces in the mind of the discourse producer and consumers and how they get projected in the upper circle of the generic space (see the diagram above) before particular elements from each mental space get selected to form the emergent metaphor MUBARAK IS FIRA'OON, in milliseconds (Fauconnier & Turner, 2002). ...
The current paper is a critical cognitive corpus-based analysis of Aljazeera Arabic news reports that have utilized the Qur’anic scripture in an implicit way to report on political events that took place in Egypt in 2011. While it is well-known in academic research that intertextuality can be determined by metaphors in media discourse (Semino, 2008; Otaif,2015), the current paper found that intertextuality can also constitute a main discourse metaphor that serves as an effective discursive tool to influence or manufacture the public ideological stance and consent to social events. The findings raise ethical concerns over the use of the Qur’anic scripture in political news discourse and call for further critical research. keywords: intertextuality, metaphors, intertextual metaphor, critical discourse analysis, Quran, news discourse
... In order to verify the hypothesis that conceptual blending theory is endowed with sufficient mechanisms to allow users to analyze and comprehend jokes and that blending in jokes depends on its constituent parts, four Kurdish jokes are randomly chosen and analyzed following Fauconnier & Turner's (2002) model. The study aims to provide answers to the questions raised above. ...
... The Input Spaces: Partial structures are used to express these, incorporating elements and relations from several domains. Fauconnier and Turner (2002) look at the input spaces of a blend as mental spaces, which are small conceptual packets constructed as humans think and speak. Mental spaces are connected to schematic information through frames, which are also referred to as image schemas and in which the elements and relationships are arranged as a package that we already know. ...
... The components shared by the input mental spaces make up a generic mental space (Fauconnier, Turner, 2002). Its purpose is to assist in creating connections between the mental areas that are being input, allowing conceptual integration to proceed (Coulson, 2001). ...
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This study analyzes selected Kurdish jokes using the cognitive linguistic theoretical framework of conceptual blending, which relies on mental spaces as cognitive packets of information used to interpret the world around us and within us. The dynamic nature of language as an interactive and situational phenomenon is addressed by conceptual integration, often referred to as conceptual blending theory. The productivity of newly emerging linguistic structures is explained by this principle. It is claimed that jokes have not been correctly distinguished from other linguistic structures in the sense that Blending Theory has not profiled their humorous character, despite jokes being a paradigmatic discursive form that can be recognized intuitively. The analysis is used to find out whether Kurdish learners could comprehend the jokes in their native language and if the concept of conceptual integration, which is the process of identifying the input spaces that make up a joke's blended space, would be applied to their analysis of jokes. Fourth-year students from the University of Garmian, Department of English Language and Literature, were chosen to examine cognitive processes involved in the comprehension of jokes. They were given four Kurdish jokes, specifically jokes from the Central Kurdish dialect, and attempted to articulate the thoughts that run through their minds when reading them and which discordant elements are responsible for their funny effect. Taking into account the participants' answers, the input spaces (by naming their constituents) and the blended space were defined. Additionally, the participants' answers were evaluated depending on their background knowledge, which is necessary to comprehend the joke. The study's findings support the assertions made by Fauconnier and Turner that conceptual integration is a general cognitive process by which people, including Kurds, produce meaning.
... CBT is also called conceptual integration theory and builds on the theory of mental spaces, which are small conceptual pockets structured by frames and cognitive models constructed for purposes of local understanding and action (Fauconnier, 1994;Fauconnier & Turner, 2002) [22] [23] . The basic fourspace model of CBT involves four mental spaces: a) input space 1, b) input space 2, c) generic space, and d) blended space. ...
... CBT is also called conceptual integration theory and builds on the theory of mental spaces, which are small conceptual pockets structured by frames and cognitive models constructed for purposes of local understanding and action (Fauconnier, 1994;Fauconnier & Turner, 2002) [22] [23] . The basic fourspace model of CBT involves four mental spaces: a) input space 1, b) input space 2, c) generic space, and d) blended space. ...
... Finally, in the blended space, the shared parts in the input spaces are projected into the same mental space and fused to develop an emergent structure that neither of the input spaces contains, through three steps-composition, completion, and elaboration. In this process, new meaning is achieved in the emergent structure (Fauconnier & Turner, 2002) [23] . ...
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Assuming that Chinese–English pseudo words (CEPWs) are humorous and have multiple meanings, this study, based on the conceptual blending theory (CBT), investigates the comprehension of meaning and humor in CEPWs for Chinese speakers learning English as a foreign language (EFL). Specifically, it aimed to answer the following questions: 1) What is the humorous effect of CEPWs as perceived by Chinese EFL speakers? 2) What is the comprehensive understanding of CEPWs among Chinese EFL speakers according to CBT? and 3) How are Chinese EFL speakers’ understanding of CEPWs and their perception of the humorous effect related? This study adopted a mixed method of quantitative (questionnaire) and qualitative (semi-structured interview) approaches. It surveyed 114 native Chinese EFL speakers and interviewed 12 of them. Quantitative data were collected via a questionnaire disseminated on the online questionnaire platform, gathering 114 valid responses. After collection, the quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS Statistics 20 software. The findings revealed that CEPWs are more humorous than their Chinese originals. A conceptual blending model of Chinese EFL speakers’ comprehension of CEPWs was proposed, which allows these speakers to generate numerous interpretations of CEPWs. The humor in CEPWs comes from homophony, bilingual speech, and conceptual blending, facilitated by the meaning correspondence of English words in the CEPW and context. This suggests that the incongruity between input spaces and the emergent structure of conceptual blending is involved in creating humor. CEPWs meet the criteria for puns, providing a new perspective on this phenomenon. The findings provided empirical data, based on which a model of Chinese EFL speakers’ comprehension process of CEPWs was devised, providing insights into the cognitive process behind the use of Internet language.
... Kavramsal Harmanlama Kuramı söylem sırasında gerçek zamanlı olarak anlamın inşasında için farklı zihinsel alanlarındaki bilginin nasıl harmanlandığını aydınlatmak için kuramsal bir çerçeve sunmaya yöneliktir. Fauconnier'ın (1994) Zihinsel Alanlar (Mental Spaces) konusundaki çalışmasının ardından Fauconnier ve Turner'ın (1994;1998, 2002 çalışmalarıyla olgunlaşan kavramsal harmanlama, dinamik bilişsel modellerini veya konuşmacının göndergesel temsil paylaşımlarını harmanlayıp bir ağda birleştiren bir dizi işlemi kapsar Son birkaç on yıl boyunca, metaforik eşlemeler de dahil olmak üzere kavramsal eşleştirmelerin incelenmesi, yalnızca dil alanında değil, aynı zamanda bilimsel keşif, tasarım, matematiksel düşünme ve bilgisayar arayüzleri gibi alanlarda da önemli bilgiler sağlamıştır (Fauconnier ve Turner 2008). Kavramsal Metafor Kuramı çalışmalarında alışık olduğumuz alanlar arası eşleştirmelere ve bunların somut sonuçlarına odaklanan araştırmalar Kavramsal Harmanlama Kuramı çalışmalarında pek çok ek boyutu kapsayacak şekilde genişlemiştir. ...
... Fauconnier ve Turner (1994;2002) tarafından geliştirilen Kavramsal Harmanlama Kuramının temelinde zihinsel alanlar Fauconnier (1994) tarafından ortaya atılan (Mental Spaces) kavramı bulunur. Zihinsel alan oluşturulması ve bu zihinsel alanlar arasında eşleştirmelerin kurulması, anlamın inşasında yer alan iki ana süreçtir (Evans ve Green 2006:394). ...
... "Hayati Ilişkiler" Fauconnier ve Turner (1998, 2002 tarafından Kavramsal Harmanlama Kuramı çerçevesinde geliştirilen ve ayrıntılı biçimde açıkla-nan, yaratıcılık ve anlamada söz konusu olan bilişsel süreçleri açıklamak için kullanılan bir kavramdır. Kavramsal harmanlamada Hayati Ilişkiler, yeni bir kavram veya fikir oluşturmak için bir araya getirilen farklı zihinsel alanlardaki unsurlar arasındaki ilişkilere atıfta bulunur. ...
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Turkish Abstract Bu çalışma Kavramsal Harmanlama Kuramının (KHK) temel içeriğinin ve örneklerinin Türkçe dilinde anlatılmasını ve bazı tartışmalara açıklık getirilmesini amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmada Kavramsal Metafor Kuramını (KMK) reddetmeyen, onu da kendi bünyesi içinde bir yere oturtan ve daha kapsamlı bir bilişsel kuram olma iddiasını güden Kavramsal Harmanlama/Entegrasyon Kuramının temel savları, bileşenleri, Kavramsal Metafor Kuramından farkları tartışılmaktadır. Ayrıca alan yazından seçilmiş kavramsal harmanlama örnekleri kuramsal anlatımı desteklemekte, ilgili açıklama ve zihindeki kavramsal harmanlama simülasyonlarını temsil eden kavramsal harmanlama ağ şemalarıyla desteklenmektedir. Bilişsel dilbilimi alanında bu kuramla ilgili yayınlar genel olarak İngilizce olarak yapıldığı için bu Türkçe çalışmada ayrıca güncel kuramdaki bazı terimlere uygun Türkçe karşılıklar önerilmektedir. English Abstract This study aims to explain the basic content and examples of the Conceptual Blending Theory (CMT) in Turkish and to clarify some debates. In the study, the basic arguments, components, and differences between the Conceptual Blending/Integration Theory, which does not reject the Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT), places it within its own structure, and claims to be a more comprehensive cognitive theory, and the differences between this theory and the Conceptual Metaphor Theory are discussed. In addition, conceptual blending examples selected from the literature support the theoretical narrative and are supported by relevant explanations and conceptual blending network diagrams representing conceptual blending simulations in the mind. Since the publications on this theory in the field of cognitive linguistics are generally in English, this Turkish study also proposes appropriate Turkish equivalents for some of the terms in the current theory.
... Do takiego rozumienia znaczenia nawiązuje koncepcja przestrzeni mentalnych, które -według autorów The Way We Think -są: niewielkimi pakietami pojęciowymi konstruowanymi podczas myślenia i mówienia dla celów doraźnego rozumienia i działania. Są one bardzo niekompletnymi zbiorami, zawierającymi różne elementy, strukturyzowanymi za pomocą ram i modeli kognitywnych (Fauconnier, Turner 2002, 102, za: Libura 2010. ...
... Przestrzeń generyczna odwzorowuje się na każdą z przestrzeni wyjściowych i zawiera to, co jest im wspólne [Fauconnier, Turner 2002, 41, Libura 2010. ...
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This article attempts to present the concept of a soulmate as a conceptual amalgam in relation to the theory of conceptual integration by Gilles Fauconnier and Mark Turner (2002), further developed by Agnieszka Libura (Libura 2010, 2011) to include an emotional component (in the form of emotional scenarios depicting events on a human scale of experiences). In describing the meaning of the soulmate amalgam, an integration network model comprising four mental spaces (two input spaces, a generic space, and the fourth — the amalgam space resulting from the integration of selected elements from the three other structures) was applied, along with an emotional scenario of joy representing the most prototypical reaction to the event — meeting/finding a soulmate. The emotional scenario imparts a global sense to the amalgam, allowing for an insight into its structure, revealing the way the image of a soulmate is created as the alter ego of the creator
... In the light of conceptual integration theory, differently blending (Fauconnier and Turner, 2002), this multidimensional computation for the meaning of a given term can be understood as the emergent space that results from simultaneous access to two -or more-input spaces. For example, in the case of BACHELOR these would be BEFORE_MARRIAGE and AFTER_MARRIAGE, with BACHELOR being the concept that emerges from the correspondence between a given entity that satisfies the [male, unmarried] characteristics, with his possible and prospective [male, married] self, as shown in figure 1. ...
... Nevertheless, under a closer look, it can be shown that there is always some common space that links them and prepares the emergence of new elements on the basis of the existing ones. Analytically, this space is formulable as the Generic Space (Fauconnier and Turner, 2002), whose role is precisely the categorisation of the interacting spaces as partially identical in the name of relevant elements that can be commonly found in both. ...
: This work looks at the way the polysemic network of the term ksénos, meaning GUEST-FRIEND, HOST and STRANGER in Ancient Greek, is literarily exploited by the 4th century Christian writer Epiphanius, in a sermon on Holy Saturday. The text is of particular interest, given that it makes a proliferate use of the term in a passage that occupies a central place in his work. The analysis first gives a representation of the gestaltist theory that underlies the conceptualisation of the term, understanding the latter as an emergent concept within a network of conceptual integration. In turn, it contextualises synchronically the sermon by giving a rather fine-grained semantic coding of the extant instances of the term, found in Greek papyri between 250 and 450 AD. Finally, it looks at the actual uses of the term in Epiphanius’ text, locating each of the uses within ksénos’ integration network and exploring their function at a textual level. Keywords: prototypicality, polysemic network, Ancient Greek, conceptual integration.
... Fauconnier 1985Talmy 1988;Hölzl 2020, 3), mental spaces and conceptual integration (Arnheim 2011vs. Fauconnier 1985, Fauconnier, Turner 2003Hölzl 2020, 4). ...
... Research from this period was born out of cognitivists' radical opposition to what was then mainstream linguistics: generative theory of language based on the principles of modularity, compositionality, and autonomy of syntax. The second phase, beginning of which can be traced back to research on conceptual metaphor and construction of the foundation for conceptual integration theory (Lakoff 1987;Fauconnier, Turner 2003) is a time of interdisciplinary synthesis and of growing interest in the processes of processing (linguistic) information, the importance of context and structure of discourse. It comes as no surprise then that it is this stage that brings the cognitivist theory of language and of grammar closer to the phenomenological aesthetic theory of structure and cognition of the literary work of art. ...
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Works written in the cognitivist vein have been clearly inspired by and connected with Gestalt psychology – a fact recognized by scholars who describe the beginnings and subsequent development of cognitive theories of language. However, the discoverers of hidden aspects of the history of Cognitive Linguistics hardly ever put on their lists of forerunners the name of Roman Ingarden. And yet many of fundamental principles that underlie cognitivist theories of language and grammar can be found in Ingarden’s writings, notably in his The Cognition of the Literary Work of Art, first published in 1937 – exactly half a century before the year 1987, the annus mirabilis of Cognitive Linguistics, when its founding fathers published their groundbreaking monographs. Ingarden wrote about “literature”, while Langacker and his followers focus upon “non-literature”, i.e. text and discourse as elements of everyday communication. But both the (narrower) aesthetic concepts of Ingarden and the wider (linguistic) notions of Langacker, Lakoff or Talmy are based upon the fundamental opposition between the objectivist and the subjectivist approach. Most striking is the convergence of their view upon the shape of language as it occurs in verbal expression, inevitably connected with consciousness and mental activity of the producer: a cognizant subject of perception, conceptualization and expression. Deeper knowledge of Ingarden’s phenomenological thought might enrich cognitivist reflection on language and by taking account of phenomenological aspects of language use promote the search for markers of “everyday literariness”.
... Chief among these is [48] (pp. [77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84], where we find a lengthy and quite fair explication of Carnot's ideas, waterfall imagery and caloric included. ...
... We can now sketch how analogies between our descriptions of different Forces-fluid, thermal, electrical, chemical, etc.-arise. We use a methodology developed in the model of conceptual integration ( [81][82][83]) and show how a blend of figurative renderings of fluids and heat can emerge (Figure 4b). In blending theory (conceptual integration theory), we describe knowledge structures as spaces that interact and can be merged. ...
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Carnot treats Heat as a Force of Nature, with its typical fundamental characteristics of intensity and thermal tension (temperature and temperature difference), extension (amount of heat, i.e., caloric), and power. To suggest how the three aspects are related, he applies the imagery of waterfalls to causative thermal processes: heat powers motion in a heat engine just as falling water does when activating rotation in a water wheel. We understand Carnot’s waterfall imagery as an archetype of human reasoning—as an embodiment of how we experience and understand causative (agentive) phenomena. We project it onto the macroscopic phenomena identified in physical science and so unlock the power of analogical structure mapping between theories of fluids, electricity and magnetism, heat, substances, gravity, and linear and rotational motion. In particular, the notion of (motive) power of a waterfall lets us create imaginative explanations of the interactions of Forces of Nature and helps us construct a generalized energy principle. Two-hundred years after Carnot made us aware of it, his Waterfall Analogy is a powerful example of theory construction with roots deep in how we experience phenomena as caused by natural agents.
... Unsurprisingly, certain conceptual triggers set up certain avenues that would eventually lead up to certain organizing frames and less often to novel creative subsidiary frames (Fauconnier and Turner, 2002;Coulson and Oakley, 2005). Our cognitive system functions in such a way to steer and channel our information towards a relevant stimulus. ...
... Interestingly, co-variation is another principle underlying such image, in the sense that, in the same way as eating a lot and accumulating a lot of money makes one feel good, eating less and accumulating less money makes one feel weak and bad (Fauconnier and Turner, 2002;Coulson and Oakley, 2005). Further expounded by the prophet is the analogous correspondence obtaining in grass eaters and people taking and handling money. ...
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A penetrative analysis of the workings and translatability of metaphors in prophet Mohamed’s accounts (henceforth al- Hadith) may reveal important insights into the way metaphors are construed. For the employment of metaphor in al- Hadith is of a great merit and simply cannot be sidestepped. In this spirit, the present paper is steeped in three frames of reference, namely (1) Lakoff and Johnson’s (1980), Fauconnier and Turner’s (2002), Coulson and Oakley’s (2005) and Sperber and Wilson’s (1995); (2) Jones and Estes’s (2006), and (3) Newmark’s (1981) and Schaffner (2004). Relevant to this, among the strong aims of this paper is to outline the application of the patterns underlying metaphor production, comprehension and eventually translation to eleven Hadith. Thus, the forthcoming analysis bears a two-folded aim as it unfolds triggers that allow us to see how metaphor production and comprehension might be computed and, accordingly, offers insights into the practicalities of translating metaphor in al- Hadith when conceptual entrenchment becomes one significant trait of the processing of those metaphors. Within the confinement of this idea, we come to conclude that translatability is likely to obtain when these metaphorical expressions are underlain by similar conceptual or experiential domains or are bound up by a sort of correlation that renders relevance, and that the reasons behind metaphor use in al- Hadith transcend rhetorical considerations by constitutively (re)shaping and (re)defining many of the values and beliefs operating in the individual and social-making enterprise, allowing, thereby, for metaphor in al- Hadith to fall roughly under the banner of conceptual, even more, constructive metaphor.
... + sust. migrante (Hart, 2015;Fauconnier y Turner, 2002). ...
... A través de la constante repetición de ciertas fusiones léxicas en los encabezados de las noticias mediáticas emerge una restricción conceptual para la interpretación del fenómeno de la migración hacia y a través de México. En este tipo de fusiones, el valor léxico de 'migrante' se aglutina con ciertos adjetivos calificativos negativos generando una integración conceptual (Fauconnier y Turner, 2002), de tal suerte, que ya no se puede separar el significado intrínseco de 'migrante' de un valor semántico negativo agregado. Uno de estos ejemplos de la fusión léxica es el ligamento del sujeto genérico 'migrante' a un adjetivo calificador del campo semántico de 'ilegal', (ilegal, indocumentado, sin papeles válidos, o irregular), lo cual no solamente sugiere que el migrante carece de derechos de ciudadanía, sino también que se trata de un presunto delincuente (la criminalización del migrante centroamericano): Vemos como el framing mediático y las políticas reales se entremezclan y se alimentan mutuamente, consolidando con ello no solamente las escenificaciones de los migrantes, sino también cómo posicionarse identitariamente frente a o con ellos (Pfleger et al. 2012). ...
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La meta de esta contribución es mostrar cómo el framing mediático en México suprime la complejidad fenomenológica de la migración replicando escenarios identitarios neoliberales. Se muestran, para tal efecto, dos de las estrategias discursivas de mayor frecuencia en el framing mediático de la migración en México que empujan la construcción de significación hacia un esquema de oposición, en el que la colectividad de un Estado-nación está en contra de los migrantes o en defensa de ellos. Se analiza como este framing mediático satisface primordialmente posicionamientos identitarios y también se muestra cómo el framing atestigua sentimientos colectivos de inferioridad que se han desarrollado históricamente en la relación entre México y Estados Unidos. Se comprueba la solidez de los marcos mediáticos polarizados frente a distractores conceptuales recientes como la ‘detención de niños migrantes’ o ‘las caravanas de migrantes’.
... Moreover, it explains why humor can be used as an effective tool of satirizing reality. CIT is regarded as an influential process providing human-scale understandability, global insight, and the new meaning (Fauconnier and Turner, 2002). In other words, CIT is a fundamental cognitive process operating over a CI network, comprising mental relationships holding between them (Dzanic & Berberovic, 2010). ...
... The set-up of an integrated network requires the formulation of mental spaces, conformability within spaces, projection to a blend, allocation mutual structures, recruitment new structures to the blend or the inputs, and running diverse operations in the blend proper (Fauconnier and Turner, 2002). More clearly, mental spaces, upon which blended integration theory is built, are processes of building conceptual scenes and scenarios according to thinking and talking (Oakley and Pascual, 2017). ...
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This research conducts a cognitive linguistic analysis of humorous techniques in "The Nut Job" which discusses some themes regarding unity, friendship, selfishness, and searching for power. Davis (2019) points out that humor contributes to understanding social, political, ironical, and satirical attitudes. Thereupon, the current research adopts the theoretical framework of Berger (2014) which sheds light upon irony, satire, parallelism, and paradox as elements of humorous techniques. Furthermore, the study adopts a multimodal analysis since it combines syntactic manipulations with literary devices in "The Nut Job". More clearly, this multimodal approach detects phraseological and clausal levels in attaining irony, satire, paradox, and repetition. Methodologically, the research follows a quantitative-qualitative approach. Data is collected from the "The Nut Job". The study concludes that irony, paradox, satire, and repetition are triggered by NPs, VPs, and AdjPs. Furthermore, the syntactic complementations of the uncertainty verb "think" attain some themes of "The Nut Job".
... Hablar y escribir sobre crisis es, por un lado, una reproducción de la realidad tal y como se vive, pero también es una construcción lingüística de la crisis, que puede ser dramatizada o atenuada por el discurso, que puede presentarse como una fuerza de la naturaleza o como un fenómeno causado por la sociedad. Las metáforas utilizadas para hablar de las crisis y para concretarlas son, por tanto, un indicio de los conceptos cognitivos con los cuales los hablantes asocian la realidad que viven (Lakoff y Johnson, 1980;Fauconnier y Turner, 2002;Kövecses, 2002Kövecses, , 2009Ziem, 2014). ...
La exigencia de dedicarse a estudios tanto interdisciplinarios como transdisciplinarios constituye un topos, especialmente en investigaciones en equipo. La práctica demuestra que tales cooperaciones son sumamente inspiradoras, pero al mismo tiempo suponen un gran esfuerzo. Este volumen ofrece modelos y sugerencias para llegar a diseñar líneas de investigación que integren dialógicamente las distintas disciplinas en todos los niveles: desde cómo seleccionar los conceptos y metodologías que deben guiar la labor académica hasta los pequeños detalles de su realización con los que hay que lidiar en el día a día. La primera parte se centra en la relación entre discurso y sociedad. La segunda parte se focaliza en las identidades colectivas como ámbito en que se ejemplifican las transformaciones sociales y culturales en múltiples dimensiones. La tercera parte analiza una serie de fuentes que combinan características de distintos géneros textuales y tradiciones discursivas. Nuestra expectativa es que los diseños de cooperación presentados en este libro creen una dinámica que no solo promueva el intercambio entre disciplinas, sino que genere modelos de trabajo transdisciplinar. En otras palabras, se espera que el todo sea más que la suma de las partes.
...Բիհեյվիորիզմ)։ 4. Բուդդիստական վանականը արևածագին բարձրանում է սարով, մայրամուտին հասնում է գագաթին և մեդիտացիա է անում այնտեղ մի քանի օր։ Մի առավոտ իջնում է սարի գագաթից և մայրամուտին հասնում ստորոտին։ Կարևոր չէ, թե երբ է նա սկսում կամ ավարտում իր ճամփորդությունը և ինչ արագությամբ է քայլում։ Հարց՝ արդյոք կա՞ այնպիսի մի կետ ճանապարհի վրա, որը վանականը հատում է օրվա նույն ժամին իր 2 ճամփորդությունները կատարելիս՝ սարով վեր և վար ընթանալիս։ (Fauconnier, Turner, 2002; Գրականություն Ռոզենտալ, Մ․Մ․ (1975). ...
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Metaphors by their complex semantic structure never cease to attract the attention of linguists, philologists and literary scholars and are often found as central objects of examination in different studies. In the course of the development of science, metaphors having not only linguistic nature but also being phenomena expressing peculiarities of mental processes, have been studied in the fields of psychology, cognitive science, cognitive linguistics. The fact that metaphors are omnipresent serves as a reason for their study not only for the purpose of examining imaginative language and speech elements typical of the works of fiction but also for the exploration and description of human psychological portrait and understanding. In the present article an attempt is made to clarify and examine the essence of metaphors as well as the psychological and cognitive motives for their creation. From a psychological perspective, the object of examination consists in the explanation of the nature of metaphor emergence in human brain. The cognitive peculiarities of their mechanism of operation are presented in the article as well. With the objective of accomplishing a comprehensive and profound examination of metaphors, the consideration of the achievements in the fields of psychology and conginitive science, i.e. adherence to inter-disciplinary approach, which implies application of the well-defined principles of both linguistics and other sciences, is essentially important and topical.
... Following the standard assumptions of conceptual metaphor theory, we conceive of metaphor as a product that is a part of the conceptual system in long-term memory. By contrast, as Kövecses (2020) shows, novel (or ad hoc) metaphors can be analyzed more aptly drawing on mental spaces and blending theory (Fauconnier & Turner, 1998, 2002, which focus on online processes of meaning construction. Conceptual metaphors are not ad hoc mappings from a source to a target domain but are cognitively entrenched. ...
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The article explores the metaphorical conceptualization of emotions. Conceptual metaphors are understood here as frames (i.e., structures of knowledge in long-term memory) in their own right. For modeling both the source and target domains of metaphors, the CoMetNet (Conceptual Metaphor Network) project uses frames documented in the German FrameNet-Constructicon project in spite of ad hoc created domains in previous literature. By doing so, it strives for a more empirically motivated description of conceptual metaphors. Drawing on a specialized corpus, it is shown that (1) our frame-semantic approach permits addressing the status of emotion concepts in the conceptual and linguistic system. More specifically, it shows that (2) frame elements (FEs) reflect adequately which aspects are relevant in the conceptualization of emotions and that (3) the complexity of emotion concepts can be thought of as an interplay between (different types of) frames. However, there are still some challenges for CoMetNet, e.g., the frame-semantic description of emotion metaphors that draw on highly schematic and scalar source domains.
... We approach this work treating the mathematics that is used in physics as a conceptual blend of physics quantities and mathematical objects. The conceptual blending framework is a theory of cognition developed by Fauconnier and Turner in which elements from distinct scenarios are "blended" in a subconscious process (Fauconnier & Turner, 2002). ...
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There is a substantial curricular overlap between calculus and physics, yet introductory physics students often struggle to connect the two. We introduce a conceptual framework for the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (FTC) to help unify learning across both disciplines. We propose a consistent approach to teaching definite integrals, including shared vocabulary and symbolism, to help students recognize how concepts like change, rate, and accumulation show up in both calculus and physics. We argue that the typical interpretation of the FTC in calculus, focusing on antiderivatives in closed form, doesn't align well with how physicists use these concepts. We advocate for an additional focus on Riemann sums and the underlying ideas of change, rate, products, and accumulation, which are fundamental in both fields. This approach can help students build a deeper, more integrated understanding of both mathematics and physics quantity. By aligning learning objectives across the disciplines, we argue that students can develop a stronger understanding of foundational mathematical principles.
... The connection between metaphorical polysemy and humor in language has been a focus of increasing academic interest, especially in the context of Uzbek linguistics. To explore this phenomenon, the analysis draws on cognitive linguistic theories, such as the conceptual metaphor theory [6] and blending theory [3], which provide a framework for understanding how polysemous expressions generate humor. Additionally, cultural dimensions are examined using Hofstede's framework [4], which emphasizes how societal norms and values shape the interpretation of humor. ...
Metaforik polisemiya, ya’ni lingvistik ifodalarda so‘zning majoziy va lug‘aviy ma’nolarining birgalikda mavjudligi, inglizcha hazilning, ayniqsa, adabiy kontekstlardagi asosiy mexanizmidir. Ushbu maqola metaforik polisemiyaning hazil imkoniyatlarini, Charlz Dikkens, Oskar Uayld va Jeyn Ostin kabi mashhur ingliz adabiyoti mualliflarining asarlaridagi misollarni tahlil qilish orqali o‘rganadi. Mualliflarning polisemik metaforalardan ironiyaga, satiraga va o‘tkir hazilga erishish uchun qanday foydalanishini tahlil qilgan holda, tadqiqot semantik noaniqlik va o‘quvchi idroki o‘rtasidagi o‘zaro bog‘liqlikni ochib beradi. Natijalar madaniy va interpretatsion doiralar polisemik ifodalardagi hazilni kuchaytirishini, ularning adabiyotda va undan tashqarida davomli jozibasini namoyon qiladi.
... Charteris-Black (2004), applying metaphor theory to political discourse, explored how metaphors influence public opinion and political messaging. Fauconnier & Turner (2002) advanced the study with their Conceptual Blending Theory, which explains how multiple mental spaces can be merged to generate new meanings, reflecting the dynamic and creative nature of metaphor formation. Steen (2011) distinguished between automatic and deliberate metaphors, focusing on the intentional use of metaphors in communication to achieve specific goals, particularly in political and literary contexts. ...
This study explores the translation of metaphors in the subtitles of the Chinese documentary A Bite of China, using Newmark's metaphor translation procedures as a guiding framework. Documentaries are vital for cultural exchange and shaping international perceptions, making accurate subtitle translation crucial. Despite the growing popularity of Chinese documentaries, their subtitles often suffer from inconsistencies and lack a solid theoretical foundation. This results in translations that may be inaccurate or fail to adhere to established principles, potentially diminishing their ability to convey the intended message and cultural details to global audiences. The study seeks to investigates the extent to which metaphors are used in the documentary's subtitles and identify the types of metaphors in the subtitles of the documentary translated from Mandarin into English. By examining the relationship between metaphor translation and subtitle translation, this study emphasizes the critical role of precise translations in promoting Chinese culture internationally and enhancing the global reception of Chinese documentaries. Kajian ini meneroka terjemahan metafora dalam sari kata dokumentari China, A Bite of China, dengan menggunakan prosedur terjemahan metafora Newmark sebagai kerangka panduan. Dokumentari memainkan peranan penting dalam pertukaran budaya dan pembentukan persepsi antarabangsa, menjadikan terjemahan sari kata yang tepat amat penting. Walaupun dokumentari China semakin popular, sari katanya sering menghadapi masalah ketidakkonsistenan dan kekurangan asas teori yang kukuh. Ini mengakibatkan terjemahan yang mungkin tidak tepat atau gagal mematuhi prinsip yang telah ditetapkan, yang berpotensi mengurangkan keupayaan untuk menyampaikan mesej dan butiran budaya yang dimaksudkan kepada audiens global. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menyiasat sejauh mana metafora digunakan dalam sari kata dokumentari tersebut dan mengenal pasti jenis-jenis metafora dalam sari kata yang diterjemahkan daripada bahasa Mandarin ke bahasa Inggeris. Dengan meneliti hubungan antara terjemahan metafora dan terjemahan sari kata, kajian ini menekankan peranan penting terjemahan yang tepat dalam mempromosikan budaya China di peringkat antarabangsa dan meningkatkan penerimaan global terhadap dokumentari China.
... Cognitive Semantics investigations focus on "the conceptual frameworks and how language use reflects them" (Saeed, 1997: 301). The cognitive linguists Fauconnier and Turner (2002) show that conceptual blending is at the root of the cognitively modern human mind, and they expanded the two-domain model of metaphor into a multi-domain network, suggesting that meaning construction in more creative situations involves a more complicated interrelationship. In other simpler words, they have proposed that human creativity may be modeled by their theory of conceptual blending (conceptual integration). ...
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This paper investigates the construction of meaning in Persian Internet memes, particularly focusing on image macros-prevalent multimodal memes characterized by a fixed image paired with textual commentary. By analyzing four popular image macros that convey humorous socio-cultural messages, this study demonstrates how these bimodal (verbo-pictorial) constructions work together to generate cohesive humorous meanings and convey distinct viewpoints. The theoretical framework is grounded in Construction Grammar and Conceptual Integration Theory, two cognitive linguistics approaches that enrich the analysis. Central to this study is the concept of Discourse Viewpoint Space, which emerges in each meme and highlights the significance of perspective in meaning creation. Through qualitative examination, the research reveals that new textual elements are often woven into iterative visual materials, forming the core content of the memes. The textual components typically fulfill constructional roles, such as adverbial clauses of reason and condition, thereby shaping the inventive aspects of meaning, often presented through fictive direct speech. The humorous interpretations arise from the systematic interplay between the images and text, as well as the integration of various conceptual spaces. The phrases and images invoke frame spaces derived from shared cultural references, such as sitcoms or interviews, reflecting community familiarity. This intersubjectivity plays a crucial role in shaping meaning. Consequently, Persian image macros serve as a medium through which meme creators articulate and reconstruct their viewpoints-including ideas, emotions, and stereotypes-by harnessing diverse discursive, textual, frame metonymy spaces, and contextual information.
... Kövecses (2010) and Dancygier & Vandelanotte (2017) argued that these concepts extend beyond purely linguistic domains. Turner (1996) and Geeraerts (2015) expounded more about the structured nature and the experience of conceptual metaphors, while Fauconnier (2002) and Oakley & Pascual (2017) captured their nature of conveying meaning through the mapping of information from one domain to another. ...
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This study investigates how Vietnamese speakers employ perception verbs to understand and depict life experiences through their metaphorical extensions and explore the linguistic practices regarding Vietnamese socio-cognitive patterns. The study employs qualitative analysis of Vietnamese poems, proverbs, and idioms. This study analyzes linguistic aspects in the framework of conceptual metaphor theory (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980), examining language and thought in their embodied nature, both in relation to the mind (Sweetser, 1990) and as culturally oriented phenomena (Kovecses, 2005). The analysis emphasizes collating usage frequency statistics in varied contexts (poetry, proverbs, idioms) and documentation of semantic shifts across different forms of perception verbs. The results showed how Vietnamese perception verbs are used in conjunction with physical senses and have a solid relationship to abstract thoughts, which is explained by the theory of mind as a bodily metaphor while having universal and culture-specific features consistent with core Vietnamese culture. The findings contribute to linguistic theory and cultural studies by demonstrating how cultural factors influence metaphorical mappings in Vietnamese perception verbs while complementing empirical evidence of embodied cognition. The findings are relevant to cross-cultural communication, language teaching, linguistic and cultural studies of the relationships between language and culture and provide the methodological basis for the analysis of such phenomena in other languages and illustrate the interdependent nature between the structure of the language and culture.
... ical studies 5 PM between 2017 and 2023. in different discourse domains (see Hart, 2018, andCap, 2022 for discussions), CCDS offers a disciplined theoretical view of the conceptual import of pragmatic and linguistic choices identified as potentially ideological. Incorporating vast amounts of research in spatial cognition and conceptualization (e.g . Fauconnier & Turner, 2002;Evans & Chilton, 2010) into interdisciplinary studies of pragmatically motivated construals of meaning, it affords an excellent lens on the many persuasive, manipulative, and coercive properties of discourse. ...
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The present paper employs conceptual tools of critical cognitive discourse studies (discourse space research, metaphor analysis, proximization) to explore patterns of legitimization discourse used by top Polish political parties to claim state leadership in the years 2015—2023. The first part studies the discourse of Law & Justice, a far-right conservative party ruling Poland from October 2015 to October 2023. It describes L&J’s strategies of leadership legitimization involving socio -ideological polarization, strategic generation of internal as well as external conflict, threat construction and crisis management. The second part analyzes the more moderate and cooperation oriented discourse strategies implemented by three opposition parties in the lead -up to the 2023 parliamentary elections, in which L&J finally lost power. The aim of the paper is to compare and contrast the two discourses, L&J’s and the opposition’s, to speculate about the longevity of radical populist discourses such as L&J’s. It is argued that a conflict-charged, polarized populist discourse can be an extremely powerful tool, able to grant long -term political leadership. At the same time, in a yet longer perspective, such a discourse runs a considerable risk of ‘wearing out’ and becoming vulnerable to more forward -looking and pragmatic leadership rhetoric, which presages political change.
... Попередньо виділено два рівні мультимодальної організації інформації у тексті. Початкова модель чи власне мультимодель формує здатність в адресата поєднувати кілька концептуальних сфер репрезентації інформації (згадаймо моделі концептуальної інтеграції Ж. Фоконьє та М. Тернера [8]. Мультимодель надає можливість поєднання минулих і поточних подій для розуміння та інтерпретації ключових слів у їх комбінації із зображеннями, жестами, мімікою (наприклад, політиків) та іншими невербальними й екстралінгвальними засобами. ...
... Learning is framed as the adaptation of cognitive elements, such as reasoning frameworks within realworld contexts, influenced by beliefs, interests, and prior conceptions. By engaging in activities that blend cognitive and physical tasks, teacher-student interactions, and collaboration, prospective teachers develop crucial skills like problem-solving and reasoning, which define their learning engagement and intellectual functioning [37]. ...
This study aims to explore the impact of teacher agentic learning applied through the Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) approach on the cognitive engagement of prospective physics teachers in thermodynamics laboratory activities, specifically in determining the coefficient of performance of a heat pump. This study employs a one-group pre-post design. Thirty-eight prospective physics teachers participated in a three-week learning program with pre-test and post-test assessments measuring their knowledge of thermodynamics concepts, problem-solving abilities, and experimental data evaluation. The results showed a significant improvement in teacher agentic learning, reflected in their abilities to manage cognitive resources, solve cognitive tasks, and evaluate experimental data more effectively. Statistical tests indicated a significant increase (t =-0.129, p = 0.001). Thus, CGI can enhance the agentic learning of prospective physics teachers. The implications of this study emphasize the importance of applying agentic-based learning in physics education to improve critical thinking skills and understanding of more complex physics concepts.
... The exact relationship between concepts and language remains an open question, but it is undisputed that, as determinants of meaning, concepts are necessary for language (Jackendoff, 2002;Bloom, 2000;Fauconnier and Turner, 2002). The present study examined language-driven conceptual processing, as we looked at brain activation during word processing. ...
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Language is acquired and processed in complex and dynamic naturalistic contexts, involving the simultaneous processing of connected speech, faces, bodies, objects, etc. How words and their associated concepts are encoded in the brain during real-world processing is still unknown. Here, the representational structure of concrete and abstract concepts was investigated during movie watching to address the extent to which brain responses dynamically change depending on visual context. First, across contexts, concrete and abstract concepts are shown to encode different experience-based information in separable sets of brain regions. However, these differences are reduced when multimodal context is considered. Specifically, the response profile of abstract words becomes more concrete-like when these are processed in visual scenes highly related to their meaning. Conversely, when the visual context is unrelated to a given concrete word, the activation pattern resembles more that of abstract conceptual processing. These results suggest that while concepts generally encode habitual experiences, the underlying neurobiological organisation is not fixed but depends dynamically on available contextual information.
... Such examples of target-referent metonymy can be characterized as involving a "chain of indicating" (Clark, 2003, p. 264), namely static structures that can be examined link by link, in which the speaker indicates the addressee which, in turn, indexes the referent-utterance or action. However, Cooperrider (2014) argues that, from a cognitive perspective, the target-referent metonymy may be better characterized as being driven by compression (Fauconnier and Turner, 2002), which is a feature of conceptual integration. In this EXCERPT 1 Frontiers in Psychology 04 ...
... Por sua vez, Baars (2013) aborda a cognição como a habilidade inerente a um sistema para adquirir, processar e aplicar informações, a sua relevância não só para o comportamento humano, mas também para a vida animal. Nessa perspetiva, a cognição é considerada um processo fundamental para a existência, ampliando a sua influência de forma intrínseca à criação de vida (Fauconnier, 2002;Koch, 2012;Varela, 1988). ...
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Ageing is a progressive process, and decreased balance and changes in cognitive functions are risk factors for falls and dependence in the elderly. Studies indicate that psychomotor intervention can improve balance and cognition in older adults. The study aimed to evaluate balance and cognitive functions in institutionalised elderly people and verify whether a psychomotor intervention has effects on static and dynamic balance. Held in a senior residence in the northeast of the country, 15 elderly people (average age 86.27 years, 67% women) were evaluated with the Geronto-Psychomotor Examination, Mini-Mental State Examination and Barthel Index before and after four months of intervention. In the first assessment, 60% presented a psychomotor profile below the cut-off level for the age group, 67% had cognitive impairment, and 53.3% had mild dependence. After the intervention, there were no significant changes in static balance, but there was a significant decrease (p= 0.015) in dynamic balance. The results indicate maintenance of static balance, and considering the advanced age of the sample, the absence of changes is a satisfactory indicator. The decrease in dynamic balance can be attributed to advanced age. Psychomotor intervention in institutionalised elderly people can help maintain balance, contributing to the prevention of falls.
... The researchers found that speakers from their spoken Israeli Hebrew corpus were sensitive to the defaultness of negative sarcasm, which was made noticeable when implicitly refraining from embedding negative constructions in weak syntactic positions; when muting the sarcastically intended negative utterances by mitigating cues (e.g., to put it mildly); and when dismissing All rights reserved as unintended the sarcastic (default) interpretation in favor of explicitly prompted a nondefault (literal) counterpart. 3 In CL, the study of VI first awakened the interest of scholars researching within Fauconnier and Turner's (2002) Blending Theory framework (e.g., Coulson, 2005;Tobin & Israel, 2012) and has more recently been studied by Ruiz de Mendoza and colleagues. Ruiz de Mendoza's (2017) account of cognitive operations for explaining ironic discourse builds on the scenario-based approach to irony. ...
The investigation of phraseology through corpus-based and computational approaches holds significant relevance for various professionals, including translators, interpreters, terminologists, lexicographers, language instructors, and learners. Computational Phraseology, and in particular the computational analysis of multiword expressions (also known as multiword units), has gained prominence in recent years and is essential for a number of Natural Language Processing and Translation Technology applications. The failure to detect these units automatically could result in incorrect and problematic automatic translations and could hinder the performance of applications such as text summarisation and web search. Against this background, the volume offers 13 articles carefully selected and organised into two parts: ‘Computational treatment of multiword units’ and ‘Corpus-based and linguistic studies in phraseology‘. The contributions not only highlight the latest advancements in computational and corpus-based phraseology but also reiterate its vital role in all areas of language technologies, including basic and applied research.
... Методика та теоретичне підгрунтя дослідження. Теорія концептуальної інтеграції [8] або блендингу [9] вважається однією з найбільш перспективних концепцій, спрямованих на конструювання та сприйняття довколишньої дійсності з урахуванням концептуальної інтеграції мовного та позамовного походження. Мережа концептуальної інтеграції (англ. ...
This chapter puts forward an argument for studying embodiment, and embodied memory in particular, as a stylistic phenomenon. It introduces the concept of body memory with reference to the embodied cognition hypothesis in cognitive linguistics and experimental evidence on the role of the body in remembering. It then zooms in on the main linguistic tools used in the book’s analyses, the notion of construal in Cognitive Grammar and conceptual metaphors that allow for understanding the passage of time in bodily terms. The chapter furthermore provides a territory-mapping discussion of sensory memory in cognitive science and particularly the psychological phenomenon of mental time travel. Lastly, the book’s stylistic take on the lyric and the overall structure of the book are presented.
In this paper, we discuss the concept of conceptual metaphor and its role in the teaching of logic. Starting from our experience in the teaching of logic to students in human sciences at University of West Britanny and students who take general education courses at various universities in Taiwan and from our research in the field of logic, we defend the point of view according to which the teaching and learning of logic adopts metaphoric devices to adapted students’ previous knowledge.
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The paper is devoted to the metaphorical modeling specifics of social advertising texts on health problems. The cognitive metaphor theory is taken as the basic methodology, based on the conjugation of two conceptual areas: the source domain and the target domain. The material was more than 300 texts of printed and outdoor Russian and foreign social advertising, collected by the method of directed sampling. The polycode essence of the advertising message also determined the study specifics: the article examines the metaphor of different semiotic codes – verbal and visual. As a result of the analysis, two of the most productive metaphorical models were identified – anthropomorphic and artifact models used in the development of advertising messages aimed at combating major social problems. At the same time, it is possible to highlight the obvious leadership of the anthropomorphic metaphor – both verbal and visual. The advertiser’s appeal to typical metaphorical models, in the author’s opinion, is an ambiguous tool of influence: the high frequency of models and slots of a certain type, on the one hand, ensures the correct decoding of the figurative component by the mass addressee, on the other hand, reduces the attractiveness and creativity of the advertising message. Visualization of a template metaphorical model, conversion to other types of models (zoomorphic, sociomorphic, phytomorphic, etc.) are considered as methods of individualization of metaphorized texts of social advertising. Since metaphors of different codes are often used in one advertising message, one of the aspects of the study was related to the analysis of the interaction of a visualized and verbalized metaphor (relations of complementarity, autonomy, duplication). The author pays special attention to the multifunctionality of the polycode metaphor in social advertising texts, examines the main reasons for the high frequency of this tool: semantic capacity, creativity, concretization of abstract categories, persistence, etc.
El objetivo de esta investigación fue estudiar el amalgama que hacen distintos espacios mentales en la cognición del lector. A tal fin, se indagará la teoría de los espacios mentales e integración conceptual propuestos por Gilles Fauconnier y Mark Turner (2002) en el libro The Way We Think. Metodológicamente, el corpus se encuentra integrado por un total de ocho enunciados de mayor trascendencia recopilados del libro 1984 escrito por George Orwell. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian que los enunciados: "La guerra es la paz" representa la guerra que experimentan algunos es la paz que otros encuentran, "La libertad es la esclavitud" refiere a la libertad individual guía al sometimiento de uno mismo, "La ignorancia es la fuerza" representa a la ignorancia que permite la permanencia continua en el poder, "El Gran Hermano te vigila" es mostrar los mecanismos de opresión de los gobiernos totalitarios, "Abajo el Gran Hermano" refiere al llamar al cambio de conciencia para reprimir el gobierno totalitario, "Los proles y los animales son libres" representa el proletariado tiene todas la condiciones de vida de un animal, "El crimen es pensar mal" es mostrar todas la formas de criminalidad en los estados totalitarios, "El poder es Dios" refiere a igualar a Dios con el poder totalitario. Finalmente, de la investigación se concluye que los enunciados del libro proyectan un sentido de rebelión, pérdida de la libertad, el poder sobre el débil y sobre sí mismo.
We introduce resource graphs, a representation of linked ideas used when reasoning about specific contexts in physics. Our model is consistent with previous descriptions of resources and coordination classes. It can represent mesoscopic scales that are neither knowledge-in-pieces or large-scale concepts. We use resource graphs to describe several forms of conceptual change: incremental, cascade, wholesale, and dual construction. For each, we give evidence from the physics education research literature to show examples of each form of conceptual change. Where possible, we compare our representation to models used by other researchers. Building on our representation, we introduce a new form of conceptual change, differentiation, and suggest several experimental studies that would help understand the differences between reform-based curricula.
This paper aims to provide a comprehensive modeling and representation of etymological data in digital dictionaries. The purpose is to integrate in one coherent framework both digital representations of legacy dictionaries, and also born-digital lexical databases that are constructed manually or semi-automatically. We want to propose a systematic and coherent set of modeling principles for a variety of etymological phenomena that may contribute to the creation of a continuum between existing and future lexical constructs, where anyone interested in tracing the history of words and their meanings will be able to seamlessly query lexical resources.Instead of designing an ad hoc model and representation language for digital etymological data, we will focus on identifying all the possibilities offered by the TEI guidelines for the representation of lexical information.
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Since its initial conceptualization, the term 'intertextuality' has been the subject of considerable discussion and analysis. However, there are several aspects of intertextuality that have yet to be extensively examined. This study is devoted to the examination of intertextual frames, which represent a significant yet understudied area within the field of intertextuality. The focus of this research is an investigation into the distinctive characteristics of intertextual frames, conducted through a frame analysis of literary works. The principal objective of this study is to provide substantiation for the characteristics of intertextual frames and their diverse manifestations. The dearth of research on this topic not only underscores its significance but also constrains the number of studies that can serve as a foundation for further investigation. This paper draws upon the study conducted by М. Е. Panagiotidou as a primary source. It is important to note, however, that the methodology employed in this study differs significantly from that used in the seminal study. Moreover, this study can be divided into two distinct parts: theoretical and practical. In addition to the theoretical information pertaining to the utilization of the term, the paper presents an analysis of the potential intertextual frames that may exist for the Russian poet S. A. Yesenin's poem, 'Letter to Sister'. Additionally, this study diverges from existing research in that it investigates the potential for intertextual frames to emerge between a native speaker and a non-native language user. Furthermore, the originality of the study is underscored by an investigation of the diverse attributes that shape the formation of intertextual frames. The findings have implications for a multitude of academic disciplines, including linguistics, comparative linguistics, translation studies, text linguistics, and cognitive linguistics. It is anticipated that this study will serve as a foundation for future research on this subject and that subsequent works will delve more profoundly and comprehensively into this topic.
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Stylistics‘ primary interest is to examine literary texts from a linguistic angle. It highlights the formal characteristics in a text following certain models and procedures trying to generate meanings. The present study is stylistic since it throws light on the lexico- semantic features in James Joyce‘s novels Ulysses and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. The overall aim behind this inquiry is to identify and highlight the main lexico- semantic features and to interpret their different connotations. The researcher makes use of Leech and Short‘s Model of analysis which is a checklist comprising a set of linguistic categories arranged according to the levels of language be them phonological, morphological, syntactic or lexico-semantic. The study is a manifold: it endeavours to examine two levels of analysis. The lexical level encompasses studying vocabulary, its complexity, its formality and its specificity, besides, the varying parts of speech which are nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. In parallel, it investigates the semantic features represented in the various figures of speech, particularly tropes. On the other hand, it is a trial to unveil the motives that lead Joyce to use these lexico-semantic features referring to the textual and contextual interpretations. Meticulous and laborious analysis of selected passages from both novels following accurately the Leech and Short Model revealed Joyce‘s varied applications of general lexicon imbued with informality such as the use of colloquialism as embodied notably in slang and the deployment of the major parts of speech that construct unique meanings in the text and evoke novel‘s themes. Analyzing the semantic level showed Joyce‘s employment of tropes such as metaphor, allusion and irony along with neologism. Key-words: stylistics, Modernism, lexico-semantic features, colloquialism, tropes,
The research paper is an attempt to find out how Islam and Muslims have been represented in the Hindustan Times and The Times of India from July 2023 to November 2023. The researchers intend to explore and analyze the frames employed by the selected dailies during the period under study while reporting on Islam and Muslims. Drawing on the framing theory and theoretical foundation, we have employed qualitative content analysis to achieve the research goals of this study. Our findings reveal that both the Hindustan Times and The Times of India emerge as significant players in shaping the narrative around Islam and Muslims in Indian media. While the newspapers are committed to balanced and nuanced reporting, there remains room for improvement. Instances of biased framing or sensationalism are noted, suggesting the need for ongoing efforts to challenge stereotypes and ensure diverse representation.
The English way -construction has been investigated time and again in Construction Grammar from various different perspectives. The way -construction is a prototypical example of an argument-structure construction, and as such an ideal test case for some of the basic tenets of Construction Grammar. As a partially filled construction with open slots, it lends itself particularly well to collostructional analysis. In recent years, equivalents of the way -construction in other languages have also gained attention in constructionist approaches. In this paper, we contrast the English way- construction to three German constructions that can be considered its (rough) equivalents: the reflexive motion construction ( Sie kämpfte sich durch den Aufsatz ‘she fought her way (lit. herself) through the paper’), the reflexive particle-verb construction ( Sie mogelt sich durch ‘She cheats her way (lit. herself) through’), and the reflexive Weg construction ( Sie kämpfte sich einen Weg durch die Menschenmenge ‘She fought herself a way through the crowd’). We compare the results to previous collostructional approaches to the way -construction as well as with previous frame-semantic analyses of the three constructions, arguing that a quantitative approach like collostructional analysis and a more qualitatively-oriented frame-semantic approach can complement each other in promising ways.
Few writings have shaped the world as much as the Book of Isaiah. Its lyricism, imagery, theology, and ethics are all deeply ingrained into us, and into Judeo-Christian culture more generally. It has been a cultural touchstone from the time when it was formed, and it influenced later Biblical authors as well. The Book of Isaiah is also a complex work of literature, dense with poetry, rhetoric, and theology, and richly intertwined with ancient history. For all these reasons, it is a challenge to read well. The Cambridge Companion to Isaiah serves as an up-to-date and reliable guide to this biblical book. Including diverse perspectives from leading scholars all over the world, it approaches Isaiah from a wide range of methodological approaches. It also introduces the worlds in which the book was produced, the way it was formed, and the impacts it has had on contemporary and later audiences in an accessible way.
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This article discusses the long-standing philosophical challenge of integrating disposition, free will, and contingency. We place the above three realities into a coherent theoretical framework. Various disciplines have extensively studied the concepts of disposition, free will, and contingency. Nevertheless, their complex interrelationships still need to be more adequately explored. The result is a persistent dichotomy that gives rise to debates about causation, agency, and the reality of modalities. Thus, this article proposes a new framework called triadic relations to explain the mutual dependencies and emergent properties of the interaction of these fundamental ideas. The article uses a systematic synthesis approach of recent developments in dispositional essentialism, compatibilist theories of free will, and the metaphysics of the modal. We aim to show how dispositions provide the ontological foundation for free will and contingent possibilities. After all, free will operation actualizes specific potentials and introduces original novelty. This method offers an exciting resolution to the compatibilist-libertarian debate by providing a new perspective on mental causation, moral responsibility, and the nature of contingency. Our findings suggest a dynamic ontology that transcends traditional philosophical categories. The findings redefine metaphysics, philosophy of mind, ethics, and interdisciplinary areas. Triadic relations emerge as a new paradigm for reconceptualizing the structure of reality and human agency to reshape the landscape of philosophical inquiry.
The chapter explores how legal professionals navigate fields of non-knowledge within the Argentine justice system, emphasizing their imaginative practices. It begins by providing an interdisciplinary overview of research on imagination and discusses its methodological treatment in anthropology. Drawing from philosophical and anthropological studies, the chapter explores legal professionals' perspectives on and utilization of imagination. Overall, legal professionals prioritize rational methodology over imaginative thinking and also reject imaginaries of the public. However, the empirical material reveals that they indeed resort to imaginative thinking when confronted with unknowable aspects in their work. Imaginative processes provide immediate knowledge and explanatory models that bridge gaps left by rational methods, enabling social action within complex legal contexts. These imaginings condense into a larger social imaginary. Despite varied political and philosophical positions, it reveals that legal professionals harbor suspicions of manipulation by powerful groups. This social imaginary shapes ethical self-perceptions and decision-making processes within the legal system, influencing interactions and legal proceedings. The chapter underscores the integral role of imaginings in legal professionals' collective understanding and behavior, impacting the dynamics and outcomes of legal processes through a pervasive culture of non-knowledge, suspicion, and skepticism.
In this chapter, the insight that mistrust is based on certain knowledge gaps serves as the starting point for examining non-knowledge and ignorance within the justice system. The theoretical discussions on ignorance and non-knowledge are first reflected upon, including their methodological implications. Recognizing the justice system as a knowledge-producing institution, the chapter then explores legal professionals' perceptions of others' non-knowledge, their own positioning within knowledge dynamics, and the significant fields of non-knowledge they encounter in their work environment. Various types of legal knowledge—theoretical, practical, and social—are examined alongside their limitations. The empirical findings highlight that legal professionals uphold a regime of ignorance, positioning themselves as experts with superior knowledge, while viewing the public as uninformed or misinformed about the legal system. This expertise secures their employment and social status. Despite acknowledging the natural limits of knowledge, legal professionals are unsettled by intentionally created fields of ignorance, fearing the loss of their own intellectual superiority. They perceive human agency, particularly powerful actors, as sources of manipulation, reinforcing a pervasive sense of insignificance within the justice system.
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Este novedoso volumen reúne 14 capítulos escritos tanto por catedráticos reconocidos en el campo del análisis del discurso y de la pragmática como por académicos más jóvenes cuyas aportaciones, sin embargo, no son menos importantes. Todos los estudios tienen en común un interés hacia la participación de la lengua y del discurso en el desarrollo de fenómenos sociales. La primera parte del volumen presenta planteamientos con orientación más teórica, como la caracterización de los discursos enunciados colectivamente, el análisis de la interacción entre teorías discursivas y cognición, la descripción de la representación del tiempo en el español o la clasificación de ciertos tipos de inferencias. En la segunda parte se presentan análisis discursivos de fenómenos sociales importantes, como las estrategias para establecer reglas de comunicación en ámbito político, las estrategias retóricas de convencimiento en los discursos publicitarios, las respuestas de estudiantes mexicanos a la crisis del covid-19 o los procesos de negociación de significados en la adquisición de la lengua extranjera en contexto. Al ofrecer una introducción a las teorías más importantes en pragmática y análisis del discurso, este volumen constituye una referencia fundamental para académicos y estudiantes que se interesan por las interacciones entre discurso y sociedad.
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