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A review on phytochemistry and ethnopharmacological aspects of genus Calendula

  • CT University, Ludhiana

Abstract and Figures

This review includes 84 references on the genus Calendula (Asteraceae) and comprises ethnopharmacology, morphology and microscopy, phytoconstituents, pharmacological reports, clinical studies and toxicology of the prominent species of Calendula. Triterpene alcohols, triterpene saponins, flavonoids, carotenoids and polysaccharides constitute major classes of phytoconstituents of the genus. A few species of this genus have medicinal value, among these Calendula officinalis Linn., has been traditionally used in the treatment of various skin tumors, dermatological lesions, ulcers, swellings and nervous disorders as well as almost 200 cosmetic formulations, i.e., creams, lotions, shampoos. Despite a long tradition of use of some species, the genus has not been explored properly. In the concluding part, the future scope of Calendula species has been emphasized with a view to establish their multifarious biological activities and mode of action.
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Pharmacognosy Reviews | July-December 2013 | Vol 7 | Issue 14 179
A review on phytochemistry and ethnopharmacological
aspects of genus Calendula
Disha Arora, Anita Rani1, Anupam Sharma
University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Panjab University, Chandigarh, 1L. R. Institute of Pharmacy, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India
Submitted: 06-05-2013 Revised: 10-05-2013 Published: **-**-****
Address for correspondence:
Prof. Anupam Sharma, University Institute of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Panjab University, Chandigarh - 160 014, India.
This review includes 84 references on the genus Calendula (Asteraceae) and comprises ethnopharmacology, morphology
and microscopy, phytoconstituents, pharmacological reports, clinical studies and toxicology of the prominent species
of Calendula. Triterpene alcohols, triterpene saponins, avonoids, carotenoids and polysaccharides constitute major
classes of phytoconstituents of the genus. A few species of this genus have medicinal value, among these Calendula
ofcinalis Linn., has been traditionally used in the treatment of various skin tumors, dermatological lesions, ulcers,
swellings and nervous disorders as well as almost 200 cosmetic formulations, i.e., creams, lotions, shampoos. Despite
a long tradition of use of some species, the genus has not been explored properly. In the concluding part, the future
scope of Calendula species has been emphasized with a view to establish their multifarious biological activities and
mode of action.
Key words: Calendula, carotenoids, avonoids, triterpene alcohols
This review emphasizes the traditional uses and clinical
potential of Calendula species. The review is intended
to attract the attention of natural product researchers
throughout the world to focus on the unexplored potential
of the Calendula species. This genus needs to be investigated
systematically so that potential species can be exploited as
therapeutic agents.
The review has been compiled using references from
major databases such as Chemical Abstracts, Medicinal
and Aromatic Plant Abstracts, PubMed, King’s American
Dispensatory, Henriette’s Herbal Homepage, Duke’s
Phytochemical and Ethnobotany. The available
information on Calendula has been divided into six sections,
i.e., ethnopharmacology, morphology and microscopy,
phytoconstituents, pharmacological reports, clinical studies
and toxicology.
The genus Calendula (Asteraceae) includes approximately
25 herbaceous annual or perennial species, most common
being Calendula ofcinalis Linn., Calendula arvensis Linn.,
Calendula suffruticosa Vahl., Calendula stellata Cav.,
Calendula alata Rech., Calendula tripterocarpa Rupr.[1] The
genus is native to the Mediterranean countries.[2]
Traditional uses
C. alata Rech.f., aerial parts are used for the treatment of
kidney stones and gall stones.[3]
C. arvensis Linn. (Field marigold) has been used as
disinfectant, antispasmodic and diuretic.[4] In Italian folk
and antipyretic agent.[5] In Spain, the leaves are considered
diaphoretic and sedative.[6] It is known to have wound
healing properties and crushed leaves are topically applied
on wounds.[7]Thedecoctionoftheowerheadshasbeen
used for treating burns.[8]
C. ofcinalis Linn. (Pot marigold) has been traditionally
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Arora, et al.: A review on phytochemistry and ethnopharmacological aspects of genus Calendula
180 Pharmacognosy Reviews | July-December 2013 | Vol 7 | Issue 14
gastrointestinal ulcers and dysmenorrhea and as a diuretic and
of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa, wounds and burns.[9]
Calendula is a cleansing and detoxifying herb and the infusion
treat chronic infections.[10]Thedriedowerheadshave
been used for their antipyretic, anti-tumor and cicatrizing
antifungal and antiseptic in wounds, marks, freckles, sprain
and conjunctivitis.[12] Calendula tea is used as eyewashes,
of the skin and mucous membranes.[13] Mother tincture of
C. ofcinalis is used in homoeopathy for the treatment of
mental tension and insomnia.[14]
Medicinal properties of C. ofcinalis have been mentioned in
Ayurvedic and Unani system of medicine indicating that leaves
antimicrobial.[15] In traditional and homoeopathic medicine,
C. officinalis has been used for poor eyesight, menstrual
irregularities, varicose veins, hemorrhoids and duodenal
ulcers.[16] In the middle ages, Calendulaowerswereusedfor
liver obstructions, snake bites and to strengthen the heart. It
was used in the 18th century as a remedy for headache, jaundice
and red eyes. The plant was employed in the civil war to treat
wounds and as a remedy for measles, smallpox and jaundice.[17]
Decoction and infusion of Calendula persica C.A. Mey aerial
parts are employed for the treatment of kidney stones.[3]
Alternative and complementary medicinal uses
Among the various species of the genus Calendula,
C. ofcinalis is the only one, which is extensively used
clinically throughout the world. The plant is listed in
on Phytotherapy, British Herbal Pharmacopoeia, World
Health Organization monographs for wound healing and
anti‑inammatoryactions.[18] C. ofcinalis preparations are
used in various complementary and alternative medicine
systems mainly for burns, cuts, rashes, dermatitis and
varicosis.[19] It is also included as part of treatment for dry
skin, bee stings and foot ulcers.[20] The essential oil of the
plant is used for soothing central nervous system and as a
wound healer.[21]
C. officinalis preparations currently in use include
carophyllenic ointment (containing carotenoids extracted
fromtheowers)andpotmarigoldtincture.Itisone of
the constituents of proprietary homoeopathic medicine
Traumeel®, used for treating the symptoms associated with
acute musculoskeletal injuries including pain and swelling.[22]
Otikon otic solution and naturopathic herbal extract ear
drops solution, ear drop formulations of naturopathic
origin containing Calendulaowers,havebeenreportedto
be effective for the management of otalgia associated with
acute otitis media in children.[23,24]
Morphology and microscopy
C. arvensis Linn. is an annual herb, not generally exceeding
15 cm in height. Leaves lance-shaped; stem slender, hairy;
C. ofcinalis Linn. [Figure 1] is an annual or biennial plant
attaining height of 30-60 cm. Leaves lower spatulate, 10-20 cm
long and 1-4 cm wide; higher oblong and mucronate, 4-7 cm
multi-seriate, corolla oblong spatulate, 15-25 mm long and
3mmwide;corollaofdiscowersrounded, at the top
tridentate, 1.5-2.5 cm long and 4-7 mm in diameter with
The powdered C. officinalis is yellowish brown with a
characteristic, aromatic odor and a slightly bitter taste;
comprises fragments of the corolla, anomocytic stomata in
the apical region of outer epidermis, covering and glandular
trichomes, elongated sclerenchymatous cells, pollen grains,
fragments of the walls of the ovaries containing brown
of the others.[29,30]
C. stellata Cav., is a small, attractive annual growing to a
height of 30 cm or more. Leaves oval or oblong, somewhat
pointed, wavy-toothed;[31] stems scabrous; achenes outer
“boat-shaped” and smooth on the back, the rest angular and
muricated on the back.[32]
C. suffruticosa Vahl., is a perennial plant reaching a height
between 20 cm and 40 cm. Leaves lance-shaped, slightly
bright yellow, each measuring about 2.5 cm in diameter.[31,33]
Figure 1: Calendula ofcinalis L
Arora, et al.: A review on phytochemistry and ethnopharmacological aspects of genus Calendula
Pharmacognosy Reviews | July-December 2013 | Vol 7 | Issue 14 181
Figure 2: Chemical structures of some phytoconstituents reported from the genus Calendula
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Arora, et al.: A review on phytochemistry and ethnopharmacological aspects of genus Calendula
182 Pharmacognosy Reviews | July-December 2013 | Vol 7 | Issue 14
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Pharmacognosy Reviews | July-December 2013 | Vol 7 | Issue 14 183
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Table 1: Phytoconstituents of different species of Calendula
Species Phytoconstituents
C. ofcinalis Triterpene glycosides: Calendulaglycoside A, calendulaglycoside A 6’-O-methyl ester, calendulaglycoside A
6’-O-n-butyl ester, calendulaglycoside B, calendulaglycoside B 6’-O-n-butyl ester, calendulaglycoside C, calendula
glycoside C 6’-O-methyl ester, calendulaglycoside C 6’-O-n-butyl ester, calendulaglycoside D, calendulaglycoside D2,
calendulaglycoside F, calendulaglycoside F 6’-O-butyl ester, calendulaglycoside G 6’-O-methyl ester, calendasaponins
A-D;[9,11] triterpene alcohols: Free and esteried (with fatty acids) monols, diols and triols of
-taraxastane-type including
-taraxasterol, faradiol, heliantriol B0, heliantriol C, taraxastane-type including taraxasterol, arnidiol, heliantriol B1,
lupine-type including lupeol, calenduladiol, heliantriol B2, ursane-type including
-amyrin, brein, ursadiol, ursatriol,
oleanane-type including
-amyrin, maniladiol, erythrodiol, longispinogenin, heliantriol A1;[34,35] avonoids: Quercetin,
isorhamnetin, kaempferol, rutin, hyperoside, isoquercitrin, astragalin, quercetin 3-O-glucoside, quercetin 3-O-rutinoside,
quercetin 3-O-neohesperidose, quercetin 3-O-2G-rhamno-sylrutinoside, isorhamnetin 3-O-glucoside, isorhamnetin
3-O-rutinoside, isorhamnetin 3-O-neohesperidoside, iso-rhamnetin 3-O-2G-rhamnosylrutinoside;[11] ionone glucosides:
Ofcinosides A and B; sesquiterpene glycosides: Ofcinosides C and D;[36] carotenoids: Lutein, zeaxanthine,
avoxanthin, auroxanthin, β-carotene, luteoxanthin, violaxanthin,
-cryptoxanthin, mutaxanthin;[37] hydroxycoumarins:
Scopoletin, umbelliferone, esculetin; phenolic acids: Chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, coumaric acid, vanillic acid;[38]
volatile oils: α-cadinol, T-cadinol;[39]
-cadinene, limonene, 1,8-cineol;[40] quinones:
-tocopherol, phylloquinone;[41] fatty
acids: Calendic acid, dimorphecolic acid;[42] others: Sterols, mucilage, carbohydrates, resin, tannins, amino acids, bitter
principle calendin[43]
C. arvensis Triterpenoid saponins: Arvensoside A and B,[44] arvensoside C,[45] calenduloside C and D,[46] calendulaoside G and H;[43]
sesquiterpene glycosides: Arvoside A and B;[47,48] avonoids: Isoquercitroside, rutoside, narcissoside;[49] volatile oils:
-cadinol;[26] fatty acids: Calendic acid,[50] dimorphecolic acid; others: Amino acids,[51] alkaloids,[43] lutein,[52]
phenolic acids, tannins, malic acid, salicylic acid, mucilages[53]
C. persica Fatty acids: Palmitic acid, linoleic acid[54]
C. stellata Fatty acid: Calendic acid;[55] volatile oils: Linalool, linalyl acetate, limonene[2]
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184 Pharmacognosy Reviews | July-December 2013 | Vol 7 | Issue 14
Four species of Calendula have been investigated
phytochemically. Table 1 summarizes the phytoconstituents
of different species of Calendula. Figure 2 represents chemical
structures of some phytoconstituents reported from the
genus Calendula.
Pharmacological reports
The available literature reveals that amongst 12-20
species of Calendula, only three species, i.e., C. ofcinalis,
C. arvensis and C. suffruticosa have been evaluated for their
pharmacological activities.
Tincture of C. arvensis was active against Staphylococcus aureus
at concentrations of 10 mg/ml or 25 mg/ml.[56] Sesquiterpene
glycosides from C. arvensis were able to inhibit vesicular
stomatitis virus infection.[57] A saponin containing fraction
from the aerial parts of C. arvensis had hemolytic activity
in vitro andanti‑inammatoryactivityagainstcarrageenan
induced paw edema in rats.[58] Saponins showed antimutagenic
activity against benzo (a) pyrene 1 μg and mutagenic urine
concentrate from a smoker (SU) 5 μL with a dose-response
Preparations of C. ofcinalis are mainly applied in the form of
infusions, tinctures and ointments as a wound healing remedy
healing wounds, bruises, boils and rashes, e.g., pharyngitis and
leg ulcers.[27] In the mixed lymphocyte reaction, 70% ethanol
extract showed stimulatory effects at 0.1-10 μg/ml, followed
by inhibition at higher concentrations.[60] Phagocytosis of
human granulocytes was stimulated by polysaccharides
isolated from aqueous extract of Calendula flowers.[61]
Extracts of Calendulaowersofdifferingpolaritiesexhibited
anti-oxidative effects on liposomal lipid peroxidation induced
by Fe2 + and ascorbic acid.[62,63] Isorhamnetin 3-glycosides
from Calendulaowersinhibitedlipoxygenasefromrat
lung cytosol at a concentration of 1.5 × 10-5 M.[64] In a
test system based on porcine buccal membranes, strong
concentration dependent adhesive processes were observed
with a low viscosity polysaccharide enriched extract (98%
carbohydrates) of Calendula owers.Thesendingssuggested
that the polysaccharides may contribute to therapeutic effects
in the treatment of irritated mucosa.[65] A triterpene enriched
fraction given orally to mice inoculated with Ehrlich
mouse carcinoma prevented the development of ascites and
increased survival time compared to control.[66] Triterpenes
such as faradiol and taraxasterol inhibit experimental tumor
promotion and are therefore considered as inhibitors of
tumor growth.[67] A saponin rich fraction administered orally
at 50 mg/kg body weight to hyperlipemic rats reduced the
serum lipid level.[68,69] The aqueous alcohol extract of C.
ofcinalis showed central nervous system inhibitory effect
with marked overall sedative activity as well as hypotensive
effect.[70]ThealcoholextractofowersofC. ofcinalis
possesses anti-HIV properties.[71] A cream containing
calendula extract has been reported to be effective in dextran
and burn edemas as well as in acute lymphedema in rats.
Activity against lymphedema was primarily attributed to
enhancement of macrophage proteolytic activity.[72] The
essentialoiloftheowersinhibitedthegrowth in vitro
of Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, S. aureus, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa and Candida albicans.[73] Acetone, ethanol or
water extracts inhibited the growth in vitro of the fungus
Neurospora crass.[74]Aavonoidfractionisolatedfromthe
owersinhibitedthe in vitro growth of S. aureus, Sarcina
lutea, E. coli, Klebsiella pneumonia and Candida monosa.[75]
The 50% ethanol extract of the plant showed spermicidal
activity in rats at 2% concentration.[76]
C. suffruticosa inhibited pathogenic micro-organisms,
especially Pseudomonas syringae, Pseudomonas uorescens,
Xanthomonas campestris, Agrobacterium tumefaciens.[77]
Clinical studies
In a randomized, open controlled study, the effects of three
ointments were compared after topical treatment of patients
with 2nd or 3rd degree burns for 17 days: Calendulaower
ointment (prepared by digestion in vaseline) (n = 53) or
vaseline only (n = 50) or a proteolytic ointment (n = 53).
The success rates were considered to be 37/53 for Calendula
flower ointment, 27/50 for vaseline and 35/53 for the
proteolytic ointment.[78] In an open uncontrolled pilot
study, 30 patients with burns or scalds were treated 3 times/
day for up to 14 days with a hydrogel containing 10% of a
hydro-ethanol extract. The symptoms reddening, swelling,
blistering, pain, soreness and heat sensitivity were scored
before, during and at the end of treatment. Total score
and individual scores for each symptom improved.[79] In
women with surgical wounds, local application of a mixture
containing 70% oily extract of Hypericum perforatum and
30% oily extract of C. arvensis improved the rate of healing,
compared with controls.[53] Phase III randomized single
blinded trial of C. ofcinalis compared with trolamine for the
prevention of acute dermatitis during irradiation for breast
cancer was conducted. Patients who had been operated on
for breast cancer and who were to receive post-operative
radiation therapy were randomly allocated to application
of either Calendula ointment containing 20% of fresh
Calendula aerial parts in petroleum jelly (126 patients) or
trolamine(128patients) ontheirradiated eldsaftereach
session. The primary end point was the occurrence of acute
dermatitis of grade 2 or higher. Secondary end points were
the occurrence of pain, the quantity of the topical agent
used and the patient satisfaction. The occurrence of acute
vs. 63%; P < 0.001) with the use of Calendula than with
trolamine. Moreover, patients receiving Calendula had less
reduced radiation-induced pain.[80] Clinical examination of
an ointment with C. ofcinalis extract was carried out in
34 patients with venous leg ulcer. A total of 21 patients with
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Pharmacognosy Reviews | July-December 2013 | Vol 7 | Issue 14 185
33 venous ulcers were treated with ointment, applied twice a
day for 3 weeks. Control group that consisted of 13 patients
with 22 venous ulcers were treated with saline solution
dressings, applied to ulcers for 3 weeks. In the experimental
group, the total surface of all the ulcers at the beginning of the
therapy was 67,544 mm2. After the 3rd week, the total surface
of all the ulcers was 39,373 mm2 (a decrease of 41.71%). In
seven patients, complete epithelialization was achieved. In the
control group, the total surface of all ulcers at the beginning
of the therapy was 69,722 mm2. After the 3rd week, the total
surface of all ulcers was 58,743 mm2 (a decrease of 14.52%).
In four patients, complete epithelialization was achieved.
healing in the experimental group (P < 0.05), suggesting
the positive effects of the ointment with marigold extract
on venous ulcer epithelialization.[81]
Although rare, skin contact with Calendula preparations
may result in an allergic reaction to the herb. Sensitization
to Calendula and allergic contact reactions have been
reported.[82,83] There have also been incidents of anaphylactic
shock after gargling with an infusion of Calendula.[84]
About 12-20 species of the genus Calendula have been
reported in various floras. Among these, most of the
ethnopharmacological reports are available on C. ofcinalis
and C. arvensis. Further, only four species of Calendula
have been partially investigated for their phytoconstituents.
A close scrutiny of literature on Calendula reveals that
three species have been investigated pharmacologically.
Pharmacological studies reveal that C. ofcinalis exhibits
antioxidant properties; C. arvensis possesses antibacterial,
and C. suffruticosa exhibits antimicrobial activity. C. ofcinalis
has been included in number of herbal formulations, which
are in clinical use for the treatment of various ailments
like central nervous system disorders. Keeping in view the
ethnopharmacology, phytochemical and pharmacological
reports, low toxicity and frequency of use, C. ofcinalis seems
to hold great potential for in depth investigation for various
biological activities. Few preliminary pharmacological
reports support medicinal potential of some Calendula
species. These species need to be investigated systematically
with a view to establish their varied pharmacological
activities and mode of actions.
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How to cite this Article: Arora D, Rani A, Sharma A. A review
on phytochemistry and ethnopharmacological aspects of genus
. Phcog Rev 2013;7:179-87.
Source of Support: Financial assistance has been provided
by UGC, Conict of Interest: None declared
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... Calendula flowers were used to treat liver obstructions, snake bites and heart strengthening during the middle Ages. 18 From ancient times, Calendula officinalis, or marigold, has been applied topically and accepted as an antiseptic and wound healer by Commission E, the German regulatory body. Herpes zoster, burns, boils, rashes, wounds, ulcers and varicose veins can all be treated with a topical preparation of marigold. ...
... Calendula arvensis (C. arvensis), also known as "field marigold" [9], can be observed in various regions of Morocco, particularly in northern areas around Fes-Meknes, from early March onwards. Previous research has indicated that only a limited number (1%) of herbal cosmetics cooperatives in this region are engaged in the extraction and valorization of this plant [10]. ...
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Skin protection against ultraviolet (UV) radiation has long been crucial due to its role in photoaging, sunburn, and wrinkles. This study focuses on developing a bio-based sunscreen from Calendula arvensis capitula extract. Various extraction methods (maceration, sonication, and infusion) and solvents (EtOH, EtOH-H 2 O, and H 2 O) were explored in order to identify the most effective extract for use in a sunscreen formulation. Each extract was analyzed for its phenolic content, as well as antioxidant activities (assessed through DPPH, CAT, and FRAP assays). Enzyme inhibition assays for tyrosinase, elastase, and collagenase highlighted the low IC 50 values of the hydroethanolic extract. Furthermore, the in vitro sun protection factor (SPF) against UVB radiation was measured using ultraviolet spectrophotometry. A phytochemical analysis showed phenolic levels between 8 and 27 mg GAE/g, flavonoid concentrations of 7-13 mg QE/g, and tannin levels of 1.15-1.68 mg/mL, alongside moderate antioxidant activity. The ethanol maceration extract reduced the interfacial tension to 2.15 mN/m in 600 s, outperforming the conventional emulsifier polysorbate 20. The sonicated hydroethanolic extract demonstrated remarkable SPF efficacy (SPF = 193.65 ± 0.02), far exceeding that of the standard zinc oxide (SPF = 11.88 ± 0.03). The proposed formulations meet the COSMOS standards, suggesting their potential for certification as biological products. Further clinical and in vivo studies are necessary to confirm their safety and commercial viability.
... It is a short-lived perennial herb that normally grows to a height of 30-60 cm. Its distinctive features include bright orange or yellow flowers that have a diameter of 4-7 cm and green, ovate leaves (Arora, Rani, and Sharma 2013;Bokelmann 2021). C. officinalis has been used traditionally in medicine to treat a wide range of diseases, such as wounds, skin irritations, digestive problems, and inflammation. ...
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In this study, we conducted a thorough analysis of Rheum turkestanicum (RT) and Calendula officinalis flowers (COF) extracts with varying polarities using LC–MS chemical profiling and biological tests (antioxidant, antimicrobial, enzyme inhibition, and cytotoxic effects). The highest level of total phenolic content in the ethanol extract of RT with 75.82 mg GAE/g, followed by the infusions of RT (65.00 mg GAE/g) and COF (40.99 mg GAE/g). A total of 20 bioactive compounds were identified and quantified. The ethanol extract of COF was rich in terms of 5‐O‐caffeoylquinic acid (2780.56 μg/g), isorhamnetin‐O‐rutinoside (1653.59 μg/g), and rutin (1356.97 μg/g). However, RF extracts were rich in catechin gallate (21.66–80.01 μg/g) and 5‐O‐caffeoylquinic acid. Except for metal chelating ability, the ethanol extract of RT exhibited the strongest ability (DPPH: 171.5 mg TE/g; ABTS: 387.35 mg TE/g; CUPRAC: 449.80 mg TE/g; FRAP: 195.60 mg TE/g; and PBD: 1.52 mmol TE/g). In the enzyme inhibition tests, the tested ethanol extracts for both species were more active than the infusion. The highest values for tyrosinase were recorded as 72.47 mg KAE/g (in RT extracts) and 71.74 mg KAE/g (in COF extracts). Furthermore, all extracts underwent assessment for their antibacterial and antifungal properties, targeting both Gram‐positive and Gram‐negative bacteria, as well as clinical yeast and fungal microorganisms. In silico studies yielded valuable insights into the potential therapeutic applications of the bioactive compounds identified in COF and RT extracts. Stable interactions were observed between key compounds, such as isorhamnetin 3‐O‐glucoside and 3‐O‐caffeoylquinic acid, with crucial target proteins (AChE, BChE, and MurE). These compounds formed stable hydrogen bonds with minimal root mean square deviation (RMSD) fluctuations, particularly in the isorhamnetin 3‐O‐glucoside‐Staphylococcus aureus MurE and 3‐O‐caffeoylquinic acid‐MurE of S. aureus complexes. These findings further underscore the potential of these compounds as promising candidates for therapeutic development.
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Calendula officinalis L. is a part of almost 200 dosage forms. Despite the long tradition of use, the genus has not been properly studied. Pharmacological studies show that C. officinalis exhibits antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antitumor and antioxidant properties. A multidisciplinary and comprehensive study of calendula (Calendula officinalis L.) and a review of several medicinal plant raw materials with a similar content of biologically active substances were conducted for the prospects of creating combined dosage forms with naturally similar properties based on them. As well as a study of medicinal plant raw materials with a similar composition of biologically active substances. A review of the literature showed that quite a few drugs with different pharmacological effects have been created from the raw material of calendula officinalis, such as Gastrofit, calendula tincture, calendula ointment, Clotrex, Bronhofit, Ugrin®, Phytodent®, Rotokan, Tazalok™ and others. The task was set to create combined drugs, combined dosage forms with naturally similar properties using analogues of chemical-pharmaceutical origin (synthesis) of known pharmacological substances (active pharmaceutical ingredients), as well as medicinal plant raw materials using the example of raw materials of calendula flowers, hemp flowers, their introduction into industrial pharmaceutical production and medical practice, or individual manufacture according to a doctor's prescription in pharmacies while ensuring their quality, safety, effectiveness and economic availability.
Horticulture is an important branch of agriculture which includes vegetables, fruits, flowers, bulbous, medicinal and aromatic plants. So far, traditional breeding of these plants has focused mainly on improving yield, quality, as well as resistance to biotic and abiotic stress. Therefore, this chapter aims to analyze modern breeding methods for ornamental plants, focusing on hybridization, mutation breeding, transgenic species development, and genetic engineering. The research explores the evolution of these methods and their impact on enhancing traits like yield, quality, plant resistance to various stresses, and floral aesthetics. Additionally, it examines emerging genome editing technologies like CRISPR/Cas and their potential applications in improving ornamental plant characteristics. This often-involved labor-intensive crossbreeding based on precision breeding techniques that were not fully used. Therefore, genetic engineering is now increasingly used to improve breeding and obtain desired characteristics. This chapter presents the latest knowledge regarding progress in genetics and breeding of ornamental plants Marigold (Tagetes spp.). Data were obtained from sources such as: PubMed, Springer Link, Web of Science, Science Direct, Google Scholar and Scopus. The research results of scientists from around the world presented in this review show new techniques for improving breeding and prove that further work is needed in this area in order to obtain the biological diversity of new cultivars of this species.
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Context: Skin diseases encompass a broad spectrum, ranging from common issues such as acne and dermatitis to more serious conditions like psoriasis, melanoma, and autoimmune disorders. These ailments can significantly affect both physical health and psychological well-being, often necessitating intricate and long-term management. Evidence Acquisition: Skin diseases arise due to a variety of factors, including genetic, environmental, and immunological influences, which can manifest as inflammation, infection, or abnormal cell growth. This review provides an in-depth examination of common skin diseases, their underlying causes, and current treatment approaches. Despite advancements in treatment, achieving long-term remission and managing side effects remain challenging, thereby highlighting the potential role of supportive herbal remedies, traditionally used for treating skin conditions. Results: Herbs such as Aloe vera, turmeric, neem, and chamomile are recognized for their anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties, showing promise in the treatment of various skin disorders. Conclusions: This review explores the potential of these herbs, including their active compounds, and illustrates how herbal remedies might complement existing treatments, enhancing their effectiveness while minimizing side effects.
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В монографии приводятся результаты экспериментальных работ по разработке и стандартизации фитосредств для лечения и профилактики некоторых заболеваний органов пищеварения, обобщены литературные сведения о химическом составе и фармакологических свойствах лекарственных растений, использованных в данной работе. Работа представляет интерес для фитохимиков, фармацевтов, фитотерапевтов, технологов фармацевтического производства и пищевой промышленности
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Chronic pruritus, or persistent itching, is a debilitating condition that severely impacts quality of life, especially in palliative care settings. Traditional treatments often fail to provide adequate relief or are associated with significant side effects, prompting interest in alternative therapies. This review investigates the antipruritic potential of eight medicinal plants: chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis), calendula (Calendula officinalis), curcumin (Curcuma longa), lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), peppermint (Mentha piperita), and evening primrose (Oenothera biennis). These plants are analyzed for their traditional applications, active bioactive compounds, mechanisms of action, clinical evidence, usage, dosage, and safety profiles. Comprehensive searches were conducted in databases including PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and b-on, focusing on in vitro, animal, and clinical studies using keywords like “plant”, “extract”, and “pruritus”. Studies were included regardless of publication date and limited to English-language articles. Findings indicate that active compounds such as polysaccharides in aloe vera, curcuminoids in turmeric, and menthol in peppermint exhibit significant anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune-modulating properties. Chamomile and calendula alleviate itching through anti-inflammatory and skin-soothing effects, while lavender and licorice offer antimicrobial benefits alongside antipruritic relief. Evening primrose, rich in gamma-linolenic acid, is effective in atopic dermatitis-related itching. Despite promising preclinical and clinical results, challenges remain in standardizing dosages and formulations. The review highlights the necessity of further clinical trials to ensure efficacy and safety, advocating for integrating these botanical therapies into complementary palliative care practices. Such approaches emphasize holistic treatment, addressing chronic pruritus’s physical and emotional burden, thereby enhancing patient well-being.
Calendula officinalis L. is a medicinal herb from the Asteraceae family with a long history of usage in culinary and folk medicine. The plant originates from southern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean area and contains a wide variety of bioactive compounds, including flavonoids, triterpenoids, glycosides, saponins, carotenoids, volatile oils, amino acids, carbohydrates, steroids, sterols, and quinines. These phytoconstituents have broad applicability in the food and cosmetic industries, as they produce a matrix of multifaceted biological effects with therapeutic applications. The active ingredients of Calendula officinalis L. are generally associated with anti-cancer, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hypoglicemic, hypolipidemic, and wound healing properties in experimental and clinical trials. They emerge as an interesting source of drug-like chemical entities for the conception and design of medicines to treat especially inflammatory, antineoplastic, and infectious diseases. This chapter aims to describe the drug-like and some pharmacokinetic properties of the main active ingredients from Calendula officinalis L. as well as their therapeutic properties.
Грибы Colletotrichum coccodes и C. nigrum – опасные патогены картофеля и томата. В работе в лабораторных условиях была проведена оценка роста Calendula offi cinalis на двух типах стерильного субстрата – бедном (песок) и богатом питательными веществами (грунт «Агробалт садовый») – инокулированном пропагулами этих грибов. В контроле использовали неинокулированный субстрат. В обоих инокулированных субстратах отмечено поражение корней календулы C. coccodes и C. nigrum и образование на них типичных для этих видов грибов микросклероциев. Симптомов поражения надземной части растений не выявлено. Рост календулы при выращивании в стерильном грунте угнетался обоими видами грибов. На рост растений на песке присутствие пропагул C. coccodes и C. nigrum не влияло. Прорастание семян в присутствии инокулюма тестируемых грибов как в песке, так и в грунте происходило быстрее. Такая закономерность свидетельствует о стимулирующем эффекте вторичных метаболитов грибов на первых этапах роста и развития растений, причем этот эффект был сильнее выражен на песке. Поражаемость календулы C. coccodes и C. nigrum показывает, что она может служить резерватом инфекции этих грибов, в связи с чем ее не следует использовать в качестве сидеральной или промежуточной культуры в картофельных и томатных севооборотах при развитии антракноза или черной пятнистости клубней на поле. The fungi Colletotrichum coccodes and C. nigrum are dangerous pathogens of potato and tomato crops. In this work, the growth of Calendula officinalis was assessed in laboratory experiments in two types of sterile substrate – poor (sand) and rich in nutrients (“Agrobalt sadovyi”) – inoculated with propagules of these fungi. An uninoculated substrate was used as a control. In both inoculated substrates, damage to the roots of calendula by C. coccodes and C. nigrum and the formation of microsclerotia typical of these fungal species were noted. No symptoms of damage to the above-ground parts of plants were identified. The growth of calendula in the soil was inhibited by both types of fungi. The presence of C. coccodes and C. nigrum propagules did not affect the growth of plants in sand. However, seed germination in the presence of inoculum of the tested fungi both in sand and in soil occurred faster. This pattern indicates the stimulating effect of secondary metabolites of fungi in the fi rst stages of plant growth and development, and this effect was more pronounced on sand. The susceptibility of calendula to C. coccodes and C. nigrum shows that it can serve as a reserve for infection of these fungi, and therefore it should not be used as a green manure or intermediate crop in potato and tomato crop rotations with strong development of anthracnose or black spot in the fi eld.
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The in vitro antifungal activity of Calendula officinalis flower extracts have been investigated against Aspergillus niger, Rhizopus japonicum, Candida albicans, Candida tropicallisand Rhodotorula glutinis. The extracts of Calendula officinalis showed high degree of activity against all test fungi. The inhibitory effects of extracts are very close and identical in magnitude and are comparable with that of standard abtibiotics used.
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The work is concerned with the possible effects of marigold (Calendula officinalis L., Asteraceae) extracts on the action of the pro-oxidant CCl4 and antioxidant fullerenol. The extracts of plant flower, leaf, stem, and root in ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate, butanol, and water were evaporated to dryness and dissolved in 50% ethanol to make 6% (w/v) solutions. Their antioxidant/pro-oxidant action was followed by measuring liposomal lipid peroxidation induced by Fe2+ and ascorbic acid. All flower extracts exhibited a certain antioxidant effect, i.e. they inhibited liposomal lipid peroxidation. CCl4 alone showed a strong pro-oxidative effect but with no dose dependence. The ethyl acetate extract of marigold flower showed a stronger antioxidant effect in combination with CCl4 than without. Leaf extract in the same solvent showed a best protective effect in combination with CCl4. Water and ether extracts of marigold stem, both alone and in combination with CCl4, showed the best antioxidant effect. On the other hand, butanol extract showed a pro-oxidant action compared with control, but no strong synergistic effect with CCl4 was observed. Fullerenol exhibited an antioxidative effect in combination with all the extracts of flower, leaf, and stem, a decreased lipid peroxidation was observed in all cases. Butanol extract of marigold root alone showed a pro-oxidative effect, which in combination with fullerenol was inhibited.
Methanolic (70%) extracts of marigold flower, leaf, stem and root, after solvent removal, were successively extracted with ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate, and n-butanol - the residue being the corresponding aqueous extract. All five extracts were evaporated to dryness and then dissolved in 50% EtOH to obtain 6% (w/v) solutions. These solutions, either alone or in combination with different doses of ciprofloxacin or pyralene, were used to study their effect on liposomal lipid peroxidation (LPx) induced by Fe2+ and ascorbic acid. The majority of the extracts of marigold flower, leaf and stem showed an antioxidant effect, the butanol extract of roots exhibiting a pro-oxidative character. At lower doses, ciprofloxacin did not affect LPx, at higher doses a dose-dependent increase in LPx was observed. The extracts in combination with ciprofloxacin showed a protective effect, which was also dose-dependent. The butanolic extract of root showed no synergistic effect with ciprofloxacin. Pyralene alone exhibited a pro-oxidative action on liposomal LPx. Aqueous and butanolic extracts of flower, leaf, and stem had a protective effect in combination with pyralene. The butanolic extract of root showed a pro-oxidative synergistic effect with pyralene.
Calendula officinalis L. and S. barbadetiman are used in Brazil for the treatment of a number of aliments. The healing properties of these substances are well known, mainly in domestic or sun burn. In order to establish a pharmacological rationale for the traditional use of these plants as a cicatrizant or antiinflammatory remedy, we used ethanol extracts or gel from stem bark of the S. barbadetiman and inflorescence of the Calendula. We selected four groups of patients; two groups shown varicose ulcer (I, II) and two groups shown skin lesions (III and IV). Groups I and III were treated with Calendula and group II and IV were treated with Calendula plus barbadetiman. The data in this study suggest that the treatment with Calendula or Calendula plus barbadetiman are effective in the process that brings wounds to a close. These findings provide basis to an alternative treatment of varicose ulcer.
This full-color reference offers practical, evidence-based guidance on using more than 120 medicinal plants, including how to formulate herbal remedies to treat common disease conditions. A body-systems based review explores herbal medicine in context, offering information on toxicology, drug interactions, quality control, and other key topics. More than 120 herbal monographs provide quick access to information on the historical use of the herb in humans and animals, supporting studies, and dosing information. Includes special dosing, pharmacokinetics, and regulatory considerations when using herbs for horses and farm animals. Expanded pharmacology and toxicology chapters provide thorough information on the chemical basis of herbal medicine. Explores the evolutionary relationship between plants and mammals, which is the basis for understanding the unique physiologic effects of herbs. Includes a body systems review of herbal remedies for common disease conditions in both large and small animals. Discusses special considerations for the scientific research of herbs, including complex and individualized interventions that may require special design and nontraditional outcome goals.
The effects of three ointments (Pommade au calendula par digestion® = Calendula, Elase® and vaseline) on the management of 2nd and 3rd degree burns were compared in a randomized, open, parallel study in 156 patients. A marginally significant difference in favor of Calendula over vaseline was observed. Calendula was significantly better tolerated than the other treatments.