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Integrating Arduino-Based Educational Mobile Robots in ROS



This article presents the full integration of compact educational mobile robotic platforms built around an Arduino controller board in the Robot Operating System (ROS). To decrease the development time, a driver interface in ROS was created so as to provide hardware abstraction and intuitive operation mode, thus allowing researchers to focus essentially in their main research motivation, e.g., search and rescue, multi-robot surveillance or swarm robotics. Moreover, the full integration in ROS provided by the driver enables the use of several tools for data analysis, easiness of interaction between multiple robots, use of different sensors and teleoperation devices, thereby targeting engineering education. To validate the approach, diverse experimental tests were conducted using different Arduino-based robotic platforms.
AbstractThis article presents the full integration of compact
educational mobile robotic platforms built around an Arduino
controller board in the Robotic Operating System (ROS). To that
end, a driver interface in ROS was created to drastically decrease
the development time, providing hardware abstraction and intui-
tive operation mode, allowing researchers to focus essentially in
their main research motivation. Moreover, the full integration in
ROS provided by the driver enables the use of several tools for
data analysis, easiness of interaction between multiple robots,
sensors and teleoperation devices, thereby targeting engineering
education. To validate the approach, diverse experimental field
tests were conducted using different Arduino-based robotic plat-
Mobile robotics is a technological field and a research area
which has witnessed incredible advances for the last decades. It
finds application in areas like automatic cleaning, agriculture,
support to medical services, hazard environments, space explo-
ration, military, intelligent transportation, social robotics, and
entertainment [1]. In robotics research, the need for practical
integration tools to implement valuable scientific contributions
is felt frequently. However, roboticists end up spending exces-
sive time with engineering solutions for their particular hard-
ware setup, often reinventing the wheel. For that purpose, sev-
eral different mobile robotic platforms have emerged with the
ability to support research work focusing on applications like
search and rescue, security applications, human interaction or
robotics soccer and, nowadays, almost every major engineering
institute has one or more laboratories focusing on mobile robot-
ics research.
Earlier, the focus of research was especially on large and
medium systems. However, with recent advances in sensor
miniaturization and the increasing computational power and
capability of microcontrollers in the past years, the emphasis
has been put on the development of smaller and lower cost
robots. Such low-cost platforms make affordable the experi-
mentation with a larger number of robots (e.g., in cooperative
robotics and swarm robotics) and are also ideal for educational
purposes. With such assumptions in mind, we have been doing
engineering and research work with two Arduino-based mobile
platforms [2]: the TraxBot [3] and the StingBot1. The choice
fell upon Arduino solutions, since it presents an easy-to-learn
programming language (derived from C++) that incorporates
various complex programming functions into simple commands
that are much easier for students to learn. Moreover, the sim-
plicity of the Arduino to create, modify and improve projects,
as well as its open-source and reduced cost makes it among the
This work was supported by the CHOPIN research project (PTDC/EEA-
CRO/119000/2010), by PhD scholarships SFRH/BD/64426/2009 and
SFRH/BD /73382/2010, and by ISR-Institute of Systems and Robotics (project
PEst-C/EEI/UI0048/2011), all of them funded by the Portuguese science
agency "Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia" (FCT).
A. Araújo, D. Portugal, M. Couceiro and R. P. Rocha are with the Institute
of Systems and Robotics, University of Coimbra, Pólo II, 3030-290 Coimbra,
Portugal, email: {aaraujo, davidbsp, micaelcouceiro, rprocha}
most used microcontroller solutions in the educational context
[2].Following the trend of research, in this work the focus is on
educational, open-source platforms that enable researchers,
students and robot enthusiasts to quickly perform real world
experimentation, having access to the tools provided by the
Robotic Operating System (ROS) [4]. ROS is currently the
most trending and popular robotic framework in the world,
reaching critical mass and being the closest one to become the
standard that the robotics community urgently needed.
With the exponential growth of robotics, some difficulties
have been found in terms of writing software for robots. Differ-
ent types of robots can have wildly varying hardware, making
code reuse nontrivial. Opposing this tendency, ROS provides
libraries and tools to help software developers to create robot
applications. The major goals of ROS are hardware abstraction,
low-level device control, implementation of commonly-used
functionally, message-passing between processes and package
management. One of its gold marks is the amount of tools
available for the community like the Stage simulator [5], navi-
gation capabilities 2, visual SLAM [6] and 3D point cloud based
object recognition [7], among others. Regular updates enable
the users to obtain, build, write and run ROS code across multi-
ple computers.
In the next section, we review general purpose and educa-
tional mobile robots, focusing on those already integrated in
ROS and briefly describe our Arduino-based robot platforms.
In section III, the main contributions of this work are revealed
and details on the development of the ROS driver and its fea-
tures are presented. In the subsequent section, preliminary
results with physical Arduino-based robots and a team of
mixed real and virtual cooperating agents are presented. Final-
ly, the article ends with conclusions and future work.
The following requirements, sorted by relevance, can be ex-
pected from robots to be used for educational purposes [8][9]:
xCost Robots should be as cheap as possible to overcome
budget limitations and evaluate multi-robot applications
(e.g., swarm robotics);
xEnergy Autonomy Robots should have a long battery life
since they may have to operate long enough during devel-
opment and experimentation;
xCommunication Robots need to support wireless com-
munication to increase the range of applications (e.g., coop-
erative systems);
xSensory System Robots should be equipped with some
form of sensing capability to allow interaction between
them and with their environment;
xProcessing Robots need to be able to process information
about other robots and the environment (e.g., sensing data).
Integrating Arduino-based Educational Mobile Robots in ROS
André Araújo, David Portugal, Micael S. Couceiro and Rui P. Rocha
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Mobile Robots and Competitions
April 24, 2013. Lisbon, Portugal
© 2013 IEEE
Robotica 2013 was organized under the IEEE Robotics & Automation Society Technical Co-Sponsorship
Fig. 1. Well-known educational and research mobile robotic platforms:
from left to right, iRobot Create, Turtlebot, Mindstorm NXT, e-puck, MarXbot, SRV-1 Blackfin and Pioneer 3-DX, respectively.
The following subsection reviews popular educational and
research platforms available in the market, after which we pre-
sent the Arduino-based educational platforms developed and
evaluate them according to the requirements presented above.
A. Educational Robotic Platforms
Several off-the-shelf mobile robots with various sensors and
diverse capabilities are illustrated in Fig. 1. We address their
mobility within different ground environments, capabilities,
size, sensing/perception, processing power, autonomous navi-
gation and integration in ROS.
The Roomba Create [10] from iRobot was designed for stu-
dents and researchers, being very popular in the robotics com-
munity due to its small size and low cost. It is a circular plat-
form, with extra space for larger sensors (e.g., 2D laser sensor
or Kinect). Many choose to utilize an external computer that
supports serial communication to control the Create robot, due
to troublesome limitations in storage space and processing
power. A ROS driver for the Roomba iCreate has already been
developed (irobot_create_2_1 package in the brown_drivers
stack), as well as the original vacuum cleaning Roomba (room-
ba_robot stack).
In fact, a popular off-the-shelf robot, developed at Willow
Garage, has been built upon an iRobot Create: the TurtleBot3.
This is a modular development platform incorporating an Xbox
Kinect and an ASUS eeePC 1215N netbook. TurtleBot pro-
vides 3D functionalities and ROS out of the box (through the
turtlebot stack), being fully open source and exploring all com-
bined capabilities of its components.
The Mindstorms NXT [11] from Lego is an educational, ac-
ademic robot kit, ideal for beginners. The robot is equipped
with drive motors with encoders and a good variety of cheap
sensors like an accelerometer, light, sound, ultrasound and
touch sensors. Support for interfacing and controlling this robot
with ROS is also available, through the nxt stack.
The e-puck [12] is an educational swarm platform for be-
ginners. It has tiny dimensions with only 80mm of diameter,
equipped with a vast set of sensors like microphones, infrared
sensors, 3D accelerometer and a VGA camera. Similarly, the
MarXbot [13] platform has 170 mm of diameter, being fully
equipped with infrared range sensors, 3D accelerometer, gyro-
scope, and an omnidirectional camera. It has a good processing
power with an ARM 11 processor at 533MHz. Both the e-puck
and the MarXbot are programmed in a user-friendly scripting
language, which uses ASEBA, an event-based low level control
architecture. In order to interface it with ROS, a ROS/ASEBA
Bridge has been released (ethzasl_aseba stack4).
Additionally, the SRV-1 Blackfin [14] from Surveyor is a
small-sized robot equipped with tracks with differential config-
uration. This robot has a good processing power with a
1000MIPS at 500MHz CPU, capable of running Linux Kernel
2.6. It is equipped with two IR rangers or optional ultrasonic
ranging and a 1.3MP camera. It also supports Wireless
802.11b/g communication and various I2C sensors. Unlike the
previous platforms, SRV-1 Blackfin can be driven in rough
terrains due to its tracking system. At the time of writing, only
partial support for ROS is available through the ros-surveyor 5
stack, which offers a driver for the Surveyor Vision System in
Among the larger, more equipped and more powerful mo-
bile robots, a reference platform for research and education is
the Pioneer 3 DX from ActivMedia [15]. This is a robust differ-
ential drive platform with 8 sonars in a ring disposition, a high-
performance onboard microcontroller based on a 32-bit Renesas
SH2-7144 RISC microprocessor, offering great reliability and
easiness of use. Compared to the previously referred robots, this
robot has greater weight and less affordability. Two different
drivers are available to interface the Pioneer 3 DX with ROS:
ROSARIA6 and p2os7.
B. Arduino-Based Robotic Platforms
Even though most of referred platforms provide open source
software, they usually require a slow learning curve and the
hardware has limited expandability. Arduino solutions have
recently appeared in the market to work around such issues. For
this reason, our platforms were built around an Arduino control
board, which accesses the motor encoders and other infor-
mation from the power motor driver like temperature and bat-
tery state, being also able to send commands to the motors, read
sonar information and exchange messages natively through
Zigbee. Although this section briefly describes the platforms
assembled in our research laboratory, the proposed driver could
be applied to any other Arduino-based platform such as the
eSwarBot [8], the Bot’n Roll OMNI 8 and many others (e.g.,
The Arduino-based platforms under consideration, namely
the TraxBot v1 and v2 and the Stingbot [3], are depicted in Fig.
2. All these platforms’ processing units consist of Arduino Uno
boards, which include a microcontroller ATmega 328p that
controls the platforms motion through the use of the Bot’n Roll
OMNI-3MD motor driver8.
Fig. 2. Arduino-based robotic platforms,
a) TraxBot v1; b) TraxBot v2; c) StingBot.
As for power source, two packs of 12V 2300mAh Ni-MH
batteries ensure good energy autonomy to the robots. For dis-
tance sensing, 3 Maxbotix Sonars MB1300 with a range of
approximately 6 meters were used. However, and as experi-
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Mobile Robots and Competitions
April 24, 2013. Lisbon, Portugal
© 2013 IEEE
Robotica 2013 was organized under the IEEE Robotics & Automation Society Technical Co-Sponsorship
mental results depict, the sensing capabilities of the platforms
can be easily upgraded with other sensors, e.g., laser range
finders. Moreover, the platforms have the ability to also in-
clude a 10” netbook on top of an acrylic support, which extends
the processing power and provides more flexibility. In our case,
ASUS eeePC 1025C were used due to their reduced price and
size. The notebook provides communication via Wireless Wi-Fi
802.11 b/g/n to the robot and is dedicated to run ROS onboard,
providing the tools and means for enhanced control of the ro-
bot. Additionally, the platforms are also equipped with an Xbee
Shield from Maxstream, consisting on a ZigBee communication
module with an antenna attached on top of the Arduino Uno
board as an expansion module. This Xbee Series 2 module is
powered at 2mW having a range between 40m to 120m, for
indoor and outdoor operation, respectively.
C. Summary
Both Arduino-based platforms meet all the requirements pre-
viously pointed out, being ideal for multi-robot applications. In
terms of cost, our platforms have a similar price to the Mind-
storms NXT, being more affordable than the Turtlebot, e-puck,
MarXbot or the Pioneer. In terms of energy autonomy, both the
TraxBot and the Stingbot can operate continuously around 3
hours, which is a common operation time for compact plat-
forms. As for communication, unlike the iRobot Create and the
Pioneer, which do not offer multi-point communication out of
the box, our platforms support Zigbee communication, which is
extended with WiFi when using a netbook. Having distance
sensors and wheel encoders with high resolution, these plat-
forms have the flexibility to incorporate even more custom
sensors, as opposed to the SRV-1 Blackfin or the Mindstorms
NXT. Furthermore, its hybrid design enables not only to make
use of the 24 MIPS at 26MhZ Atmega 328 microcontroller, but
also the Intel Atom N2800 Dual Core at 1.86 GhZ processor of
the netbook, similarly to the Turtlebot and outperforming the
smaller platforms.
Additionally, when developing our educational robots other
requirements were taken into account: all hardware is either
made of aluminium or stainless steel, being extremely robust;
their dimensions are adequate for both indoor and outdoor ex-
periments; and they have the ability to run ROS.
The key contributions of this work are the development and
description of a driver that enables fast prototyping through the
interface and control of custom educational platforms with
ROS, which can be generalized to different Arduino-based
ROS provides tools to interface with the Arduino family of
boards through the rosserial stack 9.However, it was verified
that rosserial is not suitable for this work, due to the high over-
head imposed by its data acquisition and commands, which
result in an excessive workload to the Arduino microcontroller
Atmel 328p SRAM. In fact, the microcontroller presents lim-
ited SRAM memory and for standard ROS topics (oat32 mes-
sages + message headers), stress tests have shown that only a
maximum of 15 ROS topics can be used in parallel and the
message buơer is limited to 70 standard messages.
The most important feature in rosserial is to add libraries to
the Arduino source code, in order to emulate ROS language
directly in Arduino code. This results in high overhead in com-
munication between PC / ROS and the Arduino, due to the
structures used, for example, when publishing messages from
the Arduino side. For this reason, a custom driver was created,
being able to adopt a faster and more transparent communica-
tion between any Arduino board and ROS. We propose a solu-
tion based on the serial_communication stack 10, where the
messages sent from the Arduino only consist of arrays of char-
acters, which are parsed to integer variables on the PC / ROS
side, hugely decreasing the communication load.
A. Driver Description
The mrl_robots11 driver herein presented was developed for
integration and control of the platform using ROS Fuerte ver-
sion running on Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot. The seri-
al_communication stack 10, was used to establish point-to-point
serial communication between the Arduino and the PC / ROS
side, without the overhead of rosserial. This enables robust and
fast communication in more complex applications, such as
teleoperation, crossing of sensory information, the integration
of the navigation stack, among others. It also has the versatility
of creating protocols to exchange data between the Arduino
and the PC/ROS side, which enables the creation of a custom-
ized and transparent serial communication.
The Arduino firmware code was developed taking into ac-
count all components and their features, which are required for
the robots’ operation. In Fig. 3 the architecture of the ROS
Driver is illustrated. The power motor driver OMNI-3MD
provides libraries to control the motors (i.e., velocity or posi-
tion control), read encoders and temperature, as well as setting
the parameters for the initial configurations of the PID control-
ler, among others. The motor driver is connected to the Ar-
duino Uno through I2C communications. C/C++ language was
used as the programming language for the ATmega328p mi-
crocontroller. Algorithm 1 illustrates the resident Ro-
bot/Arduino Firmware code.
ROS Driver
Connection node
TraxBot Source Code
Cereal_port node establish I2C
communication via serial
protocol and Driver source
code interprets the frame sent
by the firmware program to
perform the desired task.
Driver Source Code
USB cable
Implemented in C with specific
protocol frame
Motor Driver
Power driver to control motors,
Encoders and temperature among others.
Fig. 3. ROS driver architecture diagram.
The protocol developed to interface ROS with the Arduino
board consists on sending a frame with the configuration
shown in Fig. 4. The character ‘@’ is used at the beginning of
every frame, and commas ‘,’ separate the different parameters.
Character ‘e’ identifies the end of the frame. Regarding the
content of the protocol, the first parameter corresponds to the
action command; like move motors, and others (Algorithm 1).
Following the action command, commas separate the argu-
ments of the designated commands which have been defined as
signed integers.
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Mobile Robots and Competitions
April 24, 2013. Lisbon, Portugal
© 2013 IEEE
Robotica 2013 was organized under the IEEE Robotics & Automation Society Technical Co-Sponsorship
Fig. 4. Frame protocol to receive/send data from/to the Arduino Uno
Let us suppose, for instance, that we want the platform to
move with a linear velocity of 0.5 m/s and an angular velocity
of -0.8 rad/s, the frame would be, “@11,500,-800e” represent-
ing “@command,(lin_vel×103),(ang_vel×103)e”.
In the ROS side, a computation process (robot_node) has
been programmed, which starts the serial connection using the
cereal_port library of serial_communication stack and receives
streams of information from the robot. Whenever a data frame
has been received, a callback is triggered, publishing the corre-
sponding message into appropriate ROS topics, thus providing
updated information to the rest of ROS ecosystem. Algorithm
2 shows how the driver works. In Fig. 5, it is shown how a
ROS user application node (e.g., a mapping algorithm) can
interact with robot_node by sending velocity commands to the
base and receiving information like sonar range, odometry,
transforms, etc. One of many ROS tools, rxgraph, has been
used to allow real time monitoring of the available nodes, as
well as topics exchanged by each node. Note also the interac-
tion with other existing nodes in ROS like the wiimote_node12,
used for teleoperating the robot through a Nintendo’s Wii
remote controller (WiiMote), and the hokuyo_node13 to add an
Hokuyo laser range sensor to the robot. ROS provides many
different built-in sensor message types which are appropriately
assigned to the topics of each component of the driver.
The ability to stream data from the Arduino board is an in-
teresting feature of the driver because it does not require a
synchronous communication involving requests and responses
between ROS and the Arduino board. Hence, it frees the serial
communication channel since it only needs a starting request
and can be stopped at any time. Furthermore the mrl_robots
driver has the ability to enable and disable debugging options
to track eventual errors.
B. Driver Features and Potential
The driver presented in the last subsection offers several fea-
tures, many of which are inherited by the direct integration
with the ROS middleware. The driver enables the interface
with ROS tools for data process and analysis of the platforms,
like 3D visualization (rviz), logging real-time robot experi-
ments and playing them offline with (rosbag/rxbag), plotting
data (rxplot) and visualizing the entire ROS network structure
Beyond the easiness of using the available tools, ROS also
provides effortlessly integration of new sensors without need-
ing hardware expertise, as it will be seen in section IV. This
opens a new range of possibilities since several well-known
stacks from the ROS community comprise algorithms for ro-
botics development such as the navigation2 and
slam_gmapping14 stacks.
Fig. 5. Rxgraph topics and nodes provided by the mrl_robots driver.
Algorithm 1. Robot/Arduino Resident Firmware
#Omni3MD library // main motor driver command functions
#EEPROM library // storage robot particular specifications: robot ID,…
#Robot library
// range sonars acquisition, calibration, PID gains
RobotSerialComm library // protocol serial communication
#Standard libraries
Setup Functions(); // PID motor gains, using ports, encoders scale, set I2C
Streaming Functions():
Read encoder 1 and 2 pulses;
Serial reply encoder data;
Read encoder 1 and 2 pulses;
Read sonars 1, 2 and 3 ranges;
Serial reply encoder and sonar data;
Read from EEPROM robot ID;
Read internal board temperature;
Read Omni
-3MD driver firmware version;
Read TraxBot battery voltage;
Read firmware version;
Serial reply info data;
Main loop():
Switch (action):
-3MD auto-calibration motors for controller purposes;
Set PID gains;
Receive Xbee message;
Send Xbee message;
Xbee node discovery;
Set prescaler from encoders;
desire encoders values;
Robot info;
Single encoders reading;
Single sonars reading;
Linear motors move with PID controller;
Linear motors move;
Stop motors;
Reset encoders;
Debug action;
// (Des)Activate debug option
Start streaming data;
// Activate desire streaming data
Stop streaming data;
Algorithm 2. PC/ROS Driver.
#ROS_msgs library // ROS type messages
#Cereal_port library // protocol serial communication
Robot data callback():
Read encoder pulses;
Pulses convert to cartesian pose (ݔǡݕǡ ߠ
Publish in ROS topic updated pose;
Publish tf: odom base_link
Subscribe ROS topic differential velocity commands;
Send to robot angular and linear speeds;
Publish ROS topic range ultrasonic sonars;
Publish ROS topic with Xbee message received;
Subscribe ROS topic with Xbee message to send from user node
Publish ROS topic robot information;
Main loop():
Establish a serial connection;
Receive data streaming from robot (activate callbacks);
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Mobile Robots and Competitions
April 24, 2013. Lisbon, Portugal
© 2013 IEEE
Robotica 2013 was organized under the IEEE Robotics & Automation Society Technical Co-Sponsorship
As a result, the overall time spent in robotics research is
greatly reduced due to code reuse and therefore the driver
represents a valuable tool that enables fast prototyping and
opens a gateway into the world of ROS.
Another interesting feature of the driver is the simplicity for
enabling heterogeneous multi-robot coordination and coopera-
tion. Running the same hardware abstraction layer in the team
of robots, ROS takes care of the communication messaging
system using a publish/subscribe method, which enables all
kinds of interaction between members of the same team, as
seen in Fig. 6, where an example of a ROS network is depic-
ROS Gazebo Node
Driver Node Stingbot
Robot N
Driver Node Traxbot v2
Robot 2
Driver Node Traxbot v1
Robot 1
Virtual robots in Stage
Add specific
Node Hokoyo Laser Node
Kinect Node
Wii Remote Controller
Fig. 6. Network topology example with multiple robots, sensors,
tele-operation devices and applications.
ROS also has the potential to integrate mixed real and virtu-
al robot teams. With the use of the driver herein presented,
together with the Stage15 multi-robot simulator, the same code
can be used to drive either real robots or virtual agents running
on Stage. Therefore, the developed ROS driver allows the
integration of virtual robots with different sizes and driving
characteristics, as seen later on. In addition, the communica-
tion between real and virtual agents is completely transparent
since they are both operating in the same ROS network. This
major feature is ideal to perform multi-robot tasks, allowing
the use of a large population of robots, when no extra physical
robots are available, being cheaper and promoting safer test
scenarios by making interactions between physical and virtual
world objects.
Fig. 7. Evaluation of the ROS driver in Traxbot v1 with different sensors. a)
Ultrassound Range Sensors integration; b) Hokuyo URG-04LX Laser Range
Finder integration.
In order to experimentally evaluate the ROS driver, some
tests were conducted using physical Arduino-based robots and
stage15, which provides essential options like the information
about the ground truth pose and odometry of virtual robots.
We present experimental tests that validate the aforemen-
tioned claims and we also show cooperative behaviors with
real multi-robot systems, as well as mixed real and virtual
robotic teams 16. Therefore, the experiments will allow to eval-
uate the driver flexibility to different sensors, the driver porta-
bility to different robotic platforms and the driver expandabil-
ity and integration with the existent ROS tools.
The first experiment aims to demonstrate the driver
flexibility to integration of different sensors. The TraxBot v1
platform was equipped with a laser range finder (LFR) and its
performance was compared against the native ultrasonic range
sonars on a simple mapping task. The Hokuyo URG-04LX is a
LRF classified as an Amplitude Modulated Continuous Wave
(AMCW) sensor. In order to test the sonars performance, an L-
shaped scenario of 2 m by 1.6 m was set up, with a 1 m width
(Fig. 7). To perform this test, two lateral sonars placed at ±45
degrees were used.
In this test, the robot movement relies solely on odometry.
In Fig. 7a it can be seen in the first rectilinear motion, that the
sonars readings are stable (red dots) and coincident with the
ground truth scenario limits (blue line). Green dots represent
the midpoint of sonars acoustic beam while turning. Some
issues arise during the 90 degrees rotation, since the sonar
beam cone has an opening of approximately 36 degrees, thus
presenting a much poorer resolution than the LRF, as
illustrated in Fig. 7a. In the case of Fig. 7b, the Hokuyo LRF
was used to perform the same test. The overture of the laser
was set to 180 degrees with a rate of 512 samples per reading.
It is possible to observe some discrepancy in some readings
especially at the end of the movement due the odometry
position error accumulated during motion.
In the second experiment, the main goal is to demonstrate
the portability of the driver to different robots and sensors,
which enables testing in our Arduino-based robots the existent
algorithms in ROS. Hence, a mapping task with the
incorporation and interaction of drivers for different sensors
like LRF and a joystick controller was performed. Along these
lines, this time the Traxbot v2 platform was equipped with an
Hokuyo LRF and teleoperated with a WiiMote for a mapping
task using Hector Mapping [16], which is available in the
hector_slam stack17.
Fig. 8. Map generated by the Traxbot v2 with hector mapping.
16 A video of the experiments is available at:
Position x [mm]
Position x [mm]
Position y [mm]
Position y [mm]
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Mobile Robots and Competitions
April 24, 2013. Lisbon, Portugal
© 2013 IEEE
Robotica 2013 was organized under the IEEE Robotics & Automation Society Technical Co-Sponsorship
The teleoperation node runs on the eeePC netbook
connected over the ROS network. The node subscribes to a
topic which has the information of the Wiimote state and
assigns functions for each pressed button, publishing then
velocity commands, which are interpreted by the ROS driver,
resulting then on motor commands. Additionally, the
hector_mapping node subscribes to the scans provided by the
hokuyo_node and publishes the estimate of the robot's pose
within the map, while generating the map. Fig. 8 presents the
resulting map in rviz, which was obtained with
hector_mapping on our experimental lab arena.
In the third and final experiment, we show not only the
possibility to have coordinated behaviors with two physical
robots, but also the possibility to include a third simulated
robot running in stage which communicates with the other two
forming a mixed team of real and virtual robots, as described
in section III.B. In addition, we also integrate navigation
capabilities in our robots, by running the navigation stack2
with a known map, in this case, the map of our experimental
lab arena (Fig.9).
The robots were commanded to navigate cyclically between
a set of waypoints in the arena, as seen in the video of the
experiment16. To further demonstrate their coordinating abili-
ties, a common waypoint for all three robots was defined, and
robots had to exchange messages through a shared ROS topic
to avoid going to the common point at the same time. They
would wait to go to the point at the center of the arena and
priority was given to the robot who expressed firstly its inten-
tion to move to that point. All three robots were able to coordi-
nate themselves in the environment without colliding to each
other, due to the integration of the navigation stack2.Fig.10
presents a snapshot of rviz, illustrating the three robots moving
in the arena.
Fig. 9. Experimental arena with a Traxbot v2 and a Stingbot cooperating
with a virtual robot, running on stage.
Fig. 10. The three robots coordinating their behaviors by exchanging ROS
messages (rviz).
In this paper a solution for integrating Arduino-based robot-
ic platforms in ROS, through the development of a ROS driver,
was presented. It was shown the great advantages of integrat-
ing the platform with ROS middleware, enabling the usage of a
wide range of tools and reducing the development time
through code reuse. The robots, alongside with Arduino and
ROS open-source development tools, present themselves as
ideal platforms for educational robotics. Beyond providing
access to all ROS tools, the driver also simplifies the robotic
development by: i) supporting hardware abstraction to easily
control the platform; ii) allowing for the extension and integra-
tion of all kinds of sensors; and iii) enabling multi-robot coop-
eration and coordination through the operation in a ROS net-
work, both for real teams of homogeneous and heterogeneous
robots, as well as hybrid teams of real and virtual agents, run-
ning the same code. Results from the experiments that were
conducted demonstrate all these features and the insignificant
overhead imposed by the driver was discussed.
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Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Mobile Robots and Competitions
April 24, 2013. Lisbon, Portugal
© 2013 IEEE
Robotica 2013 was organized under the IEEE Robotics & Automation Society Technical Co-Sponsorship
... The learning curve of ROS 2 (Robot Operating System 2) is considered steep due to several interrelated factors that collectively create a challenging environment for newcomers [1][2][3][4][5][6]. Firstly, ROS 2 is a complex system that integrates a multitude of tools, libraries, and conventions designed to facilitate the creation of sophisticated and robust robot behaviors. ...
... Although it may seem like a minimal didactic adjustment, this approach significantly enhances student understanding. Another altered pattern of the compared to the popular course structure is that they tend to use own-developed robots [1,3,5,6]. Our approach was in that situation rather buy than build. ...
... With this approach we not only got strong teaching materials [10][11][12] for F1/10 car, but also, we could adopt it for the Wheeltec car too. Another altered pattern of the compared to the popular course structure is that they tend to use own-developed robots [1,3,5,6]. Our approach was in that situation rather buy than build. ...
... Due to the neural network's ability to self-learn online through each sampling cycle, storing a vast amount of data related to mathematical model analysis is no longer necessary in adaptive control systems using neural networks. The combination of fuzzy rules with neural networks and adaptive rules is also presented in [46][47][48][49][50][51][52]. The outstanding advantages of adaptive controllers using RBFNN networks approximate the uncertain nonlinear characteristics, such as the ability to calculate the parameters of fuzzy adaptive controllers adaptively. ...
... The outstanding advantages of adaptive controllers using RBFNN networks approximate the uncertain nonlinear characteristics, such as the ability to calculate the parameters of fuzzy adaptive controllers adaptively. The ROS2 operating system supports the construction of realistic robotic systems and the implementation of control algorithms that require a large amount of computation when using neural networks, as presented in [51][52][53][54]. The article uses a control structure to model the kinematics and dynamics of a mobile robot when sliding sideways; model parameters are uncertain and subject to external disturbances using only one control loop and designing a controller. ...
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In this article, the research team systematically developed a method to model the kinematics and dynamics of a 3-wheeled robot subjected to external disturbances and sideways wheel sliding. These models will be used to design control laws that compensate for wheel slippage, model uncertainties, and external disturbances. These control algorithms were developed based on dynamic surface control (DSC). An adaptive trajectory tracking DSC algorithm using a fuzzy logic system (AFDSC) and a radial neural network (RBFNN) with a fuzzy logic system were used to overcome the disadvantages of DSC and expand the application domain for non-holonomic wheeled mobile robots with lateral slip (WMR). However, this adaptive fuzzy neural network dynamic surface control (AFNNDSC) adaptive controller ensures the closed system is stable, follows the preset trajectory in the presence of wheel slippage model uncertainty, and is affected by significant amplitude disturbances. The stability and convergence of the closed-loop system are guaranteed based on the Lyapunov analysis. The AFNNDSC adaptive controller is evaluated by simulation on the Matlab/simulink software R2022b and in a steady state. The maximum position error on the right wheel and left wheel is 0.000572 (m) and 0.000523 (m), and the angular velocity tracking error in the right and left wheels of the control method is 0.000394 (rad/s). The experimental results show the theoretical analysis’ correctness, the proposed controller’s effectiveness, and the possibility of practical applications. Orbits are set as two periodic functions of period T as follows.
... In the early days of the development of robotics technology, they were commonly used on microcontrollers, such as STM32, Arduino Uno, etc. They were low-cost but lacked computing power, which could only run some basic AI algorithms (Araújo et al. 2015; López-Rodríguez and Cuesta 2016). With the development of hardware technology, robot computing platforms based on Raspberry Pi are gradually emerging. ...
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Underwater welding robots play a crucial role in addressing challenges such as low efficiency, suboptimal performance, and high risks associated with underwater welding operations. These robots face a dual challenge encompassing both hardware deployment and software algorithms. Recent years have seen significant interest in humanoid robots and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, which hold promise as breakthrough solutions for advancing underwater welding capabilities. Firstly, this review delves into the hardware platforms envisioned for future underwater humanoid welding robots (UHWR), encompassing both underwater apparatus and terrestrial support equipment. Secondly, it provides an extensive overview of AI applications in underwater welding scenarios, particularly focusing on their implementation in UHWR. This includes detailed discussions on multi-sensor calibration, vision-based three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction, extraction of weld features, decision-making for weld repairs, robot trajectory planning, and motion planning for dual-arm robots. Through comparative analysis within the text, it becomes evident that AI significantly enhances capabilities such as underwater multi-sensor calibration, vision-based 3D reconstruction, and weld feature extraction. Moreover, AI shows substantial potential in tasks like underwater image enhancement, decision-making processes, robot trajectory planning, and dual-arm robot motion planning. Looking ahead, the development trajectory for AI in UHWR emphasizes multifunctional models, edge computing in compact models, and advanced decision-making technologies in expansive models.
... The tool introduced in this study is intended to improve the balance between theory and practice during a university-level lecture on the neurophysiology of pain. While Arduino-based educational platforms have been successfully adopted in several areas, such as robotics (Ara ujo et al., 2015;Chang & Chen, 2022), physics (El Moussaouy et al., 2021), and neurosciences (Baden et al., 2018), this is the first time a microcontroller-based hardware implementation has been used to contribute to pain education. It allows students to interact physically with some of the neural elements responsible for pain-related information transmission and modulation without worrying about the ethical implications of using in-vivo models. ...
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As occurs with many other topics of pain curricula, lectures on pain neurophysiology are predominantly theoretical, and the practical experiences required to deliver that content to learners can be problematic regarding sustainability, logistics, and funding. Therefore, this study presents the development and testing of a microcontroller-based interactive tool to assist university-level pain neurophysiology teaching and facilitate a hands-on approach to exploring the functional connectivity of pain pathways. The proposed system consists of a sensing module that conveys electrical signals elicited by thermal and mechanical stimuli to an Arduino Nano board. The latter acts as a processing module and contains a codified version of a Neuroid-based network model of the pain circuitry. Our prototype was tested during a lecture on pain neurophysiology attended by forty-seven undergraduate health sciences students, who were instructed to observe the neural responses to sensory stimulation while altering the pain circuitry’s excitatory-inhibitory balance. We collected participants’ opinions via a 3-point Likert-type scale with seventeen questions regarding the tool’s composition, appropriateness, and theoretical foundation. Besides allowing students to explore the functional connectivity of pain pathways without the limitations posed by in-vivo or in-vitro models, the proposed tool achieved overall positive feedback among the surveyed.
... Our aim is to create a prototype of an autonomous vehicle that is equipped with ACC and can track lead vehicles in complete safety. The components, such as the Arduino Uno as the microcontroller [16]- [21], the DC motor as the driving force [7] [16], and the Ultrasonic HC-SR04 as the sensor [16], are essential elements to build this prototype. ...
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This article will focus on adaptive cruise control in autonomous automobiles. The adaptive cruise control inputs are the safety distance which determines thanks to conditions set depending on the distance value, the measured distance, the longitudinal speed of the autonomous automobile itself, the output is the desired acceleration. The objective is to follow the vehicles in front with safety, according to the distance measured by the ultrasonic sensor, and maintain a distance between the vehicles in front greater than the safety distance which we have determined. For this, we used super twisting sliding mode controller (STSMC) and non-singular terminal sliding mode controller (NTSMC) based on neural network applied to the adaptive cruise control system. The neural network is able to approximate the exponential reaching law term parameter of the NTSMC controller to compensate for uncertainties and perturbations. An autonomous automobile adaptive cruise control system prototype was produced and tested using an ultrasonic sensor to measure the distance between the two automobiles, and an Arduino board as a microcontroller to implement our program, and four DCs motors as actuators to move or stop our host vehicle. This system is processed by code and Simulink Matlab, the efficiency and robustness of these controllers are excellent, as demonstrated by the low longitudinal velocity error value. The safety of autonomous vehicles can be enhanced by improving adaptive cruise control using STSMC and NTSMC based on neural network controllers, which are chosen for their efficiency and robustness.
... Though it is still an ongoing evolution, the fundamental ROS principles of publishing and subscribing to topics, application-specific messages, invoking services, and sharing parameters remained constant. Due to the growing importance of ROS in research [1] and commercial robotics, educators began introducing ROS to enhance their robotic curricula [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10]. ...
Conference Paper
With the increase of the world’s aging phenomenon and the improvement of modern technology, intelligent wheelchairs have emerged as promising assistive equipment to enhance the mobility and independence of people with physical disabilities. This project aims to provide a safe, reliable, and user-friendly means of mobility for wheelchair users in indoor environments. Specifically, our group created an intelligent wheelchair system based on ROS, with integrated map building, navigation, and voice control functions. In this paper, the author seeks to facilitate autonomous navigation technology into electronically powered wheelchairs by integrating SLAM and speech recognition with sensors such as LiDAR, rotary encoders, and microphones. The project has been verified in the indoor environment, and the result demonstrated that our functions are trustable and reliable.
Conference Paper
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Multi-robot systems (MRS) may be very useful on assisting humans in many distributed activities, especially for search and rescue (SaR) missions in hazardous scenarios. However, there is a lack of full distributed solutions, addressing the advantages and limitations along different aspects of team operation, like communication requirements or scalability. In this paper, the effects of distributed group configurations are studied and results are drawn from collective exploration and collective inspection tasks in SaR scenarios, with the aim of understanding the main tradeoffs, and distilling design guidelines of collective architectures. With this purpose, extensive simulation experiments of MRS in a SaR scenario were carried out.
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This paper proposes two extensions of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Darwinian Particle Swarm Optimization (DPSO), respectively denoted as RPSO (Robotic PSO) and RDPSO (Robotic DPSO), so as to adapt these promising biologically inspired techniques to the multi-robot systems domain, by considering obstacle avoidance and communication constraints. The concepts of social exclusion and social inclusion are used in the RDPSO algorithm as a ‘punish–reward’ mechanism, thus enhancing the ability to escape from local optima. Experimental results obtained in a simulated environment shows the superiority of the RDPSO evidencing that sociobiological inspiration can be useful to meet the challenges of robotic applications that can be described as optimization problems (e.g. search and rescue). Moreover, the performance of the RDPSO is further evaluated within a population of up to 12 physical robots under communication constraints. Experimental results with real platforms show that only 4 robots are needed to accomplish the herein proposed mission and, independently on the number of robots and maximum communication distance, the global optimum is achieved in approximately 90% of the experiments.
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Swarm robotics usually involves a large number of robots, dealing with the emergence of intelligent collective behaviors based on local interactions, thus mimicking collective behaviors found in biological societies (e.g. ants, bees, bacteria, etc.). Therefore, both miniaturization and cost of robotic plat-form are key-factors in swarm robotics scenarios, in order to allow affordable experimentation with real platforms. This article presents a miniature low-cost robot design, denoted as eSwarBot (Educational Swarm Robot), which specifically targets engineering education and swarm robotics in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Engineering Institute of Coimbra. eSwarBot was designed as an Arduino-based open platform requiring basic knowledge of other areas beyond robotics, like mechanics, control or energy management. Furthermore, the comparison with other platforms used in swarm applications is also presented.
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For many applications in Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) scenarios robots need to learn a map of unknown environments. We present a system for fast online learning of occupancy grid maps requiring low computational resources. It combines a robust scan matching approach using a LIDAR system with a 3D attitude estimation system based on inertial sensing. By using a fast approximation of map gradients and a multi-resolution grid, reliable localization and mapping ca-pabilities in a variety of challenging environments are realized. Multiple datasets showing the applicability in an embedded hand-held mapping system are provided. We show that the system is sufficiently accurate as to not require explicit loop closing techniques in the considered scenarios. The software is available as an open source package for ROS.
Conference Paper
This work presents the TraxBot mobile robot design, a ground platform recently developed for applications in the mobile robotics field. The assembling of the robotic system, with description of its components as well as information about the microcontroller programming, development and testing are presented. The TraxBot is a multidisciplinary platform and is ideal for education, since it is easily programmed with opensource tools requiring basic knowledge of other areas beyond robotics, like mechanics, control or energy management. Although being released in a stable version, the robot is continually in development, with the ability to incorporate extensions to its design and new features.
Conference Paper
Abstract— This paper gives an overview of ROS, an open- source robot operating,system. ROS is not an operating,system in the traditional sense of process management,and scheduling; rather, it provides a structured communications layer above the host operating,systems,of a heterogenous,compute,cluster. In this paper, we discuss how ROS relates to existing robot software frameworks, and briefly overview some of the available application software,which,uses ROS.