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Work-Family Balance: A Review and Extension of the Literature

... well-being. This supports prior research emphasizing the essential role of work-life balance in maintaining teachers' overall health (Greenhaus & Allen, 2011). These results suggest that when teachers perceive a better balance between work and personal life, they experience improvements in their physical, mental, and emotional health. ...
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This study assesses the effects of afternoon shift schedules on the well-being of teachers at Tacurong National High School. Utilizing a quantitative, non-experimental design with a descriptive-correlation technique, the research surveyed 57 afternoon shift teachers to explore relationships between the afternoon shift schedules and teachers' well-being, including physical, mental, emotional, and social. Findings indicate that the afternoon shift schedule are rated low, particularly regarding work-life balance and health implications. Conversely, teachers' overall well-being is rated high, with high level of social and emotional well-being but low level in physical and mental well-being. Multiple regression analysis reveals significant relationships between work-life balance and teachers' physical, mental, and emotional well-being, while health implications show no significant effects on teacher's well-being domains. Based on these results, it is recommended that school administrators organize an Outdoor Team-Building Retreat to enhance teachers' well-being. This study underscores the importance of addressing work-life balance to support the well-being of teachers facing the challenges of afternoon shift schedules.
... Work-life research has long been dominated by conflict (Greenhaus & Beutell, 1985) and enrichment (Greenhaus & Powell, 2006) theories. The concept of balance between different areas of life developed in parallel (Brough et al., 2020;Carlson et al., 2009;Valcour, 2007), considered as an outcome of conflict and enrichment (Greenhaus & Allen, 2011;Maertz & Boyar, 2011;Wayne et al., 2020). Balance is a unique and distinct concept from conflict and enrichment, corresponding to an overall appraisal of combining work and private roles (Maertz & Boyar, 2011;Wayne et al., 2017). ...
... In the context of being a small-time entrepreneur, work-life balance is equally significant because it affects employees' well-being and job satisfaction. Greenhaus and Allen (2011) Research Paper emphasized that balancing work and personal responsibilities enhances performance and reduces stress. This is also the same contention of Zhou et al. (2022), who provided strong evidence that entrepreneurs can balance work and life, maintain healthy lifestyles, and care more about their families. ...
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The impact of nano-entrepreneurship on work-life balance differs based on the demands of the dual roles of employees in their entrepreneurship and office employment activities. This study assessed nano-entrepreneurship engagement and employees’ work-life balance in a Local Government Unit (LGU) in the Philippines. The study employed a descriptive-quantitative research design using a researcher-structured questionnaire to collect data from 110 nano-entrepreneurship employees of the subject LGU. Data analyses included frequency, percentage, weighted mean, and regression analyses. This study provides empirical evidence that nano-entrepreneurship engagement of employees in the subject LGU is adequate and manageable in terms of balancing work, personal, and professional activities. Moreover, the work-life balance of nano-entrepreneur employees considering the duality of their roles was found to be acceptable and satisfying; however, it has no significant relationship with nano-entrepreneur engagement. The study also disclosed that although employees believe in the advantages of nano-entrepreneurship, they face certain challenges that may not allow them to pursue such opportunities efficiently. Finally, strategies fostering a supportive culture that encourages psychological safety and autonomy were proposed by the researchers to enhance the well-being and productivity of nano-entrepreneur employees while balancing government responsibilities with their entrepreneurial ventures. This study is essential for an organization, whether public or private, in fostering a supportive culture that enhances employees’ financial stability, job satisfaction, and work-life balance through entrepreneurship.
Employees’ organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is an important determinant of organizational effectiveness; hence, scholars and practitioners are particularly interested in the factors, mechanisms, and conditions that promote such behaviors. Guided by the ability–motivation–opportunity framework, we draw on the social cognitive theory of moral thought and action to conceptualize a model that delineates the role of ethics-oriented human resource management (HRM) systems in promoting OCBs through the mediating role of employees’ moral attentiveness. We also refer to the job demands–resources theory to describe the moderating role of work-family balance in the indirect relationship between HRM systems and OCBs. The findings of an experiment involving 157 working adults (Study 1) and a three-wave field survey of 328 employees (Study 2) converge to support the hypothesized direct and indirect (via moral attentiveness) relationships between ethics-oriented HRM systems and OCBs as well as the first-stage moderating role of work-family balance.
The swift transition of the workplace into the digital domain has engendered a problem of striking the right balance between employee wellness and technology innovation. Most traditional environments that place a lot of emphasis on active performance fail to consider an employee's mental, physical, and emotional well-being of employees. This chapter highlights the need for human-centered digital workplaces prioritizing well-being over productivity. It does this by explaining Self Determination Theory, which identifies three essential elements: autonomy, competence, and relatedness, which promotes healthier and more engaging populations. It continues to the forefront the use of other advances, especially AI and virtual realities, to make work more individualistic and enjoyable and address change management problems like digital exhaustion and diversity in digitization. Therefore, it presents practical ideas and suggestions to build sustainable employee-centric workplaces that improve quality of life and performance.
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The rise of smartworking has profoundly reshaped employees’ workflows by delineating the opportunity for a better work-life balance. Nevertheless, scholars underlined the risk for remote workers to experience stress and burnout due to the blurring of boundaries between work and personal life. In this context, relying on a manager able to understand and motivate is relevant for enhancing employees’ individual performance and contributing to a business’ survival. This is particularly crucial in small and medium-sized firms (SMEs), where employees’ performance can significantly impact business stability. Therefore, this study explores the role of emotional intelligence in SMEs by investigating its moderating effect between work-life balance and individual performance. A quantitative methodology was adopted, and a Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling was performed. A convenience sampling together with a snowball sampling technique was employed to collect data among employees. A total of 114 valid surveys from Italian SMEs were collected through an online questionnaire. The results confirm that smartworking affects work-life balance and work-life balance positively impacts individual performance. More interestingly, it emerges a positive and significant moderating effect of emotional intelligent leadership. This can open up to the valorization of emotional intelligence within firms as a strategic skill, both in public and private organizations, for handling employees’ emotions, thereby fostering their individual performance.
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Cel: Celem badania było zweryfikowanie powiązań pomiędzy work-life balance (WLB), determinacją (grit) oraz zaspokojeniem potrzeb autonomii, kompetencji i więzi z innymi osobami w pracy a wybranymi aspektami dobrostanu pracowników polskich korporacji w okresie po pandemii COVID-19. Badanie miało na celu zrozumienie, jakie czynniki są powiązane z dobrostanem psychicznym pracowników w zmieniających się warunkach zawodowych. Metoda: W badaniu wzięło udział 77 kobiet i 44 mężczyzn w wieku 19–68 lat, byli to pracownicy warszawskich oddziałów firm o charakterze korporacji. Badanie przeprowadzono przy użyciu Kwestionariusza Work-Life Balance – oceniającego równowagę pomiędzy życiem zawodowym a prywatnym, Short Grit Scale – do pomiaru poziomu determinacji, Kwestionariusza „Kiedy jestem w pracy” – oceniającego zaspokojenie potrzeb autonomii, kompetencji i więzi z innymi ludźmi oraz Psychological Well-Being Scales – do pomiaru poziomu dobrostanu psychologicznego . Opracowując dane, wykorzystano analizę regresji wielozmiennowej oraz analizę korelacji rho Spearmana. Wyniki: Analiza regresji wielozmiennowej wykazała, że istotnymi predyktorami dobrostanu pracowników były: determinacja (beta = 0,41; p < 0,001), zaspokojenie potrzeby relacji z innymi ludźmi (beta = 0,25; p < 0,001), work-life balance (beta = 0,21; p < 0,001) i zaspokojenie potrzeby autonomii (beta = 0,16; p < 0,05). Wykazano też związki analizowanych zmiennych z sześcioma aspektami dobrostanu mierzonymi skalą PWBS Ryff. Konkluzja: Wyniki badania potwierdzają, że work-life balance, determinacja oraz zaspokojenie potrzeb autonomii, kompetencji i więzi z innymi ludźmi są istotnymi predyktorami dobrostanu psychologicznego pracowników polskich korporacji. W szczególności determinacja i work-life balance mogą mieć znaczący wpływ na poczucie spełnienia i satysfakcji zawodowej. Wyniki te podkreślają znaczenie tworzenia środowiska pracy, sprzyjającego osiąganiu równowagi pomiędzy życiem zawodowym a prywatnym oraz wspierania indywidualnych potrzeb pracowników.
Happiness, a universally valued and significant positive emotional state, is essential for a meaningful and fulfilling existence in the workplace across cultures. The present chapter explores the interconnected effect of mindfulness, organizational identification, work-life balance, and family support on employee happiness at the workplace. The study surveyed 385 married working women in the Indian banking and IT industry, and the data was analyzed using PLS SEM 4. Further, the bootstrapping method was also employed to assess the significance of the relationships between variables. The study revealed that all the examined factors have a positive and significant impact on the happiness of the Indian female workforce. The findings provide useful insights for organizations and policymakers to create inclusive and enlightened workplace cultures that prioritize the welfare of the female workforce, thereby enhancing their happiness, involvement, and proficiency. The chapter also discusses the theoretical implications as well as the limitations and potential avenues for future research.
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Objective: The study investigates the relationship between work-life balance and job satisfaction of public-sector lawyers. This study aligns with The UNITED NATION’s (UN) Sustainable Development Goal 8 (DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH) by focusing on the critical factors of work-life balance and job satisfaction, which directly influence mental health and overall well-being in the workplace. Theoretical Framework: This paper provides a brief overview and significance of work-life balance, and job satisfaction, particularly in the context of organizational research, with a focus on lawyers in the public sector in the Maldives. The two factor theory, and work-life balance model related to work-life balance and job satisfaction provides a foundation to understand the interplay roles between the variables. Method: The study utilized a quantitative plan with a cross-sectional data collection approach. Data was collected from 218 lawyers from public sector in the Maldives utilizing a survey questionnaire. Results and Discussion: The findings from this study showed a significant relationship between work-life balance and job satisfaction. The result highlights the important role of work-life balance in enhancing job satisfaction, underlining the importance for decent work and economic growth. Research Implications: The research emphasizes the importance of creating decent and supportive work environments for lawyers in the Maldives’ public sector, which can help improve work-life balance, and improve job satisfaction of lawyers. The findings provide important implications for organizations in further developing the policies of the organizations where lawyers work. These efforts offer practical implications to achieve SDG 8 by adopting strategies that support workplace culture and well-being of lawyers in the Maldives. Originality/Value: This study contributes to the literature by focusing on public-sector lawyers in the Maldives, an unexplored area about lawyers, examining job satisfaction as a dependent variable and work-life balance as independent variable. The research underlines the importance of aligning organizational strategies with global goals such as SDG 8 to promote sustained, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
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This paper investigates the impact of workload on leadership roles within the Austrian IT sector, by also paying attention to differences between genders. The research adopted a prospective design, selecting IT professionals, stratified by those with and without personnel responsibility and examined further through the lens of gender. A total of 200 participants completed the survey, where the modified German version of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ) served as the primary tool, which evaluated dimensions such as demands, influence, interpersonal relations, work interface, and conflicts. The results indicate that individuals with personnel responsibility experience significantly lower scores in the dimensions demands and influence , suggesting challenges in managing qualitative or emotional demands alongside perceived limitations in their scope of action. This trend persisted, albeit less marked, within the dimension work interface , indicating concerns regarding occupational stability (job security) among leading individuals. Gender analysis revealed that male participants reported fewer conflicts compared to females, highlighting discordance regarding experiencing workplace challenges. Discussion revolves around the difficulties faced by individuals with personnel responsibility in managing multifaceted demands of their role and the specific challenges encountered by female leaders. The findings emphasize the necessity of strategies to support leaders on acknowledging gender-specific challenges to enhance occupational health in the IT sector. This study contributes to the understanding of workload dynamics within leadership roles in the IT industry, recommending targeted measures to address the particular stress factors of leaders and highlight the need for gender-specific considerations in organizational support systems.
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