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Advancing biodiversity research in developing countries: The need for changing paradigms



The world is in the midst of a biodiversity crisis, threatening essential goods and services on which humanity depends. While there is an urgent need globally for biodiversity research, growing obstacles are severely limiting biodiversity research throughout the developing world, particularly in Southeast Asia. Facilities, funding, and expertise are often limited throughout this region, reducing the capacity for local biodiversity research. Although western scientists generally have more expertise and capacity, international research has sometimes been exploitative “parachute science,” creating a culture of suspicion and mistrust. These issues, combined with misplaced fears of biopiracy, have resulted in severe roadblocks to biodiversity research in the very countries that need it the most. Here, we present an overview of challenges to biodiversity research and case studies that provide productive models for advancing biodiversity research in developing countries. Key to success is integration of research and education, a model that fosters sustained collaboration by focusing on the process of conducting biodiversity research as well as research results. This model simultaneously expands biodiversity research capacity while building trust across national borders. It is critical that developing countries enact policies that protect their biodiversity capital without shutting down international and local biodiversity research that is essential to achieve the long-term sustainability of biodiversity, promoting food security and economic development.
Bull Mar Sci. 90(1):000–000. 2014
Bulletin of Marine Science
© 2014 Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science of
the University of Miami
Advancing biodiversity research in developing
countries: the need for changing paradigms
Paul H Barber 1 *
Ma Carmen A Ablan-Lagman 2
Ambariyanto 3
Roberto GS Berlinck 4
Dita Cahyani 5
Eric D Crandall 6
Rachel Ravago-Gotanco 7
Marie Antonette Juinio-Meñez 7
IG Ngurah Mahardika 8
Kartik Shanker 9
Craig J Starger 10
Abdul Hamid A Toha 11, 12
Aji W Anggoro 5
Demian A Willette 1
ABS TR AC T.e world is in the midst of a biodiversity
crisis, threatening essential goods and services on which
humanity depends. W hile there is an urgent need globally
for biodiversity research, growing obstacles are severely
limiting biodiversity research throughout the developing
world, particularly in Southeast Asia. Facilities, funding, and
expertise are often limited throughout this region, reducing
the capacity for local biodiversity research. Although western
scientists generally have more expertise and capacity,
international research has sometimes been exploitative
“parachute science,” creating a culture of suspicion and
mistrust. ese issues, combined with misplaced fears of
biopiracy, have resulted in severe roadblocks to biodiversity
research in the very countries that need it the most. Here, we
present an overv iew of challenges to biod iversity research and
case studies that provide productive models for advancing
biodiversity research in developing countries. Key to success
is integration of research and education, a model that
fosters sustained collaboration by focusing on the process of
conducting biodiversity research as well as research results.
is model simultaneously expands biodiversity research
capacity while building trust across national borders. It is
critical that developing countries enact policies that protect
their biod iversity capital wit hout shutti ng down international
and local biodiversity research that is essential to achieve
the long-term sustainability of biodiversity, promoting food
security and economic development.
1 Depar tment of Ecolog y and
Evolutionary Biology, University of
California, Los Angeles, California
2 Biolog y Department , De La Salle
Universi ty, Manila 1004, Philip pines.
3 Marine Science Department,
Faculty of Fi sheries and Mar ine
Science, Diponegoro University,
Kampus Tembalang, Semarang,
4 Institut o de Química de São C arlos,
Universi dade de São Paulo, CP 780,
CEP 13560-970, São C arlos, SP, Brazil.
5 Indonesia Biodiversity Research
Center, Denp asar, Bali 80223,
6 NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science
Center, Fisheries Ecology Division
& Institut e of Marine Scienc es, UC
Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, California
7 Marine Sc ience Institute , University
of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon
City, 1101, Philip pines.
8 Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan,
Universitas Udayana, Denpasar Bali,
9 Centre for Ecological Sciences,
Indian In stitute of Scienc e,
Bangalo re, India & Daksh in
Foundation, Bangalore, India.
10 Science & Technology Policy
Fellowshi ps, Center of Scien ce,
Policy & Soc iety Programs, A merican
Association for the Advancement of
Science , Washington, DC 20005 .
11 Fishery Department, State
Universi ty of Papua. Manokwari,
Papua Barat , 98314, Indonesia.
12 Biology Department, Brawijaya
Universi ty, Malang, East Java , 65145,
* Corresponding author email:
Date Submitted: 2 January, 2013.
Date Accepted: 25 September, 2013.
Available Online: 3 December, 2013.
Open access content
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Bulletin of Marine Science. Vol 90, No 1. 20142
e Earth is in the middle of a biodiversity crisis (Ehrlich and Pringle 2008,
Butchart et al. 2010, Rands et al. 2010, Stokstad 2010). Across varied environments
and taxonomic groups, contemporary extinction rates are 100–1000 times higher
than background rates from the fossil record (Pimm et al. 1995, Levin and Levin
2002, Barnosky et al. 2011); 12% of all bird species, 23% of mammals, 32% of amphib-
ians, 25% of conifers, and 52% of cycads are presently threatened with extinction
(Butchart et al. 2010), a problem augmented by climate change (omas et al. 2004).
However, while scientists warn of the 6th mass extinction (Wake and Vredenburg
2008, Barnosky et al. 2011), response to this crisis has been slow. Modern, tech-
nological societies are increasingly disengaged from nature (Pergams and Zaradic
2006, Pergams and Zaradic 2008), obfuscating the importance of biodiversity for
human civilization. It is common to hear politicians and business leaders argue that
society cannot afford the economic costs (e.g., higher prices or lost jobs) of protect-
ing biodiversity (e.g., Easterbrook 1994, Meyer 1997) despite the fact that the global
loss of biodiversity is identified as a major threat to human wellbeing (Diaz et al.
2006, Chivian and Bernstein 2008, Cardinale et al. 2012) and studies have shown
that conservation policies in developed countries often have no significant negative
economic impact (e.g., Meyer 1995, Freudenburg et al. 1998).
Humans are inextricably dependent on biodiversity for goods (food, materials,
pharmaceuticals) and services (carbon storage, nutrient cycling, crop pollination)
(Chivian and Bernstein 2008, Mace et al. 2010). e economy vs biodiversity argu-
ments have led economists and conservationists to apply economic models to cap-
ture the value of biodiversity goods and services (NRC 2005, Alho 2008) and these
values can be remarkably large. For example, Gallai et al. (2009) estimated animal
pollinators are worth $201 billion per year, or nearly 10% of the annual global value of
all agricultural human food production. Similarly, marine biodiversity in the United
Kingdom was valued at $831 million per year in food production, $19 billion per
year in recreational activities, and $13.7 billion per year in regulation of atmospheric
gases (Gallai et al. 2009), highlighting the value of intact ecosystems.
While some question economic valuation as a biodiversity conservation tool
(Shackleton 2001), biodiversity loss has real economic consequences. For example,
the collapse and subsequent moratorium of Labrador/Newfoundland groundfish
fisheries resulted in the loss of 40,000 fisheries jobs plus additional job losses in relat-
ed economic sectors (Dolan et al. 2005). us, although there are ethical arguments
for biodiversity conservation, the loss of ecosystem goods and services associated
with biodiversity loss is becoming a major social and economic concern (Hooper et
al. 2005).
Biodiversity is disproportionately distributed in tropical developing countries
(Myers et al. 2000) and these regions have some of the highest valued ecosystems on a
per unit area basis (Turner et al. 2012). erefore, as biodiversity is lost, the countries
that can afford it the least stand to lose the most (McMichael et al. 2008). Southeast
Asia is a region of particular concern for biodiversity loss. is region is home to the
most diverse marine environments in the world (Roberts et al. 2002, Bellwood and
Meyer 2009) and has many terrestrial biodiversity hotpots as well (Myers et al. 2000).
Models indicate that Southeast Asia has some of the highest potential and realized
ecosystem service values, and highest essential ecosystem services to poor commu-
nities in the world (Turner et al. 2012). e pronounced declines and threats to ma-
rine (Burke et al. 2011) and terrestrial (Sodhi et al. 2004, Normile 2010) communities
Barber et al.: Advancing biodiversity research 3
in this region thus not only represents a biodiversity crisis for Southeast Asia, but
also a potential economic crisis in a region seeking economic development.
T C  B D   C
e Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) was signed in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil,
in 1992 in recognition of the importance of biodiversity to human health and eco-
nomic development. Major goals of this international treaty included the conserva-
tion and sustainable use of biodiversity and the fair and equitable sharing of the
benefits that developing and developed countries derive from biodiversity resources.
e CBD elevated the visibility of biodiversity and its value to society; however, much
of the perceived value of biodiversity focused on “green gold” and the pharmaceuti-
cal potential of natural products. An estimated 47% of pharmaceuticals have been
derived from natural products (Newman and Cragg 2007, 2010, Cragg et al. 2012).
As such, many believed that biodiscovery could provide a strong financial incentive
for biodiversity conservation (Shyamsundar and Lanier 1994), and many develop-
ing countries enacted legislation to protect their biodiversity resources for econom-
ic development. Unfortunately, these economic benefits are not always realized
(Shackleton 2001); local stakeholders often received no benefits from benefit-sharing
agreements (Prathapan and Rajan 2011) and pharmaceutical companies complained
that bureaucratic obstacles prevent successful commercialization of products
(Dalton 2004). For example, the Merck-INBio partnership that was designed to fund
biodiversity conservation in Costa Rica by granting Merck biodiscovery rights was
hailed as a innovative model for advancing economic development, drug discovery,
and biodiversity conservation (Blum 1993), but this partnership collapsed in 2013
due to insufficient revenue (Pennisi 2013).
While biodiversity legislation was written “to stimulate the use of biodiversity, not
restrict it” (Pennisi 1998), unfortunately in many cases the opposite has occurred.
Laws intended to prevent biopiracy (profiting from local biodiversity resources or
knowledge without acknowledging or compensating local communities at all) fre-
quently fail to distinguish between activities designed to discover and commercial-
ize biodiversity resources (e.g., biodiscovery) and basic biodiversity and conservation
science (Pethiyagoda 2004). Such imprecise and ineffective regulations have resulted
in the inability to obtain permits for basic science research and to establish agree-
ments between local and foreign scientists (Rull and Vegas-Vilarrubia 2008), leading
to the termination of research collaborations (Ready 2002).
Biopiracy is a legitimate concern in developing countries, particularly those with
rich biodiversity resources, because benefit-sharing agreements can be inequitable
and/or fail to capture real issues regarding proprietary rights to traditional knowl-
edge (Prathapan and Rajan 2011). On the surface, restrictive legislation regarding
biodiversity research may seem to be the best way to protect national interests, but
such actions can come at a significant cost. First, one of the primary goals of the
CBD is the conservation of biodiversity, and it is essential to understand the nature
of biodiversity to effectively protect it (CBD Articles 6, 7, 8, and 12; Reaka 1997). In
the absence of fundamental biodiversity research, we cannot understand the bio-
logical composition or ecological function of local ecosystems, limiting our abilities
to conserve them. Second, to understand how ecosystems are being impacted by
anthropogenic stressors and climate change, and to develop conservation measures,
Bulletin of Marine Science. Vol 90, No 1. 20144
it is essential to have longitudinal data that allows the comparison of an ecosystem
in the past and present to determine what is natural (CBD Articles 7 and 14; Willis
and Birks 2006). Without this basic biodiversity research, we lack the essential base-
line data regarding ecosystem health, making us blind both to its degradation and
potential recovery. ird, and perhaps most significant, achieving and documenting
the sustainability goals of the CBD requires biodiversity scientists who are knowl-
edgeable in local flora and fauna (CBD Articles 12 and 13). As biodiversity research
is curtailed in the name of preventing biopiracy, so too are training opportunities
for students living in biodiversity rich countries. As a result, biodiversity expertise is
failing to meet the demand for biodiversity research, particularly in the most biodi-
verse regions of the world (Sodhi et al. 2004, Rodrigues et al. 2010).
To achieve the conservation and sustainability goals of the CBD, it is essential that
developing nations across the world benefit from their biodiversity resources. Here,
we explore the challenges of biodiversity research in developing countries and pro-
pose models for advancing research in these biodiversity hotspots. We focus largely
on Southeast Asia, a region that has the potential (and need) to realize significant
benefits from the tremendous concentration of marine and terrestrial biodiversity
in the region (Turner et al. 2012). Southeast Asia is facing a major biodiversity crisis.
is region has the highest rate of deforestation in the world and is poised to lose 42%
of its terrestrial biodiversity (Sodhi et al. 2004) and marine ecosystems are severely
threatened as well (Burke et al. 2011); however, there is minimal research effort fo-
cused in this region (Sodhi and Liow 2000, Fisher et al. 2011). While many factors
contribute to the paucity of biodiversity research (see below), protecting the biodi-
versity of this region and the benefits derived from it will require lowering obstacles
to biodiversity research, advancing both basic and applied conservation science in
Southeast Asia.
C  B R  S A
Challenges to biodiversity research are nearly universal. Even in developed coun-
tries like the US, it can take months or years to obtain permits to collect animals for
research that could be collected for recreational use with a hunting or fishing license.
However, a combination of limited infrastructure, weak institutions, and poor fund-
ing can make conservation in tropical counties especially challenging (Barrett et al.
2001), a pattern that holds true for Southeast Asia.
A  R  F
Field stations and marine laboratories provide essential logistic and support ser-
vices to biodiversity scientists and students, providing classrooms and wet/dry labo-
ratory space, animal holding facilities, boats and field transportation, and easy access
to biologically diverse environments in support of research and education activities.
World-class facilities draw research teams from all over the world, stimulating local
research effort and opportunities for collaboration with local scientists. Conversely,
a lack of this infrastructure can severely hinder both local and foreign-supported
research, even in areas with extraordinary biodiversity
Currently, there are more than 45 marine field stations in the Caribbean, with
half located in developing nations (Table 1). Multi-national marine institute orga-
nizations such as the Association of Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean further
Barber et al.: Advancing biodiversity research 5
Table 1. List of marine labs/eld stations in the Carribbean and southeast Asia, including location and research facilities. Dash indicates no information available about particular facilities. As many marine
lab/eld stations do not have websites, this list likely does not include some facilities.
Laboratory Location
Boats and
housing Website
Caribbean Sea region
e Bahamas
Gerace Research Centre San Salvador Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Perry Institute for Marine Science—Lee
Stocking Station
Exuma Cays Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Forfar Field Station Andros Yes No No Ye s Yes Ye s Yes Yes intleld-studies/
Bimini Biological Field Station Bimini Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cape Eleuthera Institute Eleuthra Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Bellairs Research Institute Holetown Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
UWI Centre for Resource Management and
Environmental Studies
Bridgetown Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Glover’s Reef Research Station Glover Reef Atoll Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Univ. of Belize Calabash Caye Field Station Calabash Caye Yes No Ye s Ye s Yes Yes Yes Yeseld-station/
Smithsonian Institution, Carrie Bow Cay Carrie Bow Cay Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Possum Point - Wee Wee Caye Marine Lab Stann Creek Yes No No No No Yes Yes Ye s
Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences St George Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes!/healthier-oceans
Cayman Islands
Central Caribbean Marine Institute Little Cayman Yes Yes Ye s Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
CEMARIN Santa Marta - - - - - - - -
Costa Rica
Caño Palma Biological Station Tortuguero No No No No No Yes Yes Yes
Bulletin of Marine Science. Vol 90, No 1. 20146
Table 1. Continued.
Laboratory Location
Boats and
housing Website
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institution,
Cayos Cochinos
Cayos Minor Ye s -Yes - - Ye s Yes Ye s
Roatan Institute of Marine Science Roatan Island Ye s No Ye s Yes No Ye s Yes Yes
Port Royal Marine Laboratory, Mona Port Royale Yes No Ye s Yes Yes Yes Yes No
former Hofstra University Marine Labortory St Ann’s Bay Yes No Ye s Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory Discovery Bay Ye s No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Unidad de Sistemas Arrecifales, Instituto de
Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, UNAM
Puerto Morelos Ye s Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - -
Netherlands Antilles
CARMABI Research Institute Curacao Ye s No Ye s Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
CIEE Research Station Bonaire Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Univ. de las Regiones Autonomas de la
Coasta Caribe Nicaraguense
Blueelds Yes No Yes No No -Yes -
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute,
Bocas del Toro
Bocas del Toro Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute,
Barro Colorado
Barro Colorado Ye s No Ye s No Ye s Yes Yes Yes
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute,
Punta Galeta Yes No Ye s Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Trinidad and Tobago
Institute of Marine Affairs Chaguaramas No No Yes No Ye s Yes No No
United States
Keys Marine Laboratory Florida Ye s Yes Ye s Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Southeast Environmental Research Center Florida Ye s Yes Yes No Ye s Yes No No sercweb.
Barber et al.: Advancing biodiversity research 7
Table 1. Continued.
Laboratory Location
Boats and
housing Website
Nova Southeastern Univ. Oceanographic
Florida Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Louisana Universities Marine Consortium -
DeFelice Marine Center
Louisiana Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mote Marine Laboratory Florida Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Univ. of South Florida Marine Science
Florida Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Rosenstiel School Florida Ye s Yes Ye s Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Marine Institute at Sapelo Island Georgia Ye s No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Univ. of Puerto Rico Isla Magueyes
Puerto Rico Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Univ. of the Virgin Islands MacLean Marine
Science Center
USVI Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Virgin Islands Environmental Resource
USVI Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Dauphin Island Sea Laboratory Alabama Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Mississippi Ye s No Ye s No Ye s Yes Yes No
Laguna Madre Field Station Texas Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes
Univ. of Texas Marine Science Institute Texas Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Univ. of Florida Seahorse Key Laboratory Florida Ye s Yes Ye s Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes www.biology.u.edu/shkml/
Vester Marine Field Station Florida Ye s Yes Ye s Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation
Marine Laboratory
Florida Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Southeast Asia region
Indonesian Biodiversity Research Center Bali Ye s Yes No No No No No No
Institute for Marine Research and
Bali - - - - - - - -
Research Institute for Inland Water Fisheries Palembang Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Ye s
University of Muhammadiyah Aquaculture
Gresik Yes No Yes No Ye s No Ye s No
Bulletin of Marine Science. Vol 90, No 1. 20148
Table 1. Continued.
Laboratory Location
Boats and
housing Website
Teluk Awur Marine Center, Diponegoro
Jepara Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sam Ratulangi University Marine Biology
Manado Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) Jakarta Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Borneo Marine Research Institute Sabah Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Univ. Sains Malaysia Centre for Marine and
Coastal Studies
Penang Yes Yes Yes No No Ye s No Yes
Univ. of Malaya Institute Ocean and Earth
Kelantan Yes No Yes No No Yes No No
Palau International Coral Reef Center Palau Ye s No Ye s Yes Yes Ye s Yes Ye s
De La Salle Univ. Shelds Marine Biological
Batangas Yes No Yes Yes No Ye s Ye s Ye s
SEAFDEC Igang Marine Station Guimaras No No No No Ye s Yes Yes Ye s
San Carlos Univ. Marine Research Station Cebu Ye s No -No -Ye s -No
Silliman Univ.. Institute for Environmental
and Marine Science
Negros Oriental Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Ye s Yes
Univ. of the Philippines, Bolinao Marine
Pangasinan Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
NUS Tropical Marine Science Center St John Island Ye s No Ye s No Yes Yes Yes Ye s
Barber et al.: Advancing biodiversity research 9
advance marine science research through the exchange of research and technologies
between laboratories, helping marine scientists overcome cultural and social barri-
ers, and promoting sustainability of small laboratories with modest budgets. In con-
trast, field stations and marine laboratories are more limited in Southeast Asia (Table
1) and there are no similar multi-national consortia among marine laboratories and
field stations in Southeast Asia, reducing their overall impact. Furthermore, the dis-
tribution of facilities in Southeast Asia is highly variable in both quantity and quality.
For example, in the Philippines, there are a number of laboratories throughout the
country with basic laboratory equipment for alpha taxonomy work and a growing
number have access to laboratories that can carry out molecular genetic analyses. In
contrast, in countries like East Timor and Papua New Guinea, laboratory and field
stations can be quite limited or non-existent. Although these shortcomings partially
can be compensated through the ad-hoc initiatives of individual scientists or institu-
tions, but such efforts are often temporary and are not widely known through the
international research community, lessening their impacts.
While all biodiversity laboratory/field facilities are valuable resources, facili-
ties in Southeast Asia generally lack the level of infrastructure and administrative
support that many western scientists have come to expect from facilities such as
the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, La Selva Biological Station, or Lizard
Island Research Station. In the absence of world-class facilities to attract and sup-
port biodiversity researchers from around the world, research effort tends to focus
on a limited number of regions with well-developed research infrastructure (Fisher
et al. 2011). e need for marine facilities is particularly acute because many govern-
ments, including those in south Asia, often focus their limited funding and human
resources on terrestrial ecosystems, with little attention to marine biodiversity and
Increasing biodiversity research capacity in Southeast Asia will require build-
ing and operating field stations and marine laboratory to international standards.
Developing these research facilities represents a significant investment. However,
just as investments in transportation infrastructure promote local economic devel-
opment by facilitating the movement of goods locally and internationally, the invest-
ment in research infrastructure returns tangible dividends. High quality research
facilities support local scientists, promoting research that will advance development
of the science and technology sectors of the economy. ese facilities also attract
foreign collaborators that bring with them much needed expertise and funding. e
result is a significant increase in number and impact of publications produced by the
local scientific community (Leta and Chaimovich 2002), which raises the visibility of
the science and the scientific challenges faced by developing countries. While scien-
tific publications may appear to have limited value for developing economies, basic
research is the foundation of applied research that leads to economic development
(Mansfield 1995, May 1997).
Despite humanity’s dependence on biodiversity for goods and services (Mace et
al. 2010), funding for biodiversity research is limited. Biodiversity research areas like
taxonomy, systematics, phylogenetics, and ecology are not identified as priority re-
search areas of most national funding agencies. For example, the entire budget for
the U.S. National Science Foundation Directorate for Biological Sciences was $712
Bulletin of Marine Science. Vol 90, No 1. 201410
million in 2011, of which only $272 million was allocated to Environmental Biology
or Biological Infrastructure, the two divisions most closely focused on biodiversity
research. In comparison, over $32 billion was appropriated to the National Institutes
of Health in the same year.
Although many Southeast Asian countries recognize the value of biodiversity, na-
tional funding for research (e.g., including infrastructure, training, and research ac-
tivities) is limited. In 2010, G-8 governments invested approximately the equivalent
of 2% of national GDP in research and development. In contrast, during the same
period, the Philippines and Indonesia invested 0.1% or less into research (World Bank
2013a), resulting in measurable research deficits. For example, the Government of
Indonesia only produced 437 new research patents during 2008 (1.8 per million resi-
dents). is number is much lower than the 818 new research patents in Malaysia (33
per million residents) and 902 in ailand (13.9 per million residents) (World Bank
2013b), each of which spent nearly 2.5–10 times more of their GDP on research fund-
ing (UNESCO 2013), showing a clear link between research investment and potential
for economic growth.
Compounding the challenges of limited funding is that funding models in many
Southeast Asian countries focus on short duration projects (1–2 yrs) and applied
research. For example, funding for marine research in the Philippines and Indonesia
frequently prioritizes increasing production of commercially important species, and/
or other technological applications linked to livelihood or industry development.
While applied research is an economic necessity in countries with limited research
funding, it is important to note that basic biodiversity research can play an impor-
tant role in conservation and sustainable development (Mikkelsen and Cracroft 2001,
Drew et al. 2012) and can feed directly into applied studies. For example, genetic bio-
diversity assayed through molecular and genomic tools is recognized as essential for
improving aquaculture production and in understanding population connectivity
for fishery management and conservation (e.g., MPA networks; see Beger et al. 2014,
von der Heyden et al. 2014), leading to improved food security. erefore, basic and
applied biodiversity research should not be viewed as mutually exclusive.
A major challenge in advancing biodiversity studies in developing countries is
the limited number of local researchers. For example, UNESCO (2013) shows that
Indonesia has the equivalent of 21,275 full-time researchers (89.5 per million resi-
dents) in all scientific fields compared to 1.41 million in the US (4650 per million res-
idents). As other research is prioritized over biodiversity studies, there is a dearth of
expertise in alpha taxonomy and systematics with taxonomic expertise in Southeast
Asia, and this is frequently limited to a small number of taxa, limiting local capacity
for biodiversity research.
Developing intellectual capacity for biodiversity research in Southeast Asia will
require facilities and funding to support biodiversity research (above) as well as en-
gagement of the international scientific community as the bulk of taxonomic ex-
pertise exists in developed nations. e practice of “parachute science” (western
scientists briefly conducting field research in a developing country then complet-
ing the research in their home country) constrains the realization of greater ben-
efits for all parties in collaborative research. e result is a lack of trust of “foreign
Barber et al.: Advancing biodiversity research 11
researchers” who are frequently viewed as exploitative by Southeast Asian govern-
ments and researchers.
Biodiversity research in Southeast Asia would benefit greatly if scientists from de-
veloped nations engaged more fully with local research communities. Establishing a
set of accepted good practices that includes real collaboration and training oppor-
tunities for local scientists would help differentiate basic biodiversity research from
exploitive enterprises. Digitizing museum records, publishing results in open-access
journals, and developing free online courses would also facilitate building biodiver-
sity expertise in developing countries.
It is also essential that western scientists understand the value of local scientific
and traditional ecological knowledge (Drew 2005), which can be can be expansive
and insightful. Ignoring this valuable resource wastes valuable knowledge accumu-
lated over centuries and fosters the false belief that western scientists’ knowledge
is superior to that of local scientists and communities. Furthermore the success of
long-term biodiversity monitoring programs may depend greatly on the level of in-
tegration of local communities, adaptation to local context and adequate support
(Danielson et al. 2003). erefore, advancing biodiversity research and conservation
in Southeast Asia will require greater collaboration and integration of local commu-
nities in conservation planning, decision making, and the generation of knowledge
(Danielson et al. 2003).
Western researchers are often unfamiliar with languages, cultures, and scientific
norms of Southeast Asia. As such, they most often bypass some of our planet’s most
diverse and unexplored ecosystems. For example, most coral reef research effort fo-
cuses on the Caribbean and the Great Barrier Reef (Fisher et al. 2011) because of the
easy access to English-speaking field stations—largely ignored is the Coral Triangle,
which is the most biodiverse marine ecosystem in the world. is phenomenon is a
loss to (1) scientists from developed countries who miss out on the opportunity for
discovery, (2) scientists in developing countries who could benefit from collabora-
tions with foreign experts, and (3) biodiversity conservation, as researchers fail to
provide data necessary for sustainability efforts.
Conservation programs have been known to fail because of the cultural, social,
and economic differences between local communities and developed countries that
fund them (Keppel et al. 2012). erefore, successful international collaboration in
Southeast Asia requires that local and western scientists appreciate the differences
in cultural norms. For example, behavior perceived as normal to a western scientist
(e.g., standing with one’s hands on one’s hips, leaning on a counter, wearing tight or
revealing clothing) may be offensive in Southeast Asia, undermining personal rela-
tionships and creating obstacles to collaboration. Many western universities have
cultural centers or offices of international programs that prepare students for over-
seas educational activities. Scientists would benefit greatly by tapping into these re-
sources to reduce cultural misunderstandings.
It is equally important to understand the differences among scientific cultures.
Desirable outcomes and the means used to obtain them vary greatly across cultures
and these differences can create misunderstandings, potentially leading to miscon-
duct in scientific research (Davis 2003). e real or perceived pressures from funding
sources, superiors, and the “publish or perish” notion in academia (Clapham 2005,
Bulletin of Marine Science. Vol 90, No 1. 201412
De Rond and Miller 2005) can lead to behaviors that are viewed as acceptable in one
culture, but not another (Ahmed et al 2003). Such variation highlights the need for
bridging cultural differences to ensure that the quality and legitimacy of research
is never compromised. Immersing visiting scientists in the culture and scientific
community of the host country or vice-versa can help build trust and cross-cultural
understanding among all parties, providing a strong foundation for sustained col-
laboration (below).
While cultural differences are impacting biodiversity research in Southeast Asia,
so too can cultural agreement. Many developing countries require foreign research-
ers to have a local collaborator as a precondition of a research permit. However,
inequality in training and access to resources combined with strong incentives for
local researchers to publish in international journals frequently leads to honorary au-
thorship. Western scientists often accept honorary authors as an expeditious path to
permits and completing their research, while local scientists are frequently willing to
be honorary authors to advance their careers. A recent study suggests that 25% of re-
search papers have honorary authors (Wislar et al. 2011). While ethical concerns call
for an end this practice (Greenland and Fontanarosa 2012), there are larger concerns
in developing countries. First, honorary authorship denies local scientists the abil-
ity to develop their research abilities. Second, it creates the perception that the local
scientific community may be stronger than it is. Advancing biodiversity research in
developing countries requires ending the culture of honorary authorships. Scientists
from developing countries should insist their contributions extend beyond obtain-
ing permits and samples and scientists from developed countries must engage their
local counterparts as true collaborators. Including such “best practices” as part of
Memoranda of Understanding, and clearly articulating author contributions on sci-
entific publications would substantially reduce the practice of honorary authorship.
Obtaining permits for biodiversity research is always a challenge, whether in de-
veloped or developing countries. However, obtaining permits while speaking a for-
eign language, working in an unfamiliar culture, and negotiating a new bureaucracy
is a unique challenge. Even for local researchers, the process of obtaining permits in
developing countries can be laborious, limiting biodiversity research in regions that
need it the most.
Frequently, permitting requires dealing with multiple agencies, and coordination
between those agencies can be limited. Working on endangered species, in marine
protected areas, and/or exporting samples can be particularly challenging. In some
cases, permitting laws are so strict as to make biodiversity research almost impos-
sible. For example, in India, the Biodiversity Act of 2002 strictly prohibits the export
of specimens, creating significant obstacles for the advancement of taxonomic stud-
ies in the country (Madhusudan et al. 2006, Rajan and Prathapan 2009, Prathapan
and Rajan 2009, Bhaskaran and Rajan 2010). Complicating matters is that permits
often must be processed in person, creating a burdensome time expense for local
researchers and permitting uncertainty for foreigners. Given the limited funding and
expertise in many developing biodiverse nations (above), streamlining permitting
procedures would help attract more foreign researchers, providing increased oppor-
tunity for collaboration and development of the scientific communities in developing
biodiverse countries.
Barber et al.: Advancing biodiversity research 13
T B M  A B S
Given the substantial challenges above, advancing biodiversity research in devel-
oping countries will require employing new paradigms. Specifically, research efforts
in developing countries need to (1) help contribute to the development of research
infrastructure and educating local students in biodiversity science, (2) be creative to
leverage funding for biodiversity research, (3) adopt a new way of training local and
foreign students that builds biodiversity research capacity from the inside and out-
side and fosters cross-cultural understanding, and (4) adopt permitting systems that
foster research, rather than prevent it. ese goals are lofty and challenge the very
way that most science is done by emphasizing the process of conducting the sciences
rather than just the results. Below we highlight several examples that serve as valu-
able case studies for achieving these aims.
C S : P  I R  E
In 2006, the US National Science Foundation initiated the PIRE program to fund
collaborative international research projects that emphasized both research results
and educational outcomes. In 2007, the Coral Triangle PIRE Project, a consortium
of three US universities plus five universities and two government agencies in the
Philippines and Indonesia, was funded to investigate the origins of high levels of
biodiversity in the Coral Triangle. is program employed a model where the proj-
ect augmented existing genetic laboratory facilities in the Philippines and Indonesia,
creating satellite laboratories suitable for the international research and education
goals of the project. US graduate students and postdoctoral scholars worked in these
labs for an entire year, and most of the research was conducted in the context of col-
laborative research-intensive short courses for US, Filipino, and Indonesian under-
graduate students.
Developing satellite laboratories is a recent trend with recognized benefits (Service
2012). In this PIRE project, Filipinos and Indonesians benefited from improved lab-
oratory infrastructure, research funding, and new educational opportunities. e
Americans benefited from access to local laboratories, the extensive experience of lo-
cal partners, and local funding that complemented NSF funds. However, there were
also significant challenges. Filipino and Indonesian partners had to ensure proper
personal and research conduct of US counterparts, as infractions have greater con-
sequences for hosting scientists than the US visitor. Filipino and Indonesian col-
laborators also struggled to meet the high research infrastructure expectations of
the Americans. American partners were challenged by the differences in educational
systems and frustrated by a slower rate of research progress. Moreover, maintaining
the collaborations after the end of the project has required commitment and dedica-
tion of both parties.
While challenging and time consuming, this model has been a strong success.
To date, the CT-PIRE program has published more than 15 collaborative research
articles (many of which appear in the present issue: DeBoer et al. 2014a,b, Raynal et
al. 2014, Willette et al. 2014a,b). is project has also stimulated at least eight suc-
cessful research proposals to programs such as the National Evolutionary Synthesis
Center, local ministries in Indonesia and the Philippines, USAID, and even another
Bulletin of Marine Science. Vol 90, No 1. 201414
NSF-PIRE. All US graduate students involved with the project developed theses fo-
cused on the Coral Triangle region, and numerous US undergraduate participants
have returned to the region, funded by programs like Fulbright. Combined, the ac-
tivities of the CT-PIRE project are truly expanding research capacity focused in the
Coral Triangle, both locally and internationally, highlighting the value of this model.
e CT PIRE project has been even richer in intangibles, such as the development
of mutual trust, the patience and flexibility to overcome cultural misunderstand-
ings among international laboratories, and developing managerial and pedagogical
experience for more senior US participants. It has also made US students and re-
searchers much more aware of the scope of biodiversity research in Indonesia and
the Philippines and their national research priorities. While these intangibles are
not quantified as easily as numbers of publications, they may end up being more
important in transforming ecology and evolution research in the Indo-Pacific region.
With a budget over $2.5 million, it is unreasonable to expect that the PIRE model
can be fully replicated frequently. However, even with modest budgets it is possible
to embrace the philosophy of this program—extended collaboration between scien-
tists from developed and developing countries. Cost of living is generally very low
throughout much of the developing world meaning that on-the-ground costs for for-
eign researchers to extend their fieldwork are relatively minimal. By budgeting more
time to conduct field research, one can spend more time working closely with local
scientists and establishing mentoring relationships with local students. Such nascent
collaborations can then be strengthened and extended as usual: through co-author-
ing and submission of papers and grant proposals, committee memberships, sab-
baticals, etc., resulting in significant benefits for all parties (e.g., Casiligan et al. 2013).
C S : I B R C
In 2009, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Indonesia mission launched a funding initiative, “Supporting Universities to Partner
Across the Pacific” to foster partnerships between US and Indonesian universities in
an effort to improve the quality and access to higher education in Indonesia. Although
this program did not specifically target biodiversity research, it funded the formation
of the Indonesian Biodiversity Research Center (IRBC, a
new institution devoted to advancing biodiversity research in Indonesia.
e goal of the IBRC is to foster biodiversity research by providing US and
Indonesian students and scientists’ modern biodiversity laboratory facilities (mi-
croscopy, digital imaging, molecular genetics) and training courses in modern bio-
diversity science. Formal educational activities at the IBRC consist of a series of four
2–4 week-long research-intensive courses (Scientific Diving, Molecular Ecology and
Evolution, Biodiversity Inventories, Phylogenetic Analysis). ese courses are taught
by leading western scientists and integrate formal lectures, hands on laboratory
training, and intensive fieldwork. Funding from USAID supports the training of up
to 24 Indonesians during the summer courses and 6–8 Indonesian students/scien-
tists are funded to conduct year-round research at the IBRC following completion
of their training. A total of 8–10 US graduate and undergraduate students also join
these courses. From 2009 to 2012 the IBRC has served an average of 50 participants
per year and research conducted by IBRC students has been published in interna-
tional journals. Furthermore, the modest 3-yr investment of $650,000 by USAID has
Barber et al.: Advancing biodiversity research 15
attracted more than $6 million in grants to both US and Indonesian scientists for
additional biodiversity research showing the strong success of the IBRC.
ere are several aspects key to the success of the IBRC model. First, it provides ac-
cess to facilities, supplies, and managerial staff to support research. ese resources
allow students and scientists at the IBRC to focus on pursuing their research inter-
ests, helping them to develop into independent biodiversity researchers. Second, the
IBRC is dedicated to fostering strong connections between Indonesian scientists and
international collaborators. Having short courses taught by western scientists gives
Indonesian students access to world-class training in biodiversity science that is not
available locally. By attracting additional biodiversity expertise into an extremely
understudied region of Southeast Asia (Fisher et al. 2011) these courses foster col-
laborations between western and Indonesian scientists, stimulating further research
in the region and graduate training opportunities for Indonesian students overseas.
ird, resident researchers at the IBRC take English language classes so that they can
more easily communicate with potential collaborators and publish results in inter-
national journals. Fourth, by investing directly in biodiversity research and train-
ing of biodiversity researchers, the IBRC is helping change the culture of research
in Indonesia by demonstrating that limited facilities and research funding does not
have to impede high quality research output.
While successful, this model is not without its challenges. First, some students
simply perceive research training as a job, a way to better their position or rank at
their home institution rather than important investment for their nation’s future.
Second, while activities at the IBRC have succeeded in training students and stim-
ulating a desire to continue with biodiversity research, there are limited positions
for this new research capacity in Indonesia and limited opportunities for graduate
studies or jobs overseas. us, while the IBRC is building capacity, there may not be
enough positions to absorb this capacity, precluding meaningful long-term growth
of biodiversity research capacity in Indonesia. ird, language differences combined
with significant cultural differences between western and Indonesian universities
has required that western faculty rethink their pedagogical approach. is process
can take multiple years, limiting the initial impact of such a center. However, despite
these challenges, the IBRC has been tremendously successful, providing greatly ex-
panded training opportunities and funding for biodiversity research in Indonesia.
erefore, for developing countries with limited funding and expertise, investing in
research facilities like the IBRC is a productive model for leveraging limited funding
into significant growth in research capacity.
C S : USAID PEER P
Limited funding for research in developing countries constrains access to the
training and facilities needed to conduct biodiversity research. US federal science
agencies, such as the National Science Foundation (NSF) and National Institutes
of Health (NIH), that fund American scientists conducting research in developing
countries may simultaneously place limits on spending those funds directly on for-
eign nationals. For example, initially the NSF-PIRE program strictly prohibited the
hiring for foreign-born postdoctoral associates or graduate students, although inclu-
sion of non-US participants could be funded on a limited basis through the “partici-
pant support” category.
Bulletin of Marine Science. Vol 90, No 1. 201416
To rectify funding inequities between US and foreign collaborators, USAID has
partnered with NSF and NIH to create the Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement
in Research (PEER) program to financially support collaborative research aligned
with USAID’s development objectives. In selected countries with USAID missions,
local scientists can apply to the PEER program to fund collaborations with NSF and
NIH-funded researchers. NSF and NIH funds the US portion of the collaboration
and USAID funds the developing country scientists as a form of international devel-
opment aid. Several Indonesian and Filipino partners of the CT-PIRE project (above)
were successful in applying for these PEER awards.
PEER directly benefits scientists in developing countries by providing much need-
ed research funding. However, the value of this model is much greater. First, PEER
is introducing or reinforcing the importance that research grants should be award-
ed competitively through a peer-review process—this is standard in many western
countries, but is not a universal model. Second, the program emphasizes developing
strong partnerships between local and US scientists and having impacts that extend
beyond the principal investigator(s). us, this program rewards the investigators
who can develop the best ideas, the strongest collaborations, and propose projects
that will broadly develop physical or intellectual research capacity, improving the
long-term prospects for science in these countries. Another key advantage of this
model is that it places developing country scientists directly in the role of lead inves-
tigator. While this role is familiar to most western scientists (and from a few devel-
oping countries with stronger science communities), it can be a novel role for many
scientists from developing countries. Being lead PI helps these scientists build their
managerial skills and enter into collaborations with US scientists more as equals. As
a result, these collaborations raise the profile of researchers in developing countries
and makes it is less likely that there will be issues of honorary authorship. Combined,
the outcomes of the USAID PEER program should be improved science infrastruc-
ture and a more vibrant, collaborative, internationally engaged science community
both in the US and in developing countries. Such a result could be instrumental in
helping break down some of the barriers that limit biodiversity research in these
C S : L  B
While the above examples highlight productive models for advancing biodiversity
research in Southeast Asia, it is important to consider how other biodiverse coun-
tries have developed research capacity and approach international collaboration. A
particularly instructive example is Brazil, one of the world’s most biodiverse coun-
tries (Fearnside 1999, Jenkins 2003, Pimenta et al. 2005) that has used its natural and
human capital to develop into the world’s 6th largest e conomy.
For much of the 19th and 20th centuries Brazilian biodiversity was harvested ex-
tensively, resulting in significant loss of forest area (Dean 1995). For example, the
Atlantic forest of Brazil was reduced to <16% of its original size (Ribeiro et al.
2009). In 1994, the Brazilian federal government launched the National Program on
Biological Diversity (PRONABIO) and the Brazilian Ministry of Environment devel-
oped the National Biodiversity Policy in an effort to achieve the goals of the CBD,
but without curtailing economic growth. e articulation of clear national priori-
ties with respect to biodiversity resulted in policies promoting the restoration of the
Atlantic forest (Rodrigues et al. 2009) and the conservation of Brazilian biodiversity,
Barber et al.: Advancing biodiversity research 17
highlighting the importance of establishing biodiversity as a national priority in
megadiverse countries.
A central aspect of Brazilian national policy was an emphasis on growth in scientif-
ic capacity, including research programs on biodiversity and biodiscovery. is goal
was achieved through a commitment to strengthen the access to research resources
and facilities, increased funding, and programs to foster partnerships and collabora-
tions with scientists from developed countries (Brito Cruz and Chaimovich 2010).
A prime example of this commitment is the “Science without Borders” program, a
nationwide science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) scholarship program
with the goal of training 100,000 Brazilian students at leading international universi-
ties by 2014. Emphasis on science education and training helped Brazil climb to 13th
in global rankings of science publications (Regalado 2010), fostering the growth of
the science- and technology-based economy that contributed to economic growth
anda decreasein poverty (Ferreira de Souza 2012), outcomes critical to biodiversity
conservation (Adams et al. 2004).
Investment at the national level was accompanied by an increased investment in
biodiversity research and education at the state and local level. For example, in 1999
the São Paulo state funding agency Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São
Paulo (FAPESP) launched the BIOTA-FAPESP program to promote biodiversity re-
search, catalogue biodiversity and promote sustainable use of biodiversity resources
(Joly et al. 2010). BIOTA-FAPESP inspired other Brazilian states to establish simi-
lar programs and in 2009, the Brazilian federal government launched the national
program for biodiversity research. us, initial investments in biodiversity research
facilities and education resulted in an increased awareness for the greater need for
biodiversity research in Brazil, emphasizing the value of governmental investment
in biodiversity research. A critical result of these efforts to promote research and
education on biodiversity in Brazil is that the large majority of Brazilians currently
consider biodiversity conservation as very important (UNEP 2011).
M F T  N P
While there are many challenges to biodiversity research in regions like the Coral
Triangle (above), there are also many positive developments in the growth of research
across Southeast Asia. For example, the 4th amendment to the Indonesian constitu-
tion now requires that 20% of government spending go toward education, to reduce
disparities in access to education, to enhance teaching quality, and to support access
to resources and facilities in research. Furthermore, Indonesia has set a goal to invest
the equivalent of 3% of GDP into science research to “build quality and competi-
tive human resources, infrastructures, and institutions for Science and Technology”
( Similar increases in investment are occurring in the
Philippines as well, and governments throughout Southeast Asia are creating local
or regional partnerships to try to maximize the impact of limited resources.
Biodiversity conservation in developing countries is essential for economic growth
(Fuentes 2011), food security (Toledo and Burlingame 2006), and sustainable devel-
opment (Lovejoy 1994, Tisdell 1999, Langlois et al. 2012), all keys to conservation
of biodiversity resources. Brazil has enjoyed tremendous economic growth, yet de-
forestation has dropped to the lowest levels in 20 yrs (Tollefson 2012), indicating
that biodiversity regulations combined with education, economic diversification,
Bulletin of Marine Science. Vol 90, No 1. 201418
and scientific development can simultaneously improve biodiversity sustainability
and foster economic growth. For most countries in Southeast Asia, the training of
100,000 students in overseas universities, as in Brazil’s “Science without Borders”
program, is currently unrealistic. However, significant progress towards can be made
in other ways. Integrated long-term institutional development programs designed
to improve partnerships with countries and institutions that have more scientific
expertise and financial resources can help build and strengthen the research capac-
ity needed to study and promote sustainable development of biodiversity resources
in developing countries. Creating data repositories that raise the visibility of the ef-
forts of local scientists, would aid in catalyzing those partnerships. rough national
policies that encourage and foster international collaboration, biodiverse developing
countries could take meaningful initial steps toward strengthening and accelerat-
ing the growth of local research capacity, and in turn, economic development. It is
important to note that international collaboration need not be limited to Southeast
Asian scientists partnering with western scientists. Collaboration among scientists
from countries across Southeast Asia is also an important form of international col-
laboration that makes the most use of existing expertise and research capacity.
Unfortunately, the governments of many developing nations are discouraging the
very collaboration with foreign scientists needed to promote biodiversity research
and foster the growth of their science communities because of misdirected fears of
biopiracy. A key lesson from Brazil is that it is essential to engage the international
scientific community. It is also critical to have clear policies that acknowledge the
value of biodiversity, sending a critical message regarding the need to protect nation-
al biodiversity resources for sustainable economic development. However, restrictive
policies that make biodiversity research nearly impossible are counter-productive.
Governments in biodiverse developing countries should encourage biodiversity re-
search and invest in facilities that support local scientists and attract leading interna-
tional scientists. Biodiscovery should be appropriately regulated so that developing
countries benefit economically from their biodiversity resources and traditional
knowledge, but permitting needs to differentiate between biodiscovery and biodiver-
sity science. Furthermore, permit procedures need to be streamlined so that the lim-
ited resources available for biodiversity research can be invested in actual research.
Hybrid research/education models hold tremendous promise for changing the way
that biodiversity research is conducted in developing countries, maximizing the col-
lective benefits realized from biodiversity research. However, while the participation
of foreign biodiversity experts should be encouraged, it is critical that scientists from
developed countries realize that the benefits of this research must extend beyond the
data collected. Biodiversity scientists from developed countries have an obligation to
build research capacity in the developing countries in which they work.
International research/education partnerships can have strong mutual benefits,
but require a shift in thinking. Funding agencies and local governments need to ap-
preciate the importance of collaborative research between developing and developed
countries, and encourage research programs that have results that extend beyond
the data produced. ese partnerships need to be appropriately valued within the
scientific community and university administrations so that scientists will invest the
time and resources to pursue true collaborations rather than take the shortest path
to publication. e models above are examples of the kinds of programs needed to
advance biodiversity research in developing countries, but this is not an all-inclusive
Barber et al.: Advancing biodiversity research 19
list. ere are many creative ways to achieve meaningful international collaborations
that advance biodiversity research while building science capacity in developing
countries. e key is to take a broader, more inclusive view of the desired outcomes
of collaborative research, one that builds a foundation of mutual trust and benefits
all partners through advancing biodiversity science.
e authors thank the National Science Foundation (grants OISE-0730256 OCE-0349177)
and USAID (cooperative agreement 497-A-00-10-00008-00) for funding the international
research collaborations highlighted in this manuscript. We also thank the governments of
Indonesia (RISTEK, LIPI, and PHKA) and Philippines (NFRDI) for permitting the collab-
orative research and education activities herein. is material is based upon work supported
by the National Science Foundation through the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center
(NESCent) under grant number NSF #EF-0905606. A special thanks goes to C Riginos, and
the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center for organizing and hosting the Molecular Ecolog y
and Evolution of the Indo-Pacific Catalysis meeting that lead to this paper.
A C
is paper is the result of a NESCent working group on the molecular ecology and evolu-
tion of the Indo-Pacific. Most authors contributed to the conceptualization and outlining of
this paper at this catalysis meeting and all contributed to the writing. Specifically, PH Barber
led the writing and overall organization. MCA Ablan-Lagman, R Ravago-Gotanco, and MA
Juinio- Meñez led the writing of challenges and progress in the Philippines. Ambariyanto,
D Cahyani, IGN Mahardika, AHA Toha, and AW Anggoro led the writing of challenges
and progress in Indonesia. K Shanker and RGS Berlinck wrote on issues in India and Brazil,
respectively. ED Crandall, CJ Starger, and DA Willette led the writing about the NSF PIRE
e views expressed in this paper those of the authors and do not represent any official
policy of the United States Department of State.
L C
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... 21 Research funds for large-scale genome sequencing have largely been geopolitically bound and have not included priority areas outside the origin of the funding source. 19,22,23 At best, training was offered, 24 but capacity building alone is not sufficient to establish a long-lasting local infrastructure employing continuously skilled personnel working routinely with genomic datasets. Research agendas, especially involving innovation and technology (like genomics), are often politically bound. ...
... 21 Research funds for large-scale genome sequencing have largely been geopolitically bound and have not included priority areas outside the origin of the funding source. 19,22,23 At best, training was offered, 24 but capacity building alone is not sufficient to establish a long-lasting local infrastructure employing continuously skilled personnel working routinely with genomic datasets. Research agendas, especially involving innovation and technology (like genomics), are often politically bound. ...
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The biodiversity crisis is a global phenomenon, and measures to monitor, stop, and revert the impacts on species’ extinction risk are urgently needed. Megadiverse countries, especially in the Global South, are responsible for managing and protecting Earth’s biodiversity. Various initiatives have started to sequence reference-level genomes or perform large-scale species detection and monitoring through environmental DNA. Here, we outline the Genomics of the Brazilian Biodiversity (GBB) consortium that is contributing to public policies on the conservation and management of Brazilian species. We describe our unique public-private governance and lessons in setting up a genomic consortium in a megadiverse country of continental scale. We explore the challenges while sharing knowledge for similar initiatives in the Global South. Ultimately, we aim to encourage Brazilian institutions and other megadiverse countries to invest and participate in large-scale genomic initiatives, demonstrating their commitment to preserving and monitoring their exceptional natural heritage while contributing to global biodiversity conservation.
... In ad di tion to their eco logical value, molluscs are eco no mi cally import ant as food (Tanyitiku 2022), ag ri cul tural pests (Port & Ester 2002), in medicine (Ben kendorff 2010; Ahmad et al. 2018), as well as disease vectors of medical and ve te rinary significance (Barker 2001). Having said that, compre hensive in ventories of malacofaunas remain scant (Lopes-Lima et al. 2021;Miyahira et al. 2022), especially in deve lo ping countries (Koudenoukpo et al. 2020), where biodiversity research is impeded by lack of resources such as funding, research facilities and expertise (Barber et al. 2014;Miyahira et al. 2022). This knowledge gap hinders the understanding and main tenance of the overall biodiversity at both the species and ecosystem levels, as faunal inventories are crucial for monitoring species richness, popu lation trends and for improving sustainable land manage ment (Lo Brutto 2023). ...
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Molluscs offer ecological services crucial for ecosystem functioning and integrity, yet they are often insufficiently studied and omitted in conservation planning and decision-making. In Botswana, information on malacofauna is scarce and exists in fragmented and mostly poorly accessible sources. The first comprehensive and annotated checklist of the mollusc fauna recorded from Botswana is presented, based on data of specimens collected and/or observed from 1854 to 2023. The information for compiling the checklist has been extracted and collated from published literature (scientific articles, technical reports and books), online databases and unpublished museum collections. The checklist comprises 63 native species (13 bivalves, 24 freshwater snails, 24 land snails and two slugs) in 43 genera and 21 families. The checklist highlights the occurrence of four introduced species in Botswana, Cornu aspersum, Lissachatina fulica, Physella acuta and Radix auricularia, which are po ten-tially invasive and of economic concern. The article summarises updated information on the species taxonomy, distribution, habitats, conservation rank, and on the epidemiological status of species of the medical and veterinary importance. The checklist provides a solid baseline for the national species inventories, future research and biodiversity conservation in Botswana, and emphasizes the urgent need for broader field surveys across the country.
... As only 17% of the OTUs were matched to species, our study echoes the need for more complete reference databases of marine fauna and flora (46,47). Expanded barcoding efforts are particularly needed in areas such as the Coral Triangle, where comparatively little research focus is given despite high levels of biodiversity and human resource dependence (48,49). Barcoding corals can be challenging as their mitochondrial DNA, where COI is encoded, is highly conserved (50). ...
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Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding has the potential to revolutionize conservation planning by providing spatially and taxonomically comprehensive data on biodiversity and ecosystem conditions, but its utility to inform the design of protected areas remains untested. Here, we quantify whether and how identifying conservation priority areas within coral reef ecosystems differs when biodiversity information is collected via eDNA analyses or traditional visual census records. We focus on 147 coral reefs in Indonesia’s hyper-diverse Wallacea region and show large discrepancies in the allocation and spatial design of conservation priority areas when coral reef species were surveyed with underwater visual techniques (fishes, corals, and algae) or eDNA metabarcoding (eukaryotes and metazoans). Specifically, incidental protection occurred for 55% of eDNA species when targets were set for species detected by visual surveys and 71% vice versa. This finding is supported by generally low overlap in detection between visual census and eDNA methods at species level, with more overlap at higher taxonomic ranks. Incomplete taxonomic reference databases for the highly diverse Wallacea reefs, and the complementary detection of species by the two methods, underscore the current need to combine different biodiversity data sources to maximize species representation in conservation planning.
... The functional food is then produced with new technology that is more practical because it is a natural product with high benefits, especially in the field of pharmacology. The increase of public awareness of the importance of health has supported the increase in the need for functional food and the benefits of marine resources, one of which is sea cucumber, has caused these resources to increase their economic value [1,2,3,4,5]. ...
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Sea cucumber inhabit scattered throughout the world's in tropical, subtropical and cool waters and known high protein of marine species and bioactive compounds as well as essential and non-essential amino acids that very important for the human health. Even sea cucumbers as a potential food source have become raw materials for the health pharmaceutical industries and as a source of food that is expensive. The bioactive compounds of sea cucumbers as amino acid namely steroids, saponins, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, serine, glycine, histidine, arginine, threonine, alanine, proline, thyrosine, valine, methioni, systein, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine, lysine, linoleic-, oleic, omega-3, O-6, O-9, EPA and DHA. These complex bioactive compounds is beneficial for heart and blood vessel health, anticoagulant, plays an active role in curing osteoarthritis, antioxidant, antiinflammatory, antitumor, antihypertensive, anticancer, antifungal, as well as cytotoxic activity. Some research to investigate the benefits of sea cucumber bioactive compounds has created business opportunities that are processed from raw materials of fresh, frozen and dried sea cucumbers. The market products are snack packaging such as sea cucumber crackers, sea cucumber tea, sea cucumber sardines, ready-to-eat frozen sea cucumber. Sea cucumber derivative products for health have produced as supplement, capsules and skincare products in a variety of serum products, creams, body lotions, shampoos and soaps. Bioprospection of sea cucumbers which are very rich in nutrients that are important for human health as a supplement to maintain health, sufferers and the healing stage, also really supports the growth stages of children and overcomes aging.
... Researchers often lack access to computational resources, particularly in developing nations where biodiversity is often the highest and the need for DNA-based taxonomic classification is the greatest (Asase et al., 2022;Barber et al., 2014;Johnson et al., 2022). ...
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The sequencing revolution requires accurate taxonomic classification of DNA sequences. The key to making accurate taxonomic assignments is curated, comprehensive reference barcode databases. However, the generation and curation of such databases has remained challenging given the large and continuously growing volumes of both DNA sequence data and novel reference barcode targets. Monitoring and research applications require a greater diversity of specialized gene regions and targeted taxa than are currently curated by professional staff. Thus, there is a growing need for an easy‐to‐implement computational tool that can generate comprehensive metabarcoding reference libraries for any bespoke locus. We address this need by reimagining CRUX from the Anacapa Toolkit and present the rCRUX package in R which, like its predecessor, relies on sequence homology and PCR primer compatibility instead of keyword searches to avoid limitations of user‐defined metadata. The typical workflow involves searching for plausible seed amplicons ( get_seeds_local () or get_seeds_remote ()) by simulating in silico PCR to acquire a set of sequences analogous to PCR products containing a user‐defined set of primer sequences. Next, these seeds are used to iteratively blast search seed sequences against a local copy of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)‐formatted nt database using a taxonomic rank‐based stratified random sampling approach ( blast_seeds ()). This results in a comprehensive set of sequence matches. This database is dereplicated and cleaned ( derep_and_clean_db ()) by identifying identical reference sequences and collapsing the taxonomic path to the lowest taxonomic agreement across all matching reads. This results in a curated, comprehensive database of primer‐specific reference barcode sequences from NCBI. Databases can then be compared ( compare_db ()) to determine read and taxonomic overlap. We demonstrate that rCRUX provides more comprehensive reference databases for the MiFish Universal Teleost 12S, Taberlet trnl, fungal ITS, and Leray CO1 loci than CRABS, MetaCurator, RESCRIPt, and ecoPCR reference databases. We then further demonstrate the utility of rCRUX by generating 24 reference databases for 20 metabarcoding loci, many of which lack dedicated reference database curation efforts. The rCRUX package provides a simple‐to‐use tool for the generation of curated, comprehensive reference databases for user‐defined loci, facilitating accurate and effective taxonomic classification of metabarcoding and DNA sequence efforts broadly.
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Researchers in urban environments sample where people live and work. However, there is limited extant guidance available to scientists engaging with community stakeholders to sample soils in urban settings. Leveraging our cumulative experiences, insights gained from community collaborations, and interdisciplinary literature, we present a community‐engaged framework for urban soils research. Community‐engaged research frameworks emerged over the past two decades to foster trust and respect between communities and researchers as a response to historical exploitation of communities by the academy. Today, these frameworks have become standard for social and public health researchers investigating the physical well‐being of communities. However, there is no equivalent framework for scientists studying the soils that underpin the physical and ecological well‐being of the same communities. Here, we present the first such framework for soil scientists that incorporates nuanced aspects that are often overlooked. Our proposed framework recognizes the iterative nature of collaboration with community stakeholders and highlights the significance of ethical considerations throughout the research process by emphasizing protection of community stakeholders from harm, involvement of all parties in decision‐making processes, maintaining informed consent, and fostering mutual accountability among researchers throughout the research and sampling process.
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Poster presentation given while representing the Urban and Anthropogenic Soils Division at the SSSA Society-Wide Student Competition
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As our scientific surmises on evolution, ecology, biodiversity and molecular biology are less robust than we assume, today we are losing species faster than they are evolving or discovered. The implications are vast and serious for all human enterprises ranging from forestry to food production to medicine. High quality taxonomic research is vital for poverty reduction through sustainable agriculture , forestry, fisheries, combating insect pests and human diseases and for sustainable national and international trade in biological products without endangering indigenous plant and animal species. Though India is extremely biodiverse, with about a million species of living organisms, fewer than 100,000 of these have been formally described. Guided by the United Nations' Millennium Development Goals, India agreed to quantify and protect the existing biodiversity. This has been critical in meeting targets and obligations of international treaties and conventions such as the Convention on Biological Diversity and national legislations such as the Biological Diversity Act. In observance of the International Year of Biodiversity 2010, under the aegis of the National Biodiversity Authority (NBA), the Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE) organized a National Consultation. The prime objective of the workshop was to assess the present status of taxon-omy and biodiversity loss in the country. The group addressed issues pertaining to current trends, responsibilities and potential roles Indian taxonomists can play nationally as well as globally. Simultaneously , the discussants underscored the limitations and obstacles faced by Indian taxonomists and outlined steps to leverage national and international expertise, networks and relevant stakeholders to strengthen the science of taxonomy in India. Madhav Gadgil (Agharkar Research Institute) in his keynote address, spoke on the history of taxonomy in India and identified a few core issues that needed to be deliberated at the consultation. He urged that we need to think of new ways of exposure and networking. He stressed upon the fact that organizations dealing with taxonomy and other disciplines of systematic biology need to integrate the new range of developments specifically in the Indian context. K. N. Ganeshiah (University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Bangalore) and Madhav Gadgil both elaborated that we have to generate demand and opportunities for systematic biology in the country. Professionals should reach out to people on a large scale at every level from the grassroots to higher echelons and in different languages. Only such a large scale effort will create awareness and ultimately contribute to the growth of taxonomy and conservation of the biodiversity. Kamaljit Bawa (ATREE, Bangalore) pointed out that if prime centres of taxonomic research continue to be isolated, there could be no growth in taxonomic research. Multiple centres of excellence need to be set up to facilitate growth and development besides free exchange of scientific ideas and information. C. A. Viraktamath (UAS) commented that it is imperative that we agree to exchange information and collaborate nationally and internationally. Kamaljit Bawa and Mohan Ram (Delhi University) opined that there needs to be a shift in focus to revisionary studies to answer many questions and younger people need to be trained in the best institutions with adequate resources to promote systematic biology. Ramakrishna (Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata) stressed that national institutions such as the ZSI and Botanical Survey of India (BSI) need to prioritize tasks and regions that need to be inventoried in the near future. He emphasized the need to expand our taxo-nomic research to a pan-Asian realm than confining to the Indian subcontinent.
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The emerging field of next-generation sequencing (NGS) is rapidly expanding capabilities for cutting edge genomic research, with applications that can help meet marine conservation challenges of food security, biodiversity loss, and climate change. Navigating the use of these tools, however, is complex at best. Furthermore, applications of marine genomic questions are limited in developing nations where both marine biodiversity and threats to. marine biodiversity are most concentrated. This is particularly true in Southeast Asia. The first Pan-Pacific Advanced Studies Institute (PacASI) entitled "Genomic Applications to Marine Science and Resource Management in Southeast Asia" was held in July 2012 in Dumaguete, Philippines, with the intent to draw together leading scientists from both sides of the Pacific Ocean to understand the potential of NGS in helping address the aforementioned challenges. Here we synthesize discussions held during the PacASI to provide perspectives and guidance to help scientists new to NGS choose among the variety of available advanced genomic methodologies specifically for marine science questions.
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We identify the sister species of the world's only freshwater sardinella, Sardinella tawilis (Herre, 1927) of Taal Lake, Philippines as the morphologically-similar marine Taiwanese sardinella Sardinella hualiensis (Chu and Tsai, 1958). Evidence of incomplete lineage sorting and a species tree derived from three mitochondrial genes and one nuclear gene indicate that S. tawilis diverged from S. hualiensis in the late Pleistocene. Neutrality tests, mismatch distribution analysis, sequence diversity indices, and species tree analysis indicate populations of both species have long been stable and that the divergence between these two lineages occurred prior to the putative 18th century formation of Taal Lake.
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Marine habitats are in decline worldwide, precipitating a strong interest in marine conservation. The use of biogeographic data to designate ecoregions has had significant impacts on terrestrial conservation efforts. However, classification of marine environments into ecoregions has only become available in the last several years, based on biogeographic data supplemented by geomorphology, ocean currents, and water temperatures. Here we use a comparative phylogeographic approach to test for concordant phylogeographic patterns in three closely related species of Tridacna giant clams across the Coral Triangle, the most biodiverse marine region in the world and one of the most threatened. Data from a 450 base pair fragment of mitochondrial cytochrome-c oxidase subunit one DNA from 1739 giant clams across Indonesia and the Philippines show strong concordance between phylogeographic patterns in three species of giant clams as well as evidence for potentially undescribed species within the genus. Phylogeographic patterns correspond broadly to marine ecoregions proposed by Spalding et al. (2007), indicating that processes contributing to biogeographic boundaries likely also limit genetic connectivity across this region. These data can assist with designing more effective networks of marine protected areas by ensuring that unique biogeographic and phylogeographic regions are represented in regional conservation planning.
The Earth's biodiversity-the rich variety of life on our planet-is disappearing at an alarming rate. And while many books have focused on the expected ecological consequences, or on the aesthetic, ethical, sociological, or economic dimensions of this loss, Sustaining Life is the first book to examine the full range of potential threats that diminishing biodiversity poses to human health. Edited and written by Harvard Medical School physicians Eric Chivian and Aaron Bernstein, along with more than 100 leading scientists who contributed to writing and reviewing the book, Sustaining Life presents a comprehensive--and sobering--view of how human medicines, biomedical research, the emergence and spread of infectious diseases, and the production of food, both on land and in the oceans, depend on biodiversity. The book's ten chapters cover everything from what biodiversity is and how human activity threatens it to how we as individuals can help conserve the world's richly varied biota. Seven groups of organisms, some of the most endangered on Earth, provide detailed case studies to illustrate the contributions they have already made to human medicine, and those they are expected to make if we do not drive them to extinction. Drawing on the latest research, but written in language a general reader can easily follow, Sustaining Life argues that we can no longer see ourselves as separate from the natural world, nor assume that we will not be harmed by its alteration. Our health, as the authors so vividly show, depends on the health of other species and on the vitality of natural ecosystems. With a foreword by E.O. Wilson and a prologue by Kofi Annan, and more than 200 poignant color illustrations, Sustaining Life contributes essential perspective to the debate over how humans affect biodiversity and a compelling demonstration of the human health costs.
The protection of habitat for an officially designated "threatened" species, the Northern Spotted Owl, is widely seen as having endangered the survival of a very different "species," namely the rural American logger. In spite of the widespread agreement on this point, however, it is not clear just how many jobs have been endangered, over just how long a period, due to the protection of spotted-owl habitat and of the environment more broadly. In the present paper, we analyze longer term employment trends in logging and milling, both nationally and in the two states of the Pacific Northwest where the spotted-owl debate has been most intense, to determine the length of time over which such environmental protection efforts have been creating the loss of logging and milling jobs. There are three potential key "turning points" since the start of high-quality employment data in 1947 - the 1989 controversy over the federal "listing" of the Northern Spotted Owl under the Endangered Species Act, the earlier increase in environmental regulations accompanying the first Earth Day in 1970, and the still-earlier "locking up" of timber after the passage of the Wilderness Protection Act in 1964. We also examine the effects of two other variables that have received considerable attention in the ongoing debates - levels of U.S. Forest Service timber harvests and the exporting of raw logs. We find that the 1989 listing of the spotted owl has no significant effect on employment - not even in the two states where the debate has been most intense. Instead, the only statistically significant turning point came with the passage of the Wilderness Act in 1964. The direction of the change, however, was precisely the opposite of what is generally expected. Both nationally and in the Pacific Northwest, the greatest decline in timber employment occurred from 1947 until 1964 - a time of great economic growth, a general absence of "unreasonable environmental regulations," and growing timber harvests. The period since the passage of the Wilderness Act has been one of increased complaints about environmental constraints, but much less decline in U.S. logging employment. If logging jobs have indeed been endangered by efforts to protect the environment in general and spotted-owl habitat in particular, what is needed is a plausible explanation of how the influence of the owls could have begun more than forty years before the species came under the protection of the Endangered Species Act.
The independent island nations of the South Pacific have a rich and threatened terrestrial biota. Despite considerable investment of resources into conservation over the last three decades, biodiversity is dwindling and protected area systems remain inadequate. This lack of success is caused by important differences in cultural, economic, landownership, and social factors in developing Pacific Island countries, compared to developed nations that often fund conservation programs and plans. Despite the obvious need for capacity building and information exchange among stakeholders, little collaboration and development has eventuated. A coordinated and integrated approach, focusing conservation resources on national priorities, is essential to achieve efficient conservation. This will need to include active involvement of landowners, a good sociocultural understanding of target communities, improved collaboration between the various stakeholders, provision of sustainable alternative economic activities, and a commitment to long funding cycles for projects.