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A study on Hat User Habits and Their Perception of the Product Form


Abstract and Figures

A hat offers head protection as one of its main purposes; some hats have brims that block out sunlight. Through survey questionnaire, literature review, user behavior analysis and word recognition, this study investigates sixteen different types of consumer hat product to understand the relationship between hat form image and consumption habit perceived by consumers. This study was collected from 54 participants (32 male, 22 female), 16 primary variables (types of hat), and 20 affective-cognitive variable. The study results show that 64.8% of respondents see no need to wear hat; consumers have low requirement regarding the scheduled cleaning of hat that 83.3% of respondents either never cleans or only washes when hat gets dirty. In terms of hat type, baseball cap (50%), and flat cap (13%) have higher preference while wide brim hat, conical Asian hat, shawl hat, peaked cap, and bell shaped hat are least favored. Factor analysis is conducted on a series of adjectives describing types of hat and the results show five factors with higher significance. They are entle/graceful, retro/understated, normal/ordinary, self-expression, and fashionable/trendy. The study extends further into the age demographics analysis that can be referred to in the design and development of different types of fashion and accessory product.
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A study on Hat User Habits and Their Perception of the
Product Form
Chao-Yuan, Tseng*, Fong-Gong, Wu**
* Department of Industrial Design, National Cheng Kung University,
** Department of Industrial Design, National Cheng Kung University,
Abstract: A hat offers head protection as one of its main purposes; some hats have brims that block
out sunlight. Through survey questionnaire, literature review, user behavior analysis and word
recognition, this study investigates sixteen different types of consumer hat product to understand
the relationship between hat form image and consumption habit perceived by consumers. This
study was collected from 54 participants (32 male, 22 female), 16 primary variables (types of hat),
and 20 affective-cognitive variable. The study results show that 64.8% of respondents see no need
to wear hat; consumers have low requirement regarding the scheduled cleaning of hat that 83.3% of
respondents either never cleans or only washes when hat gets dirty. In terms of hat type, baseball
cap (50%), and flat cap (13%) have higher preference while wide brim hat, conical Asian hat,
shawl hat, peaked cap, and bell shaped hat are least favored. Factor analysis is conducted on a
series of adjectives describing types of hat and the results show five factors with higher
significance. They are gentle/graceful, retro/understated, normal/ordinary, self-expression, and
fashionable/trendy. The study extends further into the age demographics analysis that can be
referred to in the design and development of different types of fashion and accessory product.
Key words: Hat, Form Image, Word Recognition, Consumption Habit
1. Introduction
In ancient Egyptian and Chinese culture, headgear not only serves a decorating purpose, but also represents
social status and privilege. On one hand, a hat has practical functionality that it offers protection against heat and
cold which is how it as a product was invented to begin with, anyhow. Some hats have brims that block out
sunlight. A hat also offers decorating or fashion purpose; it can also protect one’s hairstyle or, even in some cases
shield one from having lower self-esteem, in a cognitive psychology sense, that come with baldness. Continuous
evolvement in culture and technology also brings a variety of designs and changes that offer people nowadays the
choices and goals different from the past. 95% of the human behavior is habitual and so is the shopping behavior
[1]. In the west, consumers choose headgear befitting the situation, top hat being one example. If fashion design is
solely based on image perception, it will be difficult for a consumer market differentiation [2][3].
Further steps shall be taken to explore the differences in consumers’ style preference and image perception to
understand consumers’ “kansei” or affective need regarding fashion. A social environment has tangible products
(clothing, furniture, building, etc) and intangible concepts (education, law, etc). Product offers appearance as its
first impression [4]; shoppers tend to make purchase based on a product’s presented physical image. Product form
and appearance can bring visual perception enough to influence purchase behavior. That is, form appearance can
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reflect people’s psychological feeling toward that product. Therefore, product makers nowadays pay good amount
of attention on product appearance in hopes of conveying suitable product image to consumers [5].
A hat, although carrying product values different from the all-familiar consumer electronics product, shoppers
tend to follow the cognitive-affective process and the preferred needs to pick a suitable hat. According to research,
almost 70% of scooter riders wash their helmet only once a year while some actually never wash theirs in five
years [6]. A hat’s usage and cleaning seem to point out attitude aspect in cognitive behavior. We can further
explore factors in determining purchase decision of hat in terms of age group, gender difference and usage
A hat’s appearance and user habit can influence how consumers wear the product. This study begins with
investigating hat’s form appearance to understand consumers’ form image perception toward product appearance
and characteristics. This study looks into a variety of hat types, categorize them based on the form appearance,
and analyze the images they bring using describing adjectives to obtain the usage elements. All these are done
while removing the branding logo characteristics and are summarized in the four topics below:
I. Compile a list of form descriptions about hat product
II. Understand the circumstances that consumers use hats and their habits
III. The variety of form image perceptions that consumers have toward hat product
IV. Explore the design elements of hat product by analyzing words and vocabularies
2. Literature Review
This study explores the differences and relationship between usage consumption habit and hat form image
perceived by consumers. Overall content concentrates on topics related to image, form and characteristics,
describing adjective, and consumer behavior.
2.1 Image
Image, as a word, is widely utilized in the modern world [7]. Aristotle long ago established links between
image and concept and that image originates from external agent acting as stimuli to sensory system [8]. Image
and style are different in that image is of an internal product of mind and memory process, while style leans more
toward the presentation of external conditions such as variety, category, and types. They are also differentiate from
each other in how they are made that an image, starting with being a vague data saved in the brain, is being more
visually presented after restructuring.
The communication aspect or role of design, product semantics being an example, needs to be differentiated
from other design considerations and studied. This aspect involves visual and iconic cues that help people to
explain what an object does and how it is operated or used [9]. Style needs to be uniquely presented, and it is
formed after a period of nurture process. For presentation of characteristics and traits, image has the self-
explanatory, structural, and meaningful traits while having the simulating, abstract, changeable, and functional
characteristics. Style has the attributable, structural, organizational, and individual traits while having the
diversifying, categorizing, expressing and idea-stimulating ability
2.2 Form characteristics and perception
In the field of cognitive psychology, style perception is an attractive topic. Due to various growth stage,
education and environment, individuals have logics and preferences different from each other. As one of the
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renowned cognitive psychologist, Dr. Norman suggested that an incomprehensible user interface is a result of the
design that ignores the cognitive behavior of human beings [10]. He also suggested the application of cognitive
science that includes twelve issues and they are: Belief system, Consciousness, Development, Emotion,
Interaction, Language, Learning, Memory, Perception, Performance, Skill, Thought.
Cognition is a complex mental process. It is a concept flow consisted of sensory, reflective, cognitive, and
memory processor in a human system, from feeling to knowing. Norman also drew four ideas from the seven
aspects mentioned above. Each view lists one or multiple steps that designers can use as references.
I. Identifiability: Through observation, user can identify the state the product is in and choose appropriate
II. Good concept model: Designer needs to provide user with a good concept model that carries a systematic
image showing consistency in operation, result, start to end process.
III. Good system pairing: action taken and the result, controller and the relating reaction, system state and
identifiability. The order and the causal relation of the aforementioned examples do need to exist.
IV. Feedback: User can receive sufficient and continuous feedback related to action taken.
2.3 Adjectives
Through survey questionnaire, interview, literature review, the study collects a variety of descriptive words
used in evaluation by designers, consumers, factory operators, managers, marketers, or critics. Vast amount of
journals and researches also provide good sources in describing adjectives being a few examples [11][12].
Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) methodology can also draw out describing words and issue different weight
accordingly [13]. Through the experience of designers and survey questionnaire, descriptive words are categorized
into group patterns, and then coded to report in a more structured format for easy comparison. Designers have the
responsibility to understand and care about users’ cognitive habit to distinguish the difference between thinking
and performance in different cognitive styles [14].
3. Research Method
This study collects information about consumers by using survey questionnaire, and then focus group organize
and categorize all the words collected from survey. Statistical analysis is then performed to analyze the data.
3.1 Survey questionnaire and design
Survey is conducted both in paper-based and online format. Question types include the single answer, multiple
choice and semi-open questions; all these to collect the factors influencing consumer cognition and behavior.
In terms of questionnaire design, first part shows participant’s basic information which includes gender, age,
and region of residence. Body height and weight are the basic body measurement that has no significant
importance to the research and are not taken into consideration of the research. Second part of the questionnaire is
divided into “measurement of subjective utility” and “relationship between product form and descriptive word”,
and these two categories are also the dependant variables in this study. The categories are to determine consumer’s
subjectivity toward the various uses of hat product, and the perception toward hat product form and descriptive
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Table 1. Variety of descriptive words
1. Elegant 2. Tacky 3. Youthful 4. Confident 5. Trendy
6. Unique 7. Old 8. Timid 9. Traditional 10. Common
11. Designful 12. Mediocre 13. Pure 14. Sexy 15. Tender
16. Macho 17. Daring 18. Conservative 19. Classic 20. Dull
Survey collects about fifty various adjectives describing clothing and apparel; focus group is then able to
organize and categorize them into twenty, as indicated in Table 1. As for the hat product form and name, this study
removes the types that are too rare, excessively similar, or impractical to derive sixteen types, as indicated in
Figure 1. Cross-comparison is planned to explore the relationship.
Figure.1 Sixteen types of hat frequently seen in the market
3.2 Consumer behavior
Consumer behavior is the study of the processes that consumers use to evaluate, secure, utilize, and dispose of
products to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes, mental activities and external presentations display.
Consumers mainly go after functional and psychological benefits. Functional benefits are the basic fulfillment and
practical value that product properties can provide; coats keep us warm, personal computers efficiently process
data at work, provide entertainment, keep flight on time and land safely. Psychological benefits are the influence
on mood, image, esteem, social status, intellect, spirit, or social connection when using or owning products; this
type of benefits relate more to the sense of achievement, regards from others and self-actualization.
4. Results
This study involves statistical data that requires the semi-open question format. Paper-based survey is
conducted face to face and online format is distributed to collect data. After the random sampling, twenty copies
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of paper-based survey and thirty-four copies of online survey are collected. Valid data totals fifty-four with zero
invalid survey. SPSS is then utilized to analyze the data.
4.1 Descriptive Statistics
4.1.1 Gender and location of residence
Among the fifty-four survey data collected in this study, as indicated in Table 2, twenty-six are located in
northern Taiwan (15 male, 11 female), seven are located in the central part of Taiwan (4 male, 3 female), twenty-
one are located in southern Taiwan (13 male, 8 female). Among the respondents, although the result received from
the central part of Taiwan is less than the other regions, the study means to consider all three regions as a whole,
not cross-comparing and analyzing the male and female in all three regions.
Table 2. Data based on gender and geographic location
Male Female Total
Location of Residence
Northern Taiwan 15 11 26
Central Taiwan 4 3 7
Southern Taiwan 13 8 21
Total 32 22 54
4.1.2 Age group and location of residence
The distribution of sample by age group is indicated in Figure 2. In northern Taiwan: 20-30 years old (4
people), 31-40 years old (3 people), 41-50 years old (none), 51-60 years old (8 people), 61 and above (11 people).
In central Taiwan: 20-30 years old (5 people), 31-40 years old (2 people), 41-61 (none). In southern Taiwan: 20-30
years old (8 people), 31-40 years old (10 people), 41-50 years old (3 people), 51-61 and above (none). It is noted
that in northern Taiwan, 19 respondents are older adults; there are none older adult respondents in central and
southern Taiwan. We can still look into the significance of hat form and descriptive words among the older adults
in northern Taiwan.
Figure.2 Bar chart showing distribution by age group and location of residence
20-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 over 61
Number of people
Northern Taiwan
Central Taiwan
Southern Taiwan
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4.2 Product usage and statistical data about the descriptive words
As indicated in Table 3, percentages of respondents who have the habit of hat wearing and the ones who do not
are 38.9% and 61.1%, respectively, and that are estimated at 4:6 ratio. In terms of product usage, as high as 63%
of the respondents wash their hats only when dirty, or perform unscheduled washing. Almost 20% of the
respondents never wash their hats. Further improvement on headwear hygiene is desired.
Table 3. Data showing respondents’ usage behavior
Item Male Female Total
Do you usually wear a hat ? (Often wearing hat)
Yes 11 10 21
No 21 12 33
How often do you clean your hat? ( Frequency of hat washing)
Whenever it gets dirty 17 17 34
Once a week 4 0 4
About once a month 4 1 5
Never 7 4 11
Figure.3 What kind of hats most likely to wear
It shows respondents’ preferences among the sixteen types of hat if given the opportunity to choose. Among the
male respondents, the easy-to-carry baseball cap (17 respondents), flat or ascot cap (7) are preferred and total big
portion of the male respondents (24 out of 32) at 75%. Among the female respondents, baseball cap (5), fisherman
cap (5), flat or ascot cap (3), wool cap (3), visor hat (3) are more popular compared to other hats, taking a 72.7%.
Wide-brim hat, conical Asian hat, shawl hat, peaked cap, and bell shaped hat are not preferred by male or female.
Among male respondents, other than the five hat type mentioned above not chosen, three are considered more
“feminine” and therefore not chosen and they are wool cap, beret cap, visor hat. As for female respondents, other
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than the aforementioned five types not chosen, cap, top hat and straw hat are not chosen, as well. This study finds
it interesting that straw hat, assumed to be popular among females, is not chosen by any respondents. On the
contrary, cowboy hat, considered to be more masculine, is chosen by one female respondent.
On the other hand, it shows the choices when the occasions are not considered. Among male respondents,
baseball cap is the top choice, selected by 22. Among the female respondents, baseball cap (5 respondents),
fisherman cap (4), wool cap (4), and visor hat (4) are the more preferred choices. The weather plays a big role in
the choice of the hat type. Taiwan is located in the subtropics with ample sunlight and good amount of ultraviolet
exposure that blocking out sunlight (weather factor) is one of the major factors for wearing hats (17 persons,
31.5%). Cloth matching (2 persons, 3.7%) or fashion styling (1 person, 1.9%) are of less importance.
Table 4. Hat styles and matching description analysis
Among the sixteen types of hats in the discussion, “baseball cap” is heavily favored that forty respondents pick
it as the “Most likely to wear” in Figure 3 shown. This can be interpreted that the modern pop culture, together
with the appreciated style, are the main reasons that this style is highly preferred. Designers can lean toward
making more of this type of hat.
Based on principle component analysis, Figure 4 shows five principle components having eigenvalues greater
than 1 while the rest is less than 1. In Table 6, the KMO measures at 0.558. Large values for the KMO measure
indicate correlations between pairs of variables can be explained by the other variables; this indicates that a factor
analysis of the variables is a good idea. We should not do a factor analysis if the KMO value is below 0.5. As for
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Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity, we arrive at a significance of 0.000 which shows variables to be correlated. With
Varimax orthogonal rotation, the factor loadings representing correlation between the variables and the factors are
shown in Table 5. The total cumulative variance explained by all factors is 81.198%.
Table 5. Total Variance Explained
Table 6. KMO Value and Bartlett's Test of Sphericity
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .558
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 407.056
df 120
Sig. .000
Table 7. Factor name and the descriptive word variables
Factors Names Descriptive word variables
Factor 1 gentle/graceful Elegant, tender, pure, attracting
Factor 2 retro/understated Old, traditional, conservative, timid
Factor 3 normal/ordinary Tacky, common, mediocre, dull
Factor 4 self-expression Youthful, confident, daring, macho
Factor 5 fashionable/trendy Trendy, unique, designful, classic
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Figure.4 Scree Plot
5. Discussion and Conclusions
In the past it was believed that some consumers assume long duration of hat wearing can cause baldness or hair
loss; however, it is discovered that consumers do not necessarily worry about it. The majority of the participants
simply do not see the necessity of hat wearing. Baldness and hair loss both are related to natural physical
functioning of the human body, not the effect of hat wearing in terms of casual relationship. Without the need to
wear hat there will not be hat wearing behavior. However, medical experts do suggest cleaning hats at least once a
week to avoid diseases caused by germs.
Finally, future research can be conducted to further examine the descriptive words obtained and categorized
here, in addition to the more analysis of factors to help better explain the factors.
6. Reference
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By analyzing the classes of errors that people make with systems, it is possible to develop principles of system design that minimize both the occurrence of error and the effects. This paper demonstrates some of these principles through the analysis of one class of errors: slips of action. Slips are defined to be situations in which the user's intention was proper, but the results did not conform to that intention. Many properties of existing systems are conducive to slips; from the classification of these errors, some procedures to minimize the occurrence of slips are developed.
Designers have the responsibility to understand and care about the users' cognitive habit to distinguish the difference between thinking and performance in different cognitive styles. The purpose of t his st udy i s t o i nvestigate t he rel ationship bet ween design t hinking and design performance in different types of cogn ition. The Cognitive style in dex (CSI) wou ld be utilized in this stud y an d it wou ld b e classified in "analysis" an d "intu ition" groups. Th is research will u se experience method and questionnaire method to test two groups with different cognitive style th e difference of design process performance in thinking and sketch ability while executing the same mission. In the study, 134 design-majored students (57 male, 77 female, M=21.6 years old) were tested. The primary result, It would show the conclusions in design process: (1) People in intuition group prefer image thinking and those who in analysis group prefer word thinking. (2) People in intuition group have better p erformance th an t hose in an alysis grou p. Finally, th e cog nitive sty le can b e applied to design education and work, teachers need to respect different users' learning modes and utilize proper ways to gain better learning effect.
A Study on the Transformation between Form Languages and Form Elements
  • H Y Cheng
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A Study on Language for Gestaltung Evaluation
  • C J Chen
Chen, C. J. (1994) A Study on Language for Gestaltung Evaluation
Using Reverse Engineering and Fuzzy Theory in Parametric Product Form Development
  • T M Hsu
Hsu, T. M. (2005) Using Reverse Engineering and Fuzzy Theory in Parametric Product Form Development
  • D L Peng
  • B Y Zhang
Peng, D. L., & Zhang, B. Y. (2004) Cognitive psychology.
A Study of Cognitive Style on Design Performance
  • T Pei-Shan
  • C Dengchuan
  • F Yao-Jen
Pei-Shan, T., Dengchuan, C., & Yao-Jen, F. (2009) A Study of Cognitive Style on Design Performance, Proceedings of IASDR, Korea.