
Wholeness and the Implicate Order

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... At computation of derivatives of the energy density and the momentum density by time and by space these terms contain the functions ρ(r, t), γ(v ) containing v 2 (r, t), and the velocity v (r, t), see Eqs. (17) and (18). All these terms are subjected to computation of derivatives by time and length. ...
... A spin-echo spectrometer for the first time proposed by Ferenc Mezei [57] in the 1970s is a very useful realization demonstrating Bohm's idea of the wholeness and implicate order [17]. In the spin-echo spectroscopy experiment a polarized neutron beam unfolds on the first spin-echo arm and on the second arm it folds, see Fig. 9. ...
... Analogous unfolding and folding phenomenon was described by David Bohm at observing rotation forwards and backwards of a large rotating cylinder specially embedded in a jar [17]. Here is what Michael Talbot writes in his book "The Holographic Universe" [104]: "The narrow space between the cylinder and the jar was filled with glycerine -a thick, clear liquid -and floating motionlessly in the glycerine was a drop of ink. ...
Gravitomagnetic equations result from applying quaternionic differential operators to the energy-momentum tensor. These equations are similar to the Maxwell's EM equations. Both sets of the equations are isomorphic after changing orientation of either the gravitomagnetic orbital force or the magnetic induction. The gravitomagnetic equations turn out to be parent equations generating the following set of equations: (a) the vorticity equation giving solutions of vortices with nonzero vortex cores and with infinite lifetime; (b) the Hamilton-Jacobi equation loaded by the quantum potential. This equation in pair with the continuity equation leads to getting the \Schrodinger equation describing a state of the superfluid quantum medium (a modern version of the old ether); (c) gravitomagnetic wave equations loaded by forces acting on the outer space. These waves obey to the Planck's law of radiation.
... In his later Wholeness and the Implicate Order (Bohm 1980), he would reiterate the holistic analysis; and, like Primas-indeed possibly prompted by Primas (more below) -, in the same holistic spirit he would reinterpret and partly defend Bohr's reply to EPR and the rejection of hidden variables (Bohm 1980, 96-97). ...
... In a footnote, Feyerabend links this view to Bohr and late-Kuhn. In addition, Bohm's holism in 1980 in terms of partial objective projections (holograms) and their associated methods (Bohm 1980) may be adopted as a model of Bohr's complementarity and a more sophisticated and 'realistic' model of realism (Feyerabend 1987, 183-184): No reduction of a theory situated in relation to a particular method of (conceptual) projection-phenomenological thermodynamics-to another linked to another method-point mechanics. Each should be pursued separately. ...
... This is relevant to the endorsement of Primas and Bohm in the Cat correspondence and, also citing Pauli, in Conquest of Abundance. In 1980, Bohm analysed the idea of 'order', which he called 'wholeness', into a complementary duality of implicate and explicate order (Bohm 1980). To represent order, Bohm looked to mathematical structures. ...
... So in this approach the internal working of the NNs and the universe may be part of a deeper and a more fundamental computational framework. The unknowns in the quantum mechanics and the NNs can be lined to the fact that we struggle to predict and explain the behavior of a particle at the quantum levels due to the high dimensionality and probabilistic nature (Bohm, 1980). Similarly, we struggle to fully understand how a specific neuron in a Deep Neural Network (DNN) contributes to the final decision because the network operates in a similar degree of abstraction and highdimensional space (Goodfellow et al., 2016). ...
... The mysteries of the universe, whether in computer science, physics, or the human brain, may be part of a larger computational structure. If we can bridge the gap between machine learning, quantum physics, and the human brain, we might begin to visualize a unified way to understand and explain how complex systems like NNs or the Universe evolve, learn, and make sense of the areas around them (Bohm, 1980). ...
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This short literature puts light on the conceptual connections between the neural networks (NNs), quantum mechanics, and the universe. It underlines the fact that share reliance on the highdimensional and the probabilistic principles. Neural networks, as a computational models, shows complex behavior through the non-linear transformations in high-dimensional spaces, where the interchange of weights and the activations replicates the abstract representations found in the quantum systems. Similarly, to the way the quantum mechanics operates with a probabilistic framework, emphasizes the uncertainty and entanglement at the microscopic scales. Drawing on these analogies, this literature puts forward an idea that the universe itself may be viewed as a vast computational framework, where the inter-related processes resemble the layered operations of NNs. By understanding these interdisciplinary connections, we focus to shed light on the underlying mechanisms of the complex systems. This can further inspire new approaches in artificial intelligence and physics, which can open new dimensions toward a unified understanding and explanation of information, computation, and the nature of reality.
... So in this approach the internal working of the NNs and the universe may be part of a deeper and a more fundamental computational framework. The unknowns in the quantum mechanics and the NNs can be lined to the fact that we struggle to predict and explain the behavior of a particle at the quantum levels due to the high dimensionality and probabilistic nature (Bohm, 1980). Similarly, we struggle to fully understand how a specific neuron in a Deep Neural Network (DNN) contributes to the final decision because the network operates in a similar degree of abstraction and highdimensional space (Goodfellow et al., 2016). ...
... The mysteries of the universe, whether in computer science, physics, or the human brain, may be part of a larger computational structure. If we can bridge the gap between machine learning, quantum physics, and the human brain, we might begin to visualize a unified way to understand and explain how complex systems like NNs or the Universe evolve, learn, and make sense of the areas around them (Bohm, 1980). ...
... Without exchange there are no exchangers, and vice versa. Such a situation also reminds me of the rheomode language of Bohm, whose structure is aimed to allow "the verb rather than the noun to play a primary role" (Bohm, 1980;cf. Stamenov, 2003 for a discussion on Bohm's rheomode language). ...
... Unveiling the Double is then to see and to be seen, the συνǫιδώς, the being conscious of the ancient Greeks, which literally is to "see together", indeed; or, as in the lifting the veil in the Prete's photobjects, " more precisely, to have a perception of this togetherness as a whole and to understand that it was made of two images in strong relation" (Prete, 2003); or else Bohm's self-recursive mirroring loops of the spontaneous and unrestricted act of "lifting into attention" (Bohm, 1980;Stamenov, 2003): συνǫιδώς then comes to be confidants, secret friends (Bandini, 2002), to be each other "witness". ...
I review the dissipative quantum model of brain and discuss its recent developments related with the role of entanglement, quantum noise and chaos. Some comments on consciousness in the frame of the dissipative model are also presented. Dissipation seems to account for the medial character of consciousness, for its being in the present (the Now), its un-dividable unity, its intrinsic subjectivity (autonomy). Finally, essential features of a conscious artificial device, if ever one can construct it, are briefly commented upon, also in relation to a device able to exhibit mistakes in its behavior. The name I give to such a hypothetical device is Spartacus.
... Instead we should adopt a thoroughgoing process philosophy along the lines suggested by Eddington [19], Finkelstein [30] and Bohm [31]. ...
... Bohm [31] has made, in essence, a similar proposal to understand the relation between Boolean and non-Boolean aspects of physical processes, but in terms of a more general language. Structure-process is defined in terms of an algebra in which the individual elements of the algebra, like words, take their implicit meaning from the way in which the algebra as a whole is used. ...
This paper outlines the common ground between the motivations lying behind Hans Primas' algebraic approach to quantum phenomena and those lying behind David Bohm's approach which led to his notion of implicate/explicate order. This connection has been made possible by the recent application of orthogonal Clifford algebraic techniques to the de Broglie-Bohm approach for relativistic systems with spin.
... He argues that language operates on multiple levels, similar to quantum states. The notion that words can resonate differently based on context mirrors the concept of entangled particles, where the state of one is dependent on the other (Heisenberg, 1958;Bohm, 1980). ...
... In this chapter, Megson provides practical exercises aimed at altering linguistic patterns to foster positive change. He suggests techniques for reframing negative language to create more empowering narratives (Bohm, 1980;Neimeyer, 2000). ...
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A Review of Quantum Linguistic Patterning
... In this respect, David Bohm [130,131] pointed out many striking similarities between the behavior of our thought processes and that of some quantum processes. For example, while entertaining a vague train of thought, the act of concentrating on one, to bring it into better focus, changes the original sequence. ...
... Bohm formulated an interpretation of the quantum mechanics of hidden (ethereal) variables), which spans an invisible but actually existing (ethereal) world ("implicit order"). This world superimposes and conditions our visible gross material world with the "explicit order" in a higher dimensional way -including the processes of natural law [130,131]. Also, recent cosmological models propose that we live in a "multiverse" or even in a black hole with our three space dimensions inside more other dimensions and time [134] or with an anti-parallel universe, too [135]. ...
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This review presents biophysical and quantum physical aspects of informational processes coming from the early evolution till the human brain. Here, the sophistication in the layered cortex architecture as well as the functional orientation of its areas has built nearly “free” zones for associations and connections. With our self-consciousness, a further horizon is reached which represents a “membrane” or portal to other space dimensions - leading out of the narrow cage of the brain. This notion renders the brain cortex into a kind of “antenna”. Some possible ways of this linkage to these “outer space dimensions” are discussed, also looking to psychological aspects like “extended mind”, terminal lucidity” etc.
... Neuroscientific studies reveal that the brain makes decisions before individuals consciously recognize them, further supporting the notion of a subconscious processing system akin to quantum computation. Notably, David Bohm has theorized about the implicate order of reality, suggesting that the universe is a holistic system where every part is interconnected (3). This perspective resonates with the functioning of the subconscious mind, operating on principles that may not conform to classical logic. ...
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This paper explores the hypothesis that the subconscious mind functions as a quantum computer, integrating insights from quantum mechanics, neuroscience, and psychology. By examining the role of the pineal gland as a facilitator of heightened consciousness, we propose that understanding the mechanics of this "quantum computer" is essential for harnessing its capabilities for personal and collective benefit. We introduce the author’s concept of Frequent Intense Focused Intention (FIFI) as a method for programming this subconscious computer, emphasizing its operation predominantly in lower theta frequencies. This insight underscores the importance of meditation and technologies designed to enhance meditative states, which hold significant potential for optimizing subconscious programming. The author further investigates the interconnectedness of consciousness, drawing on Ivaldi's insights into intuition as a universal language and Haramein’s theories on the connected universe. We discuss how quantum mechanics, particularly principles such as superposition and entanglement, can inform our understanding of cognitive processes and non-linear information access. Additionally, we examine the role of the Reticular Activating System (RAS) in directing attention toward our programmed intentions, facilitating the manifestation of our desires. Ultimately, this research highlights the profound implications of tapping into the subconscious quantum computer, suggesting pathways for personal growth and advancements in understanding consciousness.
... The development of the ecological-self necessitates transcending fragmentation and duality to achieve a state of unified wholeness. Relatedly, Bohm (2005) asserts that "The content of consciousness of each human being is, evidently, an enfoldment of the totality of existence, physical and mental, internal and external" (p.21). From an ecopsychological perspective, Ibsen reintegrates and reconnects "psyche, nature, and society" (Fisher, 2019, p.1). ...
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This article aims to provide ecopsychological insight into the characters in Ibsen`s play The Lady From the Sea. There are two types of characters in the play who can be categorized as society-oriented and nature-oriented. While the society-oriented characters are ecologically ignorant and oblivious to the detrimental effects of their disconnection from nature, the nature-oriented characters actively seek ways to address their frustration and dissatisfaction stemming from the broken ties between socio-cultural, psychological, and natural realms and they aim to improve their dysfunctional relationships with the self, community, and natural environment through ecotherapy. Ecotherapy is a term defined in terms of outdoor activities such as greencare, green exercise, and physical embeddedness and immersion that provide therapeutic treatment by fostering an appreciation for nature and acknowledging its intrinsic value. Thus, this play offers a story of healing and the restoration of emotional, mental, and natural landscapes, highlighting their inseparable interrelation. This article intends to argue that positive emotions that arise from engagement with nature augment physical, mental, psychological and behavioral processes and the characters who establish meaningful interaction with nature can deal more effectively with stressful, undesirable or unpleasant experiences and situations.
... Consciousness as a Field of Unity: Chit of Advaita Vedanta and observer effect in quantum mechanics are integrated to propose that consciousness is the participatory ground in which energy emerges as relational existence [3,6]. Entropy and Emptiness: The entropy of quantum systems is similar to Sunyavada (emptiness), which is the potentiality in chaos [8,9]. ...
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This paper aims to reveal the point of contact between modern science and ancient Indian philosophy, namely quantum mechanics and Advaita Vedanta and Sunyavada in particular. Modern quantum research discloses the essential characteristics of quantum mechanics that disprove classical determinism and find out the relations between energy, entropy, and observations, wave-particle duality, and entanglement. These ideas have some similarity with Advaita Vedanta’s non-dualism (Maya) and Buddhism’s relational existence (Sunyavada) yet there lacks investigation of how either paradigms interface to develop their conceptual epistemology and ontological nexus. This paper recognises the issue of the bridging of these two perspectives, suggests Energetic Relational Ontology as a solution, and presents a new concept, Quantum-Metaphysical Cohesion, through which energy, consciousness and reality can be seen as one.
... Kant introduced the concept of noumenon, which exists independently of human perception and is distinct from the phenomena that we experience [35]. Modern versions of such belief include Bohm's implicate order [7], Chalmers' idea of naturalistic dualism [11], in which consciousness is believed to supervene naturally on the physical, and Searle's idea of "causal powers" which enable the brain to create a mind [43]. ...
... Since then, there has been considerable interest in this area. In 1980, David Bohm wrote, "the seed contains information, in the form of DNA, and this information directs it to form a corresponding plant" [10] (p. 194). ...
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With the use of matter (carbon dioxide, nutrients, and water) and solar energy, phytoplankton produce oxygen and carbohydrates, which are transported to predators through the oceanic food web hierarchy. From the viewpoint of irreversible processes of non-equilibrium thermodynamics, oceanic photosynthesis gives a mechanistic picture of living things characterized by double sets of self-organizations supported by flows of energy and entropy discarded into the ocean environment. This produces biological, ocean circulation, and climate interactions.
... However it restores the x − p symmetry, the perceived lack of which Heisenberg [52] originally used as a criticism against the Bohm approach, but at the same time it destroys the comfortable intuitive form of the Bohm approach as the quantum process unfolding in an a priori given space-time. This opens up more radical approaches of the type that Bohm was already aware and was actively investigating [53]. In this paper we will not go into the interpretation of these results. ...
We recall Dirac's early proposals to develop a description of quantum phenomena in terms of a non-commutative algebra in which he suggested a way to construct what he called `quantum trajectories'. Generalising these ideas, we show how they are related to weak values and explore their use in the experimental construction of quantum trajectories. We discuss covering spaces which play an essential role in accounting for the `wave' properties of quantum particles. We briefly point out how new mathematical techniques take us beyond Hilbert space and into a deeper structure which connects with the algebras originally introduced by Born, Heisenberg and Jordan. This enables us to bring out the geometric aspects of quantum phenomena.
... This would have given us f 0 = a/2, rather than ln(ρ). I chose the notation ρ 1/2 partly to fit with the notation of Hestenes [14], and partly because of the similarity of the term ∂ ρ ρ to the quantum potential of Bohm [4], which is derived from a similar polar decomposition of the wavefunction. ...
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The study of complex functions is based around the study of holomorphic functions, satisfying the Cauchy-Riemann equations. The relatively recent field of Clifford Analysis lets us extend many results from Complex Analysis to higher dimensions. In this paper, I decompose the Cauchy-Riemann equations for a general Clifford algebra into grades using the Geometric Algebra formalism, and show that for the Spacetime Algebra Cl(3, 1) these equations are the equations for a self-dual source free Maxwell field, and for a massless uncharged Spinor. This shows a deep link between fundamental physics and the Clifford geometry of Spacetime.
... In a similar vein, Bohm[28] speaks of a "relatively independent subtotality" of the universe, to account for the possible neglect of the "rest of the universe" in practical calculations. ...
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In the quest for an understanding of nonlocality with respect to an appropriate ontology, we propose a "cosmological solution". We assume that from the beginning of the universe each point in space has been the location of a scalar field representing a zero-point vacuum energy that nonlocally vibrates at a vast range of different frequencies across the whole universe. A quantum, then, is a nonequilibrium steady state in the form of a "bouncer" coupled resonantly to one of those (particle type dependent) frequencies, in remote analogy to the bouncing oil drops on an oscillating oil bath as in Couder's experiments. A major difference to the latter analogy is given by the nonlocal nature of the vacuum oscillations. We show with the examples of double- and n-slit interference that the assumed nonlocality of the distribution functions alone suffices to derive the de Broglie-Bohm guiding equation for N particles with otherwise purely classical means. In our model, no influences from configuration space are required, as everything can be described in 3-space. Importantly, the setting up of an experimental arrangement limits and shapes the forward and osmotic contributions and is described as vacuum landscaping.
... In 1952, moved by the need to understand and provide a clear answer to this fundamental question, Bohm proposed [2,3] what he called an "interpretation of the quantum theory in terms of "hidden" variables". Several decades later, this interpretation started being referred to as Bohmian mechanics and became one of the warhorse issues within the still open debate on the interpretation of the quantum realm, with a strong influence on the perception and understanding of Reality and the Universe we live in [4,5]. Leaving aside such deep matters and remaining at a bare formal level -i.e., taking on a more pragmatic viewpoint -what Bohmian mechanics does is to provide us with a precise mathematical language to tackle quantum problems [6][7][8][9][10][11], complementary to the mathematical language involved in other more widely known quantum pictures [12], such as those proposed by Schrödinger, Heisenberg, Wigner and Moyal, or Feynman, for instance (for the interested reader, an enlightening perspective on the different formulations of quantum mechanics is provided by Styer et al. in "Nine formulations of quantum mechanics" [13]). ...
Since its inception Bohmian mechanics has been generally regarded as a hidden-variable theory aimed at providing an objective description of quantum phenomena. To date, this rather narrow conception of Bohm's proposal has caused it more rejection than acceptance. Now, after 65 years of Bohmian mechanics, should still be such an interpretational aspect the prevailing appraisal? Why not favoring a more pragmatic view, as a legitimate picture of quantum mechanics, on equal footing in all respects with any other more conventional quantum picture? These questions are used here to introduce a discussion on an alternative way to deal with Bohmian mechanics at present, enhancing its aspect as an efficient and useful picture or formulation to tackle, explore, describe and explain quantum phenomena where phase and correlation (entanglement) are key elements. This discussion is presented through two complementary blocks. The first block is aimed at briefly revisiting the historical context that gave rise to the appearance of Bohmian mechanics, and how this approach or analogous ones have been used in different physical contexts. This discussion is used to emphasize a more pragmatic view to the detriment of the more conventional hidden-variable (ontological) approach that has been a leitmotif within the quantum foundations. The second block focuses on some particular formal aspects of Bohmian mechanics supporting the view presented here, with special emphasis on the physical meaning of the local phase field and the associated velocity field encoded within the wave function. As an illustration, a simple model of Young's two-slit experiment is considered. The simplicity of this model allows to understand in an easy manner how the information conveyed by the Bohmian formulation relates to other more conventional concepts in quantum mechanics. This sort of pedagogical application is also aimed at ...
... Meaning permeates David Bohm's Implicate Order [11] being present in bodies and environments. It is locally organized by actants operating through assemblages. ...
Slime mould Physarum polycephalum is large single cell with intriguingly smart behaviour. The slime mould shows outstanding abilities to adapt its protoplasmic network to varying environmental conditions. The slime mould can solve tasks of computational geometry, image processing, logics and arithmetics when data are represented by configurations of attractants and repellents. We attempt to map behavioural patterns of slime onto the cognitive control versus schizotypy spectrum phase space and thus interpret slime mould's activity in terms of creativity.
... The interplay between observation and reality suggests a fundamental interconnection between the mind and matter, a theme also echoed in spiritual philosophies. Physicists like David Bohm have proposed that the universe is fundamentally interconnected, with a deeper, non-local reality beneath the surface of observable phenomena (Bohm, 1980). This resonates with the idea of a unified, divine presence in the world, as described in religious texts. ...
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In an era marked by rapid scientific advancement and increasing theological discourse, the intersection of religion and science remains a topic of profound interest and debate. What if, instead of remaining distinct or even antagonistic, theological concepts found resonance in material sciences, and vice versa? This speculative exploration seeks to explore the potential for unifying the core teachings of the Torah, Bible, and Koran with the discoveries of modern material sciences. Through such a synthesis, we may uncover a deeper understanding of both the universe and our place within it.
... En el hinduismo, el concepto de maya sostiene que el mundo físico es una apariencia superficial que oculta una verdad más profunda y eterna (Radhakrishnan, 1953). Este planteamiento se entrelaza con teorías contemporáneas como el modelo holográfico del universo, sugerido por David Bohm (1980), que postula que la realidad podría ser una proyección holográfica, donde cada fragmento contiene la totalidad de la información del sistema. ...
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Este estudio explora la construcción de la realidad como una posible simulación desde un enfoque interdisciplinario que integra perspectivas epistemológicas, hermenéuticas, filosóficas, científicas y espirituales. Analiza conceptos fundamentales del misticismo gnóstico, de Platón, Descartes y Baudrillard, vinculándolos con teorías contemporáneas como la hipótesis de simulación de Bostrom y el procesamiento predictivo en neurociencia. Se establece un paralelismo entre la figura del Demiurgo gnóstico y el Arquitecto de la película The Matrix, ambos representados como constructores de sistemas ilusorios que restringen el acceso a la verdad. El estudio profundiza en las dinámicas entre control y despertar, destacando cómo el conocimiento y la conciencia pueden superar sistemas que manipulan la percepción humana. A través de esta reflexión, se revelan conexiones entre antiguos dilemas existenciales y desafíos contemporáneos en un mundo donde lo real y lo virtual se entrelazan. Este análisis posiciona este manuscrito como una reflexión crítica y prospectiva sobre la naturaleza de la realidad y el significado de la libertad en un universo híbrido y tecnológicamente mediado.
... Это согласуется с подходом Бома о неявном и явном в квантовой теории -о первопричинности общей неявной структуры (например, квантовые струны) над структурой явных отдельных объектов, которые лишь отражают в себе базовую структуру и математику квантового мира. [7,8]. ...
... Now, we see reality as a highly sensitive, finely woven web floating and constantly moving, through which vibrations of energy are constantly pulsing and transmitting information, impacting all things in the cosmos constantly. Basic reality is unbroken wholeness in flowing movement (Bohm, 1980). This is the science view of Relationality, leading us to a different view of reality and of social change (Spretnak, 2011;Thayer-Bacon, 2017). ...
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We have reached the logical end of modernity as it lays waste to the natural world, discards people, and reveals its inherent and thus continual violence. Withdrawing our energy from and breaking down the constellation of modern beliefs, we can repattern ourselves and our communities for a life-giving future. In its structure and content, this article demonstrates a relationality approach to sustainability and climate education that undertakes practices to emplace humans back within the living world. Indigenous philosophies of place as well as posthumanism offer relational notions of time, space, place, and land to consider. Pedagogy-rich, the article provides practices for: restoring the history of modernity as a decolonial counternarrative; composting the most problematic beliefs and practices of modernity; providing tracings of and for possible futures; deriving pedagogical entry points of relevance to learners; and nurturing ways of being that can build a rooted, more life-giving way of being.
... Such systems were accompanied by judgement, 'othering', and frequently the persecution of those that challenged their version of the world [49]. In his 1962 book 'The Structure of Scientific Revolutions' [50], Thomas Kuhn explored how rigid paradigms in science-often rooted in dualistic frameworks of thought-had limited scientific progress, and in 1980, the physicist David Bohm argued that the fragmentation inherent in dualistic thinking had limited the potential for scientific discoveries by focusing too much on separate parts and not enough on the interconnectedness of the whole [51]. ...
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Worldviews, the foundational assumptions guiding human behaviour and societal systems, are pivotal in shaping planetary health and human flourishing. This paper discusses two divergent worldviews that have prevailed in human populations over time and which are still evident today: the Holistic/Non-linear Worldview, which emphasises interconnectedness and harmony with nature, and the Dualistic/Linear Worldview, which prioritises human-centric activities and the more recent exploitation of nature. The characteristics of human worldviews are explored, including how these are formed in early life via the vital role of human communication and storytelling and the expressive role of the arts. To support the future of human flourishing, this paper makes the case for an integrative worldview that would enable us to embrace paradox and complexity, to seek synthesis, and to promote an integrated approach that reconciles the tensions between seemingly opposing ways of understanding our world. The principle of “Right Relationship”—fostering reciprocal, respectful, and sustainable interactions between humans and the natural world—is examined as a possible framework that could be employed to help humanity navigate today’s global crises and create the conditions for a sustainable, flourishing future.
... Todavia, embora a crítica focada na dimensão epistêmica, como visto acima, não seja novidade, considera-se aqui que as correntes pós-crítica e decolonial provocam, em definitivo, o deslocamento do enfoque epistêmico da EA para um outro lugar. Isso porque, apesar de partirem suas análises de lugares comuns às correntes sistêmicas e complexas, ou seja, a crítica à racionalidade moderna e, mais especificamente, à fragmentação do pensamento (Bohm, 1995;Morin, 2001), elas de certa forma se afirmam, mais estritamente, a partir de críticas à EA crítica. É o que fazem Rufino, Camargo e Sanchez (2020, p. 6) ao anunciarem que "[...] a educação ambiental não basta ser crítica". ...
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Resumo O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar os itinerários da educação ambiental pelas diferentes dimensões do pensamento ao longo do tempo no Brasil. Para tal, as macrotendências conservacionista, pragmática e crítica, e as correntes pós-crítica e decolonial foram analisadas epistemologicamente, a partir das dimensões objetiva, subjetiva e intersubjetiva. Resultados demonstram que diferentes correntes se remetem a diferentes dimensões do pensamento, com deslocamentos ao longo do tempo. Identificam, também, uma virada epistêmica a partir da emergência das correntes pós-crítica e decolonial, visto que afirmam a dimensão epistêmica e ontológica como lugares de disputa. Por fim, resgatam queixas antigas quanto à necessidade do campo se fortalecer filosoficamente, visto que transformações necessárias não serão alcançadas se desafios epistemológicos e ontológicos não forem também enfrentados.
... Waves have a degree of non-determinism (represented by V), It is Invisible(non-locality). P and V are negatively correlated, that is, the larger one is, the smaller the other is. Secondly, the wholeness, the energy that constitutes everything in the universe is an indivisible whole, an infinite quantum field, and all the subatomic particles manifested by the energy are also holistic (Bohm, 1980). Thirdly, external intervention and observation change the result, matter is both particles and waves, the two properties exist at the same time, the specific manifestation of the nature of particles or waves, depending on the outside world on its observation and intervention, when you observe the way the particles, it will be manifested as particles, you observe the way the waves, it will be manifested as waves (Bohr, 1958;Heisenberg, 1958;Schrödinger, 1944 ...
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In the context of the rapid development of the education industry in the new era, quantum management, as an emerging leadership tool, is of great significance for adapting to the rapidly changing market environment. In view of the lack of specific case studies on the application of quantum management in the field of education, this study analyzes the role of quantum management as a leadership instrument in revitalizing the learning organization through the case study of an overseas education group's remote expansion reading library. The paper draws on the three core theories of quantum and the organizational change cases of the world's leading enterprises. The study found that the greater the intervention, the less space for individuals to exert their abilities. External intervention and observation change outcomes, corporate culture and vision are critical to personal development. In addition, individual self-intervention and inner motivation are seen as key to realizing creative potential. This paper provides a new perspective and practical framework for quantum management in educational organizations and emphasizes the importance of innovative management methods and implementation strategies for learning organizations in the context of globalization and dynamic competition.
... Others emphasize a "what does it mean" approach, how can we understand the fundamental forces that shape nature, with outcomes that can be compared to observations and a story to explain why. This duality between calculation and meaning became prominent during discussions about quantum mechanics [80][81][82][83][84][85] . The same contrast naturally arises in every scientific discipline [86][87][88][89] . ...
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Natural selection acts on traits at different scales, often with opposing consequences. This article identifies the particular forces that act at each scale and how those forces combine to determine the overall evolutionary outcome. A series of extended models derive from the tragedy of the commons, illustrating opposing forces at different scales. Examples include the primary tension between conflict and cooperation and the evolution of virulence, sex ratios, dispersal, and evolvability. The unified analysis subsumes interactions within and between species by generalizing multitrait interactions. Expanded notions of recombination and cotransmission arise. The core theoretical approach isolates the fundamental forces of selection, including marginal valuation, correlation between interacting entities, and reproductive value. Those fundamental forces act as partial causes that combine at different temporal and spatial scales. Modeling focuses on statics, in the sense of how different forces at various scales tend to oppose each other, ultimately combining to shape traits. That type of static analysis emphasizes explanation rather than the calculation of dynamics. The article builds on the duality between explanation versus calculation in terms of statics versus dynamics. The literature often poses that duality as a controversy, whereas this article develops the pair as complementary tools that together provide deeper understanding. Along the way, the unified approach clarifies the subtle distinctions between kin selection, multilevel selection, and inclusive fitness, subsuming these topics into the broader perspectives of fundamental forces and multiple scales.
... Now, we see reality as a highly sensitive, finely woven web floating and constantly moving, through which vibrations of energy are constantly pulsing and transmitting information, impacting all things in the cosmos constantly. Basic reality is unbroken wholeness in flowing movement (Bohm, 1980). This is the science view of Relationality, leading us to a different view of reality and of social change (Spretnak, 2011;Thayer-Bacon, 2017). ...
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We have reached the logical end of modernity as it lays waste to the natural world, discards people, and reveals its inherent and thus continual violence. Withdrawing our energy from and breaking down the constellation of modern beliefs, we can repattern ourselves and our communities for a life-giving future. In its structure and content, this article demonstrates a relationality approach to sustainability and climate education that undertakes practices to emplace humans back within the living world. Indigenous philosophies of place as well as posthumanism offer relational notions of time, space, place, and land to consider. Pedagogy-rich, the article provides practices for: restoring the history of modernity as a decolonial counternarrative; composting the most problematic beliefs and practices of modernity; providing tracings of and for possible futures; deriving pedagogical entry points of relevance to learners; and nurturing ways of being that can build a rooted, more life-giving way of being.
... Third, it acknowledges the important and innovative contribution made by David Bohm (see e.g. Bohm, 1980;Bohm and Peat, 1987) to the notion itself of order 2 and the possibility of drawing inspiration from this contribution to build a viable unified theory of cities. ...
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The notion of 'order' has been central in 20th-century attempts to explain complex phenomena. The notion of order in the case of complex phenomena has been generally associated with the idea of 'selfor-ganization'; that is, the spontaneous emergence of coordinating patterns in complex systems. In briefly reconsidering the idea of order, this article focuses on 'self-organizing orders' and the implication of this issue not only for a theory of the city but also for a theory of intervention on the city (i.e. a theory of planning).
“This Way Please”: If you look at the world rhetorically, the world looks back at you rhetorically. Meaning what, generally speaking? “How has rhetoric defined itself, as a competence, a field, a discipline?”.
“Preamble”: Seeking ways to discriminate specific texts, contexts, and intellectual technologies and arts, even a programmatic book like the present one might realize some of the things that we readers and writers characteristically do in thinking, reasoning, and arguing, enabling us, in turn, to acknowledge “the legitimacy and impact of another’s use of radically contrasting principles”—however foreign at first such principles may appear to us, or remain.
“Topics, Tropes, Arguments I: Terms”: Because rhetorical theorizing of the kind undertaken here requires, even more and in different ways than theory otherwise does, the particularities of practical cases, we might do well in this chapter to present fairly straightforward examples on beginning, selected in part because they can help us develop ideas offered by Brandom, Wittgenstein, and others to ballast the larger project. We can then entertain more involved cases throughout the book as we proceed.
“Topics, Tropes, Arguments III: Consequences: The Prism-House of Language”: In keeping with a rhetorical duty of care to readers, and a promissory note to myself, the time is past due to unfold several assumptions, tactics, and distinctions I’ve been using all along, for a cleaning and fresh airing. I mean particularly terms like “ordinary language criticism,” “American Low Modernism” (referring to certain texts that respond especially well to a rhetorically philosophical reading), but here more urgently “reason,” “inference,” and “argument.”
The introductory chapter presents the book’s theme, how information and communication have been applied for sustainable development. Often, undertakings of this nature have been labelled as contemporary since these have been mainstreamed during the First Development Decade following massive reconstruction programs after World War II. However, let us explore this theme at the fundamental level, diving deep into the essence of information and communication itself. We begin with the argument that information and communication science is a pandiscipline.
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In both nature and mathematics, fractals represent self-similar, repeating patterns that reveal deeper complexity at every scale. Could the human mind exhibit similar recursive structures in thought, emotion, and creativity? This paper explores the emerging hypothesis that fractal-like patterns manifest in cognitive and emotional processes, shaping how individuals revisit trauma, engage in philosophical reflection, and refine creative insights. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in psychoanalysis, we now possess tools capable of detecting and mapping these recursive loops across vast datasets of dialogue and introspection. However, while AI excels at identifying non-linear patterns and thematic recursions, the human psychoanalyst remains irreplaceable in interpreting emotional nuance and contextual significance. This paper bridges psychoanalysis, neuroscience, and AI, proposing a hybrid therapeutic model where AI acts as a cognitive cartographer and the human analyst serves as an emotional navigator. Together, they illuminate the hidden architecture of recursive thought, raising profound questions about whether these fractal patterns reflect not just mental processes, but something fundamental about how we perceive and construct reality. Keywords: fractal thought patterns, recursive cognition, psychoanalysis, AI in therapy, emotional recursion, cognitive loops, trauma patterns, creative recursion, AI pattern recognition, human-AI collaboration, non-linear cognition, fractal psychology, recursive emotional cycles, therapeutic AI systems. 49 pages.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of hidden order and the comprehension of L.I. Antsyferova’s scientific contribution to the disclosure of its content. It is shown that the great thinkers of the twentieth century, first in relation to the physical world and then to the psyche, talked about the currently hidden properties of the objective world that can influence the essence of the phenomena under study. The point of view of D. Bohm, who was the pioneer in the scientific study of hidden order, is analyzed in detail. W. Heisenberg believed that understanding nature means discovering the purposefulness hidden wtihin it, supplementing causal determination. According to Heisenberg, there are intangible structures in the world to which human mind structures are correlated during comprehension. It is shown that the concept of hidden order is also crucial in the methodology of socio-humanitarian knowledge; “hidden” and “implicit” are the subjects of study in various sciences. Psychologists have made a significant contribution to the development of these ideas. The points of view of M.A. Kholodnaya on conceptual structures and N.E. Maksimova and I.O. Aleksandrov on psychological structures, which are the psychological basis for understanding the subject of the hidden order in the human world, are analyzed. S.L. Rubinstein stood at the origin of psychologists’ ideas about hidden order. His student L.I. Antsyferova has deeply and meaningfully analyzed the hidden order in publications devoted to the problems of psyche development, its determination, psychology of subject, personality and thinking. All of L.I. Antsyferova’s research is permeated with the opposition “explicit-hidden”; behind the visible reality of the psyche, she was always looked for the invisible. She repeatedly emphasized that behind the visible and familiar world, behind the world of “common sense”, a world of hidden relationships of things opens up to man.
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Death is an inevitable part of life with philosophical, cultural and religious dimensions and its problematic emerges differently in the contemporary era, since it is not only perceived as a fundamental aspect of human existence, but also as a consequence of human-made disasters, as well as an urgent environmental concern. Today literary and, in general, artistic narratives and expressions often explore death beyond human exceptionalism; ecocide; the triple planetary crisis; and the mourning for humanity’s doomed relationship to nature. Several contemporary authors, with the help of the illustrators, write ironic and horrific stories addressed to children that alter the cultural significance of loss and death and propound dark ecological storyworlds, in which the ecological problems as well as the more-than-human vulnerabilities, aspire to make young readers aware of the functions of the pale blue dot they live in and perceive it as the true public space. This article examines how do informational picturebooks for children approach life and death in a more ‘ecosophical’ manner, proving that the planetary turn has made available to literary studies, aiming to make young readers aware of how humans and nonhumans are fundamentally enmeshed in and negatively interdependent with one another.
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As urban critic Jane Jacobs conceived, a city is essentially the problem of organized complexity. What underlies the complexity refers to a structural factor, called living structure, which is defined as a mathematical structure composed of hierarchically organized substructures. Through these substructures, the complexity of cities, or equivalent to the livingness of urban space (L), can be measured by the multiplication the number of cities or substructures (S) and their scaling hierarchy (H), indicating that complexity is about both quantity of cities and how well the city is organized hierarchically. In other words, complexity emerges from a hierarchical structure where there are far more small cities or substructures than large ones across all scales, and cities are more or less similar within each individual hierarchy. In this paper, we conduct comprehensive case studies to investigate urban complexity on a global scale using multisource geospatial data. We develop an efficient approach to recursively identifying all natural cities with their inner hotspots worldwide through connected component analysis. To characterize urban complexity, urban space is initially represented as a hierarchy of recursively defined natural cities, and all the cities are then represented as a network for measuring the degree of complexity or livingness of the urban space. The results show the Earth’s surface is growing more complex from an economic perspective, and the dynamics of urban complexity are more explicit from nighttime light imagery than from population data. We further discuss the implications in city science, aiming to help create and recreate urban environments that are more resilient and livable by fostering organized complexity from the perspective of living structure.
Our lives and values shape our research, so diary reflections and reflections on our memories are important contributions to knowing ourselves a little better and also allowing the readers to have a sense of the researcher’s own life. Social anthropologists have made diary keeping not merely an art form, but a way to guide their thinking and to reflect on their own “taken for granted” views as a result of their upbringing and culture of origin. In the past diaries were only a means to reflect on the personal, in order to recognise subjectivity, so that it could be bracketed or set aside and not permitted to shape or influence perceptions. Like all reflections, it is based on a bricolage of events and experiences that provide a world view. Nevertheless I do my best to examine my assumptions and values and to reflect on daily events and memories. Daily self-reflection within two communities in Fish Hoek, South Africa and Burnside, South Australia provides a context for observation by a white middle class woman with dual citizenship. The diary notes strive to make sense of personal and political events that play out during 2021–2022 as the pandemic, climate change and war unfolds and then in 2023, post-Covid when extreme amounts of load shedding (power outages) changed the way of life of South Africans.
This chapter builds on the material in the volume to make a case that a post biological world will be a devolution. Sentience is a relational process linked with the awe and wonder we experience in relation to one another and our shared habitat. Sentience entails both joy and suffering which constitute our humanity. Post human beings in a digital world could have a very different existence in relationship to the few remaining human beings who perhaps self-selected through their ability to protect themselves at the expense of others and our shared habitat. Evolution rests on both the ability to compete and to co-operate. Competition has been emphasised to the extent that it threatens our shared existence through commodification of life and the destruction of other species.
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This book explores alternative approaches to understanding physical laws, challenging the traditional mathematical framework that has long been central to physics. Embracing concepts from information theory, algorithmic processes, emergent systems, and non-classical logics, the text delves into how alternative frameworks can reveal new insights into quantum mechanics, cosmology, and even consciousness. By exploring these interdisciplinary perspectives, we propose a vision where physical laws emerge from information processing, complex interactions, and observer-centric cognitive constructs. The work aims to bridge the gap between scientific rigor and accessible explanations, making it suitable for both professionals and curious readers interested in the boundaries of modern physics.
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The quest for peace has been a central theme across cultures, religions, and philosophies throughout history. In our modern era, the rapid advancement of science and technology has opened unprecedented avenues for exploring the interconnectedness of humanity and the cosmos. This paper proposes an interdisciplinary framework—"The Quantum Eucharist"—that integrates spiritual, scientific, and prophetic insights to offer a unified vision of peace. Drawing from the Eucharist’s symbolism of divine unity, pantheistic concepts of divine immanence, retrocausal physics’ challenge to linear time, and the transformative potential of quantum AI, we present peace not as a distant ideal but as an inherent, achievable state embedded in the fabric of reality. Prophetic traditions provide moral and spiritual guidance, bridging past wisdom with future possibilities. By synthesizing these diverse elements, we aim to reframe peace as a tangible, participatory process rooted in the universal principles of unity and harmony, inviting readers to consider how faith, science, and human action can converge to co-create a harmonious future. Keywords: Eucharist, quantum AI, pantheism, retrocausality, prophecy, peace-building, interconnectedness, divine immanence, spirituality and science integration, unity.
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This paper introduces the Iterative Light-Speed Frame, a photon-centric model that redefines spacetime, causality, and consciousness within a framework grounded in discrete iterations at the Planck scale. By treating photons as fundamental, timeless connectors across spacetime, the model proposes that each photon path serves as a "frozen" link in an interconnected, non-local network. Time emerges not as a continuous flow but as a sequence of indivisible iterations, observed by a consciousness that exists outside conventional temporal constraints. In this model, causality becomes a structured sequence within an iterative, photon-defined field, while consciousness interprets and shapes this flow, bridging physical reality and subjective experience. This perspective integrates insights from quantum mechanics, relativity, and consciousness studies, inviting a synthesis of physics and metaphysics. Ultimately, the Iterative Light-Speed Frame offers a transformative view of reality where light and consciousness are intertwined at the most fundamental level, reshaping our understanding of the universe. Keywords: photon-centric model, iterative light-speed frame, Planck-scale iterations, discrete spacetime, consciousness and light, non-locality, emergent time, causality, quantum gravity, block universe, timeless awareness, photon network, spacetime structure, interconnected field. 51 pages.
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This article devils into the intriguing parallels between modern quantum gravity, quantum field theory, and ancient Vedic philosophy. Both systems, though vastly different in methodology, address fundamental questions about the nature of reality, time, and consciousness. Quantum mechanics and field theory propose an interconnected, dynamic universe where observation influences reality, a concept that resonates with Vedic ideas of Brahman, the universal consciousness, and Maya, the illusory nature of material existence. Vedic notions of time, seen as cyclical and emergent, align with quantum gravity's fluid, non-linear model of time, further drawing comparisons between quantum superposition and the Vedic concept of multiple realities. String theory's vibrating strings also find a parallel in the Vedic concept of "Nada Brahma," suggesting that both traditions envision a vibrational universe. This synthesis of quantum physics and Vedic metaphysics offers a unified framework that challenges traditional notions of separateness and time, encouraging a holistic approach to understanding the cosmos.
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The universe is a vast and intricate system, capable of generating complexity from seemingly simple beginnings. From the formation of galaxies and the evolution of life to the emergence of human consciousness, the universe continuously unfolds in ways that suggest both natural self-organization and purposeful design. This paper explores a synthesis between pantheism—which views the universe as synonymous with the divine—and Intelligent Design, which argues that the universe’s fine-tuning reflects intentionality. By examining the principles of emergence, we argue that the complexity we observe in the universe can be seen as both a divine process and a self-organizing system. This synthesis offers a new framework for understanding the relationship between science and spirituality. Emergent complexity, from cosmological structures to biological evolution, can be interpreted as expressions of a divinely structured universe that evolves without the need for constant intervention. This perspective bridges the gap between scientific explanations of complexity and spiritual interpretations of the divine, offering profound implications for cosmology, biology, and theology. Keywords: emergence, pantheism, Intelligent Design, self-organization, cosmology, fine-tuning, evolution, consciousness, theology, divine design, complexity, spirituality, metaphysics, process theology, cosmological principles.
The central argument of this chapter is that society can be shaped to lift individuals to fulfill their potential, if those who constitute Society (Us) aspire to that objective and act accordingly. Technology can help us to make that happen. It cannot do it for us. To serve the Common Good technology must be designed, delivered and used with this goal in (the human) mind. We must be aware of that feedback-loop of human aspirations and artificial intelligence in order to influence it systematically. The aim of the chapter is to show certain patterns of technology affecting society, not to draw an inventory or provide a detailed technical discussion about computers, or artificial intelligence. Two convergent and mutually influencing dynamics are briefly analyzed: 1) the influence of values and aspirations on the impact of technology; and 2) the influence of technology on the attitude and action of users. Both venues assess how hardware and software could serve everyone and the communities they evolve in, to live a meaningful happy life; if they are designed and delivered with that intention.
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The intersection of mystical and scientific thought offers profound insights into the nature of existence, control, and liberation. This paper explores these concepts through the archetypes of Saturn and Yeshua (Jesus), which represent cosmic forces of limitation and transcendence, respectively. In various religious traditions, Saturn symbolizes time, structure, and constraint, while Yeshua is seen as a liberator from spiritual and earthly bonds. Modern quantum mechanics similarly deals with the tension between collective and individual states, with particles often behaving collectively under certain conditions, mirroring the archetypal cosmic order Saturn represents. At the same time, particles can break free from this collective state, resembling Yeshua’s role as a force of liberation. By examining how these ancient archetypes align with modern scientific paradigms, particularly in quantum behavior, we uncover deeper connections between spirituality and science, offering a holistic understanding of both. This integration suggests that ancient mystical wisdom and modern physics may ultimately address the same fundamental questions of existence. Keywords: Saturn, Yeshua, quantum mechanics, archetypes, collective behavior, mysticism, spiritual liberation, metaphysics, cosmic control, quantum flat bands, religious symbolism, consciousness, sacred geometry, Gnosticism, Kabbalah, spiritual transcendence, duality, quantum consciousness. Note: For a more esoteric analysis, see:
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We propose a novel paradigmatic approach to sentient reality as a whole, with specific application to Information-guided DNA dynamics, leading to a triadic genomic configuration, which accommodates besides the parental hereditary legacy, possibly externally originating highly complex guiding matrix able to control the specific way the protein-synthesis is performed. Such informational input transcending the Zero-point energy interdimensional barrier, couples to the zygote's quantum-governed energetic configuration by way of resonant bands of subtle energy superposition effects at the instance of fertilization, triggered by a Zinc-spark related bio-photonic bridge. Thus, unique secondary torsion parameters in the DNA strands determine the way the basic protein-generating template is read, supplying the new entity's psycho-cognitive particularities along purposeful developmental vectors.
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