
A problem in classical mechanics

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The paper examines the problem concerning the maximum number of times N identical particles can collide elastically with each other in three-dimensional space. The one-dimensional problem is solved and the results are generalized for the case of three different masses. An upper bound for collisions in one dimension is obtained. One advantage of the obtained theorems is that they do not use the detailed dynamics of the particles; if these theorems could be generalized to four or more point particles, the results would be significant.

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By careful analysis, the simple harmonic approximation leads to a wildly inaccurate prediction for the period of a simple plane pendulum. We make a perturbation ansatz for the phase space trajectory of a one-dimensional, anharmonic oscillator and apply conservation of energy to set undetermined functions. Iteration of the algorithm yields, to arbitrary precision, a solution to the equations of motion and the period of oscillation. Comparison with Jacobian elliptic functions leads to multidimensional applications such as the construction of approximate Seiffert spirals. Throughout we develop a quantum/classical analogy for the purpose of comparing time-independent perturbation theories.
This paper proposes an image encryption scheme based on chaotic system with changeable parameters depending on plain-image. A generalized Arnold map, whose control parameters are changeable and image-dependent during the iteration procedure, is utilized to generate chaotic orbits applied to permute the pixel positions. A diffusion function is also designed to realize the diffusion effect by piece-wise linear chaotic map. In both the permutation process and the diffusion process, the keystreams generated by chaotic maps are all strongly dependent on plain-image, and thereby can improve the encryption security efficiently. The major merits of the proposed image encryption scheme include a huge key space, good statistical nature resisting statistical analysis attack, differential attack, and good resistance against known-plaintext attack and chosen-plaintext attack, etc. Experimental results have been carried out with detailed analysis to show that the proposed scheme can be a potential candidate for practical image encryption.
An exciting new development in nonlinear dynamics, period-doubling to chaos[58,59,1], is derived here, approximately but analytically, for conservative as well as dissipative systems.
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Some spectral properties of spherical mean operators defined on a Riemannian manifolds are given. Our formulation of the operators uses the exponential map. In the case that the radius is small enough, the spherial mean operator turns out to be a Fourier integral operator of negative order. As an application we deduce a statistic property of geodesic random walks.
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